#pls don’t let me turn into Martin Blackwood
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paracosmicka · 12 days ago
I am alone in my house for a week I need sonadow requests for my own enrichment so that I don’t turn into Martin Blackwood
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mvsicinthedvrk · 3 years ago
yevent 13 starter call! 🎉🎉 i’m going to be gone during part of the event, on semi-hiatus?? (like, the first part.) so i want to make sure i temper my expectations for my involvement in the event even though i’m hype about the concept. i’m hoping to draft up a decent set of starters before i leave on wednesday!! so if you would like up to two (2) starters, for any pairs of characters, please let me know in the replies of this post. i will refer to ur own plot call / starter call for your muses’ power details so i can figure out a place or situation or something. 
Crossed off means they’ve been queued, so no more starters for that character pls lol
wei wuxian: (animagus - bug) i think i am arbitrarily picking dragonfly?? since i think they’re cool. so he’ll be flying around and enjoying the perspective of being tiny. i don’t imagine he’ll cause much more trouble than normal. -- starters for: lan wangji/tragcdysewn; wen qing/tragcdysewn; wen ning/coreofgold; sisudatu/youllalwaysbemyporcelain
martin blackwood: (pain illusion) as soon as he figures out that this is what he got stuck with, he’ll be horrified and try to avoid using it. there’s no one in D.C. he’d feel justified using it on. -- starters for: ella/skyfcll; shawn/grcycosmcs; alastor/rainbowmuses
yuri plisetsky: (laser eyes) oh no. he’ll probably zap something unintentionally, and then be mad about it. -- starters for: victor/irresistiibles; lizzie/drvcxrys; jester/circleofstarrs
orpheus: (small miracles) this is honestly his dream come true. out here living his best life, just trying to make people’s lives a tiny bit better. however, he will probably get homesick for his own magic musical ability and be shooketh that his voice lacks power now -- starters for:  tandy/mixcdemotions; 
pippin took: (geo and vessel manipulation) if he can turn into a tiny dragon, he will. he will probably be a tiny dragon the whole time, and think it’s cool as hell. -- starters for: lan jingyi/coreofgold; tauriel/skyfcll; will/rainbowmuses
wen kexing: (force field projection) he’ll find this amusing at the very least. -- starters for: vic/drvcxrys
ki yu ri: (pathokinesis) first off, she’ll be pissed that her hypnosis and manipulation skills are gone. second of all, she’ll be happy to realize that she can manipulate emotions at least, even though emotions are not something she is generally fond of. -- starters for: rang/lifecherished
noah czerny: (orbing) this is actually sort of similar to the way he’d disappear and reappear as a ghost, but with the addition of it being a cool orb. -- starters for: willie/grcycosmcs; 
xie lian: (kryptonian physiology) his... bad luck is gone??? which is mildly mind-blowing. and then with the kryptonian ability to use the sun’s energy for feats of strength-- it’ll also be pretty similar to his normal martial skills, except this time it’s sunlight-powered. he will probably like to try flying, though he will not be shooting fire beams at anyone. -- starters for: hua cheng/coreofgold; cornelia/rainbowmuses; emmett/rvskybusiness
yan wei: (compulsion) the sudden onset of this power will make her suspicious that people have done this to her in the past. -- starters for: klaus/lcxstsouls
xie'er: (superspeed) he’s never had any kind of supernatural ability so he’ll be curious to test it out, at least. -- starters for: cassie lang/tragcdysewn; zhang chengling/coreofgold
blathers: (waterbender) will use this opportunity to do some serious investigation of fish and local water ecosystems. i don’t think his activities will get much more wild than that -- starters for: bash/mixcdemotions; albedo/dcpravities
he xuan: (unaffected) he’s keeping the way he is because i didn’t want to trouble him any more than necessary so i said no on the form, lol. he’ll be out here trying to stay out of the action. -- starters for: qingxuan/irresistiibles
li shimin: (unaffected) he will probably try to quell any chaos happening. -- starters for: 
lucius: (flying) he’ll enjoy this for ten minutes and then realize that there’s very little point to it, so he’ll get pissed he didn’t get a cooler power. -- starters for: theo raeken/mixcdemotions; shang chi/recklcssabandon; jack/nightwhispcrs
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cuttoothed · 4 years ago
Jmart 16 or 37 pls?
From the touch prompt list:
16. massaging them
37. putting their head on the other’s chest
Thanks for the prompt! I decided to include both, set after episode 169.
They stop for a while, once they’re far enough from the burning tenement that they can no longer hear the crackle of flames. It’s Jon’s idea. Not because he wants to stop—the pull of the Panopticon is like a hook behind his ribs, come, come come—but because Martin needs it, and Martin never says what he needs.
This world exhausts him, with its constant horror; Jon can see it in the slope of his shoulders, the taut line of his mouth. He deserves a rest from this nightmare pilgrimage, but there’s no such thing as rest anymore, not really. This is the best Jon can do for him.
(Jon wishes he could say that this world exhausted him, but it’s rather the opposite.)
They sit on the tartan picnic blanket that Martin brought with them from the cottage. Jon’s back rests against a large rock—gray, like everything between domains is gray—and Martin lays back against him, his head on Jon’s chest. His eyes are closed, but he isn’t pretending to sleep. He just doesn’t want to talk. Jon understands. There’s a lot they need to talk about, after that domain, but everything feels too immediate, too raw to not turn into another fight, and neither of them wants to do that right now. So it’s okay to just be here together, quietly, for a while.
They’re not pretending the problems don’t exist, Jon reminds himself, simply choosing not to confront them right away.
Martin’s hair smells like smoke. Everything they own smells like smoke, the Desolation leaving its mark even if it couldn’t consume them. The ends of Martin’s parka are singed, and Jon’s rucksack has scorch marks on it, and Martin’s hair smells like smoke, its bright copper dulled with sooty residue. Jon combs his fingers through the curls, trying to brush away the ash. Martin makes a soft, contented sound at the touch, and Jon smiles as an idea comes to mind.
Back before everything, during those few stolen weeks of peace, he had made it his personal mission to learn everything he could about Martin Blackwood, devouring every scrap of knowledge insatiably. And one of the most important things he learned was that Martin could be reduced to a boneless heap by a good head massage. They might not be able to rest, but at least he can give Martin a few moments of relaxation.
Jon crooks his fingers, and scratches his nails gently over Martin’s scalp. The sound Martin makes this time is somewhere between a groan and a whimper.
“Oh,” he murmurs, “That’s very nice.”
“Good,” says Jon, moving his fingers in slow circles. “Relax for a few minutes, let me pamper you a bit.”
“Whatever you say,” Martin says with a lazy smile. Jon can feel some of the tension melting out of him as he massages over Martin’s scalp, his temples, all the way to the nape of his neck. He relaxes back against Jon’s chest, making noises that would, frankly, sound rather obscene out of context; fortunately they’re in a post-apocalyptic hellscape and there’s nobody around to hear. And Jon can admit that he’s rather proud of his ability to reduce his boyfriend to incoherency.
Eventually, his fingers start to cramp up, so he takes his hands from Martin’s hair and wraps both arms around him instead, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head.
“What was that for?” Martin asks, sounding pleased. Jon kisses him again.
“Because you deserve it,” he says. Martin deserves so much: a normal life, and a good night’s sleep, and to not be afraid all the time. To not have a boyfriend who destroyed the world, ideally. Jon can’t give him those things, not with the Panopticon looming overhead, calling him inexorably onward, but at least he can stop and give Martin this, for a little while.
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celosiaa · 5 years ago
sending lots of good feels your way, hope the ice cream was great!! <3 I saw the ask about favourite tropes and decided to combine yours with Martin being cared for by his own team when his illness goes from bad to worse: even halfway to passing out he's trying to help his team with setting up equipment, asking about his own sats, telling them what veins to use for an iv and they are like "Martin, please let us take care of you this time" and he feels so guilty yet so grateful to have them :))
hi thank you I loved this SO MUCH and I wrote a little snippet instead of studying whoops!! what can you do? :) I also did not edit it pls don’t judge me lmao
CW: MEDICAL TALK, needles, pneumonia
“How you doing, big guy?”
From where he’s seating on his living room sofa, hunched forward in the tripod position, Martin lifts his head—offering them a weak smile, even through the audible wheezing of his rapid breaths.
“Hi—sorry,” he croaks between gasps, the sound of it choking off at once in his throat as he hangs his head back between his shoulders.
“Alright, mate, we’re going to get you some oxygen, okay?” Ben says from his left side, setting up the mask to strap gently over his face, and Martin nods—holding out the fingers of his right hand for Mandy to clip the pulse ox on.
“What’s the—sat?” he asks breathlessly, eyes glassy from what is clearly quite a high fever.
“87.  But don’t worry about that, eh? We’ve got you,” she assures, watching him flinch as Ben slips the oxygen mask over his face.
The two of them watch him carefully for a few moments, ensuring that his breathing continues with the mask on, before jumping back into their previous tasks.  Out of the corner of her eye, Mandy can see Jon—standing shakily with his dog at his side, one hand pressed over his mouth as he surveys the scene before him.  It’s got to be overwhelming—especially for someone like Jon, who has likely heard so much about these things, but has never experienced it, and certainly not like this.
“Why don’t you have a seat, Mr. Blackwood-Sims?” she encourages, nodding over to the arm chair adjacent to the couch.  “We’ve got him—you’re not in the way.”
It takes him a moment for him to look at her, and even longer to respond, but he does eventually sink into the chair, with his dog keeping her paws over his feet.
“No edema,” Martin gasps, breathing ragged and muffled by the mask.  “Lower l—heh—lung—chest pain.  Haemop—haemoptysis.”
Even just this sentence has him hunched over again, breath audibly gurgling as he does.
“Alright—just relax, okay pops?” Ben says, keeping him steady with one arm while reading his blood pressure with the other.  “Just focus on breathing now.  I’m putting in an IV.”
“Left—arm,” he says at once, lifting an arm to point at the spot, even as his eyes start to roll dizzily.  “Here.”
“Christ.  Martin, listen to me,” Mandy says forcefully, voice leaving no room for argument.  “Let us do this, okay?  We’ve got you.  Just let us take care of you, eh?”
This earns her a long look from him—glassy eyes with just a hint of desperation in them—before Ben puts in the IV, and he folds forward into unconsciousness.
“Martin!” Jon yelps, even as Iris begins to bark—clearly shaken by the way he’s suddenly gone limp against Mandy’s bracing shoulder.
“Turn up the oxygen,” she says, and Ben reaches over to do so.  “Hey—Martin? Martin, can you hear me?”
It only takes a few seconds to bring him around—but those few seconds seem just about the longest in her life.  When he does open his eyes, it’s not with the same awareness—and it’s now very clear to her that they need to get him to the hospital, fast.
“Don’t worry, pops, we’ve got you,” Ben half shouts, trying to raise his voice above the delirium as they get him onto the stretcher.  “We’ve got you.  Just hang on.”
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