#cw medical talk
blipblepbloop · 5 months
ok i’m dying to know what ur realism gripe is about the body that you mentioned in the tags of your reblog of my post about it
BAHAHA ty for noticing my commentary hidden in the tags so i can make this rant post about it lmao
first off, im aware its a tv show and some things need to be dramatized or exaggerated for the purpose of achieving a certain effect in the show. especially in an episode like the body, a lot of choices went into very intentionally setting a tone for the episode. however, that being said-
towards the very beginning of the episode, buffy calls 911 and a couple of paramedics show up. they tell her that her MOM is DEAD, get another call, and UP AND LEAVE. and in real life they would absolutely NEVER FUCKING DO THAT and it drives me INSANE every time i rewatch it.
take this with a grain of salt because the extent of my medical knowledge is first aid and lifeguard training, but according to everything ive ever been taught about BASIC FIRST AID they absolutely should not have left her alone, because they weren't done treating every patient on that scene. buffy is quite VISIBLY in shock, which requires treatment just as much as a physical injury. yet all they do is tell her to sit down, ask her if there's anyone else coming, and then leave. like they don't even at least make sure she's sitting down or confirm in some way that somebody's coming before just leaving. maybe protocols and training with that sort of thing was different at the time that the ep came out, but i kind of doubt it. she could have fainted, she DOES throw up, and just...who actually thinks its a good idea to just leave someone whose mother just died and is clearly in shock completely alone?? certainly not trained medical professionals.
again, i could potentially be wrong about this, and im also fully aware it was for that dramatic intense effect the audience gets from her being left completely alone to deal with the fact her mom just died, but today at least that definitely is not how that would go down. at least one of the paramedics would have stayed behind and talked with her and made sure she was okay at least until giles got there. and it mostly just makes me upset for buffy because she should not have been treated like that lol.
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tapuhauko · 8 months
another lil update! I'll put the more in depth talk below the cut in case of triggers. Short of the story: I've been incredibly tired physically along with some back and knee pain & we just don't know what's going on with me right now health wise. It's starting to wear me down mentally now too because my brain doesn't deal well with uncertainties. I wanna be here / in servers and write, but it's just hard to focus / stay awake a lot when I do have down time rn The work at the zoo is helping me stay distracted, and I love being there, so that's good at least! More in depth (CW for hospital talk / medical talk / bloodwork talk):
sooo after I left off last time I went back that tuesday, they tested my blood and the CRP had lowered a teensy bit. They put me on a broader antibiotics for 3x a day for a week. 2 days after I had to come back for another bloodtest. CRP rose again. I had to continue the antibiotics ofc, so I did. Doc told me to get more broader bloodwork done, so I did. Then the week after I call for results. Nothing can be seen from the blood besides that the CRP and another infection rate had risen even more. So now I'm being sent to the hospital for a specialist to see if they can find the source of w/e is going on (my appointment is february 5th) I really miss writing and talking to y'all about hcs and plots and stuff, so I hope to be back on my feet soon ;a; thank you all for sticking around and waiting for me!! <3
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pyunberu · 2 days
; .. Myles has never heard of occupation therapy before .. !! what is it, if gri may ask .. ?? /gq /nf ( xe hopes grim is not sending too many asks in .. !! )
- ⭐🦊
you're not, don't worry! buneye likes talking to kyuu! occupational therapy is meant to evaluate and treat those with disabilities, illnesses, etc.! heal is being referred there for generalised anxiety and extreme social anxiety!
or at least that's what shy thinks it's for!
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mauxanhduong · 1 year
alright besties wish me luck 🫡
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duckiez · 1 year
hey guys! it's teddy! i know it's been a while since i've been on last so let me just quickly explain what's been going on...
cw for illness, medical stuff, and death
in april, my father was hospitalized after a fall. he broke more than 10 ribs. he was doing okay but he wasn't getting enough oxygen due to the collapsed ribs so he had to be intubated and placed on a ventilator. this was one of the scariest days of my life.
while he was hospitalized, the doctors were noticing he started to have some issues with his heart. this was to be expected given the medications he was on and the stress of being on a ventilator for many weeks. then, in may, he coded for the first time. and again. and again. we were told to come to the hospital to discuss next steps, so of course we went. after a long night of touch and go and hospital transfers, my dad was able to stabilize. they put a pacemaker in. he was able to slowly start to come off ventilation as his ribs were healing and his lungs were able to fill up all the way.
in june, we were able to have conversations with him again and, despite being annoyed about being in the hospital, my dad was himself. he joked around with us and we chatted about everything we were up to and told him about the party we were planning for him for when he was discharged.
in july, my dad caught pneumonia. he was fighting it like he did everything else. however, his floor was shut down for visitors due to a covid outbreak. on the 17th, we received worrying calls from the nurses about my dad's state, telling us that they were doing what they could but if things got worse they might be able to let us in (despite the no visitors rule) to allow us to say goodbye. on the 18th, he was doing better. on the 19th, i received a call from my sister at almost 11 PM that our dad had passed away. nobody from the hospital called us that day to tell us he was doing poor again, nobody let us know. negligence allowed for my dad to pass all alone.
i am trying my best to deal with the immense grief i feel on top of the absolute anger i have toward the hospital. it's been really really really difficult.
that said though, i would like to slowly come back to this space. slowly come back to reading and sharing the works of my amazing mutuals and the people i follow. slowly come back to writing. i really do miss everyone a lot.
thank you for taking the time to read this, any part of it. i shared it all because it helps to talk about, and it helps to let everyone know where i'm coming from.
i love u all loads.
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
Explain dsaf to me, please.
This sounds interesting.
– Verna 🐇
i hope you know youre in for a real treat bunny
tw for implied grooming (nothing sexual just generally since its known dave was a "young man" when he meets henry and henry used it to his advantage canonically), manipulation, stalking, murder, child death, general sexual themes at points (its just mentioned a couple times), medical talk, forced lobotomy and suicidal idealization
do note this is going over like. three games with multiple endings but its whatever
also this is a block of text i just fucking noticed that. im so sorry. im autistic about this series
radical/aubergine/gnarly/bad ending timeline (warning for stalking and everything mentioned above)
>dr henry miller starts fredbears family diner with william afton
>unnamed guy starts freddy fazbears pepperonerie (a play on fredbears family diner) and it INFURIATES henry (and william because henrys angry)
>henry does fucked up experiments on william (lobotomizes him to some degree, takes out his organs, etc etc etc)
>henry manipulates william into killing children because it would "let them live out their happiest days forever"
>henry tells william about his dead son, david, and william imprints on this and renames himself to dave miller (he takes henrys last name after he passes but for now im just going to call him dave miller)
>dave works at ffp and kills children there while henry kills children at ffd
>henry fucking DIES and ffd forecloses, leading dave to work at ffp
>dave meets jack kennedy (the protag and the person you play as) at ffp
>dave negotiates with jack that since hes a "clean slate" he should help him murder five children, jack agrees and they Do That
(small note here; dave becomes obsessed with jack after this and its just a whole ordeal with jack and dave being ?? freaks and in love ?? normal behavior/sar)
>phoney (named steven as a person but the phone guys are a Whole 'Nother Thing that i CANNOT GET INTO RIGHT NOW) becomes suspicious and dave and jack frame him
>dave and jack scurry off to vegas
>rinse and repeat this cycle in dsaf2
>in dsaf 3 dave is found rotting away in a building (in a springlock rabbt suit and now he goes by davetrap btw) by jack and goes on a monologue of how he "knew he wouldnt leave him alone" and jack takes him back to his new restaurant that jack now owns (im just. gonna call it uncle jacks family diner because its funny to think he named it after fredbears)
>davetrap and jack kill children, phoney (harry) flips and im pretty sure they kill him? i cant remember
>davetrap springlocks jack to give him "immortality" and they go to vegas
>davetrap goes on a brief rant about how he realized he was never happy because jack never knew who he "really was" and confesses to being william afton
>davetrap takes jack to his "fazbunker" (note this is just the same place as we see in fnaf sister location) and shows him a chest containing a red scarf
>jack has a realization that this is his dead sister dee's scarf and comes to the correct conclusion that dave/william killed his younger sister and framed him back during the ffd days
>henrys ghost "controls" jacks mind kind of ?? and jack kills dave
(note there is a tiny little voice clip of dave telling jack he loves him as he dies i just think its very interesting that the last thing dave chose to do was tell him he loved him . agony and peril)
(also i didnt know where to put this but in dsaf 2 theres a scene where jack wakes up to dave standing at the foot of his bed and they prankcall phoney (peter) together. jack tells dave to shower and dave says it is "not the first time he has been in his house"
(also also dave has a long rambling file in dsaf 2 on the computer which includes the words "old sport", a nickname he gave jack, 5000 times)
good end/saved end (warning for stalking, manipulation, and mild suicidal idealization)
>everything is the same as before but this time you decline everytime dave asks you to kill kids
(fun fact you can see daves diary in dsaf 2 and his diary entry after the day you reject him is nothing but nonsense ramblings about how he is going to kill jack and how he cant believe he would "betray him like this")
>jack finds davetrap rotting and declines taking him back to uncle jacks family diner and davetrap sobs and cries and yells about how he shouldve known he would do this to him and begins begging jack not to leave him alone
>davetrap then stalks jack home
(fun fact you can look at davetrap and jack will say "he followed me home again" implying that this isnt the first time hes noticed dave or davetrap doing this so. what the fuck. i dont know if he just did nothing about this or if he said something and dave continued but either way What The Fuck ???)
>jack goes into "the flipside" and sees dave just kind of. chilling. jack is reasonably caught off guard and they have a neat little meet-cute where dave explains the flipside is where souls come to chill because of course theres a fucking place for that god damnit
(note you can get small dave commentaries by interacting with objects like posters or things on the wall or pizzas in the kitchen and i just think its cute)
>dave makes a portal because of fucking course thats a thing you can do in the flipside i hate the flipside why can he fucking DO THAT and fuck off to the second floor
>jack and dave find dees ghost here and it revealed shes the puppet
>dee engages jack and dave in battle because she doesnt believe dave is "truly sorry" and thinks jack is making some sick joke at her expense
(note if you fail to escape from this battle dee says that you cant run from your problems forever)
>if you succeed in escaping the battle, jack explains to dave that this is his sister and dave has A Moment where he explains how henry told him he was helping the kids by killing them (its also implied that dave was groomed by henry since he states he was a "young man" when they officially met and started working together)
>dee decides hes just kind of. pathetic honestly. and decides she can live with this if it means she can save the dead ghosts
>jack fucks off back to the reality and does reality shenanigans like running his business
>he comes back and they go into a portal to the second floor
>on the third floor we meet steven whos been just kind of. there. the entire time. and he INSTANTLY assumes theyre there to kill him and makes them battle foxy robotss until they find him huddled in a corner
>he instantly starts rambling about how he cant be saved and how thhey should just leave him (its implied that by this he means hes going to?? die if they leave him?? as if he isnt already dead??) because he was a terrible person to jack, peter, and dave
>jack says thats in the past or whatever and he joins their team
>dave makes another portal and this time steven goes nuts and is fucking furious about hating the flipside (me too man. me fucking too)
>jack fucks off to go do business stuff again. the health inspector is here. hes french. you can bribe him. either way you dont get shut down unless you do a REALLY bad job so. eh.
>jack comes back to the flipside and they scurry around until they find peter (jack and dee remark about how "this is peters house" (i forgot to mention the floors are all designed around memories and this one is based off peters house that jack lived in after he was killed))
>they find peter and he remarks about how hes just a trap and everyone is confused
>JACKS FUCKING SOUL APPEARS. THATS RIGHT BABY. HE WAS SOULLESS THATS WHY HE DIDNT DIE. AND ITS IN THE FORM OF HIS DEAD DOG SPARKY. also he speaks in a cesaer cipher and dave asks him to get rid of his "accent"
>jack and blackjack (thats his souls name. haha. very funny. because hes a shadow. very funny. haha. i hate it here) talk and ouugh ouugh it pains me it hurts me its peril and agony and i love it augh. that isnt really related but it DESTROYS ME
>they fight henry (during this henry doesnt hit anyone, instead choosing to use his words which i think is interesting)
>they fucking win yippee yahoo
>everyone leaves except for dave and jack. they talk. dave cries because jack tells him he cant go with them since hes soulless. dave says he "wont leave without him" and that he cant lose henry AND him. jack gives dave blackjacks collar and says that blackjack wont leave him. anyway yeah jack literally gave dave his soul. bawling my eyes out i hate these two so so much (affectionate)>jack burns down his diner with him and every freddys animatronic inside and the plot of land is turned into a gravesite for william/dave, jack, dee, peter, and steven
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cherrisherry · 6 months
"Oh you just need to work out a little harder to lose weight" Me weaving my heart monitor through the neck of my shirt cus the doctor said my heart is leaking: "Do what now?"
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thanatosaria · 6 months
god going to the doctor always makes me so fucking nervous bc i'm too fucking scared of doctors but i've been off of my antidepressants for like a year now (started to run out and got too nervous to do anything about it bc neither the dr office nor pharmacy was getting back to me about my request for a refill) and it's starting to show i think bc i've been emotionally in shambles lmao!!!!!
anyway i started going to therapy again after like 6 years and getting a jumpstart back onto my antidepressants is like. her first line of action for me and im a people pleaser and dont want to disappoint her during my next session so :''') i am praying praying prayingggggg that this doctor i scheduled is nice and understanding of whats going on with me because all is not well in wafflesville rn
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crashthegates · 11 months
i feel weird thinking about myself as disabled, or even as a person with chronic pain. it's like yes, this is something i've dealt with my entire life, yes, this is something that prevents me from doing certain activities and i dread shit like going up stairs and yes i lose sleep over it and yes it impacts my day to day life and all that BUT since i'm going to get surgery at an unspecified point in the future and a fuck ton of physical therapy (and then won't be "deformed") AND since i'm not in pain all the time i automatically stop myself from using that language because i feel like i'm taking away from other disabled people, even though i KNOW that's stupid AND i would never ever ever tell another person that they aren't "disabled enough." so it's my brain being shit but i hatehatehathetahhtahteh it argihjbhroijskdfbnhrjsklf
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astrumavis · 1 year
Ramble, cw for vague medical talk
I wanted to contact my doctor to talk about some stuff going on with me for which she told me to do if nothing changed since the last time I saw her. I was busy and being forgetful, so my parent took it upon themselves to "arrange everything for me." Which I didn't want, to be clear. I very much wanted to do that myself. Now, without getting to properly sit down and talk to my doctor, I'm supposed to take these pills everyday for 3 months to see if they work.
I'm having a lot of second thoughts cuz I haven't gotten a single good reason why I should take them. I wanted to have an actual meeting with my doctor and talk to her about the how's and why's, but things happened and I didn't get that.
Cuz the thing is, is that I don't think? That my day to day life is bad because of the way my body works right now. I just don't know if it's gonna get bad or have negative consequences if I go on like this. Like, I'm perfectly fine the way it is right now, and the only reason she was contacted is cuz she told me to. From my perspective, the burden of proof (?) Is on her to explain to me why the hell I should even WANT to take this and fuck with how it is right now.
I think I'll try to arrange at least a talk over the phone. Unless she can give me valid reasons beyond the : Well it's just bad and it shouldn't be like that" I've been getting from other people, I'm not taking them. Thats that.
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phyi · 2 years
Fun learning you had a birth defect in an important place the whole time (not fun). but thankfully the surgery to fix it is a very common one.
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thottyratman · 2 years
oh my fucking GODDD my implant hurts so much right now, I just wanna HEAL 😠
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pyunberu · 2 days
waugh they're sending buneye to occupation therapy and social skills training maweefweef . . .
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mauxanhduong · 1 year
hi besties i have risen ���️ also they played newjeans for me in the OR so that was fun. and surreal
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tyrianludaship · 22 days
Me seeing people on twitter talking about morally grey characters like they're completely irredeemable and makes them abusive rapists as a result even though the bad actions they've done is only comparable to a Wile E. Coyote cartoon skit but gorier:
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whump-in-the-closet · 9 months
“Come on, come on. Breathe. In and out. You can manage that.”
Field Whump Time >:)
Hero collapsed in the moss. The smell of grass rose up to meet him, new and green.
His leg throbbed. He didn't have to look to know that the soft ground was soaked with blood.
His team caught up with him, their voices filling the air with anxious whispers. To him, it sounded like they were shouting.
"Are you alright?"
"Hey! C'mon mate, get up!"
Hero, with a desperate sound, put his hands beneath him. He pushed himself up on all fours and then, digging a hand into a tree trunk, stood.
The faces of his team blurred together. He blinked and they cleared. He shook his head, putting a hand out to wave them aside. "I'm...I'm okay." Breathing should not hurt as much as it did, but other than that...he was fine. He refused to look at his leg.
"Are you sure?" asked Leader.
Hero took his hand off the tree to prove exactly how fine he was doing. Putting weight on his injured leg sent a spike of pain up his entire body, fresh and horrific. "Yeah," he gasped.
Medic looked at Hero for a long moment, their expression unreadable.
Hero broke eye contact first and took a step forward, to further prove himself. "We need to keep going--AH--" Hero crumpled to one knee, his leg betraying him. His face went white.
Medic turned to Leader and shook their head. As quickly as that, his sentence was passed.
Hero struggled to stand, but Medic put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Lie down. We have to remove the bullet." They spoke like they were simply announcing the result of a calculation.
Hero looked from Leader to Medic, searching their faces for any way of escape, and found none. He turned to his teammates. Nothing. "No, you don't have to do this." His voice shook. "No, please."
Medic crouched down next to Hero, unraveling their pack. Hero caught a glimpse of shining metal and shuddered. Medic caught him looking. "We have to work quickly." They did not say don't worry, it won't hurt.
The air contracted around Hero as Leader gently pushed him to the ground. It seemed to shimmer, as unreal as this whole situation. He dug his nails into the soft moss when he heard metal clinking against metal.
"Please," Hero tried again. "Please--"
"Give him something to bite down on," said Medic. "You two, grab his arms, don't let him thrash around."
Hero tried to jerk upright at this but his teammates already had him pinned. One whispered an apology as they pressed him into the ground, the other said nothing and would not look at him.
Leader squeezed his hand sympathetically, then held up a piece of leather, waiting to see if he would take it.
Hero blinked.
He was back.
Villain standing above him, just out of his line of sight--
No, no, no, n--no
"Keep begging like the dog you are."
The flash of steel-- the sudden brightness of it inside him-- digging under his skin, biting deep. Deeper and twisting--
Hero was shaking, suddenly aware of Leader and the moss and Medic cutting away his pant leg to reveal not one, but two, bullets embedded above his knee.
He nodded. "Give it to me." He bit down on the leather and hoped it would muffle his screams.
Villain's favorite pastime had involved a knife and Hero under his blade.
Medic pressed cool steel against the wound and Hero tried to scramble away, back arching.
Through the roaring in his ears, he heard Leader telling him to breathe.
He dug his hands into the moss, green and white behind his eyes. The smell of iron grew stronger. He couldn't--
"Come on, come on. Breathe. In and out. You can manage that.”
Hero exhaled a shuddering breath.
Medic dug deeper.
He screamed into the gag.
"In and out!" snapped Leader. "Breathe in and out."
Hero was shaking. He inhaled shallowly, more out of instinct than obedience.
Then came Medic's clear voice, "Got the first one."
Leader patted Hero's shoulder in sympathy.
Hero exhaled. His breathing came at a quicker and quicker pace, hands buried in the dirt, as Medic dug out the second bullet.
The color green danced behind his eyes, dull and pounding. He tried to drown himself in it. It didn't help. The taste of leather in his mouth felt wrong-- like vinegar or something sour-- warning bells going off too late.
He didn't hear Medic's relief when they said, "We're done." He only felt the tight pressure of the bandages being wrapped. His teammates let him up and when he spat the leather gag out, he noticed, vaguely, the dirt under his nails was bloodstained.
He worked his jaw in a circle, trying to erase the taste of wrongness. "Fuck you guys," he muttered.
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