#pll logic
quenthel · 18 days
The cruelest line in disco Elysium is when Harry listens in on somebody's apartment or room IDR and hears sounds and it goes something like "everyone on earth has somebody except for you" like it rly hit me... Positioning harry as a constant outsider looking in and a person whom is usually simply tolerated.... Man...
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kaythefloppa · 2 years
Guys, I think Kcest is fucking dead.
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karouvas · 1 year
hot take apparently but I genuinely think if your going to do an f/m/f love triangle esp with some element of infidelity, it reads a lot better in a situation where the two women have enough respect for each other that the dynamic isn’t just the two women competing for a guy or something, but they are Not best friends or even really friends at all, just two human women who have a mix of negative and positive feelings about each other. I like it way better.
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dragons-bones · 1 year
Prompt: reactivation (free write!) || Master Post || On AO3
A/N: This idea originated before the 6.4 PLL that announced Certain Specific Scholar Updates. Yoshi-P, I demand royalties along with the use of my twenty-year old internet handle as the abbreviation for your new expansion.
Synnove stared down at the soulstone on her desk; the dark blue stone was cut in such a way that what little light refracted through it drew the eye to the Scholar’s bespectacled emblem carved into its surface. She poked at it gently and the sonorous bzzz of unaspected aether brushed against her mind. Soulstones didn’t usually have unaspected aether unless they were blank, waiting for memory and experience to fill them.
This one was weird.
“This one is weird,” she said aloud. “Not that I don’t mind a mystery, but Surito is sending this along because…?”
“It’s something about the fairy,” Halulu said. “This one is from the most recent cache of soulstones the recovery teams have located in the Palace, and it’s the only one Surito can’t place to its original owner at the time of Nym’s fall. All the others, if he couldn’t recognize the aetherial signature, the fairy within responded at least long enough to identify herself and her Scholar.”
“But this one stayed silent,” Mhaslona said, not a question after Halulu’s explanation. Synnove’s old advisor lounged in one of the chairs on the other side of her desk, turned to the side to allow her to stretch her prosthetic leg out.
Halulu nodded and said, “And since Synnove is Eorzea’s resident strange summons expert…”
“You rewrite the laws of aetherology once and everyone expects you to walk on water,” Synnove grumbled without any heat. Halulu and Mhaslona both snickered at her. “All right, I’ll see if she’ll say hello to me.”
She pushed back from her desk and stood, picking up the soulstone in the same motion, and walked to the center of her office. Those first summonings of Tyr and Ivar had taught her never summon a damn thing near her desk ever again. The Gate quartermaster would likely refuse her requisition for another ironwood desk, especially one that would need hauling all the way up the northeast tower.
Synnove cupped her hands together, the left under the right, with the soulstone nestled in the center of her palm. She allowed her eyes to unfocus as she reached out with her aether to nudge the soulstone. In her mind, it hummed acknowledgment, but did nothing else.
The logic for a fairy wasn’t one with which she was intimately familiar, but her perfect memory could recall it regardless and Synnove held it in her mind as she drew on her aether—and frowned.
The soulstone refused to respond.
Only faintly conscious of her head tilting in puzzlement, Synnove mentally prodded at the soulstone again. Scholar soulstones were locked with the fairy logic; summon the fairy and the bearer could begin to attune to the soulstone. And it wasn’t a mystery lock, either, the logic was practically writ into the soulstone’s aether, one just needed to ‘fill’ it and—
—unless it wasn’t a fairy.
Synnove mentally threw out the fairy logic and plunged into the heady waters of the soulstone. Yes, there was the most basic of geometries used in summoning at its heart, pulsing and strong, but the way it branched out into the greater logic didn’t match the ones Scholars used for their fairies. She followed the equations and lines spiraling out from the core, mentally tracing out the shape of the summon that guarded the soulstone’s heart.
…This was familiar.
This was very, very familiar.
Without intention, without even having finished tracing this not very Scholarly logic because it wasn’t a logic at all, it was an array, Synnove filled in the blanks, and aether sang out in her office.
Synnove looked down.
A bright blue carbuncle blinked up at her.
There was a moment of stunned silence, and then a sound not unlike that of an Allagan node—though oddly feminine in its neutrality—rang out in her mind.
[>>776SKK900NLS0000 GLORIOUS DAWN NRM-COM/IPMA: ASSETS//CORE//IMPERATIVE IMMEDIATE ACTION ORDER Tactical morality reset from EMERALD EXIGENT. SECURITY STATE is ADAMANTOISE. LUCIFERON is INACTIVE and MIDNIGHT. Primary command structure defragment commence on mark. Evocation matrix INDIGO ABRASAX reactivation success. Format moral structures for KYRIA TRACE. STOP STOP STOP 776SKK900NLS0000]
With the way Mhaslona and Halulu were excitedly chattering behind her, Synnove knew she was the only one who had heard that. She suspected she wasn’t supposed to have heard that.
And then the carbuncle opened her mouth, and in the same voice said:
[Greetings, New User! I am the Intelligent Personal Obligant and Medical Operative for Emergency Applications! You may call me Ipomoea for convenience. Please specify the nature of your emergency for prompt service.]
Dead silence in her office.
“Um,” Synnove said intelligently.
“Is,” Halulu whispered, “is she talking? As in, open mouth, sound comes out talking?”
“More like an orchestrion rather than talking,” Mhaslona said slowly.
“Oh, I don’t like that. Not one bit.”
“So,” Synnove said, filling the final shot glass with whiskey and keeping it for herself, “best I can tell, the soulstone was carved from a carbuncle-quality focus gem.”
Surito Carito, Setoto Seto, and Alka Zolka were huddled around her desk with herself, Halulu, and Mhaslona, each with a shot glass in front of them. The bottle of Synnove’s best whiskey was not as full as it had been half a bell ago.
Surito sighed heavily and rubbed his face. “I remember her,” he said. “Her summoner—though perhaps better to say her programmer—was the college’s Allag expert, Vatete Vate. And carbuncles weren’t a popular choice for familiars; fairy logic was the preference, since it wasn’t reliant on gemstones infused with living aether.”
“We were isolated from most of Aldenard because of Mhach and Amdapor’s warring over the centuries,” Setoto said, shaking her head. “By the time of the War of the Magi, we hadn’t had a reliable gemstone trade in generations, it was why the fairy logic was developed at all.”
Mhaslona sucked on her teeth. “Where the fuck did Vatete even get the Allag tech? Based on what Synnove heard, it sounds like she reverse-engineered one of their command nodes into a carbuncle array.”
The two tonberries and one former tonberry all shrugged.
“Best we can do at the moment is ask around the Palace,” Surito said, raising his whiskey glass to sip from it. “Vatete isn’t among the tonberries, and she kept to herself much of the time, but she’d ramble to anyone who showed a lick of interest, so it’s possible, though not probable, that she may have let slip something without either she or her audience realizing the import.”
Synnove rested her cheek on her fist and sighed, then said over her shoulder, “How’s that database update coming along, honey?”
[Azys Lla terminal connection is sporadic, update is only seventeen percent complete.] Ipomeoa had, thankfully, switched to an aetheric harmonic upon request, although it still sounded vaguely artificial. [Prioritization algorithms are still sorting data. WORLD STATE: HYDAELYN set to UNBOUND.]
“…I don’t want to know what that means,” Alka Zolka said wearily. “I don’t think I have the clearance to know what that means.”
“You do now,” Synnove grumbled, and tossed back her whiskey in one gulp.
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PLL logic states that when the Rosewood cops found out that Spencer and Ian were "involved" the summer before, Spencer turns into a suspect in her friends murder yet Ian does not get questioned about hooking up with a 15 year old.
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dojae-huh · 5 months
Doyoung: I have seen jungwoo passing out in the middle of watching film exhuma!!
He was saying it like he have seen it through his eyes, not from some group chat......
First of I don't want to fight....but I couldn't ignore it huh nim.... Like that anon said it like so adamant, like no matter what I refuse to believe they 3 we're tgthr... That kind of mindset... Like dy must have get it from group chat? Omg.... Really.... If am not a jaedo shipper, but there is a possibility of them being tgthr for some place, I don't think there is any chance to deny it.... Like if one ship is really shipping, that 2 pll can't go with any other?? What's logic is that? Nd am not saying doyoung imalways says the truth.... But he is good at hiding info especially about jaedo.... But look here.... Jaewoo went to see the movie, it's the fact, then y would he say it like he have seen it??? Nd given his character, even if he sees it , he would say it like he got the info from somewhere else.... Isn't it right huh nim?? Nd that doyoung announcing it openely he have seen it woo passing out, for the movie where actually jaewoo went tgthr...??? BULLSHIT...... IT'S WHAT WE CALL IT AS THE SLIPPERY OF THE TOUNGUE...... nd it's the truth.... Nd the staff didn't cut it, coz it was funny nd entertaining for the woo fans..... Nd there is nothing to get afraid to be... So they just keep it.... If they knw we are fighting over a single dialogue, even after the 2 days of it's broadcast, they would be like calling a meeting..... Haha.....
I can just ignore this,....nd am not here to proove anything abt the movie night....but what I don't get is, doesn't matter if u r a shipper or not, why can't they accept the things as it is....its a straight confession, why u need to make alot of definition over this?? I don't get by proving this what do they get actually....
All I want to say is, if u see everything through the shippers eyes, you will lose a lot of precious moments..... Shopping is there, but also frndship, brotherhood, colleagues etc....evrything can make moments nd memories.... Don't miss it......coz that's also beautiful tooo.....
I suppose it comes from different look on things and different feelings.
You, anon, thought you caught Doyoung on a slip up and added a new detail to an old information. You were happy because it meant JaeDo watched a movie and wrote to a JaeDo shipper blog to spread the news and tell about a shippery moment.
(first version) Jaehyun and Jungwoo watched Exhuma -> (updated) Jaehyun and Jungwoo and Doyoung watched Exhuma -> (a possible even fuller picture of the event) Jaehyun and Jungwoo and Doyoung and Jungwoo's sister/17's member watched Exhuma
As we can see, other fans interpret same news differently. For example, "those delulu JaeDo shippers need to make everything about their ship discounting wholesome JaeWoo time, stealing from JaeWoo shippers" or "those shippers are ready to call pure Jungwoo a lier just to turn everything into JaeDo conspiracy". There could be a feeling of jealousy (from a JaeWoo shipper), a feeling of irritation/hurt (from a Jungwoo stan), or a feeling of "I know better, don't try to change my belief in how events unfolded" (from a "I saw on the internet and you are wrong"). I'll stop, but there can be other possible reactions. It's not like DJJ watching a movie is unbelievable on it's own, it's that there is resistance to accept it happening (the way I have doubts about JaeWoo as movie buddies, doesn't mean I'm right, I'm in the middle of collecting more info, it's pending for me).
Now, to answer your question about the moment. Thanks for the timestamp, I've analysed it.
Doyoung didn't say he "saw", in Korean he said "it happened" (or, rather, "Woo did it"). Therefore, it is possible Jaehyun told him about it as a funny story, or Jungwoo told himself.
Doyoung looked at Jaehyun to laugh together after the words. And normally people bring up moments like that when they themselves were witnesses, when it left an impression. Other members didn't react (so it wasn't in a group chat like that anon suggested), Mark even asked Doyoung for a clarification (21:55).
In conclusion. Heh, it's still 50/50. Do's smile directed at Jae was huge, which can mean he was present (and thus his excitement was bigger, he was affected more by the scene seeing it in person). However, he didn't say "I saw". Other members didn't know about Woo passing (look at Mark questioning, Tae and Yuta not reacting, Johnny showing a surprised look), which means that if Doyoung didn't go to the cinema, then Jaehyun told the funny detail only to him.
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kendrixtermina · 2 years
But what do we MEAN by Feeling, Thinking, etc.
I hadn’t put these on tumblr & it occurred to me that I probably should  
I think a great amount of the confusion regarding enneagram / mbti combos is that they use the rather vague colloquial terms ��thinking“ and „feeling“ to mean different things.
„Thinking“ in the mbti is task-oriented reasoning, „feeling“ is reasoning in terms of intentional actors. Indeed a dichotomy between explaining things through either causes or intentions, living or nonliving systems, seems somewhat inbuilt in the human mind, I think there are experiments that show even babies make this distinction.
Obviously, if you are looking at intentional actors (be it yourself or others), it’s natural for emotions to be a part of that reasoning. Intentional actors usually have feelings; Sticks & tools do not.
You might see that people don’t always make a clean split – a surgeon may treat removing an appendix as a task in which the patient is understood object with parts so he can keep a cool head, a poet might say that the leaves are „dancing“ in the wind to evoke feelings in the reader or express how his perception is colored his own.
„Thinking“ in the enneagram centers of intelligence sense is rather explicit, effortful, ‚system 2‘ thought. (regardless of what kind it is: logic, planning, imagining etc.)
General humans avoid doing that cause it burns alot of sugar and less costly processes work just as well, but some avoid it less than others. Or maybe us head types are just touchy little fuckers that have a more exaggerated response to less stimulus.
The upside of this is that it’s flexible & adaptable to tasks that we never encountered in the savannah, and that it can override our intuitions. Also, if you used explict reasoning you can give a reason for why you arrived at the conclusion, change parameters and „rerun the simulation“.
The downside is that it is slow and costs a lotta juice, also, it doesn’t always have an answer if there is not enough data, whereas intuition & association can almost always supply some usable guess.
„explicit thought“ is needed to apply a method that is counter to our intuitions, to consider multiple factors at once, and to doubt (since doubting requires holding two contradictory ideas in your mind) – its probably no coincidence that type 6, the „pure“ thinking type, is also the most doubting.
„feeling“ here means the middle or mammalian brain, the „associative machine“ or „affect heuristic“.
Enthusiasts of cats or dogs more or less know that they have what we would recognize as a „heart“ – the capacity to bond, social emotions shown through complex body language (and unique personality differences related how how they’re expressed), and also, reinforced learning, which is quite relevant when we consider, say, type 3. Feelingsland is the home of motivation.
Another ability of the associative mind is to intuitive translate things to different scales.
If you’re asked to donate money to protect birds from oilspills, most ppl don’t whip out their financial planners, but decide based on how much emotion they feel about those poor, poor seabirds, and then associatively transfer it from hurt feelings to dollars.
This is why most of us can answer questions like „If dave was as tall as he is intelligent how tall would he be“ or why we can understand each other through poetic expressions like „that hurtful statement felt like being stabbed with a knife“ even if none of us have been in a knife fight. Both emotional pain &physical pain are scales.
Likewise when buying a product, most pll don’t go comparing the specs & the evidence for which is best (well… the 6s among us do.) but we go by what feelings & memories we connect with the product & how it fits our idea of ourselves, & may refuse to touch it if it doesn’t.
However, frequent errors in dog training have to do with how dogs can’t „think“, at least not very well – they have rather good associative memories, but they can’t generalize easily. This is why a dog might have to learn to perform a trick in multiple rooms before it gets that the cue always means the same thing, and why its encouraged to use positive reinforcement over punishment cause the dogs may be unable to deduce why they’re being punished, and just associate „you“ with „pain“. Similar caveats apply with small children whose thinking skills arent fully online yet.
That said, I wouldn’t say humans are the only ones capable of „thinking“ – You could make a good case for Crows, Great Apes, Dolphins, Parrots & Elephants, and maybe even Octopi or Bees. Future planning, symbol use, complex problemsolving…
notably, there’s a third category (thought the two systems approach lumps them together), which is intuitive impressions.
The distinguisher here is that it’s somewhat automatic.
If you decided by thinking you can give reasons, if you decided by feeling you can point out your associations, but in the case of a „gut feeling“ decision, you just „see“ it, or „recognize“ or „guess“.
Just as you „see“ the world around you as distinct objects or, unless you’re a grade schooler, can „see“ what a word means without having to go through each individual letter.
That doesn’t mean it’s not sophisticated: Take for instance the example of a doctor who, after a lot of doctoring experience, can recognize some conditions on sight from skin lesions or a characteristic constellation of systems, or an expert chess player who just „sees“ a strong move or that the game will end in three turns.
This also generates impulses, like recoiling when something suddenly comes at you.
So, in terms of functionality, this includes basic survival machinery like spotting snakes or attractive mates, learning by copying or recognizing from experience, and, crucially, spotting what is normal or expected. The intuitive brain has a sort of „autocomplete“ function where it’s always guessing what’s likely to happen next based on everything it’s seen so far in similar places & situations, & is always on the lookout for stuff that is not right or suspicious.
For example, consider a case where a fireman got the sense that something was „off“, ordered his colleagues out of the room, and then minutes later the floor collapsed. He could not say at first what he had noticed, but he trusted it & acted on it straightaway. Only later could he puzzle together that the noise level was wrong & his ears hotter than normal. He didn’t sherlock holmes style logically deduce that the fire had actually started in the basement, but he knew something wasn’t normal.
If this happens again, though, he is likely to recognize it.
Imagine you’re picking clothes.
If you just grab one, that’s going by impression/impulse. (maybe it seemed comfortable, pretty, „looked right“ according to simple criteria, or was simply your first impulse. )
If you pick one that matches your mood, the impression you want to evoke where you’re going, or the feelings, experiences & memories thar you connect with it, that’s association.
If you briefly stand there thinking about which one’s right for the weather, making a political statement, or fitting some theme, that’s explicit thought.
Consider an ISTJ 1, to pick an uncontroversial combo that won’t derail the example into an argument. That would be someone who does a whole lot of „thinking“ in the mbti sense but not so much „thinking“ in the enneagram sense.
He’s evaluating everything by criteria, task oriented criteria, but probably doesn’t often sit there stressing over what the best criteria are, like his hypothetical 6 cousin might. He has some sensory impression of how whatever it is he works with „should“ look & compares against that – is it right, yes or no? If its not, it jumps out at him right away (Si + intuitive spotting of deviations from norm) he puts it right according some some procedure he has previously learned by copying his teacher or gotten from a rule book (though he prolly reads journals related to his job to have the most up to date procedure & constatly improve to fit his high standards), but which, in day to day life, he now mostly just applies meticulously & dilligently with attention to fine physical detail.
If he notices his method doesnt work, he may stop & explicitly think it through, and maybe come up with a better procedure, but mostly what he has active is his intuitive „seeing“ - & where “explicit thinking” is done it may serve as a “water carrier” to his intuitions, to retroactively rationalize his impressions.
If you had some ISFJ 1 instead much of her evaluation would concern the correctness of their social behavior. (intentional actors) – „oh, lisa’s face looked a tic less enthusiastic than how i remember it last time. Did I do a bad job?“
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Howdy! I am curious about something..what kind of art teacher do y'all have? I wanna hear your stories!
I'll describe mine first. She isnt to mean, but a lot of pll consider her to be so..i dont think its true and i think she is just a little crazy.
for exemple; she thinks that if we cross our legs or feet, we will have a harder time observing an image..i kid you not. And her explenation is that, if we do so, our brain will be confused because the left part of the brain controls the left leg and same for the rigth leg..
Idk her logic behind that, she probably thinks the brain gets all mixed up or something..like what?
And she will lecture us if we DARE saying or thinking what the name of the subject we want to draw. I rlly dont know for this one. Like ,m'am its human nature to give a name to stuff to recognise it beter. bruh
anyhoo have a good day!
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What is this PLL finale ass-bullshit?!
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I uh...don’t get that reference...
Aoi: What’s going on!? Did Akeru get teleported to some...other dimension or something!?
Kuripa: Hina, please...You’re starting to sound like Gundham...
Byakuya: Evidently she’s not in another dimension. If she was, we wouldn’t be seeing her signal.
Komaru: Ok, but still doesn’t explain how and why she ended up in a countryside outside a cottage.
Kyoko: It’s a simulation. That sky, the plants and trees...I imagine everything down there is artificial.
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Maybe...but the grass under my feet feels real enough.
Four: Seishi Yodogawa is certainly smart enough to create a whole environment with technology though.
Kuripa: Yeah I mean...it’s like a Russian Doll. A house with a smaller house inside of it.
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I hope not! If that’s the logic, I’ll go in that cottage and find another house, and another house, and ANOTHER house. I’m not doing this if I’m gonna be stuck in limbo!
Makoto: The real question is why does Seishi Yodogawa have something like this underneath his house? He’s already got his whole mansion upstairs...
Toko: Maybe this isn’t his house?
Maya: Huh? Well, who’s house is it?
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The AI upstairs did keep calling me “Zen”. I’m starting to think that he’s another person thrown into the mix. 
Byakuya: You think this Zen person might have lived here? But then who is he?
Makoto: Yodogawa did say that he had a friend who died of brain cancer. Maybe Zen is that friend?
Kyoko: I wonder...
Komaru: Something wrong Kyoko?
Kyoko: Nothing. This house could serve a different purpose. Didn’t the Yodogawa Alter Ego say that his lab was down here?
Four: That’s right. Maybe this is where Yodogawa goes to get new ideas. Seems peaceful enough.
Kuripa: If I needed inspiration, I’d just GO to a countryside, not build one underneath my house! I get that this is a big city, but there’s a massive fucking park right in the middle of it! He’s mental!
Makoto: Well, whatever’s going on, something about this place gave 404 an incentive to target Seishi Yodogawa. We need to find what that is.
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Don’t worry everyone! Akeru’s on the case!
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getfast · 3 months
How to Solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube: A Step-by-Step Guide
Solving a 3x3 Rubik's Cube is a fun and mind-bending journey that combines logic and patience. This guide walks you through the basic steps, focusing on rotations, algorithms, and methods to solve the cube. If you're eager to learn, this comprehensive guide is perfect for beginners. By mastering the techniques outlined here, you'll understand how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube efficiently and effectively.
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Understanding the Cube
Before diving into the solution, it's essential to understand the structure of the Rubik's Cube. A 3x3 Rubik's Cube consists of three types of pieces:
Centerpieces: These six fixed pieces represent the color of each face.
Edge pieces: These 12 pieces have two colors and are located between the corners.
Corner pieces: These 8 pieces have three colors and are located at the corners of the cube.
What are the Basic Rotations of a 3x3 Rubik's Cube?
Understanding the basic rotations of a 3x3 Rubik's Cube is crucial. The cube is divided into three layers: top (U for Up), middle (M for Middle), and bottom (D for Down). The faces of the cube are denoted as follows:
U (Up)
D (Down)
L (Left)
R (Right)
F (Front)
B (Back)
Each face can be rotated in three possible ways:
Clockwise (denoted as the letter itself, e.g., U).
Counterclockwise (denoted by the letter followed by an apostrophe, e.g., U').
180 degrees (denoted by the letter followed by the number 2, e.g., U2).
Mastering these rotations is the first step in learning how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube.
Algorithms of a 3x3 Rubik's Cube
Algorithms are sequences of moves that manipulate the cube in specific ways. Here are a few essential algorithms:
Cross Algorithm: This helps in solving the white cross on the first layer.
F2L (First Two Layers) Algorithms: These algorithms solve the first two layers simultaneously.
OLL (Orientation of the Last Layer) Algorithms: These algorithms orient the last layer's pieces so that the top face becomes a single color.
PLL (Permutation of the Last Layer) Algorithms: These algorithms position the pieces of the last layer correctly.
Familiarizing yourself with these algorithms is vital for efficiently solving a 3x3 Rubik's Cube.
Methods to Solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube
There are several methods to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube. Here are the most popular ones:
Layer-by-Layer (LBL) Method:
Step 1: Solve the white cross.
Step 2: Solve the white corners to complete the first layer.
Step 3: Solve the middle layer edges.
Step 4: Create a yellow cross on the top layer.
Step 5: Position the yellow corners.
Step 6: Orient the yellow corners to solve the cube.
CFOP Method:
Cross: Solve the cross on the first layer.
F2L: Solve the first two layers simultaneously.
OLL: Orient the last layer.
PLL: Permute the last layer to solve the cube.
Roux Method:
Step 1: Solve the first block (1x2x3 block).
Step 2: Solve the second block (1x2x3 block).
Step 3: Solve the top edges.
Step 4: Solve the remaining corners and edges.
ZZ Method:
Step 1: EOLine (Edge Orientation Line) - orient edges and solve the DF and DB edges.
Step 2: F2L - solve the first two layers using block-building techniques.
Step 3: LL - solve the last layer using algorithms.
Learning how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube using these methods will significantly enhance your solving skills.
Tips and Tricks for Solving a 3x3 Rubik's Cube
Practice regularly: The more you practice, the more familiar you'll become with the algorithms.
Learn the notation: Understanding the standard notation (R, L, U, D, F, B) is crucial for following algorithms.
Be patient: Solving a Rubik's Cube takes time and patience, especially when you're just starting.
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Common Mistakes to Avoid
Misalignment: Ensure that each move aligns the pieces correctly to avoid disrupting the solved parts.
Rushing through algorithms: Take your time with each step to avoid mistakes.
By following this step-by-step guide, you'll be able to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube efficiently. With practice and patience, you can master this classic puzzle and impress your friends with your skills. 
In conclusion, learning how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube involves mastering rotations, familiarizing yourself with essential algorithms, and choosing a method that suits your style. Whether you prefer the Layer-by-Layer method, the CFOP method, the Roux method, or the ZZ method, each approach provides a structured path to solving the cube. Happy cubing!
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uswanth123 · 5 months
Oracle Application Express Forms Converter
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Modernizing Legacy Applications: The Essential Role of the Oracle Forms Converter
Oracle Forms has been a trusted development platform for enterprises over many years. However, with the evolution of web technologies, businesses are seeking to modernize their legacy applications for seamless user experiences and enhanced agility. That’s where Oracle Application Express (APEX) comes into the picture, and the Oracle Forms Converter is the bridge that facilitates this transition.
What is Oracle Application Express (APEX)?
Oracle APEX is a low-code, rapid application development platform included within the Oracle Database. Its key advantages lie in its:
Ease of Use: A declarative, browser-based interface making development easier even for less technical users.
Scalability and Performance: Built on proven Oracle Database technology.
Security: Robust security features to safeguard applications.
Cost-Effectiveness: Included with the Oracle Database license.
The Need for the Oracle Forms Converter
Migrating from Oracle Forms to APEX manually would be an incredibly time-consuming and resource-intensive task. The Oracle Forms Converter streamlines this process, automating much of the conversion while providing tools to handle the customizations and complexities of your Forms applications.
How the Oracle Forms Converter Works
Conversion to XML: The converter parses Oracle Forms modules (.fmb), menus (.mmb), and libraries (.pll) into XML format.
Workspace Creation: It helps you set up an APEX workspace to house the converted application.
Metadata Upload: The XML metadata is uploaded into the APEX workspace, creating a detailed project for review and editing.
Customization and Refinement: Developers can refine the converted application, add new features, and customize elements to align with modern web standards.
APEX Application Generation: The finalized project is used to generate a fully functional Oracle APEX application.
Benefits of Using the Oracle Forms Converter
Time Savings: Accelerates the modernization process compared to a fully manual migration.
Reduced Costs: Minimizes labor-intensive efforts.
Improved User Experience: Leverages modern web design principles and technologies built into APEX.
Enhanced Functionality: Opens up opportunities to add new features and integrations.
Long-term Maintainability: APEX offers a more maintainable and future-proof platform.
Considerations and Best Practices
Not a Push-Button Solution: The converter is a powerful tool, but it often requires developer intervention for customizations and complex logic.
Skillset: While APEX simplifies development, some Oracle Forms developers may need to upskill on web technologies.
Thorough Testing: Rigorous testing is essential to ensure the converted application functions seamlessly.
In Conclusion
The Oracle Forms Converter is a vital tool for enterprises looking to modernize their Oracle Forms applications and embrace the benefits of Oracle APEX. By streamlining the migration process, it allows organizations to transition their legacy systems into modern, web-based applications that improve user experiences, agility, and long-term maintainability.
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Can someone explain to me, how exactly did the liars only get community service for being caught with a murder weapon?
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I didn’t realize how much I missed her face.
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soul-music-is-life · 7 years
How Furloughs work on Pretty Little Liars:
Garrett Reynolds: *in prison for murder, has been a shifty mother-fucker who has broken the law multiple times, gets out to see his ailing mother*
Wayne Fields: *has served his country, is a model citizen, can’t get time off to visit his daughter who was kidnapped, held hostage, and tortured for a month*
Sometimes this show makes me want to shoot my TV.
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And yet Em was always the sweetest & deserved the best. Smh. At least she got a happy ending with Ali! ❤️
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vandermastings · 7 years
Mona: First A
Ezra: Stalked the liars from day 1 and wrote a book about it
Ali: Manipulative bitch from day 1 even pretended to be dead for two years
The Liars: omg c'mon my sweet baby angel Ali and omg my Ezra you're so adorable cute you've never done anything
Mona: What about me?
The Liars: Nah we don't trust you
Ezra: But you trust me after everything I've done?
The Liars: Of course baby angel
Mona: But what about me I've literally saved your asses 1000 times!?
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