#pll 2x10
jaggedwolf · 1 month
pll rewatch 2x10
Emily is So Cross! At Aria! For having her phone off!
Poor Aria, getting interrogated by Spencer and Emily over a kiss she did not even initiate and technically revealed to only one of them
Ahahahaha the cereal full of As.
Interesting of A to explicitly identify one of the Liars as a weak link and to pick Emily.
It plays well with Emily's fundamental desire to not be a burden. Good tormenting strats.
Hanna watched the Royal Wedding, Ashley is disappointed she'd skip the college fair
Aria directly confronts Jason over the photos of her sleeping and while you could maybe let the "Ali took them" excuse fly, the idea of framing them to give to her is so weird and creepy??
It makes me less likely to believe the first claim, especially with the NAT reveal later
Hanna says Emily "sits by the pool hoping someone will push her in" since she's not actually allowed to swim at practice. I'd hope Paige swims up to chat with her, but we're still close to S1 now...
Neither Spencer or Hanna want to go to the college fair with Emily. She does not even ask Aria, possibly because she knows Aria will spend the whole fair mooning over Ezra or because she doesn't see her again
Emily stares longingly at a group of girls from the swim team talking about hanging out at one of their houses before a meet, and reaches peak sadness such that locker frustration makes her cry :( :(
Does Emily not have friends on the team? I worry about her.
Jackie tells Ezra "You know the student body better than I do" lmao
Why does everyone, including Aria herself, blame her for Jason kissing her?
Whenever Ezra goes "Ms. Montgomery-oh, I mean Aria" it's so gross to me because this is not that kind of school, we've seen Ella, Coach Fulton, and that one history teacher all call students by their first names, stop being fucking weird Ezra
N.A.T. = Nos Animadverto Totus = We See All = group of creepy guys spying and filming high school girls around the town
Teenage boys would put that in the yearbook and think they're sooooo funnny and sooooo clever for getting away with it
Toby does a little flinch when Spencer mentions the videos and she doesn't notice at all
Hanna doesn't know what "Pollyanna" is, Mona relentless makes fun of Hanna's to-be step-sister until she realizes the girl is hella rich, then she relentlessly sucks up to her
Ughhh at Jason going "You're not still scared of me?" at Aria, thus obliging her to say no
Aria's positive reaction to the framed photo is odd, they still feel creepy to me.
When Spencer and Toby see Aria talking to Jason, Toby goes "Shouldn't we go talk to her?" and Spencer's like no I have already realized she'll listen to Ezra over me
Won't that come into play again
Poor Emily can't even have her first ever massage without A literally mocking her about having their hands on her throat :( :(
A seems quite interested in making Emily physically vulnerable
Mona says she hopes Caleb comes back soon to improve Hanna's mood and you know that's a damn lie
Ella notices Spencer talking to Ezra in his car, which is more attention than she pays her own daughter
Jenna/Garrett relationship very odd
Kate goes full evil speech in her phone call to Hanna
Aria comments on trying to understand Ali even after she's gone, and I do think that's why she wants the box of Ali's stuff. Emily would've wanted it to be close to her; Spencer would've wanted it to solve the mystery; Aria, I think, is open to the possibility that there is more to be learned about Ali and who she was
Ella elucidates to Aria exactly why Ezra/high school student would be goddamn fucked up, where there is literally nothing incorrect about what she's saying, and the show is going to end on the goddamn Ezria wedding! ugh
Aw, Spencer makes Emily a cup of tea. In a just world this would result in Spencer sleeping over with Hannily to escape her own house for a bit.
Spencer is so worried about Aria getting mad at her, it's like, permeating her physicality here, but of course Aria does not mind.
Aria does not even blink at Spencer listing Aria being really tiny as one of her reasons. I think narratively we're supposed to believe Aria is riding the high of Ezra being willing to go public, but in my heart this is a full Sparia moment where Aria finds Spencer Spencering all over the place endearing.
Garrett shows up to Jason's house with a six-pack of beer. In a less cowardly show they'd fuck about their secrets.
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kiss-my-freckle · 4 months
That Twitter thread also noted these red flags that people miss in Stelena:
When he ‘finds out’ Aria is his student (he knew all along), he doesn’t just say “we can’t do this.” Instead he constantly repeats that *he wants to* but can’t. This creates an us-against-them in Arias mind. Age isn’t the issue, it’s other people.
This is so Stefan in 1x9/1x10 after Elena found out about his vampirism.
She turns to Fitz to validate how ‘adult’ the burden has made her feel. Ezra acted like an adult romantic relationship to match her adult familial burdens.
Stefan lying about being a 17 year old growing up without parents and Elena being with him to relate to her burden and validate her feelings fits.
He points out what she says actively disrupts her from them chance of an appropriate relationship. His solution is to switch school districts rather than end the relationship. Noel tries to blackmail Ezra for a better grade after discovering the relationship. Ezra takes a moral stance against that but not statutory rape.
Aka after Elena questions Stefan his solution was to throw Damon in a cellar, not honesty or ending the relationship.
Ezra surrounded himself with people who shrug away and enable their relationship.
Lexi thought Stefan was strange for being with Katherine's doppleganger after seeing Elena but quickly got over it and encouraged him to sexualize her and romanticize their relationship.
The shaming was very clear: keep our secret or I will ice you out.
Stefan's threat in 1x6. Speaking of 1x6, I'm mad at how people bring up Damon restraining Elena in 2x10 to save her life as toxic but Stefan restraining Elena's arm as she's trying to run away from his house is never brought up. Right after he found out Katherine was one he wanted her to get away from him and he's seen in a more sympathetic light than Elena.
Stefan in 1x10 can be seen through Elena's parallel in 5x17.
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I agree with everything you've posted. It's been a long time since I've watched PLL, so I don't remember all their ships. I just remember that Caleb and Hanna was my favorite ship and I never liked Ezra and Aria. Not many people have a problem with their power differential, but it's the reason Stefan's character deserves more hate than Elena's. Elena is deceived more than she deceives, and her lack of life/love experience makes her more understandable as compared to Stefan.
"But she's big on trust."
"The Elena I know would always want the real truth, good or bad."
She's a lot like Damon in the fact that she prefers honesty, so I'm not surprised that the Delena ship is built on it.
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reckless-harding · 6 years
It's the 19th of May and I know exactly what Hanna Rivers is doing.
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alwaysprotectme · 7 years
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Słodkie Kłamstewka 2x10
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themarinaalexis · 5 years
New (actually super old) voiceover that I just dug up of Spencer!
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You’re so  g o r g e o u s I can’t say anything to your face.
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gabbiadicarta · 7 years
“A volte devi ferire una persona per aiutarla.”
— Pretty little liars
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prettylittlebts · 6 years
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pllcloset · 7 years
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Aria’s skirt from 2x10 ‘Touched By An A-ngel’ was by A.L.C. I haven’’t tracked down an official listing, but it was available on Poshmark at the link below.
A.L.C. ‘Drawstring Skirt’ - no longer available (Poshmark)
Worn with: Marc by Marc Jacobs top, Trouvé wedges, Rebecca Minkoff backpack
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keeganallennews · 7 years
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Spoby teasing each other 
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ariasagame · 7 years
See how easy it is for me to get my hands on your neck? –A
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blue-naveed · 8 years
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Why does it look like they've just received a text from A
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liarsgifs-blog1 · 8 years
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donttouchthegun · 7 years
I know this is old by now 2x10 is old news because 2x11 is all the hype now
But I just
I really have to
Doc was literally just going on and on teasing Wynonna about her situation and being his usual sarcastic self drinking whiskey
And then Wynonna literally just looks at him
“Nicole is dying. They bit her.”
And by the time the words are out of her mouth he’s standing up and goes
“Lead the way.”
He did that
He just dropped everything
For Nicole
They all did. Wynonna and Doc risked their lives. Dolls and even Rosita offered to let Jeremy, who was also frantically working on a cure, to use themselves as test subjects even though it was killing them. And Waverly literally betrayed the person who she would give anything for to save Nicole because she loves her just as much. They all dropped EVERYTHING to save her. Waverly didn’t have to beg them, didn’t have to clarify or prove to them just how much Nicole meant, they all just knew. And they all care about her just as much as anyone else.
This is so common in WLW relationships, where one character is in the “main group” and the other kind of is and it’s assumed she is but it’s never really proven. This PROVED it. They didn’t do this for Tara in Buffy, or Delphine in OB, or Maya in PLL, and so many other shows like it.
Wynonna Earp put this lesbian character in serious life threatening danger, and not only did they let her survive, but they also made it clear just how much they all love her and care about her. This wasn’t Waverly’s storyline. This wasn’t “We need to save her for Waverly” or “Waverly will never be okay again if she dies”
This was “Nicole, our close friend and someone we love, is dying and we have to save her”
And of course Waverly was very central to the episode because she loves Nicole and was doing everything she could to save her, but the others weren’t concerned with saving her for Waverly, they were concerned with saving her because they love her. It’s honestly incredible how much this show does to include Nicole as a central character to the show.
Now if we could just get Kat in the opening credits. I have an inkling they’re going to next season. The main Twitter page hinted at it by retweeting a fan made opener for her and saying something about how great she looked in the credits so I think they may actually do it.
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Why enjoy today when you could be worrying about tomorrow?
Spencer Hastings (PLL 2x10)
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themarinaalexis · 6 years
I just love how this new collab with one of my best Youtube friends turned out - and I’ve always loved this sweet scene!
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