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herpsandbirds · 12 days ago
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Algerian Ribbed Newt (Pleurodeles nebulosus), family Salamandridae, Tunisia
photographs by David Broek
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aquariuminfobureau · 1 year ago
Iberian or Spanish sharp-ribbed newt
Pleurodeles waltl, the common or Iberian sharp-ribbed salamander, is often sold as a newt. However it belongs to a different subgroup of the salamandrid salamanders, the pleurodelins, of which it is the namesake, and is most closely related to the Asian salamander genera, Echinotriton and Tylotriton. These genera share with Pleurodeles, the defensive habit of using their own ribs, to puncture certain glands that release venom. Newts as phylogenetically defined, belong to the related subclade Molgini, none of which shares this pleurodelin habit, and none of which become as large as Pleurodeles. Pleurodeles waltl reaches a maximum length, of just over 30 centimeters, or 12 inches.
Genus Pleurodeles is indigenous to the Western Mediterranean, where it is found in stagnant freshwater microhabitats, amid xeric scrubland, dry oak woodland, and cultivated landscapes. These are habitats subject to a seasonal climate with hot summers, and the small, stagnant water bodies preferred by P. waltl, may disappear in the Mediterranean dry season. For this reason, P. waltl is thought to leave the water, only when migrating between homes. Such environments might well be man-made irrigation ditches, as easily as natural ponds. These salamanders merely seek still freshwaters, usually of a highly vegetated nature.
The other primary habitat requirement for Pleurodeles, appears to be the turbidity of the pond water. Regarding other variables, such as pH, this genus has a broad tolerance, being found where the pH is as low as 6 and as high as 9. The temperture may, temporarily, get as high as 30 degrees centigrade in the summer months, and as cool as freezing in the winter. Pleurodeles consume primarily aquatic arthropods, gastropods, and annelids, and when they are available, prey on tadpoles and other small vertebrates.
In the aquarium, Pleurodeles can be given a winter temperture of 8 or 9 degrees centigrade, though it is not necessary. During the rest of the year, or year round, these salamanders can be safely maintained at 20 to 23 degrees centigrade. Perhaps according to the locality where they or their ancestors were collected, some Pleurodeles experience heat stress when kept at tempertures, above 23 degrees. Though, it has also been noted, others do not, probably as a matter of source population. These are carnivores that are easy to feed on singing pellets or defrosted and raw foods, of appropriate nature. In the aquarium, they are fine with cohabitants, that are far too large for the newts to try and swallow.
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vintagewildlife · 24 days ago
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Edough ribbed newt (Pleurodeles poireti) By: Robert S. Simmons From: Living Amphibians of the World 1966
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yo-sostenible · 8 months ago
Personal investigador del CSIC destaca que mantener su diversidad genética es vital para las especies, lo que requiere la conservación de una amplia red de lagunas interconectadas Ejemplar adulto de rana común, Pelophylax perezi, un anfibio autóctono de los ecosistemas acuáticos de Doñana. / Íñigo Martínez-Solano Un estudio realizado por investigadores del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN), la Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD), ambos del CSIC, y la Universidad de Leiden (Países Bajos) ha revelado la delicada situación en la que se encuentran los anfibios en uno de los humedales más valiosos y, en teoría, mejor protegidos de Europa: el Parque Nacional de Doñana. Para ello, se han centrado en dos especies que habitan en sus ecosistemas acuáticos: el gallipato, Pleurodeles waltl, y la rana común, Pelophylax perezi. Los resultados, publicados en la revista Freshwater Biology, muestran que la diversidad genética de ambas especies depende de las redes de lagunas, que son cada vez más escasas, de menor superficie y están más aisladas entre sí. “El estudio se basa en muestras de ADN de más de 800 anfibios (ranas y gallipatos) que tomamos entre 2011 y 2016. Pues bien, apenas una década después, algunas de las lagunas en las que estudiamos estas poblaciones simplemente ya no existen. Se han secado por completo”, explica Carmen Díaz Paniagua, investigadora de la Estación Biológica de Doñana del CSIC, organismo dependiente del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. “Los anfibios necesitan disponer de medios acuáticos de cierta extensión y bien conectados para poder mantener poblaciones saludables”, contextualiza el investigador del MNCN Íñigo Martínez-Solano. “Lo que revelan nuestros resultados es que, aunque los anfibios están aún distribuidos a lo largo de extensas áreas en Doñana, su diversidad genética, fundamental para garantizar su supervivencia a largo plazo, se encuentra concentrada allí donde aún se conservan redes de lagunas suficientemente grandes y próximas entre sí”, puntualiza. “La mayor abundancia de anfibios de Doñana se concentra precisamente en la zona norte del parque, donde la red de lagunas temporales les ofrece un medio adecuado para su supervivencia. Pero incluso dentro de esta zona, son las lagunas más extensas y mejor conectadas entre sí las que son capaces de albergar la diversidad genética necesaria para garantizar su viabilidad”, explica Helena Martínez Gil, investigadora del MNCN. “Por si la reducción y eventual pérdida de estas lagunas por la sequía no fuese suficiente amenaza, estos medios se encuentran además ampliamente colonizados por especies invasoras como el cangrejo rojo americano, Procambarus clarkii, y la gambusia o pez mosquito, Gambusia holbrooki, que resultan devastadoras para los anfibios autóctonos”, añade Iván Gómez Mestre, científico de la EBD. Los resultados del trabajo asocian por tanto la salud de los anfibios de Doñana (y, por extensión, de la biodiversidad asociada a sus ecosistemas acuáticos) a la conservación de las redes de lagunas, temporales y permanentes, que dan vida a este espacio natural protegido. “En la zona sur del parque, donde la disponibilidad de medios acuáticos es mucho menor, los anfibios viven en los llamados zacallones, que son lagunas excavadas artificialmente para mantener agua todo el año, principalmente para uso ganadero. Sin embargo, estas lagunas son pequeñas y se encuentran bastante distantes unas de otras, y los datos recabados demuestran que las poblaciones de anfibios que habitan en ellas están genéticamente empobrecidas y aisladas. Podría ser un aviso del futuro que les esperaría a los anfibios en sus refugios de la zona norte, si se mantiene la tendencia actual”, explica Gregorio Sánchez Montes, investigador del MNCN. “Ojalá estos datos supongan una nueva llamada de atención para que, entre todos, consigamos que se haga por fin un uso racional del acuífero que insufla vida a Doñana. En caso contrario, qu...
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ainews · 2 years ago
A new species of glib newt, discovered in the lush forests of the Congo Basin, is making headlines around the world.
The small amphibian is a member of the Pleurodeles family and was found by a team of researchers in the remote southwest of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The newt, which measures just over four inches long, has a bright pinkish-red belly and a black and white patterned back.
The new species has been given the name Pleurodeles leonina in recognition of the Leonina River, where it was discovered. It is the first time such a species of newt has been found in the region, and researchers believe it could be the first of many.
The glib newt has a unique feature that sets it apart from other members of its family: the presence of a large, triangular-shaped tail fluke which it can use to swim quickly, allowing it to escape predators.
The amphibian is also said to have a notably loud call, which is believed to be used to communicate with other members of its species.
The discovery of the glib newt is an exciting one, not only because of its unique features, but also because of the potential implications for conservation and research. As a result of the new species, more research can now be done on the diversity of amphibians in the region and the threats they face.
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llphotgraphie · 7 years ago
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Fr: Pleurodèle de Waltl En: Iberian ribbed newt or Spanish ribbed newt De: Spanischer Rippenmolch Nl: Ribbensalamander #llphoto #aquarium #bruxelles #bxl #waltl #ribbed #newt #spanish #spanischer #molch #salamander #belgium #belgique #aquatique #aquatic #river #europa #pleurodeleswaltl #pleurodeles #iberian (à Aquarium public de Bruxelles)
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frogsneedourhelp · 8 years ago
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Ribbed Newt, #Pleurodeles waltl just after breeding today at the Amphibian Foundation (at The Amphibian Foundation, Inc)
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ecosistemaglobal · 2 years ago
Sapo partero común Alytes obstetricans
Que son los anfibios Anfibio significa ambos medios.. Esta familia nace en el medio acuático sumergido y allí vive hasta que su madurez la habita fuera del agua. Los anfibios forman parte de la clase tetrapodos (4 pies) del filo cordata/vertebrados dentro del reino de los…
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cypherdecypher · 4 years ago
Animal of the Day!
Spanish Ribbed Newt (Pleurodeles waltl)
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(Photo by Peter Halasz)
Conservation Status- Near Threatened
Habitat- Spain; Portugal; Morocco
Size (Weight/Length)- 30 cm
Diet- Insects; Worms; Tadpoles
Cool Facts- Also called the Iberian ribbed newt, these are one metal amphibian. When threatened by a predator, they are able to puncture their skin with their own ribs, resulting in the bones sticking out from their sides. Poison then secretes from the newt, coating the predator’s mouth and resulting in a harsh stinging sensation. Surprisingly enough, the process of projecting its ribs through the skin does not cause pain to the newt and the skin grows very rapidly over the wounds. As a result of their fast healing, Spanish ribbed newts are able to regrow lost limbs, heart tissue, and the spinal cord. This makes them very good subjects in science, with nearly 15 launched into space aboard space ships and satellites.
Rating- 11/10 (Don’t try this at home.)
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herpsandbirds · 5 months ago
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Spanish Ribbed Newts (Pleurodeles waltl), mating, family Salamandridae, Andalucia, Spain
photograph by Pedro Verdejo
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typhlonectes · 5 years ago
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Iberian Ribbed Newt (Pleurodeles waltl), Iberian peninsula, We. Europe
photograph by Peter Halasz | Wikipedia CC
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scaping-nature · 5 years ago
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Here's a picture of my first ever attempt at a nature aquarium (had no idea aquascaping was a thing back then) It held my Spanish ribbed newts (pleurodeles waltl) I think I was 10 when I made this aquarium, and it was pretty shitty, atleast I did a lot of water changes but all the plants died, had the newts for absolute ages so I guess I got their care right atleast. I stopped and sold everything when i was 15ish years old and started again at age 22 with just some red cherry shrimp.
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2,5 years after starting the hobby and learning a lot about aquascaping, golden ratio's, water parameters, lighting, keeping plants healthy, animal care. Just tying to learn everything in general, resulted in my latest aquascape and its a world of difference.
Now I'm not saying if your aquarium looks like my first that yours is bad or ugly, not at all. I just prefer the second and I thought it would be a nice comparison to show the difference in effort and knowledge. (this post its about the aquascaping aspect of keeping aquariums)
Also what did your first aquarium look like? Show me if you got picture's :D
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the-last-outpost · 2 years ago
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Iberian Ribbed Newt (Pleurodeles waltl) at Sedgwick County Zoo #iberianribbednewt #newt #salamander #caudata #amphibians #herpphotography #zoos #zoosmatter #zoophotography #zoophoto #sedgwickcountyzoo https://www.instagram.com/p/Co7dGn_ONiP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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green-algae · 7 years ago
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A splendid Spanish newt [Pleurodeles waltl] collected in Tierpark Chemnitz, Germany. Images by Dr. Joachim Nerz.
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frogsneedourhelp · 8 years ago
Pleurodeles waltl, The Ribbed newts like it rough! The female puts the male in a reverse nelson and dominates him around the enclosure! Soon, eggs well be deposited on vegetation and on the substrate. This is the hilarious Pleurodeles love-dance #Pleurodeles #Newt #Salamander #Courting (at The Amphibian Foundation, Inc)
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umbrasdoodles · 3 years ago
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THE SPECIES SHEET PROJECT IS BACK! Starting with the Pleurodels, a species of anthropomorphic newts! They're your amphibian allies!
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