#please. please barry and scarf Please
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risingsunresistance · 1 year ago
i have GOT to figure out how to commission people without being forced to personally hand over my legal info, my Mental Problems will not let me do that
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jupiter-letters · 1 year ago
Dating Barry Allen would include:
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Fem!Reader or GN!Reader TW: Mild Mental Health topics(Anxiety) No panic attacks depicted.
A/N: I've never really been a flash girl but tomorrowverse barry had me in my feelings. I did have a dream he wanted to date me really bad but I was like nah man I'm a superman girlie till I die. I tried my best with this one I hope it's alright!
Barry Allen, Mr.Loverboy himself. The man that you are. He's trying his best at all times. Despite being the fastest man alive he can't be everywhere at once. It'd be nice to be on a date with you and also stop criminals.
World's best gopher, you need something? He's on it! You forgot to get milk? Check the fridge. Your heater broke? Here's a new one! Sometimes he'll just drop off flowers or candies while you're at work. He'll leave them on your desk or in your locker with a little love note.
He loves to hype you up as much as possible, but he'll get really shy when you compliment him back.
Barry will bring home new recipes from all over the world to cook with you. It's one of his favorite things to do together, standing next to each other while preparing a meal. It's so simple yet so domestic. It's the little things that really get him emotional.
Sometimes he'll prank you, he'll tap you on the shoulder and bolt out of the room before you turn to look. He'll even move things around while you're cooking or working at your desk. You'll confront him and he'll just smile like this 😁
He'll use his speed to give you kisses, if he sees you while he's out on patrol. You'll be minding your own business and feel lips on yours. He might even leave a little flower in your hand.
Moving in together! He daydreams about that so often, you have to snap him out of it. He dreams of putting a table from IKEA together for you. For a big moment like this he doesn't put everything together super fast, he wants this to last. Seeing your home slowly come together brings him such joy and the best part is when it's all done. You both get to cuddle on YOUR couch, watching YOUR TV.
Dating him you guys become the same person, nothing is really "mine" or "yours" it's "ours" or "we". You guys are on the same page alot so when you're on missions on or not he'll say it. "Batman WE think we should go ahead and stop the meeting at the warehouse. "WE don't think it's a good idea." "OUR plan is much more productive." The rest of league is sick of you guys😭
There are some days his anxiety gets the best of him and he's glad you're there to calm the storm. He worries and gets into his head alot, Barry will want to call you and share these thoughts. It's helpful to him to get a trusted second opinion from the most important person in his life.
During the winter he'll put your hand in his coat pocket while walking down the street. Once you find your way into a nice warm cafe, he'll take your hands and caress them to warm them up some more. He'll just protect you from the elements in general, on a hot summer day he'll give you his baseball cap or just fan you off real fast. In the fall he likes to see you in your scarf under the red and orange leaves of central city park.
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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jeysecretive · 1 year ago
Okay, okay, I steal ideas, I quickly fall in love with fanfics... Please please take this for what it's worth, because I love what pops into my head and I can't not share it!
So, this time to suffer fic by @weirdozjunkary (MVA), and I'll write nonsense because I haven't watched Monsters vs Aliens from the word at all, and am following a completely my own plot that will unfold after the second part of the fanfic.
(Part two!)
It was a cloudy day in May. It was dank and damp outside, and anyone who needed to go out for business in such weather was sure to wrap themselves in a raincoat or scarf, snorted now and then at the dampness and unpleasant wind.
Sonic, Tails and Shadow were not happy about the weather, so they sat in the GUN base and settled down on Sonic's bed and watched comedies on a homemade movie projector that the fox had made from a ruined microwave (Barry had given it to them). What better way to brighten up a dull, rainy day than with a funny movie and a bag of chips?
Knuckles refused to be entertained, disappearing into a roadside café, eating mugs of delicious hot cocoa and cakes prepared by the owner of the place. Guys did not insist on his choice, and decided to have fun in their own way. And now they watched movies with laughter, exchanging ideas or news every now and then.
But the cozy revelry was suddenly interrupted by General Acorn entering the room.
"–Enough of this nonsense, boys!" she exclaimed nervously, "I have something interesting to show you."
"–Uuuh, we've stopped at the most interesting scene..." Sonic grumbled unhappily, taking his equally frowning friends in his arms and following the chipmunk on his heels. He didn't want to go out his room at all, as the very realization that it was raining outside made him drowsy and drowsy. But he didn't want to disobey orders, and with the thought that GUN it would be worth it to hold off on all sorts of things, Sonic and company entered the observation room.
The General hurried to one of the monitors, giving an order to one of her subordinates.
Plumping herself into a chair, she began clicking hastily on the keyboard.
Finally finding what she needed, she brought up the image on the main screen hanging from the ceiling, large enough for Sonic to look at.
At first, nothing could be seen there but a desolate area: a small lake surrounded by sparse undergrowth. It was taken from a distance, but Sonic recognized the place - it was not far (though one has to figure out what "not far" means to a giant hedgehog...) from one of the small towns west of the GUN base. When he wanted to bask in the sun, Sonic would go there and bask on the soft grass that grew near the pond.
Now the place looked rather bleak, and judging by the swaying trees, it was also windy. Sonic shuddered at the dank sight. The last thing he wanted to do right now was to be there. Shadow and Tails seemed to share his feeling, shiver at little times.
But suddenly guys noticed a strange beam of light coming toward the clearing. It seemed to be some kind of meteorite or comet, but the light grew brighter and brighter, and it was already apparent that some object was flying from the sky at an oblique angle straight toward the waters of the lake. Finally, it crashed into the sand right next to the water, raising a huge column of mud and causing the lake to become very agitated and overflow its banks. At the same moment, the image began to glitch and shake, and finally went out.
"–We installed this camera a week ago so that Ollie" - Sally waved her hand toward one of the employees nervously monitoring some sort of signature on small work computers - "–could monitor the soil conditions in this county, since there have been repeated sightings of sudden flooding or ground instability. But ten minutes ago, we received this video from him."
"–I beg your pardon, ma'am!" shouted one of the soldiers running by "we've just been notified that the object MIGHT be emitting Chaos energy, causing interference throughout the area, but that energy is highly variable, and NOTHING like the signatures of the Chaos Emeralds."
The General looked worriedly at Sonic.
"–Okay Ron, I'll take that under advisement, you may go."
"-Yes, ma'am!"
She turned back to guys again.
"-The object in question may not be an emerald, but we have an obligation to find out its origin."
"- Is there any chance that it was an ordinary meteorite?" Shadow asked.
"Absolutely not. Meteorites have completely different radiation levels, and even if it was one of them, there would be no trace of the lake. Besides, the meteor shower hasn't been predicted for the next four months. I want to send the three of you away to inspect this scene in detail."
Hearing this message, Sonic groaned unhappily. The last thing he wanted to do was go outside in this weather, much less look for anything.
"- Ma'am, why don't you ask someone else to do it, say, send out a search party?"
The General looked at him sternly.
"- No one knows what we'll be facing. Besides, if it's not even an emerald, no one knows how to deal with Chaos energy better than you."-Sonic opened his mouth to speak-"... AND I WON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER! NO ONE CAN HANDLE IT BETTER THAN YOU BOYS, SO LET'S GET TO WORK!"
All three of them left the room and headed down the corridor towards the exit.
They were followed by "...- And please don't forget to take a couple good pictures!!!"
"And why does it have to be us, in this weather?" Sonic said indignantly.
Tails and Shadow silently shared his opinion. They both knew how much the hedgehog hated the cold. Truth be told, they didn't want to run out in the rain to some mysterious meteorite, shivering in the cold and pissing their feet in puddles.
"- Well, at any rate, the sooner we get out, the sooner we get in! We should try and just have a quick look around the place, and we'll be back home.... Unless, of course, something happens..."-Tails broke the silence.
Shadow nodded in agreement.
Ahead of his friends, fox cub went into his workshop. Sonic and Shadow stomped curiously at the entrance, watching him rummage through boxes of junk, sneezing from the dust.
Finally, his face brightened.
"-Hooray, I found it!"-Tails raised the device, which looked like a game joystick with a screen, high above his head.
"-Very good, buddy, but what is it?" inquired Sonic.
"- It's a handheld device for tracking more or less powerful energy sources. It can be used to search for the energy signal of the Chaos Emeralds! I built it for just that purpose, but I haven't had to use it yet. Now I'll tweak it a bit, and we can easily find what we need."
On the occasion of the bad weather, Shadow and Tails had donned raincoats with warm linings. Looking at them, Sonic was quietly envious since GUN hadn't taken care of his warm clothes for such occasions. Seeing his dejected face, the fox cub comfortingly patted the big guy's boot.
"-Let's make this quick and get back home."
Sonic nodded his head.
"-Okay, you're right! There's nothing faster than me anyway."-he hummed.
Stepping outside, hedgehog whinnying as a hail of cold drops rained down on him. Gritting his teeth, Sonic put his friends on his shoulders and sped off.
After only a few minutes, he stopped next to a large crater of sand and mud.
Lowering his buddies to the ground, Sonic began to shake off the moisture fiercely of himself. While he dealt with this procedure, Tales was thoughtfully twiddling one of the buttons on his miracle device.
"These are settings for the beeping sound for better search efficiency," he explained to Shadow, who was looking over his shoulder.
Before they could say anything, Sonic's sneeze rang out across the neighborhood.
"Sorry, guys, I couldn't help it," the hedgehog muttered in confusion. Tails chuckled "–Hey, at least you're wearing a jacket after all!"
The little fox, without answering anything, went back to his search device.
Finally finished, he solemnly moved the gray slider and smiled proudly.
"- Wow, not bad for a meteorite!"- Tails even jumped up in surprise. "- I didn't expect the energy to be THIS strong..."
The fox slowly began to slide into the center of the crater.
"- According to my calculations, this energy could very well equate to the power of several emeralds!"
Finally finding himself in the middle of the crater he scratched the back of his head thoughtfully-"- Hmmmm.... Strange... It feels like the source of the signal is elsewhere.... And it's... Moving?!"-Shadow immediately landed next to Tails-"And what does that mean, fox?"
Foxy shook his head thoughtfully-"-I can say with certainty that there's nothing in that funnel."
"So you're saying that the meteorite grew legs and got out of here and went about its business?" Sonic laughed.
Both buddies frowned at him.
Sonic, realizing that his joke was not appreciated, pouted resentfully and walked away.
But suddenly he noticed that the sand around him was cut by a string of strange footprints. They were clearly Mobian, but they were extremely erratic, as if the person getting out of the funnel had been spinning or drunk. The footprints were already half-drenched in rain, but they were still visible. And they led toward the woods.
"- GUYS, I FOUND SOMETHING INTERESTING!"- Sonic took turns picking up his friends in a pinch and placing them near his find.
Immediately a dead silence hung around.
"-Hey guys, don't you think...?" whispered Tails.
"-No, wait!" Tails interrupted him excitedly, "This energy is nothing like Chaos! Maybe..."
All three of them looked at each other.
"Does Neo have any relatives?" whispered Sonic.
"LET'S GO FIND HIM BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!" Shadow was the first to rush out of his seat. The others, after a moment's hesitation, rushed after him.
Were the aliens going to take over the world again? We'll find out next time!
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monsoon-of-art · 11 months ago
Donut Hole - Chapter 21
Everything Goes On
When you meet me in the daylight, like we did before Then I felt you on my shoulder, and you weren't suffering anymore You said: "I'm sorry that you worry, but don't apologize" I told you to forget me, but you stayed by my side, when I said- - Everything Goes On, Porter Robinson
[it's...over?] [ao3 link]
Dawn tugged at the edges of her scarf. The commander sat at his desk, Cyllene by his side, and the Clan Leaders stood besides her. The air was tense, terribly so. It did not help that neither Irida nor Adaman could seem to look her in the eyes.
There was no talking. There was no sound, period.
Finally, Kamado cleared his throat, and addressed Cyllene without looking away from Dawn and the leaders. “Cyllene. If you’d please.”
“This list has been compiled from eye-witnesses.” she began. “From both clan members, Wardens, and Leaders.”
To her left, Irida shifted nervously. Adaman crossed his arms over his chest.
Cyllene continued. “Assault. Theft. Destruction of property. Assault.”
Dawn’s blood turned to ice, and the weight of this meeting finally settled on her like a rock.
Barry, evidently, had been very, very busy.
He had said something earlier, about being ‘stupid’, but Dawn couldn’t ask about it before Cyllene came to visit.
It was probably a good thing, in hindsight, that Barry fainted almost immediately after. If he really thought this was a universe where Cyrus won, that interaction could’ve gone much worse.
“-Causing a landslide and destroying half of the Diamond Clan Settlement. Burning down half of the Pearl Clan Settlement. More Assault. Deliberately attacking the Noble Pokemon.”
Dawn was starting to feel lightheaded.
This had to be a mistake. Barry couldn’t do all that, Barry wouldn’t do that! He was so thin and tired and weak in the medical wing, he was a danger to himself more than anyone!
“Another assault, this time using a pokemon. Attacking a Noble Pokemon. Assault. Assault. Attacking a Noble Pokemon. Attacking a Noble Pokemon.”
How was there so much?
Kamado raised his hand. “I believe that’s enough.” He leaned a bit closer over his desk. “Dawn. If I recall correctly, this is your friend? ”
She tried swallowing the lump in her throat.
“Care to give us an explanation?”
Dawn briefly thought about lying. Thought about lying her little heart out. She had been barely accepted by Jubilife as an outsider, but Barry would have to fight uphill with a list a mile long like that.
He'd get kicked out. Thrown to the luxrays to be devoured and torn to shreds. He could even reflect badly on her , and she'd be tossed out after him-
No. No more lying. She had done enough of that, lying about her memory.
Dawn took a deep breath. “I've been doing a lot of…thinking, since Barry arrived. About him, about me - about my life before here. It's still so fuzzy, but he's helped me fill in some of the gaps.”
“There was a group of… Bad People. They were Bad People who did Bad Things. They stole things, attacked others, they planted explosives in the local lake...They wanted to destroy my home, they wanted to destroy everything. They wanted the world to be reduced to ash and darkness and nothingness. ”
She tried not to look at anyone directly, but she almost swore she saw Kamado’s face soften.
“Barry and I tried to fight back, tried to drive them away. We barely made it out with our lives. I think…” she hesitated. “Barry thought that the clans were the Bad People. He thought you took me away, he thought I was in danger. His memory is faulty, just like mine, and he’s terribly sick. I’m sure he didn’t mean it! He was just worried about me!”
Irida put a hand to her face, and Adaman uncomfortably shifted from one foot to the other. Kamado leaned back in his chair with a thoughtful hum. “...hm. I see.”
He addressed the leaders now. “And you two. What do you wish to do with the boy?”
Dawn tried to subtly glance at the leaders to see their faces. They looked just as anxious as she felt.
“Well, we…we still think-” Irida stuttered and stammered.
“The boy needs to be punished.” Adaman finished for her, speaking in a rush, as if he just wanted the words out of his mouth as fast as he could.
Dawn felt her heart stop and tears well in her eyes. They were going to exile him, or maybe they were going to do something worse. Was this the time period where they stoned people to death? They were going to kill him, either directly or indirectly.
How could they say that? How could they think that after telling them why?
Kamado nodded and looked at Cyllene. “And what do you think of all this?”
Cyllene looked at the leaders. Cyllene looked at Dawn.
“...you want my honest opinion, Commander?”
“Your honesty is all I ever ask for.”
There was a long period of silence as Cyllene thought of an answer.
“I believe the boy should contribute to the Survey Corps.”
The leaders and Dawn were on the same confused page, it seems.
“I believe we need a bit more from you, Cyllene.” Kamado said, sounding a tad confused as well.
Cyllene straightened at Kamado’s comment. “The boy was brought in with a bag containing five Pokeballs. Each ball contained a pokemon he had caught, raised, and trained with no guidance or assistance from us. A single person training any pokemon is a feat. A young boy training five pokemon is astounding.”
She turned to Kamado. “The fact that he could use Pokeballs with no training, and the fact that he was able to survive Hisui alone, shows his resourcefulness, strength, and his adaptability.”
Cyllene turned back to the Clan Leaders, who were still clearly surprised by her thoughts on the matter. “Here, not only will he work for his room and board, but he will work to repay his crimes…perhaps by assisting you?”
Adaman and Irida were stunned into complete silence, looking at one another to try and force words to appear.
“I find this solution to be agreeable.” Kamado interrupted. “That way, we can keep a close eye on him, to make sure he doesn't cause any more trouble. You two can't seem to come up with a reason as to why we should not …so I am going to assume this is the best option going forward. Dismissed.”
Having lost their opportunity to object, Irida and Adaman slowly left the commander's chamber. Dawn waited for them to leave, not wanting to talk to them at the moment.
Before she could leave, Kamado cleared his throat to get her attention. “I'm serious, Dawn. We'll be watching your friend very carefully. Just as I have told you, if he wishes to be accepted and trusted, he will need to work hard. And he hasn't started on the best foot forward.”
Dawn nodded, almost bowing, before quickly darting out of the room.
While she did not want to see Adaman and Irida, she did linger a moment to try and catch Cyllene. 
It took Dawn a great deal of effort not to tackle the captain in a big hug. She hoped a warm smile would have the same effect. “Thank you, Captain Cyllene.”
Cyllene kept her stoic composure. “I have no idea what you're implying. You and I both know that Laventon requires all the help we can afford to give him. Speaking of, I believe you have duties to attend to. You need at least a Four Star Ranking before you can take on the Highlands.”
It appears as though Irida and Adaman shared Dawn’s plan, for they too had lingered down the stairs, waiting for her. She bristled at the two upon seeing them.
Some part of Dawn knew, deep down, that being the leader of a Clan of people must be hard. And some part of her knew that Barry - supposedly - did a lot of stupid things out in Hisui.
But the larger, louder part of her was mad at them. They wanted to punish her friend! How dare they! He didn’t know any better! He probably didn’t mean it! She knew he didn’t!
Both of them started talking - quietly, sheepishly - but Dawn didn’t stick around. She brushed past them without a word, making a point to not look at them with a huff. A little childish, maybe, but she wanted to get the point across.
Adaman and Irida didn’t go after her. 
Instead, Irida turned to Cyllene. “Be honest, why did you suggest taking Barry in? It seems…extremely charitable, even for the Galaxy team…”
“Yeah, that kid may be Dawn’s friend, but you read what he’s done. He could still be a threat. Are you certain that’s a good idea?”
“I went to visit him. It was a surprise visit, and in hindsight, I should’ve given him warning.” Cyllene said slowly, making her way back to her office. “In the brief moments of consciousness the boy had, I studied him. And do you know what I saw?”
She stopped in front of the doors to her office. “I looked into his eyes, and all I saw was complete and utter terror.”
“Dawnie, give me the other mochi.”
“No, Barry, Miss Pesselle says you’re eating too fast. You need to eat slower, she says your tummy is all shriveled up like a dried leppa berry.”
He tried not to pout so much. But he had been eating berries for…who knows how long, and this potato mochi tasted like Heaven in comparison. “Tell me more about the Survey Corps.” said Barry, trying to change the subject.
“The Pokedex doesn’t exist yet.” she began explaining again. “People and Pokemon relationships are still a little rocky.”
“So…we’re just filling out the Pokedex. Didn’t Rowan ask you that too? Give me a mochi. Please?”
Dawn relented, placing a mochi onto his plate. As soon as it touched the plate, he scarfed it down as fast as he could.
She rolled her eyes. “It’s different than that. We’re not just catching pokemon, we’re studying them. Catching different specimens to get an accurate weight distribution, observing them in the wild, seeing that foods they like-”
“That sounds really boring.” he said through a mouthful.
“Well, it can be, sometimes. Some of the tasks Laventon wants us to do are…boring. But it can be dangerous! It can be really dangerous! Pokemon-”
“Will attack you?” Barry finished the sentence for her. “Yeah, yeah. I’ve experienced that first-hand. And there’s these really really big ones-”
“Those are Alpha Pokemon. Also very dangerous.” She set down her plate and raised up her sleeve to show a long, pink scar running up her arm.
“Whoa! How’d that happen?! Who did that?! I’ll fine them in to the next century!”
“Alpha Parasect got me as I was trying to run. But then-but then you see momma and poppa pokemon caring for their babies- or or a tiny baby spheal rolling up to you-”
“And why am I doing this?”
“Because.” She set another mochi on his plate, which was quickly and ravenously devoured. “In order to live in Jubilife village, you work. You need to earn your keep. Secondly, you have a rap sheet a mile long-”
“I plead the fifth.”
“That only works in Unova.”
“It was self defense!”
“I know! But they’re still mad. So you’re kind of working off your crimes, too.”
“I demand a lawyer.”
“Barry, please. Take this a little seriously.” she sniffled, wiping at her eyes to try and preemptively stop the tears. “I thought they were gonna kick you out. I thought they were gonna kill you. S-Stone you to death.”
His eyes went wide. “They stone people to death here??”
“Maybe…I dunno…I was really scared.”
Barry slid over on his bed to make room. “Come here, come here.” he said, patting the space beside him. Dawn put the plate of mochi on the bedside table and sat down next to him, pulling him into a squeezing hug.
“I’ll join the Survey Corps. I’ll do what they ask me to do, I’ll do it! No more worrying. Me and you, it’ll be like when we started our journey!” said Barry, squeezing back.
“Nothing bad’s gonna happen. I won’t let it.”
[And...Close Scene! That's it guys, that's a wrap for Donut Hole!...but I'm not done with Barry yet >:)]
[And now, a shameless plug for my besties fic: "When you reach the end of the line, you must be brave." By Pinkrhin0. "In which Emmet arrives somewhere new, makes a new friend, travels cross country, and, most importantly of all: Stays alive- No matter what." A fun take on a reunion fic where Emmet has a very bad time!! Yippee!!!]
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Sitting down to watch Dario Argento's Il Fantasma dell'Opéra (1998) starring Julian Sands for the first time.
Also in case anyone who sees this didn't know, Julian, our beloved rat man, is currently missing. He (an experienced mountaineer) went missing during a hike on Mount Baldy in California two weeks ago, so please let's pray for him and his family.
Anyway, PSA's aside, let's get into what i know is going to be an incredibly bizarre trip.
I watched Inferno right before this. Dario Argento loves rats, huh?
This Opera house is gorgeous.
Oh good she covered her tits
Whoa, intense. Right off the bat.
I feel like this Phantom, more than any other, really earns his Parisisn Sewer Man status
The blood in this is much better than in Suspiria. I was worried it would be oil paint again
Oh Raoul's only a Baron here. Dario downgraded him.
Dubbing still sucks though. Nice to know some things never change
Love how no matter what incarnation, Carlotta always has some obsequious weirdo following her around
This gore is amazing. That thumb? 🤌🏻
Oh he is suphhhhherbly creepy I love it
Feral Grunge Phantom is feral
"Oh you like my smell? Well do you want my scarf? Go ahead take it. Yeah, you can masturbate with that if you want"
This is insane, but I love it
This is where my sister tapped out
Asia Argento is really Christine Daaé's Edgy Thot era
Oh this is our Raoul? Ew. Gross. Give me rat man, please
Oof. Friend. Zoned.
Something tells me things are not gonna end well for these nosy Opera house employees
Oh he's so homicidal. Impaling!
Baby girl (not Christine) you are going to be murdered just deal with it.
Okay I enjoy gratuitous murder, but this whole sequence is totally superfluous
Love the ballet girls running into Christine's dressing room a la the first chapter of the book with the girls running to Sorelli.
Actually Asia Argento is kind of exactly how I imagined La Sorelli.... she's just got that kind of face. You know, whore face. Hence Du Barry.
Oh this rooftop is very pretty. And very fake looking.
I can't even describe to you what I just saw.
Okay her lip-synching is prrretty terrible
Raoul's brother looks like Mephistopheles
This bathhouse scene... choices were made
Well I'll say this, I think this is the only version I've seen that really captures Raoul's emotional instability
Rat man gets points for his woodchipper policy on child predators.
Dario really decided to run with the whole rat catcher thing... again, choices were made
Not into the fact that Ratrik doesn't row her across the lake himself. That's vakuable eye-fucking real estate wasted
What's that noise? Oh nothing, just the Phantom of the Opera pounding his organ
Yes! Finally! A version of this damn story where they actually get to fuck!
Those are silk sheets. Even Rat Phantom has drip
AND he's telling her his back story himself! This would be more poignant if he had the deformity, but I'll let it slide
Oh my gosh, I know this still ends tragically, but actually seeing a Phantom get to hold Christine naked in bed, in afterglow is so incredibly healing to me.
Also all of these boudoir shots are incredibly pretty
Oh, is the maid the costume designer from Opera? I thought I recognized her.
Love how all of the costumes in Carlotta's dressing room are obviously too small for her
Okay Dario, you needed to dial this back just a little
I would like a gif of shirtless Julian sands sledgehammering that support pillar
This is of course one of the biggest versions for inflating the casualties in the chandelier crash
Oh I like that they actually had Gounod conducting! That's a book pull!
See, now I'm very annoyed that I have to take back some of the points he earned killing that child predator for this very rapey behavior. Pick a lane, Dario!
I could edit this into a decent version
"She's the Phantom's whore!" You betcha
Girl, will you make up your mind?
Kinda feel bad for Raoul here, he's gotta be terribly confused
This is kind of dumb, he should have just gotten into the boat with them
Supremely glad he got to kill the rat-catcher
I do love the music in this movie though. Really beautiful. Oh. Ennio Morricone. That explains it.
Ok all in all conceptually I prefer this version to, say the Charles Dance one.
But Dario just had to put his toe over the line just a few too many times, didn't he? We could have done without the boob-threat scene with Carlotta and the bizarre steam-punk rat-catching machine, and the rapey-ness obviously and I'd have called it good. As it is... we'll call it passable.
Watch it for the boudoir scene and the superbly handled gore if for nothing else.
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greenorangevioletgrass · 3 years ago
for blurb night! I won't be able to write cause I work all night ): but I have a fluff prompt of ice skating with Barry and sharing hot cocoa afterwards 🥰
the last prompt of the blurb event! you're giving me @inklore's friends-to-lovers fic fibes which i am OBSESSED WITH SKDJFHSKJFHDKJ
You used to turn your nose up at all the cliches —the Rockefeller Christmas tree, the ice skating, the romance of it all. But it's Barry's first Christmas in New York, and his excitement for all of these touristy activities are so childlike that you don't have the heart to say no.
Although now, as you laugh and skate circles and pretend to be graceful ice dancers (you're not), you think, maybe this isn't so bad after all.
But still, you have a reputation to maintain. So you glide over to him and wrap your arms around his waist. And Barry, seeing you shiver from the cold, takes off his wool scarf and wraps it loosely around your neck.
"You know this is gonna show up on deuxmoi, right?" you smooth out the collar of his coat. "Barry Keoghan and Y/N Y/L/N spotted being all cute on Christmas Eve outing. Anon please!"
He chuckles. "Let 'em have their scoop. By then we'll be back at your place, drinking hot cocoa with unlimited marshmallows."
You close your eyes at the sound of that. "Oh my God, that sounds so good..."
He sees a snowflake landing on your eyelashes and his heart grows three sizes. You blink your eyes open and find him staring in awe, and you almost laugh —if he wasn't so fucking adorable.
"Shall we?"
"Huh?" he snaps out of his reverie dumbly.
And you, already leading him off to towards the exit, only turn to him with a smile. "Let's go home."
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slasherrabbitmadness · 4 years ago
Beach day with the Slashers
Female Reader -Bo- Gender-neutral -everyone else-
Bo- Fingering but no penetration. Dirty talk.
Angst and Fluff with Herbert and Dan (They pronouns used for Y/N) Fluff with Michael and Jason.
Michael Myers (1978 with the extra height of the 2018 one)
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> Wants to visit the beach during the day. He’ll even have his mask off. Instead of enjoying the beautiful view of the sun hitting the blue ocean, you spend your day staring at your handsome boyfriend.
> Michael is just there to scan for new victims. He kills people who litter, hates seeing wrappers and cigarette butts littered across nature.
> You egg him on to go swimming, it takes a lot of coaxing. “Please, Michael, just for a little bit.” He points to your belongings on the towel, “They’ll be fine, who’s gonna want to steal some sandwiches and some towels?” He shook his head. You got down on your knees and gave him sad puppy dog eyes. He grumbled then lifted you onto his shoulder, you squealed as you placed your hands on his firm back, rubbing his taut muscles.
> When he got up to his pecs in the water he threw you in. You came up for air, “Mikey, what the hell!?”
> “What? You wanted in the water.” He gave a small smile.
> He made you swim in front of the beach while he just stood in the water and watched. He knew you’d be fine, it was your belongings he was worried for. You caught his eyes, his already dark blue eyes were now matching the deepest parts of the ocean. He barreled through the water, pushing you aside. You watched him as he made his way up onto the beach.
> Some fuck had the bright idea to do some stealing. He just happens to choose the one man’s belongings you don’t fuck with.
> Before that guy had time to react to a six-foot-three man, hauling ass like he is a tiger chasing after a deer, Michael clocked him so hard in the face the man immediately went down.
> People stood around Michael, some congratulating him for knocking out a thief, others gawked “My God he swung that punch so hard.” “Is the thief even breathing?” Michael stood over your belongings, and turned back towards you, just making your way out of the ocean. Michael was mad, but not as mad at what he saw next.
> Some random beach Chad made his way over to you, “Yo, that was wild huh?” You gave a quick, “Ya.” not caring to speak to him, just wanted to get back to your boyfriend. “He just knocked that guy out in one punch.” You made your way up the beach, he grabbed at you “Hey, be careful, probably want to stay aw-”
>The poor sap never stood a chance, Michael swung his fist so hard Chad went flying back into the water.
> “I’ve had enough, we're leaving.”
> You were gonna protest, but when you scanned the crowd, you realized that yeah, we’re gonna go home.
> Walking back home, Michael held your hand, tightly. “Mikey?” He grunts, “You don’t like people touching your belongings, huh?” You turned to look up at him and he caught you in a kiss. He snuck his tongue in, dominating yours, you moaned and he pulled away. You whined and he smiled.
> “what’s mine is mine.”
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Jason Voorhees
> He’s the beach’s lifeguard, so if you wanna spend a beach day with Jason, you’ll have to do it after hours. You would, but Jason takes the evening shifts too.
> Everybody loved Jason. Kids loved him, he was always so nice to them after all. He gave them swimming lessons. He was always so patient with them, never getting mad if a kid was struggling to grasp the basics.
> Men and Women loved Jason. His stoic demeanor, his calming presence...his bulging muscles. Jason was oblivious to all kinds of flirting. “Your hands are like, so big!” said a bubbly tanned beach bunny. Jason just grunts. A muscle-bound beach bro asked, “Bet you lift a lot eh, what’s your macros?” Jason just looked at his large bicep, he shrugged.
> When you visit him at work he gives you small waves then his eyes go right back to the water, not wanting to miss anything. Dedicated <3
> He doesn’t take a proper lunch break, he’ll eat his food while watching the beach, scarfing down the food as fast as possible.
> After a long day, you’ll finally have Jason all to yourself.
> Night swimming!
> You and Jason have splash fights, that he often wins, his large palms create huge splashes that knock you back into the water.
> Keeps you incredibly close in the water, will bug you to wear a life jacket if you ever swam without him. He’s very protective.
> Holds you close to him the further out you go. He won’t let you go, so it’s the perfect time to smother him in kisses.
> Jason hums into your kisses, his large hands running up and down your back, the water and his hands feel perfect on your skin.
> Jason couldn’t be happier that you're together.
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Herbert West + Dan Cain - Poly relationship or what Derrick Barry calls a ‘throuple’
> “Please Herbert, for me?” He grimaced at you. Don’t you know how busy he is? Perfect specimens don’t just end up dead you know? Someones gotta end a life! You sighed and brought out the big gun. “Well, Dan said-” The moment Dan left your lips, Herbert was pushing you and him out the door.
> You and Dan had a blast, building castles, collecting seashells, playing some beach volleyball with another friendly couple.
> Herbert sulked under the beach umbrella, nose in a large medical textbook.
> “If you come with us, Herbert, we’ll get you a grape freezie!” Dan coaxed but it did not affect Herbert. Herbert waved you both off as if you were two mosquitoes bugging him.
> You and Dan walked hand in hand, swinging them in between yourself on your way to the little concession stand. “You sure it was for the best we brought him, Dan?” Dan looked at you and frowned, your eyes were a little glossy. “He only came because you were coming.” You felt the tears rolling down your cheek.
> “fuck, Herbert, you little monster.” Dan cursed to under his breath. Dan knew Herbert gravitated more towards him. It’s not that Herbert didn’t like you, just Dan was there first. Dan never told you but he often caught Herbert staring at you, a softness in his eyes that Dan knew meant one thing…
> “I’m sorry…” You mumbled, quickly rubbing the back of your hand over your eyes. Dan shushed you and brought you in for a hug, kissing the top of your head.
> “Don’t be, Herbert should be. Some Vitamin D is much needed for his pale little body. I’ll talk to him, okay? In the meantime, focus on me!”
> Dan and you continued with the most fun day ever. You ate your freezies, swapping flavors halfway through. A little boy asked Dan to help with flying his kite, Dan’s height coming in handy.
> Herbert stewed in his spot under the umbrella, watching you and Dan have fun, “Hmph, wasting time.” He kept peeking from his book, eyes on you, how you smiled when you looked into Dan’s eyes, how you leaned in closer, head resting on his shoulder. How Dan wrapped his arm around your waist, lips on your ear whispering...God knows what, Herbert can only imagine.
> “They could just yank me away from this, make me spend time with them...not that I want to. But if they dragged me away from my book then I’d have no choice.”
> When it got late, You and Dan packed away everything into the bags, Herbert supervised. How helpful/s
> Dan had you drop a few of the smaller items at the car on your own, he made Herbert help with some of the heavier items. As your figure became smaller and smaller in the distance, Dan turned to Herbert, “You know, they wer-”
> “I can’t believe you two, frolicking about so openly.” Herbert had cut Dan off. Herbert fumbled with the bags while trying to push up his glasses. Dan fumed.
> “You mean act like a couple, which we are, which you're a part of. Or are you only a couple with me?”
> Herbert snapped “excuse me, you and Y/N are most certainly a couple, which I have no part of.”
> Dan scoffed and shook his head “They want to be with you too, Herbert, They do like you, They feel upset with how you treat them. Now I know deep down you adore them, you best start showing it.”
> Herbert stopped, he looked at Dan and then at you in the distance starting the car.
> Later that night, Herbert had asked if you’d help in the basement. As tired as you were, you went to help. Herbert scarcely looked at you, but he found ways to touch you. Hands ghosting over yours as you handed him some flasks. Grabbing your hips softly to move you out of the way.
> “Everything good, Herbert?” You asked. His eyes looked everywhere but you. He stepped a little closer to you, His face only a foot away.
> He smashed his lips onto yours and wrapped you up in his arms. His hands rubbing along your sides, pulling you in so tight you were surprised he was strong enough to bring pain that way.
> “Don’t cry over me. Okay?” Your face felt hot, you nodded. “You are mine too, not just Dan’s, okay?” You nodded again. “Good. Now kiss me.”
> The kiss started tender but that just wasn’t gonna cut it with all the tension between you two.
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Bo Sinclair /Female reader/
> Lookin’ at all the pretty girls go by.
> Catches you catching him staring, flashes his baby blues at you, “C’mon darling, you know you're still the apple of mah eye.”
> Gets pissed when other guys check you out. Strolls on over and wraps an arm around you, sneering at the Chads and Kyles.
> “You just had to wear that sexy little number, didn’t ya?” He snarled in your face. You grabbed your tits in the cute red bikini and gave them a Lil shake.
> Bo yanked you away from the beach, you protested, hitting his large forearm, “Bo, what the hell? Oh come on, you act like a leech an-” He cut you off, his lips slammed onto yours, the kiss was teeth and a little tongue action.
> Bo had yanked you away to some run-down looking bathrooms, the paint was so old it looked like the original coat from the 1960s
> “Now, Darlin, looks like you’ve just been wanting to rial me up now, huh? Wanting those sons of bitches to fuck you?” He leaned in close to your ear, his heavy breathing making you shake with anticipation. He suckled on it, causing you to buckle at the knees.
> “Bo, no I didn’t wan-want ah, the- them to” You were panting as he made small circles on your clit over your bikini bottoms. His fingers were calloused but he could be surprisingly gentle.
> “Now, yah best be quiet so no one hears ya, understood, Doll?” You whimpered and Bo flashed you his pearly whites. “That’s a good girl.”
> You should make him jealous more often.
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minzart · 3 years ago
Me playing pokemon platinum has been just:
Watching TV at 11pm
Barry enters the room
Barry checks the TV and the pc, babble about the professor
Then dashes downstairs
When I go there, he's already gonne
I go to his home, he gets out of his home at the same time, then forgets his whole backpack and rushes back in
Then gets the great idea to enter the tall grass without pokemon AND THEN let's me choose my starter saing he's almost the adult of us both
And in all of that I'm like : yeah, he's the hyperactive best friend type alright, just don't get hit by a car please boy I will almost choke you, holding that scarf of yours, if it means you'll look both ways of the road
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herbgerblin · 4 years ago
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Art Commission for @emi--rose/ Gift for @marywhal and @anonymousalchemist
[ID: Art of a holiday scene within a cozy, decorated apartment. From left to right, we see RQ, a black woman, holding a tray full of freshly fried latkas. She is wearing a brown, off the shoulder sweater and a blue and white hanukah apron that says “Chag Hanukahh Sameach” in Hebrew and “Happy Hanukkah” in English. Her long, braided hair is pulled up into a bun and tied off with an orange head scarf. She is wearing red holiday oven mitts and smiling wide. In the back kitchen area is Istus, an asian woman. She is leaning over the counter and peeking in on the other members of the house with amusement. She is wearing a blue and black Hanukkah sweater and a white apron. Her white hair is pulled back into a loose bun. She is also wearing red mitts. Seated on the couch is Taako and Kravitz. Taako, a white man, has tan, freckled skin and long blonde hair done in a long braid. He is wearing a pale blue and white Hanukkah sweater. He also has a visibly metal left hand. Kravitz is wearing a white and dark blue Hanukkah sweater. He has a dark beard, and long locs that are pulled back into a large bun. Lup is standing up and pointing at the coffee table. She has tanned, freckled skin like Taako, and long blonde hair with an undercut. She is wearing a black, blue, and white Hanukkah sweater. Seated on the far right is Barry, a white man with greying brown hair and glasses. He is wearing a dark blue and white Hanukkah sweater. Lup and Taako both look indignant about the dreidel game they are currently playing. Meanwhile, Kravitz and Barry both look pleased that the Latkas are done. In the foreground, next to an open window sill, a menorah is lit with five (including the shamash) candles. End ID]
Happy Holidays!! Some more All the Things You Prayed For art this season.
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gogogobarry · 3 years ago
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VERSE TAGS: PLA VERSE., pla spoilers (where applicable)
SUMMARY: In a different AU timeline, Barry cannot simply watch from the sidelines as the protagonist enters the Distortion World with Cynthia. Desperate to help, he breaks away from his other childhood friend and Professor Rowan, boldly leaping into the mysterious portal himself. Hasty as ever, he even leaves behind his belt of Pokemon capsules atop the mountain. Barry never gets the time to go back and get them-- his feet never touch the supposed solid ground on the other side, and the blond is sent hurtling through this mysterious realm, a rare convergence of time, space, and shadow.
THUD! When Barry wakes up next, he has no idea where he is or where he came from. Afflicted with near total memory loss (aside from his name, Pokemon training experience, and swagger), the Sinnohan is rescued by a passing Gingko Guild member, who takes him back to Jubilife Village.
Despite everything, it doesn’t take long for the “new” Barry to adjust to his new life in Hisui. Now a young member of the Gingko Guild, he cheerfully peddles wares all across the region, even venturing into its more dangerous areas. Ever the energetic people pleaser, he doesn’t care what your alignment is--Diamond Clan, Pearl Clan, whatever. 
No, he only cares about what you’ll be buying. The Guild has some great deals, you know!    
[Potential spoilers below!]
When he “lands” in Hisui, Barry’s memory loss is even more severe than Ingo’s. He forgets nearly everything about his previous life, even his friends, former Pokemon, and family.  
Even so, Barry occasionally remembers scattered fragments of a past life. Akari and Rei seem so familiar, and he refuses to take off his classic green scarf for some unknown reason. Whatever...this is his home now, right? The only home he’s ever known...right?
Barry idolizes every member of the Gingko Guild. They’re his unofficial Hisuian family, hidden motivations be damned. Barry loves his work and can often be found venturing where the other Gingko Guild members are hesitant to go.
Shortly after meeting him, Ginter gave Barry the nickname “Oran” (after Barry’s favorite Hisuian snack), and it’s stuck around the village and within the guild. Barry has great knowledge of the region’s Berries, and (shockingly) he’s quite skilled at cooking them.  
Barry has retained his skills as a trainer even after falling from the mysterious portal. He pestered Professor Laventon until the good doctor offered him a Cyndaquil to raise on his own. Barry’s team now consists of: Typhlosion, Floatzel, Heracross, and Staraptor. This lineup just feels right, and he can’t tell you why.
(ooc: Barry’s entire verse might shift pending any upcoming DLC. Please let there be official DLC for my boy.) 
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seawolvesanddragons · 2 years ago
AWAE 12 Days of Christmas Countdown - Day Four
Day Four: The Sortings 
(All countdown stories are missing scenes/additions to my AWAE/HP au. In the story, we see Anne sorted into Ravenclaw, but not Gilbert, Josie, Diana, Ruby, Jerry or Cole’s own conversations with our favorite enigmatic hat.) 
“Blythe, Gilbert!” 
Gilbert held his head resolute as he walked up the steps toward the creaky stool. His back was towards the other students, but he could see the double glances from the professors and the whispers behind hands. 
He could only imagine what they were thinking when they saw him. The last Blythe - some of these professors had taught his oldest siblings when they had been at school. He remembered them from the funerals. A few had even taught his parents back when they were students. 
He looked up at Professor Allen as he approached the stool and saw a familiar look of pity in his eyes. 
Professor Allen was the head of Gryffindor house, where Gilbert’s father and oldest brother had been. The last thing Gilbert saw before the hat slipped over his head was the man’s kind, encouraging smile. 
Ah! A Blythe, a voice whispered in his mind. Always a surprise in store with a Blythe, I’ve come to learn. Let’s take a look inside your mind, shall we. 
Hmm...well you are your father’s son. Very noble heart indeed. Never one to turn your back on someone else. You could do well in Gryffindor. 
I’d like to be in Slytherin, please. 
Slytherin? The hat asked. Ravenclaw, I could see. You’ve got a sharp mind and a hunger for learning. A curiosity about the world that Rowena Ravenclaw would be proud of. 
Slytherin, Gilbert repeated, glancing toward the table full of green and silver. His father had a green and silver scarf in the hope chest at the end of bed. Gilbert had seen it once - wrapped around a portrait of his mother. 
Salazar Slytherin prized cunning and ambition in his students - a certain brand of ruthlessness and personal loyalty. 
I have an ambition for learning. 
A worthwhile attempt, young Blythe, but that is clearly a Ravenclaw trait. 
Gilbert crossed his arms. This might take longer than expected. 
Three minutes and forty five seconds later, the hat (who would be shaking its head if it had one) finally called out a house. 
“Pye, Josephine!” 
Josie tossed her hair over one shoulder as she flounced to the horrid old stool they were expected to sit on. She couldn’t believe this was the legendary magical sorting hat. It looked like something some muggle had left out in the rubbish. 
And that they were all expected to wear it! What if it messed up her hair? Or somehow she caught a disease? 
Josie made up her mind on the spot to share her precise thoughts on this procedure with the headmaster as soon as she got the chance-
Oh, perfect, the dusty old hat had hardly touched her head. At least she didn’t need to worry about that anymore. 
“Barry, Diana!” 
Diana approached the stool with perfect posture, making sure her legs were crossed as she settled on the seat. Mother would be proud of such grace. 
Oh you’re a polite little thing aren’t you? The hat chuckled in her ear. Well behaved, of course - but smart too. Much cleverer than you give yourself credit for. Quite logical. 
“Thank you,” Diana whispered politely. 
Ah but there’s passion there - just a little spark. Interesting. Buried under all those manners and expectations is a vast field of possibilities. 
Well there is really only one possibility for you now...yes, best be 
“Baynard, Jerry!” 
Jerry had only considered calling it quits and running back home about ten times since he arrived in London that morning. It was only the knowledge that his parents had spent quite a bit of money on books and travel to get him here in the first place, and how excited (if a little scared) they were that him being a wizard gave him a chance for education, that kept him going forward. Now, as he felt the eyes of all these strangers on him, he felt the now familiar urge ro run take hold once more.  
Ah, a muggleborn hmm? 
Jerry would have screamed, but his mouth was too dry. The hat was now speaking in his head. Sure. It was singing before, so it speaking in his head wasn’t too different. 
I’ve seen ones like you before. A hard worker, not afraid of effort or hardship. And determined too...though it takes no small amount of courage to leave your family behind. 
Jerry wondered if the hat knew his secret. 
Never learned how to read? No matter. I already know just where to put you...
“Gillis, Ruby!” 
Ruby let out a little squeak. She had watched as one by one her friends were sorted- first Jane, then Diana and Tillie - and now her turn had come at last. 
She nearly tripped over her foot as she hurried up the steps. From the Gryffindor table, Tillie gave her an encouraging wave. 
Her feet hovered off the ground as she sat on the stool, and the brim of the hat fell down to her shoulders. 
Well well, Miss Gillis. I’ve sorted several of you now, I think. You’re the last one? 
Ruby gave a tiny nod. Her three older sisters had all already graduated Hogwarts - Ruby had been what her grandmother liked to call a “blessed surprise” to the family. 
And not one to the same house it seems. Quite a strong opinion on chivalry, have we? You’ll do well in...
“MacKenzie, Cole.” 
Cole kept his head bent down as he shuffled toward the sorting hat. He almost dreaded whatever would happen next. He had listened to the hat’s song, but nowhere did it mention a house for quiet, solitary boys who’d rather draw than cast spells. 
What if the hat didn’t say anything at all? Would Cole be free to go home? 
An artist hmm? I can always tell. There’s something about your minds, the way you see things. This is one of the strongest I’ve seen in years. 
I....thank you? I think, Cole thought back. Well, at least a hat thought he was talented. Granted it was a hat, so what did it know? 
A hat that was forged by the founders themselves, thank you very much. It seemed miffed, if that were possible for a hat. I’ve seen more artists and masterpieces than you ever could in your short little lifespan. 
Right...sorry, Cole thought. Um. Could you sort me, please? 
Always in a hurry, the sorting hat said. Lets see what we have here....most artists end up in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, given the creative and hard work that goes into it...though Slytherin has produced their fair share as well. 
But you’re not just an artist, are you? You have a kind soul...and a strong sense of loyalty, to those you chose to give it to. And...ah. A dream to be different from what your family wants. To be you. 
I suspect your path may have many hardships, Mister MacKenzie. One as brave and strong to follow that path could only belong in one house. 
The hat was lifted from his head and Cole blinked at the sudden lights and noise that erupted. 
Merlin, was the hat such a downer with everyone? 
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seadolph · 4 years ago
TwinLeafShipping for the fankids meme please ?
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Name: Irene
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Wide orange eyes, freckles. Tousled blue hair that she keeps back with a hairband. Has an orange scarf that matches her parents', it's a good luck charm. Often wearing oversized clothing - she likes them, they're comfy.
Personality: Shy and unassuming. Would prefer to hide beside her parents and not talk to anyone. Really competitive. Always active, fidgeting, and on the move.
Special Talents: She likes to dance. Weirdly, she's only graceful when she's performing - otherwise, she's kind of clumsy. Also, she can run around outside in the dead of winter without a coat and not get sick.
Who they like better: Likes both equally. Depends on the situation, really - Dawn's likely to be more patient and understanding of certain aspects of her behaviour, while Barry is more the indulgent and fun parent.
Who they take after more: I don't know! I think she lacks the impatience and exuberance that makes Barry Barry, so I suppose it would be Dawn in this case.
Personal Headcanon: She's at that stage in her life where she really does not like the colour pink. Probably going to be a coordinator.
Thank you for the ask!
(meme link here!)
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years ago
(Extra)ordinary - Chris Evans x reader
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a/n - hey lovely people! i am coming at you with a double update! this is a scheduled post because this is apperantly tumblr prime time and i just wanted to see if that was true hehe. divider by @magicalboye​, Enjoy!<3
Summary: with chris, day to day life can never be too boring :)
Warnings: alludes to smut, but apart from that extremely fluffy fluff
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you were making cookies
no special occasion, just for fun
you mixed the batter, which was already looking delicious
and then when it was ready, you started taking small parts into your hands, shaping them the way you wanted and laying them on the baking tray
you were a couple of cookies in when you realized you left your hair down, and a strand of it was getting in your face
groaning in frustration, you called out to chris, who was in the living room 
“Oooo, what are you making?” he asked
he took a small bit of the dough and was about to shove it in his mouth before you reached out and carefully stopped him, not touching him with your dirty palm
“this is uncooked,” you said, raising your eyebrow at him
he put it back, murmuring “it’s not gonna kill me”
you snorted
“i didn’t call you to steal my unbaked cookies, i called you because i need to pull my hair back and my hands are dirty”
his fingers simply brushed the offending strand of hair behind your ear and then he cupped your cheek with his hand
(the clean one, of course)
you looked at him, the both of you grinning
“that’s very sweet of you but could you please grab a hair tie?”
the cookies ended up great, and you and chris definitely ate too much at once, but it was a price worth paying :)
there was a night when you and chris decided to go to bed early
and by “go to bed” and “decided” i meant you were super horny so it just happened
anyways, you were laying on chris’ chest when he asked if you wanted to still go out somewhere since it was so early
“do i look like i’d enjoy walking right now?” 
“i didn’t hear you complaining earlier,” he smirked
“oh i’m sorry, did you want to?” 
the damage was already done though, and his smirk got even bigger as he reached down to kiss your neck and you pushed him away, chuckling 
instead you stayed in, watching a movie
obviously chris carried you downstairs though
there was another time you were actually walking
dodger was running ahead of you, the cool late-autumn air surrounding you
you looked sideways at chris, intending to point out a pretty tree when suddenly, you tripped over a stone and fell backwards, on your butt
a shocked gasp left your lips as chris turned to see what’s wrong, laughing when he saw your shocked face
you were sitting, and you extended your hand to chris so he’d help you up, but the look on your face was just too priceless, making him laugh even harder
“rude!” you exclaimed and started getting up yourself
but then chris lifted you up himself, circling his arm around your waist and pulling you up to stand, your chest against his
“i’m sorry,” he said, but it was just too-” he started laughing again just remembering it, and you joined him, leaning and burying your head in the crook of his neck
on another walk, it was already winter, the chilly air getting to you in sharp spurts of wind that made you bury your hands deep in your pockets and tilt down your head into your thick scarf
chris wasn’t having it though, pouting and pulling your hand from your pocket
“no chris, i’m cold” you resisted
he simply took your hand in both of his and rubbed his hands against yours, and you had to admit it worked
“better?” he asked, bringing your hand to his lips and planting a soft kiss on your knuckles 
“yes,” you rolled your eyes and smiled
as you were walking along, still hand in hand, it started getting cloudier
“we should head back before it starts raining,” you frowned
you started heading in the opposite direction, back home
but you were still caught by the rain
it came down suddenly and you started running before chris stopped, the momentum of your still connected hands forcing you towards him
he caught you in his arms and you opened your mouth to ask him why’d he stop
instead, he caught your lips in a fiery kiss, and you almost forgot about the rain when
“pah,” you broke away from him and coughed
“i’m sorry, it’s not you, i just think i got rain in my mouth”
chris burst into laughter and soon you did two
if there were any people close by at the time, they would’ve seen two crazy people on the street, laughing their asses off in the rain
when you got home you both dried off
chris let you borrow a big fluffy cable knit to “stay warm”
but honestly he just liked how you looked in his clothes
you snuggled up with a hot mug and closed your eyes, letting your body relax
you were so relaxed you ended up falling asleep before you even finished your drink
it was a miracle you hadn’t spilled it, but chris simply took it from your hands, smiling at your peaceful expression
as if you felt his gaze on you you stirred, clutching onto his arm before falling asleep once more
chris grinned even wider
he finally found the person who makes the quotidian feel extraordinary
and he’s never going to let you go
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Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename
if you wanna join / be removed from this taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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bananatulips · 3 years ago
The second chapter of my fic Flower Boy on AO3 and Wattpad now. On AO3 the same username and on Wattpad DaisyDeathThanatos!
Translations -
mettra la robe - put on this dress
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Zephyr finishes Diana's dress in two days. With her and Minnie May always being out it was easy. Anne joins them that afternoon, face as red as her hair, and a smile filled with teeth shining through the scarf covering most of her face.
"Diana, please, would you, um, mettre la robe." Diana nods, rushing to take the intricate dress and hurry to her room. "You, Anne, do you have a dress?"
"Yes, Matthew got me one. One with puffed sleeves and is the softest color of blue." Zephyr nods, turning toward the kitchen.
"I'm going to make tea. Would you like a cup?"
"Yes, please I mean. Yes, please." Zephyr hums, leading toward the warmest room in the house. Tea is made and Diana comes back with the dress on. Anne drops the scone from her hand, dashing forward to wrap around her friend.
"Gorgeous, now get changed. I don't want you wrinkling all the work I've done." Diana laughs, giving Zephyr a quick hug. "Yes, yes I know you love it. Please hang it in my room cousin."
Diana drags Anne along, Zephyr taking a shuddering breath. "Esme, please deliver my dinner to my room tonight. I'm not feeling well." He grabs for the cane sitting not far away. It's been hard, not using the cane when traveling the stairs every day and feeling the low ache in his knee.
Zephyr changes into a set of nightclothes once he reaches his room. Sleep comes easily, the only thing postponing immediate sleep is the ache going up through his left leg and into his hip. When the maid wakes him up with dinner she leaves it on the desk, letting him stay tucked under the blankets and stare at the ceiling.
One Wednesday Diana decides to bring Zephyr to school. He shakes his head, frowning and pushing her away. "Diana, I am not going to your school. I have my own work to do."
"You're coming, so get dressed and put on a coat." Zephyr frowns, grabbing for his nicer shirt.
"I'm not doing anything."
"All you have to do is be there. You need out of this house for a while and this will be perfect."
Zephyr gets dressed once she closes the door, putting on his dark brown trousers and cream button-up. A sweater in a light brown and his only pair of leather boots. He puts his hat on, packing his schoolwork into the satchel Josephine forced him to bring. The walk to Diana's school is frigid, Anne catching up with them halfway. Cole comes from another path, hugging Anne and heading into the woods.
"Cole! Are you not coming with us?"
"No, I'll be in the shed." Zephyr shrugs, following Anne and Diana. They talk the entire way, Zephyr busy watching the snow-covered trees. When the pale building comes into view Zephyr's steps stutter, cane pushing him through the snow. The building is warm, with no one other than a boy with black hair and pale skin and a woman with honey colored hair inside.
"Ms. Stacy, may my cousin stay for the lessons today?" She looks up, a kind face softening even more.
"Why of course, I always love having new students. What's your name young man?"
"Azriel Zephyr Montague."
"Like Romeo Montague the Shakespeare character?" The boy looks up, turning to eye the three.
"Yes, exactly like."
"He even speaks French!"
"I'm from France Diana. May I take a seat?" Ms. Stacy nods, allowing him to hang his coat and set away his hat before finding a seat. The one right next to Gilbert
"So you're from France? What is it like there?"
"I lived there until ten. Five years ago my parents and I traveled with the ideal of a small trip to gather assets. My parents didn't survive the trip, now I live with Diana's aunt Josephine Barry. From what I remember the women always had puffed sleeves, the bakeries always smelled like butter and sugar caramelizing. The cobblestone made it hard for me to walk," he holds up his cane, "and my father was a doctor."
"Sounds wonderful." Zephyr looks at the teen beside him, nodding slightly.
"It was, sometimes I miss it. Sometimes I realize it's better now."
"Sounds like something to miss." Zephyr hums, pulling a booklet of homework out. "So you live in Charlottetown?"
"Yes, I go to the arts school there."
"Yes, give me a day and I'll prove it. I go to an arts school."
"Zephyr, Ms. Stacy wants to speak to you." Zephyr nods, following the women into the back room.
"Mr. Montague, are you by any chance a girl under those clothes? Biologically I mean, not literally."
"Ms. Stacy, I'm not trying to pose as someone I'm not. I am a boy. I just wasn't packaged properly and no one understands that so I'm just a boy. There's something wrong with me anyway. According to Mr. Andrews, a doctor in France, internally I am a boy but externally I'm a girl and it bothers me so now I'm this half-breed that can't even pass for a school day." He takes deep breaths, Ms. Stacy smiling slightly.
"Dear, I don't care. I just needed to know in case of something. My brother was like you, internally male but externally female. I understand how difficult it is. Be careful though Zephyr, be very careful." Zephyr nods, following Ms. Stacy back.
More people are there, the room getting louder. Zephyr retakes his seat next to Gilbert. He pulls out a sheet of paper and a red pencil. When the bell rings Ms. Stacy stands at the front of the room, smiling.
"I hope we can all welcome our student for the week. Mr. Zephyr Montague is visiting from Charlottetown. I hope we can all be friendly." He waves slightly, smiling.
"Hello, I am Zephyr." A few of the girls gasp, giggling amongst themselves.
"Now, we will start with reading."
Zephyr pays no mind to the lesson, instead working on the new picture in front of him. It's Gilbert, the boy beside him. Head rested on his hand and book open on the desk. By the beginning of lunch it's mostly done, just needing to be shaded and detailed. Gilbert looks over, picking up the apple he brought for lunch.
"A little French boy has come to Avonlea." Zephyr looks up from the basket he was pulling out.
"Can I eat my sandwich in peace, please? I am already ignoring my cousin and her friend." The two gasp, smiling to themselves. Zephyr waves, the boys behind the blond turning to look.
"Billy, leave him alone, it isn't that hard." The teen scoffs, his goons following as they find somewhere to sit. "Sorry about them, they're rather unwell as people."
"I noticed, thank you though. If it was up to me I would've socked him."
"Lovely, I've dreamt of it." Zephyr laughs, taking in Gilbert's smile and chuckle.
It was not the first time Zephyr found himself like this. Looking at another boy the way girls looked at him or boys his age looked at girls. It was a weird fluttery feeling deep in his chest and made him shudder.
Together the two ate lunch, still sitting at the desk. When the bell rings for the meal to finish Zephyr packs away his things, Gilbert throwing away his apple core and napkin.
During the afternoon classes Zephyr finishes their sketch. The final bell rings, people beginning to pack up and put away items. Gilbert seems to wait a moment, watching as Zephyr shoos Diana and Anne away. He tells the two he'd want to enjoy his walk today.
"Here, Gilbert, proof I go to art school." He hands over the sketch, beaming when Gilbert smiles. Zephyr begins putting on his coat and hat. Gilbert thanks him, the two leaving he school together. Before they have to part ways Zephyr turns to Gilbert with a soft smile.
"Would you like to come to a party this weekend? It's going to be full of adults and people being wild but I think I can count you as a friend."
"And I you, where would the party be?"
"Charlottetown, at Josephine's. You can stay the night, ask Sebastian. Well, since you said he isn't really in charge of you I guess you decide. Sorry, I'm talking a lot."
"It's fine, and yes that would be lovely."
"Good, you can just come with us to Diana's after school. We've got to leave soon after because Josephine is old and likes a scheduled dinner."
Gilbert snorts, nodding slightly. "Good, What is the theme of this party?"
"Spring, or summer. Just flowers and beauty and rebirth." Gilbert hums, footsteps light in the snow. He differs from Zephyr in that major aspect, he's light on his feet. Zephyr is wavy, leaning on the cane to just walk in normal conditions.
"I've never heard another guy, or anyone, talk like you. Anne does, but she's Anne."
"I guess I'm one of a kind. I'll see you tomorrow, yes?"
"Yes, I will see you tomorrow." Gilbert turns and takes off jogging. His face was pink but Zephyr couldn't tell if it was from the cold or not.
Zephyr enters the house that night and heads straight for his room. Going to bed early had become a habit, sleeping only for a few hours, then staying up and painting the moon.
Gilbert walks through the thick snow and up the hill the house sits on. His head is swimming with thoughts, with the image of Zephyr in his head. The other boy made him feels things, made butterflies break out in his stomach. It felt like how his father explained when he realized he liked his mother. The problem was Gilbert was a boy and Zephyr is a boy.
Gilbert takes a coughing breath and heads into the house. Bash is laying on the floor, wrapped in blankets and napping. Gilbert removes his coat and hat. He takes the drawing out of his pocket, unfolding it and smiling.
It's a well done picture of his reading, all in red. Gilbert could recognize himself anywhere, this drawing just made it easier. He could admit, Zephyr was good. Zephyr has talent and skill and can speak more than one language.
Gilbert goes to his room, sitting on his bed heavily. God, this feeling was killing him. It made his heart beat faster and face go warm. It was wrong and weird and even if it was okay Gilbert just met the guy.
Bash wakes up soon later, finding Gilbert tacking the sketch to his wall. Bash just nods, turning to begin cooking something in the kitchen. Gilbert thinks over the invitation, beginning his homework.
He sits at the kitchen table, working at his worst subject. Math was one thing Anne and him always struggled against each other with. All subjects they truely battled over but there was never much margin in math, it has only ever been a couple points between them.
"Bash, Friday evening I'm going out of town and won't be back until Sunday or Monday."
3 notes · View notes
doubleattitude · 4 years ago
JUMP Dance Convention, Phoenix, AZ: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
JUMPstart Solo
1st: Tatum Self-’Somewhere Over The Rainbow’
2nd: Harper Schwalb-’You Are So Beautiful’
3rd: Lucia Piedrahita-’Fields of Gold’
4th: Navy Forrest-’Charge It Please’
5th: Mikayla Isler-’Baby I’m A Star’
6th: Kaylee Jones-’My New Philosphy’
7th: Charlotte Rathjen-’Do You Want To Build A Snowman’
7th: Soleil Lynch-’Titanium’
8th: Aliya Yen-’Loyal, Brave & True’
9th: Shale Herrera-’Wonderful World’
10th: Jewel Moody-’Be So Blind’
Mini Solo
1st: Kiera Sun-’The Full Circle’
2nd: Fiona Sartain-’The Way You Move’
2nd: Alexis Alvarez-’Wide Eyes’
3rd: Ellary-Day Szyndlar-’Snow’
4th: Keelyn Jones-’Slowly Fading’
5th: Shayne Knapp-’Blackbird’
6th: Elsie Sandall-’Almost Gone’
6th: Peyton Szuberla-’Glacier’
7th: Esme Chou-’Particle’
8th: Naiya Abalos-’Forces’
8th: Madison Machado-’Hallelujah’
8th: Aliyah Middleton-’Legs’
8th: Scarlet Bunker-’Pretty Women’
9th: Sierra Wells-’Turn to Stone’
10th: Claire Gestring-’On The Mast of Faith’
Junior Solo
1st: Laci Stoico-’Mibiso’
2nd: Taylor Morrison-’That Walk’
2nd: Kylie Kaminsky-’The Offering’
3rd: Colby Rich-’I Lie’
4th: Amaya Weeks-’Illusions’
4th: Alyssa Park-’Switch’
4th: Kortlynn Rosenbaugh-’Unearthed’
4th: Ellie Smith-’Waking Dream’
5th: Campbell Castner-’Fallen’
5th: Ellie Duffin-’Gentle Savior’
6th: Brooke Toro-’Clear Your Mind’
6th: Makaia Roux-’Everything I Wanted’
6th: Abbi Francis-’Feel It Still’
6th: Julia Chavez-’Going Under’
7th: Emmy Claire Kaiden-’Eyesore’
8th: Chloe Tyler-’Material Girl’
9th: Charlotte Webster-’The Light’
10th: Lauren Perng-’Among The Waves’
10th: Tatum Kahler-’Dreams’
10th: Chloe Bailey-’Last Man Standing’
10th: Avery Lee-’New York, New York’
10th: Milan Padula-’Stand By Me’
10th: Abby Honstad-’Veiled’
Teen Solo
1st: Emma Donnelly-’What Would I Be Without You’
2nd: Emma Hellenkamp-’Blackbird’
3rd: Courtney Chiu-’Fever’
3rd: Isaiah Villegas-’Notorious’
4th: Alexis Adair-’A.M’
4th: Brightyn Rines-’End of Love’
5th: Avery Hall-’Lie To My Heart’
6th: Erin Park-’Respire’
6th: Hailey Myers-’Standing Still’
7th: Mia Larkin-’My Blood’
7th: Alexa Lopez-’Piel’
8th: Kayla Harrison-’Crumbling’
8th: Krysten Ham-’Forgiven’
8th: Caroline Skrable-’Pick Up The Phone’
9th: Addison Leitch-’Heart On The Table’
10th: Summer O’Haver-’Black Coffee’
Senior Solo
1st: Alex Shulman-’In System’
2nd: Ella Horan-’Profundo’
2nd: Jade Bucci-’Sacrifice’
3rd: Avery Gay-’Haxun’
4th: Rylee Kiel-’All That Way’
5th: Kailyn Yi-’I Never Left’
6th: Ashley Spiller-’Disconnect’
7th: Julia Christensen-’Calling’
7th: Imani Frazier-’Deepest Thoughts’
7th: Aimee Paredas-’Do You Love Me’
7th: Kennedy Barry-’The Distance Between’
7th: Jenn Gamma-’Unconscious Mind’
8th: Ally Couch-’Let’s Stay Together’
9th: Dawson Walker-’Ramblin’ Man’
10th: Lilly Lorber-’Evening Song’
10th: Leigha Agins-’Prerogative’
10th: Abbey Zirkle-’Sispirium’
JUMPstart Duo/Trio
1st: Danceplex-’Stand By Me’
2nd: Summer’s DanceWorks-’The Queens’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Connection 2-’Rise Up’
2nd: Danceology-’Cars That Go Boom’
3rd: Danceology-’Do Somethin’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Danceology-’Chelloopa’
2nd: L.A Dance Arizona-’Just Got Paid’
3rd: Bricks Studio-’90′s Mix’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: WESTSIDE Dance Project-’The Trial’
2nd: Danceology-’Busy Signal’
3rd: WESTSIDE Dance Project-’Pulse’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Royal Dance Works-’Evol’
2nd: Elite Dance and Performing Arts Center-’Come Home’
3rd: Safford Dance Academy-’Say Something’
JUMPstart Group
1st: Club Dance Studio-’The Rose’
2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Cookin’ With Grease’
3rd: Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
Mini Group
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Songbird’
2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Conga’
3rd: Dance Connection 2-’Love Shack’
Junior Group
1st: Dance Connection 2-’Dawn’
2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Let My Touch’
3rd: WESTIDE Dance Project-’Santa Fe’
Teen Group
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Creator’
2nd: WESTSIDE Dance Project-’Aurora’
2nd: The Platform Dance-’Fade’
3rd: Dance Connection 2-’Silence’
Senior Group
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Bamboo Banga’
2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Paquita’
3rd: Royal Dance Works-’Uncertainty’
JUMPstart Line
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Baby Mine’
2nd: The Platform Dance-’Get Up’
3rd: The Platform Dance-’Somewhere Out There’
Mini Line
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Chapstick’
2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Dreamin’
3rd: Club Dance Studio-’Clap Snap’
Junior Line
1st: Danceology-’Just Got Paid’
2nd: Dance Connection 2-’RSVP’
2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Skin’
3rd: Club Dance Studio-’Bassline’
Teen Line
1st: Dance Connection 2-’Be Italian’
1st: Royal Dance Works-’Eye On Hand’
1st: WESTSIDE Dance Project-’Illusion’
2nd: Danceology-’My Hands Are Always Cold’
2nd: WESTSIDE Dance Project-’Strings’
3rd: WESTSIDE Dance Project-’Obsidian’
Senior Line
1st: Danceology-’It’s Weezy’
2nd: Royal Dance Works-’Exhale’
3rd: Club Dance Studio-’Impossible’
JUMPstart Extended Line
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Bathing Beauties’
2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Copa Cabana’
2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Jailhouse Rock’
3rd: Club Dance Studio-’Hollaback Girl’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Drum Step’
2nd: The Platform Dance-’Smash Bros’
3rd: Dance Connection 2-’Courage’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Club Dance Studio-’A La Cardi’
2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Din Da Da’
3rd: Club Dance Studio-’Physical’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Who Da Baby’
2nd: Danceology-’Not Today Satan’
3rd: WESTSIDE Dance Project-’One More Cup of Coffee’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Danceology-’Above Below’
2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Yo’
3rd: Dance Connection 2-’Come Together’
3rd: Danceology-’Night Thirst’
3rd: Club Dance Studio-’Slave For You’
Junior Production
1st: Danceology-’Blind Faith’
2nd: Danceology-’Rich Girl’
3rd: Danceology-’Level Up’
Teen Production
1st: The Platform Dance-’B’
2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Swing Kids’
3rd: Royal Dance Works-’Baby’
Senior Production
1st: The Platform Dance-’Wash Us’
2nd: The Platform Dance-’Joyner’
High Scores by Performance Division:
JUMPstart Jazz
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Copa Cabana’ 1st: Dance Connection 2-’Jailhouse Rock’ 2nd: Danceplex-’Let’s Hear It For The Boy’ 3rd: Spisak Dance Academy-’Remember Me’
JUMPstart Hip-Hop
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Hollaback Girl’ 2nd: The Platform Dance-’Get Up’
JUMPstart Tap
1st: Dance Connection 2-’Mr. Lee’ 2nd: Spisak Dance Academy-’Choo Choo Cha Boogie’
JUMPstart Contemporary
Club Dance Studio-’Baby Mine’
JUMPstart Lyrical
1st: Club Dance Studio-’The Rose’ 2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Fly’ 3rd: Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
JUMPstart Musical Theatre
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Bathing Beauties’ 2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Cookin’ With Grease’
JUMPstart Ballroom
Club Dance Studio-’Barbie Girl’
Mini Jazz
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Chapstick’ 2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Love Shack’ 3rd: Dance Connection 2-’Hangin’ Around’ 3rd: Dance Connection 2-’Peek A Boo’
Mini Ballet
1st: Danceology-’Scarf Dance’ 2nd: Danceology-’Polonaise’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Drum Step’ 2nd: The Platform Dance-’Smash Bros’ 3rd: The Platform Dance-’Main Event’
Mini Tap
1st: Danceology-’Luck Be A Lady’ 2nd: Spisak Dance Academy-’Sea Cruise’ 3rd: Studio 49-’Splish Splash’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Dance Connection 2-’Dreamin’ 2nd: Danceology-’Time Passing’ 3rd: Danceology-’Saved From The Depths’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Songbird’ 2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Courage’ 3rd: The Platform Dance-’Wind Beneath My Wings’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: Danceology-’Mary Poppins’ 2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Sisters’ 3rd: The Platform Dance-’I Can Cook’ 3rd: The Platform Dance-’Don’t Tell Mama’
Mini Ballroom
1st: Dance Connection 2-’Conga’ 2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Clap Snap’ 3rd: Danceology-’Favorite Things’
Mini Acro
Spisak Dance Academy-’Hot Hot Hot’
Junior Jazz
1st: Danceology-’Rich Girl’ 2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Physical’ 3rd: Club Dance Studio-’Bassline’
Junior Ballet
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Swan Lake’ 2nd: Danceology-’Paquita’ 3rd: Danceology-’Passarinjo’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Club Dance Studio-’A La Cardi’ 2nd: Danceology-’Level Up’ 3rd: The Platform Dance-’Kingdom Valley High’
Junior Tap
1st: Danceology-’Just Got Paid’ 2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Perm’ 3rd: Spisak Dance Academy-’Trip A Little Light Fantastic’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Danceology-’Blind Faith’ 2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Dawn’ 3rd: Club Dance Studio-’Let My Touch’
Junior Lyrical
1st: The Platform Dance-’Wild Hearts’ 2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Light In The Hallway’ 3rd: Dance Connection 2-’Stairway’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: Dance Connection 2-’All Shook Up’ 2nd: Danceology-’Black Friday Fiasco’ 3rd: The Platform Dance-’Take Off With Us’
Junior Ballroom
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Din Da Da’ 2nd: Dance Connection 2-’RSVP’
Junior Specialty
1st: The Platform Dance-’Adirim’ 2nd: Danceology-’Backbone’ 2nd: Dance Conection 2-’Femme de Paris’ 3rd: Royal Dance Works-’Wherever You Are’
Teen Jazz
1st: Royal Dance Works-’Makeba’ 2nd: Royal Dance Works-’Dance Monkey’ 2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Wavy’ 2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Fastah’ 3rd: Dance Connection 2-’Do You Love Me’
Teen Ballet
Spisak Dance Academy-’Claire de Lune’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Who Da Baby’ 2nd: The Platform Dance-’Eat’ 3rd: Royal Dance Works-’Baby’
Teen Tap
1st: Studio 49-’Shout’ 2nd: The Platform Dance-’Colors Dripping Off’ 3rd: Conservatory of Dance-’Dr. Jazz’
Teen Contemporary
1st: WESTSIDE Dance Project-’One More Cup of Coffee’ 2nd: WESTSIDE Dance Project-’Illusion’ 3rd: Danceology-’My Hands Are Always Cold’ 3rd: WESTSIDE Dance Project-’Strings’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Dance Connection 2-’Silence’ 2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Letting Go’ 3rd: Dance Connection 2-’Confession’ 3rd: The Platform Dance-’Wicked Games’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Danceology-’Not Today Satan’ 2nd: Dance Connection 2-’I Gotcha’ 3rd: Spisak Dance Academy-’That Man’
Teen Ballroom
1st: Dance Connection 2-’Be Italian’ 2nd: Dance Connection 2-’Swing Kids’ 3rd: Club Dance Studio-’Pump’
Teen Specialty
1st: The Platform Dance-’B’ 2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Creator’ 3rd: Royal Dance Works-’Eye On Hand’
Senior Jazz
1st: Danceology-’Night Thirst’ 1st: Dance Connection 2-’Come Together’ 2nd: Club Dance Studio-’Impossible’ 3rd: Dance Connection 2-’Destinations’ 3rd: The Platform Dance-’My Lovin’
Senior Ballet
Club Dance Studio-’Paquita’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Danceology-’It’s Weezy’ 1st: Club Dance Studio-’Yo’ 2nd: The Platform Dance-’1 Dance’ 3rd: The Platform Dance-’Girl Gang’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Club Dance Studio-’Bamboo Banga’ 1st: Danceology-’Above Below’ 1st: The Platform Dance-’Wash Us’ 2nd: Royal Dance Works-’Exhale’ 3rd: Dance Connection 2-’Quiet Please’
Senior Lyrical
Club Dance Studio-’Vision of Love’
Senior Specialty
1st: The Platform Dance-’Ego Death’ 2nd: The Platform Dance-’Drip’
Senior Ballroom
Club Dance Studio-’Slave For You’
Best of JUMP:
The Platform Dance-’Get Up’
Spisak Dance Academy-’Choo Choo Cha Boogie’
Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
Dance Connection 2-’Jailhouse Rock’
Club Dance Studio-’The Rose’
Danceology-’Mary Poppins’
The Platform Dance-’Smash Bros’
Club Dance Studio-’Drum Step’
Dance Connection 2-’Courage’
Club Dance Studio-’A La Cardi’
The Platform Dance-’Kingdom Valley High’
WESTIDE Dance Project-’Santa Fe’
Dance Connection 2-’Dawn’
Danceology-’Blind Faith’
Royal Dance Works-’Eye On Hand’
The Platform Dance-’B’
Danceology-’Not Today Satan’
WESTSIDE Dance Project-’One More Cup of Coffee’
Dance Connection 2-’Be Italian’
Club Dance Studio-’Who Da Baby’
The Platform Dance-’Wash Us’
Danceology-’Above Below’
Club Dance Studio-’Bamboo Banga’
Dance Connection 2-’Come Together’
Royal Dance Works-’Exhale’
Best In Studio:
Conservatory of Dance-’Supercut’
Danceology-’Not Today Satan’
The Platform Dance-’B’
WESTSIDE Dance Project-’One More Cup of Coffee’
Royal Dance Works-’Eye On Hand’
Club Dance Studio-’Who Da Baby’
Dance Studio C-’Power of Love’
Danceplex-’If I Say’
L.A Dance Arizona-’Remember The Day’
Dance Connection 2-’Be Italian’
Spisak Dance Academy-’That Man’
22 notes · View notes
tagsecretsanta · 4 years ago
From @little-old-rachel
to @misssquidtracy
Secret Santa does not own this work, full credit to the author above!
Summary: Scott will always insist that actually, Gordon’s first snow was the year he was born, to which Gordon says, “yeah, like I remember that, Scooter,” but if you ask Gordon, his first snow was when he was five and three quarters. 
Part One: First Snow
Over the last few years, Kansas has seen a spate of mild winters and wet summers - not even a snowflake to be seen. But this year is The One, Gordon can feel it. After years of envying the way Scott and Virg wax lyrical about snowball fights and school closures, this is Gordon’s year.
This particular morning had dawned like any other; a fine mist gradually curling a retreat from muddy fields, breath like dragon’s smoke before him as he and the other kids wait for the school bus, and a chill in the air that almost sounds like Mom (“are you sure shorts in December are a good idea, kiddo?"). Once sandwiched between a barely-conscious Virgil and foggy window, Gordon entertains himself drawing in the condensation. 
“Look V, it’s a dolphin!” He pokes his sleepy brother in the side until Virgil raises his head, eyes bleary, and removes an earbud. 
“So it is, Gordo,” Virgil says, though Gordon’s ‘dolphin’ looks more plane-like than aquatic. 
“Do me a squid,” Gordon says, yanking at his big brother’s sleeve and employing the big round eyes he’s fast learning will get him what he wants. Virgil obliges - of course he does, because who could resist Gordon - and the rest of the journey is spent with Virgil poking out increasingly obscure sea creatures in the condensation. 
Outside the bus, the sun rises, the fog clears, but thick white clouds remain. Virgil happens to glance up as he walks his brother to the kindergarten classroom, and says, “hm, I wonder if it’ll snow today,” and Gordon stops dead.
“Today?! Is it gonna snow? Today?”
Virgil suppresses a yawn - how is he still tired? - and shrugs. “Johnny thought it might. S’the right clouds for it.”
An electric buzz shoots through Gordon’s limbs and he can feel himself practically vibrating with excitement. Actual snow! Today! He can’t wait, even as Virgil tugs him across the ice-slicked playground towards school.
It’s going to snow!
Or so he thought.
Gordon’s been watching the window all day, to the extent that Mrs Cartwright has had to call his name three times to drag his gaze from it. He can’t help it that her classes are boring-schmoring and he already knows how to sound words out. 
He’s only been in kindergarten for a year or so, but he’s less than impressed. John always gushed about school, sure, but John’s a nerd (he’s allowed to say that, because Johnny’s his brother), so Gordon took that with a healthy pinch of salt. Thanks to Virgil, Gordon’s heard enough about the arts department to last a lifetime, and again that’s not really his jam.. But Scott, too, was enthusiastic about his classes and Scott was cool. 
Well, you know what’s not cool, Scotty? 
Being stuck next to Barry Duckworth, who still mixes up his ‘b’s and ‘d’s. 
“Gordon, please don’t make me ask you again.” 
Gordon smiles serenely at Mrs Cartwright until she’s turned back to the smartboard, then tips his gaze back to the window. He can’t help that his brain goes a million miles a minute, until it snags on something, like the threads of Dad’s old Christmas sweater. And then that’s suddenly all he can think about for hours at a time; it’s why he’s so good in his swimming classes, because he can fixate on cutting through the water as fast as possible like nothing else, relishing in one of the few times he can outpace his brain. 
Anyway. Thanks to Virgil’s offhand comment, today his brain is absolutely fixed on snow and there’s nothing he can do except watch as the sky gets greyer. 
Maybe Johnny was wrong and they weren’t the right clouds, after all…
Except, Johnny’s never wrong - something he’ll only truly come to appreciate later in life - because when the school bell finally rings for hometime, he and Darry Buckworth spill out into a playground that’s ever so slightly dusted white.
Gordon grabs Barry’s arm excitedly, has the bizarre desire to lick the icing sugar-like substance. He resists, only because his mom’s standing at the gate and the desire to fling his arms around her outweighs the urge to get a good taste of the playground. 
Besides, he tells himself, he can play in the snow later.
But there’s no time - there’s never enough time. Between rushing to his swimming lesson, dropping Virgil at his piano teacher’s place, taking Scott to Scouts, collecting John from Science Club, and the constant backdrop of little Allie’s wailing, the Tracy family is zombie-like over their dinner that evening. 
It’s all Gordon can do to shovel chicken pie in his mouth as his eyes droop lower and lower, until they finally close all the way. He would have face planted straight into the remaining saucy goodness on his plate if it weren’t for Scott’s lightning quick reactions. 
Before he can find the words to ask about the snow, he has Gordon tucked up in bed. His eyelids are too heavy to even glance out of the window, and so Gordon surrenders to sleep with weary acceptance.
The next morning, Gordon wakes to a whole new world he’s only seen in picture books. 
He can’t believe how bright it is, it almost hurts to look at the dazzling, unfamiliar shapes across the fields. The sharp edges of every building have been softened beneath a wedge of snow, the field boundaries vanished under an endless white expanse, trees that were bare only yesterday now swaying beneath the weight of their new finery. Delicate crystals of ice dangle from the windowsill. Tiny snowflakes trim the edges of his window like lace. 
“John. John, you were right!”
John grunts something back at him, rolling over and Gordon rolls his eyes.
One glance back outside has him letting out a whoop loud enough to wake even a hibernating bear. Gordon flings his door open, banging into his oldest brothers’ room and shaking Scott’s shoulder till he stirs with a groan. 
“Snow, Scott, it’s snowed.”
A growl from across the room has him retreating behind his oldest brother’s bed, because a barely-awake Virgil is a Dangerous Thing. 
“Gords, no,” Scott hisses. “You woke him.”
“Worth it!”
“Would someone like to tell me why I’m awake at 5:00am?” Virgil is the biggest softie in the world, with a heart of twenty-four carat gold, but in that moment his voice is deadly. 
Scott and Gordon exchange Looks for a split second, and then Gordon makes his escape, darting from the danger zone and leaping into his parents’ room instead. “Mom, mom, moooooom!” 
Dad cracks an eye open, murmurs something to Mom that sounds suspiciously like “save me from your son,” and shoves his head under the pillow. 
“Like he didn’t get this from you, Captain Snowball Fight,” Mom retorts, but she’s got the fondest smile on her face as she looks down at her husband. 
Dad peeks his head from under the pillow. “You love me anyway,” he says, sleep lines crinkling an unfiltered, joyful smile.
“More than life, Jeff.”
And then she’s ducking her head to kiss him - and - gross -
Gordon makes a loud retching sound, dramatically flinging himself across the sheets and thereby crushing any romantic atmosphere. 
Mom rolls her eyes, but it’s just as fond. “What is it, sweetheart?”
“It SNOWED, Mom it actually snowed! Johnny was right and it’s all white outside! I can’t wait to play in it, please can I go? Please? Do you think we’ll get the day off school? Please say yes, pretty please? I can’t-”
Dad swoops down, cutting him off with a surprise tickle attack and Gordon shrieks, writhing down the bed and flopping to the floor with a thud. 
He loves these moments with his parents more than anything else in the world - maybe even more than blue-ringed octopi, which is A Lot because have you seen them?! Living in a family of five brothers is absolute carnage and Gordon adores every second of it. But sometimes, it’s like he gets a little bit forgotten in the chaos, even more so since Alan was born.
Speaking of which, Alan, of course, chooses that moment to wake up, big blue eyes blinking slowly at them. Until he puckers his face up and begins howling. 
“I’ve got him!” Dad says, rubbing a hand over his face as he makes his way to Alan’s cot. “What’s up, little man? What’s with all the noise? You're gonna be like your big brother?” 
Alan brandishes his arms and Dad scoops him up, tucking up him against his chest and humming quietly. “Luce, love, I’ve got him,” he says softly, “I’m gonna need to go in to work this morning, so why not take this little sea monkey to play outside whilst you can?” He nods his head at Gordon, who perks up immediately.
“Actually, Dad, I don’t think I would be a sea monkey, they’re not much fun!”
“Oh, my mistake, what would you be then, son?”
“A seal, I think. They love to play allllll day long.”
“Sounds about right,” Mom says, ruffling his unruly blonde curls. “Alright then, little seal pup. Wrap up warm, let’s go play!”
John is awake by the time Gordon returns. As Gordon flings his pyjamas off, yanking on thick socks and sweats, John is there to steady him when he tries to shove both legs into the same hole of his trousers. 
“You’re going to want those gloves,” John says, pointing at the heap of discarded clothes on the floor. 
“Nah, I want to be able to feel the snow! Otherwise I won’t make the best snowballs.”
John rolls his eyes, but tucks Gordon’s gloves into his own pocket. “More fool you when you lose your fingers to frostbite.”
“What’s that?”
“John’s right, kiddo.” Mom is standing in the doorway, scarf wound about her neck and fluffy socks up to her knees. “Gloves on, or you’ll end up like Captain Hook!”
“He lost his hand, silly, not his fingers! Now come on!” 
Gordon seizes his Mom’s hand and John’s sleeve, dragging them excitedly down the stairs to the door, bouncing uncontrollably as Mom unlocks it. 
Gordon darts outside, stumbling in the thick layer of snow that sinks him knee deep and lets out a cry of delight as he sinks his face into it, and-
“Noooooooooo!” he yelps - yelps, not squeals, thank you very much John - and leaps back towards the door. “It’s so cold!”
“Of course it’s cold, doofus,” John says. His tone of voice would be cruel if it were anyone else, but it’s John so of course it’s not. “It’s made of ice. Ice is cold.”
“But… but…”
A cold explosion strikes him in the chest, and Gordon turns an expression of utter betrayal to see his Mom grinning maniacally. “A little cold never hurt nobody!” she yells, ducking for another scoop of snow. 
Gordon lets out an indignant whoop, grabs a handful of snow and flings it back at her. It falls apart before it reaches her, snow scattering everywhere. The ice sticks to his hands, and he shivers at the dampness of it. 
Before he even has to ask, John has whipped out the gloves and is holding them out to him. He gratefully accepts, just as Scott rushes out of the house to join them. 
“Snowball fight!” he yells, eyes shining with glee. 
Virgil follows, still yawning a little, but he perks up at Scott’s words. “You’re on,” he says with a grin. 
Mom holds up a hand, “Scott and John against me, Virgil and Gordon.”
Scott hesitates. “But there’s three of you, and only two of us!”
“War is war,” Mom says, “there’s no shame in admitting defeat-”
“Oh you are on,” says Scott at once, as they all knew he would. “Come on, Johnny. We have some snowballs to make.”
Virgil bounds over to Gordon and Mom, and together they begin compiling their own mound of weapons. Mom shows Gordon how to pack it into a ball so that it doesn’t splinter apart, whilst Virgil quietly beavers away, producing snowballs at double the speed. Gordon’s cold but he’s also pressed between his mom and brother, and the warmth in his heart is absolutely worth the occasional shiver. 
Finally, they’re ready.
With a blood-curdling battle cry, Gordon launches the first snowball. It falls short - by a good few feet - splattering at Scott's feet. 
Scott starts to laugh, head back, just in time for Gordon's second snowball to strike him directly in the neck. 
Gordon lets out a cackle that has Scott narrowing his eyes and pelting snowballs in their direction. Mom hurls them back as good as she gets, snowflakes catching in her dark hair, whilst Virgil works to replenish their fast dwindling stock. The enemy - his brothers, that is - put up a valiant effort, but burn through snowballs faster than John can produce them. Soon they are backed up against the wall of the old barn, and Gordon is breathless and exhilarated and joyful. 
"Surrender or die!" he bellows, holding a snowball in each hand.
"Gordon," Mom says sharply, and Gordon sighs.
"Fine. Surrender or suffer!"
Even as they raise their hands in unison, John's grin stretches his cheeks wide and Scott's eyes gleam with amusement. 
Gordon is fit to burst with all of the warm, happy feelings inside of him, coursing through his veins like the ocean currents. 
Once a truce has been declared and Gordon's Squad are pronounced the rightful champions, the five of them drift in groups to catch their breath. It’s hard work racing round in snow, especially when you’re practically wading in it, and Gordon flops to the ground to relish in his victory. 
Virgil, predictably, begins creating, rolling a ball of snow round and round till it's as tall as Gordon! Scott and Mom head inside, tracking slush pools in their wake. John plops down beside Gordon, and then leans all the way back.
“What are you doing?” Gordon asks. John is now thrashing his arms and legs through the snow enthusiastically, flattening it beneath his gangly limbs. 
“Snow angel! You try!”
Gordon shoots him a dubious look, but obeys, copying John’s movements. John helps him up, and they survey their handiwork. One small, wonky angel, one with huge wings and long legs. 
“Snow day, guys!!” Scott sprints back outside. “The bus got stuck coming up the hill!”
If Gordon’s being totally honest, he’d forgotten today was technically a school day at all, too caught up in the fun and frivolity of experiencing his first ever snow.
“Try to look a little less delighted, Gordon,” Mom laughs, back in the doorway with Alan in her arms. He’s cocooned in layer upon layer, eyes wide at the landscape around him. Scott heads to where Virgil is jabbing sticks into his snowman’s sides, and holds out a carrot. Beaming, Virgil takes it and turns to Gordon. 
“Wanna help make your first ever snowman?”
“You can do his nose! Here,” Virgil puts the carrot in Gordon’s hands, and lifts him beneath the arms so that he’s level with the snowman’s head. Grinning, Gordon pushes the carrot in, laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. 
It’s the perfect day, and it’s barely 9:00am. No day will ever top this day. 
Unable to find the words to express all the happiness dancing little jigs in his chest, he grabs Scott and Virgil, clinging to them in a cuddle. John joins them, and before long, Mom and Alan are there too, Allie clutching at Gordon’s curls. 
It’s overwhelmingly wonderful: warming in a way that is less to do with physical heat and more to do with the absolute overflow of love in his heart. 
Later that day, they’ll stand around the kitchen, dripping over the tiles and arguing over who gets the first dibs of hot water. They’ll regroup in the lounge, Scott and Virgil curled together on one couch, John at their feet, Gordon tucked between Mom and Dad (who admits defeat when the car engine refuses to sputter into life) on the other. They’ll cradle Mom’s magical hot cocoa in thawing fingers - and Gordon’s will be more marshmallow than hot chocolate - and put on a movie they’ll be too busy talking through to pay much attention. Dad will light a fire, guiding Scott through creating the perfect log stack, and the crackling heat of it will lull them to sleep one at a time. 
It will be the perfect day.
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