anyapie · 1 month
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A chance to escape Grimmauld Place for a few hours; to feel the wind on her face and the cold of the early morning dew on her hands; to notice the seasons slowly emerging.
Manacled (Flashback 30) by @senlinyu
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anyapie · 1 month
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“For god’s sake, Malfoy, has no one ever introduced you to the concept of personal space?”
A tribute to my favourite 8th year fic ever, ‘Height’ by, of course, @senlinyu, thank you for my favourite reread!
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anyapie · 1 month
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Draco studied her as she scanned the pages, sinking deeper against the chair. Winter was on its way out, so much so that once they settled in the library, Hermione had removed her sweater, sitting in the chair across from him in just that tank top that hugged her body in all of the right places and was not doing any favors for his current mental state.
excerpt from Chapter 18 of Bound by Blood ✨
Thank you SO MUCH to incendiosketches for this incredible commission of this scene! It’s one of my favorites from Bound by Blood and having it come to life was a dream!!
I’ve also been holding onto this commission FOREVER and i’m so so excited to finally share it with you all 😂🖤 i hope you love it as much as i do!
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anyapie · 1 month
Manacled chapter 48, By SenLinYu
A WIP… I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore, lol. This isn’t even on THE LIST. I am procrastinating from my own list by doing something infinitely more slow paced.  Am I going to animate ALL of Manacled? No. But do I want to? Also no! 😅 Okay, maybe that previous animation got me in the mood to do more heavy breathing because SEXUAL TENSION. This scene is a little longer on my computer - maybe I will get to finish the second part… maybe I won’t.. Maybe I won’t even progress beyond this sketchy stage… Who knows by now? The list:
Flobberwormfarm Hermione restrained Malfoy laugh Stroud’s examination Childrens songs Rune NSFW  Raze the order Death eater catwalk Hermione in the Oxford Aurore + James Malfoy surprised, collar Malfoy Myrtle reminiscing Dancing epilogue Lucius Hermione Dancing outfits Malfoy throw wand Singing with Topsy Cranes by elf Sleeping thoughts… Hermione + book
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anyapie · 3 months
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Some Wanderer and Nahida interactions!! Some of them were inspired from the fanfics I read
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anyapie · 3 months
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smallest mom in the world. very quick colors on a very old sketch
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anyapie · 3 months
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anyapie · 3 months
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Twitter is dying so I guess let's start posting here again :D I hope I can find a community here. Hope you don't mind if I post some of my older eruri works!
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anyapie · 1 year
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anyapie · 1 year
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It takes two is about a couple who want to divorce but their daughter doesn't want them to so she traps her parents' souls in dolls and they go thru the most chaotic couple's therapy ever. My sib and I just finished playing this game and it was a blast ���
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anyapie · 1 year
finished it takes two!
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anyapie · 1 year
My life has been so busy the past few months, I haven't sat down to do my hobbies :> now I'm terrified I'm not at the skill level I worked so hard for anymore when I pick up right where I left off.
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anyapie · 1 year
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Five Kasen
| More artworks |
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anyapie · 1 year
when you download a pdf and it's called like 1328723486basdf12.pdf but then you gently rename it to what it's supposed to be. that's forming a bond with a hurt and wild mythological creature and reminding it who it is.
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anyapie · 1 year
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anyapie · 1 year
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Happy valentine, my beloved dead fandom
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anyapie · 1 year
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My valentines piece for @folfar @caprivalentine 🌹
View the full image on AO3!
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