#please. i want to watch your videos i enjoy watching you play games. but alas i have misophonia
draconicace · 5 months
begging video game streamers to stop eating on mic
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taifenggg · 10 months
love Language HC’s for the brothers? Like love languages that if you do certain things they’ll fall harder, like spending time with mammon when you don’t have too. Or getting new books for Satan that he couldn’t budget.
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I love you more than words can convey.
CW: none
Characters: GN!Reader, Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie
Authors Notes: ahhh this is so cute <3. Based on what you said, I'm assuming that this is the brother's favorite love language to receive lol
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Lucifer [🦚💙]
Lucifer's favorite love language is quality time, but it can be argued that acts of service are his love language as well.
Lucifer is fairly busy in his day-to-day affairs, and it pains him whenever he's too busy to spend time with you. He's always busy working on paperwork that has been piled up so high that you can barely see him behind all of the papers. However, your presence brightens up his day as you make your way into his room. You don't say a word as you plop onto the sofa in his room, absentmindedly scrolling through your DDD or reading a book that you brought yourself. Just your presence is enough to get him to relax and get right back to work so that he can go to bed sooner to cuddle with you.
Furthermore, if you just so happened to brew his favorite Hell Coffee, setting it down on his desk, he'll feel himself soften even more in your presence. The coffee you make for him is always especially bitter, not that he minds. Lucifer is always looking after everyone, his brothers, Diavolo, and you. So going out of your way to do things just for him makes his pride swell. This man is so whipped for you even if he won't outwardly say it LMAO.
Mammon [💰💛]
Mammon's favorite love language is physical touch, but it can be argued that words of affirmation are his love language as well.
Always the tsundere, Mammon is not one to ask you for your attention directly, instead implying it and waiting for you to take action. Being the Avatar of Greed, Mammon is determined to hold onto every shred of attention that you give to him, which contributes to how possessive he is over you. Somehow he always has a hand on you, whether it's his hand wrapped around your shoulder protectively as you two navigate the bustling streets of the Devildom or the way he holds your hand tracing circles against your palm as the two of you lay together in bed. He can't keep his hands to himself, but thankfully you don't mind.
Mammon's self-esteem always takes a hit whenever his brothers berate him for being a "greedy scumbag". Please reassure him and tell him how amazing he is. Brush your hands through his hair, and press a gentle kiss to his forehead as you tell him how much you love him. Tell him about how he's your favorite, how he's the best thing that has ever happened to you and he's putty in your hands.
Leviathan [🐍🧡]
Leviathan's favorite love language is quality time, but it can be argued that receiving gifts is his love language as well.
Levi enjoys the company you provide. If he could, he would spend hours upon hours holed up in his room, playing video games, or watching anime, or reading manga. Of course with you at his side at all times. Perhaps maybe the two of you could even do matching couple cosplays together, but alas Levi is too shy to even bring it up without his face flushing 5 different shades of red at the thought. Really, he just enjoys doing things together with you, and he cherishes all the little moments you have together.
He's always doing his best to get his hands on the latest anime merch, or the newest release of his favorite manga, but he appears crestfallen whenever he can't get his hands on what he wants despite waiting in line for 5 hours. His face lights up however when he finds that you managed to get your hands on the exact thing that he wants and he feels his heart flutter when you hand it to him, telling him that it's a gift for him. Levi swears that he just fell more in love with you than he was before.
Satan [😾💚]
Satan's favorite love language is words of affirmation, but it can be argued that quality time is his love language as well.
To Satan, words are the best way he can convey his emotions, especially if it's written down. He struggles a lot with who he is, without feeling a surge of anger whenever he feels that he's starting to be a little too similar to Lucifer. He wants to be his own demon without constantly feeling like he's just a copy of Lucifer. Tell him about how smart he is, how he always knows what to do, or how reliable he is. He'll have the smugest smile on his face as he listens to your praise, and he shoots it at Lucifer because he knows that he's your favorite and not Lucifer.
At the end of the day, Satan just wants to spend as much time as he can with you, unwinding with a book in one hand, and preferably with you sitting in his lap reading with him. Not many words are spoken between the two of you, but just the feeling of you resting against his chest is enough to help Satan relax and forget about his troubles. As much as he enjoys listening to your voice, and hearing you ramble about your day or things that interest you, he also enjoys the silence with the two of you basking in each other's presence.
Asmodeus [💋🩷]
Asmodeus' favorite love language is physical touch, but it can be argued that acts of service are his love language as well.
Asmo can't get enough of you. Asmo is so open with his affection towards you and he's not afraid to show it when he openly holds your face in his hands and coos about just how adorable the two of you are together. Whether it's in class, when you're out and about, or when the two of you are hanging out together, Asmo either has his fingers threaded into yours or has his leg pressing against yours. You don't mind though, his presence is comforting to you.
Asmo loves it whenever you get all fussy over him and do things for him. Don't get him wrong, he's independent and can do things on his own, but he enjoys being pampered and taken care of by you. Yes please do his nails for him, please paint his nails for him while the two of you have your regularly scheduled gossip sesh, please massage his shoulders, he was feeling a bit sore around his neck.
Beelzebub [🍔❤️]
Beelzebub's favorite love language is acts of service, but it can be argued that words of affirmation are his love language as well.
Beel loves you and the fact that you're so willing to indulge him and his hunger. He knows that he has a voracious appetite, but does that stop you from making more than enough of his favorite foods? Hell no. You wanna make this man melt even more? Offer to help him whenever he works out, maybe sitting on his back so he can use you as a weight, or stay there by his side and hand him some water whenever he finishes working out so he can stay hydrated.
Beel struggles with conveying his emotions and ever since what happened with Lilith, that has worsened exponentially. He's not the best at saying how he's feeling and at times he can get depressed and insecure over things that happened in the past. Reassure this gentle giant, tell him that what happened was not his fault and that no matter what happens, you'll always love him unconditionally. He's so, so soft for you.
Belphegor [🐮💜]
Belphegor's favorite love language is physical touch, but it can be argued that quality time is his love language as well.
Belphie is clingy, that's an established fact lmao. He always has his tail wrapped around you to ensure that you don't suddenly leave him. Pillows don't have legs after all! He's such a little brat too, he would totally slip his ice-cold hands underneath your shirt right as you're about to fall asleep and would blink sleepily at you unapologetically as you jump and squirm to get away from his freezing fingers. Belphie discovered that he couldn't sleep without keeping his hands on you. He'll pout and whine until you oblige and slide into bed with him.
He loves taking naps with you, and he'll keep you trapped there for as long as he can. There's just something that's so comforting about you and him lying together in bed. He'll press his forehead against yours and squeeze you so tight to the point where you can't breathe. Sometimes Belphie wonders how he got so lucky, managing to get the chance to call you his own. It's only when he watches over you, cuddled up to him that he feels his heart melt. He wants to keep you with him like this forever, no matter the cost.
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 month
I saw this TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNnxUVja/ and one of the comments said she was going to tell her husband that the other husbands we’e actually doing the dances and she’d see if she could get her husband to do it. I would love to see how Bird would try to trick Ari into dancing and if she could even get him to do it 😂
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Lol, I can tell you right now that Ari is not the type of man to willingly dance on camera. He prefers to save his moves for the bedroom. Not to mention that he wants nothing to do with anything on TikTok.
You: C'mon, Beast! Please?
You hold the phone in front of his face in an attempt to pull Ari's attention away from whatever sports game was playing in the background while he's sprawled on the couch.
Ari: *Grunts* Eh, I'll pass.
You: Ugh! I've watched a ton of these videos and every girl convinced their man to do one. Some of them even had fun. See?
The Bounty Hunter barely spares a glance your way before tucking a bored arm behind his head.
Ari: No thanks.
Feeling frustrated, you give into the temptation to hit him with a throw pillow. It has no effect. Which is why you're currently pouting where you sit.
Ari: Pout all you want, but it still ain't happenin'. So I suggest you go on and fix that pretty face of yours and come lay down.
He pats his broad chest invitingly. But alas, you decide to try your luck just one more time.
You: Bet I could find someone in this town to dance with me - probably a couple of 'em.
You make a show of pursing your lips and fluffing your curls. It didn't matter that you were only wearing one of Ari's flannels. Damn it, you wanted to dance. And you wanted to dance with him!
But, funny enough, your man doesn't seem to miss a beat.
Ari: Hmph. Well, let me know when you find him.
You: Why?
You don't bother trying to hide the suspicion in your tone. Ari Levinson had never struck you as the type of man who was keen on sharing.
Ari: So I can offer him an ice cold beer and a thank you.
Momentarily stunned, all you can do is sit there, mouth agape. Sometimes that smug bastard of a man got on your last flippin' nerve.
Instead of responding, you shoot him your most annoyed glare. He, however, remains unmoved, choosing to take a sip of his drink instead.
Ari: But if he touches your ass, I'm breaking his hands. Enjoy your dance, little Bird.
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zoeys-writings · 1 year
Quality Time (Luke Sullivan ⭐ x Reader)
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[Context: Established romantic relationship, Reader is the MC for World Tour, Pre-Italy World Tour spoilers, Fluff]
(a/n: Finally, I WROTE SOMETHING! I'm very sorry this took so long to finally get out, finals are kind of kicking my ass. But alas, I got to finish a fluffy fic with this boi. He's hands down my fave from the base roster, his personality's just.. right up my alley. Hope you guys enjoy this one!)
Ah, relaxing days like these were always the best kind. After yet another grueling training session with Chun-Li, with a sprinkle of getting defeated at video games by Li-Fen, laying down on your couch while watching TV was the best way to relax after a long day of running around in Metro City. There was literally nothing that could possibly interrupt this very chill moment…
…Until you hear the very familiar noise of footsteps from one massive dumbass approaching your relaxed frame. You close your eyes, awaiting a nudge on the shoulder from the man of the hour. What you get instead is a small poke on your cheek, which forces a small chortle out of you. In response, you get another poke. You open a single eye to look smugly at Luke, kneeling down in front of your field of view, away from the TV. Seeing that you’re pretending not to care for his presence, Luke puffs his cheeks and begins to repeatedly boop your cheek, almost reminiscent of a dog asking to be fed.
With an amused sigh, you finally turn to look at him. “Yes, honey?” Placing his head on top of his hands while pouting childishly, Luke responds: “I’m bored, babe.” You sit up from your spot to look directly at him. “And what do you suggest we do about it?” Luke places his head on top of your lap, and you can’t help but hold in a snicker. He gets annoyingly adorable when he’s pouty, you can tell he’s missed you from how long you were out the house. “Play a fighting game with me?”
You can’t help but sigh while patting his head. “As much as I would love to take you up on that, I was destroyed by Li-Fen earlier. I’m kind of burnt out right now.” Luke groaned in response. “Please? I promise I’ll go easy on ya.” “Said the Burnout King. Going easy on me is not your play style, and we both know this, handsome.”
You half expect him to simply huff at your mocking nickname and nuzzle closer. But to your surprise (and sort of delight), your boyfriend proceeds to pick you up from the couch to give you a massive bear hug. “Is it that bad of a thing that I wanna spend quality time with my babe? I haven’t seen ya all day…” Luke says, nuzzling into you. Trying to calm down your racing heart, you hug him back. “I know, sweetheart, I’ve missed you too. Training under Chun-Li has just been a bit of a hassle lately. I want to learn as much as I can from her, y’know?” Pulling back from the hug to give you some space, Luke smiles gently at you. “Yeah, I get it. I can’t teach you absolutely everything about fighting just by myself. Your quest for strength comes first, right?” You shrug with a small chuckle at his last comment.
Suddenly, you feel an idea pop up like a cartoon-y light bulb. “You know what, actually… I was going to see if I could meet up with another fighter soon. And… She’s kind of far away from here...?” Before your boy could get pouty all over again, you raised a hand to continue your proposal. “And, I know how much you like traveling.” Arching an eyebrow with one of his signature goofy smiles, Luke places a hand over one of his ears as if to try to listen better. “And…?” “And, something tells me that her fighting style might be right up your alley.” With that, he crosses both of his arms with a determined smile. “I already like the sound of this.” “To finish my proposal… Have you gone to Italy? And have you heard of pankration?”
With a clap and some finger guns, Luke smiles like the fricking sun while wandering around the place. What he usually does when he gets excited. “Now we’re talking! When can we go? Should we get packing? I can pack your stuff if ya want, just tell me what t-“ You placed your hands over his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. “Honey, honey, not yet. We gotta plan the whole thing first. You know how it is.” “Yeah, of course! Sorry, it’s just… It’d be our first time traveling together and I’m just… excited, y’know?”
Wait. Holy shit, it would be the first time. In fact, it would be the first in a long time for you as well. For the last few months, it’s just been Luke and Chun-Li, and Metro City so far. But you needed to expand your horizons, and if it took a threat from a Mad Gear Gang member to do so, then so be it. That would be difficult to explain to him; heck, you weren’t even sure if Marisa would be at all willing to accept your request to be taught by her, or help you acquire the missing charm. But you were willing to at least try, and if it didn’t go well, you had an entire country you could explore and have fun in with your boyfriend.
Like he said it himself, you can cross that bridge when you get to it! Most likely tomorrow, but tonight all that is on your mind is the picture of spending a nice vacation with the man you loved the most. Breaking yourself out of your train of thought with a sigh, you smiled gently at Luke. “It is. I’m also very excited.”
Then, with a smirk, you grabbed the remote controller and paused your show. “So excited in fact, I think I managed to gather the energy… To try and kick your ass at a fighting game a couple times.” Luke’s eyes begin to almost sparkle with excitement, instantly running to your console to put the game on. “Oh, hell yeah! Bet ya I can manage to not go on Burnout a single time! See if your lovely title for me actually stands up!” You grab your controller then sit down on the couch with a confident smile. “Oh, it will. Bet your precious bag of sour cream and onion chips that it will.” Luke plopped himself down on the couch, almost knocking you down but also bringing a laugh out of you. “Oh. It. Is. On, babe.”
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sketchinwoofers-den · 2 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy. Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity!
FYI this is going to be an honest look into problems and a confession post. If your not upto it look away.
1. My family. My Mom, SO, Puppy and two cats. These are the things I live for. My dad died last year from complications caused by Covid about a week after kicking Delta variants ass. Being there and watching someone who could barely move squeeze my hand as he tried to focus on my face before passing.. I’m not the same. Almost all of my passion for living is gone. My father was my best friend, me n the SO lived with mom and dad because we all got along so well. That and my mom needs help she’s disabled and sick. I honestly feel a hollow shell that’s still walking and talking.. I guess I’m a Nobody ala Kingdom Hearts 2 just depressed lol. I just feel so lucky I have my family still.
2. Chocolate. This stuff is great for depression it releases some of the happy hormones you release after intimacy…Plus it tastes wonderful. I really need to try Carob it’s apparently better for you. But Dove milk chocolate is god tier. Lol.
3. Video Games. These are my addiction, these are how I unwind and relax. I’m always looking for more people to play with. Currently playing the Crisis Core remake and Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memories.
4. Tinkering/Fixing stuff. I love messing with things and mcgivering stuff. I feel a big surge of accomplishment when I can Jerry rig. I love fixing stuff, still learning but I enjoy it. Recently fixed SO’s step dads iPod classic, modified a crappy pair of Bluetooth headphones into a transmitter and modified by arcade 1up with led buttons and a raspberry pi.
5. Drawing. This has been really hard over the years. I drew 24/7 from 2006-2011 then I got into a bad period. I drew as much as I drew in 2011 over the next..6/7 years. Slowly I started getting back into drawing. It’s been really hard and I still don’t have the passion I once had. My SO has helped me so much over the years to push myself, I want to get better. But drawing now still isn’t anywhere near as passionate. A mentor/teacher kept saying that Japanese based art was trash and would give me bad scores in any art piece if it had any type of anime/manga type stuff/style (Think coloring as well.) I ended up getting straight As once I stopped using anything anime/manga relative but the damage was done. 2011 hit and I lost myself and this didn’t help. I still feel weird seeing any Asian influences in my drawings. (Even if you had a sword, if it had a curved blade that wasn’t a scimitar such as a Samurai sword, he’d refuse it. I confirmed it by resubmitting the same drawing with a broadsword instead and got an A.) I really want my passion back.
Sorry this was so long.
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patchworkpuzzle · 3 years
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word count: ~2.5k
paring: Sero x f!Reader
warning: rough handling, edging, overstimulation, squirting, clit slapping (so I guess impact play?)
authors note: so.... uh.... I wrote this for me. Been giving gifts that past few days and I wanted one so.... I hope you guys like it!  And please don’t perceive me, okay? (Also, so sorry if there are grammar mistakes. No beta reader, we die like men)
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You had a bit of an attitude.
Not all the time, in fact most of the time you were very sweet. But sometimes, like today, it was made very clear that you were very much a brat. You had a craving since the moment you woke up to be ravished by your super handsome and wonderful boyfriend.
But alas, his hero work came in between your plans. And there was nothing you could do to stop the hero Cellophane from saving the day. So, you had to begrudgingly say goodbye, and good luck, to him as you watched him dash out the door.
On a normal day you would just let it slide. It wasn’t like Sero wanted to go in on his day off, he was dragged into it all. So, because of that, it means it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t tend to your needs. You know he would have, and he never left you unsatisfied. If you just waited like the good girl you were known to be, you would be rewarded.
But for some reason, you just couldn’t.
For some reason you were just in a mood. And that mood meant, instead of sulking all day trying to get your mind off things, you were going to make your horniness his problem too. If he was going to leave you needy, well then you were going to make him want to come home as soon as possible.
The back of your mind was nagging you the entire time. Telling you it wasn’t smart to get into your favourite lingerie set, nor was it wise to take that many selfies of yourself in said set, and that it was especially a bad idea to send those selfies to your boyfriend with the provocative messages attached.
And an even worse idea that when he responded, his usual dominance showing through telling you to ‘not to play this game with him right now’, to send him a video of you slowly touching yourself and loudly moaning his name.
He was silent after you sent that video. It was clear that he saw it, the icon proving as much, but as the hours passed without so much as a single word made you worried. That nagging voice now speaking even louder as the hours passed, telling you how much of a terrible idea it was.
But how bad could it be, really? Usually when Sero got this way it meant that you were going to be punished. And, oh, how your nerves shook with pleasure that went straight to your core at the thought. A night where Sero was mad at you, punishing you for being bad, meant a nonstop assault on your body. Being tossed, toyed, played with, fucked, within an inch of your life. Your body being abused in the most sinful, and pleasurable, of ways.
You bit your lip at the thought. When Sero got dominant over you it made you go feral; even more so than what you were now. As your mind was buzzing at all the possible outcomes he may have in store for you when he walked through the door.
What you were expecting, you didn’t know; but you weren’t about to complain in the slightest.
At least not much, that is. As your instincts screamed at you to walk out of your shared room to greet him when you heard the door slam open, and the sound of his boots harshly thumping against the ground as he took them off, but you held firm and stayed spread out on your bed. The only thing you did to show you knew he was home, was sit up. Your brattish attitude wiggled its way into your chest as you waited for him.
You heard him call your name, asking where you were. His voice was deceptive, he sounded friendly and normal, but the tone that was almost hidden underneath was dark; proving he was furious at you. It made your legs clamp and rub together, trying to alleviate the growing pleasure you felt as you held your tongue. You wanted him to find you.
And he did. It wasn’t like there were that many places to look after all. And when the door swung open to reveal his lean form, you gulped. Seeing him in his hero outfit always did something to you, the way it shaped his perfect body to show off every piece of strong muscle was almost sinful; certainly not fair to you every time you saw him in it. And the way it mixed with his dishevelled hair, clearly due to his helmet, and the dark threatening look held in his eyes as he scanned your form made a shiver run down your spine.
“I called out, why didn’t you respond Cariño?” Sero asked, his tone chillingly calm as he stalked his way to your side of the bed.
He didn’t sit down, like you expected him to. Sero just stood there, staring down at you, eyes scanning over your form once again as he took in just how lovely it all looked on you. Your heartbeat raced in your chest as you licked your lips, wanting to respond but instead you didn’t. You looked away from him.
A yelp, turning itself into a breathless whimper, let your lips as his hand grabbed your hair harshly causing you to sit up on your knees. His face came dangerously close to yours, to ensure you were looking directly at him. His warm breath fanned across your cheeks as you watched with hooded eyes as his tongue peeked past his lips to wet them.
“I asked you a question.” He growled out, his other hand coming up to wrap around your throat in warning “And I expect an answer.”
Sero could feel you swallow as you nodded your head, enjoying the way you were squirming in his hold. He waited a breath before throwing you face first back onto the mattress, chuckling darkly as he watched you lift your hips, so your ass was in the air; wiggling it to tempt him to spank it.
He ignored it, walking his way to the other side of the bed as he began to move some things around; mainly the full body mirror you kept in the corner of the room to sit facing the end of the bed.
“Papi!” You whined, turning your face to watch him but never moving out of your lewd position “I want you to play with me!”
“I know you do, Princesa.” His back was still to you, ignoring you completely as he finished setting everything up “But should I? You haven’t exactly been good, have you?”
The whine that left your lips could only be described as pathetic, as you continued to squirm on the bed; never once touching your aching core to avoid anymore neglect from the man before you. Small please and begs leaving your lips, telling him that you were being good.
“Please, want you to touch me Papi. Want you to fill me up, please Papi! I need it!” You whimpered, eyes starting to water with tears as your discomfort grew the longer you stayed untouched.
You heard Sero sigh as he finally turned to face you, a dark smile slowly starting to grace his features as he looked upon your glassy eyes. “You’re such a needy baby, aren’t you?” He cooed down at you.
You nodded your head as you carefully watched him walk up to you, gasping when he forcefully pushed your backside down on the bed. Grabbing hold of your arms he pulled you over to the end of the bed, picking you up before you had the chance to fall to the floor.
Without a word he maneuvered you to the floor, making you sit like a pretty doll as he sat himself down at the foot of the bed. Once comfortable, he patted his lap, allowing you to crawl up and sit on his lap. Though, before you could do anything else – like reach up to kiss his lips, he turned you around.
And then it all made sense.
Looking ahead, all you could see was your reflection staring back at you. It made heat flood to your face, as you watched the wicked grin return to Sero’s face as he forced your legs apart; spreading them wide and forcing them to stay in place with the use of his knees.
“Because my pretty girl wanted me to know how nice she looked today, she can sit here just like this while I play with her.” Sero chuckled as he heard the small whines leave your lips as he slowly petted up and down your inner thighs “And get to see how lovely she looks when she cums.”
You leaned your head back to rest on his shoulders, hooded eyes gazing at your own form. Mainly at the large hands that kept slowly rubbing up and down the expanse of your body. Slowly kneading the flesh of your breasts through the lacy fabric, before on hand dipped down to rub slowly at your clothed clit.
“Naughty girl, you’re soaked already!” Sero groaned, pushing aside the thin fabric to touch your fold directly “Were you waiting for me to play with this pussy all day?”
His teasing made you keen in embarrassment as you closed your eyes and bucked your hips in his hand, wanting to feel more than just the feather light touches he was currently giving you. Though Sero was not having any more of your misbehaving, as his hand came down to smack harshly at your bundle of nerves; the stinging red-hot pain causing you to cry out.
 “I said look at yourself!” Sero growled once more, his hand moving from your breast to lock on your jaw to force you to look in the mirror “And answer me when I ask you a question. This is your last warning, Princesa.”
“S-sorry Papi! You stuttered, trying to keep your eyes focused on what he was doing to you in the mirror and keeping your hips from moving too much “Please don’t stop. Please play with my sloppy pussy!”
“Yeah, want me to play with you? Want me to stuff you with my fingers?” Sero asked, enjoying the dazed expression you were giving him in the mirror as he slowly started petting your core again.
“Yes, please!” You whine drew out your words, but you couldn’t help it.
Not when he slowly started to pump two fingers into you, starting shallow before going deeper and deeper until he was touching that spongy spot inside you that made you see stars. His steady rhythm was causing your head to toss and turn from side to side, though making sure you still kept looking at your reflection, as it drove you crazy. Especially when he would scissor his fingers, slowly forcing your clenching hole to stretch to his desires.
You felt your orgasm approaching, the burning sensation made your legs shake as your moans grew louder and needier as you called out to Sero. Out of instinct you brought a hand down to grab hold of his wrist, to keep in place as your back arched. But just as you were about to tip over the edge, Sero ripped his hand from your core. The denial caused you to sob out as you bucked your hips widely to get the friction back.
“Brats don’t get to touch!” Sero growled, taking your hand and placing it back at your side “And they don’t get to cum without permission. Isn’t that right, Princesa?”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry Papi!” You wailed, fat tears threatening to fall from your eyes as you looked at his reflection, silently leading him for forgiveness “It won’t happen again, promise!”
“Shhhh” He cooed, rubbing his hand up and down your thigh to calm you down as his other hand moved to swipe the falling few falling tears “Be good and you’ll get to cum, okay?”
All you could do was nod your head, allowing yourself to calm down and for your breathing to go back to normal. When you felt his finger prod at your entrance once more, you had to force yourself to not buck into his hand. Or to whine in protest when his started to fuck you hard and fast with his fingers once more.
Though every time you seemed to get closer to your orgasm, Sero would pull away and try to calm you down. Reminding you to be good, or else his punishment would last even longer. It was frustrating, to say the least, you just wanted to cum after all. But you trusted Sero and knew that he was going to take care of you like he promised.
When you felt your core clench and tighten for the nth time that evening, Sero didn’t stop you from cumming. His hand that forced you to keep looking at the mirror tightened as he made sure you kept your eyes open to watch yourself, despite your mewls of discomfort over it. He didn’t let up either, he always thought you looked so pretty with your mouth agape as your face pinched in a mixture of ecstasy discomfort as he quickly pushed you over another orgasm.
“Keep looking, yeah that's it. You're gonna gush, aren't you pretty baby?” Sero asked, his fingers relentlessly hitting that special spot inside you that made you see stars.
“S’too much! Gonna cum again!” You slurred, trying to keep your eyes focused on your form in front of you but it was getting harder every second.
“Do it baby, wanna see yourself make a mess.” Sero groaned, the way your gummy walls clenched so tightly around his fingers made his cock twitch in his pants; he was going to make sure to fuck you dumb when he was done playing with you like this.
You let out a wail, your eyes crossing as your tongue involuntarily stuck itself out as you felt you cum gush out, forcing Sero’s fingers out along with it. Not that he minded, if his loud groan that accompanied your mewls was anything to go by.
“Yes, yes, yes! Good girl!” He praised, his hand coming to vigorously rub at your clit to make more of your release gush out of you and onto your thighs; soaking your comforter “That’s a good girl, yeah keep going!”
You whimpered when you felt his fingers enter you again, hand coming down to try and push him away only to have harshly slap at your clit once more and resume his attack on your core once more. The sounds of your slick echoed in the room, making you squirm in discomfort.
“P-papi, n-no more!” You sniffled, throwing your head back and crying out once more as you felt him hit your special spot again and again.
“Not a chance, Princesa.” Sero hummed, thumb coming up to rub at your sore clit “You didn’t look at yourself when you came just now, so now we got to start all over again.”
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nerdy-simp-7120 · 3 years
hi! if you're comfortable writing this, could i ask for a scenario? this has been in the back of my head for a while.
what would be the reaction of the brothers + dateables of watching mc play resident evil in the dimitrescu castle? who would be down bad the most
thank you! feel free to ignore this if you don't want to write this ofc
I love this ask (stan tall vampire lady). The only thing is that I accidentally turned it into a “how they feel about the game.” I managed to add in some parts with MC playing as well to make up for it
Update: I literally finished the request yesterday but my wifi went down and I lost everything  😩 😩
I also wrote this in the middle of the night so sorry if there are any errors! Enjoy!
Warnings: cursing.
How the OM! characters would react to you playing Resident Evil (Dimitrescu Castle edition)
Will not care at first
"I hold no interest in such trivial simulations."
His weakness? Being a simp for you.
He decides to look into the game a bit more in private later on.
Will lowkey practice the game
If you ever catch him playing it, do not say anything because he will stop immediately, deny everything, and might not ever do it again
With time, however, Lucifer will come to master the game.
Here comes the showing off.
When you're rambling about the game with Levi, Lucifer will join the conversation and you two will be like "wow, boomer knows something for once--"
Or when you're struggling on a part of the game he will be like, "hand it over"
Before expertly getting through that part.
Can defeat Lady Dimitrescu if you ask him to but be careful cause he might make you beg
sadistic bastard
or you can be a badass and show him your skills
Will be a tad shocked at how easily you handled it but won't let it show (okay Elsa)
Also proud though
Lucifer's internal monologue: “That’s right- show them how it’s done, Y/n.”
Will watch you play and cover his eyes during every battle
"wHAT IS THAT?!" at everything you come across
I hope you're good at playing one-handed because you'll have to use the other hand to hold his throughout the entire thing
Admires you're bravery but would never admit it
"You were horrible! ...N-nice job beating the game, not that I c-care or anything. You sucked anyways!"
Not even 10 seconds later...
"Can I watch you play again?"
Comes to find that the faces you make are adorable: when you're concentrating on a battle, when you win, find a valuable item, etc
He loves being able to see how you're feeling up close.
If you catch him staring when you take a break or something he'll blush and either ask you if you have a staring problem or that you have something on your face
He may or may not buy cheap merch (a tiny key chain of Lady Dimitrescu or your favorite character) for you, all the while spewing lame excuses
Please bear with him- he's trying.
Congrats, you just found yourself someone to discuss the game with
Is open to cosplay the characters with you
You two will have competitions to see who can beat the game faster.
You both also share theories with each other all the time
Or simply discuss the characters together
He purposefully stays quiet to hear you ramble on and on- dude finds it adorable
You two also sometimes argue debate over a character name or event in the game
Because while you have Resident Evil
He only knows Resident Devil
This is the equivalent of Devilgram and Instagram
I mean
They’re the same,
But a couple things were altered, y’know, to prevent copyright
So yes, there are definitely a few quarrels here and there
But all in all, it’s a fun gamer bud experience
Don’t tell him I told you but he thinks it’s hot when you show off your badass skills in a boss fight
He plays it on the lowkey.
Not because he’s embarrassed
But because he partially takes his anger out on the characters
During gory scenes, he imagines it’s him torturing Lucifer, fueling his determination to win
A calculated person, Satan is a smart player
But there are times when he’s particularly angry and he becomes a reckless one, jumping into fights impetuously
This is where you come in and beat the enemy for him
He may get angrier, thinking you are underestimating him
But, for the sake of the person he loves, he calms down knowing you didn’t mean to offend him
A small part in the back of his head also admires you for being able to handle the fight a ton better than he did
Congratulations, you just earned yourself the great Satan’s respect (resident evil-wise).
“Oh my, I never knew you were into such gory games! Does this mean you’re into blood play, because I know many things about--”
He may look carefree on the outside
But on the inside?
Let’s take a look, shall we?
Holy shit
What the fu--
Jesus christ, can you pull a move like that in real life?
He needs to be careful to not piss you off.
If you can handle this, who knows what you could be capable of?
Hold on.
Wait, you look so concentrated
Eeep! How cute!
Anyways, it ends with him snapping a bunch of pictures 
Keeps them for himself and may brag to his brothers about how he got some “special” shots of you
Obviously never elaborates on what the special part means to keep his dear siblings on edge because, what the hell, they want to know what these special shots are
Would not play the game because there’s “tOo MuCh BlOoDsHeD”
We all know he’s most likely seen his fair share of bloodshed
“What if the adrenaline gives me acne?”
He’s probably just bad at the game--
Verdict: Asmo is a simp and not afraid to flaunt it.
...Are you okay?
Do you think about homicide--?
Oh, that lady looks nice.
Huh, she’s 9′6″??
What’s her name? Lady Dimitrescu?
Not scared, just a tad bit concerned 
Poor Beel, concerned for Lady D :’)
Also, seeing the death’s of Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra hit different
Because he know what it’s like to lose a sibling.
Safe to say he understands Alcina’s pain when she raged about her children being dead.
Also concerned about how the gore could affect you
Because isn’t stuff like this supposed to traumatize humans?
Would support you regardless though
And thinks that you’re really brave for playing the game and still being able to stand strong
On another note, Beel decided to make small flower graves for the three sisters and Alcina because he’s adorable and kind like that
Likes the game but is too lazy to play himself
Regularly watches Satan play (or at least as much as he can before deciding it’s nap time)
I hope you enjoy Belphie using you as a body pillow and watching you play from now on 
Makes small comments here and there to help you out
“To your left... Oh, and open the window- yeah, that one.”
Will smirk, impressed, when you deal with the fights and win yourself without his comments.
“That’s my Y/n”
(Sorry I don’t know what else to put for him :’))
“Is this a human trend?” meme
Will watch excitedly and “oooo” whenever you do something cool
Be careful though, because the questions will not stop as you play
“What’s that? I see. What’s it for? How do you win the game? Who’s that character? Why can’t you do this? What about--?”
Diavolo, you’re awesome and all, but please
On the inside, is also one that might be a tad concerned about your mental health because doesn’t that gore traumatize humans?
Wait, you do this for entertainment?
Another warning: he will shower you in merchandise from the game
I am not above the fact that this man has a game room 
And he will try to master the game
Casually pushes all his paperwork over to Lucifer so he can play Resident Evil
RIP Luci
Unfortunately, Diavolo will have trouble grasping the game and how it works
You will have to explain many things to him
Good luck- he’s a bit of a boomer (but willing to learn) and may or may not get distracted staring at you
But anyways, he enjoys engaging in the competitions you and Levi have
Whether it be playing as well or simply watching
He just loves to see you happy
Oh my, what’s this?
Will watch you play
and constantly criticize how filthy the Dimitrescu castle is
“Do they have any idea how many rats this can attract?”
Barbatos, your weakness is showing.
Seeing you so happy while playing the game helps him relax from his daily troubles tasks
He rewards you with a pat on the head any time you beat a foe
When Diavolo goes over to the HoL or when you come over to play in he silently cheers you on in the background.
Is educated on the game and knows his shit as the only other human 
Maybe knows a bit too much of the game
You will later come to find out that, somewhere in his mass tangle of shady connections, he knows a developer
Might give you tips and tricks to get on higher levels
But never, and I mean never, challenge him like you would with Levi to see who can beat the game faster
Because he will beat you by a seconds on purpose, just to piss you of
all the while doing that dark, shady chuckle
But anyways, if you manage to finesse and beat him, he will be 
So confused
“I thought I did it all right, what went wrong...?” he thinks to himself.
On the outside, however, he’s smiling
Will hand over some praise to his little apprentice, but if you look carefully you will see a spark of annoyance
We get it Solomon, you’re a sore loser.
In the end, he will still leave somewhat impressed at your skillz
w h a t
Is a little scared
“Is this one of them video games you kids play nowadays...? Just kidding. What are you playing-- oh my”
Might try to figure out how to play
But alas, 
Simeon is yet another boomer
So he will have quite some trouble even figuring out how to move
And why does he hold the controller like that what
If you’ve seen that one picture of him holding his phone sideways you know what I mean
On another note, if you look through his poem book, then you may or may not find a few poems describing how amazing and badass you looked hustling the entire game
about to bomb this master hill
No literally is considering bombing the computer or whatever you’re playing on because wHAT IS THAT
He is just
This will give him nightmares for weeks
Apparently Alcina reminds him of Lucifer so he kinda
Hates her
Says he will protect you
--as he runs out of the room in fear
Irrelevant but the one he hates the most is fetus baby
Michael have mercy on this poor boy--
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seita · 4 years
— disinterest | hitoshi shinsou (m.)
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pairing: hitoshi shinsou/f!reader
genre: fluff, smut, pwp
wordcount: 𝟸,𝟽𝟻𝟽
cw: stoner!au (graphic use of drugs, sex while under the influence)
tags: dirty talk, humiliation, cock sucking, squirting, wet&messy, cockwarming, multiple orgasms, choking, hair pulling, dumbification, degradation (name calling), creampie, cum eating, light aftercare
note: my kink is being ignored and being made to work for attention so this is self indulgent—
— you enjoyed being ignored and your boyfriend, Shinsou, is happy to indulge after a night of getting high together.
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masterlist | rules
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© all content belongs to hshinso 2020. do not modify or repost.  
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His eyes fluttered as he took a drag from his joint, eyes fixing back on the television that displayed a video game he’d slowly been playing. Getting high with your boyfriend wasn’t something you could say you had planned for the evening but when Shinsou had gotten a call from his dealer boasting some ‘good shit’, he couldn’t resist. 
That was how you wound up in your current position. 
You were on your knees, Shinsou’s sweats pooled around his ankles with your hand wrapped around his hard cock.  His knees were spread allowing you to sit comfortably between his legs. 
You licked your lips at the sight of his long, thick cock, giving him a couple pumps, watching as a creamy bead of his precum oozed from the tip to drip down the thick vein on the underside. You licked your lips, following the bead until it met your hand, making the movements slicker.
The carpet dug into your knees almost painfully but you ignored it in favor of enveloping the hot head of his cock into your mouth. His precum was sweet on your tongue as you lapped it up, sucking the sensitive skin with quick glances at his face. His fingers twitched and for a second you thought he was going to grip your hair like he usually did when you sucked him off but he didn’t, merely continued staring at the screen of the television. 
The fact he was ignoring you like that sent a shiver down your spine. When he pretended to act as if your mouth wasn’t literally taking his cock down your throat, it never failed to make you soak your panties.
You continued to sink down, tears pricking your eyes the deeper his cock went. He pushed past your gag reflex and you choked, feeling his length throb in response to the feeling. Yet, he made no move to indicate that he even recognized you were sucking him off. 
Instead, he nursed the joint between his lips as his fingers mashed the buttons of his controller. 
For anyone else, this may have felt degrading — being on your knees with your boyfriends cock down your throat as he utterly ignored you. But for you, it was exciting. The humiliation of it made you wet. You wanted to please him, to earn his attention and praise.
Your head slipped into a dream-like haze, your mouth stuffed full of your boyfriends thick cock. His precum melting on your tongue as you swallowed around him. His thighs twitched at the feeling and you saw his thumbs hesitate on the buttons. But he quickly recovered, landing a kill and ending the round. 
He took a drag from his joint, blowing the smoke in your face. You winced, pulling back from his length with a gasp.
He gazed at you for a long second, before the music on the screen changed and he went back to paying that attention. You had half a mind to pout, you had been hoping for some praise. 
But alas, you returned to your task of swallowing him down. He was impossibly hard and you briefly wondered if he was growing any closer. The possibility that you weren’t actually doing well, in your drug-induced haze, crossed your mind and made you feel a bit self-conscious. 
That feeling only made you work harder, however. Drool started to pool in your mouth, dribbling down the sides of his length to wet the tufts of hair at the base of him. It dripped down his balls and he let out a soft sigh at the mess — just how he loved it. 
Your lips and chin were soaked and it began to reach your neck but you paid it no mind. You worked your mouth fast, bobbing your head with your eyes closed as you focused on bringing your boyfriend all the pleasure you could.
Usually, Shinsou would warn you when he was about to cum or hold off his orgasm so he could pleasure you as well. But instead, you felt the sudden rush of heat as his cock violently pulsed in your throat. You swallowed all his cum until he used his foot to push you back, letting his cock fall from your lips. Some cum  you didn’t manage to catch, dribbled down and met with the mess of your drool and his precum, but he paid it no mind. 
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, watching with a pout as he pulled his sweats back up and resumed his game. You were left sitting on the ground, cheeks burning with humiliation at the whole ordeal. 
Despite the shame he made you feel, you still looked up to admire him. He looked delectable. There was a flush to his cheeks due to his orgasm and his eyes were lidded, pupils blown wide either due to pleasure or the drugs. Still, those dark circles against his pale skin never ceased to make your heart flutter.
You managed to snag one hell of a catch. 
That thought had you crawling onto the couch, laying on your side with your head in his lap. He didn’t acknowledge you but adjusted so you could lay against him comfortably. 
Some time, between the feeling of your boyfriend pressed against you and the background noise of his video game, you dozed off. 
You woke up to him shifting, making you sit up a bit to let him slide out from beneath you. You realized he had turned his game off and put on some adult animation show you knew he enjoyed. He mumbled about going to piss and clean up before disappearing down the hallway. 
Shifting in your seat, you frowned at the sticky feeling of your panties that had grown uncomfortable. Just as you were about to stand up, he came out of the bathroom. 
He paused in front of you, eyes still lidded and you wondered how long you had been asleep and if he had continued to smoke during. You still felt the buzz of the pot in your own system and as you gazed up at him, you remembered the feeling of his cock in your throat. 
A small smirk grew across his lips as he stepped closer to you, “Are your panties wet?”
Without hesitation you nodded, shifting in your seat. He scoffed, taking a seat beside you with a sigh, shaking his head. 
“Go change them then,” he nearly laughed at the pout you made but you stood up and did as you were told anyway. 
You didn’t bother putting on your shorts again — the t-shirt you stole from him doing well enough to cover you up. When you returned to the living room, you sat beside him, still feeling the ache of need. You needed to be touched, you wanted him to touch you.
“Toshi,” you whined, scooting closer to him. 
He hummed, sipping on a soda he’d gotten from the kitchen. You sat up on your knees beside him, lifting the hem of your shirt to show him the cute pair you had put on. He took a long look at them and you felt pride at the way his throat moved as he swallowed.
“What?” he grumbled, slow gaze dragging back up to your face.
You whined, reaching for his hand. He let you move his hand beneath the band of your panties until you felt his fingertips graze your slit. You shivered at the barely contained groan he let out.
“Shit, you’re so wet,” he groaned, middle finger dipping between your folds to find your hardened clit that was so desperate for his attention, “You liked sucking my cock that much?”
“L-Like it when you ignore me,” you confessed, making a brow perk up at your confession. 
“Aren’t you just a little slut?” he cooed, pulling his hand out of your panties, making you whine, “Strip.”
You scrambled to do as you were told, tossing your shirt and panties onto the floor until you were sitting naked before him. With surprising strength, he grabbed you hips and yanked you into his lips so that your back was pressed against his chest. You could feel that he was hard once more in the confines of his pants.
“Sit on my cock,” he ordered you, breath fanning against your sensitive ear.
You eagerly reached beneath you, to free his length. Positioning yourself above him, you slowly began to work yourself down. You hadn’t been prepped so you had to take it slow, wincing every once in a while at the stinging burn the stretch gave you. 
“Don’t move,” he grunted once you were fully seated. You whined, your walls spasming around his length. 
“I wanna cum,” you whined, leaning your head back against his shoulder.
He shrugged, “You can cum all you want,” you glanced up at him at those words. His eyes were fixated on the TV, a bored expression on his face, “Since you like being ignored so much...I’m not gonna help you.”
You were still for a moment, deciding what you were meant to do. You were steadily dripping down his cock as it pulsed inside you. Your own clit ached for a touch. You would love to feel your boyfriend’s rough fingers touching you but you realized it was something you would have to do on your own.
At least you were stuffed full of his fat cock. 
Your fingers traveled down your body to find your clit, a single touch to the bud making your thighs jump. The drugs and denial of pleasure had made you so sensitive to touch that you knew it would take no time at all for you to cum. 
You eagerly worked your bud, walls clenching tight around his cock as your high grew. Shinsou’s eyes fluttered at the feeling of you squeezing him. 
Just as you thought, you were sent headlong into an orgasm. Your body trembled against Shinsou, thighs clamping shut around your own hand at the onslaught of pleasure pummeling your body. Your cum coated his cock as you came down, panting and shaking. Your thighs fell back open, relaxing your body once again. 
Shinsou still didn’t move or comment and all you could think about was how giddy it made you feel that he was acting so unaffected by the fact his girlfriend was cumming around his cock like a little slut. 
God, you loved it. 
Just the thought had the heat rising again and your hand found its way to your clit once more. It took a bit longer to get you there this time but you finally came again with a cry of his name. Your hips circled around his cock, forcing your pleasure to new heights as you gushed messily around his length. 
In the back of your buzzing mind, you swear you could have heard him groan. But when your eyes fluttered open to look at him, he just looked bored. 
Your slick was coating his cock, making a mess that had his mouth watering. He wanted to drop to his knees and lick up every drop of your sweet cum. He clenched his fists tight where you couldn’t see his self control slowly withering away.
Instead of stopping after your orgasm, you continued to circle your clit until yet another orgasm wracked your body. This time, you couldn’t help yourself and eagerly started bouncing on his cock. You whined, still rubbing your throbbing bud. 
A rush of your cum gushed from your cunt, soaking both yours and his thighs. You cried out his name mixed with slurred praises as you squirted. The sight and feeling of painting him with your cum sent his self-control unraveling.
Before you could react, your face was pressed into the cushion of the couch with Shinsou hammering his cock into your poor cunt with everything he had. His balls slapped against your clit, making you tremble in overstimulation. You barely had a chance to come down from your high before he forced you into yet another.
He growled, as you gushed around him again. Grabbing a fistful of your hair, he yanked you back on your knees so your back was pressed against him again. The second you were upright, his hand was around your throat.
“You’re such a little slut,” he snarled, hammering into your slick little cunt, “How many times have you cum, now? You’re such a little whore for my cock, just couldn’t resist stuffing this sloppy little cunt full, isn’t that right?”
“N-No!” you whined, grinding back against him, “Y-Your cock’s too good. Makin’ me cum so hard…” your words were slurred as your eyes rolled back in your head. 
He scoffed at your words, “Can’t even talk properly? Has my fat fucking cock fucked you stupid. Hm? Are you my dumb babygirl?”
The condescending, almost cruel words made you clench around him. He could be such a beast when he wanted to.
To outside viewers, Shinsou appeared almost lazy and disinterested. He didn’t talk much nor did he show much interest in things. But with you — you brought out a side of him that was borderline feral.
He lived to see you cry, squirm, and cum so hard you could barely breathe. It was a lifesource to him.
And now as you sat there, helplessly impaled on his thick length as it stuffed your sweet little cunt full, tears dripped down your cheeks at the stimulation. 
“You're never gonna be able to take anyone else’s cock again,” he growled into your ear, “I’ve ruined this little pussy so only my cock can satisfy it. Only I can treat this greedy little cunt this good, right?”
“Yes!” you shrieked but it was cut off by his hand tightening around your throat, cutting off your blood. 
“You're gonna squirt again,” he ordered, “Go on. Make a mess for me.” 
With your thighs open and his fat cock spreading your folds apart, your little clit was exposed and vulnerable to the heavy slap he suddenly laid upon it. Your body froze at the pain but instead of pulling you away from that delicious high, it sent you right over the edge.
“That's it!” he praised, releasing your throat to listen to the way you sobbed, “Such a good fucking girl creaming all over my cock. What a messy girl.”
You babbled mindlessly, gasping and trembling as he continued to ruthlessly fuck you. Your orgasm continued to rise, squirting and gushing everywhere and making a mess. 
“Cumming so hard you've turned stupid,” he teased, a cruel laugh in his voice, “That's okay baby, you don't need that useless brain of yours. All you need is my fat cock in this cute little cunt. That's all you're good for anyway, taking my cock. Maybe I should keep you as a permanent cockwarmer—”
He was cut off by a grunt, the thought of keeping you as nothing but a hole for him to use and dump his cum into sent him over the edge finally. His hot cum filled you up, eventually spilling out due to the sheer amount. It only added to the mess you'd already created. 
When he pulled out, you collapsed face first with your ass in the air. You could feel his eyes on you, watching as your twitching hole spasmed and pushed out his cum causing it to dribble down your thighs. 
You didn't put up a fight as he flipped you over onto your back. He hiked your knees up to your chest to expose your cum-filled hole. You allowed him to maneuver you as he pleased.
He enveloped your entire pussy in his mouth and sucked — his own cum filling his mouth. He groaned, sitting up to meet your lips in a fierce kiss. You whined, opening your mouth to accept his cum, eagerly swallowing it. 
Finally, he sat back and let out a breath. Climbing off the couch, he ran to the bathroom to get a wet rag to clean you off with. 
You relished in his attention, letting him clean you up and pepper you with kisses and praise. Before long, you found yourself cuddled against him in bed, whispers of his love for you on his lips as he promised to take a shower with you once you were more clear headed.
You fell asleep in the sweet embrace of your boyfriend, a full ache of lust settling in your gut at the thought of another round later. 
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Okay first a smutty one 😏 smth where ben is like super bored and it’s a rainy day and reader keeps suggesting different things they could do like board games or baking etc but he shoots everything down until finally she’s like ok you come up with smth geez and then he just tackles her and they Do It
thank you for giving me excuses to be a whore about ben sdkjsdllkdjskjsd I just really enjoy writing smut with these two cause they're such dorks and just like making each other laugh which is cute and fun.
Anyway, I did not proof read this or anything because I finished writing it at 12.40 am (ahhhh help i need to be up for work in 5 and a half hours) so apologies for any mistakes.
Words: 2,566
Warnings: Smut (obviously), a lil hint of oral (f receiving), some fingering, a single slap on the arse.
Ben jerked aside the curtain hanging over the bedroom window, humming in discontent as he confirmed that it was still raining. “Stop checking the window Ben,” you sighed, only half paying attention to him over your novel, “You heard the weather report, it won’t let up for another day at least.” “Well you know weather presenters are wrong half the time,” You chose to ignore him, much more interested in the book.  Unfortunately for you, Ben still had some complaining to get out of his system.  “I’m so sick of this weather. You know we were meant to be playing cricket today,” “Mmhmm,” “I like rain as much as the next person but this is fucking ridiculous.” “Just invite some of the others over then,” you said, pulling your eyes from the page in the hopes that displaying your interest now would give you ample time to read later, “play video games or something,” “It’s not the same,” You could have laughed at Ben’s expression as his gave another wistful glance at the window. He’d always vaguely reminded you of a puppy, especially when he got excited about something, but the comparison was even more obvious now. He’d checked the window about six times over the course of the morning, each time looking crestfallen when no blue sky had materialised. The constant downpour seemed to be driving him bonkers. You, on the other hand, were coping quite well if you said so yourself. Aside from having to work on the first two days of the rain, you’d used the dreary weather as an excuse to stay in bed, wearing your comfies, drinking steaming mugs of tea and coffee, as you read and played games on your laptop. At first you’d hoped that Ben would be similarly inclined, and you’d pictured scenes of the two of you cozied up on the couch or cooking a hot, comforting meal together. Proper rainy day stuff. Alas, Ben wasn’t interested in sitting still, preferring to wander around the house, looking through curtains and complaining about what he saw through them. Hardly surprising really since he’d been indoors indulging in warm comfort those first days while you were working. When he didn’t get much sympathy from you, Ben left the bedroom again, (heading off to try a different window you assumed) and let you get back to your book.
You lost track of time, thoroughly enjoying yourself as you snuggled into your nest, sitting up straight when you got to a particularly intense section. Once the action calmed down you rearranged the pillows to give your back a little more support and settled into the story once more. Ben did cross your mind once or twice in slower chapters, but only because the absence of his frustrated sighing was notable. Eventually he reappeared in the room though, almost sulky in the way he slumped towards you, collapsing face down across the width of the bed.  “What’s up Blondie?” You kept your eyes fixed to the page.  “’m bored,” “So find something to do,” “There’s nothing to do here.” “You could read with me,” you shifted your hands on the book, holding it open as you moved one hand to tap the spot on the bed beside you. “Nah, don’t feel like reading.” Sensing that the conversation wouldn’t be a quick one you focused your attention on Ben, “If you let me finish this chapter then we could play a board game.” Ben pushed himself up but gave a non-committal shrug.” “Or watch a movie?” “Nah, I don’t want to just sit around,” “Well Rach gave me that recipe book for Christmas right? We could bake something? Or...” Feeling a little more frustrated you scanned the room for inspiration. Where once you’d only seen Ben’s trinkets and collected items, you now saw a mix of things that belonged to both of you. Your books were next to his on the shelf, the lucky cat you’d bought him was accompanied by a figurine of your zodiac symbol that he’d picked up on a whim, the desk was a mess of printed out guitar chords and notebooks that contained scribbles in both of your handwriting as well as a few stray lipsticks and earrings. But none of it really sparked any ideas to occupy Ben.  “You could give this room a tidy,” it wasn’t a serious suggestion but you made it anyway, knowing it would be shot down. “See, there’s nothing to do here!” “Well I don’t then Ben. You don’t like any of my suggestions, so come up with something yourself. Just please stop moping around, it’s giving me the shits.”
You dropped your eyes back to your book, waiting to feel the bed shift as Ben stood and the sound of him crossing the room to the door. Instead there was silence for a moment. And the next thing you knew was being knocked back, just barely managing to hold onto your book, so you were lying across the bed with Ben on top of you. “I found something I want to do,” he said, resting his chin on your chest and giving you his best pleading puppy eyes. “Oh alright,” you said, trying not to laugh, “But let me mark my page so I don’t lose my place.” Ben lifted his head as he reached over and plucked the, slightly crushed, book from between you, replacing your bookmark before dropping it to the floor. “There’s a bedside table right th-” before you could finish your sentence, Ben leaned down again and kissed you. It was a deep kiss, Ben’s tongue pressing towards your throat as he gently grinded his hips against yours. You were nearly breathless when he pulled away and yet it felt like it had barely started.  “Someone’s in a hurry,” you said, watching as Ben hurriedly began to undress you, peeling your leggings off before going for your shirt. “Well,” he said, pausing appreciatively as he realised you hadn’t bothered with a bra, “Now that I’m thinking about your pussy....”  You laughed as he snapped the band of your underpants to emphasis his point and then quickly rolled them down your legs too.  “Well, here she is,” you bit your lip playfully as you spread your legs, offering Ben a view to rival his imagination. Ben grinned, the tip of his tongue poking out between his teeth before he leaned towards your cunt, holding your gaze. He looked ridiculously pleased with himself as he stuck his tongue further out and licked along your slit, noting the way you shivered in delight. You hummed as he repeated the action, settling back against the mattress as Ben settled into a rhythm. But, just as you were really starting to enjoy it, the first sign of your arousal pooling between your legs, Ben stopped.
With a slight groan of disappointment you pushed yourself up to see if there was a partiuclar reason he’d stopped touching you. The sight of Ben, rolled onto his back, legs in the air as his discarded his own pants and underwear, greeted you. Apparently he’d already managed to get his shirt off in the time it took you to sit up. You couldn’t help but giggle as his feet flicked through the air, trying to kick his pants off.  “And what is so funny?” “Nothing, Tiger. Just enjoying the show.” “Oh yeah? You like that, huh? Well what about,” Ben’s feet fell back to the bed and he raised his hips into the air as his fingers caught the waistband of his briefs.  You cheered him on as he tugged them down to this thighs and then raised his legs again to pull them off entirely. His arse was completely on display for you and you couldn’t quite resist the sudden urge to lean over and swat his cheek. “You’re a freak,” he laughed, flipping himself over and crawling towards you. Both of you were still laughing as he kissed you again, the comforting weight of his body pinning your down. You could feel the length of his dick resting against your thigh so slid your hand down to stroke it, feeling yourself getting wetter as he hardened against your palm.  “Why don’t you touch yourself for me Kitten,” Ben cooed, reaching down to wrap his fingers around your wrist, “Promise I don’t need any help getting ready for you.”  Your breath caught at the petname, a recent addition to your sexual dynamic but a fun one, and you did as Ben suggested, letting his guide your hand away from his cock. You were wet but not quite enough to take him comfortably. Ben kissed you again as your dragged your fingers through your folds, but it didn’t last long. He wanted to watch, sitting back on his knees to get a proper look at your fingers circling your clit.  “That’s right, keep going like that. I want to see you leaking over the sheets.” You were beginning to feel the familiar want growing in the pit of your stomach. That empty feeling that only Ben could properly fix. You groaned and let your fingers trail down towards your entrance. But before you could sink any of them into the wet heat of your cunt, you felt your walls softly stretch around one of Ben’s.  “Is that what you needed Kitten?” “Yeah, thanks,” you managed to get out between shaky breaths, resuming the previous attention on your clit. “Any time,” Ben chuckled, slowly pulling his finger out of you, circling your hole, and sliding it back in a little deeper. You keened as Ben began to finger you, getting the one finger as deep as he could before he added a second.  Your orgasm grew steadily closer as you adjusted to the width of his fingers and Ben’s touch became less delicate, your own speeding up with his. And then his touch disappeared.
For the second time you looked up, pushing yourself to rest on one elbow, wondering where he’d gone and why he was teasing you. You kept working your fingers over your clit but it wasn’t quite the same and you couldn’t help but whine as you felt the loss acutely.  Ben didn’t bother to reply. Words would just waste time. Instead he grasped one of your shins, adjusting your leg so it was closer to your body but spread further, as he shuffled forward on his knees. His dick was harder than when you’d felt it before and he wrapped his fist around the stiff length to guide it towards your waiting pussy.  You’d thought his fingers had felt good but it was nothing to the way he filled you then, pulling a moan from you faster than you’d have believed possible. Ben leaned forward on his knees as he sank into you, pulling out slowly after a moment and then pushing forward again, letting you get used to feeling.  “C’mon Benny, fuck me,” you whined, the fingers on your clit faltering as he gave you a sharp thrust, “Yeah, like that.”  Ben nodded, looking as if just swallowing was a challenge, let alone getting out words. He dropped his hands to your stomach, slowly sliding them up until he was cupping your breasts, his thumb and forefinger circling around the underside of them so he could feel them bounce with each jolt of his hips.  You tried to keep rubbing your clit but keeping yourself upright was a struggle so you shifted your hand away, better able to prop yourself up on two elbows than just the one.  Ben didn’t seem to mind, focusing his energy on fucking you hard and deep. It seemed that, now he was inside you, his eagerness had been tempered and he had no qualms with drawing the moment out.  “Jesus Y/N,” he grunted as you clenched without warning, his hips stuttering out of time as you kept him from drawing back as far as he had been.  You just whined in response.  “Fuck this is hot. Watching how you take me. How perfect your cunt looks stretched open on my cock. I’m going to fuck you until your cunt is red and sore from how well I’ve used it. And I’m going to watch the whole time.” You whined again, louder and more urgently, as his words went straight to your core, making you clench again.  “Does that mean you want to cum?” Ben teased, knowing full well how close you were getting.  It was harder to see the funny side of his comments when your whole body felt tense with an impending orgasm. The torturous stopping and starting he’d put you through had only heightened your need and the lack of clitoral stimulation made you desperate for more. Ben had managed to get you off with just penetration once or twice but it was never as good as the combination of his dick moving inside you and your clit being played with. And he knew that’s how you liked to get off best.
Ben gave your breast a quick squeeze before he shifted his hand, his thumb finding your clit and rubbing it. You clenched at the sudden added stimulation and moaned, loudly, your orgasm rocketing towards you as you balled the sheets up in your fists. Your arms felt unstable as Ben speared into you harder, trying to push you over the edge, perfectly filling you.  “Oh, oh, oh!” you choked out, right on the precipice of release.  Ben grit his teeth as his hips slammed towards yours a few times, his balls slapping against you with the motion.  It was enough. A final push to get you over the edge, the cry of ecstasy catching in your throat along with your breath. Ben swore and groaned as your pussy tightened with your release, making an effort to keep fucking you, though it wasn’t easy to maintain an even pace.  You managed to choke out his name as your arms gave out and you collapsed on your back, panting.  Ben pulled out but you barely noticed, so overtaken by the warm pleasure of your orgasm. It wasn’t until he grunted and you felt the first drops of his cum hitting your stomach that you realised he’d wanked himself off over you. You lay still as spurt after spurt hit you, watching as well as you could as his fist continued to pump over his length, milking every last drop from his cock.  Finally he sat back, sounding a little breathless.  Slowly you pushed yourself to sit up, “Well?” “Well what?” “Did you get it out of your system? Can you just sit and read or whatever for a while now?” Ben shrugged, “It helped. Might get bored again pretty soon though,” You laughed, “Well don’t expect a repeat any time soon. I’m quite content to finish my book.” “Aww c’mon,” Ben was struggling not to smile too much, “Don’t pretend you weren’t extremely turned on by the idea of fucking you until you’re sore.” You ignored him, turning towards the beside draws so you could find something to clean up with. “You could keep reading if you wanted. Wouldn’t have to do anything except lie there, I promise. And I’d just fuck you and fuck you and fuck you until I wasn’t bored anymore.” You gave a thoughtful hum, “Just lie there you say?”
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interact-if · 3 years
Umm hi 👉👈 I realized that most of the asks you guys get are about games and rec lists. You guys deserve so much recognition for the work you put in this blog, so I wanted to ask if I can do a little get-to-know-the-mods thing? If that's okay!
1. Besides writing, what are your hobbies?
2. Do you have a niche interest right now?
3. Any fave songs/artists/bands?
4. Any fave movies/tv shows?
5. On a scale of 1-10, how likely would you survive in your wip's world?
You can totally ignore this if you guys want, no pressure. Anyway, much love to all the interact-if mods! You guys are incredible! ❤
We saw this ask and we went 👀 👀 👀 so we’re happy to answer! Thank you so much for the fun ask!
 We also rated our survivability in all of our collective games, since Mars isn't an author! Fun stuff! Spoilers, though: it’s really not looking so great for me (Dani) but that’s fine!!!  😌
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1. I’m a photographer as well as a graphic artist (but not like. A painter/drawer kind of artist!) and, on a general level, a maker and a tinkerer!
2. Fountain pens! I only write with ink, and only with fountain pens, and I use bottled inks/converters!
3. I’m pretty eclectic with music, but my top genres are alt rock, indie, indie pop, etc, as well as top 40s and some rap.
4. I feel like this is the hardest one for me to answer? Favorite movies/shows? Avatar: the Last Airbender has been a favorite show of mine since I was a little kid, but I have a harder time thinking of shows I would call a favorite in recent years. There are shows I’ve liked, and a lot of shows I’ve watched. But I’m picky! And demanding! It takes a lot to earn a place in Dani’s Trophy Case of Favorites. 😌 I would say I quite liked A Quite Place (movie), and I liked Us (movie). When it comes to TV shows, I have a hard time being pleased with them if they don’t end well. As a result, I have a penchant for a good limited series/miniseries (because they’re stories that have an end in mind and the plot reflects that, dagnabbit).
5. Heh. Okay.
In The Goodfellows? I think I stand I chance. I can exercise my sparkling wit and lovable personality to the best effect. I’m gonna give myself an 8/10 survivability rating. Even if I don’t have the right skills, I can go crying to the person who does and they’ll save me. Maybe.
In Creatures’ Cradle? I’m super $**!%d. 😌 1/10 survivability rating. And that 1 is me being nice to myself. The day the apocalypse breaks out I would probably be patient 0. I am self-aware. I would not do well in an apocalypse. Zombies care not for aforementioned sparkling wit and lovable personality, and I have all the muscle of a boiled spaghetti noodle. So it’s a no go.
Greater Than Gods (Cruz): Well. I’m going to be optimistic. And say that I have the wisdom not to do things I shouldn’t do and not to rock boats I shouldn’t rock. I’m going to give myself a 7/10 based on insider information, but also based on reckless optimism!
Vardir (Cruz): Cruz says this is a lighthearted game, so 10/10 LOL.
When it Hungers (Roast): I’m giving myself a nice, mediocre 5/10. I think I could put my mind to work here; I joke that I’m the village idiot, but I’m actually pretty smart! Unfortunately, I’m also curious, and maybe a little bad with authorities who won’t answer my questions. So I knocked off a lot of points due to the fact that I’d probably poke the metaphorical bear. So it’s a real coin flip as to whether I’d really make it or not.
Orthall Bay (Nines): Considering the genre is “horror” and the game intro includes the words “monster” and “maim,” I’m giving myself a whooping, enthusiastic 3/10. Yes, folks, I am that confident in myself! Once again, I can’t charm the socks off a monster (or can I?), so one of my greatest weapons is snatched from beneath my feet. Alas!
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1. Beloved I’m a college student in the middle of a pandemic... i can hardly even write LOL i do draw at times which u can see in my personal blog (nothing too good really) and i used to do karate before things went to shit <3
2. Nothing niche I believe? All I do is leave Netflix as bg noise every day n play popular videgames (genshin)
3. Porter Robinson <3 I love Bea Miller a lot as well but lately I’ve been feeling Porter a lot
4. The Good Place <3
5. My WIPs:
Greater than Gods: Highly situational, the world GtG is set in is as broad as the real world LOL so I don’t have an universal answer. But keeping it vague, and knowing my own personality, I feel like 5/10. depends on my luck.
Vardir: 10/10 no one dies in Vikgade, unless you’re a hunter but I wouldn’t be a hunter <3
Others’ WIPs
I'm gonna give myself a solid 5/10 in all other WIPs because y'all aren't writing lighthearted stories either. I feel like as long as I avoid the role of the MC I will be mostly fine. I hope. But as Dani said I'm also prone to fight the wrong person and dig my own grave so 😌
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1. Well, writing is a very, very, very, distant hobby since Words Hard, but I like to crochet and sculpt a little! Anything to do with fiddling with my hands and I’m good to go. And like, debatable but graphic design is my passion [insert clown emoji here since Tumblr said No]
2. Oh yeah a bunch! DnD yelling at people, thinking of arson, crocheting, rock climbing and simply vibing. I got into podcasts a few years ago and I’m always looking for more recs, so if you have some, hmu 😤
3. Pls,,,,my music taste is,,,so weird do not let me expose myself with lack of consistency but uhh. Current songs that are stuck in my head include; Cult of Dionysus , Achilles Come Down and The Last Shanty  
4. If you’ve ever spoken to me before, I probably yelled about Pacific Rim to you or at you. Plus I love all The Mummy films and really enjoyed Castlevania (s3 excluded, we do not perceive that) as well! 
5. Ah, mod survival simulator pt. 3
Alright, let’s go!  I don’t have a WIP because again, words hard, but like, considering how feral I am when not tryna seem professional hm... 
The Goodfellows: I wanna say a solid 7/10 because I’d hardcore vibe with the Traveler and probably instigate so much nonsense. I can also bribe with blueberry cake so maybe. 
Creature’s Cradle: maybe a 4/10 and only because of pure spite keeping me alive long enough to smack someone. I’ve prepared for hypothetical  zombie apolcapyses and I won’t hesitate to bap, but will be bapped back because I’m weak as hell. 
Greater Than Gods: a toss up between 2/10 and 7/10! I can vibe and be chill but I also have terrible impulse control so... 
Vardir: hm....I think pretty good survival rates all around? If you ask me to fight then like, okay sure, your knees are mine. So maybe a 8/10? 
When it Hungers: .......8/10 just because I’d refuse to die if I can be a cool creature. Living for the aesthetic can and will drag me outta hell. But I’m also clumsy as hell so I’d probably crash as a porcelain or hold a rooster and perish (aka, real rating is a good 3/10) 
Orthall Bay: 2/10, nope. Nope I’d be taken out in a heartbeat. Monsters can go pspsps and I’d head straight into the dark creepy forest like a fool if someone comes @ me. Half the time I’ll just assume it’s sfx makeup and vibe until it’s too late. 
god, never put me in a universe where I cannot squawk like a bird and throw pebbles from a window. Oof
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Anon, you're so sweet! I give you a forehead smoomch <333 As for your questions...
1. If I'm not writing, I'm usually watching video essays on Youtube. My go-to channels as of right now is Disrupt and Aperture! I just really like their videos. Aside from that, I recently got into podcasts. Currently going through Hello From The Hallowoods and Shelter and Warning, which are made by queer creators!
2. Oh oof, there's quite a bit so I'm just gonna put down one thing. For some reason, I really got into collecting tiny astronaut things? I recently bought this astronaut desk light, and I've got a package coming in for the miniatures I ordered. No purpose for them other than I think they're neat <3
3. I'm a bit private with my music taste (even tho I have Spotify connected on Discord lmao), but there's 5 songs that I'm currently obsessed with. I keep replaying them over and over again. Just squeezing all the serotonin I could get outta them.
4. I can't really say I have a fave TV show or movie because I can't really just pick one, but my current fave is 9-1-1 and Resident Alien. 9-1-1 because I just really love the found-family dynamics and how the show tackles sensitive topics, and Resident Alien because it's lighthearted comedy. My all-time fave movie is Flipped! I have the book too and I like rereading from time to time <3
5. You're in for a doozy, anon, because we're rating each other's games <333
The Goodfellows: 7/10
Listen. Shenanigans with the Traveler. I would get up to so many of them and that is what'll get me possibly bodied, not the actual environment itself <3
Greater than Gods: 7/10
I like to think I have enough common sense to uhhh not recklessly flip stones that should not be flipped <3 I'm a cautious and skeptic person irl so I think I'll hold up well? Then again, it's a vast environment change and while I can adapt pretty quick, I wouldn't like the lack of control in the unknown.
Vardir: 10/10
Going off what Cruz said, Vardir is lighthearted and focused on personal growth so I think I'll be okay! Self-growth here I come, babey!
Creatures' Cradle: 8/10
Maybe I'm overestimating myself, but I think I'll be able to survive in a supernatural post-apocalyptic world! Ah, but it depends on the motivation though. I like the idea of rebuilding communities and eventually societies, but the survival turmoil would be a constant battle I'd have to overcome. If we're talking survival itself though, I think I'll do well.
When it Hungers: 8/10
That's probably my wishful thinking but I think I'll be fine. Maybe. Possibly. Don't like the idea of being regulated by an organization so if I was a non-human creature that could pose a problem but I can roll with it <3
Orthall Bay: 6/10
Assuming I'm not playing as MC, my chances of survival uhhh changes quite drastically. Not enough to guarantee an untimely demise, but certainly enough that it would constantly keep me on my toes. I think that's the safest answer I can get without spoiling anything lmao
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Thank you so much for asking! It's super sweet of you <3
1. Too many :'D I knit, I sew, I do carpentry (well, learning), I bake, I'm hammering away at HTML and CSS, my job kind of encourages learning new things and I take that to picking up new hobbies!
2. My time is kind of consumed with school work and work work and WIP work so not a lot of time to pursue niche interests right now. I've been watching a lot of horror game playthroughs, true crime youtubers, and an adorable show on Netflix called the Repair Shop <3
3. My taste in music is "what am I vibing with atm?" I've been listening to a lot of 80's music atm (don't @ me), but also Lo Fang and Kaleo, and whatever spotify recommends me on my discover weekly which is usually complete chaos.
4. I love the Mummy even though it hasn't aged 100% well (I'm a librarian, of course it's one of my gotos LOL), Legally Blonde, Leverage, Jumanji (the original), I'm....very bad at having recent tastes... and very bad at remembering my favorites when asked.
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The Goodfellows: I'm a creature of comfort, 5/10 if I can just luxuriate in town and not actually interact with the story sfjkdbsdkf
Creature’s Cradle: I'd like to think I have a 50/50 shot XD 5/10, I want to think I'd be decent at a zombie apocalypse but ultimately would suffer an early fate.
Greater Than Gods: 10/10 if I'm just vibing, less so if I'm involved in the actual story XD
Vardir: I'd still suffer without technology but I can also knit for a living in this world so I'm down 8/10
When it Hungers: I feel like I could vibe here, there's tech if dated, hot showers, telephones are around by now... might still get bored. 7/10 though it'd be cool to be another creature....I should make a 'what creature of snv are you' quiz!
Orthall Bay: 7/10 idk I feel like after the first monster of the week I'd just skip town XDDDD I'm the worst protagonist, I see danger I just leave.
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asmo-ds · 4 years
beel just got together with an mc whose love language is baked goods (they bake to show their love) but also bake when they're stressed and beel really can't tell the difference because mc keeps shoving everything they made in his mouth and he enjoys it but he's also concerned so he tells them to stop and they break down bc of the stress and he cuddles them and tells them nice things and reassures them that this stressful period will be over soon, beel is best boy and i cannot stress this enough
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Baking for You
Beelzebub x gn!MC fluff
Warnings: MC baking to cope with stress
Summary: When MC begins to bake more and more for Beel he grows worried yet confused as he is well aware they bake to show they love him but they also bake to relieve stress, so he tries to figure out how to tell the difference between the human’s love baking and stress baking
a/n: it’s kinda short but yea and I’m so soft for this mans
Sweet scents filled Beelzebub’s nose as he traveled closer and closer to the kitchen in the House of Lamentation.
He grew excited as his keen nose also picked up the scent of his lover, MC. He quickened his pace excited to eat MC’s sweet first thing in the morning and to see them first thing in the morning.
He walked into the room filled with the wonderful aroma of both his human and his favorite foods. He immediately saw MC mixing some cake batter, rather aggressively. He took note of their aggression and realized it was one of those days for them. He could never tell when they were baking to show their appreciation for him and his brothers or when they were baking out of intense stress.
He slowly walked up behind them, carefully avoiding accidentally bumping ito the many trays of different baked goods they had scattered around the kitchen.
“Hey baby,” he wrapped his arms around their waist from behind, their movements halting for a moment as they turned their neck at an awkward angle to look at him.
“Hi,” they said soft, going back to stirring the batter, attempting to get it perfectly smoothed. MC moved to the cupboard, taking out a cake dish to fill with the batter, the chocolate mixture deliciously molding into the shape of the pan.
They place the cake in the oven and set a timer, turning to Beel and clapping their flour covered hands once and rubbing them together like they were on some sort of mission. 
“Hmmm. Which do you want to try first? Ah- I know! These blueberry muffins are practically calling your name,” MC shoves the muffin in his face, watching as he opens his mouth. They pop it into his mouth and look up at him, expecting feedback.
“Mmmm, this is really good, MC!” He licks his lips and smiles sweetly. He tries to judge by the types of food they made. Perhaps that will clue him in onto why they had baked so much this morning. Alas, as he scanned the room there was such a variety in colors, flavors, and shapes among their goods that he couldn’t tell.
MC shoved treat after treat at him, and as much as he enjoyed it, he was growing more and more anxious because he wanted MC to be happy and he just could not tell what their purpose for cooking was.
“Hey sugar,” he grabs their face in his hands, squishing their cheeks softly and pulling them closer to him, he plants a kiss on their lips before continuing, “is something bugging you? You only bake this much when your stressed or it’s a special occasion for us, and I don’t think it is- is it?!” he suddenly panics at the thought of forgetting something important, but he hears a sniffle and he uses his thumb to wipe tears that fell down the human’s cheeks. “aww, baby hey shh it’s okay,” he pulls MC onto his lap, embracing them with one arm while the other moves to brush hair off of their face because it clung to their salty tear-stained cheeks.
MC buries their face into his shoulder, letting out the tears they had been holding back for days, inhaling the scent of their boyfriend for comfort.
“I-I’m so-ory” MC hiccups out as tears continue to stain their cheeks.
“For what? Sugar, you haven’ done anything wrong, it’s okay to be sad sometimes, even if there isn’t a reason you are still allowed to feel down,” he consoles them, giving them another tight squeeze.
“I’m just worried about finals, and Mammon has been trying to drag me into stuff all week, and I feel bad whenever I tell Levi I can’t play video games with him because I have to study, and Lucifer isn’t pleased with my grades and-” Beel cuts them off by kissing them suddenly.
“All that stuff isn’t anything to get stressed about, it’ll all turn out okay, I pinky promise, I’ll get Mammon and Levi off your back and ask Satan to help you with studying if you’d like,” Beel smiles softly, nuzzling their sniffling nose with his own lovingly.
“A-are you sure, I d-don’t want to be a bother,” MC whimpers, their teary eyes looking into their own.
“I’m sure, MC. I love you, I’d give you the world if I could if it meant you would be happy and relaxed.” Beel placed his lips on their forehead, petting their hair as they let out all of their stress via sobs and tears.
And the author has no idea how to end the fic so yea they cuddled all night :)
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thestalkerbunny · 3 years
So is the walten files any good? I tried to get into it but saw it had a 50+ minutes video and that discoraged me quite a bit.
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I think it was pretty good (and that's to be taken for a grain of salt, I think a lot of stupid questionable things are good for some reason-my personal taste is just easily described as 'trash' and I am the Possum dumpster diving for content at this point).
The art style is janky and unsettling in that sort of retro weird janky way where I don't like making prolonged eye contact with them. The audio is CRUNCHY-I would probably get more out of it with closed captioning cause man, that was just.....a train wreck for my ears. The story, albeit hard to piece together, is a bit like FNAF without explicitly being FNAF. It's got up to an hours worth of content that you can view all at once (or you can just view it in bits and pieces at a time if that seems too intimating to take all at once.) It's like eating imitation meat without eating....meat. Not Fnaf, but you can taste the inspiration from it in the air.
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(Me too, Banny, Me too.)
Here's a loose summary of the entire thing from what I've gathered so if you still don't feel like watching the 50 minute video-you'll still have general of it and comprehension of it to hold a semblance of a conversation. Granted it wouldn't be a good conversation but you could still participate and look at the tag and enjoy the art.
The TLDR; FNAF, but only two dead kids, more dead adults and a lot more gore and uncomfortable imagery that FNAF was afraid to go for. Again-less is more in horror and Walten Files did that well.
The Walten Files is a bunch of VHS's, Audio Files, Informational Tapes and a video game play thru regarding a short lived resturant called Bon Burger that belonged to the much larger Bunny Smiles Industry-which made games, tv shows, merchandise for some characters called Bon the Bunny, Banny the Bunny, Sha the Sheep, Billy the Clown and Boozoo......the person? When Bon Burger was launched, it was gonna be like chuckie cheese where these robots sing stuff for you while you eat kinda subpar food. For some reason, the restaurant closed, but it's founder, Felix Kranken, wants to reopen it and as repeatedly hired people to go out to the place where they're storing the robots to fix them up so they can reopen. (the robots obviously do violent un-fun things to anyone who comes around-like shove people into empty suits, ala FNAF)
Now we're gonna to explain why that happens-as best as I could grasp it.
There were two founders of Bon Burgers-Felix Kranken and his friend, Jack Walten. They were the best of friends-close enough were when Jack or his wife weren't able to pick up their kids from a school event-he asked Felix to do so. Felix had been drinking because he was upset about his recent divorce. He still got behind the wheel of the car and ended up in a very bad accident with the two of the Walten kids and ended up killing them. Instead of telling the police or Jack what had happened, he buried the bodies out in the woods (early on he claims not to remember where) and after recieving a frantic (what are we talking about, it was 25 voice mesages) from Jack, Jack then dissapears off the face of the earth. Bon Burgers opens shortly after. Jack's wife Rosemary also dissapears after that-the only remaining Walten left is a girl named Sophie who has repressed 90% of the truama of her childhood via medication.
It's theorized that the animatronics are posessed by the dead kids or they were programmed by Felix to basically cover up his fuck up because it's also implied he may have killed Jack. What is known that a woman named Susan was stuffed into Banny (the purple rabbit) and survived but starved to death and Rosemary Walten was chopped to bits and shoved into Sha (The sheep) because she went out there trying to find her husband Jack who had been last seen out there. It's implied that Jack posessed Bon (the blue rabbit)
This is my choppy summary-I literally just got done watching it myself and I'm not good at dechipering things and also the audio was JANKY as fuck so there's that too. And the art looks like it was drawn by the lowest bidder (but that's what makes it so weirdly charming to me)
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Fuck yeah. The beautiful animating styles of the bare minimum requirements for a 'welcome to your new shitty job' Video.
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It's my personal belief that if one person gets to say the word 'Cunt' or 'Fuck', it gets to be Bon.
In my personal opinon, Jack Walten was the scariest character in general and this is coming from someone who is unsettled by fursuits.
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Please back up at least 90 ft, good sir.
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
Hi I found your account and I’m interested in requesting iida x reader who acts like kenma! I’m not sure if your doing request so if not please ignore this!! Stay Hydrated!!!
tenya iida with an gn! s/o like kenma (hq)
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[a/n: this gif makes me feel some things 😳🦋🦋 hehe anyways...thank you for the request anon! I tried my best with the prompt so i hope it’s to your liking :) I promise to stay hydrated! enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´- ]
✰ i think he was a little stand off-ish at first
✰ he mistook your straight forward nature as you being rude
✰ your laid back demeanor gave him the wrong idea, homeboy thought you were lazy
✰ it wasn’t until the sports festival that he truly saw your full potential
✰ you were paired with bakugo for the main battle and he was worried because he just knew that you would be obliterated by that noisy punk
✰ oh how wrong he was
✰ don’t get me wrong, you lost
✰ bakugo was able to get you all riled up, he kept hounding you about how you didn’t deserve to be in the hero course because you were only putting in the bare minimum, he pushed you to your limit
✰ kinda how midoriya got shoto to use his fire during their fight
✰ you fought tooth and nail, your school gym suit was burned and you were breathing heavily
✰ you just wanted to prove him wrong, to prove everyone wrong
✰ but, alas, you were exhausted and all it took was his howitzer impact to blast you out of bounds with a successful k.o.
✰ iida rushed to the infirmary, relieved to see that you were okay
✰ “(l/n), I’m afraid I have to apologize. it seems I was wrong about you.”
✰ you had just shrugged and told him to relax, “it’s not a big deal...” you looked away from him as you sheepishly scratched the back of your neck, not wanting him to see the burning blush on your cheeks
✰ from then on, he had invited you to hang out with the ‘deku-squad’
✰ he’d grow to absolutely love your little cat like habits (I refuse to believe that kenma doesn’t act like one)
✰ on one of your guys’ day off, he watched as you ungracefully flopped onto the couch and pulled out your psp
✰ every now and then, you would stretch and lay in the strangest ways
✰ there was one point were you had draped yourself over the arm of the couch, your legs resting on the cushions as your torso just kinda hung above the ground
✰ he was confused but let you be and sat on the couch opposite you and read a book
✰ you often played video games with denki and eijirou until ungodly hours of the morning
✰ he’d make sure to make you the best tea and make sure you at least got proper nourishment before school had started since you needed some way to regain all the energy that you would’ve got if you had gone to bed at a reasonable hour
✰ he’s definitely have to deal with a whiny denki and kirishima because he was WAY softer with your ‘why you need 8 hours of sleep to be a hero’ lecture
✰ he doesn’t realize he has feelings for you until midoriya and ochako bring it up, even shoto knew
✰ it would definitely be on his mind 24/7, he’d start to get the tiniest bit flustered whenever you were around or when you did something unexpectedly cute
✰ he’d pull you aside during lunch or something
✰ “(y/n) I have something to confess...”
✰ he was uncharacteristically nervous, “Sure iida, what’s up?”
✰ “I...well to be blunt, I believe I have romantic feelings for you.”
✰ your cheeks instantly went up in flames, heart beating fiercely against your rib cage
✰ “I...I feel the s-same way.” Your voice was quiet but he heard you loud and clear
✰ now for the fluffy couple stuff hehe
✰ whoever said iida was too awkward to be super affectionate is very WRONG
✰ he’s definitely not too into pda and neither were you so it worked out
✰ but behind closed doors...ooh honey this boy will drive you crazy
✰ the way i see it, iida’s a very determined boy so if he’s gonna show you his love he’s gonna do it right
✰ this usually happened on days that you’d convince him to relax instead of studying or training
✰ you’d push him onto his bed and crawl in between his legs and rest against him so your back was to his chest, he’d wrap his arms around your waist and pull you flush to his body, resting his chin on your shoulder
✰ he’d watch you play your games, usually asking questions as you did. You never really minded answering them
✰ sometimes, as you were playing, he’d press soft kisses onto your neck or shoulder and whisper sweet nothings in his heavenly deep voice
✰ or if he was feeling extra bold that day, he’s grip your thighs and softly massage them or he’d trace random shaped into them with his fingertips, this never failed to make you extremely flustered
✰ the tiniest grin would make its way to his lips as he watched your fingers stutter in their movements, causing you to die in the game
✰ “What’s wrong my love? Am I distracting you?”
✰ this lil shit knows what he’s doing
✰ not that it’s all that important but mans has got that shmoney
✰ you best believe that he’d buy you the game you wanted as soon as it came out just to see that adorable bashful smile of yours as you excitedly went to put it into the game console
✰ he’d definitely ask denki and kirishima to teach him how to play a game so that he could join you in your favorite activity
✰ dates would be nothing fancy, you’d rather stay at the dorms and cuddle but iida was persistent so sometimes he’d convince you to go out with him and get lunch
✰ and when you did, i was a no game zone so you had no escape
✰ he’d hold your hand from across the table and run his thumb over your knuckles, loving to watch as you instantly got shy and would look away
✰ he’d taken you on a picnic date once and you found a nice sunny spot on the blanket and curled up for a nap, he was gonna wake you up and lecture you about how inappropriate it was to nap in public but one look at your peaceful features and his heart would melt
✰ he gently ran his hands through your hair and threw all reason out the window, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his sheet before taking advantage of the amazing weather and taking a nap with you
✰ you did it...you broke iida
✰ anyways...
✰ he had noticed that you were huffing and puffing over the last level of a game, you had restarted the level so many times and you were getting frustrated
✰ what he wasn’t expecting was what you did once you had finally completed it
✰ something that completely caught him off guard
✰ “Oh my god...I did it.” a feeling of relief washed over you until that relief turned into joy. “I did it!”
✰ you had rushed over to him and threw your arms around his neck and started to repeatedly place kisses all over his face
✰ he was just kinda frozen there as he gripped your hips to keep you in place as you peppered kisses all over his skin but once you realized what you had been doing, you pulled away from him
✰ “Sorry...t-that was s-silly.” You were clearly embarrassed, he chuckled and pulled you back into his arms as one of his hands came up to cup your jaw and tilt your head upward
✰ “congratulations my love, I’m proud of you.” He’d then place the sweetest kiss on your lips
✰ overall, baby boy loves you so much
✰ because of you, he’s learned how to relax and just enjoy some lazing around
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Hey, if requests are still open, how do you think the ghouls (and papas if you're in the mood!) would react/behave around a s/o who has to work from home (because of huge social anxiety and burn out), thank you x)
Hello there! This was written way back then by @oriharaobito ! The actual ask got eaten but we had it copy and pasted above! Enjoy! - Rosie
Dewdrop: Probably the most active of all the ghouls, he’ll probably come annoy you while you’re trying to work often. He doesn’t understand that you have work to do and will think “being home = available to do whatever”. You’re gonna have to distract him with like… colouring pages, or a video game, or tell him he needs to go hang out with friends. He’ll protest and say he wants to spend time with you. He knows he can’t drag you out of the house unless you’re in the mood, so that means he’s gotta stay home with you if he wants your attention. That doesn’t make him any less energetic, though. Don’t expect to get a lot of work done unless you’re gonna seriously lay it on him that you can’t just stop working to entertain him. He’ll get the message… eventually.
Aether: Respects your space, if you’re in your home office he’s not likely to bug you. Totally willing to go do his own thing while you work. Sometimes if you ask he’ll sit with you while you work and play guitar so you have some background noise, or he’ll make light conversation. Probably the most prone to making you take breaks if he thinks you’ve been working too long, though. Will drag you out to the kitchen for dinner, or maybe go sit outside for a breather. He knows work is important, but so is play. You can go back to work later.
Mountain: Gonna have to figure out a schedule for work calls/quiet time vs when he gets to play drums at home. Personally I’m not averse to randomly listening to someone play drums but… not everyone would be a fan. Also respects your work space and doesn’t mind giving you some quiet time if you need it. When he feels like you need to take a break he’d probably knock on the doorframe and present you with a mug of tea or coffee or hot chocolate… whatever you prefer. That or a little snack. Or he’d pop in to say, “Y’know, it’s about 1, which is normally lunch time… I don’t wanna eat alone, so…” Is too cute when asking to say no to.
Swiss: Like Dew, probably a little annoying. He wants to sit in your workspace with you, and he’ll be pretty quiet, but he’s so touchy. Playing with your hair, kissing your neck, wanting to hold your hand, sitting there and gently pushing your chair. He’s silently annoying. You can give him exasperated sighs and eye rolls and huffs galore, but it’ll just make him smile and chuckle. Eventually you’re either gonna have to give into his pestering, or politely remind him your work is important. If you go with the latter he’s gonna pout and ask, “What? I’m not?” earning him another sigh. He’s kidding, and you know that, but there’s really no getting out of showing him he’s important to… He won’t tease you all the time because he’s fine to entertain himself, but sometimes he can’t help but pester you into taking a break.
Rain: Finally, someone who can sit in your office and keep you company quietly, AND without bothering you. He’s going to find something of his own to work on to keep him busy, he might even put earbuds in to work. Much more prone to losing track of time, though, and sitting there working for hours on end with no break. You’re going to have to set reminders or alarms for breaks or lunch. Sometimes when he isn’t sitting quietly working on his own thing with you, he’ll come in to get you to take a break and take a nap with him. He’ll argue that a good nap in the middle of the day could make you more productive. Don’t fact check him (or me) though, it’s probably best to just give in. Probably also not the most social, so stay home for however long you want.
Cirrus: Responsible time management queen. Definitely prone to reminding you to take breaks to stretch, or have a snack or lunch, or some tea, or a nap… just wants you to take good care of your body. Your mind, too! She’ll get you a puzzle or something to do when you have some downtime. Or she’ll find you on a break and say, “You know what would be fun? If we cleaned the kitchen! Or did laundry!” And it’s not in a condescending way or to make you feel like you’ve been putting off chores. It’s just… something she can do to spend time with you. She wants to do the dishes with you, or fold laundry with you, or squeeze the dish soap bottle in front of you guys so it makes all those little pretty bubbles. Your work is important, so she won’t bother you when you’re focused. But when you have a moment, she’s gonna pounce on the opportunity to do something domestic with you.
Cumulus: You’ve been working pretty diligently, in the office most of the day. There has been some noise in the kitchen, but nothing you decided warranted investigation. Until, hours later, you definitely think that is the smell of something burning. When you slide into the kitchen (damn socks on tile) there is Cumulus, her cute apron has been made a complete mess, holding a tray of cookies in the chaos that was formerly called a functional kitchen. Flour and cookie dough are on every available surface, dishes piled high in the sink and the mixer still on the counter with plenty of cookie dough left in the bowl. Her sheepish smile makes you feel bad for wanting to get angry for a moment. “I just thought it’d be nice to make you a snack! You were so focused, I didn’t want to bother you, but I wanted to get you to take a break, maybe, so I thought I’d make cookies…” She’s going on and on about it, and you can’t help but snag a taste of the cookie dough out of the bowl. “I’m sorry if they taste bad, or that the kitchen’s a mess, or-” You cut her off before she can make any more apologies, because the cookie dough is so good, and she’s just as sweet - if not more. You take a break and settle down at the table with your new snacks and a chatty ghoul. Work (and cleaning up the kitchen) can wait a bit. Cookies are best fresh out of the oven.
Papa I: Home office buddies! You can both sit and work quietly in the same room. I think he might fall asleep in his chair sometimes, though. Try not to leave him there, it’s bad for his spine. Wake him up and you can both have some tea, or maybe sit and talk or have lunch. Sometimes he even has enough energy even to take a little walk with you when the weather is nice. When he does go out he makes sure you really want to stay home and work by yourself. Why not come work in his office for a day? Or work outside if you can? A change of scenery is always nice. You’re sure you want to stay home? Alright, but please make sure not to work for hours at a time. He’ll have sticky notes on his desk with the clergy reminding him to call you to make sure you’re getting adequate breaks. Or he’ll have a ghoul remind him to call you, or if he ends up being in the middle of something and can’t call, you’re getting a call with a ghoul on the end saying, “Papa requested I check with you to make sure you’re taking a break from your work at this time.” You can lie to the ghoul if you want, but would you really wanna lie to Papa? Might as well come back to what’s at your desk later.
Papa II: I know he’s a party animal and everything, but he’s also a pretty serious guy. You’d probably be the one to distract him from work before he distracts you. Early riser, he’s on that grind for the clergy from dawn to dusk. More prone to leaving the house to work, But he’ll leave you a little note each day before he leaves. When he is home, he’ll be somewhere in the house doing his own thing. Might sit down in your office if he’s feeling particularly friendly that day. If he thinks you need to take a break, whatever it may be for (wink wink nudge nudge) the possibility of getting out of it is slim to none. Like I said, pretty serious. Definitely the most prone to performing some not safe for work acts when he is feeling up to messing with you. Good thing is, you work from home. I don’t think he’d care either way, though.
Papa III: Has the same dirty mind as his older brother, but is laying on the charms instead of getting right to it. He wants to woo you away from your work. He’s showering you with compliments, telling you that you’re so gorgeous you shouldn’t have to waste the day working. He’s probably prone to occasionally dragging you away to go out to lunch. Somewhere quiet and private because he knows you probably aren’t one for big crowds or busy places. He likes to work but he also likes to play, he doesn’t take his own job seriously so he’s going to try to convince you to have the same mindset. You can get your work done most days, but you’ve definitely got a break or two in the middle of the day that’s all about Papa.
Cardinal Copia/Papa IV: He’s probably got about the same work ethic as you. Works for a reasonable amount of time each day, sometimes he forgets to take breaks or eat, and at the end of the day you can find him on the couch doing nothing because he did stuff all day and now he doesn’t wanna do stuff anymore. That’s alone, though. When you’re there, his day is immediately better. You can both complain to each other about work stuff, you can whip up something in the kitchen together, and you can sit on the couch in pajamas eating and watching trashy tv and roasting it. If he wasn’t currently in charge of the entire clergy, he’d likely work from home more often. But alas, his job is extremely important, and so most days he’s out of the house. Not prone to texting you or leaving notes, but he will do something more random that you’ll see. He’ll send something to your work e-mail. A sweet note, or a meme that his young-but-still-old-kinda man brain can grasp. Or sometimes he opens the window to send you something, gets distracted, and one of his rats runs across the keyboard while he’s turned away and you receive an e-mail that just says: “efjsksf’;d;;’;;..;]’.l;.” which is hilarious and makes you laugh for 10 minutes until you’re wheezing and maybe crying a little. Laugh breaks are the best breaks.
- @oriharaobito
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lothioriien · 5 years
richie tozier and his zoomer teen: headcanons
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A/N: I tried keeping this as gender neutral as possible, but idk it’s a lil implied that the kid’s a girl. i’m trying to learn how to write gender neutral stuff :”)
By teenager, I mean around 16-17! High school age!!
Sometime in the early 2000s, famous comedian Richard Tozier went to a party and came home with a woman.
oh yeah they deffo got it on that night
But that was a one night stand kind of thing, and Richie didn’t have any contact with her until about a year later.
He got up the couch one early evening to the ringing of his doorbell, and found a basket and a bag filled with baby food, diapers, and clothes perched on his doorstep
And in the basket? A small child, an apology note from the mother, and a birth certificate with his name listed as the father.
Oh boy did his life completely change after that.
It was him and the child, against the world.
but let’s skip the details on him struggling to take care of an infant first and move on a bit to when the kid’s older.
You, of course, are the baby that was left on his doorstep, and Richie tried to be the best father he could be despite his touring career as a comedian.
He’d bring you to the shows, even if you didn’t understand a thing that went on, though eventually when you’d help him write some material when you were older.
Constantly touring with him as a kid meant you were homeschooled. But that didn’t stop you from having a social life. You’d be friends with a lot of his fellow comedians, and John Mulaney was your ultimate favorite friend of his.
you just loved the very tall and gangly twelve year old looking man named uncle john.
Your academic life though was not too bad. You’re pretty intelligent, but when it came to maths, oh boy.
As a kid, you’d ask Richie constantly about math. He’d hate the school curriculum you had because math was different back when he was younger. He’d always help you, but it was mostly the internet just teaching you both.
You’d introduce him to vines (through iconic vine compilation videos), but mostly because he was so confused with this new language you were speaking.
Eventually he’d say some vines back to you and it’d come off so weird cause he’s a 40 year old white dad. You love him, nonetheless, and appreciate the effort
A lot of your instagram stories or snapchat stories are you filming him as you sing “You are my dad! You’re my dad! Boogie woogie woogie!”
He found it cute at first, where he would smile at you hiding behind your phone and hug you after cause dang he loves his kid so much and would die for you
then later, he’s evidently so annoyed because you do it constantly. As in he takes off his glasses, puts his head in his hands and just sighs so loudly.
When tiktok became the new vine, you were on the app every single day, making it a goal of yours to become tiktok famous.
You’d force your dad to do tiktoks with you
“I love my daddy. he is my superhero”
“Famous relative check!”
“Don’t look at me like that.” “YOU’RE MY DAD. BOOGIEWOOGIEWOOGIE!”
Gaining some clout because he is a pretty famous comedian 👀
Saying “ok boomer” to him when he’d annoy you
But then he’d clap back by being like “What the fuck Y/N. I was born in 1976, i’m not that old.”
“Yeah but sometimes you think like a boomer.”
“Ok, zoomer.”
“Dad. No. Get out.”
He’s really chill with you swearing. You definitely got that habit from him.
“What the actual fuck, Richard.”
“At least have the fucking decency to call me dad, Y/N.”
He got you into video games at a young age. Every time there was a new console or a new interesting game out, you’d both be up early to go out and get the said console/game.
And in each game you’d play, there would be hilarious commentary.
it’s basically that video with bill hader playing god of war with conan but imagine that and a zoomer’s feral energy combined.
He also got you into becoming a cinephile. Though unlike him, you read the books before watching the movie.
Marathoning a bunch of tv series together and you can never watch any new episode without him. Friday nights were reserved especially for it.
Richie can’t fucking cook for the life of him. Growing up, it was always take out, pizza, instant noodles, or mac and cheese.
He tried learning how to cook, he really did. But it was just so bad that eventually you’d learn how to do it. Then you’d try to teach him how too.
But did he get better as a cook?? Not really.
He once accidentaly set almost the whole kitchen on fire when he tried making pasta when you were 15.
The following morning, he got up and learned how to make pancakes with sausages, bacon, and eggs.
It was damn good, and by far the best thing he ever made.
So his pancakes became a regular thing.
On casual dinner nights at home, he’d let you have a drink with him and be drinking buddies. He taught you how to drink and be safe with drinks (cause we stan a protective father amirite)
Speaking of protective father, he’d be so picky and open about the people you’d date
“Really Y/N? That person? They’re fucking trash and you know it. You deserve better, sweetie.”
“But dad. They’re hot.”
“That’s still a no from me, kiddo.”
Having the most random, yet somehow meaningful conversations with Richie, yet roasting him at the same time.
“Y/N, do you think I would be classified as a papi by people.”
“No. You still wear hawaiian shirts over a t-shirt. You’re too tacky for that. You’re a papa, not a papi.”
But somehow, you also adopt his fashion style?
Cause hawaiian shirts are pretty cool? Very John Deacon ala 80s aesthetic?
And then he roasts you back from the time you called him tacky.
“Respect the drip, Richard.”
Even though you always poke fun at each other, you guys are actually so open with each other and just talk about anything and everything.
Oh no when you first got your period, he was panicking and nearly bought the entire aisle of pads and tampons because he was so clueless
Meeting the Losers Club was exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. You didn’t know what to expect of them or what they’d expect from you.
You clung to your dad the whole time, watching him reunite with his childhood friends. Each one of them had a look of surprise and confusion the moment they laid their eyes on you.
They found you to be like a mini-me of Richie, as both of you were clad in printed/hawaiian shirts and glasses.
“Jeez, Richie. Why’d you decide to bring a fucking clone of yourself?” asked Eddie.
“That’s my kid, you dumbass! Eddie, this is Y/N.”
“No shit, you have a kid! You got married, dipshit?”
“No, uh, it’s just them and me.”
You decided to butt in jokingly, “Joe was in the picture for a while too,”
“Joe? Who the fuck is Joe?” The minute Eddie asked this, Richie knew what was coming next.
“Joe mama.” Thus receving a high five from your father and a groan from Eddie.
at first, everyone else would not believe Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier had his very own kid, but the minute you started to get comfortable and joke around, it really clicked for them.
“There’s no doubt they’re Richie’s kid. Look at them! They’re basically a carbon copy of him!” Eddie would have exclaimed.
You‘re very liberal and open-minded, supporting the LGBT+ community and such, but you didn’t really know Richie’s stance on it.
Perhaps it was because he’d been surpressing his feelings for a specific boy from his childhood for almost his entire life, and he didn’t really talk about that topic so much.
But when you saw the chemistry between your dad and Uncle Eds, you sensed a little something there on both ends.
always saying a specific vine under your breath when you see them “two bros, chilling in a hot tub, five feet apart cause they’re not gay” (thank you to for this hc)
You’d say the vine so much, Richie eventually heard it and pulled you aside.
“Y/N, I- how did you know?”
“Know what dad?”
It took a little while for him to come up with the proper words to say. How was he gonna break this to you?
“Y/N..honey, I’ve had feelings for your Uncle Eds ever since we were kids. I-i don’t know, it really scared me as a kid to feel that way so I never talked about it. I guess what I’m trying to say is, kiddo, I’m gay.”
“Huh? I thought you were American?”
the man was basically on the verge of tears. He was so tense, he almost forgot to breathe. But the moment you hugged him and told him that it’s okay, that you love him so much, and that you’re so proud of him, he wrapped you in the biggest bear hug and cried. You cried too.
A/N: Imma end it here for now :)
So sorry it took forever!! I hope you enjoyed!!
Let me know if you want a part 2! 🤪
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emybain · 4 years
Quarantine: Renegades Edition
so please don’t take this seriously. i honestly don’t remember writing half of it, but it be like that. this is simply a glimpse into the lives of Nova and Adrian during a global pandemic, aka snippets of the few months they’re in quarantine together. also, happy birthday to my girl nova. there’s a bonus/crack scene at the end that was inspired by tiktok, as well. i regret nothing (other than this poorly written fic)
“They’re saying this thing could spread into June, July, maybe even August,” Adrian said, relaxing back into the leather couch, pulling the laptop with him. Nova adjusted against him, pulling the blanket over her legs just a little higher as the AC powered on. 
“That’s if people keep being dumbasses,” Danna replied from behind the screen, leaning forward to rest her head in her palm. “It’s our job as citizens to prevent the spread of this disease. Why can’t people get that through their thick heads?”
Nova and Adrian were on a video call with the rest of their friends, who were all also quarantined in their homes. Nova had her own apartment, but at the very start of this outbreak—a new disease that was rapidly spreading around the world—she decided that quarantining by herself for an unknown amount of time wouldn’t be good for her mental health, so she packed up clothing and other essentials and headed over to the Everhart-Westwood residence. Not to mention that a mansion was vastly better than a one room apartment. Oh yeah, and she supposed being stuck with her boyfriend every day wasn’t so bad. 
“They’re being ignorant,” Nova chipped in. “People think that they’re immune, or that this virus is being blown out of proportion.”
“When they get sick, I’ll laugh.” Ruby popped a cracker in her mouth before the camera became blurry as she moved. She appeared to have shifted from lying on her back to her stomach from a spot on her bed. There was minimal background noise from her end, which was suspicious since she shared a room with two teenage boys. They must’ve been off playing video games, probably who Max was laughing with from his room upstairs. 
Narcissa poked her head out from behind a lengthy book from her place on Danna’s bed in the background of Danna’s screen.. Like Nova, she lived by herself, and would rather be with her significant other than be alone. “This isn’t the first time a pandemic has spread throughout the world. There was the European Virus fifty years ago, coronavirus back in the 21st century, the Spanish Flu in the 20th century, and so on and so forth.” She waved a hand in the air. “Hopefully, people will come to their senses. History always repeats itself, no matter how hard we may try to prevent it.”
“Thanks for the optimistic input, babe.” Danna rolled her eyes and cast a glance back at her girlfriend.
“It’s what I do,” Narcissa replied, returning her attention back to her book, but there was a smile on her face. 
“Well, maybe when things start to calm down a bit, we can all hang out. A picnic or in cars or something.” Oscar shrugged. “Six feet apart, of course. I’m not about to catch something from you nasty people.
“Did you just suggest a picnic?” Ruby snorted. “You might want to check your temperature. I think you’re getting sick.”
“You seem to forget all about the many picnics we’ve had.”
Ruby stuck her tongue out in response, then straightened a little and turned her head to the side. “What?” she yelled. After a moment, she turned back to the screen and groaned. “Ugh, I have to go. Mom’s making me bake with her again. Maybe this time we’ll try something besides bread or cookies.” She waved at them before she vanished from the meeting. 
At that moment, the front door clicked and opened, revealing Hugh and Simon, both carrying multiple grocery bags. 
“My dads just got home from the store. We should probably go help.” Adrian sat up, leaving Nova to fall a little in his direction as she had been leaning on him. 
“Hi Adrian’s Dads!” Oscar yelled, though they were already out of the room when he did so. Nonetheless, they both shouted back their greetings from the kitchen. 
“I should probably go, too. There’s this show I started bingeing and I finished the fifth season last night. I’m dying to know what happens after that cliffhanger.” Danna leaned back in her chair. 
“Oh, is it that one you were telling me about?” Nova raised her eyebrows. “Based off of that movie series?”
“Yes! And watch it so I can rant to you about it! I’m so pissed off at the main characters. They’re just...so stupid.”
With that, the remaining five waved and said their goodbyes. Adrian set the laptop down on the coffee table in front of them, and they both stood up. Nova stretched, her muscles tired from sitting for nearly an hour. 
In the kitchen, Hugh was unloading the bags while Simon busied himself with spraying the items with cleaner and wiping them down with a paper towel. A couple of weeks into quarantine and Nova and Adrian knew what to do. They got to work putting stuff away, with Nova on pantry duty and Adrian at the fridge. 
Although Nova hadn’t been out in public since the world went into quarantine, she could tell that the grocery stores and other places were beginning to recover from the initial shock of the pandemic. With each trip to the store, Adrian’s parents came back with more and more food and supplies. Hugh had even decided to buy a fridge to store out in the garage for extra food that didn’t fit inside. She found that to be a bit ridiculous, but it seemed to make him happy. What was it with men and having fridges out in their garages?
“Is Max upstairs?” Simon asked, pushing a milk jug toward Adrian. 
“Yeah. I think he’s playing video games.” Adrian shot Nova a look, and she repressed a smile; they both knew what was about to come. 
“Has he done any schoolwork since we left two hours ago? Or at least left his room?” 
“I think he left to use the bathroom about forty five minutes ago,” Nova said. She glanced at the knock-off brand of her favorite crackers in her hand and sighed, placing it on a shelf. The off-brand wasn’t bad, but it certainly wasn’t the same. It was the type of product that you had to buy name brand, as the imitations were just a waste of money. Alas, with the pandemic, she knew it was a fight to get the good products before anyone else. 
“He’ll get it done, Pops,” Adrian reassured. “He’s been doing fine the last couple of weeks. Just going at his own pace, is all.”
“I know.” A sigh escaped Simon’s mouth. “And I’m glad that he’s able to be a kid now, but being a kid includes doing your homework.”
Nova thought of the classes she was taking at a local university. She was doing her best to keep up with her online work, but as the weeks dragged on, she was losing motivation. “This quarantine is probably nothing for Max, remember? I’m sure he does his work whenever he wants to because he actually enjoys doing it.” She shrugged. “Better than sitting around surrounded by glass walls.” 
“You’re probably right,” Hugh added, washing his hands once the last of the groceries were out of the bags. “I’m not too worried about him, just as long as I get to see his face once a day.” He chuckled at his own words. Simon offered a smile in support. 
Once all the groceries were stored away, Nova and Adrian headed downstairs, taking the laptop with them. 
Adrian stood from his seat, where he had previously already been on edge. 
“Nova, where are you going?” The glare he received was enough to scare off anyone else. He had seen this side of her before, though, and was unfazed. “It’s almost midnight,” he added, only increasing the glare.
“Anywhere but here.” Her eyes turned to Hugh, who crossed his arms in response. The two were arguing. Again. It was something that was new to their quarantine, having only surfaced about a week ago. They liked to argue over literally anything, from who got to have control over the remote to whether or not Nova should be a part of their daily “family walks” to the current state of the government and the involvement of the Renegades, who were no longer in charge but were still heavily tied into politics. Hell, even the weather wasn’t safe from their growing agitation with one another. Today, everything had been going fine, for once, until Hugh just had to bring up a curfew, as Nova liked to leave the house at odd hours. 
“This house is a fucking nightmare.” She gripped the keys to her motorcycle in her hand and turned to the door. From beside him, Adrian heard Max mutter something about irony under his breath. He too, despite entering the years of being a disagreeable teenager, was sick of the fighting. 
“Language, young lady,” Hugh said, warning laced in his tone. 
“Once again, you’re not my dad,” Nova gritted out. She opened the front door, revealing the darkness outside. “And you never will be.”
“Nova, what he’s asking isn’t completely unreasonable.” Simon ran a hand through his hair and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “You’re in our home for who knows how long, so as parents, you’re now our responsibility. Even when you’re not under our roof, you’re our responsibility. We just want you to be safe.”
“If you don’t want to follow our simple rules, then why are you even here? We’re paying for an apartment not two miles north from here, and you’re not even there. Instead you’re here, wasting our time and resources.” Even though the words weren’t directed at him, Adrian felt a chill go down his spine. 
Nova’s mouth opened, and she stared at Hugh blankly. Adrian could’ve sworn he saw her eyes welling up. “I’m here because I didn’t want to be alone. I’ve been alone my entire goddamn life, and I didn’t know if I could handle doing it again.” She swallowed, hand turning on the screen door. “But it’s not like I expect you to understand.” And then she was out the door. 
Adrian rushed forward, eyeing his dad coldly. “Seriously?”
“She’s out of line!” Hugh defended, although Adrian could see the regret in his features. 
Choosing not to answer him, Adrian shook his head and went outside. Nova was at the end of the driveway, sitting on her motorcycle and looking down at the ground. Adrian approached her slowly, making sure his steps were loud so that she knew he was there. 
“I don’t walk to talk about it.” She hid her face even more from him when he bent down. “You’re welcome to come with me, but I don’t want you to get in trouble for breaking curfew.” Her voice soured at the word. 
“I understand why you’re mad, but don’t avoid me because of it.” He lightly nudged her chin with his knuckles. 
“He’s just so...so…” she lifted her head up, running a hand through her hair in frustration as she tried to find the right words
“Stubborn? Controlling? Self righteous?”
“Yes.” She let out a laugh, though it was void of humor. “It’s just...who does he think he is? I’m an adult. Even if he was my father, he can’t control what I can and cannot do.”
“You seem to forget that I’ve had to live with him for years,” Adrian said dryly. He reached for her hand and laced their fingers together. “I’m an  adult, too, but that doesn’t matter because he pays the bills.”
Nova gave him a long look. “You really need your own place.”
“Don’t remind me.”
“But you get what I mean.” She looked down at their hands, turning them around to examine the back of his. “I’m not his kid. It’s different with you because you’re his son.”
“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to keep you safe.” Her grip on him tightened, just slightly. Even though it had been a few years since the events surrounding the supernova, Nova still had trouble believing that her former enemies actually cared about her. It was hard to trust them when it had been ingrained in her from a young age that they were the bad guys. 
“I can take care of myself fine. I’ve been out in the middle of the night so many times I’ve lost count. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid.” 
Adrian sighed and rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. There wouldn’t be any reasoning with her, at least not tonight. He had to let her cool down and return to the subject when she had a clearer mind. “At least come back inside? We can go play video games downstairs, or watch a movie, or do anything you want. I’m sure once you and Hugh are both calmed down, you can reach a compromise.” 
“But I don’t want a fucking com-”
“Or he’ll see things your way,” he tacked on quickly. Right. When she got like this, it had to be her way. It was funny, how she resented Hugh at times for his stubbornness, when she was equally as stubborn if not more so. This quarantine was really getting to all of them. Adrian couldn’t wait for the day life could go back to normal. 
“Adrian? Nova?” Adrian turned his head around to see Max, who was squinting at them through the dark, despite the outside lights being on. 
“What’s up, Max?” Nova shifted her body on the bike to face the teen. 
“Pops wants to know if you’re coming inside soon. He needs to set the alarm so he and Dad can go to bed.” Max paused, eyeing the bike. “Unless you’re going for a ride, then he’ll leave it off.”
Adrian waited for Nova to answer, as it was up to her. Nova ran her free hand over the bike, then sighed. 
“We’ll be in right behind you. I was just...checking some things on her.” All three knew she was lying, but Nova was still learning how to express her emotions in front of others. Even in front of Max, someone she got along with as well as she did with Adrian. 
“Alright.” Max turned to leave, then glanced back at her. “You know, things are rough right now, and I know it isn’t easy for everyone to be in isolation for so long, but,” he shrugged, “at least we’re together. I was able to make it in a quarantine for ten years with no one but myself and the doctors for company, so this is easy for me, but I know I’m probably the only person on this planet who thinks that way.” He let out a soft laugh. “I guess I’m just trying to say that I’m glad you’re here, and that I’m glad our family is quarantining together.” The smile he shot her was genuine. He turned back around and walked back to the house, where Adrian could see the outlines of his dads watching at the door. 
“Huh.” Adrian watched his brother go inside. “Just when you think he’s starting to learn how to be a proper kid-”
“-he goes and spouts shit like that?” Nova finished, shaking her head. Adrian could see the small smile on her face through the curls hiding her features. 
“Yeah.” Adrian squeezed her hand. “C’mon, let’s go back inside.”
Nova placed the mixing bowl in the sink and turned on the faucet. She reached into a drawer and grabbed a towel, placing it under the running water. The kitchen was a mess, although she had seen it in worse states. At least the ingredients were all stored away so that she could get started on wiping down the counters. Hugh and Simon were at headquarters for the day, as their presence was required for something Nova didn’t care enough to know about, and they figured it would be best to work from there instead of coming home. And, according to Simon, them being out in public and at headquarters would be good for publicity. It had been a while since they stepped into work, seeing as even the Renegades had to obey social distancing orders. 
Point being, they were out of the house, so Nova could do whatever she wanted without questions being asked. And she had grown to appreciate baking during quarantine, among her long list of new and revisited hobbies. The Everhart-Westwoods always, to Nova’s surprise, had sweet tooths, so they never minded that Nova made a mess of their kitchen; it was just when Hugh or Simon entered the kitchen and started asking a bunch of questions that got on Nova’s nerves. Today, she could bake in peace. 
Or so she thought.
“Mm. Smells good in here.” She looked up at her boyfriend, who just entered the room. He peeked at the oven. “Cupcakes?”
“Muffins,” Nova corrected, setting the used towel next to the sink. There was dried paint on his forehead, as well as on his hands. She had to shake her head. How was it possible to get so dirty? Well, she should speak for herself and her flour-covered apron. 
“Oh, well, same thing.” He shrugged and grabbed a water glass from a cabinet. 
Nova blinked and reached for the remote, which was sitting beside her, and paused the show she was watching on the kitchen’s small TV. “No. No not really.”
Adrian chuckled and nudged her lightly as he passed her to the fridge. “Yeah, kind of. The only difference is cupcakes have frosting.”
Nova scoffed. “The only difference? They’re two completely different things. That’s like saying ice cream and gelato are the same.”
Adrian turned to face her, leaning against the fridge. He took a sip of his water. “Ice cream and gelato are the same. One’s just claimed by the Italians.” 
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Those aren’t the same, either, dumbass. Ice cream, clearly from its name, has more cream than gelato. And gelato’s more dense than ice cream. Those are just two differences.” She crossed her arms. “There are more.” 
“And? What does that have to do with muffins and cupcakes?” 
“Because they’re not the same.” Nova had to laugh at the absurdity of it all. And Adrian claimed he was a smart person. Yeah, maybe smart compared to sloths. “Muffins are considered a bread. Cupcakes are...well...cake. Two completely different recipes. You can’t just slap some frosting on a blueberry muffin and say it’s a cupcake. Maybe it looks like one, but the flavor and textures are way off.”
“They both are made the exact same way, babe. No difference.” With the way he was smirking, Nova had the thought that he could just be messing with her.
“Don’t ‘babe’ me.” She glared at him. “Fine. If you won’t believe me, the baker, then you don’t have to eat any of my muffins. Not cupcakes.” 
He groaned and reached for her, but she dove out of his reach. “Nova, don’t be like this. I’m sorry. They’re not the same, okay? Happy?”
“Not until you’re honest.” She checked the timer above the oven. “I’m going downstairs for a minute.” Pointing a finger at him, she added, “Don’t mess with them. I’ll know.”
“Admitting defeat?” he called at her back. 
“Hell no,” she tossed over her shoulder. “This conversation is far from over, buddy.”
She definitely heard him mutter rudely how he knew, but chose to ignore it. After all, she was the bigger person in the relationship. 
Adrian turned into a parking spot and turned off the car. He glanced over at Nova, who was giving him a very pointed look.
“The park? What did you plan? A picnic?” That was, in fact, the plan, but only part of it. 
Leaning over, he planted a gentle kiss on her lips. It only softened the look a little. “You’ll see, nosey.” He unbuckled himself and opened the driver door. “Now, come on.”
She rolled her eyes, but got out as well. Seeing her in a pair of cutoff shorts and a simple t-shirt was refreshing, as she had been wearing sweats for the past two months, ever since the world was sent into quarantine. She and Adrian both had been dawning the same three pairs of pants and shirts for weeks now. But, this was the first time they both actually got out of the house, save for their daily walks or motorcycle/car rides, so it was only fitting to get dressed up for the occasion. And by dressed up he meant ditching the sweatpants. 
Also, it was Nova’s birthday. Adrian hated that she was being forced to spend it unceremoniously, when so many of her birthdays had gone practically unnoticed growing up with the Anarchists, so he took it upon himself as her boyfriend to do what he could for her. And that meant having a socially distanced picnic in the park with their friends, who they hadn’t seen in person in months. 
They walked down the sidewalk hand in hand, going into the grass whenever a biker or runner passed by them to maintain distance. Adrian almost wanted to pull his mask out from his pocket, but knew he was probably fine. Besides, if he put his mask on, Nova would follow, and he knew how much she hated wearing them, for obvious reasons. They were outside, and there were hardly any people in the park.
“You’re an idiot, Adrian Everhart,” Nova said once they could see their friends, but there was a smile on her face. They were all spread out on blankets, making a circle, and in the center sat an unoccupied blanket piled with food and gifts. 
“Hey, I can’t take all the credit.” He squeezed her hand, grinning down at her. 
“It’s about time you two showed up,” Oscar said, checking his watch. “We’ve been here for hours. We’re starving.” He stood and went to the middle to start making a plate. Adrian made a face at his back. He had specifically asked that they wait for Nova until they started eating in the group chat, so he guessed Oscar was holding his word. He waited, after all. 
“Twenty minutes,” Danna corrected from her spot beside Narcissa. She looked at them and rolled her eyes. “Happy Birthday, Nova.”
Everyone chorused in their ‘Happy Birthdays’ and Nova thanked them as she and Adrian sat down on the one remaining blanket. “You guys didn’t have to go and do this for me.” She turned her gaze specifically toward Adrian. He raised his hands in defense.
“Blame Oscar for putting the idea in my head. All he ever talks about when we video call is how bored he is.”
“That’s true.” Nova shook her head in amusement. “This is very sweet, but don’t expect me to cry or anything.”
“You cried on your seventeenth birthday, and that’s enough for us,” Ruby teased. 
“That was literally two years ago.” Nova ran a hand over her face. “It meant nothing.” 
“Mhm,” was Ruby’s response, but Adrian could tell she wasn’t convinced. None of them were, obviously.
Nova peered at the food pile. “Is that Mediterranean pizza I see?”
“Yeah, and it’s all yours,” Oscar clarified, passing a plate he made for Ruby to her before sitting down himself. “I still don’t understand how you like that. There’s not even meat on it!”
“There’s also cannoli’s.” Adrian stood to go make them both plates. He knew that cannoli’s were one of the few desserts she liked, probably because they weren’t that heavy. “Do you want one or two?” 
She pondered the question for a moment, then smiled at him. “Two.”
When he returned with their food, she leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“What was that for?” He handed her plate over.
“For being you, and for giving me the best birthdays ever.” She shifted her body to lean against him. “How’d you know I wanted to see everyone for my birthday, anyway?” 
“Because I know you.” He kissed her forehead. “Happy Birthday, Nova.”
Bonus crack scene:
“I would like to thank everyone for joining me today,” Nova said, swirling the water in the wine glass she snatched from the cabinet. Since Hugh wouldn’t let her drink actual wine, this was the next best thing. She cleared her throat. “I took it upon myself to observe the members of this household over the course of a week and rate everyone on their performances.” She pointed to the pyramid of papers set up on the wall, held there by type. There were pictures of everyone in the household behind a white sheet of paper. Starting at the bottom on the left side was the worst member, and the one at the top was the best. Why she decided to do this, she had little clue, but she figured it would be an entertaining activity to spice up everyone’s day.
“Is that what this is? I thought it was something actually serious.” Hugh leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. There was a smile on his lips. 
“It is serious.” She pointed her glass at him. The fast movement caused a bit of water to slosh over the side. “It has come to my attention that there are people in this household who have some improvement to work on if they want to move up next week.”
“If I’m not at the top, I’m breaking up with you,” Adrian joked, adjusting the glasses on his face. She narrowed her eyes at the camera he was pointing at her.
“I do not accept bribes.” Tearing off the first piece of paper, she began. There was a snicker, probably Max. “Hugh.” He immediately started protesting, but Nova silenced him. “No, no, no. You’re mean to me. Always looking to post up or some shit.”
“Language,” he warned, though his tone was light.
“Not to mention you don’t let me express my true self by cussing,” she added sharply. “Also, you tried to kill me three years ago and I’m sorry, but I just can’t forgive my haters like that. Try better next week, okay?”
“Hold on, wait a second.” Hugh held up a hand. “First of all, young lady, if you want to bring up the past, it goes both ways, but we’ve both changed for the be-”
“No comments at this time,” Nova interrupted. She ripped off the next sheet of paper. “Next up is Nova.” Laughter broke out in the room. Even she couldn’t help from smiling. “Not gonna lie, I held out hope for this one, but she’s got a lot of issues, if you know what I mean. Always picking an argument, refuses to participate in family activities, and is kind of just there. Doesn’t really do much of anything. The only reasons she’s above Hugh is because, for one, she’s far more attractive, and she bakes stuff for everyone.
“Oh, come on!”
“-you refused to cuddle with me yesterday and watch guilty pleasure movies because you said you were busy. You argued with me the other day on the validity of the Star Wars prequels and sequels.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “And you’re filming me without my consent. Other than those things, though,” she shrugged, “pretty cool boyfriend. You didn’t say anything when I stole one of your sweatshirts the other day, so that gets you some points.”
“Wait, the gray-”
“Max is next.” She tossed the white paper to the ground. “You never say anything mean to me, unlike some members in this household, but that could also be because you spend all day on video games. Because of that, I’m afraid you can’t be higher.”
“Hey, I’ll settle for third.” Max shrugged, grinning. 
“And that’s why I like you!” She nodded firmly. “In second place, we have Simon. Who doesn’t like Simon? You always have something nice to say, and on occasion, you’ll back me up in an argument because you’re an intellectual. I always enjoy our deep conversations, too. Truly a wonderful person.”
“Thank you, Nova. I enjoy our talks, as well.” Simon chuckled. He looked pretty pleased to be on top. 
“And that leaves us with,” she ripped off the last paper at the top, causing the room to erupt in laughter and clapping, “Obi Wan Kenobi. Truly an iconic and handsome man. Every time I watch Star Wars, he brings up my serotonin levels. Not just because he’s cute, but because he can land some sick burns.”
It was easy to say that, thanks to Adrian’s video, Nova started a trend all over the world.
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