#please tell me your thoughts on these lmao
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One of your posts popped out on my feed, and I've spent a couple hours now scrolling through your page here and there, and I have some thoughts.
First of all, I can tell that you put so much effort into each post you write, and I commend you for that! It's so cool!
Secondly, this going to be super long, I started writing and the words kept flowing, sorry! Feel free to ignore if it's too much. English is not my first language (Japanese & Korean are), so I apologize for any mistakes!
Please, don't take the following as an attack on you, I just want to state my observations, you aren't obliged to reply, and I tried to be as respectful as possible.
I recall you mentioning in one post that you try to be as 'objective' as possible when you answer questions and write posts, but personally, when it comes to a certain character, you are anything but.
And that character is Malleus.
I'm not even a fan of him, I'm pretty neutral, I think he has so much potential to be an interesting character, but he has been consistently done dirty by the writers, especially in his own book, and this seems to be the general consensus among people who aren't hardcore fans of his, and you seem to be to one of them.
Each time you mention Malleus in one of your posts (posts that pertain to other characters, and have almost little/nothing to do with him) I could tell that something was 'off', from the very first moment, I could tell that you viewed him negatively. I can tell you try to word things as neutrally as you can, but your dislike of him just oozes through, I guess. Lmao.
And lo & behold! I saw a post where you mentioned that you DO dislike him, and I was 'Yeah, I could tell'. I have no problem with people disliking him, as I said, I'm neutral, and people are entitled to their opinions.
But then you mentioned that you try to be objective whenever you answer questions, and I was like 'What? So that was you being objective?!' And then you said Leona was one of your faves...and yeah, you don't say! (Leona is my top 4 favorite, BTW)
There's you very SEVERELY minimizing his popularity in Japan. From my observations, it seems Malleus is the most popular character overseas & the most well-liked in general. Here in Japan, he isn't the first, but he is definitely one of the most popular, the only ones I'd pit above him are: Octavinelle, Idia, Skully, Leona. He ranks fairly high in polls & is spoken about very fondly, and is rarely criticized. You bringing up the topic of popularity just seems like a way for you to 'justify' & 'validate' your dislike of him, when he's universally loved. People like you & me (people who are neutral on him or dislike him) are pretty rare, whether it's in Japan or overseas. No matter how much you try to spin it, the tastes of fans across the two servers are very close, for example: Jack, Ortho, Grim, Epel, and Crowley are unpopular amongst both fandoms, Vil & the Scarabia duo are decently popular amongst both fandoms. Malleus has been steadily growing in popularity with the releases of Book 7, and I expect him to really raise in the ranks.
It's very obvious you hate Malleus, and your takes on him are fuelled by that hate, especially some of your takes on the ending of Book 7. You don't give him any grace, you are ESPECIALLY hard on him compared to the other characters, and frankly, you demand too much from him, as a person and as a character.
Even when the writers themselves made sure to let it be known that no injuries were caused, no lasting damage (which I personally thought was pretty obvious, but figured the writers had to get that one out for people like you, who convinced themselves he was more dangerous than he was) you still insist on it being false.
Out of all the other overblotters, Malleus had the most severe consequences, both physically (as he's now handicapped) and mentally (just because Lilia is now alive doesn't change that Malleus KILLED HIM, which is pretty different than Idia's situation, and bound to leave some PTSD). Leona caused way more injuries and girth way more people, even tried to kill Ruggie, and he didn't even have the excuse of being in a state of overblot, he did all that fully conscious, fully aware. He intentionally hurt people, but he's instantly forgiven & immediately he's back to his normal everyday life, forgiven. In contrast, Malleus hurt no one (except Lilia), never intended to harm (and intent DOES matter), all of this makes paints him in more favorable light compared to Leona (and Vil, who also tried to murder someone intentionally before he overblotted) It just seems like you WANT the narrative to justify your hatred of Malleus, you intentionally try to interpret & look at him and his actions from the worst perspective possible, in the most contrived way.
Even when most of the supposed 'victims' themselves have made an entire club based on how happy the dream world made them (which was Malleus's intention all along), and how much they miss it (in a scene presented as a comedic moment, intended to hammer the fact that Malleus truly hurt no one) you twist the scene into it being 'cult-like'?
The narrative isn't bending over backwards to make the situation seem more lighthearted than it was, it isn't retconning anything, the narrative is simply confirming what has already been implied (and what I thought was plainly obvious) for the sake of making things clear for people who would insist that the situation was worse than it was.
Why the surprise over no one being injured? Malleus has simply put people into sleep! Why would they be injured? They aren't in distress, and are content in their dreamworld. The only danger has always been it eventually taking over the world, and the people atrophying without the sustenance.
Why the surprise that he was allowed back in school? Why would the others be given a second chance & not Malleus? Even Crowley points that blatant hypocrisy out. If everyone turned out healthy & sound after the ordeal, all the damage has been repaired, & sincere apologies & compensations were provided, & there no long-lasting damage, then why should Malleus keep suffering?
Why the surprise that the students immediately forgave him? Physically no-one was harmed. Emotionally he didn't intend to hurt them, and the vast majority of them were happy in the dreamworld. Silver explained to them why Malleus did what he did, and they were all smart enough to understand his motives & intent, and wanted to stop him. The main characters got their lickback & the anger out of their systems by fighting him & weakening him, so they don't have a reason to be angry anymore. A running theme has always been NRC students being extraordinary difficult, they're all aware of it, and if anything, thsy find it amusing.
Twisted Wonderland has always been about second chances, learning from one's mistakes, applying the lesson one learned, and doing better. All the other students were given a second chance and proved themselves, why do you so vehemently abhor that for Malleus?
Malleus was misguided, but his actions were not out of malice (like Leona, Vil, Azul, Riddle), they were out of love & genuine desire to help people, and since he's a child who's never been taught proper emotional regulation and social behavior, he went about it in the most childish & simple way possible.
It just seems like you WANT Malleus to be punished, you want him to suffer. Him being maimed & handicapped for centuries isn't enough, you want more punishment for him. Him living in isolation & loneliness for almost 200 years, and being feared & avoided by his peers isn't enough, you also want him to be hated by them & isolated even more severely than before, you want him to be labelled a monster. Him having to live with the fact he killed his father isn't enough, you also want his father to have stayed dead, and for Malleus to wallow in his grief, pain, self-hatred for eternity (which includes a forever broken & unrepairable relationship with the only other 2 people who loved him).
And don't even get me started with you implying he hasn't shown enough guilt, because when has Leona? When has Azul?
It seems you don't Malleus to get a second chance, you don't want him learning from his mistakes & given a chance to do better, you don't want fairness, you just want him punished, hurt, and suffering.
I probably wouldn't have had much of an issue had you not stated your goal of being 'objective'. It's obvious you want & expect the worst out of him.
ご質問ありがとうございます! 最初は丁寧にご意見を述べてくださいましたが、途中で感情的になってしまったのでしょうか。 誤解を与えてしまったようで、この回答で説明いたします。
From my understanding, you seem to take issue with my usage of a particular word, "objective". I'm not sure which posts you happened to see (as there are admittedly a lot of them on this blog), but assuming that this was one of the #feedback for the writing raven posts, it's not a claim I make very often. It's typically something I hear from readers, such as in this post, this post, and this post, which are all examples from the last year. In the final example I linked, I do mention my goal in being objective, but I also state that 1) it's impossible to eliminate all bias and 2) there's a difference between minimizing my bias for the sake of analysis and allowing myself to freely criticize a character or writing based on my opinions. I will never be 100% free of bias, especially on posts where I am sharing my opinion. I don't claim to be perfectly objective in all instances, I just try to give every character a chance since they all have the potential to evolve, especially in a live service game like Twst. Some of the characters I love today are ones I loathed at launch (ie Leona), and some of the characters that are my most loathed today are the ones I loved at launch (ie Azul). By that logic, there's no reason why Malleus can't have a similar shift.
Again, I don't know what posts you looked at to form your view of how I see Malleus--but honestly, I guess I'm just confused as to how you reached the conclusion that you did. At this point, I don't think it's a secret that I dislike him (I sometimes bring it up to give context to what I'm about to say), but I also don't think I've ever expressed outright hatred. Hatred implies an unwillingness to see his positive traits and potential for growth, and I don't think that describes how I discuss him at all (a sentiment which I believe is shared by my readers). I do sound exasperated in some critique, yes, but it doesn't come from a place of malice. I don't think there's a purpose in getting needlessly mad about a fictional character. Malleus Draconia doesn't exist and doesn't impact my life outside of the moments when I engage with fandom.
My exasperation with him comes from a place of... I guess you'd call it disappointment??? Like, he has potential to be an interesting character, but the writing that's currently there (in my opinion) doesn't support him very well and keeps squandering that potential. I want him to be better and develop as a character (as I feel he has various flaws that aren't properly addressed), but I keep being let down time and time again. It leads to me sometimes sounding frustrated when I speak about him, because it feels like the narrative is holding his character hostage until maybe post-book 7. This is especially the case because Malleus's writing has this consistent issue where he is granted opportunities to learn and grow (and even social support from Lilia and other peers), but ultimately doesn't. This isn't true for other characters, who are given moments of character development in vignettes or event stories, even if in just small ways like Idia pushing himself to drum in public or Deuce doing his best to be an honors student.
I'm not sure where the claim that I "severely minimize" his popularity in Japan comes from?? If I mention popularity at all, it's usually to compare between EN and JP. In EN polls, Malleus consistently places #1, but doesn't reach those same heights in JP. The highest placement I've seen for Malleus in JP polls is around 7th place (which is still quite commendable!). This is also the case when you consider that Malleus x Yuu is the most popular self-insert category on AO3 (largely EN), but only has a fraction of the posts as the most popular yume'd character, Floyd, on Pixiv (largely JP). His spike in popularity is also more of a recent phenomenon, I believe coinciding with book 7 which fleshes out his character a lot more. Coincidentally, this also seems to have boosted his yumejoshi ranking in JP, as he appeared in the 2024 and 2023 lists (book 7 was actively releasing in these years). I even mentioned Malleus's bump in popularity in recent posts, such as here and here.
I'm by no means downplaying Malleus's popularity, and I never claimed that the tastes of JP and non-JP fans are vastly different 💦 I only comment on major differences I noticed, such as how Trey is much more popular to yume in the JP fandom than he is in the EN fandom. I make note of things like this because I find it interesting that we can all be fans of the same content, but also interpret that content in vastly different ways. I don't do it to "justify and validate" my own feelings about Malleus. (This also applies to the claim that I want canon to "justify and validate" me; I don't, I'm perfectly content with my own views and think it would be boring if canon always agreed with me.) I have expressed time and time again that I do not care how other people choose to engage with their media; that's their business, not mine, and to encroach on that or to disrupt the fun that someone else is having would be extremely invasive and rude. There's nothing to be gained in trying to get "justification and validation" from external sources, whether that's canon or what other fans think, because it's always going to be a fruitless effort if there's no internal satisfaction, but that's a whole separate can of worms.
Regarding the ending of book 7, I'm going to take a shot in the dark and guess that you may be sourcing many of my opinions of it from this summary post. As I mention in the opening disclaimer, everything contained in that post are my initial thoughts on the events that unfold. They in no way reflect all of my thoughts, just the very emotional and on-the-spot reactions I had directly after reading the last bits. I think you may be conflating my recent critique of book 7 with hating Malleus?? I have said that I think breaking his horn was extreme and that I sympathize with him for that; there were other ways to power cap him without having to do something that drastic. I never denied that Malleus might be harboring complicated feelings after killing Lilia (I actually acknowledge it as a possibility), but the writing of book 7 certainly fails to communicate this to us. (It's also something past OBs like Riddle, Leona, and Vil, fail to express, so this may just be a quirk of Twst writing.) As I said before, many other characters were let off with a slap on the wrist and not made to fully account for what they did, and I'm not necessarily satisfied with those either.
When I say "intent doesn't matter", it's only in relation to the results. Saying "I did not mean to harm you" does not negate any harm caused. You still have some degree of responsibility for it (albeit, in a court of law you might get a lighter sentence, but technicalities). If Kalim accidentally insults Riddle's lack of physical stamina, it... doesn't negate that Riddle feels insulted by it, even if Kalim didn't mean to. If we're going to say "intent does matter", then are we willing to apply it to all other situations, not just Malleus's? Mrs. Rosehearts did not mean to traumatize her child. The Briar Valley senators did not mean to isolate Malleus by blessing him with tons of magical power. Are we willing to extend them the same courtesy of "having good intentions", even if those "good intentions" led to harming others in the process? I don't think it's fair to say this of Malleus but then not do the same for other characters.
A large part of book 7 has been dedicated to those in S.T.Y.X. emphasizing the danger Malleus's magic poses to the rest of the world. The narrative has brought up the potential of the dreamers' physical bodies wasting away from lack of sustenance at least twice. Malleus's grandmother (a mage previously described to be even more powerful than her grandson) cannot pierce his barrier. They stress that his barrier will continue to grow, unburdened, and that he has an endless magic source to draw from. Malleus is trying to attack those who get in his way (including Ortho, Silver, and Sebek with killing intent). I don't think I would be incorrect to believe the characters when they say that this is a genuinely dangerous situation. It just feels tonally dissonant to me when a lot of book 7 was building up this danger, but then the ending doesn't really match what they were building up to.
And to be clear, the other OBs also get off easy. Like, it cannot be the case that all Scarabia students suddenly trust Jamil again after book 4, or that all NRC students feel comfortable dining at the Mostro Lounge again after book 3. However, the difference here, again, is scale. It's more believable when the numbers are small, like a few hundred students. It's less so when you pump it up to several thousand people and entire nations. The larger the number we're dealing with, the more likely there would be a non-zero chance that something would go haywire. This is why I also heavily criticize how Fellow Honest was treated at the end of his event; the crime ring he was associated with surely operated on a scale grander than just the NRC student kidnappings, yet we never touched upon this further.
The "cult" comment is something I made off-the-cuff, and was partially informed by the fact that a character (I believe Ace?) called the Fairy Dream Life Association members "Draconians". That's the same term that is used to refer to die-hard Malleus fans in Diasomnia--those same die-hard fans, who will ardently and blindly support Malleus in everything he says and does. I seem to recall one instance in the first Halloween event in which Sebek leads a group of Draconians to support Malleus in attacking Magicam Monsters; Silver and Lilia had to prevent that from happening. That reads to me like a cult of personality around Malleus. If you happen to disagree with me, that's fine--but there is no need to attack different interpretations.
I want to make it clear that I'm in disbelief at the lack of consequences not because it is Malleus causing them, but because the scale was so enormous. (The other OBs already faced such limited fallout for their own actions. Had they also reached the same scale as Malleus did, I'd still be shocked at how it was all hand-waved off.) It reads as unrealistic when the ending only focuses on the good or only vaguely covers the fallout. For example, other countries were put in danger. Why were we not told about their reactions to anything that happened or how they're reacting in the aftermath? Are we expected to believe that ALL countries in Twisted Wonderland accepted the apology and moved on? The 20,000 residents on Sage's island were put to sleep. Are we supposed to believe that not a SINGLE one of them had a negative experience or woke up confused or hurt from it? What about the parents and family members of those on Sage's Island? Not ONE of them was mad, not even Mrs. Rosehearts, who yelled at a kid for 5 hours for sneaking out with her child to eat a strawberry tart? To write it as though everyone reacted the exact same, convenient way cheapens the world + its people and makes it come off as paper thin. I think these are valid concerns and not convoluted nitpicks. There is natural variance in the world (it's nearly impossible to get 20,000 people to agree on anything irl, not even things you'd think are common sense), so it's very difficult for me to believe that there was NO variance at all when reacting to the aftermath of the OB incident.
I never said Malleus shouldn't be forgiven or that he shouldn't be allowed back in school (I've actually said the opposite). My issue isn't that there wasn't enough accountability for what he did. I don't want Malleus to be "punished more" or to "keep suffering", I want him to fully realize and own up to everything he did. The way the ending currently stands (I blame the time skips, honestly), there's not a lot that indicates to me that Malleus truly understands the full gravity of his actions. A lot of it is being assumed by the fandom, but not indicated in the story itself, which I think is a shame because it's quite limiting for his character. It feels like everything stops short, when really, it should go on for a little longer??? For example, Malleus does apologize to NRC--which is a good start! But he still didn't like... apologize to anyone else on Sage's Island that he affected with his magic?
I'm surprised that the students seemed to immediately forgave Malleus because NRC students are frequently portrayed as vindictive and petty. They get mad, pick fights, and hold grudges over the smallest things, so it's unbelievable to me that a peer would go and do something big like this and then no one in the entire population of 800 students holds even the slightest reservation about what happened?? Again, it feels like flattening the world and the people in it (by implying they'd all act the same way) for the sake of a convenient ending. On a related note, I'm not sure if I like the use of "smart enough to understand" in your wording; it's as if to imply anyone that feels differently (even though I feel there definitely would be some variance among the students) is somehow unintelligent for having their opinion 💦 By extension, it almost feels insulting to fans who also see the situation differently (although I'd like to believe that's not your intention).
I really do not like that Malleus keeps being compared to the other OB boys in these discussions. It's always framed as "Malleus is better than them!", which implies that the others are somehow "worse". It's actively putting down others' trauma in order to uplift another's. We can talk about Malleus's own background, experiences, etc. without having to minimize others' background, experiences, etc.--but I fear that's not what is happening here. Why is it okay for people to shame and dehumanize the other OBs for the extreme actions they took, but it's "too much" when the same behaviors are turned towards Malleus? None of them should be going through that to begin with, and the fact that this is happening at all seems hypocritical to me. I have always held this opinion and am equally disgusted by this being done for any OB boy, as someone inevitably comes out of it labelled "lesser" than the others. Trauma is always valid to the person that experienced it, and to compare it to other traumas can be so incredibly demoralizing and isolating. It sometimes feels like Malleus's background is being used to shield him against taking responsibility for his actions, when the same isn't applied by fans to the other OBs. Their backgrounds are meant to explain why they are the way they are and help us empathize with them, not to entirely excuse them. This was something mentioned all the way back in book 1 too; Ace accuses Riddle of always citing his mother or the rules to justify his beheadings rather than accept accountability for his own actions. Similarly, Trey us called out for pointing out Riddle's tough home life as a reason for his current leniency in suppressing his dorm leader's anger. Riddle's background explains why he acts out and is so stringent, but it doesn't mean he isn't still responsible for his own rage and his students living in fear of him. By this logic, all OB boys (Malleus included) shouldn't lean on a tragic backstory to excuse the extreme measures they took in their respective books. I'm of the belief that they should all be granted forgiveness and the chance to redeem themselves, but they should also be aware of what they previously did and accept that they were responsible for that before they can move on and improve themselves. Both statements can be true at the same time.
To be clear: I DON'T want Malleus to be "punished", "hurt", or to "suffer" more, as you claim I do. I have explicitly stated that I disagree with his horn being broken. (There are other, much more humane ways to limit his magic, and as I bring up in my book 7 rewrite, limiting his magic may actually free Malleus of his "curse" and make him more approachable to classmates.) I DON'T "want and expect the worst of [Malleus]." I have never stated I want him to be feared/avoided/hated or labelled a monster by the people of Twisted Wonderland. What I am asking for is for more explicit accountability for what he did and more realistic fallout for his actions (again, I find it very difficult to believe that not a single person in all of Twisted Wonderland holds even the slightest reservations in the aftermath of his OB). I want him to prove he has changed and have to EARN people's trust, not have it be handed to him so easily. The other OB boys all have to work hard (and are still working hard) to make amends for their wrongs, but Malleus seemingly has to do so much less despite the scale of his magic being so much grander. One example I mentioned earlier was him only apologizing to a fraction of the people he put under his spell when he actually disrupted many more lives than that.
I want to clarify that the reason I think Lilia should have died ISN'T because I "want Malleus to suffer". It's because I genuinely think this would better serve Malleus's character arc. He initially OBs because he wanted to prevent Lilia from leaving, yes? But then he... ends up getting the exact thing he lost his temper over, even though the solution was never quite this simple for the other OB boys. This feels as though Malleus and Malleus alone is getting special treatment. It's true that he killed Lilia, but Lilia remains dead for all of 5 seconds, so it doesn't feel as though that loss really sank in. Malleus is not challenged by, nor confronted with, mortality or coming to terms with drastic life changes. As I mention in my book 7 rewrite, Lilia didn't even necessarily need to stay dead in order for Malleus to have growth; all we would have needed was like... a coma or something? Some period of time that would force Malleus to sit and really self-reflect. The recurring issue with Malleus's writing is that he is always given chances to learn, but doesn't follow through on them. Even when it is advice being dispensed to him BY Lilia (a la Malleus's Dorm Uniform vignettes), Malleus doesn't take it to heart, either because something gets in the way or because he struggles to understand that advice, whatever. But in the aftermath of such a serious situation--something that unfolded by his hand, it's an opportunity for him to be introspective instead of brushing it off like in previous instances.
Again, I really think that the characters not openly demonstrating remorse for what they did is a consistent pattern with Twst's writing. It's not something unique to Malleus--but the thing is, when Malleus's motives are so often identified as "selfless" and "for everyone's happiness" and his magic isn't contained, he's impacting many more lives. Malleus is also in a position in which he represents a country and its future, and he himself has continuously expressed that he must maintain relations and decorum as future head of state. When he then goes and betrays his own morals, should he not demonstrate more recognition of that? (I think the only OB that stands out in this regard is Vil, who did apologize to the VDC/SDC team.) Of course, it's possible that this is covered more in book 8, but since book 7 ends in a time skip of several weeks and a party, I was expecting this to be more prominently displayed in the speech Malleus gives to the attendees.
I will say that I am tough on Malleus, but I think I'm allowed to be when he has so much power and status behind his name. It's that whole "with great power comes great responsibility" thing; the more you have, the more careful you should be with it. That's something Malleus is very aware of himself, so it tends to irk me when he misuses his magic. I disagree with other powerful mages' use of magic as well; you just don't see me harping on those because those instances are not as frequent. I don't like that Vil cursed the cake and pie Trey gifted the gang, and I don't like that Leona almost sanded Ruggie--but we rarely see other characters doing these things repeatedly. But then I see Malleus attacking Magicam Monsters and children (Lock, Shock, and Barrel), Malleus disregarding his fellow dorm leaders' autonomy (by using a spell normally cast on objects on them), stopping time and kidnapping people for a party without considering the consequences, etc. On one hand, you have Malleus aware of his position and the difference in power between him and his peers--but on the other hand, he's frequently using these powers on others with little regard for them, and isn't truly told off for it. This will feed into how some people perceive him--because if even his closest guardian figure, Lilia, isn't holding him accountable, then naturally some players will take up that mantle.
Malleus has been enabled his whole life, and this is even shown to us in his post-OB flashback and other materials. He's been told he doesn't have to apologize when he hurts people. He's never had to answer for the things he does--whether just simply rude or cataclysmic--because his power and status excuse him. I feel that fans protecting him and not truly holding him accountable for what he did is actually holding him back from bettering as a person, and that is endlessly frustrating to watch. He cannot be better if he's never allowed to identify that there is a problem to begin with. It feels like I'm watching someone I grew distant from spiral into a really bad habit, and he's ignoring all my warnings and pleas to take a look in the mirror; he fails to see that he's hurting himself because his other friends keep telling him that he's not doing anything wrong, so he keeps getting worse and worse when all I want is to see him improve. I don't think it's "demanding too much" for me to say that I don't think Malleus will improve if he's not first recognizing that he's made a mistake to begin with. If anything, I think it's unfair to give him treatment that isn't granted to any other OB. Frankly, I don't think I've seen anyone defending an OB boy to the same extent that Malleus has been, and to point out this discrepancy is my attempt at trying to provide "the other side", sans vitriol. If it seems to you like I'm not granting Malleus any grace, it's because those I'm discussing the topic with are typically already granting him maximum grace. When I point out what's missing or perhaps feels unsatisfactory about the ending, it's not a dig directed at Malleus; it's me trying to be pragmatic about writing in general. (I think the "not everyone thinks the exact same way" part is particularly salient, especially after seeing the variance in reaction to book 7's ending.)
Many accusations about how I feel about Malleus were made in this ask. I do not believe that they accurately represent me. If you don't agree with that, that's fine--but then I guess my question becomes "Why send this in the first place?" It feels as though an opinion was formed based on making the worst possible assumptions of my character--and that's okay, that's a right everyone is allowed to have, and I certainly don't expect everyone to agree with me or to even like me/my takes. However, I just don't see what there is to gain in sending these thoughts to anyone?? I am genuinely very confused.
To clarify, I responded to this ask because I wanted to clarify my opinions on book 7's ending again, in case anyone missed them. I don't want my thoughts to be misconstrued as being blindly hateful.
#disney twst#disney twisted wonderland#twst#twisted wonderland#notes from the writing raven#feedback for the writing raven#book 7 spoilers#book 7 chapter 13 part 2 spoilers#Malleus Draconia critical#tw // mutilation#tw // death#not tagging any of the main character tags because I don't really feel like putting this on anyone's search
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Holy shit, great to see the internet imploding once again lmao (srsly I'm also pouring one out for the discord mods holy fuck. I joined that server when it was at 17k people and THAT was already too many people for me...)
So uh. I know my * post * talking about us seeing Vessel prepare for war didn't blow up quite as much as my tritanopia post (still fucking stoked about that actually sosjehshjwh), BUT I am happily back again with the military jargon breakdown!
I'm going to say now, everything I mention here is declassified, you can find it with a Google search. Please don't freak out on me lmao
The Morse code from the Pan and Echo audio files was summed up into eight lines of dialogue (for lack of a better word).

At first I thought it was a 9 Line, which is a call for medevac report, due to the SOS. But it is missing a ninth line, so I asked a friend of mine what they thought. And they said it looks like a weird mix of two report formats: BLUE 2 and GREEN 6.
BLUE 2 is SITREP, or situation report - rather self explanatory. Brief summary of threat activity, then you list off how ready your men and your vehicles/equipment are, and then you give a summary of The Gameplan.
GREEN 6 is EPW (enemy prisoner of war)/Captured Material Report. You've executed The Gameplan, and you've captured people and stuff. This one is a two-parter technically, because you list off who you've captured first and then what you've captured (this can include land and buildings, so like if you captured a hilltop or castle or smth), you state the unit that did the capturing, when the capture happened, and a brief summary of how you did it.
So now, we break the message down. The first two lines don't really align with any report, so we'll focus on 3 onward.
Line 1: "I've been waiting long for you"
Line 2: "Behold"
Line 3 (friendly locations as from a BLUE 2): WA and RL, which ended up being WRAL, which is the news channel for Raleigh, NC (NORTH CAROLINA BABY, LET'S GOOO). Their meteorologist made a * post * about 3/29 on Instagram.
Line 4 (DTG [Date Time Group] of capture, as from the second half of a GREEN 6): "Two days in the morning", two days from now it'll be 3/29, AND there's a partial solar eclipse that day (though it's very close to full), and where the eclipse will be most prominent over the Atlantic, it'll be at maximum around 10:47 AM UTC. So the DTG would be written as 291047MAR2025.
Line 5 (place of capture, as from a GREEN 6): "In Arcadia"
Line 6 (circumstances of capture, as from a GREEN 6): "Carpe" (Latin for "seize")
Line 7: "Broadcast interruption, nothing"
Everyone knows the mayday call. But KN and AS are CW radio signs (telegraphing, Morse code, all that shit they used in both world wars). KN means "only the station named should respond", and AS means "wait". The broadcast was interrupted, but the broadcaster didn't hear anything from the interruption. They're still calling for help because the interruption means someone is listening in when they shouldn't be, so the broadcaster may be compromised, and they're asking for an answer from whoever they were broadcasting to before saying "wait" (maybe as in "don't send rescue immediately").
Now, let's look at something else rq. The metadata of the audio files.
Uploaded by: The Observer
Another report to mention: BLUE 1, SPOTREP. These are written up when scouts observe any known or suspected threat activity in the AO (area of operation).
And I want to amend rq, the emails from a few weeks ago with the respective wording: House Veridian "observe", and Feathered Host "seize".
This is a House Veridian SPOTREP of a Feathered Host SITREP/capture broadcast, probably done by our Observer doing what the green bois call channel hopping, and the Broadcaster not securing their comms line.
I really want to know who Vessel knows. Cuz while ts is available to the public, you gotta know someone who can tell you that these report documents even exist. The US Army has like a thousand reporting documents, something for everything. Every country does a lot of this stuff differently and has differing names for it, but I just find it really neat that it seems to be US-based (unless the UK military also operates this way 👀👀👀)
#sleep token#theories#HERE WE GO AGAIN LADS#i do hope this one hits off a bit; im quite proud of myself in how much of this i explained in even more shorthand than the army uses ksnjg#military#again rip to the server; i hope the mods start getting paid after ts
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Model!Mingi x Fem!Reader
Model!Mingi x Fem!Reader 18+
Genre: smut with some plot, fluff, non!idol!au
Word count: 2k
Warning: MDNI, dom!Mingi, sub!reader, blow job, handjob, finger fucking, daddy kink, petnames(princess, darling, y/nnie, Min, love, baby), face fucking, cum swallowing, hair-pulling(m. receiving), pussy-slapping, choking, cream pie, unprotected sex (pls just use protection, it's not that hard), very fluffy ending (aka mingi being an absolute gentleman)
Summary: You and Mingi get ready to attend his modeling event at Paris fashion week for his Off White collaboration
A/n: ya'll... sometimes I just be getting carried away, lmao
In 2 days Mingi will be attending Paris fashion week for Off White. He decided to bring you along since he wanted you to be his plus-one.
And since you're going with him he wanted to gift you something for the occasion.
It being a brand new perfume, it smells like his favorite scent. He decided to go ahead and gifted you a new dress that you'll wear aswell.
It's currently 8:30pm. You two are packing your stuff for the private flight to Paris tomorrow morning.
Since he models for them, he needed to leave tomorrow morning if he wanted to walk the runway.
Mingi currently in the shower as you almost get done packing. You hear Mingi call for you from the bathroom.
“Yeah Mingi?”You ask, shouting a bit over the water flow. “Come here” he said, “wanna take a shower with me?” He asked over the water.
“I'd love to, but I'm packing right now.” you addressed. “It's okay, I'll help you when we get out.” He added.
“Okay, just for a bit?” He nodded. You began undressing as he closed the curtain, continuing to shower.
Once you got undressed, you hopped in the shower with him. Giving him a back hug since he was facing away from you.
He held onto your arms, linking together in front of him as he grabbed your shampoo. Giving it to you, you grabbed it and started washing your hair.
He gazed at you, watching you rinse your hair with a desire forming in the pit of his stomach.
He hugged you from the back once you're done rinsing your hair, catching you off guard as you thought he was still cleaning.
“You're so tempting baby, you know that?” He said with a raspy voice. The voice you absolutely love. The one that really gets you going.
“I know Min..you tell me that all the time” you murmured, trying to keep the butterflies in your stomach under control.
He gave you neck a soft kiss, just under your jaw. You sigh, pleased at the feeling of his gorgeously plump lips on your skin.
“Because it's true, you're absolutely beautiful” he muttered, pressing kisses all over your neck and jaw.
You breathed out, satisfied with the attention he's giving your neck. But you feel the desire for more attention somewhere else.
“Min..” you whispered. He hummed, acknowledging you. “Can you please stop teasing.. and touch me..?” You pleaded.
He laughed against your neck, bringing his lips to your ear, whispering, “get on your knees for me, will ya?”
You turn around to get on your knees in front of him, his back blocking the water from hitting your face. You noticed his cock hardening, you brought your hand up to his dick and grabbed the base.
You started pumping him with slow, gentle strokes. He groaned, feeling your small hand against his girthy cock.
“There you go princess, that's it” his voice already hoarse. You pump him a few more times before you lean in to lick his cock from the base, to sucking his sensitive tip. He let out a throaty grunt at the feeling.
You pushed his cock further into your mouth til your nose hit his pelvis, feeling him deep in your throat.
“Oh my god princess.. it feels so good..” he purred lowly. You moaned around him as you bobbed your head at a quick speed.
He grunted, grabbing ahold of your head, creating a makeshift ponytail as he held you in place.
He started thrusting into your mouth, groaning at the feeling of him getting closer to his release.
He picked up the pace, making you choke on his dick as he came down your throat with a loud groan, making you swallow every drop.
“So good…” he muttered, picking you up and pushing you against the shower wall, your back hitting the cold tile. Your cunt is so wet, and not just from the shower.
“Please…” you begged, “please what princess?” He asked teasingly, “gonna need to use your words baby” he spoke.
“Please fuck me with your fingers daddy.. I wanna feel you inside me, please..” You continued to beg. Wanting nothing more right now than for his thick fingers inside you.
He rubs your waist, bringing his hand down to your sensitive clit. He does figure eights over your clit, down to your entrance, and back over and over again til you beg for him to put them in.
He thrusts 2 fingers into you at rapid speed. Shower long forgotten as he only focuses on the soaked sounds of your needy cunt.
“You're so wet princess…” he growled. Thrusting his fingers in you like a madman. Squelching being the only sound you hear along with your whiny moans.
You came along with a loud moan. He kissed your cheek tenderly and held your waist, knowing you'll collapse.
He was right.
You collapsed as soon as your high wore off. You held onto his shoulders tightly and pressed a soft kiss to his lips before asking, “could we lay down?”
He smiled before speaking softly, “of course princess, you lay down while I finish packing okay?” You nod, dozing off.
Once he finished up cleaning you off and putting you in bed, he finished packing quietly and neatly. Getting in bed with you and dozing off.
You're flight to Paris was relaxing to say the least. You and Mingi on your way to the hotel for the trip. He dragged his and your suitcases to the room, not wanting you to lift a finger.
“Baby… I think I can drag my own luggage” you spoke softly, smiling as he looked at you like you just offended him.
“Excuse me??? No. Absolutely not. As long as you are with me, you won't be carrying anything besides your purse.” He explained intently.
Once you two settled in, he went to take a shower. You were seated on the bed when he got out.
You saw he was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, hanging low on his hips. Showing off his toned v-line.
You absolutely loved his waist and hips. How they rolled as he thrust into you. The way they felt in your hands.
You started to get hot as your thoughts continued. He saw you were zoned out, gazing at his hips.
Smirking, he lowered the towel, fully nude. Your eyes widened in surprise. “Mingi what are you doing?” You asked hurriedly.
“Just getting dressed love, why are you surprised? Nothing you haven't seen before” he teased.
“I-um…can you not? Get dressed?” You asked shyly. He looked at you, eyebrow raised. “and why's that?” He said, walking closer to the bed.
“I like the view.. alot. I want you Min” you murmured. He smiled gently, coming closer to you to kiss you.
His lips felt as soft as a pillow, his hands came up to cup your cheeks. You moaned into his mouth as you felt his tongue glide across your lips, asking for permission to enter your mouth.
You reached up to grab onto his hair, tugging it slightly, causing a low groan to escape his mouth.
“You're playing dangerous I see..” he growled. You giggle into the kiss and tug on his hair again. “Then do something about it” you rasped out.
He ripped your hand out of his hair and gently pushed you down on the bed. “Trust me, I will” he purred.
Mingi ripped your sleep shorts off and threw them on the floor. He pulled your panties down and noticed the slick trail following.
“Oh..You're dirty..it's sexy” he spoke deeply.
You spit in your hand and bring it up to his dick, feeling it harden in your palm. Giving him slow strokes, he groaned in pleasure.
“Baby..you're so soft..” he spoke through many growls and groans. You gave him a few more pumps as his fingers went to your soaking pussy, giving it a small slap before he pulled your panties to the side to give him a better look.
“Oh look at you..so soaked just for me” he muttered. You whimpered as his finger started rubbing over your cunt, making sure to open you up a bit.
His thumb grazed your clit, making you jump, slightly gasping in pleasure and shock. “Gonna fit so well baby..” he whispered.
You were very impatient, wanting him to get inside you already, “daddy..please? Please come inside me now” you whimpered.
“Oh believe me, I will” he lined his cock up with your entrance, slowly pushing inside as you moaned at the stretch.
You already felt fucked out when he pushed the final inches inside you. He breathed out, trying not to cum too early.
“You're so tight around me y/nnie.” he groaned, “you were made for me darling” he grunted as he pulled his cock out until it was just the tip, then thrusted back inside you.
You gasped at the intensity of his hips bucking back and forth. His dick hitting deep inside you with powerful force.
Mingi let out a low grunt as he felt you squeeze around him. “Baby don't do that or I'll cum within seconds, I want you to feel good��
He groaned and you felt your orgasm getting closer and closer as he kept hitting your sensitive soft spot.
Da-daddy…so close…faster..please..” you whimpered a broken up response. Mingi sped up his thrusts, hand going up to your neck, giving it a light squeeze as to not actually hurt you, making your brain fuzzy.
He continued pounding into you, wanting you to cum. You squeak with every deep roll of his hips.
Your legs started shaking uncontrollably as your orgasm hit you hard. Moaning loudly as you came on his cock, a white ring forming around his base.
Mingi groaned as he continued thrusting, trying to reach his high as well. He came shortly after, filling you up to the brim.
He slowed his thrusts, wanting to ride out his and your high. He came to a stop, stilling inside you as you both pant softly, trying to catch your breath from the intense orgasm.
“Hey, baby, you alright?” He whispered in your ear, his head resting on your shoulder. You nod, feeling exhausted and breathless.
“Here, let me clean you up.” He stated as he went to put on a pair of sweats before he lifted you up, bridal style.
Carrying you to the bathroom, he ran a hot bath and got rid of any excess clothing.
He poured a small amount of muscle relaxer in the bath before helping you into it.
Once you got situated he began giving you a shoulder massage and gave you the shampoo and conditioner to wash your hair, getting all the sweat out, then started washing your body.
Once you got out of the bath, he helped you get ready for bed. After he set you in bed, having you sit with your legs on his lap, head on the pillow beside him.
He turned on the hotel tv to find something to watch. He massaged your calves and thighs as he focused on the random cooking show playing.
You started to drift off to sleep with his warm hands still on you. He noticed. He shifted your position to you next to him, your arms draped around his waist, head on his chest.
He felt himself dozing off after he positioned himself slightly to his arm around your shoulders, head laying on top of yours, moving your leg to lay upon his closest to yours.
If he's going to be honest, he was extremely nervous for the show tomorrow, but knowing you'll be by his side the whole time made him feel like tomorrow will actually be an amazing event.
He will continue to cherish these moments of you by his side, never wanting you to leave him and vice versa.
He'll continue to give you any and everything you ask for.
He'll continue to protect you forever.
And he'll make sure to love you permanently.
A/n: hope you all enjoyed 💜💜
#ateez#jeong yunho#kpop#ateez hard thoughts#jung wooyoung#song mingi#choi jongho#choi san#kang yeosang#kim hongjoong#park seonghwa#ateez smut#mingi smut
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Hi there! Love your writing A LOT, the way you write Wesker feels so natural that I can't get enough of him! Could I request a little smut? Maybe the first time he and his fem or gn s/o were together? Thanks a lot!
Awe, Thank you so much!! You can always request smut- I will never not be down tragically bad for this man lmao
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Character Selection: S.T.A.R.S Wesker X Reader
Synopsis: It started with you neglecting to check the weather, and ended in his bed. A butterfly flapping it's wings and causing a tsunami and all of that. (In other words, I'm really trying hard to make this title work cause I can't think of a better one lmao)
Content Warning: This story contains- shocker- explicit smut. Viewer discretion is advised.
You had Wesker completely wrapped around your finger, and you didn’t even know it yet. To be fair, he didn’t have any idea yet either. He was still under the impression that he had any control in this song and dance the two of you crafted together. The one where you pretended you genuinely forgot your cigarettes- this definitely wasn’t just an excuse to share one with him, and where he pretended not to be absolutely obsessed with you.
Tonight was Friday, which meant two things. Firstly, it was technically the start of the weekend. He had to say technically because while the S.T.A.R.S team had the weekends off on paper they were also on call 24/7, seven days a week. Which, he supposed was fair enough,
considering what the team pretended to be. Secondly, it meant Wesker was closing the office tonight, but moreover it meant he was closing the office tonight with you. Something that was becoming a guilty pleasure of his, much to his dismay. He actually looked forward to seeing you- his favorite little medic- and that was going to cause complications later.
That was a future problem though. For now, he was waiting on the front steps of the RPD for you, leaning against one of the pillars. He took a drag off of his cigarette and watched the smoke dance against the light of the full moon and tangle with the veil of clouds in the sky. He tried to remember if there was supposed to be a storm tonight, but drew a blank. Maybe something about a flash freeze?
“Hey Captain!” You said, finally coming out of the RPD and dragging him out of his thoughts before he could think about it too much, “Sorry for the hold up, I couldn’t find my keys for the life of me,” You admitted sheepishly.
He merely shrugged, taking another hit off of his smoke. “It’s no bother,” He muttered, going into his back pocket to pull out his pack of Marlboros, “I assume you’re about to ask for one?” He said, gesturing to the coffin nail dangling from his lip.
You stopped him though, grinning ear to ear. “Actually, I brought my own this time!” You said, triumphantly showing off your new pack, “I remembered I was out for once!”
Wesker's eyebrows went up, and you could tell he was almost impressed. “Remembered to buy your own cigarettes and found your keys on your own? You’re on a roll today.” He said flatly, hiding his little smirk when you pushed him. You took the dart from its pack, placing it in your lips while you patted yourself down for a lighter.
You were not pleased by what you were finding, or rather, what you weren’t finding. “Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me-” You grumbled to yourself.
Wesker’s eyebrow went up, “Looking for something?”
“No.” You said way too fast, only to immediately change your mind, “Yes. Can I bum a light off you?” You sighed, finally admitting your defeat. Wesker chuckled softly before handing you his Zippo, scratched, scruffed, and definitely showing its age. You opened the lighter and hit the wheel. Nothing. You tried again, and this time got sparks! But, not much else.
After your third failed attempt you had Wesker's attention. “Need some help?”
“No, I know how to light a Zippo,” You huffed, ego feeling a little raw at this point. You tried striking it again. Zero, zilch, zippo. “Your lighter’s broken.”
Wesker scoffed at that. “It lit just fine for me,” he said, holding his hand out. You pouted as you placed the lighter in his palm. He went to light it for you. And got nothing but sparks himself. Odd. He tried flicking it again. Still nothing. He tried striking it against his cargos and still, produced absolutely nothing.
“Ha!” You laughed a little too triumphantly, “I told you it wasn’t user error!”
“I suppose you’re right,” He sighed, remembering how low the flame was when he lit his own smoke. He must have used the last of the fuel. He put the lighter back in his pocket before turning to you, “Alright, come here.”
He probably enjoyed the flustered look on your face a little too much as he leaned closer, pressing the cherry of his cig to yours, using his free hand to block it from the wind. You took in a sharp breath, successfully lighting the smoke, and looking a little too disappointed when he finally pulled away.
You let the smoke out of your lungs, lifting the cigarette up with an almost embarrassed smile. “Thanks Cap, couldn’t have done it without you.”
He chuckled softly and leaned back against his pillar. “It was a team effort, truly.” He said dismissively. The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, simply enjoying the other's presence. And then it started to snow.
Wesker saw you stiffen out of the corner of his eyes. “What?” he asked.
You looked at him, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. “I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to,” He said, flicking his dead cigarette into the abyss, “I can tell somethings wrong.”
You almost got offended. “No way I’m that easy to read.”
Oh, Wesker loved a challenge. “Whenever you notice something but don’t want to “make a big deal out of it,” your poster improves and you size up. Then, you normally bite your lip- yeah like that,” You immediately stopped biting your lip once he pointed it out, “And you tend to get fidgety while you think of what to do.”
You scoffed at him, taking a long drag off your smoke, “Geeze, this isn’t a library, no need to read me like that.” You mumbled.
“You asked,” He shrugged, even if you technically didn’t, “So what’s wrong?”
You sighed and looked up at the sky. The flurry was getting heavy quick. “It’s snowing. I didn’t realize how cold it was outside, I’m…I’m not positive my car’s gonna start.”
You had Wesker's full attention now. “What?”
You looked down, embarrassment burning in your chest, “Yeah, my car is like, kind of falling apart. It doesn't like to start when it’s cold out for whatever reason.” You shrugged.
Wesker thought for a second, trying to think of explanations. “Have you checked th-”
“Yes, I’ve checked the battery. I got a new one and everything.”
His eyes narrowed, and your annoyed look was quickly replaced with an apologetic one. He licked his teeth before continuing. “I was going to say alternator, actually.”
Your embarrassment grew. “Um..what’s that do again?”
“It charges your battery.”
“Oh…No, I haven't checked that.”
Wesker almost laughed. It was cute, you were somehow both one of the smartest people he had ever met in his life- and the most flighty. It was part of what fascinated him about you. You were by no means incompetent, had he had seen you perform near miracles with some gauze and distilled water, not to mention how often the two of you got lost talking about whatever the hell came up. But the moment it wasn’t something traditionally academic or creative, you were out of your depth.
Some sick part of him really liked this side of you, because it convinced him you needed him, for moments exactly like this one. You depended on him. I’d tell you he’d go on to unpack all of this in therapy one day - but we both know that would be a lie.
“Come on,” He finally said, “Lets go look at your car.” You nodded, quickly finishing your cigarette before leading him to the old lemon that had gotten you around for the better part of a decade now. Wesker wasn’t shocked it was giving you problems- in reality, seeing this car run at all was the closest Wesker had ever gotten to believing in a God. Because only an act of divine intervention could get that rust bucket moving.
He watched you get in the car and try to start it. And to the tin cans credit- it really did give it it’s all to try and start. But, the dim lights told Wesker everything he needed to know. He didn’t even have to pop the hood.
He came over to your open driver's side door. “Pretty sure it’s the alternator. You’re going to need a jump.”
You looked up at him exhausted. “You got jumper cables?”
He probably did in his trunk. “Can’t say I do.”
You groaned, dropping your head against the steering wheel. “Fuck, how am I supposed to get home?!” You lamented, hitting your head against the wheel again.
Wesker gently pulled you up and away from the wheel to sit properly in the seat, “I could always give you a ride home. We can come back with cables in the morning.”
You shook your head at that. “No way, I like like- an hour and a half from work.”
Wesker grimaced at that. The thought of making that drive there and back was a less that favorable one. But he’d do it for you. “I don’t mind taking you home if it means you’re safe.”
You shook your head. “No, I’m not going to make you do that.
“Okay, then why not stay with me tonight? I have a guest room you can use.”
He tried to make the question sound more spontaneous than it was. It was no secret that you and Wesker were closer than a typical boss and his employee ever should be- but a sleepover was crossing an unspoken but very well defined boundary. He couldn’t let you suspect the very true fact that he planned to offer his guest room to you from the moment you said your car probably wouldn’t start.
Your relationship up until this point had existed inside of plausible deniability. Yeah, you might have brought him lunch most days- but it was because he never took one otherwise and you were just worried about him. You’d do it for any S.T.A.R.S member. He didn’t actually give you special treatment, you just managed to piss him off the least out of all of them and if anyone said otherwise they could take it up with him. Yeah, the two of you lingered around the R.P.D well after closing on Friday nights, but it wasn’t to spend time with each other! No, it was for the smoke break, honest.
Yeah he might have stood a little closer to you than he needed when looking at something on your desk. Yeah, you might have lingered in his office longer than you should have after dropping off a report. Sure, he started buying extra cigarettes for you, and sure you had his coffee order memorized, and yeah maybe you both lived for the moments when your fingers brushed while exchanging papers. That might have all been true, but you would both deny it if ever asked about it.
You couldn’t deny spending the night with him though. There was a certain level of intimacy needed to invite someone in your living space for the night, and there definitely wasn’t anything professional about it. No plausible deniability there.
You drummed your fingers against the wheel. “Yeah, okay.” You nodded, finally taking your keys out of the ignition, “Beats sleeping in my car.”
You were almost ashamed to admit that you hadn’t expected the Captains house to be as inviting as it was. His home was lit in the warm light of tableside and floor lamps, and his walls had pretty art hanging in frames. “Wow, your house is really really nice.” You said, letting him take your jacket off of you.
He chuckled softly as he placed it on the coat rack, “Don’t sound so surprised.”
Your eyes widened, and you immediately went into ‘try to explain things, but make them worse instead” mode. “No no, I didn’t mean like- well what I meant was- You’re just not the kind of guy I expected to have like, a nice place. Not that you wouldn’t have a nice place! It’s just, your office is so sterile, and like, kinda hostile to be honest. And I just didn’t think you’d care to decorate your house, not in like a bad way, but in an I figured you’d find it kind of frivolous kinda way.”
He let you word vomit, leaning against the wall while you rambled. When you finally paused to catch your breath, he interjected. “I grew up in a…what was the word you used, “sterile?” I grew up in a sterile environment. I didn’t want to live like that once I had the choice not to.” He explained calmly.
You got quiet. That was the most you’d ever heard about his childhood. A part of you wanted to pry, another much stronger part of you wanted him to continue to trust you enough to talk about it. “Sooo then what about your office?”
He shrugged. “I want my office to feel hostile. The less the team wants to be in there, the less I have to deal with you all.” He joked, but also kinda meant it.
You nodded in understanding as he led you further into the home. “I get that, I think.” It made sense. The less you wanted to be in his office, they harder you’d try not to fuck up.
“I thought you might,” He muttered. He showed you around the house, the kitchen; bathroom; livingroom; and finally your room for the night. It was just as welcoming as the rest of the house, the plush bed and warm looking quilt inviting you to finally pass out for the night. And you would have, if not for the fact you were still in your uniform.
You turned to Wesker. “Can I borrow a shirt to sleep in?” You asked bluntly. You’d already crossed the line into sleeping in the same house, might as well see how blurry the line could get.
He looked surprised for all of a split second, before realising that not wanting to sleep in your work clothes was- in fact- not the most unreasonable request you could have made. He nodded, rubbing his own tired eyes from under his sunglasses. “One moment.”
As Wesker went to fetch you something to sleep in, you took a moment to look around the room a little more. It was lit with the same low lights as the rest of the house, with thick blue curtains to cover the windows and a digital alarm clock on the bedside table. You took a second to peek out of the window to see the snow was really coming down now. Racoon City looked almost tranquil, covered in a sparkling white blanket.
“Here you go,” Wesker said, startling you out of your thoughts as he re-entered the room, “These should fit well enough.”
You smiled as you took the folded clothes from him, “Thanks Captain.”
“Just, Wesker’s fine outside of work.” He said. The last thing he wanted was to think about the S.T.A.R.S team while he was at home.
You nodded as you examined what he’d brought you. An old cotton band shirt, worn thin and soft with age, and a pair of basketball shorts you genuinely could not envision him in no matter how hard you tried. “I didn’t know you were a Rush fan,” You said with a playful grin.
He gave a soft smile in return, “Eh, it was the eighties. Who wasn’t a Rush fan?”
You shrugged, “I just always took you as more of a Bowie guy.”
“And why can’t I be both?”
“Fair enough,” you said as you sat the clothes down on the bed. “Thank you for this, I really do appreciate it.”
He waved your gratitude off dismissively. “It’s no trouble. It’s my job to take care of you.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “As my Captain, right?”
He played it cool despite the fact you’d caught him in that slip. “Obviously.” He said with just enough condescension to make you feel like the stupid one here. “I’ll see you in the morning, Doctor.” He said before finally leaving you to change.
You quickly put on the sleep clothes. You tried to imagine Wesker ever wearing any of this in his day to day life. The Rush shirt wasn’t too hard, you could easily see him on his day off wearing it. If you really put your mind to it, you could almost imagine a younger Wesker at the Hold Your Fire tour, a wallflower at the back of the venue, listening to the music but resisting the allure of the crowd at every possible opportunity. It almost made you laugh.
The basketball shorts though you had no idea. It wasn’t that Wesker was an unathletic guy, quite the contrary actually. It was more that for as long as you had known him the most skin he had ever shown was his forearms and fingertips, not even his palms. You were at least 36% sure that if his knees ever saw the light of day he would actually explode.
That being said, they fit you well enough, so you couldn’t really complain. And if someone saw you maybe press your nose into the shirt, taking a deep breath of his scent lingering on the fabric, you would simply gaslight them into thinking they were losing it as punishment for not minding their own business.
You yawned as you crawled into the bed, the warm covers enveloping you. Wrapped in your little cocoon of safety, you were out within minutes.
You were decently sure it was the wind pounding against the window that woke you up. Or maybe it was the nightmares again. Either way, the snow from earlier had picked up into a full on blizzard, and you were now, regrettably, awake. Looking over at the digital clock, you weren’t surprised it was 2:30 in the morning, but you weren’t happy about it either. It took you a second to remember where you were, and by the time you did you were already out of bed and on your way to the kitchen for water. Might as well commit now.
You were half asleep as you padded down the hallway to the kitchen, when you noticed the sound of a tv. Now, if this was your own house this would mean literally nothing- it wouldn’t be the first nor the last time you had gone to bed without shutting it off. But, this wasn’t your house, it was Weskers. And he was the last guy that you ever expected to leave his tv on. So, naturally, you had to investigate.
Luckily, you had to pass through the living room to get to the kitchen anyways. On the way you tried to seem as casual as possible, taking a quick glance over at the sofa and stopping dead in your tracks. Wesker sat on the couch, staring blankly at the tv while old reruns played. On paper there was nothing abnormal about the scene. Just a man in a tank top and grey sweatpants watching late night television to try and put himself back to sleep. Something you were willing to bet a hundred other people in the city were doing right now.
But those people weren’t Wesker. They weren’t your Captain. Something about seeing him like this- in such a domestic way- felt…Wrong. Voyeuristic. You imagined this was how the first person who held the Necronomicon felt; the adrenaline rush that comes with seeing something humans were never meant to see- along with the unease that came with seeing something humans were never meant to see.
You blinked to yourself. That all felt incredibly dramatic. You felt silly for thinking that far into it. At least, you did. That was until he looked at you, and you realized this was the first time you had ever seen him without his sunglasses. Suddenly, it didn’t feel dramatic enough. For some reason, you never imagined his eyes would be that blue.
“Oh, my apologies,” He muttered, “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
You shook your head. “No, I’m pretty sure it was the storm that did it. I’m assuming that's what woke you up too?”
“You’re free to assume what you like.” He said as he turned back to the tv. That wasn’t really an answer, but you knew him well enough to know that meant he wasn’t going to give you an answer.
“Mind if I join you?” You asked, the mission for water long abandoned in favor of getting closer to your Captain. There was a joke to be made about trading out one type of thirst for another, but that was low hanging fruit and you were better than that. Even if you were thinking it.
He shook his head, gesturing to the free half of the sofa, “Not at all.” You smiled softly, moving to sit next to him and sitting probably a little closer than you really needed to. Not that he minded. You still tried to maintain a respectful distance though. The last thing you needed to do was embarrass yourself by throwing your body at the Captain like a pushy salesperson at a perfume kiosk.
The thing is, you didn’t try very hard to keep your distance. You were drawn to him like a neodymium magnet to iron. Your body naturally wanted to curl up against his warmth and fall asleep listening to the rhythmic thrum of his heartbeat. You focused on the tv, yet still failed to actually pay attention to any of it. You were just trying to distract yourself from the need to curl up in Wesker's lap like a needy cat.
You realized how hopelessly you had failed when his arm draped around you, trapping you securely in the crook of his arm, pressed into his side. Wesker said nothing as he did it, as if it was just totally normal and cool for him to cuddle with a subordinate. The thought of questioning him briefly popped into your mind before you quickly smothered it to death. If you started asking questions, he would move- and you really didn’t want that. You nestled into him instead.
You looked back at him, still taken aback by the look of him without his sunglasses. His sharp features were illuminated by the blue glow of the TV, accentuating his high cheekbones and the slope of his nose. His hair was messy- far from the immaculate slicked back style you were used to seeing it in- and yet it still managed to look perfect. As if even his bed head was intentional. You wouldn't be surprised. Everything about him was intentional.
You still couldn't get over his eyes. You had always assumed they were some shade of blue, but his sunglasses hid just how cerulean they really were. And just as sharp as every other part of him was, fully capable of cutting a king in half with one disapproving squint. Cold, but almost unbearably human, and looking straight at yo-
Oh God he was looking at you. When did he start looking at you?! That wasn’t allowed! You looked away, hoping that he’d let it go.
You snapped your eyes away so fast you missed the smirk that danced over his lips. “Oh, are you playing shy now?” He asked.
You maintained near unblinking eye contact with the screen. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He chuckled softly, low and deep in his chest. “So you’re playing stupid now too. Interesting strategy.” You felt the knuckle of his forefinger hook under your chin, pulling your face to look at him, and you felt your entire body catch fire. “Mmm. Not a good look on you though. You’re far too smart to ever do it convincingly.”
“I beg to differ.” You muttered. You wondered if you had ever actually woke up, or if this was another one of your dreams.
He smirked. “I’d love to hear that.”
You were definitely asleep. That was the only explanation. Every other part of yours and Weskers’ relationship developed over months, and in one night it felt like it was going from like, 55 to 100. His thumb traced your bottom lip, eyes staring at your mouth while he contemplated his next move.
Finally, his eyes met yours again. “I find you captivating, Doctor,” He finally said, “I don’t think anyone has managed to capture my attention in quite the way that you have.”
You felt your chest swell with pride. Weskers’ praise had always been like a drug to you, and it was only amplified by the intimacy the two of you were creating. “Thank you Captain,” You muttered back, “I feel similarly about you.”
His head tilted to the side. “Do you?” He asked. You hummed your confirmation, and his smirk grew. “Good.” in the span of a breath his lips were on yours, catching you fully by surprise. You tensed, only to slowly melt against him. His mouth was surprisingly soft, and moved against yours with an expertise that made you jealous. You wanted to curse everyone he had ever kissed before you, and never wanted to think about him kissing anyone after you.
Wesker pulled you closer, his teeth digging into your bottom lip and using your small gasp to deepen the kiss. It was like he knew you were spiraling into jealousy, and knew exactly how to drag you back out of it. Finally, you remembered you had hands, reaching up and tangling your fingers in his soft, short hair. You gave an experimental tug, earning you a soft moan from him. Noted.
He fully pulled you into his lap, sweatpants doing absolutely nothing to hide how you affected him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning in and letting yourself fall into rhythm with him. You felt one of his hands slide under your shirt to rest against the small of your back, and you were pleasantly surprised by how warm it was. He nipped at you again before moving, kissing your jaw and down to your neck.
You tilted your head to the side to give him room to work, moaning softly as he found that sweet spot that always electrified you. Teeth got involved after that, scraping against your skin as he kissed his mark, his claim, onto you. Your head was spinning. Of course you’d thought about Wesker like this before, but you never thought it would actually happen. You assumed your relationship was relegated to awkward office tension that would never be acted upon for fear of HR. It didn’t feel real, having Wesker pull you closer to him while he dug his teeth into your neck. You’d never been more thankful for snow in your life.
He pulled away, looking over his work. A sick grin found its way onto his face as he admired the way his bite mark looked against your otherwise untouched skin. He decided then and there it looked far too pretty on you for him to ever let it fade. He decided then and there that you were his.
He pulled your attention back to him with a short, yet demanding kiss. “I just realized I never finished showing you the house.” He said in a voice that was far too composed for your liking.
“Wh…what?” You asked, a little breathless and a lot worked up, “So?”
“I never showed you my room.”
OHHHHHH okay, that made more sense. You nodded eagerly enough that it would have been embarrassing had you known shame. “You should do that actually. You should do that right now.” Wekser smiled at you adoringly. So cute, so eager, and so so unaware. He found it almost comical that the bunny was begging the wolf to see its den. He wondered if you’d be so willing if you knew that he was just another Judas in disguise.
Probably not. He stood up, easily lifting you as he did. Instinctively your arms and legs wrapped around him, clinging onto him for fear of falling. Not that you had anything to fear. He picked you up as if you were nothing, his arms were steady and safe and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you swoon a little. He easily carried you to the room at the end of the hallway, and you felt yourself stir with the realization of how close his room was to the one he’d given you for the night.
Before you knew it you were on your back, being pressed into his silk sheets as he kissed your neck. You rolled your hips into his, only for him to grab you, dragging you flush against him so you could feel exactly what you were doing to him. He kissed down your body, setting every place his lips touched you on fire, even though the thin fabric of the old shirt you had on. Of his old shirt you had on.
He pulled the basketball shorts you were wearing off, wanting absolutely zero barrier between him and your perfect thighs. You squirmed as he kissed the inside of your legs, leaving clear evidence of him on every inch of skin he could. He wanted you covered by the end of the night. Finally, he made his way to where you wanted him the most.
You felt his breath over the thin fabric of your panties, licking the already incredibly noticeable wet spot there. Your body tensed with anticipation, with want. He nuzzled into you, licking up your clothed slit again, and you waited for him to finally take your underwear off. You waited.
And waited. “Wesker please-” You begged softly.
He seemed to like that, looking up at you with wicked eyes from between your legs. “Please what, Dear?” He asked, the pet name sending a whole nother wave of arousal through you.
“Wesker, come on, just- please-” You were frustrated. He wasn’t really going to make you say it, was he? That was kind of embarrassing.
“Please what Dear?” He asked again, a little more forcefully this time, “What do you want?”
Bastard. “I want you.” You whimpered.
“I’m right here.” Bastard.
“I- I want your mouth, “ You finally said despite the embarrassment burning your chest, “Fuck, I want your mouth so bad.”
He seemed pleased, a self satisfied smirk on his face while he finally finally pulled your panties down. He licked along your soaking folds, pulling a near pornagraphic moan from you. He wasted little time, finding your clit and wrapping his warm, welcoming mouth around it. He licked his name into the bundle of nerves, sending waves of pleasure through you with every expert stroke of his tongue.
Your hands found his hair, tangling into the short strands and pulling him closer to you, bucking your hips into him to ride his face. At least, you tried to. He placed his forearm over your hips, locking you into place and leaving you to moan helplessly while you took exactly what he gave you, no more, no less. You felt dizzy, lightheaded and spinning as you got lost in the bliss, your legs started to tremble in preparation for the oncoming orgasm.
You gasped as you felt one of his long fingers easily enter you, quickly followed by a second. He used his middle and ring finger, curling them up and directly into your g-spot, coaxing your climax out of you with every expert stroke. The added stimulation sent you reeling, his name falling from your lips like a prayer as he brought you to the peak.
Every movement set you on fire, every lick reeling, every stroke screaming. You could feel a coil tightening in your stomach, ready to snap. You could see the peak, and one final sharp suck against your clit pushed you over. You saw stars explode in front of your eyes and the knot in your stomach snapped, drowning you in dopamine and euphoria. You felt like you were in free fall, your entire body alive with sparks as he worked you through it all.
Finally, as you started to come down he pulled back. You were still recovering when you felt him touch you again, this time pulling you up and tugging your shirt off. You weren’t sure when he took off his own clothes, and honestly you weren’t that worried about it. You were just happy to finally get a peek at what he was working with.
Just five seconds ago you would have never described a cock as “pretty.” But, you couldn’t think of a better way to describe Weskers. Long and thick, with a pretty pink tip leaking with need. The thought occurred to you that in a different life, he would have made a killing as a porn star. You weren’t sure why you were like this.
You didn’t have time to think about it either, Wesker gave you one rough, quick kiss before pushing you back down onto the bed. He pulled you closer to him, taking your ankles and holding them in a wide V. He kneeled in front of you, taking in every detail of your body and committing it to memory. He didn’t think it was an exaggeration to say you were one of the most beautiful things he’d ever seen; especially laid out like this.
Exposed, vulnerable, and aching for him. “You’re beautiful you know,” He mused, “breathtakingly so. And you’re all fucking mine.” He punctuated his point by thrusting into you, all at once and leaving you with no room to adjust. You screamed, clenching around the sudden intrusion and pulling a beautiful moan out of Wesker. You could see his shoulders relax for a second, your warm welcoming cunt pulling the tension right out of him.
He was never going to give you up. You were perfect. “Like you were made for me.” He groaned, setting a pace that left you light headed. The natural curve of his cock was perfect for him to bully your g-spot, and the current position you were in gave him the leverage to fuck places you didn’t even know existed inside of you. You quickly felt another coil start to form in your stomach, already sensitive from before.
It didn’t take long for you to realize you weren’t going to last long, your limbs already tingling with anticipation. “Fuck, Al, you feel so good.”
He felt the air rush from his lungs when you said that. Did you even realize you used his first name? He could hardly remember the last time anyone called him Albert, let alone Al- considering the loving familiarity that often came with a nickname. Furthermore, he couldn’t remember the last time someone said his name and he liked it.
Something inside him snapped, and before he knew it he was folding you in half, throwing your ankles over his shoulders and pressing his body weight into yours to try and get closer to you. “Say it again,” he said, hand coming to rest on your neck, “Say my name.” He was desperate to hear it from you again. It sounded so pretty coming from your lips.
You took in a sharp breath, this new angle giving him a more direct path to your sweet spot. “Al!” You groaned, head filling with stars as you lost yourself in him, “Albert, Al, fuck-” You’d say whatever he wanted you to if it met he wouldn’t stop.
He felt drunk, his entire body alight with need. His hand on your throat tightened, and he pressed a demanding kiss into your lips, shoving his tongue into your mouth in an attempt to claim every single atom that made you up. He bit your lip so hard you thought you might have tasted blood before he pulled up. “You’re mine,” he growled, “Do you understand that? Mine.”
“Yours,” you confirmed, “Only yours.” You were so sweet, so compliant. If you kept this up, he wasn’t ever going to let you go home.
What was he even saying?
You were home.
You felt yourself snap, flying off the ledge at 100 miles an hour as your second climax of the night hit you like a truck. Your entire body trembled as you were hit with wave after wave of ecstasy, mind going blank as entire galaxies exploded before your eyes. It brought Albert to his own peak, the feeling of you fluttering around him and the sound of you screaming his name pulling him over the ledge. He pressed his hips fully flushed against yours, cumming as deep inside you as he could get- consequences be damned.
He fucked you through both of your highs, only stopping when his body physically forced him to. He just barely avoided collapsing on you, falling to your side instead. He held you close while the two of you caught your breath, and you cringed a little when he finally pulled out. He pulled you to his chest, pressing a soft kiss to your neck. It was quiet for a second while the two of you basked in your afterglow.
It was you who broke the silence. “Soooo…” You asked.
“So?” He asked back, debating a smoke.
It was like you read his mind. “Does this mean I don’t have to worry about buying my own cigarettes anymore?”
He couldn’t help but chuckle, because only you would ask ‘what are we’ like that. “Well talk in the morning,” he said, “For now, you should probably try and sleep.” You nodded in agreement, curling into his side. And in mere minutes, you had drifted into the most restful sleep you had gotten in ages.
#resident evil#albert wesker#albert wesker x reader#Albert wesker x reader smut#wesker smut#S.T.A.R.S era wesker#call in request
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War flashbacks…
I read Daisie’s timeline, and I realized that the way Shia quit the movie and Harry came in to replace him happened almost one right after the other. I’d say it was a rushed negotiation, and no one really thought through the consequences, plus I doubt anyone saw it coming.
I think Harry was trying to be as professional as possible with her, but there were moments where he definitely seemed upset: like during one of the Boston shows (before Harryween), then the whole yachtgate situation, and when he found out the nightmare was going to last another year and was seen at Sony office. You could also tell he didn't want to do pda with her until they probably told him to put in more effort.
As for the tattoo, we’ll never know what made him get it, but I think she wanted an engagement—there were even rumors, I believe—but I guess at that point he said 'I’ll just get your name tattooed instead.' I wouldn’t be surprised.
The only positive thing is that Harry—because I truly believe it was more him than his team—was able to negotiate keeping her separate from the album and didn’t let her mention him outside of the movie promo. I feel like that was a last-minute negotiation too, because it really seemed like they were going to link the album to her, but thank God that didn’t happen.
Nothing will make me believe that relationship was real, even without considering larry—things just didn’t add up, and Harry showed his frustration in many ways.
And for those who use the excuse that she interacted with his family and friends, believe me, if Harry were my friend, I’d try to protect him and help however I could (because that’s what friends do). And if that means going to her birthday just to keep up appearances and prevent my friend from another pap walk with her, I’d do it.
I absolutely agree with you about friends and family helping to keep him from suffering through more interaction with her.
I think the leak of the video of her begging Shia to stay, while also shading Florence, probably enraged Harry. I would bet she was covering all her bases and doing all of that while also courting Harry to be in the film (and we already know she lied about Shia being fired, and lied about his behavior on set, when he actually quit because the script for the film was terrible and there wasn't enough rehearsal time).
I think the tattoo exchange for an engagement was a fan theory originally (because I know I had that theory, and I saw others saying it, too). We really have no idea, but it seems like a logical leap to make.
Frankly, I think she was thrilled for it to last a second year and probably didn't fight it for one second. It was originally supposed to be released at the end of 2021. Then, in early 2022. It kept get pushed later and later (I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't please her case with WB that she could drum up more excitement for it the longer she played the PR relationship game as Harry was becoming more and more popular as his tour continued and as Harry's House was released).
The shoot went a full month longer than expected (partially due to Covid, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was due to the mess that everything was because of her). Then she literally checked out completely in terms of post-production and was so busy being a rock star girlfriend that the movie needed to be re-edited and shown to test audiences at least three times (with all reports being leaked pointing toward a disaster). Then, somehow Warner Bros decided to cancel every single movie it was making except DWD (and some movie starring the Rock that I can't even remember the name of now) and pushed its premiere to the fall when all the big Oscar contenders are released (as if. LMAO!) and somehow got it to the Venice Film Festival.
I very much think Harry's House was originally meant to be linked to her (the same way Fine Line was linked to Camille). The fact that it seems as though the Zane Lowe interview was shot and edited by January 2022 and then re-shot at Coachella in April of that year tells me everything I need to know about that. He swerved hard and cut her out of the narrative completely (THANK GOD).
#holivia#stunts#zane lowe#don't worry darling#harry's house promo#olivia tattoo#shia lebouf#olivia wilde is a narcissistic asshole
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The way I laughed when I saw this post:
And the comments/citations 😅😂. But when we tell them that for Jimin they said we exaggerate, that it is not that deep to change the color in the GCF.
It always baffles me how people are okay to say that Jungkook have a HUGE crush on Namjoon that he wants to marry him bla-bla-bla BUT the moment there is something about Jimin and Jungkook it’s “brother love”.
For me it’s because they don’t have the fear when they see Namjoon and JK together, they don’t feel like they could be a real couple, they laughed about it because they don’t really believe it (or do they?). But the fear of something being real like the possibility of being a couple, is something that they feel when they see Jimin and Jungkook together. They see it too! But it doesn’t match with the Ideal image they have of Jungkook which case in point is Fuckboy; heterosexual man; that could maybe fall in love with a fan girl (their dream).
But still, it baffles me 🤦♀️
What do you think of it?
Oh and Hi sorry I just rambled a lot, by the way love your blog and sorry for my English.
Have a nice day💜
Thanks for your lovely ask and your kind words 🥰💜
Omg this post..I mean it is indeed cute but the double standard is astonishing.
GCF Saipan was the same. The way it was structured and the lyrics choice clearly highlighted Jimin but then tkkers were still saying "the camera focused on Tae! He's in love with him" like please 😂 same for Namjoon.
The fandom is allergic to jikook.
I mean they must see the same thing as we do? But then probably find a way that makes sense to them to entirely dismiss it as fanservice/forced/bro behaviour.
Because I guess the alternative would rattle so many core beliefs, it's too uncomfortable to even look at.
"No I'm not seeing anything! I can't hear you lalalalala 🙉🙈" lmao
It's really childish but well.
Yes I agree with you they must see other ships less threatening because not real, just for fun, unlike jikook who hit a little too close to home. But there are also unfortunately still some who think these other ships are real - not only tkkers - look at yoonminers for example you have people who are in DEEP and not for fun. They actually believe it. It baffles me to this day.
You know fans having this fantasy of Jungkook being this heterosexual man coming to ravish them, I just had that thought but maybe we should give people a break. After all that's the whole concept of being an idol, they make people think they are single and that they are their fan's boyfriends, they push for it in many ways and have done so for years. I guess for many people and especially young fans, it's very hard to question things that are presented to them in such light. I'm not entirely sure I blame them for not questioning the status quo. Idk maybe that's too much mental gymnastics for some.
For many it's pretty obvious that it is not the case, that it's only a fantasy sold for a long time for money, it's just them playing the game, and now that they get older things might be different in many ways, but still. Jungkook has never said anything "clear" about his sexuality. To understand a little bit you need to closely pay attention to him and his action/words for years.
When you have the whole picture it is indeed pretty clear that he is not heterosexual.
But really what I learned is that people really do not pay attention at all, or pay attention only to what interests them.
Many don't know half the things jikook have done over the years.
Jikookers have the whole relationship and hundreds of moments in mind that depict a whole love story and a lot of lore.
But most people aren't aware of that.
Most of the time they barely see it and immediately dismiss it.
Since many have come accross different narratives and brainwashing when it comes to jikook they already begin with a bias.
I love when people say "I saw this jikook moment and thought there was something that wasn't right, something off, I need to look further into it" and then they binge jikook stuff and discover that indeed they was more to it than they thought and most likely become a jikooker afterwards.
But it comes purely from the individual and his own intuition/sensations. It's often when people make very deep dives to make their own opinions that they begin to see it.
But before this it remains very surface level.
And you know what? I'm not even mad. Everything moves fast in this fandom. You have news almost every day. You have music to stream, votes to make, the last yoongi cat meme to like, so much content you can spend months and months watching everything.
So am I mad that people dimiss jikook like this? Yes. Many of them do not bear good will and are full of hate for them. I can't forgive it. But I also want to nuance it by thinking there are also people who are simply not as deep into it than us, people who take things at face value, people who need things spelled out for them, young fans, casual fans, desperate girls who would love a star they will never meet to be their boyfriends and can't afford to think even for a second that their idol is gay because they would be sad and feel lied to.
Honestly, it pains me, but I get it.
I'm trying to let go of my frustration because the difference of treatement of jikook in this fandom is hard to accept. But I guess things are not entirely black & white and I'm trying to understand why people have a different perspectives (not the haters of course, fuck them). Like these people in the post you shared.
My first instinct would be to rant too and be angry, but then I think it's better for me to let it go. I'll say to myself "Let them have their fun 🤷🏻♀️". If they want to think Joon & Jungkookie are romantic and totally ignore the elephant in the room who am I to ruin it for them.

Anyway, yeah, that's hard.
Maybe I'm trying to make sense of things that just don't make sense lol
Don't mind me
These kind of posts become funny and ironic for real.
"Remember when JK made a FULL GCF about Jimin and being completely in love with him over a gay song? Yeah, THAT was romance folks." 📢
Anyway, it's hopeless 😶🌫️
I'd leave them in their bubble, I'm good in my own with the lovely jikookers, at least we have interesting stuff to talk about
Thank you for your ask and take care 💜🫂🥰 (your english was perfect btw!)
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i have a habit of waking in the middle of the night with random insane theories about Threads and dumping it in my notes for me to find later…here are a few from the last few months…

#please take these with a pinch of salt#idk if i believe any of them have a possibility they are just things that came to me in the middle of the night ahahaha#though i low-key want kellila to be married#i would actually die hearing lila refer to kell as her husband#and kell is such a wife guy i love him sm#ANYWAY#please tell me your thoughts on these lmao#also i have loads more batshit theories in my notes pls tell me if u wanna see them :)#a conjuring of light#adsom#a darker shade of magic#a gathering of shadows#kell maresh#v e schwab#delilah bard#lila bard#kellila#rhy maresh#holland vosijk#alucard emery#threads of power#the fragile threads of power#shades of magic
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@spamtonsometimes uhh... I was pretty sure you had answered my tags saying "ah the perry the platypus effect" and telling us that you changed your style to draw biblically accurate Spamton... but I can't find the post so maybe I dreamt it up??
#btw#if this bothers you please let me know and I'll delete it no hard feelings#and I failed to replicate your style sorry#I just thought the idea was funny#the tumblr thing is supposed to be us spamton fans#you can tell cause they're wearing dealmaker#and don't have any pants#but it looks like we work at tumblr instead lmao#I may or may not have drawn this while having a fever#you'll never know#spamton#spamton g spamton#deltarune bt#my art
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Drabble Prompt: Post-canon Levi, struggling with chronic pain and mourning his dead loved ones, being visited by his still alive loved ones
Anon, you knew how to talk pretty to me <3
hihi requests are still open btw
I feel like I gotta put a disclaimer or something lmao. So, the length of my drabble requests is usually something between 100-400 words. This request is just an incredibly unexpected exception. it just happened to fit into this idea I already had been thinking of, which was how the remaining 104th would ask Levi to be part of important events in their lives because well, they like the dude lmao, so expect that sort of one-shot soon. Additionally, since I kept reminding myself that this was supposed to be a drabble, I might have glossed over the chronic pain and mourning bits so I'm sorry about that ;;
that being said, 2.4k words of Levi and Gabi be upon ye <3
Now on Ao3!
The angry hissing of the kettle makes him flinch. It brings a loud ringing to his right ear. Instinctively, he places his right hand over it, and gives his ear a couple of gentle taps; it's more of a grounding gesture, a distraction from the buzzing. He usually keeps watch over the kettle, so that he can lower the heat just right before it gets a chance to scream at him.
He realises then that he must have spaced out while waiting. It’s alright, he thinks. It’s been like that a lot, recently. He’s been like that. Lost in thought-- lost in time, if he allowed himself to be precise. The last days, weeks even, as the temperatures started to drop, blended into each other. There’s a little calendar on his bedside table, it had been a birthday gift from Armin – or had that been Mikasa’s? He isn’t sure, he had received an absurd number of presents from the kids last year, it had been hard to keep track of who gave him what and now the fact escaped him. Turning the pages of the little calendar, with its delicate botanical illustrations on each day, quickly became part of his morning routine, and so he was sure that time was passing at all. The stillness of the routine, he guesses, made him like this.
His vision blurs momentarily while he scoops the tea leaves into the teapot. He squints, trying to will his good eye to focus, but all he gets in return is a throb in his right eye. After putting the tea canister away, he presses the inner sides of his wrists to both eyes, placing just enough pressure to relieve the discomfort. When he opens his eyes again, he is pleased to find he can read the small print on the canister an arm’s length away.
There’s a loud slam coming from the front of the house, followed by footsteps coming further into the house.
He quickly recognizes the heavy stomping as Gabi’s gait. She’s always been so loud.
Gabi crosses the arch into the small kitchen and dining area.
“Don’t slam my doors,” he says as a greeting, slowly turning his head to his left side, trying to catch a glimpse of her in his periphery.
“Aye, aye,” the kid waves her hand, shoots him a teasing grin, “someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
Levi hums in response but doesn’t say anything else. He busies himself with placing everything they need for their morning tea and coffee on a metal tray on the counter, which Gabi takes from him as soon as it’s ready and sets it on the table.
He grabs his cane from where he had hooked it on one of the kitchen drawers. He has been leaning against the counter, his right leg supporting most of his weight all this time. He braces himself for the sharp pain that will surely surge from his bad knee, through his left hip and up his spine. Cold mornings like this one and being still in one place for long will do that to him. It’s not so bad. It could be worse.
It takes 4 steps to get from the stove to his chair, which Gabi has already pulled out for him. It sits at an angle that allows him to easily slide down on it and rest his right elbow on top of the table, leaning back and against his good side.
“I have something that will cheer you up,” she holds a couple of envelopes in her hand and waves them at him, “You’ve got mail!”
He nods at her in acknowledgement but does not take his attention away from preparing his first batch of tea of the day. There’s a ritual to it, it almost feels like, and he doesn’t want to mess it up. Not when the ringing in his ear is still there, the building pressure in the upper back part of his eyeballs, and the cold air seeping into his bones through his thick jumper. Oh, how he needs a good cup of tea right now.
While Levi waits for it to steep, he grabs the papers that she had shoved in his face, squints his eyes at the first envelope and finds that he is unable to make out much of the handwriting. He brings it closer to his face, squints harder, steals a quick glance across the table and hopes Gabi isn’t paying him any mind, too preoccupied with choosing from the bag of pastries she brought with her. It is with an impassive expression that he hands the stack of envelopes back.
“Read it for me.” A beat and then he adds, a little reluctant: “Please.”
He knows Gabi prefers coffee in the mornings, and black tea in the evenings, so he makes sure to have a fresh brew of the former whenever he knows she’s coming over; so, with shaky hands, Levi gets to prepare her cup of coffee. While he enjoys the aroma of it, he remains faithful to tea; at first, he thought he didn’t like it because he had butchered his first attempts at brewing it. But even after Onyankopon had taught him how to do it properly and he had enjoyed his cup, it didn’t bring the same comfort as tea. It just never hit the spot.
She shoots him a mischievous grin, “Oh, you sure? What if I read something personal, hm?”
Levi just shakes his head, scoffing at the idea of Gabi finding his junk mail fascinating.
“Is this how I find out you have a secret lover you’re exchanging raunchy love letters with?” Gabi teases, wiggling her eyebrows at him.
He lets out a tired sigh and rolls his eyes, “just wanna be done with it, ” he stirs the milk into Gabi’s coffee, which now has turned into a cup of milk with coffee. “We have a lot to prepare for tonight.”
She clicks her tongue at him, but still rips the first envelope open, “Mr. Levi, your reading won’t improve if you keep doing that,” she jokingly scolds him.
Although Levi mentally recognises handing her and Falco stuff he couldn’t be bothered reading before, that’s not the case this time. He’ll let her think that for now, though, because he doesn’t want to mention the pressure building in the back of his bad eye, it’s not important and she, a kid, doesn’t need to know his newly found ailment of the week. He can see just fine around him right now. He can see Gabi’s big eyes and playful smile at the other side of the table, and that’s good enough; smaller details, he doesn’t feel he can do them, not without making himself go dizzy with a migraine.
Levi slides the cup of coffee to her and is pleased with himself when she approves of the colour of her drink.
“It’s from Armin,” she announces as she scans the letter.
From this angle, the soft morning light illuminating her face and thanks to his faulty vision, Gabi’s image stirs his memory. His heart faintly constricts as he is reminded of the many times Hange read their research reports to him during breakfast in the mess hall before presenting them to Erwin. Levi always wondered how they could read so fast, sometimes he even doubted they were actually reading at all, their words barely being able to catch up with her eyes; he never asked about it, maybe reading came easy to them as numbers did to him.
A high-pitched squeal from Gabi startles him, bringing him back to the here and now.
“Oh… ohh, Mr. Levi,” she starts, her smile widening by the second “This is good news!”
Gabi makes a show of clearing her throat and then starts reading “Dear Captain, I hope this letter finds you well and in good health.”
Levi can’t help but let a sardonic huff at the irony of the greetings but doesn’t let himself be bothered by it. He has written only a handful of personal letters throughout his life, and by now he knows it’s just something you’re supposed to say because jumping straight to the point isn’t acceptable, or so that’s what he had been told.
Gabi continues reading Armin’s words to him. For the most part, it’s a standard letter coming from him: he asks Levi how he’s dealing with the changing of the seasons, how Gabi and Falco are faring, if business at the tea shop has been good, if there’s anything Levi needs that he can’t get in town so that Armin or the others can get it for him. He tells him a little about the country he’s writing from, he even includes a photograph. Then, after the expected pleasantries, Gabi can barely hold her excitement and starts reading faster, trying so hard not to trip over her words.
“If I’m being sincere, we would prefer to ask you in person,” Gabi stops for a second to look up at him from the paper, gauging for a reaction and finding nothing, she continues.
Armin apologises for not being able to visit him before the holidays, Annie included, and so it is implied that he won’t be attending tonight’s reunion.
Sometime during the last five years, the Alliance brats had decided to make showing up at Levi’s doorstep together once a year a sort of custom; the first time it happened was during an early winter, a blizzard had stopped them from leaving Levi’s until the next morning. It had been a really nice evening despite the awful weather, Levi remembers, after everyone pitched in one way or another, they all shared a simple but hearty meal together. It was Connie who jokingly said they should do it every year. The following year, Onyankopon, Gabi and Falco joined them.
This year would be their fourth, and the first someone wouldn’t make it. That fact sits heavily in Levi’s chest, stealing the spotlight from his throbbing eye.
“...Annie and I have decided to get married. The both of us would like you to officiate our ceremony!” unable to contain her excitement, she tears her eyes away from the paper and looks at Levi. “Huh?! This is good news! What’s with the constipated face?!”
That doesn’t sound right. It figures that Annie and Armin would be the first to marry; in a way, he is happy for them, they clearly care for each other. No, that part is easy to understand. Their union is logical to anyone who knows the couple. What Levi can’t figure out is why they are asking him such a thing.
He clears his throat, assumes it’s been 3 minutes and his tea is ready to be poured and so he distracts himself with that.
When he doesn’t answer Gabi, she picks up where she left off.
He isn’t… well, he isn’t that close to either of them. He’s sure Annie must have other relatives that could step in his stead. Maybe a brother, a cousin. Even Jean or Reiner would be better options than Levi. He isn’t good with words or people like they are, he couldn’t possibly give them a speech about something foreign to him as it is that kind of love, that’s what people expect, right? His title of Captain is obsolete in this new world, so it can’t be that either. Hell, he has never been to a fucking wedding.
Just… why him?
As expected, Armin doesn’t really go into the details of their choice but does let Levi know they do not expect a fast answer and that they do not want him to feel pressured to accept it, despite how much it would mean to them if he did. Armin asks if there’s anything in particular that he would like for his birthday, as it is a month away, and closes the letter by saying he looks forward to seeing him and everyone then.
When the letter is closed and put back into its envelope, silence falls around them. For a moment the only sound that can be heard is the clinking of tableware as Levi places the teacup back on its saucer.
It bothers him, that he knows he will be letting Armin down by refusing something that any other well-adapted person would consider an honour. But the thought of embarrassing him and himself, because he gave an awkward, most likely insensitive, speech, mortifies him. No, he can’t put them and their guests through that. He will find a way to make it up to the couple, maybe he can… he doesn’t know yet, but he will come up with something.
As he finishes his first cup, Levi realises that at some point while he was lost in thought, the ringing in his ear has subsided and now it’s back to that muffled, cotton-in-ear sensation he’s used to and he doesn’t feel his eyeball pulsating anymore. Glancing at Gabi, he notices she is trying really hard not to say something, her brow furrowed as she takes a sip of her own drink, followed by a big bite of her pastry. Flakes stick to the corner of her mouth and for once it doesn’t disgust him. Instead, it makes his lips twitch as if going into a smile.
“I can help you... if you want,” she says eventually, sounding uncharacteristically careful and small of her.
Levi quirks an eyebrow “Help? with what?”
She shrugs, “How to… tell them you don’t want to,” she avoids looking at him for the first time, finding the flakes on her plate more interesting. She shrugs again and tilts her head to the side, a thin line of a smile appearing on her face. “...or prepare for the ceremony.”
Not unlike many times before, Gabi’s words render him speechless, if only for a moment. He spares his tea a glance and he thinks: it’s bold of her to be so upfront about offering her help to him, and had it been any other morning, one where he couldn’t think past the constant ache in his body, he would’ve chewed her head off for simply trying to help him because he himself doesn’t know how to accept that kindness.
This kid is trying her best and he can’t help but feel somewhat proud of that.
“You have shit on your face. Here,” he points to where the flakes would sit on his own face and picks his refilled teacup back up.
Gabi quickly wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, getting most of the flakes off. Levi gives her a thumbs-up with his free hand.
“I’ll think about it,” he finally concedes and tries to ignore the little happy dance she does in her seat.
This time, when the amber liquid touches his lips, it’s remarkably sweeter than before.
#drabble request#aot#snk#levi#levi ackerman#gabi braun#gabi#post-war levi#armin mentioned lmao#please tell me which tags to add so that all my fellow post war levi enthusiast find this aaaaa#Girl dad levi you'll always be famous#second disclaimer english isn't my first language and I haven't written seriously in well over a year#I am like really nervous about posting this one ngl lads#but we persevere like the captain#no beta just me myself and I and like 2 hours of screaming I hate proof-reading but like I'm too self-conscious to just let it be#spoilers in the next tag >>#third disclaimer: iirc the whole captain officiating marriages isn't real but this is fiction and I do what I want#and I just think it would be cute if levi accepted even if for just a symbolic ceremony and not the real-deal yk?!#how to get rid of your chronic pain by levi; just overwhelm yourself by overthinking social scenarios#anywusssyyy let me know your thoughts#I'll probably post this on ao3 because it do be a decent length for it#we'll see#okay byeeeee#i hope you enjoy it anon and thank you for your patience I'm placing a big smooch on your forehead tysm fo sending such an exquisite prompt#I forgot to put the read more like the fool I am#if you saw the original post no u didn't <3
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Woah Keefe is so emotionally manipulative. Not like he got raised in a horrible household where being emotionally abused was the norm. Not like half of his ‘insulting’ things were just bad attempts to make people laugh because in his mind that’s one of the only things he’s good at. Not like he probably cries thinking about all the times he hurt people without even meaning to. Not like he says things that come across as manipulative without him meaning it to because again, saying things like that are normal to him. Not like he would do anything for his friends. Not like most of his decisions, in his mind at least, were to benefit everyone else. Not like he would probably rather die than be like his father. Of course not, that’s ridiculous!
#it’s two am I have lots of feelings about Keefe eek#this is just me saying my thoughts!!#Please don’t argue with me I will cry#ALSO#this isn’t me saying you’re not allowed to like Keefe BECAUSE YOURE ALLOWED TO HAVE OPINIONS#I think it’s just weird how people try to hate on him for things like this#Like his traumatic childhood affected him?? That’s crazy!#Can you tell how scared I am for getting hated on lmao#Well ANYWAYS time for the normal tags#kotlc#lexi says stuff#keefe sencen#keefe#kotlc discourse#<- idk if that’s really appropriate?? Idk I’ve seen people talking about Keefe a lot and arguing and stuff so I think it works#kotlc keefe#keefe kotlc
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thinking about their civilian clothes.... and also thinking about how in the vanguard armor his chest looks much larger (valid, it's armor) and I think he deserves to keep that chest.
#bravely default 2#dag rampage#selene noetic#im in chapter 4 now and im just.... having a lotta thoughts...... about these two and about the savalon experience#im suffering emotionally#i have entered ch4 but i havent accomplished anything yet bc im doing side quests as one does#dag your hair how do i draw it will i ever learn#also dang guys amazing how much shading can add to my art lmao#i hate coloring a lot so i tend to just do flats and call it quits bc ugh#but i feel the energy for effort with bd2 which is wild and im gonna take advantage of that#thinking a lot about these two and how they show up in the side quest after you clear savalon#thinking A LOT about these two still traveling together... a lot.....#im rooting for them..... i hope i see them again...... dont tell me if i do or dont please i wanna be surprised
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Mickey I'm starting bsd today and I'm terrified I'm afraid I'll love so many of them </3
#i really really wanna rewatch it too#(<- says it all the time)#I REALLY DO THOUGH#i think i'll do it after i finish aot#as.. therapy lmao#OKAY BUT SRSLY I NEEEEEEEEEEED TO KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS PLEASE TELL ME#red <3#friends!!
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monody, by me, 2023
I wrote this poem around a year ago, and when deciding how to present it, I was very drawn to this idea of a disillusioned teenager taking things usually associated with childhood and innocence — stick figure drawings, hearts, school-issue notebook paper — and twisting them into an expression of the anger and resentment she feels. The hearts are broken, the stick figures are violent, the flower is wilting, the notebook paper is yellowed, and it amplifies the narrator’s loss of innocence, and her bitterness at that loss. The narrator is fictional, to clarify.
poetry tag list: @spacefinch @thewildballyntynesgrow @fionajames @sevdidntdie @transmascanakin @techs-goggles9902 @perilmax @kurlyfrii
#not star wars#certified original jan thought#jan’s poetry#poetry#pretty words#< is it pretentious to use that tag for my own writing lmao#anway please tell me your thoughts on this!!!
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just found out about the hdg and I definitely don't vibe with it. It almost captures my interest but the hard stance opposition towards exploring the implications that come with a self designated benevolent empire that can solve the inherent problems that come from cultures who are supposedly inferior in some way by nature really like, both rubs me the wrong way and feels like a disservice to the setting itself.
idk just looking at every empire in history it's like, that's literally what they all say and how they justify colonizing others. It's kinda really fucking hard to just take at face value. If imperialist colonizers who just happen to be legimately nicies to the people they colonize is like, ur thing then absolutely jack off to it I'm not here to judge that, just like, own that I guess? But if your argument for them is just that narratively speaking it's just true then my interest in your setting, horny or otherwise just does not exist.
The contradiction of the setting also bothers me, 25-45% of any given species will be domesticated on average but the space between that and rebellion just doesn't seem to be accounted for in the wiki, what is the life of someone not opposed to the empire but also who doesn't volunteer for domestication? How much of their own cultures are retained within the empire? It really seems like the only option for any autonomy in the setting is rebellion but that's also only ever seen as a bad thing.
I just get caught on the whole "affini are imperial" and "affini are benevolent" thing in the axioms section of the hdg wiki. My mixed race ass cannot really look at an invading empire calling itself the good guys without my own personal baggage about it weighing in, ya'feel?
#besides all that I'm also just too anarchist to really get the appeal of an absolute authority who's totally always right about all things#who will strip you of your autonomy for your own good#also too much a victim if abuse over disabilities by people saying the same shit and how much their love was conditional on me playing alon#again i dont rly care if ur into the setting or write for it or whatever I just need to get the thoughts out of my head#I'm also bothered by the ''don't write in the setting unless you follow all these rules'' while using fanfic language throughout the wiki#some fics will not be canon complient in regards to any and every work and that's fine#but that's a whole other rant lmao#please do not start drama or discourse with me about this especially if it's regarding the parts I'm getting personal about#grew up with an adoptive mother telling her mixed kid of vietnamese descent that the vietnam war was a good thing#and that in spite of imperialism it was for the better that america went in#we don't even live in the USA lmao
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Man sometimes I make the mistake of reading the notes on a post (don’t do it) and like… this truly is the piss on the poor website.
No one has any reading comprehension and no one can clearly state what they mean. Everyone is so ready to argue at the drop of a hat. No one can make their point with clear language, and then seem to be incapable of rewording a statement if someone doesn’t understand them. Everyone immediately descends to insults upon disagreement, whether real or imaginary.
Debate classes should be mandatory in school is what I’m getting at.
#I didn’t even take debate#but man I can see that some of yall needed it#please learn what a logical fallacy is#and if you’re going to put a strong opinion online you should put some thought into your wording#and please understand that if someone misinterpreted your statement the first time#then insulting them and saying that’s not what you meant while proceeding to say word for word the same thing again#is NOT GOING TO HELP THEM UNDERSTAND#but readers my god please try harder. if you’re immediately angered by something#read it again and try to see if there’s any way it could mean something else#and if you’re going to reply and disagree do it politely in case you got it wrong because you WILL look like an idiot and an asshole#if you argue angrily over something the other person didn’t mean#and they will 99% come back equally as angry at being insulted and misinterpreted in one go#like people I’m begging people to think things through lmao#like at work#I am unfailingly polite no matter how stupid or annoying someone is#just in case I’ve missed something or made a mistake#and let me tell you it has saved my ass a few times#and STOP INSULTING PEOPLE WHEN YOURE DEBATING AN ISSUE IT JUST MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE CANT ACTUALLY REFUTE WHAT THEYRE SAYING
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now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me
#hi#im so normal#anyways finally uploading this lmao#ok bear with me. this is the best thing ive ever drawn#PLEASE tell me your thoughts im going to explode#also sorry im gonna reblog this 356323635 times#I AM PROUD sorry XOXOXOXO#i hate him and his stupid swag. i want to kiss him#myart#goro akechi#persona 5#persona#persona 5 royal#p5r#p5 royal#akechi goro#anime#bright colors#videogame fanart#fanart#digital painting
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