#please tell me I‘m not the only one who finds this hilarious
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allforjeanmoreau · 4 months ago
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Kevin asking the important questions 🫠
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neresney · 2 months ago
Okay, before my thoughts are spitting fire again I want to say 3 things:
1: thank you so much for all the support and open armed welcome to this fandom, you’re amazing!
2. this thing was actually me reacting to the episodes 3&4 (and 5 but i still have to write that down and I’m not home right now) a few days ago but I had the dumb idea to push it a bit. I’m okay with that decision because 3:
You all said Freddie will get better? Okay, deal. I always try to be open minded, especially with characters and their arcs so of course I’m giving her a chance (even though episode 3 is definitely not in her favor for me as you will see👀)
Now without further ado, let’s go into episode 3:
Okay, flashback, baby, I love flashbacks. Especially with Abigail, because I think to know she will play an important role for a while!
And I kinda like the way Hobbs talks about murdering? I mean, it’s disturbing, absolutely, but… yeah. iykyk.
„I‘m not collecting another stray“ you kinda are, sweety
Also not telling a twenty year old, who still lived with her parents about her parents being dead is so dumb like… huh?! Why? Is that something that happens in America?! She’s going to find it out one way or another, why not tell her?
Hannibals reaction to Will talking about the copycat killer (him) is hilarious to me for some reason
Again, I can’t see me liking Freddie yet (even though I do think that she sees Will as a borderline dangerous person and trying to protect Abigail?) but not in this way please. For me she’s just annoying rn, but we’ll see how my feelings will maybe change there
And sassy will again btw <3
Also, sorry but Will and Hannibal are literally look like Abigail’s dads right now, I don’t care what you say
Alana and Hannibal both have a point though…. If I would have been asked (and had been in Abigail’s place) I would’ve chosen Hannibal tho
„To honor every part of them“
„This is private property“ I feel like I’m watching the wrong show😂
And Abigail killing Nick?! Whoa
AND her Figuren out that Hannibal was the caller?!
Also, Abigail being dramatic and standing on this first floor thingy just like Will did is hilarious to me somehow
So yeah, byeeee
Ps.: I basically grew up in the supernatural fandom, heartbreaks and going through literal hell because of a show is not something I’m new, so don’t worry (too much) about me. The only thing you should worry about is me going to deep, but to stop this, you’d have to make me obsessed about another thing and that won’t go well either, so🤷‍♀️
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tochasingwaterfalls · 4 years ago
toni and shelby scenes i practiced writing because i officially have no life anymore
(2nd pov shelby and not always entirely accurate)
1. what the fuck are you wearing
The first time Toni talks to you, like really interacts with you, is when you pull Martha out of that riptide and bandage her ankle with the material of your top. She comes flying towards the two of you, worried about Martha, and so relieved, that she doesn’t even notice you at first. But when Martha shifts her attention towards you, compliments you, thanks you for the help, Toni looks at you. And she doesn’t just look at you, she scans you up and down and your skin starts to feel hot under the intensity of her gaze and you’re about to say something when -
“What the fuck are you wearing.”
You decide to brush over that, you tell yourself that she‘s on edge like all of you, that she didn’t mean for it to sound this patronizing, and when you walk back to the others, you try not to think about the way she looked at you. You try not to think about the way it made your skin crawl and burn at the same time, something you‘ve never felt before and something so entirely wrong.
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2. god’s such a joke
“I‘m so sick of looking at your fucking ponytail. I feel like it thinks it’s better than me,“ she bites and when you turn around, she’s right there, up in your personal space, looking at you and challenging you to bite back with her eyes so intense that you forget how to breathe for a moment. 
“Why don’t you go in front, then?” You offer and she scoffs, brushes right past you with all her anger and when your hands just barely touch, it sets your body on fire all over again. You’re proud that you didn't let her get under your skin with all her punching remarks, toned arms and that insufferable smirk of hers - and yet what you fail to realize is, that she already runs so much deeper.
Toni stomps in front of you, each step loaded with a tension that stems from a place much further away than anything on this island but at least she’s not talking and you can finally concentrate on finding water. The Lord helps those who help themselves. You mumble a few prayers under your breath and it’s like she’s waited for just that, because she whirls around, snaps “God‘s such a joke,” and scoffs when you stay quiet. It’s something she seems to be doing a lot; scoffing, picking fights where there are none, fighting battles only she knows the cause of. “Do you know He is just a brainwashing tool designed to enslave the masses?“ She’s smirking again, thinks she’s cornered you, and you don’t know why you feel the need to say something back, maybe because you don’t want her to think you have no backbone, or maybe just because you want to see how she reacts. 
“Even if He were just a brainwashing tool, you ever think maybe your brain could use a good,” you draw out your bottom lip with your teeth. “scrub?“ 
“Fuck off.“ 
It’s the start of a game you two continue to play; she’s scoffing, dismissing, disagreeing with everything you say and you’re brushing it off, practicing your patience, all while trying not to let her see how much she actually does rile you up.
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3. don’t bullshit me, shelby
It all starts with Rachel commenting the way Toni’s eating the mussels and you wish she would’ve just kept her mouth shut. “Just trying to stay on brand, you know.” Toni smirks, looks proud, and when she brings up the mussel to her mouth, your breath falls short in the back of your throat, because she’s not going to- Oh, she definitely is and there’s a knot settling low in your stomach. You don’t want to watch but it’s physically impossible for you to look away. “You gotta admit, the shape of these things... it’s kinda like a-“ 
“Like a pussy!“ That’s Nora, loud and so surprising, that there’s a shocked moment of silence before they’re back to laughing again and cheering Toni on, all like;
“Lick the clit.” and-
“This is the most action any of us have gotten.” and- 
“Go off, girl!” and-
- you don’t know how can they be so okay with all this but you can’t take it anymore. “Would you stop?!” And okay, maybe it’s a little hysterical with a little too much panic seething through your voice and you can’t meet Toni’s eyes when she wipes off her mouth. 
“Okay, that was hilarious and Shelby has no chill,“ Dot says into the silence that has started to settle in.
 “I have chill, I guess I just don’t - I don‘t see the humour in that sort of thing.“ You still can’t bring yourself to look at her.
“What do you mean that sort of thing?“ You can feel her running hot again, eyes not leaving your face, eyebrows furrowed, hand balled around the mussel so tightly, her knuckles turn white. She has you cornered.
“You know, pornographic gestures. I‘m a Christian, all right? I‘m from a Christian home, I‘m allowed to be a little skeeved out.“ You try your hardest to dodge the question, with the words practically spilling from your lips; and when your eyes finally lock with hers, you think she has to notice how they’re almost begging her not to push any further. This time, she really has you cornered and you can’t let go of the cross hanging off your neck. 
Wether or not she notices the plea in your eyes, Toni pushes, because all she ever does is pick battles. “I mean that‘s not all that’s going on here. Don‘t bullshit me, Shelby, cause the vibe that’s coming of you right now, I‘ve felt it a few too many times not to know what it is.“ 
All she ever does is pick battles but this is one, she has every right to fight. You know that and you look away; you’re practically drowning in your shame and the way Toni continues to push makes your throat close up.
“What are you saying, Toni?“ 
“I’m saying that she can’t stand that I’m gay, Marty, that’s what fucking skeeves her out.” Her anger fails to mask the way she’s hurt, the way her voice breaks a little in the end and you want to cry, knowing you’re the cause of all that.
“Look, I’ll be as honest as possible, because y’all deserve that.” It’s out on the table and you have to take a deep breath before the words rush out of your mouth, as if that would make it any better. You don’t know how the others react to what you say, you’re completely zoned in on Toni; she’s the one that matters and you’re begging her to understand that when you say, “I do believe that way of life is a sin,” you really mean “I’ve started hating myself such a long time ago that I can’t remember how not to.”
But she pushes herself up to her feet and spits “I can’t fucking believe it-“ 
Your tongue presses against your dentures when you cut her off. “I’m sorry, but everything I’ve ever known has taught me that.” Your lips on Becca’s and how right it feels, your father looking at you and then stopping to look at you all together, your pleas that it will never happen again, please, it was all Becca. Everything comes rushing in, balled up into a wave of shame and guilt that hits you square in your chest and almost knocks you over. It cuts up your throat from the inside when you say “Look, there’s no hate in my heart, I just feel sorry-“
“Fuck you.” She has you cornered, but there are no smirks, no snarky comments; there’s just the try to mask pain with anger and self hate with believe and you think that maybe this was the game you played all along.
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4. i’m not gonna take shit from you
You don’t have time to figure out what it means when you grab the pill and turn around to face her. “Toni, I’m gonna need you to take this, alright?” 
“Stay away from me.” Still, close to passing out and maybe losing her life, she’s angry and proud and snapping but you brush it aside. You don’t have time for this. 
“If I put this in your mouth, can you take it?”
“I’m not gonna take shit from you.” It sounds weak, her voice hoarse and her lips chapped and you don’t have time to figure out why there’s this hot knot building up in you stomach with every word she says.
“It will save your life, Toni, you’re taking the damn pill.” You’re desperate and worried, knot in your stomach, heat in your veins, and when some of the others try to take the pill from you, something inside of you snaps. “Jesus fucking Christ, am I not allowed to help her!?”
You push her over and you don’t have time to figure what it means when your breathing becomes ragged and your whole body feels like it’s being set on fire when you force her to open her damn mouth.
“Swallow the fucking pill.” You're on top of her, one hand covering her mouth to make sure that she doesn’t spit out the pill, the other tangled in her hair, skin on skin and never this close before. It makes your head spin. When you hear her swallow and a flood of relief washes over your body, you’re not sure you want to figure out what that means. It will never happen again.
Toni runs deeper than your skin, she’s in your bones and in your veins and you’re scared shitless. So you do what you do best, and you walk away.
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5. you’re free here
“Do you have any idea what it’s like to have to be pitch perfect every second? To be watched like a hawk for the slightest bit of weight gain or the tiniest wobble in my heal or if my hem is just a centimeter off regulation or if I say the wrong thing about international politics? God, help me.” 
“So you’re complaining about being judged when you literally signed up for that?”
“I know, I - “ You know she’s right. She’s cornered you again. “But I‘m not just talking about pageant stuff. It feels like everywhere I go, somebody is asking me to meet some kind of expectation. It’s a lot is all. The pressure.“ You don’t know how to say it to make her understand - without saying too much, that is. You’re playing the game again and she’s winning.
“Yeah, well, my dad‘s been a no show since day one and my mom is in and out of rehab like it’s a fucking white castle, so nobody expects shit from me. Doesn‘t feel great either.” You hear her voice get rough, close to breaking and she blinks a little harsher than just a minute ago. “Do you know how many field trips I had to bail on, cause no one’s been there to sign my permission slip? You know, I don’t give a fuck about going to the planetarium, you know? It just would’ve been nice to have someone there to say that I could.“ She’s rushing out things you’re not sure anyone else knows, maybe not even Martha, and you’re desperately trying to comprehend all of it.
“Yeah, but-“ 
“Shelby, if you’re trying to out-sad me, it‘s a losing fucking battle.“ She says it with a finality that's so much like her and it breaks your heart. Here you have her, talking to you like she means every word she says and you’re still thinking you’re playing a stupid game.
“But you’re free, don’t you see that? You don’t have to answer to anybody,” you argue and hits closer to home than anything you’ve ever told anyone before-
And then Toni says something that changes everything.
 “And neither do you, not right now anyway.” Your eyes bore into hers and you realize that she’s right. That she knows what she’s talking about. That you’ve been hiding and that you’re tired of it. She keeps talking and you’re too busy staring at her lips and the way her eyebrows are furrowed together in a way to underline the point she���s making, to hear what she’s saying. “I mean, you’re on a deserted island a million miles away from whatever bullshit expectations you left behind. You’re free here, Shelby, and if you’re not taking advantage of that, then I don’t know what the fuck to tell you.“
You’re free here. You’re free. 
Before you know what you’re doing, you rush in, thumbs on her cheeks and fingers curling around the back of her neck and you finally, finally, finally press your lips against hers. It’s desperate and it’s everything you’ve wanted to do for God knows how long. The way she kisses you back makes you feel closer to God than any prayer ever could and it feels so right until-
My, God.
You pull away and you're staring at her, breath falling short in the back of your throat, lips hot and so caught up in the moment. 
And then it comes crashing in. It will never happen again, please, Dad. It’s not what you think it is. This is not who I am.
You’re free. You’re free and you do what you do best, you run away from it. The difference is, that this time, there’s someone to chase after you.
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years ago
Open requests!!!! Could I ask for headcanons of how Seven would react to MC being Vanderwood’s younger sister and what Vanderwood would do if his sister was dating Seven please?
Saeyoung with a Mc who is Vanderwood’s sister 
Woah! I never thought about something like this! Hahaha! It could be very hilarious! But it’s kind of a pity that we don’t really know about him...I will write a One Shot, okay? I hope it’s what you had in mind! Enjoy the day!
Pairings: Saeyoung x Mc End: Happy Ending 
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,,So...you’re saying that the clumsy woman who got into trouble in your leader‘s apartment is that girl?“ Vanderwood asked Saeyoung again.Saeyoung didn‘t even dare to respond.,,And this is the same girl who lived with you in that apartment?“ he asked again.Saeyoung wanted to tell him that he was an ass to you and that nothing happened in these few days, but he thought that he should stay silent and so the red haired man just nodded.,,And this is the man who was an ass to you for a few days after being really really nice?“ Vanderwood asked now you, changing his voice a bit.Saeyoung turned his head to you, panic was written all over his face as he listened to Vanderwood’s words.,,You told him?!“,,Uhm...I didn’t think that...uhm...I‘m sorry…“ you mumbled apologetically, making your brother hit the table.,,WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT HER?! And you! Why are you saying sorry? Will he hit you later? Is it that? HM?!“ he yelled at Saeyoung.
Your fiancée quickly understood that he was very protective of you and so he decided to simply stay silent before his head would be missing.,,Okay...then you took her on a ride and saved your brother? That was very dangerous to take your girlfriend, wasn’t it? Don’t you care about her safety?!“ Vanderwood asked Saeyoung.,,Well after we wanted to step out of the agency we both put her in danger so- I wanted to actually stay mute…“ Saeyoung mumbled as soon as he saw Vanderwood‘s eyes.,,Oppa, I‘m sorry...It was also my fault…“ you mumbled and took your brother’s hand, smiling at him.,,I know you won’t accept our relationship easily, but please give us a chance. I fell in love with this man…“ you begged and smiled even brighter.Like always, his cold facade crumbled at your sweet smile.
,,Mc? Where’s the ice cream?“ Saeran suddenly yelled from the kitchen, making you jump up and approaching him.,,Where the hell would it be elsewhere if not in the freezer!“ Vanderwood hissed so that Saeyoung was the only one who could hear it.,,Listen,“ he then whispered, looking to Saeyoung who was still unsure what he should say.,,How could you do that to me? It’s my little sister!“ Vanderwood whined.Saeyoung looked away. He was ashamed to be honest, but now that he was already in love he couldn’t stop his feelings.,,I didn’t know that. When I searched her up, I just found out that she didn’t have any siblings and that her...parents died,“ Saeyoung mumbled.Vanderwood chuckled and looked away.,,Are you happy now? You know so much about me now,“ Vanderwood glared at Saeyoung.,,Right. When she was just 5 years old our parents died. I raised her and now you come and destroy everything I did to make sure that she was safe.The agency may now find out because of you,“ Vanderwood mumbled and got up.Saeyoung promised that he would keep you safe, but of course Vanderwood wasn’t sure about that at all.You were his little sister.Whenever he was around he kept glaring at Saeyoung, making the atmosphere between the two of you odd.
Even though you were in love, you guys felt oddly distant.,,Stop it, Oppa will see you,’’ you hissed one day when Saeyoung tried to take your hand while watching a film.Your boyfriend hated it too, but today he was somewhat nervous. All the red haired man wanted was your warmth and love.And what did you give him instead? The cold shoulder.Unfortunately, a discussion between the two of you arose.,,DO YOU KNOW THAT I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR OPPA AT ALL?’’ Saeyoung asked you, pretty angry at you. His yells echoed through the house and his face turned red, making you shriek for a short moment.But you didn't want him to be like that to you. You still had pride as a woman.,,DON’T YOU DARE YELL AT ME! Saeyoung! I’m saying this for you! You ungrateful brat!’’ you sobbed.,,AISH!’’ Saeyoung cursed, folding with his hands in the air.Suddenly someone grabbed his hands and pushed him down.  Saeyoung looked up at the strong figure who just managed to crumble him down.
,,Vanderwood! VANDERWOOD I AM TELLING YOU THAT HE NEVER TRIED TO HIT ME!’’ you cried in panic when your brother was about to throw a fist at your fiancé.Saeyoung was too shocked to react, but you knew exactly what you did when you hit your own brother with all your strength.The long haired man looked at you, cooling down his throbbing cheek with his cold hand. The action by his beloved sister was a big surprise to him.,,It’s your fault,’’ you began, looking up.,,IT’S YOUR FAULT! I never had friends because of you! You always thought you would protect me, but instead you let me live in pain! It’s your fault! I grew up without any human warmth! And then suddenly you disappear one day, leaving me on my own! Oi! What do you think was I supposed to do? A twenty year old woman who never got to know the world! Do you think that on my own I would have been able to overcome this? Vanderwood, you were so wrong...you have no right to destroy this relationship that I built on my own. You have no right to even be in my life!’’ you finally told him.Your brother’s eyes gave you a stab in your heart, but as proud as you were, you were unable to say sorry that you were just angry.Instead, you let him burst out of the door.
,,It’s okay…’’ Saeyoung tried to comfort you a week later. You were still crying a lot, missing your brother who you finally found again.,,Once I wanted to save you, but I ended up hurting my brother instead…’’ you sobbed, reflecting on your harsh words.You hissed at your deepest thoughts.,,I wish I could tell him-,’’,,how sorry I am,’’ Vanderwood’s voice out of the blue echoed through the room.,,I cared for you after both of our parents died, but I thought you would be safe if I went away...I didn’t know that you were in so much pain, Mc...even though it’s hard, can you forgive me?’’ of course the two of you ended up hugging each other in tears.
,,I still can’t help worrying but...I know that you will do well,’’ Vanderwood whispered one day to Saeyoung, letting go of your hand.Vanderwood watched you walking to your future husband in a long white dress, smiling brightly on your wedding day in a little comfortable church.,,I will stay here on standby if you ever need me to protect you…’’ he whispered a last time to you, observing you kissing the man next to you.The sadness he felt in that moment was one that he couldn’t explain to anyone. A feeling between happiness and hate, as well as jealousy and satisfaction.But he wouldn’t interfere in your life anymore, and you knew that in any case he would be there.
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yuuimagines · 6 years ago
Stray Kids in Hogwarts
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Kim Woojin
House: Hufflepuff
Blood: Muggle Born
Year: Sixth year
Quidditch: Keeper
Extra information:
* Everybody in his family was so surprised
* How‘s it possible that only their youngest child is a wizard?
* But he was still very excited!
* Since he‘s the youngest in his family it confused him even more when he found out that he‘s the oldest one of the first graders—
* The first few years he was enjoying life and doing everything he wanted
* But after the fourth year he was like the mom of the dorm
* Very wise to the younger ones
* ”Never, I say NEVER piss Snape of. He‘ll remember your face for the next decades and mistreat your children if he needs to I swear“
* Is friends with Chan
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Bang Chan
House: Gryffindor
Blood: Pure Blood
Year: Seventh year
Quidditch: Team Captain/ Beater
Extra information:
* This boy was very sad :(
* Even though he was surrounded by great wizards and witches he felt so lonely and just not in the right place
* He often asked himself if he‘s on the right path and got lost at some point
* But then Changbin got his letter, in the end even Jisung did
* So little Chris was happy since he finally had some real friends and people to depend on
* In the Quidditch team since day one
* After Jackson, the previous team captain, graduated everybody voted for him to be the next
* I feel like he wouldn‘t be the type of Beater to constantly attack the enemies
* He would be the type to protect his own team mates rather than attacking
* Funfact: The sorting hat originally wanted him to be in Hufflepuff
* I think Chris would enjoy Dark Arts a lot just because it‘s Dark Arts whoooooo
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Lee Minho
House: Slytherin
Blood: Pure Blood
Year: Fifth year
Quidditch: Chaser
Extra information:
* Minho lives in constant fear as the Chaser tbh
* Would be mean to everybody at first because he felt like he needed to fulfill the stereotype of a Slytherin? After some time he was like well huh that was stupid
* Has a lot of experience because his family always teaches him little spells
* He HATES Defence against the Dark Arts SO MUCH
* ”When I do Dark Arts by myself I don’t need to defend myself cuz my spells are so lit?“
* Goofs around and pretends to be bad sometimes but he‘s actually one of the best wizards in Slytherin
* He is whipped for your cat, so if you‘re a Slytherin and own a cat expect finding this boy in the middle of the night with every single cat doing some kind of ritual—
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Seo Changbin
House: Gryffindor
Blood: Pure Blood
Year: Fourth year
Quidditch: Chaser
Extra information:
* So Changbin was always interested in the Muggle‘s lifes
* He would go up to Woojin or somebody with at least a little bit of knowledge and ask them a million questions
* ”Why do you guys need electricity? Couldn‘t you just use—“
* ”And cars?? I swear that‘s the most useless thing when they would just use teleportation methods like—“
* He looks intimidating but he‘s a soft boi and would like to be friends with you uwu
* Changbin being a chaser would Seungmin drive crazy I swear
* ”Slytherin has the Quaff— Wait no, Gryffindor‘s Chaser Changbin just— Oh wow Slytherin‘s Minho had a great technique to— CHANGBIN HAS THE QUAFFLE AGAIN, JUST FINALLY SCORE THE POINTS JESUS CHRIST“
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Hwang Hyunjin
House: Slytherin
Blood: Muggle born
Year: Third year
Quidditch: Seeker
Extra information:
* So I wanted to make Jinie‘s story a bit more attached to reality
* You may think: A Muggle born in Slytherin? Well that‘s ironic— AND I KNOW JUST PLEASE LISTEN TO ME
* So on the Hogwarts Express he told some people his parents are Muggles and basically what happened was a lot of harassment from just a few people
* Stuff like ”What is he doing here?“ ”Somebody like him won‘t be a great wizard“ or ”I bet he‘s no clue about ANYTHING. How cute to think that he‘ll make it“
* Hyunjin‘s blood was boiling. He wanted to prove them wrong, he wanted to show the best side of him that he could
* So the sorting hat was like ”Slytherin will make you stronger“ and ”You will make them regret everything they said behind your back“
* And Quidditch was the way to go
* So he learned a lot of things from books and eventually made it into the team as the Seeker
* After winning a match he got the ALL THE GIRLS AND BOYS
* Everybody‘s crush
* Hated Jisung at first because he was also a Seeker and Gryffindor won that day
* ”Maybe you should just finally catch the Golden Snitch, maybe you would win then lol“
* ”Well maybe you should study more, maybe you wouldn‘t fail all your exams then“
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Han Jisung
House: Gryffindor
Blood: Half Blood (Mother Witch, Father Muggle)
Year: Third year
Quidditch: Seeker
Extra information:
* Imagine Fred and George Weasley being one person
* That‘s this boy
* Probably owns the map of mischief and he uses it ALL THE TIME
* When he isn‘t Gryffindor‘s fantastic Seeker he comments the Quidditch games
* Like;; he would be so biased? And always making jokes, cursing and then censoring himself after Seungmin hits the back of his head—
* This would honestly be a big commercial for Gryffindor
* Because he very proud
* He would rather die than going to this lessons oh boi
* He was already friends with Changbin and Chan when he wasn‘t attending Hogwarts
* When the sorting hat screamed GRYFFINDORRRRR Chan and Changbin were screaming and applauding like crazy
* Since they also play Quidditch and everybody knew this trio they got the name 3RACHA
* Most chaotic Seeker in history I swear
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Lee Felix
House: Hufflepuff
Blood: Half Blood (Mother witch, father Muggle)
Year: Third year
Quidditch: Seeker
Extra information:
* This boy might be the most serious one (as many legends say) BUT he is still in Hufflepuff because my heart tells me yes in tiny font
* With Lee Felix as Hufflepuff‘s Seeker they actually have a chance because this boy‘s GOOD
* Felix also has a big heart for magical creatures
* Everybody wanted to have him in his own house since he helped everyone on the way to Hogwarts with their pets, luggage etc.
* His parents supported him so much and thought of everything while packing and buying his books
* Hates the house‘s stereotypes so much and wants to break them as good as possible
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Kim Seungmin
House: Ravenclaw
Blood: Pure Blood
Year: Third year
Quidditch: /
Extra information:
* We all knew he was a Ravenclaw the second we saw him, ok!?
* He is already used to the whole magical world from his family
* So he wasn‘t really surprised when the letter from Hogwarts arrived
* Teaches Jeongin a lot of things about magic
* Like;; he would go to several people (maybe Jisung the most skskskks) and tell them that it‘s the Most useless form of magic
* He doesn‘t play Quidditch
* Cuz this boy‘s smart and doesn‘t let himself beat up
* But he goes to the matches anyways to watch over his friends
* Aka he needs to be there because he comments the gameplay
* (The only one who takes commenting the game serious and doesn‘t get scolded)
* Buys a lot of stuff to prank the guys with in Hogsmeade
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Yang Jeongin
House: Ravenclaw
Blood: Half Blood (Mother Muggle, Father Wizard)
Year: First year
Quidditch: Beater
Extra information:
* Since he lived in the Muggle World and his father never told him enough about magical stuff he never knew much about being a wizard
* So when he first came to Hogwarts his HE WAS EXCITED
* That‘s why everybody thought he was so CUTE
* Became everybody’s baby in seconds
* This boy is a proud Ravenclaw
* The moment Jeongin was first on a broom every knew: This boy will play Quidditch like a god and laugh every time the Bludgers hit the enemies
* He met Seungmin on the Ravenclaw table after the sorting hat did his job
* He counts the days until he can go to Hogsmeade
* Calls the older students dump when they make mistakes as a joke
Also, English isn‘t my first language. I had to look up a lot of things because I read the books in German. So I‘m really sorry if something isn‘t right? Just tell me skshskwv
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animeraider · 5 years ago
I want to talk to you a moment about fear.
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago, and then just as I was about to publish it we had a slew of mass shootings, including one in my own geographical back yard, at a festival I've attended with my family. It seems to me that being afraid of gun violence is the one exception to my entire essay, and it does poke a big hole in it. We can't be afraid to close that hole. So here is that essay. +++++++++++++++++++++ I have said for a very long time now that the only useful place for fear in on Rollercoasters. Maybe horror movies. That it. Nothing else. But I want to dig deeper on that theme for a moment, if you don’t mind.
For getting on close to 2 decades now, there has been a political party in this country that has wanted you to be afraid. Usually it’s to be afraid of Muslims, terrorists, foreigner… anything other. They want you to believe that crime is getting worse. They want you to believe the country is financially unstable. They want you to believe there is a gay agenda that will change your life for the worse. A Trans-gender agenda. An Atheist agenda. A war on Christmas. Fear of packages in the mail. Fear of people in black communities, with their high crime rates. Fear of immigrants and the crime they bring. Fear of cartels and gangs that don’t even have a presence in this country. Fear of the Deficit. Fear that higher taxes will kill the economy. Fear that Iran is building an atomic bomb. Fear that the government will take over your healthcare. Fear that the government will take your guns. Fear that the government will take your freedoms.
This really ramped up after 9/11. I won’t kid you, that was awful. Grotesque. I can remember every damned moment of it – feeling genuinely in shock but being brave for my children, who were frightened out of their wits. Grabbing my children from their schools. Picking up my wife from her teaching job and the protocols that say that teachers needs to stay at their posts can go fuck themselves. Hunkering down and wishing it were all over. Thinking about the flight originally bound by my adopted hometown, and our own skyscrapers. It was awful and it opened a horrific wound.
Thing is, when do we get to heal? Why do we need to stay afraid? How can we possibly heal if we’re still afraid?
I’m asking that all of you please, stop being afraid. We’re not the greatest country in the world anymore but we sure used to be. We dreamed big, accomplished even bigger, and created the world’s next great adventures. We don’t do that anymore.
Fear is holding us back. Fear of the other. Fear of the world and how different it is from us. Yeah, we got hurt, badly hurt, but it’s time to heal. It’s time to stop being afraid to heal. It’s not easy, and I don’t deny that. But let me offer you a few notions about fear that maybe you haven’t considered.
I’m not afraid of Muslims. They’ve been part of this country going back to its very foundation. There are more Muslims in the world than there are Americans and there always has been. 9/11 didn’t change that. We’ve been fine with Muslims. Sharia Law isn’t being introduced anywhere in this country. It’s just not. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying, and wants you afraid. If Muslims were such a big problem why are we as a nation so damned friendly with Saudi Arabia? Senegal? Pakistan? Morocco? Singapore? Egypt? Kuwait? Morocco – the first country to recognize the United States as an independent country (1786), and with whom we maintain the longest single treaty in US History?
A Muslim named Fazlur Tahman Khan (an American) invented the engineering system that allows skyscrapers to be built, including the Twin Towers, Sears Tower in Chicago and even the Trump International Hotel and Tower in the same city. He also built the Metrodome. A Muslim named Ernest Hamwi invented the Ice Cream Cone at the 1904 World’s Fair (Martha Stewart has published his original recipe too).
I’m not afraid of terrorists. I actually know someone who died on 9/11 and I completely understand the anger, the fear. I’ve felt it. It’s a physical thing you can feel and touch. But you know what? The country seems to have learned its lesson about how to anticipate this sort of thing. I’d like to think we can relax now. There are people whose jobs are to be vigilant and they’ve been successful since that awful day 2 decades ago. I think we can relax. And if I’m wrong? What’s the point of dying scared? Laugh at death – it’s going to laugh back. Don’t take life so seriously, it was never meant to be permanent.
I prefer to think of them simply as criminals. In addition to not being afraid, don’t make them important.
I’m not afraid of foreigners. I want to see the world, and see the differences and the similarities in other cultures. I want them to be our partners on this pale blue dot. Being afraid of the rest of the world seems just so… lonely. We’re not built for lonely. You’re here, reading this right now, aren’t you? Lonely makes people into monsters thanks to the echo chamber that is our own brains and we must be better than that.
I’m not afraid of crime. Despite all the crime shows on television, cable and podcast crime is actually way down, and is trending down. Even the FBI says so. I’m not afraid of the country being financially unstable. Yes, we have good days and bad days but overall the country is still the largest economy on the planet and will continue to be for a long time unless we intentionally intervene to make it worse. We have safety nets we didn’t use to have. Social Security isn’t going broke. Nowhere close. We have plenty of money. It does, however, need a slight adjustment in who is holding on to it.
I’m not afraid of gays. For the most part, every gay person, every Trans person I have ever met has wanted only one thing – for everyone else to not care that they’re gay or trans. Or anywhere else on the non-binary spectrum. It doesn’t affect you in any way whatsoever. The LGBTQA agenda in schools? Mostly it teaches that it doesn’t matter. Can you stop being afraid of this? Yeah, some religions say that this is a sin but can you stop being afraid of it long enough to take to heart one great lesson in that book of yours? Even if you believe it’s a sin, you love the sinner. That’s it. Stop there. Never, never, never add hate to that. “Love the sinner, Hate the sin” isn’t in the Bible, the Koran or the Torah. Anything further isn’t religion – it’s justifying what you’re afraid of; most likely yourself.
(As a side note, for those of you who use the Bible to justify your fears of these people, I find it hilarious that you keep using the parts of the Bible written by the Romans after they co-opted Christianity. But who am I to judge?)
I’m not afraid of Atheists for the same reason. You know what they want? For everyone else to not push their own agenda on them, just like you don’t want someone else’s agenda forced on you. The Constitution is quite clear on this – no religion will be established by the state. Atheists would like you to support this very American ideal. That’s it.
There is no war on Christmas. There simply isn’t. Atheists exchange gifts too, because it’s nice to do.
I’m not afraid of packages in the mail. Yeah, there was some scary stuff sent out just after 9/11, but the number of people who got those packages/envelopes can be counted on one hand, and it isn’t your hand.
I’m not afraid of black neighborhoods. Crime really isn’t any higher in black neighborhoods than it is in white ones, not when the economics are taken into account. When people have money crime goes down, regardless of the color of one’s skin. Go to any white community where they income levels and cost of living are the same as any similar black neighborhood and you’ll find that the crime rates are just about equal. But the people trying to keep you afraid are white, and black is part of “the other”. There are good people living in those neighborhoods. Kind people. People who would help you.
Stop calling the police on black people. Stop being afraid. Be kind.
I‘m not afraid of immigrants or any crime. Yes, a couple of stories have been sensationalized, but statistically immigrants cause less crime than those of us born here. I’m not afraid of them taking our jobs. If the jobs are there and you want them, apply for them. Those jobs they’re taking are jobs you didn’t want, and they’re there. Immigrants tend to work hard, because they want what we used to be, and what they believe we can still be.
Fear of foreign gangs? Seriously? This might surprise you but MS13 members haven’t been making it across the border. You don’t find them in our detention camps. That’s because they’re not here.
Fear of the deficit? Nope, just can’t do it. Not when the political power who wants you to be afraid stops caring about it when they’re in power, and starts caring about it when they’re not. Besides, when they are it balloons, and when they’re not it decreases. Almost like they’re the cause or something.
I don’t fear higher taxes. Most people simply don’t make enough money where changes in the marginal tax rate will even touch them. Will it destroy the economy? No. The economy could change though. If money gets returned to the lower classes they’ll spend it. The economy should actually get better. The economy was great when Eisenhower was President. When Kennedy was President. We built highways. We went to the moon. You know, when taxes were higher.
Taxes, right now, are lower than they have been in your entire lifetime. Unless you’re over 90 years old.
Iran isn’t building an atomic bomb. They could, if they’re not engaged with. Obama realized this and got them to stop. I’m not afraid on Iran. But some people haven’t recovered from the wound given us in 1979 by Iran. Trump may just be one of them. His National Security Advisor certainly hasn’t.
I don’t fear the government taking over my health care. I’d kind of rather they did so, actually. My mother has Medicare and they’ve treated her better than my doctors sometimes treat me. Her healthcare also costs one hell of a lot less. If we move to a system like the one Canada has then yes, your taxes will be higher. But your healthcare costs will be lower. Much lower than how much your taxes go up. I’d say that’s a trade to not be afraid of.
I don’t fear the government taking your guns. I’d actually be quite happy if they did it but that’s a conversation for another time. It’s simply not going to happen. We do need to have an honest conversation about it though. We’ve lost too many children to guns. Come on people, we can solve this.
There is so much more that people have been trying to make us all afraid of over the past couple of decades. Much more than I could list here. Vaccines, Godless schools, Black people voting, improper birth certificates, QAnon, Impeachment… the list just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on. I’m not afraid of any of it.
And I’m not afraid of Donald J. Trump. Or Mike Pence. Or Moscow Mitch McConnell.
I’m not afraid of anything. I’m an American. A citizen of what used to be The United States of America. I’d like you to be too.
Being afraid is downright un-American. So stop it. All of you. You can do this.
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sweethails · 6 years ago
Prompt List #5 (I pt.3)
Send a request with the number(s) and which prompt list it’s from if you don’t give me the prompt list I will just assume its from #1. and also Give me the character you want!  
[Example request]: Can I please have number 2 from prompt list #7 and number 72 from prompt list #10 for peter parker where the reader finds out Pete’s spiderman
You can send in your own prompt(s) or just send in a request without one. these are here to use at your leisure (Most of these are not mine. Credit goes to those who made them.) I am add to this list occasionally so check back later for new ones. This is prompt #5 (I pt.3)
I do not take straight up smut requests even if some prompts sound slightly dirty. (I might change my mind who knows send me your smut request and i might decide to do it) There may be some repeat prompts but bare with me I’m trying to clean them up. Thanks enjoy!!!!!!
There are 228 prompts in this list
It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion."
It’s a secret."
It’s a Texas thing."
It’s all your fault!"
It’s always been you."
It’s always darkest before dawn. So if you’re going to steal your neighbor’s newspaper, that’s the time to do it."
It’s always the same old story"
It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm."
It’s beautiful, isn’t it?"
It’s been a while.Too long."
It’s better to let someone think you’re stupid than open your mouth and prove it."
It’s called karma, and it’s pronounced ‘haha fuck you’."
It’s called Netflix and chill for a reason."
It’s called Netflix and chill, we’re not supposed to just watch Netflix."
It’s called thinking. Go with it."
It’s Christmas! You’d think at least someone would be selling trees!"
It’s Christmas, don’t be mad at me."
It’s cold, you should take my jacket."
It’s good to see you."
It’s hard to remember we aren’t in a competition anymore."
It’s just not that impressive."
It’s just you and me"
It’s just your imagination."
It’s kind of hilarious watching you try to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence."
It’s late.  Shouldn’t you be asleep?"
It’s lonely here without you."
It’s midnight! Where the hell were you?"
It’s never gonna happen."
It’s never too late to get back up again."
It’s New Years, aren’t you going to kiss me?"
It’s New Years/ Christmas! Of course I need to dress up!"
It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling."
It’s not bad to cry. In fact, I think it makes a person stronger."
It’s not even Halloween yet."
It’s not safe here."
It’s not that easy."
It’s not your fault."
It’s okay if you have to go."
It’s okay to cry."
It’s only 2 A.M.."
It’s over, it’s done, just leave it be."
It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka."
It’s snowing."
It’s so good to see your face."
It’s so ugly… I LOVE IT!"
It’s the thought that counts."
It’s time for a marathon."
It’s time to fight the boss and if I don’t tell you now, I might not live to tell you
It’s time to get up."
It’s time to think outside of the box."
It’s too cold to do anything!"
It’s too cold! Come back!"
It’s too late for that."
It’s too late for you to be out by yourself."
It’s two a.m., why are you next to me?"
It’s two am, why are you crying?"
It’s warm inside."
It’s your turn to make dinner."
I‘m never going to be good enough for you, am i?"
I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong."
I’d be fine having sex with the same person for the rest of my life, if it wasn’t the same sex every single time."
I’d explain it to you, but you’re brain would explode."
I’d give you a nasty look but you’ve already got one."
I’d kill for a coffee…literally."
I’d like to kick you in the teeth, but why should I improve your looks?"
I’d like to see things from your point of view, but I can’t seem to get my head that far up your ass."
I’d like to see you try."
I’d rather be here."
I’d rather stay inside."
I’ll always be here"
I’ll always be here."
I’ll always be there for you."
I’ll always love you."
I’ll be there in a few minutes."
I’ll be with you the whole time."
I’ll die without you."
I’ll fix it."
I’ll go with you."
I’ll keep you safe."
I’ll keep you warm."
I’ll make my own decisions, thank you."
I’ll never forget you."
I’ll never stop caring about you."
I’ll never surrender"
I’ll take you home."
I’ll think about it."
I’ll walk you home."
I’m a level 72 Rogue and if you tell anyone, I’ll deny it and I will kill you."
I’m actually not funny. I’m just mean and people think I’m joking."
I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…A dangerous pastime."
I’m alone on valentines day. What could get worse?"
I’m an adult who still doesn’t know how to cook a turkey."
I’m an idiot"
I’m asking you not to do this."
I’m baking!"
I’m banging pots and pans and yelling so this negative energy gets away from me. If I yell and scream loudly enough I think I’ll scare it. AHHHHHHH."
I’m better when I’m with you."
I’m better, now that you’re here."
I’m bringing the holiday party to you!"
I’m bulletproof…but please, don’t shoot me."
I’m busy now. Can I ignore you some other time?"
I’m crazy about you."
I’m done trying to help you!"
I’m done. we’re done."’
I’m done."
I’m dying."
I’m fed up of this bullshit"
I’m fine with where I am now."
I’m fine. Stop asking."
I’m fine."
I’m getting real bored and impatient. I don’t do bored and impatient."
I’m going to ask you something and you have to answer me honestly."
I’m going to keep you safe."
I’m going to kill you!"
I’m going to my bed.That’s the bathroom."
I’m going to presume that dead body in our garden is a decoration"
I’m going to regret this."
I’m going to walk away and pretend I didn’t see anything."
I’m gonna go out for a smoke, you coming?"
I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make you ancestors dizzy."
I’m gonna make you wish you were dead."
I’m here if you need to talk."
I’m here, I’m queer and I’m ready to kinkshame your ass ‘til you can’t walk"
I’m impressed. I’ve never met such a small mind inside a big head before."
I’m in love with you."
I’m just gonna pack up and go straight to hell now."
I’m just looking out for you."
I’m just tired."
I’m late."
I’m leaving tomorrow morning."
I’m listening to you. I’m just not paying attention."
I’m living life to the fullest extent!"
I’m lost without you."
I’m never letting you go."
I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage."
I’m not a proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one."
I’m not buying ikea furniture again."
I’m not crazy. I’m just interesting."
I’m not drunk enough for this."
I’m not drunk, I s-swear."
I’m not going anywhere."
I’m not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor."
I’m not going to leave you. You’re never going to have to suffer by yourself again, I promise."
I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention."
I’m not gonna make it."
I’m not here to make friends."
I’m not him."
I’m not jealous!"
I’m not jealous, I just don’t like the bitch."
I’m not just winning, I’m thriving."
I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong, and don’t try lying to me."
I’m not leaving."
I’m not okay."
I’m not pissed, I’m hurt."
I’m not playing truth or dare."
I’m not ready to say goodbye."
I’m not scared of spiders but there’s a spider in the bathroom and it’s taunting me."
I’m not shy. I’m just examining my prey."
I’m not telling you I saw a werewolf but… I saw a werewolf."
I’m not the one doing it."
I’m not wearing a dress."
I’m not wearing a tie."
I’m not wearing THAT"
I’m not weird. I am limited edition."
I’m not your personal doormat."
I’m only here to help."
I’m part of the pathetic line."
I’m proud of you."
I’m right here, okay?"
I’m right where I belong."
I’m running away."
I’m scared. What if someone finds out about us?"
I’m scared."
I’m sick."
I’m so done with this life."
I’m so glad that I met you."
I’m so glad you could come.Cut the crap. Give me a drink."
I’m so in love with her/him, I don’t know what do do."
I’m so in love with you."
I’m so tired of the pain."
I’m sorry for the mean, awful, accurate things I said."
I’m sorry I slapped you… But you didn’t seem like you would ever stop talking and I panicked."
I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me."
I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression."
I’m sorry if I ruined your birthday because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut."
I’m sorry, I’m… just really not up to partying right now. Go have fun without me"
I’m sorry, was I meant to be offended? The only thing offending me is your face."
I’m sorry. It won’t happen again."
I’m Sorry."
I’m still drunk from last night."
I’m telling you. I’m haunted."
I’m the dumbest smart person you’ll ever meet."
I’m tired of living."
I’m too sober for this bullshit."
I’m too sober for this."
I’m trying really hard not to blame you for this."
I’m trying to cheer you up."
I’m trying to decide if this thing I did is incredibly stupid or…What happened? What did you do?Well…I fell in love with you."
I’m trying to get work done."
I’m trying to imagine you with a personality."
I’m waiting."
I’m willing to wait for it."
I’m worried about you."
I’m yours, in every way you’ll have me."
I’ve always been honest with you."
I’ve been alone for so long.."
I’ve been called worse by better."
I’ve been praying for you."
I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up."
I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up."
I’ve been waiting all my life for you."
I’ve got a good heart but this mouth…"
I’ve got you. Breathe, okay? I’ve got you."
I’ve got you."
I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with.."
I’ve had enough."
I’ve liked you for awhile now."
I’ve lost my nose."
I’ve never been more in love with you."
I’ve never done this before."
I’ve never felt stronger than when you’re with me."
I’ve never missed anyone as much as I missed you."
I’ve never said that to any one before."
I’ve never seen anything like the way you handled that. I’m just so moved.
I’ve never tried that candy and you’re not gonna get me to start now
I’ve seen people like you before, but I had to pay admission."
I’ve waited for this moment for a long time."
I’ve wanted this for so long."
  Other Prompts Here Masterlist Here Request Here
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sky-girls · 8 years ago
Free at last
And I’m back with this, finally. I hope you guys like it.
“Are you nervous?” Kati and she turns towards the redhead.
“Nervous?” She exclaims. “I’m excited as hell I’m just desperate to get out of this place of endless boredom and tests and needles and all awful stuff in the universe.”
“And here I thought you enjoyed my company.” Kati laughs and she giggles, she’s feeling so much better now.
“I do, but not being in a boring hospital room totally trumps it.” She says as Kati makes sure everything is going well with her iv and her meds.
“Well, you still have one more day to suffer through it.” Kati smiles and the small brunette just shrugs.
“A day is nothing compared to almost three weeks.” She says and Kati nods.
“That’s true.” She admits.
“In a day she won’t be your problem anymore.” A male voice says from the door and she turns to find Matteo. “How relieved about that are you?”
She looks at him offended and he smiles at her charmingly making Kati giggle and shake her head softly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell her what you truly think about her.” He laughs and Kati just pats her leg and walks out of the room mumbling that she will leave them alone.
“Why are you like this?” She asks and he plops down on what has become his chair in the last few days. “You know I’m just joking, cucciola.” He winks at her and she rolls her eyes.
“You are an asshole.” She says with a pout.
“And asshole that brought you chocolate chips cookies.” He sing song, showing her the brown paper bag on his hands that she hadn’t noticed before, she snatches it out of his hands making him laugh.
“Just because you are useful doesn’t me you are not an asshole.” She says opening the bag and beaming at the cookies there, they are still warm. This guy is awesome.
“Good point.” He nods softly and takes a cookie of the bag. “But I’m still your favorite person.”
“I don’t know many people so it’s not like it’s a great thing.” She shrugs, biting her cookie, not even bothering to deny it. He has become her favorite person, that’s true, maybe she is just latching to him because she has no one else that feels truly hers in this moment, everyone in the hospital has to take care of her, it’s their job, their obligation but Matteo just comes here, with no obligation at all, spends a few hours with her every day, making her laugh, bringing her something to eat and it truly feels that he cares about her for some reason, he is her person now. Or she feels like it and as weird as it is, she doesn’t dwell on it, she has no one else so it’s not something she should worry about just yet. There are much more important things.
“What are you thinking about?” He whispers and just then she realizes she stayed silent not even eating her cookie.
“In how happy I am that I will leave tomorrow.” She lies, she doesn’t know why, but she does.
“You must be so excited.” Matteo exclaims. “Being in this place is boring as fuck, even for a few hours I can’t imagine how boring it is for extended time periods.”
“Are you saying I’m boring?” She asks pretending to be offended and Matteo looks at her surprised, the corners of his lips lifting slightly.
“I would never say such thing, cucciola.” He says with a grin.
“Did you imply it?” She changes the question and he shrugs with a guilty expression and she gasps dramatically. “I can’t believe this, I would kick you out if you weren’t the only source of fun I have.”
A smirk appears on his lips and his eyes light up with mischief she knows what she is thinking, the joke he is about to make.
“Don’t.” She warns and he laughs out loud.
“You know me so well, Lu.” He chuckles and she feels the awkwardness spread all over her chest at the name, it’s getting easier and a part her does feel like it fits for some reason but another just can’t link herself to it. She ignores the feeling and rolls her eyes at him.
“You are not a very complicated person.” She says and he pouts at her.
“I’ll let you know I’m very complex.” He defends himself. “I have layers.”
“What like Shrek?” She teases and he looks at her like he wants to kill her, she laughs out loud, throwing her head, a full blown laugh that takes it’s toll soon enough. She starts to catch her breath between the pain and Matteo wastes no time in getting right to her side, his hand rest on her shoulders.
“Are you okay?” He asks and she just nods, touching her ribs softly.
“It could be worse.” She tells him honestly, it used to hurt so much more and now it only hurts when she laughs. He still looks worried though, so she smiles up at him. “I’m okay, don’t worry, it’s just a little bit of pain and it’s nothing compared to what it was before.”
He settles on her bed, laying next to her, the bed is tiny enough that they are all pressed to each other and Luna feels awkward, they have never done this before and she is way too aware of his body next to hers.
“Okay, good.” Matteo sighs sounding relieved. “But if it was truly bad you would tell me right?”
“Yes, you dummy.” She says trying to sound and feel normal.
“Because you really need to once you are out of the hospital.” He continues looking at her with worry.
“I am not a five year old.” She mutters, annoyance replacing awkwardness on her chest.
“We don’t really know that.” He says with a smirk and she glares at him. “I know, I know, I just worry.”
She smiles softly at him and without even thinking of it,she looks for his hand and gives it a squeeze before letting it go.
“I’m fine.” She reassures him. “And after I get out of here I will be more than fine.”
He nods hesitant.
“Talking about that.” He says. “Do you care if someone else comes with me to pick you up tomorrow? “
“Someone else?” She asks confused.Who else could possibly come with him? Who else could be possibly interested on her?
“My best friend really wants to meet you.” He explains. “Especially after I made him and his girlfriend help me buy you clothes. “
She giggles softly at that, it must have been so surreal for them, this whole situation is so surreal and yet Matteo is breezing through it like it doesn’t pose any problem, like it’s totally normal to take a girl with amnesia into your care when you don’t even know her. She can’t blame his friend from being curious, or for maybe wanting to make sure Matteo is not getting conned, that would seem like a logical explanation to the situation too.
“Sure, I don’t mind at all.” She says. “With how much you complain about him I’m very curious to meet him too.”
“Please don’t tell him that.” He says with a chuckle.
“Why not?” She asks blinking innocently at him.
“Don’t you dare, Luce.” He says with mock seriousness and for the first time the name doesn’t feel that weird. “He would be saying I’m an awful best friend forever and make me make it up to him in some ridiculous and annoying way.”
“Wow, you do seem like an awful  best friend when you talk like this.” She says dramatically. “Maybe I should tell him, I can’t let him go through life with a best friend like you.”
“If you weren’t in a hospital bed I would so tickle you so hard you’d cry right now.” He says with a pout and she just grins  at him.
“Luckily for me I am.” She says and he rolls his eyes, the pout still on his face.
“I’m a great best friend.” He mumbles like a five year old. “I’m the greatest best friend.”
“Of course you are.” She giggles, giving him the reason. “I was just messing with you.”
Matteo pouts even more at her and she can’t help but to find it adorable.
“That was cruel, cucciola.” He takes hand to his heart and she shakes her head.
“You are just a baby. “ She tells him and he gasps, even more dramatically, this guy is such a drama queen.
They stay in silence for a few seconds, despite the initial awkwardness she felt having Matteo so close, being able to feel the warmth coming off his body is relaxing for some reason, she feels safe with him, safe in some way that she doesn’t feel with anyone else. She sighs softly, subtly moving closer to Matteo, she wants to stay this way for a long, long time, sadly she knows it’s impossible.
“Just behave.” Matteo sighs, carefully folding the clothes and putting them in the bag.
“Behave?” Gastón asks idly playing with his glass. “What the hell do you think I will do?”
“I‘m more worried about what you will say, actually.” He says, he checks one last time that he has everything and closes the bag, he still has some time before he has to pick Luce up but he is anxious about this whole thing, he is actually bringing a strange girl to live with him and that’s so weird if he takes a second to think about it, but he is not gonna he promised this girl he would take care of girl and no one else will do it. He sighs looking around his apartment, a strange girl that will have to stay on his, luckily, big and comfortable couch, for now at least.
“Do you really think I would say something inappropriate to a girl who had a near death experience and lost her memory?” His best friend asks and Matteo just stares at him, unfazed. “Hey! I’m only an insensitive asshole when it comes to you and even then just sometimes.”
“I know.” Matteo takes his hands through his hair, he knows Gastón won’t do anything weird, he also knows that if he does Luce will probably find it hilarious but he doesn’t want her to go through too much of a shock, going back into the world and meeting new people after what she has been through sounds hard enough without adding the sensory overload Gastón can be. “Just be chill today, okay? “
“Okay.” He sighs. “I think you are being too dramatic about this but fine, I’ll do my best.”
“Thank you.” He smiles and Gastón rolls his eyes.
“Maybe I shouldn’t go.” He says after a few seconds. “You seem stressed enough about this already.”
“I just need to chill.” He says honestly and stands up from the couch to get a water from the fridge. “And she is honestly excited to meet you.”
“Why?”Gastón asks from the living room and he can’t see his face but his tone is one of utter confusion.
“I have no idea, probably the head injury.” He says coming back just in time to see his offended face.
“Rude.” Gastón whispers and Matteo laughs out loud sitting next to him.
“Believe it or not as my best friend I have a high opinion of you and that usually shows when I talk about you.” He tells him. “Also she is probably pumped about teaming up with you to tease me.”
“That’s gonna great.” Gastón mumbles excitedly. “I hope this girl is good at teasing you, I need more people like that in my life.”
“Why am I even you friend?” Matteo asks, taking a sip of his water.
“Because you love me and couldn’t live without me.”
He doesn’t even bother to deny it and Gastón just smiles triumphantly. He checks his clock and stands up, patting Gastón’s knee.
“Come on, buddy.” He says. “We gotta go.”
“We still have forty minutes and the hospital is like twenty minutes away.” Gastón comments.
“Yeah, but I want to buy some chocolate chip cookies for her before we go.” He doesn’t look at Gastón while he says it, he is not even facing his direction, he is not embarrassed by it, not at all but a small part of him feels like he should and that small part of him also knows that if anyone will make it surface it will be Gastón.
“Awww.”Gastón teases standing up and Matteo rolls his eyes. “That’s adorable.”
“Shut up.” He mutters making sure he has everything on last time.
“Why?” Gastón asks, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “You buying cookies is truly adorable, you should buy her some coffee too.”
“She doesn’t like coffee.” He mumbles leaving the apartment and letting Gastón close the door.
“How do you know that?” He asks truly curious this time. “Does she remember it? Isn’t it weird that she remembers this kinda thing but not other ones?”
“I gave her coffee once and she didn’t like it.” Matteo rolls his eyes, throwing the bag with clothes for Lu into the backseat before entering the car. “And it’s weird as fuck yes but I don’t really question because I would have no idea how to.”
“This whole situation is weird as fuck.” Gastón says when he starts the car.
“You don’t have to tell me.” Matteo laughs.
“But how come they can’t find out who she is?” He asks.
“She had no idea and the car was new so she didn’t have a car plate.” Matteo shrugs.
“Isn’t that like suspicious?” His friend asks.
“What do you mean?”
“Untraceable girl who almost dies.” Gastón starts explaining. “That seems like some kinda mafia shit.”
“What?” Matteo asks with a laugh, taking his eyes off the road for one second to show his friend his disbelieving face.
“Okay, maybe not mafia.”Gastón concedes.”But she could still be dangerous.”
“I doubt it.” Matteo says. “I seriously doubt it.”
“How can you be so sure?” Gastón says. “You don’t even know the girl, she doesn’t even know herself.”
“You are spending too much time with Nina.” Matteo sighs. “You are getting paranoid.”
“I live with her, of course I am.” Gastón huffs. “But I think I have a point here.”
“Just wait until you see her.” Matteo tells him and Gastón just looks at him doubtful.
Of course all Gastón needs is to see her beam at the chocolate cookies and Matteo himself to change his mind and end up completely charmed by her, just like almost everyone else that has met her. Matteo is for some weird and stupid reason proud of that, as if her natural magnetism and charisma had anything to do with him. But it’s so much easier picturing her fitting into the outside world despite everything when he walks into the room after getting done with the paperwork and finding her laughing softly with Gastón.
“I can’t believe he did that.” She is saying trying to catch air, while keeping a hand on the ribs of her right side, probably because of the pain. She looks at him when he opens the door, her green eyes finding his and to his surprise she laughs even more.
“What are you guys talking about?” Matteo asks carefully and Lu just starts laughing even more and Gastón grins at him.
“Nothing bad, nothing bad.” He says blinking innocently. “Just telling her about that time you got so shit faced you asked a tree out and almost cried when you thought it rejected you because it didn’t answer.”
Lu’s laughs has turned into harsh breaths but not the pained kind when he turns to her she is actually laughing like she has forgotten about the pain she felt just second ago. She sitting cross legged on the middle of the bed with the soft pink flower dress he bought her, her head thrown back as one hand cover her face and the other is softly hitting the mattress and even with the bruises he can still see on her skin she looks good, she looks healthy . Gastón probably told her much more than just that little story but seeing her like is totally worth being mildly humiliated.
“Less than twenty minutes.” He complains still. “Less than twenty minutes it what it takes for you to open your big mouth and taint my image.”
“Come on.” Gastón explains happily. “I couldn’t let this girl see you as some cool hero she had to know the real you.”
“I never thought he was cool.” Lu says, her voice still filled with laughter he turns to her offended,she bites her lower trying not to laugh away but her huge grin gives her away. How come everyone in his life is like this to him?
“Smart girl.” Gastón says approvingly. “I like her.”
Matteo is about to insult his best friend as well as he can when Kati enters the room with a wheelchair.
“Do I really need to use that?” Lu asks with a pout and Kati just smiles sweetly at her.
“Come on, cucciola.” He smiles encouragingly at her and ignoring the look Gastón sends him at the nickname, it’s none of his business anyway. “It’s just until you leave the hospital, then you can walk all you want.”
“She shouldn’t walk much either.” Kati lets them know and Matteo nods, he has just been given all the details of Lu’s care, he knows all of this and he has it handled, or at least he thinks he does. “Not for a while at least.”
Lu looks deflated at them.
“Cheer up, sweetie.” Kati says walking to her and caressing her cheek softly. “You are finally out of this place, that’s great news.”
“It is, yes!” She exclaims with a bright smile that is gone as soon as it comes. “I will miss you, though.”
“Sweetie, don’t get emotional about leaving the hospital.” Kati says softly. “Not this emotional at least.”
Lu smiles at her and the redhead smiles before she helps her up and sits her in the wheelchair. She has the most adorable done face ever, Lu truly is a puppy.
“Come on, Lu.” He says as he starts to push the wheelchair. “Let’s go home.”
Ámbar walks quickly through the streets of buenos aires, with all the turns she has taken to get to this place she is almost lost but she managed to lose Rey and that’s what matters. Her godmother is still convinced Luna ran away and now she is also convinced that Ámbar helped her so every time she leaves the house she has Rey on her trail, following her every move. It’s exhausting and fucking stupid really, she would just face the guy and tell him go fuck off but she doesn’t want Sharon suspecting anything or knowing that she is looking for Luna.
She sees the person she is about to meet sitting in the exact spot she told him to in the small coffee place, she goes to him.
“Did you go shopping?” He asks unbelieving when he sees the bag and she rolls her eyes, sitting in front of him.
“I had to distract Rey.” She mutters taking the untouched cup of coffee right in front of her, he also ordered exactly what she told him to.
“I still don’t understand why miss Benson can’t know.” He comments and she rolls her eyes, again.
“Because she is crazy.” She simply states and Simón shrugs and nods, not saying anything else. She takes a deep breath. “I have to ask you this. Do you think Luna could have truly ran away?”
“Without leaving a note or telling anyone?” He asks raising his eyebrows. “No way, especially with how worried her parents would be.”
“You haven’t told them right?” She asks at him and she shakes his head. “Good, we don’t want to worry them until we know something for sure.”
“That’s very considerate of you. “Simón say slightly sardonic and Ámbar glares at him, she knows that she wasn’t the nicest to Luna back in cancún, especially at first but she learned to actually care about the little girl and she knows he is well aware of that. “Why did you call me?”
“Because you know Luna better than anybody else.”Ámbar explains like it’s obvious. “And as much as I don’t like to admit it I need help with all of this.”
“I know someone that has connections to the police.” She says. “We can use that.”
“That sounds shady as hell.” He says. “And if you have this why do you even need me?”
She actually has no idea, if she thinks about it it’s probably because she needs someone else who cares about Luna, someone that can give her emotional support and knows what she is going through somehow but she doesn’t think about it, she doesn’t want to. She is trying to be practical and logical because otherwise, like in most of her life, emotions will drag her down, slow her and she doesn’t need that right now.
“I’m sorry did you want me to not tell you?” She asks with defiance and he lifts his hands up in a surrender expression.
“Of course not.” He says.
“Then stopping making stupid questions.” Simón nods and silence falls between them.
Maybe it was cruel of her to drag the guy who is obviously in love with Luna and would do anything for her into this situation but she figures that’s what she needs and someone from her old life needs to know. Just in case.
“Do you…” He starts with a strained voice and needs to clear his throat to continue. “Do you think she could be dead?”
“I hope not.” She answers truthfully. “But honestly we can’t know that.”
He nods, looking sadly at his coffee, she sighs. She doesn’t want to think of the possibility, not one bit but it’s something she has had to consider because if she didn’t run away means something happened to her and that something could as might well be dead. She hopes that it’s not, not only because she doesn’t want to lose Luna, but because she doesn’t want to deal with her aunt if she knows that Luna is dead and she figures out that most of the money is going to the Valentes and Ámbar herself now.
“Who is the person with police connections anyway?” Simón asks, probably trying to break the pitiful moment.
“My mom.”
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kookie-vith-suga · 8 years ago
You don’t own me part 3
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Excerpt: Have you ever heard about the phenomenon called “Love”?”, Baekhyun arised from his seat. “It makes you weak. It makes you vulnerable. This will be our chance.”
Word count: 1818 // I tried…I’m sorry…
Warnings: A little bit violence and angst ;)
Author’s note: OMG I just surpassed 250 followers! So.Fucking.Amazing. Thank you my lovely cuties! You are giving me more then I could ever ask for! I’ve made some new friends over this short period and I’m looking forward to get to know even more people! Feel free to message me any time :) I’m waiting patiently ♥♥♥
part 1
part 2
Check out my masterlist ;)
You were sitting on the couch. Elbows resting on your knees. Your fingers were massaging your temples.
This isn’t true. This can’t be true. What should I do? What can I do? I can’t stay here.
You recalled the conversation you just had with him a couple of minutes ago:
“I need you to stay with me for a little while.”
You snorted.
His voice was deep and calm when he had said it. But it wasn’t a question or anything close to that. It was an order. And the gun. Well it was just there to clarify the circumstances you were in.
He let the gun travel over your back. Between your shoulder blades he had stopped. He pressed it down so it caused you a little pain. You restrained yourself from letting out a groan. He shouldn’t know how weak you were.
“What do you say?”, he had whispered to your ear before biting softly into your neck. You gasped noisily. Surely out of surprise towards the sudden contact.
You gritted your teeths.”I would rather discuss that without having a gun pressed against my body.”
“Oh. Does this bother you?”, he had pressed down a little harder. You arched your back and winced in pain.
“You little..”, you broke off.
“Finish please. What am I?”, he challenged you. You bit down on your lip.
“Nothing”, you hissed.
You felt him pulling the gun away and your posture relaxed instantly. He forced you to turn around and look at him.
“You can curse me as much as you like, princess. You are not going to get out of here”, he said with a satisfied smile on his face.
Your eyes widen in shock. You knew that he wasn’t lying. Tears ascended in your eyes. You swallowed hard.
He really seemed to be surprised by your reaction. For a second you had spotted something in his look that wasn’t connected to his arrogant attitude. But it vanished as fast as it had come.
“What’s there to cry about? Am I that bad?”, he had raised an eyebrow.
Hell yeah! You are fucking psychopath!
How deeply you wished that you had said that instead of just staying silent.
“I’m taking your silence as a “no”. Well I’m sure as hell better looking then your little friend“, he annouced, “Okay enough of that. My dear Y/N, I have to go now. Please make yourself at home. The main bedroom is upstairs. Kitchen is around the corner. You can use everything here and if somethings missing make sure to let me know. I’m going to get it for you. Alright?” His eyes seemed to bury into you like needles.
You avoided his look by focusing your gaze at the floor.
“Alright?”, he had repeated with a little more force in his voice.
“Hmm”, you had hummed in agreement.
“Good”, he stated. His hand grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. “First thing you should remember: Answer me when I’m asking you something!”
“I’m sorry”, you mumbled and turned your face to the side.
“No problem, my dear”, his voice was joyful again. His hand had let go of your jaw and caressed slowly over your head before he had turned back to the elevator.
You had held your breath till the elevator doors had closed fully. You exhaled noisily. And here you were now. Sitting on the sofa being at all loss.
You had inspected the suite so far to find out that the elevator seemed to be the only way in and out. After your little tour you finally felt your body crying for sleep. So you made your way to the said bedroom at the top floor and peeled yourself out of the tight dress. You had been to tired to wash up or change. You slipped under the blankets and sighed. You tried to relax but your brain wouldn’t allow you too. The pictures of the gala shoot into your head. The terrified faces of the people and the screams. Horrible!
It took you a while but after sometime your eyes felt heavy and your heart stopped pounding against your chest.
You heard shuffling from downstairs with let you sit up in the big bed. You haven’t slept a lot. The bed wasn’t the problem though. You had the feeling that you should stay alarmed all the time.
What if he had come back to kill me while sleeping?
Your body had stiffen under the satin blanket.
No, no! If he wanted to kill me he could have done it already. And he said I’m useful for him. So I must be safe. For now at least! But who is downstairs then?!
You jumped out of the bed. But before you could open the bedroom door your eyes fell on the big mirror to your right. You were still just in your lingerie. Quickly you looked around. There was another room connected to this one. You hadn’t really payed attention to it yesterday. You thought it would probably be a bathroom. But it wasn’t. It was a walk-in-closet. You entered the room. The size conforms about the half of the bedroom. Which was still pretty big for just a closet.
Your fingers grazed over the pieces. You could feel the quality without to put anything on. But all these clothes were for men. You searched through all the shelves and drawers. In the end you put on some boxershorts and a dark green cashmere pullover. Of course it was too big for you but you couldn’t care less. You just didn’t wanted to face the intruder without clothes.
Now you looked around to find some kind of weapon. You could hear loud clashing noises from downstairs.
Hmm here is really nothing I could use to defend myself. Strangling someone with a sock seemes too hard for an inexperienced fighter like me.
You left the closet. Your eyes scanned everything in the bedroom when suddenly you heard footsteps walking up the stairs.
SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! You panicked and lifted up the doorstopper. This was pretty heavy so it would hurt a lot to get hit by it and in a worst case scenario you could even throw it.
The footsteps were approaching the door. The stranger must be right in front of  the bedroom. You wanted to leapfrog the person so you tore open the door and screamed crazily. The doorstopper struck right in the person’s face. He slammed against the wall through the force of the punch.
“Fucking hell”, he cursed out.
“Don’t you dare to come any closer or I swear I will hit you even harder”, you threatened.
Your hands were right in front of you and your legs positioned in a sidestep. Just like you had learned it in your self-defense-class.
His hand covered the spot were you had beaten him. It was right under his left eye.
“Who are you?!  Are you here to kill me?!“, you questioned.
“What?! NO! Master Byun had sent me to take care of you”, he explained.
“Master Byun?”, you raised an eyebrow, “What kind of weird fetish does this guy have so everyone has to call him “Master”?!” He didn’t answered you.
You took a step closer so you were standing right in front of him. You were at least 10 centimeters smaller then him.
“What does he really want from me?! Why am I here?”, you demanded to know.
“I-I-I don’t know. He hadn’t told me. I just wanted to inform you that there is breakfast downstairs.” His hands were raised defensively.
“Tsk. He really sent me somebody to bring me breakfast. What am I?! A prisoner?! You can tell him he can shove it up his ass. I’m not eating anything till he tells me what I am here for and when I can leave!”, you spat. Like that you went back to the bedroom and slammed the door shut.
The guy stared at the door totally stunned.
Baekhyun was sitting on his desk. Elbows resting on the table. Hands folded in front of him. He was looking at the screen of his computer. It showed every room of the hotel suite. Every angle was catched by a camera. There were no blank spaces. He didn’t knew if she knew this. Probably not. He was interrupted by a knock on his door.
“Enter”, he called out.
The door opened and a tall guy appeared.
“Master Byun, unfortunately I must report that she hadn’t eaten anything I brought. Instead she had beaten me up”, his hand touched the the black eye. It was swollen and shining in different colours. “and interrogated me. She stated she wouldn’t eat anything till you will tell her why she is there”, Chanyeol reported.
A giggle escaped Baekhyun’s throat. “Well that’s hilarious! She might be a little stubborn but quite interesting.”
“I must admit that I find her pretty intimidating…for a woman at least…”, Chanyeol admitted.
“If that doesn’t make her even more fascinating”, Baekhyun smiled to himself absently.
“May I ask what your plans are for her, Master?”, Chanyeol questioned.
Chanyeol was his closest consultant and best man when it comes to the “dirty work”. He would only trust him with such an important issue like Y/N.
“I need her to finish the deal with our dear friend Jongdae”, Baekhyun stated. His voice got serious again. Like it always was when they discussed “the business”.
“Do you really think just because of some random girl he would suddenly change his opinion?”, Chanyeol had serious doubts in his voice.
“Tsk..Stupid Chanyeol. Have you ever heard about the phenomenon called “Love”?”, Baekhyun arised from his seat. “It makes you weak. It makes you vulnerable. This will be our chance.”
“Hmm I see. Good plan, Boss”,Chanyeol praised him. Shortly after he knitted his brows. “But if we are going to use her anyway why is she staying in one our best suites instead of the usual shanties?”
“I want it like that”; Baekhyun shot him a warning look Chanyeol knew too good. No more questions allowed.
Chanyeol bowed deeply. “Then I‘m going to prepare everything for a meeting any time soon”, he announced and was nearly out of the door again.
“No wait!”, Baekhyun called after him, “I need a little more time with her. I will inform you as soon as I’m done.”
“Just as you wish, Master. I’ll wait then.” Chanyeol left.
Baekhyun’s eyes went back to the monitor. A smirk crawled around his lips.
If she is wishing for a visit I’m more then glad to fulfill her desire.
Sorry I know this isn’t really much longer then the one before but I thought it would be a could end for this part :D I hope you can forgive me and still enjoy it ♥ Yet again a special thanks to @dont-hyuck @imbaekhyunstrash @httpwyf @byunbunniess and many many more I hadn’t named! Love you all 😘😘
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fyodor-dostoyevsky · 8 years ago
That one ice skating anime that took over the world. (And my thoughts on it, because I had to let them out.)
Ajdkhgkh it took me forever to get to here, honestly. I forgot when the last ep of Yuri on Ice even aired? Was it two or three weeks ago? Well, it isn‘t as important, I suppose. Before I delve into my thoughts, I just want to say one thing, though: this is my blog, and this is my opinion. You are allowed to agree or disagree with it, but I ask one thing of you - please be respectful when/if you state your opinion. I won‘t go flaming or bitching over anyone here, and I‘d like to expect the same courtesy back. Thank you!
This has been a trip. At first I‘ve thought I‘d never go through watching this anime at all because the toxicity and negative opinions of a few members of fanbase that I had on my previous blog‘s dash completely turned me off; it got seriously out of control. I literally had no idea how it turned into YOI hate place, and... quite frankly, I hated it; I didn‘t need it, I didn‘t ask for it, neither did I sign up for it. It got far enough for me to block the whole tag altogether for a little while and stop thinking about anime altogether. Which is sad. Because, despite how many flaws the anime does have and I will not deny them/will touch upon them shortly, there is still a sweet and beautiful story hidden within it. There‘re a few aspects of it that could definitely be executed differently, and better, but... I grew to like it, despite its flaws thanks to a few wonderful people on my new dash that raised my interest back and made me love it all over again. I thank you for that, guys! I‘m glad I gave it another chance.
The first couple of episodes definitely hook you up; Yuuri, despite being quite a typical anime protagonist, with his upbeat voice and slightly hilarious personality grows to your heart rather quickly. It‘s really easy to feel for him in these eps, and it‘s really easy to sympathise with him, and how he feels in regards of his skating career, Viktor, and himself. However, I will not ever deny that I did not like Yuuri one bit for a little long after those first couple of eps passed. I do not know if it was because how quick-paced the anime got all of a sudden - his fears, his emotions, his mind process couldn‘t get through and to me no matter what. And I did try to like him, I did try to sympathise, I did try to see what the authors wanted to portray. But I just couldn‘t.
There are many flaws in this anime (with portrayal of Yuuri‘s fears in next ep or two being one of them), but this one was particularly apparent to me - the pace. Everything, every single episode after the third one was just too quick for me to follow; too many characters introduced at once, and I couldn‘t, for the love of anything, get to know them as much as I wanted to or should have. It all took quite a bit of time to settle down, and quite a bit of thought collecting to understand. But despite all that? I still grew to love the anime all the same. Especially because I did grow used to the pace although I did wish for a slower one, and perhaps a filler ep or two of showing what happened between these tournaments so I could feel with these characters more, and sympathise with them more.
Now, you‘re probably wondering why am I bringing up all the negative points if I still loved it so much - my answer to that is simple. I‘m bringing them up because I know they‘re there. I know it isn‘t perfect, and in a lot of ways it didn‘t meet my expectations or made me understand where the whole hype train for it came from. I‘m not going to say this anime‘s the best of the best, because it‘s not. But what I‘ll say is that‘s definitely a very enjoyable and sweet, if you‘re ready to look past its flaws. And I am, and I was.
Anyways, on the matter of Yuuri - I was quite concerned about how this will go through, and if I‘ll even be able to like him after again. My SO, who watched the anime with me, kept me up to date on where should I be careful, and might find him slightly irritating, if I may say so. It was quite amusing, though, because where they‘d told me I‘ll be the most annoyed with him, I actually liked him the most - it was the scene on that (underground?) parking lot, where Victor tells him he‘s going to quit being his coach if he doesn‘t perform up to standards. I‘m not sure which ep that was, I‘m sorry guys! That‘s where the authors, in my opinion, hit the right buttons for me. Up until then, I didn‘t feel Yuuri‘s anxiety and fears, and well as concerns at all, let alone his performances as skater. But after that? It‘s plain as day for me; his performances defnitely shifted around. And all I could think was FINALLY, I‘m able to love this boy (again). Perhaps I was just always a little too harsh on him altogether, expected too much, - but it was really good to see him finally open up and share his fears with the one he‘s supposed to trust the most. Ever since then? He was way easier to watch, and way easier to understand. And now I can proudly say I love him quite a lot. He‘s matured afterwards; it‘s a slow process, but it‘s definitely there.  
I‘ll touch upon russian Yuri second, because I have quite a bit of baggage to drop for Victor, but only a few words for this boy. He‘s been my favorite since very beginning, and it stayed so until last. It was beyond beautiful to see him grow into what he was at the end of the series; I love how he kept his grump. It‘s what makes him, him. And I just, love him a lot haha. (BUT SERIOUSLY, WHAT‘S WITH THAT ROMANTIC RANDOM SCENE WITH OTABEK HAHA. It was so cute, don‘t get me wrong. But def a smart shipbait! I mean, I love those two together all the same anyway.~)
Now my dear Victor... I honestly, and truly won‘t ever understand where did all the hate for him come from. Just like any other character in the series, he‘s just a man. With quite a personality, but he‘s h-u-m-a-n, and I‘ll stress that out to everyone. I can understand some may not like him for that, though, I suppose. It‘s really hard to read people who‘re generally desplayed as mysterious, upbeat and cheerful and just outright hilarious (if you ask me, though, part of this was made for a sole purpose of him being somewhat like a comic relief, but there‘s definitely a layer or two besides that).
But like, through each and every ep, I could see him genuinely care for Yuuri (in his own way, but it was there)? He gave him advice (because he knew Yuuri more than anyone else) and Yuuri decided to diss them outright, he dragged him away when he was feeling stressed, he slept on him so he couldn‘t get up and get some rest, he covered his ears so he wouldn‘t listen and rise his anxiety up further - I remember reading a lot of shit thrown at him after he threw an ultimatum at Yuuri about how he wanted to quit being his coach -- but honestly, if you watched closely, if you observed every scene before that one, you could see that was the only thing he could do or think of that he did not do already.
You must understand he is not a professional counsellor, and he did not sign up to be one. He signed up to be a professional ice skating coach, and he had standards to uphold. Besides that, if we just see him as Yuuri‘s boyfriend, he‘s human. He tried everything, and nothing got through Yuuri. So the last thing he thought about is shattering that little that was left (perhaps a wall Yuuri built around himself) -- and guess what, despite some may call it ‚manipulative‘ or ‚abusive‘, it worked on Yuuri. He opened up. He cried. He finally let out everything that worried him. That‘s the most important thing that happened there, more important than how his words came across to some of the watchers (it‘s still all individual‘s interpretation), more important than nitpicking them. He opened up to him. He told him exactly what he wants. And did Victor give him anything else? No. He gave him what was asked of him. It may not have been the perfect confrontation, it may have hurt as hell, but in my opinion, it had to be done. Again, a lot of this would be better and clearer if the series actually showed how much they trained together and everything Victor gave out for Yuuri in that training. But a lot of that was skipped out in favor to progress the series faster, so I can understand how some people could not see the development that happened between.
A lot of hate discussions I happened to read back then were also based on his broken promise to Yuri. If you ask me, he never forgot about it. In my opinion, he‘s too smart to forget about something like that. He may not have been next to Yuri as he said he would be, he may not have watched his every step, but the way I‘ve seen it was that he knew Yuri could do just fine without him/would do even better if he wasn‘t there, next to him. He knew he was strong enough; capable enough. And he knew his debut would be great and it was in the end. He was able to pull it off. Perhaps that‘s just my view on this, and I may as well be wrong - but I‘m absolutely certain he did not just forget about him out there. Episode 10 shows fairly well how much he knows all the skaters - I‘m sure he knew Yuri quite well, as well. I also would like to touch upon the scene that did, indeed, shake me up a little bit (and has again gained Victor lots of hate again, haha). I‘ll say I do not agree with it (though Yuri did kick Victor a few times quite hard himself); the reaction could‘ve as weel been very different; Victor could‘ve taken another route. But in my opinion, this one lays on the writers themselves. It was exectured very poorly, indeed. However, I think what they wanted to represent with it way one of the Victor‘s flaws/the way he can be if someone pisses him off very much. Again, could‘ve been executed a lot better, and maybe they should‘ve taken a different route for this one. But I won‘t defend Victor on this action - I believe, as an adult, he should‘ve taken another route. (We can‘t always get what we want though, and sometimes must accept what we get instead. Will this scene make me love Victor less, though? Likely not. I wanna clarify though, again. I do not support force as an educational action. However, we all know it‘s there; sometimes it can be inevitable. And with that I mean when somebody really messes up - or, I dunno. Perhaps this is just Eastern outlook, though. As someone who comes from one of the Slavic countries and was raised on a few principles that could indeed be questionable elsewhere, I can say I can partly understand Victor here. But then none of the series is truly based on the real world so?? That probably shouldn‘t be an excuse to make for him here.)    
Holy cow, this is getting long, but I suppose I have a lot to say here, though I do think I‘ve covered most of the main points here. Perhaps I could stop by the Victuuri as a ship, and if their relationship is toxic and unhealthy or not. I honestly didn‘t see it as unhealthy (again, my opinion here). More than that, I‘ve probably seen it as a little unrealistic - but beautiful nevertheless. I MEAN, IT‘S FICTION IN THE END. I do not think Yuuri was the one who was dependant on Victor (maybe he was, but only at the begginig) - I think it was actually the other way around, mainly because I believe Victor ran away from all the pressure, from all the expectations he got from all over the world, from everything he had to get through by his own self through all these years to find the love for skating he once had. Yuuri was his solace, his safe haven. And I think I‘m allowed to find that beautiful. Meanwhile, he was a good influence on Yuuri - he gave him that strength he lacked and faith in himself and his abilities, he helped him grow; helped him (partly) overcome his anxiety at least. In the end it wasn‘t just some kind of an unhealthy obsession - if he had to, I strongly believe he‘d do just fine without Victor at this point (but he doesn‘t have to). They both have their strengths and weaknesses, and they balance each other out. And what I love the most out of it all? There‘s no OMFG I‘M GAY WHAT IF HE HATES ME FOR THAT; OMFG HE’D NEVER LOOK AT ME THAT WAY AHHH; OMFG WHAT IF WORLD HATES ME FOR IT stuff that‘s overused in BL content/fetishised in a lot of writing I see around. And man, that‘s refreshing as hell.
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sky-girls · 8 years ago
Ice Queen
Welps yes day 5 is here, at least this one is
Prompt:“i love rollerskating so i figured that i’d try ice skating and it’s really easy but you suck at it and ended up crashing into me and i got a concussion”
Ámbar loves skating and she excels at it, just like at everything she does, and her boyfriend is not far behind from her talent on wheels, that’s why she thought than an ice skating date would be a cute and good idea and, okay, maybe it isn’t as cute as she thought it would be but it still was a good idea with an unexpected hilarious outcome.
Ámbar has never ice skated before but she figured she would master pretty quickly and she wasn’t wrong, Simón whoever is a whole different story. For some reason her boyfriend doesn’t seem to find his footing on the ice,he is constantly falling, sliding into the floor and barely managing to keep himself straight even when he is holding into the bars or her. She doesn’t get it, she really thinks it’s fairly similar to roller skating and she really thinks Simón should be good at this, it’s actually ridiculous he is not.
“Oh, shut up.” And she keeps repeating it to him, of course.
“It’s true.” Ámbar defends herself, supporting herself with her hands on the metal bars. “You should be good at this, it’s not only not really different from rollerskating, it’s also super easy.”
“Not everyone has the ability to be unfairly good at everything, angel.” Simón mutters trying to stop his feet from sliding on the ice and making him fall down into the floor, even if he is supporting himself.
“Sadly, the world would be a better place if everyone were like me.” Ámbar says.
“I love you.” Simón tells her. “But if everyone were like you the world would already be over.”
Ámbar shrugs and smiles at him, she knows he is probably right.
“Whatever.” She says skating until she is in front of Simón. “Let’s try again.”
“Oh, no.” Simón shakes his head vigorously and Ámbar rolls her eyes at him. “If you want to skate you are free to do it, but I’m gonna stay here, safe.”
“Stop being so dramatic.” Ámbar extends her hands so he can take them and she can help him maintain his balance, he just eyes them, still scared.
“That’s rich coming from you.” He says and Ámbar raises her eyebrows at him.
They spend a few more minutes staring at each other’s eyes until Simón gives up and holds Ámbar’s hands.
She starts slowly, because as much as she loves making fun of him she really doesn’t want him to get hurt. They reach the opposite end of the rink and Simón holds into the metals bars like his life depended on it.
“That wasn’t that bad.” Ámbar says condescending and Simón glares at her. “Come on let’s try again.”
The continue to go from one end of the rink to the other until Simón feels safer on the skates and no longer needs Ámbar’s help to stand up, he is still a little bit shaky but he can at least manage.
“Okay.” She starts. “I wanna go actually skate for a sec, please try not to die.”
“I actually think I got this handled.” Simón says skating a little shakily next to Ámbar. She just shakes her head at him.
Ámbar starts skating faster and gets the less crowded place of the rink, she wants to try some tricks, she starts easy, just little jumps and spins, ice is very tricky and she doesn’t want to hurt herself. She starts gaining confidence fast enough and does slightly more complicated jumps, she is trying out one of those when she feels a body collide with her, she is basically in the air when it happen, her skates barely in the ice so there’s no way she can even try to stop the fall, she tries to support herself on the other’s person shoulders but they don’t seem steady so she still falls into the very hard, very cold ice.
The next few moments are very blurry and she is not sure she is actually conscious for most of them but she does manage to register that the person who collided into her was actually her boyfriend, she is so gonna kill him.
In her next moment of clarity she is sitting in a bench in the ice skating place, Simón is sitting next to her, holding the weight of her body and caressing her hair.
“We’ll be out of here soon enough, angel.” He is saying in a calming voice. “I called Tino and he’ll get here in a few minutes and then we’ll drive you to the hospital.”
She wants to say something, mostly that she will kill him but she is still drowsy.
“I’m really sorry, love.” Simón whispers. “Really really sorry.”
“I will murder you.” She manages to get out, dragging the words. She feels Simón small laugh of relief and it makes her head heart even more.
“How are you feeling, angel?” He asks softly, slowly putting her in a more comfortable position.
“Like some asshole crushed into me and made bang my head into the ice.” She spits out, feeling cranky, her head hurts too much to even try to be nice.
“So very accurately to the situation, I see.” Simón rubs her arms softly in a soothing movement, she can feel her eyes closing alongside it. “No, don’t you dare fall asleep.”
“But I feel like shit.” Ámbar whines closing her eyes.
“I know,angel, but just keep awake until we get to the doctor.” He requests. “Please?”
“Okay.” Ámbar sighs barely opening her eyes, the light more annoying than usual. “But I won’t be happy about it.”
“I know you won’t.” Simón laughs softly.
Tino gets there just a few minutes later, that feel like forever to Ámbar, and, in all his usual idiotness, helps Simón take Ámbar to the car even though she can actually walk.
“It’s my head what hurts, not my feet.” She huffs once they are inside the car.
“I know but you gotta be careful.” Simón says.
“You should have been careful.”She shoots back annoyed, she regrets it as soon as she sees the guilt in Simóns eyes.
“I know.” He sighs. “And I’m really sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Ámbar cuddles closer to him. “It was just an accident, could have happened to anyone.”
“But it happened to you.” Simón says. “And it happened because of me.”
“I don’t blame you.” She says truthfully. “I mean  I‘m gonna blame but mostly for teasing or making you do something I want, not for real.”
“I’m still sorry.” Simón sighs kissing her hair.
“Don’t be it’s probably justa concussion.” Ámbar shrugs. “I’ll be well in no time.”
“Still.” Simón tells her. “I never wanted to give you a concussion.”
“Not even when I was constantly  being a bitch?” Ámbar asks teasing.
“Not even then.” Simón tells her and softly lifts her chin enough for him to give her a sweet kiss.
“That’s good.” Ámbar smiles. “And don’t worry if you feel bad  you can take care of me.”
“I was already planning on it.” Simón says.
“I know you were.” Ámbar whispers cuddling next to him again.
Okay maybe her boyfriend gave her a concussion but that doesn’t mean he is not the best boyfriend ever anyway.
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