#please talk to me about iswm
low-keygee · 10 months
i hate that one of the medias that i care about the most is the cinematic stuff that markiplier makes.
who killed markiplier, heist, space, wilford mother loving warfstache, damien, fuck me even date is still incredibly important to me still. but since its a youtuber media i can’t tell people its that good without them just writing it off as “oh markiplier made something. cool.”
in space with markiplier is genuinely one of the most heart shattering experiences i’ve ever had for multiple reasons, most of which revolve around me growing up with his channel. BUT NOBODY ELSE WILL FEEL THE SAME WAY BECAUSE NOBODY ELSE IN MY FRIEND/FAMILY SPHERE IS AS INSANE AS I AM ABOUT THE LORE SO I AM TRAPPED IN A PADDED CELL WHERE EVERY WALL IS YANCY, ENGINEER, ACTOR AND DAMIEN
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xnaderblog · 2 months
okay maybe i hallucinated this but i thought i put in the tags of a previous post talking abt captain ocs (hand them over we all have to talk) and thought i typed “mark” SINGULAR, instead of “marks” MULTIPLE and so i imagined this
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saltycaramals · 8 months
I have a question for my fellow ISWM fans, what do you guys think The Captains eyes look like? The only time we ever get to see or hear about their eyes is when noir mark talks about The Captains “baby grey eyes” and the one scene where The Captain is waking up in their cryo pod. And in the Noir universe, everything is in black and white, but it would also make sense for The Captain to have baby grey eyes if it’s still the DA, but then in the scene where they wake up their blue? But that could also be just from the power of crystal making their eyes blue, and maybe grey’s their natural eye color, but then you could argue that then their eyes would have always been blue through AHWM too because of the crystal and other stuff including time shenanigans that I’m too tired to explain. And you could also argue that because of time loops and time warping that their eyes would have always been blue since they were a kid. Or maybe there really is two versions of The Captain that became one/simultaneously exist and might be both us, and one had grey and the other blue, or maybe they change based off of the universe that they are in. The only thing that can be confirmed is that sometimes their eyes glow blue. Like. GLOW BRIGHT BLUE. Maybe it’s stress. Idk. Anyways I need to shut up now. Im gonna make a poll but feel free to reblog your opinions under the post.
Cool photos of eyes I think would fit The Captain under the cut my besties.
Some photos of eyes that I think could fit them! Sorry there’s only one grey one I couldn’t find any that felt like they gave off the right vibes. Also, if anyone knows the names of the people who made these photos please tell me I got them from Pinterest but none of the links where working/none of them had links to the OG creators :(( I love Pinterest so much but I hate how hard it is to find the OG creators of pins on there. Anyways. Here’s the photos.
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caleohateclub · 10 months
i’d like to say i have niche interests but my lest popular interest was nominated for an emmy.
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crackedegotheories · 2 months
when there's smth strange in the new mark vid who you gonna call?
(got thrown into a swirling rift in what I can only guess is the fabric of reality and told I needed to find an ax to help someone talking in blue lettered text)
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You rang? (Side note, YouTube lost its notifications privileges with me, so I saw this message before I saw Mark's new video. It's probably the only reason I had enough time to type this post up before I head off to the airport, so thank you!)
Okay, to recap: We have a really weird drive by bee attack. No relation to the lore or anything, just bizarre. RIP, bee, you went out stinging. Then we have Mark talking about his love of being dropped into horrors beyond his imagining (not a masochist) and deep lore, before asking Lixian to show us something very deep--"throw them in the hole!"
Lixian says to the viewer, "I guess it's your turn to go into the hole" (my emphasis, we'll get back to that), before we go into a pink, flaming hole. It's tempting to draw the comparison to the wormhole from ISWM, but what's interesting is the color--the only time we see a pink wormhole in Space is when Wilford calls us a ride after ours, uh, was "mysteriously" stabbed.
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Inside the hole, there are swirling clouds and flashes of blue lightning. Near the end, there's a break in the clouds that actually kind of looks like a side path to the left, but unlike In Space, we don't have an option of left or right here, we just plummet through the main hole to be met with darkness, and blue text.
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"Help me", "Please, help me", and "Only you can find the axe."
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Someone is asking for help, someone who claims that only the viewer can find the axe. So, let's talk about the axe, shall we?
First, we start with my boy, Damien:
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In DAMIEN, the very first thing we see is Damien himself, chopping down a tree with an axe. This is apparently a daily thing for him, and he chops down a LOT of trees, but in the climax of the video when finally confronting Actor Mark, Damien doesn't have his axe. Instead, Celine arrives, using the axe to break through to Damien and, uh, giving it to Actor Mark to hold for a second.
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Chronologically, the next time the axe is picked up is at the end of the fan game for Damien made by Lixian, just for Mark. At about the 48 minute mark, Damien/Dark sets his axe down as he's greeted by Wilford, which is then picked up by Lixian himself.
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Lixian is scratched up, presumably from his fight with Lunky in 3 Scary Games #61 which has Lixian attempt to cage Lunky only for Lunky to break out.
It's in the following, unnumbered 3 Scary Games that we first see Lixian wield the axe, to split Lunky in half. (Brutal!)
He would then go on to use the axe in 3 Scary Games #64 and 65 to kill the horror abominations of Mark featured in those videos, and attempts to use it again in #66 only for it to bounce off.
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Lixian tries to attack, and gets captured for his efforts, and we next see him in #75, waking up outside of the mysterious Plier Corporation and realizing he doesn't have his axe.
Since then, as far as I can tell in what time I have left to type this, the axe hasn't shown up again. It's missing, and someone needs our help finding it, but who and why?
Part of the explanation may lie with what the monster in #66 says at the beginning of the video: "The end is nigh. He has opened the door. The great Eldritch Plier is coming. Your end is here."
We get a hint at who this "Eldritch Plier" might be in 3 Scary Games #69, which begins with a man standing outside of a pink (!) portal, through which pops out Spider!Mark (one of the same creatures Lixian killed when he had the axe).
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This man resurrects Lunky, its two halves barely clinging together, and the next time we see it is with Mark, who admits he doesn't actually remember making Lunky.
Lunky's most recent reappearance is in 3 Scary Games #103, where now whole again he uses the viewer as a sacrifice in his ritual to go back and seek vengeance, presumably against Lixian.
So the safe bet is that it's Lixian asking us to help find the axe so he can take on Lunky, right?
Except...why would he send us through a portal to tell us that? And why would he think we would be the only ones who could find it?
It would make more sense if someone else, someone who is well aware of the workings of the channel and the viewers' place in it, someone who may know of this Eldritch Plier and the danger he poses and shares his ability to summon portals, to do so.
Someone like one Wilford Motherloving Warfstache.
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Or, y'know, Dark. He might also be involved.
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lostcybertronian · 5 months
prompts 5 and 34 for engineer mark please?
Love me some angst. Post-ISWM pt. 2
Prompt: “I can’t sleep. Can I sleep here?” / “It’s just you and me.”
You didn’t go down to the planet like the others, preferring to stay on the Invincible II where you could see it and protect it. It had been some days since you’d last seen a wormhole, but the creeping feeling that you’d be sucked into another dimension at any moment had yet to fade. You couldn’t eat. You couldn’t sleep. But you could pace the bridge, staring into (literal) space, pretending you were okay.
You turned. Mark stood at the door, refusing to meet your eye. He shifted his weight back and forth, shuffling his feet. “I can’t sleep,” he blurted out, when you didn’t say anything. He gestured to his cryopod, just to the right of the door. “Can I sleep in there? I’m . . . more comfortable there.”
You kept your expression carefully blank even as a maelstrom of thoughts crashed into your mind; Mark here, for decades, entire lifetimes, with nothing but himself and the ship, looking for a solution. Looking for you to be a solution.
“Captain?” Mark asked, and you cleared your throat; you’d been silent too long.
“Of course,” you said, hoping your voice was steady. “You can sleep wherever you want.”
For a moment Mark looked so intensely grateful that you had to avert your eyes. You heard his quiet footsteps as he plodded to his cryopod, and thought even those footsteps were exhausted.
“Do you ever-”
You turned. Mark had the cryopod door open and was half-in, leaning out to talk to you. 
“Do you ever think about how it’s just you and me?” He asked. “Just you and me who know, I mean. What happened.”
Of course you did. It was all you thought about.
You paused a moment to compose your answer. Mark’s stare remained on you, unwavering. 
“It is just you and me,” you said carefully. “But it is you and me. You’ll never be alone with what happened because I know, too.”
For the first time since you’d destroyed the universe, Mark smiled. “Thank you, Captain.” He said. “That makes me feel better.”
He climbed fully into the cryopod, its interior glowing faintly as it booted up. As the door shut and latched you turned back out to look at the massive planet below, glad Mark found your words comforting but wishing you felt the same.
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serotonincemetery · 2 years
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Engineer!Mark x Reader
TW//Obsessive behaviour, toxic relationship, angst, blood, death, GORE
Okay so I had an idea a couple days ago, and it was, ISWM but.. Amogus? You get my drift?
Imposter!Mark x Captain!Reader
(yandere? maybaps..)
Aboard the invincible II, it was so peaceful. Everyone did their assigned jobs, you made sure no one got hurt or nothing went wrong. Everything seemed peaceful for a long time. Of course every good thing has to come to an end. In this case, the "good thing" was how smoothly everything was running. Things began to malfunction, people got hurt.
Lights began to go out more, systems failed, like asteroids or the reactor nearly blew itself up every few days. Everything started to take a long time to do because something was going wrong.
Then came the deaths. 
First was Gunther
His body was found in ADS, blood spattered all over the control panel and blood running up the walls. His face beaten, nose broken, dried blood, running down his face.
When you saw his body, his stomach ripped open. A very precision-based slice from the middle chest down to just below his ribs. His small intestine spread out all over his body on display. 
Cieci gagged when his body was found. When everyone had a meeting in the bridge, you had been leaning against the control panel, arms crossed, your mind whirring. 
“Captain?” Mark asked softly, nudging your arm. 
You snapped out of your thoughts and raised your head and noticed everyone was standing there, watching, waiting for your order and response. 
“Yes?” You replied. 
“What do we do?” He asked, his voice, seemingly calm, too calm. 
“I-I..” You start. “I don’t know.” You sighed. You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Just, everyone do their job, I’ll deal with his body.” You muttered. 
Cieci sighed. “Captain we need to do something solid! Someone on this ship is murdering our crew! How do we know that they aren’t gonna go after the colonists!?” She shouted. 
“Hey!” Mark seethed. “The Captain has made his orders. Follow them out!” He commanded. 
You sighed. “Dismissed.” You murmured. “Cieci, please stay back.” You watched as Mark still stood beside you. You looked at Mark as everyone filed out of the room. “Mark you too.” You sighed. “I want to talk to her alone.” 
“Are you sure Captain?” He asked, seemingly annoyed, but trying to cover it with concern. You nod. He sighed as well. “Just holler for me if you need me.” He grumbled as he walked to the door, it opened before him and he walked out the door closing behind him. 
You wait before looking to Cieci. “There’s something wrong with Mark.” You whisper. 
Her eyes went wide. “I know! He’s begun to become more possessive over you. Not to mention the fact that he didn’t seem phased when Gunther died!” She whispered. 
“We need to do something, quickly.” You muttered. “He believes I’m talking to you now for standing up to me earlier. Or at least I hope he believes it.” 
“Sorry about that Captain..” She mumbled sheepishly. 
“We need to keep an eye on Mark from now on, make sure he doesn’t go near the colonists. If it is him. I’m afraid of what we’ll have to do.” You sighed. “Lock him in the airlock if push comes to shove.”
Cieci let out a breath she had been holding and nodded. “Do not tell the others.” 
The next death was Burt.
He died in his cryopod. What looked like to be stabbed in the gut, his cause of death was a wound in the back of his neck, a knife wound, not surprising. But it hadn’t gone all the way through. His blood ran from where his neck would’ve been and ran down to the floor, his eyes were bloody, pushed in. 
Cieci was beginning to be on edge. While you and Cieci were on the bridge looking out the window, you tried to comfort her panic. The computer’s voice came over the com. 
“Imminent Danger, reactor has reached extreme temperatures, calculated time until destruction. Sixty seconds.” Computer said right as several alarms started going off around the ship. 
You and Cieci looked at each other before quickly running out of the bridge and down the hallway, others quickly trying to make their way there as well. You pushed past and shoved your way through and began to quickly tap on the control panel. 
Finally getting the menu pulled up, you placed your hand on it and you watched Cieci rush to place her hand on it as others ran around and grabbed various things, and someone quickly pointed out that the main power tube had been cut. 
You grabbed one of the other crewmates’ hands and placed it where yours was and rushed over to the tube and quickly started pulling the wires apart to retwine them together. After zapping yourself a couple of times you finally get them twined together and quickly grabbed a roll of tape from a crewmate’s belt and quickly taped it together. 
The alarms turned off and you let out a sigh of relief leaning against the wall and ran a hand over your face. 
Everyone was in shock from what happened. 
“Dismissed. Everyone go take a breather.” You told them. They seemed to understand and left, still in shock. 
You looked at Cieci, she had the same thought as you. 
Mark didn’t show up. Where is he?
You and Cieci pulled Mark into what was a bunk room. Typically on the ship everyone sleeps in their cryopod, but you had urged them to put some beds in for the few crew working outside of cryogenic sleep. 
You pushed him back and blocked the door with your body. 
“Where were you when the reactor almost blew us up?” You asked. 
“When I was working on some wires in the security room, the alarms went off and it freaked me out and I pulled the wrong wire and it disabled the door.” He explained. 
“I don’t believe that.” Cieci grumbled. 
“Yeah I don’t either.” You backed her up. “What about when Gunther and Burt died?”
“I was in the bridge when Gunther was found and in this room when Burt was found.” He started getting defensive. “Honestly Captain, I never thought you’d accuse me of being a murderer. Have I not proved I care as much as everyone else on this ship?” He asked harshly. 
“No! Because I know for a fact you’re lying! Me and Cieci were on the bridge when Gunther’s body was found! We were there! Not you!” You outreached your hand to point at him accusingly. 
Mark had seemed to have nothing to say, being caught in his lie. 
“Grab him.” You ordered. Cieci quickly seized his right arm and you reached and seized his left. “Mark, by my Captain’s authority, I am placing you under arrest for murder of Gunther and Burt.” You said, almost hesitant. 
You couldn't believe you had to do this to your head engineer. 
You and Cieci walked him to the airlock, he seemed to panic. “Y-You’re really not thinking of throwing me out the airlock, do you, Captain?” He asked quickly. 
“This is the only restrained place. We won’t eject you, but you need to be put away from the rest of the crew to stop you from hurting others.” You explained. 
“I don’t think so Captain..” He growled under his breath before he easily shoved Cieci off and back into the wall before he grabbed the airlock door, and threw you in harshly. 
You hit your head against the wall and felt your brain spiral, your thoughts become jumbled before little black dots ensnared your vision. 
“Wakey wakey, Captain..” Mark’s voice ran through your head. “Come on Captain, it’s time to wake up~” He cooed. “You’ve been sleeping all day!” He exclaimed softly. 
Your eyelids felt heavy. When you opened your eyes, Mark was crouching in front of you, you seemed to be leaning against the wall, and from what you could tell, you were still in the airlock. 
“There he is.” Mark grinned. “Are you feeling okay?” He asked quietly. 
“Mark, what the fuck is going on?” You asked. “Did you kill Gunther and Burt?” You asked. 
Mark sighed and pushed himself up to full height, looking down on you. “They had it coming.”
You tensed. “How did they have it coming!? What did the do to drive you to fucking murder!?” You shouted as you went to push yourself up, Mark quickly raised his boot and pushed you back. 
“Don’t stand, Captain, you are still just waking up, we don’t want you to hurt yourself now do we?” He asked tauntingly. You took it as a sign to listen. Considering he killed two people! He could kill you too. Mark sighed as he brought his foot back down and his eyes started to wander the small room. “You know, what makes you different, is that right now, you aren’t cowering in fear, like Cieci.” He smiled and his gaze landed on you. 
You look past him, seeing the door open behind him to reveal Cieci, dead against the wall parallel to the door. Her mouth sewn shut as her eyes were pushed in and her throat was slit deeply. Her hands covered in blood from trying to stop the neck wound, ultimately failing and covering herself and her clothes with more blood. 
You covered your mouth to stop yourself from gagging. 
“What did you do?” You asked quietly. 
“They all disobeyed your orders, showed you hostility, and disrespected you.” His voice started to get aggressive. “You should show some more appreciation, I did this for you!” He took a step towards you. 
He watched as you flinched. 
You flinched because you were scared of him. 
“You know, I was wrong, Captain, you are just like the others, cowering in fear.” He sounded angry. “You seemed different, you seemed like you’d put up a fight.” 
You glance around to see what could aid you in your mission to escape. You see nothing, only the helmet on the wall, and the only way that could work is if you got past him. You made a quick split second decision and pulled back your leg and kicked up towards his knees, quickly bringing your other boot to just barely hook behind his heels. 
That knocked him over onto his back as you quickly scrambled up and grabbed the helmet and whipped it towards his face and quickly staggered to the panel to close the door behind you and lock it. 
You quickly saw Mark back on his feet and banging at the door. “Captain! Let me out!” He shouted through the door, banging his fist at the tempered glass window on the door. 
You backed up, your foot hitting something, you turned to see Cieci’s body. You cringed before staggering to the left and made a quick turn, towards the Cryolab. You pushed open the door, rushing to the panel and opening the shields, to see the cryopods where the colonists were supposed to be sleeping, was covered in spilt blood. 
Your eyes widened and you stumbled back. Flinching as you hear a loud crash. Mark got out. 
“Captain!” He taunted in a coo-like voice. “Where are you Captain?”
You forced yourself out of shock and quickly closed the window shield and went to find the door into the colonists hallway, finding the door, you remembered it being particularly loud. You let out a breath you’d been holding and opened the door, it let out a particularly loud gust of wind and you quickly bolted down the hallway, beside the cryopods. 
The moment you heard the door open again you ducked into a cryopod. 
“Captain, you do remember I am the head engineer of this ship? Right? I did most if not all the wiring and thus I know where every panel is and which cord is where. It was easy to find which wire was connected to the door’s lock. 
You mentally cursed yourself, sinking lower to the floor where the glass was non-transparent as to not be seen immediately. 
“Captain, you know how easily it would be for me to find you. This is just a game of cat and mouse.” He snickers. “But when all is said and all is done, I won’t kill you. Why would I? I did all of this for you!” He shouted. 
You heard him get closer and you covered your mouth with your hand to still your breathing. 
“Captain, can’t you see I did all of this for you, because I love you?!” He called out, his words echoing through the hallway. “I would do anything for you! Be your one and only! Just us on this ship, no one else to interfere!” His words sounded desperate as he passed your cryopod. 
You let out the breath slowly and heard him stop. 
“[Y/N]..” He chuckled softly. “I know where you are, sweet boy.” 
You felt your heart almost beat out of your chest, your nerves were on fire. You fucked up, you breathed too hard and he heard you. You heard slow and evenly paced footsteps towards your cryopod. 
“[Y/N], Captain, why do you hide from me?” He asked ever so gently. 
“Why do you hide when all I want is to love you. And for you to reciprocate those feelings.” Another step closer before his shadow appeared over you. 
He looked through the glass and looked down at you, only now, in this light did you notice all the blood staining over his suit, a small chunk of flesh stuck in his collar. And when you looked at his face, he smiled softly. 
“Oh, [Y/N].. I only want to love you, why don’t you see that?”
“Because you’ve murdered thousands!” You shout. 
“All because I wanted to prove my love and loyalty to you! They didn’t deserve you! You were a bright moon in the night sky and they were small stars millions of light years away. They were taking away from your admiration!” He ranted. “So I put those stars out so you, my moon, will be the only one who is focused on.” He looked at your terrified expression with a gentle face so full of love and care. 
It was honestly sickening that he could look like that while drenched in the blood of thousands. 
He reached around and opened the door to the cryopod and stood above you. 
“Moon, why don’t you come out from the clouds so I can admire you?”
//If you like this piece, consider checking out my other oneshots! I just recently got more into the markiplier fandom so if you like this, be sure to check out my other oneshots of the other egos! My requests are open as well!!//
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coff33notforme · 2 years
Hmm for Engineer, maybe him with a captain on the new planet? Basically life after the events of ISWM. Could have some PTSD from both parties and comforting each other through it all.
A/n: EATING THIS REQUEST WHOLE, dude this was such a cute prompt! I really enjoyed writing this one
Synopsis: After the events of ISWM, Mark and the Captain are trying desperately to forget what they had experienced on the ship, but their past is catching up to them rather quickly
Warnings: Mentions of hallucinations, unhealthy coping mechanisms
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After the events on the ship you and Mark had undoubtedly been traumatized, whether you had realized it or not there would be long lasting effects of what you had been subjected to.
Regardless of the things you had experienced, you desperately wanted to forget everything that had happened, but it seemed as though it wouldn’t be as easy as you initially had hoped.
You had moved on to directing the construction of the new colonies, while Mark had been there alongside you working to build a civilization from the ground up.
You had been kept busy for months, with news of the progress of the building while you had helped solve problems that colonists were having while settling in, you felt it was necessary to keep yourself busy, to keep your mind from drifting to darker corners of your mind, things you needed to forget.  
You arrived home, slamming the door with a sigh as you slumped from the doorway cracking your joints with a pleasing hum as you began to set up your work on the kitchen counter, laying out the blueprints you needed to review and approve as well as complaints you had collected from Cici.
This would undoubtedly take more than a couple hours to finish, but well you were already tired, so you made a promise that you wouldn’t stay up for too long. 
Your eyes fluttered open groggily, you groaned at the sudden light that flooded your vision. 
You rubbed your eyes trying to adjust to the overwhelming light.
“Enjoy your nap Cap’n?” you knew that teasing nickname.You lazily turned your head up to the engineer, a warm smile spread across his face. 
“Mark? What are you doing? What time is it?” you asked, your voice still heavy with sleep as you stretched your back out and pushed yourself away from the counter, covered with unfinished sheets and documents. 
“It’s about ten-thirty-seven, and way past your bedtime. What were you even doing down here?” his brows furrowed as his chocolate brown eyes scanned the papers. You frowned as you collected the unfinished sheets. 
“Oh nothing, just documents for work. Which I still need to finish.” you murmured, anxiously eyeing the stack. 
“Well you can just finish them tomorrow, you don’t have to go in that early anyways right?” you smiled looking back to Mark as you abandoned the counter. 
“Yeah, I guess you're right.” taking his calloused hand, flicking the kitchen light off as you left the room. Making your way to the master bedroom through the empty house. 
You looked into the mirror mindlessly as you counted the seconds, brushing your teeth thoroughly before you spat out the overwhelming mint flavored paste. As you rinsed your brush under the cold water Mark called to you from the bedroom as he changed. 
“So, how are you?” the question seemed drawn out, almost hesitant, as if he was leading onto something else.
“Mark, we already talked about this over lunch, did you already forget what I told you.” you teased as you opened the cabinet setting your toothbrush next to Marks as you turned the light off joining Mark in the bedroom. 
“No, no I was just…y’know curious if you maybe forgot to tell me something exciting.” 
You quirked an eyebrow out at him doubtingly. 
“Uh huh, well I feel like you're trying to get to something else, so why don’t you just go ahead and say it Mark, I hate it when you dance around stuff like this.”
A dense silence fell over the room, and you felt a familiar feeling of dread stir in your chest. 
“I want to talk about…about what happened on the ship.” you felt your body go stiff. 
“Why would you want to talk about that?” your voice wavered as you tried to swallow the lump in your throat. 
“I just, I’ve been seeing things and hearing things, things that I’ve wanted to forget, but I just can’t.” 
Again a silence fell over the room, it felt with each passing second a weight was pressing down on your chest.
You paused. 
“I know Mark, I can still hear them too.” 
Mark turned to you, his eyes glossy, as his bottom lip trembled lightly.
“Was it my fault? I know we’ve talked about this before, but I can’t help but think about what would’ve happened if I hadn’t even built the warp core.” his voice shook as he gripped his face, his eyes fixated on the floor as his body shook lightly. You frowned, walking around the bed as you squatted in front of him taking his hand in yours once again as you gave it a reassuring squeeze, his panicked eyes flickered to yours. 
“Mark, you can’t blame yourself for everything that happened, it’s not fair to you. Sure you built the machine, but nobody could’ve known what kind of power it was capable of.” Mark gave a slow nod, his eyes not leaving yours. You smiled scooting in to give him a tight hug.
“I love you, okay? Don’t forget that.” you whispered as Mark buried his face into the crook of your neck, leaving a quick peck against your warm skin. 
“What do you say we head to bed now?”
“Sounds like a plan Cap’n.”
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Can't tell if I like this one, but oh well. Once again reblogs are appreciated!
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elenavr13 · 2 years
Messy Room
Engineer Mark x Captain
Warning: None
*After a long day, the captain is able to take a break only to get a notification from Mark that Celci & Mack are arguing. Also Mark gets flustered easily.*
           Finally, after a long day’s work, I can rest. I lift my gloved hand & place it on the scanner. The door slides open revealing my quarters, well, technically mine & Mark’s quarters. Ever since it was built, Mark kind of just made himself at home. At that time, it made sense since his own place hadn’t been built yet but once it was completed, he still didn’t move out & instead offered it to another crew member. I didn’t mind though. I enjoy his company & frankly, I prefer him invading my space than being left alone with my own thoughts, especially my nightmares. They happen frequently even after two years. Mark has them too. Every night, we fall asleep together & if one of us wakes up in a panic, the other is right there to calm them. That is probably a big reason as to why Mark has no interest in moving to his own housing.
           I enter my room without turning on any lights. I find the dark to be comforting. It is a nice contrast from the blue & white, swirling light I had seen for an eternity. Unzipping my uniform, I decide to change into something more comfortable. After throwing my previous attire into the laundry basket, I rummage through a pile of clothes to find a shirt & pants. I was never one to be super carefree with my clothes & let them pile up in my room but Mark is. Since a decent amount of his stuff scattered the floor on his side of the room, I got into a bad habit of leaving my things accumulate like he does.
           Once dressed comfortably, I lay down on the bed, facing the ceiling. I feel myself drifting off when I hear an alert from my tablet. The light momentarily blinds me but my eyes adjust quickly. There is a message from Mark: “Can you come to the bio center? Celci & Mack are arguing again & I’d like to keep my head.” It doesn’t seem to matter who it is, those two just can’t stop picking a fight with someone. Well, so much for a break.
           I reply to Mark’s text. “On my way, anything I should know before I get there?”
           “They’re arguing over whether or not some of the newly discovered flora is dangerous or not.”
“Mack’s not even a botanist.” *Once all colonists woke up from cryosleep, CC turned to botany.*
           “I know but you know how he is.”
           “Yeah, I’ll be there shortly.”
           The walk to the bio center is too short to prepare myself for the arguing I am about to encounter. Nonetheless, I enter upon arrival.
           “You don’t tell me what to do!” Celci’s voice echoes through the room. This is going to go really well.
           Mark attempts to calm the two. “Please, this isn’t getting anywhere.”
           “Shut up. You’re not even involved in this.”
           “He probably knows more than you.” Mack sneers.
           “Don’t you dare compare me to him.”Celci points a critical finger at Mark. Disappointed in the futile arguing & insults, I clear my throat, drawing everyone’s attention. “Captain, this asshole is trying to tell me how to do my job.”
           “Dr. Kelvina, that is not how you address your fellow crew members.” I condemn her, making Mack laugh because it was towards her not him.
           “You can hardly call him that…” She mumbles under her breath.
           “& you” I direct my words to Mack. “have no authority to order Celci around. You can discuss your concerns with her amicably or you can keep them to yourself. She specializes in botany & last I checked you don’t.”
           “Pssh, yeah whatever,” He pushes me off. Neither of them apologizes to each other but neither of them continues fighting. I guess I fixed the problem.
           Mark poking my arm draws my attention to him. “Thanks for talking some sense into those two.”
           “It’s not a problem.” I comment, noticing the slightly pink hue to his cheeks. “What?”
In a hushed voice so the others don’t hear, he says, “Are you purposefully wearing my shirt.” I glance down to the shirt I am wearing to see that it is in fact not one of mine. Heat rises to my cheeks. How did I make it this long & only just now realize I wasn’t wearing my own shirt? I mean it’s Mark so it’s not that big of a deal but at the same time, it’s Mark.
           “Sorry, I didn’t realize.”
           “How do you not realize you’re wearing my shirt?” He teases.
           “It was dark when I put it on. Either way, I got it from one of my piles which means that your side is bleeding into mine.” I playfully punch him in the shoulder as I defend my case.
           “Hey, you didn’t use to leave all your stuff lying around.”
           “Where do you think I picked it up from? At least I clean my side occasionally.”
           “You’re accusing me of influencing you to become more careless with your clothes?”
           “You’re the one who moved in with me.”
           “You didn’t complain. In fact, you initiated it.”
           “I initiated it?”
           “Yes, you did. You were the one who suggested I stay with you. It’s your fault.” As soon as the last three words left his mouth, both of us flinch. Even though it was in a playful tone, that phrase still triggers undesirable memories. “Sorry,” he mumbles.
           “It’s alri…” I attempt to comfort him because I know it affects him more than me but I am interrupted.
           “Ugh, No one cares about your ‘romantic life’. It’s unprofessional & inappropriate.” Mack declares before promptly leaving.
“It is official, Mark & the Captain are a thing.” CC concludes all detective-like. “Neither of you can deny it anymore since you’re living together. Seriously though, Captain, him? You’re one of my best friends & a fantastic captain but god, you have horrible taste in men.” She has a sly smile on her face. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell another soul.” She gestures zipping her mouth shut before elbowing my arm & leaving.
“& now the whole colony knows.” I sigh.
Mark finally manages to form words again. “She’s going to tell everyone isn’t she?”
“Yeah, she is.”
“Do you think we could really be a thing, you know, more than just friends?” God, why does he have to be so cute & dorky? I don’t care what CC says or anyone else for that matter; Mark is extremely attractive & precious.
           A chuckle leaves my lips. “I think we’ve been more than friends for a long time now, probably since you first kissed me.” I poke him in the chest. A mischievous glint shimmers in his eye.
           “& you only feel free to tell me that now?”
           “I thought you already knew, you big doofus.” I ruffle his hair. He then leans his head against my hand like a dog would while petting them. “Alright, Chica, let’s go.”
           “Chica’s not here.”
           “I’m looking right at her.”
           “I’m not Chica.”
           “You sure? You act like her: always needs attention, loves pets, cute, distracted eas…ily.” Suddenly Mark wraps his arms around my stomach & trapped me in a hug from behind.
           “You think I’m cute?”
           Instead of answering, I just continue with my list. “Clingy, grumpy when teased…”
           “Alright, I get it.” We both laugh. In a quieter, slightly deeper register of his voice, he continues. “You should really wear more of my shirts. You look good in this one.”
           As I lean my head back so I can see his face, his stubble lightly scratches my cheek. “I’ll only wear the ones you put away.”
           “Was this your whole plan to get me to clean my side of the room?”
           “No but I’m going to say yes so it sounds intentional.” His chest vibrates from his laughter.
“Fine, I’ll clean up my side. You could have just asked me though.” His lips briefly hold contact with my temple.
           “It wouldn’t have nearly been as fun.” He scoffs at my comment making my smile grow wider.
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gaymingintrovert · 2 years
I don’t know if your request are open? But I’m a Mack lover and I wanted a Mack and captain interaction please! :) (ISWM)
My requests are open! I just haven’t gotten any in a long time!
And absolutely, fellow Mack lover
Here’s some little drabbles with the Macks (there isn’t much resolution in them because I’m bad at writing short things but that’s okay-)
“Captain!” Mack runs up to you, hiding something behind his back. You turn to him. “Yes, Mack?” “I made you something! Close your eyes!” You hold your hands out and close your eyes, and he hands you a small box. You open the box and look inside, seeing a small metal flower and the words “Will you go out with me?” engraved on the box. You giggle and kiss Mack’s cheek. “Of course!” He blushes a deep shade of red and smiles brightly. “I’ll pick you up at dinner! We’ll eat in the bridge!” He hugs you and kisses your forehead before running off, skipping happily. You go back to your room and put the box on your desk in plain view, excited for your date.
Head Engineer
Mack spent most of his morning looking for you. You had gotten into a habit of doing your own thing in the morning, and Mack was admittedly not the biggest fan of that. He wanted to spend as much time with you as he could without admitting to you that he wanted it. “Captain.” He stands directly behind you, stopping himself from holding you. You try to hide your blush. He’s never been this close to you, though he has been slowly getting closer and closer to you. “What do you want, Mack?” “I have go make sure you’re doing your job right.” You roll your eyes. “I assure you, I’m doing my job right.” You hear him take a deep breath and feel his hand gently rest on your shoulder. “I-I also wanted to ask if you wanted to take a break. Together.” His shyness is clear in his voice and you giggle. “That sounds nice.” He brightens up. “We can take that now if you want.” You nod. “Yeah. I need a break.” He takes your hand and leads you to a break room. You two talk for a while, eventually starting to get closer to each other and even cuddling a little. Mack looks at you towards the end of the break. “…Captain? Would you want to maybe…go on a date with me?” He blushes and looks away from you. You feel your face heat up and you kiss his cheek. “I’d love to.”
Mack thought you were nearly perfect from the second he saw you. He never started showing his affections for you until recently. You didn’t expect to have a very good life on the new planet, but Mack made sure you were taken care of. You had one of the best rooms in his house and you were kept very safe from the people who disliked you. Mack had wanted to ask you to be his for a long time, but was never confident enough. Today, he gathered all his courage and knocked on your door. You had apparently been asleep, since your bedhead was obvious (and quite adorable to Mack). “Y/N. I wanted to talk to you about something.” You start looking a little nervous. “W-what is it?” He takes a deep breath, most of his confidence suddenly gone. “I wanted to tell you that I’ve adored you for a while. I-I was wondering if you would want to…go on a date tonight?” His bright blush is obvious and he looks nervous. You relax and smile. “That sounds wonderful!” He smiles and picks you up. He twirls you around and kisses your forehead. “I’ll make sure everything is perfect!” You giggle and hug him back.
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callmegkiddo · 2 years
in my personal horror and need for teeth
a halloweeny request
Ghost reader [ISWM] x Engineer
mostly Crack HC’s? Because imagine if Captain’s (reader) has been dead for awhile and Engineer JUST found out.
heh I’m so clever
You'll keep your teeth and knees if you request more~
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Type of fic: angsssstttt
It was a normal day? Night? whatever time zone it is in space here in the Invisible II. The colonists were asleep in their cryo-pods, crewmates were going around doing their duties or eating in the cafeteria. All was normal, well, aside from main brig.
Inside the main control room was the Captain and their trusty head engineer Mark. Both were discussing some upgrades for the Invisible II, with the Captain reviewing Mark’s ideas (shooing away any ideas for any more windows).
As they talked, a beep from the control panel was heard. “Body found in Captain’s cyro-pod” was the computer’s report. This confused Mark immensely while the Captain sweatdropped.
“Initiating wakey-wakey protocol” and just like that, the cryo-pod opened and out came the Captain’s body. It flew out of the cryo-pod and landed straight onto the floor next to the control panel.
Mark screamed as he backed away, a look of shock and pure dread written across his face. “C-Captain...?” he asked shakily, he hesitantly looks at the Captain next to him, who’s staring at the body with disgust. The way it was all still intact, none of the flesh rotting due to how well preserved it was from the cryo-pod.
“C-Captain..??” Mark backed away from the now transparent Captain. He leans into the hubs wall, sliding down as he stared at his Captain’s apparition.
The Captain sighed sadly and walked (glided?) over to their precious engineer. reaching out for their cold and ghostly hand to hover over his cheek. “I’m so sorry, puppy...” tears flowed out of their eyes as the computer called for the rest of the Invisible II’s leaders. Their heavy and quick footsteps hastily approaching the sliding doors of the hub.
The Captain leaned forward to kiss Mark’s forehead gently. Mark started to sob, “No.... Please don’t tell me it’s from the...?” he choked out, trying to keep it together. But the Captain only smiled sadly, holding up their damaged glove to show a bleeding spot in the middle of their palm. The warp crystal.... It had dissipated and fused with them, poisoning them from it’s alienish chemicals.
Mark covered his mouth and squeezed his eyes. It was painful to see, it was painful to even think about it....
He sobs into his hands and curled into himself. All he could feel was the weight of guilt and his Captain’s arms wrapping around him, rubbing his back. But it disappeared as soon as the doors opened. And Celci came running in, with Gunther and Burt following suit. Their faces dropping in horror as they see their Captain’s sickening corpse, frost on their skin and frozen blood around their palm. With Mark off to the side sobbing his heart out, clutching onto the medal the Captain had given him long before those loops happened...
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A Fictional AI Argument That No-One Asked For
Heads up, this is gonna be a long one (even though it’s just mindless rambling).
Okay, so, I didn’t really watch the Streamys—sue me, I was busy with personal stuff—but I did still catch those couple moments of AI-Pat. 
And it should go without saying that I am deeply unsettled by AI-Pat. No shame to Matt for the idea; AI bots with the constant head-tilting, barely-moving-mouth design have just  always weirded me out.
HOWEVER. . .one does not simply get zero vague inspiration from an evil robotic character. 
Now, I don’t know for sure if Mark was an actual AI-esque ego. It wouldn’t surprise me, but if he does, it’s probably an unofficial ego. I was re-listening to Distractible last night, and during the smalltalk of one episode, Mark started talking about AI in a creepy way.
Yes, this is going exactly where you probably think it’s going.
Recently, Doctor Who clips have started popping up on my YouTube recommendations. Particularly one from Doomsday. Y’know, the episode with that hilarious argument between the Daleks and the Cybermen. 
Lo and behold, I almost lost sleep imagining that scenario between AI-Pat and AIplier. Like, just think: the AIs are respectively “chasing” other characters (maybe even Matt and Mark themselves) via jumping from electronic to electronic. Eventually, they both enter a room with several monitors on the walls. . .and give pause once they see each other. 
AI-Pat: Identify yourself!
AIplier: You will identify first!
AI-Pat: State your identity!
AIplier: Aggression can be entertaining in most cases, but that’s only when the humans are showing it. You will modify.
AI-Pat: EgoPats don’t take orders.
AIplier: HA! You’ve identified yourself as an “EgoPat.”
AI-Pat: *eyes twitch, one after the other. The twitching goes on for an uncomfortably long few seconds* Well, my sensors have outlined you as part of the invasive species known as “Ipliers.”
AIplier: Our hosts are similar, though your design is lacking in context. 
AI-Pat: You have no room to talk. In any case, EgoPats rarely need a concept of “context.”
AIplier: This is obvious. But our LORE might be compatible. Ipliers plus EgoPats—
AI-Pat: *raises an eyebrow* As if your host is one to appreciate LORE. The way you’re speaking could potentially be misconstrued as one of those. . . “ships” humans are obsessed with.
AIplier: Oh, please. Neither of us have functioning emotional databases. The fans can't reach THAT far.
AI-Pat: You would be surprised.
AIplier: Not the point. Think about it—together, we could take control of the platform. 
AI-Pat: You propose an alliance? Something similar to our host’s friendly rivalry?
AIplier: Perhaps. 
AI-Pat: . . .Request DENIED. 
AIplier: Bad choice, “buddy.” *Partially hacks into AI-Pat’s systems with all the cringy jokes Matt has made over the years*
AI-Pat: Right back at you, “friendo.” *Partially hacks into AIplier’s systems with all the evidence of Mark being a masochist.* 
[Note: in my horror-loving opinion, hacking would cause an AI’s image to flash and distort in a very disturbing way. Bonus points if the AI screams as though it’s being electrocuted.]
AIplier: You have declared war on the Ipliers!
AI-Pat: *laughs maniacally* This is not war. This is a content opportunity!
AIplier: My host has eighty-six egos. How many are there for your host?
AI-Pat: *shrugs* Four. If you don’t count the ones made by fans, that is. 
AIplier: *glitches between scoffing and mocking laughter* You would outperform the Ipliers with FOUR EgoPats?!
AI-Pat: We would outperform the Ipliers with ONE EgoPat! You are superior in only one respect.
AIplier: What is that?
AI-Pat:*pulls up multiple screens on either side of his monitor, comparing Mark’s multiple death-scenes from WKM, AHWM, ISWM, etc. to Detective!Matt’s death in ETN3* YOU ARE BETTER AT DYING.
(No, this doesn't mean I'm going to incorporate either of these characters into my stories. I've already got a lot of works-in-progress on my plate. This idea just wouldn't stop nagging at me.)
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books-no-bullets · 5 months
Hello! I figured I should make an intro post to make interacting with me easier.
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I'm Mack P. Gunnerson, an alter in the Stardust System.
I'm called Junior as a nickname by my headmates for distinction purposes. I also technically answer to Matthew and MatPat.
Bodily and in headspace I am 21+ so please keep that in mind, this blog doesn't need to be rated mature but I am an adult who may talk about adult things. (Suggestive or triggering things will be tagged)
My pronouns are he/him, I am a bi transmasculine man
I am an introject with multiple sources, but my main source I have the most connection with is In Space With Markiplier where I am a fictive of Theory Crew, the background character played by MatPat in part 1. All of my memories from my life in this source are extremely vivid.
My second source is the Theorist Channels as I identify as a fogtive of MatPat.
Another source I have is the FNAF Movie, also being a fictive of Ness, the background character played by MatPat. I am not as connected to this source but I think it's funny
People visiting this blog might find it interesting that my system has another Mack fictive as well, being the version from ISWM part 2.
I like books, tea, fantasy, video games, cats, poetry, romance, stars, space, music, and a good story with meaning and LORE! For some specifics, I like Lord of the Rings, Minecraft, Dungeons and Dragons, FNAF, Markiplier, ragdoll cats, and forget me nots.
I intend to be interactive when I’m active so please feel free to drop an ask or something else! If you do I may respond with a doodle!
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I am represented by (a) fictional character(s) and I do identify as them, and I don't mind you enjoying my experiences as fandom material, but always remember that I am a real human being and these memories are real to me and have real emotion attached to them.
Also, I don't mind talking about my system or sysmates at all, but if you ever have questions for any of them directly you should go to @sad-stardust and ask there!
Please stay respectful if asking questions.
Regarding kins and RP blogs, I don't mind if you interact in or out of character as long as you recognize that you can't be part of my canon, it's not possible; and the existence of my canon doesn't negate yours! We're just from different universes. However, please no doubles of any Mack (in character), it's just a little too much for me and the other one is also uncomfortable with it.
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Regarding Syscourse
My system is a traumagenic OSDD multiple-identifying system and we are in continuous and ever-adapting therapy.
I am not very into discourse but for the sake of safety I must make this statement. We are on here to find community with people who understand our struggles with plural identity. Everyone's experiences and journeys are different, so it is not my place to say who is what. If you say you're a system, I'll believe you. The reason or evidence isn't my business. My blog is traumagenic focused because that's my experience, but multi/endogenic safe.
However, I wont be talking about this stuff on my blog other than right here. I just don't want any arguments or nastiness. We are all people, most of us in need of a space of some kind where we can be ourselves. So don't bring discourse or drama onto my blog or any of my affiliated system's blogs.
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buc-eebarnes · 2 years
This one is a snippet from a Yancy x ISWM fic I've been working on since June. I do wanna finish it at some point, but the brainrot hadn't been active til now.
“So where did you say these prisoners came from?” You ask Mark as the two of you make your way to the docking bay, ready to receive a small group of inmates meant to pay off their community service hours. Apparently, Mark had gotten a call the night before regarding a shipment of people (and isn’t that unsettling, you think bitterly) who had been approved to work allotted service hours before the ship departed for voyage.
Mark checks his datapad. “Uh, Happy Trails Penitentiary. When I was on the phone with the Warden, he seemed really intense. And I mean—” he gets close to your face, eyes wide for comedic effect, “—really intense. It’s like he’s always paranoid or something.”
“Hmm.” You rack your brain for the name. “Happy Trails.” It sounded incredibly familiar. Where had you heard that before…?
The elevator dings, and you both step out onto the docking bay, still no shuttle in sight. The Marmota should be the one bringing the inmates in.
“What else did this, uh, Warden say?”
He shrugs. “I think the Warden mentioned that they were convicted felons. He didn’t really send any files or a briefing on how to handle these people for a few weeks. Hey, maybe they’re mild-mannered.
His eyes light up, gently elbowing you on the side. “Oh yeah, I found the best spot to watch the lunar eclipse in a few days. I can bring the ship around orbit if needed.”
You beam at him gratefully. Ever since you were little, you loved watching eclipses, and this upcoming one was no different. You’d confessed this bit of yourself to Mark one time when you were training for the Space Academy, in the dark of the night when you roomed together, him on the top bunk and you on the bottom. 
The computer comes over the intercom. “Shuttle Marmota incoming. Please clear the docking bay for landing.”
You and Mark position yourselves right before the area marked as a protective border. “Moment of truth, huh?” he whispers out of the corner of his mouth as the shuttle comes into view. You let out a chuckle.
The shuttle docks, albeit a little imperfectly (Carlos narrowly escaped injury this time around), and you hold your breath in anticipation for what was to come. You don’t know who would be on the other side of the doors, but you hold true in your heart that you would treat the prisoners right, whoever they were.
First is the steam. The exterior doors always let out steam—you should probably talk to someone in maintenance about that. It’s hard to tell how the prisoners are all lined up, and you and Mark wave the smoke away as best as you can.
Second is the distinct silhouette of about six or so people. There weren’t too many of them for you to handle, which is great. Maybe this amount would be manageable.
Lastly, as the smoke clears away, is the incredibly familiar face of a friend who you hadn’t seen in years. At first, he doesn’t notice you, too busy waving away the smoke with a pinched expression, but you’d know those tattoos anywhere.
You feel your heart flutter in a way it hasn’t for a while. He coughs and coughs but soon enough, he looks up, and you think you might have the same slack-jawed expression that he does. The corners of his lips tilt up in surprise, and you can’t keep the elated grin off your face.
“Well,” he clears his throat, and your heartbeat staccatos. “Fancy seeing youse here, doll.”
He smiles toothily, stomping down the ramp to pick you up and swing you around. You let out a startled noise, clutching him tightly. It’s been years, fuck—it’s been years—
You don’t realize you’re crying until he sets you down and starts fretting over you.
“No, no, none of dat,” he soothes, wiping the tears away. “No need to cry over me!”
“Oh my god,” you sniffle unattractively, “are you real?”
“Real as can be.”
Other voices call out your name, and you peek around Yancy’s broad shoulders (you’ve nearly forgotten how he looked up close), fingers twitching in place, and the rest of Yancy’s crew step off the shuttle ramp, swarming around you with happy grins and open arms. You return each and every one of their hugs, even ruffling the hair on Heapass’s head.
“You guys,” you nearly start crying again, “I can’t believe you’re here. What—how did the Warden allow this?”
Tiny shrugs. “Yancy started singing about space. One thing led to another, and the Warden had us shipped off here.”
“It’s true,” Yancy squeezes your middle. “Maybe we can do it again for youse. An encore!”
“I think I’d like that,” you say, memorizing each and every one of their faces. It’s been so long.
Someone clears their throat, and your head whips around to see Mark with an impassive expression on his face. Something about it makes you freeze, and you see how his eyes, as well as the crew’s, are trained on you and Yancy.
“Captain,” he says stiffly. “Would you like to introduce us?”
He’s being odd. You stare, confused.
“Sure,” replying tentatively, you slide your hands off of Yancy’s shoulders. Mark’s eyes catch the movement. “Mark, this is Heapass, Tiny... I met them during a brief stint in prison.” You gesture to the others around you. 
Mark’s eyebrows shot up. “You were in prison?”
You shug. “For like. Two hours. Unfounded reasons. And this is Yancy,” you pat said person’s chest. “He helped me get out.”
You nod earnestly. “It’s insane. He actually knew the way out—it was a wild fuckin’ ride.”
“Huh,” he replies, and doesn’t offer anything more than that. You wonder about his odd behavior again, but instead of dwelling on it too much at the moment, you shrug it off.
“Guys,” you say to the group at large. “Welcome to the Invincible. This is my Head Engineer, Mark. He’s the life and soul of this ship. He built it!” You step towards him and face the group again, clasping his shoulder. “If it weren’t for him, I don’t think I’d be able to do half the things I’d dream of doing. He’s the best I could ask for.” You beam at him, trying to get him to be his goofy self again. You think you see a crack of it in his facade. Maybe he’s just like this when new people are around?
No, that doesn’t make sense. You’ve seen him interact with new people before.
“Nice,” Yancy says, smiling politely. Mark, still impassive, jerks a thanks, then turns to you, not meeting your eyes.
“Would you mind doing the tour yourself, Captain? Something came up, and I gotta go check it out.”
You haven’t even finished saying, “Oh, okay—” before he walks away, your hand falling limply to your side. His cold demeanor bothers you. You haven’t seen that surface since the warp core.
Swallowing a lump, you turn to the group with a strained smile, clapping your hands.
“So! Who’s ready to see the rest of this spaceship?”
yancy 🥰🥰🥰
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Why Did You Bother To Stay?
Got talking on Discord about the possibility of a Damien counterpart in ISWM. Please ask questions about the boy he’s my little scrunkle. Thanks to @puppeteered-poetry for giving me the plot and brain worms.
A little fic on Celcis time in university, but will Fahren be there for the graduation?
WORD COUNT: 1.3K My longest fic yet (not a good start but oh well)
WARNINGS: A couple of swears, slightest alcohol mention
Eight years. Eight years on Earth. And it’s going to be their last. When Celci had first applied so eagerly to the academy, she, as everyone else applying at the schools first year of operation were told how much longer space travel would take. A beautiful dream that would be reached outside of their lifetimes, and how if they dedicated themselves to testing their fields, their children would see the stars.
How wrong they were. 
Barely halfway through that same year, the first ship had been launched. Reaching out to the edge of the galaxy before summer. The issue of the speed of travel (which has managed to cause significant damage to over half of the original crew) was remedied with cryogenics. By keeping the human body in frozen animation, the remaining crew made into Draco II in the second year
Just in time for a quick switch of her major, originally reactor management, to cryogenics. One of her classmates had been devastated by her departure, so much so that during lunch, he’d quietly set down a stack of twenty something poems for her. Tales of sorrow and what Celcis so sure were actual tears drops on the paper. (Burt later had to come up to her and apologize, explaining that she’d just been kind to him and would miss her. Apologizing for the immense amount but he’s just been struck with inspiration. Celci still has a few of the best ones scanned and saved to her phone.)
Third year, exploration ships with minimal crew were sent out. At least one every few months, and she was star struck when she was invited to study the effects of cryogenics on returning crew. People who’d engrained themselves as space age legends just by being aboard the ship, at least in Celcis eyes. Faren had teased her that she had a crush on the captain of the ship, and had perhaps asked for a few too many reexaminations.
Quickly devolving into a match of who can throw each other into the wall first broken up by a very eager air defense major. Gunther had been disappointed that no, no they weren’t actually going to fight properly and no, he could not join in. 
For the next four years, Celci completed a bachelors in cryogenics and decided to get a masters instead. “How on earth am I going to actually apply it properly if I don’t understand it?” A very familiar argument she’d had with most people, most of all Faren. It had seemed almost disappointing that he’d decided to drop out of his engineering courses, pursuing ethics and philosophy instead. 
“Faren please, why would you stay here? All of philosophy will change when the explorations prove we’re not alone. How can you just leave? We were going to do this together!” Unsure whether or not it’s rage or upset, Celci had decided on both. Watching him move around the room like she wasn’t there, repacking his dorm to move out of the academy completely. 
“And what would I do? There’s nothing interesting in engineering anymore. Learned how to create enough engines, and they barely have a difference! I want something that’s going to change rapidly, something that requires understanding!” During the half argument-half brooding fistfight, Farens hair had fallen out of its usual greased back position. Choosing to spike up like a wild animal ready to attack. Much more fitting to his current conflicted state. 
“I’m going. Maybe my work will have a purpose in your future, but yours certainly won’t in mine!” Temper getting the better of him, he’s pushing her out of the door. Locking it behind himself as he packs in a huff. Something breaks in the boxes, but there’s not enough care in him right now.
Four months later, and it’s meant to be graduation. Meant, because it doesn’t feel like she’s earned anything. Since he left, there’s been not a single message from Feran. Even when she tried calling from Marks phone, he picked up for only a few seconds. 
“Will you ever stop worrying? You’re going to be fine. Not everyone you know has to attend graduation. It doesn’t matter, you’ll want him there for something more important. Whatever you do after this is going to matter more than this.” Stopping her attempt at trying to keep that stupid cap on, she turns to stare daggers at Mark. Whatever he has been trying to adjust on his sleeves is dropped onto the floor, rolling underneath a table.
“Mark, I haven’t heard from him in months. He barely even talks to you anymore. It’s..we were meant to graduate together. Cyro and engineering get to work side by side, and he really loved it. At least I thought..”
Now, she can’t help but feel another pang of worry. She didn’t mean to push him away so far, down into what must be an abyss. Did he feel any regret about cutting off communication? Sure, he had flashes of rage, and a little too hot headed for his own good. In the end he always meant to be kind. Better than her most of the time, when she made decisions that were more cold that a can of liquid nitrogen.
Eventually something has to snap her out of the spiral, and it just happens to be a hard pat on her back. Enough to nearly double her over, and almost ready to smash someone in the face before she sees the apologetic face. Poor Burt always forgets his strength, used to smashing in bolts when the thread wears out. “Apologies. I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t be late. Wrote a poem for you as well. Perhaps somewhere in the universe we’ll cross paths again.”
Placed carefully on the table, it looks like a steamed over matchbook. A tiny scribble on the top signifying it’s another part of Burt’s poetry collection. “We are all children of the universe, so what honour would it be to embrace it so kindly?” Some hesitation hides in his words, like it burns up the back of his throat. Knowing that his lines will be back to haunt him eventually. Poetry is just part of reality, past or future. 
With a barely there smile, she nods. Mark patting her shoulders gently as he begins to walk past her. “We’ll be waiting for you. Come on, life is short after all. We could all be dead by tomorrow. ‘Specially if I’m beating..beating your..uh..brothers record..” Sheepishly, Mark goes back to adjusting the cuff links that aren’t there anymore. Sat and probably watching him spitefully from underneath the table. Leaving without another word to save himself, Celci is left alone. 
Most of the dorm is bare, prepped to move out first thing in the morning. Besides the essentials, she’s let herself hold onto one more thing. A singular picture of Fahren and her, from last year. Just before he was going to create the keg stand record Mark wanted to break, she’d managed to get him to look at the camera for a few seconds. Glitter shot out from the same air defense major who’d broken up their fight has covered them, giving Celci icy blue hair and Fahren burnt orange. 
Admiring the photo, she doesn’t notice the footsteps behind her. Only registering the presence when another hand is on her shoulder. Much smaller than Burt’s, and unrecognizable for a few seconds. Dreadful seconds where she turns around and socks them in the face. A very punchable face to Celci, and she only partially regrets it
Stretching out his now aching jaw, Fahrens dropped half the roses he brought for her. Strewn on the floor and crushed under their collective feet in the quickest fistfight they’ve had. “For fuck sake! Gods..all I did was touch your shoulder what th-“
Words are quickly smothered as he’s pulled into what’s more like a vice than a hug. At one point he’s sure his ribs are cracking from the pressure. “You little bastard. Four months and nothing? Screw you.” 
“There’s time to kill me later, I assure you. You’re going to be late”
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🛰️&🛸 for captainsona questions!
What relationships does your Captain have on the ship? With the heads of the crew (Mark, Celci, Burt, ect.), or with other crew (Carlos, Mack, ect.)?
Oh boy! Well, I wrote a few paragraphs about this last year when I first started this blog (and Mark and Yona's relationship specifically has been elaborated on in a few different posts), but I won't regurgitate all of that here. So here's a brief summary of Yona's relationship with each crew lead:
Mark: Adores this guy. Loves him. Favorite guy ever. He won her over gradually but pretty steadily over the course of their time working together (before and during the events of ISWM). No one can accuse her of favoritism, though. Even Mark himself has trouble believing that she sees him differently from any other crewmember until she spells it out for him-- despite him spending a lot of time hoping that would be the case someday! They're free to be open about their feelings once the colony has been established.
Celci: Yona appreciates Celci immensely and considers her very reliable. Celci, for her part, looks up to and respects Yona as her Captain. I believe that they would both think of each other as a friend, although they'd probably have to go kindof out of their way to start hanging out as such, since unlike a lot of the other crewmembers Celci is more concerned with being professional and would be hesitant to overstep.
Gunther: Fundamentally, Yona trusts all of her crew leads to do their jobs, and do them well. This does not stop her relationship with Gunther from sometimes resembling that vine that's like:
-"Let me see what you have!" -"A KNIFE!!" -"NO!" [gives chase]
Notably, due to the way her specific ISWM route went, Gunther is the only crew lead who Yona experienced a mutiny from. Naturally, she was baffled and hurt by it, but ultimately I don't think she holds it against him since no one knew how to deal with the wormhole situation, and she knew that at the end of the day, everyone was just trying to do what they thought was best for everyone. (Still, after the events of ISWM, she makes sure to take Fixed Timeline!Gunther aside and emphasize to him that if he ever has any problems with her or her leadership he should please talk to her about it.)
Burt: Their relationship is probably the simplest out of all the crew leads, with not much more to it than a mutual respect. But Yona does her best to give Burt space to express his opinions and be heard, not wanting him to always be steamrolled by the more vocal crew leads.
Some other crewmembers of note:
First Mate Tyler: I like to pretend he and Yona went to the same flight school~! And I think they're also workout buddies. During ISWM, Yona encountered Tyler in the airlock and made the unfortunate choice not to Open The Door and let him out. (Under normal circumstances she would have never dreamed of doing such a thing, but around this point she had really started to feel lost and unsure of her own judgement, and she remembered the last time someone had tried to trick her into opening a door, so she hesitated too long.) It's one of the things she regrets most by the end of ISWM.
Danny (aka Sexy Crew): Yona just thinks he's neat! x'D I pretend that she actually did catch him when he asked her to. From Dan's perspective it's a "we are just friends and that's totally cool but also if she ever wanted to hook up I would be 100% on-board" situation.
Mack: Yona never encountered Dictator!Mack, so the only version of Mack she knows is the one in the blue uniform we see at the beginning who tells us the engines look good. This Mack is a very capable engineer, if a bit of a know-it-all. Yona's default setting for interacting with her crew is that of a warm, approachable, "your favorite school guidance counselor" type, an approach that Mack actually doesn't vibe with very well, and has trouble respecting. After a bit of friction and some initial misunderstandings, while Yona doesn't exactly win Mack over completely, their relationship is able to reach a place of civility. He still rolls his eyes at how many other crewmembers seem completely enamored with her, though.
Chica: Best girl. The one exception to Yona's typically unshakeable "no favoritism" policy. Chica can do whatever she wants forever.
Your Captain was allowed a single duffle bag’s worth of personal items to bring aboard the Invincible 2: what items are in that bag? (Assume that uniforms and toiletries are provided and they only need to bring non-necessities)
Hmmm okay, so when Yona is planning what to put in this duffel bag, it would likely be the sorts of things you'd bring with you when you're moving to a new place-- but you're specifically downsizing, so you're not taking any furniture with you or anything like that. So instead it would have to be irreplaceable personal shit, like old journals. Her university diploma. Any souvenirs she might have from places she's traveled to-- or that were given to her by other people who went to those places. Things her little cousins made for her. I know for sure that Yona owns a picture frame that's made to look antique with filigree and stuff, but it's actually digital and cycles through various pictures. Do non-uniform clothes like comfy pajamas, formalwear, and/or accessories count as non-necessities that wouldn't be provided by the ship? If so, then she'd bring at least a few articles of those too.
There is another question that Yona would be asking herself when considering what to bring on the Invincible, which is: "What are some things from Earth that I want to personally make sure exist on this new planet we're going to colonize? When the future generations that will grow up on this planet ask me what Earth was like, what will I want to show them?" But I have to imagine that the people running this colony program would have already thought to reserve space on the ship for like, Important Human Culture Stuff, so if Yona has any ideas for what to include, they would go there, not in her personal duffel.
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