#please take this in good faith
jenny-from-the-bau · 5 months
i’m bi so i completely get your feelings about it especially in the queer community but… i think the real issue is you saying you’re a lesbian when you’re attracted to man yk? maybe you should revalue some things and talk to a friend or smth and see if maybe you’re not bi, or pan, or just queer
I definitely identify with just being wlw or a dyke now lol I think Butch Dyke is the closest
at the same time, like if I had to choose a group "lesbians" is it. I think I'm "lesbian" in a very 80s way haha like back when bisexuals were "on again off again lesbians" lmao
i'm also married to a woman, and I don't intend to ever sleep with a man or date one. Also also I'm not a woman hahaha
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mangostarjam · 5 months
thinking about my self ships bc in the process of requesting my lovely gorgeous self ship art commissions i realized there are only a few that really truly are self ships. the rest were fun to imagine!! when i write fic there are of course themes and elements that are inherently me but when i write, i'm usually picturing the reader as more of an oc than as myself
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thevoidstaredback · 6 months
I've decided to dump some stories here. Some will be crossposted to Ao3 at some point, and some won't. Regardless, I like writing and sharing my stories, so here's this, I guess.
Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant (DC x DP)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Ao3
Side Story
Morally Grey in a World of Black and White (BSD x BNHA/MHA)
Part 1 Part 2
Be Thou For The People (HP x FMA/B)
Part 1
How To Balance Your Daytime and Nighttime Activities So That You Don't Burn Yourself Out More Than You Already Have (DC x DP)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Take Back Your Minx
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Reunion of Brothers
Part 1 Part 2
Single Fandom:
Bruce Wayne is Batman's Biggest Hater
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Cryptid Rules
Part 1
Random Shit:
DC Comics x Marvel Comics Writing Prompt
Unconventional Summoning
Movie Thought Processes
Secret Identities Writing Prompt (DCU)
Leave Your Fics Here
Superhero Hide 'N Seek Writing Prompt
Ignore this for now
Writing Prompts
Defiled Memories (named by @rin1sakami )
No Hospitals
The Outlier
Jack Fenton's Obsession
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utilitycaster · 5 months
This is probably something that will be obvious to many but: writing about fictional works but not creating fanfiction/fanon to me tends to fall into four categories, and I think it's really important to get how they intersect before getting weird about other people's posts.
Opinion. Eg: I like relationships based in mutual understanding. This is my opinion. It is correct for me. Might not be correct for you! Note that this is pure opinion, with no argument.
Interpretation: Eg: Beau and Yasha's relationship shows a great deal of understanding in each other's shared experiences, including abusive parents; a shared tendency to believe, at least earlier on, that things will go badly and that they don't deserve better; and difficulty expressing their feelings verbally but letting out frustrations through fighting.
Fact/Evidence: Beau says she is unused to things turning out good, and Yasha believes herself to be, as she says, very unlucky or cursed. Her letter covers that she expresses herself through fighting.
Conclusion: I like Beauyasha.
Argument is Opinion + Interpretation; a valid argument is Opinion + Interpretation + Evidence. Meta can include opinion but ultimately is Interpretation and good meta is Interpretation + Evidence. It's fine to post just an opinion, but if you want to change minds, you need an argument, and if you want to be able to hold your own against a counterargument it better be valid.
You can have the same interpretation and facts and different opinions and therefore different conclusions. Someone else could say "I like messy relationships (opinion) and so Beau and Yasha's shared understanding (interpretation, same as mine) is not interesting to me (conclusion)." You can also have a different interpretation from the same facts, either because you are including a different set of facts on a topic or because there is ambiguity and room for different lenses.
If your goal is to change someone's mind - and to be honest mine usually isn't - you are unlikely to change their opinions. Eg, If someone says "I don't like Beauyasha because I prefer messier relationships" I'm not going to convince them on the grounds of "you shouldn't like messier relationships." I need to either put forward an interpretation that supports a messier relationship, or, more realistically, say "understandable, have a nice day" and move on with my life.
That last bit is important - a lot of people also argue on the basis of "well obviously this interpretation is the only one, so you should draw the same opinions from it." and that's likely to fail; either the person disagreeing with you overall does agree on the interpretation but has different opinions (as in the above example), or they have a different interpretation (eg: Beau and Yasha have attacked each other repeatedly) and that is the basis of their opinion (I don't like that). You need to figure out which is going on and address that should you wish to change their mind. And again, I think you should ask why you want to change their mind.
The last point is that all of the above is valid given the text and reflect different perspectives. But if someone were to say "I don't like Beauyasha because Beau turned into a porcupine and moved to France, and I don't like long-distance relationships" the invalid portion is that this literally did not happen (fact leading to interpretation). If someone can correctly dispute the facts of your interpretation (as they stand at the time, obviously; no one is penalized for not being precognitive) then you are fucked, argument-wise. If I point out that Beau did not turn into a porcupine nor move to France, this person's argument falls apart. They can still dislike the relationship, but if they want to justify it with an argument they better find a new interpretation, and fast.
Before I move into the end I will note that you can also just not vibe with something, and that's purely in the realm of opinion + conclusion, a la "this rubs me the wrong way" or "I find this annoying" or "it's cute" and all of those are valid to hold for yourself, and also inaccessible to anyone else
The conclusions I draw from all of the above are first, making posts that are only your opinion/conclusion is always fine - say what you want - but treating it as an argument is a waste of time, and so anything of the order of "how could you not like xyz (unspoken: because I did)" is pointless because my answer is going to be "easily, and with confidence." Secondly, I think it's valuable to look at posts, even those with arguments, as primarily interpretation rather than opinion. Putting forth a separate interpretation is a disagreement, but it's not a disagreement necessarily directed at you; it's disagreeing with you but the parallel play option is available! You do not need to go out trying to convert all to your same mindset. I think a healthy fandom ecosystem has multiple interpretations and opinions and respectful disagreement; the positive version of "let people like/dislike things" (ie, they can like it or dislike it and if you're normal, your enjoyment is not contingent on theirs). Thirdly, get your facts straight or suffer the consequences. And finally, if you are trying to make an argument for an ongoing work and do so over time, your opinion must be fairly consistent even as the interpretation naturally evolves otherwise it becomes clear that you are arguing in favor of a foregone conclusion (often via moving the goalposts). If you say "I like characters who are willing to make painful and difficult choices, and Blorbo always takes the easy way out, so I don't like them" and Blorbo develops into a character who is able to make painful and difficult choices, if you start critiquing Blorbo now on the basis those choices that's still fair but you better come very correct, and it might be wiser to just say "I don't fuck with Blorbo, if you do that's great but I don't."
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eatbeidou · 1 month
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Hello! I'd like to experiment with taking writing prompts to make sure I keep up to regular writing :) No promises on prompts being filled in a timely manner, or even at all, but if you guys pick a random word + a number 1-13, I'll do my best to write at least a couple paragraphs using them! (The number is to randomly select a pov from a list of characters I've made, but if you instead want to request a character/fandom which I've already written for, I'll try my best!)
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d00mry · 3 months
i don't know what went wrong with some of you but i think you need to hear this
you are hypocrites. you claim to be mature yet you take no one seriously besides yourself. you claim to have "room to talk", yet you have an exceptional inability to communicate head on and work things out. you defend yourself as if this is some sort of justice you're doing. you lack any judgement or courage, you are protesting against an online 23 year old artist like she's congress. you lack understanding, sympathy, you refuse to look at situations from another person's angle. you lie and exaggerate others that disagree with you. you seek some sort of false revenge, trying to find meaning in taking rather than giving.
tl;dr please do some self reflection. i've talked to kc head on before multiple times and squeak is a very kind and patient person. rather than whittling down buns patience learn to talk to people head on to resolve situations. i personally seen that work a lot more effectively than,,,,, whatever this is
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fourteenfifteen · 1 month
my maybe hot take that i earnestly believe is that a lot of the time when ppl talk about pretentious hipsters flexing their taste to make ppl feel bad, what is actually happening is that the person saying that is projecting their insecurities about their taste onto someone else who just happens to like more obscure and/or headier stuff than they do
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pa-pa-plasma · 14 days
one of the things that will always destroy me is people believing that good story = darker/more mature/more sexual. this belief has ruined so many stories that could have been amazing & has prevented almost everyone from enjoying other really good stories simply because the age range it's aimed at is one they believe can't have complex themes, characters, plot, etc etc. they don't believe they can be moved by something a publisher or studio decided is for kids & so write it off without even thinking about it. biggest curse of being a writer who actually loves stories & telling them is that literally no one else cares in the most pessimistic, higher-than-thou, capitalism brainrot way you can imagine. & it's all automatic. because that's just what you're taught.
#like people who love all kids media uncritically is another problem#but i find an even bigger one is people not believing animated stuff & younger age range stuff can impact you#like imagine trying to explain something you love so much it makes you cry#& every single time people react as if you told them something batshit off the walls insane like you only eat dirt or something#& they need to help you because there is clearly something wrong with you#& no matter how you explain it they always look at you like a crazy person#i feel like no matter what the kinds of art i love will always get shoved to the back of the closet#how i explain the hopelessness of trying to convince someone they're allowed to watch cartoons#but they're adamant they aren't because they're ''too old for that kind of thing''#it really makes me want to cry. & it makes me angry#anyways this is all to say that the minecraft movie is bad because people are afraid to interact with silly things in good faith#& complete 100% seriousness. they cannot take a concept like minecraft seriously#& so they can't see what it's REALLY about#it's not just haha silly block animal & because they can't see it as it is without the filter of ''for kids''#it will be a bad movie. & it won't represent everything everyone who grew up with that game sees in it#i hate seeing a huge problem & either no one else sees it or they do but just don't care because they don't think it's a problem#it IS a problem. it's a HUGE problem that people think they're not allowed to play or have fun or interact with silly concepts seriously#please take shit seriously i'm crying & i'm begging. we could have had something beautiful#people's inability to acknowledge beauty just because the setting is. in their eyes. for kids. is literally ruining art#& i'm gonna start killing about it#Animorphs save me............................................
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astradyke · 2 months
hey in case anyone had any doubts about whether or not i'm insane about the thing i keep posting about rest assured i'm still thinking about the hiatus. okay disclaimer also i'm not trying to be like oh their struggles were so gay yaoi and sweet coded, that's not really my point this was like serious shit. anyway. like fuckkk what gets me crazy insane is like how much stress they had in their lives (phil's health issues and his chronic illness along with his anxiety; dan's breakdown with youtube post-coming out and the implied financial/mental struggles with that) and like (1), overwhelmingly, i get emotional every time i think about how much happier they are now, how dan was able to create something important to him and phil has come so far with his anxiety it makes me like <33 and is why i can't really watch stuff pre hiatus but (2) not more important than their individual/collective happiness obviously but related to it like... damn. they were so fucking in love? they were still so fucking in love. i don't know. dan and phil clearly have gone through a lot of shit in their lives online/privately **and as fans we do not know the half of it, i'm sure, or how a lot of it affected them, and i really am not trying to pry** but like... just from what they have told us, like. i am so serious i could tattoo it on me they always brought the other person up. like phil gets brought up in dystopia daily episodes he's not even in, not to mention that he was part of the production team. phil brings up dan in every video of his. and all of it is so overwhelmingly loving. like the hiatus must have been some of the scariest times of their life, whether or not they'd live together was in flux, both dan and phil had their own creative purgatories, but like... they're dan and phil. they can survive anything. they drive me fucking crazy.
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takemetodragonstone · 11 months
they warned me this was the autism webbed site, but I never thought I would catch the autism!!!
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rockstars-12 · 10 months
I wanna clarify with all this Karen posting. sexual alters are needed and valid people. That being said they can be frustrating asf. Hypersexual alters can make life difficult, every person is different and alters are the same.
Not all sexual alters are bad, and idk it's werid to me that so many systems have this like "We have to be perfect and never be bad people or make mistakes otherwise we're harming the community " but like shit dude. That's not how people work, and I'll rib on my brain friends, because sometimes they deserve it.
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august-undergrounds · 10 months
yeah im a girl and im not trans but im not cis either. it doesn’t feel like i detransitioned. it just feels like i transitioned into something else. coming into girlhood was just as painful and beautiful as realizing i was nonbinary was, more actually. my brother says im a trans woman in a cis girls body. i don’t know what i am. i wish there was a word for people like me. i know there’s someone else in the course of history who felt like this. i can’t be the only one. i wish i could talk to her, i wish she could hug me.
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caruliaa · 2 years
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rosylamb · 24 hours
I’d be a good Catholic husband and I have a library I know you’d love. Wish I could message you directly and privately.
🎀 ・*・ ✧ ・*・ 🎀
Dearest anon ⊹ ・゚゚・。 🧸
This was most surprising to see, but I am truly touched you think this ♡
And thank you for these thoughtful and gracious sentiments!
But I’m just here to make friends, and prefer asks — I cannot offer you more than this!
You will meet the most wonderful Catholic wife someday though, I am certain, and I pray your marriage together is a blessed and joyful one ♡
Sending many kind and happy thoughts — I pray you take care, and wish you all the very best ~ ! XO
🎀 ⋆ ⊹ ⋆ 🧸 ˚。⋆ ✧
✧ ‧₊˚ 🎀 ・゚゚・。 🧁
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redflannelsheets · 1 month
#feeling extra melancholy tonight#all of my feelings and loneliness just simmering in the salty broth of my tears#yes I’m still melodramatic but to be fair we were both melodramatic and i think that’s why we were such good friends#or i think we were such good friends; perhaps I’m misremembering now#breathing in ​the miasma of retrospect i suppose#i can’t reduce it all to ‘one thing that hurts the most’#they’re interconnecting pieces—a glass jigsaw puzzle and no identifying pattern to help put it together#your requests for my patience and my endless store of it#your invitation and my fear it would be retracted#my faith in your assurances and your subsequent retraction#you said you only asked me because you were sad and lonely as though the potential hadn’t been dangled in front of me for years#this all sounds bitter i know but it’s really just me thinking out loud#because if I’m never going to get closure on any of this#i should be allowed to put my feelings somewhere they can be read at a later date#i would never think to email you any of this#for one it would make me look crazy—the woman who couldn’t take no for an answer!#clearly i took the ‘no’ and left you in the peace you so desperately wanted#but being ghosted after so long of being your pal and your confidant… well that hurts in a way i was never allowed to express#of course i still love you. i will never not love you#but you showed up in my dreams again last night#taunting me about all i cannot have#i know it’s my subconscious being a complete dick#and not really you#and then i got into it with him tonight about how i just have to accept this platonic life#most of the time i deal with it just fine. i have lots of hobbies as you know#hard to stay sad if you’re wrangling yarn and puzzling over reflexive verbs#but in the quiet hours i used to love so much#everything floods in#please forgive me my elaborate tag salads directed toward your unfillable absence#goodnight my darling dearest
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