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   ❝ One that is cursed. Long ago the men of the mountain swore an oath to the last king of Gondor, to come to his aid, to fight. But when the time came, when Gondor’s need was dire, they fled, vanishing into the darkness of the mountain. And so Isildur cursed them, never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge. Who shall call them from the gray twilight, the FORGOTTEN people?❞  
 indie && selective legolas greenleaf from the LOTR TRILOGY & HOBBIT TRILOGY.
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Originally posted by 19981024
I still have no idea what my place is on here anymore. hm.
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Orlando Bloom + early years
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     ARAGORN FROM TOLKIEN’S LOTR; @esteil.  ( active & selective. )
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  LEGOLAS FROM TOLIEN’S LOTR & THE HOBBIT; @woodlandpriince. ( active & selective. )
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 RICK GRIMES FROM THE WALKING DEAD; @kxllercolt. ( active & selective. )
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BRUCE WAYNE/BATMAN FROM THE DARK KNIGHT TRILOGY; @niiightterror. ( semi active. )
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She had felt his coldness as well, and it greatly troubled her. Not once since their meeting, had he been so cold towards her. Her, his loving wife and queen; the mother of his child. Whom he felt close; eyes staring off the overlook. “Do not think you have disappointed him, Legolas. Your Adar is just— troubled. I feel it past this forest. A war is brewing, something beyond our power. I will have to take up my armour again— as will your father. ”
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    what had come over his father? what had caused the great elven king to grow so COLD towards his own family? did he care for them still? or only for himself? so many questions PLAGUED the young prince’s mind, and he wasn’t sure of what to think. the anguish that clawed at his heart was shattering his very soul, and he longed for his loving father to return to them soon. his gaze dropped at his mother’s words, fear gripping his heart in a vice. --- war killed, and he couldn’t lose them both. it would break him, and the grief would surely kill him if such a thing happened.  
              “again? is truly such an awful force brewing forth once more? surely you would allow me to fight by your side, naneth? i wish to see the world, to leave these walls, and DEFEND my home.” he murmured softly, hoping she’d let him, but he knew she would not. he was still a mere elfling in their eyes.
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She recognized the word. Friend. It wasn’t a word she had heard in a long time. No matter the tongue, she was glad to have a friend somewhere within this village. “If you have extra hands to spare, I would be glad for them. The wives have their own children and men to look after. Not very many of us are available to take care of the injured.” She reached out to touch his shoulder, but hesitated so she could wipe the blood off her hand on the skirt of her dress. “I am the closest thing to a healer this town has right now. If you’ll follow me. I know of a few young men who were in need of my attention before I almost ran into you.” She turned – her feet deep in sand – as she made her way to a small cluster of people. Lyanna didn’t bother looking to see if her friend was following her. She just had a feeling he would.
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    her fair COMPLEXION, and white blonde hair had nearly caused him to mistake her for an elf for a mere moment, but she was not. it was clear that she was of mortal kind, and so he had dropped such a far fetched assumption. the prince was quick to follow after her, his heart in ruin, and mind in need of a distraction, and helping the PEOPLE of laketown would provide such a thing. “you have my hands as well as my bow, mellon.” it’s a faint promise, he has no friends, nothing tying him down anymore. his father would likely BANISH him for going after tauriel, and failing to return to mirkwood. helping this woman and calling her friend would do him no harm, it would be nice to have a friend. and so he did follow, sympathy flooding his gaze as he looked upon the injured families, and the turmoil they had endured due to the greed of dwarves. he held no love for them. he waited patiently, hoping she guide him and tell him what to do.
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your face is a blessing. (◡‿◡✿)
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send me 👌 if your muse would bang mine
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   OBEDIENCE is not loyalty.    SERVITUDE is not loyalty.    OBLIGATION is not loyalty.
                  S A C R I F I C E                                         is loyalty.
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Lyanna didn’t know the land well. She had always been a wanderer, but this land was different. She didn’t have the connection she once had with her homeland. Having found the town only a few weeks before, she didn’t know what to do when the town’s people fell into chaos. How she managed to survive, she didn’t know. On the shore of the lake, Lyanna ran around, making sure what people did survive were okay. But, as she was running above, she nearly ran into someone who looked practically like a mirror image of herself. “I- no, it was me. I’m sorry.” She looked away, frowning. “Unless you have medical training. There are a handful wounded. But you look more like a hunter than a healer.”
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 legolas had never VENTURED this far from mirkwood before, for he had never desired to, but tauriel had tore him from his home, and had shown him things he would have never ventured to see on his own. gazing at the young woman who stood before him, the elven prince merely shrugged, indifferent to the fact that she had run into him, he hadn’t been paying much attention himself, for his mind had wandered to what this battle would hold, and how many would die. “i know a few basic things, but you are right, mellon, i possess few skills in such a field.” he confessed, calling her by the elvish word for friend to possibly ease her anxiety. “i take it you are a HEALER yourself? if you need extra hands, then i would be more than happy to help.”
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There was no right way to make love, not like this. Not when war threatened again and the ranger hid from society in the city of Gondor. He had been alive for past a hundred years and had seen evil at its worst and at its best. But making love, right when war was about to kiss the world and wrap it around in its vice, was morally wrong. It was unjust. Every thrust, every kiss, every breath would be a goodbye, not an I’ll be back again, not a promise. It was a death sentence and your lover was saying goodbye through every moan, every movement, every shudder. As if getting to the climax was the worst part, it was more parting ways, sliding out, or just pushing away from them, that’s the most painful part. – In his a hundred and forty years, he had quite a few lovers, he was not attached. But this man that he had … With him, for the five years he had been in Gondor was a dream. – Until he died defending it, then the happiness out of those years was ripped away, like a bandaid. Blood was on his hands, his chest was heaving up and down. After this battle, there would be another and another and another. That’s exactly what the other was good at. Only, he wasn’t exactly a gun for hire. He’d kill whoever you want to kill, and he’d do it quickly. But other than that, he would decide to stay away from people for the most part. He was never a friend of men, dwarves, elves, or even hobbits who were the easiest to get along with. He decided that silence was his ally, along with his horse. But when he heard that Helms Deep was under attack, he rode out of Gondor for the first time in almost six years. He had made Gondor his home, he had … Secured himself firmly in one of the greatest cities in the world. But it seemed like every good city would fall eventually. – But he wasn’t going to let it, not under his watch. – Upon riding to the gates, he dismounted his horse and he announced himself. Surely he was certain that a ranger would be welcomed to fight, as long as it wasn’t an Orc. But there were judgemental faces as he was lead through the gates and through the city. What surprised him was the age range of the soliders that they were readying to fight. Young boys … Old men … No training. This was not an army. – The ranger’s eyes scanned them as he walked by, honestly not knowing what to say. He was concerned about this battle, if they were even going to get through it. It made his stomach start to churn. – He then was intorduced to someone named Aragorn and that just sparked some interest in the ranger, his big grey eyes scanned the other for a moment. Then he saw a glimpse of white hair. – His eyes went to the elf that stood next to him and then they lowered to a dwarf right next to the elf. What a combination indeed. “I’m Jacoby, I’m a ranger from the North,” He introduced himself.
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    for a while he had BELIEVED that the fall had slaughtered his mortal friend, yet aragorn had come trudging up the steps of helm’s deep, and the eyes had brightened. his friend was alive and they’d win this war. the men would not FLEE, they would fight knowing aragorn led them. death had never been a thought on his mind, he was so effortless in battle than no blade had every cut his skin. his elegance and demeanor had kept him alive this long, and he knew he’d keep living for a hundred more years if he must. but to say he did not FEAR the outcome of this battle would be a lie, for he could sense that every man and child hiding behind armor was frightened by the orc army that waited outside the walls of Helm’s Deep.
         if they did not win then the world of men would fall, and no strength would remain to defend the free peoples of middle earth, for the time of the elves had come to an end. yet he had no DESIRE to leave, not when he had called MIDDLE EARTH his home for so long. 
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  the elven prince eyed the man that had arrived at the very last minute, blue hues scanning him over for any sign of treachery. he had never seen this man before, and it was clear aragorn hadn’t either. yet it was clear that this man was a RANGER, he appeared weather beaten and aged, something often attributed with the men of the north. 
     and yet aragorn had welcomed him with open arms, and had greeted him like a brother. gimli had merely grunted in approval before making his way over to stand somewhere. legolas would tease his small friend later, he was determined to learn more about their new ally, to find out why he had come, and what PURPOSE he would serve in the future. aragorn and gimli had already introduced themselves, and legolas had remained silent. “i am legolas of the woodland realm.” he murmured gently, blonde hair lifting and swaying with the wind as clouds moved above them. 
        “come ranger, tell me of your travels, and why you have come here.” he murmured, making his way to stand beside his red headed friend. yet gimli was lost in his own thoughts, and the prince was quick to return his attention to lanky man beside him. “have you come to serve aragorn? or did mithrandir send you?” he questioned with genuine curiosity gleaming in his eye. he turned his flawless face to regard the man with a raised brow, “why have you come?” 
          perhaps this man had come for gold or some other payment that had been promised to him, for most men were greedy and heartless, and often avoided doing good things for others. and yet aragorn was the exception merely because he had been raised by lord elrond, and had always had a noble heart. legolas would follow the heir of isildur into the fires of mordor if he must.
  if gandalf had sent him the that meant something terrible had happened to the wizard, or that he would not be arriving anytime soon. they were on their own until their reinforcements arrived at SUNRISE. 
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 i’m in a really good mood tonight, and i have so much muse for this nerd && for my aragorn. im gonna be writing like crazy the next week or so.
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