#please please keep talking about palestine please don't ignore their pain PLEASE
andichoseyou 8 months
anyone who actually believes that MURDERING innocent civilians in Palestine and destroying innocent people's homes is a good form of retaliation is a fucking nasty, blood hungry, horrible person. i don't care. i wish nothing but bad things for you.
like i cannot put into words how much i despise Israel supporters.... Oct 7 2023 was something that was bound to happen!!!! Palestinians deserve to live in PEACE! not one person in this entire world deserves what is happening to these people. Israelis saying they "live in fear" are fucking morons, I'm sorry! YOU'RE living in fear????!!!!! come on!!!! can we compare how many lives have been lost in both Palestine and Israel??? it is not equal! Israel wants to kill off every Palestinian, even the innocents.
it's just so frustrating, my heart hurts for them. the world is watching Israel destroy a whole land. AND NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!!! fuck the US government and fuck joe biden and fuck ANYONE who doesn't want a ceasefire. FREE PALESTINE!
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mister-cynicism 3 months
You know what? I'm not going to be nice to everyone.
If you still either support Israel, or are "neutral" about the genocide they are committing, you are a shameful, disgusting excuse of a human being.
People are DYING. Men who have families are DYING. Women who already go through so much pain of pregnancy, rape, menstruation, and way, WAY more are DYING. Children and babies who don't even get to live because they are victims of terrorism are DYING.
And yet YOU choose to ignore them either because you just can or because your fat ass wants your Happy Meal and caramel frappucino.
Even if you can't donate or boycott, you can STILL at least show a LITTLE support by putting a watermelon in your bio. It's not that hard.
But no. You choose not to care. You choose not to give a single FUCK about these people.
I don't give a fuck about your religion. Actual living people, who are in fact about to LOSE their lives, are more important than some broad long than dead.
I don't give a fuck if celebrities who support Israel are getting insulted by pro-Palestine strangers on the internet. It serves them fucking right, for I'm sure they KNOW what they're getting themselves into by funding for a terrorist country.
And I ESPECIALLY don't give a fuck about certain foods, movies, toys, or any other shit, if a single PENNY they make equals one dead body in Gaza.
Life and humanity are meant to be cherished. And yet, we choose to harm it. And we choose to just let it happen.
You would not let ANY of this slide if you lived in the time of the Holocaust, would you?
What Israel is doing is similar to what the Nazis did to them. Sounds bad, right? Well, it's whatever will drill this harsh truth through your thick skull.
You can choose to not care about politics and still recognize that a genocide needs to be stopped. That's who *I* am. And I'm pretty sure politics aren't needed for any of this?? What does any of this have to do with politics exactly???
If you're going to come on a post talking about Palestine and say "I'm still neutral", then fuck you. Because you're so fucking aware of what is going on if you're commenting on that post.
Who the fuck goes on a post about infants getting burned and says "meh, I'm still neutral"? Listen, I was like you. I didn't care at first. But tough, harsh lectures like the post I'm making right now helped ME recognize the bad. I sure do damn hope that this does the same for you.
If you support Israel, you're a fucking enabler. Your funds are going to those weapons that Israel bombs poor Palestinians with.
If you're "neutral" about the genocide, you're careless and apathetic. You should still have enough *emotion* inside of you to choose one side or the other.
There is no "neutral" here. You either keep a genocide going or make an effort to call for a ceasefire.
Israel supporters want to keep the genocide going. Palestine supporters are desperately calling for ceasefire.
Supporting companies and celebrities who support Israel means your funds goes to Israel itself, and the genocide keeps going.
Supporting companies and celebrities who support Palestine means showing support to those who want peace, a ceasefire.
Pick your side, buddy. You're either a monster or a human like us. The choice is yours.
And for some certain SOMEBODIES I know that BASICALLY said "if you ignore both, then you're not funding for either of them, so it eventually dies out 馃鈽濓笍". That is NOT how it works. I don't think I have to even tell you why. Calling you out on this post is enough.
PLEASE. Just get it through your head that Palestine needs YOUR help. And what seems a small thing to you is a big thing for THEM.
Donate to evacuators, boycott pro-Israel companies, repost/retweet/reblog posts speaking up about Palestine, even just put ONE LITTLE 馃崏 in your bio. All of these help them. All of these help save lives.
Israel has gone corrupt with power. It's ignored so many strikes, so many calls for ceasefires. It's even attacked what were supposed to be SAFE ZONES for Palestinians. Everything they're doing is disgusting.
I highly encourage you do research on this conflict. If I get into journalism class, I'm creating an article on this entire conflict and how YOU, as hopefully a human being, can help us free Palestine.
If you're still going to support Israel or "be neutral" after reading posts like these, consider yourself blocked and ignored by many. Serves you right. Gives you a taste of what millions in Gaza are suffering from.
PLEASE reblog this with WHATEVER tags will give it attention.
I will be participating in the ongoing strike as well. I encourage you to do the same.
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Edit: just remembered this and went back to take a screenshot. still wanna support this? :)
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fairuzfan 8 months
I feel your pain Med. I still don't understand how anyone is looking away from a LITERAL GENOCIDE. It makes me sick. Men, women and children are getting martyred in Gaza and all across Palestine, and yet there are still so many people who have the audacity to not care. It drives me up a wall. Makes me hate being an American, knowing that these stupid idiots in power just ignore every call to not support Israel while our tax dollars are supporting a genocide. I'm gonna keep on fighting though, because this is about your liberation from these Zionist freaks. Even if it hurts like hell. Please don't forget that if you ever need to talk, I'm right here. Palestine is not alone, and will never be as long we keep on fighting.
You're very sweet thank you for this message. 鉂わ笍馃崏鉂わ笍馃崏鉂わ笍
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moons-cozy-corner 10 months
Save Palestine!
TW: talk of genocide, child death, hate
This is informative, it is what is happening right now, real life. Resources below the cut line, as well as information.
I have been seeing an awful lot of hate on the media that I haven't seen before, not in the amounts that I have been seeing it. (I'm not talking about this site particularly). With all the terrible going on in the world right now, I found it hard to believe people could be so cruel. But they are, and, to put it lightly, it sucks.
Seeing people watching children die in Gaza, watching the genocide in Congo, and god knows how many others--people who just don't care.
And sure, it hurts to watch, to see mothers holding their dead children, to see children who can barely speak lose their limbs, to watch innocent children flinching at the sound of aircraft. But we have to keep watching, listening, and informing.
Speak up, people are dying!
I know of only a few places and brands funding the Palestinian genocide, so I'll list them here;
Starbucks, McDonalds, BurgerKing, Dove, Nutella, Doritos, Snickers, Redbull, a whole crap of other soft drinks like Rootbeer, Pepsi, some others.
Is your comfort worth more than the lives of the innocent?
I stand with Gaza. I stand with them because I cannot start to imagine the pain that they have to endure right now.
There are filters on TikTok that are gaining revenue to donate, however getting resources to Gaza is hard as nothing is being let through (last I heard, it may have changed).
Here is the resource I used to help. Go to protests if you can. Call for ceasefire. Use your voice. https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/resource/ceasefire/
This is a specific link, as I don't want people to be overwhelmed by clicking and searching through the website. There are more ways to help on there, if you take five seconds to look. It is scary, intimidating, I get it. I was shaking after calling, one of the actions you can choose (they provide a script), but I'll say it again
Is your comfort worth more than the lives of the innocent?
I hope your answer is no. I hope you refuse ignorance.
Also, if anyone has any information about ways to help on these genocides or any others, please share. We have to work together to save our fellow humans when evil arises. I will share more when I can. Thank you for reading, and thank you for anyone who is doing what they can to help.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill 8 months
Hey there! I'm sorry to bug you (you can totally delete this!), but I have a question I've been wanting to ask someone and you have been so kind, patient, compassionate, and level-headed that I thought you'd be a good person to approach.
So I've seen a lot of this in the ofmd tags:
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Do you know if there's a shred of evidence to support this? For all that I see it, the only proof anyone provides is the "Taika fired Guz Khan for being pro-Palestine rumor" (which we know is not true) and the fact that Taika signed the letter to Biden.
And, like... I know that it's a shit letter full of the kind of pro-Israel propaganda that's all over mainstream news and that the celebrities who signed it are probably ignorant and out of touch. But it also calls for the freeing of all hostages and freedom for both Israelis and Palestinians, so I understand why someone who isn't paying adequate attention would think it's a good and worthwhile letter? So... I don't fully understand how signing it would make a person a "vocal ZIonist" who's out there "advocating for the genocide of Palestinians."
idk, I'm afraid I've missed something, but I don't think that any of the folks who are telling us to kill ourselves will be particularly kind if I ask them where they're coming from. If you have any idea what's up, I'd appreciate information!
Thank you so much for putting together the daily recaps (super helpful for those of us who are afraid of xwitter) and for being great!
Hi friend! Thanks for reaching out! I wish I knew more about this particular subject, so I'll do my best to provide some context but please take it with a grain of salt because it's all based on my own looking it up, not by first hand knowledge of anything.
The first thing I will say is, I'm so sorry they are telling you or anyone to kill yourselves, that's going way too far. Those people are struggling and angry and they're using any outlet to push their pain onto other people and that's not acceptable. No one on tumblr is out murdering Palestinians because they like a tv show. That is trauma and pain talking and they really need to seek actual therapeutic help instead of taking it out on others. You don't deserve to be treated like that, so if you can, please don't internalize that because you absolutely don't deserve that to be said to you.
That being said, what information I've looked up on it (by searching the web and listening to people on tumblr), the only thing I see people citing is the letter from October which I agree, while not worded well and certainly missing the main point of the conflict, I don't think indicates anyone on that list is advocating for the genocide of Palestinians.
In some tags I read a while ago...on a previous ask, I did see someone mention that there was a podcast out there too where Taika said something about the situation, that they didn't personally care for, but I haven't found that podcast (if someone happens to know what it is please let me know?) I'll see if I can track down the person who mentioned it in the tags. Another thing that apparently people are using as ammo is Guz Khan (Ivan) being fired from Season 2 (because he was in support of Palestine). Which is confusing because any official channels i'm seeing don't say that... and even that Guz Khan said he didn't know why in this article. Everything else I've seen is speculation on reddit or twitter with no sources...so unless someone can maybe provide some reasonable sources, my guess is it's all speculation being fueled by horror and rage at the current genocide and a mob mentality. I've certainly not heard of anyone else in the cast being supportive of genocide in palestine (cause who is?) and you're right "vocally zionist" is a very strange term because he in fact has not been vocal about that. He's been vocal about being maori and jewish, but I haven't found anything anywhere that's said he specifically stated he was "zionist" or "supporting zionist" ideals (I keep putting quotes around zionist because I don't like people throwing it around like a word for terrorist because that gets dangerous real fast as I've mentioned in some previous asks). I certainly have never seen him advocate for genocide in Palestine. I think people tend to get confused with correlation and causation when they're angry.
(Ex: If Taika signed a letter asking for hostages to be freed from hamas that had poor wording saying that hamas was leading a violent campaign, then anything that happened after.. to hamas or the palestinian people must obviously mean that Taika wants to support genocide.)
But that's not the same thing.
Just because Taika signed a letter in October, when information regarding the situation in Palestine wasn't as well followed, saying he wanted hostages released, and condemning the actions of Hamas, doesn't mean he wants Palestinians killed. It means he wanted the hostages released and the conflict to stop, something the article says "We all want the same thing: Freedom for Israelis and Palestinians to live side by side in peace".
Those situations aren't the same thing, but when people are angry (and they have every right to be when so many people are being murdered) they don't think like that, they think "Oh he signed a letter, and then the genocide got worse, so obviously thats what he wants" which isn't necessarily the case.
Now, do I know Taika? No. Do I know his family and his views? No I do not. So unless he flat out comes out and says something, or does ANOTHER crazy thing now that everyone knows there's a genocide going on, I'm not going to claim he is an extremist and I'm going to keep liking my pirate show.
Now if he turns around and goes full JK Rowling on Trans people and starts calling himself a Zionist and saying things that actually directly support genocide or some crazy shit like that, then yes, I will change my mind.
I hope that helps a bit at least explain where I've seen some of it come from? If other people know more, please feel free to speak up, I just, I've been avoiding the situation a lot because the more I look at it, the more it looks like a witch hunt because someone made a bad decision and no matter what good they do, it doesn't matter going forward. Again, I'm not directly involved so this is all speculation.
Oh yay! Im glad you like the recaps! Thanks for letting me know! I know a lot of folks on Tumblr aren't big fans of X/Twitter so it's nice to have a safer place to check things out that have happened throughout the day.
I do want to end however with-- I'm so sorry again they are saying those horrible things in the tags. No one deserves that to be put on them, you're awesome, and the fact that you want to learn more shows that you aren't just going along with the flow of the media and you're trying to better understand. Those are good qualities. Don't forget that! Much love <3
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