#please let me know if you want me to change anything! :)
pedropascallme · 2 days
☆Kinktober 2024☆
Day 3: Breeding
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!Reader
Warnings: SMUT (18+ MINORS DNI!!!!) p in v sex, breeding kink/creampie, dirty talk, Joel cannot shut the fuck up, spanking, if I missed anything please let me know!
“Keep your legs up, ‘round my waist—there y’go,” Joel mumbled his words into your ear, the scruff of his beard scratching the side of your face as he spoke.
He hadn’t said a word to you when he’d gotten home, riled up and pissed off at yet another ill-prepared patrolman who had nearly let it all go to hell. He’d opted instead to shuck off his jacket, leaving a trail of shoes and socks in the front hall before using his whole body to pull you into a bruising, much needed kiss.
You didn’t mind. You liked when he used you to blow off some steam, especially after being gone for so long.
So there you lay, spread out on the kitchen table for him, your hands in his hair. You planted your lips on him wherever they could reach when he leaned over you to admire the way your expression changed when he moved.
“Joel, Jesus Christ—so deep,” your moans were chesty, thick with the desire you’d been waiting all week to share with him.
And by god, was he delivering.
“Just gotta whip this pussy back into proper shape,” his hands caressed your sides, and when he reached your hips he dug his fingers into your skin so harshly that they’d be sure to leave bruises. He used his grip as leverage to drag you over his cock. “Only been a week and she almost forgot me.”
“Never—oh,” you whimpered when he moved one hand off of you before using it to deliver a sharp smack against your thigh, “Never forget about you, Joel—oh, fuck—feel so good, I nev—never forget about it.”
“Gonna have to make sure,” he moaned at your praise. Pressing his hips firm against you, he deepened his strokes and increased his pace ever so slightly.
You whined, head falling back against the table as your eyes closed, heightening the pleasure of the position he had you in and the way he spoke.
“Sound good?” He continued, landing another spank on your thigh, “Look at me—is that what you want?” He grabbed you by the calves, pushing your legs to your chest and bending forward to capture you in a kiss. “You want me to make sure you remember? Make sure you know who you belong to? Who this perfect fuckin’ body belongs to?”
You had to battle with yourself to keep your eyes open, lost in the joy of being full of him. The nudge of his cock on your cervix and the way he pressed against your clit with every thrust kept you dangling over the edge, almost ready to fall completely into ecstasy.
“Y—es,” you hiccupped through the haze of arousal, “Keep me full like this—keep me open all the time, Joel, please.”
“Do you one better,” he looked smug, the smirk he wore nearly morphing into a sneer as he situated himself on his forearms above you. “Gonna fill you up nice and deep, put a fuckin’ brat in there—‘nd every time you look in the mirror, every time you look down, you get to remind yourself what you’re carryin’.”
“Joel—!” You were so close, and the promise of being pumped full of him, the way he delivered the promise, and the notion of him actually and purposefully attempting to get you pregnant all worked in tandem to make your toes curl and your eyes roll back.
“Yeah, s’a good idea, right?” He was smiling, babbling on as he watched you approach your high, racing towards his own. “Breed this greedy fuckin’ hole, that’ll show everybody whose you are—show you.”
“Yes—yes, fuck, please,” you were close to tears, desperately trying to move your hips to match his pace and speed up the process of what he was vowing to do. “Joel, please, cum in me.”
“Oh, I’ll cum in you,” he took a moment to really admire you, nose pressing against your own, gaze piercing into you, “Cum in you as many times as it takes to make it stick.”
And with one final shove of his hips, you were floating. You let out a strangled moan, something that came from low in your abdomen and exited your lips in a whiny, breathless cry. He relished it, pressing his face into your neck as he continued his ministrations, letting the sounds and signs of your pleasure coat him, body and mind.
“Good fuckin’ girl,” he sucked marks into your skin, feeling your pulse, quick and jumpy, against his mouth. “Good girl—you want it?”
“Yes…” You were spent, body trembling and eyelids heavy, but you needed to see this through, aching for the warmth of him deep in your stomach. “Please—as many times as it takes…cum in me.”
“Fuck, that’s right,” Joel’s eyes were screwed shut, his mouth falling open when his hips began to stutter against you. He pushed himself deep, grinding himself against your cunt. “Shit—goddammit, I’m—yeah, yeah, sweetheart—fuck!” He came with a groan, and you moaned at the way his cock twitched inside of you.
You were both panting, sticky with sweat and exhausted. He stayed on top of you, nosing your neck and pressing dainty kisses into your skin.
Joel found it in himself to pull out after a few moments, still trying to savor the feeling of your cunt wrapped around him. But when you tried to lift yourself up, a calloused palm pressed into your chest.
“Stay like that, darlin’. Legs up.” He walked around the table, coming to stand where your head nearly dangled off the edge. “And if that doesn’t work, I’ll be ready again in ‘bout an hour.” He grinned, leaning over you to catch your lips with his.
With the way his tongue dove into your mouth, hungry to explore, capturing your whines, you could tell you wouldn’t have to wait a full hour if you played your cards right.
“How about you—mm—how about you carry me up to bed?” You purred, sliding a hand up to toy with the curls on the nape of his neck.
“Can’t risk lettin’ all’at leak out of you,” he muttered against your lips, “As pretty a sight it may be…”
“So slide back in and carry me like that,” you batted your lashes, and he let out a groan. “And if any of it drips, you can just do it all over again.”
“You drive a hard bargain, sweetheart,” he shook his head, but he took your advice.
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endereies · 2 days
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Pairing: Matt x Reader
Contains: You always go to Matt whenever things get hard, but little do you know he wants you to be there by his side permanently. Includes comments on weight, arguing, drunkenness - if I missed anything, let me know !!
Requested?: no
Author's notes: I definitely did not forget that I had this !! No happy ending in this one y'all <3
Word Count: 3815
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Going back and forth between California and Boston wasn’t an easy feat, even for the triplets themselves. And yet, you always stood proud at the airport, smiling at their exhausted expressions that plastered their faces.
Nick adored you, holding a steady peace sign against your head in the photo that was scattered on his desk. You found similarities between the pair of you that quickly became abundantly clear to others. The loud laughs that escaped your lungs were easily heard by surrounding spectators. Some lucky enough to the hear the jokes made while others watch you both heave with confusion. It was the raw consistency between you two that kept the friendship strong. You became a staple in his Instagram posts, being in the foreground of a restaurant setting or even the camera man that he’d credit in his stories. You were there. You’d find yourself caught up in a mini vlog sent over via Snapchat which wound you leaning on the sofa arm with a heavy head. He never could escape that life.
Chris was nothing short of Nick, cherishing each time Mario Kart blessed the screen in front of you. Being in the carpeted floors of your bedrooms often led to video game sessions. Stores on main streets allowed you to find a new game per week or so to indulge in. And obviously Chris joined. He always joined in, attached at your hip. Chris was always more physical than the other two and you frequently embraced that fact. You absentmindedly grabbed his arm for stabilisation whenever your laces came loose. Yet, he often acted the same, standing their on his phone, not paying attention to the small gesture. He was always one to pay things forward, so you’d find a can of your favourite soda to repay the same one you bought him mere hours ago. No matter how many times you tried to stop him, he practically insisted, how could you argue with him anyway?
Matt was less reluctant to open himself to you. He had a hard time maintaining close relationships with people, they often changed throughout lengthy seasons as the distance grew. He figured it would be the same with you. That summer entered his life as fast as you did, cool breezes enclosing around you while you greeted him. You never showed the slight disappointment when he replied with a meek smile. ‘That’s how he is, don’t sweat it too much.’ Nick’s words didn’t offer you as much comfort as time did. Two years went by and you stuck like glue to the three of them. Each trip they went on back home didn’t lack any calls between you all, initiated by Chris. Of course.
Each late night conversation and campfire story revealed each other to you. They typically ended with each of you swinging your legs on the logs as the marshmallow melts on a stick. He more or less listened to you ramble about random things whilst he acknowledged each syllable. Time drifted easily in those situations, Nick and Chris leaving you two be to rest.
He loved learning new things about new, writing things in his notes so he wouldn’t forget. That’s how he always knew what to get you in the convenience store, or even for your birthday. One thing he was surprised to hear about was your boyfriend.
Cameron wasn’t a name that slipped past your lips easily. It should’ve been. You only revealed his existence about 6 months after knowing the triplets, that’s when the questions came.
You loved Cameron, most the time. It was when he drunk that you tended to place guards up. It’s like he thinks that alcohol is an opening to say and do whatever he pleases whenever he pleases. He tried to push me into drinking occasionally, but after months of resistance, he gave up that idea.
But in this moment, your only thought was on getting the triplets home, so you did just that. The fast food that you collected each ride back from airports tainted their loopy grins with sweetened appreciation. It was nice to see the glint of affection within their eyes. Especially seeing Matt’s become frequent.
This was your third time collecting them up after their flights. When Matt asked you the first time, he seemed hesitant about asking. It wasn’t like you would yell at him and laugh in his face about waking up in early hours. They may have not been the most appealing, but it was worth it.
“Oh, come on! You had aux last night; you are not getting that privilege again.” One thing you had missed while you were away, were the loud personalities they possessed, but now wasn’t one of those times.
“Chris, can you stop snatching the lead it keeps hitting me!” Bickering emerged between himself and Nick within the first ten minutes of the drive back. Unlike the middle triplet who sat diagonal to you with his headphones blocking out each sound.
“Only if Nick gives it up, I have to listen to the new song Lil Skies released” Nick groaned almost immediately, mocking Chris with hand motions.
“Chris gets it for an hour, then Nick. That better?” Once more you felt the lead hit your shoulder, a little harder due to his eminent excitement. Yet you kept your grace and gripped the steering wheel a little tighter.
When you all arrived at their houses and immediately a few things stand out. Nick was asleep. Chris was asleep. Matt was awake. Your eyes glanced at Nick first, watching his still form except his chest which rose with each steady breath. Unexpectedly, you caught Matt’s own gaze on you. His eyes narrowed with forecasted fatigue. However, his lips twitched upwards into a genuine smile.
The sound of the engine finally switched off with a turn of your keys, for once you could really feel the tension among the silence. Darker clouds seemed to roll in steadily and you were just thankful that you managed to arrive on time. Your body pushed the door open with a click, making the car brighter with the sudden lights.
Matt immediately lets out a giggle as Nick groans, covering his eyes from the warm light that turned on directly above him.
You took it against yourself to carry the boys’ luggage out of the boot, the cases as identical as themselves. The only difference were the coloured tags wrapped around the handles.
Nick and Chris both murmured small ‘thank you’s’ and left with their cases in their hands, struggling to open the door as quickly as normal.
“Thank you again for doing this, you really didn’t have too.” A whispered voice takes your view away from Nick and Chris and focuses on the middle triplet standing next to you.
“You know that I’m happy to help out, all you have to do is ask.” Due to the darkness, you couldn’t see his face, yet you were positive he was smiling. You could practically hear it.
“I know, we all do, doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate it.” He said quietly, pausing for a moment as if he wanted to speak more. “Do you want to sleep over tonight? It is late after all…”
As if it was fate, your phone buzzed in your back pocket. It rang with the familiar tune you set for your boyfriend, it wasn’t long before Matt grimaced.
“Hi Cameron, I was about to ca-“ Your words were cut short by a short yell from the phone, heard by Matt.
“Where are you! It’s nearly midnight and your ass said they’d be home by half eleven at the latest.”
“I’m sorry, we got caught up in traffic...” You genuinely felt apologetic, even if you hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Get home. Now.” He attempted to act stern and yet his words slurred and mixed between the next.
Before you could respond, he hung up quickly. Air harshly left your lungs in a deep sigh. Matt heard everything. You couldn’t bring yourself to speak first, the embarrassment was too much.
“I’ll take that as a no…” His attempt at a joke worked slightly as you let out a breathy laugh.
“Yeah, sorry. Another time I guess” Your voice was timid, yet it wasn’t due to being tired.
“You need anything, you let me know, alright?” His case was now alongside his frame, the handle barely reaching his stomach.
“Cam..? I’m home!” Sounds of your voice echoed off the empty walls of your shared apartment, Cam’s to be exact. You decided to move in with him, more of less he forced you, but it was still happening. You knew he was home since you heard the voice lines of his Call of Duty character running low on health. You also knew he couldn’t hear you.
You simply sighed and placed your bag onto the counter, picking out a spare protein bar you didn’t get around to touching through the car ride. Water drains from the Stanley you got bought a few weeks ago, by Matt of course.
Cameron came slumping down the stairs, his footsteps thudding in comparison to yours. After all, he was drunk. His slurring confirmed that.
“You took forever, you said it was gonna only take you three hours.” He didn’t necessarily lie, yet he didn’t consider things could go wrong.
“Baby…I did say that there was traffic, you know I can't text and drive to let you k-“ He shut you up with a sloppy finger to your lips.
“Always the excuses, huh! Never admit you’re fuckin’ wrong, can ya?” Your head hung low while the skin of your fingers wrapped around your sleeves.
He didn’t utter another word, only strings of mumbles as he walked away. Not a single idea that traversed your head made sense as to why he’d want you home, if he was just going to walk away from you. It made you question his behaviour, nothing that you would converse aloud, not in this state.
It wasn’t long before another thread of hurtful comments were thrown your way early in the morning. It had only been a week since that late evening, however all your boyfriend seemed to crave were the hot tears that fell from your lashes.
“Come on y/n, the dishes aren’t hard to do! Do I have to do everything around here!” With each word he spoke, another tear rolled down your cheeks, the redness growing with each second. You hadn’t meant to cry, you had actually tried so hard to keep it together. Although the moment he attacked you directly, you snapped.
“You’ve become so lazy with yourself, do you even take care of yourself anymore..?” Almost immediately, you looked down at your body, hidden underneath a loose shirt and hoodie. You weren’t sure if that was a subconscious choice.
His hands gestured to my body lazily with his hands,
“What do you mean” You hadn’t meant to let your emotion seep into your voice but once it began, it only grow.
“Don’t act like it isn’t obvious, or do I really have to spell it all out for you. You’ve gained weight.”
His glass of wine practically slammed on the kitchen counter, surprise filling you at how it hadn’t managed to break. He’d done that before.
“Go sort yourself out, such a pig” The sound of his voice is muffled under his breath, but he made sure that you heard it, the sly grin said it all.
Your gaze lightly treads the apartment to see the high load of dishes that were in the sink, remnants of the earlier stir fry tracing the air around it. Excessive scrubbing seemed to do something to ease your emotions. Which ever ones they were. They were too tangled in your stomach to distinguish any particular ones.
Sharp sounds from the scouring sponge hissed into your ear as you harshly stroked the pans. You hadn’t even realised the force of it until the paint starting chipping across the bottom. All you did was blame the hot water and throw it on the drying rack.
Every deep breath felt like a little more air than you had left your lungs. Even your body wanted to force out that feeling, not that you blamed it.
Why does love hurt so much?
A charger and spare clothes were soon stuffed into a small, black backpack, one that was bought for you several Christmas’s ago.
Keys jingled and rattled against the wooden door of your apartment. You left. It was easier if you did. You wouldn’t annoy Cameron anymore and you wouldn’t get belittled by his drunk attitude.
Your eyes stared at Matt’s contact on the screen, the profile picture from an old festival you dragged him to. A deep breath forced its way out of your lungs as you swiped up. The ringing tone echoed in your ears along with the slight breeze.
“Hello?” You were relieved when he answered the phone, a change of emotion filled you. His voice was raspier than usual and a faint shuffle of what you assumed were duvet covers could be heard.
“Hey, I’m sorry to call this late but can I come over?”
“Of course, what’s the occasion.” His voice seemed to light up at the thought of seeing you again.
“I just need some fresh air I guess... and a possible rant” The words trailed off, hearing him sigh in the background.
He doesn’t speak for a moment, soaking in your words. “It’s Cam, isn’t it?” Matt took your silence as a yes.
It was like that for a moment. Silent. You couldn’t tell why, was it Cam? You knew he hated his name falling from your lips. The same lips you didn’t know he craved. However, you only hated saying it when he was drunk, it was a beacon for mercy. The next day it felt like heaven once he was sober. Until it repeated of course. Matt had grown to hate that name, the presence. Even if he wasn’t such a dick, he knew he would remain in the same mindset.
“I’ll leave the door open, I think I still have your ice cream. If Chris hasn’t taken it.” For a second you forgot it wouldn't be just you and Matt in that house. “Are they awake?”
“At 2am? Nick is out like a light, Chris has a meeting early in the morning. so he's passed out in his room."
The sky grew darker as the night went on but that didn’t matter. Not when you arrived on the porch of the triplets’ house. As you went to wipe the exhaustion off your face, sudden tears became evident to you. You pulled your hand away to reveal a glisten that coated your hand, the lights subtly highlighting your sadness.
Quickly, you wiped your hand and used it to knock on the front door.
You stood there for only a few moments before the door slowly creaked open, as to not wake the others. Matt's hair was evidently tussled which you can only assume is by his interrupted sleep. That only made you feel more guilty. Porch lights above you both highlighted a few features, his eyes being one. They were filled with emotions you couldn't quite pin-point. Exhaustion, irritation, care? You weren't sure.
"Are you goin' to come in? Or stand there in the cold looking upset?" His body moved towards the door, leaving me room to walk through. As soon as you step inside, the cold air is immediately replaced with a warm atmosphere. A sigh escaped your lips at the heat surrounding your body and turned to Matt with a grateful smile. Yet by now his expression remained more stoic than before.
"Let's get your ice cream and a drink, then we can talk, yeah?" Before you could respond he brushed past you to the kitchen, the light illuminating the room. You simply traced his actions with your eyes before moving forwards to help him grab the few cans of drink from his arms.
"My room?" His voice had grown gentle, trying hard not to grit his teeth at the conversation they were about to have. "Yeah, sounds good."
His room wasn't anything fancy, just some simple pieces of furniture scattered around his room, along with the several monitors on his desk. His duvet hadn't seemed to be made yet it somehow looked better than most times you saw it. A few clothes are sprawled over the edge of his chair but little to no mess covered the floors. You and his brothers mentioned making the room more him yet he seemed content with his hung poster from Hawaii.
You placed the drinks from your hands onto the bedside table and looked towards Matt who did the same with snacks and confectionary.
Once you both got settled the air grew heavy. You laid the blanket up to about your shins, while Matt was completely on top of it. It had been a few minutes of silence, with the occasional sip. He knew not to force the situation, but it was hard when tears brimmed in your eyes.
“Do you think I’m... gaining weight” You shunned away from him, seeing his body tense up a little was enough to cause a reaction. You had always been a little conscious of your weight, that was nothing new. Yet it hurt, knowing that someone who you actually cared about diminished you to one quality. Matt saw this too and edged a little closer towards you.
“Did he say that to you.” His tone was brittle, like any one of your next words could fluctuate his choices so easily. You ignored him, he attempted to avoid the question, knowing how much it made your heart ache.
“I didn’t even notice anything until you pointed it out. I see you for you, not what your body shows. Honest.”
You knew he meant it, letting a small smile twitch at the corners of your mouth. Until the rest of Cam’s words struck you again. You hadn’t meant to cry, in fact you wanted to avoid it. Letting his words affect you counted as a win, a win to his drunken state. He was so caring when he wanted to be. He seemed to want alcohol more, however.
“He called me a pig…He made sure I heard it.” You stammer slightly before giving up. When you mustered up enough courage you looked towards Matt, but he wasn’t looking at you. Only the section of blanket he shoved and gripped between his fingers. He seemed to zone out slightly after each comment you made.
“He just gets drunk a lot, and… you know how he is whenever he is drunk. I can’t get through to him. He is really a sweetheart but- “Matt’s sharp voice cuts off my tear-ridden words.
“Is he.”
You looked up at him, it hurt him to see your eyes red and glossed over. He wanted to concentrate so hard on anything but his seething emotions towards your boyfriend but he couldn't help it. You ran to him because the person who supposedly loved you belittled you so much. It hurt to see you unhappy. It hurt to see you crying in front of him. It hurt him to see you stay with him.
He watched as you lowered your head, causing him to before doing the same. Hot tears stained your cheeks as Cameron's words echo repeatedly, old and new. The names he called you sunk deep and made you feel so shit about yourself. It shouldn't get to you, but you loved him, so much. But, it wasn't ever meant to feel like this.
It took a moment of silence before Matt reached his body towards you. His hands wrapped around your waist as he gently pushed your head to his chest. You felt as his hands gently rubbed your back, slowly but enough to be noticed.
"M'sorry, you don't deserve any of this, never...Please don't believe anything he says. He has no idea what he is talking about."
"I love him, really I do, it's just-" You found yourself lacking any other words to explain yourself with but even so, his grip simply tightened, shunning you to silence. "You don't have to explain yourself. Let's just take your mind off things, yeah?"
It had been an hour and you had fallen asleep beside Matt, gravity falls on a low volume in the background. After getting up to place rubbish in the bin and return the ice-cream to his freezer, he re-entered his room. He was aware you were a light sleeper and avoided any floorboards he knew made sound and moved quietly around his room.
He was happy to see that you had drunk the can of drink he gave you along with some of the snacks. A few still resided in the packaging and he sighed a little. The comments that your boyfriend made has obviously left a slightly mark on you, he noticed the hesitancy a few times but chose to stay silent. If he spoke he feared he'd spark something neither of you wanted to deal with.
His attention turned to the screen before him, the end of the episode nearing. With no sign of you waking any time soon, Matt lifted the edges of the duvet you hadn't touched and shuffled underneath them. Some distance remained between you, not wanting to make anything awkward. However, he couldn't resist placing his hand on your head, rubbing it back and forth. Brushing a stand out of your face, he stayed like that for a while.
When the episodes credits rolled to black, Matt grabbed the remote and switched it off. Silence filled the room, less tense than before. The words that Cameron said about you, to your face, bubbled in his mind. He hated how you slowly grew to hide yourself away. Anything that made you the person he adored was slowly being pushed away and all he wanted was for you to feel like you could be you.
Tiredness started to take over his body, his eyes growing heavy and a soft yawn passing his lips. His head leant back against the headboard while his hand continued to run through your hair. Your face was perfectly rested against one of his pillows, a bundle of the blanket tucked snuggly into your chest. A bittersweet smile crossed his face as he took in each of your features.
Matt laid himself under the blanket, his hand eventually leaving you with the distance he made. As his eyes grew heavy once more he gave you one more glance, muttering a few words before falling asleep by your side.
“Loving you is the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced.”
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@melliflws @yuhayeee @st7rnioioss @sturn-bugz @bueckers @worldlxvlys @raysmayhem-72 @patscorner @y0urm4m @bernardsbendystraws @junnniiieee07 @luverboychris @jnkvivi @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @shorthairchris @missmimii
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"Please, don't freak out, but I may have been in a tiny little accident." For Toto Wolff with wife reader. Thanks!! :))
Missed Call Part 1
Part 2
Word count: 962
Pairing: Toto Wolff x wife!reader
The race was chaos—cars speeding around the track, radios buzzing with information, engineers and strategists talking over each other. Toto Wolff was in his element, focused on every detail, every split-second decision that could change the outcome. The adrenaline kept him sharp, his mind working at a hundred miles an hour. But in the back of his mind, there was a nagging thought, one that had been bothering him for the past hour.
He hadn’t checked his phone.
Normally, it wouldn’t bother him. You knew how intense race weekends could be, and you never interrupted unless it was urgent. But something was gnawing at him, a sense that he had missed something important. The race was finally over—Mercedes had done well, not a win, but decent points in the bag. As the team celebrated, Toto slipped away from the paddock to check his phone.
Several missed calls.
Your name stared back at him from the screen, and a cold sense of dread washed over him. You had called multiple times, then sent a short message: "Call me when you can. Please."
His heart dropped. This wasn’t normal. You never called like this during a race unless something was wrong.
Without a second thought, he dialed your number, his pulse racing faster than any car on the track. The line rang once… twice… and then you picked up, your voice quiet.
“Hey,” you started softly, but he didn’t let you finish.
“Why did you keep calling?!” he demanded, his voice harsher than he intended. “What happened? Are you alright? Why did you just stop?”
You took a deep breath on the other end. “Please, don’t freak out, but… I may have been in a tiny little accident.”
His chest tightened immediately. “A tiny little accident? What do you mean? Where are you? What happened?”
You tried to keep your tone light, but there was a faint tremble in your voice. “I was driving home from the store and… someone ran a red light. They hit me, and the car flipped. I—”
“The car flipped?!” His voice was rising, catching the attention of people around him. A few team members exchanged worried glances, sensing his panic.
“I’m fine now,” you continued quickly, as if trying to defuse the tension. “I’m a little bruised, but the paramedics checked me out and everything’s okay.”
Toto wasn’t listening to the reassurances. His mind was filled with images of you trapped, hurt, and scared. “You were in an accident, and I didn’t answer? You tried to call me, and I didn’t pick up?”
“Toto, please—”
“Where are you? Are you still at the hospital? I’m coming—”
“I’m home,” you interrupted, your voice steady but tired. “They discharged me. I wanted to let you know, but I didn’t want to panic you during the race. I thought you could call me after…”
“After?” Toto’s voice cracked. “After?! You were in a car accident, hurt, and I didn’t even know for an hour! I should have been there. I should have—”
“Toto!” You raised your voice, finally stopping him. “I’m okay. I’m sore, yes, but I’m not dying. You’re freaking out, and it’s only making this worse. I called you because I love you, but I knew how much was happening today. I didn’t want you to lose focus.”
His eyes darted around as he ran his hand through his hair, trying to breathe. The engineers nearby whispered, confused by his reaction. James Vowles approached cautiously, seeing his team principal pale and shaking.
“Is everything alright?” James asked gently, eyes scanning Toto’s face.
Toto shook his head. “No. Everything is not alright.” He looked at the phone again, like it had betrayed him. “My wife… she’s been in an accident.”
James immediately placed a hand on Toto’s shoulder. “She’s okay, though? Is there anything we can do?”
“She’s at home,” Toto muttered, barely hearing the people around him. “But I wasn’t there… I wasn’t there when she needed me.”
Meanwhile, on the other end of the line, you could hear the distress in his voice. “Toto, listen to me,” you said, your own heart aching for him. “I’m okay now. I promise. You didn’t know. You couldn’t have known. Please don’t do this to yourself.”
James gestured for others to step back, knowing how private Toto was about his personal life, but even he seemed unsure of how to calm his boss down.
“I could have known,” Toto said quietly, almost to himself. “I could have answered. What if it had been worse?”
“Toto,” you said, your voice soft but insistent. “I don’t need you to beat yourself up over this. I’m okay. You’re here now.”
He ran a hand over his face, finally starting to breathe more steadily. “I’ll come home right away.”
“You don’t need to,” you tried, knowing how much work still needed to be done post-race. “Take care of what you need to there, then come home.”
“No,” he said firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument. “I’m coming now.”
You sighed, knowing you wouldn’t win this one. “Alright. I’ll be here. Just… don’t drive like a madman.”
There was a pause before he spoke again, his voice softer. “I love you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”
“I love you too. And you’ll be here soon. That’s what matters.”
Toto hung up, still shaken, but with a determination in his eyes. “I have to go,” he said to James, who nodded with understanding.
“We’ll take care of everything here,” James assured him. “Go be with her.”
Toto nodded, his usual calm and collected demeanor shattered, but he wasted no time. He needed to see you, hold you, and make sure with his own eyes that you were okay. The race didn’t matter anymore—only you did.
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clockwayswrites · 15 hours
Cozytober Day 4: "Thank you for putting up with me."
“Walls?” Danny prompted after another few sips. “Filtering?”
“Oh, sure. Stay upright for a moment,” Jason ordered.
He leaned forward enough to snag his work bag and rifle around for his tablet. Danny gamely stayed upright, but slumped back against Jason as soon as he could. To his credit, Jason juggled Danny, his own hot chocolate, and the table with ease.
Soon the wall’s specs were pulled up on the screen and Jason was chatting away about everything that worked and didn’t work with the current construction of the walls. There was no denying that Gotham had particular needs with freak weather changes, temperamental plants, and poisonous gases. But it was good to see Jason so excited about this start.
By the time that the mugs were long empty and Jason as running out of steam, Danny took a deep breath and it came easily. There were no more words or worries or frustrations clogging up his throat. There was just him. He closed his eyes and let out the breath slowly.
Jason stopped talking and pressed a light kiss to Danny’s temple. “Hey there.”
“Hey,” Danny said with a soft smile. “Sorry about the silent invasion. I know I didn’t exactly give you a heads up.”
“Coming home to find you in my bed is never a bad thing,” Jason said. He leaned forward to set his things on the coffee table before taking Danny’s empty mug too. “Besides, I didn’t add you to my door code for you not to visit. You’re always welcome here, boo.”
“A dangerous offer,” Danny said.
“I know what I’m getting into,” Jason replied. He pressed another kiss to Danny’s forehead before he took the mugs to the kitchen.
Danny stretched slowly. “Lies. I am a man of mystery!”
“Danny,” Jason said, giving a dry look from over the kitchen island. “You spilled being a Meta two weeks into us knowing each other.”
“I’m not a Meta, it’s a medical condition, and besides, you were so worried about me getting randomly killed on the streets of Gotham. I had to do something to reassure you!” Danny made himself get off the couch. He grabbed Jason’s work bag and took it over to where it normally hung by the door. He fished the folder out of the front pocket—work Jason would insist on doing over the weekend—and took it to the desk that sat in front of one massive window bays.
“Not a man of mystery.”
“I could have secrets! I could have lots of secrets.”
“Yeah, and what’s one of them.”
“I,” Danny started as he made his way to Jason, “would kill for your hot chocolate.”
Jason laughed and wrapped his arms around Danny’s waist. “Not a secret, and please don’t. I would be forced to cover up the murder and then various members of my family would give me that disappointed look.”
“Your family always sounds so interesting.”
“You could meet them yourself at dinner tomorrow.”
Danny froze. Danny froze and he knew Jason felt it by the the way his brows drew together and his mouth twitched almost into a frown.
“I’m sorry—” Danny started at the same time as Jason tried to say, “Forget I said anything.”
They both closed their mouths with a snap.
Danny broke the silence with a sigh. “I just… soon, okay? I just want to be… better.”
“You don’t have to be better, Danny. They’d love you just like this.”
Danny shook his head. “I just… can’t. I know you want me to meet them, but I just can’t yet. I know it’s… I know that… just…”
Jason quieted Danny with a kiss. “It’s okay Danny, when you’re ready.”
“Thanks for putting up with me.”
“I’m not ‘putting up with you’, Danny,” Jason said. “Giving you room isn’t putting up with you. I like who you are. And I know you aren’t ready, but my family would too. We’re all fuck ups, we’ve got no room to judge anyone.”
Danny gave a little startled snort of laughter. “You’re all Waynes.”
“And the Waynes are fucked up. We’ve been in Gotham too long, fucked up is part of the DNA.”
“You’re adopted.”
--- AN: Danny, poking at Jason's hyperfixation to have some calming chatter.
Gods I've missed writing these two ;-;
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soaps-mohawk · 2 days
Count For Me
Kyletober Day 3: Impact Play
Summary: “Bend over.” You say, dragging a hand along that pretty little ass. “Lose count and I’ll start again, understood?”
Pairing: Kyle x fem!reader
Word Count: 894 words
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, impact play, spanking with hands and paddles, Dom/sub dynamics, Dom!reader, sub!Kyle, implied discussion of consent, Kyle's praise kink
A/N: Yeah, this one was supposed to be different too, but then the dommy mommy came out again. So enjoy Kyle being spanked!!
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“Bend over.” You say, trailing a hand across one cheek of that perky ass. “Lose count and I’ll start again.” You give him a playful pat on the cheek. “Understood?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” He says, bending his body over the side of the bed. 
“Good boy.” You grin, trailing a hand across his back before sliding it down to his ass. 
You squeeze the soft flesh before bringing your hand down on it hard, the sound cracking through the otherwise quiet room. 
His hips buck, legs clenching for a moment. You rub the warm skin, humming quietly. “I don’t hear any counting.” 
“One.” He grits out, flattening his body on the bed. 
You smirk, bringing your hand down on the other cheek. You watch it bounce, his body jolting forward against the mattress before settling. 
“Two.” He gasps as your hand slips between his legs for a moment. 
He’s already hard. 
You deliver two more spanks to his ass, your good boy counting both. His skin is hot under your hand as you rub his cheek before slapping it again. 
“Five.” He grunts, his hips jerking against the bed again. 
His legs are starting to tremble and you can just picture the damp spot under him on the bed from his leaking cock. He’s making a mess, but you’ll worry about that later. You’re far too preoccupied with the pert little ass in front of you. His ass is pretty, just like the rest of him. Pretty face, pretty ass, pretty cock. It’s almost unfair just how pretty he is. 
You make it an even ten, his voice getting breathy as he lays there counting every single one. Such a good boy. You could praise him with every spank. He makes it so easy. 
Your hand is starting to get tired, the skin stinging from where it’s made contact with his ass. You don’t mind the pain at all, but you have something better in mind. 
“I’m going to use the paddle now.” You say, picking it up off the bed. “What do you say if it's too much?” 
“Pineapple.” He says, groaning as you drag the paddle down his spine. 
“Good boy.” You praise him again, rubbing the paddle across his cheek for a moment before giving it a light tap. 
“Eleven.” He gasps, his hips flexing against the bed from the change in sensation. “Harder, please.” 
“You want it harder?” You ask, rubbing his skin again. 
“Please.” He whines, pressing his face against the mattress. 
You smirk, drawing the paddle back before slapping his ass hard. He lets out a whine, his legs nearly giving out as his fingers sink into the sheets. 
“Twelve.” He gasps out after a moment, his breaths coming in heaving breaths. 
You give him a moment to breathe, waiting just in case but he doesn’t say anything. You smirk as you deliver the same treatment to the other cheek, cracking the paddle against his pert ass. He’s whining, his back arching from the sensation you know he loves so much. 
“Doing okay?” You ask. 
“Yeah.” He breathes. “Yes.” 
“Good boy.” You say, delivering another smack with the paddle. 
That rhythm continues, your good boy keeping count as you deliver smack after smack with the paddle. He’s getting hazy with pleasure, his counts coming later and later after every smack. You won’t push him to his limits tonight. That’s for a different time. You just want to see how far he’ll go before the pleasure takes over and he makes a mess of your bed. 
“Twenty-three.” He gasps, grinding his hips against the bed after your last smack. You can feel the heat of his skin as you press your hand against his cheek. He’s nearly gone, just a couple more, you think. 
You bring the paddle down hard again, the crack echoing in the room. He lets out a moan, humping the side of the bed, dragging his leaking cock against the sheets. 
“Gonna cum just from this, huh.” You say, rubbing his cheek with the paddle. 
“Yes!” He whines, continuing to hump the mattress. “Twenty-four!” 
“Good boy.” You praise, patting his sweaty back before you bring the paddle down one more time. 
He lets out something between a moan and a wail at the sharp, stinging sensation. “Twenty-five!” He wails, his hips jerking wildly against the bed. 
You reach a hand between his legs, his balls twitching as he cums on your sheets. You smirk, tossing the paddle onto the bed next to him before bending over his back. You press kisses to his shoulders as he grunts and moans through his orgasm, his hips still rocking against the mattress. 
You hum against his skin as he settles, your hands pressing against the bed by his sides as you hover over him, hips pressed against his ass. “I didn’t tell you you could cum, did I?” 
He swallows thickly, his hands fisting the sheets. “No ma’am.” 
You smirk, pushing yourself back up to stand, your hands coming to his waist to hold yourself there against his ass. “You did keep count though, so perhaps I’ll go easy on your punishment.” You trail a finger down his spine, watching the way his muscles flex as you grind your hips against his ass. 
You know just what you want to do. 
“I think you’re going to enjoy this immensely.”
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oizysian · 2 days
03 // Being forced to kneel // Little Wolf
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Summary: Lady Maximoff deals with an intruder.
Pairing: Vampire!Scarlet Witch x Werewolf!Y/N
Warnings: submission, slight bondage
Word count: 800
Kinktober masterlist
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“Mistress, we found this beast outside on the castle grounds.”
In chains was a werewolf, snapping and snarling at the guards that had captured it. They had chains around its neck, arms, and even its legs. How it managed to walk was beyond the Queen. She watched as they dragged it over to her, watching as it struggled every step of the way. She tilted her head, smiling as it flung one of her guards into a wall and two others had to jump in to subdue it.
“Kneel before your Queen.”
It snarled at her in response. Her dark eyes narrowed at it, her perfectly manicured nails clicked on the armrest of her throne impatiently, her silver rings gleaming.
“I said ‘kneel!’” She snapped and the guard on her left kicked the wolf in the back of the leg, causing it to lose its balance and fall down on one knee.
“That’s how I like my prisoners.” She smiled widely and gestured to the guard holding the chain around the creature's neck to pull.
It let out a growl, falling down on both knees and attempted to free itself from its bindings.
She raised her hand once more and the guard let up on the pressure, and it began to calm down.
“I don’t want to look at this … beast anymore. Change. I want to see who was brave enough to trespass on my grounds.”
The beast panted heavily, staring her down, before bowing its head and letting out a loud sigh. Before her eyes, the giant wolf turned into a normal sized woman, who was shaking with emotion.
“What a surprise. I expected it to be another man coming to kill me. Or force me full of his seed.”
At her words, the woman looked up, disgusted at the thought. No, she hadn’t been here to harm the Queen. On the contrary, she wanted to serve her. But these fool guards had captured her and ruined everything.
“What do you want?” She finally asked, looking into the tortured eyes of the wolf-woman.
“To serve.” Her voice was hoarse with misuse.
The Queen looked down at her prisoner, an eyebrow raised in amusement.
“And what makes you think you can serve me?”
“I’m strong,” she huffed. “And I’m loyal.”
“Bring her here.” The guards dragged the naked woman to the throne, handing the Queen the chains that were wrapped around the prisoners neck. “Remove those chains.”
They followed orders, freeing her arms and legs, leaving only the chain around her neck in place.
“Leave us.” She directed towards the guards and they all hesitated a moment before backing up and leaving the throne room.
She pulled on the chain and the woman fell to her knees at her feet, head bowed.
“What’s your name?”
“Y/N.” The wolf replied.
“A beautiful name.” She hummed.
“Lady Maximoff, please let me serve you. I’ll do anything -”
“Anything?” She questioned and the other woman nodded curtly. “Come here.” She beckoned and the wolf obeyed, crawling up to the foot of her throne, head still bowed. “Lift my skirts.”
She raised her head, eyes wide with confusion, but obeyed nevertheless, lifting up the Queens skirts and holding them up, waiting for her next command.
“Lick my pussy. Make a meal out of it.”
The wolf was unsure of the Queen’s intentions, so she stayed still at her feet, still holding up her skirts.
“I know you’re not dumb.” She said, tugging on the chain. “Go on.”
She hesitated, licking her lips before crawling up the throne and settling between the Queen's legs, letting the skirts fall down behind her. Eager to please, she kissed her inner thighs, licking and nipping at her before pressing opened mouthed kisses along her slit. She could hear the Queen moaning as her tongue explored her cunt, dipping inside her and swirling around her throbbing clit.
She could feel the Queen’s hand pushing her head down through her skirts, urging her on.
“Oh, yes,” the Queen whispered, her hips rocking up to meet the girl’s tongue. “You’ll do.”
Y/N hummed against her, lapping at her wetness greedily, happy to be pleasing her. She gripped at her thighs, holding her still as she began to tremble underneath her hands.
“Fuck yes, little wolf, I’m gonna cum.”
Her words fueled her inner fire, her own slick coating her inner thighs as she brought the Queen to release. The Queen pulled up her skirts, releasing the wolf and letting her crawl out from underneath them.
“I think I’ll be keeping you.” The Queen breathed, smiling to herself, tugging the chain around her neck so she got closer to her.
Y/N climbed up onto her lap and Lady Maximoff kissed her, tasting herself on her lips.
“Oh, yes, I’ll be keeping you.”
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salaciousdoll · 2 days
· · · ℜ · · · Bonten Rhapsodies · · · ℜ · · ·
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.·:*¨¨*:·. starring Manjiro Sano, Kakucho, Ran Haitani, Rin Haitani, Mochi, Sanzu Akashi, Takeomi Akashi, Makoto, and Kokonoi Haijime
ᰔᩚ ━━ Warnings: Smut, Group sex, bodily fluids( spit kink, squirting), Impact play( clit slapping marking, and other body parts slaps), dirty talking, praise kink, degrading kink, moonlight position on Sanzu part, double penetration, anal play, anal, hardcore fucking, role playing, Sanzu and the reader are the only pornstars, The men are literally a little yandere for you, food play, etc. ( please let me know if I missed anything because I haven’t read this fic ever since it came out, ngl just reposted for the people that’s asking)
ᰔᩚ ━━ Word Count: 10.62k
ᰔᩚ ━━ Dolly Note from Salaciousdoll: hi everyone, this is just a repost of an old fic that was taken down. I don’t know why when I use explicit images for all my fics but I digress. I reposted this for the Bonten girlies who really wanted to read my fic. I didn’t change anything because I just don’t have the time too so yeah… enjoy cupcakes🎀
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You were the ideal talk amongst the Bonten organization and company. You were even the talk amongst their enemies and opponents when it came to the different show of business they involved themselves in, even prostitutes they recruit for prostitution knew who you were .
They were the number one entertainment in the porn business. The women and men they chose were all shapes and sizes along with all skin colors.
The main person that brought in views was you. Your body was hypnotizing and you were respected amongst the company, if only the world shared the same respect.
Being a pornstar has its ups and downs. Ups is being able to meet new people, improve your acting skills, and Money. The downs were obviously the name calling in public, stalkers finding out where you lived, and overall just people only knowing your name and face through Porn.
Porn wasn’t your only go to, Modeling for savage x fenty and owning your own business that made millions was as well.
You were now a part time pornstar rather than a full time porn star like in the early stage of your career. The video you did with Makoto was the one that put you on the map as a pornstar and put Bonten in Top 10. Makoto knew how to fuck and you enjoyed every moment of him. I guess the porn magazines and masturbating came in handy.
Later on, you met plenty of other men and women who you enjoyed fucking. Some of your scenes were talked about for months.
Women talked about how pretty you looked when you ate pussy. Men talked about how pretty you look when you sucked dicks. All sizes and colors too. Oral was one of your greatest strengths when it came to your videos, they called you the oral vixen, meanwhile riding in reverse cowgirl and cowgirl were your favorites and apparently the world favorite too. You pulled people in with your lewd facial expressions too, along with your chubby stomach, rolls, and thighs.
You had limits when it came to porn too, when you didn’t feel like you wanted to continue the scene, you would get Bonten lower ranks to stop that person from making you more uncomfortable than you already are and more.
Bonten lower ranks will throw out or kill anyone who disobeys your wishes. Limits in fetishes too, like foot fetish, race play, scat and more. You may have pretty feet, which is also a turn on for men and women with foot fetishes, but you know how to draw the line for yourself.
You made Bonten become the top entertainment while also managing their appointments and booking with other pornstars or other collabs in the business, you were moved to be Koko’s secretary for a reason.
“ Ma’am, are you ready to go?“, Your bodyguard stated while your driver waited outside.
You had on a perfect outfit that gave your breast a lift and sat your ass up perfectly. Your hair and makeup was done and you felt very good about this night as you walked before your bodyguard, “ Yes.”
Your bodyguard was someone you trusted, mainly because he respected you and treated you like his little sister rather than just someone he has to protect in order to get a check.
The ride to Bonten’s event was funny and relaxing. Your driver and bodyguard were cracking jokes with each other, making you laugh in the process. You could tell they’ve been friends for years, maybe even more than friends from the way you saw him looking in the mirror at your bodyguard.
When you arrived at the building, paparazzi were all around and honestly you hated paparazzi so much.
As you stepped out your bodyguard along with the security that was traveling behind your suv shielded you from the flashing lights and degrading comments and questions.
Honestly you were glad to finally step inside the building, only to come face to face with a beautiful scenery and a big electronic sign that says “ Thank you for everything Y/N”
Your big smile brightened up the room even more and Manjirou could see that from a mile away. He nudged kakucho and nodded his head.
Kakucho knew what he meant and smirked when Sanzu caught his eye smirking at him too since they were both next to Mikey.
Meanwhile, you hugged your favorite co-stars and friends. The company loved you but the organization admired you. Two different things for Bonten.
Makoto hugged you longer than expected, making Yamagishi pull him off, “ That’s enough, you already have the most scenes with her baldy, let us get a chance to be around her.”
Makoto let out a laugh before kissing your forehead and moving to the side for Yamagishi to step up and hug you. His long strawberry blonde hair was beautiful and smelled so good. The scar on his eyebrow gave him a more lethal look, “ You look so gorgeous, princess.”
You said your thanks and he let go so Takuya could get a hug from you, “ Ah, you smell so sweet, I hope you enjoy yourself because you earned it babes.” You smiled and said a thank you to him.
You had once mistaken the three of them for working with the Bonten organization since they looked ruff and tuff, but they don’t know anything about the Bonten organization, except for news reporting about it. You were only the secretary for Koko meaning you are managing anything that concerns the porn business. They wouldn’t even dare to put you in harms way.
All throughout the party you were admired and respected amongst your peers. You loved every moment of the party. You met other curvy/ chubby stars and made great talk with them. You danced and drank shots of your favorite drink often but not that much, since you still wanna be cautious.
Everyone was conversing and having a great time meanwhile Sanzu was about to shoot a subordinate and a pornstar in their head when he came inside the large office and saw them fucking on the long table. He was the first to go in since he was excited to finally meet you.
Luckily Mikey stopped him in time before speaking sharply at the duo, “ Get the hell out and never do this shit again, do you understand me?”
They both had their clothes gathered in their hands as all the higher ups stood staring at them with mixed expressions: Anger, Amusement, and Curiosity.
“ Yes sir!”, The man says while walking out with the girl he was fucking.
Sanzu opened the door to yell out to the duo, “ And if you’re gonna fuck her at least make her moan and not fake moan, you fucker!”
The man looked back at the woman who tried not to giggle while the rest of the higher ups made their way to the table chuckling.
“ She was a gorgeous woman fucking with a scum.”, Ran says with a chuckle.
Rindou smirked, “ got a sharp feeling you wanted to be the one inside her.”
Ran laughed, “ Nah, I’m about to fuck the girl of my dreams.”
“ So corny, boo!”, Sanzu says, before Mikey got them together.
“ Alright, Alright, Now Koko you already know what you have to do right?”, Mikey says, twirling the pen in his hand. This is the first time he’d been excited by anyone, but it didn’t show on his face. He was a low key fanboy of you since you help him release his pent up frustrations more than the Prostitutes he tries to fuck but can’t. Probably due to another reason too. The others can say the same.
Koko nodded before waiting for Mikey to dismiss him in which he did and Koko was already on his way out the door to you. He didn’t want to share you with them, but it was too late. You caught the eye of everyone in Bonten.
You were bobbing your head to the music, you didn’t know the words to the song but you liked the beat, so it’s a win and lose situation.
You were honestly ready to dip, but Koko stepped in your gleam of light smirking at you, “ My, my, my, you look ravishing baby.”
He always gave you pretty nicknames and honestly you never paid attention until now because of the tone he used: seduction type, “ Thank you, Koko. I appreciate it.”
Koko grabbed your hand and rubbed his thumb over the surface of your hand, “ Let’s go somewhere private to talk, yeah?”. Your hands greatly contrasted from his as you two walked away.
you followed Koko until he pulled you in front of two big doors. It felt like you two took a long time to get here, but nevertheless you digressed.
Koko turned to you to say, “ When we get in there, if you feel uncomfortable by any means, tell me. I’ll figure out how to take you away. You’re going to meet our boss, can you handle that?”
Your eyes widened before slowly nodding your head while taking a huge gulp of your saliva, “ I can, I can handle it, Ko.” Koko smiled before kissing your forehead and then opening up the door.
He walked inside with his hand in yours already making Takeomi raise his eyebrow with a smirk on his scarred face.
“ Boss! She’s here.”, Koko says, moving aside to reveal you in your beautiful attire. You eyed the men around the table and gasped when you saw the leading man in the porn industry, Sanzu Haruchiyo. He was a bdsm pornstar in the Bonten entertainments, part of the reason why you haven’t done anything with him yet. That was one of your doubts or maybe it’s because you were too afraid to try hardcore BDSM.
“ Hello gorgeous, you know me from somewhere?”, Sanzu asks, knowing that you did know him from somewhere. Everybody did that’s why he got loud sighs from others all around the room.
Ran kicked his leg making him “ Dude, I’m sure she knows who you are, the entire country knows, now let Mikey speak to her so I can speak to her because I’m dying over here.”
Mochi just kept looking at you with a deadpan expression on his face but deep down inside he wanted you badly, too badly. Almost like you were his obsession.
You were Bonten’s obsession ever since they stumbled across your OnlyFans. It was more like Mikey did and then was deciding in his mind if he should tell the others about his new obsession. Eventually, he did.
He gave you a lot of money when you were doing live cam shows and then had Koko email you a position in their porn entertainment. And that got you here, in front of them. Clear as day.
You were taking in every last person but your eyes were stuck on Kakucho. He was fucking gorgeous. They all were but his scar defined his beauty even more. Your eyes then moved to your boss. The man of the hour.
He was breathtaking and you were pulled in when you saw his smirk. His eyes were lit up as he stared at you in adoration, just to hide it with a dull look on his face. You were glad that you could read expressions and emotions really well sometimes.
Koko led you to the opposite end of the table where the boss sat before pulling out the chair and letting you sit down. He walked to his seat afterwards before nodding his head at his boss. Yours too but you get it.
The way they just stared at you in silence was enough to put you on edge and regret you came in here. Their eyes were showing interest and something more.
“ You know why you’re here?”, The boss says. You gulped when you remembered seeing the same type of hairstyle and white hair on tv. This was Bonten’s boss and supposedly the head boss of the entertainment too.
“ No, but if I wanted to take a guest, it’ll be because of my status in the porn entertainment right?”, You ask sitting up. You were the face of the word scrumptious and they couldn’t wait to fuck you.
Mochi chuckled, “ Yes, you’re right for the most part.”
You looked at him before looking back at the boss, “ What’s the other part?”
Mikey was honored to be in your presence, let alone in the glint of your eyes, so he answered truthfully, “ I think you know what the other part is, y/n. You’re smart. You can figure it out or would you like us to explain but first let us properly introduce ourselves. I’ll start, my name is Manjirou Sano, Mikey for short. I’m the head of Bonten entertainments and organization.”
Your eyes widened a little before looking at the next deep voice who talked, “ My name is Kakucho, Bonten’s number three. Pleasure to meet you.” The pink hair one stood up and walked over to you sitting on the table blocking everyone but Mikey’s view of you making some of them groan.
“ You already know my name don’t you? I booked an appointment with you on my off days at the organization and you declined, why is that Angel face? Hmm.”, Sanzu says while caressing your face with his thumb.
You looked up at him through your eyelashes and that was enough to make him cum right there in his pants but he held back when he heard your voice again, “ I don’t do heavy BDSM.”
Sanzu threw his head back and laughed, “ I don’t only do that sweetheart, but don’t worry. We’ll be spending a lot of time together from now on.”, Sanzu says before sitting back down with a smirk on his pretty scarred face.
“ Pretty one, names Rindou, Rindou Haitani and this is my brother Ran Haitani, pleasure to meet you.”, Rindou says with seduction laced in his voice. It was almost sultry and natural from the way he talks.
You smiled when you saw Ran perform a little wave making the men almost want to take you right there. Your smile was beginning to be contagious to the group of the most dangerous men in the world.
Someone grabbed your hand and lifted it to their mouth. He was a male with a goatee and sharp eyes, “ My name is Mochizuki Kanji, Mochi for short, gorgeous.”
You let him plant his lips as you kept eye contact with his sharp eyes before letting your intrusive thoughts win, “ Were you born with those eyebrows?”
The room erupted in laughter after a good second, when in reality it wasn’t a joke, so you clarified yourself, “ No, no, not like that. I think they’re kinda cool and different that’s all, still a bit weird but hey to each its own.”
“ Yes, they were always like this and I’m glad somebody finds them cool.”, Mochi says, directing his comment to Sanzu. You laughed before turning your attention to the last man who was eyeing you nonstop. He was very gorgeous to look at. The scar made up his beauty too.
“ Akashi Takeomi, baby. Just call me Takeomi or whatever nickname you have. Doesn’t matter.”, Takeomi says, smirking at you. You nodded your head before turning back to the leader, “ Why am I here? We got through introductions, now please tell me why you took me away from my celebration.”
“ I thought we should celebrate and make a toast for you, only you. The woman who single handedly made Bonten entertainments the top studio ever. So why not celebrate with you in private. We want to thank you, babe.”, Ran says before popping a bottle of champagne and pouring it in your glass and his before bringing it to you.
“ Why not celebrate with me downstairs, why do it in private?”, You asked, making them smile wider as you took a sip of the champagne.
“ Because then we can’t fully celebrate with you, y/n. May I be the first to show you why this is private?”, Koko says, getting up and walking to you. You were hesitant to nod but again you let your intrusive thoughts win, so you nodded your head. Koko smirked before taking your hand to walk somewhere where everyone can see your face and body.
He then sat you on the desk before dropping down in front of you. Your hands grabbed his, “ Wa-” Koko smiled up at you as he spoke, “ Rin, give her the papers and we already got your papers, you’re clean as a prestigious doll.”
Rin walked over to give you the papers as your attire was slowly being taken off, he was determined to leave your rhinestone thigh-high stockings on and that’s exactly what he’s going to do. You ready over their papers as you were now left in your bra, panties, stockings, and heels. The perfect combo in their eyes.
Man was your body so rubenesque and just overall gorgeous. Your tits were up to their standards, maybe even exceed them. Your stomach was round and bunched up in little rolls as you sat on the desk and gosh your thighs, they were so thick with cellulite shown beautifully. You were an art piece in their eyes. Especially Mikey and Koko’s eyes.
You read through all of their papers before removing them from your face and seeing all of them staring intensely at you, “ How do I know this is real?”
Mikey smirked because not only were you gorgeous, you were smart too, “ Look at the signature of the doctor and the hospital, but before that would you like us to call our doctor for you.”
You noticed the tone he used and it actually made you feel like he’s telling the truth, you heard a phone connecting to someone before you could even speak, “ Wa-”
“ Hello Sylvia, what’s the result of our test again? Tell the honest truth.”, Sanzu says while smirking at you.
The doctor huffed before speaking to the speaker, “ Sanzu, the test is final and those results you got are real, I’m not saying every last one of your test results again because they’re right there. Now please let me get some sleep.”
Before Sanzu could even say anything their doctor hung up on them, “ You believe us now.”
You smirked before nodding your head, “ Yeah, but you do know this could all be solved by using condoms right?”
“ Yeah, we just wanna be able to feel and connect with you while being inside of that sweet pussy.”, Mochi says while Koko spread your legs and hooked one leg on his shoulder.
Koko breathed in your pussy as he licked his lips in hunger, “ Fuck.” Koko swiped a long tongue over your panties making you grip the desk you were on. The lights suddenly turned off and then led lights were shown all around the room.
You had no idea who did it but the color of the led lights was so pretty to you. It was white and illuminated against your skin.
You heard a slow 90s song come on but got distracted when Koko took your panties off with his teeth. He slowly pulled it down your thighs and legs before slipping them completely off. Koko kissed and nibbled on your right leg while massaging your left leg. He wanted to show appreciation for you as the songs you showed him played in the back.
You and Koko kept eye contact as he kissed up your thighs now until you felt a kiss trail down the side of your face and into your neck. You couldn’t see the person's face but you knew it was Kakucho because of the color of his hair, “ mmm.”
“ You like when Koko kisses up and down your legs? Hmm, I bet you do. Today is about your pleasure and we want you to feel satisfied. We are the puppets for you today and we’re gonna do as much as you want us to do with your full consent cupcake, it’s your choice. The strings are in your hands so move them however you want.”, Kakucho finishes before sucking on your ear and then moving down to suck on your neck.
You couldn’t even fully give your choice because Koko started sucking on your clit piercing with no mercy at the same time Kakucho sucked on your neck. You were sensitive when it came to this piercing and I guess he knew that but the question is how he knew that, “ Mmm fuck, this feels so good and we haven’t even s-started yet, oooh.”
Koko smiled into your pussy while he was now licking on your labia like a covetous vampire ready to drain your pussy out of juice instead of blood. He then slowly flicked his tongue up and down your pussy before spitting the mixture of your juices and his spit on your pussy. You couldn’t help but to take a handful of his alabaster hair.
You didn’t even notice the cold air hitting your nipples until you felt them erect. Rindou slipped your bra off without you noticing and you could honestly say you were impressed. He’s sneaky.
You then felt two lips wrapping around your nipples in hunger too. They were making love to them just as Kakucho and Koko were making love to your neck and pussy.
The sweet and metallic taste of your nipples for both of the brothers to want to make love to your boobs and boobs only. The nipple rings highlighted the taste of your nipples and they couldn’t get enough as they flicked their tongues over your tits either at a slow or fast pace, depending on the brother. Rindou was a fast one and ran was a slow one. Man were you ready for this ride.
A new song came on in the background as Koko began sticking his tongue in and out your hole while ran and rin was sucking and licking around your boobs, even on top of the surface of your boobs, that’s how addicting they were.
The song that played in the background was a song you haven’t heard in a long time as you gripped the desk for support when Koko performed zig zags across your puffy pussy with his long thick tongue. Your head was thrown back when Koko did that plus the sensations of Ran biting your nipple, “ Oooh fuck, please, I don’t think I can take all of thissss.”
The men chuckled around you as they heard your little whine, oh they were gonna have so much fun being your puppets instead of being the puppet masters.
“ Oh, baby, your pussy tastes so nectarous. Your little hair at the root makes up for the way it looks too, titillating really.”, Koko said as he licked around the inner part of your thighs before trading places with Kakucho, who now stood in between your legs.
He looked down at you with congenital eyes that made you feel like you two were the only ones in the room with Jodeci playing in the background as the white led lights started to change due to the beat/rhythm of the music, “ You’re fucking beautiful, Angel. So fucking beautiful.”
Kakucho started to slowly undress himself as you two engulfed yourselves into a sloppy but deliberate pace. Your arms wrapped around him as he rubbed up and down your body. He had no problems tracing your body rolls and lumps as he bit your bottom lip. It felt plump and smooth inside of his mouth.
You suddenly felt your hands be placed upon two cocks, one in each hand. You couldn’t see who it was since Kakucho was devouring your lips
Your fat fingers wrapped around their hard cocks as they wrapped one of their hands on top of yours, helping you pump them, “ Fuck! Your hands are so fucking pretty and I love them wrapped around my dick baby.”
Rindou was the one talking before Ran hummed in agreement, “ He’s right you know, now hold your hands open for us, princess.”
By that time Kakucho added one finger inside of your hole warming you up for his cock even if Koko just ate you out, “ Shit your clamping down on my finger, fuck were any of the men you were with fucking you right, shit.”
You moaned while doing as Ran before feeling Kakucho add another finger and ran and Rindou spit on your hands. After that, they brought them back down to their thick cocks, “ Mmph, Kaku, your f-f-ingers is so hmmm.”
Kakucho smiled when you allowed him to easily enter a third finger before twisting his fingers and curling them up touching your g-spot. You jolted as you cried out at the feeling of his fingers repeatedly hitting your g-spot, “ Please please please.”
Kakucho smiled as he saw your head hit Koko’s chest and your face starting to sudor due to the pleasure and bodies hovered around you. You were loving how careful and slow they were going. They had a lot of patience for you and you were honestly surprised.
Mikey watched as his men infiltrated you and couldn’t wait to have you in his arms. He was going to suck and lick on every part of your body. He was obsessed with you and couldn’t get enough of seeing you in his sight, but right now Kakucho was blocking his sight. He didn’t mind it since he and the others could hear your sweet Melodies contrasting perfectly with the music he grew to know and like since he’s been listening to it due to someone important putting him on songs like these.
Sanzu tapped on the table matching the beat of the song, he was trying to calm his nerves since he wasn’t patient like the rest. He liked to get things done and over with, but he promised Mikey that he was going to behave. He wanted to cherish you like the rest but in the aaaa his own way and pace.
Akashi put out his cigarette a long time ago and started to chew on candy or suck on suckers. This was his 2nd sucker and he had a plan he formulated in his mind. He wanted you to whimper and moan in his ear as he used his special tactics he just formulated in his mind. Mochi was trying to get a peek of you so he can palm himself in his trousers but the Haitanis were in the way, so instead he just imagined himself making you scream and moan like kakucho’s doing but better.
“ The way your nails look wrapped around my cock makes me want to fuck you even more. Holy s-shit! The pink and white illuminates on our cocks so gooddd, Ahh fuck.”, Ran moans into your ear as you twist your hand. Kakucho took his fingers out of you, making you whimper at the loss of contact before feeling his cock spring out and slap his stomach and in between your thighs once it settled.
He was just your type, big but medium size. You always like the ones that would make you scream but also be careful with you. On top of that, he had a slight curve to him. Pretty with no veins, surprisingly.
Kakucho’s red tip rubbed against your pussy in want and need. He moaned as he pushed inside of you and you followed sync.
“ Mmm.”
“ Fuck! Baby!”
The haitanis stopped what they were doing and sat on either side of you watching as Kakucho slowly moved in and out of you.
“ Woah dude, she’s gripping the fuck out of you. Ooh I definitely can’t wait to fuck her.”, Ran says as he moved your hand up and down his dick.
Kakucho grab your stomach as you laid back on Koko’s chest and started to thrust at a steady but fast pace. The table rocked underneath you while Koko played with your nipples. He loved how round they were, they areola was the perfect size for him.
“ Shit! Baby, stop squeezing me so hard, your gripping the shit out of me, so I’m gonna n-need you to Aahh fuck! Please loosen up some, for me baby.”, Kakucho says, wincing and throwing his head back at the feeling of your walls clamping down on his cock.
The haitanis laughed at his facial expressions before they realized that you are something dangerous. Your moans were fucking ethereal and how your body responds to them is so intriguing and addicting.
Kakucho massaged your stomach while rolling his hips with the beat of the song freek n you in the back. He studied this song for a while, more like loved this song and he couldn’t wait to fuck someone with this or any other song playing in the background.
The sound of clapping made the lights change different colors as he sped up his pace. His thick cock glided along your gummy walls, each time he twisted his hips, he met the g-spot making you scream at the impact of him drilling into your g-spot over and over.
“ Nngh, kaku, you feel so fuck-k-king goodddd, please fuck me harder.”, You moaned. Kaku smirked before grabbing your stomach with his right hand and your right thigh with his left hand, “ you like when I fuck you like this baby doll? You like feeling me fuck your g-spot over and over. Maybe if I push a little bit more, I’ll enter the oooh fuckkk.”
Your eyes widened as your mouth parted and your head bounced back on Koko’s chest. You felt a wet substance on your tongue as you saw Koko drop a string of saliva in your mouth, “ Swallow that shit up, Angel.”
You swallowed before opening your mouth again while Kakucho watched your stomach and tits bounce in rhythm with his thrust, little pants were escaping from Kakucho and you could feel he’s close due to his dick pulsing inside of you, “ hah, hah, fucking sexy, so fucking sexyyy.”
You were close to and he could feel it. He watched tears form inside your eyes due to the feeling of Kakucho pounding your pussy and the Haitanis and Koko eyes on you, “ Aah, I’m gonna, gonna, you’re gonna have to stop Kakuc-chooo because I can’t hold on anymore more.”
Kakucho held onto your pudgy stomach tighter as he moaned above you, closing in with his forehead against yours, “ Ooh fuck fuck fuck, please lemme cum inside, please, I can’t handle i-it, fuck, give me your word baby.”
You were on birth control pills, so were really about to risk it, the way his eyes were low and his face was red due to the build up of his cum, you couldn’t resist so you let him by signifying him with a nod of your head.
“ Aah, aah, thank you, thank you, thank you baby.”, Kakucho moans while kissing you on the mouth, occasionally breaking the kiss to whimper and pant.
Your body shook when you came on his dick, the momentum of your cum mixed with his was enough to have you filled and indeed you were as Doja Cat streets, the slow version came on, “ Kakcho! M’cummin, M’cummin.”
The other three men couldn’t help but explode on your hands and their own pants . Koko felt a little bad that he exploded in his expensive pants, but he couldn’t help it. The haitanis loved your hands and couldn’t wait to see them covered in their cum. The way you still twist and massaged their cocks while cumming was so special to them because anyone else would have stopped once they came.
Kakucho collapses on you while your bones untighten due to you coming down from your impactful orgasm. Kakucho gained enough strength to lift up on his hands, peering down at your fucked out expression.
Your eyes were low and your lips were puffed up as little cuts begin to form on your lips due to him biting, “ Fuck, you’re so pretty princess, now I’m gonna have to move so the others could get their turn.”
You suddenly felt the sticky hot cum on your hands from the Haitanis’ exploding on your hands and the desk. You moved your hand to your view before taking your fingers in your mouth one by one while looking the brothers in their eyes as they peered down at you. The way your tongue was swirling around your fingers in desperate need of their cum sent them into a frenzy and they practically barked at Koko to hurry up with you.
Koko got up, after gently laying you on the desk, took his pants off and sat them on the chair behind the desk. He took off his blazer before unbuttoning his cufflinks on his shirt and slowly taking it off with the bridge of streets playing in the back.
He threw the shirt on the floor before bending to look for something in the desk. When he pulled out what he was searching for, your eyes got wider and the cum that Kakucho planted inside of you leaked out via your pussy clenching and unclenching the air. Manjirou loved the way your pussy looked, hell everyone in the eye view of your pussy loved how puffy and stuffed it looked. Your pussy was already fat but it looks like it got puffier, due to the beating it just took from Kakucho, who was now sitting at the table with the men with a tired expression.
“ Gotta say Angel, your pussy sucked Kakucho dry and now he’s tired all thanks to you, you little vixen. Now, I wanna see if you can handle this, can you?”, Koko says, blocking the view from everyone while holding up a light up butt plug with chained handcuffs hooked on the sides.
You gulped before nodding your head, “ We’ll never know unless we tried right besides what’s the worst that can happen, I’ve had dicks inside of my eyes Koko, I can take a butt plug.”
Ran smirked at you because he knew you wouldn’t be able to handle what the butt plug does. Koko saved this just for you. He even said that's why Ran and Rindou smirked at you.
Koko chuckled before grabbing lube off the table and squirting some of it in his hands, “ I’m about to fuck you up, hope you’re ready Angel.”
Koko applies lube to the butt plug before doing the same to your hole. At the impact of his touch, your hole tightens and untightens. Koko smirked before leaning in to kiss you on the mouth while moving the butt plug adagio inside your tight hole making you whimper into the kiss. He then lifted your legs up with his hands on the back of your thick thighs before hooking your hands, one by one inside the handcuffs so now your stomach showed your rolls perfectly due to your knees being to your tits while your feet dangled in the air.
Ran gasp when your pussy was visible to them a lot better, only became more visible to the men behind Koko when he moved. You felt eyes on your pussy and ass and it was too much to handle, “ Fuck, she’s so pretty.”
You didn’t know if they were talking about you or your pussy, either way it’s a compliment and Koko thought you should give your thanks so he landed a hard smack against your pussy making you scream as your head lifted off the table to meet his eyes, “ Ahhh”.
“ What the fuck do you say when someone compliments you Angel? Hmm.”, He asked as he slapped your pussy again, making you throw your head back with a muffled moan due to you biting your lip.
You raised your head to Mochi and said, “ Thank youuu.”
Koko smirked as he heard Mochi let out a deep grunt, he knew Mochi couldn’t wait any longer, and neither could he. Koko moved back in front of you before taking his cock from his briefs. He rubbed the tip on the opening slit of your pussy before teasingly pushing in and out of you making you whimper at the contact, “ Ko, please!”
“ You better not take your hands from under your thighs because if you do, I’m gonna fucking stop and then you’re gonna be left dry like the little vixen you are. Uumph, fuck, everytime I push inside you, your pussy swallow me up like a Venus fly trap!”
With that, Koko bullied himself inside of you before pulling you up with all his strength and walking to a wall, placing your back on it, “ You feel so good cockwamring me right now, but can you take more of me, I’m only halfway in y/n”.
You put your face inside of his neck when he pushed deeper inside of you basking in the way you take his long dick. He wasn’t thick but the length made up for it.
Koko hissed at you, tightening around him as he began to move in and out of you while you threw your head back matching his whimper and moans.
Die for you, slow down version was now playing in the background as Koko fucked into you like he never wanted to let you go. He’s been wanting to make you his since that day in which you two watched the moons together. It was his favorite thing to do with you.
You couldn’t hold your thighs up any longer since he was moving faster. He grinded his hips to yours in a circular motion while groaning in your ear, “ Aahh, you’re gonna make me cum pretty girl, it’ll be too soon but it’ll be worth it, right boss?”
Mikey hummed before speaking while looking directly at you, “ Yeah, but make sure she cums first.”
“ Of course boss, does that feel good pretty?”, Koko asks as he was now digging inside of your stomach, kissing your cervix every time he moved his hips inside. Your hands were slipping from your thighs because it felt too good, “ Mmmm, Ko, I don’t think I can hold them any longer, please it’s too much.”
Koko smiled before taking your lip in between his teeth before fully kissing you on the lips while using his hand to play with your clit which gives your piercing the vibration it needs. Suddenly you felt vibration in your ass making you cry out as your head was thrown back, “ Fuck Koko, who the f-fuck nvm it feels so amazinggg!”
Sanzu smirked as he turned up the vibrations while Koko fastened his pace. Koko smiled while biting your lip before letting go and focusing back on holding you up. You may be a bit heavy but he didn’t care because he was inside of you. Being inside of you was like making a pottery physique, fun and relaxing, almost like he knew what he was doing, and he did because the way your mouth was parted with silent screams and how your body shook underneath him gave it up.
“ Look at me when you cum, daddy wants to see how pretty you look when you cum, daddy is already getting a taste of how you feel when you cum because of your pussy choking my cock like it owe your pussy money, Mmmph shit, just like that.”, Koko encouraged you as he slowed his pace but his dick was still hitting all the right spots.
Your body felt like it was lifting when you came around his cock, your little moans and squeals were gonna be the death of Koko and he wouldn’t mind it because soon after you released himself inside of you. Your pussy was now creampied and it felt so good.
Koko was babbling as he came inside of you, “ come on baby, just like that. You’re mak-king me cum, fuck fuck fuck, oh baby you looked so pretty cumming on my cock! I love you, I love you so much, never forget that.”
With one last final touch, he kissed you passionately and slowly, taking in the taste of your saliva with want and need. You couldn’t help but melt at his words and the way he carried you back to the desk while kissing you nonstop.
You two pull away after one last forehead kiss and the whisper of “ I love you too” coming from you , making Koko smile. The vibrator butt plug in your ass was pulled out by ran while Rindou took off your handcuffs, “ You ready to take both of us?”
Ran couldn’t wait any longer as he was now stripped down to nothing, just naked down to his underwear like the rest of the men. He grabbed you and walked you to the couch on the side of the wall opposite of where Koko fucked you before.
He suddenly laid down on the couch and smiled up at you, “ Come sit on my dick.” You honestly wanted to suck some dick because your mouth is watery and needs to be wrapped around something but you still did what he said. You held his heavy cock in your hands before climbing on top of him. You slowly sat down on him with Kakucho’s, Koko’s, and your cum leaking onto his dick making him moan loudly. This made Sanzu howl in laughter because he thought he was moaning like a bitch. He was loud over the music too.
Your lip was going to break off from the feeling of you biting it to suppress your screams, “ Damn, you’re too big, fuck, come on Rindou or you’re holding out on me!”
Rindou smiled before grabbing your neck, making your head tilt back onto his chest, “ prepare yourself baby doll.”
Kakucho couldn’t get enough of you but he had to let the others get a chance so he stroked his dick while looking at your facial expressions from Rindou sliding his cock inside of you. He was glad y’all were facing the table where everyone sat. Since the couch was a little in front of the table but still on the wall.
Koko couldn’t help it too, meanwhile Mochi and Takeomi were making their way to you three blocking the others' view.
Rindou pushed inside of your ass slowly, burying himself until his dick was all inside of it. Hips to ass. He loved every second of you wrapped tightly around his dick while Ran loved the way your pussy flutter in and out at the feeling of his dick inside you too.
They both moan at the feeling of your walls and ass around them while you whimper at them filling your holes up.
Rindou tapped your cheek to make you open your mouth to spit inside of your mouth. The spit wasn’t a glob, it was more like a strand going into your mouth and you loved it.
“ You’re doing so good, bunny, so good for us.”, Rindou moans once he sees you swallow his spit while letting him and his brother move inside of you without you running.
Ran slapped your pierced tits before speeding up the pace. His balls slapped against your ass whenever Rindou moved out of you and Rindou did the same to your pussy whenever he moved out of it. They were matching each other's paces.
“ Mhmm mhmm, yes keep fucking me like this. You both are going sooo deep, ugh!”, You moan as you reach to rub your clit. Two dicks at once was what you rarely do in the porn business because no one ever makes you feel this damn good.
“ rub that pussy for us like the good girl you are, fuck you look so hot, rindou let her go so she can wrap those pretty lips around my dick.”, Mochi says as he moves his underwear down his legs making his thick cock slap against his stomach. You heard it and couldn’t help but to hold eye contact with him as Rindou let him go. Rindou took a hold of your plush round ass between his pretty fingers as your ass bounced against him. He was mesmerized, Ran was mesmerized at how pretty your tits were in his face.
“ Shit baby! I love this fucking ass, how’s her pussy Ran?”, Rindou asked as he watched you wrap your free hand around Takeomi’s dick before taking Mochi’s tip inside of your mouth slowly swirling your tongue around his tip. Rindou saw how you made Mochi body stagger as you swirl your tongue around his tip and honestly knew now why you were called that legendary name.
“ s-she’s fucking milking my dick, She’s gonna make me cum and I don’t know if I can, Mmph, handle that.”, Ran says as he shuts out his moans as he takes your nipple ring into his mouth to help his oral fixation.
You, on the other hand, was holding eye contact with Mochi, occasionally switching your eyes to the scarred man named Takeomi. They both were handsome to you, may be a bit older and funny looking but they were still handsome. The honeyness in your eyes intrigued both of them as they looked into them, holding eye contact, well tried to since your tongue and the way your hand was moving was distracting them.
“ goddammit, You’re fucking mouth feels so good on my dick, make me cum down your throat baby, come on, you can do it!”, Mochi encouraged in a low sultry voice as you moved your mouth down his dick, taking him completely into your mouth while your eyes roll to the back of your head due to Ran and Rin fucking you at different paces. Ran was fucking into your soaking pussy fast while rindou was moving at a medium pace.
Your gargled moans were music to their ears even if Earned it by the weekend played in the background. Ran eyes rolled to the back of his head as you clenched around him while rindou performed little pants into your back as he leaned on you as he fucked inside of your tight little ass.
They both were about to cum. You were about to cum too because of the feeling of getting your jaw stretched and your throat fucked by Mochi, who was holding your head still as he moved in and out of your mouth at a rapid pace. His pace matched your hand moving up and down Takeomi’s dick making him throw his head back in bliss.
Takeomi tried to remove his cock from your hands as the sound of your throat being fucked without a gag reflex was just so fucking good, good enough for him to cum. He didn’t want to cum on your face but the way you held onto his dick making it known you weren’t letting him go made him cum directly on your cheek.
“ Oh God! She looks so fucking perfect. Fucking art man. I'm cumming y/n! I’m fucking cumming down this tight little fuck hole.”, Mochi announced as he held your head in place while his base hit your nose. You happily took his cum down your throat and was about to get up when he held you there. You took all of his cum before pulling away with saliva disconnecting between his dick and your mouth. You laughed before kissing his and Takeomi’s dick.
You were playing with his cum in your mouth before feeling rindou grab your stomach from behind and Ran grab your tits, harshly, as they came inside of your ass and pussy. All three of your orgasms were after one another.
“ Aaahhh bunny, shit!”. Rindou moans while he throws his head back. His hair was so wet due to the sweat building up. He felt on top of the fucking world while cumming inside your sweet juicy ass.
Ran groaned while babbling anything that comes to mind. You were fucking him dumb and he was in love with you.
Your moans were angelic but slutty to these men. These are your real moans, only Makoto and Takuya manage to pull them from you when you were on set, so to finally be able to hear your sweet moans, it was their dream. God, were these hardcore yakuza gangsters fans of you.
Rindou pulled out of you as he peppered your back with little kisses as a sign of gratitude. Ran was next to move out of you as he kissed you on your neck, mumbling a quick thank you baby.
You were now laid on the couch alone as the men sat back down at the table. You were tired and needed rest, so Manjirou and Sanzu gave you that rest, only for two minutes though.
“ she fucked you that dumb? Now, I definitely can’t wait to get her, let's see if she could have me like you two, if not then that just means you two can’t handle pussy or ass. Expected.”, Sanzu says to the Haitanis’ making them roll their eyes or huff in annoyance.
Mikey ignored Sanzu picking at them while making his way over to you. He held a cold water bottle to your lips, “ Here, drink up, you’re gonna need it when Sanzu fucks you. He wanted to go solo and as his reward for getting his job done this week, I decided to let him go solo. In the end, I get a win too because I get to have you all to myself while they watch.”
Saznu took the water bottle from you before taking your hand and walking you to the long table slowly. He nodded his head to the table and you got your ass up there without letting negative thoughts about your weight on the table slip into your mind. Sanzu got on after you, making everyone question what he’s doing in their mind.
Sanzu smirked before turning you to face the door of the room, where most of the men sat. He got in between your legs, “ Put your legs right here Doll” as he pointed to his lap. You did as he said while looking at his face in confusion. His smirk only got wider when he saw your confusion, “ Now lean back, I got you, Doll.” You grabbed the hand he held out and leaned back to see Mikey staring down at you with light swirling in his dark eyes. You were scared because how did you manage to see light in his eyes, but when he looked at the others it went away.
“ This is called the moonlight position.”, Saznu says as he slides inside of you taking in the way you automatically clamped onto his dick. He wanted you to get used to his size, so he went slow, for now. The rolling of his cock felt so good inside of you as your walls retracted to the feeling of him inside of your pussy. You were feeling good throughout this entire fiasco but this was something different. It’s like he’s making love to you and your body or maybe it’s just this position.
Sanzu bit his lip as he watched your titties bounce with his thrusts, “ Augh! Shit. You wanna know something, this position is known for being passion deprived with most people. The way your body is reacting to my thrust and tender touches on your stomach, I would say you feel it. You're even more beautiful up close.”
Your head was thrown back at the feeling of him inside of you and the feeling of his rouch, calloused hand tracing the stretch marks on your stomach. The sounds of your wetness colliding with his dick is sending the men into a frenzy and they couldn’t even see you. All they saw was Saznu’s back. Mikey and Sanzu had the most beautiful view.
“ That’s it doll, take my cock. You wanna be filled with my babies don’t you. You would look so pretty with a baby in this stomach. I’ll even paint the stretch marks on your belly when you are carrying my child, would you like that? Hmm. Fucking bitch! You’re making me feel so good, I never felt like this before. It excites me, doesn’t it excite you boss?”, Sanzu asks as he fastens his pace.
Your eyes were tearing up as you listened to his words and from the impact of his dick kissing the opening of your cervix. Mikey chuckled before grabbing your neck while you looked at him upside down due to the position, “ Yes, yes it does.”
Saznu leaned down and engulfed you in a kiss before cumming inside of you with deep grunts and moans while you came at the same time with your mouth opened in silent moans. He stuck his tongue inside of your mouth while it was wide open making you cum even harder. Your body gave out after the third shake.
“ Did she die?! Sanzu, I’m gonna kill y-”, Koko says before Mikey holds up a hand, shaking his head to confirm you’re alive.
Saznu chuckled as he panted uncontrollably via you milking his cock inside of your tight fat pussy, “ I guess you do make men weak, Femme Fatale.”
You smiled as Mikey pulled your arm to get you off the table and into his lap, making Sanzu whine a little at the loss of contact. Mikey couldn’t care less about how he feels. He wanted you too, “ You’re into foodplay, Angel face?”
“ Haven’t really tried, why?”, You asked, knowing the answer, but you wanted to hear him say it as you got up to turn around to face him because of the eyes of the others staring into your soul. Mikey performed a little smirk at you and grabbed some chocolate syrup, Strawberries, and whip cream with the last product, which was a lollipop from the black bag beside him. When the fuck did he get that and why is it so cold? Meaning he just got this out of the fridge.
Mikey held out his hand, “ Take my hand, Y/n.” You took his hand into yours. Both of your hands are folding into one another as your fingers are on each other's palms. Mikey with a nod of his head inserted himself inside of your ass slowly, which caused you to lean forward, putting your tits on his naked chest: Skin to Skin contact.
“ I need you to lean back for me, Angel face.”, Mikey says as he watches you oblige to his command. Once you leaned back, he grabbed the chocolate syrup and poured it on your body before grabbing the whip cream and spraying it on your nipples. You hissed at the impact from the coldness of the cream and syrup until he started moving inside of you again, “ holy shit, You were made for this shit. You’re a fucking natural.”
“ nngh, Mikey, I’m starting to become sticky.”, You moaned as you looked at him deep inside his eyes. Mikey couldn’t say anything because the way your ass was closing and gapping around his dick was enchanting. His cock pulsed inside of you as you lifted yourself up and down his cock, taking him in your ass perfectly. Mikey licked the syrup off your body rolls and stomach before licking and sucking on your tits as you slammed your ass on his dick.
He didn’t and couldn’t hold his moans because of the sweet taste in his mouth and the sweet feeling around his dick. He was absolutely star struck when you reached a hand behind you and started to stroke his cock while moving faster on his cock.
“ Fucking slut, you fucking slut, how dare you make me feel like this? You made me feel like this just for you to leave like everyone else is that it? Ohh shit!”, Mikey babbled as you continued to fuck him while allowing him to swallow and savor the taste of your tits with whipcream on them. You shook your head no but he still kept going with his little rant as he fucked you back, allowing you to remove your hand, “ I’m tired of being left alone y/n, so don’t you dare think about leaving us after this. Youre stuck with, ugh fuck!, us , You better fucking listen too.”
You were about to respond when he suddenly held your hips and started to dig inside of your ass while adding three fingers inside of your pussy, causing you to scream with your mouth wide open. Mikey held up the sucker and pointed to his mouth. You took that as a sign to put it in his mouth while he fucked into you with no mercy. His hands were full and his mouth was about to be too when you’re done with him.
You moved the sucker in and out of his mouth with low rise eyes watching him like a hawk, “ Aww, poor Mikey, so vulnerable and judgemental. Yeah, keep fucking me like that and I’ll have no choice but to stayyyy, fuck, im almost there Manji.” and you were, the way his thick finger curled up into your pussy should be a sin because oh wow did it leave you in tears as you moved the sucker in and out of his mouth faster.
Mikey’s spit dripped down on his chest and the lower part of your stomach with loud sucking sounds being heard around the room. The other men couldn’t tell if you were the one sucking the sucker or was Mikey the one. They way your ass was clapping against Mikey’s upper thighs made them want to fuck you again.
“ Come on, Angel Face, Cum on my fingers. I know you love the way that my fingers feel inside of your pussy darlin, It’s such a beautiful pussy too. All ours to share from now on. Say you’re ours y/n!”, Mikey says in a velvet voice filled with seduction. Your legs started to shake as your boys tighten along with the walls of your ass around his dick and pussy around his fingers, “ Mikeyyy, fuck yes. Yes! Yes! Hnngh, m’cummin, m’cummin. You squirted on his stomach and his hand while he came inside of your asshole filling it up even more.
“ You’re fucking squ- augh shit, yes angel!”, Mikey moans as his body shakes underneath you. The sucker landed in between you two as you held onto his neck tightly and he held onto your ass and back tightly. You two stayed like that as the other still wanted you to say what they wanted to hear. Mikey held onto you like he never wanted to let go as wanna be yours by arctic monkeys played after Woman by Doja Cat.
Mikey stared at you as you hear Takeomi ask a question which got Rindou to let out a loud huff, “ Hey, dick Cheese, you forgot to turn the fucking camera on.”
“ So how was it, Angel? You liked the little role play we had going on?”, Mikey says as Rindou and Sanzu argue.
You smiled before kissing him on the lips, “ Did I do good, I think I did.”
Mikey smiled before nodding, allowing you to lay your head on his shoulder, he didn’t care about the weight of you on his legs, he just wanted to hold his girl. Their girl.
Mochi and Takeomi were moving in and out of you as you laid against Mochi's chest while staring deeply into Takeomi’s eyes.
The pants and groans heard around the private room once the other men left was pure greatness for the two men. They were always the first or last ones to fuck you.
One thing they were consistent with was aftercare with you.
“ Awh, Come on little fox, you can take the rose toy, can’t you?”, Takeomi whispers to you while sweat drips down his forehead. Drool was slipping out of your mouth as soon as you felt the tongue of the rose toy moving on your pierced clit.
They laughed at your fucked out expressions, your eyes were rolled to the back of your head as your head tilted back due to the overwhelming good feeling of your pussy and ass taking both of their cocks at once.
“ Hughhh fuck, this ass is so fucking tight, I’m about to cum deep in this ass. My favorite thing to do too.”, Mochi moans aggressively in your ear making you clench around Takeomi’s cock.
Takeomi hissed before throwing his head back while grabbing your hair to pull your forehead against his while Mochi bit your back.
They both moaned out your name loudly as they came. Snapping their hips with their final thrusts inside of you. Takeomi had his mouth open with a pretty but horrid expression on his face as he came and you couldn’t see mochi’s but you knew it must’ve been similar. They missed you so much.
All three of you came with you squirting on Takeomi’s lower stomach as the result of the powerful orgasm you had with the men you were in love with. You were in love with all of them and they showed they loved you everyday with physical touch, while including the other love languages.
You knew who they were all along and they loved you for knowing who they are and keeping it a secret.
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ᰔᩚ ━━ Tagging: whoever want to be tagged, idc anymore.
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The Imperfect Couple - 12
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Character: politician!Bucky x ex-wife!reader
Summary: A separated couple must pretend to be happily married while the husband runs for Vice President, dealing with old issues and political pressures during his election campaign.
Warning: The couple's arguments could be triggering.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8 , Chapter 9 , Chapter 10 , Chapter 11 , Chapter 12 ,-
Main Masterlist || If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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It’s just a bluff, one you’ve perfected over the years. You’ve pulled this trick countless times, especially when someone refuses to give you the information you need. Most crack under the pressure, some get nervous and spill their secrets, just as you want.
But a few? A few see right through you.
And Bucky? He was one of those.
He scoffed, leaning back with that infuriating smirk. "I like this mind game."
You sighed inwardly, knowing you’d lost this round. He wasn't going to give anything up.
The tension hung thick in the air until the bathroom door creaked open, and Nate emerged, oblivious to the storm brewing between you and his uncle. Spotting his small luggage by the counter, he beamed, zipping it open to grab a change of clothes and, of course, his stash of snacks.
With his arms full, Nate wandered over to the both of you and handed each a snack—his favorite, the snack he wasn’t allowed to have at home. His parents and Hazel were strict about it, but he knew he could get away with it here, as long as he shared. This was his little bribe.
"This is my favorite," he said, grinning up at you both.
You couldn’t resist. You pulled him into a tight hug, squeezing him gently. “Why are you so damn cute?”
Bucky, knowing exactly how strict Hazel and his parents were about junk food, raised an eyebrow. "Where did you get this? Did you ask the nanny?"
Nate shook his head, completely unfazed. "No. Uncle Steve gave it to me."
That name. The second Nate said it, it felt like an ice-cold bucket had been dumped over your head. You looked at Bucky, and his face tightened. His reaction told you everything—you weren't the only one feeling uneasy.
Something was going on, and Steve’s name was right in the middle of it.
You cleared your throat, determined to break the lingering awkwardness. “Let’s have lunch first. After that, what do you want to do next?”
Nate's eyes widened, his face lighting up with excitement as he turned to look at the spacious living room and the big TV. “Can we watch movies after lunch? Then take a nap together on that big couch?”
He’d seen that in a movie. With his grandparents, he could never relax like that, but he knew his uncles were much more laid-back. He wants to fall asleep while watching his favorite cartoon, being close to his uncle and aunt.
“Sure.” You patted his head gently, feeling a warmth spread through you. Besides, it had been ages since you’d enjoyed a good nap. It felt like a luxury for adults these days.
Lunch turned into a delightful moment of relaxation as the three of you settled around the table. Nate's innocent chatter filled the air, weaving a lightness into the atmosphere that slowly pushed away the tension between you and Bucky. Nate asked questions about everything under the sun—his eyes sparkling with curiosity as he talked about his favorite cartoons and the superheroes he admired.
After lunch, the three of you cozied up on the couch to watch a cartoon movie together. Nate nestled himself right in the middle, sprawled across both of you, laughter echoing through the room.
Within forty minutes, however, the excitement wore him out. He fell asleep, his head resting against your right arm. You smiled, reaching over to gently cup his cheek with your hand. “How did he get such a bubbly personality, considering the Barnes don’t seem to have it?” you mused aloud.
Bucky glanced at you, a soft smile tugging at his lips. “He’s different, isn’t he?” He reached over to place a soft pillow under Nate’s head, ensuring he was comfortable.
“Maybe my parents realized how strict they were raising me, Shawn, and Hazel. When Nate was born, I was surprised by how much gentler they are with him,” Bucky added, his voice softer, as if reflecting on the changes in his family.
“Do you think Steve has a bright character too? I wonder,” you said, still watching the peaceful expression on Nate's face.
Bucky’s smile faded, replaced by a more serious demeanor. “Why do you have to ruin this moment, my love?” he teased lightly before standing up and walking toward the balcony door. He opened it and stepped outside, lighting a cigarette.
You were surprised to see Bucky smoking; he hadn’t done that since you arrived. You knew he wasn’t a regular smoker, but sometimes the stress got to him.
You followed him outside, the cool breeze washing over you as you stepped onto the balcony. Bucky turned to face you, resting his back against the railing. His head tilted back, looking up at the sky as he released a plume of smoke from his lips.
“There’s a difference between me and Steve,” Bucky said, his voice steady yet reflective. “I got into this because of connections.” He paused, knowing that his privileged background played a significant role in his current position. “While Steve? He started from the military. He had no backup. He had real ambitions.”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed, his tone cutting through the tension like a blade. "You see me as a manipulative person," he said, flicking the ash from his cigarette. "But you have no idea how manipulative Steve is."
Your heart skipped a beat at the mention of Steve. The insinuation sent a chill down your spine, and you straightened your posture, folding your arms tightly across your chest. You weren't sure if Bucky was trying to manipulate you again or if he was genuinely warning you about something darker. Either way, the unease crept in.
Bucky’s gaze lingered on you. “If you knew… compared to him, you’d think of me as an angel.”
You raised an eyebrow, your skepticism clear. “That’s hard to believe.”
A humorless smile tugged at Bucky’s lips. “He's a man of plans. If you and I think two steps ahead, Steve’s already thought 100 steps ahead.”
You let out a slow, steady breath, the weight of his words pressing against your chest. “That doesn't excuse what you've done,” you replied, your voice low but firm. “You’re still responsible for dragging me into this.”
Bucky's smirk returned, but this time it held something deeper—almost regretful. “You might think I brought you here just for my own selfishness, but it's also for your protection.”
You blinked, the words hitting you like a slap. “You? Protect me? That’s a joke.” You couldn’t help the bitterness that slipped into your tone. The idea that he’d done anything selfless seemed ridiculous.
Bucky's smirk deepened, almost daring you to challenge him. “Like I said before—you can hate me, stab me, poison me. I’ll take it. But you need to know, I won’t let you get hurt.”
The conviction in his voice sent a tremor through you, but you masked it with a sharp exhale. “Who wants to hurt me?”
Bucky's expression shifted, something darker brewing in his eyes. “You can figure out the truth about Nate. I’m sure you can connect the dots.”
You felt your stomach drop as your thoughts raced. Could he be implying…? No, it couldn’t be. But then again, there were too many unanswered questions. “Is this about the election? And Steve?”
Bucky took a long drag from his cigarette before answering, the smoke swirling in the cool air. “You were walking through a minefield, and I got you out before you stepped on something that could blow your life apart.”
His words struck hard, and you bit your lip, turning over the recent jobs you’d taken. None of them seemed directly linked to the election, but you were a journalist with many connections, many stories—maybe one of them had crossed the wrong lines without you realizing it.
“This… this just makes me wonder even more why you chose to support Steve,” you said, a bitter edge creeping into your voice.
Bucky stubbed out his cigarette against the balcony railing. “His leadership fits this country. You can disagree with that all you want. But Steve… Steve loves this country.”
You frowned, your mind spinning. Could that really be it? Could Bucky, despite all the manipulations and half-truths, genuinely believe Steve was the right person to lead? Or was this yet another layer of the twisted game they were all playing?
Bucky’s gaze softened slightly as he glanced at Nate through the glass door, the boy still soundly asleep on the couch.
“About Nate…” Bucky hesitated for a moment, and you could sense the weight of the words he was about to speak.
Your pulse quickened, your eyes narrowing as you waited for him to continue.
“I won’t add more to what you already know,” he finally said, his voice heavy with the promise. “Because I made a vow—I’ll take the truth about Nate and Hazel to my grave.”
The room seemed to tilt slightly, and a cold realization settled over you. Whatever secret Bucky was keeping, it was bigger than you’d thought. And it wasn’t just about the election… it was about Nate and Hazel.
“So, I should be grateful that you dragged me out of a minefield?” You raised an eyebrow, the skepticism clear in your voice. “I’m not even sure it exists.”
Bucky met your gaze, unflinching. “Why do you think I’ve supported the independent company where you work?” His tone was steady, calm. “I could’ve ruined it. Could’ve made it go bankrupt, easily.”
Your fists clenched at your sides, heat rising in your chest. His words stung, even though he wasn’t saying them with any malice. Still, you couldn’t help the tension building inside you.
But then his voice softened, the intensity in his blue eyes never wavering. “You probably didn’t realize it,” Bucky continued, “but you’ve already passed through a minefield that could’ve ruined Steve.”
Your breath caught for a moment. Wait. Does that mean he sees me as a threat? The thought swirled in your mind, unsettling you. Was that why Bucky had been hovering around, keeping a close watch?
The room seemed to shrink around you, the air thick with the weight of unspoken truths. You searched Bucky’s face, trying to read between the lines. But there was no malice, no manipulation there—just something deeper, something protective.
“What are you trying to say?” you asked, your voice quieter now, a mix of confusion and frustration.
Bucky’s eyes softened. “I’m not here to control you. I just… don’t want you to get caught in the crossfire of something bigger than either of us.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding, the tension still lingering, but his words had shifted something inside you.
"Crossfire?" you scoffed, shaking your head. "It’s ironic, isn’t it? We can talk about other people, stay calm. But when it’s about us? All we ever do is argue."
Bucky’s jaw tightened at your words. She’s right, he thought, his heart aching with guilt. It’s always a fight when it comes to us.
He wanted to say something to ease the tension, but every word seemed wrong. He watched you—how your arms crossed defensively, how tired your eyes looked. Not angry, just… tired of it all.
“I know,” Bucky finally admitted, his voice rough with regret. “I’m the one who keeps messing this up. I keep dragging us into this same damn fight.”
You didn’t blink, didn’t soften. You were too worn down by it all. "Then why keep doing it?" you asked, voice tinged with exhaustion. "Why keep playing these games, Bucky? I’m tired. I’m so tired of being caught in your manipulation. It’s like… you don’t even care what it does to me."
Bucky winced at the rawness in your words, the reality of it hitting him hard. He ran a hand through his hair, feeling the weight of his mistakes like never before. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” he said quietly, his gaze dropping. “I know it looks like that, but… I never meant for it to be this way. I did it because I was scared.”
Your heart clenched at the confession, but the exhaustion was still there, weighing you down. “Scared of what? Of just talking to me? Of being honest?”
Bucky shook his head, stepping closer, his hand twitching like he wanted to reach for you but unsure if he could. “I was scared of losing you again,” he admitted, his voice cracking slightly. “I did everything I could to keep you here, to keep you close. But I know I went about it all wrong. I twisted things, manipulated situations, because I thought it was the only way.”
You stared at him, your chest tightening as his words sunk in. He wasn’t trying to push you away—he was clinging to you, so tightly that it hurt.
“You have no idea what that feels like, Bucky,” you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. “To be pulled into your games, not knowing why, thinking I don’t matter to you. It’s exhausting.”
Bucky’s face fell, the guilt in his eyes unmistakable. “I know. And I hate that I did that to you,” he said softly. “I hate myself for it. But it wasn’t because I didn’t care. It’s because I care too much, and I didn’t know how to handle it.”
You could see the truth in his eyes now, the desperation behind his actions. It didn’t erase the pain, but it explained it.
“I was afraid that if I didn’t do everything I could, you’d leave me again,” Bucky continued, his voice shaky. “And I couldn’t take that. Not again. I know I’ve been manipulative, and I know I’ve hurt you because of it. But I was doing it to keep you close… not to push you away. I’m sorry.”
Your throat tightened, the weight of his confession settling in. You hated what he had done, but you could finally see where it came from—fear, desperation, and a love so deep he didn’t know how to control it.
Bucky stepped closer again, this time more confident. “I’ll stop,” he said, voice steady but full of regret. “I’ll stop with the manipulation, with the games. You deserve so much better than that. You deserve better than me, but I’m not giving up. I’ll make things right if you let me.”
You didn’t answer right away, the ache of everything still too fresh. But before you could respond, Bucky took a step back, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and fear.
“I don’t want to lose you again,” Bucky whispered, his voice barely audible. “But I’ll understand if I already have.”
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laughingfcx · 1 day
kinich x fem reader ! celebrity au, .9k words PLUS exes to lovers, swearing, suggestive jokes + implied nsfw ( ? scene transitions from their conversation to "the morning after")
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it's at a high-profile red carpet that you see him again — at least in person. kinich, two and a half years older, and much more mature, but exactly the same otherwise. there's even that stupid signature smile of his, lazy and smug, plastered onto his face as usual. you'd loved it once; now you despise it. or so you've tried to convince yourself.
he's not wearing anything spectacular, a dark unbuttoned suit and matching dress pants and a white shirt that deliciously accentuates the broadness of his chest. somehow he still manages to effortlessly knock the breath right out of your chest — and even more so when you notice the colour of his tie; it matches your outfit perfectly.
in the back of your mind, you know this has something to do with your mutual friends, but you can't be bothered to worry about that right now. not when he's grinning down at you, arms crossed over his chest, waiting for you to break the silence.
you jut your chin up defiantly; not today, kinich. he tilts his head to one side curiously, shit-eating grin widening. your lips purse; he blinks. it's getting awkward now — he's so annoying. you scoff angrily, and kinich has won.
"what what?" you feel a sudden stab of pain — you've missed his voice.
"what do you want?" you get out through gritted teeth.
kinich is good at what he does, always has been. he's never been the type to hesitate, always straight to the point. now, too, it does not change. "come back with me tonight."
your first response should be something related to the fact that the two of you broke up for a reason. that going back right now will be suicide. but instead...
"what about her?" you hiss, jerking your head in the direction of (you hope) his hotel. a thoughtless gesture, asking about the woman he's been seen with after your very public breakup.
he laughs. "that? it was just publicity, darling. she means nothing to me."
then, softer: "please, i've missed you every single day since then; it's only ever been you."
"prove it."
never one to back down from a challenge, he leans in closer to you. "how 'bout i show you in my hotel room?"
smooth. aloud, you acknowledge it as such, too, but still. "really, kinich?"
"if you want, i'm sure we can find some privacy here," he teases.
you grimace, nose crinkling up cutely. "how do you know i even want this? what if i don't want anything to do with you?"
there is suddenly an air of triumph about him; you realise that you have made a big mistake.
"my love, those questions just confirmed it."
the unfamiliar nickname makes you bristle, but it's surprisingly not unwelcome.
he waits for your confirmation, and well?
(you end up in his bed anyways, so your answer should be pretty clear.)
you wake up in an empty bed; if he's intended for this to be a one night thing, you're going to murder him, you think. he walks back into the room a second after that, though, and now you're chewing on the inside of your cheek because of the very noticeable lack of a shirt on him.
"baby, we've gone viral," he grins.
"again? kinich, you suck!"
"that's not what you said last night when—"
"okay!" you cut him off. "shut up, i get it!"
he tosses his phone to you, where a video's playing, captioned: deaf woman lipreads conversation between kinich and y/n at the red carpet.
"oh god," you groan as it begins to play. one side of the bed sinks down as kinich climbs in next to you. his arm wraps around you as he pulls you into him; you nestle into his side and it's painfully familiar. you've missed him more than you thought.
"let me watch, i haven't finished it yet."
the woman on the screen begins to speak into the microphone she's holding up. so, kinich starts speaking. he wants them to go back to his hotel, but she's asking about a "her", who's probably chasca, AKA his ex. he says it was for publicity, and ooh— he just called her "darling"! he says it's only ever been y/n... woah... she's not buying it, she's asking him to prove it. he says he'll prove it at his place, wow, that was smooth, that's what she said, by the way, not me! she's still not impressed, now he's talking about finding somewhere private here, like at the event! i think he's joking, though, oh my gosh, he just called her "my love"! that's so cute—
you pause the video. "can she stop talking for a sec? this is so annoying!"
"i know, right?" he agrees. "can't even talk to my girl without some freak on the internet trying to listen in."
my— his— oh. your brain short circuits. "kinich."
"hmm?" he's not paying attention, leisurely tracing hearts onto your hipbone.
"what are we?"
he gets up, readjusts the two of you so your eyes. "married soon— i mean, in a relationship again, at least. be honest, don't you think we could try again? we've changed enough, i think."
"well, yeah, i guess. we were both stupid back then."
"we still are now," you correct him; kinich is not amused.
"you didn't answer my question, can we try again?"
"i think we can," you nod thoughtfully. "but what if it ends the way it did before?"
"naaah, it won't end at all," he laughs, and then he leans down to kiss you.
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author's note :: this has been eating my brain for the past 48ish hours here u go xoxo lina
ps kinich come home im at 70 pity
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redfoxwritesstuff · 2 days
Hate Mail, part two (Human Alastor x reader)
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CW: Rough sex, Dub con Rated: Adult Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here) Summary: Alastor has been on the receiving end of some nasty letters at the station. With the help of some rather unique penmanship and a stroke of luck, the culprit finds herself in his crosshairs. What sort of lesson will Alastor teach his little hate fan and how will that change when he uncovers the reason why she is sending him the letters?
Join us at VoxTek for a Vox themed Hazbin Discord where we talk Vox, Hazbin, writing, reading, art and who knows what else. You may even catch some exclusive sneak peeks at upcoming fics from some of your favorite writers!
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Alastor reached down, carefully taking your hand in his. Your legs shook as you tried to get your feet under you as he helped you up. The clicking of your simple heels against the wooden floor of his office seemed too loud at the moment. 
He looked at you tenderly. The soft, caring look in his eyes felt so very much like a lie, and yet you wanted to believe it. The sounds of your sniffling and harsh breathing filled your ears, along with the ticktock of the clock on the wall.
You wanted to believe he hadn’t intended to hurt you, that he lost control. 
You wanted to believe it, but he had said he would make you pay for what you had written. He had said you would suffer, and you had. 
“Oh, do stop sniffling.” Alastor cooed. “It’s not ladylike. I’ll make this up to you, come, come.” 
His hand rested on your back, guiding you back toward his desk. The last thing you wanted was to step deeper into the office again. Giving up what little distance you had made toward the door terrified you. There wasn’t much choice but to obey, though. 
Alastor’s hand on your back told you who still had control. 
You had heard tells from other women how situations like this went. Men pulled out a few dollars, and they thought it would erase their transgressions. That was what you expected, as he forced you to step behind his desk once again. 
The only thing you couldn’t understand was why he had yet to put himself away and fasten his pants. 
Alastor stepped close behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he did, pulling your back flush against his chest. His chest expanded as be took a deep breath, nose resting against the crown of your head. Worse, you could feel his cock pressing against your lower back, still exposed and now twitching as it grew harder with each heartbeat that coursed through it. 
“What are you-?” your question caught in your throat as his lips caressed your shoulder, leaving a trail of soft kisses that tempted you to tilt your head to the side. 
“I told you,” Alastor whispered as his other hand planted on the edge of the desk in front of you, “I’m going to make it up to you.” 
“Please, sir.” your voice was high, vocal cords stretched tight as you tried to think of a way out of this. “I don’t need anything. It’s fine. We can- we can pretend this didn’t happen.” 
“You sent those letters because you wanted my attention,” Alastor whispered, fingers working at the buttons of your blouse as you stood, trembling in his arms. “I got angry and took it out on you, but that wasn’t right. I know women don’t have a lot of ways to get a man’s attention.” 
“Please, let me go.” Your heart beat faster as his hand reached into your shirt, slight calluses on his hands scratching at the delicate skin of your abdomen. 
“I will,” Alastor hummed in your ear, hand caressing higher until he was pushing the lacey band of your bra up, freeing your breasts from the tight confines. 
“What are you doing?” You couldn’t help the way your breath caught in your lungs as his fingertips ghosted over the bud of your nipple. 
“Cher,” Alastor spoke as he palmed the swell of your breast, “I find the current fashion trend to bind the breasts down to be so distasteful. There’s something so alluring to the curves of a woman.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, though you did not know what you were apologizing for. You did not dress in the morning with seeing Alastor in mind. That was simply the fashion of the time. 
“This is much better, isn’t it?” Alastor chuckled against your neck, pushing his chest into you as he bent at the waist, forcing you to lean forward. Gravity guided your breast to rest in his hand, filling his palm as you reached out to brace yourself on his desk with one hand. You gripped his wrist with the other, failing to pull his hand from you. 
“Let me go.” You whimpered, “Please, you don’t have to do this.” 
“It’s only fair.” Alastor took his hand from his desk, resting it on your hip. 
Long fingers wrapped around the front of your hip, caressing down your inner thigh as he ran his palm down the front of your hip. Each time his hand pushed its way up your leg, back to your hip, the hem of your skirt rose higher and higher. 
Before you could make sense of what was happening, you felt the rough weave of his slacks against bare skin. While he distracted you with the feeling of his fingers rolling your nipple between them, he had your skirt pushed up around your waist. 
He pushed his leg forward, bullying your thighs apart with his knee as he pushed against your torso. There wasn’t much you could do to resist the push of him, bending you over his desk, leaving your lower half on display. Your knickers were all you had to provide any coverage. 
“Stay just like that,” Alastor ordered as he pulled away, “Be a good girl for me.” 
Your fingers twitched against the papers on his desk. Fear coursed through you as he stepped away, looking at you as you supported yourself on your elbows. The soft fabric of your undergarments was sticky with slick, clinging to your skin.
Glancing over your shoulder, you saw exactly what you feared you would. Alastor was looking at you with a deep hunger. You could feel how your undergarments were stuck to the slick of your core. They were surely near transparent from how it felt. 
Wherever he was directing his attention, it was clear he was enjoying what he was seeing. His cock stood tall and proud out in front of his open fly. His shirt was pulled loose, partially unbuttoned at the bottom and the top. At some point, he had pulled his bowtie from his neck, letting it hang around his shoulders. 
Slowly, he stepped forward, reaching out for you. Strong hands caressed your hip before thumbs hooked under the band. There was a slight resistance as the fabric clung to your slick coated core and then they were falling, leaving a cooling trail down your thigh. 
“You are a pretty little thing,” Alastor murmured to himself. 
A startled yelp fell from your lips as he reached out, running his fingers over your slit, smearing slick around. They moved easily through your folds before his long finger slipped deep inside your core. You fluttered around him, not expecting the intrusion. Pulling back, he added a second before withdrawing both.
“You keep trying to protect your reputation, your decency,” Alastor laughed as he wrapped his hand around his cock, lazily stroked his cock, letting the slick on his fingers smear over his shaft. “But don’t you worry. I won’t tell anyone how badly you want this. I won’t tell them how you tried so hard to get my attention. This’ll stay just between us.” 
You gasped as the soft head of his cock slotted through your folds, caressing over your clit. He thrusted slowly forward a few times, coating himself in your fluids before he adjusted his angle. You had no chance to prepare yourself for the intrusion or beg for mercy. 
He pushed forward, slowly but steadily, sinking deeper into you. Your walls spread, struggling to accommodate the considerable size of him. Burning stretching had you gasping for air. There was no hesitation, no giving you a chance to adjust to his size. 
He pushed and pushed, sinking deeper into you than you thought possible. When pain stabbed at you and you were sure there was no more room, he pushed forward still, forcing your body to make room for him. 
Tears ran down your face as you gripped anything you could find. Hair hung down in your face as your head hung limply from your neck. You could feel the papers crumped under your hand and see how your tears smeared the ink on them.
Sweet relief had you sagging at your shoulders as he pulled back, coated now with slick. The reprieve was short-lived as he snapped his hips forward, setting a harsh pace that quickly had your arms giving out. Pain and pleasure mixed as he hit every part inside you. 
Your begging cries of “Please,” morphed from cries of mercy to please for more. As the pain in your core died out, becoming pure pleasure in the face of your building orgasm, your breasts swayed, nipples grazing crumpled papers.
“Close,” you panted, hardly registering the sting of paper biting into sensitive flesh again and again, tiny cuts gathering along the underside of your breasts. “So close.” Your breath caught as your nipple stung, blood smearing on papers and against your skin. 
Alastor’s hand planted between your shoulder blades, forcing your chest against the desk as he fucked into you. The sound of his groans, the slapping of his balls against your puffy cunt, and your whining moans filled the room. At the moment, you couldn’t care less if someone walking in the hall heard the way he was fucking you. 
Your orgasm hit suddenly, washing over you in a violent wave. Alastor fucked you through it, each thrust a battle as your walls clung to him, trying to suck him deeper and milk him of his seed. He wouldn’t give it to you yet. 
The pace remained bruising. Each thrust was sure to leave a bruise on your ass. Only when your cries lowered into tearful gasps did he slow, pulling from your sopping cunt. His cock was soaked with your slick, glistening in the dim light. 
He grabbed you harshly, pulling you up off his desk. There was no chance that your legs would hold your weight, but they didn’t have a chance to fail you. As soon as you were facing Alastor, he had you pushed back onto the desk, papers sliding under your back. He wrapped your legs around him and thrust in, not caring for being slow or soft. 
The head of his cock pressed up against your stomach, bulging it slightly as he bottomed out. Each sharp thrust left you feeling fuller than ever. You struggled to breathe as his cock punched up into you. 
Hungry eyes watched as your breasts bounced. You were sure that his grip was going to leave ghosts of the encounter on your skin that would linger for days. Becoming aware of the racket you were making, you pressed your forearm against your lips to muffle the sound. 
Alastor grabbed your wrist, pulling your arm away without missing a beat. Any chance of muffling your moans was lost as he pinned your wrists on either side of your head. The change in position seemed to result in an even deeper thrust as he folded over you. Hot breath washed over your breasts as his eyes roamed your skin. 
Zeroing in on the blood bubbling up from the small cuts on your breasts, he leaned down and ran his tongue over each, cleaning away the blood. You moaned, back arching as he took the bleeding nipple between his lips, suckling hard as he encouraged it to bleed more. He moaned deeply at the coppery taste of your blood mixing with the scent of sex and the way your cunt clung to his cock. 
“I can’t,” you moaned, head thrashing back and forth as your core tightened, orgasm dangerously close again. “Please, I can’t.” 
“You will,” Alastor promised, grinding his pubic bone into your clit with each painfully deep thrust, pushing your orgasm closer and closer. “This is what you wanted.” 
“Please,” you cried out as the pleasure grew painfully, “Please, please, please!” 
You came with a scream, voice bouncing off the walls of the small room as your walls clamped down on his cock. Alastor’s pace grew sloppy, though no less harsh, as he chased his own completion. Each breath coming in a deep groan and whispered curse as he fucked you through your orgasm. As your body shuddered around his cock, he his pace stuttered as he painted your walls with his seed. 
He fucked into you, each lazy thrust not offering you any softness as he pulled your hips tightly to him. Eventually he stilled, hot breath washing over your breasts as he looked down at you, eyes dazed as his cock twitched in your sore and overly sensitive hole. 
“I hope the tone of your fan mail changes, going forward,” he said, as he pulled his softening cock from you. “Clean yourself up. I’ve got to get on air in fifteen minutes.” 
“Yes, sir.” It was a struggle to make words form through the fog in your mind. 
“See yourself out.” Alastor said, as he straightened his clothes, making his way toward his office door. Pausing, he looked over his shoulder at where you still laid upon his desk, chest heaving and bare-breasted, cunt leaking his seed onto whatever unlucky paper happened to be under you. “And I expect you to hand deliver any future letters. Do you understand?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Alastor,” he said. “My name is Alastor. Use it.” 
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 days
Set up for failure, fingerprints, "I warned you"
Brief synopsis: Tim warns Damian. Damian doesn't heed the advice.
“You're telling me that Bruce assigned you this case?” There's a note of apprehension in Tim's voice as his arctic eyes scrutinize his younger brother. Damian scoffs.
“What? Jealous that Father trusts me more than you, Drake?”
“That's not-” Tim's teeth grind together as he tries to halt his automatic response. “Look. Can you just tell me if anyone else knows about this?”
Damian rolls his eyes. “Perhaps you would need assistance with such a meager inquiry, but Father trusts my ability to handle it with ease.”
“So the answer is no.”
Instead of dignifying that with a response, the kid twists on his heel and returns with his perusal of the batcomputer. He needs to analyze the fingerprint and he does not have time to listen to his older brother's whims. Tim doesn't take the hint.
“If you won't let me in on the case, can you at least inform one other person? As long as it's not Bruce, can you please talk to someone about this?”
Emerald eyes peer over Damian's shoulder as he assesses the older man. Evidently not finding what he was searching for, he continues to ignore Tim.
“Please, Damian.”
With a scowl, the kid finally flips around again. “Why are you so insistent, Drake?”
Tim bites his lip hard enough for the skin to turn white. He avoids the other's stare. “Bruce has a habit of utilizing missions, in particular secret ones, to further his own agenda at the jeopardy of whomever he assigned it to.”
An indignant sneer paints the younger's face at the insult hurled towards their mentor. “You may be an unworthy imposter who doubts Father, but I won't. This is why you were stripped of the title that doesn't fit you.”
With that, Damian proceeds to ignore Tim again. Anger thrums within the older brother, but he knows there is nothing he can do to change the other's mind. If there's anything that Damian is, it's a dedicated but stubborn kid.
Part of Tim, the often buried protective instincts he feels for his baby brother, wants to solve the issue for Damian. He wants to drag Dick into this mess or Jason or Cass or even Duke. His fingers itch with the need to reach out to Oracle and double check whether she sanctions it. He could subtly manipulate the situation so Damian never falls to harm and never learns just what Bruce had in store for him.
There's so much Tim could do, but he won't. He shouldn't and he's been working on being better. He has a habit of controlling and managing other people's lives for them. He needs to allow his loved ones to make their own decisions, even if he knows they will regret it. They deserve that respect. Gods know Steph shouldn’t have had to scream it so many times for it to finally sink into Tim's thick skull.
The visceral obligation to fix this claws at walls of his ribs and it rakes at his intestines, but he's getting better at disregarding it.
It will burn Damian and destroy his trust in Bruce, but the older brother will let it happen. For once, Bruce will reap the direct consequences of his actions without Tim dulling or softening their effects.
He'll be there in the aftermath, and he'll be watching in the meantime. If it appears to be going to a point of no return, if Damian is in serious danger, then Tim will stop it. He will earn the kid's ire for that, but Damian's safety is paramount. Otherwise, it will run its course and prove to be a harsh lesson for the kid.
Tim heaves a sigh as his gaze falls away from the younger one. His shoulders droop with a weariness uncharacteristic of Red Robin.
Damian will make his own decisions. Tim will respect that.
Damian's hands shake both in fury and hurt. He raises his emerald eyes to glare at Drake.
The older’s expression isn't gloating or smug. It's defeated. He peers down at his kid brother with a dejected frown.
Damian drops his gaze to his lap as he tries to clench his fists. “Why?”
An exhale leaves Tim as he shakes his head. “He does this, Dames. I…” The older brother tries to swallow around the tightening in his throat. Brief flashes of a little black box and screaming matches on rooftops come to mind. “I could explain his reasons, but I'm tired. I'm so tired.”
The shaking of Damian's hands increases to his arms and then to his shoulders. His whole form trembles as his lower lip begins to wobble.
Tim moves until he's perched on the bed next to Damian. He allows their shoulders to touch as a subtle form of comfort. When he hears a little sniffle, Tim can't help but to close his own eyes.
The kid’s voice is nearly a whisper and is cracking with emotion. “You knew.”
The older brother could try to defend himself and state that he didn't truly know. He had a hunch. He worried. He suspected. He wasn't sure.
Still, there wasn't accusation in Damian's tone. Just resignation, hopelessness, and the realization that what's happened to him has happened before.
The younger brother nods at the confirmation and leans into the older one. Tim wraps an arm around his shoulder.
Neither acknowledge the tears streaming down the other’s face.
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Choking | Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader | wc: 394
No use of y/n | 18+ Minors DNI
Warnings! Choking, mentions of sex (no actual sex, sorry), Jake being a consent king, lmk if I missed anything
Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
Jake had been your boyfriend for a few months and had proven himself to be the sweetest man alive, bending over backwards to make sure that you were happy and taken care of. Knowing this, you were still wary about asking for certain things. Especially in bed. Jake had told you time and time again all you had to do was ask and he’d give you whatever you wanted but there was a string of ex boyfriends in your past that made you doubt him. That didn’t stop Jake from accidentally uncovering what you wanted on more than one occasion.
“Hi, darlin’,” Jake greeted you with a kiss when he walked through the door, finding you in his kitchen. You hadn’t officially moved in together but the nights you went home to your own apartment were rare. 
“Hiya, baby,” You nipped at his bottom lip, turning off the stove. “Dinner’s going to be ready in about an hour.” Jake hummed, kissing his way down your neck,
“An hour, you say?” You moaned, letting him press you against the counter. “I can do a lot with an hour.” 
“Mmhm,” You hummed, hips keening into his. “Care to demonstrate?” He cupped your jaw, easily slipping his tongue past your lips.
You covered his hand with your own, feeling brave. After a moment of hesitation, you guided his large hand down to your throat, his long fingers fitting around it perfectly. 
“Do you want me just to hold you here or squeeze a little?” Jake asked and you lost your nerve, unsure if either answer would be a dealbreaker. “Talk to me, darlin’,” He kissed your nose. “Need to know what you’re thinkin’.” 
“Are you okay with this?” Jake chuckled, kissing you again, stealing away all of your worries.
“Baby, I am more than okay with this. I just need to know how far you want to take it,” You nodded. “And you can always change your answer later, okay? Just tap my wrist if you want me to let go.” 
“Can you squeeze a little?” Jake complied, giving you a little bit of pressure, pleasure spreading through you. “More?”
“Please,” You begged, gasping as the pressure increased. Jake kissed you hard, maintaining his grip on your neck. You melted against him, brain going all fuzzy, need growing in your gut.
“How you feeling, darlin’?” 
“Like you need to fuck me on the counter.” Jake laughed, covering your face in kisses.
“Yes, ma’am.”
a/n: this is a short one but I hope y'all love Jake in this one as much as I do
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Taglist: @wanderingsoul6261 @halflifejess @kyemna @alipap3 @yutangwl @teacupsandtopgun @glenpowellluver @closetspngirl @that-one-fangirl69 @starshinegrl @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @sarah-bear706318 @shanimallina87
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favefandomimagines · 12 hours
Back in the Saddle (t.o)
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Request: @glenxjesse “I was wondering if I could request a Tyler Owen/reader. Where reader fell off her horse and got pretty badly injured with a concussion and a shattered heel bone and needed surgery and Tyler takes time off of wrangling to take care of her while she’s laid up, making sure she has everything she needs and carrying her around to different rooms because she hates her crutches and he’s worried about her falling again, also comforting her at night when the pain is really bad and she can’t sleep. Last year I fell off my horse with those exact injuries and I just feel like Tyler would be the most attentive, comforting boyfriend. Thank you! Please feel free to change whatever you want! And if you don’t want to write it I understand as well! Hope you’re doing well! Love your writing by the way!”
AN: I am SO SORRY this took me so long!!! Life got in the way and I totally forgot! I hope you all enjoy some Tyler Owens fluff!
Summary: Tyler puts his storm chasing on hold to take care of Y/N after a horse riding accident and there’s no where else he’d rather be.
Tyler’s boots scuffed the dirt as he moved slowly across the ranch, his broad hat shielding him from the unforgiving late afternoon sun. The sky stretched vast and blue, with a hint of dark clouds building on the horizon, the kind that usually sent him chasing after the storms in his beat-up red truck.
But today wasn’t like most days. He wasn’t tracking any storms or watching the sky for funnels with Boone. Today, he was watching over Y/N.
Y/N sat on the porch, her right leg elevated and wrapped in a thick cast. Her face, normally flushed with color from riding her horse under the big sky, was pale. The pain was evident in her tight grip on the armrest of the chair. A concussion and a shattered heel—the doctor had said it could’ve been worse when she fell off her horse, but to Tyler, it already felt like a nightmare.
She had to have surgery to repair her foot and her recovery time is 3-4 months. Which for Tyler felt like an eternity. Afraid something else could wrong while she wasn’t mobile enough to protect herself.
He walked up to her, gently placing his hand on her shoulder. "You need anything?" His voice was soft, like a breeze passing through the fields, but beneath it was a current of concern.
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes heavy with the exhaustion of pain and sleepless nights. "I’m fine, really. Just... tired of these stupid crutches. My arms are killing me."
Tyler crouched beside her, his face level with hers. "I know it’s hard, darlin’. But you gotta take it easy for a bit. The crutches are a pain, but they’re helping you heal."
She let out a huff, frustrated. "I hate being stuck here. You should be out chasing storms, Tyler. Not babysitting me."
"Hey," Tyler said firmly, but his smile softened the edge in his voice. "This ain’t babysitting. This is takin’ care of you. And I wouldn’t be anywhere else."
Her lips quirked into a small smile, though she tried to hide it. "I don’t want to hold you back."
"You ain’t holdin’ me back, baby. I’d miss a hundred storms if it meant bein’ here with you. Don’t you know that by now?"
Y/N’s eyes flickered, a mixture of relief and guilt dancing in their depths. She reached out and took his hand. "I’m sorry, Ty. I just... I hate being this helpless."
Tyler stood and pulled her into a gentle hug, mindful of her injuries. "Ain’t nothin’ helpless about you. You’re one of the toughest women I’ve ever known. But right now, tough means lettin’ yourself heal. And I’m here to help with that. It’s what I want to do."
For the first time all day, Y/N’s shoulders relaxed. She rested her head against his chest, letting his steady heartbeat calm her restless mind. "Thank you."
They stayed like that for a few minutes, the setting sun casting a warm glow over the porch. Tyler finally pulled back, a playful grin on his face. "Now, how ‘bout we get you inside? Doc said you need to rest."
Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips. "I’ve been resting all day."
"Yeah, but you haven’t had my world-famous chicken noodle soup yet," Tyler teased.
"Oh really? World-famous, huh?"
"In at least three counties," he said with a wink.
Tyler scooped her up in his arms and carried her towards the front door. “You know you’re supposed to do this when you get married, right?” Y/N questioned. “Hey, it’s good practice.” He replied.
That night, Tyler sat beside the bed, his boots kicked off and his legs stretched out in front of him. Y/N lay on her back, staring at the ceiling, her face contorted in pain she was trying hard to hide. But Tyler noticed. He always noticed.
He leaned over, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "You okay?"
Y/N blinked, her eyes glistening. "It’s just... the pain. It’s worse at night. I feel like I can’t get away from it."
Without hesitation, Tyler slipped into bed beside her, carefully wrapping his arms around her without putting pressure on her leg. He pulled her close, resting his chin on the top of her head.
"I’m right here, darlin’," he whispered. "I ain’t goin’ nowhere."
Y/N took a shaky breath. "I know. But I don’t want to keep you up all night."
Tyler kissed the top of her head, his lips warm and comforting. "Don’t worry ‘bout that. Sleep or no sleep, I’m here. You don’t have to go through this alone."
She buried her face into his chest, the familiar scent of him—earth and leather, storm clouds and fresh hay—giving her a sense of peace she hadn’t felt all day. "Ty... what if this takes longer than 4 months to heal? What if I’m not the same afterward?"
Tyler’s grip tightened just a little, enough to reassure her without hurting her. "Then it takes longer. And if you ain’t the same, we’ll figure it out together. You think I’m here just for the ridin’ and the fun days? No. I’m here for all of it. The good, the bad, and whatever comes next."
Y/N swallowed hard, her eyes closing as the pain seemed to lessen, just a bit, with his words. "I don’t deserve you."
"Now, that’s where you’re wrong," Tyler said, his voice soft but firm. "You deserve the world, Y/N. And if I can give you even a piece of it, I will. You’re my whole world."
Her breath caught in her throat. She hadn’t expected him to say something so raw, so vulnerable. "You mean that?"
Tyler chuckled softly, his voice rumbling in his chest. "More than you know."
Y/N snuggled closer, her body relaxing into his. The pain was still there, but it wasn’t as sharp, not when she was wrapped in the safety of his arms. "I love you, Tyler."
"I love you too, darlin’," he murmured, his lips pressing softly against her forehead. "And I’m here for the long haul. Ain’t nowhere else I’d rather be."
The night stretched on, the sky outside dark and the stars shining. Tyler stayed awake, his arms around Y/N, listening to her breathing slowly even out as she finally drifted into sleep. He didn’t mind missing the storms. There would always be another tornado, another season. But there was only one Y/N, and she was worth every missed chase, every long night spent by her side.
As he lay there in the dark, the distant rumble of thunder echoed from far-off storms, but Tyler didn’t stir. His focus was here, on the woman he loved.
And as long as she needed him, that’s exactly where he’d be.
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firewasabeast · 7 hours
Uncle Eddie- Part 6
Thirteen and Three Months- read below or on ao3
Eddie thought he was hearing things the first time he heard a knocking sound. He paused the TV and listened for a few seconds. He was just about to resume his show when there was another knock, clearer this time.
With a sigh, he got up from the couch and headed for the door. He opened it expecting a delivery person or solicitor. What he did not expect was to see Juniper, all five feet of her, standing at his door.
Looking very unhappy, no less.
“Che- Juniper?” he questioned, changing the name quickly. She had informed him on her thirteenth birthday that she was too old to be called Chewy, and would prefer to only go by Juniper or Junie from now on.
Boy, did that ever hurt like hell. He'd never tell her that though.
“What are you doing here?” he asked. He looked past her, out toward the driveway to see if Buck or Tommy were there. “Where's your dads?”
“Can I come in?” Before he had a chance to answer she was pushing past him and into the house, plopping down on the couch.
He closed the door, then turned to her, folding his arms over his chest. “Juniper?” he started again. “Where are your dads?”
She let out her breath in a huff, rolling her eyes. “They're at home.”
“Then how are you here?”
She looked over at him, an annoyed expression on her face. “Uber. Duh.”
The attitude was a new feature that came along with Juniper turning thirteen. One day she was this precious girl who wanted hugs from anyone and everyone in her family, the next she was endlessly embarrassed by them.
It'd been a tough transition for everyone.
Eddie stepped closer to Juniper. “Do your dads know you're here, Junie?”
“Eddie,” she said, too cool to say 'uncle' now too, “I needed to get away for a while.”
“That doesn't answer my question. Do they know you're here?”
Another eye roll. She picked up the remote and clicked on the guide button, scrolling to see what was on. “I don't know,” she admitted.
“Oh, what the hell, Juniper?” Eddie pulled his phone from his pocket and went to Buck's name, Juniper tossing the remote and jumping up before he could call.
“Wait, don't!” She exclaimed. “Please, I- I wrote a note so they wouldn't worry.”
He stared at her, unimpressed. “What'd the note say?”
“I- I said I needed some time away and I'd come back when I was ready. I told them not to call the police or anything, that I was fine.”
“You wrote a runaway note?! They're probably going insane, Juniper! Did you at least leave your location on?”
The way she looked down, avoiding eye contact, told him everything he needed to know.
He shook his head. “Sit back down, I'm calling your dads.” He turned away from her, phone to his ear, but quickly looked back while the phone rang. “I swear to God,” he warned, “if you even try to leave this house while I'm on the phone, I will staple your dress to the couch. Do not test me, young lady.”
Her eyes widened and she swallowed hard. “O- Okay.”
She sat as still as a statue as Eddie spoke to Buck on the phone.
“Buck, hey- no, wait, Buck, I know she's... Buck. Buck! Juniper's here with me... Yeah, she took an Uber... Deep breaths, Man, she's okay... I know... I know... I know... I know... Can you give it like half an hour? Yeah, okay. Bye.”
“Okay.” Eddie said once he returned, sitting on the other side of the couch. He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. “Talk.”
She picked up a pillow and put it over her lap, picking at a loose thread. “Nothing to say.”
“You come here after running away from home just to shrug and tell me there's nothing to say? Uh-uh. Your dads are a nervous wreck right now. I thought your dad was gonna have a heart attack on the phone. You are going to talk to me.”
She groaned, pursed her lips for a moment before speaking. “I wanted to go to this big party. It's like the biggest party of the school year. All of my friends are going and I asked Dad and he said no, so I went to Pops, and he said no.”
“And that led to you running away from home?”
“No,” she replied pointedly. “I told them instead of going to the party that I was going to go over to Stacey's house and have a sleepover with her. That was fine with them.”
“Then you went to the party?”
“Of course,” she shrugged. “But Dad found out I was lying, and he and Pops both showed up to the party, Eddie,” Juniper whined, “and they made me leave. It was so embarrassing! I thought I would die.”
“Mm. Your dads have let you go to parties before. Why not this one?”
“I don't know. They hate me.”
“Yeah, okay. Real answer time. Come on, spill.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “It's a high school party.”
“You're in seventh grade.”
“I know! That's why getting to go was so cool! See, Rachel is in my class, and it's her older brother Joey's party. He's a sophomore, Eddie, and he was letting Rachel invite everyone! It could have changed. My. Life.”
“I highly doubt that. Besides it being a high school party, why else wouldn't they let you go?”
“They want me to be a social outcast,” she replied, tossing back her curly brown hair.
“The truth, Juniper.”
“Ugh, fine! S- So Rachel and Joey's parents have this rule, or whatever. They don't care if you drink as long as you're under their roof. I wasn't drinking, I swear!” She added quickly. “But dads knew about it and that's why they wouldn't let me go, so they claim.”
“You know this lovely attitude you've had lately has just been so much fun,” Eddie said, wishing more than anything he could go back in time and deal with Juniper's obnoxious catchphrases instead of teenage angst. “You ever think your dads have a good reason for saying no?”
“Because they hate me.”
“Or because they've seen firsthand how wrong these parties can go.”
“Oh God,” she dropped her head back against the couch. “Not another work horror story.”
“Hey, sit up and listen to me,” Eddie demanded, sick of the attitude. “You're the one who decided to run away to my house, so you're gonna hear what I have to say.”
She hesitated, then raised her head and looked over at him. “Fine. I'll listen.”
“We had a call, not too long ago. A high school party with about a hundred or so kids. We get there and there's this kid, fourteen years old, that fell over a balcony. Reeked of cheap tequila. Your dad performed CPR on him for nearly ten minutes, felt his ribs break under his palms as he tried to get his heart to start beating again. I had to end up pulling him off the boy.”
“That sucks, but-”
“I'm not done. Someone had called the kid's parents, and they arrived right after he'd been pronounced. They were an absolute wreck. Screaming, crying, yelling. After it was over, when we got back to the station, I found your dad in the locker room crying. Said all he could think about was that it could've been you laying there. I ended up calling your Papa to come pick him up and take him home.”
Juniper went to open her mouth, but Eddie held up a finger to stop her. “I know thinking you're invincible is kinda a prerequisite for being a teenager, but you're not. When your dads say no, there's a reason, even if you don't understand it or it doesn't seem fair.”
Juniper looked down at her hands, twiddling her thumbs. “But I wasn't drinking,” she said, her voice quieter now, more unsure.
“That kid had never drank before that day either,” Eddie said. “At least, that's what his mom kept screaming over and over.” He paused for a beat, let his words sink in before he continued. “Listen, kid, I'm not saying you'll never screw up, or that you'll never drink, but it's your dads job to keep you safe for as long as they can.”
Juniper picked at a fingernail, thinking for a bit before responding. “Do you... Do you think I really scared them? Leaving like that?” she asked.
“I think it's quite possibly the most terrified they've ever been in their lives, and that's saying a lot.”
“I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble, aren't I?”
“Oh, yeah,” Eddie answered honestly. “I don't think there'll be any parties at all in your foreseeable future. It is just because they love you though, Chewy,” he said, and although she rolled her eyes she didn't correct the nickname. He glanced at his watch. “Your dads'll be here pretty soon to read you the riot act so, until then, would you like some cookies?”
Her eyes perked up at that. “Really?”
“Uncles don't dole out punishments,” Eddie informed her, getting up and waving her toward the kitchen, “just wise advice and cookies.”
Nearly twenty minutes later, they heard a car pull up. They went into the living room just in time for Buck to open the door.
He and Juniper stared at each other for a few seconds, and Buck released a breath that Eddie was sure he'd been holding since they realized she'd run off.
“Juniper,” he started once he found his voice. “Car. Now.”
“Dad, where's Pop- Papa?”
“In the car. He got very upset when he found your note and hasn't really been able to stop crying, even after Eddie called and we knew you were safe.”
“I'm sorry, Dad. I- I didn't mean-”
“Car,” Buck said sternly, stepping to the side so she could get out the door. “Now.”
She hung her head down low. “Yes, Sir.”
Buck watched out the doorway as Juniper headed to the car, making sure she was inside before turning back to Eddie. His posture relaxed. “Thanks for calling... and for keeping her here.”
“Of course. You and Tommy gonna be okay?”
He shook his head, biting at his bottom lip. “Tommy went to go talk to her. She'd slammed her door shut earlier and we were giving her a couple hours to cool off. Figured maybe a one-on-one would be better than us both going in, you know?”
“God, Eddie, the way Tommy screamed my name down the hall after he found her note. I- I thought my heart would stop before I even knew what happened. Then we were both panicked, then I was trying to calm Tommy down because of his problems lately.”
Things had been rough in the Buckley-Kinard household these past few months. Tommy had been forced into retirement after some issues from his brain injury years ago had resurfaced. Nothing too major, he was still able to drive and go about most of his usual activities. He did have a near constant tremor in his hands, random twitches throughout his body, and a slight limp when he walked. His doctors had assured him it was nothing major; brain injuries were tricky like that sometimes. You could go years, sometimes even decades, before the brain would start acting up again.
He'd returned to physical therapy, retired and became a part-time fire instructor, all while Buck was completing his first year of being captain at the 118.
It'd been a lot of stress, then adding Juniper and her typical teenage attitude on top of that... well, it would be overwhelming for anyone.
“If it helps at all, I think she's genuinely sorry,” Eddie replied with a shrug. “Might even get a whole week without her getting mad at you again.”
“Hm, yeah, we'll see after the month long grounding she's about to get. You know anything about installing alarms on windows?” he asked, only half joking.
Eddie snorted. “Somehow I think she'd outsmart it.”
“I don't doubt that. I better get going. I've got a whole speech planned in my head that I don't wanna forget. Thanks again, Eddie.”
Eddie walked over to him, giving him a quick pat on the shoulder before they both turned for the door. “You think Tommy's gonna be alright?” he asked.
They stopped when they reached the doorway, looking out to see that Tommy had opened the passenger door and stepped one foot down, holding Juniper tight in his arms as she clung onto him. They were both clearly crying as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“Yeah,” Buck replied. “He'll be alright.”
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kazuhaiku · 11 hours
ᡣ𐭩 silly halloween costumes
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-> synopsis: you and moze go on a date while in search for some halloween costumes to wear.
-> warnings: gender-neutral reader, fluff, written for a halloween event for @stellaronhvnters, prompt: matching costumes + @kazuinvocation @lowkeyren @ryescapades
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You don’t remember the last time you went on a date with Moze. With him being busy as Feixiao’s right-hand man, he has been super busy with tasks, especially with the Luminary Wardance. Since he is now on “vacation”, you decide to take him on a relaxing date, walking around the Xianzhou Luofu while buying some drinks and seeing the scenery.
However, with Halloween coming up soon and not having a good costume to wear to March’s Halloween party, choosing costumes will be the number one priority on your list.
You see Moze standing on the bridge in the Starskiff Haven. You slowly sneak up on him, preparing to scare him but as soon as you get near him, Moze turns around.
“What the- How did you know I was behind you?!” you whine, grumbling under your breath. “You and your stupid instincts are so annoying.”
“I won’t be a good shadow hunter if I can’t sense the presence of anyone behind me would I?” Moze says in a matter-of-fact tone. “Where are we going today?”
With the change of topic, your eyes brighten. “Costume shopping! Remember March’s Halloween Party at the end of the month? We don’t have any costumes on standby so we-”
“Wait a minute. We?” Moze asks. “When did I ever agree to go to the party?”
“Didn’t I ask you about it before? I remember you saying yes to me…” you drift off, trying to remember the time you asked him about this. “Oh! It was the time we were on our last date in the… I can’t remember the name of the place.”
“The Aurum Alley?”
“Yeah, that!” you snap your fingers. “We were eating lunch and I asked if you wanted to go to a party with me and you said yes.”
You can basically see the question marks appearing beside Moze’s head. “Why do I remember you asking me if we can go on another date, not March’s Halloween party.”
You sheepishly laugh. “Oh… I might have worded it like that to get you to come with me to the party…”
“Well, I’m not going so-”
“No! Please come with me,” you beg, grabbing Moze’s hand, desperate. “I know you don’t particularly like parties but I swear March throws the best parties! Besides, you have me there with you so if you want to leave early you can!”
Moze looks at you who is practically giving him puppy eyes, a silent way of begging him to come and the most effective way of convincing Moze to do anything.
He groans, momentarily closing his eyes before opening them again. “Alright, fine. I’ll come with you to her party.”
“Yay!” you are practically jumping up and down as soon as he agrees. “Okay, let’s go get our costumes!”
“I knew it…” Moze mumbles under his breath. “Can’t I just-”
“Nope!” you quickly cut him off.
“But I didn’t even-”
“‘Can’t I just go invincible?’ is what you were going to say, right?” you ask. “It’s not fun if you go like that! It’s like going there to the party alone.”
“Choosing a costume is boring,” Moze replies.
“Well, lucky you! We’re going to get matching costumes.” you emphasize the word ‘matching’. “It’s going to be easy with me around, trust me! I also know a good costume shop around here. It just opened.”
Moze did not have time to reply, so you grabbed his arm and pulled him in the direction of the newly opened shop. “Y/N, slow down-!”
“No time to slow down! The shop has been crowded ever since it opened last week! What if the cool and cute ones are sold out?” you exclaimed. “Moze, hurry!”
With the sound of the wind filling your ears, you can barely make out what Moze is saying to you. However, taking a quick peek behind you, you can see a faint smile on Moze’s face.
As soon as you and Moze arrive to the shop, you open the door almost too excitedly, catching the employee off-guard. “W-Welcome!”
“Sorry…” you sheepishly reply, feeling guilty for scaring the employee. “Do you have any matching costumes for couples?”
“Yes we do! Wait a moment, let me grab the costumes we have left.” The employee leaves to the storage room.
“Aw… we were too late to get the cute costumes…” you pout.
“It’s okay, they must have a cute one left behind.” Moze says. “Besides, if we can’t find a good one we can just use something from home.”
“No way! We need a good one, something people have never seen!” you exclaim. The employee comes back with two different sets of outfits.
“We fortunately have two sets left for couples,” she opens the first one which consists of a unicorn onesie. “This was one of the popular items when we first opened, but it has been 10 days and we couldn’t sell this last one,” next, she opens the second one, revealing a two dragon onesie. “This is also another popular item with how cute the faces of the dragons are.”
You’re deep in thought as you decide which costume to choose. They’re both really cute and unique, but you can’t just buy both of them at once. “Moze, which one should we get?”
“I think the dragons are cute,” Moze replies. “You be the white one and I’ll be the black one. I think it fits our personalities well.
“Okay!” you turn to the employee. “We’ll take the dragons!”
“Alright! I’ll pack them up for you and we’ll proceed to the payment.”
The employee carefully packages the costumes, even giving the bag a little bow to tie the string together. When she moves to the cashier, Moze was quick to take his wallet out, preventing you from paying for the costumes.
“Thank you for your patronage!” the employee waves was as you and Moze step out of the shop, the bags in Moze’s hands.
“Why did you have to pay for me again? I was the one who invited you out today,” you complain. “Well, nevermind, you paid for our last date too.”
“Am I not allowed to spoil you?” Moze asks.
“I want to spoil you too sometimes!” you whine. “It’s not fair…”
“Well, you can pay for dinner later,” Moze as he leans closer to you. “I’m craving for some hotpot right now.” You suppress a giggle, but the smile on your face gives away how you were about to laugh. “Why are you smiling?”
“Nothing, nothing!” you clear your throat. “Come on! Let’s go walk around the city!”
You both end up getting hotpot just as Moze had requested earlier, but he was the one who paid for the meal too.
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rekino2114 · 3 days
ok hear me out female Zenitsu Agatsuma simping for male reader
Fem. Zenitsu simping for male reader
A/n:art by stormin on pinterest. Zenitsu's name will stay the same...I don't know if that makes sense but I can't think of anything
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You took a deep breath as you looked around you. You were finally back after a long mission, and you wanted nothing more than to relax
"Oh hey y/n!, you're back, how was the mission?"
"Hi tanjiro, it went well. The demon wasn't that strong, but it was still kinda tough. Do you know where Shinobu is?"
"Oh, she's probab-"
You two turned to see the rest of the kamaboko squad coming towards you, especially zenitsu who ran and tackled you into a hug
"I'm so happy you're back, I thought the demon ate you"
"Come on, zenitsu, did you think so little of me? No demon that weak could take me down"
"Y-yeah sorry, you're so strong, the strongest demon slayer I've ever seen, no demon could defeat you"
You blushed slightly from the praise and was about to thank her when you heard a groan
"Hmph! W/n (wrong name) Isn't that strong, I bet I could beat him in no time"
"Shut up, boar head, you don't know what you're talking about, y/n would wipe the floor with you"
"Really? Now I'm interested, hey w/n let's spar!"
".....A-actually, I just came back from a mission and-"
"Yeah leave him alone, y/n's probably so tired"
"Who cares? I wanna fight"
"I-inosuke, zenitsu, please calm down"
As tanjiro tried his best to calm the argument between his friends, you walked near genya and kanao
"Hi man, good to see you again"
"Hi, genya you too. kanao, do you mind telling me where your sister is?"
"...........Shinobu should be in the butterfly mansion, she's tending to other injured slayers"
"You didn't even use your coin, that's great, I'm proud of you"
You pat the shorter girl's head as she smiled slightly and you left to go where she told you, while you couldn't hear the commotion going on behind you
"Waaaaaaahhhhh *sobs*"
"Z-zenitsu what's going on?"
"D-did you see what y/n did to kanao, he pat her head, he never did that to me *sobs* y/n loves kanao"
"That's not true, y/n does not love me"
"*sobs* How dare you say that? Why did he do that then?"
"Oh it was because I didn't flip my coin to answer him"
"Yeah, I can confirm that's what happened"
The blonde girl completely changed her attitude and jumped in the air
"Yay! That means I still have a chance"
"Sorry zenitsu, but might I say something? If you love y/n this much, why don't you just tell him?"
"Are you crazy? If I tell him and he doesn't reciprocate then I'll never be able to look him in the eyes again"
"Hey!......anyway, w-where did y/n go?"
"The butterfly mansion"
"Really? Great!"
Zenitsu disappeared so fast her friends thought she used her thunder breathing for a second
"Why did she go there anyway?"
"No idea"
Meanwhile in the butterfly mansion Shinobu was checking your wounds while you lied on a bed
"Alright y/n, if you're OK with that, do you mind taking your shirt off for me? I need to check if you have other injuries"
"Sure thing"
You did as she told you, but in that moment, you heard a squeal and the sound of something falling
"Hm? What was that?"
"I don't know, I'll check later"
Meanwhile on the other side of the door tanjiro found zenitsu on the ground with a bloody nose
"S-so muscular, I think I'm in heaven"
"........we really need to work on that"
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