#please go watch the series again - or even first time and try to pay attention - then come back with better-written arguments or opinions
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indygotcha · 18 days ago
No, Kirito is not a cunt, or a Reagan of modern anime, or even like, the decade-built bile of a bad writing tropes in a character. You guys just don't want to engage with him as a character in fair or sincere terms, or keep missing the point of his actions, personality traits, and deeper conflicts within him in the anime throughout. It's been more than a decade. Go try again.
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15 notes · View notes
flowerandblood · 7 months ago
The Lost Haven (10/16)
[ modern mafia • Aemond x niece • female ]
[ warnings: incest obviously, unprotected sex, smut, the angst, squirting, semi-public intimacy, description drug overdose, violence, uncomfortable conversations, bad, bad things ]
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[ description: The vacation from eight years ago still haunts his memories and doesn't let him forget what happened between him and his niece, the daughter of his sister and Harwin Strong. Their paths separate and he immerses himself in his father's mafia world until the day she calls him for the first time since those events. Sexual tension, dark, dangerous, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: As promised, this is another, this time official modern version of The Fall from the Heavens. In this version, Daemon is not related to the family, but is simply Rhaenyra's husband and the leader of the second gang, Alys and Larys are also not related to each other, but Larys is Harwin's brother. I will partly refer to the original series, hiding some easter eggs, and some will be a completely new, fresh plot. As in every universe, only Aemond calls her Rhaenys and this is not her real name (she is unnamed character and the others also do not know that he calls her that). There will be a lot more brutality and angst in this version, so watch out. You can read this as a standalone story.
Series & Characters Moodboard Aemond & Rhaenys Moodboard
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
Although she hadn't written him back since their rather tumultuous phone call, her uncle had tried to soothe her anger by sending her pictures and videos of Vhagar at various frames and times of the day.
Through this, in the morning she would see her owner pouring food into her bowl, ordering her to stay still, listening to her squeals of impatience, then she could see her proudly carrying a big stick between her sharp fangs, and in the evening she would listen to him recording close-up footage of her dark eyes and wet nose asking her if she had missed her, with Vhagar then licking his phone.
She knew it was wrong, but some part of her felt happy about it and waited impatiently for each new message from him, because even though she didn't write him back she knew what he meant to tell her in this way: he wanted her to understand that he thought of her every day, anytime, anywhere.
She waited impatiently for news that would doom him in her eyes definitively, words from Daemon that he had killed someone again, hurt someone again, any confirmation that he was unable to change, that there was no going back for him.
There was something touching in that realisation, in the thought that he wasn't lying when he said he cared.
They both risked keeping in touch and because of that she had to have two phone cards to avoid attracting Daemon's attention, but other than that her uncle didn't try to call her or approach her, respecting her personal space.
He, however, surprised her by calling her one afternoon while she was in class. She didn't know what to do for a moment and then left the room to the surprise of everyone gathered, apologising to her professor, saying it was an urgent matter, led away by Robb's anxious, watchful gaze.
He hadn't spoken to her since his confrontation with her uncle, and she felt bad about it, but preferred not to approach him.
She had made the mistake of telling him too much and now she had to pay for it.
She sighed heavily as she stepped out into the corridor and answered, putting her phone to her ear.
"Aemond, you can't call me. Is something wrong?" She asked simultaneously frustrated and horrified.
"I got in. I passed the exam." He said excitedly, loud and clear, like a small child boasting to his mother that he had got the best mark in the class.
She blinked and shook her head, smiling involuntarily, feeling relieved at the thought that perhaps there was still hope for him.
He was really trying.
"I'm proud of you. I really am." She confessed from the bottom of her heart, wanting him to feel appreciated, to know that this was the right path for him and that she would support him in it without looking at what he had done to her in the past.
"Let's meet to celebrate. Please." He muttered, and she felt discomfort in her stomach, her whole body tensed.
"No." She said immediately, feeling fear, thinking this was another trap, another excuse to weaken Daemon.
"Just for a moment. In a public place, in a restaurant, in a café. Wherever you want, wherever you feel safe." He insisted, a plea in his voice from which she felt a sting in her heart, longing to see him and needing to keep him at bay.
"I can't, Aemond. You know I can't. I will always support you, including about your studies, but after what has happened I can't trust you." She said in a trembling voice, wanting to be honest with him.
She felt he deserved it.
She heard him swallow hard and fell silent for a long moment, making her feel remorseful, her heart pounding like mad.
"– forgive me – I had no right to ask you to do this – it was a mistake resulting from my selfishness – thank you for everything –" He said in a tone from which she felt an unpleasant shudder of self-regret, because some part of her wanted to please him, to be with him, to be happy with him, to make love to him.
But that was not enough.
"– Aemond –" She muttered, but he hung up, leaving her with an unpleasant, uncomfortable void in her heart.
She pressed her lips together and took a deep breath, trying not to cry, thinking that she had done the right and sensible thing, that she had to look out for herself and not cross the line she had drawn for herself.
It was better for her and for him.
However, she couldn't stop the unpleasant feeling of disappointment and sadness when he didn't send her any photos or messages that day or any day after. She thought that he was punishing her in this way and that it was a painful form of manipulation on his part to which she could not react.
He wanted to break her, to force her to be with him again, to make her feel remorse and let him do what he wanted with her.
She was not going to make the same mistake.
She felt for the first time that something was wrong when her professor accosted her in the corridor.
"Your friend got the best score of all the participants in the exams, Miss Strong, but he has not yet submitted all the documents. He shouldn't delay, if he doesn't do it by Wednesday, someone else will take his place." He explained, and she swallowed hard and nodded.
"I'll pass it on to him." She muttered and as soon as she said goodbye to him, she texted him.
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He, however, did not write her back either that day or the next, making her cry again through the night because of him.
Was he punishing her in this way?
Was he showing her that if she did not meet his expectations he would do nothing to change?
That her presence was supposed to be the payment for him going to University?
She thought it was terribly unfair of him and that she didn't want to know him only to send him another message in despair.
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He, however, continued not to reply and she had lost hope that anything would change.
"You haven't been eating lately. What's going on?" Asked Daemon, driving with her to the supermarket to buy things for dinner.
He took her to various places under his watchful eye, trying to find her activities to keep her from sitting in her room and torturing herself with thoughts.
She swallowed hard and looked away, not wanting to talk about it or lie to his face. She heard her step-father sigh heavily at her lack of response, impatient, and he was already about to say something when suddenly his phone rang in the car.
He answered by clicking the hands-free mode, connecting directly to the car's control panel.
"Boss, there's a small problem at the Moon & Stars club. There has been an incident, someone has tried to rob the safe. We suspect it was Hightower's people, but they managed to run away. They didn't take anything."
She looked at her father, who sighed heavily, running his hand over his face.
"Do I have to do everything myself? I'll be right there." He hissed impatiently and turned off the road, heading in a completely different direction.
He didn't usually take her with him to do his business, but now apparently the matter was serious and they were too far from home to turn back.
As they went inside, Daemon pointed his finger at one of the guest lodges to her.
"Wait here for me and stay where you are. Ten minutes and I'm back. Is that clear? You can order yourself something to drink, just have them pour it by your side in a glass." He said and she nodded, having no intention of doing anything but sitting.
Old rock classics were playing all around her, posters of bands and various guitars everywhere, red and blue lights blinking all around her, tormenting her already tired eyes.
She hadn't slept well the past few nights.
"Rhaenys?" She heard someone's voice behind her and turned, surprised to see a woman in front of her, the same one she had met when Daemon had shown her what her uncle had done to Robert.
She looked at her with big eyes, confused and terrified, because no one but him had ever called her by that name.
"Alys. We've already met." She introduced herself, extending her hand to her, holding her drink in the other, and she shook it.
The woman grinned in a way she didn't like and sat down across from her, making her feel uncomfortable. She looked around, trying to spot Daemon in the crowd, tense.
"Don't be scared. I'm a friend of Aemond's and an old acquaintance of your step-father's." Alys said calmly, taking a sip of whisky from her glass.
She looked at her with her heart beating fast, playing with her fingers in a gesture of concern.
"– but –" She muttered, unsure if she wanted to know how she knew the name that only her uncle called her by.
How close friends they were.
It seemed to her that Alys saw the question written all over her face, because she grinned even wider.
"He revealed to me the name he calls you by accident. Let's just say it slipped out to him in a moment of elation because he forgot it wasn't you lying beneath him." She said softly, without a grimace of anger or frustration, as if she found it amusing.
She swallowed hard, feeling an unpleasant sting in her heart at the thought that she was having sex with him, that he was comfortable with another woman.
On the other hand, her words sounded in her ears making her grow hot.
It slipped out of him in a moment of elation because he forgot that it wasn't you lying beneath him.
Alys sighed, spreading herself out comfortably on the couch, seeing that her words had completely shocked her and she didn't know how to act.
"Don't worry. We were never in a romantic relationship. I find the fact that he is so deeply in love with someone quite charming. For a long time I didn't know who the mysterious Rhaenys was, as there was no girl in our society with that name. It wasn't until recently that I found out for what reason Aemond kept his feelings to himself. An uncle should care for his niece, but not that much, right?" She sneered, and she swallowed hard with a loud snort of air.
Was she trying to scare her?
To blackmail her?
"Why are you telling me this?" She asked horrified, making the woman raise her eyebrows high.
"I want to help. I suspect your father didn't tell you that Aemond had recently overdosed on sleep drugs." She said, and she froze, feeling herself go deaf for a moment, and everything around her stopped.
"He's in hospital in intensive care. I found out about it from his grandfather's co-workers. Everyone is whispering about it being a suicide attempt, thinking it was because Otto decided to make Aegon his successor. But I think otherwise." She said calmly, tilting her glass, drinking its entire contents to the end in one gulp, and set it down on the table.
"When he came to talk to me last time, he talked about you. He wanted me to help him with the Larys Strong case. Fear not: we've had nothing more in common than business for over a year. Since your name slipped out of his mouth, he was no longer comfortable with this form of intimacy, which is quite understandable. I learned his sweet little secret, but honestly, looking at you, I don't blame him." She said lightly with a simultaneously heartfelt and disturbing smirk.
Their relation was deep, she thought with regret, even if they were not together.
Something in that thought saddened her, the image of their bodies entwined together.
Did he feel the same when he saw Robb?
Are you two together again?
Are you in love with him?
"It hurts you that he slept with me. That he didn't wait for you." She stated calmly, as if she had come to some obvious, ordinary conclusion. She twisted in her seat, feeling panic rising within her, her bright green eyes seeming to pierce her to the core.
"I don't know what you mean." She muttered, looking away, red with embarrassment.
"I know he hurt you. What he did to you. In a way, I admire how you endangered yourself for him having Daemon under your nose. It's tragic that you love him so much, but it's even more tragic that he reciprocates your feelings. It saddens me to see such a young, innocent girl fall down with him because of his greed." She said dryly, making her shake her head, clenching her eyes, feeling hot tears under her eyelids.
"Leave her alone, Alys. Don't mess with her head." Daemon said, grabbing her arm and lifted her upright. The black-haired woman looked at him, sighing heavily, the expression on her face not changing one bit.
"I was just offering her my condolences."
As soon as they got into the car, her step-father began his interrogation.
"What did that witch want from you? I like her, but she's a specific person and I'd rather you didn't talk to her alone." He scoffed, pulling out of the car park. She looked blankly out of the window, feeling horribly tired.
"That Aemond has overdosed and is in hospital."
Daemon rolled his eyes, impatient, and licked his lower lip.
"I didn't want to burden you even more. To make you think it's your fault. Your uncle is trying to make himself a victim."
"He killed Larys Strong for me." She muttered and heard Daemon take a deep breath, frustrated.
"Maybe he did, maybe he didn't."
"He did. Because of that rape pill. Against his grandfather's will."
"How do you know that? I forbade you to contact him. Do you want me to take your phone away from you so you'll finally wise up?"
"I don't want him to die."
Daemon fell silent and stopped at the side of the road, turning on the emergency lights. He tilted his head back, closing his eyes for a moment – they continued like that for a moment in a silence filled with tension, her fingers involuntarily tracing over the scars on her wrists.
Her reminder of what he had done to her.
"We can't help him if he doesn't want it himself. Do you understand?"
"He wants it."
"You're the only one who believes that."
"After they imprisoned me in their house, he stayed in one room with me all the time. He cried constantly, like he was a little baby. He is broken. He begged me for forgiveness."
"If he had really cared about you, he would never have done this to you."
"If your father had bequeathed in his will what was due to you to someone else, would you have left it that way?" She asked, glancing at him. Daemon shook his head, sighing heavily, shaking the dust off his trousers.
"If you cared about peace, you would have made a deal with them. My mother doesn't think justice has been done, but she remains silent for your sake. She will not stand up to you." She said coldly. Daemon looked at her with a gaze from which she froze.
"Careful now."
"Or what? You've always resented me for lying. But can you be told the truth without fear of the consequences? Do you only want to hear the kind of truth that is convenient for you?"
"Your grandfather bequeathed to your mother what he wanted in his will. Nobody forced him to do that. Do you think I'm going to give it back to them so they won't be sad? So that your poor one-eyed uncle doesn't cry? Wake up. Why do you think Viserys passed everything on to Rhaenyra? Hm? Is it because he's in love with me? Because he despised his sons? No. Because he knew that whatever he bequeathed to them, Otto would take it. He showed him that he never really trusted him and he was absolutely right."
They stared at each other in silence, the air around them so thick she felt she had trouble catching her breath. She turned her head away, feeling only fatigue, only regret.
"Take me home."
Daemon snorted and shook his head, taking off with a screech of tyres, furious.
Only money mattered, only influence, only power.
Everything else was just an obstacle to the goal.
When they got home Daemon held out his hand to her, startling her.
"Give me your phone."
She pressed her lips together, feeling her heart begin to pound like mad in rage.
She saw her step-father smack the inside of her cheek with the tip of his tongue, standing with his hand stretched out in front of him.
"I don't like repeating myself."
"Should I call your mother? Are you going to tell her that you talk to your uncle and what you do with him in your free time?" He sneered, making her feel a squeeze in her throat. "Come to your senses."
"Tell her what you want. I don't care." She said dryly and moved ahead, running upstairs to her room.
She locked herself in the bathroom and changed the card in her phone, looking in her contacts for Helaena's old number, the one she'd given her when they were still little girls, praying she'd answer.
"Hello?" She heard her soft voice on the other end and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Hi. I'm sorry to bother you. I know Aemond is in hospital. He's passed his university exam, but the deadline for submitting his documents is today. They should be in his flat in the envelope he got from the University. Are you able to fill them out and bring them to the Archaeology Department tomorrow?" She asked in a whisper, afraid that someone outside would hear her conversation.
"Oh. Okay. Okay, I'll try." She muttered, and she breathed out heavily, feeling relieved.
"Thank you. How is he?" She asked quickly.
"He's still not awake, but his condition is stable. The worst is behind us. Our mum tried to call him but he didn't answer, so she drove there to see what had happened. Thank goodness she had spare keys to his flat."
The next day she set it as a point of honour to convince her professor and dean, appearing with Helaena, that the situation was exceptional and procedures could be bent in this situation.
"I didn't know my friend was in hospital. It happened suddenly and for this reason he could not bring the documents yesterday, which however his sister has with her today."
"We cannot accept them without his signature." Said the dean, making her feel an unpleasant discomfort in her stomach at the thought that her uncle would wake up only to find that his chance was gone.
"I ask for your understanding in this unique situation. He is unconscious at the moment and fighting for his life. As soon as he is able, he will come to sign the documents in person. The professor told me that he passed the exam with the best result. He's been through a lot and I don't want his work to be in vain." She said, and the man sighed heavily and nodded.
"Very well. But as soon as he is able, he is to appear here immediately and explain to me in person."
She sent him another message that same day, knowing from Helaena that he was finally awake and that nothing was threatening his life anymore.
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He, however, did not write her back.
Was it because of her that he had done this to himself?
Was it because she had not met him?
She felt anger and remorse at the same time, but mostly she was relieved that he was still alive.
Lying alone in bed late at night, she thought she would go mad if she didn't find out why he had done it, so in a gesture of despair she decided to call him to find out how he felt.
She shuddered when she heard him pick up, but he was quiet, complete silence on the other end of the receiver.
"How are you feeling?" She asked softly, wondering if she was about to hear a litany from him about how much he had suffered because of her, that he didn't want to live because of her.
Would he try to manipulate her with remorse.
"Exactly as I deserve."
She swallowed hard, completely not expecting such an answer, not knowing what to make of his words.
Exactly as I deserve.
She lowered her gaze, playing with her duvet between her fingers, feeling her heart pounding like mad.
"Did you… really want to do this?" She muttered, dreading his answer, and he laughed, as if something in her question amused him for some reason.
"No. I wanted to see how you felt that day."
She froze, feeling her breath get stuck in her lungs, her eyebrows arching in pain at his words.
"Your suffering is not my desire, Aemond. You hurt me, but I don't want revenge. I just want… to stop feeling this unbearable pain in my heart that I have felt in my chest for eight years." She muttered, simultaneously wanting to see him again and forget him, to run away from him and let herself be locked in his arms once more.
"I regret it so much. I told my grandfather that I didn't want him to involve you, but he said that if we didn't, someone else would want to take advantage of Daemon's weakness for you. And I believed him. I thought that Larys will actually try to do something to you again, but only now do I understand that it was a simple lie that I easily accepted to justify myself. Fuck, I'm so ashamed, baby, I really am." He choked out with difficulty, whooping with tears, making her freeze completely, just listening to him.
"My father took everything from me. I did these fucked-up things to other people for nothing. I mutilated them for nothing. The only thing he left me is the property by the sea, the same one where I lost my eye, as if he had made a mockery of me. I was so lost. I still am."
She swallowed hard, staring dully ahead, feeling as one by one tears ran down her face.
Some part of her understood him, knew how hurt and disappointed he must have been, but another couldn't forgive him for somehow using her to get revenge on Daemon and her mother.
She felt like her head was going to burst.
"What do you want, Aemond? Truly. Be honest." She asked, impatient, and heard him swallow heavily.
"I want to study and see you once in a while. In a public place, so that you feel safe."
She pressed her lips together at his words, feeling the heat in her stomach and chest, for which she rebuked herself in spirit, trying to remain sober in her mind.
"And that's it? What about your family? About your business?"
"My grandfather limited my influence and responsibilities after I shot Larys without his knowledge. He no longer trusts me and doesn't assign me important tasks."
It was only then that she understood why he had actually overdosed.
He had lost his business.
He had lost his grandfather's respect.
He had lost her.
He was alone, exactly as he was then.
His face contorted in pain and despair, his red cheeks flooded with tears, his eyes closed and his hands clenched into fists then, as he stood up to his waist in the sea water, alone and terrified.
"The University Library." She said feeling that she had made up her mind.
"I don't understand."
"We can meet in the University Library."
"Really?" He asked excitedly, as if she had given him a wonderful surprise, and she swallowed hard, feeling a tightness in her throat.
"Only there and for a short time. Once in a while. If I find out you did something to hurt me or my family, you'll never see me again."
She didn't care about their business, their money, their eternal need to prove to themselves who was in charge of this town.
She just wanted her friend back.
The next day she turned up at the agreed place all tense, hiding her little pocket knife in her bra beforehand, afraid that he would trick her again.
That he would betray her again.
So many emotions were rattling through her head that her hands were shaking and although she tried to concentrate on reading her textbook, she couldn't. When she heard the sound of the door opening and raised her head from the book, she drew in a breath, seeing his silhouette emerge from behind the bookcases.
He stood still, as if petrified, his eyes and mouth opened wide.
"Hi." He muttered as if choking.
"Hi." She replied, looking at him watchfully, ready to run away.
She swallowed hard as he simply pulled off his leather jacket and sat down next to her on the big, soft cushions.
Afraid of how much her heart was pounding, how euphoric she felt at the sight of him, she decided to turn her thoughts away from that and get to the point, pulling from her backpack her notebooks that she had brought for him.
"I brought you my notes from first year. Read them, if you can't decipher something, I'll try to guess what I wrote. They'll come in handy for you before semester exams." She said indifferently, handing them to him one by one. He nodded and swallowed hard, taking them from her, clearly not knowing how to act.
"Thank you."
Having no idea what more she could say, she leaned back and sank into reading her textbook again, afraid to look at him, afraid of what she would see in his gaze.
She shuddered and took a breath as he lay down beside her and put his head on her shoulder, exactly as she had done when they had read books together as small children.
She pressed her lips into a thin line, feeling tears squeeze into her eyes at this tender memory.
He heard her uneven breath, his moist, soft lips brushed her neck as his hand touched her waist, locking her in a warm embrace that felt too good, too safe.
"– please –" She muttered, but didn't have time to say anything else because he interrupted her.
"– I have a gift for you –" He said, surprising her completely, taking out a rose-shaped red lollipop from his pocket after a moment. "– I didn't know what kind of flowers you like, so I bought one like this – the sales lady said it has a strawberry flavour –"
She felt touched and at the same time pained at the thought of how sweet and thoughtful this gift was. She took it from him, turning it in her fingers, no longer able to remember the last time anyone had given her something without an occasion to just make her smile.
"I'll eat it later. I don't want to get the books dirty now. Thank you, that's very kind of you." She said softly, putting the lollipop aside, and he nodded, his face pressed against her cheek as his fingers ran slowly over her face.
For some reason she didn't understand when he leaned back, her body followed him, laying next to him on the soft material. She let his arm draw her closer, his hand combing through her hair as her fingers touched his chest.
He nuzzled her face into the hollow of his neck, and she closed her eyes, smelling the pleasant scent of his aftershave and his masculine perfume, making a wonderful warmth spill over her lower abdomen.
"Several of my father's men are dead. They were shot on your grandfather's orders." She whispered, not wanting to forget who he was or what he had done.
She heard him sigh quietly, his fingers trailing over her head and down her back, playing with the curls of her hair.
Why did she feel so surprisingly safe in his arms, why was she so relaxed, so calm, why did her chest fill with some strange, unnatural relief?
"I know."
"Did you have anything to do with it?"
"No. My grandfather restricted my field of action after we called the emergency services when you…" He didn't finish, and she swallowed hard, knowing what he meant.
She decided she had to ask him this question, even though she was so afraid of his answer.
"If your grandfather tells you to kill Daemon or my brother. What will you do then?"
To her surprise, he seemed to have expected her to ask him this, for he answered almost immediately, without hesitation or uncertainty in his voice.
"I will tell him to do it himself. The times when I was his dog are over and he knows it. He has no idea what to do with me. I'm out of his control."
Something in his words, in the confidence with which they left his throat made her feel hot in her heart. She lifted herself up on her arm, wanting to look at his face, knowing that even if his lips lied to her, she would see the truth in the look of his healthy eye.
"What's your plan?"
Her uncle hummed under his breath, his hand from her neck sliding down between her breasts, trailing along the buttons of her dress, making a hot shiver run down her spine.
He was doing this on purpose, she thought.
"I want to start acting on my own." He said cautiously and looked at her with a glint in his eye that she didn't like.
"What do you mean?" She muttered involuntarily.
"If you think there's a way I could escape this world, you're wrong. Even Daemon didn't escaped it, he simply gathered his most trusted people and expanded his influence. I want to do the same, and I will start by taking over Heavenly Beach. Since Larys is dead, chaos has reigned there, and I intend to take advantage of it. Many of my grandfather's people don't like the vision of them having to work for Aegon in the future. They neither respect nor fear him." He sneered, saying the words as if he was proud of himself.
She stared at him in disbelief, not expecting such a response from him, the fact that he would dare to think of cutting himself off from his grandfather, of breaking away from his leash.
His words surprised her so much that she didn't know what to say, what she felt, what she thought about what she had just heard.
She shuddered, snapped out of her reverie when his finger tapped her breast where her pocket knife was tucked under her bra, feeling the cold sweat on her back at the thought of him noticing it.
"– wise girl –" He hummed, using this as an excuse to tease her through the material of her dress, rubbing the spot under where he knew her nipple was.
She swallowed loudly, feeling a wave of pleasurable heat surge through her entire body, the place between her thighs pulsed painfully hard, embarrassingly wet and eager for him not to stop.
She thought she would not give him that satisfaction.
"What do you intend to do with my step-father?" She asked in a trembling voice, and he looked at her with a smirk, shamelessly closing his hand on her breast again and again, no longer even pretending that he meant anything other than to feel her.
"Nothing. I won't attack him first. For you. He has nothing to do with Heavenly Beach." He muttered, spreading himself more comfortably on the cushion, already focusing only on where his hand was and what it was doing to her. She shuddered as another wave of tickling pleasure and tension shook her loins, her fingers involuntarily clenching on his wrist.
"– stop – someone will see –" She mumbled, looking around, terrified that Robb or anyone else who knew her might see them.
"I want it back." He whispered. "I want what we had during that summer."
She swallowed heavily, looking up at him in shock, feeling her heart get stuck in her throat and stop beating for a second.
I want it back.
I want what we had during that summer.
His words, so childish, simple and ill-considered were too painfully honest for her, his gaze hot and thirsty, full of what he was speaking of.
"I…God, after all, you know it won't work. We can't. No one will accept it, no one will understand. We'll be miserable again." She whispered pleadingly, shaking her head, unable to even imagine what it would look like.
To him, however, it clearly didn't matter anymore, and that shocked her the most.
"If you don't want it, I'll understand it. What I desire is fucked up, like my whole person. But I want you to know that what happened between us… then, when my father died. It was real. I've never felt more alive and fulfilled than then, being deep inside you. You were so warm." He said, running his thumb over the soft skin of her cheek, making her turn all red at his words, her cunt all slick from her moisture clenched greedily around nothing.
"Aemond." She mumbled in embarrassment, involuntarily feeling him inside her again, the thrusts of his hips forcing him deep, deep into her delicate flesh.
"I don't care how wrong it is. I don't care about morality. I've done far less moral things to other people. Making love to my niece seems to me the smallest of my sins." He confessed, sinking his hand into her hair, looking at her in a way that made her want to cry.
Making love to my niece seems to me the smallest of my sins.
Making love.
"Someone might say it's disgusting and wrong, but I only care about what you want. I don't give a shit about others. What they will think of me, whether I live by their rules or not. What can they do to me? Mock me? Fear me? They are already do. It's not about me, it's about you. I don't want to ruin your life."
She burst out crying at his words, because although he had hurt her so much, some sick part of her had longed to hear it for eight years. She moaned quietly as his lips began to place quick, helpless kisses on her face, his wide hands enclosing her in his embrace, trying to comfort her.
But she knew there was no comfort for them.
There was no future for them.
"– please – please, I don't want you to cry because of me –"
"This is just too much. I wish I could be a child again. To go back to that sea. To fall asleep next to you in that room. I wish I could feel again the peace I felt then. Your presence next to me. But I can't have it." She mumbled, choking on her own tears, involuntarily seeking relief in his proximity, feeling grief at the thought that he could not be the strange man she was allowed to love.
"You have it. You have me. You always had."
She looked up at him and froze, breathing hard, looking straight into his eyes, one empty and dead, the other filled with the hot affection she so feared.
"Do you like me?" He asked, and she blinked, not understanding what he meant. She nodded, however, wanting him to know that no matter how hard she tried, she was incapable of hating him.
"Very much?" He continued and smiled as she nodded again, breathing loudly through her mouth, trying to calm the convulsions of her body.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
The two of them, then, by the sea, walking side by side, the white shells in her hand, his soft, moist lips that evening on hers, his warm embrace as she lay snuggled into his body at night, in his room, in his bed.
"This time I'm aware of what I'm asking for. What I want. And although I should, I'm not ashamed of it. I have wasted eight years that I could have spent with you, no matter how much we would both have suffered during that time. I want to suffer with you by my side now." He whispered, tucking an unruly strand of her hair behind her ear in a gesture so tender that her voice stuck in her throat.
"I wish I could trust you, but I don't know if I can." She muttered with difficulty.
His eyebrows arched in pain at her words.
"I know. I'll wait as long as it takes." He whispered, his broad, warm hand running over her cheek.
I'll wait as long as it takes.
She was terrified by the fact that everything inside her screamed that she wanted him back.
She wanted him to be close.
She wanted him to touch her.
She wanted him to love her.
"You can only embrace me and hold my hand. No kisses on the lips and don't try to take me." She muttered, to her surprise instead of shame feeling relieved.
Against everything and everyone, morals and good manners, everything she valued in life.
They were together.
To her simultaneous annoyance and delight, her uncle took her words very loosely: he didn't kiss her lips and his hands didn't go near the area of her panties, but over the following weeks, when they met in secret in the library, his fingers travelled over every other part of her body.
She deliberately stopped wearing a bra, knowing that the thought that someone might have noticed her nipples under her T-shirt drove him to fury.
As she spread herself comfortably between his thighs with her textbook that they were reading together, satisfaction filled her body as she felt his hard manhood pushing greedily against her buttocks, his hand in some subconscious motion slipping under the material, enclosing itself on her soft, plump breast.
"– you are doing this on purpose –" He breathed out into her ear, rolling his hips back and forth, rubbing his throbbing length against the space between her buttocks, trailing his lips down her long neck, leaving wet, sticky marks on her bare skin. "– you let others look at what is mine – you punish me –"
She sighed, closing her eyes, tilting her head back so that she rested it on his shoulder, showing him grace – she clenched her thighs involuntarily, feeling a wonderful pulsing between them as his lips sank greedily into the hollow of her neck, her hand clamped down on his wrist, encouraging him not to stop.
"– let me look at them – take pity on me –" He exhaled, completely losing interest in reading, kneading the silken, smooth structure of her breast with his fingers as his other hand slid down to her bare thigh, stroking it affectionately.
"– we can't – someone will see us –" She muttered, her breath heavy and deep, her whole body hot and tense from the waves of tickling, overpowering pleasure, his hands, his scent, his closeness driving her mad.
It always ended the same way.
"– there are no cameras here – please – I haven't seen you all week – I've been good, haven't I? – hm? –" He gasped, and she swallowed hard at the thought of what he had done.
He, accompanied by Criston Cole and a handful of trusted men, had carried out attacks on all of the clubs owned by Larys Strong at once, taking over the entirety of his inheritance, depriving his grandfather of half of his trusted associates.
An expression of their displeasure at having nominated Aegon as his successor.
Daemon was shocked by this turn of events, having enemies on two fronts wondering, in fact, whether to respond to her uncle's offer to make a deal.
Aemond could have given Daemon the advantage over Otto that he so needed.
It was probably only the chaos and what was going on around him that made Daemon not ask her why she was going to the library in the middle of the summer, thinking apparently that she was trying to escape from what was going on around her that way.
It was partly true.
She knew that her boyfriend's conciliatory attitude was not because he had suddenly fallen in love with her step-father or brother, but because he wanted her, and she had the power to reward him for being faithful to her and for keeping his promises.
It was a dangerous game and they both knew it.
She sighed and turned in his embrace, sitting down on top of him, pulling her Tshirt over her head without much finesse. Her uncle froze for a moment, staring at the sight before him, his swollen erection beneath her pulsed hard again and again.
She decided to tease him a little and began to rock her hips back and forth, pressing down on what was beneath her, a muffled, low groan came from his throat.
"– fuck –" He mumbled, stroking her naked waist, watching her bare silhouette as if he were staring at something sacred that he held in reverence, for a moment afraid to touch her as he desired.
She rested her hands on his chest as he began to roll his hips, and after a moment he leaned in, sinking his face between her soft breasts.
"– ah –" She sighed, tilting her head back in pleasure, feeling her swollen pussy throb around nothing as his slick tongue ran over her sternum.
Her fingers combed through his short hair as his face moved slightly to the side, blindly searching for her nipple, around which his puffy lips clamped down after a moment, beginning to suck.
"– Aemond –" She mumbled, snuggling his head closer to her chest, involuntarily wanting to feel him harder, closer, deeper, the sweat of exertion and emotion trickling down her bare spine.
His face pressed against her breasts, his lips and tongue sucking and licking her nipples were the furthest form of their intimacy, something lewd and wonderful at the same time, a perpetual torment with no possibility of fulfilment.
"– fuck, let me – please – just this once –" He exhaled wearily, switching from one breast to the other, squeezing it between his fingers, directing her hard, sensitive nipple to his lips, which he clamped around it.
Shivers and waves of delightful tension shook her whole body making her mind all foggy, the space between her thighs all throbbing and moist, ready to welcome him deep inside her.
She rose suddenly from her knees, grabbing the material of her T-shirt, putting it over her head as if nothing had happened, feeling a drop of her own wetness run down her thighs.
"– baby –" He muttered, touching her bare leg, trying to stop her, desperate and thirsty.
"– next week Professor Addams is organising a private excavations two hours away from our town – it's a site in one of the medieval fortresses of our region, very important and he needs volunteers – I've offered to let you come and to count it as your student practices, so that you would have to make up less of them during the academic year – professor will rent rooms for all of us in a hotel nearby – if you come and do your best, I'll let you sleep with me –" She said lightly, looking at him over her shoulder, knowing how ambiguous her words sounded and that was exactly what she meant.
She saw him swallow hard, looking at her with wide eyes, his erection twiched hard in his trousers.
"– do you mean it? –" He mumbled in a trembling voice, as if the very thought made him faint.
"– yes, but it's two weeks – you'd then either have to give up your job, or drive to do your errands at night and come back in the morning –" She explained, taking her backpack in her hand, getting up from the ground.
He stood up with her, grabbing her aggressively around the waist, her body slamming against his.
"– promise me –" He whispered in a trembling voice into her ear, making her leaking pussy clench hard around nothing.
He groaned when, instead of words, her lips found his in a loud, deep kiss that took his breath away. His fingers clenched on her hair, not allowing her to move away, her tongue thrust deep between his teeth with his loud sigh of delight, colliding with his, which she licked invitingly.
She pushed him away and stepped back, trying to calm herself, in his healthy eye a heat and madness she had never seen before in her life.
He was on the verge of fucking her right here and now, ripping off her shorts and panties and slamming into her on the cold library floor.
She wouldn't stand up to him, and her moist cunt would gladly accept him deep inside her.
But he didn't know that.
"– I'll write you all the details later – take it seriously –" She mumbled, having increasing trouble pretending indifference and that she felt nothing for him.
He nodded his head like a small child and she gave him one comforting smile.
"– I love you –" He muttered in a trembling voice, and she felt a twinge in her stomach at his words, her heart filling with heat.
"– I love you too –" She finally confessed with shame, feeling her voice break. He pressed his lips together as if he wanted to cry, his eyebrows arched in pain.
"– I need you – please –"
"– be there –" She mumbled pleadingly and turned away, moving towards the exit, afraid that if she stayed with him a moment longer, she would finally give in to him.
Daemon was not happy with the idea of her leaving for so long.
"– the situation is still tense – someone of my people would have to be there with you –" He said.
"It's an archaeological excavations. I need a change of environment. I've been answering your every call for the last few months. I'm tired. I want to get away from what's going on and earn some money. Drive me there yourself if you're afraid I'm lying. You can call my professor, he will confirm that I have expressed my willingness to go with him again as his assistant. He's a good man. We'll sit in research all day and at night in a hotel."
"In what hotel? I need to know." He said impatiently.
"There is only one small hotel in this village on the main street." She explained, and her father sighed heavily.
"Please. This fortress is an important site. These excavations will count as practices, that way I won't have to do so many of them during the academic year. I haven't even swum in the lake this year, I just want to be alone for a while and do what I really enjoy."
Her stepfather sighed heavily and nodded.
"So be it. But I'll drive you away personally."
The next day she decided to text him to set things up.
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She sighed heavily when he didn't write back then or the next day, clearly furious at the thought of having to look at her ex's face, but there was nothing she could do about it.
When Daemon drove her there he personally inspected her hotel room and furrowed his brow when he saw two single beds in it, not one.
"Who are you going to spend the night with?" He asked dryly.
"Certainly with some female friend." She shrugged her shoulders, placing her bags on the floor, feigning indifference.
She found with concern that lying to him was coming more and more easily to her.
He sighed and nodded.
"Report to me every day: text me or your mother in the morning and evening that you are fine. If you don't, I'll come here personally." He said warningly, and she smiled in his direction and nodded, for some reason happy.
She would spend a two weeks with him.
"Okay, Dad."
Daemon liked it when she called him that.
His gaze softened and he left her alone, throwing over his shoulder that she should watch over herself and not do anything stupid.
Too late, she thought with amusement.
She was joyful, and the sight of herself smiling in the mirror seemed unnatural to her.
She was certain that this happy little girl had died a few years ago.
She waited two hours to be sure her step-father is far away and went out into the corridor, looking for her professor. She wanted to inform him that she would be spending the night in a room with her boyfriend, while texting her uncle that Daemon had already left and he could enter the building in peace.
As she had found out from one of the students, their professor was overseeing the setting up of equipment and research tents near the site where they were to carry out the excavation, so that's where she went.
The sight of Robb among several other people she knew well did not fill her with optimism.
Her ex-boyfriend lowered his gaze as she approached their professor, who was just talking to one of the museum workers from the fortress they were about to research. Professor Addams smiled at the sight of her.
"Miss Strong! It is wonderful that you have made it. Will your friend also arrive as planned?" He asked lightly, and Robb looked at them surprised, tense.
"Yes, my boyfriend will be here soon. I also wanted to ask if he could spend the night in my room. We'll both be more comfortable that way." She said without stammering, making her ex-boyfriend turn pale and red all at the same time.
Their professor laughed and nodded.
"It's your room and you're adults after all. Just remember to focus on work, not dating." He said and she smiled involuntarily, casting a defiant glance at the boy she once thought would change her life.
"We will, Professor."
She turned as she heard someone's footsteps and beamed all over as she saw her uncle, clearly terrified and excited, throwing a menacing, displeased look at Robb.
"Speak of the devil. Today we'll just set up the equipment and figure out the details, work will start tomorrow. Everyone is to be here at eight in the morning right after breakfast. Get some shopping done at a nearby supermarket and get a good night's sleep." Their professor said.
She knew that surely the last thing awaiting her that night was sleep.
She was not mistaken – the moment they crossed the threshold of their room her uncle literally threw himself at her.
There was something animal and primal in the way he tore off her clothes, in his gaze black with desire, in his loud, heavy breath as he finally exposed her entire naked body, something he should never see, should never desire, should never have.
And yet.
For a moment he just stared at her, breathing loudly, as if he wanted to remember this moment, her, exposed beneath him – his hand ran slowly over her cheek, along her jawline and neck, sliding down between her breasts to her stomach.
It seemed obvious to her that the time for quiet, slow, tender lovemaking would come later, once the sun had set, once they were both just writhing in each other's embrace, unable to separate.
Now, however, they were hot with desire that burned their skin, and his lips, swollen with lust, after a moment clamped down on her hard, sensitive nipple, sucking on it as greedily as if there was no tomorrow to come.
She moaned loudly, too loudly when his fingers slid down her stomach, deep between her thighs, finding her hot, throbbing, leaking pussy at last, her hands pressing his face to her chest.
"– I hate that son of a bitch – I hate the way he looks at you – as if he's the one who wants to protect you – as if he's the one who knows what you need – bullshit –" He hissed furiously between the licks of his tongue, the tips of his fingers digging into the silky, moist skin of her swollen folds.
She whimpered, spreading her thighs wider, feeling the arousal fill her belly at the thought of how jealous he was of her.
Even when he was with another woman, he dreamt that she was the one lying beneath him.
She could not allow him to doubt the depth of her feelings, to doubt her intention or her fidelity.
"– I don't care about him, uncle – you can kiss me in his presence if that's what you want –" She cooed innocently, looking up at him with her lips parted in deep breaths, his dark gaze clouded and filled with something that sent a shiver through her.
He pulled away from her, as if her words had brought him to an edge from which there was no turning back, his nimble fingers quickly undoing the belt from his trousers and his zipper.
All she could do was, in a natural, simple reflex, spread her thighs even wider in front of him and entwine her legs on his back as he leaned down, sliding the material of his boxers lower, releasing his throbbing, fat erection.
Holding the base of his cock in his hand he guided the thick, pink head of it, leaking from his precum, onto her heat, teasing it, soaking his manhood in her wetness to use it as a lube.
"– may I? –" He asked in a trembling voice, leaning on his elbow right next to her head, and she nodded quickly, not knowing what else she could say.
"– ah –" She gasped along with him, running her fingers through the fabric of his t-shirt on his back as he sank into her with one, slow, sure thrust.
He slid into her with astonishing ease, and her slickness made him start to move inside her immediately, as if the warmth of her clenching walls had awakened some primal instinct in him, ordering him to just take what he wanted.
Nothing more than whimpers and grunts escaped their lips as their hips began to slam against each other with loud clicks of her wetness, his erection so fat and swollen that she barely fit it inside her, his forehead pressed against her.
His scent, his neck into which she snuggled her face as he thrust into her again and again with lewd slaps, his body lying on top of her, all of it was so familiar, so longed for.
"– Aemond –" She breathed out, tilting her head back, enclosing him in the helpless embrace of her body, feeling him with her whole self at last, connecting with him the way she had always wanted to, the bed beneath them creaking loudly.
"– fuck – fuck, baby – I missed you –" He mumbled with difficulty, quickening his pace, with each push rubbing the tip of his erection against the spot inside her from where she could see the stars.
"– I missed you too –" She confessed in shame, listening to the perverted sound of him opening her wide on his cock with wet clicks of her moisture.
He surprised her when he suddenly took her legs in his hands, forcing her to take a new position, putting her knees on his shoulders.
She moaned in shock as he began to move inside her anew with a loud slaps of their hips, feeling a flash of pleasure flow through her body again and again.
Her insides began to squeeze his manhood in delight, pulling high pitched, boyish moans of pleasure from his throat, his lips parted wide, his brow arched as if he was in pain.
"– you're so beautiful – I love you – I love you, I love you, I love you –" He exhaled, no longer sliding out of her, all sticky from her moisture, invading her insides with violent, sharp, quick stabs from which she threw her head back.
"– Aemond, God, yes, yes, yes, here, fuck me here, ah –" She mewled, writhing beneath him in ecstasy, feeling the tension in her lower abdomen and her throbbing pussy about to reach its peak.
He leaned over her, pressing her body against the bed with her own thighs in a position where her calves were at the level of her head.
She clenched her fingers against his back, moaning helplessly as she felt the pressure on her clit from which tears pooled under her eyelids, each successive thrust of his hips sending her body into a state of ecstasy which forced him to close her mouth with his.
"– shhh – shhh, baby, not so loud – mmm – I know – your uncle is close too –" He breathed out into her throat between loud, sticky kisses full of their slick tongues, hearing her squeal of pleasure.
Tears of relief ran down her cheeks red from exertion as her body was shaken by such a powerful orgasm that she just burst out crying.
She heard his loud moans and panting, felt how aggressively his cock pulsed inside her, filling her with his release, how their bodies convulsed as a wave of her moisture flowed out of her, so much that they both drew in air loudly, his face pressed against her hot cheek.
"– 'm sorry –" She muttered embarrassed, not fully understanding what had happened, the wet, large stain under her buttocks made her uncomfortable.
"– it's okay – it's okay, baby – it's okay –" He whispered tenderly, placing loud, sticky kisses on her face.
"– uh – what have you done to me? – we'll have to change the sheets now –" She sighed, combing her fingers through his short hair in an attempt to calm herself, the last waves of pleasant warmth and tickling flowed through her body, putting her in a state of perfect bliss.
She dropped her legs lower, returning to her original position, allowing him to lie between her thighs and she squirmed when he suddenly lifted her by the buttocks and stood up with her.
"– don't worry – we'll just sleep on the other bed – see? –" He hummed, heading with her towards the single bed on the other side, laying down on his back with a sigh of exertion.
She spread herself comfortably on top of him, placing her palm on his shoulder, letting his hands wander over her bare body.
"– can I stay inside you? – you're so warm –" He mumbled like a little boy, and she nodded, dreaming of nothing else.
"– yes –" She whispered, lying with her eyes closed, concentrating on the smell of his perfume and his sweat, his soft manhood still pulsing deep inside her.
She heard him let out a loud breath, something like delight and relief in his words.
"– this is the most beautiful day of my life –"
Author notes: You can thank my husband for the last scene, lol. He did things to me.
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eureka-its-zico · 1 year ago
Chaos in Their Bones Ch. 4
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Ongoing Series
Synopsis: All your life you’d listened to your friend, Usopp spin wild tales about pirates and adventure. Pirates weren’t a thing that came often to Syrup Village, but one straw hat pirate and his crew changed all that the day they arrived. Now, you aren’t so sure if your sleepy little village was always pirate-free or if no one had been paying attention.  
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, frenemies to lovers, slow burn (I hope y’all like aching) eventual smut
Words: 8.7+
A/N:  This chapter is mostly filler from 1.04-1.05. This chapter also, once again has a POV from Zoro. I kept going through my options of what I could do to possibly give these two idiots more alone time and this was the result. The beginning, and introduction, of Sanji begins right at Chapter 5 and I already have too many ✨ideas ✨ that I know what to do with. Also, I did add in Zoro working out. It’s a brief mention, but I just found it weird he didn’t have any of those scenes (probably for damn good reason). As always, thank you guys for all the love and support. I hope you all continue to enjoy this story🖤 Much Love, Jenn
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Previous Next
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“I don’t know, Doc. You’re starting to look a little pale.”
“And green.”
You’d been hugging the side of this particular railing since you’d sailed out of port. It was your first time ever on a ship and it wasn’t going too great. You’d heard about seasickness and even had sailors come asking for Naan’s Elfroot to chew to stem the tide while they were out at sea. You always thought they were being ridiculous. How bad could it be? 
Well, if your dry heaving was any indication - pretty bad. Of course, Zoro just had to make it worse. 
You glanced up from looking at the water that was gently tapping the side of the boat to the growing bane of your existence. One hand was tucked into the pocket of his jeans while the other rested on the hilt of his swords. He looked effortlessly cool as he watched you with - was that a smirk? 
He’d changed into a yellow shirt with fine detailing of gray lines running horizontally and vertically, which matched perfectly with his gray pants. 
Zoro was more of a fashionista than he’d let on. 
“It’s just the reflection of your hair,” you shot back at him. 
You could feel the next wave of nausea thrashing around in your stomach and you prayed you could keep it down. You were going to lose more cool points if you hurled again. Zoro squinted over the sun's rays to regard your current state. He must have been able to tell you were 0.2 seconds from hurling because, instead of replying, he simply twirled his finger indicating for you to turn around. 
You did as he instructed, but made sure to follow it up with a middle finger salute. 
“Man, you two always like this? You just met.” Usopp asked. 
Usopp tried doing the dotting friend routine by patting you a few times, awkwardly, on your back. It felt more like he was trying to get a burp out of you than soothe you. 
“It’s because they like each other.”
Nami pranced out of the galley and chose violence. It only took both you and Zoro to register her words before you both shouted: 
“I don’t like her.”
“I hate him!”
Nami wrapped her arms around herself as she looked you both over. A devious smile tilting the edges of her mouth and you had to look away before it turned into the shit eating grin you’d come to expect. 
“I’m sure you both do,” she teased. 
You wanted to prove to her that you meant it. Zoro would be the last person you would say you liked, like- like that. The man was literally the biggest pain in the ass you’d ever met. 
“Usopp,” you croaked, “can you get my bag, please.”
“I’m on it, Doc.”
At the sound of his feet hitting the deck, a groan of discomfort resonated in your chest. How could anyone think that sailing was fun? This felt like the absolute worst. 
When you first entered the Going Merry you couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. You’d heard Usopp tell you stories since he cleaned it everyday. It was as finely crafted as he’d described, and the white ashwood against the walnut was a stark contrast but complemented each other beautifully. There wasn’t another ship like the Going Merry and a one-of-a-kind ship should belong to someone as extraordinary as Luffy.
The minute you’d cast off into the giant blue you’d almost panicked. What if this was a mistake? You’d never been out in open water before nor had you ever left Syrup village. This could either be one of the greatest adventures of your life or a disaster. The only thing that kept you from flinging yourself over the side and swimming back was when you’d walked the stern and the glint of the sun shone down on the water. 
The sun’s rays illuminated the water like light reflecting off a crystal glass. One minute it was the deepest blue. The color was solid enough that your reflection was easy to see and in a matter of seconds after a ray of light touched its water, it took on a cornflower hue that made the water translucent. 
You’d been able to admire it for all of three seconds before you were embarrassing yourself over the port bow. 
“I’m back, Doc,” Usopp spoke softly as he placed a soft hand on your shoulder. He lightly tapped the bag against your hands to try and coax you to grab it. “Do you need me to get you water or anything?”
“Water is not going to help. It’ll make it worse.” 
You thought he was trying just to be his usual monotoned “Hi, I’m Zoro and I could care less,” self, but when you finally peeled your forehead off your forearm and looked at him he wasn’t even looking at either of you. He was curled up, like a lazy cat, against a couple of crates with his eyes closed and faced tilted towards the sun. With his hands infamously stuffed inside his pockets. 
“It would?”
You nodded your head only once in recognition before you started searching through your bag. Your hands started scrambling inside it a soft, “No,no,” building into a frenzy before you stopped searching.
“I’m guessing your magic little root isn’t in there.”
Zoro was still sitting without a care while you felt like you wanted to throw yourself overboard. 
“No. It isn’t.”
Mental note: Ask Luffy to stop at Irkhaven Isle to get supplies. 
Suddenly, Zoro stood in one graceful motion and walked off towards the galley. 
You turned back to the Going Merry’s railing and held on tight. Your stomach felt like you’d swallowed glass and got punched, it was so empty. Another groan was building in your chest when a cold bottle touched the back of your arm. 
The coolness to your skin sent a yelp of surprise from you, and sent you whirling to the presence beside you. Zoro was leaning back against the railing, looking as calm as ever, with a beer extended out between you. 
“Isn’t it a little bit too early to be drinking?” 
He rolled his eyes as he switched positions. He was now mimicking your current position against the rail but looked effortless and was still holding that damn beer out to you. 
“It’s for you.”
“For me? Zoro, I don’t think now is the time to be drinking-“
“Just drink it,” he growled, an obvious annoyance replacing his earlier calm. 
What hell, what was a beer going to do? At most, it would at least give your stomach something to actually throw up instead of dry heaving yourself into a six pack. 
You reached out and took it from him. Zoro continued to watch you as you placed the bottle to your lips, waiting for you to take a sip. 
“Could I get some privacy here?”
Zoro rolled his eyes but did as you asked looking off into the southside of the ship. You took that moment to take a long pull from the bottle. Surprisingly, it was damn good beer. You waited for the bitter aftertaste to kick in, but found it replaced with the tang of citrus. You immediately took another drink and another. It wasn’t until you were halfway to the middle of the bottle that you noticed the ship had been rocked a few times by the waves and yet…
You went to turn your attention back to Zoro and found him already staring at you. 
I am not blushing. 
You turned quickly to look back out at the ocean with both arms leaning over the railing as you took in the picturesque view. You couldn’t believe beer was making your sea sickness disappear. Out of your peripherals you waited for him to turn away from you. Unable to say it to his face as you played with the label that was peeling off from condensation. 
Alcohol. It was brilliant. You were sure your body was still feeling sick, but the depressant in the beer wasn’t allowing those receptors to acknowledge it. Tilting the bottle at him you asked, “How’d you know this would work.” 
“It’s how I survived all my boat trips. Old guy I’d met aboard my first ship when I was seventeen taught me that trick.” 
“Is that why you have so much booze? Cause you have a weak stomach?” 
Your question came off worse than you intended. You genuinely weren’t trying to insult him. He’d just helped you. Zoro has helped you. 
“No. I just like to drink.” 
His tone was void of all emotion. The little bit he’d given you quickly washed away and you wanted to kick yourself. 
Foot meet mouth. Mouth meets foot. 
You weren’t very good at this. The only friend you’d ever actually had was Usopp. The both of you know the tone of the other and every secret in between. You’d tried to make friends with the other kids in town, but holding up a frog as a friendship gift didn’t seem to go over too well. And on that wonderful trip down memory lane…
You straightened up and took a smaller sip from the beer before you leaned down to pick up your abandoned satchel. 
“Thank you, Zoro.”
The both of you stared at the other until the silence was washed out by the squawking of seagulls and the rush of water. Even now in this weird game of chicken, you knew you would be the first to give. His dark eyes staring straight through you until you felt exposed. You tipped the bottle for good measure and turned on your heel to make your way inside the safety of the kitchen. Your hand clutching the bottle close as your brain tried to make sense of what happened. 
Zoro helped you. He didn’t have too and for all intents and purposes you were surprised he didn’t just let you suffer, but he’d chosen not to. What did that even mean? He was just being friendly. It didn’t mean anything more than that. 
Instead of dwelling on the question, you sat down in the corner booth and took another pull from the bottle. 
After you finished your first bottle, you found another, and another until you’d ended up blissfully passed out in the booth. You were vaguely aware that Luffy and the crew had come into the galley at some point. The sound of Usopp and Luffy struggling to talk over the other was what forced you out of your nap.
“We all know who the Captain is.”
“It’s me.”
Two voices rang out as one with each ending in a high-pitch of surprise. It was his first day and already Usopp was trying to stir up mutiny on the ship. If you weren’t interested in staying unconscious you were positive you would’ve smiled. 
“Just call me Captain Usopp.”
“We already know I’m the Captain.”
It didn’t surprise you they were still giving out declarations of who was Captain. You waited for it to become a campaign, like when Townsfolk ran for Mayor, but the sound of Nami’s laughter followed by - was that Zoro?! - ended both men’s rant. 
“See, this is what it’s all about,” Luffy’s voice chimed in. “From now it’s going to be smooth sailing.”
He was his usual happy sounding self. You were willing to bet it was infectious, making everyone’s earlier laughter remain in the small creases by their eyes and the raise of their lips. Luffy was indeed a Captain and one of the best kind. 
Enjoying the moment abruptly ended, however, when you caught the sound of a whistle outside. It grew more intense by the second. Whatever it was, was slicing through the air with a force that was audible. You weren’t sure why it took so long for your brain to register that it wasn’t a natural sound. It was rectified, however, when something violently slammed into the Going Merry and sent everything trembling. 
Your back immediately shot up off the cushion of the booth. Eyes open wide as you stumble to your feet watching Nami and Zoro do the same. 
“What in the hell was that?”
“Luffy opening his damn mouth,” Nami replied as you followed behind her. 
You were wondering how Luffy’s mouth could have anything to do with the current sounds coming from outside. Your response died in your throat the minute you got out onto the deck. You followed them to the stern of the ship and finally saw what was waiting for you all was a very large, very metal, Marine vessel trailing behind you. 
All the blood drained from your body and whatever buzz you’d had left over from earlier was now completely gone. 
“It’s the marines! We’re under attack!” 
Nami rushed to the wheel to begin to try evasive maneuvers to get you all out of the way of the oncoming cannonballs. Another shot rang out from the marine vessel and you waited to be struck by steaming metal and found yourself vaguely relieved when it crashed into the ocean a few feet from you. 
“How did they find us?”
“Does it matter? They’re trying to blow us out of the water!”
What the hell were you supposed to do? 
What in the hell could anyone do against being shot at by cannons and a marine vessel that was gaining on your small ship by the second. You could see three figures standing at the bow of the ship, eerily watching as if waiting for something - or someone - to appear. 
Luffy grabbed the telescope and peered through the lens. You all waited for him to give an order and what he said next surprised everyone. 
“Did you just call that guy grandpa?” Zoro asked, his eyes carefully watching Luffy as he glanced through the telescope back at the ship. 
He didn’t answer right away. The sound of another shot being fired made all of you space out from one another. You could feel the tension singing through your nerves. The adrenaline was demanding you to move or do something else besides just hopelessly stand like a damn target. The fight or flight in you erupted to life with one key thought hoarding every inch of clarity besides one: run. 
This time when the cannon came crashing down it came right at the edge of the stern. An eruption of water covering you in a fine mist of water. You didn’t get a chance to decide on what to do when another shot rang out. 
“Hit the deck!” 
Usopp’s scream was frantic enough you didn’t ask why, and did as he instructed and became one with the wood. Seconds later, the sound of speeding metal whizzed by you and smashed into the railing behind sending wood fragments everywhere. 
You couldn’t stop the scream that tore its way from your lips as your body curled in on itself. 
What the hell did I sign up for? 
You could hear the sounds of feet clumsily finding their footing again as everyone began to get up. You wanted to stay where you were, but the sharp sound of Zoro calling you a coward resonated inside your chest. 
You could do this. You could totally hundred-percent do this. 
It was your turn to begin to get up from your place on the stern deck, and just as you moved to your knees someone offered their hand for you to take. Color you shocked when you looked up to find that hand was attached to Zoro. You must have been staring too long because he looked away, hand still out, and grumbled, “You going to keep staring at it or take it?”
Yup, and there was the Zoro you’d grown to know and loathe.
“It just burns you up inside to be so helpful, doesn’t it?”
Your voice oozed with sarcasm as you took his hand - maybe a bit too aggressively - and started to get up. Zoro saw your passive-aggressive hand smack and did you one better. He pulled you quickly to your feet, but that quickness came at the cost of your balance. Your feet couldn’t catch their footing back on the deck and you ended haphazardly colliding into his chest. 
As fast as it happened, it was equally as fast that you both dislocated yourselves from each other.
“Is everybody okay?”
“I think so.” 
“No. Not okay. Not even close to okay.”
“I second, Usopp,” you said. 
You weren’t sure why you raised your hand. It could’ve been you just really needed them to know that no - no, this was definitely not okay. 
Luffy took your concerns with a grain of salt, however, and ran over to the cannon - the only cannon - on deck. You’d only just meet him, but Luffy didn’t strike you as someone who held onto any ill will. So, you were surprised to see the determination burn in his eyes and the scowl to cross his face. 
What did your grandpa do to you? 
If you weren’t mortally in danger of drowning at any minute or being shredded in half by a cannonball, you might have asked. 
“Usopp! Fire back at them!”
“Or how about we sail away as fast as we can?”
“I like that idea, actually,” you chimed in, a hand scratching the back of your neck. “That’s a solid plan if I ever heard one, Usopp.”
“Run from the marines?” 
Luffy looked between the three of you. He couldn’t believe that Usopp, Nami, and you were apparently so quick to not want to put up much of a fight. You did enjoy not being a sea decoration. 
“No. Never! Nami trim the…sail thing. Let’s sink their ship!”
“Wait, what? Are you crazy?”
You had to back up to stand next to Zoro as Luffy waved for Usopp to join him on the stern. The two of them grabbed a hold of the cannon to bring it towards an opening in the back. 
“Let’s sink their ship.” 
“Luffy, we don’t have time for this!” Nami interjected, but Luffy wasn’t listening. “They’re going to come up alongside us! If they do, we are finished.”
“Our odds keep sounding better and better,” you mumbled as you made your way over to Nami. 
“You are our Navigator. Do something.” 
Nami let out a groan before her whole demeanor changed. No longer was she trying to flee or get Luffy to see reason. Suddenly, she turned to Zoro and ordered him to go down and pull the sheet in. He didn’t waste a second before he brushed past you and down the stairs. 
You waited for her to order you to do something, anything, but she must have known it would’ve been like explaining math to a baby. You didn’t even know what she’d even just asked Zoro to do. Apparently, neither did he. 
“Which way is port?” 
A heavy sigh left her as she shouted back, “It’s the left!”
“Have you ever loaded a cannon before?”
“Yeah, yeah I’ve loaded tons of them,” Usopp replied coolly.
You had to give Usopp props. He was literally the master of bullshit and could keep a straight face even though you both knew the only thing he loaded was his imagination. 
“This is just a different model I’ve never seen before.”
“Usopp, you load the cannon in the barrel. Light it and then get the hell out of the way!”
Following Nami’s directions, Usopp rushed forward towards the barrel. You thought he was going to make it when the ball slipped out of his hand and landed with a heavy thud on the deck. You rushed forward to grab it before it rolled down the stairs, but didn’t notice Usopp rushing to join you in the hunt. What neither of you failed to notice was that the vibration from dropping the cannonball dislodged the others. 
In a split second, you and Usopp collided into one another and when you stepped back to stand up your heel caught a ball. You had barely enough seconds to lean yourself forward as you slipped down the stairs, taking each stair with a thud just like the cannonballs. 
Your knees slammed into the edge of one of the stairs, but the balls under your hips kept you slipping. You tried bending your knees to slow your descent only to have them successfully bump every step on the way down. 
“Oh shit, Doc are you okay?” Usopp shouted down after you. 
“I’m fantastic,” you grunted as you came to a stop before the last steps. 
You weren’t trying to remove yourself from the stairs. You could feel the pain in your knees growing with each passing second. You were willing to bet when you stood up, that dull throb that was beginning to resonate under your skin would shoot out like lightning the minute you stood up. Unfortunately, you’d forgotten who was at the bottom of the stairs with you. 
“Are you going to get up anytime soon or do you enjoy just laying there?” 
You were ready to tell Zoro where he could shove his swords when a gruff voice you’d never heard cut over the chaos. 
“Pirate vessel, by order of the marines, lower your sails and submit to my authority.”
You were willing to bet a million berries if that man wasn’t Luffy’s grandpa that wouldn’t even be an offer on any table. Ever. The sound of Zoro’s boots coming closer caused you to peel yourself up just enough before he - did he really just step over you? 
“Oh, you asshole,” you seethed. 
You scrambled to your feet to chase after him when you noticed another cannonball headed straight for the Merry. But where was the sound of the gunpowder? What felt even more unbelievable was what came after. 
Sure, Luffy told you he’d eaten a Devil fruit. He’d told you his body was made of rubber but seeing was believing. You watched as Luffy began to inhale air and his body blew up like a…balloon. Luffy was becoming an actual balloon of skin until the cannonball landed in the center of his stomach. He took the entire impact and flung it back at the marine vessel. One minute, you could hear the return fire whistling through the air. The next, you watched as the crow’s nest above the mast exploded and seconds later it came crashing down. 
Everything grew silent aboard the Merry as you all registered what you’d just witnessed. You were still staring at Luffy and back to the now very much on fire marine ship when Usopp’s surprised laughter cut through the silence. 
“That was amazing! You just saved us!”
“You didn’t tell me you could do that.”
You could feel your own smile slide across your face as the adrenaline began to bleed away. The aftershocks of the thrill of battle - no matter how unsuccessful - left you feeling ready to do it all again. Or take a nap. 
You were joining in on the laughter as you looked back at Nami, and at Usopp who was jumping in excitement with Luffy. You looked over at Zoro and found your earlier excitement drained from your body. Sure, you’d seen him smirk and look like the grumpy cat who ate the canary, but you’d never seen him smile. 
Sometime during the battle the wind had tussled up his hair making him appear like he’d just woken from a nap. It made him softer, less broody, and the grin that lit up his face actually reached his eyes and scrunched his nose. 
It was safer in the village. 
You wanted to say the thought was because of what had just happened. Even as Luffy ordered Nami to get you out of the area, you knew it wasn’t because of the danger. Hell, as much as it was a mess of a first battle, the adrenaline of it all was demanding for a release. Maybe you’d be able to use that as an excuse for why your heart was beating so wildly as you watch Zoro run a hand through his hair. 
The ship suddenly felt too constricting. It didn’t allow enough space between you and the swordsman who resided on this ship. You tried to shake your head clear of all those thoughts and turned to run after Luffy. You called his name as you carefully took the stairs down after him. 
“Something wrong, Doc?”
“No, no,” you waved him off. “I just - I wanted to ask a favor.”
“You can ask me for anything.”
You weren’t sure if you would ever get over how genuine Luffy was. Every word he said to you he meant it. You could probably tell him you needed the sun, and whether physically attainable or not, you knew Luffy would try his absolute best to bring it to you. 
Because Luffy was just that kind of Captain. 
“Would it be a bother if we stopped at an island? I’m in need of some supplies.”
Luffy didn’t hesitate to say yes to your request to stop at Irkhaven. It only took you all of four seconds to explain what it was, where it was, and why you needed to go before he sent you to Nami to give her the coordinates. While you’d never physically gone with Naan to harvest the ingredients you’d grown up using, she made sure to tell you often how to get there. 
Just in case the day came she couldn’t. 
What you hadn’t expected as you walked through fields of lavender was to have Zoro trailing behind you. 
“How much longer are we going to be out here?”
“Until I have enough of everything to last us a while,” you called over your shoulder. 
You didn’t need to look behind you to know Zoro was shooting daggers into the back of your skull. While he hadn’t been happy being volunteered to go with you onto the island, he hadn’t argued with Luffy either. 
You stopped midway out of the lavender fields and took out your small knife to begin cutting gently through the stems. After you had a good enough bundle, you sheathed the knife back in its place on your satchel where you reached inside to grab a pre-cut piece of string. 
You could still feel Zoro watching you, as you tied the lavender together in a tight bundle. 
“I wasn’t aware picking flowers was life-saving medicine.” 
This time you did look over at him. Zoro, the strong and proud pirate hunter. The demon, Luffy said was his nickname. Looking at Zoro now, even in an endless field of lavender, he resonated power. You held no doubt he had earned such an intimidating name through grit and blood-soaked swords. 
He looked out of place next to you in a place meant for healing and you couldn’t help but wonder if it was more what he projected than who he was. While Luffy told you happily about the scary parts of Zoro (which Luffy by no means actually saw as scary) he’d also mentioned Zoro never went without a specific sword.
Remembering Luffy’s words, your eyes quickly darted down to the white-sheathed katana. If you had to put money on it, that was the one that held a deeper meaning to him. It was the one he clutched the tightest and his hand fell on absentmindedly. 
Once you knew the bundle was secure, you playfully poked it in his direction. 
“It does heal. It calms the mind and spirit. It creates restful sleep.”
“It stinks.” 
“You are absolutely impossible,” you grumbled, your eyes rolling as you turned away from him. 
You placed the bundle inside your satchel and started forward. You didn’t need to look back to know that Zoro would be behind you. This time you were leading him towards an eyeline of trees you’d spotted a few feet back. They looked promising to hold green chiretta. 
“So, why did Luffy send you with me?”
You came out first from the field and onto a path that was being taken over by the vegetation. 
“Because you don’t know how to protect yourself.”
“I can too.”
“A pot doesn’t count.”
You spun on your heels, satchel swinging, and caught it with your forearm just before it swung into your hip. You were pleased to see the unexpected action had caught him by surprise. Not the typical surprise that Usopp, or others, gave where it might be exaggerated or a gasp and step back. No, Zoro’s was the briefest flinch in the corner of his eyes. Blink and you would’ve missed it. 
“Hey, that pot kicked ass.”
“You got lucky.”
“Okay, Mosshead, then what do you call this?”
You lightly tapped your cheek to indicate the very noticeable bruise that was just beginning to fade from his left cheek. 
“I call that luck.”
You let out a huff as you turned and faced forward. Leading him towards where you needed to go and reminding yourself that you needed to focus on the task at hand. Not Zoro. 
“You carry a knife with you but you don’t use it.”
He stated it as a fact. Not a question. Zoro already knew that it wasn’t used for self-defense. 
“I use it to treat and clean infected wounds and forage for ingredients.”
“But not for self-defense.”
You found yourself whirling on him again and this time he was prepared. His hand resting on the edge of his sword and hand infamously tucked inside his pocket. 
“I’m a doctor, Zoro. I follow Naan’s oath to never do harm to anyone-“
“And what if to help someone - yourself - it meant that you had to take a life to save theirs?”
He’d taken a step towards you. His whole body radiated with an intensity you hadn’t been prepared for. You could feel your muscles straining to stay in place; to not retreat. Zoro had closed what space you’d had between the two of you until all he’d left were a few measly inches. 
“I try not to let it come to that.”
“You don’t always get to decide like that, it's not how the world works. You keep thinking like that and you’re going to be a liability.”
Your eyes narrowed in on him and you felt yourself get on your tippy toes without thinking. Your index finger pressed into his stupidly hard chest as you looked up at him. 
“It is not a liability to give a shit about people, Zoro. To care about who they are with their own wants and dreams. What makes someone a liability is not knowing who is worth that effort and who isn’t.” 
You dropped back down onto your heels and turned to stomp your way into the trees. What did he know? So, you weren’t exactly a swordsman or incredibly stretchy, and while Usopp wasn’t necessarily the bravest man on the planet he was a damn fine shot. Nami could kick ass and was the best navigator. What did you bring to the table? 
No. You wouldn’t let him make you think that way. 
You hadn’t realized you’d gone farther than intended into the forest of trees until you noticed not only the green chiterra growing all over the sides of them, but also what looked like gold cap mushrooms. One that you knew to be poisonous. 
You put it in the back of your mind. You weren’t here to get things to harm people. That wasn’t who you were and you wouldn’t let this newfound journey, or anyone, change that. You unsheathed your knife from your satchel and started carefully scraping off the moss from the bark of the tree. 
“I could train you.”
Those four words stopped you mid-scrap. It had been roughly a few minutes - only a few - since you’d both been silent. You expected the rest of your time out here collecting ingredients to go relatively dull with you both pouting in your respective corners. Out of everything you could’ve expected, those four words were most definitely not it. 
God, you really needed to get it together. 
Zoro grunted out a, “Fuck me,” before he gave you his full attention. 
“I said I could train you. If you want.”
Was it possible that Zoro, the demon pirate hunter, was nervous? You couldn’t believe it, and for that exact reason you didn’t think twice about it. However, you couldn’t pass up the chance to tease him. Just a little. 
“Did Roronoa Zoro - the demon pirate hunter - just offer to teach me how to kick ass?”
This whole entire trip was turning into one unexpected thing after another. The last thing you would’ve thought you would earn from your teasing was a grimace, maybe a smirk if you were lucky. Instead, your words generated an actual smile from the demon himself and you were devastated. 
“I thought you said you never heard of me?”
Oh, right. He was talking and he needed you to word back. Right. You could do that. 
“Luffy,” your voice cracked on your captain's name and you pretended to cough to clear your throat. “Luffy was telling me about the first time you guys met. It was truly a riveting moment.” 
“Okay, let’s back up,” you began, your fingers motioning like a wheel. You’d been sitting with Luffy at the table eating breakfast. What had come over you to ask about how he met Zoro was still currently pending investigation. Luckily for you, Luffy wasn’t going to question you on why you wanted to know. “Did you just say you met him tied up inside the marine yard?”  “He’d given himself up. Never told me exactly why he’d done that actually.” Luffy was perplexed for all of a millisecond before he sank his teeth back into the dry meat in his hand.  “Oh, well I’m sure he was happy you let him down.” “Actually, he told me to get lost.”  Yup, you were choking on a piece of toast. Luffy just stated it like it was useless information. Not that his first mate didn’t tell him to essentially fuck off during their first meeting.  “He told you to get lost?” “Yeah, he did.” “So, why did you even bother staying there? You could’ve just left.” A smile began to grow on his lips. It wasn’t his usual radiant one that could rival the sun, but a thoughtful one. It told you the memory of meeting Zoro meant something special to Luffy, and it made you regard the interaction a little less harshly.  “I couldn’t just leave him there. Not when he has a dream to fulfill.” While you were still debating on whether Luffy was a real person, there wasn’t any denying that he searched for the good in people. Whatever it was he’d seen in Zoro told Luffy he was a good guy.  “So,” you drawled out the o, “he told you to get lost and for some reason your brain heard those words as, ‘follow your dreams’.” “He isn’t a bad guy, Doc. I know Zoro is more than just a pirate hunter with a scary nickname. He is someone with a dream, just like you, and I’m going to make sure he reaches it.”
Looking at Zoro now, you could see what Luffy saw in him. Sure, he was quick to anger and even more quick to say shit without thinking it through, but who wasn’t at times? You had experienced first hand the good that lived inside of him. 
He’d helped you when he didn’t have to when you were sick. He shared a part of himself, a small part but still a part, to see who he was underneath all the attitude. While you weren’t in the business of hurting anyone, you debated on whether letting him train you would at least make you useful enough to save other members of your crew - maybe Zoro - if something came up. 
You did hit someone with a pot and punch Zoro in his face. What could learning a few moves going to do? 
“Alright, demon pirate hunter, I’ll consider it.”
He wanted to throttle Luffy. 
The way you kept looking at him - saying his nickname - was stirring something foreign in his chest. He may not know exactly what it was but he didn’t have too. His body was telling him plainly he should take back his invitation to spend more time alone with you. You were only going to get in the way of his goal. 
All of those made sense why he should retract his invitation and head back to the Merry. And yet…
“If it pumps up your ego, I’ll say it as many times as you like. For a price.” 
You wiggled your eyebrows at him and it was so unexpected Zoro wanted to laugh. His offer to help train you had been in the back of his mind, but when he went to offer it, it’d gone rougher than he’d intended. He hadn’t meant to make you feel bad - to call you a liability.  It wasn’t that he thought you would be an actual liability for Luffy. 
You were a liability for him. 
The way you were looking at him now, the smile on your face, gave him all the warning he needed to know you were a dangerous wildcard. He’d made a promise to Kuina and you felt like the one thing that could keep him from it. 
Whatever the feelings you were stirring in him were something he needed to be wary of. Zoro wasn’t going to have any of it. He made a promise a long time ago and he wasn’t going to let you or anyone else get in the way of him keeping it. 
He was so lost in thought that he wasn’t aware you’d gotten so close. It wasn’t until your fingers slid over his ear, placing something behind it, that he was jolted back into the present. 
“Oh, shit I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to freak you out.”
Your voice was breathy and sweet with your wide eyes looking up at him with something dangerously close to reverence. Close like at the dinner table. Close like when he’d tumbled out of the well and landed on top of you. Zoro still had the way your body felt under him burned into his memory. One he’d tried to erase with the bottles of liquor that now sat empty inside his room. 
His hand moved up to feel what you’d placed behind his ear, and his fingertips were greeted by the soft give of flowers. 
“Did you seriously just put flowers in my hair?”
Your response was maddening. Zoro watched as you brought your hands up to join your shrug, as if he wasn’t standing there, flowers now pinched between his fingers. 
“I think you look cute.”
“Yeah. That’s not me.”
In a show that it wasn’t him, that you and your stupid flower giving were just another nuisance, he opened his fingers and let them fall to the ground. Zoro watched as your eyes that had been brimming with sunshine were darkened by clouds of sadness. Even your earlier giddy step was replaced by slouched shoulders that suddenly looked as if the world weighed heavily on them. 
Your reply was meek. If he wasn’t straining to hear it he would’ve missed it. You didn’t give him another glance or yell at him for being an ass. That was what he had expected; what he was still waiting for. Zoro had known you for a couple of days and within that time came to learn you were the most maddening person he’d ever met - second to Luffy. This? He didn’t like this. He liked it better when you fought back. When you told him what an asshole he was and when you touched him without thinking. 
Zoro watched as you went back to gently maneuvering your knife under the bark; skilled hands that removed pieces of that weird-looking fungus. You pulled an empty glass from your bag and, with the same gentleness, pushed it past the lip of the bottle to hold it inside. 
That’s what she’d called him. 
I am not cute. I’m the demon pirate hunter, Roronoa Zoro. 
He could feel his jaw flexing at the thought. Cute. Zoro has been called many things in his life, but cute was never one of them. His hand clenched and unclenched on the Wado Ichimonji as if asking - begging - what he should do. 
He couldn’t stay here much longer. Zoro didn’t know what to say and you obviously had no intention of speaking to him anytime soon. 
“Fuck this,” he whispered as he stalked off back out of the trees. 
He made it to the edge of the clearing where the sun fully broke free from the shade of leaves when you called to him. 
“Try not to get lost, Zoro. We both know you’ve got shit directional
He refused to admit he was happy to hear you say something. Even if that something was your usual shit-talking. Zoro grunted as a reply and quickly went back to walking out of the clearing when something - small and pure white - caught his eye out of his peripherals. 
It was huddled against the bark of a tree. Its petals were open and stark against the darkness. It took him a moment to recognize those white petals. What he found amusing was how the flower always seemed to be carrying its own weight on its shoulders; the neck of it dropping down like it’d just received devastating news. Zoro didn’t know why he gently plucked it from its resting spot. He couldn’t explain why after that he turned to head back in your direction. 
Zoro was trying to get away from you and here he was bringing a fucking flower back. You turned at his approach, your mouth already forming over some word. You never spoke what it was you wanted to say and you didn’t seem like you wanted to try either. 
Zoro placed the snowdrop behind your ear. Perfectly placing it to where the hanging bulb hugged the top of your ear to hang against your hair. 
“You left to go find flowers?”
Zoro shook his head. He stepped back just enough to see how it looked. He was a dumbass for doing this. 
“No, I was going to head back to the ship-“
“When I saw this snowdrop by itself,” Zoro continued over you. “It made me think of you.”
“That feels oddly specific.”
He didn’t like how you were looking at him. More accurately, he didn’t like how you looking at him was making him feel. 
“It’s a snowdrop. They’re one of the most delicate flowers in the world.”
There it was. The darkening of those previous clouds now cracked to life with the spark of your anger. Zoro had to admit, he enjoyed getting you all riled up. What he wouldn’t tell you, is because they only grew at certain times and usually in the snow, it made them one of the most resilient flowers because they could grow under any conditions. 
“Are you calling me delicate?”
A huff left him as his eyes rolled up into the treeline. 
“I was trying to apologize earlier.”
You’d started all that storm building just to deflate but also- 
“You sure have a way with words,” he teased. 
“My bedside manner is not the best, I’ll admit. I once told a dying man a joke about a pirate and marine having an entanglement. Naan said it probably wasn’t the most appropriate time.”
For some reason, Zoro could picture it. A man dying and you, being your nervous self, trying to make him laugh to ease his passing. The thought of it alone made a smile curl at his lips, and he tried to gently shake it away. To look at anything else but you. 
“What do I gotta do to hear one of these world-famous Doc jokes?”
He waited until his face was neutral to look back at you. Both hands rested on his swords as he watched you fill the bottle to the brim and place it securely inside your satchel. 
“For that kind of service? You have to be dying.”
“You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that?”
You were a pain in the ass. A pain in his ass. From the moment he met you until now and probably would continue to be. A pain that made him think of things outside of his goal. You made him think past his promise. Who was he if he didn’t keep it? He should’ve never offered to train you or willingly spend more time with you. He was going to have to take it back. It didn’t matter if it hurt your feelings or made you hate him. Maybe that’s what he needed to do to make you hate him-
“What are you doing?”
Zoro prayed that his face was devoid of any emotion. The panic that bloomed in his chest didn’t spread to where you could see. You’d placed your hand over your chest in a way Zoro knew too well. 
“I,” it was the first time Zoro ever heard your full name. “Promise to be the biggest pain in your - Roronoa Zoro’s ass - from now until whenever.”
For the second time, his hand was clutching onto the Wado Ichimonji today. While you spoke, Zoro could swear he saw flashes of Kuina standing behind you. The look of disappointment growing on her face. 
“You made a promise.”
Zoro couldn’t bring himself to speak. He couldn’t trust what he would say. So, he simply turned back on his heel and made a beeline back for the edge of the trees. This time when he reached it he didn’t stop. He had to get back to the safety of the ship where he could barricade himself from you behind wooden doors and booze because Zoro could really use a drink.
It has been two days inside the fog. Two days of Zoro avoiding you like you carried the plague back with you from Irkhaven. 
When you’d made that promise it was only meant to be good fun. You replayed over in your mind to see if you’d said something wrong - done something wrong to warrant the sudden extreme cold shoulder. 
Besides the time you’d been with Nami and Usopp, all of you shared thoughts about the naval battle that had happened and, who could forget, his very real vice-admiral of a grandpa. Who could launch cannonballs like paperweights. After that, Zoro didn’t come around you or close to you.
Sure, you would see him when he lounged on the deck napping like a cat in open spots. Hell, if Zoro wasn’t sleeping he was either drinking or training. You’d catch glimpses of him on the upper deck lifting weights with his arms and, sometimes, his mouth. 
The first time you saw him lifting eighty pounds with his teeth, you had about a thousand questions racing through your mind. If you thought he would answer you if you spoke, you might have asked him. 
You weren’t sure why it bothered you so much. It shouldn’t have even mattered whether he talked to you or not, but he’d offered to train you. Why bother asking to do something that required his time if he wasn’t willing to give it? These sorts of questions had been your own personal plague since he’d begun to give you the cold shoulder. 
You’d been sitting with your legs hanging out of the side of where the cannonball had blown an unfortunate hole through the Merry’s railing. It killed you to see her so broken; her intricate leafling design ruined all because of what felt like a family spat. Letting out a sigh, you pulled your legs out from over the side with a hand holding onto the rail so you didn’t fall into the sea. 
Once you were securely standing without fear of going overboard, you wrapped the leather cord that secured the pages of your journal around it. You were just finishing up tucking it in when Usopp began to shout, “I see something.” 
How anyone could see anything in this mess was beyond you, but then again Luffy was at the front of the Merry using his nose to guide you guys out of the fog so…yeah. Stranger things could and did happen. 
It was enough to garner your attention and bring you walking up to join the rest of the crew that had assembled. 
“I see nothing,” you stated. 
“I don’t know how anyone could see anything in this soup,” Nami agreed as she stirred the ship in the direction Luffy called. 
“You guys don’t see the red lights? How can you not see them?”
“Because, Usopp, I don't have eyes like an Eagle.”
You could feel the happiness your comment brought him as he continued to point in the direction of said light.
“Just keep your eyes posted right here in the center and you’ll see it, Doc. 
“3 degrees starboard, Nami and keep it straight.”
“I really wish you wouldn’t sit up there Luffy,” you called up to where he sat, legs wide, on the Merry’s headpiece. “What happens if you slip?”
“You're his crew mate. Not his mother. He doesn’t need you coddling him.”
You turned to find Zoro standing a few feet behind Usopp. He wasn’t looking at you but he’d just spoken to you. His first words in two days and it didn’t surprise you in the least they were his usual asshole tone. 
“Oh, so he can speak. What a shocker.” 
Zoro side-eyed you but still refused to acknowledge your presence. The soft bruise that was there two days ago at Irkhaven was all but a faded memory. You were tempted to make it a fresh one. 
“Okay you two let’s focus on-“ Usopp stopped mid-sentence as his eyes scanned over something in the distance. “What’s a baratie?”
You looked where he was and finally saw it. Red neon was bleeding its way into the fog. It was enough to make you forget about Zoro, your lack of clean clothes, or what had happened the last couple of days. It was land. You were finally going to actually put your feet down on something solid that wasn’t just the Merry. 
Nami stirred the Merry in and easily parked it at the next available dock. Immediately, people rushed out to begin tying the ship's ropes to posts to secure it in place. 
“Is it just me or does this look like a restaurant?” 
You meant your question to be open-ended. To allow anyone to answer in case what you were seeing was in fact a floating restaurant in the middle of the ocean. However, you were leaning against the rail next to Nami, with whom you pressed arm and arm. 
“I think it is.”
You were all still staring over the railing when Luffy asked excitedly, “Do you guys know what this means?”
“We stock up on supplies and keep going so the marines can’t find us?”
“We head back to Syrup village where it’s safe?”
“No - let’s go eat!”
You felt the blood drain from your face. You didn’t have much in the way of something to wear at an establishment like this. You were willing to bet you couldn’t just walk in wearing - or smelling - like you all did. You were getting ready to tell Luffy you’d hang back on the ship when you felt a hand gently wrap itself in yours. 
Glancing down at your interwoven hands and back up, you found Nami, her lips together in a soft smile, as she gave you a light tug to follow her. 
“Come on. You can borrow some of my clothes.”
You let out a raspberry, your hand squeezing hers briefly in relief. 
“Nami, you are a lifesaver.”
“That fish better have a bar.”
You weren’t going to say it out loud, but you agreed with Zoro. You were going to need the blissful ignorance of alcohol to make it through a dinner where you possibly ended up sitting next to him. 
As always, thank you so much for reading. Comments and reblogs are welcome.
Tag list under the cut. PSA. I have been struggling to add those who have asked. Tumblr is being a real douche and allowing me to tag some and not others. Please let me know if I need to follow you or anything like that to tag you. I want everyone who asked to be tagged to be included. Your name might also have been in here twice that because I am struggling.
@thegreatesttttttttt@katiemrty@sorasolarium@ponyboys-sunsets@flowersgirl02@spilled-coffee-cup@instabull@charleslec-airlines@dixonsbugaboo@amanda08319@moony-artemis@iloveautumn1@yoheyyosup@ghostyycat7@csmbrainrot @selmasemlan
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@hwabae8 @sseleniaa @skzoolove94 @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @kaykay0315 @geminidas @carlitosainzz @shuujin @sweetstella @blossomedfloweroflove @shiiiii-okayyyy
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gremlin-girly · 5 months ago
Flufftober Day 17
Prompt: Bewitched
Pairing: Helmut Zemo x Reader
tags/warnings: Love at first sight, mutual pining, confessions, kiss, FLUFF
Although Reader's gender is not specified the translations below (specifically Vrăjitore) are feminine!
Summary: Bucky and Sam come your apartment for a few days to hide out and a certain Sokovian Baron is enamoured by you.
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: I've said it before and I'll say it again - I'm a hopeless romantic. - Love, Grem x A/N 2: I loved this so much that I created a follow up (here) and decided to make this a mini-series which you can find here. - Love, Grem x Dividers by: @/saradika-graphics
Draga - dear
Vrăjitore - Enchantress/witch (in the context below - it's enchantress)
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Zemo hadn’t known what to expect when the door to your apartment opened but it certainly wasn’t instantaneous infatuation. You were a friend of Sam and Bucky’s and somehow, somehow, got roped into helping them hide him. Despite the initial feelings of scepticism and meticulously planning his escape from the dingy apartment building, when you opened the door it all changed.
You were stood in your pajamas, rubbing your eyes, speaking in a soft sleepy voice that alluded to you either just about ready to fall asleep or you had just woken up. Zemo was staring and he knew it. Even though you hadn’t looked at him yet, you were the picture of perfection with your slightly tousled hair and the disgruntled expression you were giving Sam as he explained what was going on. When your e/c eyes finally flickered over to him, finally meeting his eyes, he felt his breathing stop.
“You better come in,” you sighed, stepping aside and allowing them inside your small apartment.
You immediately headed to the small kitchen-cum-living room, turning on your kettle and grabbing mugs.
“Tea? Coffee? Food?” You fire off questions in rapid succession but Sam nor James pay attention to you. They’d began a hushed conversation about ideas and plans in your living room. Zemo looked over to you and was surprised to see you were looking directly at him. He felt like a deer in headlights. He was at a loss for words. For once.
You raised an eyebrow at him curiously. “You... want anything?”
Zemo clears his throat and stiffly approaches the counter top that seperates the two of you. “Tea will do. Thank you.”
“I have earl grey and English breakfast,” You say, holding up the two boxes. “What would you prefer?”
Zemo blinks, his throat dry. “Earl grey, please.”
“Sugar and milk?”
Zemo only nods and watches as you turn away to prepare the tea. Surely, you knew he was dangerous? Surely, you had seen the news from years before? Surely, you knew you shouldn’t turn your back to him?
But you had. And Zemo was helplessly lost in you whilst the hushed conversation of Bucky and Sam drifted around the apartment. He couldn’t remember when he had last felt this way. It had been a long time, that’s for sure.
After five minutes you turn around with two mugs in your hand and slide one to Zemo. He carefully lifts the mug to his mouth and sips, relishing the sleepy warmth of the lavender drink. His tongue darts across his lips, something else is in the drink, making it ever so slightly sweeter. You register his expression and offer him a small, sheepish smile.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble. “I think I’ve given you mine. I always add a dash of vanilla syrup.”
Vanilla. Zemo’s eyes widen but he smiles and nods. “An excellent combination.”
Your smile brightens. Zemo thinks his knees might give out; that smile lights up your entire living room and you’re not even trying. He should be trying to manipulate you, make you uncomfortable; not nervously running sweaty palms on his slacks or being tongue tied. And you should be cold and harsh, threatening to maim him like Bucky or Sharon not warm, friendly and inviting.
“Have you ever tried an Edinburgh Mist?” You ask, eyes brightening with each passing second. Zemo briefly wonders if it's because your friends, the ones who have barely spoken with you, the ones who have landed a fugitive terrorist into your hands, have never bothered to indulge in the beauty that was you. He shakes his head gently, watching you speak.
“It’s like the cocktail London Fog but an actual hot drink.” You explain. “it’s earl grey with vanilla, with foamed milk and dusted with cinnamon. I loved it so much I had to start making it at home.”
Zemo finds himself smiling  over the rim of his mug at you. He hums in response, nodding a little before adding, “I may have to trouble you for one when you have the chance.”
You scoff a little, suppressing what looks to be a blush and Zemo’s heart does a flip. Unfortunately, you’re both torn away by Sam and Bucky wanting to talk strategy.
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The next few days feel like a dream.
Zemo practically follows you around like a love sick puppy, offering to help with everything he can. Laundry. Cooking. Cleaning. Each time you dismiss him, citing that he is a guest in your home and will be treated as such. Your mother didn’t raise you to be unwelcoming.
When it’s clear he doesn’t really know what to do with himself, you roll your eyes and pretend you’re so hard done by with the lack of help you recieve from Bucky and Sam, that you’ll gladly take Zemo’s company instead. Which he humbly (albeit very enthusiastically) accepts.
As you do chores, you chat about anything and everything. His favourite books, your favourite shows, his music taste, your favourite foods. Whilst you cook he watches eagerly, asking inquisitive questions and occasionally teasing gently to make you laugh. Part of your brain believes it to be a ploy, as does Sam and Bucky. Some grand manipulation that they had warned you he was capable of. But somehow you doubted it. There was something about how he made you laugh, how he always acted the gentleman and offered his help, something about the softness in his eyes that you knew he meant every word he spoke and action he did.
Perhaps that was what caused the argument between you and Sam.
“He’s a terrorist,” Sam snapped at you on the fifth day. Bucky was out and Zemo was in the shower, making it an opportune time to discuss the behaviour Sam had witnessed over the last few days. “And a master manipulator. You should not trust him.”
“God forbid men have hobbies.” You quip. Then seeing Sam's frown you sigh.
"On a technicality, you are too." You point out, scrubbing at a dish violently. Anger had bubbled inside you at the subtle accusation that you were falling for a manipulation, especially when said terror had been placed in your lap. “You brought him here as well.” You huff with agitation.
It was Sam’s turn to huff. “You don’t get it. He’s dangerous.”
You slam the scourer down and glare at Sam. “No, you’re not getting it. You brought him here. Hell, yesterday you and Bucky went out and left me with him for hours.”
Sam opens his mouth and closes it again, at a loss for words. He knows he can’t argue against that and he knows damn well better than to try.
“Just... be careful. Okay?” He grumbles, heading to the spare room. “That’s all I ask.”
Once the door is closed you roll your eyes and turn back to the sink, haughtily mimicking Sam’s words. You startle when you hear Zemo chuckle from behind you.
“Apologies,” He murmurs, looking over  at you with a smug smile. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
Whether or not it was his intention, you know that he isn’t sorry about it at all and it makes you smirk back. As with everything the last few days, you can’t seem to find yourself to be genuinely upset with him.
“It’s alright,” you sigh, drying your hands. “Tea?”
“Please, dragă.”  
You blush at the use of the nickname, but turn away quickly. This was another ritual that had formed in the last few days, and you would be lying if you didn’t enjoy the sweet nickname he’d given you and the way his honeyed eyes followed your movements. You didn’t want to tell him you knew the meaning. That you’d briefly dabbled in learning Sokovian. Something about him using his native tongue to compliment you, believing you had no idea what he was saying as  he looked  at you,  made your heart beat faster and your fondness for him grow. Again, this only made arguments of him manipulating you weaker; why say things to you that you couldn’t understand? Quick compliments or praise in a foreign language he thought only he could speak, muttered under his breath that made your resolve crumble apart like a cookie dipped in hot  tea. You couldn’t deny that he had charm but something else drew you to him. It was like you were under a spell and the thought that he may have to leave soon was too much to bare.
“You know,” Zemo started, voice quiet. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the countertop. “I’ve noticed that they don’t appreciate you, dragă.”
You turn, eyebrows high, mid-stir of the teas. “What?”
Zemo’s eyes drop to his hands. “Perhaps I am out of line,” he says carefully. “But you are correct in that all of us being here was sprang on you. Yet you welcomed us, even me, into your home without hesitation. You have cooked meals, offered your shower, home and did laundry... and only once or twice I have heard a thank you.” He looks up, meeting your eyes with his. His expression is soft, almost apologetic. “So, thank you, dragă.”
You blink at him, slightly shocked. So, he’d overheard your argument with Sam. He could’ve taken a different route; planting seeds of doubt about your friendship with the heroes, allowing tendrils of resentment to grow and blossom into anger. However, he hadn’t. Zemo had only pointed out the truth of the current situation; you had accepted the bizarre situation to help your friends and hopefully the betterment of the world without question and without thanks. Your mouth opened to defend Sam and Bucky, but your mind faltered trying to find an example from the last few days.
In fact, Bucky had grumbled his thanks of a coffee once and Sam for his food once. Zemo had been trying to help you for the past five days and somehow always managed to thank you and compliment you. Heat rushed to your cheeks and you snapped your mouth closed. You shrug half heartedly and remove the teabags.
“Thank you.” You murmur and then realise it sounds like a very stupid thing to say back. “For saying thank you? Sorry. Um.”
You turn back, handing him his tea but not meeting his gaze. You’d already learned to make it how he liked. That was probably not a good sign. You clear your throat.
“I appreciate it.”
There’s a beat of silence and you look back at him. He smiles. You smile back.
Your heart beats a little faster than before and you shift on your feet. You’re being drawn in again.
“Anytime.” Zemo bows his head to you, still smiling, his tone utterly sincere; like he would never tire of thanking you. His gaze meets yours again and he exhales gently. “You... are something else. Do you know that?”
You tilt your head at him, smile widening to a lopsided grin. “No? How do you mean?”
Zemo huffs through his nose, chuckling slightly. “You have bewitched me, dragă. From the moment I saw you.” He takes a sip from his mug watching you with a mesmerised expression. In a low rumbling voice he adds, “Vrăjitore.”
Your breathing stalls for a moment. You don’t think anyone has ever looked at you like how Zemo is looking at you; like you’re almost too good to be true. Your stomach twists into knots and your heart and mind race to try to come up with a quip or statement as equally romantic and poetic as he’d uttered but you can’t.
When you don’t respond, Zemo steps away, looking at the floor. “Forgive me. I’ve said too much.”
“No!” you blurt suddenly, and cover your hand with your mouth. You cringe slightly and smile sheepishly at Zemo, whose tilting his head curiously at you now. “I thought it was just me.” You say lamely.
Zemo’s eyes widen and a smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth but he says nothing as you rake a nervous hand through your hair.
“So....” You start awkwardly, wetting your lips and dropping your hand from your nape limply.
“So.” Zemo repeats back to you, his eyes sparkling. You can feel your heart thunder at the sight and you open your mouth to continue  but Sam erupts into the room.
“We need to go,” He says hurriedly to Zemo, throwing on his jacket. “Bucky and Sharon have ran into some trouble.”  
Zemo nods, setting his mug down and striding to the coat rack for his purple fur coat. Sam shoots you an apologetic glance when you ask if they’d be back.
“We may have to find another safe house. We’ve stayed here for too long, you might get caught being with us.” He shrugs. “But thanks for everything. I owe you one.” Sam grins over at you cheekily and adds, “and so does Bucky.”
“As do I.” Zemo adds, smiling softly over at you as he straightens the  collar of his coat. Sam looks like he’s about to shush Zemo when his phone rings. Sam’s expression turns serious and he stalks for the front door muttering instructions to either Bucky or Sharon.  He points at Zemo before he opens it. “Parking garage in five minutes. Make sure you’re not followed.”
The door closes behind Sam before  he sees Zemo nod and make his way back over to you.
Zemo stands before you, looking down at you with the same wondrous expression he had before. He’s close but not too close; a polite distance even after  everything tonight.
“So....” You start again, smiling wryly at him. “I guess this is goodbye?”
“For now, vrăjatore.” Zemo says with a gentle smile. A gloved hand reaches up hesitantly to cup your cheek. You can feel the heat of his palm through the leather, and you lean into it; searching for his warmth. Your eyes flutter ever so slightly and you heave a sigh. Just your luck.
“I’ll find you once the dust settles.”
You raide an eyebrow at him and chuckle. “And I’ll be waiting.”
Your own hand encompasses his on your cheek and it feels like an eternity passes as you both stand in silence gazing at eachother before Zemo leans down and places a chaste, tender kiss to your lips. Your heart stutters and you move to follow his lips as he pulls back, making him chuckle.
“I’ll find you,” he repeats, firmer this time. “And then you may kiss me for as long as you wish. Until then, duty calls.”
He grins at you again, adoring the flushed expression you’re wearing, but pulls further away from you. Your arm stretches out, still holding his hand and with one last, small squeeze you release him; watching him stride out of the front door and follow Sam. The silence in your apartment is palpable, and when you remember to draw a breath, the air is stale and dry. You sigh to yourself and finish your tea while replaying the events of the last hour.
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 You hadn’t seen Zemo in two months.
That hadn’t meant his presence was missing.
The mission had finished a month ago, however, Zemo was still currently on the run. Bucky and Sam had attempted to find him but from what they had told you, they had assumed he was long gone in some faraway island, living it up. But you had known better.
Lavish gifts from expensive chocolates to tea had appeared at your apartment. The latest was the newest, beautiful bouquet that you had centred perfectly on your coffee table, somewhere you could look upon it everyday, and a pack of cherry blossom tea. You took photos of all of your gifts and added little notes of them into your phone – as you had no way of contacting the Baron, you ensured you could thank him for each and every gift he’d bought for you when you saw him in person. Bouquets came every ten days like clockwork – as soon as one bouquet wilted, the next would appear to take its place. The gifts would be every two weeks. Maybe, you joked with yourself, so it didn’t seem like it was excessive to send two gifts every week.
The only indication that it was Zemo sending you these items was because each gift came with a small 6-by-4 card with one word written in plum-purple cursive.
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repulsiveliquidation · 1 year ago
Want, not Need. Pt. 2 || The Orgy
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warnings : smut 18+, fingering, strap-on, cunnilingus, anal play, semi-public sex.
a/n : Mapi is not injured and hobbling about in this series, thank you very much. That is also my favorite picture of those two.
Part One
“Her?” Ingrid asks, “Where did you meet her?”
Mapi begins to go into vivid detail about your one-night stand with Mapi. She gets into the nitty gritty and boy does it pique Ingrid’s interest.
“We met at the bar, she was standing there with the most perfect ass I had ever seen at the time. Yours tops that list now.” Mapi says, giving Ingrid a little tap on her behind. She grins and smacks her girlfriend, listening to her explain her little night with you.
“She took the big one, Ingrid,” Mapi tells her proudly. Ingrid knew what Mapi was talking about. Mapi had a toy that she still struggled to take. It sat in the back of Mapi’s nightstand, a mountain Ingrid still hadn’t been able to conquer. She was thoroughly impressed though, and by the sound of it, Mapi was too.
“I mean, I barely fingered her open and she took it like a champ.”
“She is fascinating.”
Ingrid looks over at you, eyes already hooded like a predator that has eyes on prey.
“And she just left you? No goodbye?” Ingrid asks as she stands. Mapi stands too and tucks a lock of the Norwegian hair behind her ear.
“Just a note, and the most delicious breakfast I had in all my time in Madrid,” Mapi tells Ingrid as she begins to walk over to you. Mapi suddenly grabs her arm, pulls her back, and gives her a chaste kiss, grinning from ear to ear.
“Work your magic, huh princesa? She owes me a round of drinks.”
Ingrid saunters over, a friendly smile on her face.
“Hello, you must be who Jonatan was raving about, our newest sports writer! Please, call me Ingrid.”
“Yes, it’s certainly a pleasure to meet you, Ingrid. Y/N.”
The camera starts rolling and the interview goes smoothly. Mapi tries to focus back on training but can’t, spending more time staring at you and Ingrid than going through her drills for the day. She notices that Ingrid is flirting with you a little and you give her the same attention. Mapi stands at the water station after training just as Ingrid’s interview wraps up, watching your hand rub up and down Ingrid’s arm.  
Mapi bites the bullet and walks over, hand wrapped around Ingrid’s waist. She pulls Ingrid in for a kiss and Ingrid melts; you stand there awkwardly and scratch the back of your head.
“Mapi, it’s nice to meet you again,” you say, extending your hand out for her to shake.
“What brings you to Barcelona?” Mapi asks, shaking your hand but pulling you in for a hug.
“Work! I used to write for Madrid then I got a job in America for a while before transferring here.”
“Well, since we know each other and you seem to be getting along with my girlfriend so well, we’ll show you around!” Mapi insists, linking your arms together.
“Wait, I-I wouldn’t want to impose!” You say and step back, ready to help the crew pack up and go back to your hotel room.
“Nonsense,” Ingrid says, reaching out for your arm. “Give Mapi a minute to clean up and we can head for dinner!” Ingrid links her arms with yours and walks ahead of Mapi, the shorter woman smirking at all the possibilities dinner could bring.
Throughout dinner, Mapi and Ingrid take turns teasing you. Whether it was under the table of the family-owned restaurant or being extra careful of you by ordering for you and pulling your chair out.
Ingrid insists on paying for dinner, even when you try to go over to the counter and make the teenager behind the counter take your card.
“You’re new to our home, let us take care of you,” she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your ear before pulling you out the door.
Mapi takes your hand and drags you down the street to a private bar. You grin and walk in with Ingrid in tow, the loud music bringing back memories of that night you had with Mapi.
“Time to cash in on that promise, princesa. The first round is on you,” Mapi teases and tilts your head up to look at her at the bar, index finger tapping your nose. You buy drinks as promised, bringing them to both the girls who found a private corner of the bar to sit at. You sit at the end, sipping innocently on your minty gin. Mapi stands, downing her rum and coke in one swig before standing behind you. She caresses her hands down your arms, lips close to your ear.
“May I?” she asks softly. You nod, eyes locked onto Ingrid’s that are a similar dark-hooded shade. Mapi’s lips begin to kiss along your neck and shoulder, hands moving to your waist as she presses her front tight to your back.
“Come on, you must show Ingrid how well you move those hips hm?” Mapi encourages, helping you off the seat.
You follow them to the packed dancefloor, Ingrid instantly pulling you to her as Mapi stands behind her and holds her waist. In a split-second decision, you decide to let go and enjoy yourself. You dance with Ingrid and Mapi, the heat of the dancefloor bringing a light blush to all your faces. Ingrid, in a surprising turn of events, turns and begins to grind back on you despite only one drink.
You hesitate to touch her, eyes shooting up at Mapi who looks a little confused as to why you are still holding back. She suddenly pulls you into her and kisses you hard. You melt into her like Ingrid did earlier, the feeling of her lips on yours brings you back to her apartment where you last felt her. You pull away a little breathless, her lips just millimeters from yours.
“Don’t keep her waiting, pretty girl.”
You nod softly and pull Ingrid close, the tall Norwegian goes back to grinding on you. She’s a little buzzed, hips moving back on you beautifully. You too grab her hips and dance along with her, looking up to see Ingrid and Mapi making out lovingly.
You begin to kiss down Ingrid’s bare shoulder, nipping at her flesh to leave deep teeth marks. Your hands don’t stop caressing her, the two of them now noisily kissing each other when Ingrid pulls away with a loud smack.
“Need you,” she says to Mapi before she turns to you shaking her head, “No, want you.”
This time you take charge and pull them towards the private bathrooms at the end of the room. Ingrid was all over you the moment the door locked, eagerly on her knees while Mapi grabbed your face to kiss you. Ingrid pulled your jeans down, happily settled between your legs as she began to lap hungrily at your pussy.
Mapi kept your moans to a minimum, kissing you hard with her hand wrapped around your neck lightly. One hand held Ingrid’s head close, the other tangled in Mapi’s messy hair. She began to kiss down your neck, the music in the club becoming louder which gave you a bit of confidence to moan freely. Ingrid held your legs steady, tongue flicking over your clit fast and hard. Mapi pulled your shirt up and began to suck on your breasts hard. You moaned loudly without a care in the world, the feeling of one of them was the best fuck of your life and now to have the two of them take care of you was a dream come true.
Ingrid sucked hard on your clit, two long fingers slipping into your pussy before you felt Mapi’s lips leave your chest. Before you could open your eyes, she spanked your ass.  
“Quédate quieto.”
You nod and listen, feeling her move around as your hips begin to almost ride Ingrid’s fingers. You feel her hands pull at your ass, tongue flat and warm against your second hole. You yelp and ride the sensations; Ingrid’s lips wrapped tight around your clit, her fingers pressed deep inside you, and Mapi’s tongue jabbing its way into your ass.
“Fuck…” you moan, hand reaching back to hold Mapi’s head closer as Ingrid’s fingers press harder against your sweet spot. You hunch over, pulling on Ingrid’s hair but she relents, sucking harder and harder on your clit.  
“Ingrid, fuck…I’m close!” you squeak, thighs quivering as she slips a third finger inside your pussy. Mapi takes a bite of your ass and stands, holding you close and looking down over your shoulder at Ingrid at your feet.
“Seems familiar doesn’t it, pretty girl? She looks so gorgeous on her knees where she belongs no?”
Your eyes roll into your head when you remember her voice having the same lilt it had now when she said the same thing to you.
“Y-Yes! Fuck please, yes!”
Ingrid gives you one last come-hither flick inside you and you crash, thighs trembling as your orgasm ripples through you.
Mapi catches you and lets you crumble to the floor. You grab Ingrid’s face and kiss her passionately, moaning into her mouth when the taste of you floods your senses.
“Please take me home,” you beg, turning to look at a smug Mapi. She looks put together, and not someone who just ate your ass and pushed you toward a knee-buckling orgasm.
“You girls clean up, I’ll bring the car to the front.”
You sit in the back of the car with Ingrid, her lips on yours the whole short drive home.
“You’re right Mapi,” Ingrid starts, fingertips dancing over your features. “She is pretty.”
Mapi grins and winks at you in the rear-view mirror, before Ingrid turns your head back to look at her.
“Eyes on me, elskling,” she demands, not sounding as menacing as she wants. You raise your eyebrow at her and Mapi starts to laugh, parking the car and getting out.
Ingrid huffs and marches into the building herself, Mapi stops you before you can walk in.
“She’s a brat sometimes,” Mapi starts, hands in her pocket looking as cool as a cucumber.
“I can see that.”  
“She’s been acting up lately, I think someone else being in charge should get her to behave.”
“You want me to”
“Just for a bit, while I watch of course,” she presses the button for the lift and you take a deep breath, there is a lingering hint of Ingrid’s perfume in the air. She must be upstairs already.
“Brat taming was not how I envisioned my evening going.”
 Walking into Mapi and Ingrid’s beautiful apartment, she takes your hand and gently guides you to the bedroom where Ingrid lays naked on the bed spread eagle with her fingers plunged deep into her pussy.
You and Mapi stand over her, arms crossed in unison. Ingrid merely smiles and plays with her chest, her right hand busy between her legs.
“You were taking too long down there so I figured I’d sort myself out,” she whimpers, a third finger sliding into her wet pussy before she dramatically turns onto her knees and fingers herself that way. She moans into the mattress but stops when she doesn’t hear anyone berating her for being a brat.
Instead, she hears clothes falling to the ground, lips smacking softly and moans begging for more. She pulls her sticky fingers out of her pussy and turns back around, jaw dropped in shock when she sees you on your knees already sucking on Mapi’s strap.
She didn’t even notice Mapi grabbing it from the bedside drawer let alone giving you her spare one. You gag loudly and Ingrid takes notice of the silicone cock you’re sucking on; it’s the one she’s never been able to take.
“Good girl, princesa…” Mapi praises, running her fingers through your hair. She pulls a makeshift ponytail and fucks into your mouth, moaning loudly to put on a show for Ingrid. Ingrid shuffles over and pulls you away from Mapi, lips wrapped around Mapi’s cock. You both kneel in front of her, taking turns to suck her cock. She grins and goes with it, feeling the tension grow between you and Ingrid.
“On the bed, both of you,” Mapi says sternly, Ingrid scrambling onto the bed quickly. You follow her, stroking your cock which was much smaller than Mapi’s but was one that Ingrid took very easily.
Mapi pulled an office chair to the end of the bed, sitting back and relaxing. She lazily stroked her cock, before pointing at Ingrid.
“You will do as she says. Disobey her, you do not get my cock much less hers.”
Ingrid nods, looking at you and leaning in for a kiss. You kiss her back, slowly pushing her onto her back. Ingrid moves as you do, legs spread wide open like she did earlier. You kiss her messily, hands fondling her full breasts and supple skin.
“Mm, I’ve wanted to taste you since I saw you at Wolfsburg the first time.”
“You’ve waited that long, cariño?” Mapi asks in a bored tone, looking at her nails as she pulls a hangnail off.
“Sí, so long…” you whisper, sucking on Ingrid’s nipple. She whines and arches her back, hands pushing your hair out of your face as she squirms on the bed.
You kiss down her toned midfielder body, her abs prominent as she breathes heavier and heavier. You bite just over her hip, pressing her thighs wide open. You settle between her legs at the edge of the bed, tongue-mouthing eagerly at her sloppy folds.
“Fuck!” she moans, hands tangled in your hair as she tries to grind up into your mouth. You stop her and pin her down tighter, sucking harder at her clit as she begs for you to let her come.
“Already, Ingrid?” you tease, two fingers slipping into her easily.
“Yes…feels so good…” she begs, head thumping back on the mattress.
“Oh, I don’t own your orgasms, Ingrid. Mapi does, you should ask her,” you say amusedly, grinning at a smirking Mapi who leaned over with her elbows on her knees. You go back to fucking Ingrid, four fingers now deeply pressed into her open pussy as your lips suckle hard on her swollen clit.
“All you have to do is ask, mi amor,” Mapi teases, reaching over and tucking a loose strand of hair behind Ingrid’s ear. Her eyes fill with tears as the feeling of the stretch begins to course through her.
“Please, Mapi…” she whimpers, “I’ve been good.”
Mapi leans back into her menacing chair, hand on her chin like she’s thinking.
“Have you been good, Ingrid?” she asks, spinning around slowly. You’ve turned Ingrid onto her stomach, tongue lapping fast at her asshole as your fingers press up into her sweet spot. She grunts and begins to keen, lips begging Mapi to let her come.
“I don’t know, bebita. We’ve had a guest in our home and you’ve been a needy little slut the whole night. Should she come, princesa? Has our Norwegian whore been a good girl?”
“Hmm,” you begin, thumb circling over Ingrid’s clit as three fingers rub hard on her sweet spot. She’s trembling hard, fighting her impending orgasm the best she can.
“She did make me come in the club earlier, that was nice of her,” you say, kissing her belly button.
“She can come.”
Ingrid screams your name, back fully arching off the bed as the shocks course through her entire body. She pants hard and mutters a soft “Come here,” before capturing your lips in a tender kiss. You press your thigh between her legs and she cheekily grinds up into it, biting your lip.
Mapi stands and pulls you off her, wrenching open your jaw to spit into. It lands all over your mouth but in it before she leans in for a kiss. Ingrid reaches for the bottle of lube and spreads it all over Mapi’s cock, obediently awaiting more instructions.
Mapi gets on the bed behind Ingrid, kissing along her shoulder. You lean in and kiss her lips, caressing her thighs. The Norwegian can’t figure out who to focus on, her hands grabbing you to lace together.
Mapi pushes her forward, fingers rubbing tenderly over her folds. Ingrid becomes face to face with your cock, eagerly taking it in her mouth as Mapi slips her cock into Ingrid. She goes slow and adds more lube, knowing that Ingrid struggles to take this one.
To her surprise, Ingrid swallows it up with ease, moaning loudly around your cock as the thick silicone fills her aching pussy. Mapi thrusts slowly, getting her used to the stretch. Ingrid focuses on your cock, sucking on the much smaller appendage with practiced ease.
Mapi moans and reaches for you, leaning over Ingrid as her hips pound into her girlfriend. You cradle Ingrid’s head, leaning forward, and kiss Mapi. You hear Ingrid choke a couple of times, your hips gently nudging the toy down her throat. You pull away from Mapi and pull Ingrid off your cock, kissing her spit-soaked face.
“Fucking hell Ingrid, you’re such a whore for us huh? Love having two cocks fill your holes?”
“Not all my holes…” she says with a grin, a harsh smack on her ass resounding through the room.
“Basta, puta asquerosa,” Mapi looks up at you, hips never faltering even once. “Come here.”
You scoot over, grabbing the bottle of lube, knowing your next move before Mapi asks. She pulls out of Ingrid and helps her onto her side, two of your fingers slipping into her asshole. She whimpers, hips chasing the feeling eagerly.
“More, please,” she asks, knuckles white as she grips the sheets tight in pleasure.
You kiss along her side and ass, scissoring your fingers faster before pushing in a third. She grabs your wrist and guides your hand, your bicep cramping as you finger her asshole open enough to take your cock and Mapi’s at the same time.
“I can! Just hurry, please!” She squeals, hiking her leg up to her chest as Mapi adds more lube to her cock and yours. She slips in first, rubbing Ingrid’s thigh as you line yourself up with Ingrid’s ass.
You slip in and Ingrid moans long and loud, feeling overwhelmingly full and buzzed. You lean down and kiss her softly, the center-back smiling softly before nodding for you to move. Mapi starts slow, thrusting into her girlfriend before urging you to thrust on her upstroke. You alternate like a smooth machine, Ingrid babbling nonsense as raw pleasure surges through her petite body.
“Faster!” she screams, hips moving back on you and Mapi. You spank her ass and beckon your hips faster, kissing Mapi passionately as she also fucks into Ingrid faster.
The Norwegian comes with a scream of both your names, the sheer force of the orgasm pushing you both out of her as she quivers and squirms. You’re both beside her in an instant, straps abandoned somewhere in the room.
Ingrid smiles drunkenly, one hand cradling Mapi’s head behind her and the other petting your abs.
“I think I went to heaven,” she slurs before looking at you. “I wanted you too, you know. I saw you at the final against Lyon. Was too shy to say hi, but it was worth the wait.”  
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scribblesofagoonerr · 7 months ago
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— It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die! | Glastonbury Series
here's the second part of this small mini series i have been working so hard to create over the past week, this is one of my favourites so i hope you all enjoy it!
yet again a massive thank you to @alotofpockets and @lvnleah for the ongoing help throughout writing this and putting up with me throwing ideas at them all the time.
pairings: leah williamson x reader!monkey
summary: the first day of the festival, leah let's loose with the alcohol and monkey definitely does take advantage about the fact that leah is drunk and she can get what she wants, more so use her bank card to the extreme without her knowing
you can check out the whole masterlist here: chaos fc masterlist
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As the night draws on, you watch Leah get more and more drunk and she definitely did let her hair down.
You definitely do enjoy seeing this side of her though and you can definitely take advantage of it even.
"Le, can I have my bank card? I wanna go get another drink," You have to shout over the volume of the music to get her attention as she clumsily stumbles around until she looks at you in suspicion, "Come on, I'm not going to go wild with it!"
"You better not!" The blonde slurs, pointing her index finger at you, "Be the sensible Monkey that you are!"
You laugh as she digs through her purse and hands you your card. There have been a few things around the festival that of course had caught your eye and Leah had refused to buy you them so why not buy them now?
Straightaway, you immediately make a beeline to the stand that you'd passed earlier that is selling stuffed teddies, "One unicorn please!" You grin before tapping your card and paying for it.
Sliding your bank card into your pocket, you're still beaming a wide smile as you eagerly clutch your giant unicorn, "Best purchase ever!"
Now you just have the task of taking it back to the tent so you can hide it from Leah until morning at least when it'll be too late to take it back.
"Boo!" Holly sneaks up behind you as you start to head in the direction of where you distinctly remember coming from where the tents were set up in camp, "Where are you off?" She questions, curiously.
"U... Uh, nowhere!" You stutter, quickly working to shove the giant stuffed unicorn behind your back because if it's out of sight then it's out of mind.
Holly quirks in her eyebrow in amusement, "Really? Who're you tryin' to fall here-- What's that behind your back?" She wonders, trying to take a closer look.
"What thing?" You try and play it off like you really don't know what she is on about, tightly clutching the unicorn and praying that it doesn't drop on the floor, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"I can literally see it poking out behind your back," The older woman states in amusement, "What you got?" She repeats her words.
Biting your lip, you slowly pull the giant unicorn out from behind your back and look at her innocently, "Don't tell Le, please!" You all but plead now.
"Oh, Monkey," Holly finds it hard to stifle her laughter, "Is this you being sensible with your money, huh?" She teases you, ruffling your hair.
You pout at the older women and tightly clutch your unicorn in your hand, "Leah wouldn't buy me one when I asked, so I just did it myself! She's too drunk to even care right as well-- Will you please help me hide it from her?" You ask.
Hesitantly, Holly agrees with this as she nods, "Alright, come on... If she asks, I didn’t have anything to do with this!"
"Deal!" You exclaim a bit louder than necessary, "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!" You can't help but quote one of the beloved Minion films you have watched previously.
But there's still nothing better than Shrek, of course.
Nor Marvel.
"Did you seriously just quote despicable me?" Holly can't help but laugh in amusement as the two of you walk back to camp.
"Yes... Yes, I did!" You nod proudly as you make it to the campsite and you suddenly pause in sudden realisation as your eyes widen, "Oh no! I should have gotten Buddy something!"
"We're back at the tent now, it's okay we'll go back and pick one up for her on the way back to the tent later on instead. Maybe a dinosaur?" The older woman suggests kindly, squeezing your shoulder gently.
Grinning in agreement, you carefully place the unicorn inside the tent for safe keeping, "Awesome, or should I say Roar-Some!" You joke with the woman.
"Come on Monkey," The blonde leads you back in the direction of where the festival is, "I can understand why Le calls you a Menace sometimes now." She states in amusement.
"I'm not even that bad, Leah exaggerates sometimes that's all!" You tell her as you shrug your shoulders, "I still gotta take advantage to find more things to buy on my card before she realises!"
"Are you sure about that?" Holly doesn't seem so convinced as you spot a cash machine and have the brainwave to take some money out, "Is this a good idea?" She wonders.
"I see it as," Shrugging your shoulders, you pop your card in the machine and punch in your pin, "Call it compensation right now."
"Compensation, for what?" Holly laughs in amusement.
"Compensation for having to put up with Leah's drunk ass," You remark as your card slots back out and you stuff it in your pockets along with the small wad of cash and continue to walk back to them.
Of course it's not long until you get distracted.
"Oh, stop! I see it, I love it and I want it!" With the tap of your card on the machine, you now proudly own both of them.
"What's with the cowboy hat... And the neon light?" Holly questions amusedly as she shakes her head.
Shrugging your shoulders, you adjust it on your head and start to walk back to the group, "It seemed like a good idea, so I did it cos' that is how you should live your life!"
"That is not a motto you should live by," Holly tells you in disagreement as she laughs, "Come on cowgirl, before they wonder where we've got too."
With a few purchases in hand, you walk back to the group. You are now extremely happy with the cowboy hat you spotted on the way back and a neon green flashing light that you found fascinating and it was just screaming out for you to buy.
"Hi drunky, we're back!" You grin at the blonde and lean up on your tip-toes to hug her from behind, and of course being in the drunken state that she is, she is more than willing to accept the hug.
"Monkey!" Leah exclaims, doing no more than turning around, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around, "Have you been sensible?" She slurs.
Just how much has she drunk while you were gone?
"I'm always sensible," You reply in agreement as you can't help but laugh at her antics.
"No, you are not," Leah slurs as she playfully pokes you on the nose.
"How drunk are you?" You question, not hiding your laughter.
The blonde gasps in shock horror, "I am not drunk! I can... I can tell the time!" She insists, eagerly.
You snicker in amusement, "Sure, you keep on telling yourself that one," Turning to look at Holly for confirmation, "She is so drunk, innit?" You ask her.
"She's just having a good time," Holly laughs at her cousin's current state of drunkenness, "But she will definitely have a sore head in the morning of course."
Leah still continues to cling onto you, "You're my cheeky Monkey! I love you! I do, I love you a lot!" She states, loud and proud.
"I love you too, Le... Even when you're as drunk as you are," You respond as you find her leaning her head on your neck with a bit of height difference.
"I'm serious!" Leah slurs as she continues to rest her head on your shoulder, "You are a pain sometimes but you are a pain that I love so, so much!" She tells you and it makes you smile hearing her say that, because despite how annoying you can get at times, she still loves you.
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"I love the way she fills her clothes. She looks just like them girls in vogue. I love the way she plays it cool-- Oh my God. I love this band!" It’s your turn to scream at the top of your voice, pretty much deafening Leah considering you’re sitting on her shoulders and having the absolute time of your life listening to one of your favourite bands.
Is it such a good idea to do that when she’s had a lot of drinks?
Eh, probably not.
What is the worst that can happen?
Right now you feel like a dream come true to be here and it feels a completely surreal experience.
“Best time ever!” You continue to scream and dance to the music, having trust in Leah to not drop you on your head, “I think that she is beautiful…”
“Sing it loud, Monkey!” Leah encourages you loudly, keeping her arms draped around your legs so you’re a bit stable, but right now in the moment you are enjoying yourself too much to care.
“You know this song word for word?” Grace chimes in, looking at you in amusement.
“She’s so lovely, she’s so lovely, she’s so lovely, she’s so lovely, she’s so lovely, she’s so lovely, she’s so lovely!” You still continue to scream the lyrics on repeat, throwing your hands up in the air while having an absolute blast.
“And she continues,” Holly jokes with you.
“She’s pretty, a fitty. She’s got a boyfriend and that’s a pity. She’s flirty turned thirty!” You sing but more like continue to scream the lyrics down the blonde ear.
“What film is this even from?” Holly asks, curiously.
You peer down and gasp at her dramatically, “Angus Thongs and perfect snogging, of course! How… How didn’t you know that?” You question in disbelief, “You’re, like, old enough to know it!”
“I can’t believe you just called me old– She did just call me old, right?” The older woman looks around in disbelief, offended that you literally called her old.
“I did!” You don’t hesitate to quip in agreement, “Let down, complete let down! Anybody that doesn’t know this band or the movie is a fuckin’ let down!”
“Monkey, reign in a bit,” Leah slurs, very much not in the state to even scold you right now with the state that she is in, “Be a nice Monkey!”
“She’s fine, don’t worry about it. She’s having a good time!” Holly waves her off in disagreement as she laughs.
“Yeah, she’s just accepting that she is old,” You remark, sticking your tongue at the older blonde woman.
“Wha… Is she always like this?” Holly questions in disbelief, “I’m just getting constantly insulted here by this kid. I… I didn’t sign up for this!” She jokes.
"Yeah, I'm afraid so. I'm sorry in advance for her like this," Leah slurs her apology, “You have to be nice, Monkey!”
“Nah. Get used to it,” You grin at the older blonde, who still pretends to look offended.
“Monkey,” Leah can’t stifle her laughter, “Be nice, you cheeky monkey!”
You would probably take her more seriously if she wasn’t slurring her speech while trying to lecture you, but right now she is too funny to handle.
“I’m only havin’ fun and winding her up,” You remark without even thinking about it, “I can’t help that’s my personality!”
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It’s later in the evening and you’re now standing beside Holly, who is the most sober out of everyone, watching Dua Lipa perform on stage.
Meanwhile Leah is sitting on one of her friends shoulders, having the time of her life, throwing her hands up in the air and jamming to the music.
It’s hard to even know how much she has drunk at this point and you’re definitely surprised that she hasn’t managed to fall down considering how much she’s moving about up there.
Going back to the tent at the end of the night will be a fun experience…
“Woohoo! I like this one!” You shout enthusiastically, bopping your head to the beat of the music.
Holly smiles at your enthusiasm, “How’re you not tired, kid?” She wonders, curiously.
“I’m not old like the rest of you lot,” You remark, sticking your tongue out at her, “What’s your excuse?”
“Wow. You are so cheeky sometimes,” The blonde tells you as she shakes her head in amusement.
“It’s my personality, I can’t help it!” Shrugging your shoulders, you look over to where Leah is indeed having a great time on her friends shoulders still, “Le is still havin’ the time of her life as well!”
Holly glances at her cousin and smiles, “Yeah, she is. It’s nice to see her letting her hair down though. The past several months with her injury have been difficult for her.”
You couldn’t help but nod in agreement, having to watch the blonde suffer with her ACL injury was horrible and you just wanted to help her out in any way that you could do, even if that was to help out taking care of Buddy more. 
You would never turn down spending more time with your favourite little buddy. 
It’s great to finally have her back on the pitch again, even if she’s still bossy about things and all.
"Yeaaaah! Come on, come on, let's get physical!" The blonde that your on about screams the lyrics out loud as another one of her friends films her. 
You can't help but snicker, "You can say she is enjoying herself-- I'm not carrying her back to the tent tonight!"
"I'll handle it, don't worry," Holly tells you.
"Phew!" You exclaim, dramatically.
Leah definitely is letting her hair down tonight, drinking and partying on her friends shoulder and you couldn't really blame her because she is always too stern in your own opinion sometimes.
"Le! Leah!” You shout aloud to get her attention, continuing to poke and prod her just to annoy her, “Leeaaaahhhh!"
"Hi monkey!" The blonde beams a wide smile at you and drunkenly slings her arm around you once she’s gotten off her friends shoulders. 
"You're drunk!" You exclaim in amusement, leaning your body against her as you can start to feel the exhaustion hit.
Also hunger, you could kill for a pizza right now!
"Nope, I am... I am totally fine!" Leah slurs her speech.
"Nuh uh! You are completely drunk!" You disagree with the blonde.
"I think it's time we start heading back to the tent now," Holly suggests, catching onto the way her cousin is struggling to stand up without your support.
"I'm hungry!" You complain to the sober blonde, "Can we get pizza?" She wonders.
Holly laughs and nods in agreement, "We can get you something on the way back to the tent, let's just focus on getting little miss drunk over here back there right now."
"Good luck with that! I don't think she's in any state to even walk-- I already said I'm not carrying her back!" You insist, firmly, to get your point across.
"I got it, it's fine... Come on, Le. We're gonna go back to the tent," Holly tries to pull Leah in the direction of the walk back to the tents.
"Aw, what? No. The night is still young!" Leah protests, shaking her head.
Holly chuckles and shakes her head, "Yeah, but you've had a lot to drink. It's best we call it a night," she turns to the rest of her friends, "We're gonna go back to the tents. See you all in the morning."
"Awh, don't be a buzzkill Hol!" Leah shouts aloud, literally using your own words against her cousin.
"Hey, there my words!" You whine in protest, "We still have to get food!" You remind the older blonde of the two, who is somewhat trying to pull the blonde in the direction of where the tents are set up.
"Ooo, food. Let's get kebabs!" Leah pipes up.
You screw your face up in confusion, "Le, you don't even like kebabs?"
Leah points her finger at you, booping you on the nose once again, "I don't care! I... I need a kebab!"
"Nuh uh, let's get pizza instead!" You protest, you're not a massive kebab’s at all but on the other hand, pizza right now sounds great.
"Nope, a kebab will be better!" Leah continues to insist.
You can't help but groan, "But you don't like them, pizza is so much better!"
"Well right now I want a kebab and you... you have to listen to me because I am older than you, Monkey!" Leah slurs, trying to once again boop you on the nose but misses due to her stumbling around.
"Seriously? That isn't fair!" You exclaim in annoyance, furrowing your eyebrow, "Holly, tell her that ain't fair!" You turn to look at the older woman for help.
Holly let out a laugh and shakes her head, "Relax, kid. I'll get you pizza like you want afterwards."
"Winning!" You shout aloud in excitement as you begrudgingly navigate your way through the crowd, Leah stumbles a bit behind you and you can’t help but giggle as Holly has to keep a firm grip on her to prevent her from falling. 
The smell from the various food stalls waft through the air and your stomach growls in response.
The hot dog you ate previously did not do much to fill you up at all. 
"Can I get two kebabs, please," Holly turns her attention to the man in the food van, before she digs her own bank card out and taps it on the machine to pay. 
Leah leans against the counter with her eyes half closed, “Smells soooo good,” She murmurs. 
A few minutes later, the vendor hands Holly the kebabs and she hands one to the blonde, who takes a bite and her eyes widen, “This tastes amazing!”
“Guarantee you won’t even remember any of this tomorrow,” You state, grinning at Leah, who’s too busy savouring the kebab she’s currently eating.
So much for her being a picky eater, right now.
Of course you took photo evidence to prove to her that she did in fact eat this that you can’t wait to show her when she’s sober.
While watching the two of them happily munch kebabs, your stomach grumbles again, "Alright, can we please get pizza now?" You question. 
"Alright, come on little miss impatient," Holly nods in agreement, walking in the direction where the pizza truck is not too far ahead.
"Yes, race you there!" You took off running before the two of them even have a chance to realise you have bolted as you reach the pizza food stall and your eyes light up in glee, "Hi! Can I have a BBQ chicken pizza, please-- Wait, do you guys serve just slices or is it like a whole pizza?" You wonder.
"Whole pizzas," The man replies to your question.
"Even better then! Yeah, I'll take a BBQ chicken one, please!" You ask the man, taking the advantage of having your card right now as the blonde still hadn't even realised due to her own drunken state of mind, you tap your card on your machine and slot it back in your pocket.
"M... Monkey!" You hear the familiar voice call out your name before you turn around and see the two blondes have eventually caught up to you, "You can't run off like that-- Remember, there's big crowds!" She slurs her words.
"I'd take you a lot more seriously if you weren't stumbling around the way that you are," You remark, grinning at Leah who tries her best to glare at you, "Really, I am so scared of you right now, I'm highly terrified. I am!" It's just too easy to wind her up right now.
"You get your pizza, kid?" Holly laughs, trying to keep a grip on Leah who is stumbling about the place.
"Waiting on it now-- Hey, gimme me cowboy hat back!" You whine in protest, feeling it being swiped off your head, "Le!"
"Nope, it's mine now!" Leah slurs, proud of herself as she puts it on her own head.
"Le!" You grumble in annoyance, "Give it back!" You try to reach for it, standing on your tip toes but she has the advantage over you with her height.
"Monkey, here's your pizza," Holly accepts the pizza of the vendor and thanks them since you were too busy trying to fight for your hat back instead, "Okay, what'd I miss here?"
"Tell her to give me my hat back," You still continue to glare at Leah, "I brought it and she'll just lose it with the state that she is in!"
Leah gasps in shock horror, "You don't know that. I... I love this thing!" She states.
"Yeah, but Le, it's mine so give it back!" You don't care if you're whining and making a scene right now when you want your hat back and the drunken blonde is holding it hostage, "Give it back!" 
"Nope, it's mine!" Leah slurs, continuing to wind you up, "It suits me so much better!" 
Starting to jump up to try and reach it, you scowl at her, "Give it... Give it back!" With one final jump, you manage to knock it off her head and grin in victory, "Ha! It's my hat, you get your own!"
Holly laughs and shakes her head at your usual antics, "Alright, come on. Let's try and get back to the tent in one piece without a fight breaking out," She jokes, directing the way towards the tents.
"She started it!" You point your finger in accusation at the blonde, who is now back to happily munching on her kebab again.
"I know, I know. Come on," Holly murmurs, remaining to keep her grip on Leah, who is more concerned about her kebab rather than where she is going, "Careful, Le. Watch your step."
"I'm so gonna laugh if she falls on her face!" You comment, finding the whole scenario absolutely hilarious and of course you have your phone out to video it.
"Nearly there now," Holly has to virtually pull Leah towards your own tent, "No, Le! That's the wrong tent, don't go in that one!" She shouts, dragging the drunk blonde away from it.
"Oh this is hilarious. Hold on, hold on!" You're quick to react and pull your phone out again, "I'm getting this on video-- Le, you ain't living this one down, at all!" You exclaim, having great joy watching the blonde making a fool of herself.
"Come on, Le," Holly says, the exhaustion sounds clear in her voice as she guides her cousin in the direction of the correct tent, "It's this tent, there we go... You just sit here and uh, you'll be fine. I'll be back with some water-- Just don't move!"
Flopping down inside the tent, you can't help but snicker at the blonde, who seems in her own world as she still continues to munch on the remainders of her kebab, "You are so drunk and this is hilarious to witness right now," You tell her as you start to open the pizza box and tear a slice out to eat, "You're definitely gonna regret this tomorrow... And I can't wait to wind you up about it!" You say with a mouthful of food.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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dreadfuldrip · 5 months ago
The space between words
∼∼Confessions left unspoken
Trying to get into the worst Wolverine's pants :>
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Logan Howlett x GN!Reader
a/n: This should be the first part of a 2(?) part series, so stay tuned. This blog has moved to @hiddenavenues
CW: MDNI, GN!Reader, implied age gap, implied sexual content, alcohol consumption, reader gets called pretty thing, no use of y/n
Wade will be the death of you. 
Seated at the kitchen table while Wade and Logan's return party ensues behind you, you have found yourself listening to Wade's mindless blabber. The man can not shut up about Vanessa. Having been Wade's neighbour and friend for the last decade, you're used to it. 
"-and her ass christ, if I could give it an award, it'd be called 'most likely to cause distracted walking.' Seriously, it's like a work of art- I'm just waiting for the Louvre to call-"
As you pretend to listen to Wade's girl problems, your eye snags on Logan sitting alone on the couch as he nurses a beer. Hunched over with his elbows resting on either knee, he gazes off into nothing, utterly oblivious to your stare. You watch as Logan's thumb makes idle circles on the side of his drink, your mind drifting elsewhere as you wonder how it would feel to have his fingers circling something else. You nearly curse from the view as he places down his can to stretch out his back, reaching up over his head and inadvertently tugging up his shirt to expose a thick happy trail and muscled midriff. 
Realizing you aren't paying attention, Wade turns to see what's caught your attention before spinning around and letting out a dramatic gasp.
"How long have you been eye-fucking peanut over there? And here I thought we were having a genuine connection!" Wade exclaims, looking half bewildered and talking far too loudly for your liking.
"Shut the fuck up," you hiss, eyes nearly bugging out of your skull. "Besides, what kind of 'connection' comes from talking about your ex for the last 2 hours? I haven't even had time to go try to actually fuck Wolfie over there, thanks to your sorry ass." You retort, watching as Wade forms a look of mock insult and clutches at his chest. 
"I'm hurt, pumpkin, leading me on when I thought the whole ex thing was gonna get me some tonight." He pouts before standing and placing his hand on his forehead in faux distress. 
"Don't let me distract you from your staring, but please let me know if you two are looking for a third. Always wanted to see if the Wolverine really is huge down under." He says, smirking at you before practically dancing into the room you last saw Vanessa disappear into. 
Music is still playing from a speaker somewhere, but as you look around the room, you notice that most friends have either found a room to crash in or have left for the evening. Fuck, the evening is starting to look like yet another drinking alone with nothing but your hand to please you. With a sigh, you glance over to where you last saw Logan, only to realize he's already looking at you. You watch as he tips back the last of his beer and walks towards where you are seated in the kitchen, presumably to grab another from the fridge.
You speak up as Logan nears the kitchen and reaches to toss out his empty. 
"So, you calling it quits, or can we find somewhere else to be?" You ask, resting your head on your hand and staring up at Logan.
Logan chuckles softly at the invite, turning his back to you for a second to grab another beer before facing you again. 
"I'm far too old for you, bub." He replies, cracking a can and taking a swig.
You feel your cheeks heat up at the dismissal. If this were any other man, you would move on and find someone else to spend the night with. But something about Logan drives you crazy, boiling you down to your most primal needs. Not accepting failure so quickly, you try again.
"Oh, come on, Logan. A couple of drinks at the dive down the street never killed anyone. It's just your vibe, dark, gloomy, and has a certain characteristic to it very few enjoy." You tease, standing to shrug on a light jacket and looking back at him expectantly. 
"You coming? Don't make me find some lonely creep to keep me company while there." 
Maybe it was just your imagination, but something like jealousy flashed in Logan's eye as you spoke. Something about what you said set him in motion, tugging on his jacket before holding the door for you.
Having spent most of the walk to the bar in comfortable silence, you guide Logan through the doors of your favourite bar. Inside, the classic red lights and LED signs greet you, a couple of lonely strangers loitering around the bar counter. 
Taking Logan's hand, you guide both of you towards the bar before heading towards a booth away from the strangers. You let go of Logan's hand to sit down, expecting him to sit across the table from you. To your surprise, he sits beside you. Your thighs brush together in the small booth, Logan's large frame taking up most of the space. 
"Never thought a pretty thing like you would like this kinda place," Logan grunts, drinking from his glass before turning to face you. "Not like the beer is any good."
At this proximity, you can see the specks of gold in his brown eyes and faint scars littering his face. Pretty thing. Your cheeks feel hot under his gaze; you can only imagine how red your face is. 
"They have live music on Wednesdays and Fridays; you never know what you'll get, but it's usually a good time. Wade told me you like this sorta place, so I thought I'd bring you around." You shrug, looking at the table to avoid his gaze.
You hear Logan let out a chuckle. "Are you taking dating advice from Wade? Didn't think anyone would stoop that low. Can't say whatever you're doing ain't workin' though." He returns the glass to his mouth; now it's his turn to avoid your eye.
Butterflies well up in your stomach at his words, the way he blatantly called out your bluff. His eyes are filled with something between hunger and mischief when he meets your gaze over his glass.
"This is going to be a fun night, Logan Howlett."
Logan doesn't reply to you, instead giving you a grin and finishing off his glass.
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zorosbeau33 · 11 months ago
They get turned into a cat~ Luffy x reader headcanon
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❖ One Piece, Luffy x Gender Neutral reader
❖ Headcanon, series?, fluff, comedy
❖ No warnings today~
❖ wc: 422
❖ @tojiseviltwin @kimnamshiks ❖ Masterlist ❖
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Hope you all enjoy~
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Luffy got hit by that devil fruit users ability and now your boyfriend is a very fluffy, gangly, skinny powerhouse of a cat
He was already averse to water but cat Luffy? Oh god talk about fluffed and hissing, poor Zoro got an arm full of claws as he wrapped himself tight around the swordsman’s bicep
You probably find it cute but Nami thinks he looks disheveled as his short har somehow refuses to lie completely flat There is always one part that is just sticking up
Everyone's hands are full when he gets hungry because how do you keep out to world's nimblest creature with the added ability of a gumgum fruit?
Please try the cat temperament test he dangles very well in your grip and swings side to side then suddenly his but and back legs are on the ground as his body oddly stretches, it's hilarious
Extremely cuddly, he realized the sun felt amazing but even better if he could toast his fur and toe beans while lying in your lap. You will be stuck there for several hours 
Luffy once the laughs are over and he is no longer amused at himself is hissing and growling and fluffed demanding to go find and fight the user to get his normal body back
This realization probably came when he couldn’t kiss you, or when his hat became a prison as he was too small to fit and it was the same as covering him in a box
Choppers test of catnip on him was adorable at first, watching him roll over and over and how he purred up a storm
Then Nami was screaming and Franky had to build a quick cat tower because Cat Luffy was high on life and wanted to zoom and climb like a possessed demon of the night
All in all, it was an amusing time and he was also very amused by it again once back to normal 
I hope you are strong enough as Luffy wants to try the cat temperament test again now that he is back to normal
Please tell him he’s cuter the normal way because secretly he’s worried for a moment or two that you’d be disappointed to have lost your kitty cat
Once he understands it was nice but you prefer him he’s bouncing and sunny again, please pay no mind to his babbled plans to get you guys a kitty to play with at the next island…or maybe pay attention to them because he means it
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grandpeachpersona · 1 month ago
It's A Man's World
Chapter 10 ☆Moment 4 Life☆
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Sorry this took so long I just kept hitting a roadblock while writing it but I finally finished it. I hope you all enjoy as always feedback is appreciated ;) Word count: 2.17k Warnings: Lots of sports talk, Mentions of alcohol consumption, and tension😏
24 Hours before The World Series 
The stage was set: Atlanta Braves vs. Houston Astros. And believe me, I was ready.
I let out a deep breath as I racked the bar on the squat rack. Working out always seemed to calm my nerves before a big game, especially this one.
I sat down on the beach and took a sip from my water bottle. Part of my brain hadn’t fully processed the fact that tomorrow was the biggest game of my career, while the other part was trying to focus and get into the zone.
“Hercules! Hercules! Hercules!” my mom called out, quoting The Nutty Professor while clapping her hands.
Looking over my shoulder, I shook my head and laughed. “Morning, Ma.”
“Good morning, sweetheart! Breakfast is ready,” she said, leaning against the doorway.
“You didn't have to; I was going to grab something before—” I started to say, but she cut me off.
“You know how I am,” she waved her hand. “Come on upstairs and eat before the pancakes get cold.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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After a fantastic breakfast made by Mom—something I'm sure my trainer will have a few words about later—I walked onto the field for practice. The familiar scents of fresh paint and damp dirt filled the air.
Practice felt different today and in a good way. Everyone was pushing themselves just a little harder, and smiles were on everyone's faces; rightfully so, considering tomorrow is the World Series—who wouldn't be excited?
Walking into the media room for what could possibly be my final time, I took a seat and quickly greeted everyone in the room.
“Sierra, how are the nerves less than 24 hours away from the World Series?” the first reporter asked.
I took a breath before answering. “Pretty good! I won’t lie and say I’m not nervous, because that would be a lie. But the right kind of nerves are good.”
“The last time you all played against the Astros, you lost a three-game series. Are you confident that you can beat them?” another reporter inquired.
Confident? Man, please.
“We don’t have any other choice but to beat them. I am confident that we’ve learned from our mistakes, and we will win,” I replied with conviction. 
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Once again, Mom commandeered my kitchen for dinner, but honestly, I can't complain. There's something comforting about her culinary prowess that makes the house feel warm and inviting.
Later that evening, as I settled down to unwind, I scrolled through Instagram when a notification caught my eye. I had been tagged in a video posted by the Bengals, and my curiosity piqued. Tapping on the notification, Joe's familiar face filled my screen, a snippet from his press conference earlier that day.
“The World Series starts tomorrow. Do you plan on watching?” a reporter asked, his voice steady with anticipation.
“Yeah, I do. Got to watch my girl get the win,” Joe replied, a wide grin lighting up his face.
Wait a minute—did he just say “my girl”? 
It struck me like a bolt of lightning. We hadn't even been on a date yet, let alone discussed any labels or commitments, yet here he was, claiming me in front of the world.
Possessive? Yes. But I have to admit, I liked it.
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World Series Game 1
Today is the day: Game 1 of the World Series.
Waking up felt different today. Getting dressed felt different. Even having my hair and makeup done felt different. Everything feels different, but not in a bad way—more like, this is my moment.
As I walk into the ballpark, I find myself not really paying attention to the cameras. My focus is on the game ahead of me, and I’m also trying not to trip in these heels. I see why I don’t wear them often—they hurt!
But that pain quickly faded away when the first pitch of the game was thrown.
Two teams will play between 4 to 7 games, all for one prize: the Commissioner’s Trophy. This is the World Series.
Game 1 is in the books. Unfortunately, we didn't secure a win, but that's okay; you win some, you lose some. The score was 4-8.
In Game 2, we bounced back with a blowout victory of 7-0.
Game 3 saw us lose home-field advantage, but we still managed to win in Houston, finishing with a score of 4-1.
In Game 4, Houston gained some momentum and narrowly won by one run, with a final score of 6-5.
Game 5 went into extra innings, but we pulled through and got the job done, ending with a score of 10-9.
In Game 6, the Astros clinched a victory with a grand slam, keeping their World Series hopes alive. The final score was 8-7.
Now, we find ourselves back in Atlanta for the last game of the series. As of right now, my nerves are on edge because, in this game, every hit counts, every out matters, and most importantly, every score matters.
It all comes down to this pivotal moment. The stadium is electric as I stand at the bottom of the 9th inning, two outs secured, with a runner perched on second base. With the score hanging in the balance at 8-7 against us, the weight of the situation bears down heavily on my shoulders.
I know exactly what I need to do: connect solidly with the ball and drive it deep into the outfield, giving the runner a chance to dash home. Easy, right? Just a casual swing in front of 31,000 fervent fans who are all hoping for a miracle.
Stepping into the batter's box, I adjust my helmet and take a deep breath, trying to drown out the cacophony of cheering and chanting that envelops Truist Park. The familiar strains of "It's A Man's World" echo in my ears, heightening my focus as I mentally prepare for what lies ahead.
I set my stance, feeling the cool air against my skin, and lock eyes with the pitcher on the mound. He’s a seasoned player, his demeanor calm, yet I can sense the tension rippling through him as he glances briefly at the runner on second before facing me again. With a swift motion, he winds up and launches his pitch toward me.
I tighten my grip on the bat and, as the ball approaches, I make the decision to check my swing. I hold back just in time, watching the ball sail past me — it’s a ball, one count, no strikes. I exhale slowly, mentally recalibrating for the next pitch.
Gathering my concentration again, I position myself for what could be my final chance. The pitcher goes through his routine again, taking a moment to check the runner’s position before propelling the ball towards me once more.
This time, I hold my breath as I watch the projectile race toward the plate. I swing my bat with everything I’ve got, the wood making solid contact with the ball. The sound is explosive, resonating like a whip crack through the air, sending a thrill through my veins.
As I adjust my stance, I see the ball soaring into the sky, arcing beautifully as it heads toward the outfield. It continues its ascent, disappearing over the stadium's walls and splashing into the waterfall display that adds to the ambiance of this incredible venue.
In that exhilarating moment, it hits me: we just won the World Series.
In an adrenaline-fueled rush, I slam my bat to the ground, the echo of victory reverberating in my ears as I begin my journey around the bases. The stadium erupts in a deafening roar — fireworks burst overhead, illuminating the night sky, while the crowd erupts with cheers and shouts, a collective celebration of triumph.
Tossing my helmet aside, I approach home plate, my heart racing as my teammates swarm me the instant I touch it. They envelop me in a chaotic celebration, screaming and jumping in unison, pure joy radiating from every face.
This is the pinnacle of my dreams, a moment I’ve envisioned since I was just a nine-year-old girl playing wiffle ball in my backyard with my uncle. From being the only girl on the high school baseball team to earning a full-ride scholarship at LSU, and culminating in winning the state championship, this moment eclipses them all: winning the World Series.
Every ounce of hard work, every sacrifice, every moment of doubt pales in comparison to the realization of this dream. I stand amidst the celebration, grateful, overwhelmed, and utterly elated. This is why I play.
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After a whirlwind of interviews followed by a bear bath celebration, a refreshing shower, and an energetic afterparty, I finally stepped back into the comforting embrace of my home. 
“Thanks again, Kyle,” I called out, watching as he made his way back toward the elevator, his figure illuminated by the soft hallway lights. 
“No problem, sleep well,” he replied, flashing a warm smile before disappearing behind the elevator doors. The best driver in the world, hands down.
With a sigh of relief, I unlocked my front door and crossed the threshold, the familiar scent of home washing over me. I locked the door behind me and, with a gentle thud, dropped my duffle bag right at the entrance, mentally promising myself I’d unpack it tomorrow—or, more likely, later today. All I craved was the soft cocoon of my bed, a well-deserved sanctuary after such a long day.
As I rounded the corner toward my room, I noticed a sliver of light cutting through the darkness—the kitchen light glowed unexpectedly. I furrowed my brow, certain I hadn’t left it on. Perhaps my mom had flicked it on before heading out to the airport. 
Curiosity piqued, I padded softly toward the kitchen, only to be met with an utterly unexpected sight: a strikingly handsome quarterback, standing 6’3” with tousled hair and piercing blue eyes, casually leaning against my counter like he owned the place.
“Surprise,” he said, an amused smirk playing on his lips.
A smile broke across my face as I shook my head in disbelief. “Surprise indeed,” I replied, the warmth of his presence igniting a flutter of happiness in my chest.
“C'mere,” Joe beckoned, his arms outstretched, inviting me into a hug that felt both familiar and incredibly grounding. 
I stepped into his embrace, surrendering to the moment as he nestled a tender kiss on the top of my head. “Proud of you,” he murmured, his breath warm against my hair.
Emotions swelled within me, and I simply nodded, overwhelmed by his kindness. 
Joe pulled back slightly, his gaze searching mine, an edge of concern etching his features. “You okay?”
Looking up at him, I nodded, a smile slipping out as I exhaled. “Yeah,” I breathed, “Just really, really happy—and maybe a little drunk,” I chuckled, the effects of the evening buzzing in my system. “When did you get here?”
“About an hour ago,” Joe replied, his tone laced with both excitement and regret. “Today starts my bye week, and I figured, why not surprise you? Just wish I could have been here to see you win,” he added a bittersweet note in his voice.
“It’s okay, you’re here now, and that’s all that matters to me,” I reassured him, my eyes drifting from the depth of his gaze to the inviting curve of his lips, only to return to his eyes—intensely captivating.
Ugh, why did he have to look so kissable? Damn you, vodka!
A comfortable silence enveloped us, a fragile moment stretched between us, thick with unspoken words and electric tension. 
Clearing his throat, Joe broke the stillness, “Come on, you look like you might pass out,” he teased gently, nodding toward my bedroom. It was true; the exhaustion was pulling at me, whispering sweet nothings of sleep. So, without resisting, I unwound myself from his embrace and began the trek to my room, Joe following closely behind.
I couldn’t tell if it was the lingering alcohol buzzing through my veins or the undeniable desires I felt, but the need to be close to him was intoxicating. In his arms, everything felt perfectly right.
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Groaning as I woke up to the bright Atlanta sun shining in my eyes, I pulled the blanket over my head to block out some of the light. I really need to invest in blackout curtains.
Eventually, I decided it was time to get up and start my day.
But as I opened the door, I heard a noise coming from the living room. Is that the TV?
Curiosity got the better of me, and I walked into the living room.
“Morning, sweetheart,” 
@enretrogue @hoodharlow
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bigassmoonchild · 1 year ago
The Hearing
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
The first four parts give context, but may not be required for this read.
Summary: Being stuck in hearing sucked. Especially when Price revealed things about yourself you hadn't even known, and now Ghost was unsure of the choices he'd been making.
Content Tags: Separation, Mentions of Violence, Mild Storybuilding, Scenting, Mentions of Possible Pregnancy, Ghost Walking Out, Ghost being Unsure, No Use of Y/N, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha! Ghost
A/N: This took me half of The Wolverine, 16 minutes of Hamilton and 12 episodes of Bluey to get through. No sex yet, but if y'all don't want the pregnancy ark do let me know. This series may be coming to an end soon, but that doesn't mean Doc is going away forever. As always, content under the cut and requests are open <3
P.S: I was going to adjust part of this, but I've figured out a way to extend this story a little further, so I'm removing it from being privately posted. My apologies!
Part 1 | Previous, Next | Headcannons, Masterlist
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This keeps fucking happening. It took four months before you and Ghost got in trouble again. Instead of having each other, now you were stuck without the other. The rest of the 141 was busy smuggling items between yourself and Ghost, it finally having gotten out that the two of you were mated.
That you were an Omega.
You were removed from training your squad for the time being, currently being investigating for the incident that had happened. Too many times you had seen the same people for hearings. Too many times you were stuck sitting in the same room and looking among the same people.
"Can you explain to us how no one knew that Michael wasn't taking his suppressants?" Was the question posed to you.
You adjusted in your seat, smoothing down the pair of nice pants you'd thrown on and smelling the thick perfume you'd put on to block the distressed scent you'd been throwing off. "No one in the compound is capable of scenting other people, those abilities are blocked with the military grade suppressants we are given. Scents are also dulled with the suppressants, so no one would've been able to tell," you explained. Short and simple, not nearly as scientific as it should've been.
"And you couldn't tell? Being mated means off of suppressants, which means you should've been able to scent him."
"It takes a minimum of two days off suppressants for a scent to begin coming back and another week before the androstenone in an Alphas body to increase dangerously high. I was on leave for three weeks prior to the incident, so I had to have returned back to base at nearly the two week mark," you wanted to see Simon.
You each had a babysitter, swapping out in shifts so neither of you were unattended for more than five minutes. You'd began self-soothing, rubbing the gland on your wrist aggressively against your neck gland, the clothes you were receiving weekly from Price wasn't doing enough.
No matter what, you were still stuck in this god damn hearing. Until you could smell Simon. You spun in your seat, searching the general room for him, watching as he was led forward, taking a seat across the aisle from you.
"Now, Mr. Riley, what caused you to attack Michael?" You were still watching him, only his balaclava to protect his face from those around you. You could just barely see his side-profile, his hardly blinking eyes as he stared down the person questioning him.
He glanced briefly at you. "My Omega was being attacked, I could smell her distress from a few halls down so I was going to find out what was happening. I heard him screaming at her and threatening her life, so I did what I had to to protect her," he answered, no hesitation. They hummed and nodded, glancing at you before looking back to Simon.
God, he smelled so much better than his clothes.
"Doctor, please try and pay attention," you looked down into your lap, giving a small sorry before the hearing proceeded. "What caused Michael to attack you?" At this you had to pause. It all happened so fast and you'd shoved the memory to the back of your head.
"He wanted to get out of the squad, he didn't want a Doctor ordering him around. I assume Mr. Riley said something to him, as he was causing problems with the soldiers covering my squad while I was on leave. He tried to press for information regarding my relationship with the Lieutenant, but I wasn't going to allow him insight he didn't need to know," they were writing everything down, clacking of keyboards and scraping of pens and pencils against paper.
"Do tell us what happened next,"
Looking away, you had to take a deep breath. You could feel the panic setting back in. "I told him that he wouldn't be able to remain in the military or find a new branch if he left. He had too many infractions and I pulled his file to show him, and he lunged for it. Michael was trying to take his file from me, and he could smell I was an Omega. That's when I realized he was going feral," you picked at your fingers, not looking at the group of people as you tried to remember what happened.
They glanced back at their notes, speaking with each other for a moment. "How would you know he was going feral?"
"I have medical documents of my squad. I know when their last heat or rut was, and I decide when they go on leave to ensure they aren't on suppressants for too long that it becomes dangerous, such as what occurred between myself and my Alpha. The androstenone inside an Alpha increases, albeit being dormant, the longer suppressants are taken without a natural rut occurring," you explained. This was the easy part, the things you knew exactly the ins and outs of.
They nodded along with you, fingers still clacking on keyboards as you explained.
"Once someone stops taking suppressants, the androstenone becomes active again. The longer they go without the rut, the more that become active. If they don't rid themselves of the androstenone, it'll force them into ferality to keep the increasing hormones from severely hurting them," they interrupted you for a moment.
"What does ferality do for the Alpha?"
"It ensures that they mate with the nearest Omega in or out of heat to naturally expel the androstenone. If they don't, their rut gets worse and they begin to have different areas of the brain shut down until they are no more than an animal, looking for the next thing to breed," you explained. "Most cases are euthanized, to ensure they don't suffer for long," you added, ensuring they would understand why it was so dangerous.
You had zoned out once they began talking with Simon again. His scent was washing over you every now and again as the AC unit blew cooler air into the room. This room had no windows and was in the middle of the building so they installed AC's for the stifling summer, which meant scents were wafting around with each other and mixing.
But Simons? It was amazing, being able to get it damn near straight from the source. You were waiting for all of this to be over so you could crawl into your nest with Simon. Your heat had been due a week ago, but with the proceedings dragging on you had been far to stressed for your body to allow it to happen.
And you could feel it building within you. You were exhausted all the time, eating more and building a larger nest, moving things in your room around. Now that you had your Alpha near you, you could feel your mind slowly slipping away from you.
You had to think harder, trying to remember how long ago your heat was and when you had to expect it. To be honest, you didn't really want to think that hard right now. You were still exhausted, you didn't get much sleep, considering you'd been without your Alpha for weeks now.
"That should wrap today up, we'll reconvene tomorrow. Same time and location, we'll review what we have learned from you two and Michael and give you our final decision in one week. For now, you two will stay separated and we'll have people watching to ensure you don't meet up," you wanted to argue. So badly, you wanted to tell them that he was your Alpha and he was supposed to be with you.
Even then, you knew that they wouldn't rescind their decision. You watched as Simon was led out, giving you one more look before leaving.
"Listen, kid, I'm really sorry," Price leaned in next to you, whispering as you waited for Simon to get far enough away that you could leave as well without possibly getting in trouble. "I know another week is going to be hard on you," he looked away.
You sighed, leaning back. "It's no harder than the first few weeks mated to him. The only problem is my heat isn't coming and I'm past due," he gave you a weird look before nodding with you.
Standing up, he gestured for you to follow him. You stood and followed him out, allowing him to lead you back to your room. It stayed quiet between the two of you, you figured he was deep in thought and you were just thinking about the nap you were gonna take in your nest.
Quite the exciting life you held now, being stuck back in hearings. You could only do paperwork and most of the work for the week you'd finish right away. It was so boring, the task force only being able to come by every now and again.
When you walked in, he handed you a bag. You looked down and back up at him, brows furrowed. Price gave you a smile and walked back out, the door shutting behind him. You sat on your bed, running your hands down your face and sighing deeply.
You reached into the bag, pulling out another of Simons hoodies. The amount you had at this point made you wonder if he had any left, just about the entirety of your nest was made out of his shirts and hoodies. The scents on some of them were fading, but you didn't remove them just yet.
Without him to be in the nest with you, the scents were fading quicker and quicker. You hated it. You had grown accustomed to having him scenting you at night and before he had to leave in the morning, him remarking your gland every now and again when you were able to.
Moving to throw the bag in the bag of bags, you felt something move inside it with your movements. Setting it back down, you opened it to look inside.
A pregnancy test.
"Price!" You shouted, his office door slamming open. You were heaving, having run straight to his office after finding his last little gift. "What the hell?"
He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was talking to my own Omega and they mentioned giving you one. A lot of the symptoms you'd been mentioning had lined up with their own pregnancy. You don't have to use it, obviously, I just figured you'd want it," you stopped to think.
How had you been exhibiting all the signs of a pregnant Omega and yet you'd been unable to recognize it? You were a bloody biologist, so you'd already known exactly what the signs were. Intense nesting urges, increased eating, increased amounts of sleep.
Jesus, were you pregnant? Maybe you should take the test, just to be sure. Price opened his mouth to say something before shaking his head and going back to his paperwork. You were going to pester him about what he was going to say, but you didn't.
"You could get this hearing pushed off if you're pregnant. They'll consider it an Alpha protecting his pup. You didn't hear this from me,"
The next day Simon was back where he'd been sitting, in the back of the hearing room waiting for them to call him forward. He could see you, some rows ahead of him. Your scent had become more delectable to him over the last few weeks, even if he hadn't been able to smell you directly.
The rest of the task force was playing a dangerous game, smuggling items between the two of you. He knew that, if caught, they could be put on a probationary leave and investigated to figure out if it was more than just items.
Simon watched as you stood from your seat, hands folded in front of you. He could smell you better than when you'd been sitting, the scent sweetening to something he couldn't explain.
All he wanted to do was scent mark you and hold you in your nest, maybe find you some food and feed you. What the hell was up with him? He'd been stalking as close to your room as he could get, snarling at every Alpha who walked near.
"I haven't made you aware yet, but I have been in for a pregnancy test," everyone went silent and Simons eyes widened. "The results should be coming in another day or two, depending on who will be finalizing them. I'd like to request that the current predicament be pushed back so my mate and I can speak about possibilities," he watched as the group leading the hearing leaned together to speak and his eyes never left you.
He could smell your distress from where he was, and he could feel his heart hammering in his chest. Pregnant? He thought you'd been on birth control, even if it you'd still gone through your heats.
To be honest, Simon was terrified. A father? Him? All he could do was walk out, even if he heard his name come from you and your scent changing sharply. Winding through the halls, he found himself walking outside with a cigarette lit, the slight burn as he inhaled the smoke.
Neither of you had talked about this. You'd been mated for a few months, not even hitting a year yet and prior to that you'd only spoken professionally. He knew you, but you hadn't even shared a room yet.
Was he wrong? For biting you, when neither of you had agreed upon being mated. For getting the two of you in that situation in the first place, he should've been the one who had gone and swept the building to make sure everyone was safe.
Simon knew exactly where his life would be had the two of you not been stuck in that situation. He'd never imagined his life moving this way and it terrified him. He was almost... regretting the choices he'd made.
Regretting mating with you.
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satzumosupremacy · 1 year ago
Elite Bodyguard Series: Pt.2
Surprising Finish
Male reader x Momo (Ft a surprised Nayeon) 2.6k Words
Tags: Smut, Hardcore, Teasing, Domination, Kinks
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As you enter Momo and Nayeon’s dorm, you look at the living room right in front of you. Momo walks you in and sits on the couch.
“Nayeon is busy today.” Momo said.
“Jihyo must have told you, didn’t she?"
“She did, sort of.” Momo gets up to grab a bottle of coconut water for you.
You look at her while she’s in the kitchen, opening the fridge. She’s wearing comfortable clothes with her hair done.
“Since Nayeon is out, we have all the time in here. Let me go change first.”
“Okay, Momo.”
You watch the TV as she opens her bedroom. Momo comes out wearing sexy lingerie that surprises you. Stunned as you are, she catwalks right in front of you. Your thoughts begin to run wild.
“Like the view?” Momo said.
“I-I do.”
“Touch me.” You slowly reach for her hips until she slaps your hand. “Do not touch.” Momo giggles after.
“Oh, you’re going to tease me until I can’t hold back? This is easy, Momo.”
“Oppa, don’t be so cocky.”
“We can do this all day, Momo.”
“I know you want me.” Momo teased you.
“I could say the same thing, Momo.”
You decide to tease her, wanting her to surrender to her own games. Momo sits right beside you, shoulder to shoulder, as she leans her head on you. She gets on her phone, scrolling through the internet while you patiently wait for Momo.
“You know you can check me out, right?"
“I know, Momo."
“I’ll order some pork to eat with you, but you have to get the food when they deliver it."
“Understood.” Her tits are amazing as you begin checking her out to your desires from head to toe, gulping secretly as Momo doesn't pay attention but knows you're looking at her.
You sit quietly, waiting until Momo can’t hold back. It becomes a mind game at this point, as you have all the time to make her surrender. She mashes her tits onto your shoulder, trying to get you turned on—you were, in fact, but being mentally patient is in your hands.
“The food is here; may you go grab it, please?” Momo pleaded. You stand up without a word and grab the food, coming back to sit by Momo. She opens the bag and places the food on the table. “Dig in; it’s my treat.”
You open the lids and hand Momo a fork; she stabs the rice cake, tapping your shoulders, and you look at her. Momo sucks on the rice cake, trying to make you lose your sanity and fuck her. You smile at her playfully with a gentle chuckle.
“Momo, I have all day.” You teased her and took off your shirt.
“You look slim when you wear a shirt but have some muscles.” Momo complimented your physique.
“Not much anymore.”
“I bet it’s enough for a threesome.” Momo teased you.
“Momo, don’t get any ideas."
“Is that a bullet wound?” Momo pointed near the back of your shoulders.
“It is; let’s not talk about it."
“Tell me.” 
“You’re boring.” 
“Thanks.” You teased Momo.
“Stop being funny and fuck me already. Don’t you want to be inside me?"
“Surrender to your own game, Miss Hirai Momo.”
“No.” She picks up a slice of pork belly.
“I have all day.” You whispered in her ear and took a slice of pork belly to eat.
“Oppa, I bet you caught me checking you out when you started working for us. Even before all of this started happening.”
“It was very noticeable.”
She’s fighting her urge at this point, knowing you aren’t backing down as the pace of her heartbeat rises. You are hard already, but have enough discipline to not let hell break loose. After several minutes, the food on the table was finished. She gets up and throws the utensils away. You stare at her toned back, down to her thighs and ass. You’re amazed at her body; she's meaty and most definitely someone you would use your kinks on. She walks back, takes her bra off, and gives you a view of her tits.
“This should work on you; I know you want to touch my big tits."
“I do.” 
“Touch me.” 
“I know you’re going to shrug me off again, Momo."
“Okay, fine. I can’t take it anymore; you win. Let’s just fuck.” She takes off her panties and gets on top of you.
“Do not touch me, Momo.” You decide to tease her and grab her hands.
“How bad do you want it, Momo?"
“Oppa….” Momo puts her hands together like a prayer. “Please?”
You don’t answer her and let Momo do what she wants. Momo holds onto your face, kissing you passionately as she starts to grind slowly. You get up with her legs wrapped around you and pin her to the wall near her bedroom. Momo’s tits are mashed onto your chest as she keeps kissing you.
“I love your body, Momo.”
“I know you do.”
“Get off and let me put it in, Momo."
Momo gets off, and you pull her panties down, throw her lingerie back on the couch, and insert your finger inside her. She groans loudly in surprise as you reach deep into her walls. You pull your finger out and give her a quick taste.
“You can call me anytime. Let’s fulfill our fantasies together.” Momo pleaded. 
You take off your pants and boxers, slowly teasing her folds with your tip, then insert your cock inside her. Momo squeals and moans softly as you thrust her while she spreads her legs.
“I love how deep you go into my pussy."
“You’re tight and so fucking wet already, Momo.” You penetrate her walls harder and choke her lightly. She arches her back, her head tilting more towards the wall. A small smile is seen on her face while she’s being choked. You grab onto her tits, squeezing them hard until they leave a print as you thrust slowly and deeply inside Momo. “You rather go to the bed or fuck right on this wall?”
“Fuck me here.” Momo said. 
“Bend over on the wall for me, Momo.” You pull out of her, and she turns around to give you a view of her ass. You give them a firm slap, gripping them from side to side. Momo groans as you caress and grope her. You insert your cock back in Momo as she arches more with her cheeks and hair against the wall. You penetrate her harder and pull her hair back. Momo clenches her teeth, taking your hard cock that’s giving her pain and pleasure.
All you hear are her moans and groans from being penetrated. Momo’s ass bounces each time your pelvis collides with her amazing body. You arch closer to her and grab onto her tits to make her stand up while you keep thrusting. You trace your fingers along her body with one hand and onto her neck, choking her slightly harder as you squeeze her firm tits with your other hand. The room becomes louder with a deeper tone of bodies colliding.
“Your body is perfect to fuck, Momo."
“It’s all yours…either way.” She said as she fought her groans to speak. Her voice was husky from you choking her neck. “Let me give you a special performance after your turn is over."
“I want to cum inside you first, Momo."
“I’ll make you cum again and again after this too."
“I love your confidence, Momo. It turns me so on to hear it while you’re naked."
“Fuck!” Momo yelled. 
“Cum for me, Momo. I know you want to.” You thrust her harder as her ass becomes mashed onto your pelvis. You glide your hand from her tits down to her clit, vigorously rubbing them in circles as she squirms. The room becomes louder, like a deep clap, consistently while you aggressively thrust her to your desires. Momo yells in a different pitch, clenching her teeth, and her eyes become shut. You push her to the wall gently with her cheeks mashed as she opens her mouth. She's breathing harder with her hair all messed up, clenching her teeth once again as she takes all the penetration.
Momo grabs onto your hand that’s rubbing her clit, squeezing tight as she starts to cum hard. She groans loudly, squealing next with her body all tense up and her feet curling into the floor. Her body pushes you, jerking and squirming hard as she’s still cumming. You feel how tight her walls get; thrusting harder is your only option as they become tighter. Her walls get you to your limit, pulsating violently, and you erupt inside her while she gasps for air. You release the pressure from her neck and hold onto her hips while her body is pinned to the wall.
“Momo." You took deep breaths.
“It was amazing. You came so hard."
“You did too, Momo. You’re amazing.” 
“Let’s take a break and drink the coconut water that we forgot about.” Momo laughed. You pull out of her, and thick cum oozes out quickly and onto the floor like a puddle. She squats down, scooping the top layer of cum and giving it a taste. “It tastes so good."
“Jihyo loved it too."
“I bet we all will. It’s like a prize after a hard fuck. Let’s sit on the couch.”
You walk to the couch with Momo and chug down the coconut water. Momo quickly gets on top of you, jerking you off again to get you hard. You stare at Momo; she’s giving you a seductive smile with a confident glare.
“No rest? You’re so horny, Momo.”
“I’m going to make you cum harder. I don’t care how quick it is; I’m going to keep riding.” She spits on your cock after. “You’re all mine until I get off."
“Okay, I’m sorry for teasing you when you had your clothes on.”
“It’s too late, Oppa; it’s too late.” She whispered in your ear. She inserts your cock inside as you both exchange groans again. Momo rides you slowly, planning to catch you off guard as she keeps the slow pace. You play with her tits, circling them and slapping lightly. You see a smirk in her smile as you both look at each other. She giggles after and squats on the couch. Momo picks up the pace as you squeeze her tits harder. She holds onto your shoulder, riding you aggressively, yet it’s so smooth like a wave. You groan harder and louder, closing your eyes while she's staring you down.
“Fuck, Momo!” 
“Cum if you can’t hold back. We aren’t done."
You remain in a trap, forgetting you can get her off without a problem, but she’s riding you so smoothly to the point of feeling paradise. You try to grab onto her tits, and Momo gets a hold of your hands, holding them to pin you down. She knows you enjoy this as she keeps her dominance. You breathe heavily, gasping as she gives you a soft, seductive chuckle.
“Fuck, you’re going to make me cum, Momo."
“Cum for me."
She rides you deeper, satisfying herself to see you getting exhausted quickly. There was no holding back, you erupt inside her and tilt your head back. She doesn’t stop, only wanting more to see you become weak to her riding you. She chuckles and places your hand on her tits to grab onto. You couldn’t lift your head up to see her; your head becomes heavy to even move due to her talent for riding.
“I finally get to see the weak side of you.” Momo teased you.
“Want me to slow down?” You couldn’t respond as she kept riding. You breathe harder, trying to catch your breath. Momo doesn’t let you relax and keeps her pace to make you cum again. “I guess it’s a no."
You squeeze her tits as hard as possible, and she moans erotically at your aggression. She picks up the pace with riding and grinding on your cock. You can tell she’s not even tired from all her work, as she somehow keeps going. She lifts your head up and looks at each other. Her hair becomes more messy with stands glued to her opened mouth. She arches towards you to make out passionately, exchanging breaths while her ass collides with your pelvis.
You get to your limit after several minutes, exhausted at this point with your cock pulsating for another round of cum inside her pussy. 
“Momo, I’m-” You erupt hard inside her as your body tenses up. She pauses deep on your cock, letting all the cum flood her walls as Momo moans from feeling you erupt inside her. She aggressively makes out with you. Suddenly, Nayeon opens the door without you and Momo knowing. Nayeon screams at the sudden appearance of you and Momo fucking on the couch. You both stare at Nayeon in silence.
“Na-” You couldn’t finish your word in surprise.
“Oops, we got caught, Oppa.” Momo said. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Momo?" Nayeon said. 
“I thought you’d be back in two hours."
“I never said it would take two hours.” Nayeon said in a displeased tone. 
You sit there quietly with your cock still inside Momo and your hands on her tits. Nayeon goes to her room and closes the door. You try to get Momo off, but she doesn’t budge.
“Momo, I should go say sorry to her."
“Let her be until she cools down. How was my performance?"
“I-It was great, Momo. You got me there."
“Did it feel good?” She gives you a hug as her tits glue to your face. “Don’t pull out yet. Let’s rest for a bit."
“If it wasn’t good, then I wouldn’t have cum inside you two times while you were riding me."
“I’m glad you loved it. I did too.” She caresses your nape.
You both sit in silence, with you exploring her tits, kissing and nibbling them passionately as time goes by. She gives you more space, letting you check her body out.
“Can I feel your body for a bit more?"
“Of course.” She looks at you while you caress every part of her body. She happily smiles just seeing how gentle you can be without a wild time together. “Can we fuck gently and passionately next time?"
“We can. I want to see how passionate you can be, Momo."
“Is that how it went with Jihyo?” Momo gets off with more cum oozing out and sucks you off slowly with her tongue licking the underside of your cock.
“Yeah, we both had a good time. Can I go apologize to Nayeon now?"
“Yeah, sorry for making us get caught.” Momo kisses your cock. “Go to her; I’ll lick the tasty cum off myself."
“It’s okay, Momo. We had a good time either way.” You walk to Nayeon after dressing and knock on her door.
“Yes?” Nayeon said. 
“I’m sorry for disturbing you, Nayeon."
“It’s okay, Oppa; I didn’t expect to see it right on the couch. Next time, just do it at your house if you can with Momo."
“I will, Nayeon. See you next time."
“Alright, see you."
You walk back to Momo as she puts on her clothes in her room. “I’ll head out now, Momo."
“I guess; see ya.” She walks you to the door, and you head back home. While you’re going home, Momo walks to Nayeon’s room with a small sample of your cum to give Nayeon a taste.
“Taste it; it’s good.”
Nayeon looks at Momo with disgust. “Um, fine.” 
"Good, isn’t it?” Momo curiously asked. "I told you he’d be great at this. It was my idea in the first place.”
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arislary · 3 months ago
Brewing Chemistry (1/5) Han Jisung x (f) reader
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Synopsis: What starts as a clumsy, unintentional encounter becomes the beginning of something neither of them expected. A series of missteps eventually transforms into a slow-burning romance. But will they realize that their connection goes beyond just caffeine, or will fear and uncertainty keep them from brewing something deeper?
Pairing: Han Jisung x (f) reader
Genre: fluff, eventual smut, strangers to lovers, coffee-shop au, non-idol au, meet-cute au
Warning: fluff, smut, unprotected smut (wrap tf up!), slight dom/sub, slight Dom Jisung, slight Sub reader, cute nicknames, spit kink, makeouts (there's probably gonna be more, but that'll be once later chapters are posted).
WC: 1.2k
AN: this could totally act as stand alone drabble, but I enjoyed writing about coffee shop Jisung x reader way too much. If you want to see more too, let me know please and I'll try to set up a taglist. Be patient with me as I do not have a schedule out for chapters yet! UNEDITED
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
Part 1 -> Part 2 -> Part 3 -> Part 4 -> Part 5
He’s staring
Staring mad hard. 
But honestly who am I to deny that I wasn’t also staring at him hard. Because who even looks like that! It kind of makes me want to just slap him. 
It was any normal Tuesday, one of the days where I can work remotely and always choose the local cafe, their free wifi and endless supply of caffeine calling my attention. 
Today was different; however, because upon my arrival, a group of three men sat huddled in my usual spot. All sporting a comfortable, yet intimidating look. 
A pout made its way onto my lips but I quickly put a blank look on and faced forward when one of them turned at the sound of the bell above the door. I walked closer to the counter and perused through their bakery selection for today. 
“Hey, _______!”
I look up at Leah coming out from the back. I grin, waving at her and blowing her a quick kiss, wiggling my fingers at her. Leah always gave me the hook up when it came to the baked goods. 
“Leah! My day just got ten times better,”  she laughed and started making my usual drink. She placed it down in front of me, grabbing my card to finish our transaction. I moaned as I took a sip, glancing back down at the baked goods case and back to her. 
“You’re like not even subtle anymore.”
“Hey! I am a paying customer and unofficial taste tester! It’s my right,” Leah snorted, shaking her head at me, and reached inside the case, pulling a blueberry lemon square. She placed it on a plate in front of me, raising one of her eyebrows. 
“I used a new recipe too, so try it and tell me if you like it!” 
I immediately reached for the square, taking my first bite. My eyes shut and a groan left my lips. I opened my eyes and unexpectedly made eye contact with huge brown eyes, wisps of brown hair falling over them. I straightened up instantly, my tongue poking out to lick any crumbs left. A blush spread across his cheeks, his eyes going even bigger. I quickly averted my gaze back to Leah, covering my mouth with my hand to sing her praises. 
I quickly grabbed my items and went to opposite side of the cafe, hoping to avoid further embarrassment. Which honestly, it was just my luck that the second I sit down, and look up, my eyes yet again locked with his. His mouth agape and his back was stock straight. 
I looked down, popping the last bite of my square in my mouth and taking a sip of my matcha latte, pulling my laptop out of my bag. It took me less than five minutes of attempting to complete any work that I realized the doe-eyed man across from me had captured every bit of my attention. 
I looked over to see that at this point his mouth was closed, but his eyes remained just as wide and his head now lay on his hand, continuously watching me. I released a breath. My heartbeat racing, as this attractive man continued to gawk at me in a way I never have been. What was worse is the fact that I can’t even stare at him without making eye contact. I could feel the heat in my cheeks and the back of my neck. 
I downed the rest of my drink, and began to pack my laptop back in its case. Be cute, go slow, don’t rush,because I knew the second I did, I’d eventually trip over myself and make an even bigger fool of myself.
Well hey! He was the one staring, so obviously he’s the one with the problem. Here I am just trying to do my work and he’s the one being a distraction. I furrowed my brow and spun around to face him, his head ducking down to avoid eye contact. Pfft, as if he were so concerned of that before. I began walking over to the three men’s table, watching as he realized just where I was headed. 
“Is there a problem?” I said once I reached his table, my hands coming to rest on my hips as I stared down at him. His blush seemed to bloom even more and his right hand raked through his hair, his other coming to cover his mouth. I rose a brow at him. “Well?”
He shook his head ‘no’ and dipped it towards me before keeping his gaze lowered. My hands dropped and I squeezed the strap of my bag. What the fuck… I turned to the other two men who looked between him and I with confused looks on their faces. Suddenly realizing what I had just done, I squeaked a small “I’m sorry.” And rushed towards the exit. I maintained my same pace, trying to reach my car as fast as possible. What was wrong with me? Why did I think that would be the way to handle it? Jesus. 
Just as I pressed the unlock button for my car, a voice called out behind me. 
“Excuse me! Wait!” I turned around and found brown eyes, jogging towards me and stopping a few feet away. He opened his mouth and then closed it again, his eyes scanning over my face. 
“Okay you gotta stop dude,” he blushed and rubbed his neck, averting his gaze to the side. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare so much. And for you to have to come over and I know I probably made you uncomfortable, and this is probably even weirder being followed to your car. Fuck, I am not helping myself here, look you’re gorgeous and I just really like looking at you and I mean you just seem so interesting and pretty and cute and I-“
I doubled over, my hand flying to my mouth to try and muffle my laugh. 
“Oh my god, you’re so cute!” His mouth was still open, his eyes wide and blush very evident. I continued laughing as I walked closer to him. I placed a finger on his chin and closed his mouth. “And very attractive. I’m _______.” I smiled at him and tilted my head to the side because man who looks like that? I could see the short circuit happen in real time. He covered his mouth with his hand, the other folded across his chest. 
“I genuinely don’t know how to respond, I wasn’t expecting that.”
I laughed again, my hands coming to cover my own mouth now. “Would you want to get dinner sometime?” 
His eyes went wider than I’ve ever seen within this short time span, a finger flying up to point at himself. “Me?”
“Yes. I’d love to have dinner with you and who knows..” I shrugged my shoulders and smiled up at him, finding him endearing with each passing second. Honestly I wouldn’t mind him staring at me forever. 
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onim5 · 6 months ago
The New Student. Part 1
Portgas D. Ace x Fem Reader
This is a modern au.
Warnings: Swearing, like once.
Sabo threw a pencil at Ace to try and wake him up. The teacher had only just settled down at the front, so having Ace asleep would get him in trouble. Throwing another one harder made his brother finally wake up. Ace looked a little pissed at Sabo and then threw the six pencils back.
"Good morning, class. Today, we have a new student." Mr Corazon announced. He signaled with his hand to the door, and a girl walked in. "Please, introduce yourself," Corazon said with a smile. "I'm Y/n. Where do I sit?" Corazon sighed. He had expected a little longer introduction. "You can sit next to Ace." He mumbled, pointing at the seat. I quickly settled down next to the guy. He smiled welcoming, and I looked the other way.
She's probably hiding a blush. Ace thought, knowing how girls reacted around him. The class introduced themselves, and then the lesson began. During the whole class, I sat quietly listening, annoyed with the idiot next to me. He fell asleep not once but seven times. Sure, he woke up after his naps, but then he glanced at my work to see what he had missed. After a long lesson, the break finally began.
I hurriedly took my stuff and ran away. I can't take being questioned.
"And she's gone," Sabo said, walking up to Ace. "Yeah, I think she's an introvert. I tried asking her what she liked. But she didn't answer and just ignored me." Ace explained, amused. "Ah, you think she's playing hard to get?" Sabo asked, knowing Ace got asked out like three or nine times every day. "Most likely." Some girls listened from the other side of the classroom in jealousy.
I grabbed the first prophecy of Warriors, a damn good book series I read a long time ago. When I walked out of the library, a dude began waving a hello. I looked around and realized he was waving at me. I nodded a hi and then kept walking to my locker, wanting to leave the books. "You need any help?" He asked, walking up to me. "Sure." I gave him three of the books, and then we walked to my locker.
"You a bookworm?" He asked as we walked. "Not really, I just read sometimes," I answered, feeling stares from girls in the corridor. What's their problem? I thought, realizing the aura of jealousy thickened. I glanced at the dude holding my other books. F. U. C. K.
I opened my locker and grabbed the books he had carried. "Thanks," I grumbled, grabbing the books for my next lesson. "You're welcome." Ace watched amused, as I left for our next lesson. When Ace walked into the classroom, I had already sat at our bench reading. The other girls stared down at me, but I didn't even realize it. "Hey, Y/n. What are you reading?" Ace asked, leaning on his elbow.
Nothing. Ace asked again and waited for an answer. Nothing again. The lesson began, and he waited nervously for the teacher to realize. "Y/n, what is the answer to this? Y/n? Y/n, are you paying attention?" Mr Diamante asked in a serious tone. Nothing. Diamante walked up and snatched the book from my hands. I looked at him and realized the lesson had begun. "Oh, excuse me, sir." I apologized.
"Y/n, let's make a deal if you go up to the board and show the class how to answer this. And if you answer and show how correctly, you can read in my classes whenever you want. Without trouble." Diamante smirked evilly and waited for me to embarrass myself. I got up and walked to the board. Grabbing the pencil, I quickly solved everything and described how I did it. Diamante sighed in disappointment and threw my book onto me. "Thanks, sir," I whisper, walking back to the bench, feeling scared.
"That was amazing," Ace whispered, holding his thumb up. "Maybe, but soon enough, everyone is gonna ask me to do their homework, and when I decline, some are gonna force me." I begin, hiding my face in my hair. Ace looks confused, surprised, and with empathy as he hears my quiet cry for help. "Eh, hey, it's okay. People aren't like that here." Ace said comfortingly. Putting a hand on my back. "Please don't touch me." I hissed. He retreated his hand quickly, normally when 'he' touched a girl lightly they got in a better mood. Does this girl maybe know? About his father?!
A wave of anxiety hit Ace as he leaned on his bench, putting his hands shakingly in his hair. She's gonna tell everyone. Everyone will know and then hate him.
The days went on, and because of the imbecile following me around, I even learned his name, Portgas D Ace. He doesn't seem to know how to leave someone alone. My class just ended, and I ran out, literally! "See you later, Sabo!" Ace yelled as he ran after. I ran to my locker threw in my books and then locked it, hurrying to the dining hall. "Shit." Ace hissed as he threw in his books, locked and then ran after. "Why are we hurrying so much?!" Ace yelled in the rush. He was luckily faster and caught up soon enough. "Why are you following me?" I asked as I slowed down.
"What do you mean? We've been hanging with each other for three days." Ace said as we walked into the dining hall. "Dude! I'm a loser who doesn't do anything fun. Someone like you wouldn't hang around me unless there's a reason." I hiss, as I served myself food. "Uh, well, I think we have had fun," Ace said as he followed me to a table. I groaned. "Like yesterday when we ran around the school," Ace said, smiling. "Huh, are you kidding me?!" I ask quietly.
"You threw a damn bottle at that gang leader Katakuri and then you! Followed me as I ran away." I whisper while munching on my food. "Well, what about the day before yesterday, at the mall." Ace smiled. "You mean when I was buying new clothes and you yelled my name through the mall?" I asked, irritated. "No, when we went to that thrift shop and found the best stuff ever," Ace said as if the shit he found wasn't a couple of ugly porcelain plates and cups.
"My little brother Luffy breaks everything when he does the dishes." Ace, explain plainly. And then he falls head first into the plate, sleeping. I sigh and begin to listen around me. "I hate Y/n, I don't get why Ace is giving her all the attention. You don't think he like, like her?" A girl sitting at a table grumbled, clearly pissed. "Well, to be honest, it seems that Ace is following Y/n everywhere. It also looks like she doesn't wanna be with him." Another said. "She's just playing hard to get." The first comment.
Ace groaned as he woke up. "Here," I said, giving him a napkin. "Oh, thanks." He smiled and then cleaned up. I stood up and left the dining hall. "Wait!" Ace kind of yelled as he shoved all the food in his mouth and then ran after. I grabbed the second book of my series and then walked to a table in the corridor on the whole way Ace couldn't shut up. "And that is why you should never jump from a roof," Ace explained. "It's common sense not to jump from a roof." I blankly said, opening my book. "So~ what's this series about?" Ace asked, not knowing what else to do. "It's about cats that live in clans," I said, turning the page.
"That sounds interesting," Ace commented. "You said you only read sometimes and that you weren't a bookworm. But you have been reading every break we've had." Ace added. "That's because I hope you leave me alone," I muttered. "Oh," Ace sighed. I also wish I could leave you alone. You're boring. But the moment I do, you tell everyone who my father is. I need to make you understand that I am a nice guy, nothing like Gold Roger. Ace thought.
"If you're interested in the books, you could always read. I have already finished the first, and it's still in my locker. The title is 'Into The Wild'." I said, holding up my key. I hate reading. "Ah, thank you," Ace said, grabbing the key. He walked and glanced every second to make sure you didn't leave. When he got past the corner, he sprinted to get to your locker. "Ace, what are you doing." Ace looked up at Mr Corazon, who most likely thought Ace was doing mischief. "Eh, I'm borrowing a book," Ace said as he looked at the titles. "I didn't know you like reading," Corazon stated. "I do, but I'm not too good, so I rarely do it." Ace half lied.
Oh good, she's still here. Ace thought as he turned the corner. He sat down and then opened the book. Since it was lunch break, it was extra long. So Ace came to the good parts. Fifteen minutes before class started, I grabbed Ace's attention and told him I was going. "I'm just gonna finish the page." He mumbled. I couldn't help smiling. It's always fun when someone likes the same books.
The lesson started, and Senor Pink wrote up the assignment on the board. Then he settled down on his desk. "I expect you to have made-up groups within five minutes. Don't keep me waiting." He said at last. "I guess it's us two, but we need one more," Ace said, looking around. "Oi Sabo wanna work with us?" Ace asked. "Sure. Have you decided on a book yet?" Sabo asked, moving his chair to our bench. A grin on Ace grew as he looked at me. "Warriors, but the books are a little short, so we take the first one Into the Wild, and the second. . . . . Y/n what's the second called?" Ace whispered. "Fire And Ice," I mumbled. "I have never heard about those books. What are they about?" Sabo asked. "Cats," Ace said confidently.
Huh, has Ace a cat interest? Asked Sabo in his head. Senor Pink gruffed to get the class's attention. "Alright, since you're all in groups, go to the library and find what you decided on, then you can spend the the rest of the lesson reading." Senor Pink took up his phone. It was his beloved Russian that called him.
"We're going to have to make a list of all the characters and a good summary of the story, and since we've chosen two books, we're gonna have two summaries. Sabo, I have read this before and am on the second book now." I said as we entered the library, I looked expectedly at Ace. "I started reading the first book on our lunch break, so yeah," Ace mumbled, embarrassed as he knew Sabo would comment. "You read a book on our break?" Sabo asked in disbelief. "Yup."
Time skip
"Who's Y/n?" Luffy asked as he tried to steal some food from the counter. "She's our partner in a group project for literature class," Sabo explained as he smacked Luffy's hand away. "Is she another one of those annoying ladies that tries to hook up with you two?" Luffy asked, holding his hand. "She doesn't seem to have any interest to Ace's disappointment." Sabo grinned. "Aowth." Was heard from the cough. "What is that supposed to mean?" Ace asked, holding his nose due to the impact of the book he dropped. He sat up and looked into the kitchen over the cough's backrest. "You're very obvious Ace, everyone at school knows you like her. Except Luffy." Sabo explained, mumbling the last part.
"What! No, we're just friends. I hope." Ace said, leaning over. "What do you mean hope? Don't you want her as a girlfriend?" Sabo asked. "Of course, I want that, but I don't think she even considers me a friend. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NO WAIT!!!" Ace yelled in realization. "You tricked me!" Ace added. "Don't yell. We might get a voice complaint from the neighbors again," Sabo said calmly. "Shishishi, Grandpa got mad last time." Luffy smiled, then he ran up to his room.
"So~ do you like Y/n or not?" Sabo asked. Ace placed the book on the living room table. "I have never thought about us in such a way," He said as he walked into the kitchen. "Well, the whole school thinks you're in love with her." Sabo continued. "Wait, why am I the one who people think is in love?" Ace asked, confused, as he took a knife to cut up vegetables. "Because you have been following her like she's your life support or something." Sabo scoffed. Ace grumbled, not wanting to answer that.
Luffy came down the stairs and held up a drawing. "Does it look like her?" He asked. "Is that even a human?" Ace asked. Sabo went up to the drawing and checked it out. "Hmm, never show her that." He stated as he walked back to the stove. "Am I that far off?" Luffy asked as he scratched his head a little.
"I hope you liked it. Feel free to comment and ask questions."
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l0relaii · 1 month ago
this is set after part 1 and part 3 and before part 2
"oh no babe, don't worry.. i just wanna.. hold you for a bit, maybe you could help me a little later? i'll show you how to-"
"suck it?"
he's taken aback by your sudden interruption, once again you're full of surprises
"uh- yeah, of course, only if you want to"
"i do"
that was a few hours ago. after that you continued watching the rest of the movie in his arms
but mike wasn't paying attention to any of it. you didn't know it yet, but he was deep in thought about how your first time sleeping with him would go down
the fact that you announced it to him so casually has been messing with him.
why'd you do that? he thought that what you two had was not.. casual
you were so different from every woman he'd ever been with, so innocent, so.. clueless.
he did think it would be casual at first. he'd just mess around with you and move on, like he always did
but you didn't deserve this. unknowingly you have awoken something in him he didn't know even existed
at first your lack of experience was just a turn on for him, knowing he's one of the few, maybe even the only one to see you in certain ways
like he just saw you spread out for him a few hours ago on the couch
he still remembers the first time he saw you. you were practically glowing.
he only had eyes for you from that moment on, even though it took some time for him to accept this
he tried to deny it, he wanted to deny it
but he couldn't, not anymore. not now when he realized that he loves you
and now there you were, cuddled up into his side after you took your first shower together where he once again made you cum on his tongue after the first time on the couch
he couldn't get enough of you. you were everywhere. always on his mind.
he thought of you early in the morning after he woke up or late at night before falling asleep. you were poisoning his dreams, all he could see and hear was you
your sweet voice, your beautiful eyes, your smile
you you you
to this day he still doesn't know how he could become so avoidant in the weeks leading up to your first time sleeping together
your fingers are circling around his bare chest while laying down beside him.
you notice mike staring at the ceiling contemplating something
"what's on your mind hun?"
"huh? oh, nothing, don't worry your pretty head"
"d'you uh.. remember what i told you earlier today?"
of course he does. it's actually the only thing he'd been thinking about since then, but he still acts confused
are you referring to your blurted out announcement of being ready to have sex? or your other wish to have your pretty lips wrapped around his cock?
"about.. you know.. me and you.."
oh yeah, that clears everything up, could you be any more vague?
he doesn't understand how you can be so shy and flustered at times and then just blurt out obscenities like they're nothing
and they were nothing, in the beginning, when you were just a plaything to him
but everything is different now
he is changed
you changed him
and he hopes you know this because he's not ready to say it himself, not yet
he hopes you can see it in his eyes when he looks at you, in his smile, that you can feel it in every touch and kiss he gives you
"me and you.. what?"
his hand caresses your head and trails down to your chin, lifting it up so he can look into your eyes
"oh you know damn well, don't make me say it"
"why shouldn't i? you know i enjoy it when you're straightforward with me"
you sit up from your laying position and you straddle him looking straight into his eyes
"jesus you can be so annoying sometimes"
"yeah i know, but you love it.. admit it"
i love you
you wish you could tell him right then and there, but you don't, not now at least, instead you reciprocate his teasing
"yeah, sure, if that makes you happy"
"i can think of other things that would make me very happy.."
his hands grip your hips grinding you down on his growing erection
"oh.. and what would those things be?"
"you.. mmfuck baby- were you serious about wanting to.. uh.. suck me off?"
"yes..? only if you want that too"
"of course i do darlin'"
"uhm, i-i don't really know how t-"
"don't worry baby, i'll guide you"
you shoot him a shy smile before trailing down his body and settling between his legs. he's only in his underwear, too tired after your shared shower to actually put any clothes on
you can see the outline of his cock through the thin material covering it, and a little dark spot from his leaking tip
you did put your mouth on it before, when you gave him that hand job and you let him cum on your tongue, but you never actually took the whole thing in your mouth
your hand goes in his boxers grabbing at his sensitive cock and pulling it out. he gets rid of his underwear and smirks at your flustered face
"oh come on darling, don't get shy now,you were doing so well"
"quit teasing me mike"
"okay, alright, i'm so-"
he's interrupted by your lips wrapping around his tip. you can feel the taste of his precum on your tongue and it makes you moan a bit
the taste is a bit different from his cum, a bit.. sweeter? you could actually get used to it, maybe even like it
he hisses at the sudden warm feeling of your mouth around him and his fingers tangle in your hair keeping your head still
"you feel so good baby.. fuuck.."
you hum in response sending little vibrations to his throbbing cock eliciting a groan from him
you begin bobbing your head up and down, slowly at first but his hand guides you to a rougher pace
you feel his hips thrusting up a bit making you gag around him
"shit- sorry darlin'"
you look up to him, tears stinging your eyes and give him a reassuring look
after some more bobbing of your head you hear his breath become more rapid and shaky
"fuck- you might wanna, ugh, lift your head hun, i think i'm gonna c-"
you hands dig into his thighs as you push your head down until you feel the soft hairs at his base brush your nose
his mind shuts down at the sight. jesus, of course you'd have another one of your little tricks to show him
after you swallow everything you lift your head up letting his twitching length fall on his lower stomach.
you wipe away at your spit covered puffy lips and gaze straight at him looking for his praise, a confirmation that you did good
oh he's so handsome like this. completely fucked out of his mind
"jesus fucking christ woman.. you're just full of surprises, aren't you?"
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fanged-fanfics · 2 months ago
Hi mod Fang :D
Could I please request some soft fluffy Dr. Flug x reader content? There hasn't been a lot of love for him lately
Tysm 💜💞
☆ No Equation for Attraction — Dr. Flug x GN!Reader Fluff HCs ☆
Genre: Fluff || they/them pronouns for reader || No warnings needed
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──────.𖥔 ݁ ˖˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ──────
ᯓᡣ𐭩 If you're a fellow villain, he sees a lot of potential in you. He'll think about bringing you up to his boss, and makes sure to hand you out a business card to Black Hat Org, telling you that anything your wicked mind can come up with is something he'll be glad to make a reality
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Now if you're a hero, it gets a bit more complicated. He's in the position to destroy you, it wasn't a problem for him in the past or towards anyone else. But you're different.. maybe you're kinder to him than most are, or you actually help if he gets hurt during a battle, making sure he gets out the other side with minimal harm. No matter what it is, he thinks about you all the time. Out of a drive to figure out how to take you down of course... he hopes-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Once you two get rather close, he likes to teach you little things about aeronautics or quantum physics. He's used to no one really listening, so at first he seems a little distracted. Once he realizes you're actually paying attention and asking follow-up questions, he starts going on much deeper tangents on the topics
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He tries to defend you from Demencia, doing his best to negate her usual picking on him whenever you're about to keep you from being harmed by her chaotic nature. In turn, he gets a little flustered when you defend him from her cruelty
ᯓᡣ𐭩 You once talked with him so long you both ended up falling asleep late into the night. He woke up rather abruptly due to his night terrors, and you did your best to guide him to being grounded again. He explains through deep exhaustion that this is why he sleeps in a cyrobed. From that point on you always made sure to carry him to sleep if he ever overworked to the point of passing out
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He calls you pet names in a variety of languages, from Spanish to French, Mandarin, or English. His favorites are Cielo, Mon Ange, Qīn'ài de, and Dove. Thinks he's being all charming and coy if he can sneak in terms of endearment from languages you don't know in causal conversation
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Unironically tried to flirt with you by comparing you to a super specific model of plane and got so embarrassed when you didn't get it that he couldn't meet your gaze for almost a week
ᯓᡣ𐭩 The second you offer to watch Code Turkey (Código Guajolote) with him he quickly gives you the longest recounting of the show possible before making plans then and there to rewatch the series by your side so he can see all your reactions firsthand
ᯓᡣ𐭩 You're pleasantly surprised when he shows how cruel and cunning he can be. Depsite how Black Hat and Demencia often tear him down, you can see exactly how he's just as effective a villain as anyone else. You make a point to bring attention to this, and he gleefully brags about his 80k recorded crimes ("And those are only the ones they could prove!")
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He feels bad when he gets nervous interacting with you, even months into the relationship. Working for Black Hat definitely never helped with his self-esteem, so he's prone to accidentally talking down about himself. You try to combat that by giving him positive affirmations whenever possible, reassuring that you've never minded his occasional skittishness and that you could never be annoyed with him over something so small
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alexusonfire · 1 year ago
Screams, Stubborness, and Neve Campbell
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Larissa Weems x Reader
Spooktober Prompt: Horror Movies
A/n: Week three of Spooktober with @daydream-cement! Prompt is Horror Movies, theme is a Very Stubborn Larissa 😉
You can find Daydream's fic here!
"You've never seen the Scream series?"
Larissa rolls her eyes and huffs at your dramatic tone, her laptop sounding a small pop as it closes in front of her.
"Honestly darling, I've never been one for horrors, they're just so... predictable." Larissa says with a dismissive wave of her hand. You note that although she's trying to come off as passive, bored even, her body has stiffened and she refuses to make eye contact. You smirk and turn towards her when she sits next to you by the fire, her eyebrow raising at your curled lip.
"Oh really? Jump scares don't rattle your bones?" you respond, exaggerating your voice to a ghostly tone whilst wiggling your fingers at her. Again, a roll of the eyes, a huff of breath, only this time she crosses her arms defensively in front of her.
"The only thing that seems to be "rattling my bones" tonight is you."
You feign hurt, your lower lip jutting out in a most pathetic pout. Larissa tuts, then raises herself to pour a generous glass of wine, grabbing you a beer as well. When she settles back down with you you decide to challenge her, knowing how she enjoys being pushed every now and then.
"Well if you're so unaffected by them, why don't we watch one? They're good movies regardless, and Neve Campbell is a total babe."
"Courtney Cox was always more my flavor." Larissa hums, taking a sip of her wine.
She still has yet to meet your eyes.
"Scream it is."
The first movie is managable (for Larissa anyways). She jumps every so often, but plays it off, blaming the music and the fact that she "just wasn't paying attention." You haven't missed how she's burrowed further into you, or how wide her eyes get when the movie goes silent, anticipation building for the next scare.
The credits play, and you wiggle your eyebrows at Larissa as you hover over the second installment of the series. Her shoulders are tighter now, but she still wears the same haughty look as before and simply nods her head.
During the first movie, Larissa was quick to make comments about how "absurd" the characters were for their actions, such as not turning on the lights, or calling out into a dark room in hopes for an answer.
"Yes, the killer is just going to out themselves and their location because you so bravely told them to do so. Ridiculous."
During the second, she was quieter, not as quick to quip, and her fingers now clung to the blanket you'd spread over your intertwined legs. The silence rang through the apartment, not even a low, ominous tone to signify what might be coming. Neve Campbell rounds a corner, peers into a dark room and-
Larissa screams, a real scream, jarring her whole body into you as she brings the blanket up to her nose. You can't help the laughter bubbling out of you, only silenced by the piercing glare Larissa shoots your way.
"Alright fine, I'm scared! I don't like scary movies because they're scary." Larissa whines, turning her head from the television to bury it into your neck. She huffs and whines when you chuckle, and though you can't see it you know she's still glaring.
"It's alright baby, I'll protect you." you whisper into her ear, pulling her close. You click the tv off before yet another jump scare can frighten her, and simply wrap Larissa in your arms to place tender kisses on her forehead and cheeks.
"You'd think dealing with teenagers day in and out I'd be invincible..." Larissa grumbled, her pout very real and very exaggerated.
"Agreed, serial killers have nothing on teenagers." you respond, pleased when Larissa laughs and the tension in her body lessens.
"Could we perhaps watch something a little more palatable?" Larissa asks, her voice low. You nod and pick the remote back up, scrolling Netflix until she lets out a pleased hum at Hocus Pocus.
"Thank you darling."
You kiss her properly this time, letting the opening scene drown out in front of you.
"You're welcome, my love."
@weemssapphic @h-doodles @rosieathena @pro-weems-places @renravens @ness029 @oddball21 @saturnnnnl @aemilia19 @milciak
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