#please feel free to share your headcanons! i'd love to read them <3
hellsquills · 2 days
Disclaimer: I know about the duffle bag Filbrick threw at him, but you can ignore that if you want
My thoughts below the cut! (this turned into a whole ass fic lmao)
My personal headcanon is that Filbrick is as much of a coward as he is of an asshole. Therefore, he wouldn't have kicked Stan when he did in canon. Probably not for a while after that.
However, he does try to send him to military school. He keeps talking about how this kid needs to learn discipline and respect, and if he's not gonna bring money to the house, then he should at least bring some honor to his family.
Stan obviously does NOT want to go. Not only because it's a pointless war ("what've the vietnamese done to us anyways?") but because he remembers his mother's face when Shermie got drafted and he will NOT make her go through that hell again. Also, he doesn't wanna die!!!! Hello?????
He talks it out over the phone with Ford, who's obviously just as against it as he is. He tells Stan that, if he gets into a PhD program, he could skip military. Stan laughs in his face. It'd be easier to jump off the plane without a parachute.
And so, he comes up with a plan. When he goes to take his physical, he tries his best to botch it. If he is bad enough, if it looks like he can't do it, maybe he won't have to. Unfortunately, the recruiters are far too used to this by now, and they don't buy it. Stan goes home with a recruitment letter hidden in his jacket.
Everything goes downhill after that. He runs away from home, changes his name several times, does some crime here and there... The military is after him, and it doesn't take rejection kindly.
Stan stays out of contact with his family for a few years. He can't risk getting them involved in this mess. They don't deserve it. So he just leaves, without saying a word, in the middle of the night. No phone calls, no notes, nothing. Not even he knows where he's going. But if it just looks like he abandoned them, maybe they'll hate him. That will make them sound more believable with the police. They aren't covering for him, because they genuinely have no idea where he is. It's the best way to keep them safe.
In that time, Ford doesn't stop looking for him. He finds him every once in a while, but only his phone number, and he knows that could give away his brother's location and get the family in trouble. So, against his deepest instincts, he doesn't call.
One, three, five, seven years pass. Stan has been around almost all the country, and is genuinely considering leaving it. Maybe going to Mexico, or Colombia. Those sound nice. Maybe they'll be nicer to him.
He's passing his time and thinking about this in a small town restaurant in wherever he's in (somewhere he's not banned from, yet), when a family enters. He doesn't make eye contact, but he can't help but stare at them: a man and a woman, probably in their 50s, with 7 kids; one must be older than him, the second one around his age, the third one a little younger, the fourth one a teenager, and the last three between 10 and 15, no more. Except for the last three, they're all taller than him, even the mother, and they have various degrees of blond hair. Their clothes (overalls and plastic boots) suggest they must work in one of the farms he's seen around the state. They don't wear any accessories, except for the glasses that the father and four of the kids have. They're talking loudly and laughing. They look exhausted from a morning of hard work. They seem happy. They... look nothing like his family, and yet, he can't help but think about it.
He can't help the sob that comes to his throat. It's loud and messy from trying to suppress it, which obviously makes it worse. He covers his mouth immediately, and at that point he notices the tears that have run down his cheeks. "Great", he thinks, "that will make it easier to hide, for sure".
He doesn't move. He wants to escape, but that will draw even more attention to him, and he hasn't even paid for the food yet (normally he'd leave without paying, but the old waitress was kind enough to give him some extra food when she saw how little he ordered). He settles for not moving, lowering his head and covering his face, hoping that no one heard (unlikely) or cared (very likely).
"Ya'lright, son?"
The voice startles him. I wasn't very deep, but it was close enough to send his body into immediate danger mode. He looks up at the man towering over him, who's standing in front of him at a prudential distance.
"Y-Yeah, yeah, no worries."
He hates how broken his voice sounds. He's spent more than enough time sweet-talking his way out of trouble, he should be better at this by now. The man looks about as convinced by it as he is himself.
" 'lright then. Can I help ya?"
Damn villagers and their welcoming demeanor. If he wasn't a wanted man, he would appreciate it. But right now, it couldn't be worse timing.
"Come get ya food, kids!" The waitress' yell yanks him out of his thoughts.
"No", he blurts out, and he turns to the man. Least he can do is show him some respect and look him in the eyes. "I'm fine, thank you."
The man smiles lightly and nods. "Okay. Welcome to the town."
Stan watches as the man goes back to his table. He wishes he had been more polite, the guy was just worrying about him, but he can't afford it. They already know his face, he can't risk anyone else recognizing him-
"Sweet Mother of God almighty."
Stan turns to his right. One of the kids, the one about his age, is looking at him like he just grew a second head. He's frozen in place, his eyes wide as plates behind thick glasses. He doesn't say a word, and it's getting increasingly unnerving. Was the bruising on his face still visible? Maybe it's more apparent in broad daylight than in the shitty light that last motel had in the bathroom.
"I'm sorry, I- Can I ask your name?"
The fuck?
"No", answers Stan. Considering how nice his dad was, this guy is pretty rude.
"Son, leave him alone." The mother seems to have manners too, good to know.
The guy does pretty much the opposite. He comes closer to him, until he's right in his path, blocking his exit. That can't be good. Stan feels trapped.
"Are you Stanley Pines?"
Well, that's about it.
Stan tries his best to stay still. This guy doesn't look like a cop, not even an undercover one. But he knows his real name, so maybe someone in his family or friends works in the police; or worse, in the military.
"Listen man, I don't know who you're talking about, but that isn't my name. See?" He reaches for his wallet. He pulls out an ID, with a very clear Jackson Cage on it. He makes a mental note to change it soon, just in case his hunch is right and this guy has connections. "Now, if you excuse me, I'd like to pay for my food and leave. Move."
Stan is already on his feet, but the guy hasn't moved. Stan looks him up and down, trying to appear threatening despite his face probably still being a little red from before. He also gauges how feasible it'd be to escape if things turned bad; the dude is taller than him, sure, but he's also as thin as a toothpick, and by the anxious look on his face, he doesn't seem eager for a fight. The real problem would be evading the restaurant's staff and the other costumers, which include eight carbon copies of the guy in front of him. Probably better to try to de-escalate the situation.
"I- I can't let you leave. Please. I know who you are."
This man is making it really difficult to believe he's not a cop.
"No, you don't. I'm new in town. Move."
"Listen, I-"
"Move out of my way."
"I know your brother."
The words are like a bullet between his eyebrows.
"You look just like him-"
Against his better judgement, he quickly grabs he guy and pins him to the wood in between the booth benches, arm to his throat. If he knows Ford, he knows too much. God he just wanted to have lunch.
The commotion is immediate. He doesn't break eye contact with the guy who's grabbing his arm, whose strength is frankly surprising. He can hear, however, the screams from the dad and the siblings, as well as a couple of gasps from the other costumers. This is not going to go well, but fuck that. He's escaped worse.
"Stop!", the guy shouts as he keeps Stan's forearm from blocking his airway. "Don't hurt him! Don't get closer!"
It takes Stan a second to process what he said. The first part, sure, who wouldn't shout 'stop' when you're being attacked? But the second half doesn't make sense. Is he protecting him? The attacker?
Whatever it is, it works. The family stops in their tracks, still very ready to attack if needed. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see the three younger kids moving closer to their mother. For a split second, he feels a pang of remorse for the scene he just caused.
"Hang up the phone, Clarisse, it's okay. Please."
Stan looks in the direction the guy was talking to. Right behind him, the waitress reluctantly puts the phone down.
He looks back at the guy. He looks a little shaken up, probably from the impact his back (and his head?) made with the wooden plank, but he doesn't look scared. He almost looks... sympathetic? Stan is confused as hell.
"I know who you are", the guy whispers, low enough for Stan to hear alone. "You're Stanley Pines, and you have a brother named Stanford. I know him, okay? He's my friend. I met him a few years ago in a quantum physics congress and we've been talking ever since. He told me about his family in New Jersey, and about you. About how he hasn't seen you in years, and how he was trying to find you, to no avail."
Stan is gradually loosening his grip on the guy's neck, who takes a deep breath. He should know better, but- shit, hearing that Ford was looking for him was not what he expected. Even if he doesn't know yet if this guy is lying out of his ass, it's enough to make him doubt.
"I know you were called to Vietnam. He told me. I spent a week with him in his place when he found out, he was unconsollable. When you ran away, he called me. He knew what it meant for you and he thought he'd never see you again, whether you got caught or not. All because of that stupid war." Stan is now trembling a little, he knows it. This guy must know it too, with how close they are. If he stays here any longer he'll break down, but he can't move. Anything to hear his brother's name a little longer. "I know what it's like. Three of my cousins were drafted last year, and I know at least one of them won't be coming back home. Please... let me help you."
Stan meets his eyes. They're green and brown-ish, not unlike the immense fields he's seen in his last journey, the one that led him to this town. With the years, he's learned not to trust beautiful eyes, because they are better at hiding. These ones, however, seem serene and honest, just like his words, and he can't help but believing them. This guy, whoever the fuck he is, knows just about enough.
Stan lowers his right arm. The guy still has his hand on it, but this time is much less defensive and much more comforting. He doesn't complain.
"My name's Fiddleford McGucket, and I'm gonna help you find your brother."
Essentially, after this Fidds calls Ford as if nothing happened (per Stan's request, since he's still paranoid about the police tracking his calls) and asks him to come to Tennessee. Ford argues that he's very busy and all, but Fidds convinces him in the end.
Obviously the twins have a dual breakdown and cry their heart out. In this AU they're much less emotionally constipated lol
Ford tells Stan that he's gonna build a house in a small town in Oregon as a part of his research, and asks him to move in with him once it's finished. Stan, of course, accepts.
In the meantime, Stan stays in the McGucket farm and helps them out as a way of laying low. He has a great relationship with his family, and they're very proud of him for what he did (i believe that the McGuckets are hippies at heart, and they're VERY anti-war, especially when it already took three of them)
I don't know how much of the canon storyline would this AU follow, but it's pretty much your average Mystery Trio AU with some different backstory
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Hi, can I please have Natasha (hsr) dating nurse reader headcanon?
Yes, of course! Ty for the request so sorry about the delay! I wanted to do a little bit of reading up on Natasha before I started writing <33
A Helping Hand
Summary: hsr Natasha x Nurse!Reader, fluff, mutual pining & dating hcs
What began as admiration for the other's hard work quickly transitioned into flirting between shifts here and there.
Natasha's very attentive towards the cute nurse that she works with, and she's been very perceptive of the little crush you've had on her. It wasn't hard for her to say the same!
Dropping a casual "sweetheart" and "dear" every time she calls for your aid just to watch you get a little embarrassed and stumble on your words.
After a long day at the hospital, Natasha tiredly admits how much you two would benefit from a wonderful night out to dinner, and with that sparked the start of a lovely dating life with the caring doctor <3.
You and Natasha are in a constant never-ending cycle of who is helping the other out, going out of each other's ways to aid the other in work. Lots of gentle "I'll take care of this for you"s "I'll do it"s and whatnot.
Acts of service is a very important love language for the both of you, especially in the line of work that's being done, it's nice to have a partner care for you as well!
Whether its sitting down outside to talk to each other after a particular difficult shift, or offering a quick shoulder massage, you'll always look out for each other.
You two make each other a cup of coffee or tea simultaneously to stay awake during the long hours at the hospital too! Natasha always laughs softly when she sees you have the same thing, giving you a quick peck on the cheek as a reward for your thoughtfulness.
Both of you look out for the other to make sure that neither one of you are overworking. Natasha just laughs and shakes her head if she sees you spreading yourself too thin, translating to "You should really take a break, dear."
However you'll also catch Natasha running around from patient to patient like a mad doctor, you can't help but sigh and gently persuade her to take a break.
Natasha watches you work - whether its aid patients, arranging linens or medications, she absentmindedly showers you with compliments and praise, causing you to feel a bit shy.
"Excellent work, Y/N *talking to patient* Aren't they an excellent nurse? One of the best, I'd say~"
"Thank you for all your help, Y/N, you are such a sweetheart. What would I do without you?"
Your relationship with Natasha started off as a little secret between you two.
Sometimes, Natasha would pull the hospital curtains to share a quick kiss before smoothly returning back to work. When you hand her medical equipment or crates of supplies the kind doctor brushes her fingertips against yours and follows up with a soft wink.
You thought you would be able to get away with it, but it wasn't until Hook and her little gang of friends caught you going on a break together and holding hands.
Natasha's soft spot for children made it a little difficult to lie to them, admitting defeat.
Now that the two of you were free from the ducking and hiding from any public display of affection, reminiscing it makes Natasha laugh from the silliness.
In the case that you two are out of the hospital, your days are filled with sleeping in and lazy mornings to catch up on as much rest as possible.
You go on dates walking around the quiet parts of the town, as some peace and quiet is exactly what the both of you need. Circling around the snowy plains as you chat amongst yourselves, enjoying each others company <3.
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iobartach · 5 months
name — Nix
pronouns — anything at all tbh, i don't mind!
preferred comms — leaning more towards discord than tumblr; i am just a slow replier / not available at times. so gimme a shout if you ever wanna share discord usernames!
name of muse — miguel o'hara / spider-man 2099
experience in RP — coming up fast on 18ish years this july, i think? 🥴tumblr's been the platform i've used the most, i came over from bebo, the original version, way back in the day, and also gave forum and discord server rps a go, but eh, i just like the format of tumblr more? especially for being able to make themes and stuff.
best experiences — fortunate to have had plenty of 'em! with miguel though, i have to say it's been especially fun? i really missed the whole aspect of meeting new people and crafting plots / crossovers when it comes to RP, as i had slowed down on writing for a while to get my career started. but now, i'm so glad to be back at it , more often!
pet peeves/dealbreakers — ahhh, let's see, i've gotten laid back af the longer i've been writing? the things that i appreciate nowadays are when folks take the time out to read over my guidelines, headcanons, bio (it's so poorly written, i am so sorry) etc, but i'm not gonna be a hardass about telling you to do so, either? like, someone taking the time to read my hcs is cool! going the extra mile and mentioning them in threads / plots? damn, kudos to you, i can't thank you enough! and if someone has any questions? my door's always open, i will ramble at you until the crack of dawn about miguel if you give me the chance 😂 but yeah with all that said, i'm not gonna hassle or bother folks if they don't read my stuff or ask me questions.!
that said, though, i do wanna point out that there are some specific things to my flavour of miguel that i'm trying to be consistent about? which, for anyone who's known me for years shouldn't be surprising to hear. i've been meaning to add them to my pinned post for my own / other's reference, and 100% accept that i don't call or jot them down as often as i should, it's all kinda just sitting in my head! oops!
and well... to that end, i'd also like to tentatively say... please don't automatically make assumptions / presumptions about my take on miguel, either? 🙏 yes, he's arisen from the atsv version, which i acknowledge can attract certain... notions. but, at the same time, please respect that he's not a soundboard or a thirst trap. he's a guy that, in my telling, fucked up, royally and is trying to deal with that, in his own way.
same also goes for no meaning no. both in-character and out-of-character. miguel will be blunt / react accordingly to things he doesn't vibe with (physical touch, dehumanising comments [deliberate or otherwise], etc), especially with strangers / unfamiliar people -- and for myself, i've been in enough rpcs for long enough to not allow myself to be strongarmed into doing certain things. i'd expand more about my previous experiences, but a munday post ain't the place for that, so yeah. i just would be grateful for any acknowledgement of this. all i wanna do is write one spidery guy, in relative peace, at my own pace & leisure. cheers !
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — i'm a glutton for a bit of everything, but i kinda lean lately more towards action and slice of life. fluff is good, but i try to approach it so that i don't overdo it -- same with angst, i thrive on it, but again, all things in moderation ! and of course, if mutuals ever feel like i'm leaning hard towards a particular genre (which i've a tendency to do!), feel free to pull me back a bit, i won't mind!
plot or memes — memes are the balm for my soul, i stg <3 i love how they can be icebreakers, as well as the perfect thing to spark some muse inspiration after spending the weekdays working. i do love to plot, too, and i've been thinking of doing a lot more of it lately, especially as i grow to learn about another mun's muse, but i'm also a bit of a slow burner when it comes to that, largely because of how much of my week is taken up by work (a blessing and a curse :() . so if you're fine with plots & long form threads progressing over months, absolutelyyy hit me up! 👀
long or short replies — cackling me + short reply is rarer than hen's teeth🤣 i can't do one-liners for the life of me, so you'll always get a small paragraph or two. i love doing long replies, especially if my writing muse is thriving, but never fear about matching reply length or anything! i just ... can't shut up, sometimes, lmao.
best time to write — weekdays are a huge hit or miss 🥴 sometimes, i'm able to write, more times, i'm not. so weekends, when i have the time to chill and relax, not stress about things, is when i find my motivation to write thrives the most
are you like your muse? — in one very specific way maybe; little patience for assholes 🤣 . i'd love to be able to take things on the chin, but eh, stupid stuff can get to me at times. if anything, i feel i'm more like miguel's brother gabriel, and i both love and work in tech rather than in science. worked a two-year stint in a medical corpo and i came out the other side vowing to never again do that. 🥴 i'd also love to be a smartass and have miguel's dry wit, but alas i'm just a funky irish potato.🤣
Tagged: @pzfr
Tagging: anyone who wants to steal this!
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yuu-kumeii · 10 months
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˚₊‧꒰ა Let's Cherish Every Moment We Spend Together ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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┈ ⋞ 〈 FIRST OF ALL . . . 〉 ⋟ ┈
╰┈➤ For reading my works and following me ❣ Honestly, I never thought I'd get this many followers ❀(*´▽`*)❀ Definitely thought I'd be screaming my headcanons and ideas into the void... But ever since I wrote those first 3 pieces, the amount of attention they got was way bigger than I thought it'd be Σ(゜゜) and while I know that ideas like my kiss-o-meter fic were one in a million, I hope you guys can stick around for the other 19237 ideas I have ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
╰┈➤ Even if I don't say it often (or at all for that matter) I hope you know that I genuinely appreciate you guys for being my friend on this little app I downloaded on a whim (* ´ω` *) I'll try my best to interact with you guys more and send random asks just to have a chat if you'd have me ❣ Love you guys and I hope we can get to know each other a little more each day ♡
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┈ ⋞ 〈 NOW THE REAL SHOW STARTS . . .〉 ⋟ ┈
╰┈➤ In this realm, you will be able to live out the moments you've always dreamed of! Loving a prince? Sharing stories over an enchanted tea party? Whatever you imagine, it will play out right here with you as the protagonist ᰔᩚ
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎❥ Finding the magic in the mundane is our theme this time, though this may change the next time the realm opens up ❣
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎❥ Feel free to pick out any combination of prompts from the lists provided!
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎❥ Don't forget to state which character you'd like to be your male lead ♡
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎❥ If you can, please be more descriptive in your request to make things easier for our playwright
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎❥ Although my usual rules apply, they might be a little more lenient for this event
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎❥ Not all scenarios will be available on the lists so if you have an idea that is similar to the theme, feel free to add them in your request to see if it's acceptable!
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎❥ Example of a request, "Hi there! Can I request Kenma + 3 for prompt + 17 for au with fem reader?"
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┈ ⋞ 〈 TAKE YOUR PICK . . .〉 ⋟ ┈
╰┈➤ Pick and choose the world around you! What jobs would you have? What relationships do you foster? Where do you find one another? So many questions...!
╰┈➤ Get as crafty as you'd like dear audience, there's so many ways you can turn your relationship upside down! Or would you rather it be on the right side up? Your choice!
╰┈➤ Your creations are your greatest treasures and they are all your own! Any original characters you have could be brought to life, if you'd let this humble costume designer do so...
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Again, thank you so much to everyone for helping me reach this 300 follower milestone! This one's for all of you, so please enjoy!
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thesoulbox · 10 months
Whoop!! Hello!! This is just some basic info about me and the such, as well as some other things I'd like you to know!! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Name: Maple/Reese/Sol
Pronouns: She/He/They
Writing / Drawing / Animating / Painting / Reading / Roleplaying / Gaming
FNAF / TWD (Game + Show) / Warrior Cats / The Office / TLOU / DBH / Adventure Time + Fionna And Cake / TOH / Amphibia
As of recent I have been incredibly hyperfixated on The Office and FNAF (specifically Security Breach)
How long have you been on Tumblr?: I've literally never used it before but I've had an account for a little while for reading stories and such, I honestly have no clue what I'm doing :)
What are your socials?: I have a YouTube, an Instagram, and an AO3 account! I also have Discord but I'd rather keep that personal! Here are some links below!
Are writing requests open? Yes yes yes!! I'm thinking of making a fnaf sb oneshot book, so feel free to send in story prompts! (Extra points if its a Gregory and Freddy duo prompt or something with Gregory, Cassidy, or C.C ^^)
Is the art on your account yours?/May I use your art? All art on this account is mine unless stated otherwise! If you would like to use my art/catified designs that's fine! Just please provide credit!!
Will you do requests for other fandoms? I don't mind doing requests or prompts for different fandoms in my fandoms list! Just please note that I most likely will take longer on them due to my own inability to stay focused on something that I'm not hyperfixated on!!
What are your boundaries? I will not tolerate any kind of nsfw content nor will I create anything of the sort, I am willing to write graphic content (violence-wise) and I don't mind writing darker topics, just please do not take requests too far. Constructive criticism is allowed, just please be gentle!!
As for my personal boundaries, please do not pester me over requests or story updates, I get demotivated really easily and being harrassed doesn't help matters any. I'd prefer it if you used tone tags whilst talking to me, I struggle with tone in text!! My anxiety is a menace and I tend to freak out and panic over simple topics like, discussions of heart issues, discussions about death, pet loss, etc. If a conversation is becoming too much I will let you know, all I ask is that you respect my boundaries 😭(also please do not bring up nsfw shizbiz in my messages, it's just yuck.)
Do you accept questions/ideas? Yes of course!! Feel free to send it in the ask thingy or in my messages!!
Do you have OCs? SLAPS DOWN A BIG ASS BOOK OF TRAUMATIZED CHILDREN. You called? I'll occasionally post art of them, so keep a lookout for that! I'm also willing to answer questions about them as well! :)
How long have you been writing fanfiction? I've technically been writing fanfics since I was 10?? But they were self inserts and they were really bad, I used to write x readers when I was 11-12 but I eventually stopped writing fanfics to write my own stories. I'm just now starting up again on AO3 after a 3 and a half year break!
Are there any certain requests you want? Anything FNAF SB related would be an absolute godsend. like I said before, I am absolutely stuck on it LMAO
Will you share stories/headcanons/art here? I will be sharing my stories on ao3 here, as well as some little character headcanons I have! Along with some catified refs of them because I can't draw a human for the life of me. I will also be sharing oc art and animations here but don't expect too much of that LMAO
But uhh I believe that's all! I can't think of anything else but if you have any other questions, just message me! Dont make it personal though or I'll hit your kneecaps with a shovel!! I can't wait to learn more about you all, have a lovely day! <3
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
I’m sorry, squiggly my friend. You’ve read ACOTAR???? All the headcannons and thoughts I could’ve shared!!!! Is Lucien your favorite? I only assume cause you said he’s your husband 😉 Seriously though I love this series and I’m so glad to now know you like it too!!!!
AHH YES! :D I have!!! I've read the entirety of the original trilogy! (I haven't read the winter novella or ACOSF yet- I might reread the trilogy first before returning to the world, you know?) They were SO GOOD- especially ACOMAF!
Possible spoilers below the cut? It's mainly just me screeching about the book but just in case!
Of the men, Lucien is definitely my favorite! Though Rhysand is RIGHT there at the second spot! My forever favorite of the series is Feyre; her growth from this girl hunting for the sake of her family's survival to what she becomes in the end was everything. Plus she's got so much personality-GOD I adore her. We don't talk about Tamlin. With all disrespect, he can go dry up in a ditch.
I'd genuinely love to hear all your thoughts and headcanons on the first three books! I love all the characters (except a few- they know who they are) and being able to gush about them again would be so fun! :D If the mood ever strikes, please feel free to yell about the series to me; I'll gladly reply in kind! <3
(Also this is a given but I'll tag anything with spoilers as "ACOTAR spoilers!)
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beastdrive · 1 year
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Beast Drive is a Bloody Roar fanspace for creative contributors and casual appreciators of the series alike, welcoming discussion of existing characters and story as well as sharing various fanworks. Engagement with the series on this blog can include general appreciation and celebration of BR canon, lore analysis (meta), character headcanons, and other methods of creative expression. Everyone is encouraged to not only share already existing fanworks but to also create new original works of your own!
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Since this is a new blog for a relatively quiet fandom which surrounds a niche fighting game that's old enough to drink, Beast Drive will rely heavily on assistance from followers to gain traction.
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Beast Drive is an inclusive space made for fans from all walks of life with respect to unique personal identities. To be explicitly clear, this blog is run in support of and makes room for marginalized people who are frequently pushed out of fandom and gaming spaces.
Content ratings must be consistent with the series:
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Check the "What is Bloody Roar?" page for content warnings.
There may be depictions of blood and violence, with special consideration paid toward any flashing gifs. Feel free to request certain warning tags be used for content or safety concerns.
Since there is only one mod right now, this feature is mainly a way to reach out to me but you may also posit questions to Beast Drive's followers and other Bloody Roar fans!
Questions directed to the mod, rather than the community, might be answered privately unless requested otherwise.
Anonymous Asks are currently enabled!
This helps showcase various fanart, fanfic, and other fanworks by fellow creators who love Bloody Roar! You can help fill the queue by sharing links to BR tumblr posts that you think deserve a reblog, provide information for promotional posts on fics and artwork, or host your work right on this blog. I'd also love to see any commissions you've received and give a shoutout to the artist!
Submissions are currently enabled!
Image Sourcing
Beast Drive only accepts images that you have made yourself or that you have express permission from the creator to let me host. This is to ensure there is no accidental theft or misattributed credit. If there are any images posted in error, please let me know and I will remove them immediately!
Please also be respectful of non-English speaking artists. Many of them do not want their artwork hosted externally, even when given proper credit. Let's respect their wishes.
Community Activities
I'd really like to use this space as a sort of community hub to spotlight other Bloody Roar creatives! Some things I've considered implementing are art and writing challenges through weekly or monthly prompts to inspire thought about the series.
Check this page to learn more about community activities!
Bloody Roar is the intellectual property of Eighting and Hudson, now owned by Konami. Banner and icon are from BR2 & BR3.
CARAMEL MAMA Naochika Morishita is the lead artist for Bloody Roars 1, 2, and 3.
BLOODY ROAR WIKI The fandom wiki still maintains its own active community.
HYPERBEAST TV Catch recent online matches from loyal players around the world.
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bara-to-heart · 1 year
Rules Need To Be Followed
Hey, it's Kazumi and Riddle here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Of course, Kazumi. Anyone who can't follow these rules knows what's waiting for them.
Riddle dear, don't threaten people... But honestly these rules aren't that hard to follow so-
1. Riddle is a minor (17) and so am I. Any mildly suggestive things are okay (think kissing, flirting, etc), but nothing full on explicit/NSFW. Platonic relationships are definitely okay!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear.
2. Please remember to be kind! Riddle is a person too, and he can get hurt. Any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Riddle talk together, I will be in blue and Riddle will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Riddle doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Riddle; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Riddle doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He is a student and works hard to get perfect scores throughout all of the classes he takes, as well as participating in his club. It is not a surprise that he might lose track of time.
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Riddle.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Riddle doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Riddle have never met. However, I am not comfortable with the first interaction with an OC being a romantic one, as it has become a problem before for me.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I will automatically use honorifics like "-senpai" for upperclassmen so keep that in mind). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck (as well as Japanese).
10. I also love shipping and am not very selective (I love seeing rare pairs, and in general seeing how their ship would work out). So, feel free to do that too! Before they get into a relationship, though, they need to have at least some sort of interaction beforehand (because I want to get to know you too, and even if you're playing a canon character, I still want to do some regular stuff first) To add to that, I am a multishipper, so each relationship happens in its own verse.
11. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Riddle or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
12. Anons will always be treated platonically by Riddle (as he doesn't know you that much), but you are welcome to send all your love to him! He does enjoy having the attention. Also, if you want to be known with an emoji, you will be tagged as "kantokusei [emoji]" so there's also that!
13. Mun does not equal muse!! Riddle may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
Of course, and make sure to follow the Queen of Hearts' rules as well.
Yes, but don't let that hold you back (Riddle no I will at least loosely follow the rules I swear)
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flownwrong · 1 year
ask game yay
Happy Wincest Wednesday! (or Sunday in this case) I have a few questions for people to answer. Feel free to answer them all or just one (or none at all) even if you’re not tagged!
what song describes samdean the most?
man. i used to have a painstakingly crafted playlist with like narrative and all but it's been rendered obsolete in the couple years since by the change in both my taste and my perception of them. if i had to choose one right now, i'd go with you and i in unison by la dispute, because la dispute are 1) good poetry 2) good at longing and devotion 3) this particular song is about grief but not loss of love so it feels like a post-finale song (i encourage you to listen or read the full lyrics)
I will sing sweetly, hope that the notes change but
I do not need it to happen. I’m not resigned to it. And
If they never do I’ll sing your name in every line
Just like I did throughout this, just like I’ve always done
In every gun, the empty church, and every tortured son
In all those giving up, in all those giving in
Until I die I will sing our names in unison
my other go-to artists for them would be mount eerie and, ig, townes
if spn was set in europe, what country would the Winchesters be from? What language/languages would they speak (+ what car would they drive if not the impala, kinda)
haha okay i don't have any strong headcanons but i can tell you about a specific russian au we had going with friends and even meant to ttrpg the setting a little but it never worked out
dean was driving an old volga gaz-21 third series (which might have connotations that do not need exploring at this juncture but i'm actually very bad at both cars and soviet history lol) which would be pretty damn cool if lovingly maintained all the way from 60s to 2005 and of course dean would call it "lastochka" (a common endearment for beloved cars) only i have no idea how possible it would be for hypothetical john to get one in the first place
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and he wouldn't really have grown up on bootlegs of western music so much as the likes of Kino and maybe even Grazhdanskaya Oborona which was weird af but also massively beloved across different classes subcultures and backgrounds so
talking monsters of the week, i'd love to see their ass kicked by a rusalka (mermaid but creepier) or even a domovoy for comedy (those are generally helpful but mischievous) and get into all kinds of trouble with an array of superstitions while helping the babushkas who give the superstitions power by relying so strongly on them, especially in little villages...
is there a project you’re working on currently? Do you have a line or sketch from it to share?
maybe? i hope to rework one of my longer wips into a short but finished (god please) fic but don't hold your breath
what’s the first fanfic for supernatural you’ve written? Did you publish it? Or if you don't write: what's the first fanfic you remember reading?
yeah, i've published it. was for first-time fest, where you picked an episode and did a first-time. coincidentally, i was going through my drafts and found a 2+ years old reblog of it i never posted, so since i didn't even reblog it for timezones then, have a link now (if you read it and like it feel free to reblog this blast from the past haha)
is there another codependent/enmeshed duo from a different fandom you enjoy? Are there parallels to Sam and Dean?
jesus. dunno, i don't think so? they have quite a unique combo of wholesome/dark/devoted
what type of wincest dynamic do you currently enjoy most? (sexual, platonic, dark, fluffy, early seasons, etc.)
the same one i've always enjoyed most — late seasons kind of bittersweet but securely established relationship vibe (in spirit of self-promotion, do check out my ao3 for more of the same haha!)
tagging whoever wants to be tagged etc etc. @prince-of-elsinore tysm for tagging me—it was fun!
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keiyaku-tako · 1 year
Every Contract Needs a Set of Rules
Hey, it's Kazumi and Azul here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Yes, Kazumi-san. Everyone who wishes to speak to us needs to follow by these rules. After all, any contract has rules, does it not?
No need to speak so formally... But yeah!
1. Azul is a minor (17) and so am I. Any mildly suggestive things are okay (think kissing, flirting, etc), but nothing full on explicit/NSFW. Platonic relationships are definitely okay!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear.
2. Please remember to be kind! Azul is a person too, and he can get hurt. Any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Azul talk together, I will be in blue and Azul will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Azul doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Azul; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Azul doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He runs the Mostro Lounge and he spends most of his time doing that, doing schoolwork, participating in his club, etc... He sometimes loses track of time. He will reply, just be patient.
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Azul.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Azul doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Azul have never met. However, I am not comfortable with the first interaction with an OC being a romantic one, as it has become a problem before for me.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I will automatically use honorifics like "-san" so keep that in mind). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck.
10. I also love shipping and am not very selective (I love seeing rare pairs, and in general seeing how their ship would work out). So, feel free to do that too! Before they get into a relationship, though, they need to have at least some sort of interaction beforehand (because I want to get to know you too, and even if you're playing a canon character, I still want to do some regular stuff first) To add to that, I am a multishipper, so each relationship happens in its own verse.
11. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Azul or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
12. Anons will always be treated platonically by Azul (as he doesn't know you that much), but you are welcome to send all your love to him! He genuinely appreciates it (it gives his ego a boost). Also, if you want to be known with an emoji, you will be tagged as "kantokusei-san [emoji]" so there's also that!
13. Mun does not equal muse!! Azul may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
Was that really necessary?
Yes, don't be so boring Azul. Having fun is important!
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lucithornz · 2 years
Fic Masterpost
Hey everyone! Here is my fic masterpost. Below you can find all of my completed and ongoing works. Additional links and posts about me, my writing and projects also linked at the bottom.
I try to keep this as up to date as possible with current chapter count progress etc.
Thank you for reading, and comments on my fics seriously make my day! I don't bite :]
My AO3
Meet the author post
Keep reading below for a Detailed List of my Fics, Updates, Boundaries, Collabs, and Beta Reading ↓
My Fics!
A list of my ongoing and completed fics, please feel free to talk to me about them and writing in general <3
Formula 1 Fics:
Red Horse (7/16) | Lestappen | a/b/o, rivals to lovers, rivals with benefits, Alpha Max, Omega Charles | Rated E
Just One Question? (6/6) | Lestappen | exes to lovers, padelgate, angst | Rated M
Losers Love Company (one-shot) | Lestappen | padel date, sexual tension | Rated M
Spa Fever (one-shot) | Lestappen | omegaverse, smut | Rated E
Burn Darker (4/4) | Lestappen | vampire AU, angst, happy ending | Rated E
By the Book (one-shot) | Lestappen | omegaverse, smut | Rated E
Top Two (one-shot) | Lestappez | omegaverse, humor, threesome | Rated M
Because You Can (one-shot) | Gax | Implied lestappen, emotional cheating, angst | Rated M
A Comedy of "Accidents" (2/6) | Lestappen | omegaverse, hurt/comfort | Rated M
Red Light at Dawn (2/9) | Lestappen | pirate au, omegaverse, angst with a happy ending, mpreg | Rated M
Aurelian Cycle fics
Brilliant Disguise(12/12) No Surrender(15/?) The Sacrifice That Mattered(1/1)
Other Fandoms
Black Company fic: Winter Burns(1/1)
Anon fics
Fics I have on anon due to the darker nature of the work. Most carry a Dead Dove warning so please be sure to read the tags
I Call That A Bargain (one-shot) | Lestappen | omegaverse, Dead Dove, breeding program, dub-con | Rated E
Best I Ever Had (one-shot) | Loscar + Landoscar | omegaverse, dub-con, breeding program, mpreg | Rated M
Manuka Honey (one-shot) | Oscmark | cakeverse, cannibalism, explicit sex | Rated E
If you want to know about updates to a specific project I leave my anticipated upload schedule in fic notes(usually on ch 1).
For the most recent updates follow me on Twitter, that is where I post about when new chapters go up, and will say if chapters are delayed etc.
I am not opposed to you politely asking about updates in my comments sections, so long as you keep it respectful(or funny) and don't overdo it. I totally understand the worry over fics updating, and I take it as a compliment that you're that worried about my silly little story :]
Minors - If you're a minor do not message me, and do not interact with any NSFW content I create. I am an adult, and I do write some stuff rated T, but a vast majority of my work is rated M or E and intended for an adult audience only.
Critique - Critiques of my work are fine, though I'd prefer to not see it(don't tag me etc). Tip - Compliment sandwiches are your friend. Anything that is overly negative/harassment in comments will be deleted. Keep things civil and within reason and we'll be fine. I have thick skin, but I do this for fun and don't have time for this type of thing. If there is a serious error in a fic feel free to dm me about it. I'd rather you dm if there is a factual error or a glaring typo, rather than pointing that out in a public comment.
Inspired works - if for some reason one of my works inspires you to create your own thing(art, fic, headcanon, etc), awesome! Please tag me and stuff, I wanna see it. I don't really care about credit or anything(we're all here to have fun). But if you make something based off something I create I seriously will probably cry(in a good way). Please tag me in anything you create <3
Sharing - Feel free to share my works on Twitter(for non-rpf works) or with your friends, fic clubs etc. However please do not share my RPF works on twitter or Tiktok. I'd appreciate them not being broadcast on platforms where they could be easily seen by the subjects.
And please let me know what you think, I love interacting. However do not repost my works to any other platforms(like Wattpad). I only post on AO3 and would like to keep it that way.
Interacting - I seriously just love being in fandom communities. It's why I love comments so much. I just wanna chat about blorbos, ships, writing, fandom culture, and everything in between. Go nuts, comment away, tag me on Twitter, send asks on Tumblr, I promise you aren't bothering me.
More About Me as a Writer
Here are some posts to get a better sense of where I am as a writer, and what my tastes are with regards to storytelling. Just so you can get a taste of my specific brand of crazy ;)
My favorite fanfiction trope post
Weirdest places I've written fanfiction post
Beta and Collabs
Beta requests - If you are looking for a beta reader(in my fandoms) then reach out, I might very well be interested(if it's for the Aurelian Cycle the answer is a preemptive YES). Just let me know the project you're working on and the type of feedback you're looking for and I'll get back to you.
I have a pretty quick turnaround time, but I am an adult with a full time job, so it depends on how busy I am.
Writing Collabs - if you are a fellow fic writer and want to collab and write something together, yeah I'd like to talk. I've never done it before, but it sounds fun :) I am picky about ships though. Other Works These are previous fandom works that I am no longer active in. I am always happy to talk about them so don't be afraid to send asks or comment <3
DNF/MCYT fics: The Hounds of Love(11/11) Unsought is Better(9/9), Suffer Love(UIB sequel)(9/9) February 15th(5/5) I'd Lie(24/24) Hecate's Little Demon(5/7) One Fated Thread(3/3) Haunted Deep(3/3)
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katte-utsubo · 1 year
Ugh. Rules...
Hey, it's Kazumi and Floyd here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Rules make everything boring. Nezumi-iruka-chan...
But they're necessary to our safety, so we need to go over them, Okay?
1. Floyd is a minor (17) and so am I. Any mildly suggestive things are okay (think kissing, flirting, etc), but nothing full on explicit/NSFW. Platonic relationships are definitely okay!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear.
2. Please remember to be kind! Floyd is a person too, and although he might not appear like he can get hurt, he can and will. It puts him in one of his moods. Therefore, any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Floyd talk together, I will be in blue and Floyd will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Floyd doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Floyd; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Floyd doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He is chaotic and regularly forgets to check this blog. He only comes on when he has nothing better to do. So...
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Floyd.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Floyd doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Floyd have never met. However, I am not comfortable with the first interaction with an OC being a romantic one, as it has become a problem before for me.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I will automatically use honorifics like "-senpai," "-chan," and "-kun," so keep that in mind). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck (as well as Japanese).
10. I also love shipping and am not very selective (I love seeing rare pairs, and in general seeing how their ship would work out). So, feel free to do that too! Before they get into a relationship, though, they need to have at least some sort of interaction beforehand (because I want to get to know you too, and even if you're playing a canon character, I still want to do some regular stuff first) To add to that, I am a multishipper, so each relationship happens in its own verse.
11. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Floyd or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
12. Anons will always be treated platonically by Floyd (as he doesn't know you that much), but you are welcome to send all your love to him! He does enjoy having the attention (as long as it's not "too much," whatever that means).
13. Mun does not equal muse!! Floyd may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
Yeah~ I bet everyone'll find it really fun here, won't they~?
Hopefully, but I find that slightly doubtful with the scary look in your eyes right now.
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doku-no-bi · 1 year
Rules are necessary to maintain professionalism.
Hey, it's Kazumi and Vil here to give you the rules we'd like you to follow on our account!
Of course. Rules are needed to make sure we all stay safe and refined. We wouldn't want anyone acting unseemly.
Yeah... Just don't be inappropriate guys.
1. Although Vil is not a minor (18), I am. Any mildly suggestive things are okay (think kissing, flirting, etc), but nothing full on explicit/NSFW (due to me being a minor...). Platonic relationships are definitely okay!! Any blogs that don't want to interact with minors should steer clear.
2. Please remember to be kind! Vil is a person too, and he can be hurt by your words. Any asks that I deem harmful will be deleted.
3. Any time me and Vil talk together, I will be in blue and Vil will be in white. When he is talking alone, he will also be in white. To add to that, I will most likely be speaking in the tags because I talk a lot (and so Vil doesn't see my chatter). Please feel free to ignore this! I absolutely don't mind.
4. I use headcanons in my portrayal of Vil; I try to be as canon compliant as possible with the knowledge that I have of him.
5. Absolutely no homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. Regular DNI criteria applies here.
6. If Vil doesn't respond to you, please don't feel too bad! He has so many things going on in his life, both in public spaces as well as school and his personal life.
7. That being said, I am also a full-time high school student, and so it is likely that my replies will be fully messed up (read: I tend to procrastinate by doing fun things and then I have a week to catch up on all my schoolwork). Please be mindful of that and don't spam me and Vil.
8. OCs? Absolutely! I love seeing your OCs. Make sure to send in a description of them either beforehand or in your starter (unless Vil doesn't know your character at all, I guess - but it would still help to have a general overview). If there's nothing of the sort, I will automatically assume that your character and Vil have never met. However, I am not comfortable with the first interaction with an OC being a romantic one, as it has become a problem before for me.
9. I can speak a little bit of Japanese (my parents are Japanese but I haven't actually tried to learn it well so it may be messy (though I'm working on it)) and I am learning Spanish (in school) so! I am willing to write replies using those languages as well as English (and I might use honorifics like "-san" so keep that in mind (probably will not due to Vil not using honorifics that much)). Spanish I can't guarantee though because it kind of can suck.
10. I also love shipping and am not very selective (I love seeing rare pairs, and in general seeing how their ship would work out). So, feel free to do that too! Before they get into a relationship, though, they need to have at least some sort of interaction beforehand (because I want to get to know you too, and even if you're playing a canon character, I still want to do some regular stuff first) To add to that, I am a multishipper, so each relationship happens in its own verse.
11. OOC talks? I love them, but if you aren't talking directly to Vil or something about him, then I'd redirect you to @kazumirambles which is my regular ol' talking blog (so I don't spam anyone).
12. Anons will always be treated platonically by Vil (as he doesn't know you that much), but you are welcome to send all your love to him! He does appreciate it a win over Neige ha. Also, if you want to be known with an emoji, you will be tagged as "kantokusei [emoji]" or "[emoji] kantokusei" so there's also that!
13. Mun does not equal muse!! Vil may say/do things that I would not do or that I don't condone. We do not share the same feelings or actions all the time.
And finally, remember to have fun!
And take care of yourself. Make sure to not stay up too late on your devices. Rest is important for a healthy life.
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deathisararemercy · 2 years
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About The Blog
This is a Puss in Boots side-blog (because it is currently consuming my entire life). Follows/likes are from @tempestimes.
I share little sketches and headcanons, and I write things too, wahoo.
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About Me
Death fan (surprise, surprise), but I also will hold all of the characters tenderly in my hand (Kitty, Perrito, and Goldi especially)
Artist - I'm slowly learning how to draw animals solely for this fandom.
Writer - I learning to write 'x reader's and have familiarity with other shippy things. I also have a big post-canon fic I'm working on that incorporates quite a few OCs.
Musician(?) - I improvise on piano and can come up with some tunes. I've done so for other fandoms, but never for PIB. It would be fun to try composing in this style of music though.
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Writing Request Guidelines/Notes
I take requests for any characters, pairings, and readers: platonic, romantic, etc etc. EXCEPT Jack Horner. Listen. I may have most of his lines memorized but I just don't think I could ever do him justice. He's too powerful.
All readers are written as gender-neutral.
Be specific please! Rather than just "fluff" or "angst," try "a situation where XX happens with [character A] and [character B]"
Though I might write suggestive things from time to time, I stay away from smut.
I usually write prose between 1000-2000 words, though I have written longer and shorter. I can also write in bullet-point headcanon style.
If you'd like a headcanon style post, please specify that in your ask! Otherwise, I'll choose based on the request.
Though it doesn't often happen, I can and will decline certain requests that don't follow these rules or make me too uncomfortable. Topics/themes that may result in a declined request involve yandere, SH, and ED.
Requests take time to post, depending on my ever-changing schedule. Please be patient. IRL things are complicated.
Have fun. :)
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Tagging System
#.txt - my text posts + chatterings
#.writing - my writing/fic posts
#.art - my art posts
#concept art - official concept art and other pre-production things
#other's art - other people's art
#other's writing - other people's writing
I usually follow the last two with blog names for when I want to look for a specific writer/post
#fave - art I think looks really cool, funny things, things I want to re-read, etc. etc.
#oc: [NAME] - My OCs include Fate, Lil' Red Riding Hood, Momo, Sextus Julius (Jules), Life, and some idiot named Kore (<3)
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| Writing Masterlist |
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Feel free to send in asks and shoot me a message. It might take me a while to respond, but I'd love to chat!
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steflionheart · 2 years
who said I knew what I was doin'?! O.o
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Heya! My name's Stef and here's some info about me :3
find all links to my other social media accounts on my carrd (✧u✧)
general info
writer (sfw ✔ + nsfw 🔞) -> this should go without saying but beware of nfsw + pls dni if you're a minor or if it's not your cup-o-tea!
lvl 30+
I sometimes also do art but like... once in a blue moon (icon is my own creation)
certified overthinker™️
depressed + stressed + constantly tired
find my ramblings, rantings, headcanons, brainfarts, and other chaotic activities on my side acct @stef-rambles
find easier and faster access as well as the Ao3 links to all my fics on my fic archive acct @steflionheart-fic-archive
what I enjoy
manga + manhwa
lots of other good and nerdy stuff
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I'm a multifaceted and therefore very jumpy person, so I can switch from one thing to the next in the blink of an eye.
So basically, you're entering a world of chaos! You've been warned xD
I'm into a loooot of different fandoms, a multishipper, often fall head over heels for rarepairs and/or controversial ships, and my oc's are on my mind 24/7, so I might also shove them into your faces whenever a brainfart comes up
(つ >ω●)つ
All in all, I'm a very chill person who doesn't judge, offers a safe space, and loves to talk about my fav ships, ideas, and headcanons. So, don't hesitate to reach out, I'd love to have a chat!
I love to indulge in nice things, to simply look at beautiful art, read interesting quotes, headcanons, fics, and all the stuff that makes my brain go
o(^∀^o) \(^∀^)/ (o^∀^)o
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Please keep in mind:
English isn't my first language, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes.
I won't accept any mean or disrespectful behavior nor discourse and will block if needed.
Same goes for you though; if you don't like anything I share or reblog, please simply leave again and feel free to block me (-‿◦)v
We are switches in this house! Which means; I mostly don't have preferences in this topic. It's more fun to switch things up if you ask me ;)
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kcscribbler · 7 months
I meant to send questions earlier but I saw the post in the morning on my phone and was too lazy to memorize all of the emojis I wanted to ask, whoops.
ANYWAY, please brag about yourself with 🥕! And to share the encouragement you gave teenage me many years ago, how about 🍩? Or maybe just something fun with 🍔. Feel free to do any or all of them, if you want! :D
Full Ask List Here
🍔What's a headcanon that hasn't made it into a published fic yet?
Oh, this is a fun one. So I created a minor OC for my Loki AU. Mostly because plot device (needed to show what Hunters grew into if they're not really hunting variants anymore), but also I wanted to show that post-S2, the TVA agents get names if they want, instead of numbers.
But I headcanon that she was the gal in the elevator during this scene:
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Obviously this character's dressed as an analyst, not a hunter, but it's what I had in mind while writing her.
More questions under the cut!
🥕What's your favorite fic you've written, and why?
It's been well over a decade, but I still love However Improbable, my crossover between ST:TOS and ACD Sherlock Holmes.
It was my first NaNoWriMo experience, and why I chose to do a difficult/rare crossover back then I have no idea. But it was so much fun, and I like to think I did both universes and the plot justice.
Of my more recent fics, I am proud of Coda in E Major. It definitely wasn't as well-received as my other TOS oneshots for some reason, but it was personally cathartic for me, so I'm happy with it.
🍩What advice would you give to aspiring fic writers?
I wouldn't say I'm necessarily qualified to advise anyone, given how the fanfic world was a totally different place back then, lol. But I think the biggest three pieces of advice I'd have are:
Find your people. In retrospect, I have zero idea why the talented folks in the early-aughts Sherlock Holmes fandom tolerated my over-eager cringe, but they did, and were super kind about it. I built a network at that time that was critical to my development as a writer. Read, comment, DM, interact.
TLDR: Don't lurk, when you're first starting out. If you do, it'll build a habit of lurking, and while there's nothing wrong with that, it's not going to benefit you in those formative years.
2. Write something everyday. Whether it's a page or a word. If you are excited about it, or if you're dreading it. If you love it, or if you hate it. If your characters won't talk to each other, start writing in great detail about how you're going to chuck the computer out the window entirely if they don't. If the words aren't coming, start making vocabulary lists or writing down headcanons. Write something, however silly or small.
Don't be afraid to write things that'll never see the light of day, because all of it helps you develop into a writer, not just someone who likes to write.
3. When writing, stop in the middle of a sentence, not the end of a scene. It's an old trick, but a useful one. Finishing a scene makes it more difficult to start again; stopping mid-sentence will help your brain jump back into things when you next return.
Thanks so much for the asks and your lovely words! <3
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