#please enjoy them being massive smartasses to one another
laelior · 25 days
Periapsis Chapter 1: Smoke and Whiskey
Mass Effect Kaidan Alenko/Beth Shepard Rating: E (eventual smut) Chapter 1/6 Periapsis: The point at which two objects in a binary system orbit nearest to each other. a.k.a., the Shenko shore leave fic that's been plaguing me non-stop lately. Ao3 Link
It was a bright, sunny fall afternoon in the middle of nowhere on Earth, and Kaidan was leaning against an old wooden fencepost in the midst of a gorgeous forest, mindlessly scrolling the extranet news feeds on his omni-tool to kill the time while he waited.
–NEW! Logic Arrest Firmware Update improves performance metrics up to 10%– –Reported geth sightings in Terminus systems increased since Citadel attack– –Is Commander Shepard Single? Exclusive Scoop on Galactic Hero–
Kaidan huffed a laugh and dismissed the new feeds. The first two were too much like work, and the third, well….
Looking back, everything had happened so fast. The lockdown. The mutiny. The chaotic battle in the Citadel.
And somewhere in all that, there had been that night before Ilos.
Afterward, there hadn’t been any time to talk about what happened. Most of the Normandy’s crew had been shuffled off on extended shore leave with strict orders not to discuss anything that had happened. 
It had been almost two weeks since he’d seen Lieutenant Commander Bethany Shepard in person. It seemed like so long ago that they’d talked of taking some shore leave together to explore what it was between them. But that was before everything had gone down. It was before she’d suddenly become a person of galactic importance who’d been promptly whisked off to meetings and official happenings once the dust had settled after Saren’s defeat.
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demomanmybeloved · 2 years
Hee hee hoo hoo tf2 mercs cooking with their s/o
He can actually do some basic cooking despite popular belief. His mama raised him right. However if you two are cooking anything harder than some pasta he‘s kinda lost. Will never admit it tho. Probably burns a bit of the food but hey that’s part of learning.
He can actually cook some decent traditional American food, like turkey and apple pies or burgers. Anything else he‘s kinda lost on. If you want him to help, you have to turn the steps into some army commands for him so he can understand it easier. Like „Burn the chicken hostage alive, show no mercy!“ or something around those lines.
They can bake, sure, but cooking is another thing. They‘ll burn the food if you don’t keep your eyes on them. Will also hug you during cooking, despite you begging them to let go so you can chop the tomatoes. They just love you too much <3. again, hope you don’t mind burned food.
This man lives alone with his picky blind mother, so he definitely can cook very well (when he‘s not shitfaced drunk). Will probably whistle some Scottish folk song while cooking and making shitty food related puns. „It’s THYME for the chicken to thaw, lassie/lad!“ please at least chuckle at his jokes he would really appreciate it.
This man. This man will cook a full course buffet for you. Insists he can cook himself but if you ask enough he will let you help him, even though he feels like HE should be the one cooking for YOU. Will give you some small tasks like peeling potatoes or something.
Also a great cook. Back in Russia he helped his mother cook a lot for his sisters, so if you‘re cooking with him, expect so traditional Russian food. He leaves a lot of the more delicate parts of cooking to you though, since he‘s afraid he‘ll mess it up with his massive hands. He‘ll probably pick you up and spin you around once you two are done <3
This man CANNOT cook. He says „it’s too dirty for me“ but if you ask him enough, he‘ll comply to help you. Will do as Little cooking as possible and will just flirt with you the whole time instead. He‘ll take you and dance with you while you’re trying to cook which is sweet and all but GODDAMMIT THE CHICKEN IS GONNA BURN SPY-
Yes, he lives in a van by himself in the wilderness. Yes, he doesn’t know how to cook. They exists-
Ok but fr this man can only make some toast. Don’t think he‘s had a proper meal in quite a while. Cooking with him will mostly consist of him being a confused mess and constantly asking you questions. In the end it turns out surprisingly good?? He finds out he enjoys cooking a lot, expect some homemade meals from him in the future.
Like sniper, I don’t think this guy had a good meal in a long while. He thinks cooking will be easy, it’s just like science, right? WRONG. He almost burns the chicken. You think a Smartass like him can cook but please he’s awful. When you‘re done he will get super happy and be like „we did it! As a Team!“ Even though he only cut some herbs. He’s so cute when happy so you don’t mind lmao.
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Can I request some established relationship Fives and Echo having sex in the cockpit on the way to (or coming back from) an ARC mission away from the rest of the 501st? Playful and affectionate if possible 🙏 Bless you for writing these.
(You got it anon!)
(Fic under the cut)
A good thing about the ship he they’ve been granted for this mission is that it has a function to turn on the automatic pilot, so that neither Echo nor Fives need to worry about where they’re flying to.
They suppose that since ships of this kind are usually meant for just one person, they had to implement a way to make so that it could still be going even when the pilot needs some rest, though that’s not the reason why they’re using it right now, not at all.
Echo’s view is completely obscured by Fives’ massive frame, as he’s sitting on his lap, but he can’t say he doesn’t like it; besides, he can see a bit beyond him, and isn’t it incredible, to have Fives like this, with the stars surrounding them?
His behavior doesn’t go unnoticed, and Fives can’t help but to smirk at the way Echo’s looking at him. “Like what you see?”
In response, Echo draws him closer by the hair for a heated kiss. “Very.”
He doesn’t get him naked despite how much he wants to, but only because who knows, something might happen and they need to be prepared for that. Maybe another time, he will.
He still manages to lower his blacks enough to uncover, well, let’s say the “important parts”. There’s nothing he loves more than the sound Fives is making as he jerks him off, getting him all nice and relaxed; Fives immediately goes slack against him - it has been a while.
“Mmmmh, Echo…” he moans. “Please, I want you.”
“You have me already,” Echo, the smartass, replies with a small smile on his face.
“C’mon…” Fives grumbles. “Please, fuck me…”
“Don’t have lube,” Echo replies. Sure, he’d love to fuck Fives so much that he wouldn’t be able to stand straight, but he doesn’t want to break him. “When we get back,” he adds, then, because as much as they can’t do it now, it doesn’t mean that the prospective has been barred from them forever.
At his words, Fives groans. “Yes. Later is fine.”
They go back to kissing, while Echo still continues playing with Fives’ cock.
He does feel a bit bad about not being able to go along with Fives’ request, so he still brings a hand behind him, first cupping his ass, squeezing it when Fives begins to grind against him, then stretching a finger between his cheeks, circling his rim.
Fives tenses for a moment, his body twitching, and when Echo lightly prods inside - very lightly since he doesn’t want to make it burn - he moans. “F-Fuck… Echo…”
Echo loves hearing his voice when he gets like this, so whiny and desperate for him to take care of him - and he will take care of him, oh yes.
“Wanna come? Make my armor all dirty?” he asks, speeding up his movements without even waiting for Fives to actually reply. As if he doesn’t know the answer already; he doesn’t need to be a Jedi to see into Fives’ mind.
“Yeah!” Fives exclaims. “Echo… Please…”
Echo chuckles, leaning to leave a trail of small kisses on Fives’ neck. “Your wish is my command.”
He speeds up his movements, and this time he presses a digit inside Fives, wiggling it a bit, just to give him something more.
A chuckle erupts past his lips again at the way Fives swears, coming immediately thanks to the intensity of Echo’s ministrations, getting all his cum on Echo’s armor, painting it white - not that he cares.
When Echo lets him go, it’s like he deflates, collapsing over him with his head resting on the space between Echo’s neck and his shoulder.
“You’re an ass,” he grumbles, but even though Echo can’t see him, he can feel the way his lips are smiling against his skin.
“Shut up, you love it,” Echo retorts, though there’s no bite in his voice.
They stay likes this for a while, but eventually Echo’s “problems” become too big for him to ignore them, something that Fives understands immediately when Echo pushes against him hard, hoping that the added pressure on his codpiece might alleviate his need.
Fives shakes his head. “You’re hopeless,” he teases Echo, though he gets off of him with the intention of helping his cyare in need… but not without having some fun first: he begins with cleaning the stains he left on Echo’s armor by licking them off, something that of course has some effects on Echo, who shivers and whines when he realizes what Fives is doing.
“You’re going to kill me,” he mutters, covering his face - now a few shades darker - with a hand.
Fives chuckles. “You’re a big boy, you can handle it.”
He goes lower and lower, until he’s kneeling between Echo’s spread legs. With some difficulties he manages to get his codpiece off and to free Echo’s cock from the constraints of his lower blacks, looking up at him and winking before going to town.
Knowing that Echo’s at his limit, he doesn’t even bother teasing him or going slow, opting instead to take his whole length in his mouth, grabbing the other’s thighs to keep himself steady as he rhythmically bobs his head up and down, not without making wet sounds that would’ve made Echo cringe if only he wasn’t so lost to the sensation. All he can feel is Fives sucking his dick; outside of that there’s nothing.
He comes quite fast, and relieved that Fives hasn’t decided to toy with him instead of giving him what he needed - that would’ve been a low move, very low.
Only after he’s milked every last drop out of Echo, Fives pulls away. His throat is a bit sore for the effort, but it’s nothing too bad. He’ll live.
He gets distracted from his thoughts when he feels Echo brush his thumb against the angle of his mouth, then Echo takes his face between his hands, guiding him up so that he can kiss him. Fives hums in the kiss and he lets Echo do as he pleases, both enjoying the aftermath of two very pleasant orgasms, though it soon ends when Echo pulls away.
“When we get back,” he begins in facts, “I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll barely be able to stand.”
“That a promise?” Fives teases him, but it’s just so that he can hide how much he likes that prospect, though Echo still manages to see through him if the way he voraciously kisses him is of any indication.
They couldn’t get back fast enough.
Frankly, Fives can’t wait.
Tag list: @maulusque @captainrexwouldnever @anameofanykind If you want to be added feel free to let me know!
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How To Train Your Dragon: Homecoming - Thoughts/Review!
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thiswasinevitableid · 5 years
"we sleep together the same night a terrible snowstorm hits the city and everything gets shut down so now i have no way to get home so let’s make it a two night stand?" indruck prompt? (eyes emoji)
This prompt is Not Suitable for Your Workplace
Duck stretches out on the cushy lounge seat at “Woofs,” his favorite gay bar in the city. He’s in a celebratory mood, having scored a promotion (okay, so it’s from “almost full time” to “actually full time” ranger, but that’s still pretty damn good). So he’d fucked off to the big city for a night for as a reward.
He’s not sure if he’ll score in another way just yet. Duck isn’t prone to prowling at these places; if a guy is bear hunting and happens to like the look of him, he’s more than happy to dial up his quiet charm. Maybe growl in the guys ear a little and see if that gets them to a car or apartment or somewhere else where his date can bounce in his lap until he comes in some tight, if forgettable, ass. 
He used to be more proactive, but if he’s honest it feels weird being thirty-two and trying to put the moves on a guy who might be ten years younger than him,
As he sips his beer, a flash of white hair catches his eye. At the end of the bar nearest him, a skinny, gangly man of indeterminate age is drawing a finger around the rim of his glass. He turns for a moment in Ducks direction and he’s struck by how strange he looks. Not bad, but like no one Duck’s ever seen before. He doesn’t seem dressed for the setting, in fact he looks a little disheveled, and not in the scruffy way Duck is trying to pull off. 
Duck keeps an eye on him, looking for signs of interest. What he gets is the man staring at his drink for a solid five minutes, stirring it but never drinking. When he finally glances Ducks way again, he looks sad.
No, no way, Duck is not spending the night he set aside to relax and get laid seeing if someone random guy at a bar is okay. 
The seat next to the mystery man opens up. 
Duck stands. 
“Mind if I sit here?” He gives his most neutral smile.
The pale-haired man stares at him, eyes seeming far away behind the red lenses of his glasses. 
“Oh, no, go right ahead.” He flashes a tight, oddly wide smile, goes back to staring at his drink. Takes the tiniest sip and makes a disgusted face.
“Not an Old-fashioned man, huh?”
“I just like the cherries, the rest is too bitter. I saw too late there was an eggnog cocktail. Really only have money for the one drink.”
Duck’s beer is empty. He signals the bartender, orders an Old-Fashioned. When it arrives, he slides it towards the other man, cherry stem pointed at him. 
The man pauses, and to Duck it looks like he’s calculating odds in his head. Then he plucks the cherry from the glass and tugs it off the stem with his teeth. 
“Thank you.” His smile is shy, and this time he doesn’t turn away. So Duck keeps talking.
“Alright, I gotta know, do you only come to this place for cherries?”
“No. I came here because once again no one listened to me and I am so very tired. I thought I could get past my distaste for alcohol in order to get drunk and enjoy not having to think for awhile. No such luck.”
“So you were plannin just to sulk into your drink all night?”
“It was the probable outcome.” He looks longingly at the jar of maraschino cherries just visible on a back shelf.
“Y’know, if you order a shirley temple it’s got a bunch of those in it and no booze.” When the other man perks up he adds, “could even buy one for you, if that ain’t unwelcome.”
The man cocks his head as he looks at him, “Is this a flirtation?”
“Can be, if you want.” Duck takes a casual sip of his drink. The taller mans eyes trace from his hair down to his toes, widening with appreciation the more he takes him.
“I’m certainly interested.” This comes out in a purr, and Duck feels heat spark through his gut.
He’s delighted to find that he made a remarkably good call coming over here. His new friend is odd, yes, but also pretty damn funny, with a cute, crooked smile a promising shape to his ass. As they talk, he relaxes, his glum look vanishing, and he places soft, teasing touches on Ducks hand, arm, and thigh. 
By the time Duck’s finished his drink, he’s pretty sure where this night is going. 
A cherry is resting on the ice in his glass. He plucks it out, holding it between his thumb and finger. His companions’ eyes flick to the fruit, then to Ducks face, and a mischievous grin spreads across his lips. He leans forward, parting them and taking the cherry before licking along Ducks palm. 
“Mmmm” he purrs again, doesn’t bother to put any distance between them. 
“You got a name, darlin?” Duck whispers, voice husky.
“Indrid. And you’re-”
“Duck.” He replies, though it almost sounds like Indrid says it along with him.
“Duck” Indrid repeats, “huh, I like that name.” 
Duck likes it too. And he’s got a hunch he’s going to like it even more when Indrid is moaning it. 
Ducks’ hunch is correct.
“Duck.” Indrid whines, breathy and needy, pressed against the door of the Winnebago that he apparently calls home, “Duck, please, bedroom, now.” Deft, slender fingers are tugging his shirt open and he’s harder than he’s been in months. 
“Don’t want me to fuck you right here?” He grins, cupping Indrids ass and lifting him off the floor with ease (thank you weird powers he doesn’t want).
“Goodness!” Indrid wraps his legs around Ducks waist, “That was a surprise. I don’t get many of those.”
“Got good news for you, sugar.” Duck purrs, making Indrid wiggled excitedly in his arms, “I’m full of ‘em.”
Duck wakes up to snow falling in thick sheets beyond the small window in the bedroom. It’s a little later than he meant to wake up, but it’s Sunday and the drive to Kepler isn’t that long so he’s not in that big of a hurry. 
Indrid is curled in his arms, limbs intertwined haphazardly with his own. He makes a small, chirping noise, then cuddles closer.
Duck could probably just get up and go without Indrid noticing. But he’s got manners, and it would be impolite to leave without thanking his host for a lovely time. 
He kisses the top of Indrids’ head, “Mornin, sugar.”
“Nmmmh.” Indrid’s eyes flutter open behind his glasses, then he peers over Ducks shoulder out the window.
“I hate snow. ‘S cold.” He grumbles, burrowing further under the blankets.
“Well, you hunker down for the day then. I gotta get on the road, snow’s liable to make gettin home take way long than I planned.”
“But you’re warm.” He holds Duck tighter, kissing lightly at his neck. 
“And you’re real fuckin cute. But I still gotta go.”
“Very well.” Indrid smiles softly, “I’m glad you decided to celebrate with me last night. Congratulations on being a park ranger. It must be fascinating work. Do you like it?” The sweet, sleepy look on his face makes Duck melt a little.
“I see what you’re tryin to do” he teases, squeezing Indrids ass once for good measure, “you’re tryin to distract me, get me talkin about trees so you can steal my warmth.”
A sly smile this time, “perhaps a little. I won’t really keep you though. If you need to shower, it’s just through there.”
Duck thanks him, slips from the bed and heads into the bathroom. Emerges with a towel around his waist a few minutes later, gathering his clothes from where they were strewn about during last nights activities. Indrid is bundled in a thick, fluffy bathrobe, fiddling with the radio at the front of the trailer. As Duck retrieves his boxers from a lampshade, Indrid murmurs, “oh dear.”
A moment after, the radio informs them that a massive storm is moving through the area, and that travel is inadvisable at best and impossible at worst. 
“Looks like you may be here another night.” Indrid says apologetically, his face lit warmly by the space heaters dotting the Winnebago. 
“Can think of worse things.” He notices Indrid staring, remembers he’s still only in a towel. 
“See somethin you like?”
“I should think that was obvious.”
“I’m tryin to be smooth here, darlin.” 
“Be bold instead.” Indrid licks his lips and Duck shrugs, letting the towel drop to the floor. 
“That bold enough for yAHhhhhnnn, fuck.” Duck is pressed against the kitchen counter, Indrid dropping to his knees and rolling a condom on so swiftly that Duck swears it was like a magic trick, before taking all of Ducks cock in his mouth in one go. 
“Jesus, jesus sugar, oh fuck that feels so good.” He pets his fingers through white hair as Indrid looks up, smug expression clear even as his lips turn shiny with spit and lube.
“That’s, darlin, oh lord have mercy, fuck, your throat is so fuckin tight, feels amazin.” 
Indrid purrs, which makes Duck moan, then guides his other hand down so both a resting in his hair. 
“I’m real close, shit, just a little faster, c’mon, I know you can go faster please.” He whimpers embarrassingly loud when, instead of speeding up, Indrid slows down and blinks up at him with a mockingly innocent expression.
“Oh you fuckin…” Duck growls, orgasm nudged closer by the thought of where this is going. He tangles his fingers in Indrids hair, locks eyes with him.
Indrid nods. And then Duck is thrusting his hips wild and fast, yanking Indrid back and forth along his cock. The taller man is moaning, blissed-out expression on his face as Duck fucks it. Duck finds filth pouring from his mouth with surprising ease, increasing in gruffness when Indrid moans at the harsher words. 
“Fuckin smartass little tease, oughta keep you on your knees and do this all day so you remember who you’re fuckin with. Oh fuck, Indrid, yes, oh fuck yeah.” He comes hard, forcing Indrids mouth all the way down again.  His hips pulse a few times, but when the man tries to pull away he keeps him trapped.
“Nuh uh, you’re gonna keep suckin til I’m done.”
A high, whimpering purr leaves Indrid, and Duck spies him palming the front of his pajama pants through his robe. Soon, he releases his head and he pulls back with a gasp. He makes a wordless, happy sound, nuzzling along the line of Ducks hips. 
“You want me to take care of that for you, darlin?”
“Yes, please.” 
Duck gathers him up off the floor, sets him on the counter and carefully tugs down his pants. His cock is dripping as Duck closes his hand around it.
“Oh! Oh yes.”
“How do you want it?”
“H-however you wish, but, but please touch the rest of me too.” 
Duck wraps his other arm around him, pulling him close as he steps between his spread legs. He kisses him wherever he can reach, little sighs echoing through trailer when he does. Indrid embraces his, lips trailing along his neck and face, kissing him eagerly. The kisses turn sloppier as Duck tightens his grip, stroking him hard and fast. 
“Kiss me, I want to come while you kiss me.”
“Think I can manage that.” He steadies Indrids head with his free hand, kissing him hard. The other man is making sharp, high noises against his lips and when he comes across Ducks hand and belly the noise changes to something like a trill, muffled as Ducks tongue slips between his lips to meet his own. 
Indrid keeps kissing him dreamily as he comes down from his orgasm. 
“You’re tremendous.” He murmurs under the hum of the space heaters. 
“Right back at you, darlin. Now, let’s go shower and, uh, see where the day takes us.” He says this last part with a grin that suggests they both the answer is “to bed.”
In the decade that follows, both Indrid and Duck think on that night from time to time. For awhile, neither of them see it as any more than a two-night stand that was particularly excellent, one that they remember fondly.
It takes on irony much sooner for Indrid, but only because he sees what’s coming in a way Duck can’t. Then he nearly forgets about the whole thing because of the Cottonwood and the disasters and the phone calls. 
It’s only when he sees the Pine Guard coming up the trail to his home that realizes Duck Newton is in for quite a surprise. 
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illogicalpunkwrites · 5 years
Studies in Anatomy
Hi! So this is the first time I’m posting one of my Star Trek fics and I’m a little nervous! I hope you like it! If you’d like to be tagged in future fics please let me know! Thank you so much for reading!
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“I don’t understand why I need this, I’m aiming for Chief of Security not CMO.” You grumbled as you flipped through the pictures on your PADD. Bones sniffed in laughter next to you as he went through his own advanced notes on xenoanatomy.
“Think of it this way, you’ll know which bones and cartilage to break.” He replied and you laughed.
“I was a bounty hunter before this, I think I know where to hit.” You swore if you saw another foramen of the skull again you would lose your mind. You swore a lot of things that night, including that you wouldn’t touch the bottle you had stashed under your bed. Good thing you went to Bones’ room instead where you weren’t tempted by booze...well, your booze. “It’s not really all that hard, I’m good at memorizing things but it’s just that everything sounds the damn same. There’s 4 different foramen in the sphenoid bone alone: Foramen lacerum, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, and foramen spinosum. Who was the son of a bitch that decided that they all need to start the same?”
“Foramen is literally Latin for “opening” and all four of those are openings in the sphenoid bone.” He replied, his voice dripping heavy with sarcasm. You scrunched your nose at him and moved on to the vertebral column. His back was turned to yours and you couldn’t help but smirk…maybe the good doctor could help you study? You poked near the top of his neck. “My God, what’re you doing?” He nearly yelped and you stifled a laugh.
“Cervical curvature, this is the atlas which doesn’t have a spinous process or body but the axis has both of those and a dens. C1-C7.”
“Do I look like a holographic skeleton to you?”
“Lemme guess: You’re a doctor, not a skeleton? Well actually when you think about it we’re all skeletons, Leonard Horatio.”
“Dammit don’t middle name me.” He couldn’t help the corners of his lips turning up. “You’re going crazy from cramming all this info.” You put your finger against his seemingly permanently raised eyebrow.
“Supraorbital foramen.” You replied and he rolled his eyes.
“A little high, darlin’.” He sassed.  He put your finger to his outer cheek. “What’s this?”
“Zygomatic bone.” He moved your finger alongside it near his ear. “Zygomatic process.”
“You good? Or do you want me to keep being your skeleton? I don’t mind, I can tell you if you’re right or wrong. Just don’t pretend I’m an Andorian skeleton because I might not be able to help you there.” You pointed to his forehead.
“Frontal bone, separated from the rest by the coronal suture.”
“What are the other sutures?”
“Lambdoid at the occipital, squamous at the temporal, sagittal in between the parietal.” He nodded and put your hand away from his head.
“Main parts of the ethmoid bone.”
“Crista galli, cribriform plate with olfactory foramina.” You stumbled over the words, the vowels tasting something awful in your mouth and he sniffed a bit. He took your hands and placed them against his chest.
“What are these named?”
“You glorious pecs?” He rolled his eyes and you nearly cackled, making him laugh too. “Those are your true ribs, numbers 1-7. Then there’s the false ribs, numbers 8-10, and floating false ribs which are 11 and 12.”
“Y’know, it would help if you weren’t such a smartass.”
“Oh look who’s talking!” You laughed and grabbed his chin with your thumb and forefingers. “Mandible.”
“What are the main parts of the mandible?”
“Mandibular condyle, mandibular notch, coronal process, alveolar process, and mental foramen.”
“You’re gonna do fine.” He told you and you sighed. “You are.”
“I knew I shoulda gone to college.” You whined and he chuckled. You took your hand away from his chin and rubbed your eyes. “I do like anatomy, it’s just a lot to remember and not fuck up.”
“Oh I know.”
“But at least I’ve got a handsome skeleton with the same love of bourbon.” You flirted and you could see him getting flustered, something you enjoyed doing. It seemed you and Jim were similar in that regards, getting a thrill in throwing people off their game. But without noticing, he tapped the middle of your back.
“What’s that?”
“Thoracic curvature. T1-T12.” You answered and he nodded. Placed his hand on the small of your back and it was your turn to be flustered. The bastard smirked and you quickly fought through your state. “Saccral curvature, 5 fused vertebrae with the sacrum and coccyx.”  
“Thought I would get you there.”
“I’m not so easily swayed by your tactics.”  
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” Jim announced and you could hear the smile in his voice. You two both took one scoot away from each other and faced your friend.
“Bones was just helping me study.” You replied.
“Helped yourself to one of my sweatshirts, I see.” He said as he took off his jack and sat on his bed across from you.
“Hey, you owe me one after you fuckin’ ripped mine in AC!” You accused and he lifted his hands in surrender. “Usually you’re the one with ripped shirts.”
“Since when?” He asked incredulously.
“Since forever.” Both you and Bones said and Jim, being the little shit he was, crossed his arms over his chest.
“You two are starting to sound like an old married couple.”
“We do not!”
“My God!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll leave you two to study anatomy. I’m just grabbing my book before going off to study myself.” He announced giddily and you rolled your eyes.
“Study, my ass.” Bones grumbled and you chuckled.
“Don’t forget we’re supposed to demonstrate for the other cadets on how to properly use staffs.” Over the past two years of being at Star Fleet, you and Jim had become close friends and had been asked to lead the advanced combat (AC) class together. It kept things…interesting to say the least. You often came back with bruises both superficial and deep but Jim fared no worse. It was simply the nature of the class and the best way to teach was to demonstrate and practice.
“Yeah, yeah I know and you’ll kick my ass. You’re deadly with those things.”
“I’ll go easy on you if you come in on time.” You held your hand out and he shook it.
“I don’t quite believe you but okay. Have fun you two, be safe!” A devious idea popped into your head, but Bones spoke up before you could.
“Wait, who are you studying with?” He asked and Jim leaned against the doorway with a smug look on his face.
“Christine.” He replied and you nodded slowly.
“Y’know what they say about medbay girls right?” You started and saw Bones staring at you from the corner of your eye. “They love it when you use correct anatomical terminology. Like if you touch their patella or something like that, make sure you say the anatomical term.”
“Bones, is this a thing?”
“Oh yeah! Trust me, I’m a doctor.” Jim stared at the two of you for a minute before making a ‘not bad’ sort of expression.
“Noted, bye!” When the door closed you literally snorted and rested your head against Bones’ shoulder. He couldn’t help but laugh too, poor Christine.
“Y’know, he isn’t dumb by any means. He’s a genius! But goddamn is he gullible.” Bones remarked and you wiped tears from your eyes.
“God I cannot wait for Christine to tell me and Nyota what happened. That’s gonna make my whole week!”
“Need to study anymore?” He asked as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders to be more comfortable.
“Mind if I take a break?”
“Nah, I think I’ll join you. I think we’re in the same boat right now.”  You two were silent for a moment or two but it was nice, neither of you overwhelmed by cursed body sciences. He lied down with a sigh and you mimicked him. “Jim’s gonna kill you when he finds out. He’s gonna have a weapon tomorrow.”
“Yeah but a weapon he’s not very efficient in, anything like a staff was my go to if I needed a makeshift weapon before joining up.” You shrugged.
“Please tell me what Chapel tells you about it, I’ll need leverage.”
“Deal.” You replied and moved your head so it rested more on his chest. His hand went down to your torso instead of your shoulder and pressed down with his fingertips. “False ribs.”
“You mind if I rest my eyes a bit, Len? I’ll leave soon.” You asked and heard a rumble in his chest as he yawned.
“Go ahead, I’ll do the same.”
The beeping of an alarm clock made your groan and burrow your face into Bones’ chest. He cursed under his breath and blindly put his hand out to hit the top of the clock and rubbed his hand down his face.
“What time is it?” You mumble.
“7.” You whined in response. Well, at least you intended to go back to your room. Nyota was going to grill you as soon as you walked through the door. It really wasn’t a secret you and Bones flirted with each other and it wasn’t a secret between you and your roommate that you had a massive crush on the doctor. The teasing became unbearable sometimes and you learned to tease Nyota right back with her crush on Commander Spock (though you were sure something was happening between them). Bones talking pulled you away from your thoughts.
“I said looks like we’re not alone.” He replied and motioned with his head to the bed next to him. You turned in his arms to see Jim, curled up on his side and his hair flat on one side.
“I guess that means Christine doesn’t have a thing for anatomy.” You mused and felt Bones chuckle behind you. “I should get out before he wakes up and kills me. I’ll need that staff to fend him off.” You sat from him to slip on your shoes and looked back at him. “Your hair’s cute in the morning.” You reached over and fixed it back to its regular state. You slung on your messenger bag and squeezed his shoulder. “I’ll see you around, Len. Thanks for helping me out.”
“Anytime, darlin’. Don’t beat up Jim too bad.” You smiled at him before pattering out and quietly closing the door.
“Bones, you’re an idiot.” Jim stated groggily and Bones sighed.
“That girl’s crazy about you.” Bones couldn’t help but roll his eyes and strolled over to start making coffee.
“She’s not, we’re just friends.”
“She literally told you your hair’s cute in the morning. No girl says that unless they like you.” Jim replied, rolling on his back to follow his roommate’s movements. “Plus, she’s the only one that calls you Len.”
“Because she asked if it was okay.”
“And have you noticed that she uses it like you call her darlin?” Bones finally looked over at Jim with his arms crossed over his chest. “She calls you that because it’s her term of endearment for you. So why don’t you admit it and say that you’re chicken shit?” Bones poured the black coffee into his mug and it took every fiber of his being not to toss it at Jim. But he remembered his oath to do no harm and kept it close to his chest.
“You’re out of your Iowan mind.”
“And you’re out of your Georgian mind if you’re never gonna step up and ask her out.” Jim replied sharply. “And she’s out of her mind for pranking me yesterday, oh I’m gonna get her good!”
Scurrying across campus and sliding into your room, thankful to see Nyota wasn’t there. In fact, she came in about twenty minutes later as you had gotten out of the shower.
“Well, well, well looks who it is.” You sang as you rubbed a towel against your hair. “Why’re you so late? Does it have anything to do with a certain pointy eared science officer?” Nyota scrunched her nose at you but looked confused when you grabbed her foundation. “Hickey at four o’clock.” You tossed it to her and she quickly changed into her uniform.
“Thanks. Don’t tell anyone, alright?” She asked with a sheepish smile and you waved her off. “But I left at about 1am and you weren’t here either. Were you with a certain southern doctor?” You began to part and brush your hair and she came up next to you to fix her make up.
“I was, but we were studying anatomy.” She looked over at you with a single eyebrow raised. “The actual subject.”
“Are you two ever going to get together? I don’t like Jim very much but at least we both agree on you two. He says he talks to McCoy about it all the time.”
“Are you two gossiping behind my back?” You accused and she laughed.
“He’s right, you two are starting to sound alike.” You rolled your eyes and pulled out your cadet reds and pushed your Fleet gym clothes into your bag. “So, in all seriousness, did anything happen last night?”
“No we just accidentally fell asleep after he acted as my skeleton.” You replied and she couldn’t help but sigh incredulously. “Nyota, nothing’s going on between us. I think he still needs time, you know how messy his divorce was. I’m not gonna jump on him like that.”
“It’s been over two years.”
“And it still hurts him. I can’t blame him, he had to leave his daughter behind.” You replied, beginning to dry your hair but Nyota pulled away the dryer and turned it off.
“So you’re worried about hurting him?” She began and you just looked at her and tried to think of something to say. “Is that what this is all about?”
“I mean…” You stumbled over your words and stuttered. ��Yes and no? I would never hurt him intentionally but what if just being in a relationship again hurts him? What if it’s still too soon and I remind him of her?”
“From what you’ve told me about his ex, you’re nothing like her.” Nyota smiled softly. “You should think about stepping up. Maybe not today, but soon. Preferably after the 30th of this month.” With your brows furrowed, you watched your roommate leave the bathroom and you finished drying your hair and started putting on a quick flick of eyeliner along with the rest of your daily makeup. Nyota sat on her bed and got some quick studying in.
“So…you and Spock. Are you two-“
“We’re dating, albeit secretly.” She answered. “But we’re not quite official yet.” You slid on your uniform and grabbed your bag and started to leave.
“Oh! If you see Christine, ask her about Jim.” You smiled fiendishly and her jaw dropped.
“Well…maybe. I may or may not have given Jim some poor advice and he was in Len’s room this morning. Not usually his place when he studies with the pretty cadets.” You replied and your roommate chuckled.
“Are you gonna tell me?”
“If she doesn’t, I will. But if she does, find me so she can tell me exactly what happened.”
“I thought you said you’d go easy on me!” Jim ground out as you continued to attack him with the staff. The sounds of the hits rang though out the gym, along with both of your heavy breathing and grunts.
“This is going easy on you!” You replied, making your cadets chuckle. Jim let his frustration get the better of him, letting his guard down and trying to attack you at full force. However he forgot he also needed to block so you easily used the stick to sweep him off of his feet and swirled the other end to stop just before it hit the tendon in his neck. He breathed hard and looked up at you with wide eyes.
“Well, that’s a way to shatter my ego.” You smirked down at him.
“Your ego’s too big to shatter.” You pulled your staff away and dug it into the mat you were standing on so it could bear your weight. “Who can tell me what went wrong?” You asked your cadets and they were quiet for a moment. You were a little different around your cadets. Around friends you were pretty relaxed but you didn’t mess around with the students. You were still approachable, but you were also known to be a bit of a hard ass. You had to be to teach them how to fight better than the instructors before you, most of the students would go into security and you saw the mortality rates among them. You felt like it was your duty to try and keep those numbers down.
“He forgot to protect himself?”
“Good, Cadet Morrow, but there’s something else.” When there were no takers and you helped Jim back up, you answered. “He lost control of his emotions and immediately lost the fight. You need to be able to think quickly but also reign yourself in. That’s what kills a lot of security out there; they don’t think through their actions and act entirely on impulse. As soon as you lose control of yourself, you lose control of the fight.”
“Everyone pair up, we’ll walk around to see how you’re doing in a bit. Just do some of the practice moves first and then about ten minutes actually spar.” Jim added and they buddied up and began to lightly practice. You looked over at him and tapped him on the shoulder with the staff.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I kinda knew that’s how today would go.” He replied. “Round two?”
“You sure you wanna do that?” You asked, resting your hand on your hip. The cadets were busy chatting and hitting, no one really paying mind to the both of you. Jim picked his staff back up and got back into stance.
“Bring it.” You twirled it in your hand as you got into stance. “Go.” He started attacking first, trying to go for your shin, but you easily blocked it. “Oh, and you better watch you back.”
You blocked again as he went for your ribs.
“Why? Does this have anything to do with Chapel?” You lunged for his crotch but he dodged just in time.
“Dirty move. But yes, now you’re on my shit list!” He replied and you laughed as you dodged when he lunged the staff at your sternum.
“How come Bones isn’t on your shit list? He helped me out!” You replied and tried to go for the back of his knee but he grabbed your staff and pushed you away.
“Because I want to see him live long enough to not be chicken shit.” You blocked a particularly harsh attack and took a deep breath.
“Meaning you two need to get over yourselves.” He blocked an attack from you and you began to get frustrated at where the conversation was going.  “Just go ahead and get together already.”
“Jim I-“
“Cadet (Y/L/N)?” You turned to face a student, but Jim had already gone through with his attack and hit you square in the side of the head. You fell to the ground with a thud, and heard Jim and your cadets freaking out before your vision went dark.
“Oh my God!” Jim yelped and hurried over to you. He checked to make sure no blood was spilling out of your head and to make sure it wasn’t cracked. Thankfully, it wasn’t but he’d still knocked you out cold. “Cadets, class is dismissed!” The students lingered for a bit before scurrying out. He hurried over to the communicator and probably pressed the button too hard.  “Kirk to medbay, Kirk to medbay!”
“What is it Jim?”
“Oh that’s just great!” Jim thought as soon as he heard Bones’ voice.
“So, uh, something happened and I need you to come down here with a stretcher.”
“On my way. Student?”
“No, instructor.” Jim waited as there was silence on the other line. “Bones?”
“I’m gonna kill you.” Before Jim could say anything else, Bones had disconnected. It didn’t take long for him and Chapel to rush into the room with the stretcher, Jim avoiding both of their gazes. Bones immediately leaned down and checked your pulse. “Darlin’, can you open your eyes?” When you didn’t respond, he pulled out a little light and lifted your eyelid to shine it on them. “Dammit Jim, she has a concussion! What the hell did you do?” He carefully placed your body on the rolling stretcher and Chapel immediately injected a hypo into your neck.
“I accidentally hit her with the staff when she wasn’t paying attention.”
“How does that even happen?” Chapel asked as they began to roll back to medbay.
“We were sparring and a cadet called her and I wasn’t able to stop what I was doing in time to not hit her.” Jim explained as best as he could. They transferred you to a bio bed and Bones hovered the tricorder around your head and stopped where you’d been originally hit.
“Nothing fractured, no bleeding. She’ll just need some more hypos and to take it easy for a day or two. Mild concussion.” He stopped and took a deep breath. “Nurse Chapel, you can check on other patients.” “Yes Doctor.” She began to walk out and nodded awkwardly at Jim.
“You’re lucky it wasn’t worse.” Bones said and Jim leaned against the wall with a sigh.
“I know. But she’ll be okay?”
“She’ll be fine.” Bones answered.
“Look I saw my roommate being rolled in here, I just want to know what happened.” They heard Uhura say and Jim lightly hit the back of his head against the wall.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Uhura rounded the corner and glared daggers at Jim.
“You hit her in the head?”
“I didn’t mean to! She’ll be fine, it’s just a minor concussion.” Jim defended. “Bones, back me up here!” Bones just stood there next to you with his arms crossed over his chest. “Bones, c’mon!”
“Right now it’s taking me every fiber of my being to remember my oath to do no harm.” He replied and Nyota looked nearly impressed with the doctor. “She’ll be up soon, but I’m sure she won’t want to see you when she wakes up.” Jim nodded and lifted his hands in defense.
“I’ll buy her some orchids as an apology.”
“As much as I don’t want to, I’ll go with you and see if there’s anything I can get her. Thanks Dr. McCoy.” Bones waved both of them off and looked at the charts to fill out your report. He did his best to calm himself down but seeing you unconscious wasn’t the best feeling in the world. He’d never actually hurt Jim, of course, but he believed that was the closest he’d ever gotten.
Your head was pounding as you were finally coming to. The right side of your head felt like someone was sitting on it while you were on a merry-go-round, you were that dizzy. You opened your eyes, squinting at first and expecting to still be in the gym but soon realized you were in medbay.
“Shit.” You rasped and tried to sit up.
“Hey, hey, take it easy darlin’.” A hand pushed you back down gently and you looked over to see Bones. “How’re you feelin’?”
“Where’s Jim? I need to kick his ass.” You replied and he chuckled, running his hand over your forehead to push hair out of your face. “Do you have anything for the pain and dizziness?” He quickly grabbed a hypo and injected it into your neck, making you instantly feel better.
“Scared me there for a while, usually people with concussions aren’t out for this long.” He said and your brows furrowed. “You were only out for a couple of hours but still enough to make me worry. You’ll be fine soon, just go easy for the next couple of days and get plenty of rest. But I want you to stay in here for the night.”
“Thanks, Len.” You felt along the side of your head and groaned. “Oh that’s gonna be delightful to deal with.”
“It’ll go down with time.” He grabbed your hand and put it back down to your side, however you were the one to lace your fingers together.
“Shouldn’t you be off duty?”
“I wasn’t gonna leave you here alone.” He replied and you smiled softly at him though still fighting through the light haze you were in. “What?”
“Y’know, Jim’s wrong when he called you chicken shit right before he knocked me out.” You stated and laughed when Bones’ demeanor changed.
“Well if I wasn’t gonna kill him before I am now.” You messed with the controls on the bed so that you could sit up while still resting your head and you saw a bag on the counter behind Bones.
“What’s that?”
“Oh, here. I called Jim and told him to get it. Jim and Uhura both went to go get you something but I’m not sure if they’re coming back.” He explained and you pulled out the paper to see a teddy bear with a red uniform on it. You laughed and pulled at the symbol its chest lightly.
“It’s so cute!” You praised and placed it to your side.
“I didn’t know what else to get you but I know you like stuffed animals so-“ You pulled on his collar so you could kiss his cheek and he shut up immediately.
“Len, I love it. Thank you.” You replied quietly and he looked over at you with an almost proud smirk. “And thanks for taking care of me and almost killing Jim on my behalf.”
“It’s what I’m here for, darlin’. That and to be your skeleton.” He replied and you smiled with a light laugh. You felt his hand on your cheek and you couldn’t help but lean into it. “You feel better?”
“Yeah, the hypo and the handsome doctor helped.” You replied but your smile left when you saw a look that you couldn’t quite distinguish cross his face. “Are you-“
You let out a little moan of surprise when you felt his lips on yours. It wasn’t a hot and heavy kiss, it was gentle but passionate to keep your injury in mind. Your hand went to the back of his head to his short cropped hair to keep him close to you as you kissed him back. He pulled away and you rested your forehead against his.
“You owe me twenty bucks.” You both looked to see Nyota and Jim. Nyota cursed under her breath to pull out her wallet.
“You bet on us?” You and Len asked.
“I thought it would take you at least another month.” Nyota shrugged and handed Jim the money.
“So me hitting you in the head wasn’t all for nothing!” Jim beamed and you just glared at him, making his smile fall. He looked down at the money and offered it to you. “I can give you twenty dollars.”
“Keep your damn money.” You replied and the unlikely pair looked at each other. “You two sound so much alike it freaks me out.” Nyota stated.
“We do not!”
“My God, will you two leave?” Bones barked and the two scurried away. He shook his head and looked back at you.
“So…when I’m all recovered would you want to go out?” You began and his eyes widened. “As a date, not studying anatomy.”
“Doesn’t that usually happen on the third date?”
“Oh you cheeky bastard.” You replied, making him laugh. He leaned forward again and gave you a quick peck.
“I’ll start thinking about a place for us to go.”
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greekbros · 5 years
My current thoughts on Boruto. It's long and hard please be patient.
(please note, this is MY personal opinion, it doesn't matter and it will effect nothing in your life, we're all mature rational people. If you plan on sending me death threats over an anime, you really shouldn't be on the internet. This is an extremely long post, don't try to be a smartass and say "lol too long not going to read" in the comment section, you're not proving that you're more smarter than me or have a better argument, you're just kind of proving that you're not intellectually stimulated enough to have a decent conversation or discuss about the issue oh, it's also not a good way to win an argument because that just kind of makes you out to look like an idiot. And the last thing you need when making an argument is look like an idiot of yourself.)
So, as the Boruto series progresses...it's...not... improving....and I'm now starting to realize that there was a reason why nobody actually talked about the written novelisation of Gai, Kakashi and Asuma's daughter's mission.... because it was balls.
The shows development at this point is now solely depending on filling up a quota of episodes before they can officially start making episodes based on the manga, as a result, the show is now purely just filler and arguably filled with unnecessary development. The issue is that this development should be coming in at a gradual and moderate pace. Unfortunately most of the development is going towards characters that may not actually affect the series as a whole, unlike in the Naruto and Naruto Shippuden series, the development of the characters went directly towards individuals that were affecting the story at the moment. I'm starting to realize that this type of development in Access can create and effect I like to call "the procrastinated essay" effective writing.
It just basically means that they're just throwing in pointless character, World, and story development that may be harmful to the end result of the story. Character development isn't bad, the problem is when it's starting to become so vapid and it starts to pollute the basic plot of the story. If all of these filler episodes were appearing sometime in the middle of the initial manga story, this wouldn't be a problem. In fact this may be a reason as to why some of the filler episodes in the original Naruto series may have been more enjoyable and bearable than it was now. This is a real shame because this is also in invertedly ruining the development of the characters, we have an entirely new cast of characters but it seems that the entire show is depending on rehashing the characters Andre casting them as old characters from the series. Basically giving the newest characters the same kind of silly issues that were originally resolved in the original series, bringing in villain characters that are practically identical to the original villain characters we were presented, and even presenting the same issues there were in the original series but in a different guise. so what were actually seeing is a very poorly written in poorly constructed version of the original series in the end, which is why everything feels so boring, cringy and arguably comes off as repetitive. We have four arcs that are completely dedicated to the same issues we were given in the original series but given to us any vapid and somewhat disjointed manner. It also presents the characters as far too developed for their age, I understand that the constant argument people have given me for this is that they're supposed to be the children of the main characters those they're supposed to surpass them, but that just makes the newest cast of characters to be overpowered and also present the question of "if they're the newest generation and they have to surpass the eldest generation, why are they so powerful if they grew up in a time of Peace, why did they surpass their parents without any real effort and why do they need it even surprised their parents if they don't even need to fight".... This ultimately creates a situation where it is extremely unrealistic that an individual will surpass a previous generation if they have no need to surpass them.
This brings up the type of theme, growing up in a time of peace, instead of focusing on issues that may stem from this kind of theme, we're focusing on basically stuff that may not be even that important rivers ends or maybe it doesn't even happen in a situation like this. There are characters who literally do not know what a Jutsu is and yet for some strange reason it's still being taught, there are characters who don't even do anything yet there in ninja teams and they are expected to perform ninja duties. Instead of a look into a world where now basically becoming a ninja isn't a necessity, we're being treated to the same type of story that we previously had but now we're put into a situation that this would have never happened in the first place.
As for both the story itself, it's clearly going on solutely nowhere, the manga itself does have a plot and I will acknowledge that there is something going on. However, seeing how the series is just going off on a filler tangent, I'm wondering if all this unnecessary story development will affect the primary plot. the original reason why the Naruto series was so good was because that it began with a very basic quest based plot and gradually started to present itself with a deeper story, The fillers were just a break from that and also to create a breath within story writing. this is going to be extremely important for the readers to remember, the fillers aren't meant to waste time, they're meant to create enough time for the writer to create Amore organized story.
boruto is heading towards a wall with all of these fillers and I'm pretty certain that it's going to be its downfall, as for animating the novels, this should have been something they've done at the end of Shippuden and not within more than a hundred episodes of boruto. At first I thought it was going to actually enjoy the animated novels, however I'm starting to realize how extremely pointless and they are. I don't really have any gripes or ill contempt towards any of the characters, I just find it that there is a lot of unnecessary pieces of information that the series is trying to peddle towards the audience.
This brings me to my next point, the whole purpose of all these pointless filler episodes is purely to fill in for time for the manga to start having some growth to it. Which kind of bothers me because Naruto in the original since never actually had the luxury of having a bunch of filler episodes before Kishimoto could come up with a few novels. In fact which brings me to another detail of my point, Kishimoto had to write new chapters almost every two weeks or less in order to keep up with scheduling. Towards the end of the series this may have affected the quality of the story to a very small extent but overall it never truly affected the series as a whole, in fact it may have helped it. Ikemoto is going on the same route as the Steven universe writers, they're taking way too much time to come up with a story those creating a really poorly constructed in poorly organized story.
So for those were reading the manga, you all are obligated to wait for new information for the manga by having to succumb to watching really poor quality writing for the anime, which goes back to the manga itself as it can also suffer from poor writing.
do not get me wrong, I really wanted to like the series, I really wanted it to be the next step in my life as a fan of the show, unfortunately it is starting to kind of proved to me that it's not only not up to the same quality as the original series and Shippuden but it is also going through basically what creates a mundane and mediocre anime. Instead of coming up with an animated boruto series so early on in its development, it should have waited for a few volumes to come out before I could even come up with a fully-fledged anime. Will we have currently now is basically an entire anime consisting of fillers that are not only ruining the Canon of the series but are sort of a massive waste of time.
To make a long story short and I deeply apologize for such an unnecessarily long post, but my point is that the series is going to crash and by the time it's getting to its primary plot, it's going to lose a lot of popularity, and it's ultimately going to fail. it's depending way too much on the previous material to even focus on its own story and it is simultaneously ruining the previous series by presenting information that is contradictory to what the original rules were. unfortunately, there is a chance that the boruto series may never improve, it is just going to continue driving itself into the mud until nobody watches it anymore. There is a chance for it to improve by ceasing these endless filler episodes and just start getting on with the original plot of the series, they may lose a few people waiting, but at least it'll get to its points and I'll get to actually tell the story has been meaning to tell for a while. what they should probably do is stop now, reorganize the story with what ridiculous information they've already given us, and maybe even focus on making an animated series on the other novels. Now I understand that a previous point I made in this post was what was going wrong with this idea, however there could be some form of benefit to go back into the series and answer a few questions before going on to boruto. Basically, what I'm trying to say is maybe even doing this will lighten the amount of information the series is giving us by presenting us with a proper transitioning explanation. You can't give us a character like Hidan, then at one point in the novel say that he just made up the religion on his own accord then give us an entirely new character to replace him but at the same time using the aspects that made Hidan so unique. That's called character recycling, that's not introducing us to a new villain, that's just pissing everyone off. Especially me because I've taken enough writing classes to smell a bad plot of mile away.
P.s) I'm just extremely tired of really inappropriately annoying people tell me that I'm too stupid to understand boruto and that I need a 300-point IQ to like it. seriously this isn't Rick and Morty, it's a spin-off of Naruto for fucksake it's supposed to be a little more of a higher standard
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theworldofchikara · 5 years
The First Chapter
There’s always been stories of a group of heroes who will save the world from a massive threat in the world. You know those type of stories and don’t lie and say you didn’t. Your mother told you some, your father did and even you found some tales that feature that. Well let me take you on a journey of a group of people who will have a journey through the world that they inhabit and maybe deal with a threat who will try and destroy the world they live in. Maybe? Who knows? Not me that’s for sure!! Roll the story!
Hon: He let out a huge and very audible yawn and kept reading his book. He was way too bored in the base they are at and had no damn clue what to do!!!
Tsuki: Hon you keep going like that and I’ll be affected by your yawning disease. She says as she looks at the mission board to try and look for something, ANYTHING that could keep them not bored and actually do something for goodness sake!!!!
Hikari: You found anything Tsuki? He said laying on a table as he too was also bored. Not as bored as the rest of his team but still pretty bored Cause I would take anything at this moment in time. He pushed his head up a bit to look forward at the mission board and he noticed that Tsuki was holding three mission papers. Did she actually found something? Oh sweet lord yes!!! Whatcha found?
Tsuki: Let’s see here…She looked at the three mission papers and read them. Find a cursed book and try and find a way to heal it.
Hon: The fuck kind of mission is that? The “Too Easy” Category? Next!!!!!!!! He exclaimed to his teammate as he had an annoyed look. He wants a mission. Not something he could do in his sleep. Tsuki then puts the paper away and goes to read the next one.
Tsuki: Alright smartass. She read the next one. “Fight a dragon that’s sleeping in a cave area.”
Hikari: Didn’t Kasai and Meirong take that mission? Hikari took the paper and he began to read the paper and he blinked. It is the one Kasai and Meirong took. So why is there an extra copy of it?
Tsuki: Don’t ask me. But if they took it, let’s not bother with it She puts the paper on Taiyo’s face since he was sleeping as he was much more bored compared to the rest. Dammit is there something we can do? She sighed and looked at the last one. Please let it be the one mission they need.....IT IS!!!!!The jackpot of missions! Guys!! I think we found a good mission to do! She grabbed Taiyo’s leg and shook it fast to wake him up Wake up Bro!
Taiyo: Ugh….Tsuki what’s wrong? Are you on another sugar rush? Cause if so, it’s way too early. Wake me up when your out of it. He said yawning and hearing her and how very active she was and that made him realize that she’s probably on it...Oh shit is she? Tsuki don’t tell me you are on a sugar rush. Taiyo stood up and began to rub his eyes because he’s usually the one to try and calm down Tsuki. A task that he himself really hates a lot since he has to do it every. Single. Damn. Time. So what is it? He finished rubbing his eyes and yawned.
Tsuki: First off, it’s not a sugar rush. I’m not that stupid to do that again. She scoffs at Taiyo’s remark of her being on a sugar rush again and she looks at the paper.
Hon: 20 bucks say she will have a sugar rush again? He whispered to Hon and he nods and smirks.
Hikari: Deal. 30 bucks if it ends in mayhem again. They shake their hands and had a smirk towards each other. It’s on now.
Tsuki: I heard that you two. She had a glare on her face as she looked at Hikari and Hon but they whistled innocently as if they did nothing wrong. She looks back at the paper and smiled. But this looks like a mission that all of us could enjoy doing!! She showed the group the paper as she was excited she had found something that would be great to do and she began to read it but Taiyo was falling asleep again since he was still tired. Hikari then used lightning magic and had it only be in the tip of his fingers and he touched his sides, shocking Taiyo to fully wake him up.
Taiyo: Ahh! He screamed a bit from the shock and he stood up and glares at him. Dick. He says to Hikari while keeping a glare towards the team leader. Hikari whistled innocently almost as if he didn’t do anything to Taiyo just to mess with him.
Tsuki: Oy boys! Quiet down for a bit! *Taiyo and Hikari went quiet immediately so Tsuki could speak* Thank you. Anyway. *She coughed a bit and she began to read the paper* “Dear Adventurers we would like to ask for your cooperation. Our precious gem has been stolen and while we have brought it back to where it belongs, we are worried the enemy will take our gem again so we are asking if you could join us.” She puts the paper down and looked at his teammates. So what do you think? Should we do it?
*The boys stayed quiet for a bit as they thought about the decision of going on this mission but they ultimately agreed to do the mission as there was nothing else to pick from so they nodded in unison
Tsuki: Great! Now then. Let’s do this Arcana Kaleidoscope! She said running off while dropping the paper and left the boys in the dust and they blinked in surprise since they didn’t expect her to go so fast...They should start going now.
Taiyo: Hey wait up! He ran off to Tsuki to not be left alone. I’m not being left last!!
Hon: He ran as well and carried his book. If we’re going to an island, I will not row the damn boat!! Again! He yelled out to the others, leaving the team leader in the dust.
Hikari: We should grab the paper….And I’m alone. He spoke to himself and he grabs the paper and he ran off. This may be a tough mission for them. Oh well. What’s the worse that can happen?
And so the journey begins for this group of heroes. Will it be hard? Will it be dangerous? Will it be scary? Will it be difficult? The answers…...Yes, Yes, Yes and Oh my freaking lord. Yes. Welcome to Chikara. And the story of Arcana Kaleidoscope.
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1stunseeliefaelass · 5 years
Darksiders: Arthurian Tales
Chapter 2: Part 2
Death woke to hear the sounds of muffled voices. With a massive headache, he looked around slowly. Surveying what little he could see currently. It wasn't much to look at really, just a simple cell. He could feel his arms, somewhat asleep, had been chained above his head. The shackles were connected together by a small chain, and through the wall were heavier chains holding his arms in place. He heard the voices again, only to start hearing screams of agony as well. He paid it no heed, not even as the screams lowered in volume as they slowly ceased. Heavy footsteps soon approached the cell door, and a slit was slid open.
"Oi. You awake in there yet?" A gruff voice asks from beyond the door.
"I am. What of it?" Death said simply.
"Good. The King would see you now."
The door open with a loud creaking of the metal, and King Uther came into the room with a few guardsmen. Death found himself disgusted by a certain scent in the air. He couldn't quite tell what it was, but it reminded him of Lilith. Naturally it pissed him off when he realized that much. Uther then grabs a heavy mace and asks Death,
"Where has your brother gone?"
Death remained silent, refusing to say a word. The mace was swung just enough to barely touch him as a warning. Not that Death cared, as he did not flinch.
"Has he gone for reinforcements from your Council? To your siblings perhaps? WHERE IS HE?"
Death looks up briefly and says, "You're no King or Master of mine. Your laws mean little to me. I will not bow to you, nor will I bend to your will."
Uther's eyes bulged in flaring anger, the mace was then swung again. This time hitting Death's side. He only grew angrier when the elder Horsemen made no sound to indicate pain.
"Either you tell me what I want to know, or I can beat the information from your body." He growls in fury.
Death only chuckles, "You're welcome to keep at it. If you think it will change anything."
Death then felt another hit from the mace to his other side. Then to his leg, his arms, chest, face. Anywhere Uther could hit him, he swung. After what felt like hours, Death glanced up to see Uther had stopped. Catching his breath as he wiped sweat from his brow. Death hadn't even broken a sweat in the meantime. Sure the dull spikes did manage to cut his skin, but beyond the occasional small splatter of blood, there was precious little evidence of Uther's work. If Death had been injured, he honestly couldn't tell. He men couldn't see much of a difference either, as Death cocked his head without any hitch or pain.
"Finished already?" Death asks mockingly.
Uther only growls before saying to him, "For now I shall retire. Clearly I underestimated you heavily. Brute force will not be enough. So I shall reconsider my offensive before my next visit."
Uther then walked away with his guards behind him. The door shut once again, and Death was left with his thoughts. Course while the mace had done precious little to him, his arms being above his head had begun to be an issue. A bit dazed from the circulation problem he lifted his leg over his head until he was upside-down. Not a comfortable position for most people, but Death's flexibility was nearly unmatched. He began to contort his body to try and reach the innocent looking hairpin that still remained in his hair despite the bashing from the mace. Eventually he was able to grab it and allowed his body to lower back down. He shook off the vertigo as best he could while working to unlock the cuffs. One hand then finally both were free. Death landed somewhat gracefully onto the ground and remained there for a moment to regain himself. Now that circulation was back to normal in his arms, it didn't take very long at all. Course he could hear footsteps approaching, and quickly turned the hairpin into a small knife. However he was surprised to hear a familiar female voice behind it.
"Let me inside the cell."
"Milady you're surely..."
"Did I stutter? Open this door now."
"Yes Ma'am."
Death lowered the knife, which was actually Harvester in another form. The door then opened to reveal Morgen standing there. She stepped inside and shut the door behind her, even chanting a spell that shielded the door with something.
"What's that for?" Death asks her curiously.
"I could ask the same about your knife. But if you must know, it's a spell for soundproofing doors." Morgen says simply.
"Ah. And the knife isn't for you, I was expecting someone else." Death says.
"I figured as much. I brought food if you're hungry. And some balms and such if you need them." Morgen says.
"I've healed on my own, but the food I won't object to. Since you were nice enough to bring...." Death says before opening the the basket she'd brought.
Inside it was a small meal. A container still warm with a pleasant smelling soup, a fresh bread loaf perfect for dipping, and a canister of cool water.
"...a bit much isn't it?" Death asks her after examining everything, a bit shocked at the gesture.
"In my opinion, it's perfect. You'll need your strength for what's to come. So eat up and don't fret about the amount of food here." Morgen says with a smile.
Death takes her up on the offer, eating the meal she brought. He found the soup tasted just as nice as it smelled. The bread was soft but had a perfect crisp to it. Clearly the cook knew what they were doing. Then again, anyone cooking for royals should know fully well what they're doing anyway. Once he'd had his fill, he turned to Morgen,
"Tell your cooks they do great work. Just don't let that go to their heads."
"I'll be sure to pass on the word. Just make sure you rest well tonight." Morgen says warmly as her eyes seem to light up.
"I just might for once, despite the mess I'm in." Death says, hearing a soft laugh from her.
"Well goodnight to you." Morgen says before leaving the room.
Death considered saying the same, but chose not to in the end. But after a moment he facepalmed himself, realizing he hadn't exactly thanked her for the food. He could only hope his actions were enough to get the idea across to her. For now he lay down on the cot, the only light coming from the barred window. Morgen return the basket to the kitchen and told her head maid Mrs. Mina,
"He liked the meal."
"I told ye he would lass. Your cooking is always a delight. Especially since we taught ye all there's to know." Mina says kindly.
"You did, but he is Death after all." Morgen says.
"Yeah that's my big brother for ya. Intimidating as fuck with a smartass mouth. He give you a rough time? He can be a bit....'uncooperative' when pissed off." Strife says to her, having overheard the small conversation.
"He wasn't a problem at all. He enjoyed the food, though he was surprised by it. Death was actually quite calm when we spoke." Morgen says.
"He's not used to people being nice for the sake of it. Even Death is usually only 'nice' to get something in return. Not that he's a selfish prick or anything. He's an annoying prick, but not selfish. As for him being calm, Death probably already sees you as an ally. Or again he's just trying to make sure you don't backstab us or some shit because he was too aggressive or mean to ya." Strife says.
"I see. Well I trust it pleases you to know he's alright?" Morgen asks him.
"Yeah, it's definitely good to know he's not in any major trouble. Just let me know if any real bad shit goes down. I mean it too."
"Of course Strife....uh I mean..."
"Hey don't sweat it lady. I don't care if you say my name, neither does Death really. You can call me by my name if you wanna." Strife says casually.
"Very well then, Strife. Goodnight for now. And goodnight to you too Mina." Morgen says scurrying away in slight embarrassment.
She reaches her bedroom easily enough and begins to undress after locking her door. However, Morgen soon feels like she's being watched. She quickens her pace, getting her nightgown on and hurrying to bed. Despite her concern, Morgen eventually does fall asleep.
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Dancing in the Dark
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Chapter Five
A/N A massive thanks to @the-castle-crew for the ideas and encouragement along with correcting my Britishness.
Cover picture by @raissassampaio
Read from Chapter one on Ao3 or Chapter five here
A/N If you see this symbol ⬹ and you don't like to read explicit content then just skip until you see the symbol again. 
A/N This is the last part of the main story the next chapter is a little epilogue. 
The journey home was torturous. Every time she had to stop at a crossing, every time there was a delay to her journey, she wanted to run right back to him. Her mind was calling her every kind of fool for leaving, as was her body. She was filled with the anticipation of what it could be like to be with him. Her body felt like a charge of electricity had run through it. She was so responsive to him; to his touch that she did not know how much longer she was going to be able to stop herself. Ifshewas feeling this way, God only knew how James was feeling right now.
A part of her - a small, tiny, insignificant part - was proud for leaving, of sticking to her conviction for once in her life and not just jumping into bed with a guy before she properly knew him. The problem was, of course, that she didfeel like she knew him so well already. What she knew was how much he was going to ruin her. It was silly, but her superstitious self kept thinking things would only work out if she saw all the dates through properly. It was a stupid feeling and complete nonsense, but she just couldn't shake it.
She kept in contact with him during her journey home, fuelling a little more of her desire to turn around and go back to him. He needed to know she got home safely. She needed to know everything was okay with them. He sent her a snap of him telling her to get a good night's sleep, because she most certainly wouldn’t be getting much tomorrow night, if he had anything to do with it.
Hang the cold shower, she thought, I’m going to need a fucking ice bath.
She didn’t know how she did it, but despite all these feelings along with the built up frustration, she fell asleep the moment she collapsed onto her bed.  
It was odd to think of how different her day had been yesterday compared to her days before, how much her mood had been lifted by James. After spending the entire day with him and feeling so quickly like he was an essential part of her life, she was becoming more and more sure with every passing moment that being with James was what she wanted and what she needed to stabilise her crazy life.
Date four:
Despite the late hour she got home, despite how tired she should be, she was already up bright and early when her phone buzzed a text from James telling her to dress warmly, leave the heels at home, and be outside in half an hour.
It took her awhile to decide on what to wear. She didn’t think a worn-out hoodie three sizes too big would quite work for a date even though it was warm and comfortable, and it definitely wasn’t cold enough yet for her winter coat. Then, she remembered a chunky cream Aran knit cardigan Remus had bought her last Christmas, paired it up with a dark green spaghetti strap top, skinny jeans, and her ankle boots. The only footwear she owned that weren't heels, or her Converse. When she looked at her reflection, she hardly recognised herself. She looked like an ordinary girl about to go on an ordinary date; even her hair was behaving itself framing her face in soft waves. She grabbed her purse from the bed, threw her phone into it before taking the stairs two at a time, excited to have this day start and see James.
He was already waiting outside, wearing a long dark wool coat with a red scarf draped over his shoulders, and a backpack that looked really out of place with his fancy coat. His grin nearly split his face when he saw her.
“Alright, Evans?” He beamed
“Hey, Potter. You’re looking fine today,” she replied, taking his hand as he offered it and kissing his lips softly like they had been greeting each other this way for years.
“Not so bad yourself.” He added with a little wink. “Come on, we have to book it a bit to get the train out of town.”
“Out of town?” She stopped dead, dropping his hand. “Why are you taking me out of town?” She squinted suspiciously at him.
“It wouldn’t be much fun if I told you that, now would it?” he told her with a knowing look. “Come on an adventure with me and find out.” His grin was devious, like he knew a special secret and didn’t want her to know.
“Okay,” she replied to him eventually. “But only because I like you.”
It took most of the morning to get out to the field they now stood in, but goodness, was it worth it. She stood and watched in wonder as the giant multi-coloured balloon slowly filled and lifted itself off the ground, its bright colours contrasting vividly against the dull grey sky.
“When did you find the time to organise this?” she asked mildly impressed, “I was with you all day yesterday.” She glanced at him and spotted how smugly pleased with himself he was looking.
“I looked through a few options when I went home to get changed yesterday morning. Also,” he waggled his phone at her, “have you heard about all the amazing things you can do with your phone these days?”
“Okay, smartass.” She smirked at him. “If you’re so smart, what do you call the guy who’s inflating the thing?”
“Steve,” James replied without missing a beat, which started her giggling uncontrollably. It wasn’t long before he joined her in the merriment, his rich laughter sounding out across the field.
She was still giggling when Steve signalled them to come over and climb in.
“This is amazing,” she breathed as the ground began to sink away and the only noise was the burner behind them. She turned to share this feeling with James, and her excitement dropped when she saw him. He was not looking exactly as calm as he had been when they were on the ground. “James?”
“What was I thinking?” she heard him mutter to himself. One hand was holding the edge of the basket in a white knuckled grip, and his fixed smile was more like a grimace.
“James, it’s okay.” She placed one hand on top of his the other stroked his face. “Why on Earth did you think this would be a good idea when you’re afraid of heights?”
“I just thought it would be romantic and pretty cool, you know?” he said, his voice quaking slightly. “Didn’t really think about my slight discomfort about being off the ground. Didn’t realise how small the fucking basket was going to be, or the fact nothing but wicker is preventing us from plunging to our doom.”
“James, you can relax, it’s perfectly safe.” She glanced sideways at Steve who nodded his agreement. She let his hand keep its firm grip on the edge of the basket and rubbed his arm trying to give him comfort, the muscles of his arm were like solid knots he was gripping so hard.
He nodded and smiled shakily. “I’m okay, I just need to distract my mind. Wow, look at that!”
They had cleared up higher than the treeline, so they could now see the great grey mass of the city on the far horizon. She hugged his middle and pressed her head against his chest.
“Thank you,” she told him, genuinely pleased, despite the fact it felt like she was hugging a tree trunk.
He stroked her hair with the hand that wasn’t holding on to the basket in a death grip.
“You’re welcome.” He replied pressing a kiss to the top of her head. When they went high enough to be just above the clouds, it was like they had entered another world. James seemed to relax when they could no longer see the ground, and produced a small bottle of champagne and two glasses from his backpack.
“Wow, I’m impressed. This is quite romantic isn’t it?” She told him as they clinked plastic. It was a surreal moment as they enjoyed drinking champagne together while Steve looked in any other direction, impassive and silent.
“I’m certainly enjoying the view.” James told her softly looking straight at her with his intense look. His scrutiny made her blush and cuddle back into him again, hiding her face in his chest.
Lily was still enjoying leaning into James as the balloon slowly started to sink back to the ground. She tried her best not to laugh at him as he let out a very unmanly yelp when the basket connected once more with the ground, sliding along for a while before finally coming to a stop. He sat for a long time with his eyes closed at the bottom of the basket, his arms wrapped around his knees.
“Don’t say a fucking word Evans,” he breathed as she knelt down beside him, as if he thought she would make fun of him.
“About what?” she asked. “That my boyfriend wanted to do something so romantic for me he went up in a hot air balloon despite being afraid of heights?” She asked him gently “That he was brave enough to overcome his anxiety and actually enjoyed it a bit? Why on earth would I tell anyone that?” she rubbed his leg and he seemed to be bolstered by her words. “Come on.” she told him firmly. “I have someplace in mind I want to take you.”
Date five:
The train ride back was quite soothing for both of them. They shared sandwiches James had brought with him and polished off the last of the champagne. Lily leaned herself into his side as they sat together, her eyes drifting closed for a time while James idly played with a strand of her long red hair and checked a few emails on his phone.
When he looked down at her once more, he saw she had drifted off to sleep, her long eyelashes fluttering and a gentle curve to the side of her lip. She was so stunning it made his heart burst to look at her. Without thinking about it, he bent over and kissed her forehead. As he looked up, he saw an older women sitting opposite smile at the pair of them like it was the cutest thing she had ever seen in her entire life. James had to agree. The pair of them were pretty adorable.
He opened his notes in his phone and tapped out a few ideas these past two days had given him. Lily slept on, resting comfortably against him.
“So, where are you taking me?” James asked as they switched lines back in the city. He was still not overly confident about getting around on the subway, but Lily guided him through everything, completely at home in this environment. He knew enough to know they were taking a train away from their usual haunts and tried to catch the name of the line. Lily’s hand was small in his, but she guided him strongly and confidently through the crowds and confusing tunnels.
“It’s a fun place I’ve not been to for ages. Don’t worry, James, I'll keep you right.” She walked backwards a few steps so she could look at him, still holding his hand with a mischievous smile on her lips.
The last date.
He had never before even contemplated having five dates in two days. Of course, technically, yesterday had been one long date, but he was never going to mention that to Lily. She was looking so happy, and he had done that. Her brightness and warmth had filled the cracks in his own heart and melted the ice he thought he would have forever. He was finding it more and more difficult to imagine a life without her.
“I’m not worried,” he countered. “Just intrigued to know where you are taking me.”
“I followed you on faith this morning. You have to do the same.”
He had to admit that was true and faithfully followed her without any more questions.
As it turned out, the place Lily took him was an Irish bar in Kips Bay that had live music every night.
It was early evening when they arrived. The place was nowhere near quiet, and every member of staff they passed greeted Lily warmly.
“I used to work here,” she explained when he asked her. “Before my dancing paid me enough to not need extra work. I’m surprised so many still recognize me since it’s been a while.”
One of the staff members squealed excitedly when she saw Lily and practically threw her tray away to hug her. “Oh, it’s so good to see you,” she said with her arms still firmly around Lily’s neck while rocking them from side to side.
“Hey, Dorcas.” Lily’s voice was muffled slightly and she patted her friend’s back.
Dorcas seemed to notice Lily was not alone and eyed James up appraisingly.
“This is my… James,” Lily continued.
Dorcas’ inspecting eyes roved him over like he was about to be sold at a market.
“Your James, eh? Well, I like the sound of that, ‘Bout time you got yourself a good egg.” She nodded her apparent approval before she was called over to the bar to get back to her work.
“This place is pretty cool. It has a really good feel,” he said as he made his was through to the bar and ordered their drinks.
While he was waiting, he took a moment to look around the place. It certainly had the feel of the old country with the dark wood and brass fittings. The walls were lined with framed old photos, some of the bar in different states of decoration, some of people, and some were even signed. The ceiling’s low beams were covered in little trinkets and badges too. There were plenty people in the place, but James didn’t feel claustrophobic. The whole atmosphere was relaxed, warm, and friendly.
Lily had wandered to the back and was now standing beside the group of musicians who had been playing until a moment ago. A couple were holding guitars and what looked to him like a large tambourine, which he assumed must be a drum. They were all talking animatedly with her, and she was smiling and laughing back, looking completely at ease with them all.
One of them stood up. He was a bit taller than James and a fair bit younger than the rest of them, only a few years older than himself at most. He was holding his fiddle and bow in one hand as he moved to give Lily an overly familiar hug with his free arm.
James resisted the urge to scowl at him as he joined them and tried to nod politely to the fiddler along with the rest before handing Lily her drink.
“Oh, James, this is the unofficial band.”
“Well, it's just whoever feels like turning up and playing. More a social thing than a job, but they get tips from the patrons.” She shrugged.
James noticed the variety of instruments squeezed into the small stage and the jar at the front with a few notes and some change sitting inside.
“Well, from what I heard when we came in, you’re all amazing.” He fished out a note from his wallet and stuffed it into the jar, not really looking at the amount.
Some of the musicians goggled in surprise at him. Then, as one, they took up their instruments and started to play once more, to the cheers of the other patrons.
Lily grabbed his arm and pulled him aside sharply. “What was that?” she asked him quietly.
“They play for tips. I thought that was a normal thing to do?”
“James, you dropped a fifty,” she hissed. He wasn’t sure exactly if her tone meant he had insulted them or not.
“Well, there is a lot of them, and I don’t know. Was that not enough?” he asked.
She shook her head at him in a fondly exasperated way, slapping his cheek gently before kissing the corner of his mouth.
“You and the fiddler seem close?” he asked, trying to sound innocent and taking a sip of his drink.
“Who? D’you mean Fabian? Yeah, I know him a bit.” She shrugged. “Me and Sirius used to hang out with him and his brother before things got a bit weird.”
The tune they were playing was lively, and Lily was stamping her feet to the beat along with several others.
“What do you mean by weird?” he asked, trying not to sound like an overprotective boyfriend.
“It was nothing, just something between them and Sirius. I don’t really want to talk about,” she said hurriedly, looking more and more distracted by the music. She shed her thick cardigan and threw it, along with her purse, into the booth they were stood beside. She placed her drink carefully down on the table.
“Come dance with me?” she told him, offering her hand.
He looked at it, unsure.
“I’m no dancer, Lily,” he told her, completely uncomfortable with the idea of being shown up by a professional. He didn’t want to disappoint her, though she was practically bouncing to get up and dance.
“It’s real easy. All you’ve to do is tap to the beat and swing each other around. Just watch for a bit you’ll see”
As if to demonstrate this, she joined the group of people already on the free space reserved for just such an occasion. She immediately looped arms with one of the other revellers, and they spun a few turns before moving to link arms with another smoothly. He watched her dancing and enjoying herself. Her long red hair streaming behind her, her white teeth shining as she smiled and laughed, her bright green eyes sparkling with happiness. When one too many men had spun Lily around and held her a little too closely for his liking, he shucked off his coat, took a large swallow of his drink, and joined in the madness on the dance floor.
Lily almost cheered when she saw James join her. He smiled nervously back at her, sliding his arm around her waist to spin her again.
The last time she had been here, she had been in such a dark place, barely surviving and wondering if she would ever be able to quit working here. This place had become a reminder for everything she’d been running away from, but she was no longer running. For the first time in as long as she could remember, she didn’t feel like a failure. She finally felt like her life was clicking into place. Seeing some of the familiar faces and listening to the reels gave her comfort. This bar no longer reminded her of her shortcomings but instead was welcoming her home. It had always been so full of warmth and energy, and now she felt happy to share it with James.
James. He looked to be actually enjoying himself, despite the occasional stumbles. He was trying his best. He seemed determined not to let up and matched her dance for dance. She could see he was improving as the evening wore on, and they consumed a few more drinks. He was no longer self conscious about anyone else, and there were moments that he danced with her like there was not another soul in that room.
She spotted Fabian looking at them occasionally and hoped James didn’t notice the look in his eye. Fabian was ancient history, from when Lily was a different person and nobody needed to know. Her life was different now and still changing, She would make a success of her new opportunity. She would give her all into this burgeoning relationship with this incredible man.
Eventually, Lily took pity on James, and she pulled him off the dance floor into their booth. His hair was damp, and his navy t-shirt was clinging even more than the cut normally made it. She felt it herself. She was a complete mess from dancing so much. The bar was now packed, and as soon as he was seated, she pulled him in for a kiss.
“Thank you,” she said when she finally let him go.
“For what?” he asked, moving his lips to kiss her ear, not letting up as he nuzzled into her neck.
“For today, for yesterday. For dancing with me all night and for going up in that balloon. For lifting me up out of the rut and proving to me I have value.” She slid her hands through his hair, tugging slightly to make him look up. “You wanna get out of here?”
His eyes grew dark as he regarded her. “Do you even have to ask that?”
James’ apartment block was quiet and cold when they finally got back. She had relented to his request for an Uber in order to get home quicker and also agreed his place was closer, nicer, and James actually had real food.
Now that she knew where they were both going, she didn’t want to waste any more time. James was so gorgeous and she was so ready for him that it was a struggle to keep her hands from wandering into inappropriate territory in the car. This was it, there was no more need to put on the brakes.
James himself seemed to be having the same problems. As soon as they were walking in the elevator, he snaked an arm around her middle, pushing his whole body against her back and brushing her hair aside so he could kiss the nape of her neck. Her knees almost buckled at his attention, and she braced herself against the wall as his free hand slipped down between her thighs, rubbing against her jeans. She couldn’t resist grinding her butt back against his crotch, making him moan softly into her hair. He slid the thick wool of her cardigan down, exposing her shoulders, and kissed along it, making her whimper.
She barely had the strength to stand as the lift came to his floor. She spun in his arms as they walked the short distance to his apartment, so she could kiss his mouth and taste his breath. Her back thudded hard against the front door. He pressed her into it more as he placed his left foot between hers, rubbing his leg against her groin, the keys forgotten in this moment. She could feel how hard he was for her against her own leg, even through the thickness of his jeans.
Eventually, he remembered to open the door, and they stumbled into the kitchen, lips still locked. They were barely through the door when he was lifting the edge of her top, sliding his hands up to brush the bottom of her breast.
“Surprise!” came a shout from the living room.
“Fuck!” Lily screamed out loud in shock. James’ hands jumped off her as if she was now scalding hot. She hastily tried to correct her clothing before she saw who it was standing in the living space.
“Thought it would be better to announce our presence while you guys still mostly had clothes on.” Sirius’ sounded amused as he spoke, but there were definitely spots of colour on his cheeks.
“Sirius! You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack.” Lily’s heart skipped to see him and practically vaulted over the couch to give him a hug, grabbing Remus and pulling him in too. They were here, they were real, and she had missed them so, so much.
“Sorry for interrupting, er… things,” Remus apologised, his face a delicate shade of pink, much more obviously embarrassed than Sirius.
James was still standing awkwardly by the door, hand shuffling his hair and an awkward smile on his face, as if he was unsure he was welcome to this reunion. Sirius stepped away from Lily and moved to his friend, hugging him fiercely. James and Sirius seemed to exchange a lot in that hug, but Lily didn’t listen in as they spoke softly to each other, because she was giving Remus the hug of his life.
“Thank you,” she murmured softly to him. He looked slightly confused when she pulled away. “You brought James to me. I know it was you.”
Remus gave a little half shrug and waved her away as if it was nothing. “I just said what you needed to hear. You are both glowing with happiness right now. You have done that for each other. It had nothing to do with me.” He stepped away from her. “We are disturbing you and have interrupted something a little special, I think, but you will make time for us tomorrow?”
She nodded her promise that they would before Remus looked to his partner. “Come on, now, my darling. We have disturbed these love birds enough.” He grabbed Sirius by the belt buckle and pulled him towards the door.
With a smirk and a wink to James, Sirius added, “Enjoy your evening.” Then, they were gone, leaving Lily and James alone and staring at each other from across the room.
“Come here,” he told her, his eyes intense and never looking away.
Her whole body was electrified with the thoughts of what was about to happen. She walked over to him slowly, her hands reaching for the buttons of his coat as her lips met his. It wasn’t the intensely passionate kisses they had shared in the car. It was soft, slow, and so very sexy. His hand cupped the back of her head as her hands removed him of his coat, dropping his hold of her face only to let the heavy fabric fall to the floor with a soft thud.
“Shower with me.” It was less of a question and more of a demand, his voice slightly hoarse. One hand was now holding her chin, the other making its way up under her top.
“Oh, I like you being all bossy,” she murmured then gasped as his thumb brushed under her soft bra and slid across a firm nipple.
“That’s good to hear, because I like being bossy too.” He started to drag his lips across her jaw, moving backwards with his hand at the back of her head, urging her to follow. “I want to make you come so hard you are going to forget what fucking day it is,” he rumbled into her skin.
Oh fuck, where did this James come from?
If she thought she was wet before, that was nothing compared to how she was feeling now. His words, just his words, were turning her into a quivering wreck.
“James,” she breathed his name, her hands tangling through the strands of his hair. “I need you so much.”
“Oh God, I love the way you say my name.”
He stepped away from her for a moment, lifting his shirt from his body before bending down to remove her boots for her. There was something strangely erotic about a man at her feet, sliding down the zip and slowly slipping them off. His body was beautiful as she looked down at him, no longer needing to hide how much she liked watching his muscles move.
Carefully, she slid his glasses from his face and placed them on the table. In response, he unhooked the button of her jeans and slid them down her hips. She took off her top as he stood back up, then placed her hands on his shoulders to jump, wrapping her legs around his middle. He caught her easily, splaying his hands across the firm globes of her behind.
“I love how your ass feels in my hands.” She chuckled at that and kissed his face, moving slowly to suck at his neck with her open mouth, feeling the slight burn of his stubble against her soft cheek.
“Let's go take that shower,” she told him as he carried her into the bathroom.
           The shower did not take long at all to heat up, filling the room with clouds of steam. They had long since disregarded the last of their clothes and now stood staring at each other with heat in their eyes.
           She thought she would feel self conscious under his scrutiny, but instead he made her feel worshiped and wanted.
           “You are so beautiful,” he told her as he closed the space between them, lips crashing hungrily together.
The steam had made her whole body slick, and his hands skimmed easily over her skin, holding her breasts, squeezing them, brushing the pads of his thumbs across her nipples making them stiffen before bending his head to take them in his mouth, nipping gently and making her gasp. She reached out for him as her back arched at his touch, fingers clawing at his toned body, running over the bumps and grooves of him, fingernails dragging through the soft hair on his chest and down his stomach until her hand moved lower, sliding along the length of him. The soft moan he let out as her hand gripped his arousal intensified what she was already feeling between her own legs.
With a shake of his head he moved her hands back up his body.
“Not yet,” he murmured, walking her backwards into the stream of water, dulling her senses to the feel and sound of the water cascading over her head and running channels down her body. His lips met hers before she could open her eyes. His left hand cupped her sex, skimming his fingers along her slick folds before they rested against her entrance, the heel of his hand pressing against her centre, moving in ever such slow grinding circles.
She moaned at his touch, felt the cool tiles against her shoulders as James continued to press her backwards. Her knees felt weak and she thought she might have collapsed, but James’ other hand held her steady, gripping just under her left breast. Her hands gripped his head, pulled his lips to hers so she could share his breath, and let him know exactly how much she wanted and needed him right now.
“You are a goddess,” he whispered before kissing her back just as intently, just as full of this undeniable wanting. “I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want you right now.” Finally, they would know each other completely.
“James,” she gasped his name into his open mouth, sliding her hands down his body and gripping his buttocks, digging her nails into the soft flesh.
He stepped away and suddenly his hands and lips were gone, making her feel bereft. She opened her eyes to see him lather his hands with soap and hand the bottle to her to do the same. It took her a moment to come back to herself and comply, but then his hands were on her once more. He started to rub the suds against her shoulders, sliding down her front to press, swirl, and rub her breasts. Hands then moved up her back, pressing the pads of his fingers into her, making her body curl at the feel of him. In return, she ran her soapy hands over his chest, up and down his back, rubbed long, large circles over his toned stomach, and slid her hands a few times along his length, enticing another groan from him. He grabbed her wrists to stop her and pulled her back under the water to rinse them both.
It wasn’t long before she was pressed up against the tiled wall again, quaking under his touch. She was coming undone quicker than she thought possible.
He knelt to rub his hands along her thighs, pressing his thumbs along the crease of her legs. “Let me taste you?” he asked, his lips so close to her sex that she felt his breath puff against her.
“Oh, God, yes. Please, yes.”
He lifted her leg onto his shoulder, like he had done before, but this time, there was no way she was going to stop him. His hand glided along her folds first, quickly followed by his tongue, sliding along her before gently nipping the bundle of nerves between his beautiful, soft lips.
She tried her best not to wriggle and squirm as his tongue masterfully swirled, lapped, and sucked, bringing her body up to a whole new level of ecstasy. Her hands desperately clawed against the smooth tiles before grabbing his head, gripping his hair tight enough for him to wince slightly. She would have apologised if she could, but her whole mind was completely on what James was doing to her.
Her release was sudden and intense, like a wave crashing over her. The only thing holding her up was James’ solid grip on her hip. She felt like she had been fractured into a million pieces, only for him to gently bring her back together.
He was grinning like a fool when he stood back up to her eye level. Her heart was pounding so fast that she could hear it in her ears. He softly kissed back up her body as it slowly stopped trembling.
She grabbed his shoulders, pulling him in even closer to her, so his chest was pressed against hers. She turned them around so now his back was against the wall.
“Your turn,” she told him before moving down his body in slow, lingering kisses.
“Lily, you don’t have to,” he told her honestly, but she did not stop. She knew she did not have to but knew he wanted her to.
“It’s only fair.” she told him, continuing her slow journey.
When she took him in her mouth, he groaned loudly, his head tilting up to look at the ceiling, the muscles of his thighs bunching, and one hand fisting in her hair. “Holy fuck,” he breathed as she glided her lips up and down him, sucking gently and swirling her tongue. She could feel him losing himself just like she had done. “Oh, Lily.” He reached for her hand that was resting on his stomach and encouraged her to stand. He pressed a kiss to her wrist before pulling her in for a long lingering kiss. “If you keep that up, I’m not going to last,” he told her breathless.
She smirked back at him.
“We have all night. But, if you want, let's continue things somewhere more comfortable.”
She had not appreciated how soft this bed was in her drunken state last time. How her body sunk into its embrace as James followed her onto the bed, lips locked, his hand pressed to her back, lowering her gently. His hands wandered over her body once more, making her hum with anticipation.
She grabbed his shoulders, slid her hands down his chest, squeezed his buttocks, and pulled him to her, wanting to feel his weight on her, but he kept one arm braced and lay to her side. This time he did not touch between her legs but kissed, nipped, and stroked everywhere else, building up the tension inside her until she was begging him to touch here there, just there, and lifting her hips every time his hand skirted close.
“Please, James,” she begged, her back arching, her eyes rolling back in her head.
“Patience. Trust me. You beg so beautifully, but it will be worth it.”
“At least let me touch you.” She growled her frustration, making him chuckle wickedly from deep in his throat. She had to admit that he had already proven himself more than capable of building her body up to heights she had never before experienced. She was strung out, completely at his mercy, and she loved every second of it.
“Oh, fuck, James. I’m so ready, please,” she begged, her hands fisting the sheets, her legs twisting, her hips bucking. Wanting nothing more than to feel the weight of his body against hers, the pressure of him inside her.  
“Alright then, just a sec,” he murmured, moving to rummage in a drawer and taking out a foil packet.
“Let me,” she told him, taking the condom and putting it on him as he sat on the edge of the bed, enjoying finally being allowed to touch him again.
“Lie back down,” he told her cupping her face, but this time she decided she wasn’t going to do what he said, and shook her head.
“Sit up against the bed,” she commanded. “It’s my turn to be in charge.”
He did as he was told, holding her waist as she swung her leg over him. His face was level with her breast as she positioned herself above his manhood, but his eyes were looking up at her, letting her know she had complete control.
Slowly, she lowered herself down his length, letting him fill her. They both groaned at the same time, enjoying the sensation as she started to grind a rhythm.  He felt amazing; he was amazing. His hands moved up from her stomach to her breasts and nipped her nipples a little harder than he had done before. She ran her hands through his silky, soft hair, pulling on it playfully.
“Holy fuck, Lily,” he breathed. “You are amazing.” She could feel the tension building in her body once more. She closed her eyes and arched her back.
His fingers slid down to her centre once more, and it was her undoing. His touch tipped her over the edge, making him lose control too. She pressed their heads together as they caught their breath and she waited to come back down to earth.
Oh God, she was ruined. He had ruined her, and she absolutely loved him for it.
When Lily woke the next morning, the first thing she saw was the blissfully sleeping form of James, his hair a chaotic tangle and his arm resting between them, fingers almost touching her nose.
His body was hers now. Resolutely marked, the property of Lily Evans. They had made love several more times through the night, never being quite enough. Until finally, they had collapsed, exhausted, completely spent, and blissfully satisfied as dawn's light slowly started to filter through the giant windows.
She couldn’t stop staring at him.
Is this love?She thought to herself as she gazed upon his face, so relaxed in sleep. Surely, it was too soon. If it wasn’t yet full love, it was certainly a strong foundation for them to grow on. She had found stability in his arms and ecstasy at his touch. He was a steady presence, and she felt comforted by the belief that he was never going to let her go. Her night with him, her mind-altering night with this amazing example of a human being, was just the first. This was it. She was now a they or an us.
She turned to slide her back against him and settled down to sleep again.
Barely waking, his arm curled around her waist, pulling her closer as he kissed the back of her neck.
This was meant to be. There was no way she was ever letting this man go.
A/N: If you have any questions about anything in this story feel free to ask. As I said at the start of this chapter this is the end apart from a little epilogue. I hope you have enjoyed reading. It certainly has been fun for me to write.
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general-idiot · 6 years
Chapter 1: Conjuction
Title: Preconception
Pairing: Hank/Connor
Summary: Connor is a hacker and a very good one at that. So when he needs something from Hank in order to reach his goals, he doesn’t hesitate to take it. It’s just that the outcome is not really what he is prepared for and now he has to cooperate with the Lieutenant in order to keep his secrets hidden.
Warnings: NSFW (rated M), violance
Connor waits in the bar. There is nothing new in waiting in places like this and he is patient enough not to start fidgeting with his coin while glancing at the entrance door every few minutes. He is used to this. He is quite used to every bit of nerve-wracking detail of this monotonous side-effect of his plan.
To the mop rhythmically hitting the floor again and again. To the muzzy hours of listening to the ticking of the old worn-out clock on the top of the shelf between the bottles that Jimmy loves so much. If Connor would form an opinion about it, he would say that it is truly hideous. He's seen it enough times to believe that this word describes it the best and he is quite fond of sticking little labels on things in order to make them seem to be less complicated. So he tags them, categorize them in his mind and most of the times share it with the world. But now, it is not time for his foolish little games, because opinions lead to questions and questions lead to lies. Quiet is the logical option.
He knows the schedule well enough. He comes in, orders a drink - for the sake of looking like he is there for the same thing as everybody else. He stays for a few hours watching, soaking up some new information dropped by the people sitting around him, then he leaves. It is a neat little procedure and he hates to break it - as people tend to hate to change their habits -, but it's just what he needs right now.
So Connor patiently waits in a booth hardly looking up to the entrance, only when he feels like it is unbearable to sit still. When he finally hears the creacking of the door, he jumps a little but the man stepping inside just stares right trough him and sits down next to the counter.
Connor knows that he can't approach him, not yet. Simple details like a few minutes make it easier to the other to believe that he has no ulterior motives. A smartly dressed young man hitting on a burn out cop is fishy on its own, but stepping right next to him without a second though is downright alarming. He doesn't actually understand these unspoken social rules but he doesn't question it either because he only gets anwers that are even more complicated than the question itself. So he waits a few minutes to go by then gets up from his booth and walks next to the man.
The man doesn't even glance at him, just drowns his face in a glass of whiskey and Connor is too determined to take it a sign to fuck off.
"Your finest whiskey on the rock", he says to the bartender. "Same to my company. It's on me."
The man doesn't look at him, he continues to ignore him as he stares right at Jimmy with his half-empty glass in his hand and then slowly forming the words he finally speaks.
"I didn't know it is a twink-friendly area nowadays", he mutters.
Jimmy just shoots an entertained expression as he places the two new glasses in front of them. Connor lifts it to his mouth as he starts analyzing the Lieutenant. He already found out from public document the most he needed to know. Hank Anderson, a 52 yeal old police lieutenant, divorced and drunk his ass off in the past 2 years in this very bar. Several disciplinary warning and penalites on his account. A dog named Sumo and a great chance of being the Connor's goose with the golden egg.
"Don't worry. My mother previously gave me her permission to visit this bar."
Connor is usually not great with jokes but this one seems to achieve its objective because it raises a tiny smile from the lieutenant. He lets out a shaky breath - just enough to cool his mind down a little, but not so much that the other man can hear it. His plan depends on his self-confidence, the portayal of a cocky and ambitious young kid who has to many daddy issues to control himself. He needs to be that even though he really has no previous experience being flirtatious and all. He knew he had to be prepared so he memorized at least a thousand different pick up lines and even more method of non-verbal representation of interest.
Still, he goes with sarcasm. Somehow that's more natural.
The lieutenant finally glares at him and probably tries to dissect every little detail of his appearance. Connor wears a white shirt with its sleeves rolled to his elbow and dark jeans. He looks neat, but comfortable. He also doesn't look like someone who belongs to a bar like this and the Hank is likely to be aware of it. But he doesn't question it. He probably has already seen stranger things.
"Alright, kid. I don't know what you want but you should look for it somewhere else."
Rejection seemed to be almost inevitable when he planned all this little play so Connor is not suprised by the tone of the sentence. He just puts his most innocent smile on his face and try not to sound desperate.
"All I intent to find is a good company to spend my time with", he says.
"You have a pretty fucked up standard if you think I am good company", the lieutenant grumbles  as he downs the remaining whiskey. "Choosing a grumpy old man who is stiff enough to bite your dick off is not an idea normal people have.
Connor just shrugs his shoulders and turns a little bit towards the lieutenant. His knee bumps to the other man's. He gets a curious look in return.
"I am not fond of normal things", he says.
And then he finally gets the attention he has been fighting for because the lieutenant orders another turn and neglects grabbing his coat and jumping to the entrance door at the earliest opportunity. Somehow Connor feels a little warm inside his chest and he tries not to concentrate on the fact that this is the first time he may actually be getting some honest interest from another person for his witty personality and not only for his looks. This is new and truly thrilling.
"So", the lieutenant starts."What does a fragile boy like you do in a filthy place like this?
"I was waiting for someone. Not anymore, it seems."
Hank rolls his eyes.
"Jesus, that was cheesy ", he barks, and Connor find the sound oddly endearing. "Business or enjoyment?
Connor decides to make a bold move and puts his hand on the other man's knee.
This is really not what he planned but he starts to enjoy the situation even though it may not lead to the way he needs it. Still the temptation is unusual and as he leans closer he can smell the cheap cologne of the lieutenant and see the wrinkles on his massive hands. He probably could break his think neck in one gritty movement and the clear plausibility of this fact starts to send electric jolts trough Connor's spine.
"Can't it be both?" he breathes and watches as the other man tries to make out the words.
He doesn't pull away but his features stills for a moment before he starts to speak again.
"If you talk like you have a stick up in your ass, it probably can't."
That's the point when Connor's confidence falters and as the wounded animal he tends to act like, he makes the mistake of biting instead of compromising. Old habits die hard, even though he should know better now.
"You seem to be confident in reading my intentions."
"I'm a detective", he bites. "That's what detectives do."
Naturally, Connor stand up to feel like he can be at least little bit intimidating as the other man watches him move. His mouth falls into a tiny smile as he takes the man's whiskey and downs it in one swift move. The Lieutenant stays silent trough it. It is oddly reassuring.
"Interesting", he says as he puts the glass down. "I suppose you are also off duty considering the amount of alcohol you have already consumed. Otherwise I suppose it would be quiet irresponsible of you. Your superior would surely not favor it."
This is a clear-as-day teasing and Connor couldn't be more proud of himself for it. As for the lieutenant - well, he is less pleased. He stands up more quickly than he should be able to and grabs Connor's collar as he pulls him next to the nearest wall. He slams him to it and Connor tries to grab something not to lose balance but his options are limited so he just grasps the lieutenant's shirt in his hands, knuckles going white by the effort. He should be suprised, he should be panicking even. He just forgets it completely how to be that as his half-hard dick starts to demand more and more attention.
Not a lot of people stare at them, they must be be used to it already. Not even Jimmy bats an eye. Is it an ordinary behaviour of the man?
"Alright, Smartass", the lieutenant grumbles to his face and Connor's limbs start to give up. "Are you playing to get arrested or you just have a loose mouth?"
Connor would like to say something smart. Something witty and cheerful, something that will ease the hardened atmosphere around them but he would also like to get on his knees right now and suck the life out of the man in front of him. It is totally irrational and he doesn't actually understand where all this is coming from but the heat is there and it stays in his abdonmen as the lieutenant presses closer.
"So?"he asks and Connor, for the first time in his life decides to go with his instincts instead of calculating every single outcome of his feasible moves.
"Pull out your gun and find it out", he says without a beat. "Officer."
He doesn't actually know how he gets pressed to a bathroom stall - it happens very fast, clothes and limbs all around his vision -, but the next thing he realizes is that he is half bending, elbows on the stall's door as Hank buries his cock balls deep inside of him. He tries to keep it quiet, he really does, but the man behind him stubbornly keeps a steady rythim that forces little moans out in the stale, musky air.
"Jesus", Hank grunts, as he runs his fingers in Connor's disheveled hair.
Connor chokes on another moan and he really wishes that he was able to turn around for a kiss but that would be far too personal and it is something he doesn't want to get involved in right now. Instead Hank grabs a handful of hair and pulls him closer to kiss the soft skin under his ear, hand crawling to his mouth so Connor can suck on his finger. It is wet and messy and over far too soon.
Connor finishes on the door - Jimmy will not be happy, he thinks as he scratches the wood with one hand -, and Hank rides out the last waves of orgams as he tangles his and Connor's free hand together in front of his abdonmen. Hank tries to keep Connor on his legs, a gesture that his knees really appreciate, but his head hurts and there is a clinking noise coming from Hank's trousers pooling around his ankles. He slides down to the dirty tiles and reaches for the little badge feeling Hank's glare at his nape. Connor stares at the series of numbers at the back of the badge as he hold it in one hand, trying to memorize it. He almost forgot what he came for.
"I think it's yours, Detective", he says as he offers the little plate, voice a little bit harsh.
Hank takes it and really tries to keep his remaining dignity as he pulls the trousers up to his thights.
"Sure thing", he murmurs and Connor is oddly proud of himself as fixes his own jeans.
"I hope my behaviour won't entail any further investigation", he jokes and Hank's shoulders slump a little as the tension of the situation leaves his body.
"Don't worry, kid, you get away with a warning this time."
Connor would like to say something, but he got what he wanted and it's really not the best idea to further complicate this situation.
Hank stands in front of him like he's just ran a marathon - which is quite a good look on him, Connor decides - and maybe, after everything is settled he will come back to him. Ask for his phone number. Go on a real date, get to know each other. Maybe after everything is settled and Connor can finally fight back his demons, he will do just that. He likes to think he will be able to do that.
But right now, he steps outside the stall leaving a confused Lieutenant behind.
"I was really nice to meet you, Detective", he says and flashes a really rare smile of his for a goodybe.
"Wait!' Hank grabs after him, keeping him in place as he moves closer. "Tell me your name."
Connor swallows not really knowing if it's a safe thing to do, but then again, he is really illogical today so he just leans into Hank's space, giving him a tiny kiss on the cheek.
"Connor", he breathes.
Hank nods then fixes his shirt again and leaves.
A sudden loss perches on Connor's shoulders as he follows the man outside and passes him when he goes outside of the bar. The weather is particularly cold and it soothes his aching joints. He starts to head home. Tomorrow, he will have a lot of work to do.
He hopes til then he can calm his racing heart.
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ask-law-unfiltered · 6 years
My Black Heart
DofLaw fanfic… Disclaimer: I do NOT own one piece nor do I own any of its characters. If I did Ace wouldn’t have died, Zoro and Sanji would be lovers, and DofLaw would be canon. Pairings include but are not limited to DofLaw, KidLaw, ZoSan, and potential other yaoi goodness with the implication of FRobin. Although the main pairing is and will remain DofLaw. Warning! This fic contains spoilers, non-con sex (aka. rape), drug and alcohol abuse, violence, yaoi (aka. male on male relationship), severe mental abuse, and emotional abuse. Consider yourselves warned and also, any criticisms will result in more of the objected material so no like no read. No one is forcing you, if horrible rape sex, brutality, and abuse isn’t your style, go read a cute fluff piece. Hope you enjoy. Chapter Two: Seeing the Bars *****Law’s Side***** ‘Damn it!’ The situation just kept getting worse. The pain of losing Corazon three years ago was all coming back just by looking at his murderer. Now he was facing the unimaginable horror of possibly losing his entire crew. For a moment he was the scared little boy of ten, watching everything and everyone he had ever known die around him. ‘No I can’t afford to fall apart now… I need to find another way…’ His mind began to race faster than ever trying to come up with anyway out of this mess. Meanwhile Doflamingo continued to laugh at his own threat, clearly enjoying the way he had unnerved him. ‘Calm down,’ he told himself, ‘I can’t let him get to me or it’s just going to get worse…’ Doflamingo had stopped laughing long enough to realize Law had regained some of his composure. He suppressed a shudder as the homicidal blond leaned in close to his face. He was still unable to move away thanks to the strings and the death grip currently holding his chin. “Did I catch your interest Law?” That silky voice stirred up too many memories, but he forced them back, his crew needed him to focus now. He lifted his gaze back to Doflamingo’s, meeting those red lenses with determination. “What will it take?” The words tasted like bile on his tongue yet he spoke them clearly and without hesitation. Doflamingo paused slightly seemingly confused by the offer. “What do you mean Law?” Not wanting to waste time he quickly elaborated, “What will it take for you to leave my crew and me alone?” Law held back a grimace as the feathery bastard started to laugh once more. ‘Damn it, just get on with it!’ he was usually a very patient man but he was getting easily annoyed by this psychopath. Said annoyance leaned in again with a chuckle. “Fufufu, you haven’t changed much in some ways have you? Still quick to get to the heart of the matter. However I have told you twice now that I am here to see you. Do you really think that I will allow you to slip away from me again?” He was dangerously close to his ear now, “I want you back Law, after all you have and always will be mine.” He couldn’t suppress the shudder those words sent down his spine. This caused another laughing fit from his captor, as he remained powerless in the grip of the man and his vile strings. Still his mind raced looking for a way out, he couldn’t just up and abandon his crew, and like hell he wanted to go anywhere with this bastard. “I don’t belong to anyone, I’ve been freed.” Corazon had given his life to give him his freedom like hell he was going to give it up so easily. Doflamingo seemed to find amusement by his words however, as he continued to chuckle near his ear. “Fufufu, guess I have to remind you who your master is Law…” There was no time to brace as his head was slammed into the floor, resulting in a loud crack and severe pain. The agony brought on by the skull fracture, coupled with the inevitable concussion and blunt force trauma, was almost enough to make him pass out. Only the thoughts of his crew kept him from embracing the mercy of unconsciousness. He felt more strings slipping around his body, successfully binding his hands behind his back and pinning him to the hard cold floor. A hand entangled itself in his hair and pulled him up to stare into that grinning face. He glared at his captor, rebellion sparking up inside his chest, not wanting to give into reason or fear. “Fufufu, still acting tough huh?” the pink clad jackass, licked his lips again. Law hated that, watching that long creepy tongue slither across that wide mad grin. “I’ll have to change that now won’t I?” He felt the hand in his hair pull him in close until his eyes widened in shock as he felt lips against his own. Soon a powerful tongue was pushing its way into his mouth as he struggled as best he could to get free. The hungry appendage continued to ravage his mouth, retreating only at the treat of being bitten. He snarled in rage and disgust, “What the hell was that about you pervert?!” Doflamingo met his accusation with more laughter. “You really have grown Law.” He felt the tongue lick some of the blood off his check from the open head wound. “I’m eager to see how much…” Realization hit Law like the blow from before. Doflamingo was planning on forcing himself upon him, and in his current state there was nothing he could do to prevent it from happening. *****Doffy’s Side***** Law looked so alluring bound by his strings and bleeding slightly. Well perhaps the head wound was a bit worse than Doffy had meant to inflict. Yet when dealing with a personality like Law’s, excessive force was often necessary. He tore his eyes away from those enticing silver hues, to observe the rest of the teen’s lean form. Taking in the long slender legs, and imagining the toned chest hidden behind the hoodie. His gaze settled for a moment on the curve of the teen’s rather nice ass. A prize he would soon claim for himself, and in doing so he would prove that Law was his forever. After all he was not known to share his things, and whether the brat liked it or not he belonged to him. Meaning he would be taught to please him in every way possible, lessons Doffy was only too happy to teach. He reached out slipping his hand into Law’s pants, cupping a cheek in his firm grip. This caused the teen to thrash about in protest before hissing, “Get the hell away from me you fucking bastard!!!” He chuckled again amused by the fact that the younger pirate thought he still had a say in the events to come. Eyes, hidden behind his beloved shades, lingered on that smartass mouth. His grin growing wider with an entertaining idea. He felt himself harden at the sight before him, Law’s chest heaving slightly behind the hoodie, due to the taxing struggle, hands bound behind his back. Blood ran down the side of his face which had lost the soft round features of childhood, and become more defined and alluring during the past three years. Doffy’s gaze fixed itself upon the lips that were parted in pain, and his member twitched. It was time to teach Law another use for that sassy mouth, Doffy straightened and returned to his spot on the bed. He then used his strings to force the boy to resume his previous position of kneeling at his feet. He grinned at the sight of the brat, now beaten and bound, in his rightful place. “Fufufu, shall we give this another try Law?” His reply was a glare of contempt, which only served to make the Shichibukai smile wider. A long fingered hand reached towards his clothed member, stroking gently as he slowly pulled it from its fabric prison. Hateful eyes turned to orbs of shock at the massive organ pulsing before them. Doffy continued his lazy massage as he drank in the teen’s growing fear. “I want you to suck me off Law, and if you even think about using your teeth, I’ll carve up every last one of your little friends. Their lives depend on how well you please me in the next few hours.” He leaned in closer to the slowly despairing young captain. “You know what lengths I have gone to punish those who displease me, don’t force me to destroy everything you hold dear. I know you don’t want to endure that pain a second time.” He watched the realization of his words and threats take hold of the youth, draining all the fight and rebellion out of him. Shoulders slumped in defeat, Law’s mouth drew closer to his throbbing head. Doffy closed his eyes behind his glasses as the warmth of the brat’s breath caressed his arousal. This was going to be fun, afterwards there would be no doubt that the boy belonged to him. ‘Definitely a much better use for that smartass mouth.’ Was the thought that formed as Law began his administrations, first he had licked it from base to head stopping to kiss the swollen tip before continuing back to the base. Once there he drew circles around the sack of sensitive flesh nestled below the mammoth shaft. Doffy opened his eyes to watch the curiously experienced technic before him, had Law done this before? He sincerely hoped not, otherwise someone was in for a rather painful death for the crime of defiling his property. His eyes narrowed as the mouth opened to cradle his balls on a warm velvety tongue. He held back a hiss of pleasure as that same tongue began to coat his flesh in moist heat as it sucked gently in a leisurely rhythm. After a few minutes his jewels were released with a pop, and the little slut, made his way back up the thick shaft. As Law reached the tip a second time, the War Lord decided that it was time to take control again. Slowly he intertwined his fingers through soft black hair, tugging hard causing the teen to gasp in pain. In one swift motion Doffy forced his member halfway down the tight warm throat, laughing as he felt the hot cavern shudder at the violent intrusion. “Fufufu, since you seem to know what you’re doing there’s no need to hold back!” Without waiting for him to adjust the hand holding his head began to move, using the boy’s mouth to pump his length mercilessly. All the while laughing and grinning, at the choking, slobbering, whore being ruthlessly skull fucked before him. *****Law’s Side***** Law barely had time to register what was happening until the asshole above him finally found a suitable pace. Even then he could hardly believe that he was kneeling before his hated enemy, while that enemy forced his unnaturally large member down his throat. It took everything Law had to try and choke down the massive length. Thankfully anatomy was something he knew rather well, within a few hours Law had adjusted his breathing and relaxed his jaw. This allowed him to bare the brutal treatment easier plus it gave him an opportunity to try and turn the tables again. With the use of his powers he focused on making his throat tighten, all the while keeping the organ slick with added saliva. He felt the veins pulsing on his tongue signaling an impending release. With a few more violent thrusts the monster came hard spewing his seed deep into Law’s throat. He was tempted to spit the vile gift onto the ground in spite until he heard the jackass purr. “Swallow it all, or I’ll make you clean it off the floor later…" Law’s face burned in rage and humiliation as he forced the salty liquid down. He refused to meet the War Lord’s gaze knowing the probability of this ordeal was far from over. However he was given little choice as he felt his hair being yanked causing his wound to ach as he was forced to look upon that evil smiling face. “Well done, I can hardly believe that was your first time with a man. Tell me Law, who was your first?” Law wanted to tell Doflamingo to fuck off, but he knew that tone, Doffy was mad. He was in trouble now, and since the fate of his crew hinged on the maniac’s mood Law needed to think fast. Truth be told Law hadn’t been with anyone, well anyone he wanted to be with, he just knew a lot about anatomy. What the body likes and dislikes, he was a doctor after all. Pain and pleasure are hidden all over the body, he just knew where to look. He met the shaded eyes without flinching, “I haven’t been with anyone, I swear. You were the first person to do anything like that with me…” Law could feel his face burning in humiliation at that admission. Doffy however didn’t seem convinced. “You are awfully skilled for your first time. Was it one of your crew mates Law? Are you trying to protect your little friend?” Law tried to answer but the Shichibukai slammed his head down a second time. Pain swam behind his eyes and his head throbbed from the further abuse. His eyes had started to water from the pain of his wounds, and the added agitation of having his hair yanked around, as it was used too once again lift his head. “I will find out who it was Law, make it easier on yourself and tell me. Who has defiled your body?” His head was swimming from the dizziness brought on by severe cranial trauma, and he could feel the nauseating sickness starting to creep up. Doing his best to keep his breathing even, Law set his gaze on the pink clad psychopath. “I am not lying, I haven’t been with anyone. I’m a doctor, I am going by things I have read about, honest.” Law felt the hand release his hair, at the same time he noticed the strings where forcing him to rise, moving him onto Doflamingo’s lap. Strong arms held him in place as the re-hardened appendage poked against the cleft of his ass. As Law’s heart began to feel heavy Doffy started to laugh. “Is that so? Well there is only so much you can learn from books and charts. Why don’t we have some more fun than hmm? You can show me what else you have learned, Fufufu…” Law’s heart was a lump of ice in his chest, he realized that all those years he thought he was free were nothing but a cruel joke. The truth was clear, he had never left the birdcage on Minion Island. He just hadn’t been able to see the bars until now, yet there they were, constricting around him. He would never be free from this man, he had been trapped the moment he set foot in that warehouse three years ago.
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mygiantesslove · 6 years
SHRUNK was written by a guy called MicroSteven, not by me.  I am uploading it here as a favor to several people who want to read it.  If you are the author of this and object to having it uploaded here, please let me know and I will remove it at once.  You could tell by the way Joe was walking down the street that he was in a bad mood.  He was out for a walk in his neighborhood, trying to relax.  He crossed the street about three blocks from his house and turned the corner. Suddenly, two boys on skateboards came tearing around the corner from the opposite direction. Joe narrowly missed getting smashed by both of them by mere inches. He jumped back, startled, then began yelling at the pair of 13-year-olds.    "Watch where the hell you're going!" he shouted. "Damn! Sorry, Mister!!" said Andrew, a blond youth about five feet tall with mischievous blue eyes.     "Man! Thank God we missed you!" said TJ, who was slightly taller than Andrew, with darker hair and eyes.     "You little bastards shouldn't be cutting across the corner like that!" Joe complained.     "We're really sorry about that, Mister", Andrew said, "But we do it all the time and we never had a problem before."      "So true", agreed TJ.      "Are you trying to be a smartass?!", snapped Joe. "Where do you two live? I wonder if your parents know they have out of control brats for sons?!" "Oh no," thought Andrew, "Just what my dad needs... another excuse to punish me." Andrew was getting pissed---after all, he had apologized and no harm had been done.   He didn't want to get punished for something he didn't do!    "You kids could have broken my leg or crushed my toes with those boards!", Joe said.  Now both Andrew and TJ were getting nervous… and pissed. Couldn't this guy just drop it? What was his problem?    "Well?", Joe demanded nastily.    "Well, what?", Andrew countered, really ticked off at Joe's continued nastiness.    Joe was fuming and looked as if he was going to grab Andrew. All of a sudden Andrew raised his right arm and pointed directly at Joe.    "Don't touch me, man!", warned Andrew.    "Why you little...", was as far as Joe got as he stepped towards the boys.                 The next thing Joe knew, he was looking up in shock at a pair of giant boys, each with one Airwalk clad foot on a skateboard.  "This can't be happening!", Joe said to himself.  Andrew and TJ exchanged brief glances... and then grinned slyly.     "Well, I haven't had to do THAT for awhile!", Andrew said.     "Yeah, I know.",  TJ agreed.      Looking around, Joe realized that the boys weren't giants, but that HE had somehow shrunk to about an inch or so tall.  An ant crawled past… it was as big as his shoe. Joe screamed…like a fool!                "Oh shut up!", Andrew sneered. "You don't need to worry about getting your toes crushed by our skateboards anymore. Does he, TJ?"      "Nope!", TJ replied, grinning slightly.      "Thank God!", Joe thought to himself. He couldn't understand what had happened. "Don't worry...", began Andrew, "I wouldn't dream of crushing your toes with my skateboard....but I WILL crush your whole BODY! And I wouldn't do THAT with anything but my SMELLY BAREFOOT!!!                Both Andrew and TJ started to crack up at this.    "This CAN'T be happening..", Joe muttered to himself. TJ looked at Andrew and both boys slipped one foot each out of their HUGE Airwalks. Neither of them was wearing socks on this hot summer day.  "We really hope you like big smelly feet, Mister!", Andrew said.    "Yeah!", continued TJ, "REALLY smelly! hehehehe!!" Then he looked over  at Andrew and asked: "Can I go first?"                "Sure," Andrew said, "But DON'T smoosh him just yet!"     Joe was horrified. He KNEW he was in trouble. TJ looked down at Joe's tiny body, and lifted his massive sweaty bare right foot and using his toes, began to touch  Joe.  The smell was unbelievable!!! TJ's foot smelled like it hadn't been washed in a week...but it had actually been only four days.    "Smell my foot, bitch!!", TJ sneered down at Joe.    "DO IT!", demanded Andrew, "or I'll squash you myself RIGHT NOW!!"     TJ lowered his gigantic stinky foot onto Joe's helpless little body.     "SMELL", TJ said slowly. He spread his toes and wiggled them all over Joe, who couldn't help but breath in the foot fumes of the giant boy.     "I think I'll smoosh you into my toe jam!", TJ said. Joe was freaking out, completely helpless and at the mercy of these two giant boys, he had been threatening just a few moments before.  Andrew watched his friend intently, staring at his hot smelly foot, which TJ further lowered, pinning Joe beneath. Joe's head was in the gap between TJ's two biggest toes.     TJ sneered down at Joe, savoring the power he had over him. "I could crush you like a bug, and it wouldn't make one bit of difference to me, bitch!", TJ said.    "Before we MAKE you into toe jam," Andrew said, "I want you to bury your face between each of my friend's toes and eat up all the crud that's in there!"    Joe hesitated. TJ spoke, "DO IT, BITCH!! Eat my disgusting TOE CHEESE!!" He wiggled his toes once again all over Joe's minuscule body.    TJ giggled, "This ROCKS!!!"    "YUP!", Andrew replied.     Joe slowly began to fill his mouth with the sweat, dirt and dead skin trapped between TJ's massive smelly toes. Joe was completely humiliated. Both boys chuckled in delight. TJ shifted his huge foot, trapping Joe beneath the sole. "Lick the filthy bottom of my foot!", TJ ordered.      Joe didn't move.     "DO IT!", Andrew demanded. Still, Joe did nothing.      TJ spoke, "Listen, BITCH, we KNOW where your house is! We can go right up to it and do the same exact thing to your wife and kids!"      Joe knew they were serious. He began to lick the giant's sole, tasting salt and the stench of gigantic skater sneakers. TJ grinned, enjoying the feeling of a tiny man licking and worshipping his stinky foot.     "Don't squish him", Andrew warned TJ, "He's  MINE!"      Joe was paralyzed with fear. TJ removed his monstrous barefoot from Joe's prone body and Andrew stepped towards the shrunken man. "You are going to DIE under my friend's SMELLY FOOT!!", TJ laughed.     Joe looked up into the blond boy's eyes and he KNEW he would not survive this.    "Look at my huge sweaty foot!", Andrew ordered. "It's horribly smelly and the lowest part of my body...but YOU are even lower!"     He raised his mammoth barefoot and held it a couple of inches above Joe.     "Look at it!", Andrew continued, "Sniff it. Kiss it. This is what is going to end your life. Think about it...you are going to die under my FILTHY FOOT! Everything you have done in your life has led up to this moment...just so you could be stepped out of existence by my giant foot. You are too pathetic for us to allow you to live on the same planet as two Gods like me and TJ!"      Joe couldn't move.      "I like what you were saying before, TJ", Andrew said, "I think tomorrow we'll go to his house and shrink his wife and kids. They're brats anyway!"       "KEWL!!", TJ replied, looking down at Joe, "I can't WAIT to feel your kids turn to mush under my heel!"       Both boys giggled.       Andrew began to lower his bare foot onto Joe.       Andrew spoke, "This foot is going to squish all your loved ones,  too! HA HA HA HA!!!! How do you like THAT?! You like being under my big foot, BITCH?!" Joe felt as insignificant as an insect that had gotten in Andrew's way...and basically, that's all he was now.      "You know what? My little brother HATES your son!", Andrew mused. "I think I'll give your boy to him to play with! My brother LOVES to kill things! HAHAHAHA! Your son is going to die under a ten-year-old boy's SMELLY FOOT!! THAT is the FUNNIEST!!!" Joe was too numb to respond.      "I'm gonna splootch your body under my foot and grind you into goo!", Andrew threatened. "Then I'm gonna get you all smooshed up between my toes and walk around with you in my shoe! You like that?!"      "You are nothing!", Andrew went on. "You threaten us with going to our parents because we almost hit you on our skateboards?! HA! I guess we showed YOU! You are so PATHETIC! You were born just so I could feel you squish under my foot!"     TJ watched intently, loving every minute of the fun.     "Now bitch...DIE!!!!", yelled Andrew as he pinned Joe's body under the ball of his still sweaty foot. He began to apply pressure and laughed when he felt Joe's ribcage give way suddenly. Andrew ground his bare foot back and forth slowly, grinding the life out of Joe.      "Die under my foot", Andrew whispered. He could see Joe's face between his toes. He spit a huge glob of saliva into Joe's face. Then he shifted his foot, and pinned Joe's spit-covered face under his big toe, applying just enough pressure to pop Joe's head like a grape. Andrew stared down at his toes and watched as his foot slowly and methodically turned Joe into paste. TJ came over, and they each removed their other shoe, and then began smooshing and wiggling their toes in Joe's pulpy remains. They went on doing this for a couple of minutes, relishing their might and power...knowing they could do this to anyone, anytime. All that was left of Joe was a few stains on the white concrete sidewalk and some mush on the bottoms of the boys' feet. Some bits of Joe ended up ground into the rancid insoles of the boys' shoes. What a pathetic way to end up!      Thinking about their plans for Joe’s family, TJ said, "MAN! I can't WAIT for tomorrow!!"     "Neither can I!" - Now read part 2 -
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Issue 25 - Adam’s Best of 2019
Subscribe to Sincere, Positive Things here!
Last week I dubbed my dear friend Adam Maid "The King of Media." This is because nobody is more up to date on movies, books, music and TV than him. However, merely consuming all of that does not media royalty make. Thankfully, in addition to his vast audio/visual/textual diet, Adam also has impeccable taste. It only made sense to commission a top of 2019 list from him and share it with the world. Enjoy!
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Hey, you know what was a pretty good year for pop culture? 2019. It would take forever to really get into everything I loved this year, so I'll try to contain it to just a top 15, so you can head into 2020 with the entertaining distractions you'll most certainly need. 1. Knives and Skin (movie) - A lot of people have been influenced by David Lynch, but few have been able to sublimate that influence into something as wholly new and exciting as Jennifer Reeder did with Knives and Skin. Even though it's set in a small town full of idiosyncratic weirdos (hello Twin Peaks) rocked by the disappearance of a teen girl (see previous parentheses), every scene/character/moment goes off in unexpected, surprising directions that make it one of the most original and daring films I've seen in years. Oh, and it's also sort of a musical? 2. Los Espookys (TV) - There's nothing that can't happen in the world of Los Espookys. A woman trapped in a world of mirrors? Sure. A water spirit obsessed with watching The King's Speech? Why not. Fred Armisen as a legendary parking valet? Yes. The show, co-created by SNL's Julio Torres and mostly set in Spanish, follows a group of friends in an undisclosed Latin American country bound by their love of horror and their business creating elaborate practical effects (you know, normal stuff like fake exorcisms to help the Church and tourist-trap sea monsters). It's delightful. 3. Normal People - Sally Rooney (book) - This is just Sally Rooney's second novel, but she has quickly established herself as one of the best writers of this generation. We see all of her young characters' strengths and weaknesses, how they fumble communication and collide into one another on the way to adulthood, through prose that is alive and absolutely precise. 4. Orville Peck - Pony (music) - So there's this guy. He's a country singer, but also kind of a punk, who wears a mask, has a sort of rockabilly-glam aesthetic, and his name's not really Orville Peck and no one actually knows who he is. It's a fun gimmick, but what keeps it from being style over substance is that the substance is really, really good. Sometimes haunting, sometimes straight-up rock, Pony is an album that will always instantly make you feel like you're on a highway at 4 AM. 5. The Righteous Gemstones (TV) - If Danny McBride and Jody Hill had just opted to make The Righteous Gemstones a straight parody of bloated southern megachurches and the large personalities who run them, it still would've been hilarious. But what they made is something much weirder and darker, with an Elmore Leonard novel's worth of blackmail, double-crossing, and actual intense stakes. It also gave us living legend Walton Goggins performing, and I'm being serious here, the song of the year. 6. Nilüfer Yanya - Miss Universe (music) - I listened to this album more than almost any other this year, and I still can't really decide how to describe it. Even in the course of a song she's able to somehow transition from sounding like late-period Sade to early 2000s indie rock and back again, stopping along the way to pick up and discard jazzy lounge, pop beats, heavy synths, and even spoken word. 7. Gideon the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir (book) - You're not going to find a more fun protagonist this year than Gideon Nav, the smartass, sword-wielding filth queen 2019 got but didn't deserve. I love the worldbuilding in this book, full of necromancers, puzzle box rooms, and massive creatures made of reanimated bones. 8. Midsommar (movie) - I saw this movie in theaters three times this year (and two of them were the 3-hour director's cut). I love it. It manages to be a weirdly funny, sun-drenched, folk horror breakup movie that's also about grief and healing, anchored by Florence Pugh giving one of the absolute best performances of the year. 9. Go Ahead in the Rain: Notes to A Tribe Called Quest - Hanif Abdurraqib (book) - Nobody writes about music like Hanif Abdurraqib. His latest is part-biography of A Tribe Called Quest, part-autobiography through the lens of their work, part-love letter to a favorite group, part-larger reflection on race, culture, and music's role in helping a person find their place in the world. 10. Angel Olsen - All Mirrors (music) - Angel Olsen has been one of my favorite artists for nearly a decade, but this year/album felt like a leveling up in both her songwriting and aesthetic approach, bringing in a new layer of theatrical, bombastic strings coupled with an almost "Grand Dame of the Opry" stage persona that was thrilling to see evolve in real time. 11. Octet (theater) - Dave Malloy wrote one of the century's best musicals with Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812, so I had to check out his newest work at the Signature Theater here in New York (sorry, out-of-towners) that ran this past spring (sorry, New Yorkers). This piece was an eight-voice a cappella musical all focused around social media and its various detrimental effects, which, nope, I did not find relatable at all and was absolutely NOT devastated, I don't know who you've been talking to, uh uh. Anyway, a cast album is in production, so you're in luck! 12: What We Do in the Shadows (TV) - Was there a narrative need for a spinoff of the 2015 Taika Waititi movie of the same name? No. Did the show's creators find the develop a series that is both fully of that world/its humor and also stands completely on its own? A resounding yes. 13. The Last Black Man in San Francisco (movie) - I haven't stopped thinking about this movie for like six months. It's streaming on Amazon Prime now, so please just go watch it right now. (On the biggest screen you can. The cinematography is beautiful.) 14. Wilder Girls - Rory Power (book) - You simply have to hand it to a YA book with David Cronenberg-levels of body horror. You just do. Wilder Girls is set in an all-girls boarding school on a quarantined island, where everyone who isn't killed by a mysterious plague is left with some kind of physical transformation. But it's really the writing that sets it off: florid without being languid, poetic but also heart-pounding. 15. The National - I Am Easy to Find (music) - Somehow, almost two decades and eight albums in, The National keep finding new directions to push their music, and new ways for their lyrics to run you through with a knife. Yes, I am in my 30s. Ok, I know I said I'd cover my top 15, but there's a lot more I could get into and Ramsey's not here right now, so here's a quick rundown of some other great stuff you maybe haven't seen or have seen covered on other, better lists: Movies: The Farewell, Fast Color, Tigers Are Not Afraid, Parasite, High Flying Bird, Us, Booksmart Books: The Twisted Ones - T. Kingfisher, Orange World - Karen Russell, Fleishman Is in Trouble - Taffy Brodesser-Akner, Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland - Patrick Radden Keefe, Mostly Dead Things - Kristen Arnett TV: Russian Doll, Succession, Watchmen, Holy Moley, Fleabag, The Boys, Doom Patrol, I Think You Should Leave Music: James Blake - Assume Form, PUP - Morbid Stuff, Better Oblivion Community Center - s/t, Charly Bliss - Young Enough, The New Pornographers - In the Morse Code of Brake Lights, Sharon Van Etten - Remind Me Tomorrow
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Um hello everyone??
I hit another follower milestone and like???
How are there so many of you here??
Thank you to everyone for your support!  I hope ya’ll are enjoying the stuff I put on this blog!
So for new and old followers here’s some stuff about me and a mini writing showcase:
Tumblr username: Segadores-y-soldados AO3 username: clickclickBANG Twitter: https://twitter.com/SegadorYSoldado (I am very new at the bird website, please send help) Semi-personal info: transdude from California, please use he/him for me Semi-relevant skills: slowly improving my Spanish - feel free to correct my nonsense (also, 00halle, I saw your comment - I’ve been meaning to respond!  Thank you again for the offer, I super appreciate it and will be coming to you with some questions when I get a chance)
Content: All Overwatch stuff, lots of Reaper76 shippy stuff - be sure to look at my About page to find my other ships I’ll reblog 
Things I’m most well-known for: My essays (tagged as “my essays”) including references on Reaper, Soldier, and Ana; little dialogue scenarios (tagged as “dumb stuff”), usually involving Reaper/Gabriel and Soldier/Jack in some way; doing research on lore and locational stuff in Overwatch; writing fics about Gabriel and Jack being ridiculous smartasses who are in love (and oftentimes the poor people who have to witness their shenanigans).
Little writing showcase:
SEP: Sunsets (written for the amazing Vapewraith!)
They’re in one of the halls of the SEP facility - tucked away into a deep mountainside “somewhere out west,” the building is hard angles and brutal concrete and cut-steel, as soft as titanium and as gentle as the injections they get every morning and evening.  Yet even here, in “wherever’s-range,” there is still beauty: the massive windows, normally just cold, crystalline glass, are open to the sunset, bleeding colors across the land and sky, dripping into the hallway with the vibrancy of oil paints.  Reds smoke into bright, endless pinks, golds melt into bold, sunshine yellows, oranges shift into liquid amber, and at the edges of the atmosphere, velvet purples sigh into silky blues, tinting the more vivid colors and steeped clouds with the dusk of night and the emerging stars.
It’s a sight neither Gabriel nor Jack will ever get tired of -
No matter how exhausted they are.
“The doctors will see you shortly -” the SEP instructor starts to say, reappearing at the far end of the hallway, before he looks up from the papers on his clipboard and scowls at the group of crumbling supersoldiers, snapping, “Is that what you call ‘lining up?’”
“Maybe if y’all didn’t work us so damn hard,” Number: 141 growls, his voice climbing into a hoarse yell, “We’d still have the energy to fucking stand!”
There are shouts of agreement and calls of “Yeah that!” and quiet mumbles of assent.  Gabriel huffs to himself, sliding himself onto the concrete barrier and trying his hardest not to wince as his muscles settle into a sitting position.  He’s used to hard work and even harder workouts, but today had been…brutal.  3 am running through the facility and into the mountains and back, to 10 am sparring and boxing and hand-to-hand combat, to 1 pm “simulation training” where they ran teams in rubber-bullet fire-fights, to 4 pm regulated work outs of push ups and squats and curls, to now - 8 pm - where they fall to their pieces in concrete hallways, waiting for doctors to take their biodata and continue churning them into statistics for the U.S. government before jamming more needles in their arms and sending them to brutal, uncomfortable cots in the dorms.
Jack slides himself up next to Gabriel, sighing just loud enough for his best friend to hear, “Today…was pretty bad.”
“Would’ve been easier on you if you hadn’t burned yourself out on those push ups,” Gabriel grunts back, pulling a pack of cigarettes from a pant pocket.  He taps one out, muttering with some confusion, “Why were you doing all those one-armed push ups?”
Old Habits (aka “the big fic”) - Rating: T - Action/Adventure for R76:
“PULL BACK,” Reaper’s shouting at the three goons who got blasted the fuck back with a concussive rocket, “ASSHOLES, THOSE ARE HELIX MARK VI, IF THEY FIRE A REAL ROCKET YOU’RE FUCKING DEAD.”
Louis is, remarkably, the only one who stays on his feet, although now that they’re all wearing their visors it’s getting difficult to tell who’s who.  The other two roll backwards, flipping over a few times before slamming into the cliff wall behind them.  Reaper could fucking push both of them off the ledge and into the depths of the canyon with how annoyed he is at them, but that’s not important right now.
Three of the Helix fliers pop up from behind the rock ledge, hovering just a bit above the ground - low enough to get shelter again, but just high enough to give them a subtle height and maneuverability advantage over the Talon and Deadlock ground units.  He hears Widowmaker and Henri fire off a few more rounds, but distant screams are the only reward for that - they’re aiming at the U.S. military soldiers who are stupidly rappelling down from the stable parts of the train still up on the tracks and making themselves easy targets.
“Widowmaker, Helix units, on the ground, below you!” Reaper growls out over the comms before he fucking dematerializes -
- and reforms himself directly behind the three Helix fliers.
God, that hurt like a FUCK.
He punches one of them in the back to make up for it.
(More under the cut)
76 + 127: How We Were Made - Rating: E - Reaper76 SEP fic
Jack stands by one of the dull, concrete walls and bends himself over before slowly reverse-walking his legs up the side.  The rush of blood to his already throbbing head just makes it feel worse, but the weird mix of exhaustion and energy courses through him and he -
He cannot tell if he wants to fight something
Or fuck something.
...Probably both.
That was the other thing: the fucking raging mix of hormones and chemicals - both natural and artificial - had only cranked individual personalities, energies, attentions, aggressions, and desires to the fucking max.  It had been apparent from the day of orientation that all 150 of them were between 18 and 25 years old - all physically fit, largely martially-oriented people from a multitude of military programs across the country.  Jack and Gabriel had been the top two picks from West Point, but Jack had recognized a handful of the others as being from the academy - like three upperclassmen and ten lowerclassmen and two from their own group - Adrien and Sarah.
So yeah
Of course both fighting and fucking had started occurring within the first week.
Pinche mierda, there had been packets of lube and condoms in their supply chests in their bunk rooms from the very first day onwards.  The program directors had certainly known what to expect from a bunch of high-energy, high-intensity young adults.
Jack sighs again, not sure if he loves or hates the pressure in his head and neck, before pushing his arms up off his elbows and onto his hands.
Upside-down push-ups suck.
Gabriel’s wide, smug, fucking charming grin flashes into his head.
Sharpshooter: Hit Me Like A Drum - Rating: T - McHanzo meeting fic
Jesse flicks his eyes from the apparent quiver back to the man’s amazing face and his dark eyes and immediately knows two things:
1 - This man is absolutely the most handsome person Jesse has ever had the blessed fortune of meeting.
2 - He does not understand a word coming out of the man’s mouth.
“...Pardon?” Jesse asks absently, blinking awkwardly. The...archer (?) tilts his head a little and scowls a bit - oh jackrabbit turds, I pissed him right off - before saying in flawless English, “It is your turn.”
Oh. Jesse thinks lamely. English.
“Oh uh, thanks, partner,” Jesse says awkwardly, glancing back towards the counter where one of the chefs is waiting with an expression of stern politeness that is fading into increasing annoyance. Jesse makes eye contact with the chef and she gives him a small handwave of “hurry up, tourist, I don’t have all day.”
“Uh…” Jesse glances back sheepishly at the man behind me, giving him an embarrassed smile, “You wouldn’t happen to know which one is the spicy pork ramen, would you?”
The man’s scowl fades for a quick second before returning, and he says with startlingly serious focus, “Oh. You can’t read it.”
“Uh…no, sorry ‘bout that, darlin’,” Jesse apologizes without thinking and the man raises an eyebrow, asking, “‘Darling?’”
Why, yes, please do, the wiseass side of Jesse cracks in his head and he fucking flounders over the barrage of shame and embarrassment and attraction.
“Oh, damn, shit, sorry - oh cheese on a cracker, I shouldn’t be swearing, oh god you’re gonna think I was never taught manners - shoot, sugar, I’m so sorry, it’s a bad habit I got from my pa and - Shit, I just did it again - sorry, it’s been a long trip here and, oh Lord, I just swore again, this is so embarrassing -”
A startled look of wonder blossoms on the man’s face and if Jesse wasn’t so fucking flustered, he would love to try and mentally catalogue how the man looks so open and surprised. Jesse is in the middle of tripping over his words when the unthinkable happens.
A miracle occurs.
The man gives a surprisingly broad and genuinely happy grin and starts to laugh.
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