#please don't shower mom
thedailydingo · 2 years
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necroticghost · 1 month
omfg, someone being over at our place triggers my ocd like nothing else
#LIKE NO#NO YOU CANNOT FUCKING PUT THE SPICES THAT WAY#AND DON'T FUCKING MOVE ANYTHING#don't put your shoes where mine always go#don't ruin my rituals every morning and every night#I CANNOT FUNCTION#NO I DON'T WANNA DO THAT IN THAT ORDER#STOP FUCKING INVALIDATING ME#and that item DOESN'T FUCKING GO THERE#DON'T USE THE KITCHEN TOWELS FOR THAT USE#THAT PLATE ISN'T FOR FOOD#IT'S FOR DESSERTS ONLY#THE CUTTING BOARD DOESN'T GO THERE WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DO THINGS RIGHT#AND THAT PLATE??????? PLEASE FOR FUCK'S SAKE DO. NOT. PUT RAW CHICKEN ON IT I'M VEGETARIAN AND WILL GO FERAL THAT'S MY FAVOURITE PLATE#THE WHOLE HOUSE IS A MESS AND SO CLUTTERED#EVERYWHERE I GO THERE ARE THINGS I DON'T LIKE#I love these people but please do not touch my stuff or any item ever in here or I will go insane#not to mention????? MY FUCKING MORNING ROUTINE#NO I DON'T WANNA CUT VEGETABLES I WANNA GO BACK IN MY ROOM AND APPLY MY FACE PRODUCTS AND CHANGE MY CLOTHES AND PUT ON DEODORANT#I'M LOSING MY GODDAMN MIND#to the point where I wanna cut myself purely out of anger and from being triggered so much#ah yeah also the shower head#NO IT DOESN'T GO FROM THE LEFT AND HANGING#IT'S FROM THE RIGHT AND ON THE FAUCED#and please 😭😭 THE DOOR HAS TO BE CLOSED COMPLETELY#and the pizza box doesn't fucking go there 😭😭😭😭#THE FRIDGE TOO#because it's so unorganised that I don't even wanna eat so I don't have to look at it#it's filled to the brim with so much food like who even eats that much#her mom used my favourite knife to prepare the raw chicken and didn't even disinfect in properly
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doom-dreaming · 6 months
how do i tell my mother that coming into my room calling me "lazybones" if i'm still in bed at any time past 7 a.m. for YEARS has done near-irreparable damage to my self-esteem and created shame about being able to just fucking relax?
#but she can rot on the couch playing mahjong on her ipad all day it's fine#i don't feel at all angry when i come home dirty and tired from work#and she tells me i'm making dinner#while she sits curled up on the couch with a cup of tea and a book#sure mom. let me just take a shower and i'll get right on that#but please do let me know how hungry you are five times while i'm trying to scrape together some energy#i need to get out of this house#some small part of me kinda hopes she just doesn't come back from vacation#and. and .#as i'm giving her a VERY NICE vacation pedicure last night#she goes 'hey could i maybe use your hardcase on this trip? it'd just be easier in a customs search'#oh the brand new really nice hardcase suitcase that you got me for my birthday? that one?#not one of the four other suitcases you own?#sure. go ahead and take it#anythign else i can get you queen?#my belongings are not my own#my life is not my own#my time is not my own#yes i know i have control issues but i think i've earned them a little bit#i never learned to set boundaries and could never say no to my mom without being reprimanded#and i feel like a shell of a person because she's belittled my individuality if it doesn't conform to her worldview#and i feel like i'm dangling this husk in front of people and saying 'yep this is me. my whole essence'#all because i can't say no to her taking my fucking suitcase like it was never really mine to begin with#like she's just entitled to all my shit#i'm fine. i have a meeting with my therapist next week. i'm fine.
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I woke up on this fine Saturday morning and thought to myself, hm, why not go have a nice cup of coffee before I go shower, so I did that and mom joined me and just like that it turned into yet another conversation about how much she hates dad and then she started crying and I'm like. I just. I just wanted to have some coffee, man
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frostbite-the-bat · 4 months
... My parents really for real are leaving the uncleaned, rotten potato juice and other misc unknown juice infested, LITERALLY FRUIT FLY LARVAE INFESTED, cupboards, in the bathroom,
For like the 4th day starting today if I am counting right
Sure just don't let me shower sure just let me get paranoid over the larvae sure make me not trust the bathtub for like a week sure let the place get more infested sure let it stink up the whole place SURE LEAVE THE FUCKING BATHROOM UNUSABLE
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alexiroflife · 3 months
"first day"
fluff, happy fushiguro family, slice of life, megs' first day of school send-off
Synopsis: you've been dating toji for a while now and megumi subconsciously calls you mom for the first time on his way out the door
to sum it up: you adore the little family you've come to be a part of
WC: 1,701
Warning(s): none
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"Megs!" you call out, standing by the front door awaiting the dark-haired boy's arrival. He soon shuffles around the corner from his room, throwing a bag over his shoulder with a tired expression on his face.
His father turns to watch him walk in, crossing his arms as he leans against the counter. "The hell were you doing in there that took you so long?"
"Nothing," Megumi grumbles, moving to brush past the two of you to rush to the door. "I just wanted to look presentable, that's all."
"So you took thirty minutes to get ready?" Toji quirks a brow.
"Believe it or not, dad, some would say that's not enough time to get ready in the morning."
"Not at all, actually," you agree.
Toji tugs the corner of his mouth in judgment. " Well, you should know," he says to you. "You spend at least ten years in the bathroom when we have somewhere to go."
You scoff, rolling your eyes. "That's such an overreaction. I never take any longer than an hour." Megumi and his father exchange knowing looks and you place your hand on your hip. "What?"
"Don't worry baby," Toji assures you. "It's okay to be in denial."
"We've timed it before. The last time we all went out to dinner as a family, you took two and a half hours to get dressed," Megumi adds.
"That's only because I had to shower and pick out an outfit then do my hair and makeup," you defend.
"Isn't that a little overkill? It takes me half that time to shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and get some homework done."
"Whatever. Your sister would understand," you sigh.
"Unfortunately, she may be worse than you."
"Women," Toji tsks. You slap his bicep and he pretends to flinch, smirking down at you playfully. "Ouch."
"Alright, well, I'm ready now. I don't wanna be late," the sixteen year old says, turning back to reach for the door handle.
"Ah ah ah, wait!" you stop him. "You're not going anywhere without me getting a good look at you. Turn around, I wanna see how the uniform fits."
Megumi lowers his head and complies, turning back around stiffly for you to admire him. You press your hand to your lips to conceal your smile, eyes gleaming with pride as you look over the sharp navy jacket and pants he adorns.
"Awwww," you coo. "It fits perfectly! How does it feel?"
"Pretty good," Megumi nods, moving his arm around slightly to show his mobility in the fabric. "It's comfortable too. It shouldn't be a problem during missions."
"I still can't believe how quickly time has gone by," you muse. "You're already going into your first year at Jujutsu High! Are you excited?"
"You better be," Toji grunts. "Your uncle Gojo hasn't gotten off my ass about your enrollment for years. At least now, he'll finally shut up."
"I still don't understand why I have to have him as a teacher. He's such a moron, I doubt he'll teach us anything useful," Megumi mumbles.
"Moron or not, he's the strongest sorcerer of the modern age and he's helped out so much. I'm sure he'll be able to give you a good experience," you say positively.
"We talkin' about the same Gojo here? The one who trashed my house playing tag with Megumi and the dogs in the living room?" Toji points out and his son grits his teeth at the memory.
"Oh come on, Satoru was like twenty one back then. I can only imagine the crazy shit you've with the kids when you were raising them," you tease.
"You don't even want to know," Megumi exhales.
"Please, you came out just fine, didn’t ya?” Toji says, reaching out his hand to ruffle at Megumi's spiky hair. The teen recoils, craning his head away and shielding himself with his arm.
"Quit it. I'm not five anymore."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're all grown up now, I know. Gonna be a first-grade sorcerer before I can even blink an eye."
"Who said that I would be first grade? I'm only a first year."
"Yeah, and look at who your pops is," Toji grins. "Plus, you got an advantage that I never had. You'll do just fine."
Megumi hums indifferently, doubting himself momentarily but accepting the words nonetheless. "Alright, are we ready?"
"No, not yet!" you pull out your phone quickly and open the camera. "I need to get pictures."
The blue-eyed boy slumps. "(Y/n), I gotta go."
"I know, I know, just a few," you promise, holding your camera up to capture his awkward figure in the frame. "Okay, smile."
Megumi doesn't, and of course you don't actually expect him to. Instead, he calmly stares at the camera with his arms at his sides, unsure of what to do with themselves. Toji moves to stand behind you, leaning down to take a peak at the million pictures you're snapping.
"Toji, go stand with him so I can get one with the both of you."
The two groan simultaneously. "Doll, can we just focus on gettin' the kid to school?"
"It's fine. His stuff is already moved into his dorm. We have time."
"Shut up and go stand with your son, now," you glare firmly up at the green-eyed man and he huffs.
"Yes, ma'am."
Toji raises a hand to his hip and tilts his head boredly as he stands beside Megumi, the two of them sharing the exact same blank stare as they look into the camera. You squeal happily. "You two are so cuteee!"
"We done, now?"
"No, I wanna get one more with Megs, and then I'm good." The boys give you a look, but you wave them off. "I mean it! Gosh, here Toji. Take our picture."
Toji obliges, grabbing your phone from your hand as you rush over to the tall boy. His expression melts into serenity as you place your hands on his shoulders and lean your head against his arm, smiling widely at the camera as a hint of a smile touches Megumi's lips.
Toji's heart warms at the sight, watching the way his son grows comfortable in your presence. The picture of the two of you looks so natural t to him like you are meant to be a part of his family, which he knows you are.
He snaps the photo and nods. "Got it."
You exhale, turning to face Megumi. You brush your hands over his shoulders to straighten his jacket, ridding it of any lint and wrinkles. "Okay, Megumi, please remember to be safe."
"I know. I will," he nods.
"And don't be too reckless when it comes to training."
"I won't."
"And try to make friends. I know how easy it is for you to push others away."
"I'll try."
You press your lips together with a final sigh, looking over Megumi's face warmly. You wrap your arms safely around him into a hug, your emotions getting the best of you. You have spent the past year caring for Megumi like your own, and watching him head off to achieve his goals makes your heart swell with joy and fear all the same.
"Text me or your father or Tsumiki if you need anything. Anything at all," you tell him. He returns your hug gently.
"Okay," he chuckles lightly and you pull away. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."
"...I know you will..." you pout. "Okay, I'll let you go. Good luck. I hope you have an amazing first day. I'll see you at the end of the week, yeah?"
"Mhm. I'll call you to let you know how the day went later."
"Please do."
Toji hands you back your phone and walks toward the door with Megumi. "Let's get a move on," he says. He leans over quickly to peck your lips farewell. "I'll be back in a few."
"Don't speed, Toji."
"Speeding gets you places quicker," he winks and you suck your teeth disapprovingly. Megumi opens the door, his dad gripping the frame.
"Bye, boys. Stay out of trouble," you wave, eyes glassy as you watch Megumi walk out.
"See ya, doll."
"Bye, mum."
The three of you freeze the second the words hit the air, everyone stilling in their tracks.
You feel your heart burst as overwhelming happiness consumes you. Megumi keeps his face forward, hiding his reddening cheeks as he processes what he has just said. Toji stares at the back of his son's head, eyes wide, before he turns to look at you to find your shocked, giddy face.
You don't have any time to reply when Megumi clears his throat suddenly, sweat dotting his forehead, and he walks rigidly out of the house and swiftly down the hall without looking back.
Toji stays behind, keeping an eye on you when you look up at him, stunned. "Did he just...?" you murmur.
Your eyes immediately well with tears and your lips wobble, your hands flying over your mouth. "He sees me as his mom?" you whisper.
Toji chuckles, ducking down to you with his hand still gripping the door. "Of course he does. He's always adored you. Him and Tsumiki."
"I'm gonna cry."
The assassin chuckles softly, pressing his thumb to the corner of your eye gently. "You're already cryin.'"
"Shut up," you sniff. "God, I love those kids so much. I just wanna give him all the hugs in the world."
"And you'll be able to. There isn't a better woman on this planet to be there for the kids," he kisses your cheek. "That's why I plan t'marry you someday."
"Fuck you, Toj. You're gonna make me cry even more."
"Sorry, baby. Can't help talkin' about it," he leans back to the doorway. "Let me get the kid squared away and make sure he's not dyin' of embarrassment, then I'll be back to talk to ya about makin' this official."
"You're being for real?"
"Of course I am."
You lower your hands and beam. "Tell Megumi I love him and get back here soon."
"I will," he hums. "But I thought you said no speeding?"
"Just- make sure the two of you at least get to the school in one peace."
He smirks. "Will do, doll."
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goldierey · 5 months
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 ⊹₊。ꕤ˚₊⊹ 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
dating jason todd? um…yes please!
in which? i go over my jason todd headcanons.
what are we listening to? teeth, 5 seconds of summer.
featuring...my friend hannah!! thank you for doing this with meee <3
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 ⊹₊。ꕤ˚₊⊹ 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
your own personal chef. you want something? he’s making it. want to try something you’ve never had? he’s on it. count on him to make you the best food ever.
he’ll watch the shows you like JUST because you like it. doesn’t matter if he thinks it’s the shittiest thing ever; if it brings a smile to your face, he’s gonna binge.
the banter…honestly, all the batboys have great banter BUT HIS IS ON TOP !!! he gives off "only i can make fun of her. you can't." and i love it so so so so much, can you tell??
if you argue, he’s taking a step back from the situation to calm down. he NEVER wants to treat you the way willis did his mom. once he's calm, you talk it out. this makes all your friends flock to you for advice.
he's ALWAYS touching you. interlocked pinkies? hand on your arm? on your back? he's doing it.
he'll get you anything you ask for. and i mean ANYTHING. new car, new phone, new journal, new shower, he's gonna get it for you, don't you worry.
he's THE cuddle buddy to have. a walking heater. he loves to curl up in bed with you after a long patrol, pressing his face in your hair and holding, feeling, your body in his hands. he adores when you lay on top of him, makes him feel grounded, especially after a nightmare. but he also adores laying on top of you. who cares if he's pure 200+ lbs of muscle?? he's baby!
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 5 months
Family Vacation
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader
Warnings: smut!
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You and Lando have been dating for half a year now and the time has finally come to meet his family. You've been putting off that obligation as long as you could, but Lando was too eager for you to meet them given the fact that he fell hard for you. Lando never introduced any of his previous girlfriends to his parents because he never felt that something with any of them to take that step.
But when it comes to you.. He never had a doubt in his mind. You may not have been his first girlfriend, but you were the first one he was sure of.
And so as soon as Lando had a week off from racing, he took it upon himself to organize a family vacation. You hesitated at first because you were racking your brains about whether they would like you, what topics you'd talk about, what if you say something wrong in front of them and similar things to which Lando just laughed sweetly.
It took him two days to convince you that everything will be fine, that you don't need to worry about anything because he will be by your side all the time and won't leave you alone at any moment.
You trusted him and you felt safe next to him and you also knew that you were probably worrying for no reason so soon five days in a hotel in Mallorca with his family didn't sound so bad anymore.
And it wasn't bad at all. Already after the first day spent with them you felt more than accepted. Everyone loved you immediately. Lando didn't let go of your hand as he had promised, but when he saw you chatting alone on the beach with his mom, he beamed.
In the sun on the beach and in good company, the days were passing quickly. You were all together at the beach and at family dinners every day. You and Lando didn't have much time for yourself, but that wasn't the goal of this trip anyway, so you weren't complaining.
But Lando though.. Towards the end of the vacation he started to get impatient. Too eager for you. You hadn't seen each other for two weeks before this and it was getting too much for him to not feel you for that long.
You were loud and clear about no sex while his family is with you even though you were in the hotel, but still you didn't feel comfortable and you weren't gonna risk getting yourself into any awkward situations.
But Lando was tempted.
"Lan can you put lotion on my back please?" You asked after getting out of shower and drying yourself off.
"Sure, come here."
You got sunburned after lying on the beach all day. Your skin was really red so after showering you put on your bikini again to let your skin breathe and absorb the lotion.
Lando was sitting out on the balcony that had a nice lounge set with a sofa, coffee table and a chair. You found him sitting on the sofa and scrolling through his phone. You sat down beside him turning him your back and moving your hair out of the way so he can rub the lotion all over your back.
"Fuck baby, you're so red" He says looking at your burning skin.
"I know, it's really bad" You sigh.
"Does it hurt you?" He asks gently pressing his hand against your skin watching as the white print remains when he removes it.
He scoots closer to you and squeezes the lotion into his palm and slowly begins to spread it all over your skin. As the cold cream hits your hot skin, you let out a long low moan in satisfaction. It comes as the music to Lando's ears making him gulp burning his eyes into your back as his hands moved in circular motions.
"Feels good?" He asks.
"Mhm..so good" You let out another moan completely oblivious to the fact that it made his blood rush down to his cock.
His fingers found the strings of your bikini top as he slowly untied them letting them fall down to your sides.
"What are you doing?" You chuckle putting your hand over your boobs to keep the bikini on while the other hand keeps holding your hair up.
"Just making sure I get the lotion everywhere" He smirks attaching his lips to your perfectly exposed neck as his hands move to your front side under your bikini top.
"Lan, stop.." You whisper leaning back into him letting your head rest on his shoulder as he keeps squeezing your boobs.
"I can't" He murmurs before lightly biting your neck. "I've been hard all day watching you in that tiny bikini." His hand slowly trails down your stomach sneaking inside your bikini bottoms while his other hand remains up playing with your nipple. "Can't take it anymore."
"I c-can literally hear your parents t-talking.." You barely manage to get the sentence out trying to warn him that your balcony is next to theirs, but Lando ignores your concern.
"I know you want it, I can feel how wet you are" He says pulling you closer to him as his fingers glide over your wet folds. "You just gotta be quiet, baby"
You wanted to resist him, but you just couldn't bring yourself to. It's been more than two weeks, way too long, since the last time he made you cum and you craved it as much as he did. So when Lando asked "you gonna be quiet for me?" you found yourself nodding carelessly and eagerly.
"That's my good girl" He says quietly kissing your shoulder. You swallow a moan as he attaches his finger to your aroused clit that was aching for pressure.
"You like it when I touch you there?" The profanities that he was whispering into your ear while he was doing such dirty things to you out here on the balcony, where anybody could hear you and see you, turned you on like never before. You nodded at his question unable to open your eyes knowing that if you had tried to speak, you wouldn't have been able to cover your loud moans.
"Did you touch yourself while I was gone?" He asks again slipping two of his fingers inside you making your hips grind against them.
"Fuck, Lando.." You whine gripping on his hand that was fingering you.
"Did you?" Your cheeks flushed at his question. No matter how horny you were, you were still too shy to admit that you touched yourself to the thought of him almost every night. "Don't get shy on me now, baby. I won't let you cum if you don't answer me." He teased.
"I did" You whimper biting your lip.
"Was it as good as when I do it?"
"N-no. Your fingers feel much better."
"I know, baby, I know" He groans at your confession adding the third finger in and quickening his pace in and out of you determined to have you make a mess on them.
"I can feel you clenching already. Missed my touch that much?"
"Yeah, uh-I'm-ah-" He didn't even need any warning from you that you were about to cum. He knew it when he felt your body tremble so he put his hand over your mouth as you turned into a hot mess under his touch finishing all over his fingers.
He calmed you down by leaving lazy kisses all over your neck down to your shoulder. When your breathing became steady and controlled again, you finally turned around to face him.
He put his hand against your cheek looking at you with parted lips as his thumb slid over your bottom lip. His other hand palmed the bulge that was popping out through his shorts.
"You gonna be a good girl and spread your legs for me?" He asked untying your bikini and completely removing it from your body.
"Make yourself comfortable" You smirked giving him a quick kiss before standing up between his legs. He remained sitting when he pulled down his shorts closely following your every move. Before you were about to settle down on his cock between his legs he stopped you turning you around so that your crotch was aligned with his face.
"Wanna taste you" Your fingers tangled into his hair as his tongue worked over your slit collecting your juices and swallowing it only to have him spit out his saliva against your pussy. You moaned as you felt drips of it sliding down your thighs.
"Fuck, can't get enough of you" He sighed gritting his teeth.
You turned around again and crouched down holding onto his thighs. His eyes rolled back in his head as you sunk down on him. His hand rested on your lower back, his eyes locked on his favorite view - you bouncing up and down on him.
"Taking me so well..fuck" He says moving his hands to your hips and slowing you down. You slowed down your movements then stopped moving completely. You started squirming on him so you could feel him deep inside you before restoring the fast pace.
He was groaning, cursing quietly under his breath as you worked your hips against him. It took you by surprise when he abruptly pulled his cock out of you.
"Ahh, fuck, baby" He sighed pressing his cock against your butt and smearing the precum that was leaking from his tip against you ass cheek. "gonna make me cum early"
"Lan, put it back inside me" When you went back to your previous actions, he was already on the edge. He tried to stop you again, but you didn't let him instead you kept going urging him "fill me up, Lan"
"Baby, fuck, I'm gonna cum, oh fuck.." His voice quivered before shooting his load inside you. You kept riding him through his orgasm making his head fall back against the sofa as his hands gripped your hips tighter making you wince a little.
As you stood up, he watched as his cum ran down your thighs. He sucked in a harsh breath at the sight that almost made him hard again.
"Come here" He said pulling you down to him. You sat beside him and put your legs over his lap. He put his arm around you and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "You did so good" He said and you blushed a little.
"I love you, baby" He whispered before lifting you up into his arms and taking you into the bedroom.
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reidsworld · 1 month
Summary: Spencer, Reader's boyfriend, gets jealous of the Readers family friend at a party.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warnings: fake blood, fake knife and axe, Spencer being jealous, cursing, kissing, hickeys, semi-public oral sex(m receiving), face-fucking, praise/degradation, I think that's it, lmk if I missed anything! — you are responsible for the content you consume, if you are not comfortable with any of these warnings or are a minor, DNI!!!
Word Count: 1.7K+
A/N: For the readers parents house I was envisioning something like the Mikaelson mansion from TVD. The reader is described as having longer hair w/ curtain bangs! This is also my first fic so sorry if its bad lmaoo
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Walking onto the jet, you sat next to Penelope, across from Spencer. This case had been a hard one, Hotch had Penelope come along as you needed all hands on deck.
You sigh taking out your phone to see a text from your mom.
Mother Call me, please.
"What's wrong, Sweets?" Penny asks, concern lacing her tone.
"Nothing, my mom is just trying to call me and I really don't want to deal with her right now." You reply with a groan. You click on your Mothers profile, hitting the call button. She picks up right away.
"Sweetie, let your team that they're invited to this year's Halloween party. Your father and I agreed on the Friday- the 25th, but we would appreciate your input on the date. It starts at 8 PM" she says into the line.
"Alright, the 25th sounds good. If we have a case I might not be able to come," you say with a fake-disappointed tone, praying that a case came up on the day of the party.
"Your father and I are excited to see you so please try to be there."
"Well I can't really control when serial killers decide to strike but you know, I'll try!"
Sighing, your Mother speaks, "Don't be like that honey, your father and I are very excited to see you. If it's any encouragement to come, Julius will be there!"
"Alright fine, I'll try my hardest to be there." you say, smiling at the name.
You exchange 'goodbye's' and 'I love you's' with each other before you hang up.
“Who’s Julius?” Morgan asks with a smirk, drawing your attention to rest of the team who’s staring at you. Spencer couldn't help but feel jealous at the way you smiled at this ‘Julius’ person.
“How did you-? And you’ll meet him at the Halloween party my parents are having on the Friday 25th at 8 PM. No extremely scandalous costumes or my parents will probably never invite you guys back.” You say with a laugh.
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Luckily, on the day of the party there was no case. Even so, you had asked Hotch to get off early as you needed to get ready for the party and be there early, as per your parent's request.
Once he agreed, you rushed home and showered before getting ready. You wore a black velvet strapless body-con dress that cut mid-thigh. You had fishnet stockings and black gloves that reached just below your elbows. There was a knife strapped to your leg as well. You had your hair down, styled with curtain bangs.
Once you finished getting changed, you put on dark red lipstick, mascara, and did cat eye eyeliner. Finally, to complete the look, you grabbed the scream mask and rested it to sit securely on top of your head as if you had pulled it up to reveal your face.
You grabbed a small black handbag and put on some Doc Martens, heading out the door to your parents mansion.
Once you got there, their mansions was decked out with Halloween decorations. You parked your car in the garage and went inside.
"Y/N, sweetie, we missed you so much!" Your mother greeted as her and your father hugged you.
"I missed you guys too. And I love the costumes." You said when you pulled away from the hug, referring to their matching Gomez and Morticia Addams costumes.
"Thank you," your father smiled.
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It was 8:45 and most of the guests had arrived, so you decided to go and mingle.
You were standing by the food when you heard a voice come from behind you.
"You look good, baby," Spencer said, giving you a kiss on your temple. You looked up at him. He held a fake bloody axe in the one hand and he was wearing a suit with a clear rain coat on top of it. He had his hair slicked back and fake blood splatter covered his face.
"Thank you, you make a hot Patrick Bateman," you winked.
"Well hello gorgeous." You turned to see someone that you hadn't seen in years.
"Julius! Hi, oh my gosh, don’t you look handsome. It's so good to see you." You smiled, hugging him. He was dressed in a orange jump suit with handcuffs on one hand. When he pulled away, you could see him check you out.
"It's good to see you too, love," He grinned.
Spencer would deny being jealous of how low Julius had his hand on your back, of how you smiled and hugged him. But who was he kidding, he was incredibly jealous. So, he stepped forward, wrapping an arm around you, smirking.
"Aren't you gonna introduce me, baby?"
You smiled, knowing exactly what Spencer was doing, "Spencer, this is Julius. Julius, this is my boyfriend Spencer."
Julius stuck his hand out for Spencer to shake. "I don't shake hands, too many germs. But it's nice to meet you," Spencer said, leaving Julius hanging.
"I'll be back, Spence, I gotta go to the washroom."
With that you walked off into a hallway, Spencer following quickly behind you. When he caught up, he grabbed your arm and pulled you into the laundry room, locking the door behind you.
“Spencer what are you—”
Your words were cut off as he pushed you up against the door, smashing his lips on yours. His hands roaming all over your body as you threaded your fingers through his hair, tugging on it and earning a soft groan from his lips.
He tugs on your bottom lip with his teeth, making you moan, before breaking the kiss moving his lips down your neck. He lightly bites down on a spot before soothing it with his tongue. He repeats this all over your neck, surely leaving multiple hickeys.
"Fuck, you see what you've done to me? Walking around with that pretty little outfit and flirting with some other guy who would never be able to make you feel as good as I do," he speaks with a low tone, pushing your hips against his growing bulge as his hands grope your ass.
His words make you weak at the knees, the pool in your panties building with every passing second. Spencer's eyes are filled with hunger and lust as he pulls you in for another kiss.
"On your knees," he says into the kiss, lightly pushing you down by your shoulders. You get on your knees, making quick work of taking off his pants.
You slide off his boxers, freeing his cock, precum leaking out of the tip. You grin before licking a stripe up the underside of it, making him groan.
You spread the precum around the head of his dick before taking it in your mouth and swirling your tongue around the head. Spencer's breathing picks up and you start taking more of it into your mouth.
He takes the mask off the top your head, tossing it somewhere in the room. He grips your hair, making a make-shift ponytail. You hollow your cheeks and start bobbing your head.
You swirl your tongue around his dick as you suck harder. He groans and throws his head back, "shit, baby." As you take more of his dick into your mouth, his hips buck, hitting the back of your throat.
You gag around his dick, making him let out a low groan. He looks down at you for approval before he starts thrusting into your mouth.
He fucks your throat, making you gag and moan around his dick. Tears begin to fall at the feeling and restriction of air flow. He pulls back a bit, letting you get some air.
Once you give him a small nod, he resumes his motions. "Fuck Y/N you take my cock like such a good little slut.”
You feel his dick begin to twitch in your mouth, indicating that he’s close. You look up at him as he pushes in and out of your mouth, moaning so loudly, you're sure people can hear you.
"I'm close," Spencer moans, sloppily thrusting into your throat, hitting the back every time. After a couple more thrusts, he pushes his dick as far into your throat as he can, making you gag. The vibrations send him over the edge. He holds your head still, sending warm ropes of cum down the back of your throat.
He pulls out and looks at you, your mascara is running and your hair is a mess, "you look so pretty like this baby." He caresses your cheek before helping you up onto your feet. He pulls his boxers and pants back on before kissing you on the forehead.
"I love you," you smile at him.
"I love you too."
He picks your mask up off the ground and hands it to you. You take him to the washroom and take out makeup wipes from the cabinet. He helps you take off your make up so you can reapply it.
You both walk out of the room and into the hallway. Just as your leaving you bump into Julius. His eyes flicker down to the dark marks scattered across your neck and Spencer smirks.
"We're leaving now, it was good to see you," You smile at him, holding Spencer's hand.
"Yeah, you too."
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As soon as you got home, Spencer pulled you onto the couch to straddle him. His lips were on yours, engaging in a heated kiss. His hands roamed to the back of your dress, pulling the zipper down and sliding the dress down to your hips.
He unclipped your bra, freeing your breasts. he pulled back, looking down and grinning.
"Are you just gonna stare or are—” You were cut off by Spencer's lips on your nipple making you moan. He swirled his tongue around the bud as his other hand kneaded your other breast. You were moaning, running your hands through his hair.
Just as he was about to move to the other nipple, your phone pinged. You groaned and got off him. you walked over to your phone and unlocked it.
Mother Your car is still here...?
Y/N I'll pick it up in the morning, I went home in someone else's car
With that you put your phone down and walked over to Spencer, swaying your hips.
"Now, where were we?"
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A/N: chat I’m rlly debating posting this rn. I wrote it in 2022 and now, 2 years later, I found it in my drafts. I decided to edit it and fix it up a bit. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out, when I first found it, I expected it to be a lot worse lmao. lmk what you think of it!! if no one reads this I’m taking it down cause I’m kinda out of my criminal minds phase lol. Any feedback is greatly appreciated🫶
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goldsbitch · 5 months
You texted...
Y/N and Lando are going through a rough patch in their relationship. Not really on speaking terms. This bad streak ends when there is a massive spider in her bathroom.
angst, one shot
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The moment she spotted that creature sent from hell, everything else went out of the window. The dinner in the oven, the fact she was planning on doing a late night session in the gym, the fact her hair was still wet from the shower. The fact she and her boyfriend Lando were on "not speaking" terms.
Y/N was absolutely terrified of spiders her whole life and was never able to over come the fear by getting rid of them on her own. Lando was the one who always ever so kindly rescued her, he overtook this role her neighbor, who overtook it from her mom, who Y/N had trained to react immediately when she heard a very specific scream.
Now she was standing in her apartment, alone with nowhere to go, since her job was to stay frozen at one spot and stare at the creature, in case it moved, and not really sure who to call for help. Her best friend was the first option. Normally, it would have been her boyfriend, but something was stopping her from doing that.
"Come on, come on, come on," she whispered as she dialed her best friend living close by. "Pick up, dammit."
Finally, the tone she was praying for. "Hey, girl, what's up?"
No time for chit chat. "You have to come over now, immediately."
Her friend noticed the immediate distress and tuned herself in. "What's wrong?" she replied, sounding as she was ready to dial the police.
"There's a spider situation going on in my apartment."
"Uhm, I see," she said, more relaxed now, but still taking it seriously.
"It's huge, with like hairy legs and shit. You have to come over, now. We have a deal, remember?"
Her friend was equally terrified of mosquitoes, so they agreed that Y/N would deal with those while spider duty fell on the other lady. This has happened many many times before. Usually ended up with a nice girls evening. Ever since Lando appeared in Y/N life however, the emergency calls stopped.
"I thought Lando was around this week?" her friend asked curiously. "Not that I'm trying to get out of this, but I'm sort of like an hour away from you, so..."
Y/N let out a frustrated sigh. "Fucking hell...Yeah, we're not exactly speaking at the moment," she admitted.
"Wow, that's a first!?" her friend said, clearly surprised. "Why?"
"Look, I'd love to chat, but are you coming or not? There's no one else and I'm not calling Lando!"
"Yes, yes, I'm getting in the car, just let me say good bye to my friends here, we're having a picnic," she replied and muted voices of disapproval came from the background.
Y/N felt guilty about doing this, but she'd dropped everything she was oing for her friend many times, answered phone calls in the middle of the night even though she was an early bird. They just had this kind of friendship.
"Drive fast, please," she said, still stubborn and not about to call Lando.
Y/N sat there staring at the spider for good ten minuted before her friend called again.
"Ok, I'm in the car, you can talk about Lando now, keep me busy. I'm going to pass over the fact you and your boyfriend are fighting and I have no idea," she said unapologetically.
"Figured you'd be mad about that. Yeah, he's been acting like a bit of a dick..."
"But you're not broken up, right?" her friend asked, slightly worried about her favorite couple.
"No, I don't think so. I hope so," she realized, the spider in the corner becoming lesser of her problems.
"And what seems to be the problem? Did he cheat?"
"No, not that I'm aware," she replied without thinking.
"Did you cheat?" her friend asked, ready to support her in anything.
"Jesus, no. It's um...I dunno, we've just grown a bit distant. Lately it feels like I'm like at number 50 of his priorities list. It's always only racing, Quadrant, promo event this and that."
"That's shitty, yeah. Would you like to be included? I know you hate things like promo events and such."
"I do! But honestly, I miss him so much and frankly I'd like to be more included in his life somehow. Especially now that I have more time in my life."
"Does he know that?"
Her friend let out a deep sigh. "Hm. You have to untangle that. It would be stupid to break up over that."
"Yeah, I'd hate that," she said, panic setting in.
"Text him to come. To save you from the spider. It's a nice excuse and good test. To see if he cares."
"I'm scared. What if he does not respond?"
Few moments of dramatic silence. "Well, at least you'd know."
"Yeah. Ok. Sending it." Y/N quickly typed something up, trying not to overthink it.
"What did you text?"
"Can you come over asap? I need help with a spider. It's urgent."
"Nice. Now you'll see what he does."
They stayed on the phone together for good half an hour. Catching up and distracting Y/N from the fact there was no text from Lando coming her way.
A doorbell rang.
"You're here already?" Y/N asked her friend, surprised by her ability to drive this fast.
"Nope, still very much far away. Did I hear a bell? Do you think it's him?"
"I dunno. I'll mute you and if it's him I'll hang up, ok?"
She opened the door with a heavy heart. What if it was not him?
But it was. Flustered Lando stood there without saying hello. The two shared a pain-filled look, neither of them enjoying this no contact streak they had.
"You came..." she said finally, ending the phone call.
"You texted..." he said dryly and in full macho mode entered her apartment without being let it. "Can you point me where?"
"That corner," she simply pointed, flushed with emotions. Happy that he came to rescue her, sad about his loveless tone and scared of what was to come after. She watched him from afar, as he skillfully took the spider and threw it out of the balcony.
"Don't say anything about him knowing his way back, please," he said, hinting on the countless debates they'd had before about Lando not wanting to kill every spider they'd encounter.
The air suddenly went very heavy. Lando casually headed to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water while trying so hard to make eye contact with her. The last time they spoke was few days prior - and it was not a nice conversation. Lots of built up emotions got out, frustrated speeches made and confusing sentences jumping one after another. Ending with Lando slamming the door on his way out.
She had no clue where to start. "So, how have you been?" she asked, not sure she was ready for his answer. He finally looked at her, and then with an annoyed eye-roll went back into staring out of the window.
Y/N threw her hands up in the air as the familiar feeling from few days ago kicked back in. "Ok fine, sorry I asked. Thank you so much for your help, truly appreciated, but if you hate being around me, just say so that we can-"
"We can what?" he cut her off, not having any of that.
"I don't know, you tell me!...I'm getting lost at trying to read you," she admitted, not even trying to hide anything from him at this point.
"I'm sorry," he said slowly. "I don't think I listened to you," he sighed before continuing, "Or more like did not hear what you were saying."
The validation felt rewarding. But she feared what would come next.
"What I heard at that moment was you not respecting my lack of time and the fact that things I'm involved in are important to me."
She took a breath and planned on interrupting him, which he noticed and tried to stop.
"Let me finish, please. But thinking about it, I figured that's not the case, and you were simply pointing out that I've been putting off spending time with you. Which you're absolutely correct. I figured since we've been going to strong lately, this would be fine. But truth is I hate this distance it created. I feel lost, uneasy and unable to focus," he blabbered something, which felt like he might have even rehearsed on the way to her. "What I'm trying to say is - do you still care enough for us to fix it?"
It felt vulnerable, raw and maybe even uncomfortable to have these kinds of talks. But this is ultimately what cements a relationship.
Feeling like he managed to destroy some of the wall they'd put up, she took few steps towards him.
"Lando, of course I do. It's not a rare event that I imagine our future life together, as a couple and one day potentially as a family. Never had this feeling before in my life. Please, let's figure out a way how to prevent the distance from happening. Things have changed now, the relationship has too. We've been together for almost two years. And my love for you has only grown."
He finally smiled, relieved that they seemed to be on the same page.
"I came right from the tennis court, left everyone behind. Would you like to go there with me? Hang out with the Quadrant squad for a bit and then have a nice dinner somewhere? I just want to spend this evening with you."
"And the night hopefully," she teased, trying to ease the mood.
"Always the night, it was absolutely horrible, knowing you're so close to me, yet having to sleep without you."
She closed the distance between them, embracing him into a hug. They bodies were more than familiar with each and it felt right to be that close. Definitely better than each of them standing in a different corner of the room.
"We still have to talk about this. I don't want our love to slip through by our fingers," she said, letting her anxiety out.
"We will. Tonight, we'll come up with a plan. Can you join me on few races later this month?" he asked, hoping for a positive answer.
"Of course, my love. I have to buy new clothes though, the cameras are savage."
He chuckled, relaxed now that he did not have to worry about having lost her. "Yes, they are."
She later call her friend to thank her for dropping everything and driving to save her, even though it was not needed in the end. Her friend was more than happy that she and Lando seemingly found the way back to each other.
She also admitted that she turned back the moment Y/N sent her text to Lando, knowing that this guy would come running anytime his girlfriend asked for help.
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punkshort · 2 months
Roommates | 9. hold onto each other
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Pairing: pornstar!joel x f!reader
Chapter Summary: You build up enough courage to finally talk things out with Joel and tell him how you feel before the wedding is over.
Chapter Warnings: language, food and alcohol consumption, lots of smut (18+ MDNI), unprotected piv sex, oral (f!receiving), pussy pronouns, fluff, discussions of mental health, shower sex, mirror sex, having sex while on the phone (don't know what else to call it, also don't know if that requires a warning), thigh fucking?, dirty talk, idiots in love
WC: 7.6K
A/N: I will not apologize for what you're about to read. (It's filth. Pure, unadulterated filthy smut).
Series Masterlist
"That is the man you were roommates with?" your mother asked enviously as she gazed at Joel across the dance floor, who was standing with another groomsman while he held up his mom's pink sparkly phone to record her dancing with Tommy.
"Yep," you said longingly, tearing your eyes away from him to look back at your mom. She tilted her head to the side and her brow furrowed ever so slightly.
"He looks familiar."
Your eyes widened and you tried your best not to scream into the palms of your hands as images of your own mother stumbling across Joel's porn filled your head.
She snapped her fingers with a smile. "Mitch and I saw him at the bar the other night! He must have been helping Tommy, he was carrying boxes of alcohol."
You shook your head. "No, Mom, that couldn't have been him."
"No, I'm certain it was. I remember even telling Mitch at the time they looked alike. And I would never forget those arms. The way they practically burst out of his T-shirt-"
"Mom!" you whined, begging her to stop.
She chuckled and took a sip of her wine. "Oh, please, let me have my fun."
You groaned and drank the rest of your champagne. Well, at least she didn't recognize him from porn.
The song changed to another ballad and you watched as Mrs. Miller kissed Tommy on the cheek before breaking away and motioning towards Joel. A small smile tugged at your lips as he pocketed her phone and took her hand before leading her around the dance floor. His face was filled with such love and adoration that it made your heart melt.
As you continued to watch Joel and his mother move around the dance floor, you felt yourself growing nervous again. Now that the cake was cut and the first dances were done, most of the significant parts of the wedding were over. Which meant soon you would need to muster the courage to talk to Joel.
Fuck, maybe you should have one more drink.
No, you didn't want to be drunk when you told him. He needed to know you meant what you said. You've done enough to him in the past year, jerking him around and unintentionally hurting his feelings. If you had any shot in hell, you had to make sure you were somewhat clearheaded.
Your mother was just finishing up her cake when she looked over your shoulder. Her eyes lit up excitedly and she straightened up in her seat, smoothing down her dress. With a frown, you turned to see what she was looking at then felt your heart skip a beat when you saw Joel approaching.
"Evenin'," he said to your mother, his voice deep and syrupy. "I'm Joel, brother of the groom." He stuck out his hand and your mother giddily handed hers over while giving her name. He brought her knuckles to his lips and she giggled, making you roll your eyes.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you," she gushed, her cheeks tinting pink already.
"Pleasure's all mine, ma'am," he answered, dropping her hand with a smirk. She gave you a look and raised her eyebrows.
"Ma'am, did you hear that?" she loudly whispered to you.
"Yes, I am sitting right here," you said flatly.
Joel cleared his throat and you looked back up at him.
"Was wonderin' if I could have this dance," he said to you, then glanced at your mother. "If you could spare her, that is."
Your mother giggled again and waved him off. "Of course! You two have fun, I was getting ready to go home soon anyway."
You quickly said your goodbyes to your mom before allowing Joel to lead you out onto the dance floor. He took one of your hands and held it out to your side, the other sliding around your waist while you rested your hand on his shoulder with a smile.
"I'm so honored," you told him with a teasing lilt to your voice as he slowly lead you around the dance floor.
"Why?" he asked, brows furrowed.
"I haven't seen you dancing with anyone else except your mom."
He smirked and tilted his chin up to look somewhere over the top of your head. "You been watchin' me?"
Your cheeks warmed from embarrassment but you didn't really care. "Maybe."
He hummed, smirk still stretched across his lips as he looked around the banquet room, but he wasn't really looking at anyone or anything in particular.
"You look handsome."
His eyebrows shot up and he looked down at you once again. "Thank you?"
You giggled and felt his fingers grip your waist a little tighter. "Is that a question?"
He grinned and shook his head. "Tryin' to flatter me, what're you up to?"
The butterflies began to stir in your belly once again so you dropped your gaze. "Well, there is something I wanted to talk to you about."
The smile slowly slid from his face when he heard the serious tone to your voice. "Everythin' okay?"
"Y-yeah, everything's fine," you quickly assured him. Just then, Michael Bublé's voice faded out and the DJ picked a Black Eyed Peas song that instantly caused the dance floor to break out into cheers, completely ruining the atmosphere from a moment ago. "Nevermind," you said as you attempted to step away, but he tightened his grip. "I'll tell you some other time."
"Tell me now."
You winced when a handful of girls nearby began to drunkenly scream along to the lyrics. Joel looked frustrated when he finally dropped his hand from your waist but kept his other hand firmly wrapped around yours. "Follow me."
He lead you through the crowd and as you passed by your abandoned table, you grabbed your clutch. Shit. Were you really going to do this? Were you really going to pour your heart out to him in the middle of his brother's wedding? What if he shot you down? What if he got mad at you for trying to drag him into your messy life once again? What if you were about to ruin the fragile relationship you just rebuilt?
He pulled you into the lobby, which was relatively empty given the time of night, and found a small area with a few couches and chairs and a television airing the local news on mute with the closed captioning on.
"Alright," he urged when you sat down next to him on one of the couches. You could hear the bass thumping from the closed banquet room and people's laughter echoing over the music, but otherwise it was quiet. You fiddled with the hem of your dress, trying to give your nerves a chance to settle, but it was no use.
"So, I told you I've been in therapy," you began, staring down at your lap, pretending to find a loose thread in your dress.
"Lately, I've been working on my insecurities and self destructive tendencies. Specifically, related to you."
His fingers that were once casually tapping on the back of the sofa suddenly stopped.
"Okay..." he said slowly.
You cleared your throat and kept your eyes pinned to your lap.
"... and your job," you added, biting the inside of your cheek. "I've been working on... learning to be okay with it. Focusing on the source of my insecurities and why I feel the way I feel about it and I think I've made some progress."
"That's... good," he told you, clearly confused. "But why are you tellin' me this?"
You sucked in a deep breath and forced yourself to look at him. He was staring at you softly with his perfect lips pouting so enticingly, giving you the final bit of courage you needed to say what you wanted to say.
"I'm telling you this because... because I want to be with you, Joel. If you'll give me another chance, I want to do this right." His expression remained unchanged so you barreled ahead. "I don't care about your job. Not anymore. I just want to be with you. You make me happy, you make me laugh, I think about you all the time." You were growing more nervous with every passing second where he didn't say anything, so you continued to fill the silence with your own rambling thoughts. "Any time something good happens, I want to call you. Any time something bad happens, I want to call you. It's always you. It's always been you. And I'm sorry for everything I put you through and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to fix myself, but I couldn't -"
Your words died in your throat at his harsh tone. Biting your lip, you closed your eyes and tried not to cry as you waited for the sting of his rejection, but to your surprise, it never came. Instead, you felt his fingers gently pinch your chin. You opened your eyes to find him leaning forward, his gaze seeming angry despite his soft touch.
"You don't need to fix yourself," he said bitterly. "You're fuckin' perfect."
You exhaled loudly, a dry chuckle slipping past your lips as you wiped away a tear or two. "I'm not."
"You are," he told you firmly before finally closing the distance between you and brushing his lips softly against yours. "You are," he whispered again and again, each sweet kiss becoming more urgent than the last. You grabbed the collar of his shirt with both hands and held him close, pressing your mouth against his tightly before leaning back and pushing your foreheads together with a smile.
"Is that a yes?" you laughed.
"'Course it is, you kiddin' me?" he said quietly before sliding his hand up to grip the back of your neck, his nose gently nudging yours, the both of you taking a few tender moments to soak everything in with matching smiles. "I should probably tell you somethin', though."
One hand dropped from his collar and you tipped your head back a fraction so you could look him in the eye. "What?"
He grinned and tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "I quit my job."
Your eyes widened and you leaned all the way back in surprise. "What?!"
"Months ago, actually," he said with a laugh. You smacked him on the shoulder but you weren't mad. In fact, you were smiling so much it almost hurt.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
He shrugged. "I didn't wanna pressure you. You said you were workin' on yourself and all that."
Your lower lip trembled and you smacked his shoulder again, but with less force. "I can't believe you," you whispered before tugging him forward and sliding your tongue past his lips with a moan. There was something so beautiful to be had in that moment. Each of you had done something monumental to try to make it work between you and it was so moving, so powerful that you found yourself getting carried away, completely forgetting where you were as you climbed into his lap, his hands immediately dropping to squeeze your ass. But who could blame you, when you've waited so long for that moment?
Joel pulled his head back with a sharp inhale, breaking the kiss when he heard a door across the lobby open and close. "Do you... we oughta... they're probably wonderin' where we are." He lifted one arm so he could check the time on his watch, then glanced back up at you. You were staring down at him, breathless and needy, your eyes already drifting back down to his mouth.
You didn't need to say anything.
"Fuck it, c'mon," he said, quickly lifting you off his lap so you could both stand. In your eagerness to race to the elevator, you almost forgot your purse. Doubling back as fast as your heels would carry you, you grabbed it from the couch and hurried back just as the elevator doors opened.
He jabbed the L4 button numerous times until the damn doors slid shut.
"Christ, wanted this for so long," he whispered, eyes squeezing shut when you pushed him up against the side of the elevator. "Wanted you for so long," he corrected himself after a moment. Your mouth found the exposed patch of chest at the top of his shirt and your tongue slipped out between your lips, flicking against his skin as you continued to leave wet kisses everywhere you could find. You made it to the hollow of his throat when the elevator dinged and you tore yourself away to drag him down the hall.
"Which room?"
"Don't care."
You picked yours. Your fingers were shaking as you raked through your small clutch, then tapped the hard plastic against the sensor, getting frustrated when you were going too quick and the door wouldn't open. Joel chuckled behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, digging his hips against your ass so you could feel his arousal through your clothes.
"Not helping," you muttered before forcing yourself to slow down and finally the door gave way and you stumbled inside.
His mouth was on you in an instant. Eager lips pressed against your own, champagne soaked tongues reunited, tangling together while you recklessly shoved his tuxedo coat over his shoulders, leaving it crumpled on the floor near the bathroom as you made your way to the bed.
Joel's hands slid up and down the back of your dress, fingers plucking at the fabric, trying to locate the zipper without having to pull away. You tugged one of his hands to your side without looking, blindly leading him to his target. He smiled against your lips and yanked the zipper down so fast, he nearly tore the fabric.
Leaving your dress in a pile at the foot of your bed, you pulled away from the kiss so you could fall back onto the mattress. Your chests were heaving in unison as you both fought for air, staring at one another, anticipation growing thick.
His eyes drifted down your almost naked body while his fingers worked the buttons on his dress shirt, lips parted to suck in more air as he shook his head in disbelief.
"Is this real?" he asked, eyes catching yours once again after he shrugged off his shirt.
"I think so," you replied quietly, sounding just as incredulous. "I hope so."
He loudly unbuckled his belt, then the fly of his pants as you laid before him, sprawled out over the plush comforter like an offering.
"Ain't ever lettin' you go after this," he warned as he stepped out of his pants. "Never again, hear me?"
You nodded. "Please don't."
He cupped his palms around the backs of your knees and tugged, pulling you to the edge of the bed with one rough motion.
"As pretty as these are, they gotta go," he murmured, hooking his fingers around the lace edge of your panties and sliding them down your legs. A little pained sound rumbled in the back of his throat when he spread your knees and saw the evidence of your arousal between your legs. He fell to his knees and rested the side of his face against your thigh as he gazed down at your aching center.
"Missed you," he whispered lovingly into your folds before dragging his tongue, slow and broad, through the entire length of your slit.
"Oh, my god," you whined when his lips puckered around your clit and gently sucked. "Were you talking to me or her?"
You felt his lips twitch against your sensitive skin and released your bundle of nerves with a little moan. "Was talkin' to her but I missed you, too."
Some sharp, sarcastic comment was on the verge of slipping past your lips but quickly got swallowed down and forgotten when he began to lick, his tongue probing into your cunt while his upper lip pressed against your clit. The friction from his beard on the most sensitive part of your body made you see stars. Your back arched and you cried out his name, your breath coming in short, ragged gasps as he continued to lick and suck with a deep groan.
"Joel," you whimpered, legs weakly stretching and kicking under his ministrations. He quickly put a stop to that by grabbing both and tossing them over his shoulders then using his hands to grip your thighs, but still you writhed in his hold.
"Y'got know idea what you do to me," he whispered under his breath before diving back in.
"Fuck... I-I can't..." you panted, fists grabbing the comforter, pulling and tugging, desperate to grab onto anything. His fingers dug into the crease of your thighs, holding your hips against his face, fucking you relentlessly with his tongue as if he were afraid he would never get a chance to do it again.
He slid one hand flat over your mound and pressed down on your clit with his thumb. You bucked off the bed, everything feeling too sensitive, too sharp. But still, he pinned you down, his tongue that was once lapping at your pussy suddenly more focused and calculated when his lips puckered together in favor of loudly kissing your sex with a deep groan.
With two quick and firm circles over your clit, you fell apart. He was saying something, you could feel the vibrations of his voice, but you had no idea what he said. Your throat had grown hoarse, fingers grabbing for his hair while your heart pounded in your ears.
"It ain't ever been like this," he said, and finally you were able to understand him. You slowly opened your eyes to find him hovering over you, his beard and mouth shiny with your slick and his eyes so wide and soft it made your chest ache.
"I know," you whispered, running a hand through his hair. He leaned into your touch, eyes fluttering closed when you pulled him close and pressed your mouth against his. He pushed you up the bed so your head rested on the pillows, never once breaking the deep kiss. It was slower, now. There was no rush, no need to hurry to keep what you had a secret.
"Shit, my condoms are 'cross the hall," he mumbled against your lips. The very last thing he wanted to do was leave you. Not now. Not ever.
"Just make sure you pull out," you told him, apparently also unwilling to let him leave, and reached down between your bodies, fingers wrapping around his thick length.
"Y-yeah, okay... okay," he breathed when he felt you line him up with your entrance.
His brain went numb and his features went slack as he slowly eased inside you. He couldn't take his eyes off your face; the way your eyebrows pinched together and the sound you made when you gasped softly, your body being forced to adjust to his size after months without him.
"Fuck," you whispered, eyes welling with tears as you gazed up at him.
"I know, I know," he murmured, leaning down to brush his lips over your nose.
"Joel, I love you," you whimpered in his ear when he finally buried himself fully inside you.
"What?" he asked breathlessly, certain he misunderstood.
"I love you," you repeated, your teeth nipping at his chin as you writhed underneath him, willing him to move. His eyes squeezed shut and he wrapped his arms around your middle, nuzzling his face into your neck.
"I love you, too," he choked out, voice thick with emotion that he tried to stifle with kisses to your throat and jaw. "Love you so fuckin' much. Always did, I think."
He clenched his jaw and flexed his hips, pulling a sweet moan from your lips as you tipped your head back and closed your eyes. He was so slow with it, making sure you felt every inch when he dragged his cock in and out, your arousal painting his inner thighs every time his hips made contact with your skin. You might have felt embarrassed if you both weren't so preoccupied with trading love bites and occasionally whispering you feel so good, I missed you, I love you, I love you, I love you, chests pressed together, desperate to get as close as possible.
You unhooked your ankles from his lower back and slid your legs up his sides so your knees were resting near his ribs. With his tongue still tangled with yours, he blindly reached down to grab one of your thighs and gently pressed forward, pushing your knee towards your chest. Your eyes flew open and you gasped at the intense angle, but still he kept up the same pace. Every thrust was slow and deep, every groan was low and soft, and every whisper sounded like a prayer.
"Just wanna feel you," he murmured against your neck, his beard scraping your skin, making it feel warmer than it already was. "Wanna fuck you like this always. Shit, baby," he moaned when he felt you clench around him. "Shit, that feels good. Such a soft pussy..." he trailed off and latched onto your lips for a fast and messy kiss. "Oh, fuck... best fuckin' pussy I've ever had."
And oh, did you love hearing that. You smiled and threaded your fingers through his hair, nails scraping gently over his scalp with a deep sigh.
"Yeah? You love her, too?"
He grinned. "Y'know I do."
He hitched your other leg over his arm, practically bending you in half while grinding into you, watching as your breath quickened and your tongue shot out to wet your lips. "Joel," you whined, the pressure mounting low in your belly, "I'm close, I'm... fuck, I'm gonna come. Please," you begged, not really sure what you were begging for in the first place. Maybe for him to keep going. Maybe for him to kiss you again. Maybe for him to fill the hole in your heart that's been destroying you for months.
When you came, you squeezed around his cock, his name getting caught in your throat when his mouth crashed over yours.
"So pretty," he mumbled, voice a little strained as he tried to keep it together long enough for you to come down. "Love watchin' you come. Who makes you feel good, baby?"
"You do," you whimpered, weak fingers grabbing at his shoulders.
"'S'right," he said, his breath growing ragged. He could feel his stomach tensing and he knew he only had a few more moments. "Only me. Tell me you're mine," he pleaded, his sweaty forehead dropping to your shoulder.
"I'm yours, Joel," you told him, voice a little clearer but still shaky. "And you're mine," you added softly, corner of your mouth lifting when you heard him groan.
He pulled out and grabbed his cock, giving it only a few quick strokes before he painted your stomach with his release, the both of you watching in a daze until he stopped with a shudder and collapsed onto the bed next to you, chest heaving with an arm draped tiredly over his eyes.
"I'll get somethin'," he told you, gesturing vaguely towards your stomach with his eyes still hidden. "Just... gimme a second."
"Mhmm," you mumbled, catching your breath with your arms stretched above your head. "I need a shower, anyway," you told him, all the hair products and makeup from the past twelve hours beginning to feel like paint.
"Oh?" he questioned, sounding disappointed when he turned his face to you. "Okay, sure."
"Will you stay?" you asked, hating how pathetic you sounded. But he smiled warmly and pinched your chin before planting a soft kiss against your lips.
"'Course I'll stay," he whispered, kissing you slowly once more before releasing you.
Joel watched with a lazy smirk as you stood with a quiet ow under your breath, your body no doubt already sore.
"Gonna have to get that pretty pussy used to me again," he teased, laughing and dodging the pillow you grabbed from the other bed that you chucked in his direction before entering the bathroom and shutting the door.
He laid in your bed, staring at the ceiling as he listened to the water turn on and the shower door close. He kept waiting to wake up, kept thinking the past hour was some crazy dream or fantasy, but it was real.
You loved him.
For years, he tried to find someone like you. Someone who would love him for him and not just use him. Sure, in the beginning he didn't mind being used. But the past few years he found to be painfully lonely. Especially once Tommy met Maria, that ache in his chest grew every time he saw them together, or every time he heard Tommy on the phone or talk about her with such fondness in his eyes. Selfishly, he always wondered why not me?
Now he had his answer. He was just waiting for you.
He heard you humming in the shower, your voice echoing off the glass walls and he smiled. He imagined you in there cleaning yourself up, your perfect body all soapy and wet and he felt his cock twitch.
"Shit," he muttered, lifting the thin sheet to see himself begin to swell once again. Would it always be like this? Would he always have an insatiable appetite for you?
A minute later and he was almost fully hard once more. He palmed it over the sheet and he looked longingly at the closed bathroom door. What was taking so long?
Then a smirk spread across his face and he jumped up from the bed, cock bobbing at attention between his legs as he walked to the bathroom and quietly opened the door.
The mirror was fogged up and so were the glass shower walls. He could hardly see you through all the steam, but he heard you. He heard the water cascading off your body and your fingers running through your wet hair.
Carefully, he opened the door and was pleased to find your back was to him as you rinsed out the last of your conditioner. When he wrapped his arms around your waist, you jumped and screamed a little before collapsing into a fit of laughter and turning around in his arms. Fuck, you looked so beautiful. All the makeup was down the drain but you looked more radiant than ever.
He leaned forward for a wet kiss, his hands sliding down to cup and squeeze your ass before pulling on your hips, tugging you closer so you could feel how hard he was for you.
"Need you," he murmured, but he meant more than just the obvious. He didn't want to be without you now that he had you, not even for a second.
"Already?" you breathed, but he just nodded, his lips dragging down your neck, your skin smelling like roses and vanilla.
"Too much?" he asked, mouth trailing slowly over your shoulder. Your nipples were pressed against his chest and his cock nearly hurt from how hard he was.
"No," you whispered, letting your eyes slide shut as you curled your arms around his neck. "Never too much."
Without hesitation, he crouched and grabbed the backs of your thighs, hauling you off the ground so he could press your back against the glass. You wrapped your legs around his waist and gasped when the tip of his cock nudged at your opening, the width surprising you, even still.
You let out a loud moan when he pressed forward, sinking himself back into your sore, aching heat, right where he belonged. One of his hands supported your ass and the other was flat against the glass next to your head, his fingers leaving wet smudges as he rocked his hips into you, swallowing down every whine and moan that tumbled from your mouth. That perfect fucking mouth he dreamed about for the past year. And now it was all his.
"God, Joel, yes... right there," you cried out, cunt already pulsing and gripping him so tight that he had half a mind not to pull out that time.
"Yeah?" he groaned, his eyes dark with lust as he nipped at your chin, watching as your head rolled listlessly against the foggy glass while he drove into you over and over. "There?"
"Yeah," you practically whined, hand shooting up to grab his hair, fingers slipping through his wet curls. "No one's ever... I can't... you're so-" you rambled half formed thoughts as your heart hammered in your chest, your orgasm steadily climbing, unable to tell him what you wanted to tell him.
"No one's what, baby?" he growled, thrusting himself impossibly deeper inside your cunt. "No one's ever fucked you this good? Huh?"
"No," you whimpered, biting down on your lower lip.
"What else? No one's ever made you come this much? Tell me, I wanna hear it," he groaned in your ear, his hot breath melting with the steam from the shower.
You shook your head then nodded, as if you didn't know how to answer. And you couldn't. Not when he was fucking you like it would be the last time.
"No one's ever - oh, fuck," you gasped, swallowing a mouthful of air, "no one's ever m-made me feel so good. I've never w-wanted anyone the way I want you." You squeezed your eyes shut but he quickly bit your jaw, forcing them back open.
"Keep your eyes on me."
You nodded, jaw half open as you did as you were told. His brows were furrowed deep, eyes wild and skin flushed as he pounded into you, forcing you over the edge for the third time in less than two hours.
"I got you," he murmured when your body sagged from the effort. He wrapped both arms around you now and fucked up into you recklessly, chasing his own high as quickly as possible so he could take you back to bed and rest.
Even though the voice inside his head was screaming at him to come inside you, he miraculously pulled out, spilling himself all over the shower wall between your legs.
"You okay?" he asked breathlessly, setting you down but still holding onto your shoulders. You nodded and slumped against his chest, legs visibly shaking. He chuckled and reached for the shower knob, turning the water off before walking you towards the door. Swinging it open, he reached out blindly for a towel. Finding one, he wrapped it around your shoulders, swaddling you and keeping you warm while he reached for another.
He messily knotted it around his waist and led you to bed. You didn't even bother to put any pajamas on or remove the towel, you just buried yourself under the covers with a contented sigh.
Joel was about to turn back to the bathroom and clean up a bit before you spoke.
"Come to bed."
His heart clenched in his chest and he smiled as he rounded the bed and slid under the sheets to join you, unable to resist.
Quickly, you scooted over to him, tossing a leg over his stomach and an arm over his chest and buried your face against his neck. He held you close, breathing in deep before you whispered, "I love you, Joel."
"I love you, too," he spoke into your hair, his chest ready to burst with happiness as you both fell into a deep sleep.
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When you awoke the next morning, you smiled before you even opened your eyes. Joel's natural scent combined with the floral shampoo you used that the hotel had left out filled your nostrils. You breathed in deep and buried your face further into his warm, bare chest. He stretched underneath you, muscles pulling under his tanned skin, his fingers digging into your shoulders as he flexed.
"Morning," you whispered groggily, eyes still closed. You felt his arms wrap around you as he rolled onto his side, tugging you against him.
It can always be like this now, you thought. Waking up next to each other whenever you wanted. No sneaking around, no more hiding how you felt. It was perfect.
Until Joel's phone rang shrilly on his nightstand. He groaned and, keeping one arm securely around you, reached behind him to grab it.
"Hello?" he answered, voice thick and rough with sleep. Your body responded instantly, your core softening at his voice like it was a command, but what came with it was also a tight hint of soreness from the night before.
You could hear Tommy's voice through the phone, but you couldn't make out what he was saying.
"Nah, I'm hungover as shit, gonna order somethin'," Joel said.
You thought he had been joking the night before about getting your body used to him again, but you began to realize he was probably being serious the more you squirmed around and felt the stiffness in your muscles and hips.
"Yeah, alright. If I don't see ya later, I'll catch ya at the bar tomorrow."
He tapped his screen and tossed his phone haphazardly behind him with a smirk. "C'mere," he murmured, pressing his swollen lips against yours, his hand drifting to cup your face.
Christ, you were sore but you still wanted him so badly.
You flicked your tongue against the seam of his lips, deepening the kiss the second he dropped his jaw. Right when you were about to curl your leg around his hip and roll over to straddle him, your own phone began to vibrate loudly against your nightstand.
You both froze, lips still seared together, then slowly opened your eyes.
"Hold on," you grumbled, rolling over so your back was to Joel, then picked up your phone.
"It's Maria."
"Answer it," he said, inching closer. He pulled you back against his chest, cock hard and pressing between your bodies as you begrudgingly answered the phone.
"Hey! Have a fun night?" you asked cheerily. Your eyes snapped up to see movement in the full length mirror across from the bed. It was narrow, but you could see from your stomach down. Joel was pushing the sheets off himself and you watched as his hand drifted in front of you, tugging the sheet away from your chest, exposing yourself to the cool air. When he palmed one of your breasts from behind, you had to bite back a moan so Maria wouldn't hear.
"So much fun! I hardly got any sleep," she was saying, but you could barely hear her when his fingers slid down to pinch your nipple. You turned your face upwards to gasp softly, hoping it didn't get picked up by the receiver.
"Yeah?" you asked, hoping that would be enough to encourage her, and it was.
Maria kept babbling about things that happened the night before, things you missed after you and Joel snuck away. She was telling you something about a groomsman who attempted to do a split in the middle of the dance floor and ended up ripping his pants when you saw Joel lift your leg in the mirror, hooking it around his inner elbow and spreading your hips wide. Embarrassment flushed your face when you saw your pussy in the mirror, already glistening with arousal.
Then his cock slipped between your legs, nudging at your folds, his smooth tip coating itself in your slick before he pushed forward, parting your swollen cunt. The pain was brief, yet intense, but you were entirely distracted with the way it looked in the mirror. How fucking big he was and how you opened up and stretched so beautifully for him.
"Did the phone cut out?"
"Huh?" you squeaked, eyes transfixed on your reflection, hips rocking steadily in rhythm with his. You felt him chuckle behind you, his arm pulling your leg up even more so you could see everything.
"I asked if you wanted to join us for breakfast? The rest of the bridal party is meeting at the restaurant downstairs in twenty minutes."
Fuck, he felt so good. Combined with the visual, it was almost too much.
"Uh, I'm gonna pass. I already ate, I'm pretty full," you told her, eyes briefly fluttering shut when he began to move faster, his skin lightly slapping against your ass. You thought you heard him mumble yeah, you are, and you had to bite down hard on your lower lip.
"Well, okay. If you change your mind, we'll be down there at ten."
"Okay, thanks! I better go, my mom's beeping in. I'll call you later," you said hurriedly, hoping you weren't being too rude but if you stayed on the phone with her for one more minute, you knew you wouldn't be able to hide what you were really doing.
Mercifully, she hung up and you tossed your phone onto the floor, uncaring where it ended up, and reached behind you to curl your fingers around the back of Joel's head. He leaned forward and kissed you. It was messy and heated, and the way you had to twist your neck was awkward, but it didn't matter.
"Fuck yeah, baby. Look how good you take me," he groaned in your ear when he spotted you glancing towards the mirror again. "So pretty, ain't it?"
"Mhmm," you whined, still entranced by the way his thick cock split you open and you knew for sure in that moment no one else would ever come close to Joel. You were stupid to try to fight it.
Your hand dropped to clutch your pillow, your stomach drawing tighter the faster he snapped his hips, every devastating thrust bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
"I'm gonna come," you whimpered, and he readjusted his grip on your leg, prying you open as wide as you would go.
You felt his teeth graze your shoulder, his breath hot and quick as his exhale puffed against your skin.
"That's right. Come all over my cock, baby. Give it t'me," he growled, hips slamming into you from behind so forcefully it almost pushed you off the bed, each thrust driving him deeper and deeper inside you.
Your eyes squeezed shut and you cried out when you came, your walls pulsing around his length, your body trying to suck him in and keep him there and fuck if he didn't want that, too.
At the last second he pulled out, watching in a daze as he dropped your leg, his cock now sandwiched between your thighs. With a deep groan, he watched in the mirror as he shot thick, white ropes of his seed all over your legs and the hotel sheets.
"I love you," he gasped, his sweaty forehead pressed against your upper back as he dragged in mouthfuls of air, waiting for his pulse to settle. "'M sorry, can't stop sayin' it."
You reached behind you and found his hand. Lacing your fingers together, you wrapped his arm around your middle, mumbling I love you, too, never tiring of it.
You waited a respectable amount of time for the bridal party to eat and leave the restaurant before venturing downstairs together, hand in hand. You contemplated just ordering room service but you weren't entirely certain you could keep your hands off each other long enough to eat, so forcing yourselves to leave the room felt like the best option.
The hostess led you to a small table towards the back of the restaurant, the room still buzzing with activity even though it was late in the morning. Your fingers linked together across the table as you sipped your coffees, exchanging little smirks whenever your eyes met.
"Can I ask you a question?" Joel asked, and you almost found yourself laughing at how serious he suddenly looked.
"Of course."
He glanced around the dining room quickly before leaning across the table. "You ain't on birth control anymore?"
You knocked the heel of your hand against your forehead. "I'm sorry, I should've told - no, I'm not. I took myself off the pill because I wasn't... y'know," you trailed off, embarrassment creeping up your neck.
Joel couldn't stop his smirk when he put it together so he pursed his lips and tilted his face toward the table, trying to hide it before saying, "so you're tellin' me you didn't have sex with anyone else since me?"
"Don't act so proud," you teased with a grin.
"I ain't," he said defensively, then thought about it for a moment before laughing. "Okay, maybe I am."
You giggled as you watched him take a sip of coffee, daydreaming about your future together and all the endless breakfasts you'll share. You imagined getting up early for work and showering, then coming into the kitchen to find Joel in just his pajama bottoms pouring you both coffees with unkept hair, asking if you saved him enough hot water because he still had to get ready for work.
Work. Suddenly, your smile fell when you remembered something. "Wait, you said you quit your job?" you asked, and he nodded, his thumb rubbing against the inside of your wrist. "So what do you do now?"
He chuckled and shook his head. "You ain't gonna believe it."
"Try me," you teased, knees bumping together under the table. You were close but still felt so far apart.
"I bought the bar," he said, sounding almost sheepish. Your eyes widened in surprise.
"Our bar? Tommy's bar?" you questioned, and he nodded. "H-how?"
He chuckled again and raked his fingers through his hair with his free hand. "What'dya mean how? With money."
"Yeah, I figured that," you said with a roll of your eyes, "but you just bought a house, too. How can you afford all that?"
He opened his mouth to reply when the server came to drop off your food. You finally unlinked your hands so you could pick up your silverware, and only once your waitress left did he respond to your question.
"Porn paid good," he said with a shrug. "I did it for a long time and I lived with my brother payin' next to nothin' in rent and utilities."
"Wow," you breathed in awe before shoveling some eggs in your mouth.
He watched you eat quietly for a few minutes before clearing his throat, drawing your attention from your breakfast.
"Why didn't you just ask me to quit? I woulda done it."
You paused your chewing and set your fork down on your plate.
"Because," you began, swallowing your food. "I couldn't ask you to do that for me. It wouldn't feel right and I was afraid if I did, you would grow to resent me."
His brows furrowed and he reached a hand across the table for you. "I woulda never resented you."
"You don't know that," you told him.
"I wasn't happy doin' it. Not like I used to be, anyway," he said. "Kept me from havin' certain things in my life. Could never make a relationship work and as I got older, it was somethin' I really wanted. I just didn't know how to get out. I mean, who can put somethin' like that on a resume?" he laughed softly. "Then Tommy mentioned his boss was lookin' to retire and I thought, hell... won't have to put shit on a resume if I'm my own boss."
You nodded and squeezed his hand, feeling guilty for never realizing he had his own internal struggles going on. Then you swallowed nervously before asking your next question, your curiosity unable to be ignored.
"Well, what about Sadie?" you asked, "she seemed really into you and she obviously wouldn't have had a problem with your career."
He gave you a small smile, eyes flashing with guilt when he thought back to his brief date with Sadie. The night he invited her over for board games and he ended up going down on you in the bathroom while she was left to talk to strangers in the living room.
"She was nice but there wasn't anythin' there. Not really. I was jealous of Sam and knew she liked me... I shouldn't've asked her over that night. It was wrong," he admitted, rubbing his chin. "She never stood a chance. She wasn't you, baby," he said softly.
You felt your chest clench from the tortured look in his eye, and for the millionth time you mentally berated yourself for spending so much time avoiding your feelings for him. Choosing not to deny yourself any longer, you stood up from your chair and closed the short distance between you. Cupping his face with both your hands, you leaned down and kissed him, trying your very best to put every ounce of love you had into it. It must have worked because you could feel his lips curving into a smile, then yours did the same.
It didn't matter how long it took, what mattered was what you had now.
Unfortunately, your bliss was short lived when you heard an all too familiar voice shriek excitedly behind you. You tore yourself away to swivel around in surprise, only to find Tommy and Maria standing a few tables away with their jaws hung open in shock, very clearly having witnessed your kiss.
"I knew it!" she exclaimed, tugging on Tommy's arm to drag him over to your table. "I knew something was up when neither of you wanted to join us for food!"
Cheeks blazing hot with embarrassment, you were about to return to your chair but Joel's arm wrapped around you, pulling you to sit sideways in his lap. "No more hidin', yeah?" he murmured in your ear. You grinned and gave him one more quick peck.
"Yeah," you agreed right before they approached. "No more hiding."
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angxlofvenus · 1 year
Hii! I saw your requests were open and I thought I'd give you a hc/fic idea:
The brothers (or whoever you'd like to write for) reacting to Mc using their shampoo/ soap in the shower for whatever reason ^^
I hope this makes sense to you lol, anyways I hope you're having a wonderful day/night, don't push yourself too hard, and drink water!! You can also take any creative liberties you seem fit, or if you decide you don't want to write it I won't be offended ^^
Thank you so much for the request!! This is absolutely adorable, I hope everything is to your liking, Have a great rest of your day/night !! Genre: fluff Ship: Reader x brothers + Diavolo (individual headcanons) TW: clingy demons, minimal cussing, no use of readers' pronouns, second-person pov
When You Use Their Shampoo
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Stepping into the shower, You were greeted with the nice hot/cool water raining from above, Going to start your routine, You reached for your shampoo bottle only to find it empty! Looking around you spotted his shampoo and conditioner, surely he wouldn’t mind… right?
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100% smells it on you no matter how little you used
Won’t tease you in public but as soon as ya’ll are alone? Ho ho, he’ll never shut up about it
Smug, the definition of smug
You had to go and inflate the ego of The Lord of Pride even more
Very possessive afterwards
Congrats, You know have a scary guard dog demon!
He probably wouldn’t even really notice at first
He’d probably compliment how good you smell, Then would slowly realize…
Great, Now he's yelling gibberish while his face slowly gets redder and redder
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack, don’t do that to me!” But will become very clingy
If you say his shampoo smells good, he may lose his mind.
“Well of course ya wanted to smell Like the great Mammon!” 
Poor awkward nerd
He never saw this coming
I think he would realize you used his shampoo but won’t say anything
Flustered to the max
You have broken him
Levi.404 has stopped working, please reset.
After like the third day, You’re gonna have to bring it up
Secretly really likes it, Won’t tell you that though
I think he is very picky about scents so he knows as soon as you walk into the room
A little bit of a tease, asking if you were trying out a new shampoo
Smug 2.0 
He would tease you a little bit around the others but not bad
He would flood you with compliments, You using his shampoo would make him very lovey-dovey
Expect him to ask for ya’ll to just use the same stuff from now on
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Oh honey, he knows.
He knew before you even got out of the shower.
But that doesn't mean he's any less excited!
Better plug your ears because he will let out the loudest squeal known to mankind
Seriously, Lucifer may come and check on ya’ll helicopter mom
Asks what you do and don’t like about it
He just wants you to feel as fantastic as he does when using it
Everyone will know you used his shampoo, He brings it up in every conversation
Would also 100% ask you to use his bath products 24/7
Now Beel has never been really into insane products like Asmo or Luci
So he may not really recognize it at first
If you decide to tell him, This man will become a happy demon puddle
He’ll give you a big smile and tell you you’re free to use any of his stuff at anytime
We don’t deserve Beel
Will bury his face into your hair and just stay there
Takes you out to Hell’s kitchen that night just because he loves you so much
Oh this little shit
Tease! He won’t quit bragging!!
Smug 3.0
Such a brat about it too, He won’t let anybody near you, Well of course he’d let Beel, but who wouldn't?
He has practically locked you up in the attic with him
Why go outside when ya’ll can cuddle? 
Has really expensive products 
He may even have a custom scent
If so, He’ll know instantly that you’ve used his shampoo
He’ll bring it up with a large grin on his face
When you confirm his suspicions, he’ll just laugh
He’s so happy ya’ll are close enough to share things like that, You have no idea!
He may make a sly comment to Barbatos or Lucifer just because he’s a little possessive
Will follow you around like a lost puppy, Now Barbatos is mad at you because even less of his work is done
He can’t help it! He just loves you!
Will be the third on my list to offer ya’ll to just share bath products
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ssvnriseya · 1 month
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summary - he wants more of you day by day as if he was being seduced by the forbidden fruit.
warnings - MDNI 18+ mentions of attempted rape, violence, language, dark!daryl, unprotected p in v (wrap it up), age gap ( reader is 18, daryl is 30. he has no weird feelings before she was 18 ), breeding kink, panty sniffing, intended lowercase (let me know if i missed anything)
request - keep a secret was amazing! i have a request for you, can you do a dark daryl fic set in prison era. where he keeps tabs on the reader, stalker stuff (steals her undies) and fucks her in prison showers. please include age gap (reader is 18, daryl is 30) and a breeding kink, please! - 🎀
note - okay, the characters deserve a happy ending at the prison, no one can change my mind!
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it was a hard year for you, you've lost too many people you cared about and gained more to care about.
your mother, lori, she died after giving birth to your baby sister. your little sister and brother were your angels.
they were the reason you still kept going, along with your dad, and the memories of your mom.
you had grown to care about the people of woodbury that now resided at your home, the prison.
whether it be the children, elders, teen, and adults. you absolutely love sasha, tyreese, and mika.
"hey, honey." carol smiled at you as she continued stirring the pot where all the people and your meals is being cooked.
"hey, carol. you didn't wake me up." you groaned at her as you walked to stand by her side.
"you were tired from the run yesterday, rick would kill me if i exhaust you too much." she smiled at you as she cut onions.
"i'll cut them." you smiled at her as you took the knife and chopping board.
"thank you. and i didn't wake you up because everything here is handled." she assured you.
it was early morning and no one was up yet, it gave you both the time to cook and chat freely.
"but, i woke up anyway." you teased her and nudged her as she stirred the pot and you chopped the onions.
"what are we having today?" you asked as you peered inside the bowl.
"just soup again with deer meat." she told you and you nodded, giggling.
"watery soup because we're lacking ingredients." you told her with a groan as you pour the onions in the soup.
"please, carol, remind me when i go on runs to pick up spices." you added.
"alright, young lady." she teased and you smiled, you both had been close ever since lori died.
she had been the mother figure, but not romantically to rick, she also stood as a mother to rick, if that was possible.
"who caught the deer? daryl again?" you asked as you frowned at the chopped meat.
"who else? he's our only hunter." she smiled at you, knowing that you utterly despised the man.
"okay, maybe i won't eat." you joked with a huff as you crossed your arms.
"then don'." someone told you from behind making you gasp in shock.
"daryl! don't sneak up on people like that!" you told him as you looked at him with disapproval.
"if ye' don't like m' deers, don't eat!" he sneered at you making you let out a small smile.
"okay, i won't." you told him and leaned in to carol, to gossip with her. daryl is in a fair distance.
you took over stirring and whispered something to her, "i'm fucking missing one again."
you groaned as you frowned, it was very hard to loose a pair of panties.
it was very hard to find one on runs and you will suddenly loose some?
"if one of the women are stealing them, it's very unhygienic." you shook your head.
"it would disappear only to appear two days or a day after, you'll get it back." she reassured you.
"what the fuck are they doing with my knickers?" you told aloud making daryl look at you.
you rolled your eyes at him and stared into the pot, it was boiling and the delicious smell of it was making you hungry.
your pride was high so you went right back into your cell block once the woodbury people came out into the courtyard.
it hadn't only been half an hour before daryl came knocking at your cell.
"ye' can eat, was jus' jokin'." he told you in a quiet voice, you smiled.
"okay!" you stood up from your bed and placed your book to the side.
you were never the first to apologize, if you knew you weren't in the biggest wrong.
"carol told you to apologize?" you smiled as you stood in front of him, he was a lot taller than you.
"nah." he responded and you nodded, smiling. you stepped out of the cell, brushing past him.
"i'll follow ye' back, 'm jus' gon' do somethin'." he told you with a nod.
you gave him a thumbs up before going down the stairs and out the cell block.
daryl waited for a few minutes before going into your cell, he went to your basket full of clothes.
he quickly placed the panty, that you were missing, back into the basket. he grabbed another one and stuffed it into his pocket.
he wasn't usually like this but you made him crazy, with you scent and the way you acted around him.
you despised him sometimes, yet you could tolerate him enough to flirt with him.
he hated how you made him feel, he wanted to stop what crazy shit he was even doing.
but the thing is, he can't, he's in too deep in the situation. he's fucking addicted to your natural smell.
he fucked your underwear every night, imagining that it was you. he absolutely loved those moments.
call him a creep and whatsoever but he's obsessed with you. so fucking obsessed.
he loved the smell and heat in the shower when he got in right after you finished bathing.
he loved your hair, the way it flows smoothly whenever you ran your fingers in them when frustrated.
don't get him started in your smile, he can fucking kill an entire herd if that means he gets to see you smile.
he loved your skin, your soft milky skin and how they easily turn red when being gripped to tight.
he wondered if he gripped your wrists to tight when he was fucking deep balls into you, would they leave a fucking bruise? he loved that idea, meaning everyone would see that someone fucked you that night.
he loved your body, every curve, every form of you from head to toe.
he went crazy on every teenagers from woodbury who even tried to go near you.
he did it in private, just to not have him scare you off. he almost killed for you, he would do anything just to protect you.
it was when you were on the road, right after the farm fell. you, maggie, glenn and daryl encountered a group of men when you were on the run for the group.
the men was obviously stuffed full, having the weapons and foods that you all were desperately trying to find.
they were obviously a whole lot bigger, not starved during the months that the whole apocalypse started.
glenn and daryl tried to talk to the men, in hopes of escaping the men.
they failed and two of them went to beat up glenn and daryl, making you pull out a gun.
it was a very ugly fight, glenn received a broken nose and multiple bruises in the face and stomach.
daryl was worse, he tried to punch back just to get to you, but to no avail it only made things worse.
that left two other men that was onto you and maggie, you fucking tried to fight him off, he was too big.
he tried to rape the both of you, and that made daryl see red, he was on full adrenaline that he fucking killed the four men single-handedly.
it ended with glenn almost passed out cold, you and maggie shaken up and lastly daryl who was still gritting his teeth in anger.
he fucking swore to himself not to let any other dirty men touch you for their own pleasure.
"daryl!" he was cut-off in his trance by a small voice calling out to him.
he stood up immediately from his crouched position and turned to face the door.
carl stood there with a smile on his face as he nodded at daryl.
"what are you doing here? anyways where is she?" carl asked, looking for you as he inspected the room-cell.
"out in the courtyard... ye' eat already?" daryl asked the little boy as he stepped out from your cell, closing the gate behind him.
"no, i was just going to call her so we could eat together." carl said in a small voice, he wanted to spend more time with you, he felt as if everything that's been happening has been pulling you away from him.
"let's go 'ere together." he put a hand on the little boy's shoulder, giving him a thin smile.
"she's probably eatin' with andrea and carol." he said referring to the older women you hung out with.
"yeah, i'll run so i can see sophia." carl told daryl as the little boy beamed.
"ya..." daryl nodded at carl, and the latter took it as a sign to ran out to the court yard.
when he arrived at the courtyard it was busy with people and their own conversations.
he looked for you and didn't see you, he was worried that maybe you were off with some boys.
he would definitely fucking beat the shit out of the boy who ever tried to take you from him.
his thoughts were proven wrong when a small bunch of people were by gate.
he immediately spotted your hair that made him crazy but not as much as you made him crazy.
he walked towards you with a frown, his frown falling and replaced with a small smile as he heard you laugh.
michonne was there, looking proud and almost eye-teary. you hugged her as you also sobbed with joy.
he was confused why but his smile also grew bigger once he saw what was inside the box that michonne brought back.
the head of the governor was sitting there, eyes in shock and lifeless.
they had spent months hunting for the governor and now they found him, they can finally breath in peace.
the governor looked dirty, his beard and moustache was grown, wildly. like he doesn't have a place to stay and clean himself up.
"we're free, daryl." you whispered to him and you also hugged him, cheeks stained in tears.
he pulled away and wiped your tears away, just like he's always wanted to do.
he looked behind michonne to find a small group of people. they looked relieved to see a sanctuary ahead of them.
"oh, this is the family i found with philip. they didn't know who he truly was, so i explained it all." michonne pointed to the three people standing at the corner.
you gave them a slight wave as you smiled at the little girl, "this is tara, lilly and her daughter, meghan." michonne added.
they smiled awkwardly and gave a little wave back, glancing at daryl, rick, michonne, carol and you.
"and this is eugene, he pretended to be a scientist who knows the cure to all but all is well, rosita, and abraham." michonne pointed to the other three standing at a fair distance from tara's family.
"hi!" you gave rosita, eugene and abraham a small smile and a wave.
you walked to stand beside your dad, wrapping your hand around his arms as he inspected the strangers.
"you sure they could be trusted?" rick looked at michonne, she nodded and glanced back at the six.
"alright." rick said with a smile at michonne, he trusted her and would listen to every thing she said.
"welcome to the group!" you greeted them cheerily, you went near meghan and took her small hands into yours.
"i'll take her to meet the kids." you told lilly and she nodded, she can't believe that there's a sanctuary for them to live in, for her daughter and sister to live in peacefully.
you walked with meghan, hand in hand as you took her to the field where the kids played.
"join them, okay? if anyone bullies you, tell me. i'll kick their ass." you smiled at the young girl.
you instantly warmed up to her innocent eyes and warm heart, listening to whatever she was told.
you turned around and jumped back, looking at daryl in shock as you held your hand to your chest to calm your breathing.
"you scared me, dixon!" you told him with a shark glare as you walked past him.
"ye' makin' threats to lil' kids now?" he joke half heartedly, you giggled.
"i like her, she's sweet." you told him with a small sigh as you walked side by side with him.
"wha' s'wrong?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows as he scanned your face.
"nothing, i just really wanted a baby before all this. they're cute and really sweet." you ranted as you puffed your cheeks.
"ye? baby?" he asked like he couldn't believe it, you pouted at him and rolled your eyes.
"sorry, was kiddin'." he told you with a small smile, you only frowned in response.
"yes... but it's hard, and i don't think i'm ready again as i was before. there's an apocalypse now and there's hardly anyone my age around here, and if there is... t—they just avoid me like plague!" you said with an unreadable emotion.
"who told ye' anything about boys yer' age?" he asked as he walked with you into the cell block.
"i don't get it..." you told him as you walked up the stairs and stopping right outside your cell.
you walked inside and he followed in suit, you smiled and gestured for him to sit on the bed.
"maybe ye' can try wit' someone younger or older." he said with a grunt.
"what are you suggesting, dixon?!" you teased him as you stopped pacing.
you wiggled your eyebrows at him when he started stuttering and turn a bit red.
"nothin' forget it." he told you and he stood up but you immediately were in front of him and held his shoulders to get him back to sitting.
"i was just teasing you, daryl. but, no kidding, i really should try with someone older?" you asked with pure innocence that daryl couldn't face.
"y—ya..." he stuttered and scratched the back of his neck as he looked at his lap.
"well, there's johnny, he's five years older." you told him as you sat beside him.
"nah... he's been wit' almost everyone 'ere." he told you as he shook his head.
"okay... i really need to take a bath, do you mind if we talk later?" you asked him as you stood up from the bed.
he shook his head and also stood up, "also got somethin' else t'do."
"okay, bye!" you waved at him and ushered him out of your cell.
you groaned and went to your clean basket, in search of clothes to wear in the sunny day.
you picked out your clothes and took a glance at the dirty pile.
your underwear, was already there. you picked it up carefully and examined it.
you dropped it with a groan, you had to get used to someone stealing your panties just to bring them back.
but it's creepy as fuck and totally unhygienic if they're wearing it or what ever.
you stood up from your crouched position, your towel and clothes in hand.
you walked out of your cell and closed it behind you, it was quiet inside as almost all of the people living in the cell block was outside.
it was a good time to shower, considering there's a population of a hundred in the prison.
it really was hard to shower with that many people, there were many showers but it looks like the time people wants to shower is whenever you wanted to.
you entered the room where a dozen of shower was, you and your original group shared this shower.
you didn't have to worry about peeping tom's or creepy men spying you.
you placed the towel on the hanging bar and your clothes on the table outside.
you stepped in, undressing yourself as you placed your dirty clothes on another rack.
the fucking cold water was refreshing, you really needed it, considering that it was a hot day in the prison.
you showered very quickly so your group can still have cold water, you felt bad because they've been spending all day in the sun ever since summer.
you pulled on your towel and wrapped it around your body, stepping out on the shower.
you went to the table and grabbed your clothes, going back inside the shower to change.
the clothes you wore were just a jeans short and a camisole, perfect wear for a sunny day.
besides you will be working on the fence today, so you still had to shower later.
work on the fence was exhausting, imagine that you will be standing outside for a few hours just killing walkers with the sun glaring down at you.
but it's worth it because by the end of the day there weren't walkers anymore by the fence.
and when you wake up the next morning there is walkers, and you kill them again.
that was your routine but sometimes you're on babysitting duty with beth, a girl just your age.
she was the sister of maggie, innocent just like you, just more shy and she's not as open-mouthed as you.
you stepped out of the shower again, dressed in clean clothes. you went to the rack that you found on a run a month ago and placed your towel there along with a few others.
an old lady was kind enough to stitch your name on the towel so it doesn't get mixed with the others.
it was a very sweet thing to do, she also was one of the elders you absolutely adore.
you went back to your cell and brushed your hair, it has grown longly, it wasn't the same mid-hair length when the apocalypse started.
instead it reached just above your butt, you smiled as you braided your hair and put little clips on it.
you shuffled on your make-shift drawer and looked for the sunscreen that thankfully michonne found on a run a week ago.
she found a full box of sunscreen and gave it to those who were on fence duty which was twenty people or so.
you don't get bored as much in fence duty when you had karen to gossip with.
she's always telling you how romantic tyreese is, how their dates always end with a sweet kiss.
it makes your heart flutter that your friend found love amidst all this.
you applied sunscreen on your exposed skin, you even went about thinking that you should just wear long-sleeves and pants.
karen would kill you, ranting about how you might faint again like you did once on fence duty.
it worried the hell out of everyone and you were on cooking and babysitting duty for a month after that.
you kind of don't want that to happen so you decided against it.
you placed the sunscreen back on your drawer and went out the cell, after slipping on your cowboy boots.
you walked past cell's when you heard grunts and moans in a particular cell you know too well.
you walked near it with cautious step, "daryl?" you asked him, you can't see anything because of the white sheet that covered the gate.
you opened the cell and found daryl flustered, "you okay, old man? are you having back pain?"
asking him was kind of you, considering you were starting to warm up to him.
"i can massage you if you want, i'll just skip fence duty." you offered to him as you walked by his bed.
your brows were furrowed in worry, he felt bad for making you worry when he was just jerking himself onto your underwear, smelling it like a creep.
"i do it all the time with dad, when he's having back problems." you explained as you sat beside him.
this was one of the reasons he fell for you, your kindness and no hesitation to help.
he didn't know why he started liking you when you all found the prison.
he hated himself at first, for falling for you who's almost half his age and you're most importantly, the daughter of a man he considered his best friend.
he felt sick but he can't do anything with it, his feelings for you grew deeper especially when the woodbury people arrived.
he didn't know what to tell rick. “hey man, i like your daughter.” was that what he's supposed to say?
"nah... 'm fine. ye' should go before yer' late f'fence duty." he told you.
you shrugged but nodded, "okay..." you st oppd up from his bed.
"if you feel sick, tell me." you smiled at him and went out of his cell, continuing your walk down the stairs.
it took a good minute before you were out of the cell block, you walked in the hallways before you managed to exit the prison.
"hi, karen..." you waved at the said woman and walked to approach her.
you also greeted tyreese who kissed his girlfriend good bye and waved back at you.
"that was a sweet kiss, i'm jealous." you teased her and then pouted, you wanted to experience loving someone.
beth have zack and she's your age, carl have sophia and they're younger than you! how was it fair?
you even asked rick if he would allow you to have a boyfriend over dinner the other night.
the rest of the group laughed while carol, michonne and andrea teased you.
you didn't notice how daryl's mood was down the whole night after that.
he wanted you to notice him, he tried to argue with you every chance he got just to have you notice him.
"you'll find them someday." karen knew what you were thinking and you gave her a small nod.
she handed you a sharp spear and you both walked to the fence where the other's are working now.
you worked for hours along side karen and by the time you were done, the sun was almost setting.
it made every sweat worth it because there's not a single walker in sight.
it was really a good setting, with the council and how they handled every thing.
you all were working to make the prison a home, the crops had grown and are ready to harvest every three weeks.
it was all because of the fertilizers you all try to find every run, and the pigs and chicken had more babies.
it was a good life and it would stay like that forever. you said goodbye to karen and placed the spear on the basket just outside the prison doors.
you went to your cell and picked out a set of sleepwear for a quick shower before dinner.
"hey, daryl... you going to shower too?" you asked when you met him down the stairs.
it's been a weird day, you've been seeing more of him ever since today.
you felt like you've seen him a lot more today that you ever did before the prison.
"mhm." was all he responded, you nodded and walked with him towards the bathroom.
"daryl, have you been talking to dad?" you asked him as you synced your footsteps with his.
"ya, why?" he asked as he glanced at your face, he quickly looked away.
"has he been doing better? maybe he wants to step-up again soon, the governor's gone now." you said lowly.
"he's yer' dad. why're ye' askin' me?" he groaned as he tried to not respond.
"we've all been busy, i don't even have time for them anymore." you said sadly, referring to your dad, carl, and judith.
"he's been better, improvin' since lori." he nodded, his southern accent thick.
"do you miss the people we've lost? like jacqui, mom, jim, and dale?" you asked him.
he shook his head, "they were never important t'me." he shrugged and you nodded.
"you must felt absolutely relieved when you found out merle's alive." you nudged him with your elbow.
you were happy for him that he's doing good with his brother, who was a jerk at first.
merle was starting to adjust to the prison and found a woman he love, he's in the council along with a few others.
"what about shane, ye' miss him?" daryl teased you, nodding to your words about merle.
"ew, no! he's a fucker." you groaned in disgust as you imagined the things he did to your family.
"did a number on ye' didn't he?" daryl smirked and you can feel your cheeks heat up just by his smirk.
"but i can't say that he shouldn't have done the things he did, 'cause jude wouldn't be here." you smiled sadly.
"ye' little ass-kicker is growin' fast." he shook his head with a smile.
"i heard that maggie is pregnant." you beamed at daryl, your eyes glinting with happiness at a new baby in the prison.
"ye', glenn told me earlier." daryl nodded, also happy for the couple since the farm.
you both stopped at the entrance of the bathroom, the sound of water droplets is the only thing that could be heard.
you looked at him as you bit your lip, analyzing his brows, his lashes, eye color, and his lips.
you gulped when he leaned in closer, you couldn't deny that sometimes there's that attraction for him deep down.
the attraction you kept hidden down in fear. he was a very closed off man, you were just scared of rejection.
how can you resist him? now that he's leaning in to place his lips onto yours.
you also can't deny that he's a very attractive man, with a shoulder that could make you swoon, and his arms that you wished to hold.
he has tattoos and you found them pretty and meaningful, he had a tattoo on his collar bone.
you didn't know what it meant but it's just a letter, a simple letter placed there.
it was an x.
you closed your eyes when you felt his lips touch yours gently, as if they were just tasting.
he tasted like cigarettes and booze. you can feel yourself getting drunk on his mouth.
you let out a small whimper when he squeezed your ass, he pulled away and took of his shirt.
he placed it on the laundry basket and kissed you again. you took a step back and he pulled the curtains out of the way to enter the bathroom.
"we shouldn't be doing this." you told him, pulling away as you shrugged of your own shirt.
"ya." he agreed and started attacking your neck, making you release small moans.
the clothes and towels you both had were left scattered on the table when you have thrown it.
he gently guided you, taking a step forward as you took a step back.
he guided you to the nearest room to shower, pressing your back against the wall.
he fumbled with your bra as you grabbed onto his hair, keeping your moans at bay.
you helped him slip it off, and he immediately attacked your breasts with kisses.
he turned on the shower and it made you smile at him as you got wet by the water.
you brushed your fingers through his hair, fixing it and moving it out of his face.
placing your hands on his neck, you leaned in and kissed him once again.
you can feel his erection on your stomach and that made you groan.
he held you by the waist and leaned down to meet your kisses as he was taller and bigger than you.
you slid off your panties slowly and you can feel the wetness on your thighs, not by the water but because of him.
he groaned as he rubbed your clit when his hands found it's way there.
you burried your face on his shoulder as you stopped yourself from moaning.
you heard the water stop running on the other stall and a few shuffle here and there.
and finally the moment you were waiting for, the shuffle of the curtains, indicating the person has left.
he lined the tip of his cock onto your entrance and you gripped his shoulders, you weren't sure if it would fit.
he pushed in with one deep thrust making you cry out in pain, you didn't expect him to be that rough.
he started thrusting in and out as you bit your lip you can taste the metallic taste in your tongue.
you moaned, as your hips met his desperately. all the pain was gone now and was replaced by bliss and pleasure.
"s'fuckin' tight, princess." he went deeper and faster with each thrust making you moan loudly.
you were scared to get caught but you couldn't stop the sinful moans that were leaving your mouth.
everyone was probably at dinner already.
you would be disgusted when someone told you that you'd be having sex with your dad's best friend a year ago.
it was so sinful, he was much older and also your dad's best friend, you want to stop but he felt so fucking good.
"daryl, mhm..." you moaned as he kept his thrusting, you can feel the tingling on your lower stomach.
a sense of sign that you were about to cum, it was quick but you can't help yourself.
he felt so good and it was too long ago that you've done this and felt pleasure, the only good thing was that this was better.
"i—i'm about to... c—cum." you moaned as you met his lips for a passionate kiss.
"cum 'round daddy's cock, baby." he groaned into your ear once you pulled away from the kiss.
he can feel your velvety walls clench around him, if he kept going on like this he would also cum.
"yer' so warm." he praised you making you whine, you were so turned on by the sound of your skin slapping together.
"i—I'm cumming." you informed him as you closed your eyes in pleasure.
stopping your hips from meeting his as you came. you moaned from the high feeling.
he kept thrusting into you with force, into your wet, tight and sensitive cunt.
"i'm gonna cum inside you." he looked into your eyes with a dark look.
you shook your head, "i—i'm not on birth control..." you whined as you shook from another orgasm.
"don't care." he shut you up by kissing you with much domination and force, he bit your lip and you pulled away.
"daryl... i—i'm not ready." you whimpered as you pushed on his shoulders.
he ignored you, "i'm gonna fill you up with my babies." he said once again, ignoring your total protests.
"you'd look so pretty carrying my babies." he kissed your jaw and sucked on your sweet spot.
you felt his cock twitch before he finished up inside you, you moaned.
"y-you came inside me!" you looked at him with anger as you unlatch yourself from him.
your legs giving out from intense orgasm, he held you to support you up.
"i love ye', we can have a happy family, you'll have a baby like you've always wanted." he assured you.
you shook your head as you wiped your tears, "w-what would dad say." you whisper to him as you pout.
"i'll worry about him, just be a good girl for me." he grabbed the shampoo as he put some on your hair, washing it for you.
"ye' feel good, so fuckin' good. better than yer' panties." he said with a smirk
you gasped and looked at him, there were a million questions running around your head.
"you're the one who's been stealing them?!" you asked in anger and embarrassment.
"hm, ye' smell so fuckin' good, baby." he praised you, making your cheeks hot again.
"that's embarrassing." you said in a small voice, looking away from him.
"i'll take care of ye' and in just a few months you'll have a baby bump." he kissed you once again.
you shivered and couldn't help but look at your stomach, caressing it.
you can feel his warm cum inside you, it was probably getting to work now.
it was too late for you to take pills, you felt like crying. you weren't ready for a baby, you were before, but you weren't sure now.
he promised to take care of you, he should. what if your dad gets angry if you tell him?
you can't bear the thought of your dad or carl ever being mad at you.
it would ruin you and you can't even think about the people at the prison, the people you love hating you because of your relationship with daryl.
"ye'll look good with m'babies, trust m'." daryl whispered to you, sucking on your neck.
what have you gotten yourself into?
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This is my mom's 14-year-old cat "Sleepy" (and my daughter's best friend) My mom passed away on her birthday in 2021 from stage 5 cancer. I could tell you a million stories about how much this furbaby means to us and how much of a blessing she has been to our lives... but that's not as important as getting her help right now.
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Just before Christmas my daughter was cuddling her and noticed a discharge was leaking from her nipples. I reached out to a friend who is knowledgeable about everything feline. She recommended we give her a warm shower and clean the area with soapy water and take a picture to send her. The picture made our hearts sink. Sleepy has always had a soft underbelly that droops a little when on all fours. We certainly never noticed anything before. The day after we took the picture she ulcerated (seen in the other pictures) I had sterile wound care supplies from when I took care of my mom, and my friend recommended a product sold at petsmart called silverhoney. I have been applying that and changing out her dressing every day. But it's not healing. I even tried to put a very small amount of triple antibiotic cream around (not on) the ulcerations but I'm not comfortable doing that again as there is too much negative information online about using it on cats. (despite what vets have recommended in the past) because of the infection its spread into her lungs. She's struggling to breathe and with antibiotics she only has days left.
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I work a fulltime and a part time job just to keep a roof over our heads. I'm poorer now than when I was on SSI. If I could have afforded to take her to the vet when the first picture was taken, I would have! I feel absolutely horrible about not having any kind of savings for emergencies. I don't even make enough to save... I don't want her to get sepsis or gangrene or develop abcesses or watch her slowly die over an infection that needs antibiotics. I have a suspicion not a diagnosis, and I don't even have enough money to put her down if what's going on isn't treatable. I absolutely hate asking for help when I work this hard at 2 jobs with nothing to show for it but covering the basics. But I'm not asking for me, I'm asking for her. She needs to be seen. Any financial help is so so needed and greatly appreciated.
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I have a PayPal. The estimate reflects the only vet in our tricity area that will take donations over the phone but they require the money upfront. I applied for care credit and was denied.
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I didn't set up a gofundme as they take too much money out, and the payments take too long to come through. She needs to be seen asap.
I don't know what else to do. My heart is breaking. She's all I have left of my mom. She's my daughters best friend. God Bless anyone that can help. 🙏
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hitomisuzuya · 8 months
Stepcest, DNI if it's uncomfortable you. Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Slut training. Scara receiving. Collar. Degradation. Some soft Scara. Masturbation.
I'm trying to work out some writers block, so I am just free typing on a whim😅 I'm sorry if this terrible😭
Every other month, there were three weeks where your mom's left you both alone for some business or another. Each time they left, he always promised he would take good care of you. You sure would be taking good care of him.
Scaramouche enjoyed these weeks the most, and he sure enjoyed the hell out of you. How could he not when his precious stepsister was always so willing to please? You were so easily trainable.
He got you a new collar each time to wear around the house freely. He dressed you up in skirts and stockings, having you walk around with no panties on in certain skirts. Thigh high stockings were his favorite. That delicious little peek of thigh above the hem of your skirt always drove him insane.
It became routine for you suck him off in the morning in the shower. Your sucks were utterly worshipping on his cock, making him weak in the knees and reducing him to whimpering behind moans, his head resting against the wall with his eyes closed. His fingers gripped your hair a little tighter the closer he came to cumming.
Scaramouche legs shook as you gagged on his cock, holding your head in place while he thrust his cock in and out of your mouth. "Swallow it all, fucking slut," He groaned, his cum spurting into your eager mouth. "Be a good girl and don't waste a drop," His fingers stroked through your hair, a soft whimper keening from him, your throat tightening on his cock as you obediently swallow, looking up at him adoringly, your knees aching from being pressed on the floor of the tub.
His favorite place to fuck you was the master bedroom. It was such a rush for him to defile his darling stepsister, his willing cock sleeve, on his mother's bed.
Some nights he wouldn't put his cock in you at all. Making you look at him while you fingered yourself or used a vibrator, tears welling in your eyes while you whimpered and begged for him to fuck you. That you couldn't make yourself cum with your fingers as you desperately pumped them in and out of your clenching hole was a good way to train you crave his cock.
When he took your fingers or the toy away from you, your puffy cunt twitching and clenching, your clit swollen and sensitive, Scaramouche would spread your legs and rub his cock between your folds, snapping your stockings against your thighs. "Beg for it, whore. Beg for just the tip," He hissed, dragging the head of his leaking cock on your clit, "who knows, I may give it you depending on how sweet you sound." He would hold the head of his cock on your clit as his cum pooled between your folds.
After a long night to fucking his cum into you, Scaramouche liked to sleep in late into the afternoon, with you safely tucked against his chest in his arms. The comforting warmth your body brought him being up against his, the way you sigh softly in your sleep while his fingers lazily and sleepily run through your hair were moments to treasure to him.
You are more than just a fuck toy for him to enjoy. You are his whole world.
He loved it when you rested your head in his lap while he read or when you were watching a movie or a show on TV together.
The way you were putty in his hands when he bounced you on his cock, his hands groping and smacking your ass sent him reeling. Your slick would ooze around his cock, a buldge poking up in your stomach from how deep he was fucking his cock into your drooling cunt. You would absolutely melt into his touches as his hands greedily groped your body and grasped your waist. "Is my slutty sister gonna cum?" His fingers pinched and played your nipple
You could barely manage a nod, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you drooled and moaned about how good your stepbrother's cock was making you feel.
Scaramouche's beautiful fingers hooked through your collar, yanking your body down to capture your lips in a rough, dominant kiss. "Answer me, whore," He hissed, biting your lips.
"I am! I am! I want to cum on my stepbrother's cock so badly!" You whimpered, licking at his mouth submissively. You sound just as sweet as your cunt did clenching around his cock.
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mingigoo · 9 months
chocolate || Choi San (m.)
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❆ pairing ⇢ (fem) reader x brother’s best friend! Choi San
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❆ summary ⇢ you never got along with your brother’s best friend San, but you really never needed to. His pretty face and cocky attitude pissed you right off. But when he shows up on New Year’s Eve when you’re home alone, and a snowstorm forces you to stay together for the time being, you can’t help yourself from his enchanting charms—and sexy ass body.
❆ genre/au ⇢ smut, forced proximity, brothers best friend au, snowed in au
❆ warnings/tags ⇢ 18+ MINORS DNI, fingering, shower sex, oral sex (male receiving), slightly rough but really not too much, creampie, unprotected sex, the power goes out and they want to fuck each ther so bad I’m sorry
❆ word count ⇢ 5.2k
❆ taglist ⇢  @atinywhore @ch0isa99ie @jjhmk @yukine-smx @roe-sinning @meowmeowminnie @yeritheloml @y00nzin0 @yesv01 @halesandy @shegotboreddsoo @kangyeosangelic @gayliljoong @sanshineeeeee @kodzukein @baguette-atiny @seokwoosmole @nyeatinyjunkie @juliettechokilo @pockyddalgi @justaqueerbufoin @hwaightme @likexaxdaydream @ssaboala @gtr-skyline-lover @miriamxsworld @daegale @knucklesdeepmingi @naiify @yeoyeoland @arya9111 @mdibby @8tinytings @angelicyeo @wooyoungjpg @lonewolfjinji @asjkdk @charreddonuts @mangishii @yeoyeoland @pink-hwaberry @wooyoluvrr @maru-matt @pearltinyy @loveuwoo @m3chigo @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 (if I missed you please lmk!! bold = can’t tag)
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The snow crunched under your feet as you walked up to your parents' home.
Christmas had just passed—although both your mom and dad were out of the area, having the time of their lives in the warmth of another country. You envied them, but you were happy to be back in town after a rough breakup and a messy semester.
When you walked in the door with a bag of groceries and now covering your eyelashes, your little brother Wooyoung sat on the couch in the living room, star-shaped shades on his face and a shiny jacket over his bare chest.
“What….why are you dressed like that?” you inquired, shoving your snowy shoes off your feet.
He stared at you blankly. “Are you stupid?”
You scoffed, walking past him to put the bag of groceries away—groceries that were solely for baking cookies. A perfect way to spend the night.
He stood up and followed you in. “Y/n, it’s New Year's Eve. How else should I be dressed?”
You forgot about it. All of it. It already pained you that you were alone this new Year after spending four of them with the same man.
You shoved the bag of flour into the cabinet aggressively. “I don't know, not like a disco ball? That jacket is gonna get puked on and ruined.”
He looked over at you, noticing your distaste. “Are you…..is Soobin, you know, coming in for the holiday? He already missed Christmas.”
Soobin decided to dump you for reasons unknown. You believed it was because he was chasing his dream of becoming an idol, and he couldn't have a bunch of sexy baggage like you, so you let him lose you. 
But if that wasn't the case and he broke up for you for the hell of it, you would strangle that stupid hot boy and let him pay for his crime of losing the best he’s ever had.
“Oh, we broke up,” you shoved the stuff around in the cabinet, hoping to distract your brother from the horrible news. You didn't tell him the whole time you've been home. You've been avoiding it—it was already embarrassing to be dumped, more so around Christmas.
It did not, in fact, distract him.
“Holy fuck, really?” he leaned forward, intrigued. “Why? What did he do?”
“Oh, you know,” you bit the corner of your lip, trying not to look like you were lying straight through your teeth. “He’s chasing his dream. I broke up with him so he didn't have to struggle with the girlfriend baggage and all. He was so heartbroken….”
Woo blinked. 
“Oh, girl,” he offered a sincere smile. Well, as sincere as wooyoung could possibly get. “He dumped your ass, didn't he?”
You stared at him for a second. You couldn't get past him—he’s seen breakups way too many times with San by his side.
You stood there in silence for a minute or two, trying your best not to reminisce on your relationship—even though you were over him. It wasn't even about Soobin; rather, it was the aching feeling of being someone’s number two. A career, an understandable priority, still felt like a slap in the face to you, as you were less important in his eyes. You can joke with yourself and others all you want—but you crave that feeling of being someone’s pride and joy. Someone’s only thought when the world is about to end.
“Welp,” Woo sighed, not knowing what to say. “I have to head out soon. I’m meeting up with San and Yeosang to head to the party.”
You sighed, leaning against the counter behind you. “Have fun.”
He pondered for a second, sticking his tongue into the inside of his cheek. “Wanna come with us?” he asked.
You shook your head, already not feeling like doing anything—especially anything involving…..San. “No, no, you go have fun,” you smiled at him as best as you could.
He nodded, but gave you a look of worry before he left the kitchen.
You followed him like a lost puppy as he tossed his shoes on in the doorway, struggling to bring his chucks over his heel—his frat shoes, as he likes to express. The shoes he doesn't mind puking on. You watched in enjoyment as he wrestled his shoes.
“I’ll be back later,” he ruffled your hair tenderly, but the grimace on his face felt like he wanted to tackle you—in a playful way, of course.
“Be safe—”
He shut the door with a smirk before you finished your sentence.
“A sudden storm will be rising upon us within the next hour or so, with wind gusts up to……”
You could hardly hear the TV from the kitchen as you blasted Christmas music, flour on every square inch of you. You were baking—your favorite hobby. It’s been a while since you were able to bake carefree, and now that you had an unlimited amount of free time, you were going to bake as much as you missed out on. 
As you shoved in another pan of cookies into the oven, you heard the door open and shut loudly, so loud that you were able to hear it over your music.
“Wooyoung, what the hell?” you grumbled, your back turned from the doorway as you fixed up the already baked cookies to cool. “Can you slam that shit any louder? And aren't you supposed to be at a party?”
Silence. No response. 
“I said, aren't you supposed to be—”
And when you turned around, it was most definitely not wooyoung in the kitchen doorway.
You dropped a cookie onto the floor. 
“Well,” San smirked, his grey hood covering his dark hair, his lips curled sexily, and his eyebrows raised. “Aren't you a beauty?”
You stood there in a flour-covered apron, flour-covered hair, face, and everything in between, looking at the man across the kitchen table.
“San,” you breathed, brushing your hands off on your apron and bending down quickly to pick up the dropped cookie. “What are you doing here? Wooyoung told me he was meeting up with you.”
“To see you, of course,” He purred, taking a step closer to you. He walked around the table to get to where you were standing, and not surprisingly, he lifted a finger to the corner of your lips and then continued to taste it on his own. 
You shivered in what you wished was disgust.
His eyes lit up as he tasted it, licking his lips. “Mmm. Chocolate?” he hummed, leaning against the counter next to you. He pulled down his hood to reveal his messy, silky black hair. “You've always been such a great baker.”
“You scoffed, turning back to the stove to check on your cooling cookies. “Why are you here?”
“You just asked me that.”
“Yeah, but you didn't answer correctly.”
“I’m here to see you, baby,” he leaned forward. 
You leaned back.
“Ha!” you laughed sarcastically, picking up your spatula to wield it like a weapon in his direction. When you met his gaze, you felt your stomach drop from his pretty smile and his sickening gaze. “Wooyoung isn't here, alright? So you better leave, or I will kick you out—”
“I’ll just wait here for him until he gets back.” San shrugged, stealing a cookie before running away from the kitchen.
You followed him into the living room, tracking your flouriness all over the place. “Can't you just go home? I don't understand why—”
He was standing in front of the TV as your voice trailed off. Apparently, there was a huge storm that no one saw coming. San watched intently as he snacked happily on the cookie as if finding out that there was a blizzard outside was the best news he’d ever heard.
“A blizzard?” you freaked out, running up to the screen right next to him. After watching for a few moments, you went to the window, looking out to see the roads completely covered and the wind blowing a dusting of white all over the place.
“Oh….I didn't see that coming,” San’s irritatingly attractive voice spoke from right behind you, and when you turned around, he stood with a sinister smile on his face.
“You should go, for real,” you sighed, looking up into his eyes before moving your gaze anxiously. “Before you can't.” 
He peered over your shoulder, letting out a puff of air. “I don't think I can drive back on the roads like this….” he sighed, tilting his head at you. “It's too dangerous.”
You blinked, trying your hardest not to cave into those lustrous cat-like eyes. He blinked at you now, his expression unreadable.
It's been ages since you saw this man—ages, and he still treats you as if you were best buddies all your life. In reality, you've never once liked the guy. His hair pissed you off, his crooked smile boiled your blood, and god, his ears? Why were they so cute? How can ears be cute? Don't get yourself started on his lips…..lips that you….may have kissed once or twice all those years ago.
He never talked about it, so you just ignored it.
And now that you were thinking about his lips, your eyes dropped down to them, and when you realized, you cleared your throat and brought your gaze back up to his eyes.
“If you stay, you have to act like you're not here,” you breathed, crossing your arms over your messy apron. He looked down—down at your cleavage and smirked. “Eyes up here, mister.”
He hesitated to move his gaze, and when he did, your stomach flipped once more—god, maybe you just needed to get laid. It's been ages since you had a good fuck….
No. what were you thinking? No. no, no. Stop it.
You took a second to gain your thoughts before speaking again. “Just… don't do anything until wooyoung gets here.”
He stood close to you, looking down with those seductive eyes, his smile blindingly attractive. He didn't even need to speak to make your knees weak—which was probably why you hated him so much.
He bent his head to get closer to you, that smile still on his face. 
“Can I speak, master?” he nearly moaned, biting the corner of his lip. “I feel like it would be unfortunate to remain silent during our….reuniting time.”
You let out a little chuckle. “What? Reuniting time?” you uncrossed your arms. “That's funny. We were never close enough to unite in the first place.”
“Oh, y/n,” he purred, reaching out to twirl a finger around your hair. You wanted to run away. Your mind told you to, but everything else craved him—as it always has. “I would say we united many times, haven't we?”
He looked like he wanted to grab you as tight as he could and swallow you whole—but the conflict in his eyes said no. you watched his eyes dance around you, how his hand froze mid-air within your hair, and his lips flat in a line.
And it took everything in you to move away from him. 
You took a step back, watching his eyes drop to your feet.
“You can stay,” you coughed, looking anywhere but him. “But don't…don’t bother me. Don't talk about….uniting, or reuniting, or whatever…..” you huffed, giving him one last look before running into the kitchen, only to find the cookies in the oven burnt to a crisp.
And once again, the cycle began. San’s enchantment was whirling around you, capturing everything in its wake. Your heart never belonged to you—no, it always belonged to him.
And he will make sure you will never forget it.
San sat at the table, watching you intently as you made another batch of cookie dough.
“How’s school?” he asked you, his voice soft.
You shrugged, stirring the dough with your bare hand, as there was no mixer. “It's fine, same same.”
He nodded, his chin held up by his palm. You continued to mix the dough.
“How’s what's his name? Soo—Soomin? Soojin? Soo–”
“Soobin?” you asked, trying not to smile at his obvious distaste.
He nodded, a frown on his lips.
You didn't get to respond as your phone interrupted the conversation.
“Ugh,” you huffed, holding your dough-covered hands in the air, unable to get your phone in your pocket. “Can you…can you get my phone for me?”
San stood up. “Where is it?” 
You pointed to your back pocket. “There, in my pocket.”
When he got next to you, he hesitated on reaching to get it, but when you gave him the death stare, his gentle hand glided down your back, down your ass, and to your pocket. You froze at his touch and nearly missed the phone call from your mess of emotions. 
He answered the call for you and held it up to your ear.
“Oh, thank god,” wooyoung breathed. “Don't go anywhere, alright?”
You scoffed, looking down at your dough-covered hands and your filthy clothes. “Ah, I wouldn't worry about me going anywhere. I’m definitely not fit for an outing.”
Wooyoung didn't laugh like his normal self. “For real, don't go anywhere. I won't be home for a good while because of the storm, so make sure you stay safe and warm.”
“Awe, I didn't know you cared so much about me,” you cooed, but when you saw San’s little smile at your words, you immediately swallowed hard, lost in thoughts you shouldn't be having while you're on the phone.
“Anyway, just be safe,” Woo sighed, taking a breath in. “I’ll be living off this shitty-ass beer and stale cookies. These sons of bitches are so cheap I swear—”
Without warning, the lights flickered slightly.
And then they went completely off, leaving you and San with no lights, no power, no anything.
“What the fuck—”
“For fucks sake,” San hissed, catching him off guard. Wooyoung, however, perked up the minute he heard a man.
“Who’s there with you? I heard a voice?”
“Oh, it’s just San,” you mumbled, looking up at him, where his eyes even sparkled in the dark. You forgot your train of thought for a moment. “He came here looking for you.”
“Yeah, right. That dude’s been obsessed with seeing you ever since he knew you were coming home. What a little pussy. He had to make up a lie to come over? Pfft—”
“Ah, oh no, looks like we lost service too—you’re breaking up—” San coughed, and after a moment of time for wooyoung to react, he hit the end button, tossing your phone onto the counter with haste.
You gave him a funny look as he tried to ignore your gaze. The room was extremely dark—not a single light source other than the little bluish glow from your home screen on your phone. 
You had no idea what to say to him; he didn't know what to say, either. You just stood in the dark kitchen, the oven at a standstill, and so were your feelings. He was looking down at his feet, trying his hardest not to look at you—although it was too dark to see you, anyway.
“Guess I’m done baking,” you hummed, giving him a slight look of curiosity before you took the cookies out of the cold oven. 
“Yeah, that won't work now,” he muttered quietly, very much unlike his usual dickhead way of speaking. He swallowed hard, too close to you. 
You stood strong right in front of him, your body telling you to grab him by the neck and kiss those gorgeous lips of his. Maybe you were just that desperate to feel something after your breakup—or maybe you always wanted San—either way, you were so close to giving in to your desire, but you pushed yourself away and took off your apron slowly.
“You never….you never answered my question earlier.”
You set the apron down on the counter next to your phone. It shut off now, leaving you in complete darkness, with San only a shadow in front of you.
You frowned, but you couldn't see the look on his face in front of you. “What question?”
“About how Soobin is?”
You scoffed, trying your best to look up into San’s eyes. You saw them sparkle slightly, and you stared into them. “So you do know his name.”
“I really don't care what his name is, y/n,” he grumbled, taking a step closer to you.
You smiled, knowing by the tone of his voice that he was aggravated. “Well, if you must know, I really don't know how he is.”
San grew quiet, but you heard him take a breath in. “what do you mean?”
“We broke up, so I wouldn't know how he is, alright?” you hissed at him, but only to get a reaction out of him—god, you didn't know what you’d do if what wooyoung said was true—that if San came here to see you, that he was waiting to see you for ages, that he’s irritated over the fact you’ve had a boyfriend—all of it would send you into a spiral. You always told yourself you'd need to be completely wasted to even think of San in a new light….but here in the dark, with his hot breath caressing your cheeks, you were ready to say fuck it to your facade. 
He didn't say anything for a while. He just stood there, his one hand leaning against the table to hold himself up. 
“You…broke up with him?” he hummed quietly.
“Mhm,” you nodded, tilting your head up to try and meet his gaze.
He swallowed, nodding. “Mmm. I see,” he smiled—at least it looked like he did. “Nice.”
“Nice?” you furrowed your brows.
“Well, I mean, I never liked the guy, so—”
“I don't know—”
“Yes, you do know,” you took a step even closer, causing him to catch his breath. “What’s the reason?”
He sighed, his breath dancing across your skin. “Well, like, two years ago or so, when we were out at the bar,” San took a second to form what he wanted to say, and you stood and looked up at him without a blink. “He got you a drink with Malibu in it.”
You blinked, confused. “So? I don't even remember that San, I don't know why you're bringing that up—”
“Because you hate coconut, y/n,” he interrupted you, his tone of voice exasperated. “And you hate going to bars—they stress you out. You didn't even finish the drink before he got you another and didn't even care to know what you liked…so I didn't like him.”
You stood there, mouth slightly dropped after his words. 
That was enough of a confession for you. 
“So….you didn't like him because he got me a coconut drink or….” you reached out, your fingers delicately draping over his that were resting on the table. He jumped slightly at your touch as if he was never expecting it. “Or because you could do better than him?”
San remained still as you let your fingers glide up his arm, feeling the softness of his hoodie that you wished to take off.
“....I think you know why I didn't like him….” He breathed.
You leaned forward in the dark, your gaze piercing right into his. Your hand met the base of his neck, sending shivers down his spine from the coldness of them. He let out a sound of pleasure at your touch, your other hand meeting his waist.
You didn't say anything else. You just wanted to fall into him, even with the consequences; it didn't matter what would happen tomorrow. He was breathing shallowly, his lips parted, begging you to kiss them as if he was waiting forever. 
And as if they knew the timing, the lights flickered back on, revealing a lovestruck San—his eyes hazy with desire and his expression out of a book.
His fingertips found their home on the side of your cheek, holding your face gently, carefully, as if you were glass.
You were less than an inch away from his lips, but before you pressed them to his, you stepped back, knowing that you were a filthy mess—you didn't want him to spend this time with you while you were embarrassingly messy.
“I….” you paused, pulling away from his hold. “I…need to shower,” you mumbled, giving him a look.
He blinked slowly. “A…shower?” 
With one last look at him, you saw the hesitation in his eyes. You walked past him, brushing up against him before you walked up the steps.
And before you got to the bathroom at the end of the hall, you heard his clunky footsteps make their way up the creaky stairs.
“Wait, hold on,” he huffed, grabbing your wrist to turn you around. “What was that?”
You looked at him innocently. “What was what?”
He furrowed his brows. “You know, that.”
You shrugged, fighting the smile that begged to arise. “What?”
He groaned, dropping your hand in a fit. “You were going to kiss me.”
You tilted your head, playing with him. “Was I?”
“Were you not?”
“I don't know.”
“Yes, you do know! You were literally about to kiss me—”
“And what if I was?” you whispered, your eyes slanted with mischief. He looked at you, his own expression changing from confusion to….well, more confusion. 
He bit his bottom lip. 
“Am I supposed to follow you into the shower?”
You smiled, letting him decide what you wanted him to do.
With a curt turn, you opened the bathroom door, leaving it open a crack, inviting him in.
You took off your messy top, covered in flour. You waited patiently, taking off your bra and your pants, and all that was left was your panties before he entered abruptly. 
“Listen, you can't leave that door open and not expect me to—oh,” he paused, his breath shaky. 
You stood unmovingly, facing him.
And with a slight scoff, he ran towards you. 
“Fuck it,” he huffed, slamming his body into yours, swallowing you with his whole being.
His lips caressed yours, biting your tongue, shoving his own into your mouth. You took in a sharp breath as he sucked on your soul, his hand finding your breast to squeeze it tightly.
“God, I’ve been waiting to do that forever,” he groaned against your mouth, his other hand playing with the hem of your underwear. With one quick motion, he pulled them down, falling onto your ankles as you stepped out of them.
You smiled into his kiss, tearing away at his hoodie before he pulled it over his head, leaving him shirtless and full of glory. You parted away from his lips, kissing down his chest, over his mounds of muscle, until your knees hit the floor.
He froze under your touch, your fingertips gliding over his hard-on. You grinned devilishly up at him, his expression in a mess of excitement and nervousness. Him? Nervous? Impossible.
You pulled down his pants as swiftly as you could, causing him to hiss sharply. He was fully on display for you now, his cock pulsing and ready for you. You grazed your fingers from his base to his tip; then you took it in your mouth without a warning.
He grunted, immediately gripping the hair on top of your head, tossing his own back with aggression. His little moans were music to your ears; not once did you ever believe you'd hear them—he looked so fuckable. So desirable. He always did, which explains why he was your first-ever kiss, why you always thought back to him when you were with Soobin, why you couldn't avoid his charms even though you so desperately tried.
He moaned your name—said it with such haste as if he couldn't hold back. As if he’s wanted this for ages. He leaned into your mouth, moving his hips slightly to push himself in deeper. You let out a gag, causing him to moan once more, making you smile against his cock.
You moved back and forth on him, no hands in sight. You glanced up at him through your eyelashes as you pressed your lips at the base of his dick, watching his eyes close tight and his chest heave.
“God fuck,” he huffed, his fingers tying knots in your hair, causing tears to build up behind your eyes. You liked it—loved it—his touch was ecstasy.
Without a minute to waste, San pulled you upward and off of him, just for him to press his lips to yours, reaching backward to turn the knob on the hot water.
You giggled against his lips as he almost fell. He smiled back, teeth clashing into yours as he pressed his bare skin to yours. You both stepped into the shower, not even caring that the water wasn't warm enough yet. 
His tongue slid down your throat, caressing the roof of your mouth, exploring the uncharted territory. Water spilled over your heads, dripping down your faces, drenching your hair. His hand gripped the back of your head as he slammed you into the wall of the shower, causing you to gasp.
He pulled away for a second, his eyes heavy, his lips parted as water dripped down his beautiful face. He pressed his forehead against yours—feeling as though this scene was all he’d ever wanted; it was premeditated—not a quick decision.
He blinked away the water, smiling before enveloping you in another kiss—this time, it was less lustful and more desperate. He breathed into your soul, his hands cradling your face with all the tender care he could muster. His breaths were shaky, and his hold on you was tight, as if there was somehow, someway, you would break away from his embrace.
You bit into his lip, your hands never finding a home as they explored all the planes of his body. He grunted as you reached for his dick, his eyes glimmering at your expression. No words were needed—he gave you one last look before flipping you around, shoving your face into the fall, and sticking his dick into your entrance. His lips were nibbling at your ear, his hot breath delicately stroking your body and soul.
He didn't push past your entrance just yet—no, but his fingers did. They glided over your clit from the back, your breasts aching from being pressed against the tile. He let out a little hum of a moan into your ear as his fingers entered you, two of them. You whimpered in delight, the movements turning you on more and more. You felt yourself getting wetter and wetter, his fingers curling up inside you, his shallow breaths echoing in your mind. 
You couldn't take it anymore—you needed him inside you, now.
“I need you in me,” you moaned against the tile, tilting your head slightly to see his expression. “Now, please. God, please.”
He smirked, moving you now to the far wall, your back still to him. You nearly slammed your head into the wall as he moved you.
“As you wish,” he breathed, his voice dripping with lust, with love, with unknown feelings. With a quick movement, he shoved his dick inside you, causing you to arch your back from the fill. You cried out, holding onto the wall as he gripped your hips, moving rhythmically and melodicly. You furrowed your brows in pleasure, muttering his name. “Oh, San,” you moaned, causing him to move even faster.
The water crashed onto you, making you feel even higher than ever were before. The heat of it was scolding now, but nothing beat how hot San made you feel—he was indeed a genius in the manner of lovemaking, a god, at that. You knew why, everyone knew why, but you didn't care at the moment. The only thing you cared about was his body on yours, in yours, all around you.
You were reaching your high, your vision hazy. You let out a cry, a huff, something to show that you were enjoying him, and he made a sound, too.
As you reached your climax, you arched your back even more, shoving your face against the wall, your forehead thumping against it with every thrust of his. You came on his dick then, your body fighting the urge to shake from the feeling he supplied you. 
He felt it—you knew it, as he quickened his pace, his breaths becoming more uneven as the time went on, your body tightening around him. He hissed sharply, thrusting with grace until he emptied himself into you, coating you, becoming one within you.
He collapsed into you, against the wall, his dick slipping out from you. He huffed, catching his breath as the bathroom filled with steam and sweat. You turned around in his embrace, his head falling onto your shoulder with a thud.
And then he started to laugh.
A laugh so beautiful, so….raw. You began to laugh with him, smiling as you grabbed his cheeks to lift up his head—so he could see you. 
His eyes were red, but they sparkled with so much emotion that you wondered how he was feeling. 
“So,” you smiled, watching the water from the showerhead drip over his black hair. “Happy New Year, I guess?”
He smiled—a smile that made you want to stop everything.
And then his eyes widened. “What time is it?”
You frowned. “I don't know, my phone is downstairs,” you whispered, locking eyes with him.
He paused for a moment, not knowing what to do, or at least that’s what you believed until he leaned forward and brushed his lips to yours ever so gently.
A kiss for a lover. A kiss more meaningful than sex could offer.
He pulled away, but only slightly, as his forehead rested against yours. “Happy New Year,” he kissed you again. “Just in case it is midnight. You haven't been my New Year’s kiss since years ago, you know.”
You didn't know what to say—you weren't sure where he was going with this, as you had never brought up your kiss with him before. He spoke cautiously, yet without caution at all.
“I….well,” you swallowed hard, looking up at him shyly. “You can be my….new years kiss every year, if you’d like.”
He smiled—grinned like a wild animal at your words.
“Well, if you don't mind, I’d like to kiss you more than once a year.” he grabbed you by the waist swiftly, smirking,
You giggled like you were experiencing this for the first time. In all honesty, you may be. No one has ever made you feel this way. You never wanted anything more.
With a flirty smile, you leaned forward into his embrace, the shower hissing in the background of your confessions. 
“I would love that.” you nodded, looking up into his eyes. 
He looked like a dream, his hair wet, his eyes bright. You couldn't wait to share more New Year's kisses with him, more showers, more cookies. You wanted everything and more—even if you didn't exactly know it quite just yet.
He was your everything—Your heart never belonged to you—no, it always belonged to him. And you will never forget it.
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