#please don't be scared away by my word explosion
whositmcwhatsit · 1 year
I was just wondering what made you write your stories in this era and with this Elvis….I have just devoured so many books in the last 6 months and I am fascinated why he did the things he did, why with all his resources he did not help himself….it’s the psychological aspects of his personality his women and his choices I’m finding so heartbreaking and I think that’s why I find your story so captivating …..apart from the beautiful writing of course. Your words feel like they are filling in some of the blanks…….I just wondered if this was some of your motivation…..apart from the gorgeous man he is.. hugs 🤗
Hi, you lovely lady!
Okay, I've been thinking about this all day, so settle in!
The simplest answer is that I wanted to read it! When you can't find the art you want you just have to make it. I love all the stories, the AUs, the reimaginings, the fix-it fics and the smut (Boy, do I!) but I wanted some Elvis on tour!
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The next reason is that I hate the official story put out by EPE and RCA (my arch-nemeses) that Elvis stopped existing after Aloha, or that he spent his time crying about his divorce until he passed away. Dude was still out there doing his thing, living his life, making plans in spite of his problems and to simplify and dismiss him enrages me!
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Another reason- I'm so sorry but you made the mistake of asking- is that I have been an Elvis fan a LONG time. Like a weird little nerdy one. I've devoured all the books, I've been to the cons, I met people who knew him and interrogated them relentlessly, I've been on message boards, I watched thousands of blurry 8mm filmed concerts and listened to 100s of hours of soundboard recordings.
Picture a big-eyed, intense teen right up in Ronnie Tutt's face going, 'But really, how could you keep an eye on him all the time to see his cues and still drum like that? Did you ever miss your cue? Did you piss him off?' Then picture that poor man being like, 'Um, here's your autograph, now go away you're scaring me, you strange girl.' I think I wanted to do something with all the ill-gotten information I have, because otherwise it's just in my head driving me crazy.
Finally- yes it's coming to an end now- I love him and he fascinates me. Like you, I question and wonder, trying to make sense of the things he did and the choices he made. I relate to him more than I am comfortable admitting sometimes. I understand his self-destructive ways, his bravado, his insecurity and his super-sized emotions. I flat out admire him for all that he achieved and the positive qualities he managed to keep hold of in a world that was often not very kind to him.
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Thank you so much for the question, and for reading my fic. I love that it seems to be seeking out such lovely people and bringing them into my life!
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sansaorgana · 6 months
Can you write a Buck x innocent reader? Not smutty but maybe Buck finds it endearing how innocent she is?
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hiii, thank you both for the requests! this story is the longest one [almost 5k words xd] out of all those "short fics" 😂 because I decided to go somewhere else with the plot this time... 👀 the Reader finds Buck hiding in her barn after his plane was shot down but I don't specify what country it is exactly (one of the occupied ones) 💝 she is sweet and innocent and shy and she saves his life so, like, how can he not be crazy about her? 😁
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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The sound of the American and German planes above you was common these days but it terrified you each time. Living in the countryside had many privileges – like being away from the main bombing targets – but it also could get dangerous when the burning planes would fall down from the sky. Your father was standing outside and watching them carefully, making sure they weren’t coming too close because you’d have to evacuate quickly if they did.
You were standing inside by the window with your mother – both scared and hoping it would be over soon. Then, a sound of loud explosion made you startle as you squealed and hugged your mother closer.
“It’s over,” your father finally went back inside and held you both to help you calm down. “The American plane went down in the forest. I’ve seen the parachutes but it’s none of our business,” he reminded you both.
“If the Germans come, what should we tell them?” Your mother asked. You had never had a plane go down so close.
“We haven’t seen anyone,” he pursed his lips.
Your father hated the Nazis but he also wanted to survive more than anything else. He didn’t want to get involved in anything that would bring death to his family. However, he still hoped the Allies would win.
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In the evening you went to the barn as usual to check on your cow and to close it for the night. You approached her and patted her neck to caress her gently. You usually preferred animals to humans. They were so quiet and calm and they didn’t start scary wars with bombing planes, tanks and rifles.
An odd noise made you look around, scared. You were easily startled at anything these days and usually it would just be mice so you tried not to panic.
However, you spotted a few mice nearby and they were not in the same direction the sound was coming from. And the sound was nothing any mouse would make. It was… breathing. Sharp, muffled breaths.
“H-hello?” You asked and you swallowed thickly as you approached the dark corner of the barn where most of the straw was stored.
Your steps were slow and careful and then you saw something moving slightly and you spotted a pair of eyes looking at you… a pair of human eyes without a doubt.
Your whole body froze as your heart skipped a beat and your hands got cold and shaky. There was a man in your barn and you were terrified, not knowing what to do. You wanted to scream for your father but you were scared of what that person would do. You could run away but what if he was faster and would catch you?
“Hello?” He answered in a weak, raspy voice. “Please, don’t be scared,” he added but you kept standing there, petrified. “Do you speak English?”
You swallowed thickly. He had to be an American, you thought. One of those that had been shot down earlier that day. You had heard stories of them showing up to people’s houses like that. The Nazis wanted everyone to contact them immediately when such things would occur.
“I… I do speak English, yes,” you whispered. “My dad’s an English teacher,” you explained and you finally gained the courage to approach the man.
He was sitting on the floor in the darkest corner of the barn and he was holding one of his arms as his face winced out of pain. He was quite young and you could see his golden hair under all the mud and straw.
“Are you alright, sir? You’re American?” You asked.
“American, yes. I’ll be fine, just… Water, please,” he pleaded and you bit on your lower lip, not knowing what to do.
You should tell your father, no doubt about it. But what if your father would call the Nazis? He didn’t like them but he didn’t like the prospect of being killed either.
“I’ll bring you something. You just wait here,” you told him and he nodded.
He was completely at your mercy now, you realised. He gave you his trust, because you could just run out of the barn and call for the Gestapo. He trusted that you wouldn’t do that. He had no other choice.
You sneaked inside the kitchen to make sure your mum would not see you and you grabbed a bottle of milk and some cheese. Then you took a bun out of the bread bin and you went back to the barn.
“Is milk okay?” You asked as you crouched down next to the man to hand him the food. “I also got you cheese and a bun. I’m sorry the bun is not really fresh.”
“It’s more than I asked for… Thank you,” he took the food from you and you watched him eat it like a starving man. You noticed him wincing once in a while and that his shirt was torn on his arm and lots of dry blood around it.
“What happened to your arm?” You asked, quietly.
“I fell down when I landed and I hurt it,” he explained.
“It doesn’t look good. It should be disinfected,” you pointed out.
“I don’t want to be a bother. I will sleep here… if you let me… and I will leave in the morning. I don’t want to be a problem for you and your family,” he promised.
You remained silent. You felt bad for that man. He shouldn’t be travelling in his state and he was an easy target for the Germans in his uniform, especially being slowed down by his injury.
“I have to go before my dad checks on me,” you told him and he nodded.
You closed the barn and went back home with a heart feeling heavy in your chest. You had to tell your father about it and if he’d want to call the Gestapo, you’d just beg him not to.
“Papa, there is something I have to tell you,” you started as he was sitting on the sofa and reading a book. He raised his eyes to look at you and so did your mother, crocheting on the rocking chair.
“What is it, love?”
“There’s an American in our barn,” you announced and your parents looked at each other, terrified. Your father closed the book loudly and put it away. “I gave him some food. He is hurt.”
“You talked to him?” Your father stood up and you took a step back, scared. You were afraid he would get angry at you.
“I’m sorry, he is hurt… And he was thirsty and hungry…”
“You gave him our food? We barely have any!” Your mother was not pleased.
“Just a bottle of milk, an old bun and some cheese!” You tried to explain yourself. “I can skip breakfast tomorrow morning for that,” you offered.
“Enough. No one’s skipping breakfast,” your father furrowed his brow as a deep wrinkle appeared on his forehead. “Let me speak to him.”
“Be careful!” Your mother stood up and followed you both to the front door as she watched you walk towards the barn. Your father was carrying a candle with him.
“I will go first and tell him about you,” you whispered. “He might get scared seeing you and I saw he had a gun.”
Your father nodded and you pushed the door leading to the barn carefully.
“Hello, it’s me again,” you started. “Please, don’t get angry.”
“I am not angry,” you heard a voice from the darkness.
“I brought my dad with me. I had to tell him, I’m sorry… But he won’t hurt you,” you promised. The man did not answer. “Can I bring him inside?”
“It’s his barn. You don’t have to ask me,” he told you and you waved at your dad to come inside.
The candle in his hands made the whole room a little brighter and now you both could see the American sitting by the wall better. 
“Who are you?” Your father approached him as he asked.
“Major Gale Cleven, sir. I was shot down earlier that day,” he explained. “Please, let me stay here for the night and I will leave tomorrow morning. I don’t want to be a problem.”
“You already are, son,” your father pointed out.
“Papa…!” You extended your hand towards him but he shushed you.
“If they find you in this barn, they will immediately know who you are. Come inside,” your father said and you widened your eyes. So did the American Major.
“A-are you sure, sir?”
“Yes, come,” your father handed you the candle and he helped Major Cleven to stand up and they slowly began walking towards the house. You closed the barn and followed them.
When they were inside, your mother was clearly unhappy but she didn’t say anything.
“Bring him some of my clothes. We have to get rid of this uniform and you have to take a look at his arm,” your father told her. “And you,” he pointed at you, “run him a bath.”
“I really don’t want to be a bother,” Major Cleven protested.
“That’s the least we can do to help any man fighting those monsters,” your father said and you sighed out of relief. For a moment you feared that he had lured the American inside only to tell you to call the Gestapo a few moments later.
You were proud to be his daughter.
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You all went to sleep very late because of the hassle with Major Cleven. He was sleeping on a sofa, his arm was bandaged, he was washed and he had some of your father’s clothes on him. You woke up first and went downstairs to prepare breakfast for everyone but from the corner of your eye you watched the American asleep on the sofa in the living room which was connected to your small kitchen.
He was a handsome man and it was bringing heat to your cheeks. You had never expected to meet a real American pilot. Not here, not in this European village in the middle of nowhere. You thought of all the American things that you had known of – beautiful Hollywood actresses, pin up girls, Coca Cola, New York buildings… It all seemed more like a dream than a real place and this man sleeping on your couch was coming from it. It felt surreal.
You turned around to focus on preparing coffee and sandwiches with anything you could find in the fridge. You were so deep in your American daydream that you didn’t hear him waking up and walking inside the kitchen.
“Hello,” he greeted you and you jumped a little before turning your head around. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he smiled softly.
God, he was gorgeous. Like from a movie.
“It is fine. I am… How do you say it… tamid?” You stuttered out. You felt awkward not knowing how to say it.
“Timid,” he chuckled. 
“Timid, yes. I’m sorry,” you looked down.
“You don’t have to apologise to me. Your English is very good,” he assured you and your face lightened up at that compliment.
“How do you like your coffee, Major?” You asked.
“Call me Buck, please. That’s how friends call me,” he extended his hand.
“Buck? What does it mean?” You shook it.
“It’s just a nickname,” he explained. “And what’s your name, miss?”
“Oh, yeah, my name’s (Y/N). So, how do you take your coffee, Major?” You introduced yourself and quickly changed the subject.
“Black – no milk, no sugar,” he answered.
“Well, I’m glad because we don’t have sugar,” you chuckled softly. “We haven’t had it in a long while now,” you explained.
“Your family is very generous,” Buck took a cup of coffee from you and your fingers brushed for a brief moment. You felt butterflies in your stomach.
“My father is against the Nazis,” you told him. “He has friends in the local resistance, he will introduce you to them. But we have to wait for your arm to get better first.”
“Thankfully it looked worse than it truly was. Your mother is skilled with these things,” he gave you yet another dashing smile.
Was it an American thing to do to smile so much…? Either way, you didn’t mind.
“She is a nurse,” you told him.
“And you?” He raised his eyebrows and you looked down again.
What were you supposed to tell an American pilot? It felt embarrassing.
“I want to be a teacher like my father… But now I can’t study much, I have to help around the farm. We have our cow, some chickens and a small garden. We used to have a boy coming here to help us but he’s… Well, he’s been killed. It’s difficult,” you explained.
“I’m sorry to hear that… But hey, being a teacher sounds great,” Buck patted your shoulder and you looked up at him in disbelief. He still had that charming smile on his face as he sipped on his coffee. “It’s so good, thanks,” he winked at you, trying to cheer you up a little.
“Y-you’re welcome,” you felt your cheeks heating up and then you heard footsteps on the staircase so you went back to preparing sandwiches since your parents had already been awake.
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Buck stayed at your place for a week to let his arm heal. In the meantime he had written a letter addressed to his British base that your father had handed to his friends from the resistance. Buck wanted his friends to know that he was alive and safe.
He was helping around the house and since both of your parents had their regular jobs in the town nearby, you would spend most of your days with him. He was helping you around the garden and with your cow and chickens. He was a funny and charming man and you couldn’t help yourself but to fall in love with him.
You were a shy girl from a small village, you were nothing like those stunning American girls you had seen in the magazines. Your English was not perfect and your stories were not even half as exciting as his. You knew very well that there was no chance that a man like Buck would ever even see you as a woman in a romantic sense. He was a gentleman and he always treated you with respect but nothing more than that.
One time when you were in the garden with him, you spotted a familiar German soldier approaching you and you panicked inside.
“Don’t talk to him,” you told Buck as you faked a smile at the soldier. “Hello, sir!” You greeted him.
“Hello, hello, I’ve been around, decided to check on you. I saw your parents in town and thought to myself you must be all alone here,” he leaned on the fence and squinted his eyes at Buck. “Who’s that?” He asked.
“My cousin,” you explained as your heart was pounding in your chest. You clasped your hands behind your back to hide your nervousness.
“Cousin, huh? Hey, cousin!” He called for Buck and he looked up but he didn’t say anything as you had told him. He couldn’t understand your conversation anyway. “What is he? Mute?”
“Actually, yes, he’s…” you lowered your voice, “...you know, not quite right. In the head, I mean. They sent him here to help around the house because his family is sick of him. His sister got married and she doesn’t want him around at that time, you get me…”
You felt awfully bad for this lie but it was the only way to explain why Buck wouldn’t speak a word. If he tried to speak your language, he would be immediately exposed as an American. He’d be taken to some captive camp and your family would be killed. Or he’d get killed, too. It depended on the German, really. And this one was known for being quite nasty.
The soldier looked you up and down and then he chuckled to himself.
“Sure, sweetheart. Well, have fun with your cousin then. See you around.”
“See you around, sir,” you waved at him nervously and you watched him walk away.
“What happened?” Buck asked quietly.
“Nothing. He wanted to know who you are,” you explained with a soft smile. “I told him we are cousins and that you can’t speak because you’re, well, slow,” you admitted with a shy giggle, afraid of his reaction.
Buck found it funny, though. He laughed and shook his head.
“And you came up with that lie on a spot?” He asked.
“Well, what else was I supposed to do? By the way, this German keeps coming around all the time and talking to me. I’m glad you’re here because every time he comes by when I’m alone, I get scared,” you admitted. “He’s like that with lots of girls ‘round here. He only talks but it’s still scary,” you gasped and Buck furrowed his brow. “I think he likes it when we’re scared of him. He asks questions and all that. He’s known for being a brute when things get serious.”
“Yeah, I don’t like it that you’re stayin’ here all alone,” he admitted with a nod and your cheeks heated up in an instant.
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You were waiting for your father and Gale while sitting on the fence with your ankles wiggling in the air. You were worried about them because every time your father would visit his resistance friends, it could end badly. Especially now, when he was walking with an American by his side.
And as much as you wanted Buck to go back to his friends, you were also sad that it was time for you to say goodbye to him. You knew it was selfish, but you hoped he would stay for a longer time.
You saw them at the horizon and you sighed out of relief. You jumped back on the ground and ran up to them.
“And? And?” You asked, excitedly.
“We’ll talk inside,” your father gave you a scolding look. Buck smiled at you and you smiled at him.
In complete silence you walked back home and sat by the dining table together.
“Major Cleven leaves tomorrow morning,” your father told you and you faked a huge smile, although your heart broke. You really hoped you would get a few more days with him.
“I’m so happy for you, Buck,” you told him. “I wish you all the luck on the way.”
“Thank you,” he nodded.
“(Y/N),” your mother looked down at you while squinting her eyes. You had a feeling she had known about your crush on Major Cleven. “It’s time for you to check on the cow and lock the barn.”
“Yes, mama,” you sighed and left the table to go outside and straight to the barn.
After a while, Buck joined you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked him with a sad smile, trying to hide that you had been crying silently.
“Well, it might be my last evening but I’m still here and I want to help,” he told you.
“I can handle that,” you shrugged your arms. “I can handle everything on my own. I had used to before you showed up,” you added.
Buck didn’t say anything to that. He looked down and blushed a little. You looked away and focused on caressing the cow to calm yourself down.
“I feel bad for leaving you here,” he admitted.
“But what does it change?” You asked and he looked up, furrowing his brows. “I mean, really. What does it matter at all? You’re from a completely different world and I’m… well, me,” you swallowed thickly, trying to fight the tears forming in your eyes and ignoring your throat squeezing tightly. “I am just a village girl in the middle of nowhere, from some place you cannot even pronounce properly. I have never tasted Coca-Cola, never seen a Hollywood movie, only seen pictures in the magazines. I’ve never had lipstick or rollers in my hair. I’m less than ordinary. But it’s fine. It’s how it is here. And you…” you hesitated for a while before taking a deep breath in. “You’re from a different world. You’re so confident and so charismatic and so brave and so… American,” you chuckled through the tears. “So what does it matter that you feel bad about it? You have to leave. This is not your world. You would leave sooner or later.”
You tried not to look at him but his silence forced you to lay your eyes on him. He looked like a beaten dog and it made you feel bad.
“I’m sorry,” you apologised but he approached you and held your shaking hand in his. You looked up and he leaned in closer to your face but he visibly hesitated as if he had no idea if he could do what he wanted to do. Your heart was pounding in your chest. You couldn’t believe that it was happening.
You weren’t confident enough to give him a proper kiss. You only pecked his cheek delicately and he smiled gently at you.
“You’re such a sweet girl,” he raised his free hand to caress your cheek, “and none of the things you said were true. You’re not less than ordinary. You’re very special but you don’t even know that.”
“Me? Special?” You sniffed your tears back as you shook your head in disbelief.
“You’re a girl one in a million, I mean it,” he brushed your chin with his fingers. “I will never forget you.”
“I will never forget you,” you told him sadly, knowing perfectly well that it would be you who would truly mean your words for the rest of your life.
A man like Major Cleven would move on easily. But you couldn’t blame him for that.
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It was the autumn of 1945 and you landed your first job in the local school. Since you weren’t qualified to teach regularly yet, you were supposed to look after the younger children. Either way, you were glad for this job opportunity which would bring your family extra money and some job experience for you.
You often wondered what Buck was doing. Had he come back home? Had he been caught? Killed? You didn’t want to think of that possibility. Had he met someone…?
You didn’t have his picture; you hated how you almost forgot some details of his face already or the exact sound of his voice. You promised to never forget him and you were sure you wouldn’t ever forget a man named Buck. But you couldn’t help forgetting all those little things that were making a real person and not a vague concept of an American you had known a long time ago and loved… Like you were an old woman telling stories to her grandchildren.
The bell rang and all the kids packed their bags before running outside. You were slower with your things as you had no things to be in the hurry for. You walked outside and took a deep breath in, enjoying the fresh, crispy air and the cool breeze on your face.
“Miss (Y/L/N)! Who’s that man?” One of the boys tugged on your cardigan and you looked down at him.
“Hm? What man?” You asked.
“That man over there! He looks like those American pilots I’ve seen in the newspaper!” The boy widened his eyes and your heart skipped a beat as you looked in the direction he was showing.
It couldn’t be him, could it?
You spotted a man leaning on the school’s fence. His golden hair was slightly ruffled by the wind, he was wearing sunglasses and chewing gum nonchalantly. What made him look like an American pilot the most was his leather military jacket, though.
“B-Buck…?” You whispered to yourself as you ran up to the man.
“Need a ride home, doll?” He greeted you with a smile as he pointed at the car behind him with his thumb.
“Buck…!” You screamed as you opened your arms and hugged him tight. He picked you up and spun you around as you giggled. “What are you doing here?!” You asked when he finally put you back down.
“You thought you’d get rid of me so easily?” He teased and you burst out in happy tears. “Shh,” he cupped your face and lifted it gently to make you look at him. “Hey, hey,” he took his sunglasses off and looked deeply into your eyes, “hey, I’m back. I’m fine. Are you fine?” He asked, worryingly.
“Y-yes,” you nodded through the tears. “I’m just… I’m just happy,” you confessed. “There was not a day I did not think of you…”
Buck smiled at that and brought you closer to his chest. You breathed in his scent and sighed.
“Please, tell me it’s not a dream,” you sobbed again. “Because I’ve dreamt it a million times before already.”
“It’s not a dream, my sweet girl. I promised I wouldn’t forget about you.”
“But you didn’t promise to come back,” you pointed out.
“I didn’t want to make promises I was not sure if I am able to keep. I didn’t know if I’d get out of this whole mess alive,” he rubbed your back and moved away slightly to look down at your face again. “Hope you haven’t married anyone in the meantime?”
“Are you crazy?” You laughed at him through the tears.
“I mean it, doll, have you met someone?” He asked and you shook your head. “Good. Because I really, really, really, would like to take you out on a date,” he told you and you felt butterflies all over your body.
But… It might have not been a dream. Yet it still felt too good to be true.
“Why me?” You asked with a more serious expression on your face and he furrowed his brows. “I mean, why? Why did you come back for me? I’m sure there are dozens of beautiful and kind women that would love to go out on a date with you. And you didn’t have to cross an Ocean for them.”
“Why you?” He asked as if he couldn’t believe the question because the answer was obvious. It wasn’t obvious for you, though. “You saved me. Your kindness, your generosity, your big heart – they saved me on that night. You could have left me there in the barn or call the Gestapo on me. You were terrified of me, I could see that. But you were too good to let me die, you were so brave. You saved me. And I’ve never met a girl as sweet and kind and beautiful as you,” he caressed your cheek with his thumb to wipe some tears away. “And I know you don’t feel this way about yourself, doll. But I’m gonna change that. I’m gonna tell you this every day until you believe me.”
“This is all very sweet, Buck, but… What I said back then, it’s still true. We are from two different worlds. The war might be over now but it doesn’t change the fact I’m just some village girl from Europe and you’re an American hero,” you shook your head.
“I’m not a hero,” he laughed softly. “And America is not that different, my sweet one. It’s not like in the magazines you’re reading. Anyway, I could stay here, too.”
“You don’t even speak the language,” you laughed.
“I’m a quick learner,” he shrugged his arms. “And I wouldn’t mind working at the farm while you teach. I just want to be with you,” he admitted casually as if he hadn’t just devoted his whole life to you and you only.
Your eyes widened at him. He really did mean that.
You threw your arms around him and let him spin you around once again as you giggled.
“Miss!” A whiny voice made you both turn around and look at the annoyed little boy. “So is he an American pilot or not? How long do I have to wait?!”
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logansargeantsbabymom · 2 months
I'm Sorry
Lance Stroll x Fem!Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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My heart raced as Lance stormed out of our apartment after our explosive argument. The slamming door echoed in my ears, leaving a hollow ache in my chest. Tears blurred my vision as I sank onto the couch, trying to process the hurtful words we had exchanged. I never expected him to call me that name, never imagined he would suggest breaking up.
Hours passed like an eternity. I paced the living room, my anxiety mounting with every unanswered call and text message. Where was he? Why wasn't he answering? My mind conjured up the worst scenarios—accidents, emergencies, anything to explain his absence. Fear gripped me like a vice, squeezing tighter with each passing minute.
When Lance finally returned, the relief that flooded through me was quickly overtaken by a surge of anger. He looked tired and defeated as he stood in the doorway, his eyes avoiding mine.
"Where were you?!" I demanded, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and worry. "I've been calling and texting you all day! I thought something had happened to you!"
Lance sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "I needed some space, Y/N. I'm sorry for worrying you."
His apology only fueled my frustration. "Space?! You disappear all day without a word, and you think that's okay? I thought… I thought you were dead, Lance!"
The weight of my words hung heavily between us. Lance looked stricken, his expression pained as he realized the depth of my fear.
"I'm so sorry," he murmured, stepping closer. "I didn't mean to scare you. I should have let you know I was okay."
Tears streamed down my cheeks, my emotions raw and tumultuous. "You can't just… disappear like that," I whispered, feeling the hurt and fear spill over. "I was so scared, Lance."
He nodded, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I know. And I'm sorry. I messed up, Y/N. I messed up."
Silence stretched between us, heavy with unspoken apologies and regrets. Lance reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. My breath caught as he opened it, revealing a key fob with the Aston Martin emblem.
"I got this for you," he said quietly. "It's not to make up for what I said or what I did today. It's to show you how much I regret hurting you."
I looked at the key fob, its significance not lost on me. It was more than a gift—it was a plea for forgiveness, a symbol of his remorse.
"Lance…" I began, my voice wavering. "I don't know…"
He stepped closer, placing the key fob gently in my hand. "Please, Y/N. I love you. I never want to hurt you like this again."
I closed my fingers around the key fob, feeling its weight and the weight of his words. Could I forgive him? Could I let go of the hurt and anger that had consumed me all day?
"Lance," I whispered, looking up at him through tear-filled eyes. "I love you too."
He pulled me into his arms, holding me close as we stood there in the doorway. The tension between us slowly melted away, replaced by a tentative hope for reconciliation.
The Aston Martin sat outside, its sleek lines reflecting the streetlights. It wasn't just a car—it was a promise. A promise to communicate better, to cherish each other, and to navigate the bumps and curves of our relationship with more care.
As Lance held me, I knew that forgiveness wasn't easy, but it was possible. And as we stood together, embracing the fragile yet resilient bond we shared, I dared to believe that we could overcome even our darkest moments, stronger together than we had ever been apart.
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal l l @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi i @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess s @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan @styl1shl1v @eddieharrington @hellowgoodbye
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anundyingfidelity · 6 months
I'M A RUIN — Soldier Boy/Ben (Part III)
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Series summary: After the events of the Seven Tower, you present Grace Mallory a new secret project you're working on already to develop a cure to Compound V. The only problem? You need Soldier Boy for that.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x female reader.
Word count: 2.2k.
Warnings for series: set after S3 (spoilers), some OOC!Ben, some depressed!Ben, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, slow-burn, language, PTSD, reader has Compound V (she's no Vought supe tho), Soldier Boy being an usual asshole, reader is a fucking liar.
Warnings on this chapter: panic attack, killing threats, violence, Ben my poor meowmeow, hurt/comfort, mentions of rape.
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
get yourself in the taglist!
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII
Notes: this is mostly a bonding chapter between Ben and the reader, also there's more about the reader's past in here plus a special guest lmao. I'm having too much fun writing this! If anyone would like to be tagged I'll be more than happy to do so! I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.
this fic tags: @k-slla @syrma-sensei @mostlymarvelgirl @cheynovak
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Part III: Afraid of the Fall
Ben felt his head being hammered and strange voices in a foreign language mumbled to him, all while they laughed and mocked his suffering, causing loud screams and groans of pain falling off his mouth. He struggled, feeling his skin burning again and again. He hoped it stopped, sitting down on the edge of the mattress, but things didn't get better.
Far away, he heard a familiar voice, shouting to get inside. But he couldn't move from his place to reach it. He groaned again, grabbing the sides of his head strongly and covering his ears, elbows on his knees, at the same time he felt a fire forming on his chest. It was happening again. He didn't want to do it. He couldn't do it. He had been trying to control himself with the reefer the past few days. Why now? Why here? He thought he might lose control over himself one more time, and it scared him to death.
There was a loud sound of metal and high heels running towards him, until someone dropped in front of him.
He barely recognized your voice, but he felt your hands running all over his cheeks, until he opened his tired eyes.
"Ben, you're fine, okay? You're safe here," he took in your gentle voice as you knelt in front of him. He saw you observing his chest and the blast forming in there. "Please, you can control yourself. Look at me, breathe."
He moaned in pain again, closing his eyes shut. He was holding back as much as his strength allowed him, but it wasn't working. Your worried eyes locked when he opened his own again, green and teary.
"Please just breathe. Inhale and exhale," you said, mimicking the directions as he tried to steady his breath following you.
"That's it, go on," you repeated, encouraging him to keep doing the same. "Take my hands, here," he felt your palms embracing his rough hands, his grip hard on your soft ones. "Keep breathing."
The explosion on his chest was still there but as you soothed him with your voice, he eventually felt as the burn dissipated little by little.
"You're safe now, nothing's gonna happen," you mumbled. "Breathe."
Ben took in your whispering voice, until the burn stopped. You remained there with him, hands together, as he opened his eyes anew. He found a comforting smile on your lips, but as soon as he scanned the room he found two men standing in the doorway. Armed and pointing at him, ready to shoot him. He looked between you and the men, and abruptly got on his feet, shoving you away with such force. You landed over your ass on the floor just a couple of steps away from him. The guards aimed their guns immediately.
"Don't!" you ordered.
"Doctor, he was about to blast," said one of them.
"Stop it!" you raised your hands, with glossy eyes and lungs out of air. "Please, leave," you pleaded. Ben remained in the same spot, figuring out if he had to fight you and the men. 
"Doc, the gas-"
"Leave now!" you shouted. They hesitated. "I can handle this, just go and don't turn on the gas, that's an order."
Your gaze might've worked because they slowly backed up and left, closing the heavy door and leaving you alone with the supe. He looked at you, breathing steady and an outraged face. You stood up, fists tight, as Ben closed the distance between both of you.
"Ben, I'm so sorry-"
You choked on your own words, his hand grabbing your neck with his tight grip. "Don't fucking tell me I'm safe. You've built a chamber that'd kill me while I sleep," he growled. Your hands took on his wrists.
Ben just held you in place, denying oxygen into your lungs. He was fucking mad at how you decided to play with him and his life. All these days, he had the chance to end you and that fucking building, and he didn't do it. He felt like a fucking idiot. He had to finish this now. Suddenly, he loosened the rough grip around your throat and slammed you harshly, until your back hit the hardwood of the coffee table.
You coughed as you tried to lift yourself to a sitting position, the mess of the broken wooden lying underneath.
"Ben," you gasped looking up at him. "It's okay if you want to kill me. I'm only asking you to think twice because I'll be dead but it'll be worse for you."
How could it be? Ben couldn't take a fucking break without knowing the damn gas could be turned on if any of those cocksuckers, you included, wanted to. He was beyond pissed. Over and over, he became surrounded by traitors, people who didn't give a single shit about him. And now, he just wanted to rip your head off, kill everyone inside, and run away. Yet somehow he couldn't. With brows furrowed and a cold expression on his face, he watched your figure on the floor, vulnerable and aching due to the impact, at his cruel mercy. But his body wouldn't move an inch to get to you.
Slowly you got on your feet again and for a moment that felt eternal, you looked at each other. Ben was just waiting for the rage to flourish and do what he had to since he met you in that fucking office. He had to kill everyone when they took him out of that box. Too sad he couldn't go back to the past and change his decisions.
You held his haze, and all of the sudden you stepped forward wrapping your arms around his muscular waist. He was shocked.
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry," you whispered, hiding your face on his chest.
Ben felt your warmth against his flesh, but he couldn't do more than stay frozen in the middle of the room. The only physical contact he had felt for a long time was for the purpose of torture, pain, and suffering. A hug felt strangely uncomfortable to him. More so after he was the one ready to kill everyone around, starting with you. You must have noticed the stiffness on his body because you slowly backed up and separated from him.
He gave you a confused look and you started to speak softly again.
"I can leave if you want-"
His voice came barely as a whisper. "No."
You nodded, locking your eyes with his own. "Okay. You want to talk?"
"I don't know," he said softly.
Calmly, you asked him to sit on the edge of the bed and Ben soon followed as you did. His eyes were lost in the room and he felt regretful for what he did to you. Anyone in your place would just have left and ran away. He'd be alone, just like he had in the past decades. But you didn't. You were there by his side because you wanted to help him. At least that's what you said.
"I had a nightmare," he began. "It felt so real."
"I'm here, you can let it out," you reassured. Ben felt your eyes on him, but he wasn't strong enough to see your face, so he focused on the wall on the other side of the room.
"I was there... Again. I thought I was there, and thought I was going to blow up everything. Haven't felt this pain since you brought me here, until today," Ben mumbled. "I don't know what happened. I don't know what's wrong with me."
"There's nothing wrong with you," you replied once he finished. "You're not a bad person."
"I could've killed you," his words sounded like a fear confession.
But he didn't have any idea of why he would care that much for a stranger like you. He harmed you, and still here you were. It was almost as if you were not scared of him, the atrocities he had done and the ones he could do in the future.
"But you didn't, so don't torture yourself with things that are not real."
He believed you were right. At the same time, it was difficult to push those thoughts away.
"I'm a fucking mess," he said, his eyes locked on his lap as he played with his hands like he was a child. "My father was right."
"I could've done so much better with him."
This time, he found your intense gaze. You shook your head.
"You didn't know what Vought was up to. That is not your fault."
"But he is my son in the end," Ben grumbled. "And he has a fucking son of his own."
"A lab experiment," you corrected. "A lab experiment that has a child, product of a rape. You don't have to call that your blood."
He gave a sad smile that quickly disappeared. "I wish I didn't have to. I always wanted kids. Y'know, give them the figure I never had, let them know I'm proud of them, tell them they mean everything to me... Be a better father. And I feel guilty for no reason."
You nodded. "I understand all that, and you'll get over the generational trauma and the PTSD. I promise. Just remember before you run, you need to learn how to walk."
A part of his heart refused to believe your words, that you were lying, but the look in your eyes said otherwise. Probably you were not as bad as he thought you'd be. After all, you were there. You had the courage to step in front of him, to be in the same room as him, and to come every day just in hope to have some sort of advance even when he was pushing his pain away. All those efforts and insistences, they had to mean something in the end. Right?
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Last couple of days were hell. You caught something good though. Soldier Boy finally talked to you. Just a little. Anything was fine at this point. For you, work didn't stop. Rest was not an option most of the time. So on Sunday morning you drove back to your apartment after spending the whole Saturday working on more details about the Anti-V prototype.
Once in the building, you made your usual way to your door and immediately got rid of your coat and shoes in the entry hall. You were so tired and craving for a sleep, so you made your way to your bedroom, until a horribly annoying voice you knew too well stopped you on the doorframe.
"Well, don't you work your ass off," the blonde man swung into your room in his usual ridiculous outfit, admiring every detail of the place. He gave you a disturbingly disgusting smile.
You also noticed the balcony windows and curtains were open. Of fucking course he'd used the easiest way to break into your home.
"Oh, you know who I am, doctor. I can break the president's home if I want to," Homelander beamed when he stopped just inches from you.
You gulped and crossed your arms on your chest.
"And may I ask why are you here?"
"You know why, don't play dumb."
"No, I don't. Enlighten me, please," you replied, faking it. "You know, I don't really think we've met before."
"Actually, we did. It was in an audition. Around 2009, remember?" 
"Now I do," your jaw clenched. That was a fucking memory you wanted to erase and bury forever. "I'm glad I didn't pass that shit."
 "Yeah, you were such a waste now that I think of. Could've been with our team now."
Homelander chuckled, proudly and honorably, walking around and stopping in front of your vanity. He started to check your perfumes and jewelry that spread on there, like a damn kid. You followed him immediately.
"What do you want?"
"Straight to the point, fine," he began, facing you once again. Smile long gone. "I know you're up to something. Fucking stop it."
Your lips opened but he shut you up with a gesture of his hand and went on.
"Uh-uh, not now. Don't try to deny it. Don't make fucking excuses," Homelander closed the distance between both of you. His lips brushed your ear and somehow, you were frozen in place. You didn't know what would happen next, he was unpredictable.
"I know you have my dad with you, and what you're doing will not benefit me," he whispered and he pulled back to see your blank face, eyes staring with rage. "Just a small warning. I got my eyes on you," he chuckled. "But don't worry, I'm giving you a chance. Only one chance to stop whatever the fuck you're doing. Trust me, you don't wanna know what I have for you."
He started to walk to the balcony without giving you time for an answer. Not that you had much of a comeback in mind when your life and project were now in danger. At least he was going to finally leave your place. Before flying away, he turned around one last time.
"Better take care of the old man, uhm?"
Those were his last words. And you knew he didn't mean them.
You were so fucked now.
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jpmarvel90 · 1 year
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Masterlist Nat Masterlist
Relationship: Natasha x Reader
Summary: A girl with no memories but her time as a prisoner at Hydra, is found by the Avengers. Natasha instantly wants to help the girl to recover and enjoy a normal life.
Word Count: 6396
Nat's POV:
Another day, another Hydra base. This one was the home of their super solider programme. It's where the Winter Soldier was created. So, this base was personal. Steve had initially wanted Bucky to stay behind on this one, but he was determined to come and take down the base which had destroyed his life.
Whilst Steve and Bucky worked their way through the building to plant the explosives, Tony and I were exploring to get as much intel as possible. Tony had found their offices and was downloading as many of the files as he could whilst also collecting anything that looked of value.
I meanwhile had stumbled across what I can only describe as a hospital from a horror movie. I can see rooms with hospital beds, but they all had straps on them, medical tools filling trays alongside the beds. I try not to think about what had gone on here. I eventually reach what looks like a prison. There are a number of cells, but they are all empty. Well, I thought they were until I reach one in the farthest corner of the room.
I had to do a double take when I saw a young woman huddled in the corner of her cell. Her eyes were filled with absolute terror. I manage to unlock the door and slowly make my way towards her, but she shrinks back further, trying to get as far away from me as possible but the wall is preventing. "P-please. No. I-I can't take anymore." She begs, tears filling her eyes. My heart breaks for her. Looking at her body, I can see dark bruising and some lacerations. "It's ok. I'm not here to hurt you." I try to reassure her, keeping my distance so she can see that I'm not a threat.
"I'm here to help you. To get you to safety." I try once again, hoping that she can see that I only want to help. "Bombs are planted." Steve confirms through the comms. "I've got everything I can. Nat are you done?" Tony asks, but I ignore it, not wanting to scare the girl more. I felt like I had to help her. I have to save her. "My name is Natasha. What's yours?" She asks me. I activate my comms so the others can hear. That way they'll know I'm safe and that I can't talk.
"I. I don't know. I don't remember." She starts to cry at that and all I want to do is wrap my arms around her and protect her. "That's ok. We can help you with that. Can you come with me, and we can protect you. Make sure you're safe." I ask her, reaching out my hand to her, but keeping my voice as soft as possible. She looks between my hand and my eyes. The pain and fear are swirling through her blue eyes. "I promise we won't hurt you. Me and my friends are the good guys. We just want to help." I say with a smile, hoping to put her at some ease.
She goes to reach out, but she hesitates. "It's ok. You're safe now." I promise her. I can see those words have an effect on her and she reaches out her trembling hand to take mine. I slowly stand up and use my other hand to help her to her feet. She stumbles and I can see how weak she is. When was the last time she had a good meal or saw the sun?
"I've got you. You're ok." I continue to reassure her as we make our way slowly out of the base. As soon as we reach the outside, she holds her hand up to cover her eyes as she squints at the bright light. But I notice that she takes a deep breath too, as if she is savouring this moment. She surely can't have been kept in that cell the whole time, could she?
We get closer to the jet and her body tenses as she sees the three men waiting for us. "It's ok. They are my friends. They won't hurt you." I encourage her to carry on walking. Her grip on my hand tightens, but she trusts me enough to follow me onto the jet. Sensing her fear, all three of the men keep their distance. Even Tony is being considerate. I see her eyes go wide as we board the back of the jet. "Wow." She whispers as her eyes take it all in. "It's pretty cool huh. This is our quinjet. It's going to take us back to our home where we can get you checked out and looked after." I tell her.
She looks exhausted but I can tell that she's too scared to even attempt to sleep. I guide her to a chair and strap her in. I then grab a bottle of water and take it over to her. I had noticed how chapped her lips were, suggesting that she is dehydrated. "Here, drink this. We'll get you some nice food when we get home. I just need to go and talk to my friends. But I'll just be over there. You'll still be able to see me ok." I tell her with a soft smile. Her panicked eyes dart between me and the three men waiting for an explanation. But she nods, slowly bringing the bottle up to her lips. A relieved sigh escaping as she swallows the cool liquid.
I stand up and make my way over to the others. "Who's that?" Tony asks straight away. "I don't know. I found her alone locked in one of the cells in what seemed to be a medical area. She doesn't remember her name and she's clearly been mistreated for a long time." I explain. I can see pain on Bucky's face as he observes the young woman. "Do you recognise her?" I ask but he shakes his head. "No. But I know that they did some pretty horrible things to people in that place. She's probably been through hell and back." He says, pain radiating from his eyes.
"I'll start going through all the files we have to see if I can find anything on her whilst we head back. I'll also get Cho and Bruce ready for the new arrival. She'll need a full medical. Just from observation she's severely malnourished and has had some injuries." Tony offers up, heading to the other end of the jet, knowing that she needed space right now.
I slowly make my way towards her and take the seat next to her. "How are you feeling?" I ask her, but internally scold myself at such a stupid question. "Who are you?" She answers my question with one of her own. "We're the Avengers. We try to stop the bad guys." I explain loosely. "What are you going to do with me?" Her voice is so timid as she talks, her tone laced with fear. "We just want to help you. We'll help you heal and start a new happier life. No more being locked away or fearing for your life." I tell her with a wide smile.
She doesn't speak again, lost in her thoughts. But I can see that she is completely aware of her surroundings. At any noise, her eyes flick to the source, a small flinch appearing. I stay sat next to her as Steve flies us home. I want her to feel some comfort and know that we're not going to hurt her.
After a couple of hours, we start to descend into the compound. Her whole body tenses as we touch down and the door slowly begins to open. Wanda and Yelena are both waiting like they always do when I return from a mission. But they can instantly see to keep their distance at the added presence of our new guest. "The red head is my best friend Wanda, and the blonde is my sister Yelena." I explain to the girl as I help her out of her seat, showing that they are not a threat to her.
She nods slowly, but her gaze is searching every new thing that she sees. She was exhausted when we found her, I can't believe that her body is still functioning now when she's been so alert for the entire flight. Her body is in flight or fight and I can tell it's taking every ounce of her to be aware in case she needs to protect herself.
I guide her to the medbay where Bruce and Cho are waiting. I can feel that Wanda and Yelena are following behind, but the others have left to give us space. Thankfully, they don't follow us into the bay, choosing to observe from outside. "This is Bruce and Dr Cho. They are here to help you. They won't do anything to hurt you. I promise." I reassure her, directing her to the bed in the middle of the room. But her breathing is becoming ragged, and her eyes are frantic, full of fear.
"Hey, look at me. You're ok. You're safe. They won't hurt you." I reiterate, cupping her cheeks so her gaze is focused on me. "I'll be here every step of the way. Ok." I smile and she nods slowly. "Hi, Dr Cho is going to examine you if that's ok. We can get an understanding of your physical condition and how we can help you." Bruce explains, his soft voice seeming to calm the girl slightly.
Bruce leaves the room, pulling the curtain to give us privacy as Dr Cho begins her examination. I have to fight off a gasp when the girl's shirt is removed, and I see that her torso is covered in scars and new wounds. "Did they do this to you?" I ask her, an anger bubbling inside of me. Her gaze drops to her hands as she nods. I look at Cho who's got a look of sorrow on her face.
She carries out the rest of her examination and we both help her into a clean pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I take the girls hand and give it a squeeze. "You're doing great. You're being very brave." I comfort her and I swear I see her lips turn up ever so slightly. I look through the window and see Cho and Bruce talking before they both re-enter. "Ok. We just need to do some blood tests and then we'll clean up your wounds." Bruce explains, turning to get a needle.
But as soon as the girl gets a glimpse of it in his hands, she starts to panic. "N-no. No. You said you wouldn't hurt me." She cries, looking between me and the needle in Bruce's hand. "He's not going to hurt you. He just needs to take some bloody to make sure you're not sick." I try to explain in an attempt to calm her down, but she continues to shake her head. "No. No more needles." She states at whisper. I look to Bruce who is unsure how to proceed. But we're interrupted by Tony entering.
"Wait." He says and we all turn towards him. Bruce places the needle back down on the tray and I feel the girls body relax. "I found your file." Her says looking directly to the trembling girl with a warm smile. "Your name is Y/n. Do you remember that?" He asks softly. She thinks for a moment but shakes her head. "That's ok. At least we know what to call you now. Are you ok if I share what I have here?" He asks her and she slowly nods.
"Y/n here is 22. She was taken by Hydra when she was 12." He explains to us, and I let out a small gasp. She's been in that hell hole for 10 years?! "She was a subject in their medical testing. Though it doesn't go into too much detail as to why. It just states that they were successful in removing all memory of her past." I feel such a sadness for Y/n. For her only memories to be of that base, being tested on daily. "They tested serums." Y/n's voice breaks the temporary silence, making us all look to her.
"Go on." Tony encourages. I've never seen him like this. He's so paternal towards her. It's warming to see. "There was a group of us. They tested the serums they wanted to use on their super soldiers. The serums I was given were meant to induce self-healing." She continues to explain, her gaze firmly fixed on her feet. There's a shocked silence to hear that. She was there purely as a test subject, presumably only there until they had succeeded, or she died.
"That's how you got these injuries? They were testing to see if it worked?" I ask when it finally dawns on me why she has so many injuries. We all watch as her head slowly moves in a nod. "After each test they would burn, cut and bruise me to see if it would generate any healing." She explains. I feel like I could cry. She was tortured for ten years. It's a miracle that she is even here with us today. Her body must have taken a hell of beating.
There is complete silence in the room as we take in what she just told us. We've seen horrible things in our time, but never seen one person go through so much for so long. Tony clears his throat and takes a careful step forward. "Y/n. I can promise you that we will never hurt you. We just want to help you, but we need to make sure you are healthy. If they injected you with a serum, the only way for us to ensure you're ok is to take some blood. I know you have had enough of needles, but once this is done, we'll take you to your new room." She speaks calmly and clearly which works.
"Ok." She agrees quietly. "I can stay with you if you like?" I offer. I want to be here for her. I want to help her heal, to protect her and never let her go through anything like this again in her life. "Please." Another whispered reply. I take her hand once again and give it a squeeze. "Keep your focus on me. Ignore what Bruce is doing. When we're done here, I can show you your new room and you can have a shower if you'd like?" I offer, trying to distract her. It only partial works as her eyes scrunch up as Bruce puts the needling into her arm. "You're doing great. Y/n." I tell her, squeezing her hand to offer her some comfort.
Once Bruce is all done, he cleans up Y/n's wounds and clears her to go to her room. She'll have to come back daily to get her dressings changed and her injuries checked and cleaned, but otherwise she was free. Something that obviously was alien to Y/n. "Come. Let me show you to your room." I tell her, standing up and waiting for her to follow. She does so slowly, her body clearly starting to shut down without her consent.
Thankfully, it's not far to her room. "Here it is." I say, opening the door for her. "My room is next door and Wanda's is across the hall." I point to the doors so she can see. I then step inside the room but she doesn't follow. "You can enter Y/n. You are free to come and go as you please. This is your home, not a prison." I explain to her, realising that she probably has no memory of her own room. Assuming she ever had one in her childhood. "There are some clothes in the wardrobe and draws, but we can go shopping to get you something you like in the coming days." I explain, opening the doors and draws to show her.
"This is your own bathroom. There is shower gel, hair wash, a toothbrush and toothpaste." I point out and then show her how to work the shower. I'll leave you to get cleaned up. But I can come back to get you for some dinner later this evening if you'd like. Though you are free to leave the room before hand if you want to." I say, trying to make it clear that she doesn't have to wait for command here. "Thank you, Natasha." She gives me the faintest of smiles and I find myself getting a little lost. She really is beautiful. "Please, call me Nat. All my friends do." I tell her and her smile grows slightly.
After leaving Y/n, Wanda and Yelena are quick to question me on the new addition to the compound. I struggle a little to hold back the emotion when telling them how I found her and what she's gone through. What has she done to me? I normally have complete control of my emotions, but when it comes to her, my feelings are so much stronger.
They both promise to support Y/n as much as they can without overwhelming her. Wanda is probably best placed to help her. She's been through something similar, although not to the same extent. I hope that in a few days when Y/n has settled more, that she might be comfortable to talk to her.
I speak with Tony, and we agree that it is probably best that we don't throw her in the deep end with a team dinner. Instead, we keep it to just four of us. Tony and I, who's she's familiar with, and Yelena and Wanda, who we want her to feel comfortable with. As she is so malnourished, Bruce has given us some indication on the foods and portions she should have over the coming weeks until she's able to regain her body weight. Wanda takes this as her mission to cook her the tastiest of meals with the limited ingredients.
Y/n is very quiet during dinner. Only talking if directly asked a question and only moving or doing anything if she is given approval. It's going to take time for her to realise that she doesn't need to have permission to do anything here. That she isn't confined to her room until someone tells her she can leave, or that she can't eat until she is given permission. But I know that I want to be there for her through every step of the way. Supporting her as best I can.
Y/n has been here for a little of three weeks now. She's starting to look a bit healthier. Her wounds are healing nicely, she's putting weight on and she's getting colour back to her face. She loves spending time outside, basking in the sunshine. I guess if you've not seen it for 10 years, you don't want to miss out. She's slowly becoming more comfortable with the team. Everyone is great with her, not pushing her and understanding her boundaries.
She's probably closest with Tony, Wanda, and myself at the moment. But she's getting better with Yelena and Bucky. She still won't do much of her own accord. We make sure that she's not cooped up in her room or missing meals because she's waiting for someone to say it's ok for her to do so.
One night, I'm not able to sleep. My mind is lost in thought of Y/n. She fills most of my thoughts each day. We're getting glimpses of her true personality and I love it. She has a quick wit, though I can tell she is hesitant to use it. Scared of any repercussion. But it's becoming more apparent as the days go by. She's also extremely kind. She's so thoughtful of others. She's making such an effort to learn about everyone on the team.
Wanda and Yelena tease me. It's very clear that I like her. I tried to hide it after the first week, but it's no use. Wanda can literally read my mind and Yelena knows me better than anyone. Besides, I don't want to hide those feelings. Not from them anyway. I think it's far too early to even broach that topic with Y/n. At the moment, I want to be the best friend to her that I can be. We have time.
Whilst my mind is replaying Y/n's laugh on loop, I hear a muffled cry. I focus on the sound and notice it's coming from Y/n's room. I jump up and make my way next door. I knock on her door but get no response. "Y/n, it's Nat. Are you ok?" I question. Again, I don't get a response, but I can hear muttering and crying. Worry taking over, I open the door to be greeted by an empty room. The bed perfectly made.
I rush through the room to check the bathroom, but as I pass the bed, I hear her voice. My head turns and I see Y/n lying on the floor with a thin blanket draped over her. She's having a nightmare. I kneel down next to her and carefully place my hands on her shoulders. "Y/n. It's Nat. You're ok. You're just having a nightmare. Come back to me." I say as calmly as possible. Which is hard when I'm seeing her in such a panicked state. Not a split second later, her body shoots up and she starts to gasp for air, her eyes flicking around the room, trying to find something to ground her.
"Hey, Y/n. Look at me. Focus on me." I tell her, cupping her face so her eyes land on me. "You're safe." I remind her. "Try and take a deep breath with me." I instruct her, doing exaggerated breathing myself to guide her. It takes a while, but eventually she's able to copy and her breathing become less ragged. I slowly run my thumb over her cheek to help calm her as her eyes flick over her room once again. "The bed too soft?" I question and she nods, looking at her hands in shame.
I place my finger under her chin and raise it. "Don't be ashamed. I was the same after I got out of the red room. Took me a few months to get used to sleeping in a bed. I always felt like it was suffocating me." I share. She's listening to me intently as I speak. "I feel the same. I'm used to the hard floor." She mumbles. "How about this. Why don't we lie together in the bed. You don't have to sleep. We can just talk." I suggest. This helped me when Clint would sit and talk with me.
She nods and I help her to her feet. I then move to the bed and pull the duvet off. I grab the blanket and lie on the bed and tap the space next to me. I know the quilt will be too much to start of with, but she needs to keep warm. She takes the spot next to me and I hesitantly place my arm around her shoulders. I smile to myself when I feel her relax into my hold. I lay the blanket over us both and we spend the rest of the night just talking. It was probably the most I've heard her talk. She would ask questions about how I adapted after the red room, and I would offer tips on what might also help her.
After that night, our relationship only grew. She still slept on the floor at night, but I would always go to bed with her, and we'd lie in the bed until she was feeling like she was drifting off. I would leave and she would get comfortable on the floor. As time went by, she started to sleep a little. I was so proud of the progress she was making. "It's ok Nat. You can go to your own room tonight. I need to start doing things myself and it's not fair to keep you from your own room." She tells me which makes me frown. "But I like this time with you Y/n." I admit easily.
She smiles widely at that. "I do too Natasha, but you're not always going to be here. I need to get used to doing this on my own." She makes sense but I still pout at her. "Doesn't mean we can't still cuddle." She says shyly. "One more night?" I request and she sighs. "Ok." She chuckles, opening her door for me.
I'm loving the person that Y/n is becoming. Or returning to be, I guess. She's finding herself and it's a journey I'm proud to be a part of. Her and Wanda have grown close. They have a sisterly relationship. Wanda has helped her come to terms with what happened to her whilst she washeld captive by Hydra. They have a shared experience and I'm glad she's got someone that she can share that with.
She's grown more confident, and I was so proud of her when she started doing things of her own accord. We were sat watching TV and I noticed Y/n's gaze kept going towards the kitchen. I paused the movie and look to Y/n. "Everything ok?" I question and she quickly nods, returning her gaze to the TV. "You can tell me." I assure her and she huffs. "I uh. I want a snack." She admits as if she's just admitted to a felony.
"The kitchen is there, and Tony did the shopping this morning so there is plenty on offer." I encourage her, trying to motivate her, not giving her the go ahead to do it. This was the first time she shared a want, and I was keen for her to take it without needing permission.
I watch as she hesitates, Wanda and Yelena's gaze also on her. Slowly, she pushes up off the sofa and makes her way into the kitchen. She's in there for about 10 minutes before she comes out with a small KitKat bar in her hand. I was so proud as I watch her eat the chocolate bar. When she was done, I wrapped my arm around her and held her close. "You never have to ask to get food." I remind her and she slowly nods before resting her head on my shoulder.
It's been three months since Y/n joined us and it has genuinely been the best three months. She's a completely different person to the one that arrived with us. She's still shy, but she understands her freedom and she is finding her footing. She spends a lot of time with Tony in his lab. Turns out she's got a technical brain and loves working on his gadgets. The whole team have fallen in love with her. She's like our own personal ray of sunshine. Which, considering how she was when she arrived, is a miracle.
I think it is safe to say that I am in love with her. I want to spend all my time with her. She's the last thing I think of before I go to sleep and the first thing in the morning. I'm infected by Y/n, and I love it. I just don't know how to approach her about it. I don't want to scare her away. But I'm like 90% sure she likes me too. We've had a couple of moments where we've almost kissed, but it's never resulted in anything, and I never want to pressurise her to do anything.
Our little bubble is burst though when I'm sent on a week long mission. I've been away for day missions, but nothing longer. I've always been home by the evening, having a snuggle with Y/n before bed. I'm going to miss being with her and I can tell that there is an anxiety for her too. But maybe this will be good. It'll give me time to think clearly about how I'm going to approach this whole situation.
Y/n's POV:
The first couple of days of Nat not being here were hell. I realised that she was my security blanket. I knew I was safe if she was around. Don't get me wrong, I know none of the others would hurt me, but with Nat, I feel completely safe and protected.
It's been a bit of a whirlwind three months. I never knew that life could be like this. All I knew was the darkness of the place I was held. The pain and fear that I lived in constantly. I don't know why I kept fighting to stay alive. The easier option was to let go. But I didn't. Now I think it's because deep down, I knew I hadn't met Nat yet and she was meant to change my life.
She has been so patient with me, helping me acclimatise to being 'normal'. She's always there to support me, allowing me to find my way in my own time. In the odd moments that I'm not with her, I crave to be with her. It's a feeling I'm not familiar with. I don't have it with anyone else here. Yet I like all of them. They have become a family, something I didn't know about. Or at least didn't remember. But with Nat it's different. It's like everything I do is for her.
Seeing her smile and laugh is my favourite thing. To most people she has this tough exterior, but I've never seen that directed at me. I've never felt anything but kindness from her. She's a big softy towards me. Though I've learnt not to say that to her. Sam made a joke about it and he was swiftly on his ass. Much to everyone else's amusement.
After Nat had been away for a couple of days, I decided that I couldn't mope around without her. She wouldn't want that. Instead, I spent time with Wanda and Yelena. They both had become like sisters to me. Both protective, but also quick to make fun of me in a light-hearted way. I love the relationship that I have with them, and it's them that keep me sane for the rest of the week.
It's Friday and we've been notified that Nat and Steve are returning from their mission. I jump off the sofa and run towards the Quinjet landing pad. But as I get closer, I see Bruce and Cho waiting. "What's wrong?" I ask Tony who's just joined us. "Nat's hurt." Is all he says. I feel like someone has just kicked me in my stomach, making all the air leave my lungs.
I just stand there as I watch the jet land and Nat be rushed off the jet on a gurney. As she passes me, I rush to keep up, not wanting to be far from her. She looks in a bad way. There is so much blood. Too much blood. I watch as Bruce and Cho rush around trying to fix her. I can see from the machines that her heart rate is becoming thready.
I step forward and hold her hand, feeling her cold skin which sends a wave of panic through me. "Please don't leave me." I beg her as tears start to fall. "Y/n, we need you to stand back." Bruce asks quietly, but I don't want to let her go. I can't lose her. He asks again and I know I need to let him do his job. My mind is focusing on her being with me, alive and healthy. She has to survive. I go to drop her hand but there is a soft glow which makes Bruce and Cho stop in their tracks. "Y/n what's going on?" Tony asks me with a panicked voice. "I-I don't know." I respond, fear washing over me.
"Oh my God look." Tony points out towards Nat. I turn to see what he's pointing too, but I start to feel lightheaded. My sight starts to blur and all the sound around me becomes muffled and the next thing I know, I'm surrounded by darkness.
"Please wake up." I hear a distant, pleading voice. But I still only see darkness. "You told me not to leave. I'm asking you the same thing." The voice begs. Is that Nat? Is she ok? Confusion washes over me as I try to figure out what's going on. Sounds become more prominent, and I can hear the slow beeping of a machine. "Y/n?" The comforting voice calls. "Her heart rate is changing." I hear a male voice now speak. "Is that a good thing?" Nat questions. Why can't I see anything? "Yes, very good. It's getting stronger." The other voice confirms.
I start to feel a pain in my head, and I squint my eyes to stop the pain. "She moved." Nat points out. Slowly, my eyes start to open, but the bright light only aggravates the pain in my head. "The lights. Dim them." A third voice says. As the glare of the light reduces, I open my eyes further and they land on Nat. I quickly sit up, shocked that she's beside me, conscious. "Whoa! Stay down Y/n." She tells me, gently pushing on my shoulders. "You're alive." I whisper and she nods. "I am. But you need to take it easy." She tells me in a warning voice.
I look around me and see that there are wires attached to a drip and a heart monitor. I then meet the concerned gazes of Tony, Wanda, and Yelena. "What happened? Last I remember you were the one in the medbay." I say, trying to sit up. "You healed me." Nat says with a look of disbelief on her own face. "Excuse me? I what?" I question, not sure that I heard her properly. "You healed me. But it drained you and you passed out. You've been unconscious for two days, your heart barely beating." She explains.
"How are you feeling?" Bruce asks, stepping forward. "My head hurts, but other than that ok." I admit and he nods. "It seems like one of the serums they injected you with enabled you to heal others. They were so focused on self-healing, that they didn't even think to check for that." Tony says. "I healed you?" I turn back to Nat asking for clarification. "Yeah. Not even a scar left on me." She says holding up her shirt to show where two bullet wounds once were. I reach out and run my fingers over her abs in disbelief.
"I thought I lost you." I agonised, remembering the fear I felt that she was slipping away. "I can't live without you." I admit through tears. "And you don't have to. I'm here. Safe and sound because of you Y/n. You saved me." Nat says taking my hand. I hadn't noticed that everyone else had left and it was just the two of us now. "I owed you after you saved my life." I tell her through a watery chuckle. "I would save you ten times over Y/n. You have changed my life. When I woke up and I saw you on the bed next to me barely clinging to life yourself, my heart broke." She expresses, her own eyes glossing over.
"Y/n, you mean so much to me. You have changed my life since you came into it. I can't hide my feelings from you anymore. I love you. I'm in love with you. I know you might not feel the same, but I have to tell you. I can't bare the thought of something happening to one of us and you not knowing the depth of my feelings." I'm in shock as I listen to her speak.
Is this what I've been feeling for her too? Love? I can see pain start to grow in her eyes as I don't respond, the shock almost incapacitating. Tears fall down her cheeks as she goes to leave, but thankfully, my body reacts, grabbing her hand and pull her back. Before she can even say anything, I cup her face and bring her towards me so I can connect our lips.
The sensation is electric as if the world had disappeared and it was just the two of us in this moment. Our lips move in perfect harmony. Nat's hands rest on my hips, giving them a gentle squeeze. My whole body feels a warmth rush over it, butterflies erupting in my stomach as our lips dance together, sharing every feeling we need to share in this moment. As our movements stop, I rest my forehead against hers. "I think I love you too. I've had this feeling I've not been able to understand for a while. But that kiss just explained everything." I say with a laugh as Nat's smile grows.
She leans in and kisses me once again, this one more hungry as my back hits the hospital bed. She deepens the kiss, our tongues exploring each other's mouths, as the passion and desire between us intensified.  I let a small moan out into the kiss as she presses her body against mine. That noise causes her to pull back slightly, and I let out a little whine. "Patience my love. This is all new for you and I want to do this properly." She tells me, which causes me to raise an eyebrow at her in confusion. "I want to go on a date with you." She smirks.
Thank God, she made me watch endless rom coms these last few months or I'd have no clue how this whole thing was meant to go. But over time we grew together, not rushing our relationship. It was perfect to me. When I looked in her eyes, all I saw was pure love and I hope she saw the same in return.
She made me unbelievably happy. There was a time that I never thought I wouldn't get a happy ending. A time when I questioned my purpose. But now, led here in Nat's arms, feeling safe, protected, and loved. I finally understood why I had to keep fighting. I needed to get to her and live our lives together in happiness. 
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olichat-reads · 2 years
Mrow | Part Four
Bakugou x roomate!reader
Summary: you finally get answers on how to break the quirk & return human
A/n: yall i fucked up :D this isn't the last chapter
Part Three
Zigzagging through the crowd you kept your eyes on your target, little legs racing as fast as they can, determined not to lose sight of what might be your key to undoing this quirk.
Having not notice the tiny ball of fur barelling towards her, the girl in question yelped in surprise as you launched yourself onto her leg, determined to latch on like a fucking leech until you had answers.
"Its you!" She cried out, big doe eyes looking down at you, snarling & fur bristling.
Yeah its me! Now turn me back human for the love of god!!
You honestly doubt a small furball yowling up at a full grown person was even the slightest bit threatening but the girl looked as if she might keel over in fear. Her wide eyes darted around to uncaring passerbys before returning to peer down at you.
"Please can we go somewhere less, um, crowded first?"
You ended up at the park not far away, not completely empty but a definite upgrade from the bustling streets.
Wait. You understand me?
"Um. Yeah. Kinda comes with the quirk," she started, fidgeting with her hands before the floodgates burst open with her rambling. "I'm so, so sorry for turning you into a cat. And- and about the other day! I don't do those kinds of things. I was just being stupid. I knew it was a bad idea even if my friends said otherwise-"
You watched the girl as she went on a tangent, babbling on frantically. You sighed, she was young, probably a highschooler.
Alright, alright. Calm down, kid, you're gonna scare yourself into a panic attack. I'm not turning you in, okay? I get it, you made a mistake. And honestly I don't think you could pull of a crime even if you tried, kid.
The girl cracked a nervous smile at that.
"Thanks Ms Y/n." You smiled at the use of your hero name. You didn't mind not being a big shot like Bakugou, but it felt nice to be recognized every once & a while.
Nah, I get it. I did stupid things too when I was your age. Oh. What's your name?
"Its Miyo."
Miyo. You smiled at that, lifting a furry paw to pat her knee. So now, can you turn me back human please?
"Oh, um," she stuttered, her entire demeanor dulling again. "I can't actually."
You felt your fluffy ears droop at that. What do you mean?
"The quirk breaks when you have an unbridled want to turn back human. To be honest, I thought you would've returned human by now. But I guess its not the most predictable, I'm sorry," she said remorsefully.
I just need to want to turn human? You ask, confused. Did you not want to return human this whole time?
"Sort of. But it has to be a very, very strong feeling to override the quirk. Most of the time it helps to feel extreme emotions that associate with needing to be human again. Like intense desperation, fear, stuff like that. Ultimately its all on you though, Ms Y/n," Miyo explained with apologetic eyes.
You sighed at that. Well, at least it was something. Thanks, Miyo. I-
You were interrupted by a loud explosion that made the ground beneath you shook. Switching into prohero mode, your body kick started into action, racing into the streets. Though you skid to a halt before disappearing into the sea of people, throwing one last glance to Miyo.
I'm going to be naked when I turn back human, aren't I?
"Yeah! Sorry again, Ms. Y/n!"
You sighed internally at that. Well. Nothing you could do about that.
Another explosion sending the ground shaking tore you out of your thoughts & had you throwing yourself into the crowd, darting towards the direction of the commotion, the adrenaline in your veins guiding you through the chaos.
You hear his booming voice before you caught sight of the explossive blonde. You took note of the two women that were apparently the cause of all the commotion & Bakugou's arms that covered in frost. You watched as one of the villains aimed for his arms again, creating chunks of ice that engulfed his hands all the way over his elbows. Bakugou blasted them off but you could tell he was struggling, his explosions smaller than usual.
They were aiming to weaken his quirk, you realized.
Bakugou didn't have his gauntlets. Added with the cold weather & the nature of the villain's quirk he was at a massive disadvantage.
Bakugou! You yelped as the other threw your roomate into a wall, her attack reminding you a lot of Nejire's wave motion.
Fuck. Fuck. What do you do. What do you do?? You didn't have your quirk. Even hand to hand combat was out of the question. You were a cat for god's sake!
You felt your heart drop when when you watch the shockwave wielder take aim for another attack.
Yea, no, fuck it.
You let the adrenaline take over & before you know it, you're rushing forward, little claws & teeth digging into the flesh of the villain's calf, eliciting a pained yelp from her. Distracted, she missed her shot, just barely missing Bakugou, her blunder allowing him to dodge.
You didn't have time to feel relieved though, having her attention turn to your little self, uselessly hanging off her leg.
"Sunny, get away from there!" That was all you heard before familiar hands intercepted you as Bakugou dove in for cover with you, narrowly avoiding a hit from the ice quirk's partner.
Having decent cover, those glaring red eyes looked over at you. "Are you insane?! What the hell is wrong with you??"
Bitch, I was trying to save your ass! Fuck off with the name calling-
You were interrupted with another blast that sent the two of you crashing into a boutique, the display of clothes cushioning what would've been a painful slam to Bakugou's back while you flew out off his hold, landing with a thud a little distance away.
Dread filled your veins as you watched the pair tag team your roomate. You scrambled to get to him despite knowing there is little you can do. You couldn't just watch! But before you could even get close an explosion was sent your way, forcing you to hop backwards to avoid it, stopping you from getting too close.
Bakugou, you bastard!
"Fuck off, pipsqueak. I can handle this on my own," he growled out, eyes ahead but you could tell was directed to you.
Aiming a blast at the ice wielder, Bakugou risked a glance at you. "I mean it, Sunny- FUCK!" he got cut off as the other villain caught him in her wave motion, slamming him into a wall & pining him there.
No no no-
Human. You needed to turn back human.
C'mon. C'mon c'mon c'mon please.
You wanted to. You needed to. Please. Please.
You gasped at the sudden shock that rushed through your body. Your sight glowed pure white, before everything stopped.
You dropped to the ground like a ragdoll.
You couldn't move.
You couldn't move. You couldn't open your eyes. It felt like all the energy was zapped from your body. Your heart seemed to beat in your ears. Once. Twice. Faint yelling seemed to seep into the black. You recognized that voice.
"-nny! Wh s wro ith ou-"
The cotton in your head made it hard to hear. But you knew that voice. You were sure of it.
Bakugou. Its Bakugou, right? He gave you that name?
That's right. You need to help him.
But you couldn't move.
Move, dammit.
You mustered everything to will yourself to get up, to fucking move, but your body didn't listen to you. Even a finger felt too heavy.
Bakugou is calling for help? Bakugou? Fuck, things must've gotten bad.
C'mon get up.
You needed to get up. You needed to help him.
You heard Bakugou's voice cut off as if he had the air knocked out of him.
You haven't thanked him yet.
He had to be okay.
You still owe him that hug you vowed to give him.
He HAD to be okay.
You felt your heart clench at every pained groan the villains beat out of your roomate. Your throat tightened up with guilt.
You'd cry if your body worked right now. Unshed tears burned the back of your eyes. You were begging at this point.
Then, everything came rushing back.
Your eyes snapped back open, before immediately fluttering shut from the bright contrast. Pulling yourself up, you groaned as you reached a hand up to your pounding head. Wait. Hand. Hand!
A rush of victory tore through you, making you force your eyes back open to confirm your suspicions- only to have your heart drop immediately.
Fuck. Thats right. You changed back naked.
A/n: thank youuuu for being so patient with me. i know i take a WHILE to cough out fics but i'm doing my best i promise 🥺. i hope you enjoyed this part. hope the 'action' portion isn't too scuffed. AND I HOPE THE NEXT AND LAST (I SWEAR IT WILL BE THE LAST) CHAPTER WON'T TAKE AS LONG.
Part Five
Series taglist: @deadpoolsvodka @zbeez-outlet @fixed211 @arael-asuka @sadcookie365 @phrogfungi @trash-heichou-kacchan @sad0ni0n @woodzonesworld @mushi42 @yappydoo @kazxtora @nnubee @chuugarettes @voidsatoru @freakyundercover @momdisappointment @simp4rengoku @yaskna @zane2408 @lynn-writes-things @dinodumbass @jihyuniepark @julietdelamare @captainchrisstan @atrainb @wannabewolf @cupidcole @atsushiki @trashbin-nie @mothmanuwu @skyesayshi @nezykoi @theredtater06 @lanaxians-2 @alextheknight707 @vollkornpraline @misakik28 @carnationhcs @some-ryvant @blubearxy @dangerousluv1 @seokjin-bby @slytherclaw1227 @tjmaxx556 @kuleo26 @answer-the-sirens @stxrrielle @call-me-drartemis @ouch-thats-harsh @coodoritoss @thychuvaluswife @dynakats @naneko-nakooooo @letharue @sleepylittlebarista @moonbinnie0983 @ninashellhole @lovra974
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bonobonoyaatheart · 1 year
Scared of you - Bang Chan
Summary: You are a secret police agent but you haven't told chan due to his trauma. But it is exposed all out of sudden.
Genre: Angst, fluff
Pairing: Non idol Bang chan x gn agent Reader
Word count: 818
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In the dimly lit movie theater, you and Chan were engrossed in a thrilling action film. The sound of gunfire and explosions filled the room, and you were careful not to glance at Chan during intense scenes, knowing the trauma it might evoke. As the credits rolled, you walked out of the theater, and Chan, still wrapped up in the movie's adrenaline, casually wrapped his arm around you.
The scent of popcorn and the remnants of on-screen excitement lingered in the air as you strolled side by side, your steps syncing like two puzzle pieces. Chan's warmth and touch brought comfort and familiarity. But suddenly, his fingers grazed against something cold and metallic beneath your coat. A shiver ran down his spine, and his heart pounded erratically.
His grip around your waist tightened, and his breath hitched. "Y-Y/N, what's that?" he stammered, fear creeping into his voice.
You froze, your heart sinking as you realized what he had felt—the concealed weapon holstered against your side. Panic coursed through you as you tried to find the right words to reassure him, but they seemed to escape you in that critical moment.
"Chan, I… I didn't want to worry you. I'm a secret police agent, and sometimes I have to carry a gun for my job," you whispered, trying to keep your voice steady.
His eyes widened, and you could see the panic taking hold of him. He stepped back, his whole body trembling. "You're… you're an agent? With a gun? How could you not tell me?" His voice quivered with disbelief and hurt.
"I'm so sorry, Chan. I should have told you, but I was afraid it would scare you," you admitted, tears forming in your own eyes.
Chan's breaths came in short gasps, and he clutched at his chest as if trying to steady his pounding heart. "I can't… I can't breathe," he choked out, his fear suffocating him.
Fear mixed with guilt flooded through you as you saw the impact of your secret on him. You reached out, gently cupping his cheeks, your touch tender and soothing.
"I-I'm scared of you," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "All this time, I never knew… I thought you were just an ordinary person. But you carry a gun, you kill people…"
"No, Chan, please listen," you pleaded, your own voice breaking. "It's not like that. I'm not a killer. I carry a gun for protection and to do my job, but I never want to hurt anyone. I never want to hurt you."
He was unable to look at you, his fear overwhelming any semblance of reason. "I can't stay with you. It's too dangerous. I can't be with someone who could hurt me," he cried, tears streaming down his face.
Pain stabbed at your heart as you saw the magnitude of his fear. You pulled him into a tight embrace, your arms encircling him protectively.
"I promise you, Chan, I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel safe," you whispered against his hair, your voice laden with emotion. "I love you more than anything, and the last thing I want is to see you hurt."
Chan's grip on you tightened, and he clung to you as if he never wanted to let go. "I don't know if I can trust you anymore. The fear is just too strong, and I can't get it out of my mind."
You pressed your forehead against his, your eyes locked with his, pouring all the love you felt into that intense gaze. "I understand, Chan. Take the time you need, but know that I'll be here, waiting for you. I won't give up on us because I believe in our love. And when you're ready, we'll face this fear together."
Chan's breathing started to steady, the intensity of his fear slowly subsiding as he felt your unwavering love and support. "I don't want to lose you," he admitted, his voice filled with vulnerability.
"You won't," you assured him, your fingers gently wiping away his tears. "I'll be right here, by your side, guiding you through this darkness until we find the light together."
As the fear began to loosen its grip on Chan, you felt the moment was right. You leaned in, pressing a soft and tender kiss on his trembling lips, pouring all your love into that fleeting connection.
"I love you, Chan," you whispered against his lips. "You're my angel, and I'll do anything and everything to protect you, now and forever."
With your words, Chan's trembling eased, and his body relaxed in your arms. In that embrace, you both knew that love had prevailed, weaving a thread of strength that would carry you through any challenge. As you looked into each other's eyes, the future stretched ahead, filled with hope, healing, and a love that could conquer any fear that life threw your way.
A/N: Reblog and share if you like, and let me know what you think about this!
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Prompt: “Thank you for always being by my side.”
Song: Til Forever Falls Apart - FINNEAS
For Reader x Tolya please?
No Peaceful End In Sight - Tolya Yul Bataar
Content Warnings: Canon Compliant Threat And Violence. No Beta/Proof Reading. Mentions Of Darkle Sparkles (boo).
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So this is it,
It really feels like your at the end now. You're backed up and you've got nowhere to go. Tamar is doing her best to keep Nikolai moving, his close call with the Nichevo'ya has left him more than winded. But that doesn't stop him trying to make a wise crack while you're all fighting to get out. He never changes, and that is at least a comfort in these moments.
Tolya has a cut above his brow which is bleeding, the blood trickling down his face and across his cheekbone. You want to clean it away. You want to be able to stop and be soft, and help him the same way he has helped you over and over. But there is no time for softness, for small acts of mercy right now. It's all fight. Fight, and running, until the end.
that's how it ends
"The Darkling really packs a punch with those things, huh?" Nikolai asks between breaths, lumbering with Tamar's help not far behind Tolya and yourself.
"Call him Kirigan," you tell Nikolai, "allowing him such a title only gives him more power."
"I think titles aren't going to change much right now," Tamar states.
"You underestimate the power of words sister," Tolya says. You smile despite the pain in your shoulders and the ache from keeping moving when your body begged you to give in a long time ago. You knew Tolya would agree with you, he always seemed to on the things that mattered.
"I think we have bigger issues than words right now," Nikolai states.
"Call it treason if you want but I disagree with you," you say, pushing your shoulder against a door, but the frame is bent out of shape and the stone around it resembles the broken rubble you'd passed outside. You cannot tell if it was hit with some kind of explosion or if it was blocked intentionally, but either way it's not budging. Tolya joins you, putting his weight into the door but it only dislodges some dust from the impact wounds in the stone. You shake your head at him and he nods.
"Not this way," Tolya says.
"We are running out of options," Tamar says, trying to look less like she is the only reason Nikolai still stands.
You are about to suggest taking the time to heal Nikolai when you see the darkness gathering back the way you came, Tolya hears the spike in your heartbeat before he sees what causes it. "Saints," you whisper.
"If your a believer now might be the time to start praying," Nikolai says. "Might argue we would be late to the party on that," you retort. Nikolai laughs and Tamar winces, her own injuries no small thing. Nikolai louds a gun with one hand, not that it will do him any good, but he is going to go down swinging, like he always said he was. Tolya pulls his elbow back, giving himself a better range with his sword, Tamar spins an axe with the hand not on Nikolai's side and you steady yourself. "This is how we die, funny," you take a deep breath, "thought I would be more scared." You whistle. "Should I be worried about that? I guess I don't have the time to be worried, I guess it doesn't really matter if we are all about to die."
"Wanting to live and not being scared to die aren't mutually exclusive," Tolya reminds you.
“Thank you for always being by my side.” You tell him. He takes his eyes off the Nichevo'ya just long enough to look at you smiling at him for what might be the last time.
"I guess there's nothing more romantic than dying with your friends," Nikolai plasters a grin on his face, and you see the man he was when you met him, all fearless and far too cocky.
And I'm not sorry for myself
You don't want to die, but if you are to die, right here, right now, you could think of so many worse ways to go than surrounded by people who you would die for. "There is no one I would rather have beside me," Tamar says.
Nikolai pulls away from Tamar's hold, standing on his own, giving Tamar the space and ability to wield both her weapons in the face of their impending death. "Till the last," Nikolai says.
Tolya takes a swing and the darkness separates around his blade. There is nothing you can do to stop them, you know that. They are an unstoppable army of shadow connected to one of the strongest grisha history has ever seen. But that wouldn't stop any of you trying. You hear Nikolai's gunshots and combative words. You don't really process anything else, you feel the shadow pull you from your feet, throwing you against a wall so hard you feel the air torn from your lungs and when you hit the ground you cannot be sure if the dizzying and blurred vision is from the head trauma or the lack of oxygen. In the haze, you can make out Tolya as he hits the ground next to you, he is quick to his feet again, unstopping, unrelenting.
You wish you were all safe, you wish there was no war and no fight and you could be at peace surrounded by those you love, but that wasn't an option the Saints had for you, so knowing what you do and the ways things could have unfolded, you find it in yourself to be grateful, that you are at least besides him now.
I wouldn't wanna spend a minute loving anybody else
You get to your feet and you can hear Tamar choking but you cannot see for all the chaos. There is an explosion, knocking the remaining door frame from its place, and the stone shakes and some of it falls down beside the broken door but there is an arch of space between the rubble and the ceiling that gives way to the bright day light.
"Tolya?" comes a soft voice from the other side, "you in there?"
"Wylan?" Tolya chokes out.
"Thank the Saints, we thought we lost you," Jesper calls through. "Come on," he hurries, "move."
You see Tolya take another slice at the Nichevo'ya and it moves around him, all darkness and no substance, it is almost as if it had the awareness to be toying with him. You signal to Tamar to help Nikolai out, and the look she gives you shows all the disapproval she feels about that instruction. But you raise your weapon and run to stand beside Tolya, pressing your back to him and throwing haphazard slices into the darkness.
Tamar knows the quicker they get out, the quicker you and Tolya follow, so she does just that.
Tolya insists on you going first and you offer a hand as you help him out of the crumbled space in the wall.
"Shadow can still follow," Wylan reminds you all, before throwing something in the space. A bright white burst follows upon impact and the space they climbed through collapses. "So maybe we keep moving?"
"I owe you," Tolya tells Wylan, "again."
"Add it to the tally," Jesper jokes, "but add and run at the same time."
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Driver's seat
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Headcanon: Where your car insurance finally paid off ft Atsushi, Ranpo and Akutagawa. Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting.
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It all started when you both were discussing random stuff.
You brought up how your brother taught you how to drive.
"Drive..?" YEah CLUELESS
And being Y/N, You forced him to learn how to drive.
I mean it was your duty to make him learn these type of things.
"So, this is a car" "Y/N I may be a orphan but I did know basic human terms" oops
You made sure he was seated, had his belt bucked and stuff.
"Ohk so, here is the steering wheel, its used to handle the way the care tires move....." TOO MUCH OVERSHARING
"Y/N are you sure its safe to drive in Kunikida's car?"
"Let me show you how its done Atsushi-Kun"
Needless to say, you weren't allowed to get near transportation again without supervision.
Welps, Atsushi, to say was still confused.
"Do you know how to ride a bike?" "Yess....?"
Oh boi this could be a disaster.
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I don't even know why you decided to teach him
He legit cant even ride a bus by himself and you expect him to drive.
"Ranpo! NO!" Ahh yes, he was totally hitting your car to the pole right now
"RANPO! You cant eat while driving!!" "Aww Then i rather travel with a transport"
He said that and just unbuckled himself and left the car. Without having the parking breaks up.
Lets just day, you had to pay the fine for destroying public facilities.
Hey! Least your insurance paid off.
Later you thought he could least drive properly in those car area at the amusement park.
Welp you both are banned there now
But god, Ranpo driving those cars was cute. (please someone draw it, so I can rest in peace)
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You found out his inability to drive when you were running away from the explosion behind you.
"Akutagawa! You bring the car here so that we can run away! in the meantime I will hold the explosion off with my ability"
Bro just used rashomon to lift the car and throw it from Midair.
You both survived, just with minor burns and organ damage. YUP TOTALLY FINE
That moment you got to know, He doesn't know how to drive.
You were the people of Port Mafia. Naturally you are Rich as hell.
WELL HERE WE GO AND WAKE UP IN THE NEW BUGATTI (idk guys i forgot to frame correct meme sentences)
He was shaking while trying to adjust to the seat and the steering wheel and stuff.
"Are you scared?" "No this is just a waste of my time"
He tries to get out of the car. Tries. Seat belt to the rescue.
And now, without even trying to learn, He absolutely removes himself with his ability.
Bro just hates cars.
He rather ride his horse then drive a car.
"You just DESTROYED MY CAR" "I don't see it at a concern considering you never use it"
Now Akutagawa destroys cars till date.
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griffin-girl-r · 1 year
Fight for their lives (Part 2) (Alternative ending 1)
Created: 06.06.2023
Finished: 14.06.2023
Edited: 25.09.2023
Age: 18
Word count: 6,011
Warnings: Child loss
Request: Yes (Tumblr user)
Pairing: BlackHill
Part 1 , Part 2 (AE 2)
The first to open her eyes was Maria, who, blinded by the bright light of the afternoon sun, tightly shut them closed once again as she took a moment to adjust her sight.
Turning her head to her right, the first thing she noticed was the fierce long red hair of her wife, who was still unconscious, spread on the white pillow, making her smile at Natasha's stunning beauty.
But the smile quickly turned into a frown when she noticed how her wife's entire body was covered in wounds and how the cast on her leg slightly poked out from under the white blanket Natasha was covered with.
Looking down, Maria also noticed the cast on her hand and she could only imagine that she looked fairly similar to Natasha.
Her sweet wife that almost died because the people they called their friends were willing to let her die inside rather than going in to save her.
"Natasha..." Maria chocked out, her voice only above a whisper
"Hey... You're okay." A deep voice reassured Maria "She's okay."
Maria looked in the direction from where the voice came and found Bruce there with a smile on his face.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. alerted Bruce that Maria started to show signs of waking up and he rushed towards their room as fast as he could.
"Tasha..." Maria lightly coughed
"She's going to be fine. Don't worry." Bruce started doing a quick check-up on the brunette "She's about to wake up any moment just as you did."
"What happened?" Maria asked in her groggy state
"You got into an explosion on your way out." Bruce explained "Lucky, you both just got away with a few broken bones, nothing major."
"For how long was I out?" Maria looked around the room trying to find anything that could indicate to her what hour it is
"For about 3 days and a half." The doctor said
"Oh my God..." Maria gasped quietly "Y/N! Where is she, Bruce? Where is my daughter?"
"She... Umm..." Bruce had no idea how he was supposed to break this news to Maria "She's..."
"Maria..." Natasha groaned, scrunching her face in pain
"Tasha!" Maria quietly shouted panicked "Tasha, baby, are you okay?"
"Mia?" Natasha questioned confused with her eyes still closed
"I'm here, babe!" Maria reassured "I'm right here! Can you open your eyes for me, beautiful? Please..."
As told, Natasha slowly opened her eyes, taking in the brightness of the daylight, and turned her head to her left where she found Maria's worried gaze fixed on her.
"My leg..." Natasha cried in pain
"Can you give her something for the pain?" Maria pleaded, looking at Bruce "Please."
"But of course." Bruce nodded, walking over to Natasha's bed "I'm going to give you something for your arm as well."
"Arm?" Natasha mumbled confused, her eyes going wide when she noticed the cast Maria had on her arm "Mia! Sweetheart, are you okay?"
"I'm okay, baby. Don't worry." Maria smiled reassuringly "I'm okay, you're okay, we're both okay. Just calm down."
"Why are we here?" Natasha looked in between Maria and Bruce
"There has been a little incident that happened during the mission." Bruce spoke "Remember? The poisonous gas and then, after Maria pulled you out of there, you both have been caught up in an explosion. The team dug you out. You had your leg out of place. I fixed it, don't worry. Maria has her arm broken and both have a few broken ribs but, again, it's nothing major that can't be healed. You just need time to recover."
Natasha nodded "Where's Y/N? I want to see her."
Natasha asked the question that Bruce dreaded to answer because he didn't know how to answer it.
He can't keep avoiding telling your mothers the truth about you.
"She's just sleeping." Bruce lied to the worried mothers "You have scared the poor kid so much."
"We're sorry." Natasha sighed looking at Maria with tearful eyes
"Don't worry, you two." Bruce smiled sadly "I know for a fact that she isn't mad at you."
"I can't wait to see her." Maria smiled "I miss her."
"We both miss her." Natasha added
"Well, how about you both take a nap, recover your strengths a little, and after you wake up again you can see her? How does that sound?" Bruce proposed
"We can do that." Maria agreed
"But, Mia..." Natasha wanted to protest but was quickly stopped by Maria
"We need to let her rest, Nat." Maria tried to reason "She must be so tired after everything we made her go through in the past few days."
"Yeah..." Natasha sighed sadly "You're right."
"Great." Bruce clapped his hands "It's settled then, ladies. You both take a nap and while you sleep I'll take care of everything else."
Maria extended her hand and waited for Natasha to do the same.
The redheaded spy wasted no second in grabbing her wife's hand and giving it a light squeeze.
"Sweet dreams, beautiful." Maria quietly said, giving her a soft smile
"Sweet dreams, gorgeous." Natasha reciprocated the smile
Maria waited for Natasha to close her eyes before following her wife's cue and fell asleep in a few seconds.
"How are they feeling?" Clint eagerly asked Bruce once he walked into the living room where the entire team was gathered
"They are okay. I'm confident that in a few days, I'll be able to allow them to go back to their room." Bruce sighed deeply "But they asked about Y/N."
"And?" Steve raised his eyebrow "What have you told them?"
"That she's sleeping in her room." Bruce looked at the floor "I couldn't bring myself to tell them the truth just yet."
"I think that's better." Steve nodded "We should all be there when we tell them what is actually going on."
"We should be there for them." Wanda sniffed before bursting into tears again "Oh, Y/N..." She cried
Steve rubbed Wanda's back gently, quietly trying to comfort his teammate.
"I told them to take a nap and they agreed." Bruce said "We will talk with them after they wake up."
"The question is, how will we break the news on them?" Clint asked tearfully
"We'll think about a way to tell them, without giving them an instant shock." Steve sighed sadly "Although there's no easy way of telling them."
"We just hope they won't react too badly." Bruce nodded, quietly agreeing with Steve
A few hours later, the couple was wide awake and lovingly staring into each other's eyes.
"I love you so much." Maria whispered to Natasha, bringing the redheaded woman's hand up to her lips and gently kissing it, because yes, Natasha's bed was that close to Maria's
"Thank you so much for saving my life." Natasha smiled, squeezing Maria's hand "Mia, it was so crazy of you to run inside the building for me without thinking twice."
Maria shook her head "I'll do it all again without hesitation. Don't ever dare to say something like this again. My life without you means nothing."
"But you would still have Y/N." Natasha pointed out "Even if I wouldn't be here anymore, I would keep living through her."
"But still..." Maria sighed, looking into Natasha's green eyes "You're my wife, my soulmate. We're bonded forever. In life and death. That's what we swore when we united our destinies forever. To stand by each other's side through everything. Good or bad."
"I love you, Maria Hill." Natasha smiled
"I love you too, Natasha Romanoff-Hill." Maria smiled back
Just then, the sweet moment between the couple was interrupted by the sound created by the door of the room that swung open, revealing Bruce followed by the rest of the team.
"Hey, guys." Maria smiled excited "It's so good to see you."
"We were wondering what took you guys so long to come and check on us." Natasha added
"Yep. We were." Maria nodded but then her smile slightly turned into a serious frown "Except you, Rogers, because you were trying to keep me away from my wife."
"But I did move out of your way." Steve pointed out "I was just trying to save everyone's lives."
"I guess that's fair." Maria shrugged "We're good."
"Thank you." Steve slightly smiled
"Where's Y/N?" Natasha asked concerned as she scanned the crowd with her eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of her little girl
"Right..." Maria dragged out, looking at Bruce "You promised us she'll come to see us when we wake up."
"Tasha... Maria..." Clint stepped forward but it was clear he tried his best to avoid the mothers' gaze "There's something we need to tell you. There is something you have to know."
Natasha turned her head toward Maria and worriedly looked at her wife.
Natasha gave Maria that look that screamed 'What is going on?'.
Maria just shook her head to show Natasha that she was equally just as confused as her wife was.
"Clint, be a man." Maria quickly turned her head around toward their friend "Just tell us what is wrong with our daughter. Where is she?"
"Y/N..." Clint took a deep breath but couldn't bring himself to continue the sentence
"I'll take it from here, Clint." Steve patted Clint's shoulder as he stepped forward
"Steve? What is going on?" Natasha's voice was filled with a mix of utter confusion and motherly concern "What are you hiding from us?"
"There aren't many ways to explain this so I'll just go straight to the point." Steve rubbed his forehead, trying to put this into words as best as he could "So you both have inhaled the gas that was released into the air inside that room, and maybe Bruce has already told you, and you know, that the gas was highly poisonous. The injuries caused by the explosion were nothing compared to the internal damage created by that poison."
"So you want to say that..." Maria started
"Yes." Steve interrupted the commander "The poison had managed to quickly spread throughout your entire bodies and you both started showing signs that your body was starting to fail down. Bruce didn't have the antidote for whatever that gas was. The only thing he did was to slow down the process but it was only a matter of time till the inevitable happened. You were both almost dead."
"And how did you manage to save us then?" Maria asked again, as Natasha was too shocked to speak
"We didn't." Steve admitted "Y/N did."
"Y/N did what?" Natasha finally spoke at the mention of her daughter "She's only a kid. How could she save us when you all couldn't?"
"We aren't sure what she did exactly." Steve explained calmly "We just know that after she spent a few minutes alone here with you guys, she ran out, her mind made up on the fact that she would save her mothers. Not one word was said about her plan. She returned a day later with the antidote in her hand being seriously injured and refused to accept any help before you both received the cure that saved your lives."
"How bad is it?" Maria tensed her shoulders and her jaw became even sharper than it already was, if that was possible "What are her injuries?"
In Natasha's eyes, on the other hand, tears welled up and she suddenly forgot how to talk.
"Just calm down a little." Steve signaled with his hands for them to breathe "Y/N..."
The expectation was heavily hanging in the air and the parents felt like going crazy from worry.
Their baby girl has been hurt just because she put her life in danger to save theirs.
"God damn it, Steven!" Natasha suddenly shouted, taking everyone by surprise "Just tell us what is the state of our daughter! You're killing us with this waiting! We're about to go crazy from worry!"
"Y/N..." Steve took a deep breath in, attempting to gather enough courage to continue "She is... Dead. I'm so sorry..."
Time froze still in those moments as Natasha's and Maria's worlds came crashing down on them.
Steve must be lying because such an unfathomable scenario could never happen.
And yet, Steve never lied.
They knew.
But still...
"I want to see her." Maria coldly demanded, throwing her blanket off of her, as she sat up
"Maria, no." Steve rushed forward to push Maria back down on the bed
"Hell yes." Shouted Maria who was trying to fight Steve to let her go
"I'll go to her." Natasha also threw her blanket off of her but, unlike Maria, her leg wasn't making it too easy for her to move around
"Nat, no." Clint was quick in making his way over to his best friend's bed and keeping her in place "I don't think that's a good idea."
"Get off of me, Clint!" Natasha shouted "I need to see my baby. Steve is lying. She's actually in her room. Bruce told us. She's sleeping."
"Natasha, just calm down, please." Clint begged "Listen to us."
"No!" Natasha screamed "I want to see Y/N."
"Rogers, I swear to God." Maria threatened while Natasha kept screaming "I'm going to kill you."
"Hill we aren't playing around here." Steve tried to dodge the slaps from Maria "Stand down."
"Take me to my daughter." Maria shouted "That's a direct order. I want to see her with my own eyes."
Both Steve and Clint tried to hold the mothers back without much success.
Those two women were putting up a hell of a fight.
"Let them go." Bruce shouted at Clint and Steve "I'm tired of this. Let them see her."
"But, Bruce..." Wanda sniffed
"Doctor Banner, that's a really bad idea." Steve interrupted Wanda
"We must let them have some kind of closure with their daughter." Bruce explained, his voice firm, but his eyes full of unshed tears "Wanda?" He looked toward the girl "Can you use your powers to stop them from feeling the physical pain from their injuries?"
Wanda nodded and with a move of her hand, a red smoke started glowing from her fingers, quickly engulfing Maria and Natasha.
"Steve, pick Natasha up." Bruce instructed "Clint, help Maria sit up and walk."
The men rushed to do as they'd been told and took the women to the room where they would be facing their worst nightmare.
The door swung open and some light entered the dark room through the crack of it.
A shiver ran down everyone's spines as the, not only dark atmosphere, but also the cold temperature of the room greeted them alongside silence.
Maria's and Natasha's eyes were scanning the dark room around, waiting for you to pop out from the shadows and scare them, since they knew how much you loved to prank them.
But that didn't happen.
Instead, they slightly jumped scared when someone flicked the lights on and artificial light filled the room.
The air around was hanging heavy with sorrow, almost becoming unbreathable.
When they spotted it the mothers had two, very different, reactions.
Natasha, who was still carried by Steve, froze.
She was unable to move one muscle of her body, not one finger at least.
She was staring wide-eyed at the blanket that was clearly covering someone's body on the lone table placed in the middle of the room.
It's not every day that the table is put to use.
And in these circumstances, the Avengers wished they never had to use it.
Not for this.
Maria, on the other hand, took off sprinting in the table's direction, and without the slightest moment of hesitation, she pulled the blanket down.
The commander couldn't contain her gasp when, right there on that damned table, she saw her precious daughter, laying motionless, her beautiful pale skin paler than ever.
No trace of blood on you since Bruce made sure that Wanda changed your clothes into a pair of grey joggers and an immaculate white t-shirt, both picked from your wardrobe, after he stitched the wounds up and cleaned you.
If they didn't know better, the team, which over time has turned into a big family, could swear that you were just sleeping.
Laying like that, in those clothes, with your wavy hair untied and sprawled out on the unforgivingly cold table.
"Y/N." Maria shook you after her momentarily shock passed "Y/N!"
Natasha was still as zoned out, her eyes glued on your peaceful face, as the first time she entered the door.
The redhead wasn't even noticing Maria struggling to shake your body with the hand that wasn't in a cast.
But the shaking wasn't giving any results.
Maria had to act fast and she knew what she had to do in situations like these.
She vividly remembers this being one of her first military classes while being a new recruit.
So she started doing CPR, pushing air out of her lungs into yours once in a while, hoping that the mouth-to-mouth would make her attempt even more successful.
She wasn't caring about her broken arm.
She could only concentrate on the fact that she needed to revive you, although she could feel on your skin how ice-cold your body was.
“Breathe, Y/N!" Maria commanded you in the harsh tone that she only had reserved for her agents "Come on! Wake up!" She kept shouting "Come on! That’s an order, agent!”
"Maria..." Someone softly called her but she ignored the voice
"Wake up, kid!" She shouted once again as she continued performing CPR "You know I don't like people disobeying my orders! Wake up! I gave you an order!"
Maria kept shouting commands at your lifeless body for a few more minutes.
She wasn't going to give up on you.
Not yet.
But she slowly started to realize on her own that it was useless. All her attempts were in vain.
She wasn't going to receive an answer from you, no matter how hard she tried.
“Please, baby...” Maria's voice cracked at the end as her hands stopped moving and she slammed her head on your chest "Please..."
Loud sobs started coming out of Maria's mouth as she felt like the most useless and worst mother in this, or any, world for not being able to protect you enough.
You were dead because of her.
Because she wasn't strong enough.
"I'm so sorry, honey." Maria sobbed on your chest "I'm so sorry, kiddo. I'm sorry."
Everyone gathered around the room wanted to step in and try to comfort Maria but they knew that she needed to let it all out first, they couldn't dare interrupt the moment of two mothers grieving for their daughter. It would be a sin to do so.
No words in the world could ease the pain inside their hearts.
The only thing that could, isn't alive anymore.
The sun wasn't going to rise and shine in the morning for the Romanoff-Hill family again.
They were cursed to live in the dark for the rest of their lives.
"My kid!" Maria shouted painfully, punching your chest with her fist "My child!"
Maria's acceptance of the situation seemed to finally snap something inside Natasha as she silently shuffled down from Steve's arms and sat down on the edge of the table where her only baby was lying dead.
Although her entire life, her heart, her soul, her joy, was lifelessly lying there, Natasha's face was devoid of all emotions.
Not one tear was present in her eyes.
She couldn't feel anything on the inside anymore.
Damned be the moment her daughter's life was taken.
That is her only baby girl, the one she has wanted her entire life, the only one she ever had, the only one she'll ever be able to have.
Why would anyone dare to hurt her beloved little baby in such a way?
"Maria?" Natasha asked confused, her voice worryingly too calm, as she pushed her wife's head away from your chest "Why did you stop? Keep going!" She screamed "Damn it! Don't stop!"
"Tasha..." Maria sniffed, looking up at her wife with eyes filled with pain "Babe..."
"Don't 'babe' me!" Natasha kept screaming "I told you to keep going! You can't stop! You're not allowed to stop until my baby wakes up!"
Maria shook her head at Natasha before looking down and quietly starting to cry again.
"No..." Your Mama mumbled as she took you into her arms and cradled your head close to her chest "No, baby, no..."
That was the moment the scary Russian assassin really realized that no one, not even her wife, could bring her daughter back and she allowed herself to break down.
Loud wails escaped her mouth as tears ran down her cheeks, falling into your hairline, socking it wet.
"My baby!" Natasha screamed, starting to rock your body and herself back and forth "My baby! Y/N! Why? Why, baby, why? Just why? Haven't I lost enough already?! Haven't I suffered for my sins enough?! I never wanted this life! I was forced into it just to have the things I love most taken away from me!"
Maria fell to her knees beside the table as she rested her forehead on it, not being able to bring herself to look at her wife anymore.
Various people turned their heads away from the heart-wrenching sight and Wanda even covered her ears while tightly shutting her eyes closed.
"First my biological mother, then Yelena, my childhood, my choices, my adoptive family, my freedom!" Natasha screamed at no one in particular "And now my daughter! Why her? She's innocent! She didn't have to pay for my mistakes! If you really want a life, take mine! Just make my baby wake up!" Her sobs slowly started to subside "Just take mine. Please..."
Natasha numbly looked down at her daughter's head that the mother had safely tucked in her chest, trying to find comfort in that feeling as she kept rocking her child.
Humming filled the room all of a sudden as Natasha started humming the very same song that used to calm her daughter when she was a baby, silent tears still rolling down her cheeks.
She clung to your body as if her life depended on it, and refused to let go.
"Nat, I think it's time to go." Steve whispered after a few minutes, holding Natasha back by her shoulders gently "We need to get her ready for the funeral."
“No..." Natasha's voice broke "You can’t take her! Please don’t take her." She sniffed "Please, not yet. It's not her time. She's still just a baby. She needs her mama with her.”
"But we have to let her sleep, Nat." Clint started playing Natasha's game "We don't want to wake her up. You know how grumpy she is when she's woken up from her nap."
"Yeah..." Natasha nodded, lured by Clint's words "Yeah, you're right. My Y/N doesn't like to be woken up too harshly."
"See?" Clint managed to pull Natasha away from your body slightly, but his best friend still refused to fully let go of her dead child "You know I'm right. Let's go outside while she naps."
"Do you have a pillow?" Natasha stroked the back of your head "Whoever put her down for her nap didn't put a pillow under her head. I think it was Maria." She added "She usually does that because she thinks that putting her head on a pillow will hurt her neck."
"But of course that I do." Clint tried to seem enthusiastic "Just let me bring it to you."
Clint desperately looked up toward Bruce and the doctor pointed with his head towards a cabinet on the other side of the room.
Clint ran over and quickly pulled out a pillow from inside the cabinet, running just as fast with it back to Natasha.
"Thank you." Natasha took the pillow from her friend's hand and placed it down on the table "There you go, baby." She smiled, carefully lowering your head down on the pillow and moving your hair away from your eyes "That's better."
The spy pulled the blanket that was still covering your legs halfway up, tucking you in just like she used to do when you were a child.
"Sweet dreams, kitten." Natasha whispered after she kissed your forehead
"Let's go, Tasha." Clint urged when he saw that Natasha was lost in lovingly looking at your sleeping face "Let's go have a cup of coffee while she sleeps."
Natasha hesitantly nodded and Clint quickly, but carefully, scooped her up and carried her out of the room.
"What happened to her?" Maria's voice was heard again
"Eight bullet wounds all over her body." Bruce told her "One of them was fired so close to her heart that it actually managed to scrap it. Adrenaline kept her going until she arrived back here. She died of a heart arrest and excessive bleeding alongside internal bleeding that was the one to cause the heart arrest in the first place."
"Who did this to her?" Maria's heart was filled with a sudden urge for revenge
"We don't know yet." Steve answered "But we will find out. I promise."
Maria nodded before looking back at your face and tearing up.
"I hope that one day you can forgive me." Maria whispered, kissing your hand
Your Mom stood up and, with one last kiss to your forehead, she pulled the blanket all the way over your head, closing her eyes after she did to recollect herself for a second.
"I love you so much, kid." Maria said
And with that, she stormed out of the room without another word.
The true challenge came the next day because it was the day, two mothers were supposed to be burying their beloved baby six feet under in the cold and dirty ground.
Throughout the entire ceremony, Natasha was surprisingly calm and collected while Maria was putting her usual strong facade on even though everyone who looked at her could see the pain and fight in Maria's eyes.
Natasha was surprisingly calm and collected until the moment to lower the casket, with her baby inside of it, into the ground, came.
To each corner of the casket, a man was standing there.
The four men who were chosen to be the ones to lower the coffin were the very same men you used to call your favorite uncles.
At the front left of it was standing Tony.
You loved Tony because he always, without fail, gave you money and allowed you to assist him in the lab. You loved his sarcastic side and humor. And he always made sure to remind you how sorry he was for that incident when you were 6, although you told him he didn't have to worry about it anymore.
At the front right of it was standing Steve.
You loved Steve so much because he used to bake cookies for you, read you your favorite books, or teach you old songs from the time when he used to be your age and before the war started.
At the back left of it was standing Clint.
You loved Clint because he was unable to say 'no' to you. He was your mama's best friend and has been a father figure for you from the moment you were born. You loved his family. His kids were your cousins that now won't have you around them anymore to play with you and his wife, Auntie Laura as you called her, always saw you as her own child. Your sudden death left them completely devastated.
At the back right of it was standing Bucky.
You loved Bucky because you were the only person he gave his permission to stick fridge magnets on his arm. Many people requested that but only you were allowed. He always allowed you to play with Alpine, his cat, and he helped you, alongside your mothers, learn how to ride a motorcycle while also telling you stories about your Mama when she was nothing more than a teenager that he took under his wing while training her.
When the men bent down to pick the casket up, they were unexpectedly stopped by Maria.
"Wait!" She shouted, walking over "Just wait."
They thought that she wasn't ready to let go of you but instead, she silently pushed Clint aside with one pleading look and took his place.
Maria has left everyone speechless with her gesture that indicated acceptance of the fact that you were actually gone and never coming back again.
She was ready to let go of your body.
To allow you to finally rest.
"Don't you dare!" Natasha shouted at her wife when she saw Maria bending down
"I have to." Maria whispered and Natasha lost it
"I said don't!" Natasha screamed "Listen here, Hill. If you dare be the one to lower our baby into that grave I'm going to kill you. She isn't going anywhere! You're her Mom. How can you do something like this to her?"
"I'm so sorry, Tasha." Maria sniffed, guilt written on her face
"It's only your fault!" Natasha cried "Yours! I am never going to forgive you, Maria Hill! I hope you rot in hell for what you did to my baby! I hate you!"
"I just wanted to save you!" Maria tearfully shouted back "You! My wife! How was I supposed to know this was going to happen?"
"I told you!" Natasha screamed "I told you to protect her! I used my last strengths to tell you to take care of her! To go home back to her! If you had listened to me she would be alive right now! She would be safe. You would have been there for her, to help her grieve my death. She would still be alive and I would've been the one lowered in that grave today instead of my child!"
Natasha wanted to throw herself at Maria and push her away from that casket but she was held back by an invisible force who was restricting her moves.
"Wanda! Let go of me!" The spy shouted, recognizing whose magic was holding her back
"I'm sorry, Nat." Wanda tried her hardest not to burst into tears "It's for your own good."
"No!" Natasha screamed, trying to fight her unseen restraints
"Now!" Wanda shouted at the men and Maria
The next few seconds were a blur for Natasha just as they were for Maria.
One mother had to watch her baby being lowered into the grave.
The other mother had to lower her baby into the grave.
Nothing was more painful in this world than the pain caused by the loss of your child.
They know now.
Natasha and Maria know.
"Don't!" Natasha screamed as tears cascaded down her cheeks "Not her! Not my baby, my girl, my little kitten, my sweet angel! Anyone, but not her!"
And that's how a beautifully written story had a tragic ending.
For the next few days, Natasha and Maria avoided each other as much as they avoided passing by your room's door and knowing that you were not inside.
They were aware of the fact that this was a moment when they needed each other's comfort but both women were too stubborn to admit it.
Maria drowned herself in work, trying to distract herself from her feelings.
Natasha was just lying around in her bed, hugging a picture of her sweet baby girl tightly to her chest. She tried to find comfort in hugging the comforter and pretending that she was actually hugging you but her heart was telling her the painful truth that the comforter wasn't her child.
It wasn't until one week later that Natasha decided to open the door of your room and have a look inside.
It was as if her heart started bleeding.
Everything inside that room was a painful reminder of the fact that you are gone from this world.
Your Mama stepped inside shily and couldn't contain her tears as her eyes scanned every part of that room.
The room was untouched. Exactly how you left it almost two weeks ago and never returned to it.
It was as if the room was waiting for your return, frozen in time.
Your headphones and your phone were thrown on the bed, as the sheets were pulled back and the pillows messed around with.
One door of your closet was slightly open and your favorite childhood teddy bear was lonely lying in the middle of the bed.
On your desk was a project that Natasha knew you had started working on the night before they had to leave for that cursed mission that broke your family apart.
A project that will never be finished.
She carefully sat down on the edge of your bed and dared to pick up your phone.
Much to her surprise, the phone still had some battery left after so many days and Natasha rushed to get the charger and fully charge it.
She opened it and looked through all the silly pictures, funny videos, and songs you had on your phone.
"Oh, baby..." Natasha sighed deeply "I miss you so much! I miss you more than anything. I want to be with you wherever you are."
"If you go to her then her sacrifice was in vain." Maria leaned in the door frame and looked at her wife "She died to save us. She gave her life for ours. If we take our lives then her death was for nothing. Believe me. I thought about this option. We must keep living for her."
"It hurts so bad." Natasha quietly cried, forgetting about any resentment she had for Maria at that moment "Every part of my body hurts me. Everything remainds me about her absence. I don't know if I can keep living like this, Maria."
"We have to." Maria walked over to Natasha and kneeled in front of her "This isn't any easier for me as well. I was her mom too. She was my baby just as much as she was yours. She was ours."
"She's our perfect baby girl." Natasha sniffed, unable to talk about you in the past "We weren't good people but she somehow managed to take that small part of goodness we had in us and turn herself into the sweetest girl this world has ever known."
"You're right." Maria smiled sadly "That's why we need to live. To remember her and to take her legacy forward."
"She didn't even get to know that mission was supposed to be our last." Natasha whimpered "We were going to retire for her. Just like she asked us so many times."
"I know..." Maria whispered
The couple looked into each other's eyes and only saw pain inside there.
Maria pulled Natasha into a hug and they both melted into that embrace.
That's what they have left.
Their love and support.
"I love her so much!" Natasha cried on Maria's shoulder
"I love her too." Maria cried as well "She's going to be with us forever in our hearts. I know she will be."
"We'll see you again, baby." Natasha whispered, secretly hoping that her daughter, from wherever she was right now, could hear her "If not in this life then in the afterlife or another lifetime. But we will meet again. I promise, sweetheart."
One thing is for sure.
You saved your mothers.
They’re alive.
But they wish they were dead.
They are alive only on the outside without you, but dead on the inside as a part of them died with you.
Life is unfair.
It gives you one thing only to brutally rip another one away from you.
And yet the question remains.
You call a child without parents an orphan, but what do you call a parent without their child?
Because there's no existing word in any language to be able to describe such pain.
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iceman-kazansky · 1 year
Hi! I'd like to request a Webster x fem!nurse!reader one shot. Something about their first meeting after the war. They fall in love while Webster is in the hospital, but when the war is over they part ways, but he can't forget her and finds her home to see her. If you are not busy of course. Love you and your blog 💗
A Reunion Not Thought Possible
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Pairings: David Webster x f!reader
Requested: By another lovely anon
Warnings: Uhh.. Mentions of Explosives, kissing? I think that's it.
Summary: When the war ended, you were hundreds of miles away, with no hope of finding each other after. Yet, here he is.
A/n: as much of my work, I don't like this one very much, and I feel like my writing style switched randomly. I hope you like it Anon 🥺
Like many, You remember where you were the day the war came to an end. At the time, you remember you had been bandaging up a nasty leg wound and applying a thick layer of gauze and a white bandage over it. It was then the news bearer came in, shouting and out of breath: “The war’s over! The japs surrendered!” before they were off to the next tent.
The celebration had been large, larger than any celebration you’d ever seen. There was drinking, lots of it, and someone had managed to get their hands on fireworks (or explosives, for you had only heard the story rather than witnessed it,) and had lit late in the evening.
It was even crazier when you arrived by boat to San Francisco, there were millions of people crowding the docks, welcoming the soldiers home. You remember setting your feet down on American soil again, you hadn’t been home in nearly 3 years, but it was such an odd yet wonderful feeling. To be home.
But of course, when the war ended, another relationship you'd never thought of how it'd work after the war, ended too.
As of right now you were cleaning your house– could you believe it? You bought your own house after the war!– when suddenly, the doorbell rang.
Which was odd, because you weren't expecting any visitors. Although, it could just be the postman? Or something like that.
When you pulled open the door, you were met with a dashing but very familiar face. His mouth was open, as if he was going to speak, but nothing ever came. He stood there like a fool with no words to explain why or how. Something he'd later chastise himself for when he remembered the embarrassing incident.
Moments passed when you both just stared. One, too lovestruck to talk and the other? Too scared to speak in fear her words would make the man she never thought she'd see again disappear.
David finally snapped out of his reverie, "Hello," he spoke gently. Almost like he was talking to a wounded animal, afraid it might flee.
Did you not recognize him?
Davis rid himself of the thought, of course you remembered him, right?
With a shaky hand, he extended the bouquet towards you, "These are for you."
A smile stretched onto your face as you took the flowers delicately and retreated back into the house, leaving the door open while saying from the kitchen: "Come, sit down."
David removed his shoes and shut the door behind him when he entered. He followed you to the kitchen, watching as you filled a clear vase with water and clipped the stems off the flowers.
Webster observed from the doorway in silence, taking note of the way you practically danced across the kitchen, finally placing the vase on an open counter and turning around to face him, "Would you like a drink? I've got tea, coffee, or some water."
"I'll have tea, please." He responds absently. You don't realize it, of course, but his mind is trying to make a decision. He's still not sure if you remember who he was, but, Oh– he sure hopes you do. He can barely contain himself when he blurts, "Do you remember?"
Turning to look at him again, a quizzical look crosses your face before it returns back to a warm grin that makes his heart 'ba-bump' wildly in his chest. "How could I forget?"
David feels a smile pulling at his lips and a soft sigh of relief eludes him and he steps closer, nearly cornering you against the counter, “I had to come find you,” he says, “I just couldn’t live my life knowing we had something and never got the chance to act on it.”
“I’m glad you did,” Your voice is barely above a whisper when his hand reaches up to cup your cheek.
His eyes dart down to your lips. Subconsciously, his tongue darts out to wet his own lips as his eyes draw back to yours, “Can I kiss you?”
In a hushed tone, you answer: "Please."
Instantly, David closes the gap between your lips in a fiery kiss. His lips were molded against your own, passion flowing between you two.
The kiss was only broken off when he pulled away for a gasp of air, his forehead resting against yours, "I love you."
"I love you more," you reply
Nothing could describe how forever grateful you'd be that David did find you. In all honesty, you had thought there was never a chance of finding him again after the war ended. But how he did find you was a story for another time, one that would be discussed at a later date because right now all you wanted to do was hold and love David for he had found you. A reunion believed impossible.
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Don't be shy little one pt 4 : final
Gwendoline christie x fem! Fan reader
Warning: fluff, angst, comfort, hurting, pillow fight,crying, indecent language, heart break, sad ending, divorce, flashbacks, memories.
A/n: Don't cry just enjoy :) :(
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You remember it all. The way your heart ached, the way your life changed in a heartbeat.
You remember the love she gaved you:
You and gwen laid in bed naked. You were already falling asleep. Her hand rubbed small circles on your back as she kissed your forehead.
" I love you y/n " she whispered pulling your sleeping body closer to her.
" beyond stars" were the last words you were able to catch as sleep killed you.
The way she always protected you:
A paparazzi grabbed your hand and tossed you around to face him. You whinced in pain.
" just one picture mrs.christie please" he shouted grabbing your arm again.
" let go of me" you shouted, you voice broke, showing that you were scared and hurt. Something that made Gwen's heart ache.
" she said let go you idiot" gwen said as she punched the guy in the face.
There was so much white noise going on. You covered your ears like a kid as you watched gwen beat up the guy brutally making, his colleagues run away.
Gwen held you firmly and walk you out of the airport. After you were out safe she lectured her bodyguards for not paying better attention to you.
" thank you" you said hugging her tightly.
" of course my little angel, I'll do anything to protect you. I wasn't gonna let that asshole touch you like that, never in a million years will I let someone abuse you like that baby" she whispered as she coverd your face in kisses.
The way she was never had a problem with spending money on you:
" hey gwen" you called out, from the shoe isle.
" yeah?" You heard her faintly respond.
" can you come here please" you replied softly, gwen almost melted at your baby voice. She came into the isle and slowly approached you.
" I wanted theses moon boots but look at the price" you said sadly, gwen bent down a little and took a look at the white paper that had the price of the shoes written on it.
Price: 3,000
" what color do you want baby?" She asked standing back up straight.
You looked at her with confusion.
" I wanted 2 actually a white and maybe red" you said, but the price, the damn price.
" put them in the cart" she said looking at some leather jackets.
" you'd actually buy then for me?" You asked slightly shocked.
She turned to face you again. She placed a soft kiss on your lip.
" I'd buy you then world if it was possible, my princess" she said nodding at you, you quickly remembered that shoes and picked them up.
On the drive home you couldn't stop looking at her and smiling.
" you know i can feel you staring at me right?" She asked slightly chuckling.
You smiled softly at her.
" who did I get so lucky?" She smiled and took her eyes off the road for a second to look at you. You had heart shaped eyes.
" I should be the one asking that question y/n" she said kissing your cheek.
The way she was always worried about you:
All you heard was this massive explosion. You spring awoke and rubbed your eyes.
You looked at the sight before you.
Gwen had broke down the bedroom door.
You looked at the clock on the wall.
She had just came off set from acting.
" what the actual fuck gwen we just got this house" you shouted, your voice all raspy and cute from sleep.
" I'm so sorry babe, it's just that I've been calling you and you didn't pick up, I thought something bad had happened" she spoke softly, clearly scared.
You picked up your phone from the dresser and checked your call logs.
67 missed calls
17 voice mails
2 missed FaceTime calls
10 unread messages
You smiled softly and placed your phone back down on to charge.
" I'm fine, didn't know my wife worked for the FBI, how many kicks did it take?" You asked as she crawled onto the bed to hug you.
" 1" she said, you giggled. She pulled you closer to her chest and kissed your forehead.
" and i'd do it again" she whispered.
" yeah I don't think so ms. hulk, do you know how much it will take to fix back that door" you said, snuggling closer to her.
Soon you fell asleep again. And you felt safe.
Gwen was your everything, your safe place, your home, your companion, your comfort, your sunshine, your success, your friend, your wife she meant the world to you.
You remembered when you first met her. You were just a young fan at one of her red carpet events who just wanted their favorite celebrity to sign their autograph.
But she saw something special in you. You were the first person in 24 years to actually understand her.
You still remember the day gwen asked you to be her girlfriend. In Paris at a very fancy restaurant called " la Gabriel"
And then day she asked to be her wife at the Maldives.
She always made you feel special and loved something you never felt.
Gwen and you had an unbreakable bond.
That was until you both announced your relationship on social media, things went downhill.
Your marriage went south and no matter how many times you both tried to save it. Nothing seemed to work.
Gwen was always at work, busy with work. You didn't slaughter her for that because so were you.
You both always argued over stupid stuff.
She truly loved you and so did you.
You both were planning to have a family together but life had other plans.
The day that broke you the most was the day you and gwen got divorced, well sign your divorce papers.
You couldn't look at her. You felt guilty.
You've been crying for days. Your eyes were puffy, you were always sniffing.
You were a sun glasses to hide your tears but gwen saw right through your fake barrier.
" y/l/n it's time to sign the papers then gwen" the lawyer said. You took off the glasses and took in a deep breath and let out a shaky one.
Your eyes met her gaze.
Right then and there every good moment you both had with each other came flooding back.
You fell to the floor and broke down.
" I- I can't I'm sorry" you mumbled, as you sniffed. You sobbed and sobbed.
How could you divorce the only person that loved you. Truly loved you...
" I- I withdraw" you whimpered, as you dry your tears.
" Well gwendoline what's your response?" The lawyer asked. Gwendoline couldn't take her eyes off you.
She stayed silent. Her heart broke into a million pieces.
She wanted to hug you so bad. She hated seeing you sad. It made her heart break.
You both were given a month to figure things out then come back in and sign the papers. That's if gwen also withdraws.
What ever both your fates may be. Your heart will go on.......
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Hi there! I read your drabble with Sukuna and Kinie and I loved it! Can you write another one like when one of Sukuna's enemies dared to harm her. And he would be a raging angry boss.
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((Hi there dear, hope your doing well this evening. Also, I'm happy you liked it! But I can write another one for you so just give me a moment please.))
((Also again Kinie ger belongs to my wonderful friend @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
The guards were nervous unsure of how to tell Sukuna this when he was just done with a meeting. How mad do they think he will get when hearing this? Or how badly they would have to beg him not to kill them for this. With a gulp, they knock to wait for him to answer.
"Come in.." hearing his calm voice, they open the door seeing Sukuna with his followers after a meeting. He seems so happy right now but he looks seeing his guards.
"Oh, it's you two. Is their something you need to report to me?" he said but he seems happy though the guards were scared knowing that would change.
"Y...Yes sir. We ummm..have some news regarding one enemy.." he said but Sukuna blinks to wait as the guards stood there.
"..W..Well..." that goes to them explaining what happened. The others were silent hearing this but Sukuna's eyes widen hearing the report and his followers were silent. In a moment, the guards looks to Sukuna but they felt their faces pale seeing the calm boss now having a dark radiant anger of energy from his body.
"........." Not saying a word, he goes to Kinie's room to check on her. The guards along with his followers follow him but they knew the enemy fucked up.
In a moment, the guards saw Sukuna already in the room but he was sitting by a tired but bandaged up Kinie. He was gently caressing her cheek worried as she was knocked out. He was told she got attacked by his enemies trying to take her to be sold but thanks to Uruame he got her away from the fuckers.
"Lord Sukuna, she hasn't suffered anything serious..but they did try to kidnap her sir.." He said but Sukuna said nothing to see her but he didn't like seeing her this hurt. He hated it! How dare those assholes harm his princess!
Growling deeply in anger, he stood up but looks at the window. "......You two.." the guards tense hearing the fury in his voice. "Which one harmed my princess?" he said.
"...W...we......we are unsure. We didn't know know or see how but-"
"..You fucking idiots don't know!?" he said but Uruame clears his throat.
"I know who. It was the yakuza gang in the north my lord. They were trying to re drug her again to take her away......" he said but Sukuna looks more angry that he only flexed his hand ready to slatter them. In a moment, he looks to turn but the guards move out his way seeing the murder look in his red eyes.
"......I'll be back. Uruame. Stay here and keep watch of her. I'll be back.." he growls to leave but the guards were scared almost wetting themselves. Uruame knew he was angry right now but he didn't blame him. Not when finding out one of his enemies harmed what he cared about. For now, he goes to keep watch on Kinie for him.
"You two go and get some warm food and tea for Kinie.."he said as the two leave.
~~~~~~Later that night~~~~~~~
The enemy of Sukuna were angry they lost the target but they would try again knowing where she was. The leader was furious wanting to have Kinie to himself but they had to get pass the king of curses or the boss of the world.
"I can't believe you idiots failed in getting her here! i need to get her away from him then I can make her my toy. She seems perfect with the drugs we could inject her with." he looks to the new drugs with some of his own followers wondering who.
"I'm sure next time we will sir." One said as the boss knew that. They can get her again. It was just a matter of time of course. However, as they were planning, a explosion was heard making the leader tense. What the hell was that!? He got his answer hearing screams of terror but hearing some being killed from the blood that hits the walls and glass.
"!?" Some of his followers stood wondering what the hell was going on but that's when the door got smashed down by another guard who lost his head! It was ripped off it seems leaving the body there. The leader tenses seeing the blood gushing out from the stub of the neck before hearing footsteps.
They looked through the door to see bodies hanging everywhere or some being torn apart. Burned and unrecognizable for anyone. Heck, he even had some with their heads hanging on metal spikes.
"......You assholes have a lot of fucking nerve to harm my girl?" said a cold voice seeing the others now afraid. A blood covered Sukuna ryomen was holding a dead body that was scorched but he was killing everyone that dared harm his Kinie.
"W..what the fuck!?" he shouted seeing his followers about to aim and shoot but he waves his hand to have their heads cut clean off. The leader shook seeing blood spilling everywhere to the bodies falling to the ground. That's when Sukuna walks inside but he looks angry to the leader who backs up.
When Sukuna got close, he grabs the leader by the throat to start strangling him that the other chocked kicking his feet. "You should have stayed away from my princess you dog...no one..and I mean No one harms my princess..I don't give a shit who you are..I won't let you live after what your goons did to her." he said glaring that the other was scared.
"W..wait spare me please! We can make a deal! I can pay you! Just let me go!" he said but all Sukuna did was laugh strangling him even worse that his eyes were wide foaming at the mouth.
"Oh now you ask for that..well too bad. I can't spare you because you dare harm her...you end up dead.." he growls before the leader screams in pure fear before he was killed. Seeing the leader now dead, Sukuna would have this place burned down along with the bodies too then turns to head back.
Later that night, Kinie was awake after being treated but she was hugging a blanket around her body worried about Sukuna but during that time, she tenses hearing the door open to show Sukuna. He was cleaned of blood but he came to her.
"My princess..you are awake. How are you feeling?" he asked walking in but goes to sit down by her that Kinie looks down at the floor.
"Sore but..I'm alright....where were you? Are you-"
"I'm fine princess but I'm more worried of making sure your alright." he touches her cheek but Kinie relaxed from his touch. She felt calm and safe still to close her eyes.
"I'm alright....but...." She remembers what happened today but Sukuna knew to sigh.
"Don't think about it too much princess. They are taken care of so they won't harm you ever again. I won't let another dare try it again." he said. "Though, I'll be sure one of my more trusted followers is with you if you wish to head out to the city. Seems I can't trust my guards just yet."
"...I'm sorry..I got curious but.....I'm sorry-"
"Shhhhh you are fine but you'll have someone to keep you safe. I have too many enemies but most don't dare try anything unlike those idiots. So instead, I'll be sure your by my side so I can keep protecting you. I don't want you to be hurt like that again...my princess." he said but as he said this, Kinie looks to him when he gently picks her up to sit her on his lap to hug her close. His cheek nuzzling the top of her black hair. He even slips a gentle kiss to her forehead saying he wished he was there to kill them before they harmed or lays a hand on her.
"I'm sorry my princess. I'll find a way to owe you back for this...but you just rest for me..I'm here now." he said still holding her in his arms gently.
She blinks to look down but she relaxed against his chest as he held her. Sukuna was happy to have her back and is safe. He knew she can fight but she was still recovering. For now, he would insure she stays safe even if it means he would be by her side no matter what.
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diavolosbaby · 2 years
id like to request a MC who is extremely sensitive to loud noises due to previous abuse in the human realm? like they break down really easily when it happens? Could i get this with lucifer? just want a little bit of comfort, remember to drink water and eat!
Sure hon :)
thank you, you too!
"It's ok to lean on me."
Characters: Lucifer
Genre: comfort, angst to comfort
Pronouns: They/them
The teacher's ramblings went in one ear and out the other. You knew what to do. But you were scared that some idiot didnt.
It was such an easy task, remember what 3 ingredients to mix together to make the potion and mix them. Make the correct thing, get an A. One mistake and the whole classroom could go up in flames. You were shaking. Sweating. Just so anxious! who could blame you? You didn't want a loud surprise.
You hated loud noises. Especially when you aren't expecting them. You knew it was a bit silly, but you had good reason. Reasons you didn't like to talk about.
"Flame rose petals... Exactly 76 grains of charcoal rice... And... And..."
"What was it?"
You couldn't remember. You couldn't for the life of you. You went through the study sessions in your head and tried your best to remember.
"And... And.... Grind them."
"Then you... Pour in an ounce of salt water...?"
"No. Not right. It's... It's the ringed octopus's ink...! Yes, I'm sure of it!"
You poured the ink into the dry ingredients and...
There was nothing.
You smiled to yourself. "Worried for nothing. Now let's just hope-"
You jumped.
Your eyes were wide and watering, your mouth was dry, and your lips were quivering.
The professor yelled at the student and ran to take out the fire.
You felt a tear roll down your face. You slowly stood up and walked out of the classroom. The professor was too distracted to notice. But there was someone who did notice you.
He was monitoring the halls when he saw you out of the corner of his eye stumbling to the bathroom with your fists clenched, you seemed kind of stiff. He wanted to know if you were alright.
You sat in the last stall, sobbing with your hand over your mouth, trying your best to muffle the noise. You heard a "tap... Tap... Tap..." And looked down. It was those familiar shoes you made fun of for being "grandpa shoes" the other day.
You quickly wiped your tears and took in a big sniff. Before he could ask you anything you questioned him. "Is this about what mammon did? I had nothing to do with it this time so go away please I need privacy."
There was a pause.
"No... This isn't about that. I'm glad to hear you weren't involved though. But away from mammon, is something the matter with you?"
"No? Why?"
He could hear it in your voice. Heck, you could even hear it in your voice. Is was unsteady, squeaky, cracking at every other word. You cursed yourself for letting him see you like this.
"If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. Although...I will find out soon enough. So it's better to do so now."
"I just got scared is all. I'll be fine." You muttered.
"What scared you?"
"An explosion. Some idiot in my chemistry class couldn't remember a simple formula. Guess I wasn't expecting it and got spooked. That's it. So.. Can you please go?"
Lucifer took a step towards your stall and placed his hand on the door.
"Yes. I heard it too. It was loud. Just as loud as the fireworks from last month's festival. You didn't want to come but did anyway. You were covering your ears and shaking the whole time. Eventually excusing yourself. This isn't the only other time I've noticed this. So, tell me MC. Why?"
He payed that much attention to you? You never would've guessed.
"People have phobias. I guess I have a phobia of loud noises. Always have."
You could feel the tension even with the stall door blocking the view of his face.
"A phobia that started in the human realm. And... Started from my family. They weren't the nicest people. At least to me."
"I take it they were loud?" He asked sternly.
"Yeah. Yells... To throws... To..."
"I see." He interrupted, not wanting to hear any more.
"MC, open the door."
You were hesitant, but you obliged.
As soon as the door was open he brought you into his arms, cradleing your head. "How anyone could do that to someone such as yourself I have no idea. You don't even come close to deserving any of that."
You nodded and took in his scent, it immediately relaxing you. "God, that professor is still shouting. Does it bother you? No matter. I'll have a talk with him."
You were almost asleep at this point, with the position, the scent, and the sound of his voice you were basically putty in his hands. And you liked it. You liked feeling so secure, so safe.
"MC, I too am guilty of raising my voice, even yelling. Loud noises as well. Now, listen. I'll try my best to not do any of that around you. Alright? You have my word."
Your eyes feel so heavy...
I want you to lean on me."
"If you are ever uncomfortable or upset, I want you to come to me. I'll find a solution for all your problems. I want to be your key to everything. Alright?"
He waited for a response but soon softened at the sound of your soft snores.
He picked you up bridal style and carried you off to the house of lamentation and into his room, where you awake hours after school had ended to him writing on his desk, next to you.
Without turning around, it's like he could since that you're awake, he said,
"Feel free to come to me anytime if you are distressed. Anytime."
This felt kinda short and it might seem rushed but I wanted to get it out to you fast since it's comfort!
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whoreadsnowadays · 2 years
You know the typical scene where the Hero has to convice you to stay away from the danger, to take shelter or something? That there's no other option or no more argument about it; and then s/o pull from his plaston (chest) and kiss him on the lips, with an explosion in the background. "You better come back." They say firmly, to not cry. Rise! Turtles reaction? Think that It might be their FIRST KISS❣️
THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS DUDE I LOVE THIS PROMPT SO MUCH U HAVE NO IDEA- I rly took this and ran with it so they're a little long lol but GOD I LOVE SM
Honestly it's written like a one-shot and I could've absolutely changed the formatting, but I'm writing this under my desk in the middle of class I'm not takin any chances by taking longer :[
Warnings: mentioned character death, cussing, general angst, pls lemme know if anything else should be warned !
( Romantic ) Rise ! Turtles x Gender Neutral Reader
"Come Back."
The explosions are loud behind you, you can barely think past the sound and the flashes and feeling of the ground shaking beneath your feet.
You look at him, trying not to let your anxiety show. His brothers have already moved towards the fight, but he stayed back a bit, for you.
It's obvious that he's not going to be left behind for long, he knows he's needed, and so do you.
"..I'm coming with." You decide, standing up straight with shaking legs.
His expression contorts into one of pure horror. An emotion you had never seen from him.
You step forward, determined to stride past him into the fray, but his hands on your shoulders stop you.
- Raph -
He looks like he's about to break down in front of you
Sure you've seen him scared before, smelled him scared before too, but this? This is different than a simple spider in the kitchen, this is serious. This is life or death.
"Please don't. Please. I can't- I'm already risking my brothers- my family.. I can't risk you too."
"You don't know how to fight! All you know is simple defense moves- this is big! Really big! I can't- you can't go, you can't, please don't-"
It hurt to listen to him like this. It hurt to see him slowly crumble in front of you, so obviously scared for everyone around him.
You made a decision then and there, hoping that it was the right one
He stared down at the ground in front of you, still begging with you not to go, when suddenly your hands were on his face and your lips were on his.
You pulled back, tears streaming down both your faces.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you, before you sniffled and nodded resolutely.
"You better come back." You demand of him, voice shaking as you slowly step back to let him go.
He takes a big deep breath and nods, slowly moving away from you as well.
"I will."
And then he's gone, and you're left to hope.
- Donnie -
He looks at you with a barely contained scowl
He's holding your shoulders as tight as he can, and you can feel him shake as he does so.
"You're going to get yourself killed."
His voice is as level as he can make it, trying so hard not to collapse into a panic attack.
"Donnie-" you try to protest, your voice displaying every intense emotion you were feeling at once, and that about broke him
"No! No you can't come with us! You can't fight, it's too dangerous for an on field medic, you're going to get yourself killed!"
"What about you?! What if you die?! Huh? What if your tech malfunctions, or they rip off your battle shell and leave you defenseless? What then!?"
You practically yelled in his face, and he simply gaped at you as you did so
You felt bad as soon as the words fell from your mouth, and you couldn't help the tears that fell as you glanced down to the ground between the both of you
"I.. I'm sorry D, I-"
And then he was kissing you.
Leaning forward and holding your shoulders even tighter than before. He was kissing you like his life depended on it.
You gaped at him as he pulled away, staring at you with unshed tears in his eyes.
"I'll be careful. Extra careful. I.. I'll be back, and we can.. do whatever you want. Okay?"
You stared at him for a moment, before a teary smile found its way onto your face.
"Okay. Yeah."
He nodded shakily, slowly letting go of your shoulders before taking a step or two back.
He gave you one last look before he flew out of sight.
You took a breath and nodded resolutely, turning when you heard the terrified screams from the new york civilians.
You couldn't be on the front lines, but, you decided, you could handle crowd control.
- Leo -
You can tell he's struggling with himself, trying to decide what route to take in this situation
Normally you'd give him time to think over his words, knowing his brain worked a little too fast sometimes
But now there was no time to think.
"Leo I'm coming with, I'm not letting you guys go by yourself. I can't.. I can't let you go by yourself."
Leo met your gaze and seemed to come to a decision, giving you a small smile.
"We'll be okay. You just have to trust us yeah?"
"How do you know that?"
"I just do-"
"No you don't Leo! You don't know!" You exclaimed, causing his smile to fall right off his face
"You have no idea what's about to happen! and I need to be there in case you all-!"
He panicked and reached for your face, pressing his lips to yours in one quick movement
The action stunned you into silence, and you watched as he pulled back, a little surprised with himself.
After a moment of nothinh, he gave you another smile, obviously forced, but trying so hard.
"We'll be fine. Me and the others are just.. we're out for patrol? Yeah? And we'll be back before you know it."
You blinked at him, before slowly nodding, playing along with his ploy to calm you.
"Okay. Okay, I'll.. see you when you get back" you mumbled, and his smile became just a bit more genuine
"Yeah. See ya." And then he was turning, rushing off to catch up with his brothers, as you turned away from them all, forcing yourself to believe Leo's obvious lie.
They'd be back. And you'd help them if they.. just so happened to have a few injuries from, "patrol"
- Mikey -
He stared for a second before pulling you into a tight hug.
You hugged back as tight as you could, and you both mutually felt the other shake in your arms.
He buried his face in your shoulder, mumbling his words almost inaudibly
"Please don't, I can't stop you but please don't." Hearing his broken voice made your tears finally fall
"I.. If I don't come then you might.."
"It won't help if you do!" He exclaimed, squeezing you even tighter.
"I want you to come and be there, I want to be able to see you at all times, but I'd only be putting you in danger!" He sobbed, lifting his head to look at you.
You watched as he broke down in front of you, begging you to understand why you couldn't come with.
But the only thing you could really think of is how much you loved him. And how little time you potentially had left.
You slowly raised your hands to his face, staring into his eyes as he slowly quieted under your gaze
You leaned forward, pressing your lips to his as softly as you could, trying to portray every ounce of love you felt for him.
He stared at you with stars in his eyes as you pulled away, a small smile forming on your face despite it all
You'd give anything to just pluck him away from all this, but unfortunately, that was impossible.
"Okay." You mumbled, nodding once.
He sniffled, reaching up to wipe his eyes before meeting your gaze again and nodding back.
And with one final squeeze, you pushed him off of you and towards his brothers, giving him a reassuring smile as he ran off into the battle.
He'd be okay. And so would you. You'd have a happily ever after if it killed you.
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dameronsknight · 2 years
Droids and napkins // poe dameron x fem!reader
warnings: sadness, angst but poe and bb8 are sweethearts
word count: idk dude i just typed it all
part 1 part 2 part 3
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Those eyes that I knew so well were suddenly filled with anger and a certain darkness I never thought I would see.
It all started during night time, at my uncle Luke's jedi temple. I was sleeping, we all were, tired of that day's training activities. Suddenly, a crashing sound woke me up and startled me. I looked around my room but everything was in it's place. What could possibly be going on-
"BEN, NO!"
It sounded like Uncle Luke. What the hell? I stepped out of my room and looked around. My eyes fell on my brother's hut- or what was the remains of his hut. My eyebrows scrunched together and my heart started racing. A billion thoughts passed through my mind, but nothing came close to what actually happened.
I walked further away from my hut and around the other ones. My whole body jumped as I heard another explosion and I turned around, trying to find the sound. I stook my hand out which made my lightsaber fly to me, I didn't ignite it just in case, not wanting to draw attention to myself if there was any enemy.
When I poked my head out of my hiding spot, I spotted one of the students hiding behind a hut as well. He saw me and gave me a look as if asking 'What's going on?' I shrugged and shook my head. A yellowish light started to light ahead of us. Fire. The student turned on his lightsaber and starting walking towards it.
"Are you crazy? No! Don't go!" I whisper shouted but he just put his hand up and kept on walking. Where the hell was Ben? I need to make sure he was alright. I followed my fellow classmate, but when I turned a corner, I saw him standing in front of my brother. It didn't seem like a friendly encounter, both of them were in a fighting stance. They were talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Ben looked... angry. I've never seen him like that. All of a sudden, Ben grabbed his lightsaber and struck the student across the chest. My hand flew to my mouth to cover my scream. No, this can't be happening...
Ben lifted his face and met my frightened gaze. I immediately ran away and hid in my hut. I was shaking while I paced around. No... No... What is he doing? Why did he do that? Where's uncle Luke?
A few minutes passed by, filled by a bunch of screams and explosions. I sunk to the floor and brought my knees to my chest, hugging myself. I heard nervous beeps from far away. R2-D2... Maker, please protect him...
Then, I heard footsteps coming closer to my hut, and I could sense the presence of my brother.
"Y/N..." Ben said and my breath hitched. "I just wanna talk." I shut my eyes and shook my head. I was convinced that my own brother was going to kill me.
I heard the door open and I slowly looked up. Ben stood in front of me, his face was serious and I didn't notice that I was crying until I saw him. He slowly walked towards me and I backed up until my body hit my bed, trying to make myself smaller. Ben crouched in front of me and sighed. "Come with me." He said.
I just stared at him, confused and scared. "Wh..." I started to say but it was hard to breathe. "Wh- What did you do?" I asked. Ben clenched his jaw and I could feel his emotions. His mind was being consumed by darkness. He was falling... and I couldn't save him.
"Luke betrayed me... us." He said and I frowned. "You have to come with me." I shook my head.
"What are you talking about?" I asked barely above a whisper. None of this made sense. A couple of shadows appeared and I looked behind him. I recognized the faces of some of the students, but there were some missing. My heart sunk. "What happened to the rest?" I asked after looking at Ben.
"They didn't make the right choice. So I spared them with the benefit of living. Unwise of them." He said and his voice was so different. So dark.
"Ben this isn't you. What in maker's name are you doing?" I asked, my voice getting louder.
"You're wasting time. You need to come with me." He said, making me scoff.
"And what if I don't? Hm? You're gonna kill me just like you killed the rest?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"Eventually." He said. "It will eventually kill you. Do you really think you can be a jedi? You're weak, Y/N. But you don't have to be. Not if you join me... We belong in the dark side."
"No! That's not who we are. That's not who YOU are, Ben! I'm not going with you. Kill me if you want. I'm not going on that path." I said sternly. This really was it... I was going to die.
Ben looked into my eyes for a few more seconds before sighing and standing up. The rest of the students ignited their lightsabers, ready to follow orders and attack me. I closed my eyes and prepared myself. "No." Ben suddenly said. "Leave her. She'll die here anyways." More tears fell from my eyes and I whimpered. I was scared and all I wanted was to find the next person I could trust. Uncle Luke.
They walked out of my hut and Ben didn't look back at me. When he was outside, I heard him scream and destroy another hut, the explosion making me jump. "Ben... please... don't leave me..." I whispered out into the air. As if he could hear me, but he didn't. I cried and waited a few minutes until all I could hear was the noise of flames and burning huts.
I stood up and slowly walked out of my room. Maker... it was all destroyed. Everything was burning, and the fir was catching up to my hut so I ran away from it. Once I got to a spot away from the fire, I looked back and felt completely helpless.
Beep bwroop...
The noise made me look to my left and I saw R2-D2. "R2! You're okay!" I said as I ran to him. Placing my hand on his head, I kept on crying. And then, I sensed something... I looked ahead and it was Uncle Luke. His face showed shock and fear as he looked at me. I quickly stood up from the place where I was crouched down next to the droid, and backed away.
"Master Skywalker..." I gasped. He slowly walked towards me, but I kept on backing away. "I couldn't stop him... I c-couldn't stop h-him, I'm sorry." I said, my voice stuttering and breath hitching. I was panicking and I felt ashamed. I let him down...
"Y/N..." He said softly. I fell to my knees and shook my head, looking at the ground.
"I'm so sorry, Uncle Luke." I cried out, tightening my grip on my lightsaber...
"Beep boop?"
The noise repeated itself. I looked up and I saw a small droid. He was orange and white and round. He tilted his little head as he looked at me. "Beep boop boop." Are you okay?
I looked at the droid and then at my surroundings, remembering where I was. The hangar. It's been 5 hours since I came back. When I got off the ship, the one my mother sent to look for me, I didn't want to talk to anybody. So I chose the hangar to hide and cry.
Looking back at the droid, I slowly nodded. "Yeah... yeah I'm fine." I sniffed and looked down at my hand. I was curled up with my back against a pile of boxes. The droid could not show any expressions, it only had one black little "eye", but it was like it was uncertain of my response.
Beep beep. Wait. And with that it rolled away.I stared in the direction it had left and then I buried my face in my knees, thinking it had gave up on me.
Little did I know that the droid rolled away to look for someone. His owner. When he did find him sitting at a table with a holopad in his hands, he rolled faster. Beep boop! Beep boop! Poe! Poe!
Poe turned to the direction of his little droid and smiled. "BB-8! What's up, buddy?" He asked and crouched down.
Brroop beep beep. Human girl crying. Poe frowned. "What? Who's crying?" He asked.
BB-8 started rolling around Poe while beeping frantically. Follow me! She is over here. He said and rolled away. Poe ran after him calling his name, but the droid just kept on rolling back to the hangar so Poe would follow him.
When BB-8 abruptly stopped so did an out of breath Poe. "Buddy, what the hell? What's going on? Who's-?" He started asking but stopped once he looked up and saw a curled up figure on the floor crying. "Oh."
Beep boop boop. She's been crying for a long time. Poe started walking slowly towards the figure.
I heard footsteps coming close to me. "Hi." A voice said, making me look up and through teary eyes, I saw a man. I quickly wiped my tears and looked away. "Uh... h-hi." I muttered.
"You okay there?" He asked.
I nodded and looked down. The guy sighed and sat down next to me but at a certain distance. He reached into his pockets and took out something, handing it to me. When I looked at what was in his hand, I realized it was a napkin. "It looks like you need it more than me." He said. I looked at the napkin, at him, and then back at the napkin before taking it from his hand.
"Thank you." I said and I wiped my face that was absolutely filled with tears. He nodded and folded his hands on his lap.
"You new here? In the Resistance, I mean." He asked and I stared at the napkin in my hands.
"... Not exactly." I said as I slowly shook my head.
From the corner of my eye I could see that he was confused, but he decided not to ask any further about it. We sat in silence for a few minutes. "You don't have to be here. Really... I'm fine." I said.
He looked at me and shook his head. "I don't like seeing people be sad and not do anything about it. I'd like to help." He said kindly. His whole presence was kind. Gentle... It was too much for me.
"There's nothing you can do..." I said and I could feel the lump in my throat appear again.
"I don't know who you are or what happened, but... I'm here. You can talk to me." He said. I lifted my head and looked into his eyes. Warm... gentle eyes. So different to the ones I cried about hours ago. The thought made me shake my head and look down again.
Bweep boop beep. Do you need anything? The droid said before softly nudging my leg. I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. Thank you."
"You can understand him?" The man asked and I nodded. "That's great! His name is BB-8." He said and I looked back at the droid and smiled.
"Nice to meet you, BB-8. I'm Y/N." I said. The droid tilted his head and beeped. Nice to meet you too, Y/N.
"Y/N... cute name. I'm Poe. Poe Dameron." Poe said and stook his hand out with a soft smile on his face. I gently took his hand and shook it. Muttering a thanks for the compliment of my name. "We don't generally find girls crying in the hangar so forgive us for worrying about it." He said. That made me chuckle.
"I don't generally hide in hangars to cry. It's alright." I said and looked at Poe who chuckled as well.
"So I know you said you're not exactly new here but... you are new to me. Are you joining the resistance?" Poe asked.
"I... I don't know." I said and looked ahead to where all of the X-Wings were. Dad... Maker, he's gonna be so disappointed in me when he finds out-
"Well if you do, and if you ever wanna cry again in the hangar, you can always count on us to keep you company. If you want." Poe said and BB-8 beeped in agreement.
"I don't know if I'll be able to join... after what happened..." I said. Poe furrowed his eyebrows.
"What do you mean? What happened? I still don't understand." He asked. I looked at him, trying to find the words, but I just shook my head.
"No. Nothing, never mind." I said and sat up straight, dusting off some imaginary dirt from my pants. They were a bit burned and ripped after the incident.
"Y/N, are you sure you're okay-" Poe started to ask but my name being called from across the hangar interrupted him.
"Y/N? Y/N! Where are you?" Someone started to call, only later be revealed as my mom. "Y/N, there you are." She said and stopped a few meters away from us. My mom looked at me and then at Poe, who immediately stood up.
"General." He said with a nod. My mom nodded back and then looked at me
"Honey, I've been looking for you everywhere... Is everything alright?" She asked. I wanted to shrink under my mother's gaze. She wasn't really looking at me with anything other than love and gentleness. But I felt ashamed, so I stood up but I didn't look at her face.
"I just needed to be alone..." I said and wiped my face.
"I was keeping her company. I just met her but she seemed- ...Sorry, do you know each other?" Poe asked and looked at me and at my mom. She sighed and nodded.
"I know her very well... Thank you, Lieutenant Dameron, for keeping her company. It was very kind of you." My mom said and Poe nodded with a small smile. He looked at me and put a hand on your shoulder.
"You okay now?" He asked. I looked at him and nodded. "Alright. Well, I'll leave her with you, General. I'll go back to my duties. See you around." Poe said, waved his hand, and walked away. BB-8 following him after beeping a good bye.
I waved back a bit and then looked at my mom who walked closer until she was standing right in front of me and put her hands on my shoulders.
"Sweetie, we need to talk." She said and I quickly shook my head.
"No, please... I don't want to." I said and looked down. My shoes becoming more interesting.
"Your father is here. He's really worried." Mom said. My eyes widened and I looked at her.
"Dad? Dad's here?" I asked and she nodded. "No no no, I don't wanna see him. I don't wanna see the look on his face. I let him down. I let everyone down. I-" I started to say as my breathing got quicker.
"Hey, hey. You didn't let anyone down. We're just worried about what happened. Your father and I love you and we will never blame you for anything." She said as she cradled my head in her hands, wiping away some tears that fell from my eyes.
I was fiddling with my hands, trying to control my breathing and the rapid beats of my heart. "I'm sorry." I whispered. Mom immediately embraced me in her arms and held me.
"You don't have to be sorry for anything. C'mon, let's go see your father." She said and I nodded as I hooked my arm with hers and walked out of the hangar. "I see you've met Poe."
I smiled a bit. "Yeah... His droid found me first, then he came to comfort me. Good guy." I said and my mom hummed in agreement.
Good guy...
a/n: HELLO LOVESSSSS!! so I've been thinking about writing this for a looooong time :D and here it is!! it's basically a story about how reader and poe met, and how their relationship evolves with time 🥺 THIS IS PART 1, i was thinking of making multiple parts of this ... kind of like a series??? idk, but it will evolve into the events of force awakens, then the last jedi snd then rise of Skywalker.... maybe even after that hehe
so i was thinking... reader here is 21 years old, which makes ben/kylo ren like 23, and poe is 26, YES I DID ALL THE MATH LIKE AN HOUR AGO, it's important to the story :') since poe is like 32 in force awakens- ANYWAYS
I HOPE YOU LIKED IT!! any comments, likes or reblogs are appreciated :) I'll be writing part 2 shortly
tags: @amydoesstuff @stormkobra-5 @mandobatemans
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