#please I don't wanna hear this with my own screeching voice
mircsy · 4 months
"No Longer You" - Hungarian Loose Translation
So I made this loose translation of "No Longer You" from EPIC: The Musical by Jorge Rivera-Herrans, but the thing is I can't really well/don't dare to sing
Therefore, I'm calling out to my fellow Hungarian EPIC fans who love to sing - uhm - I drop it here and - uhm - if you could somehow pass a cover on to me... It would make me really happy to hear how it actually sounds... And for fun I literal translated back the Hungarian translation to English, this is the structure I follow: Original lyrics Hun loose translation (Literal translation of Hun)
__This is how it goes__:
I am the prophet Próféta vagyok (same)
With the answers you seek Kérdésedre adok (To your question I give)
Time…I've unlocked it Vá-…-laszt, aminek (Answer that)
I see past and future running free Idővel határt nem szabok most (I won't limit with time now)
There is a world Tán valahol (Maybe somewhere)
Where I help you get home Honra rámutatok (I point at home)
But that's not a world I know De te ott nem vagy sehol (But at that place you are nowhere)
What? Hogy?
I see a song of past romance Szerelem száll a múlt egén (Love flies across the sky of the past)
I see the sacrifice of men Áldozattá válik sok férj (Many husbands become victims)
I see portrayals of betrayal Látom ábráját árulónak (I see the figure of a traitor)
And a brother's final stand Rajta bátynak rút vérét [I'm not satisfied with this line lol] (On them is a brother's hideous blood)
I see you on the brink of death Látom, beér majd a veszted (I see your doom, reaching you)
I see you draw your final breath Harcolsz, amíg csak lélegzel [I'm not satisfied with this line either] (You fight, just until you breathe)
I see a man who gets to make it home alive Látok valakit haza térni, de téged (I see someone arriving home, but thee)
But it's no longer you Nem visz tovább az út (Does not take any further the road)
This can’t be… Nem, ez nem [lehet]… (No, this can’t [be]…)
We’ve suffered and sailed through Hajóztunk sok kínban (We sailed in much torment)
The toughest of hells Veszéllyel megvívva, (Fighting danger)
Now you tell us S azt mondod, hogy (And you say that)
Our effort’s for nothing Mindezt hiába? (All this was in vain?)
I see your palace Látom a várad (I see your palace)
Covered in red Vörös fényben (In red light)
Faces of men who Megannyi férfi (So many men)
Has long believed your dead Végednek hitében (In the belief of your end)
I see your wife with a man who is haunting A szeretett nőddel ott van a párja (With your beloved woman there is her pair)
A man with a trail of bodies E rémnek Halál nyomában (This beast has Death in his track)
Who?! Ki az?! (Who's that?!)
Chorus 2 ...
54 notes · View notes
coveholdenmyluv · 4 months
Mean Girls - Eren Jaeger
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synopsis. Eren's the new kid at Trost Academy and being fresh meat in his senior year isn't easy. Especially so when the only friends he's made yet have managed to convince him to help them mess with "The Plastics". The problem?
He's got the biggest crush on their queen bee, Y/N.
series masterlist.
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chapter warnings. Foul language, rich ppl, mentions of vomit, mentions of shitting your pants (what even are these warnings LMAO), laxatives, mentions of giving a character laxatives, hitch is a bitch (I love her I’m sorry I made her like this), drama drama drama, a lot of menstrual product talk (these characters are very comfortable talking abt these things!)
chapter synopsis. From a brawl at the supermarket to a meeting with the Queen bee’s arch nemesis, our trio’s plan preparations seem to be coming together! Though, will learning some lore regarding our resident plastics impede on Eren’s drive? Perhaps the future isn’t looking so bright for our revenge seekers…
chapter 2. Fuck with the Plastics: start
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"Bag secured, over." Mikasa spoke in her usual monotone voice.
"And... you're completely sure that this will only make her a bit gassy, right 'kasa?" Armin spoke next, the shake in his voice painfully obvious even through the speaker of Eren's phone. With no answer, he tries again, "Guys? Hello?"
"You're supposed to say 'over', Armin!"
"Oh! Over."
"Alright, mine is secured too... over?" Eren announced as he slipped his arm through the plastic bag, doing his best to be inconspicuous, though the hood over his head isn't helping his case. His attire was mostly to calm his troubled conscience.
The three way call had one purpose and a very important one at that.
Phase one of 'Fuck with The Plastics'.
"Good boy," Mikasa purred and Eren swore he could hear the mischievous grin his reply had caused to form on her face. "Now Armin, relax. All this is gonna do is make her tummy a bit upset, a little gas here and there never hurt anyone. She'll get the humiliation she made Eren bear... only much much worse because of her status, plus ruin her chances of winning this highly anticipated game and possibly her entire athletic career. Over."
"Please, stop repeating what could go wrong. I'm getting nauseous again..." Eren groans into the speaker.
"Mikasa, you say that now but, what if she's allergic to it or something? Ohmylanta, what if she dies?!" Armin screeches and Eren fears he may begin to wail soon. "I don't wanna go to jail guys! I can't go back!"
"Geez Louise, Armin." Eren winces as he pulls the phone away from his ear. "My ears are bleeding."
"Oh wait Eren, now that you reminded me, can you get me some pads from the store? My cycle is pretty heavy today." Mikasa asks.
"Uh, T-M-I Mikasa..." Armin mutters as he glances around the student aid center. His portion of contribution to the trio's master plan is arguably the least interesting, though the boy didn't seem to mind. All he was put in charge of was attaining their tickets for the game, which they receive free of charge with their student ID's.
"Mikasa, I'm literally already walking out of the store." Eren says exasperatedly, though his pace has already begun to falter in preparation for his U-turn.
"Well then, go back? If I bleed out all over the bleachers, it's your jacket I'm using to wipe it clean. The ball is in your court."
"Oh my gosh, fine!" Eren relents. "What size?"
Silence reigns over the three, and Eren swears everyone in the supermarket had audibly halted all movements along with them.
"Mikasa, you know damn well..." Armin begins.
"Armin! Shut the hell up, the length helps with my leakage so mind your own business!"
"Zayum, okay geez."
"Wings or no wings?" Eren asks, already having made his way back into the multiple isles freshly restocked.
"Wings, please. I want to be ready for anything." The girl answers ominously.
"I don't even want to know what that means. I'll head back to the academy after I'm done with this, where do you guys want to meet?"
"The restrooms near the cafeteria are right beside the doors that lead to a path straight to the stadium. We can meet there." Armin suggests, already beginning to make his way towards the meeting spot.
"Okay. Actually, since I'm here, do you guys want any snacks for the game?" Eren asks while he grabs a box of fruit roll ups and a bag of hot Cheetos for himself. "How long does a soccer game last?"
"A little under an hour and thirty minutes, and that's if they don't go into over time which they probably will, considering who they're playing against." Mikasa answers, "Oh, and I'll take an oat meal crème pie and a red Gatorade. But! The one with the twistable cap that you can suck on."
"We'll see how long this one will last with what we have planned, though." Armin mutters into the speaker anxiously, "Anyway, I'll take some Skittles, baby Gerber puffs, Teddy Grahams, Hubba Bubba, strawberry Hello Pandas, Scooby-Doo snacks, Gushers, Pirate's Booty-"
Eren hangs up before the other boy could finish, deciding it wasn't worth his weekly allowance.
He had already arrived at the feminine hygiene products aisle by the time Armin had sent him the remaining 27 items on his wishlist for tonight, which Eren promptly ignored. The wall that held most of the menstrual supplies was expanse and slightly intimidating to the teenage boy's eyes, though that was not to say he was taken off guard. Having a close relationship with your mother desensitizes you to a large amount of aspects of womanhood that most immature boys his age would either cringe at or ridicule.
He knows the brand his mother uses is best for absorbing, but they're not the best at being discreet. He wonders which Mikasa would prefer, though he decides that coverage and preventing leakage must have been her priority considering her earlier words. Deciding upon the trustworthy brand he had always picked up on late night pad runs with his mom, he notices how it seems to be the only brand that has yet to be restocked. The one in his hand being the very last one in XXL.
As he turns to leave the isle, a high pitched voice, practically whining curse words, catches his attention. Before he instinctively turns his head towards the sound, he internally prays for there to be no reenactment of his first encounter with Armin, knowing he couldn't bear to handle another stereotypical bully, much less work up the courage to stand up to them once more. 
"They don't have that one today, I swear I've looked everywhere!" The, now visible, person speaks into the cell phone clutched to his ear. "I don't know? Does everyone suddenly use the biggest size available? I know you do not need double X."
It seems to be a young boy, perhaps only a few years younger than Eren himself, with messily styled H/C hair and a few piercings adorning his delicate face.
"The one with the purple flowers on the box or the navy blue one with the stars?" The young boy asks, his impatience slowly making its way into his features.
Wait, purple flowers?
Eren's gaze moves back toward the box in his hands and his eyes trace those exact purple flowers printed and plastered smack dab in the center. Though, he knows there are tons of other brands that use matching floral patterns, perhaps this boy was looking for the one with the green background instead of the pink one Eren held.
"The one with the pink box, right?" The boy asks.
Well, perhaps he was searching for the 7 hour wear edition instead of the 8 hour one Eren got for Mikasa. Surely that was the case-
"8 hour version? Do you need to charge it or something, why is there a time limit?"
Certainly he couldn't be looking for the same size, not many people would be as paranoid as Mikasa due to leakage-
"Mm, XXL? Oh, cause of leakage, got it."
Run, that's what Eren needs to do. He knows how far passionate boyfriends would go for their lovers, especially ones as young as the boy he is sharing the aisle with. Kids his age will either pay romantic relationships no heed or take them far too seriously.
Though, before he could pivot in the other direction, the boy ends the call and turns to presumably search for the pink floral box in the size XXL. Coincidentally, the exact box Eren plans to buy.
The last box.
Green meets E/C.
His heart drops to his ass and his arm hastily shields the prized object behind his back as visible sweat forms on his forehead. Though, truly his efforts were all for naught.
Silence follows as the two teenagers hold eye contact, one accompanied with worry creases near his brows and the other with an unamused pout to his lips.
"Those are the last double X they have in stock, aren't they?"
The H/C boy sighs and holds his hands up in surrender. "Look, dude. I come in peace, it's fine. What do I look like to you? Someone who would go batshit over menstrual products?" Eren shakes his head hastily, to which the younger boy agrees. Of course, what was Eren thinking? Incriminating a person who looked to be no older than the age of 15 was not cool on his part.
"You're right, My bad."
Letting any past thoughts flee his mind, Eren resumes his standstill with the stranger, neither seemingly knowing what to do next...
...before the stranger juts a finger behind Eren and exclaims, "Hey, look over there, it's TSwift!"
"What?! Where?!"
Eren was tackled to the ground and landed with a coherent 'oof', the assailant clambering on top of his chest and tugging at his arms to loosen the tight grip on the box that remains in his hands.
"That was a low blow, you psycho! I haven't seen her since I was in fifth grade!" Eren whines as he tries to free himself. Deciding that his actions were amounting to nothing, he thrusts the box away from his body and above his head, the cardboard sliding across the tiled floor of the supermarket.
"Morality is non-existent when it comes to the last box of pads, pretty boy!" The younger boy grits as he abandons Eren's body in favor of stumbling to his feet to reach the box.
As the boy steps over his head, Eren grabs onto one of his leather boots, causing him to plummet with his fingers outstretched only inches away from the prize. Eren flips himself onto his stomach and scrambles over the other boy, laying a palm atop his face to thwart his vision. In retaliation, though not after a sharp squawk, the boy chomps on the fingers overlaid his mouth, causing the brunet to cry out in pain.
"Give up!" The boy demands, "I don't care if I have to bite every one of your fingers off, I'll be leaving with that box!" He declares and delivers a torturous blow to Eren's crotch, causing him to wheeze and topple over in pain. "Aha!" The boy proclaims as he nears his victory, emitting a cry of premature success.
Though, before his slender fingers are able to reach the jackpot, his worst fear is born into existence.
"My Prada boots!" He squeals in agony and fear as Eren holds the cherished shoe above his head triumphantly and a pained smirk creases onto his face. "Don't you dare you monster, they're monolith!"
"You rich people are all the same," Eren scoffs as he throws the boot aways behind him, not sparing a glance in the direction as the boy abandons the box in favor of running over to his beloved shoe. Eren limps over to the pink box and swipes it up with an exhausted sigh escaping his lips. "I win." He states in a cocky tone, taking pride over the brawl he emerged victorious from, already preening at the amount of bragging rights he had just earned himself. "Mikasa, you owe me big time- ack!"
Not without a war cry, the unrelenting stranger rams a shopping cart into Eren's body, forcing the brunet back onto the ground and causing the box to slip out of his grasp and slide onto the floor once again.
"Never mess with my Prada boots again," He heaves and delicately steps over to the abandoned box, taking it into his hold and placing a kiss atop the the printed flowers. "Auggie, you're awesome." He then turns to face Eren and boldly upturns his pierced nose at the sight of the older boy sprawled on the floor. "You put up a good fight, unfortunately for you I reign superio-"
"I didn't hear a bell!" Eren shouts as he springs up and tackles the shorter boy, resulting in the two wrestling on the ground once again, just as they had originally started. Scratching, kicking, and biting their way across the floor, though noticeably making zero progress towards the box they both sought out.
An awkward cough acts as the bucket of cold water that halts their movements, both boys craning their heads in the direction of the sound alike deers in headlights.
An employee that hauled a cart filled to the brim with pink cardboard boxes and printed purple flowers decorating their surfaces stood before their tangled ball of limbs, gifting them a critical stare. Leisurely, and hesitatingly so, she tucks the prized boxes where they belong, before scurrying away with her haul of products stacked into her squeaky cart.
An air of silence follows the departure of the poor retail worker, both boys remaining stunned by the sudden appearance. Though, after realizing what a compromising position they had been caught in, the unraveling of their limbs went unspoken as they stood simultaneously.
Another awkward cough, though this one originating from the brunet, filled the vacant space between the two. Eren grabs ahold of one of the boxes that was recently stocked, his head hanging low in embarrassment. "So..." He utters hesitatingly.
The younger boy clears his throat, "M sry." He mutters.
"I said I'm sorry! ...I know that Tswift joke was wrong of me."
Eren sighs in resignation, now realizing how idiotic his actions were, especially considering the fact that he seemed to be the older of the two. "It's fine. I guess we were both signed up for errand boy today, huh?"
The stranger shook his head, "Yeah but, to be honest, this is my first time going on a pad run for my sister. I wasn't 'old enough' a few years ago, and even then we don't usually do our own shopping. Our butler handles all of that."
"Oh..." It was stupid of Eren to forget that most people in his city were lathered in riches, but he did. His recent encounter with this new boy only furthered his forgetfulness, because what sort of opulent teenage boy was willing to engage in a full out brawl for a box of pads? "Well, either way. I'm guessing these aren't for you?"
"Nah, they're for my sister's friends. But, she can get pretty impatient real quickly and I'm not in the mood to deal with teenage Godzilla. She'd probably run me over with her convertible."
The mental image of Godzilla driving a convertible, only to then run over an edgy teen made Eren chuckle, "I get it, this size seems to be in high demand."
"My sister says that it's because of leakage, whatever the hell that means. I don't even think I want to know."
Eren smiled sympathetically, little brother ignorance was something he knew about all too well. "So, why are you here instead of your butler? I think I would have stood a better chance against him if I'm being honest."
The boy shrugs nonchalantly, "She says it's an emergency. Those girls can get pretty scary when in a state of panic. For being older than me, you'd think they'd be better at dealing with stress."
"I understand completely." Eren huffed in exhaustion, "My friends and I are dealing with these real popular kids at our school, we've got an ulterior motive of course, but we've seen a fair share of their antics and I can tell we'll have our hands full. At least the pay off will be worth it. We have a whole plan and everything."
The boy cackled a laugh that shook his whole body and clapped a palm onto the older boy's shoulder, "You don't say? What's such a good prize worth dealing with what seems to be a bunch of rich maggots eating away at your soul?" He asked.
"Well, it has to do with this girl..." Eren begun to attempt to elucidate the entire situation to this stranger but in the end only arrived with stutters, before he decided that the effort of reliving his trauma was not worth it. He sighed, "It's a long story."
Unexpectedly, a highly pitched rendition of 'I'm Just a Kid' began to chime in the stranger's pants, causing him to wince and groan in annoyance. "A story that I can't stay for, unfortunately." He muttered before slipping the device out of his pocket. "It's Godzilla." He confirmed his suspicions but made no moves to accept the call. Instead, he offered a jeweled hand towards the brunet.
This hand wasn't like the one that was offered to him earlier today. Instead of diamonds and gold, silver and various colored stones wrapped around this boy's digits, crowning them with luxury and status.
"My name's Augustine, but you can call me August." He paired with a friendly grin, bringing attention to the silver lip ring hung on his bottom lip.
For some reason, this boy struck something within Eren. He didn't know what it was, but there was a sense of reminiscence flooding his senses when he stared at his smile. The reminiscence that creeps up on you when you look at your sibling and recognize that the shirt they have on is in fact not theirs but yours.
He can't put his finger on it... but August reminded him of someone.
Nonetheless, he excepted his dressed hand with his own bare one. "Eren, it's just Eren."
"Alright, just Eren. I have to go, but hopefully I'll see you around!" August called out as he scampered down the aisle before Eren could have gotten another word of parting out.
What a nice guy, Eren hopes to see him again.
After grabbing the snacks that his newest friends had ordered, promptly ignoring 25 items on Armin's list, he pays the nice woman working the register and makes his departure. By the time he steps back on the pavement, the sun has begun its decent, painting the concrete buildings and vibrant trees in a golden hue.
Trost truly is a beautiful district — the architecture alone places it on a superior level when compared to many other extravagant districts out there.
Eren himself has never lived the kind of life that his new friends or acquaintances were born into. Although having a successful doctor for a dad, it was never an aspect that had ever brought upon wealth for the Jeager family. His mom rapidly rising in her fashion designer career is what has brought him to such a district as this one. Mrs. Jaeger is well on her way to being known for her individuality, and he couldn't be filled with more pride.
Having to leave his old school was pretty easy for him, he had never had many friends there anyway. Sure there were the few he could greet in the hallways, but none that had ever willingly stricken a genuine conversation with him, much less an interesting one. Though, that's not to say the experience of moving out of the blue in your senior year was something he was excited about either, that wouldn't be a nice time for anyone.
It was just his luck that he'd already made a fool out of himself on his very first day. In front of his crush to boot.
Y/N Ackerman.
He wouldn't lie to himself and proclaim that he has no feelings towards the girl. He quite literally puked on her because the amount of emotions she made him feel at a single glance proved to be overbearing to his body. Though, a portion of himself finds itself conflicted. Actually, scratch that - multiple portions of himself find themselves conflicted. As if the little people in his head are arguing against each other, and he isn't sure which side he should be on.
On one hand, the purple person that he decides to name Armeen is arguing that he should hate the girl. Mikasa said that Y/N had surely made it her goal to embarrass Eren in an attempt to solidify her superiority against him and that she was a vicious person with the ugliest soul she had ever seen. 
On another, the red person, Mika Mika, proclaimed that he already hates her. Armin and Mikasa have informed him of her vile friends, the people she willingly surrounds herself with. She condones their actions by mere association. Not to mention the absolute joke she had made of him, which was sure to have cost him a year's worth of ill-repute. Hell, probably even the rest of his soon to be miserable life.
But then, as if he had grown a sudden third hand, there appeared a pink person. This one unnamed, whispered details the other two would surely never approve of. How could she be a vicious person, when she had went out of her own way to not only invite him, but his only friends, to her highly anticipated game AND her own home, knowing that everyone in their grade had heard the abrupt invitation? She was willingly attempting to help him fix his image. How could the person those little people in his head describe as ruthless and callous, ever make his insides light on fire, as if he was a skewered rotisserie chicken on a white Sunday morning? How could the devil herself bring upon him feelings only talked about in movies?
Gaslighting someone to their wits' end by batting her fluffy lashes. It's an old tactic really, but one that would never die out, nor could it. Eren isn't stupid, he knows the truth of the situation. How dire a messy set up like this could have affected her reputation as well, he gets it. Understands that measures need to be taken to prevail through such a trying time. When you're at the top, tiptoeing a razors edge, everyone at the bottom has a clear shot to shoot you down. Those mean comments and accusations of prejudice are just the paint strokes crafting a precise target onto her back.
But, to bring him and his friends into her little scheme?
To escape that threat, you need to move, and to move, you need stepping stones. Eren won't let himself or his friends be used as stepping stones.
That's exactly the reason why the three of them have developed a plan to knock her off of her prodigious throne. No longer will they allow the Queen Bee of Trost Academy to continue her reign of exploitation.
Instead, she will... shit her pants?
Well, that's the best they could come up with, so it'll have to do.
It was simple in nature really, Eren simply needed to buy her a drink, one that Mikasa claims has always been her favorite pick to drink before a game, though Eren still questions how she even had that information, and then he will offer that said drink to her as a peace offering.
A seemingly innocent gesture, except it's not. Mikasa was in charge of acquiring laxatives which they would infuse into the refreshment, which Y/N would drink and whatever happened next would be left up to fate. Though, Armin had elucidated three paths that which this plan could take.
Probability 1: She'd harbor a stomach ache, forcing her to be benched due to her poor performance, effectively eliminating the captain of Trost's varsity soccer team. Ruining her image, their chances of winning their vital game of the year, and her life.
Probability 2: She'd fart up a storm, or worse, ruining her image of the ideal senior of the year, their chances of winning their vital game of the year, and her life.
Probability 3: She'd pull an Eren and projectile vomit all over her teammates and opponents. Ruining her stellar image, their chances of winning their vital game of the year, and her life.
The third was preferred for their goal of seeking revenge, but they wouldn't complain if either of the other two played out perfectly.
"Finally, Eren! You took so long, we started to wonder if you had gotten lost on the way here." Armin says as the boy approaches their meeting spot.
"I did, three times. There is no need for this school to be so damn huge."
"Well, you're here now so..." Mikasa surreptitiously looks over her shoulder and then Eren's, "You got the goods?" She asks.
"Stop acting shifty Mikasa, you're making me nervy." Eren rebukes, eyes glancing from side to side in paranoia.
"Do you have it or not." She exasperatedly asks. He timidly ushers the plastic bag her way, his back moving to obstruct the exchange from any prying eyes. "Good boy, keep me covered and I'll crush these bad boys and then pour them in."
"Hurry 'Kasa, I don't wanna go to jail!" Armin's nerves get the best of him, and just as Mikasa began to pour the laxatives into the energy drink, his trembling palms latch onto her shoulders and begin to shake her back and forth. Unfortunately, the forcible motions cause her hand to slip and pour more than what was necessary for what they had planned. "Oops..." He breathes.
Eren's jaw drops at the amount, "Holy shit, are you- are you sure that's okay?" A dramatic gasp forcibly rasps his throat, "She's not actually gonna die, right?!"
"Uhm... no... I don't think so."
"What do you mean, you don't think so?!" He screeches.
"Armin, chill." Mikasa grits, before twisting the cap of the bottle and giving it a good shake. "She'll be fine, we're not going to jail. All that'll change is the addition of one more possibility, which is shitting her pants for real."
"I thought we were only joking about that? You mean she'll actually shart herself?" Eren asks.
"Yeah," Mikasa declares with no amount of remorse in her irises, simply tilting her head to face him head on, smirk standing proud on her lips. "Even better than we planned, right? Give the bitch the humiliation she deserves."
After a moment of maintaining arduous eye contact with the ravenette, Eren relents, throwing his head back to stare at the ceiling instead and interlocking both hands in his shaggy hair. "You're crazy. Like deadass, you belong in a mental hospital."
"Okay but, wait. The bottle is already open, no one who has a right mind would accept an already opened drink from someone she met yesterday." Armin points out, ever the observer.
"Well, she's gonna have to in order for this plan to work..." Mikasa mumbles, lips pursing in thought. "Oh, Eren! Why don't you be a doll and offer to open it for her, that way she wouldn't even notice it has already been open." She announces with a proud nod, clearly impressed with her solution.
Eren however, isn't as impressed. If anything, the pit in his stomach twists and turns even tighter, bringing forth creases onto the surface of his skin as his face lightly scrunches in disgust. Playing a direct hand in the demise of anyone's athletic career can be catastrophic to the psyche, though he doubts Mikasa's is being affected much if at all.
"Good boy-"
"Stop calling me that!"
"Anyway, we should get going now. Or else, we'd be late. The game starts in 20 minutes, and the walk there is about five, give or take. Though, the introductions take up a good 10 to 15." She ignores the boy.
"Plus, we still need to find seats. Hopefully we won't have to sit on the opposing team's side, or else we'd be royally fucked." Armin adds as they exit the school building.
The pathway that leads them directly towards the stadium is beautiful and cleanly. The school itself is exceptionally cared for, with vibrant green bushes that looked as if they were clipped with the utmost precision. Marbled vases for various other plants and polished benches littered across the lawn oozed a luxurious aura.
"Who are they playing against?" Eren asks.
"I think it's Stohess Prep." Armin answers.
"Oh, that means drama~" Mikasa adds, "10 bucks Levi chokes out Coach Nile?"
"Mm, nah. 20 bucks it's Ymir and Hitch." Armin replies, pointer finger prodding at the fat of his cheek in thought.
"Oh, I forgot about those two. 30 Y/N is forced to step in either way."
"40 bucks she joins."
"50 that they recreate that one Euphoria scene from season 2."
"60 someone yells plus ultra."
"70 bucks Y/N gets hit by a bus and dies."
"Okay, you need an exorcist." Armin quips.
"I've been wondering, why do you hate her so much? There's gotta be history you're not telling me." Eren asks the girl.
It was true, he can feel the animosity she seemingly reigns in 24/7 and he wonders if it was at all reciprocated. Though, he has the feeling that it's heavily one sided.
"Mikasa and Y/N-"
"Armin, shut it." The girl grits before her friend could have thought to utter the remainder of his statement.
Eren groans, "Armin, don't shut it. Open it. Open it wide."
"Don't word it like that, Eren..."
"I just don't see the point," Mikasa admits, though her face was telling to how difficult the situation seems to be for her, "What's in the past should be left there, why open up that can of worms?"
"I don't know if you've noticed, but it's pretty damn obvious that those worms have been out for a while now. You don't think I've noticed how personal this seems to be for you?" Eren rebuts.
"Oh, and I'm not supposed to notice how personal this is for you? As in, more than just some revenge brought upon by petty high school humiliation?" She challenges, and her piercing gaze bore into Eren's own. "You've made your little crush pretty obvious, the addition of this information might change more than you think it would, Eren."
"Who I have a crush on is none of your business. Besides, yeah, I'll admit I'm not blind, I can tell Y/N is an attractive girl. You can't blame me for admitting so, but a silly little school crush is just a silly little school crush at the end of the day. I don't get how your past with her had anything to do with something as minuscule as that."
Mikasa's arms crossed before her chest in frustration, and she kept her head forward, not relenting at unsealing her lips. Though, Armin, being placed in the middle of both teens, hates being a quiet middleman.
"Y/N and Mikasa are cousins." He blurts.
Eren's jaw drops, "What?!" His fingers thread through his hair once again, this time gripping at the roots because what the actual fuck. "You're fucking with me, right?"
Armin shakes his head vehemently, "Deadass. They even have the same last name! You'd have never guessed, right?"
"Well, not really. Like, at all."
"Trust me, I wish it wasn't true either." Mikasa sighs.
Eren's arms flail before him defensively, "No! It's not that I wish it weren't true, it's just that it's hard to believe considering how you guys are like polar opposites. I mean she's so... y'know-" He awkwardly shrugs his shoulders, expecting the action to speak the words he couldn't find in himself to utter out loud. "And you're... y'know..."
Armin coughs, "Emo."
"I'm not emo! As a matter of fact, I'm not even a goth, contrary to popular belief. I'm just edgy, how hard is it to look up, people?!"
"...what's the difference?"
"Oh, shut up, Armin! That's why your balls haven't dropped!"
"You promised you wouldn't bring that up anymore!"
"Armin, your balls haven't dropped?"
"Oh, look! We're here!"
As Eren looked before them, he was met with the front of an impressive industrialized soccer stadium. The words 'Home of the Scouts' were engraved above the entrance in proud bold letters. He notices that they are currently standing in the middle of the massive parking lot, containing multiple first class busses bearing the titles 'Stohess Stallions'.
Guessing that those belong to the opposing team, and that team was no where to be found, Eren concludes that both teams must be inside already. Which begs the question, how late is this trio?
"You're in the way."
Eren nearly jumps out of his skin at the sudden stern voice, and the freight was not limited to himself. Armin squeaks and hides behind his two friends, using them as human shields, though Mikasa simply whips around with a nasty scowl at her face because, who would have the audacity?
Oh, that's who.
"Hitch." She grits.
Coming face to face with a group of girls clad in forest green shorts and jersey's, though their matching team jackets obscured the latter, was intimidating, to say the least. The one standing with the most pride, right at the front and center, wore a smug smirk on her face that her short and wavy dirty blonde hair framed beautifully.
"Well, well, well, would you look at who we have here." She drawls with a laugh. "This is such an interesting trio you guys have going on."
"Mikasa who is this, and why did she come up to us like an anime villain?" Eren whispers towards the ravenette.
"Just our luck." The girl mutters under her breath, not at all a just answer in Eren's eyes, but he was not about to voice his thoughts.
The stranger eyeballs Eren in a way that a certain Ackerman did just a few hours earlier in the day, though this time it did not have him weak in the knees, instead an eerie shiver ran down the length of his spine and caused him to gulp down a yelp.
"Come lookin' for a barf bag, new kid?" She decides to single him out directly, "You know, it's almost funny. I always have the same reaction you did when I see Ackerman as well! I don't blame you, hell, I'd even praise you if it wasn't so disgustingly embarrassing." She jests. "You are new aren't ya? Man, the balls you must have to pull that stunt on your very first day. Oh, the look on her face was enough to have me in tears, I've got to tell you."
"It wasn't on purpose." He mumbles with an eye roll.
"Oh, be careful Hitch. You'll make him mad and we just had our jerseys dry cleaned." Comes a voice from beside her, one of her teammates presumably. This draws out many more chuckles from the group of girls, causing Eren's cheeks to heat up from the jab at his poor stomach.
That voice, low but smooth, causes both Armin and Mikasa to stiffen, as if they had recognized it.
"No way..." Armin mutters, his eyes widening in surprise as the owner of the voice made herself visible.
Another blonde, though this one a paler tone, with glacial blue eyes and a sloped nose emerged from the group, a large bag slung over her shoulders and purple cleats hanging from her fingers.
She had an aura about her, one familiar to Eren. One that wrapped itself around every throat and forced the people around her to pay her heed.
"You're right, Annie. Coach would bench us if we happened to sully them and he can't afford to bench his star players." Hitch agrees, though her eyes are not on her apparent teammate. Instead, they seemed to be inspecting Armin and Mikasa's faces, clearly amused by their starstruck expressions.
"Kasa, do something..." Armin whispers.
"What do you want me to do, hex her?"
"Mikasa, long time no see." Annie continues. It seems that the two know each other, perhaps they are old friends? What a heartwarming reunion. "How's it feel living in your cousins shadow?"
Or, perhaps not.
Mikasa's eyes darken and she begins to fumble in her bag for a pair of scissors, "I quite like the shadows, it gives me a place to properly plan your downfall. Maybe even your murder."
Hitch gasps and feigns a frightened expression, "Oh shiver me timbers, small emos are so scary."
"I'll show you scary cunt-"
"Hey hey hey! What's going on here?" Connie unexpectedly appears from behind the trio, his arms making their way around their shoulders. "You guys will be late if you keep loitering around."
"You could never be Bokuto." One of the girls murmur.
"Oh, Connie, I'm so glad you're here. Bend down a little will you? I feel like I have something stuck in my teeth." Hitch jests as she rubs a finger across her pearly whites.
"Aha, funny." Connie grits, "Hey, how's Marlowe by the way? I imagine he's better since he left you for, who was it again?" He asks with a false pensive look.
"Her mom." Armin declares with a proud grin.
The girl clenches her jaw and scowls, "Fuck you, Connie. Isn't yours chilling upside down on a roof?"
"Wrong AU, hitch."
"At least my hair doesn't make me look like I call corporate." Connie retorts.
"Yeah, well at least-"
"Hitch, we don't have time for this." Annie interrupts, holding her wrist out and allowing her teammate to glance at her watch... is that a Rolex? "We still need to warmup."
Eren doesn't think he has ever seen Connie's eyes darken as much as they did then, shooting daggers at the blonde on par with the ones Mikasa fires at her cousin. "You finally decide to talk, Annie?" He calls the girl out.
Without even sparing him a glance, she states a monotone, "I have nothing to say to you." And walks away from the group in pursuit for the entrance.
Following her departure, Hitch scowls at the fact that she too should follow. "Whatever, I'll save my energy for your little friends on the field. You better watch your captain, it'd be a shame if she forgets her place and mysteriously finds herself on her knees where she belongs."
"Don't dish out what you can't take." Connie asserts.
The girl simply rolls her eyes, "Let's go." She says and takes her leave, taking her army of followers along with her.
"Saweetie did it better!" Armin yells after her, to which Mikasa agrees and waves her hand daintily at the group.
"Man, you are having the worst of luck today, aren't you, Eren?" Connie says with a guffaw.
Eren groans and holds his head in his hands. "Trust me, I know."
"I'm surprised you held your own, Connie. Considering that was literally Annie... and she's with Stohess." Mikasa says.
The boy sighs, "Yeah, I know. Fortunately, Reiner found out yesterday, so we weren't as blind sided. Though, we still haven't told the team, and that's been a topic of discourse amongst a couple of our friends." He answers, and the pained expression on his face almost forces Eren to feel sorry for him.
Shaking his head lightly to disperse his frown, he instead returns his attention towards the brunet once again. "Anyway, don't worry about Hitch. She's always like that. It's petty school rivalry shit that we used to have with Marley till they shut that school down. Now Stohess thinks they need to step up and claim the spot as our rivals." He explains, though Eren laughs at the ridiculousness of his joke.
They're in high school, clearly it wouldn't actually be that serious, right?
Why is Eren the only one laughing?
"No literally, look." Connie says and juts a finger towards the busses they had spotted earlier. Eren hadn't spotted it before, but right under the school name seemed to be the words, 'Trost Academy rivals! Fuck Marley and Fuck Trost!'
"Oh..." Eren utters breathily, "We're too old for this shit."
"Anyway, we should really get going or else we won't find good seats." Armin ushers his friends with his hands.
"Oh!" Connie exclaims with a newfound grin, one that Eren thinks fits him better than his previous frown. "Don't worry about your seats, you can come chill with us. We've already saved some for you guys."
Armin gasps dramatically and his eyes nearly bulge out of his skull. "Y-you mean, your VIP section? We get to sit in VIP?!" He screeches. Even Mikasa seems taken aback, her jaw slack and her brows hiding behind her bangs, though she didn't dare voice it.
"Yup! Though I had no idea it was called that, Sasha is gonna freak when I tell her!" The teen buzzes with anticipation. "I'll lead the way, come on."
As they begin to follow him, Eren leans into Armin's ear to ask, "Why are they called the VIP seats?"
Armin sputters, "Why else, Eren? They're the best seats in the stadium. The plastics are the only ones to ever use the space, but today we're making history."
"We haven't even told you about the rest of their clique." Mikasa adds.
"The rest? There're more than the eight we've talked about?"
"Oh Eren... there are levels to this shit, okay? Not to mention, lore." Armin says whilst his fingers wiggle before Eren's face to build suspense.
"For instance, remember Annie from earlier? The blondie with blue eyes and a tongue as sharp as a dagger?" Mikasa asks.
"Well, she might not act like it, but she's a retired plastic."
"What? You mean she attended Trost at one point? Also, you can retire? Why would she retire?"
"She didn't just attend Trost, she was a founding member of the plastics. A true OG. She helped run our halls. In fact, I'd go as far to say that she was once closer to Y/N than Jean has ever been." Armin said.
"Then, what would make her willingly give that up?"
"Something so simple and obvious, yet achingly torturous that you wouldn't help but sympathize with her. Especially someone like you, wearing your heart on your sleeve like that." Mikasa lightly jabs at her friend.
"Just tell me, 'kasa. I'm not as soft hearted as you think I am." Eren grumbles.
"Unrequited love."
Eren's breath catches in his throat at her words, for he couldn't believe what she was implying. "W-what? You're telling me..."
"Yup," Armin decides to finish his sentence, "We're not sure which way it went or how exactly it went down, but...
One of those girls loved the other far deeper than just mere friendship."
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Taglist: @idreamitski @str4wberrylover @jesus-son-of-god @hoejosblindfold @caycaysblogg @simpingmyassoff @youatemylollipop @enouche @longestline [comment to be added, dm to be removed!]
A/N: im sorry this took so long, its shorter than the last but twice as long as my first draft 😟
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nekoannie-chan · 4 months
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Title: Run.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Brock Rumlow X Sinthea Schmidt.
Word count: 555 words.
Square: N1 “A locked trunk.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Brock and Sin escaped from Steve.
Major Tags: Locked trunk, mission, mention of Dark Dimension.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @marvelrarepairbingo, @marvelrarepairs Marvel Rare Pair Round 3 2024. MRP-066.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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Brock and Sinthea were on a secret operation on the outskirts of New York. They had stolen a valuable mystical artefact, which was necessary to achieve the link they wanted with the Dark Dimension. Everything was going according to plan until they got the news they least wanted to hear: Rogers was on to them.
“We have to move now," Sinthea said, her voice full of anger. Brock nodded; his jaw clenched. He knew that taking on Steve Rogers was not something to be taken lightly and would ruin all their plans.
As they quickly packed their belongings, the sound of a motorbike engine rumbled in the distance. There was no time to waste. They ran out to the car parked outside the warehouse. Brock threw the briefcase with the artefact into the back seat and jumped behind the wheel, with Sinthea at his side.
The car started up just as Steve's silhouette appeared in the rearview mirror. The chase was on. Brock stepped on the accelerator, winding through narrow streets and away from the city center. However, no matter how fast they went or what they tried, it seemed, no, rather, Steve Rogers was chasing them.
The road grew narrower and seemed endless. As they came to an old rusty metal bridge, Brock made a drastic decision.
“Hold on tight," he shouted, turning the steering wheel sharply. The car skidded, hurtling down a bumpy, weedy back road.
The sudden movement almost caused the car to overturn, but they managed to keep it under control. However, the situation took a turn for the worse in a matter of seconds and in an unexpected way; the car hit a large rock and lurched, coming to a halt with a high-pitched screech. With no time to assess the damage or try to figure out if the car would start, Brock and Sinthea jumped out of the car and ran towards an old barn they saw in the distance, without leaving the contraption behind.
They entered the barn and found a trap door on the floor. There was no other option so they opened the door and dropped into the dark underground space. They crawled towards a large wooden box, big enough for both of them to hide in.
With the sounds of Steve's boots approaching, Brock and Sinthea slipped into the box and carefully closed the lid. They knew Steve could find them at any moment, but Sinthea managed to spot a small exit, so they had to go out that way quietly while Steve searched the barn. Steve's footsteps approached, and for a moment, they both held their breath. 
They immediately left the place, they cursed, they were in the open, so they were an easy target, they both exchanged glances, there was no other option, otherwise Steve would find them, they ran to the car and hid in the boot. They stayed in the trunk for a couple of hours until they were sure that Steve was no longer around.
It was then that Brock was able to check the car, which indeed wouldn't start, so they had no choice but to walk for a while until they could find another vehicle.
“You know you can't run forever," Brock muttered, Sinthea nodded.
“I know. But today, we survive. Tomorrow, we plan our revenge," she replied.
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
Jo!!! Hai lol!!
I don't listen to country music, but when I do it's older stuff, and my favorite country band when I was younger was Rascal Flatts! I only bring this up, cause my music shuffled to I melt by RF and it hit me in both the feels of Nostalgia, and thinking country boy Katsuki singing it/thinking the song applies to y/n!!! Or even country boy Kiri!!!
I hope you have been doing well since your comeback!!!!
And I hope you have a wonderful night!! Or day or whenever you see this!!!
Aww Rascal Flatts are so good!
I love the idea of making Country!Bakugou sing with you in a bar late one night. Maybe it’s your friends birthday? And you’re out celebrating so you’re a little tipsy, but you see this cute farmer sitting alone at the bar nursing a whiskey and liquid courage makes you just brave enough to approach him. Even though there’s plenty of younger guys in the bar vying for your attention, there’s something about this rough around the edges man that has all your attention.
And you’re at his side in an instant, leaning against the bar as you prop your cheek in your hand and give him a sultry smile.
“Dance with me.”
“I don’t dance, sweetheart.” He scoffs, shaking his head, “Looks like you got plenty’a options over there.”
But you don’t want them, you want him.
Your favourite country song is blasting over the speakers, and you’re determined that he’s going to be the one to dance with you.
“You’re going to say no to me on my birthday?” You pout your glossed lips as you lean forward, “I’ll buy you a drink.”
“I can buy my own drinks,” He responds smoothly, but you see the corner of his lip curl into the slightest smirk.
“One dance, and I’ll leave you alone,” You persist, stepping closer into his personal space. Your breasts almost pressed against his arm as you lean closer, the saccharine tartness of your perfume invading his senses, “Come on, please?”
And Bakugou isn’t sure he wants you to leave him alone as he fights the urge to prop you up against the old wooden bar and have his way with you. Pushing the filthy thoughts to the back of his mind as he shots back the rest of his whiskey straight, his barstool screeching against the worn floor as he stands.
“Come on then, sweetheart,” He scoffs, “One fuckin’ dance.”
But just as he comes to the middle of the floor, the fast country song morphs into a slower one— as you turn to wrap your arms around his neck.
“Can’t believe I’m slow dancin’ to fuckin’ Rascal Flatts.” And you’re smiling now as you hear his gravelly voice singing along to the song beneath his breath.
“Wanna know a secret?” You smile, toying with the baby hairs at the base of his neck beneath his cowboy hat as he raises a brow, “It’s not really my birthday, I just wanted to dance with you.”
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jinkx-monswoon · 2 years
marciax3nyc: BITCH
marciax3nyc: EMERGENCY
marciax3nyc: COME OVER TMR !!!!
SUNDAY, 10:12 AM
looseyladuca: wtf? 😭
looseyladuca: Fineee omw lol
looseyladuca: Getting a latte first though
- - - - -
“Shut up! You’re lying!”
“Bitch!” Marcia playfully snaps. “You think I would’ve called you here if I was?”
“I mean, there’s just no way you had it in you! The last time you even wore lipstick in an actual saturated color was for Halloween—two years ago."
"What can I say?" Marcia throws her arms out beside her and sinks into the couch. "Love can make you do crazy things…"
Loosey, sitting opposite Marcia, swallows a sip of latte and sets her cup down. "And then you're telling me that Anetra chick kissed you?"
"Hah! Oh my god, please." Marcia rolls her eyes with a smile, certainly not opposed to the thought. "No, what happened was… okay, so like, I said I kissed the dollar, right?"
"Whatever you say," Loosey jokes.
"No, but for real! Because I just wanted to put a cute little kiss mark on it for her to see." Marcia explains, sitting back up. "I wanted her to think that it was special, y'know?"
"I'd argue that the 20 dollars was special enough on its own."
"Well then, I made it super special!"
"Whatever you say, Miss Casanova." Loosey chuckles, but not at her friend's expense. In fact, she's becoming entertained by Marcia's little love story.
"Oh, you wanna talk casanovas?" Marcia's eyes light up—she's been eager to recount the magical moment since she got home last night. "Because then Anetra stops to pick up the tips, and she walks up to the front and picks up mine…"
"And she thought, 'Oh, that's hot as fuck', and you guys made out."
Marcia wants to be mad about the interruption, yet she can't help but burst into laughter. "A-ha-HA—! Hah… ohhh, my god, stop that!"
"Alriiight, I'm sorryyy," Loosey says, with a lighthearted lilt in her voice.
"Okay…okay, so"—Marcia catches her breath—"So she picks up my $20 and I can tell she's like: 'Oh.' And I'm like: 'Fuck. Fuck, what am I doing?' And then she looks at ME and now I'm REALLY like…" She puts her hands on her head in mock anguish. "'FUCK!'"
"And then…?!" Believe it or not, Loosey is now genuinely invested.
There's a pause. Marcia leans in. She looks Loosey dead in the eye.
"And then she fucking kisses it."
Loosey gasps. "No!"
"Right where I! Fucking! Kissed it!"
The exchange quickly devolves into a mess of giggles and squeals, with Marcia and Loosey joining hands and jumping around like teenage girls at a slumber party.
"So she did kiss you! Kind of!" Loosey says, as the excitement wears down.
"I…oh my god! You're actually so right!" Marcia beams.
"Marcia, she's, like, totally into you! What are you gonna do?!"
Even in the silence, it's almost like you can hear the screeching halt.
A knot ties in Marcia's stomach. "...Shit, I actually don't even know."
"What do you mean?" Loosey tilts her head.
"I just…" Marcia flops back down onto the couch. "God, I'm nervous to even go back next week! What am I supposed to do? Is it still too soon to even do anything?"
"I mean…hmm…"
Loosey racks her brain, hoping to formulate her friend's next move, but she can't seem to think of an immediate solution either.
Well…if not an immediate solution, then perhaps…
Suddenly, she has an epiphany, pronounced by a clap of her hands. "Alright, I got it."
Marcia looks up at Loosey, a glint of hope in her eyes.
"...I don't know yet."
And then Marcia deflates. "Wow, thanks, genius."
"The keyword here is yet. Let's just…go back on Saturday and see what happens, okay? Assess the situation and stuff."
"Go back…like, you and me?"
Marcia shoots back up to her feet, throwing her arms around her friend.
"Aww…" Loosey returns the hug with one arm, and lightly ruffles her hair with the other.
"Thank youuu," Marcia purrs, relieved that she doesn't have to be alone in her predicament.
"Of course," says Loosey.
"And mark my words, I'll be the best fuckin' moral support!"
Marcia chuckles. "I'll take your word for it, then."
(A/N: one could argue that this chapter is mostly a comical retelling of chapter 2...and you'd be right OOP </3 but hey! if Frozen II can do it, then so can I lol)
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elytra404 · 2 years
Did a writing challenge with friends, random au generator go! I got ttrpg au, and chose miraculous as my fandom. I limited myself to 500 words as an extra challenge!
Ladybug flung her yoyo across the city, landing gracefully next to her boyfriend, a tabaxi. The two stood in-front of a large red dragon. Behind them gathered their team, from the fox-skin wearing Rena to the high elf Queen. Ladybug grinned and nodded to all of them.
"Maybe we could get a bit of help here, aye gang? Lucky charm!" Ladybug threw her yoyo into the air, pink dust surrounding her. It swirled around her, alerting even the weakest detect magic spell in a twenty mile radius.
"And thats a.. nat one." Marinette slammed her head against the table. Alya burst out laughing, holding her side as she leaned back in her seat. Adrien pursed his lips, holding in his own laughter. Even Chloe looked up from her doodling to snicker.
"As the magic swarms you, your spell works perfectly. It is magical and fantastic. As the ritual ends, a spork clatters on the ground in-front of you" Alix explained. Nino copied Marinette's previous action.
"A SPORK?" Alya almost screeched through her laughter. Adrien broke, doubling over. Marinette shot him a false sad look.
Ladybug picked up the spork tenderly, ignoring the laughter of her team. She glanced around, focusing on anything she could use to help. She saw nothing. With a sigh, she tucked the spork into her belt and began to spin her yoyo.
"Chat, don't cataclysm yet. Only a last resort, we still want loot. Queen, how much you wanna bet we can beat this thing in 5 minutes?"
"Chloe, roll to sting the dragon! You can use your acrobatics modifier."
"If this is another low roll I'm going to put those dice in a paper shredder."
"That's a 11 plus 5, how does a 16 do?"
Queen ran towards the beast, calling upon her weapon. Queen slingshot her spinning top towards the beast, wrapping it around one of the dragon's horns. She landed on its head, stumbling back as she rapidly patted her flaming sleeve. She dropped the spinning top skillfully, freezing the dragon in place. The rest of the party could hear screeching as her silk shirt burnt.
"Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!"
"Hey, at least it's paralyzed now!" Alya noted. Adrien and Marinette nodded, smiling. The party had begun early on to figure out how to use their powers and item's together. From Rena's rouge spells to Ladybugs yoyo, Carapace's prized shield to Chat Noir's destructive gloves. They worked smoothly together. Excluding when the dice failed them.
"What if we just cataclysm-ed it? Pretty please?" Adrien asked, putting on his best puppy dog eyes. Four voices instantly sounded in a resounding 'no'.
Carapace grinned, holding his shield in the air. It began to glow, a protective shield building around it. In a flash of light, it was gone. The party could see the green light peaking through the dragon’s scales in its throat. Rena blinked aggressively, a smile forming on her face.
“Last to the hoard gets cataclysm-ed!”
“We never should have given you those gloves!”
link to my friend who also posted theirs!
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pervysenpaix · 3 years
What's For Breakfast| Aizawa X BlackFem!Reader
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Warning (18+) NSFW Content| Viewer Discretion Is Advised
I do not own MHA, MHA characters, or anything associated with the brand. I do not own the art, all images were obtained through google. If you know the artist please tag them. DO NOT STEAL MY SHIT.
©pervysenpaix 2022
The soft sizzle of meat in a pan, accompanied by 90's R&B playing over the speaker, roused Shouta from some of the best sleep he'd had in months. It felt so good to be back home, back in his bed and back in your pretty brown cunny. Last night, was wild; he pulled out tricks that he hadn't used since high school. Crazy how useful his binding cloth could be.
With a yawn, Shouta peeled back the covers and stretched out, rolling to your side and taking a whiff of your pillow. He loved waking up next to you, burying his face in your hair whilst getting high off your intoxicating scent. The only the better than waking up to you in his arms, was waking up to you in the kitchen.
There aren't many luxuries when you're on an undercover assignment, so the food wasn't the best. It been so long since he'd had a good homecooked meal and he couldn't wait to to taste whatever you had prepared. Hopefully, he'd even get a little dessert. Smirking, he headed to the restroom to do his morning routine. Eager to see your smiling face.
That's the only word he could think of that'd describe this moment. You were stirring some skillet potatoes while swaying your hips and screeching singing along with the radio. Bare thighs jiggling, enticingly as you moved to the beat. You were wearing a tshirt and black panties with "purr-fect" written on the ass in cheetah print. Topping it all off with cheetah print ears and black thigh high socks.
Shouta rolled his eyes, he knew what you were doing. He's not dumb and this is a game you play all the time. Doing something incredibly cute and sexy, then pretending that you weren't trying to get fucked.
"Mornin', Kitten" Black waves tickled your cheek as he bent down to pepper kisses along your neck. Big hands gripped your hips, pulling you flush against him so that the swell of your plump ass was resting on his growing bulge. "Morning, Sho" you giggled, twisted in his grasp in order to give him a proper kiss.
A hand wrapped around your neck, tilting your head to the side while his thumb tapped against the base of your throat. "Trying to get something started , my love?" Biting your lip you shook your head, denying the suggestive accusation. "What do you mean?" you asked, fluttering your lashes "innocently" as you gazed up at him.
"Shouta!" You pouted, running a hand over your stinging asscheek. "Don't play dumb, Kitten. You're not that much of a bimbo." Shouta-" you whined, stamping your feet like a stubborn child, "don't call me that!"
"Why? You are a bimbo. Even if it's just a little bit" he teased, " How else can you explain your slutty little clothes? Or that cute face you make when I fuck you stupid? Or how wet you get just from me saying "i love you". A soft whimper escaped your lips, validating his point.
"I love you, Mrs. Aizawa" His lips grazed your skin as his husky voice whispered in your ear. "I love you so much. Love everything about you." One hand rested against your soft tummy while the other squeezed tighter around your neck. "Do you love me, baby?" You nodded, but he shook his head. "Wanna hear you say it, Kitten."
"I love you, too." He runs his tongue over your bottom lip and sucks it into his mouth while his hand drops against your dampening panties.
"Show me".
Shouta's arms flexed as he brought you down onto his dick. Fucking into you, like you're some flimsy fleshlight. Your hands are tangled in his hair, thighs pressed against his stomach, with your kitten charm anklet dangling by his ear. The way he had you folded in half made him hit your gspot every time. His thick, veiny dick felt like it was splitting you in half.
Y'all were so caught up fucking that you didn't notice the bacon burning or the eggs sticking to the pan. All Shouta could think about was the squelching sound of your cunt and the slutty moans falling from your lips. You came to together, staring into eachothers eyes as pleasure shot through you.
If fucking you like a pornstar wasn't enough to make your heart flutter, he offered to help you cook breakfast! But only after he licked all the cum from your cunt. 🌚
Nasty Girls| @xogabbiexo, @dabilovesme, @riozakii, @plussizeficchick, @namjoonswifeyy, @dejwrites, @presidentmonica, @angwritez, @indiecursor, @blkchxrryblyss, @gabzlovesu, @thicksimpx, @tenyaiidasslut, @po3ticb3auty, @misss-chrisss @bookwormsenpai, @bl--ankhaeji, @sizeklink, @sintiva
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yeslieutenant · 2 years
A Glimpse of Us
ANGST ALERT. Been writing a lot of angst for some reason. This is based on the song "A Glimpse of Us" by Joji. Lyrics are bold. Flashbacks are italics. Sorry if I make anyone sad. I made myself cry, so take that as you will.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence; major character death; ANGST
She'd take the world off my shoulders
If it was ever hard to move
She holds me close to her chest as I sob, the nightmares waking me in the dead of night with a gutteral scream. Her quiet hums into my dark hair ring out in our silent room, sweat dripping from my forehead.
She'd turn the rain to a rainbow
When I was living in the blue
Her sweet voice sings smooth notes as I walk in, dropping my keys on the counter as she dances to some new song. Her hips swish and she smiles as she sees me standing there, rushing over to grab my hand to try to pull me onto her makeshift dancefloor. She tugs, but I’m frozen in place. I watch the sadness enter her eyes as her arm falls limp at her side.
“How long are we going to go on like this, Jason?” The disappointment in her voice is practically palpable.
“Like what?” I ask, my words tinged with a quiver.
“She’s in a better place, Jason.”
Why then, if she is so perfect
Do I still wish that it was you?
Y/N’s eyes sparkled at me, her laugh and smile contagious. Even covered in dirt and sweat and sand, her skin was practically begging for my lips to land on every exposed inch. The sun shone down on us, and I notice Nick throw himself to the ground.
“We got two very fuckin ready to go home marines here.” Then it darkened, the eclipse shadowing us in hell all over again.
Perfect don't mean that it's working
So what can I do?
“Please, I don’t wanna do this again,” I say, refusing to look at her.
“Don’t wanna do what? Argue about the fact that I’m not her? I will never be able to be her, Jason!” She’s angry now, and I know it’s justified. She has ever right to be angry with me.
When you're out of sight
In my mind
“Maybe we should call it quits.” Her words are harsh, spit like venom, but I don’t even flinch. I knew this was coming, but I can’t find it in my heart to care. I’m too numb. Y/N.
'Cause sometimes I look in her eyes
And that's where I find a glimpse of us
Her eyes are the same shade as Y/N’s. Maybe that’s what draw me to her in the first place. She’ll never replace what I lost though. 
And I try to fall for her touch
But I'm thinking of the way it was
The sunlight peeks through the holes and cracks in the hut, and the vampires screech, turning to get out as fast as they can. As one turns to exit, it lashes out, claws whipping across Y/N chest, and I notice it is lacking the vest she started with. I run to her, and her knees crumble underneath her weight as she drops like a stone in a creek. She feebily falls into my arms as I hold her, her legs spread in front of her on the dirt covered floor, her head resting in my lap. The white shirt she was wearing is now a deep crimson.
I thought we made it. It wasn’t supposed to end like this.
Said I'm fine and said I moved on
I'm only here passing time in her arms
“Jase,” she starts, a wet gurgled cough bubbling up her throat as she chokes on her own blood. Nick is beside her, his hand pressing against her chest. It won’t be enough. The helicopter won’t be here fast enough, despite the fact that I can hear the whipping blades in the distance. “Jase,” she says again, drawing my eyes back to hers, and I watch as a tear slips from her bright eyes, down her temple into her dirty hair. I lean in, my face right next to hers.
“You can’t do this. You still owe me a date, remember?” I feel my own tears flood, threatening to spill down onto her tender face.
“I may need to take a rain check on that, okay?”
“No. No rain checks allowed.”
“Jase, I love you.”
“I love you too, Y/N. So much. You can’t do this.” Her fingers slide under my hat, running through the short hair there.
“It doesn’t hurt, Jase.” The light is quickly fading from those bright eyes, and against what anyone would say, I lean down, her cold lips pressed against mine for a brief moment before her hand falls, slamming onto the floor with a heart shatter thump.
I’m never gonna find anyone like her again.
Hoping I'll find
A glimpse of us
Tags: @kawaiiwitch224 @yellowroseskolchek @house-of-kolchek @lorebite @buttermykolchek @katsufairies @kassiekolchek22
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miyuhpapayuh · 4 years
Where You Belong.
Tumblr media
It'd been two weeks since their breakup— if you can even classify it, as one.
Their relationship wasn't always rocky. Y'lan did everything to make sure that she was happy and taken care of and she did the same for him, but Cici began to feel neglected as time went on.
His job started to become his main focus and petty arguments became an everyday occurrence, until she got tired and moved out of his apartment, and into one of her own.
As of late, she's been enjoying being single, cumming and going as she pleases.
"So... when do I get the pleasure of seeing you, again?" Standing at the bottom of the steps, Cici and her new favorite man candy stand centimeters away from each other's lips, underneath the orange hued sun.
"Hm, you might be luckier than you think." The smitten man peers down at her, placing wet kisses on her lips.
"Mm., yo pretty ass better call me."
"Maybe I will....," she steps away from him and towards the door, her hand placed on the handle. "Maybe I won't."
"It's like that?" He asks with a raised brow.
"Always. Goodnight.," she sing-songs, unlocking the door and disappearing behind it.
Kicking her furry slides off, she sighs as the fluffy rug aides to her aching feet. Her phone starts ringing as she makes her way down the hall.
"Hello?," she answers, not even caring to look at the caller ID.
"So, you movin' on and ain't think to tell me?," Y'lan's irritated voice sounds through, causing her to roll her eyes.
"We gotta do this, tonight? I just had a great day and you're ruining it."
"Well, excuse me for being a fucking inconvenience.—"
"Yes., excuse you. You know, you got a lot of fucking nerve, calling me just to fuss at me about some shit that don't even fucking concern you.—"
"Since when does this not concern me?”
"Since your job became your whole fucking like, Y'lan!, are you kidding me?!" The huff that sounds on his end, further pisses her off.
"You just stopped caring. You were always working and always tired and I tried my hardest to be present, while you just sat there. You weren't the man that I feel in love with, anymore."
"Cici, I've been trying to apologize for the longest time, now. I know I wasn't there, like I should've been."
"Well, it's too late for that."
"Cause, I've been doin' this song and dance with you for too fucking long!," she leans against the wall by her bedroom. "I'm sure you out there fucking 'who knows what', so stop worrying about what I'm doing."
She hangs up and heads into her room, face planting onto the sheets and instantly knocking out.
Somewhere around midnight, Cici’s awaken by incessant banging on her front door.
"Ugh!", as she saunters down the hall, the banging grows louder, instantly annoying her. "Okay... either shut the fuck up or wait for me to open the door."
"Open it up, then." Rolling her eyes, she unlocks it and snatches it open, watching him walk in like he owns the place. Closing and locking the door back behind herself, she turns and leans against it, crossing her arms over her chest, her cleavage damn near spilling over.
Y'lan stands a few feet away from her, giving her a hard glare. "Can I help you?" She asks.
"You wanna help me understand why you hung up on me? You know I hate that shit."
"You're such a fucking baby. I didn't give enough of a shit to hear you explain whatever it is that made you act like I was no longer your girlfriend. I moved on and you should too, quit—"
"What?!," he cuts her off. She holds up her pointer finger in his direction.
"—quit!, calling me and harassing me about what and who I'm doing." His brow raises.
"Oh, so that's why you been hangin' up on me and shit. You got a new man in them walls and forgot, huh?" He strides over to her, now just a few inches from her face.
"I'm not a woman that waits. You know that. I've got needs and you weren't fulfilling them. Where's your roster of hoes at?"
"You really think I'm just out here fucking? That's all I'm about?" He questions, a crease in his left brow.
"That's how you used to be, who's to say that it still isn't?"
"Me!," he yells, pointing to his chest. "What's wrong with you?"
"You're what's wrong with me. I hate you.," she snarls, pushing him back. He grips her wrist, beaming back, this time closer to her face.
"You need that attitude fixed."
"Fix it, then."
A thick, sticky air shrouds the two bodies inside their bedroom. Pants, moans and grunts compete against the incessant slapping of their skin.
"Fuuuckk.... you feel so damn good, baby," she moans, taking her bottom lip between her teeth, again.
"Wet ass pussy.... I should fuckin' kill you." He grunts, before wrapping his large hand around her neck, thrusting deeper into her.
"Ahn! I'm sorry!"
"Shut the fuck up." Her hand reaches out for his thigh, as he begins to hit her spot.
"Oh fuck! You're gonna make me cum!"
"Cum on this dick." Her body jerks twice, while her pouty and swollen lips allow her foul praises, through.
"Come're." Pulling her up by her hair, his thrusts pick up speed, leaving her mouth to hang ajar.
"He gave it to you like this?"
"Nooooo.... fuck!" She quietly answers, making him move his hand back around her neck, tightly.
"I can't hear you, baby.... say it again." He grunts, dipping his hips into hers.
"No, baby!"
"He make you cum like I do?"
"No— unh!" Her toes curl, feeling him slow down some to dig into her.
"Then, why you keep fuckin' playin' with me, baby?" Moving his hand up to grab her chin, he speeds back up, the clapping of their skin refills the room.
"I'm n-not playiiiiinnng!— unh!, unh!, unh!,..." her fingers grip onto the foot board for dear life.
"I'm sorry!," she cries, feeling another orgasm brewing.
"You sorry, huh?!"
"You sorry for givin' Daddy's pussy away?" Her eyes roll back as every thrust begins to hit her spot.
"Fuck— yesssss,"
"For tellin' Daddy how much you hate him?" He emphasizes his pained question with a rough stroke, sending a scream through her.
"I didn't mean it, Daddy! Fuck, I love this dick!" Her head hangs forward.
"Ohh fuuccck.... aah! I love this dick, babyyy— I love you!"
"I love yo bratty ass, too. Throw that shit back on Daddy." She bounces back on his lap, feeling him throb against her.
"Feels so good, Daddy!" One hand grips his forearm and the other searches for something to latch onto.
"You boutta cum again, baby?" He taunts in her ear, slowly dragging his girth in and out of her tightening cove.
"Ffff—" her eyes roll back as her peak begins to rear its head.
"Talk to me, babygirl."
"Yes! I'm gonna cum!" Her body hunches forward as her essence drips down her leg. She reaches back for his thigh, pulling him closer.
"Don't st-stop," her top half goes limp on the bed, giving him more leverage to demolish her without a fight.
"Fuck!, I'm gonna cum, again!" Her legs begin to tremble as he third orgasm rushes through, just as quick, making way for another. She presses a hand over her clit, hissing at the overstimulation.
"–—shhhiiiiiit!" Her quaking frame almost hits the ground as she cums again. His big hands hold her up, continuing to dig into her.
"Okay, baby!..... I can't take it— fuck!, ooh!, ooh!, ooh!...." replaying like a broken record, she squeezes against him. He moans in response, stilling for a second.
"You can't handle it, huh?"
"You're killing me, baby... I need a break—" pulling her up from the bed, he presses her against the wall and wraps his hand around the front of her throat.
"You don't deserve a fuckin' break.," the venom in his speech makes her thighs clench around him. "You gon' take all this dick, you understand me?"
"Yes, Daddy,." The lust in her eyes doubles for him. She grabs the back of his head and smashes their lips together, moaning as he grips her fat ass with both hands.
Reaching between them with her free hand, she guides the head of his dick back between her slit, her mouth dropping open as he slides back inside.
"All that shit,..." he reminds her, digging as deep as possible.
"Oh shit...,—it feels so good, baby!" She wraps her arms around his neck and hides her face.
"Shit... you test my patience... all the fucking time.," he growls in her ear, causing a smile to break out on her lips.
"Only, because you let me." Laying her head back on the wall, she stares at him, biting down on her lip at the way his muscles flex.
"I got you that spoiled, huh?" He asks. She nods, closing her eyes as the pleasure begins to slowly build.
"Yes, baby." Pulling her away from the wall, he lays her back on the bed, beginning to move against her, like a serpent. Her hands latch onto his back.
"Oh!," her lips part, her moans swallowed in his many kisses. "Fuck, baby!"
"You feel me, girl?" He grunts against her lips.
"Yes... I feel youuuu!"
"You want this nut, babygirl?"
"Yesss, gimme that nut....," lifting her legs up, she grips the back of her thighs, giving him the leverage he needs.
"Unh,.... such a fucking brat." His hands fall above hers, gripping her flesh as he drives into her, madly.
"Fuck meeee!," she moans, digging her nails into his thighs.
His deep moans multiply as he gets closer, the muscles is his back working overtime, flexing underneath the streetlights outside her window.
"Shit!, I'ma bust all in this shit, you hear me?"
"Yes baby!," she screeches, clenching around him.
"Ah shit... uh! Fuck.... mmmm!," his pounding comes to an abrupt stop as his orgasm rushes through him. His head lolls back at the feeling.
@soufcakmistress @504queen @ghostfacekill-monger @hearteyes-for-killmonger @uzumaki-rebellion @l-auteuse @blowmymbackout @blktinkerbell @supersizemeplz @chaneajoyyy
@captainsaveasmut @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @daddy-killmonger @killmongerdispussy @browngirldominion @issahyland @honeyandpeaches @nxxstybrat @write-fromthe-start @emjayewrites
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howlingday · 3 years
jaune's from a family of raiders
well not quite he's from a culture that puts a lot of stock in capturing and ransoming off their friends and neighbors from other tribes. think of it like a combat sport only some times you're also stealing cattle and horses.
he's a prince of the high king
well again it's more complicated the kingdoms are like city states they don't exactly legislate or collect taxes all the way out into the wilds. but they do send huntsmen to protect the area and then tax the huntsmen.
jaune's dad just happened to be a huntsman who didn't pay taxes because the area his family had lived in for generations also happened to be outside the control of vale. and lots of people wanna live near the huntsmen who can keep them safe. so he has a position of respect among all the tribes. and jaune is his son
he's also required to have a harem
this one is interesting because it's one of those cultural things that seems weird from the outside but makes more sense when you look at it. men are hard to keep alive without a hospital. even with aura. women are part of a protected group like children and so take less risks in life. leading to there being a ton more women than men. and since technology isn't quite to the level of the kingdoms proper,
well more hands to help maintain a house isn't bad right?
but most of all jaune is a man who only wants to do right by his family, whether that be those from the past, or the woman, or women, that he loves.
and this part needs no further clarification
tldr: au where jaune's part of a tribal community and brings his lover or lovers home to meet the family. how does that go for everyone?
P.S: also sorry for the flowery ask, i felt inspired by something
Ooh, do tell the inspiration!
"Unhand me, you brute!" Jaune sighed as the girl in white screeched and squirmed behind him. "Do you know who I am?! When my family hears of this, they will hang you for this! Do you hear me?"
Jaune kept his focus on the road ahead as he gripped the reigns of Valorie, his mare, glancing left and right occasionally to avoid an ambush. His family might have a hold on the territory, but with his father growing in age, so, too, did that grip loosen. A rival tribe or rogue patrol from the kingdoms would easily snatch up an easy target like the lone swordsman and his latest bride.
"Could you at least tell me where we're going?"
"Home." Jaune answered, not looking back.
"Oh, yes, of course! How could I not know? And where exactly is your home?"
"Just up ahead."
"Uh huh, I see, and what are you going to do once you're home?"
Jaune let out a long sigh as he stretched his shoulders a bit. "Well, drop you off with the others, then have you judged, if there's enough time."
"Judged?" Weiss raised an eyebrow. "Judged for what?"
"Wife material." Weiss blushed and her jaw dropped. "Can you cook; can you clean; are you good with children; can you have children; do you have any family illnesses?" He shrugged. "Routine wedding discussions."
"W-Wedding?!" Ah, and just like that, the shrieking began anew. "You savage! You brute! I refuse to be treated like some stock taken to auction, about to be sold to some pervert noble!"
"You're not being sold to a noble." Jaune smiled and looked back. "Just me." Before she could begin again, Jaune let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, we're home."
It may have only been about a week since Jaune had left, but it felt like forever since his departure from the lands of Arcadia. The valleys and hills were as green and lush as ever, and the summer winds carried the calming scent of flowers across it all. He passed the growing crops, where he saw his sisters, their wives, and some of his own watering and tending to them. They waved to him, and he returned one to them.
"Welcome home, Miss Weiss." The girl marveled at the beauty. She had only heard of such places from her studies in the manor, but to see it in person was something else. Before she could admire it more, however, the mare stopped, jostling her from her focus.
Jaune slid down, then pulled Weiss down as well, carrying her bridal style. He then set her onto her own feet and untied the binds on her wrists and ankles. She lifted her leg, then kicked his shin. He yelped in pain.
"That was for the kidnapping!" She shouted.
"Yeesh! Just a kick?" Weiss turned to see a lilac-eyed blonde woman in fieldwork garments smiling at her. "When he dropped me off, they had to get his old man to get me off of him." She looked past Weiss to Jaune. "You going soft on me, or just your taste in women?"
"And who are you?" Weiss spat. "One of his whores?"
Yang laughed and placed a sweaty, mud-encrusted paw on her delicate shoulder. It felt warm at first, then hot as her grip became tight, and her eyes red. "I dare you to say that again."
"Yang, stop it!" Weiss and Yang looked to the younger girl running from inside the house. She was a brunette with red tips and silver eyes, and she wore a red apron that she had to roll up to her shins. She futilely tugged on the blonde woman's arm. "Jaune told you not to hurt anyone else!"
She let go, making the girl yelp as she was lifted with her arm. "Aw, c'mon, Rubes, we were just playing!" She then looked to Weiss, her eyes lilac once more. "Ain't that right, Ice Queen?"
"Ice Queen?!" Weiss balked.
"Yang, cut it out, please." Jaune sighed.
"Fine, fine!" Yang turned around, lowering her arm. The smaller girl let go as she walked away. "Besides, the crops won't grow themselves. I'll go be a good workhorse." She stopped to look back and winked. "I expect my carrot tonight, though, sweetheart~."
"Play nice and we'll see." Jaune responded with a smile. With that, Yang chuckled and resumed walking, swaying her hips for a few more yards before jogging back to the field. He looked to the younger girl and smiled. "And how have you been, Ruby?"
She sighed. "Do you mean after you left, or after you came back?"
"After you left, I missed you. It was your mom's birthday, but I couldn't afford a present, so I took on her chores for the week, but I didn't expect her chores included chimney cleaning, so now I have soot so far up my nose, I'm still sneezing black. Then I had to tend to the chickens, but they're so vicious, and I swear they can smell weakness, because the rooster jumped me at least six times. Then Zwei needed a bath, but he somehow tricked me into the tub, so I smell like wet dog a little bit. And then I had to bake her cake all on my own, but there were eggshells in it and it came out both burnt and raw somehow, and I just- Argh!" Ruby collapsed into Jaune's torso. "I really missed you."
Jaune held her and kissed the crown of her head. "I missed you, too, Ruby." He stepped back and held a hand outward towards Weiss. "Ruby Rose-Arc, this is Weiss Schnee. She's going to be my newest bride." He looked to Weiss. "Weiss Schnee, this is Ruby Rose-Arc, my second wife. She and Yang will help prepare you for judging."
"It's so nice to meet you!" Ruby swooped in, snatching the other woman's hands in hers. Her smile was wide and bright. "It'll be nice to have another short girl in our home!"
"No!" Weiss yanked her hands away. "I refuse! When my father hears of this, he'll-"
"Oh, that reminds me!" Jaune walked to Valorie and reached into her saddlebag. Weiss grumbled as she watched him pull out a small, burlap sack. "Here, Ruby. This was part of the dowry, but I want you to have it."
Ruby opened the sack and squealed in delight. "Dust crystals!" She hugged the new woman tightly. "You are the bestest bestie a bestie could ever have!"
"What the-?! Where did you get those?!" Weiss shrieked.
"From your father." Ruby ran inside with her new sack. "In exchange for marrying you, we'll allow him to trade through our lands."
"My father would never-!" Jaune gave her a curious look. "I mean, not to one of his own-!" Her voice grew softer. "I thought..."
"Listen," Jaune placed a hand on her shoulder, "if you don't want to marry me, I understand. Most of the others didn't want to, either. But if you give it a few days, you might learn to love it here. You won't go hungry, you'll be well protected, and I promise you'll be loved every day."
"I just... I didn't think I would be treated like this. By my own family."
"I know." Jaune removed his hand. "Would it be okay if I hugged you?"
"JAUNEY!" The two saw a young woman bull rush towards Jaune, carrying a dead boar high above her head. Jaune extended his arms out and caught her, spinning in place at least a dozen times. Blood sprayed around, including onto Weiss and the other two as they embraced. When they stopped, Jaune set her down, giving her a butterfly kiss with his nose to hers. "You're home!"
Jaune chuckled. "Yup!" He peered around her and looked to Weiss. "And I brought back someone new."
Nora turned around and gasped as she looked at Weiss. "Oh! My! Dust! You are so small!" She looked to Jaune and waggled her brow. "Be careful you don't break her!" She then laughed. "I'd shake your hand, but, uh, I'm a little busy. I'm Nora Valkyrie-Arc, Jaune's fourth wife."
"Weiss Schnee." Blood dripped from her hair. "And I was just about to leave."
"Aw! Already?! We were gonna make pancakes tomorrow!"
"I was going to make pancakes, Nora." Weiss turned to the male voice and saw a slim man in the doorway, wearing both an apron and a blank expression. "Just like I do every morning for you."
"Renny!" Nora cheered before tossing the trophy to him. "This is my first husband, Lie-Valkyrie Ren!"
Despite his slim figure, the man held the heavy beast with seemingly no trouble. "A pleasure to meet you." He nodded, before turning to head inside.
"Is he also your husband?" Weiss asked. Jaune chuckled nervously. This was going to be a long day, but they both already knew that.
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the-blind-geisha · 3 years
Would you ever do an angsty Demi+MC one shot? Like maybe them losing a child and them comforting one another over it?
A/N: Hi there~.
Sadly, I cannot do a one-shot for what I do for commissions if you're meaning the 9K word one-shot. When it comes to those types of stories, I usually ask people to throw me ideas for specific fandoms, and then I pick which ones I wanna do when it comes to this blog outside of commissions.
But I can do roughly 1K word sort of thing, if you'd like?
Since miscarriage wasn't specifically stated, I'm going to assume this is a child dying before their time and wasn't before birth.
TW: child death / major angst.
They were the light of your life—your everything. That baby was the combination of yours and Demiurge's being. He had his father's eyes and your hair and nose. He was perfect to you both.
Being so young and full of life, he brought a smile to your faces always. It was the first in a very long time you ever saw Demiurge smile without malicious, evil intent being the origin of it.
This baby truly was a miracle in its own way.
However... demons can be vicious and cruel when a baby isn't theirs or someone under their leader's. Demons were about the New World that weren't part of Nazarick or under Demiurge's command.
And... as it was... the screams of your baby were heard late one evening when he managed to wander from the farm Demiurge ran.
Hearing your baby scream was bone chilling. A feral response flooded over the two of you, but it was Demiurge who got there the fastest. By the time you had arrived, the demon responsible had been torn to shreds but your son...
… he was gone...
Gone. Forever.
A small grave marker was made of stones and precious flowers to be put outside of the walls of Nazarick where his body laid to rest. You were inconsolable. Demiurge tried with all his might to hug you and tell you he would get him back, but it just hurt to think about.
“Please, no... Just let it go, Demiurge,” you whispered, covering your sorrow with your palms upon your face.
“He won't be gone forever, my love. I swear it! I—!”
“He's gone, Demi!” you screeched, wanting him to stop this madness. Pushing him away, you tried to get up and storm back to your room. Sadly, the grief weighed you down back to your hands and knees. Your body heaved as you choked on the grief that wished to suffocate the life from you. “He's never coming back,” you whispered in unbridled sorrow. “What part of that don't you understand?”
The devil hurried to your side, grabbing at your upper shoulders to try and keep you from losing yourself once more. He wasn't lying. Perhaps there would be a way to get the baby back, but... not through resurrection magic. It would be too strong for one its age to endure.
That was where it hurt the worst for you both—magic couldn't help here.
“I'm sorry,” Demiurge apologized. “I just—.”
“I need to be alone,” you pleaded, standing slowly back to your feet, no matter how wobbly they were. “I need to grieve... alone...”
As you took off to do such a thing, Demiurge was left to himself and his own sorrow. As it were, he began to blame himself. Maybe you equally blamed him for all of this. He didn't know as you wouldn't say.
“It was my fault,” Demiurge muttered in quiet anger to himself. It was there he turned, looking back to the grave marker once more. “If I hadn't insisted he come join me at the farm, none of this would have happened...”
His voice began to crack, trembling as he spoke. Tears that sparkled when the moonlight touched them trailed down Demiurge's cheeks as his teeth bit at his lower lip in a form of quiet rage.
It was a child. Yes, he could make more, but nothing could replace the baby he had grown to love in only a few months.
Each soul was different.
Each soul was precious.
This soul... was gone.
In truth, you didn't blame Demiurge. You blamed yourself.
If you had just gone shopping on the Tenth Floor like you had planned, none of this would have happened. Demiurge would have been fine with you not going to the farm. You couldn't say you cared for that place anyways or wanting your son near it either.
If only you had just listened to yourself...
Being back at the bedroom wasn't the best idea, now that you were there. His empty crib was at the foot of your bed. That sent you into a blind, tearful breakdown. You pushed it away, letting the item Demiurge crafted collapse and break upon the ground with ease given the strength you exerted.
It was worthless now. Nobody would fill that crib—nobody.
Blinded by your tears, you used the bed's column foot post to get back to your feet. All you could do was make it to the bed and just collapse on top of it. You muffled your wailing into the covers, not able to control yourself.
When you would have the courage to face Demiurge again and apologize for your stupidity, you weren't sure. Right now, it hurt too much to even think about. You felt like you deserved to be punished.
The hours were agonizing. What was meant to be a single minute felt an eternity of grief you would never recover from.
Demiurge did eventually make it to the bedroom, seeing the destroyed crib much to his own dismay. However, he couldn't say he didn't understand. Even if it was a gift to you from him for the child that was to be born, who would fill it now?
“How are you feeling?” Demiurge asked, ignoring the ruined crib for the moment.
You felt the bed pull to his direction as he sat on the bedside. What could you say? You felt like you needed to apologize for being such a failure. However, just thinking of doing so made the tears attempt to come back.
You were so tired of crying...
“Heartbroken,” you muttered, the words were buried in your tear stained pillow.
Demiurge sighed a quivering sigh that you had never heard before. He was equally so in pain and had been no doubt crying alone himself. It was dreadful to think about you being responsible for that.
His hand rested on your head, stroking you gently to try and soothe you. “I am so sorry, my love,” he muttered, words threatening to crumble into tearful agony once more. “I should have been more alert. He wouldn't have... died...”
The moment that word passed Demiurge's lips, he flinched. The very word was far more painful than any spell that could be unleashed upon him. He trembled, tears squeezing from the corners of his crystalline eyes.
It was the most dreadful thing you could hear and witness—Demiurge crying. Never had he ever done so before. It were as though you were a child, witnessing as your hero showed this sort of vulnerable, human emotion.
Moving upright in bed, you wrapped your arms around him tightly as you buried your face into his chest to sob in return. “Please, no,” you whined. “This wasn't your fault. It was mine. All mine. I should have just taken him shopping like I told you I was going to do...”
Demiurge wrapped his arms about you tightly, burying his nose into your hair as he continued to wail. “But I was the one that pulled you away from it... It's my fault.”
He needed to find a reason to punish himself. Being who he was, he wanted to see to it he was punished by the Supreme Beings properly. No doubt he felt he deserved it. He didn't want to see you leave all because of his stupidity.
“Demiurge, you're not solely to blame,” you reminded him, grabbing tightly onto his pinstriped coat. “I have a role in this as well. It's my fault too.”
He cradled the back of your head and brought you closer as his chest tightened and shuddered every moment he released a choking gasp of a cry, trying to heal through his loss. “I'm still sorry,” he whimpered, crying heavily once more.
You rocked him back and forth as you too shook with regret and sorrow. “I am too. I still love you.” You managed to mutter those words even if your love couldn't go to your son any longer. “Do you still love me?”
“Of course I do,” Demiurge answered swiftly. “I always have, and I always will.” He looked over at the broken, shattered crib. “I'll even love him till the day I join his soul in the afterlife.”
“As will I...”
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sly-merlin · 3 years
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre : (fluff)  angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au.
warnings of this chapter : cursing, mention of drugs, character death.
words : ~4k
summary :
“life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
“ curiousity got the cat hitched”
K.M masterlist
K.M 13
TAGLIST : @kpop-choco @moon-yuta @kawaiiayasan @btm-taeyong @exfolitae @lanadreamie @cheersskznct ​​ @hyuckiesgf ​​ @theworld-accordingtocasey ​​@simplybree
@yiyi4657 @sorrywonwoo @sillywinnergladiator   @minejungwoo @leesalts @mal-nakamoto23 @ro2424 @itlittlefangirl @nctzens-world @bl–ankhaeji @jeaneteflo @nuoyii @bralessmermaid @minhoseyeliner @tyongpoetry @swimmingkpopblog @jkjkseo @orphicmoon @floralescapes
A/N : this chapter marks the celebration of this blog surpassing 600 followers! thank you so much for all the support! also for minor readers, the sfw versions of nsfw chapters are given at the end of the masterlist so check those properly before reading.
y/n! Are you sleeping?”
Registering his words, you replied in a groggy voice,“What the fuck do you want?”
“Your phone. I left mine in the medical room. I need to call Mark right now.” with some authority, he spoke.
Whining loudly, you fell back on the bed. It was only due but flailing your arms and legs like a kid in a toy store, you let out a screech full of annoyance, cursing your fate.
Were you really going to babysit him now?
"Have you suddenly lost your hearing? Stop with this sick attitude and open the door."
A puff of air left your nose, your chest moved rhythmically with your stomach and you relaxed your arms beneath your head, eyes fixed at the fan above and ears ringing with his voice. He kept calling you and after a number of shouts, you started humming to distract yourself, afraid that you'd end up helping him otherwise. That was something, naturally, you were not interested in. Last time he had ignored your voice and now nature had presented you with an opportunity to return the favour. Just with a bit less flavour.
"Are you dead?"
"Hmmm. To you, yes I am." Mumbling, you yawned and pushed yourself up to reach your side table and fishing out your earphones from the bottom drawer, you untangled them and fixed them comfortably in your ear, hiding yourself underneath the sheets.
Sonata no.14 instantly transported you away from the noise and the stress that was your unwanted husband, yuta. The smile playing on your lips widened as you realised that you were his only mode of communication at the moment.
But You were going for a nap. Until then, he could wait. And thrash. And cry. Or die.
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Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you rotated the handle of the door to walk outside but your little trip was interrupted when your body collided straight into a wall. No. The obstruction was too soft for a wall.
Opening your eyes properly, you saw yuta standing stiff. Surprised at the sudden appearance, you immediately stumbled back and in hurry, hit your spine on the wooden door. The glare of his eyes, that always spoke more than you could comprehend, coupled with a clenched jaw, was not a very pleasant sight for sure yet you found it harder to dart your own eyes away from him.
"Your phone" he seethed, breathing deeply.
"Huh?" You croaked out.
He raised his brow and in an instant, the previous scenario played like a short movie in your head. Snapping your head down, you regarded his leg with pity. He obviously noticed it immediately but seemed to ignore it and refrained from saying anything. Good for you, you thought.
"Are you deaf?"
Your furrowed brows met his eyes and with a roll of his own, he picked up his finger to force his demand but you managed to walk back inside your room before he could've done that.
Your back faced him as you contemplated your options while slowly stretching your arm to reach for your phone on the other side of the bed.
should you even be giving him your phone?
You had more trust in Taeyong than the man you shared a roof with so there was no way you were doing that.
Unbeknownst to you, yuta was watching your movements intently and the way you bobbed your head, he knew you were scheming something so he decided to be polite for a moment. Only until you were needed. Or your phone was needed.
Once the phone was in your hand, another thought crossed your mind.
"Wait. Where is the house phone?" Crossing your arms, you asked him slyly, already knowing the answer
"You fucking never got it installed. It's still in its stupid package" he seemed rather impatient.
"And you could've called reception through the door telecom. He would have phoned Mark for you. These rich apartments certainly have more hospitality tha-
He inhaled and exhaled and you just watched until he opened his eyes again, hand reaching out to you.
"Chill. I've every right to be sceptic especially when you are the one asking for it."
Finding Mark's number on your phone, you called him.
Yuta's hand threaded through his rough hair as he noticed what you were trying to do.
"Hey mark!" Your chirpy voice resounded in the room and yuta was sure this was some different spirit speaking. You sounded too bubbly for the way you were investigating him just a second ago.
"Yes yes. His phone exactly.i don't trust him enough to hand over my phone so that's why I'm calling you myself. Just hurry up if you can or you might have to clean up a dead body in the next few hours."
With that you cut the phone. Without meeting yuta's gaze and resting your hand on the handle, you mumbled,
"He'll be here in an hour."
You were about to close the door when he stopped it with the palm of his hand, alerting you with the force.
"Tell him to get some food too."
And limping, he retired back, to the couches.
Sighing, you messaged mark. Had it been for something else, you'd have ignored but your own stomach had signalled you that it needed some good food so you chose not to fight against your own body.
Now, only the taste of the food could decide how many days you were going to tolerate that barbaric human.
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"Are you still going to that stupid internship?" Johnny hesitantly murmured from your desk chair while taking big bites from the plate.
"It's not stupid please! I’m just waiting for them to actually pay attention to my awesome capabilities so they can transfer me to the main branch. This is not bad either but”, you stopped to lick your forefinger and tasting the sauce, continued, “but I really wanna go into the criminal unit. That’s where the actual fun is. As long as i’m being paid decently, i’ll suffer with the stupid research work here.”
“With the tongue as sharp as yours, I think you should be getting ready for a demotion instead” he laughed, showing you his fake bunny teeth in the most annoying and childish way.
“Ha ha ha ha. Some well wisher you are! Thank you so much for looking out for me but I'll be fine. Who knows the gatekeeper’s pay package is more than me. So it’d be a win-win in that case too I guess?” when you did a drum roll with your chopsticks to stress upon your point, he laughed harder.
"So being broke is the new black?" Rolling his eyes, he dragged out, "I swear you kids don't know how this world works."
"And you, grandpa of the century, knows?"
"I'm aware of what I need for my survival and from what I've learnt, you can either take risks or look for job security. In your case, " he fake coughed, "where the proportions of risk taking have already exceeded the acceptable limit, a job security is the best and safest option to choose."
"And that would justify my greed and desire to work for the biggest company of this city."
"Kun. The security you need and the independence you seek would be given by kun. Chois are hmm how to say? Cheap? Yeh cheap. They have no work ethics. "
"Have you worked with them, johnny?"
"No. I'm ju-
"Then was your ex a choi?" You saw his eyes comically and cutely widening at your remark.
"No. My ex wasn't a choi and that's not what I'm saying and you know that."
"Oh. So your ex wasn't a choi. Then a lee? Kim? Im? Oh my god! Look at your cheeks seo!" You dragged out. He shook his head as you kept wiggling your brows at him.
"She was a kim but that doesn't mean I would hate all kims dude. That's baseless and stop ignoring the topic. I want you to apply in Kuns. It's the best option. Do it as soon as you-
"Yeah yeah we'll see about that. First take that bitch back. I can't even nap in his presence. "
"Umm. Yeah. You gotta tolerate him. And besides he's injured. Injured yuta is like a gun without a bullet. He's gonna shout for a day or two and then peace out. He'll be sleeping and reading in his room and you won't even know if he's alive or not."
"Now that's bullshit. What is he going to do here anyway? I hope he can hop himself on one leg because even if the sun rises from the north, I am not going to do a single task for him. He can die hungry , for all I care.”
“Do you think you can endure him for some tasty dinners?”
Clicking your tongue, you quipped, “Do you really think you can buy me with a few homemade meals?”
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Day 1
Yes. you were sold. The moment the tasty noodles had melted in your mouth, you knew you had no dignity. And you were indeed ashamed of yourself.
Earlier, Renjun had called you to inform you that he had delivered the food and medicines for yuta and had left your dinner box but he had failed to mention the special and endearing note that was pasted on the glass box. In the curvy letters, it read bitchy piglet and you swore the only person you’d be killing before yuta would be jaehyun. But you were going to use jaehyun to build up your tolerance instead.
When you went out to clean your dishes, he was playing some game on his phone, excitement evident from the way he was laughing every other second. Maybe if he remained occupied, he would not be so insufferable.
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Day 3
"Oyii! Oyii!"
No. You were wrong. He was very very much insufferable.
At midnight, his voice echoed, disturbing your sleep. You cursed at the cool atmosphere that had prevented you from using the air con which otherwise would have blocked his annoying screeches. But it seemed like bad luck wanted to change its name to y/n instead. With your name being called like a broken record, it was a fight between you and him that you were not going to lose. Shuffling to your side, you covered your ears with the other pillow and tried to drown out the annoyingly demanding and hoarse voice. There was no way you were giving him the satisfaction of having any power over you. He could cry for all he liked!
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“What the fuck do you want at this hour?”
Attempting a glare at him through sleepy lids, you spewed with irritation. Unlike you, he was very much awake, breathing with the sole purpose of making you question your whole existence.
“Pillow” scratching his non-existent beard, he mumbled.
Your nostrils flared and jaw clenched at such inconvenient command.
“You summoned me for a pillow? A pillow that can normally be found on a person’s bed? Can you please rectify your demand or did I just simply hear something wrong?”
The opened curtains and the moonlight that drenched the room was the only source that illuminated his face for you and even with drooping eyes, you could see how serious he was and yet you couldn't hold your tongue back because he simply deserved every shit you bestowed him with.
“Turn the lights on and count the pillows on my bed! And when you are done, get me some pillows from your room.” he simply stated.
“Why should i give you my pillow? I need them!”
“Because I don't use a pillow and I need it asap!”
“Then why do you suddenly need one? To disturb my sleep? Oh that makes sense.” and suddenly, your eyes had synced with your body to side with your fight mode.
“I need them for elevating my leg. The bandage is too tight and it’s not comfortable.”
“Then why don't you walk out of the room and get some cushions for yourself!” you raised your volume.
“Because my leg is in pain and i’m unable to get up? What makes you think I'm dying to see your ugly face at this time of the night. I dont wanna have nightmares of you as well but i can't help it ok!”
“you should have kept them near you. And who are you calling ugly hmm? You poop fac-
“Okay scream for all you want! But get me a pillow when your battery dies down!”
“What the fuck d- are you covering your ears? Wow ways to be generous!”
Stomping your foot, you left the room to get the hardest cushion on the couch.
“Here! Next time call Mark if you want anything. Don’t raise your voice ever again to call me because unlike you, i have work in the morning and hence I need some sleep..”
Just when you were about to leave after shoving the cushion in his hand, he spoke up again,
“This is damn hard! I asked for your pillow specifically and not th- AHH!”
A scream left him as you harshly removed the support , leaving his leg to painfully meet the mattress.
“How about you fix your attitude before fixing your leg?” suggesting, you dropped the cushion on the floor and left.
He didn't call you after that. Nor that you cared. However, the sleep in your eyes somehow vanished. Dancing on your sides didn’t help. Neither did drinking a glass of water. So, with a groan, you listened to your conscience and picked up your extra pillow that was sadly too perfect for your enemy.
Padding to his room, you tried your best to scrutinise and hearing his heavy snores, you placed the pillow right under his thigh and the cushion under his calf. Scoffing at his sleeping figure, you internally groaned to remind yourself that you hadn't done it for him. It was just a debt. For the blanket he had once covered you with. Nothing more and nothing less.
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Day 5
You just wanted him out of your hair. He was just being a load on your head. At first, only the work was kicking your ass, then jungwoo was kicking you like a punching bag for an hour straight and adding to your distress was yuta.
"I'm not your maid! Stop piling up the dishes for me. I've had enough mercy on you. From today onwards, get a cleaner for yourself or buy disposable cutlery. I'm not going to clean after you!"
With a roll of his eyes, he had ignored you.
And so did you. Pasting a warning note on the sink tap, you had left for the library with a dying hope that maybe the kitchen would be spotless on your arrival or you'd be dialing some numbers in the evening.
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For someone who despised the solemn atmosphere of libraries, you had successfully spent 11 hours in the said hellish room. It was 11 p.m and you wanted to sleep, more than anything but here you were, waiting for yugyeom so he'd just pick you up for a good drinking session that you were dying to have.
Fortunately, you weren't the only one who had missed living these past days. Everyone, for different reasons, was suffering so you felt a little less bad for yourself even though you knew your troubles were far more grave than their academic burdens.
"Wake up shorts" someone whispered in your ear. Squirming on your seat, you whipped your head in your sleepy state and found jungkook caressing your head, goofily smiling at you.
"I thought you wanted to hang out till the next morning" air quoting the last words, he picked up your bag.
"Yeah. Let's go. I'm all ready for a night full of vodkas." You yawned out.
"Definitely. No. You are going home. We can have a small get together me and yuggy are done with our final project." He dragged you out into the parking lot.
" I feel like it's been years since we got drunk together. You are never here anymore!" You whined at him, complaining your heart out.
"I will be. Soon. Then we can celebrate your little choi job as well."
"Oh please. Don't even mention it. If I had penny for every time they rolled their eyes at me, I'd be richer than your parents kook." You huffed out and as his gentle laugh surrounded you, you closed your eyes resting your back against the seat, expecting to be up by the time he'd park.
But the next day, you woke up tangled in the sheets of your bed, unaware of the events of the previous night.
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When you had warned yuta about the dirty dishes, you hadn't expected him to fill the corners of the kitchen with disposable containers. It looked like you had missed a whole drama while sleeping in the library. The kitchen was shining except for the new utensils. But as long as you were not babysitting him, you were fine with anything. You didn't want to jinx your relief, however, you were glad you would be able to get some work done. finally.
You had spoken too early for your own good. Just when you sat down to write your paper, passionate and enthusiastic howls of that man pierced through your earphones and once again, you opened the window and hopped outside, in the balcony, ready to drown him out. Sipping on your lemonade, you gaped at the scenery the not so distant traffic provided you with and somehow, your thoughts wandered to the only person these horns reminded you of. Johnny.
What are you doing? Your fingers hovered over the text but once again, you deleted the message, declaring it to be too childish for someone as mature as him. Maybe you were just being silly. Maybe you were not. But who was going to put a stamp on your maybe?
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Tears pricked your eyes as the harsh words of your senior thundered in the room. He kept shouting and you had no option than to consume each and every word he directed at you. Even if you were being insulted in front of your twenty other co-workers, staying quiet was the best option, you ascertained. so along with your saliva, you gulped your explanations down your throat.
Howsoever unconscious, you were still in the wrong. There was no excuse as to why you had mailed the wrong bills, apart from the headache that was caused by the person possibly lying on the sofa and watching t.v back home. No matter how much you tried to run away from his existence, he had somehow managed to let himself inside your head.
Glaring at the kid who asked for his turn on the park swing, you pushed yourself a little higher, letting the wind greet your stinging eyes as it hit your face in waves. Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you chose to ignore jungwoo for a day as it was the time, you decided, to let all the lessons that the past few months had taught you sink into your mind, to bleed into your soul so you won’t ever be able to deviate from them. Ever.
Only if that was so easy. You knew blaming others for your problems was no solution but trivialising them by not paying heed wasn't a smart move either.
When you reached home, your frustrations had died down. So when yuta simpered and pointed towards your empty container, telling you how he had already finished your supposed dinner, you simply rolled your eyes at him, robbing him of whatever he wanted to achieve by riling you up. Heating up the water, you were about to open the noodles packet when yeong called you.
You stared at the shattered phone screen in disbelief as the endless tears ran down your cheeks. As you verbalised the words to yourself again, your body met the floor with a thud.
Jungkook. Drugs. No more.
Three words had silenced the screeches in your head and your mind busied itself in rejecting what you had heard for it had to be a lie. But what how were you going to ignore the heart wrenching screams that yeong had let out. How were you going to dismiss the truth.
How were you all going to accept it?
next update: Some day between 5-7 June.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
MC that doesn't have any energy during the day, just moping around all tired. But from like, 12 AM to 6 AM, really energized and would go out and do the most Chaotic Shit TM. You know when you just come up with some crack idea at 2 AM? MC every goddamn night. Probably tried making a bathtub fly.
(if you do want to do this, please do the brothers and the undateables ^^)
XD WHY IS THIS ME???!!!!! I'm always so tired and never leave my bed but it could be 1 am and suddenly I rise from the dead and just do random things around the house
Though these aren't chaotic, mostly just the boys trying to stop you as they're tired and want to sleep but you're messing around too much. I tried to base it off my own activities and things that would seem funny - sorry if you wanted something more chaotic but I couldn't think of anything
When he learned about your strange late morning/early morning shenanigans
He saw it was a way for you to finally get your school work done
Every room - and I mean EVERY - had a textbook from your different class with notes, he goes to bed late so he put them their before he tucked in for the night
He could hear your distress at the continuous reminder of work you needed to do
You knew this was his work so you went to his room
Climbing on his bed and just walked over his body
"Stop it, I'm trying to learn how to replicate the set ups from home alone."
"You can do that after doing your coursework, I'm being merciful with you, don't push it."
You just threw yourself down beside him
Pretending to suddenly fall asleep and began to loudly fake snore
You remained like that whilst Lucifer tried to ignore you
He took this as a sign of war
He was going to monitor you all day if he has to, he refuses to let your bad grades affect their image
But you got bored of snoring and left
He felt relief; his desire to sleep over weighing his desire to force you to study
When you came back with a toy gun you altered to shoot golf balls he knew thing's weren't going well
You shot at his lower body between each words
This was definitely war
He was sleeping just fine until he heard his car rev up
He bolted awake and saw that his car was on, a string of curses coming from inside
He knew of your weird habit of becoming energised at ridiculous times but he wasn't expecting you to do this
He could tell it was you by your voice
He stormed up the stairs towards his car
"Oi! What are you doing in my car? Go to bed!"
You finally were able to turn off the car, just leaning on the wheel casually as if you didn't just accidentally turn it on
"I'm just cruising~ nothing to see here!"
He wasn't amused
He got you out of his car and strung you over his shoulder, scolding you for being so irresponsible and slightly bragging about how much trouble you'd be in if it weren't for him
You tried to explain you were just pretending to drive but you saw the keys still inside and got curious
He just threw you on his bed and held you, hiding his blush in his pillow
You let him fall asleep but when you tried to escape it ended up with your shoulders in a head lock and your ass stuck in the air
It seems your productive night has came to an end
It was a fifty - fifty chance that levithan was awake or not
But Lucifer gave him an earful about staying up late as it's effecting grades
So you betted he was asleep and your desire to game and wonder aroulnd his room set itself in motion
What made it awkward, was when you came in you heard a suspicious girly moan come from his headphones
You both just stared at each other, unmoving
"Uh- this isn't- this is just a dream, this is definitely not happening."
You checked out the game he was playing; recognizing it to be a dating sim he's been following the development of
You just nodded, shuffling over to his set up
"Scoot over dream levi, I wanna see the hot babes."
He got even more embarassed; face completely red as you sat on your player 2 chair
You put your hand on his, forcing his finger to click the mouse and watched what was happening on screen, listening to the loud music from his headphones
Luckily, the voice acting was just suspicious - like most animes - and it was a fairly cute game
You did end up swirling around in your chair aroulnd his room
Both of you coming up with strategies to get the best girl to like you
Though, too much moving and spinning made you and the chair fall over
You bonked Into his bathtub, your ribs squishing against the rim after the trip
Levi let you make all the gaming decisions to make up for it
He planned to have some late night reading, hoping it'll make him tired enough to actually sleep
He found you sitting on the floor in the library
Torn books and littered paper was surrounding you
Then he noticed the paper stars and cranes pouring out from your lap as you froze mid fold
"That's....a thousand stars and cranes - where did you get all this paper from?"
"......the books belonged to me before you assume anything!"
He slowly nodded
He wasn't a fan of the destruction of books but they were yours so he couldn't say anything
He felt odd just leaving you in the barely lit library
Just folding paper who knows how long
He asked if you were hungry, guessing you've been awake for a long time
You just shoved paper into your mouth and began chewing
He was horrified
You immediately spat it out, cringing
"that was a bad idea.... that was gross."
He's going to get you food
When he came back he felt more energised; walking around will do that for you
So he decided to just stay with you whilst you folded the many pages of your destroyed books
It was around 6 am when you finally yawned; Satan fell asleep already
You looked at the fire place, your tired brain screaming for arson
He woke up as he heard your fits of poorly muffled giggles
You were throwing your stars in the fire as you sat a fair distance from it
When you threw the cranes, accepting some didn't fly far enough and didn't burn, he asked what you were doing
"It's survival of the fittest, only the strongest cranes survive in this paper world."
You were already in his room, you've been sleeping in it almost all day
So when you finally got out you looked around, spotting the makeup kit he got in a sponsorship
He lets his brother's or you use it as it's a spare
But if you touch his stuff; you will perish
So you decided to use that one, practising all sorts of looks and tried not to laugh when you made yourself a clown
You decided to stay in the clown makeup and go into his practice room
What was his practice room?
Well, he hates exercising Infront of people as he'll be sweaty and his hair will get ruined
So that's where he goes but the real magic was the pole in the middle of it
You felt a spark of inspiration
Looking up tutorials on your phone on how to pole dance
It did not go great
You were sliding too fast
Falling over and when you tried to spin, you would just get stuck
"I love you but if you keep disturbing my beauty sleep I will throw you out the window."
He was grouchy; his hair was barely smoothed out and arms crossed
You hugged the pole you were slowly sliding down; a long loud screech coming down
You definitely felt like a clown
"Sorry- you look handsome already so is there really any need for beauty sleep?"
He blushed, agreeing he was beautiful before giving you a "I will end you" smile
You got the hint, flattery wasn't going to work
Perhaps your pole dancing adventures can wait
He was aware of your strange energy burst at night, you were talking about it with him the other day
He's been wondering if he would ever spot you and tonight he did
He found you in the kitchen
Just chipping away at the frost on the top of the freezer trays with a small knife
He crouched down behind you, picking you up
Beel let you sit on his thigh and began to eat anything he could get his hands on
Meanwhile you were aggressively stabbing the formed ice
"Why are you doing that?"
He grabbed a handful of the ice chunks that fell from your stabbing
"Not sure what I want to do tonight and the build up was bothering me."
He didn't need to know anymore, just nodding and letting you do your own thing whilst he ate
He cleared out the entire fridge in no time
Letting you eat anything you wanted whilst you were hard at work
He noticed one part of the ice wasn't giving it to your stabbings
He just gripped it and easily broke it off
You thanked him and ignored how he was able to eat the big block with breaking it
Whenever something was too stubborn he would just break it off for you
It went on like that until you were satisfied
You closed the empty freezer and turned to your assistant
"Good work, but I'll need your help again, I can't reach the top cupboard and I know it's big enough to let me sit in it."
He got to eat more so he had no issue, helping you get into the cupboard once he was done clearing it out
You were so energised yet you couldn't think of what to do
You put a spell on you to stop you from feeling pain and began to let yourself roly-poly down the hallways
You penciled rolled abit too fast at one pointand ended up thumping down the stairs
You were thankful the spell worked
It got to the point you just kept rolling around until you couldn't anymore
You padded the broom closet
Immediately doing a double take when you noticed a body In the darkness
You went over and turned on the closets light
"is there a reason you're sleeping in the broom closet?"
Belphie was grumbling, trying to hide his face from the light
He glared up at you for disturbing his sleep
"Is there a reason you're rolling around the house?"
You ended up dragging belphie around the house
You felt like you committed a crime and it was fun
He was fast asleep and you were bored
You dragged him by the ankle and tried to keep his body from banging into anything along the way
You ended up bumping into Beel, he was looking for his twin, and he noticed you were dragging him
Belphie slightly woke up, waving at his brother before going back to sleep
Beel carried the two of you back to the his bedroom; hugging you both
If it weren't for these warm beefy arms you would be free! Free to terrorise all the shadows in the room
You gave up your night activities when even Belphie wrapped an arm around you
Dia was sneaking around the house, hoping not to run into his butler
He didn't want be to be sent back to bed
He was planning to have a light night snack and see how you were going
He knew you were always doing something during the nights, it surprised him when he found out because you were always in bed whenever he saw you
He checked your bedroom and didn't see you in your bed
Suddenly, he noticed a pile of black by his feet
He saw you, scrunched up on your back with the little D's covering your body, all hugging you
"oh! I almost didn't spot you under there, are you alright?"
"I'm great~ you should join me."
The little D's You were able to scratch were purring in their sleep
He found the sight adorable as he crouched down
"I'm teaching them to love me so they can willingly become armour for when I take over the Devildom - we'll be like the rat king!"
He just quietly laughed; the prince helping you pet and scratch the little D's
He agreed you'd make a good ruler
Though he had to force himself to be silent as you started chanting whispers of 'You will be my armor' and 'rat king'
Decided to leave you and your brain washing, going to the kitchen like he intended
Though when he walked past your room again you and the little Ds weren't there
He found you in his room, pouting and dangling off the chandelier
He helped you down, asking what was wrong
You told him the little D's banished you from the cuddle pile because you kept trying to make them move as one being
He patted your head and told you you'll become the overlord some day
"Why are you making pudding at 3 am?"
He already knew why, just like he knew you were here hence why he visited you
But that didn't stop him from asking
He knew you liked it when he showed his intrigue in things even if he already knew about them
"my hands demand to CREATE- oops sorry - hopefully that didn't wake anyone."
He was always surprised to see you up and about during the nights
He was always the one looking after you in the morningsa; making sure you ate and had a drink
Whilst you just laid in bed, always barely awake and unmotivated
He stayed with you, watching over you as you made your pudding
Making soft spoken discussion as he guided you through any steps you seemed to become hesitant in
You ended up making 10 batches of pudding
Barbatos eating a few whilst he watched you
When you grew bored of pudding making you ate the cups he didn't eat
Saving a few for lord Diavolo in the fridge
He complimented your pudding, telling you that they were very delicious
You felt proud; having a spark to make more food
He told you what would be best during this time of night and helped you
Though it did end up with the both of you covered in flour and barb slipping on a dropped egg
You both thought it was best to clean up and stop for the night
He was very embarassed he made a fool of himself
He didn't expect to find you in his working space
He knew you would be awake but didn't even think of you doing what you're doing right now
"is there a reason you're drinking my potions like their shots? I must say this is rather interesting - how many did you have?"
You wiped your mouth, your hiccup coming out as exploding bubbles
You looked at the small glass viles, and saw ALOT of them empty
More than you realized
"uh- 3?"
he just chuckled, reading the notes you made
The notes was recording what each potion did to you
He was thankful you remembered this was his safe batch
Unknown to him you in fact did NOT remember and was having a Russian roulette game with them
He sat with you, making a cure for your explosive hiccups
You happily drunk it and felt better
He laughed more when he saw your scribbles; drawing what happened to you
Solomon will be making you his potion tester from now one so beware
He was an early riser; awake by 3 am and usually did some writing or watched TV until he got tired again
He had a mug of tea, shuffling through the dorm
He's hung out with you plenty of times whilst you cure your late night boredom
But he was surprised when he saw you in the living room, mini flashlight in your mouth and scrubbing the floors with a sponge mop
"Oh, you don't need to clean - that's very sweet of you but don't you think it's abit early to do this?"
You looked at him, semi blinding him with the flashlight
Immediately took it out of your mouth and apologized
You agreed it was but you wanted to do it as you've been meaning to for the past week
He just nodded, letting you do your own thing whilst he enjoyed his drink
But you suddenly felt awkward; no longer wanting to clean now that someone was in the room
You made your way over to him, climbing on the coffee table and jumping onto the sofa
He was curious on why you weren't doing your thing anymore
"dunno know, just feels awkward when people watch me do stuff."
He suggested leaving you be, saying he'll stay in his room
But now you felt bad because he wanted to rest in the living room
In the end, he helped you clean and you both fell asleep in the bathtub, cuddling up with towels working as padding and a blanket
You liked creeping Luke out
It was fun, so far you've convinced them that you're a type of demon that watches bad children whilst they sleep
But really you just wanted to feel like a cryptic, sitting in the corner of his room on a cupboard
It wasn't long for him to wake up from your staring
"I'm going to tell Simeon if you keep staring at me."
You wanted to laugh; he really was a child
Luke wasn't aware that you were a night owl, he just assumed you were always tired and sleeping
He liked to help you around the house and look after you when he could
It almost made you feel had
He's been extra stubborn about liking the Devildom to the point he's Been insulting his friends and trying to push them away
"Luke, you've been very bad, pushing your friends away just because they're a demon isn't good - embrace your friendships."
You weren't amazing at changing your voice but it seemed to work on him
He complained that it wasn't right for angels and demons to be friends
But you quickly reminded him what this whole exchange program was about
"you have been chosen to help fix the divide between the three realms, just hang out with the people you care about or I'll eat your toes!"
He immediately got scared, scrunching into himself and only peered slightly out of his blanket
He made you promise to leave him alone if he made up with the demons
You agreed, feeling bad for disturbing his sleep but thankful your plan worked
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bakubub · 3 years
Best friend rigs the Secret Santa for Bakugo and yourself to get one another...
A/N: Hullo everybody!! This is part 2 (find part one HERE) of this Pinterest Prompt and part 3 will (hopefully) be the final part. I honestly thought this would be a 800 word fic but now we're barreling towards almost 5k all together whoops lol-
Warnings: Just a few swears here and there, SFW, its literally all Bakusquad shenanigans.
Word count: abt 1.5k, ENJOY <3
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"Soooooo~ Who d'ya get for the cringle?" Kaminari asks, leaning back on his chair dangerously to look back at me, sitting on the desk behind him. I raise my eyebrows, since I can't just raise the one, and flick my pen expertly in my hand.
"Mr. Aizawa," I answered seriously. "I'm thinking of getting him another sleeping bag. The musty yellow one isn't really his colour."
Looking genuinely confused, Kaminari looks around to see if anyone else overheard our conversation.
I laugh at him, and kick his chair forward, causing him to shriek as he sits squarely on his butt. I look down to see a folded note on my desk, opening to read it as Mr Aizawa tells us to settle down;
Lover boy was TOTALLY just greasing off Kaminari for making you laugh. I think someone's still jealous from the whole sleeping incident...
Catching Mina's eye, I give her an I don't think so look, which she promptly rolls her eyes at. Its been a whole weekend since the 'sleeping incident', where I had woken up with Kaminari's arms wrapped around my waist and his head nestled on my stomach. Accidentally of course. We, along with Bakugo and Kirishima, had fallen asleep on the couch in the common room, talking late last Friday night.
It really wasn't a big deal... Kaminari apologised several times. I got over it, he got over it, and I don't see why Bakugo, whom Mina just loves to call 'lover boy', would even care.
Plus, I have bigger problems. Like what to get said lover boy for the Christmas Cringle we were supposed to be exchanging this Saturday. He's literally impossible to buy for. Well, I could always just buy him a new pair of shorts or something, but since I've had a crush on him since literally the first day of school, it needs to be perfect.
So far I've thought of a cookbook, an apron, a scarf since he's always wearing the brown one, or maybe even a matching beanie; then again his hair has such personality I don't even know if he CAN put a beanie over those suspiciously natural spikes...
"Hellooooo, come on, Aizawa dismissed us," Mina says, nudging my shoulder.
I snap out of my daze and gather my things, following out of the nearly empty classroom.
"Decided on what to get monsieur Hothead yet?" I sigh, already having predicted this question.
"Nope," I say, popping the p as we walk to the dorm rooms. "I'm thinking of maybe getting-"
"Hey girls, wanna meet at the common room at 6 for a rematch of UNO?" Kaminari asks, coming up from behind us and slinging an arm over my and Mina's shoulders like he always does.
"Yeah sure, we're down." Mina answers, pinching him in the side so he lets us out of his grasp. We duck away, laughing and continuing our banter, before I catch Bakugo's gaze.
"You coming too, Bakugo?" I ask, walking up next to him, ignoring my heart trying to escape its cage.
"Coming where?" He grumbles, still looking disgruntled and angry.
"We're playing UNO around 6 today in the common room. Come on, it'll be fun," I say, trying to persuade him into coming, since he never usually participates.
"HELL NO! I don't have time to waste, especially with you extras," He yells at me. I huff, rolling my eyes and continuing to ignore the feeling of my heart beating in my eyeballs, as I grumble, "you never do," and walk back next to Mina, who was now somehow in a water fight with Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero.
Overall certain that I didn't let my nerves peek through while talking to him, I don't register what's happening as Sero grabs Oijiro's water bottle out of his bag, unscrews the lid, then promptly dumps it over my head.
With Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari and even Bakugo gasping in the background, I wiped the water off my face, before realising my mascara had probably smudged all over my cheeks and glared at Sero, who was slowly backing away.
I practically growl before chasing him, blindly grabbing my own water bottle out of my bag and drenching him, messing up his styled hair which has him shrieking "sorry, I'm so sorry!" and has me cackling in sweet, sweet revenge.
"PLUS FOUR?! AGAIN KIRISHIMA! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Mina screeches as she pounds Kirishima's arm from next to him, who is laughing and judging from his reaction, barely feeling her punches. I know from experience, that Mina punches hard. He has to be really tough not to show an inkling of pain.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just really have to win this one!" He says, shooting a guilty smile Mina's way. Maybe he just doesn't feel pain in general...? I stare at him with suspicion as Mina huffs and she rolls her eyes at him, promptly dropping a four plus for the next person in our circle, who just happened to be me.
"Hey! Not cool, hypocrite." I mutter.
"I had to get my anger out somehow. I'm pretending you're Kirishima. Go on, pick up those cards, you slimy rat," Mina says smugly.
Giving her a confused look at her weird logic, I continued the game, Shoji and Hagakure also having joined in half way.
Just as I'm about to announce UNO, Bakugo stomps through the common room and sits right in between myself and Mina, crossing his legs on the floor and leaning back on his two hands.
"BAKUBRO! YOU CAME!" Kirishima yells excitedly, Kaminari and Sero also whooping and cheering.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up. I finished my work and came to see what you idiots were doing." He says, voice gruff but not screaming for once.
I raise my brows at him, and he scowls and looks the other way, not being able to face me after he so rudely rejected my invitation a few hours ago.
"Oh please, you just couldn't handle the FOMO." I say teasingly, smirking at him without fully turning my face so the others can hear.
Sero stifles a laugh and Kaminari looks confused before the dots connect and he also has his hand clamped around his mouth.
"She has a green 7," is all he says, a sadistic look of satisfaction overtaking his features. It takes a moment for all of us to realise what he just said.
Mina cackles as she changes the colour to red, effectively stopping me from winning the game.
Shooting him a dirty look, I lean over to grab another card, simultaneously elbowing him hard in the shin, which he doesn't even react to.
What is it with these guys and their weirdly high pain tolerance?
Ignoring him now, we continue the game, Kirishima practically slamming his last card on top of the deck. "I WON, I WON, man that was so MANLY," He celebrates as I see Mina rolling her eyes and silently fuming. I begin to shuffle and hand out the cards deliberately skipping Bakugo, which doesn't go unnoticed by him.
"Oi, where are my cards?" He asks, annoyance evident in his tone as Kirishima continues to gloat in the background about how manly his win was and Kaminari complaining about how he never "gets the good cards." When I don't respond, Bakugo steals my cards from in front of me, leaning forward to play with the others.
Snarling, I grab my cards out of his hand, causing him to snarl back, until we're fighting for the 7 cards.
"What are you guys doing, there's a whole ass deck here, you know," Sero says, eyebrows raised and nudging Kirishima.
"These. Ones. Are. MINE." I gasp out, my knee coming around to jab him in his side as his hand pushes me down from my sternum. Oxygen knocked out of my lungs, I gasped for air as I tried to hold the cards out of his reach, my hero training kicking in as I snake my other arm around the back of his neck to hold him in an upside down headlock. Trying to push his forehead onto the ground, I give the cards to Mina, who laughs and takes them, after taking a photo of us.
Having apparently heard the camera click, Bakugo (after struggling a great deal might I smugly add) gets out of my head lock and zones in on Mina. "Delete that photo, Racoon Eyes," He snarls.
"Not in a million years. Awww, look Bakugo are you blushing?" She says, pointing at her phone.
Eyes widening and red creeping up his neck, Bakugo snatches the phone out of her hand and deletes the photo, before getting up and leaving.
"C'mon Bakubro, she's just joking," Kirishima says, following him out.
"Yeah man, you didn't even play a game yet," Sero adds.
"I HAVE STUFF TO DO!" He screams, seemingly going back to his old self.
"Didn't you just say that you finished your homework?" Kaminari asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
"SHUT IT, CHARGEBOLT! I DON'T NEED TO EXPLAIN MYSELF TO YOU," he says a tad too harshly, turning slightly to glare at him with bulging eyeballs. Kaminari closes his mouth and shuffles his cards, trying not to set him off again.
"Bakugo-" I start, but when he doesn't turn, I find myself letting him leave.
Staring dejectedly at Mina, she gives me a giddy smile and grabs my phone, going onto her messages and smirking as she shows me the photo he just deleted.
"I sent it to you as soon as I took it. Thank me later," she says, winking, as she gets up to leave, dragging Sero and Kaminari with her.
I look down at the slightly blurry photo, seeing me handing Mina the UNO cards under Bakugo with a desperate expression. He has his hand pressed down on my sternum, straddling my waist and looking down at me, with an unmistakable smile gracing his features. Unless that's just a new way of scowling.
The phone dims and all of a sudden I'm confronted with my own expression on the darkened screen.
A lovesick fool.
That's all I can see.
A/N: Ngl pretty proud of that ending. JUst in case I'm not as slick as I think I am, she meant herself and Bakugo, hehe <3
Notes, interactions and reblogs are highly appreciated <3
Find part 3 HERE
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cheelduh · 4 years
How to bet your way into someone’s heart. (Highschool AU)
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Warnings: Fake weed. Poor Signora smh. Oh yes, lots of swearing. UNEDITED ASF IM LAZY BYE.
Synopsis: Childe is being an infatuated idiot, Lisa has eyes for vending machine chocolate, and Kaeya is desperately in need of a pencil. With all these distractions, there’s no way in hell you’ll be able focus on the task at hand.
This is crack.
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I don’t have time.
You think as you race down the hallway, shoes slapping against the floor as you expertly dodge multiple students in your way.
Bullet. You're as fast as a bullet, because everyone around you is a blur and you don't stop, can't stop, not until you meet your target.
It's funny how one can accomplish many challenges and feats they were unable to, merely due to pressure. Pressure is a twisted ugly thing that can gnaw its way into the pit of your stomach and grow like a parasite. Pressure is a parasite that can either bring the best in you, or the worst, but at the cost of one's peace of mind.
"Move it Signora!" You shouted a warning at the senior blocking your way. There wasn't any time for you slow down at that point, and you'd risk bumping into the breakfast club's stall if you swerved to the side, sending juice flying everywhere.
Signora's eyes widened momentarily, getting the gist albeit her anger, and choosing to back up flatly against the locker.
Her lipstick nearly slips from her fingers as you swerve past, a thick gust of wind in your wake.
It messes with the hair she woke up two hours early for.
Signora plots her revenge. You still don't have time.
You nearly kick the door to your home room down, but you can't risk the perfect image your teachers have of you. So you pat down your t-shirt, take five tempting deep breaths, and tentatively knock the door.
The door opens and you're met with a young man, familiar amber pupils welcoming you.
You try not to huff and puff at the cost of your stamina. Thinking back, there's no way in hell you could have physically been that fast.
"Good morning Y/N," Your homeroom teacher gives you a small smile, moving aside to let you in. "Class is just about to start."
You check your watch, then turn to him with an apologetic tone, trying not to crack under the eyes of your classmates. "I'm so sorry Mr.Zhongli, I slept through my alarm."
Your idiot ass forgot to set one because you studied till four in the morning.
"You're like thirty seconds late, cut the shit." Beidou boos from the back, causing your stance to stiffen.
"I don't wanna hear it Beidou. If anything, you're two periods earlier than usual." Ningguang calls her out for you, but you have a feeling it's more so on behalf of a personal vendetta.
Ignoring the two bickering, Mr.Zhongli gives you the handout. "Take a seat. Do not fret over such minuscule things dear."
Relief washes over you. Your impeccable attendance is not on the line.
Childe tries to flag you down next to him but you send him a pointed glare and sit next to Lisa instead.
"You should give him a chance you know." Lisa doesn't even have to open her eyes to know what's going on.
"Please," You scoff, digging through your bags to collect your notes. "As if I have the time to fool around with a shady kid like him."
Your friend sighs in disapproval, and makes no move to take out her own notes as Mr.Zhongli begins the lecture on the Archon war.
"You should really pay attention." It bothers you that she doesn't, but then again it's not your place to tell her what to do or not to do.
"I don't need to." She yawns, blinking an eye open towards you. "I have you after all."
"I'm tired of saving your ass." You groan and pull a pen out of your pocket to get started on the exercises as Mr.Zhongli talks in the background.
The course outline contained all the topic, and you made sure to teach yourself as much as you could before class to stay ahead.
Immersed in the worksheet, you blinked away your sleep and tried to answer as many questions as you could at the moment. You didn't hear the slight shift next to you, and the change of breathing, or the rate of which time went by.
A familiar scent makes its way into your nostrils.
"Lisa. Why do you smell like mango juul juice." You know the scent from when Signora blew a mango flavoured fog in your face yesterday at lunch when you said you were hungry.
A chuckle erupts and you freeze in place. "That's because I'm not Lisa."
You blink. Once, twice, and then crane your head to the side to meet a pair of teasing cerulean eyes.
Fingers loosening in shock, the pen drops on the desk with a short thud.
You whisk your head towards the front of the classroom, and Mr.Zhongli is nowhere to be seen.
"There's no saving you now." Childe's smirk widens, and he scoots closer to you. "Mr.Zhongli had to get something from the staff room. The staff room is near the cafeteria."
"Which is also near the merch stall." You grumbled, bringing both hands to massage your temples as a headache is beginning it's reign.
"Tsk tsk. Smart girl. I'd like to add that he's forgotten his wallet in his office as well, which is in the south wing."
"Son of a..." You mutter underneath your breath, and opt to scoot further back, but your efforts are futile because your desk is in a corner.
Your next beacon of hope is Lisa, so you scan the room full of chattering students, only to find her pestering her crush, Jean.
Shit...there's nothing getting you out of this one.
"What did it take?" Is your only question, the despair starting to brew. How much did it take for your best friend to betray you?
"A dollar and fifty for vending machine chocolate."
You take a moment to breathe, calming your nerves and burying down the urge to screech. "What will it take?"
"For what?" Childe replies back innocently, and you can't believe how fast he can change masks. You almost give in.
"For you to leave me alone."
"Aww come on girlie," He whines, closing in the distance. "Don't be so cold."
What did your mom tell you that one time? Oh yes. That if you were ever backed against a wall, then just break the damn thing down.
Too bad it's figurative. You're just about ready to sock him in the face if you didn't know he was into that sort of thing.
"I'm serious about you," He says, and it sounds so real, so genuine, nearly makes you sputter. "See? I've even bought school supplies.
He unzips his light backback and spills the contents on the table.
A lone piece of paper flies out, a lighter, and a mechanical pencil with no lead that follows straight after. There's also a pocket knife that you choose to ignore.
You're not the least bit surprised.
"First of all, how the fuck are you passing this class. Second, do you really think I'm into nerds?"
"Well, considering that you are a nerd—"
"You're making things worse."
"My bad, my bad." He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "But on a serious note. I'll do anything."
You cross your arms. "I'm not just another one of your conquests Childe. It's not like I have the time. There are better things to do."
"You need to relax." He says so simply, with complete disregard as to what you are trying to say.
"I am relaxed." You reply, picking up your pen to continue your work. If he's going to annoy you, then you might as well get shit done while he's at it.
You're not wasting any more time.
"When was the last time you got a full eight hours of sleep?" His voice is soft, too soft, and it's not at all like the Childe you know.
Your pen stops momentarily, but you will yourself to continue writing. The words look fumbled, but you don't care. The best thing to do is get your work done and ignore the idiot next to you.
"C'mon, Zhongli won't be back for another half an hour at least. Let's go." He kicks the bottom of your chair to urge you.
The pen shakes in your hand, and you narrow your eyes at the paper, digging holes into poor question eight. "I'm trying to work here. Let me work." You'll say anything to get him off your back.
"Fine fine fine..." He raises both hands in mock surrender. "I'll stop bothering you."
Your ears perk up at that, and you turn to him so fast he has to hold in his laugh. "Really?"
"Yeah," Childe nods along, bringing your hopes up. "If you win a bet, that is." And they're back to ocean level.
You roll your eyes. There's always a catch. That doesn't mean you're any less interested.
"What's the bet?" You ask curiously, all your focus now on him. Just as he longed for from the very start.
He flicks a thumb towards the door, leaning closer to whisper next to your ear. "We bet when Zhongli comes back."
"Are you kidding me?" You aren't bothered at all at the close proximity, mainly because you're too tired and only care about the freedom that will come with your win.
Childe, however, is a completely different story. His heart is beating a thousand times a second, but his face doesn't show it. Not one bit.
Kaeya leans in from the seat behind you two, interested in what's going on. "Ooooh secrets."
"Shut up Kaeya." Childe and you monotonously drone in sync, still having your little staring contest.
The captain of the skating team smiles, about to ask—
"No. We don't have an extra pencil. Even if we did we wouldn't give it to you." Childe finally breaks his gaze to scare off Kaeya.
Kaeya raises a smug brow, and leans back in his chair like the jerkwad he is. "Then don't let me keep you two love birds."
That's all it takes for him to earn Childe's unwavering respect and loyalty for as long as he lives.
After the two are done creating an elaborate handshake as a mark of their newfound friendship, you decide to just forget about the handout. It's not like you're getting anything done anyways.
"Anyways, back to the bet." Childe says, resting his cheek on his fist as he stares at you dreamily. You try not to break under his gaze.
"If I win, you have to go on a date with me."
"No way in hell—"
"Then I'll bother you for the rest of highschool."
Highschool is eternity. You don't want to live through an eternity of this.
"Fine." You answer, and for the first time he sees genuine fear in your face, it makes him waver slightly. Not enough for him to pity you.
"If I win..." You trail, thinking loud and clear as you ignore the excited chatter of your classmates. "I want you to pay attention to class."
"What?" He exclaims incredulously, blinking in disbelief. "I thought you'd get me to stop talking to you altogether."
"If you're paying attention in class, you don't bother me as much and your grades go up." You grin smartly, and oh archons it livens his entire day up, and it's only nine in the morning.
"You care about my grades?" Childe bites back a smile.
"Not at all." You lie, and quickly look away. Woah the floor tile looking trippy.
He decides it's better to get on with the bet without causing you any more distress. After all, you've given him such cute facial expressions today. He's feeling quite generous.
Pulling out his cracked-as-shit latest model phone, he unlocks it and tinkers with it a bit before turning the screen towards you.
"We'll be using this to time both of our predictions at the same time. Whoever has the closer time to when he finally swings by is the winner." The rules are simply put, no room for error.
You tilt your head in confusion. "Why am I seeing a slime review?"
"SHIT!" Childe fumbles with his phone, aggressively tapping on the screen. He lowers his head and voice as if he's been through fifty consecutive hits in the face. "It's uh, Teucer's account."
"Yeah...okay." Is all you can say.
"Ok what do you bet?" He changes the topic to unfuck the situation.
Putting a finger in your chin, you think for a minute, calculating the average of all the times Mr.Zhongli has left the classroom for a considerable amount of time.
"Fifteen minutes." You're sure of it. It's like clockwork every day.
"Hmm..." Childe crosses his arms, seemingly in deep thought. "Five minutes." He places his bet, and both timers start simultaneously.
Five minutes?! Is he serious?
You laugh inwardly. This challenge is in the bag.
The sense of victory you feel dulls when your ears pick up the echo of footsteps nearing the classroom.. Both your heads snap up to the doors.
There's something scary about Childe once his competitive side comes out. "Looks like I've won." He turns to you, eyes darkening evilly.
"What? There's no way in hell a ginger is right." Your palms are clammed up, eyebrows furrowed in panic. You calculated every single variable, how could this be?
You race to the front, Childe right on your tail as the entire class clamps up. The footsteps get louder, causing even whispers to become total silence.
Then it hits you. The shitty music about getting bitches and bars playing on the other side.
The door is swung open by Childe, and you're face to face with an idiot sophomore with a speaker in his pocket.
Childe’s grin is long gone, and you sigh in relief.
The false alarm encourages the class to return back to their idle chatter.
"Scaramouche?" Childe spits, narrowing his eyes at the unamused boy. "I thought it was Signora's shift today."
By "shift" he means being a complete dickwad and scamming fake weed to students in return for their souls. It only really works on the freshmen.
The only reason the club still runs is because Signora threatened the principal with some sus pictures she snapped of him and his assistant.
"Apparently she had an emergency." Scaramouche explains, lowering the volume on his outdated beats pill. "Something about a hair appointment because she got ran into by a, and I quote "lecherous imbecile.""
You steer clear of the conversation, finding the whiteboard far more fascinating and worth your while.
A loud cough is heard from behind the kid, and you're met with a crestfallen look on your beloved teacher's face.
You go through a whiplash of emotions, becoming completely numb towards your loss.
"They were out of slow cooked bamboo shoot soup." He sighs, handing a stack of papers to Childe, who is wearing the fattest smirk on his face at his victory. "Please hand these out to your classmates Childe, and we will begin shortly."
You check down at the timer despite knowing who’s won. Five minutes and twenty five seconds. Somehow, you don't feel as dejected as you thought you'd feel.
Maybe the date will be fun. Maybe Childe isn't so bad. Maybe...you do have time to indulge in these sort of things. If he’s so hell bent on getting your attention, perhaps it’s possible that you can make some room in your heart for him.
However, all those thoughts fly out the window when Childe hands you the new worksheet.
“I hope you're ready for our date tomorrow. We'll be sparring till sundown, and after you’ll be feeding me with chopsticks." He winks, and it makes your heart flip even though all you want right now is to go to the bathroom and barf your guts out.
Feelings are complicated.
You smile back at him nauseously, tight lipped and all, then you pull out your phone, go on maps, and search for the closest cliffs to jump off of.
After he's done, Childe slouches back in his original seat with a different kind of enthusiasm, and opens up his messages. He texts Zhongli a "thank you <3".
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Pretty lies (ugly truths)
A/N: This was something I wrote as soon as I heard Clean also that was 2019 and @peterspideysstuff​ made me do it smh. I’m proud of it so don’t let this flop 🙂
WC: 3.3k+
Warnings: Please read these before going ahead- mentions of CSA (Skip Wescott), brief description of dissociation.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
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It was the little things that you noticed in Peter. He was your closest friend ever, the best person to have ever entered your life next to Tony Stark, the man who had adopted you the moment he laid his eyes on you. 
You always noticed when it came to Peter, the way he jumped around when he was in a happy mood, or when he scored a hundred in chemistry and he would flail his hands in the air and hug you as tightly as he could without crushing your bones with his super strength. You had met him when you were both eight- he had come with his uncle Ben to tour Stark Industries, and you both had snuck out to eat some pizza while the adults talked. 
You would never forget that day, because it was the day the two of you became inseparable. He would often visit you since then, in Pepper’s penthouse, and you always cherished those visits. He shared everything in his life with you, he was an open book to you, a dog eared page that you could open with a flick of your fingers.                                      
Coming back from the dead post blip was the final straw. No one could separate you two, and when May and Peter had finally agreed to live in the Lake House (only during the weekends though, since it was far from his school), it was the life of a party for You.
"And you three, don't wreck the house and if I found out that the kitchen is on fire-" Pepper said, fixing Peter's shirt and Morgan's hair at the same time, giving you a stern look. 
May was out and it was only the three of you- You, Morgan and Peter, while Tony and Pepper went out for a vacation for the weekend. 
They had trusted you to babysit Morgan, well You more than Peter. 
“We will be fine Pep! Don’t worry I won’t let them burn down the kitchen, or let Gerald eat the goji berries. Now shoo!” You snickered, pushing Pepper with your hands on her shoulder, before she gave you one more look over her shoulder.
“Oh and if you need anything, Kyle will be here soon, you can ask him anything okay?” She said, making you stop in your tracks.
“Kyle? Who’s that?” Peter asked, shuffling to adjust Morgan, who was perched on his shoulder with her head buried in his neck, her soft snores barely audible.
“He’s Morgan’s babysitter, we can trust him honey, he’s been babysitting her since she was one.” Pepper said calmly, her eyes stiff as she wearily looked at Peter, her eyes flitting to You for a moment. They had all been weary of introducing you to change when you first came back, afraid what the change around you would cause you to break further. It ultimately lead to a heart to heart with Doctor Tumnus and You and Peter, one breakdown from each of you, and lots of cuddles.
“I thought he was in college?” You smiled, lifting your brows.
“You know about him?” He asked, his voice small. You didn’t answer him, choosing to nod your head instead. 
Looking at Peter, you felt him stiffen, his shoulders tensing like the way they would whenever he was stressed or overthinking, his grip on Morgan tightening as if to protect her from whatever danger was about to come their way. Your heart sped at his look of frustration, his lip forming a thin line as he pursed them, your own confusion growing.
“Wh-why do we need him? I mean, Y/n/n and I can look after each other right?” He gulped, not meeting Pepper’s or your eyes. Morgan took that moment to wake up sniffing under her breath as she lifted her small head from his shoulder.
“Mommy is Kyle coming over?” She asked innocently, not noticing Peter as he gulped. You gripped his biceps, silently asking why he was acting the way he was. 
Peter had always been shy when it came to strangers, choosing to stay in the circle of his own people. Heck he had taken almost months to warm up to you. 
“Yes honey, he will be here soon, now, be nice for Peter and Y/N okay?” She cooed, kissing Morgan’s forehead and smiling at the little girl, grimacing as your dad honked from behind, shouting to make it fast.
“Okay mommy, have fun!” Morgan smiled sleepily, going back to her position on Peter’s neck, lifting her thumb to suck on. Holding her small hand, Peter softly brought it down to stop her from sucking on her finger. You smiled at how gentle he was with her, momentarily forgetting his ambiguous behavior at the mention of Morgan’s babysitter.
“So, wanna wreck the house?” You joked in an effort to dissipate the growing tension, watching the retreating figure of Pepper as she waved from the car. You waved back, smiling as you leant against the door jamb.
“Sure.” He said absentmindedly, holding his palm against Morgan’s head, tucking her in more firmly. 
“Are you okay Pete?” You asked, scrunching your brows when he clenched his teeth, looking at you with seething eyes. You understood at that moment, why criminals feared him as your own heart clenched. He may be a doe eyed shy boy, but he could be angry when he wanted to.
“Can everyone stop fucking asking me that!?” He bellowed, looking at Morgan to make sure she hadn’t woken up. Walking to her bedroom, he tucked her in before keeping the door to her bedroom ajar, turning towards you,
“What’s crawled and died up your ass Parker?” You clenched, folding your hands as if in defence. You were getting worried, his behavior was not him. He was a naturally cheerful and chatty person, talking the ears off of the person who happened to be in his vicinity, now he was just, closed off.
“It’s nothing okay, it’s- it’s nothing. None of your business.” He said, walking away, leaving you with your jaw dropped and hands up in the air. 
“Damn straight it’s my business! Why have you been acting weird ever since Pepper mentioned Morgan’s babysitter?” You snarled, shoulders sagging when you saw him tense up once more. 
“Just, leave it alright?” He said, cursing your observation and not meeting your eyes before he turned the kitchen lights off, strutting to his bedroom. It was late at night and Pepper had wanted to have an early start, so they had decided to lodge at the tower before leaving for the trip.
“Alright, you don’t wanna talk am I right? See if I care next time!” You shouted pettily, huffing and moving to your bedroom, shuffling inside the covers, tears of frustration brimming your eyes as you tried to wash away the look Peter had given you from your brain. 
Sleep didn’t come easy to Peter. 
It wasn’t anything new for him, Ben had always said that his mind was like a whirlpool of thoughts- they churned at a very high speed and impared him from sleeping. But his insomnia had been causing problems as of late. Ever since he was little and his parents died, he had been prone to nightmares. Back then, Uncle Ben and Aunt May would do everything in their power to soothe him each time he had a bad dream. 
Back then, when he was just a little boy, his uncle and aunt would snuggle up on either side of him and hold him until he fell asleep. Ben would sing with his gruff, slightly out of pitch but soothing voice, while aunt May would scratch the back of his ears, a sweet spot. It was the little gestures that reminded him of his childhood. The good parts of his childhood.
He tossed around in the bed, rolling his eyes to do a once over of his bedroom- the one that Pepper had designed when he had- when he had blipped along with You and three and a half million others. The word felt foreign on his tongue- why was such a catastrophic event named something as insignificant and fickle as “the blip”? 
Scrunching his eyes shut, he groaned, tossing and turning around his bed. Heaving a frustrated sigh, he pulled at the bedsheets, kicking the covers off his feet as if he were five. 
Peter was raised a city boy, living in the heart of New York, where nothing was really silent. Even before he gained his spidey powers, New York was never silent for him- the nightly noises of sirens and noisy neighbours was a constant in his life, so the sudden silence of living in the woods- where the only source of noise was Morgan and Tony in the morning and crickets chirping in the night was alarming.
Finally giving up, he decided to heave himself off the bed, shuffling his foot until he found the bunny slippers you had given him as a gag gift. Hovering his hands on the doorknob, he twisted it as slightly as he could, wincing when he heard the screeching noise of it twisting, as if it wanted to be as loud as it could just to piss him off.
Walking into the kitchen, he looked at the digital clock on his way, the red numbers glaring that it was well past three am into his retinas.
The room was dark, only illuminated by the small LED light in the garden. Picking up a glass, he looked over his shoulder to see if he had woken You or Morgan. Sighing when he heard your and Morgan’s minuscule snores (perks of having enhanced hearing), he opened the tap, filling the water in the glass before chugging it all up in one go. 
“Fuck.” He muttered, slamming the glass down and wished the helpless feeling would go away. Ever since he heard the words come out of Pepper’s mouth, he couldn't think straight, all his thoughts strayed to him. He who had hurt Peter, he who was out of his life. 
 But who was he kidding? It was as if the universe was laughing at him by tossing another fuckery at his face, the ghost of his past lingering in his brain enough to cover the memories in a thin sheen of dust.
"Pete?" Your voice startled him, making him nearly drop the glass in his hand had it not been for his reflexes, "is that you?" 
Your voice was heavy with sleep, fatigue evident as you appeared in his line of sight. Looking at him with squinting eyes as you flicked the light switch on.
"Yeah, just uh… thirsty. Wanted water." 
“You have a water bottle on your bedside.” 
He stayed silent, clenching his jaw as he looked at you. Biting his lips, he suppressed a chuckle as you failed to suppress a yawn, scrunching your eyes. You had a bad case of bed head, the strands of your hair all over your face. You were wearing your infamous strawberry pajamas, the shirt hanging off your shoulders. His eyes softened, you looked so young, all he wanted to do was smother you in a blanket and protect you from everything.
His gut twisted at the thought of protecting. He was supposed to be protecting Peter too.
“I can hear you thinking.” You said, your hands folded under your chest.
“So this Kyle guy, you know him?”
“Peter, you haven’t even met him, why do you hate him so much?” You sighed, rolling your eyes and wrapping your hands around his waist, laying your head against his shoulder blades.
“I- I don’t hate him! I just want to make sure-”
“Make sure what Peter?” You asked softly. 
He gasped as memories flashed in front of him- that night when He had introduced himself to little Peter when He had come to babysit him.
Eight year old Peter had just wanted a friend. And Skip Wescott was a friend to him. He was cool and played games with Peter, showed him cool new science tricks and watched cartoons.
Aunt May and Uncle Ben were not home, they were late for work. Skip had been sending him small smiles the whole time. 
“You want to see the big boy stuff now Einstein? I know you’re old enough.” Skip said, shifting uncomfortably close to Peter. 
Peter’s smile fell off as he saw Skip’s eyes flash dangerously. And at that moment, he didn’t want Skip. He didn’t want to be friends with him any more and he wanted Aunt May. 
“Nothing, go back to sleep.” He said, a lump forming in his throat, clutching the glass hard enough for cracks to appear on it. You left him be that night.
He didn’t notice when he fell asleep after that, the fear creeping up his spine in spite of knowing that Skip won’t be able to hurt him anymore- he was in jail, Ben had made sure of it. Yet he kept flashing back to his lowest points, when he had cried so loud, yet no one heard a thing. 
In the end, he had won the case, yet the scars had remained fresh. His win felt futile, a defeat in spite of winning.
The smell of blueberry waffles invaded his senses first, his eyelids cracking open against the force of sleep. Scrunching his eyes, he let the world slowly come into motion, the walls coming into focus one by one.
He was startled into complete wakefulness by the sudden flurry of mass that had jumped on him, panic settling before noticing that it was just Morgan, her excited rambling bringing him back.
“H-hey Momo! You seem excited huh? Good morning to you too.” He laughed, inhaling as she jumped on his stomach.
“Petey you have to brush your teeth! Come down fast because I have a surprise for you.” She giggled, snuggling into his chest and getting up just as fast, pulling him with her tiny hand.
“I see you have a handy alarm clock.” You said from the doorway, smirking when you saw him
“A very cute alarm clock.” Peter cooed, pinching Morgan’s cheeks and leaving a big sloppy kiss on her cheek, making the little girl giggle, “Wait if you’re both here then who’s in the kitchen? Did May come back? Or is it Happy?”
“No May will be in Cali for a little longer, Happy visited her there so they’re having an impromptu vacation.” You smirked, knowing how much it irked Peter whenever you told him about May and Happy’s escapades. He rolled his eyes, scrunching his nose in disgust, just as you had expected him to. 
“I didn’t need to know that, but whatever, who is it though?” 
“Kyle’s here! He’s cooking waffles cause I told him Petey likes them very much! It was supposed to be a surprise but Y/n/n ruined it.” The little girl pouted, glaring at you with her adorable brown eyes. She looked exactly like Tony when she did that.
He felt a pang in his chest, an unearthed nervousness taking residence as he felt his stomach drop. He pulled Morgan closer, feeling your eyes on him as you tried to gauge his expression.
“Yeah.” You said simply, urging Morgan to come to you as he got up from the bed. 
Walking downstairs after cleaning up, he stiffly sat on the table, watching as a short but lean Blond man cooked waffles. 
“Hey kiddo! You must be Peter, Morgan and Y/N talk about you all the time!” The guy- Kyle probably, said chirpily. Peter clenched his fists under the table, noticing the look you were giving him.
“Hi.” He said shyly, ducking his head so he won’t have to see him.
“Well they told me you’re shy too.” He said, a smile evident in his voice. 
“Aw Pete don’t be rude! At least look at his face.” You joked, hitting him slightly in the ribs. 
“Sorry I just, that smells delicious.” He smiled, finally looking up to blue eyes staring at him. He shifted nervously, sitting up straight.
“Thank you.” 
He felt uneasy under his gaze, bringing the glass of water to his lips to avoid making eye contact.
“How long is he gonna stay here?” Peter whispered to you, avoiding to look inside the kitchen where he was cooking lunch with Morgan- the girl was perched on the countertop with her legs dangling and swinging.
You and Peter had retreated to the AV room after breakfast, opting to watch a movie instead of doing homework. Well it was You who had dragged Peter, because you knew he had already done it before coming.
“He’ll make dinner and go, again, why?” You asked him, fisting some popcorn and throwing them in your mouth.
“It’s nothing.”
You let it go again.
Dinner was an awkward affair. He couldn’t help but let his gaze linger onto him, how he interacted with Morgan. She seemed genuinely happy, jumping around the house till she was tired, enjoying as he lifted her up and played airplane with her.
He really didn’t want to think about it, but his spidey sense kept buzzing a headache in the bottom of his skull. He tried to distract himself, opening his chemistry text book to read ahead of class, but the worlds kept floating around as he saw you and Morgan laugh at something Kyle had said. 
“Come on Einstein! It won’t hurt for you to keep that textbook and play with us eh?” Kyle said, winking at him as Morgan laughed, making grabby hands at him so he would come.
You want to see the big boy stuff now Einstein?
No, this wasn’t Skip. This was Kyle, Morgan’s babysitter.
He knew the comment was noncommittal, but he felt his heart race, the world zooming in and out of focus as it got harder to breathe, his book swimming in his hands. He felt floaty, the tingling in his hands intensifying as he felt someone’s hands on his back, dizzily startling him into reality.
“Hey, hey take a breath kid, it’s alright. Deep breaths.” A soothing voice said, cold sweat breaking as he dropped his textbooks. Tears ran down his face without meaning to as he pursed his lips. Instead of saying anything, he sat up and ran into his room.
He could hear you running after him, Kyle asking “Is he okay” as you reassured him. Tears were running freely now as he slammed the door, flopping on the bed and burying himself in the pillows, wishing that the bed would swallow him whole.
He didn’t know why he was reacting the way he did, Kyle was a good person, he saw the way he interacted with Morgan. He was gentle and loving, then why is it that he kept seeing him.
He heard the door creek, your footsteps echoing in his ears, drums rattling against his brain.
“Are you ready to talk now?” You asked softly, wafting your hands through his hair as he felt the bed dip with your weight.
“I had a babysitter, when I was eight. His name was Skip.” He croaked, breathing through his nose. He felt you stiffen as you seemed to connect the dots. Nudging him to move so you could insert yourself in the space.
“Did he hurt you Pete?” You whispered, rubbing his back.
“He did bad things to me, I just, I don’t want anyone to go through it again. Please. He may be in jail but- but sometimes I still feel like he’s here and I hate how I feel! I want him gone. I just want him gone and I want the memories to be erased.”
You remained silent, rubbing his back through his sweatshirt, unbidding tears appearing in your eyes. Someone had hurt Peter. You felt anger boiling inside you, swirling in a dangerous tornado at the thought of someone hurting the best person in your life, 
You promised yourself that day that You would protect him at all costs. You couldn't do it in the past, but you would in the future.
“I’m glad you told me about this Pete.” You said, clenching your teeth as he met your eyes.
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