#mina mha
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rainrot4me · 8 months ago
Show Me How
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Summary: You’ve been conditioned to only seek perfection your entire life, but your crush on Mina Ashido is anything but perfect. So when she invites you to a party and gets a little too handsy, she has to show you what you’ve been missing.
Characters: Mina Ashido x Female Reader
TW: Internalized homophobia, doting, grinding, self sabotage, first time, scissoring, hair pulling, denial, eating out, crying, squirting, nipple piercings, mentions of alcohol
Words: 6.1k
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You did not like Mina Ashido. Not at all.
At least, that’s what you told yourself as you begged your eyes to look away from her. She was mid squat, barbell resting on her shoulders as she lifted the weight smoothly. The muscles in her legs rippled, contorting under the weight of the bar she was pressing up. And, oh God, her ass. Her shorts were way too short, tight elastic riding up her thighs and leaving little to the imagination, complimenting her curves beautifully. Only when she fully stood up and hooked the bar on the rack did you glance down to the floor, cursing yourself. 
You hated weight room days. As you pushed the dumbbells over your head, you forced your eyes to the ceiling, concentrating on controlling your breathing. But when Mina’s obnoxious laugh rang through the gym, your eyes peeled away and landed on her face, sweaty and flushed from lifting well over 150 pounds. Fuck. You forced your eyes back up, making yourself count the tiles to drown out whatever conversation she was having with Jiro. It didn’t work. You finally gave up, setting the dumbbells on the ground beside your bench and flipping your water open, chugging quickly. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t like Mina. It was that you weren’t supposed to. You knew you weren’t supposed to. Much like your classmate Todoroki, you were a child born solely for quirk usage, affection a rare thing. From this, your parents expected nothing but perfection. Every grade in junior high was an A or better, every extracurricular activity you participated in was to better your mind or your physical abilities. You even made it into UA on recommendation, skipping the entrance exam completely. Everything you accomplished was nothing short of perfection, but that’s the only way your parents would have it. This stunted your mental health severely. Every mistake was met with severe punishments, giving you no room to grow or flourish on your own. It was either you accepted what your parents planned for you, or you would never make it past a nine-to-five. 
And liking a girl was not in their plans. 
They wanted you to carry their name, bringing heroic children into the world to continue their legacy. You were to marry a hero on par with yourself or better, but never anything less. 
So when you caught your eyes lingering on Mina’s body, or smiling a little wider when she talked to you, or even thinking about her before you went to bed at night. That was a problem. For the first time in your life, you had a problem your parents couldn’t magically make disappear. And it drove you crazy. Now you lived every day of classes begging your eyes not to wander, pleading with your mind not to think of her on top of you, kissing you…
Slamming your water bottle down, you lifted the weights again, thrusting them over your head as you huffed. “[Y/N]?” Shit. You settled the weights on the tops of your thighs, glancing up to see a cute pink face smiling down at you. Mina’s face was darker than usual, but it usually was for a while after she got done working out. Sweat made her coiled hair stick to her forehead, but her bright smile was really what distracted you. “Hi, Mina.” You smiled back, breathing deeply and cursing yourself immediately when you smelled her signature sweet perfume. You were in a losing battle and you knew it.
“Listen. There’s this party that the upperclassmen are throwing to celebrate finals being over, and you’ve gottaaaa go.” She smiled, plopping down on the bench next to you, tapping her feet on the padded ground. “Most everyone from class is going, but I wanted to make sure you knew too.” Her being this close was electrifying. Her white sports bra cupped her tits perfectly, her leaning over to give you the perfect angle to see her cleavage. You quickly glanced between them and her face, begging she didn’t catch your wandering eyes. Your answering nod made her smile, gripping your arm tightly before she stood up. “Okay, okay, I’ll see you tonight.” She giggled, scurrying back across the gym to throw her arm around Jiro and laugh about something unheard. When you finally felt the blush on your cheeks settle, you went back to lifting the weights above your head, drowning out your excitement the best you could.
Before Mina was your crush, she was your friend. And nothing was going to let you ruin that connection you admired so much. No matter how badly you wanted to break the rules your parents set. Before all else, you were a hero. You had to act like it. You breathed deep, straining your muscles as your eyes followed Mina out the door. 
Tugging the small dress down around your thighs, you sighed in the mirror, contemplating if this dress looked good enough. Several others were sprawled on your dorm floor, a mess piling up that you were too lazy to clean. You had done your makeup earlier, wiping and reapplying in spots you thought didn’t look good enough. Usually, your appearance wasn’t that important. But tonight, Mina would be dressed out in some way too short dress with her makeup done, and for some reason, you suddenly cared a whole lot about how you looked.
The sun was creeping low outside, a thick wash of orange and pink lighting the sky. You had gotten the rest of the info about the party in a short text from Mina explaining where and when it was. It had started about an hour ago, but your procrastination kept you from being timely. Nejire and some of her older friends were hosting the party in their shared dorm building across campus, but their housing was much larger than your classes. It would be fun. Hopefully.
You slid your earrings into your lobes and took one final look at yourself. Your dress and heels matched nicely, and the small handbag you had mainly for carrying your phone and wallet, still looked cute. This was as good as it was going to get. Before you could convince yourself otherwise, you left your room, climbed the steps down to the first floor and pressed through the large glass door to the campus outside. It was already getting dark, the sun just barely hanging above the horizon as stars began to speckle the sky. The night breeze was warm, which relieved you from getting goosebumps all over your freshly shaven legs. Before you could psych yourself out, you hurried on the sidewalk towards the large dorm building across the field. 
You could hear the loud music outside of the building before you ever even opened the doors. Small groups of students littered the yard, keeping to themselves in conversations as they threw back cheap beer and vodka shots. You didn’t know anyone yet, everyone was either an upperclassman or a part of some other support course that didn’t mix with the heroes. As you climbed the steps, pulling the large doors open, the chaos of the party slammed into you. 
The common room of the dorm was packed wall to wall with students you didn’t recognize. Third-years made up a big chunk of the crowd from what you could tell. As you stepped inside, more of the atmosphere revealed itself. Groups of students lounged on the communal couches, some in other’s laps or nearly passed out, but most of them were making out. In the kitchen, beer pong games were set up with guys yelling and hollering their excitement. However, most of the party was out in the open part of the floor, dancing and grinding on each other as the loud music thudded through several large speakers. It was wild and loud, with students yelling across the room to their friends or screaming along to the lyrics of whatever song was playing. Flashing colors and lights streamed across the walls and blinded you occasionally. It seemed to be coming from a student’s quirk, their fingers shooting out ribbons of rainbow light in the dark and completing the loud atmosphere. You were immediately overwhelmed, hugging the wall as you slid to the small kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water. 
If there was one thing third-years knew how to do, it was throw a party. You scanned the room, trying to recognize any faces in the dark but finding no luck. Nursing your water, you slowly moved back onto the floor. If you knew Mina, she would be in the middle of the crowd dancing. Exactly where you didn’t want to be. Reluctantly, you pressed deeper into the sea of people, nudging your shoulders in between way-too-close people and praying you’d find someone from your class. Finally, over the huddle, you saw a strike of yellow hair and immediately followed it.
Bouncing along with the loud music, Denki, sweaty and red-faced, was pressed up against some second-year you recognized to be from the foreign heroes department. The transfer student had her ass pressed firmly against him, grinding down with the beat of the song. Gross. Grabbing his arm, you peeled his hand from her hip and caught his attention. “Hey! Have you seen Ashido?!” You had to yell over the thudding music to be able to hear yourself, but Denki still couldn’t. “Huh??” He yelled back, pressing his head down closer to your mouth to hear you better. “Ashido! Have you seen her?!” He pulled back with a confused face, shaking his head and pointing to his ear signaling that he still couldn’t hear. Denki repositioned his hand on the girl’s hips, snugging her ass closer against his crotch and sporting a blissed-out smile. You rolled your eyes, moving to press further into the crowd before feeling Denki pull you back. “Wait! Mina was looking for you earlier! She’s up near the speaker booth!” He yelled, returning his focus to the second year as she giggled against him. Sighing heavily, you pressed towards the table at the front of the crowd with speakers blasting, searching for Mina. 
You heard her yelling before you saw her. Her cute voice squealed as she and Hagakure jumped together, singing loudly as the music blasted in front of them. When her face came into view, it stopped you in your tracks. Her dark eyes were beautifully contrasted with bright makeup, rainbow colors ombre over her eyelids and making her skin pop. Big hooped earrings, a small chain necklace, and… Fuck… That dress. It was black and sparkled against the colorful lights bouncing off the walls. Hugging her every curve, the tight fabric ended right below her ass and was riding up the more she danced, her tits nearly spilling out the same. You could feel the heat on your face the closer you stepped. Every time she jumped her tits bounced so lewdly. But, God, if she wasn’t beautiful.
When she finally caught you out of the corner of her eye, she smiled brightly, her goofy face stumbling over to you in her thin heels. “[Y/N]!” She yelled, throwing her arms around your neck and pressing her chest against yours. It was all you could do not to look down, forcing yourself to look solely into her eyes and she began to sway with the music again. You glanced behind her, Hagakure finding Jiro and making the shy girl her new dance partner. “I thought you weren’t gonna come!” This close, you could smell the vodka on her breath, her hooded eyes answering on how sober she was. “Sorry! Lost track of time!” Lies, you were just too nervous to actually get here on time. It didn’t seem like Mina cared as she was tugging your body with hers to the beat of the music, flushed cheeks bright under the glow of the lights. Other bodies pressed close around you, giving you little room to move besides pressing closer to the drunk alien. 
Suddenly, the song that was playing faded out and a loud rap song you didn’t recognize blasted, sending a few students hollering with excitement. Including Mina, whose eyes blew wide and smile grew wider as she gripped your shoulders tighter. “I love this song!” But before you could respond, she was turning around, pressing her back against your chest and pressing her plump ass against you. Suddenly, you couldn’t breathe. Your eyes shot wide, hands stuck at your sides as Mina began to grind her hips back onto your crotch. You didn’t know what to do. Your body refused to move as you felt your stomach twist and knot with excitement. This was bad, this was really bad. But Mina, being the ever-intuitive, recognized your stiffness and leaned back, resting her head on your shoulder.
“Relaaaax! Dance with me!” She slurred loudly in your ear, reaching her hands back to grip your wrists and place them on her hips. She resumed her swaying hips, reaching up to tangle her hands in your hair as she pressed back rhythmically. You were stunned, hands gripping her hips absently as your face blew hot with embarrassment. The girl who invaded your thoughts constantly was grinding on you. The ass you constantly swore yourself for staring at was pressed against you. It felt like your brain was going to explode. Your breathing was shallow, and suddenly the music was too loud. Every time someone brushed against you it was overwhelming, the bright lights becoming blinding as Mina blissfully danced like she didn’t have a care in the world. 
This was wrong. This was all sorts of wrong. Friends weren’t supposed to blush thinking about each other. They weren’t supposed to flirt with each other. And they definitely were not supposed to get aroused when one of them ground on the other. 
Your body was betraying your thoughts. You felt the butterflies fluttering in your stomach and your cunt throbbing, sweat building on your brow in the middle of all the body heat. It was becoming too much too fast, and it became impossible to keep up with the rhythm of Mina’s hips. Panic was rising in your body, your breath becoming sporadic and hard to keep your thoughts straight. You had to get out of here before you passed out. Or worse, gave in. 
Before you could convince yourself otherwise, you pushed off of Mina, her instantly spinning around to question you. But you were already pushing through the crowd. You caught the stairs that led up to the dorms and quickly climbed them, cursing your heels as they pinched your feet. Your heavy breathing filled your ears, the loud music and lights slowly fading but your panic was still high. Gripping the first door knob you saw at the top of the stairs, you pushed it open, sliding in and slamming the door behind you. You pressed your back against the cold wood, eyes clenched shut and begging your lungs to steady. This was pathetic. If you couldn’t even handle a party how the hell were you going to handle being a pro hero? The tears streamed down your cheeks before you even knew they were there, fists clenching into your dress as you quietly sobbed. The music of the party was muffled, loud base still thumping the walls in rhythm with your pounding heart. 
Several minutes passed when you caught your breath, the tears on your cheeks drying up and staining your skin. You felt the knocking on the other side of the door, breath hitching as you pressed off the wood. “[Y/N]?” Shit. Mina knocked again, her sweet voice laced with concern. Maybe if you didn’t respond she’d leave. “[Y/N], open the door.” She pleaded, knocking again. Defeated, you gripped the knob and turned it slowly, staring at the ground as Mina’s face came into view. She immediately stepped in, closing the door behind her and closing off the rest of the party with it. Keeping her distance, she crossed her arms, face twisted with concern. “Are you okay? What happened?” She was still obviously tipsy, but the seriousness in her voice overrode any fear she might be teasing you. You hugged your arms around yourself, suddenly very self-aware of how stupid you must look with mascara running down your cheeks. But Mina didn’t care, you knew she wouldn’t. 
“I don’t know… I panicked, I guess.” You mumbled, rubbing your hands over your arms as you refused to make eye contact with her. She sighed, stepping forward and gripping your wrists to drag you to the bed. Sitting on the edge, she sat close to you, hand rubbing soothingly across your shoulders as she spoke. “Panicked about what, hun?” You shut your eyes, embarrassment gripping you at the nickname. She didn’t use it often, but when she did, it tore you up. Your hands fiddled with each other, your fingernails picking at your calluses and pulling the tight skin. “It’s stupid. I just got worked up.” Mina sighed, sliding her hands to grip yours and stop your fidgeting. She leaned close, making you face her as she smiled. “I promise you, whatever it is, it’s not stupid. Talk to me.” 
If this was going to be a battle of determination, Mina had already won. Even before you caught feelings for her, she was always so quick to force the truth out of you when you were upset. It was like her second quirk. She was just that trustworthy. Or manipulative. You weren’t sure which one.
You took a deep breath, her hands gripping yours tightly. “You dancing. It just got me worked up.” You cringed, staring down at your hands interlocked with hers and sighing. She immediately perked up, panic striking her. “Oh my God. I’m so so so so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfor-” Before she could freak out, you gripped her hands tighter, holding them close to your chest and cutting her off. “No! No, I promise it’s not you. It’s like, uh, the opposite, I guess.” You were jumbling your words, trying your best not to make a fool of yourself. “It just, like, got me too excited. I just freaked. You were just so pretty, and, uh- Like I said, it’s stupid.” You closed your eyes, wishing you could just disappear to your bed and never face her again. But she was way too quiet. Peeling your eyes open, you met her shocked expression, her eyes wide and staring you down. You said too much.
You let go of her hands, quickly standing up and apologizing. You went to grab your bag, gripping the door handle, but Mina was quick to stop you. She stood, grabbing your arm and forcing you to face her, her face even with yours. You both stared at each other, eyes wide and cheeks flushed as you refused to move, but never looking anywhere else. She gripped both of your arms tightly at your sides, an anchor against the storm inside begging you to fight her. It was like just by staring into your eyes she could read your every thought. Her dark eyes made your breath shaky, the intensity of her stare making you flustered. 
“[Y/N].” She spoke softly but sternly, her glossy lips soft compared to her wild makeup. You closed your eyes, her voice breaking your trance as you shook your head. This couldn’t happen. She gripped your arms tighter, her sharp nails scraping against your skin. “Look at me.” She cooed, rubbing her thumb against your goosebumped arms. You shook your head harder, refusing. You couldn’t let this happen. You knew if you opened your eyes and saw her pretty face, it would be over. But you had worked too hard. You worked hard to get into UA, to get into the top class, and to perfect your quirk. You couldn’t throw away everything your parents had built up for stupid feelings. But as Mina’s fingers brushed up your arms, scratching against your skin, you couldn’t think of a reason why not. 
Every day, you struggled to resist her. You avoided staring at her for too long, forcing your eyes down to the ground anytime she was near. You made sure to punish yourself for every lewd thought you had of her, lifting extra weights in the gym to tire yourself out. But the one thing you couldn’t stop, no matter how hard you tried, was hearing her voice. Before you went to bed, when you got really desperate and slid your hands between your thighs, the only thing you could think of was Mina’s soft voice talking you through every move. It was like a curse. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t come to anything else. So you gave up on touching yourself entirely, but that did you worse than it did good. You were always on edge, always irritated at your slightest mistakes. But with her in front of you, voice cooing in that same tone you imagined she would use late at night, the butterflies in your stomach betrayed you. 
“[Y/N].” She cooed again, her voice closer this time. Giving in, you slowly opened your eyes. You were met with those big dark eyes, colorful makeup blinding your vision. You were way too hot, face burning as you knitted your brows. You flicked your eyes quickly between her eyes and lips, unsure of what you were supposed to do, but Mina was already guiding you.
Sliding your bag off your arm, she tossed it to the ground and slid her hands to your wrists. Wrapping your arms around her shoulders, she slid her hands down to your waist and rubbed gently, smiling softly. “It’s okay.” She sighed, gripping your waist tightly and forcing your hips to press against hers. But it wasn’t okay… right? Staring down at her glossed lips, you tried to think of some reason you couldn’t. But nothing came. Nothing but her face slowly pressing closer to yours and your thoughts screaming in your head. 
Until you felt her soft lips press against yours. And everything just went quiet.
Your eyes slowly fluttered shut, arms gripping tighter around her shoulders to support yourself. It was like you couldn’t control your body anymore. Your lips moved eagerly against hers, tasting the sweet gloss coating them and moaning at the taste. She rubbed your waist tightly, following your lips as they engulfed hers and moved with the rhythm you set. The negative thoughts didn’t come anymore. All you could think about was how good she tasted, how soft her skin was. She got rid of all the bad. 
Before you lost your breath, you pulled back, shallowly panting against her chest. Mina only gazed at you, a soft smile radiating against her flushed skin, reassuring you. “I… Uh-” You started but were interrupted with her lips pecking against yours. Pushing you back, your knees hit the edge of the bed and buckled, Mina quick to straddle your legs and wrap her arms around your neck. You immediately went stiff, but her soft strokes across your shoulders eased that familiar tension. “So… were you ever gonna tell me you liked me?” She smiled, littering your cheeks with kisses as she spoke. You rested your hands against her hips, her dress riding up as she spread her legs and gave you a sly view of her lacy thong. Tearing your eyes away, Mina brushed her fingers through your hair, peppering kisses down to your jaw and stopping on your neck. Chills ran down your spine, small whines escaping your lips as she slid your dress strap off your shoulder and began to suck on your skin. “Mina-” You groaned, gripping her hips tighter. Her curly hair brushed against your skin, tickling your chin before she let off of your neck and brought her face back to yours. 
“Unzip my dress.” She smiled, wrapping her hands around your wrists and sliding them behind her. Your face flushed dark, stomach twisting with excitement as you searched for the zipper and pulled it down, her straps falling off her shoulders. She hooked her hands under her dress and pulled it over her head, her matching set of lacy purple underwear and bra making your jaw drop. She giggled as you stared, her tits perched right in front of your face and spilling over the cups so beautifully. Mina tossed her dress to the floor, wrapping her hands around your back and unzipping your dress the same, helping you slide it off and tossing it. “So cute…” She giggled, fiddling with the straps of your bra as you gaped at her, face stunned against her body. Up close, her pink skin was so pretty. Dark sunspots littered her shoulders and chest, dark pink freckles complimenting nicely. She was so beautiful.
Mina resumed her place on your neck, kissing and sucking the skin as you groaned. With sudden bravery, you wrapped your hands around her hips and gripped her plump ass in your hands, kneading the flesh softly. She smiled against you as her hands tangled into your hair, tugging lightly the harder you gripped her ass. This was more than you could ever think to dream of. Farther than you ever thought you’d get. If Mina decided right now that she was done, you could die happy knowing you at least got to feel the ass you longed for every day. 
Sliding her arms around your back, she fiddled with your bra clasp and snapped it open, sliding your bra off your shoulders. She leaned back, admiring them as she giggled. You blushed deeply, suddenly very aware of yourself as her fingers began to pinch at your nipples. Your breath hitched, hands quick to unclip her bra and slide it off the same. What you didn’t expect were the two tiny silver barbels pierced through each nipple. It made your cunt throb. You gripped her wrists, pulling her wandering hands from your tits and leaning close to hers. You breathed deep, her sweet perfume thick on her chest as you mouthed over her right nipple, sliding your tongue over the cold metal and sucking gently. Her answering moan made your heart flutter. You gripped her other tit, kneading the mound in your hand as Mina gasped, little whines answering for every brush of your tongue. You realized that you really liked that sound. 
Tugging your head off her tits, Mina crashed her lips back against yours, pressing your back down against the bed. She trailed kisses down your neck, to your chest, and soon to your abdomen. Goosebumps followed her lips, little gasps and whines answering for every kiss as she got closer to your panty line. Mina glanced up at you, sticking her tongue out and licking a long stripe across your belly button and giggling when your mouth fell open. She enjoyed teasing you as she hooked her fingers under your panties and pulled them down, your face flushing dark as Mina laid face to face with your cunt. Your breath caught in your throat as she pushed your thighs apart, kissing along the insides and stopping right before she reached your folds. She held eye contact with you, reaching her hand under your thigh and intertwining her fingers with yours, gripping reassuringly. “Relax. Just let me make you feel good.” She grinned, dipping her head down and spreading your folds open with her warm fingers. Slamming your head back on the bed, you deep a deep breath and close your eyes, excitement shooting wires all through your body.
When you felt Mina’s warm tongue lick a thick stripe through your folds, you could’ve came right there. You gripped her hand tight, her little squeezes keeping you from freaking out as she continued to press her tongue against your clit. Her fingers kept your lips spread apart, flicking her tongue on your throbbing clit and smiling every time you flinched. “Doing so good, hun.” She hummed, pulling back to rub her thumb over your soaked clit and making you squirm. She dove back down, wrapping her arm around you thigh and digging her nails into your skin, pulling your legs apart. You were soaked, cunt throbbing as Mina pressed her tongue against your entrance and pushed deeper, tongue sinking into you wonderfully. Gasping, you immediately spread your legs further, craving her tongue to press deeper. Her tongue curled against your walls, lapping up your ecstasy and making your arch your back. You slid your hand down, tangling your fingers in her coiled hair and brushing against her jagged horns. When her tongue pulled out of your cunt and her lips began to suck on your clit, your fist quickly wrapped around her horn and pulled her head closer, a loud moan following. Sliding her hand to your cunt, Mina ran her fingers through your wetness and pressed against your entrance, curling her fingers up immediately and sending you writhing. She pumped shallowly, warms fingers curling tightly against your walls in time with her lips against your clit. Your back was arched fully off the bed, fist gripping her horn tightly and fingers wrapped around hers assuringly. With the intensity of it all, Mina was also gentle, constantly looking up to gauge your reactions and holding your hand to keep you stable.
“I’m go- oh my god- Mina-” You gasped, teeth gritted and eyes shut tight as her fingers coiled against your walls, her fingers pulling you closer to your orgasm. Besides on your own fingers, you had never came to anything else. Orgasms were just a way to relieve your stress, helping you stay more focused and keep your mind of off useless horny things. But now, falling apart on Mina’s fingers, it felt different. There was this tension building up in your core, your cunt throbbing with every curl of her fingers and your breathing getting uncoordinated. But it felt so good. “Mina- Please-” You writhed against her, knees trying to press together. With one last deep curl of her fingers and her tongue flicking against your clit, your stomach tightened and your walls clenched down hard. Warm liquid squirted from your cunt, soaking Mina’s lips as she lapped up the odd feeling cum. Waves of pleasure crashed over you as you moaned loudly, fist gripping down tightly on Mina’s horn as she rubbed you through your orgasm. When she popped off your clit, her mouth was covered in your ecstasy, her blissed out expression lovely as she licked her lips clean. 
But before you could catch your breath, she was already sitting up and pulling down her panties, her own arousal evident from the stain between her legs. She kicked her heels off, pulling yours off as well and tossing them down before she pressed your legs back. She sat up, throwing a leg over yours and slotting herself down against your throbbing cunt, clits pressed firmly against each other. You whined, still sensitive from her tongue as she began to grind her hips down, her folds slotting against yours and quickly scissoring you. You had only ever seen this position in the porn videos you convinced yourself to watch, but experiencing it was far better than you could’ve imagined. Mina’s hips grinded down hard, clits nudging against each other and making you both moan loudly. She slotted her hand under your knee, holding you leg for support as she jerked against you, chasing her own ecstasy. 
Mina’s eyes were rolling, her soft lips hanging open as she arched her hips rhythmically. She was so gorgeous, her makeup slightly ruined and smudged across her eyes from her flustered state. She skin was glistening with sweat, her moans singing loudly with yours the faster she thrusted. You could already feel your orgasm coming, her clit rubbing yours and making you gasp loudly. Mina was close too, her moans becoming more high pitched the longer she went. You slid your hand up, cupping her tit in your hand and tugging at her nipple, playing with the barbell. She whined, biting her lip hard. “Yeah, fuck yeah. Just like that hun, shit.” She moaned, her nails gripping your leg tightly as you pinched her nipple in between your fingers. “Feels sooo good. Gonna come on your pussy. Gonna fuck you so good, hun.” She babbled, voice high and whiny as she ground shallow and fast against your cunt, clits throbbing and twitching. 
Your stomach tightened as you pulled her nipple, your cunt swollen and on the verge of orgasm as you stared into Mina’s flushed face. “Come for me. Come on-” You groaned, bucking your hips up and rubbing in time with her. That was all it took to make Mina’s eyes roll, her nails digging into your skin and her voice crying loudly as she came against you. You felt yourself coming apart as well, your hips stuttering as your warmth mixed with hers, moans echoing. Your legs clenched against each other, Mina flopping down on top of you and breathing quickly against your chest. You held her close, laying her beside you as you both came down from your intense highs, a fucked out smile on your face. 
Mina’s eyes fluttered, her forehead pressed against yours as she caught her breath, breathing deep before opening her eyes to yours. “Oh my God, [Y/N].” She smiled, wrapping her hand around your head and tangling her fingers in your hair once again. You both giggled, naked bodies flushed red and pressed close together while you just admired the other. Both of your makeup was ruined, hair messy, and brows sweaty by the time you settled down. “I’m glad you like me too…” Mina smiled shyly, pressing her lips against you cheek. You stared at her, in awe of just how beautiful she was. “Oh, you have no idea just how long I’ve dreamed of even getting to kiss you.” You laughed, hands wrapping around her waist and rubbing against her hips gently. Just laying there, breathing in each other’s scent, you finally felt content. For the first time in a long time, you felt like you had made a decision that you wanted, not what your parents wanted. You were so afraid before, so afraid of messing up or disappointing them. But as Mina’s eyes fluttered shut against the muffled beat of the music downstairs, you knew you wouldn’t give her up no matter how many insults they threw your way. If loving her was wrong, fuck being right.
Days had passed since the party. You shuffled through the halls of UA in your uniform, heading towards the cafeteria for lunch, your stomach growling as you hauled your backpack over your shoulders. When you felt warm hands slip around your shoulders, you smiled widely, raching to interlock the fingers with yours as you continued to walk. Mina wrapped her arms around yours, pressing herself close as you smiled to eachother, discussing classes and what you hoped they had to eat. 
Since that night, Mina hadn’t left your side, her fingers always interlocked with yours and letting everyone know just how happy she was because of it. She was helping you break down your walls your parents had so carelessly built up, poking at the deepest parts of you and releasing emotions you never knew you needed to. Her bubbly personality matched your calmness perfectly, and anyone could see just how happy you made eachother. 
When you felt another arm wrap around you shoulder, you turned, startled as Neijire nestled herself between the two of you. “So. Who’s going to buy me new sheets? Heard yall had a little fun in my room.” She smiled teasingly, pulling you both close as you continued to walk. You eyes shot wide, cheeks flushing deep as Mina’s stunned expression met yours. She slapped her hand over her mouth, holding back her laugh as you cringed to Neijire, shrugging your shoulders coyly. Mina threw her head back, laughing loudly through the halls and catching attention from other students. Neijire burst out laughing as well, hugging you both close as the two girls laughed each other to tears. As you sighed, you glanced to Mina, her bright smile radiating against her pink skin, her cheeks rosy with giddiness.
God, you didn’t deserve her. But you damn sure would never be ashamed of her again.
This was an anonymous request!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated! 𐚁₊⊹
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dadzawa-vibes · 7 months ago
Mina: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Kaminari: Waking up in the morning and your phone wasn't charging.
Shinsou: Waking up in the morning.
Y/N: Waking up.
279 notes · View notes
anime-as-textposts · 4 months ago
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mimez-meme · 4 months ago
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Do they, hizashi? Do they, aizawa?
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beeeepsi · 3 months ago
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mina anyone?
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jadeelements · 11 months ago
@habken You're so right. I had to draw them.
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Also, consider these:
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Forgive me. I cannot draw Bakugo's hair for the life of me.
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ugh-to-love-a-boy · 1 year ago
• Spider-Man kisses I know its probably over said, but he would tape himself up and kiss his s/o randomly.
• hanging out with the Bakusquad and being best friends with Denki and Mina, doing chaotic things that make Bakugo question why those are his friends.
• This man is a gentleman, so if you want to take it slow, he’s respectful and stays within the set boundaries. He would never ever force anyone into something they don’t want.
s/o,• If Mineta was caught staring or he heard him say something about his s/o he would probably tape his mouth shut and get either Mr. Aizawa or Bakugo to do something more,because cause he would probably just get his s/o and get them away from the pervert.
• As stated earlier, he stays within boundaries, so when it comes to PDA, he doesn’t really have a problem with it. He’s fine with hand-holding hugs and kisses if you are too great, but if you are not, he’s respectful of that and just sticks to hand-holding.
• Though I feel like he would definitely be affectionate, cuddles in the commons, watching movies with the bakusquad, or just in your room or in his, and forehead kisses are probably what he enjoys both receiving and giving, though if his s/o is too short, he’s okay with just hand kisses.
• and he probably gives you adorable little gifts, nothing costly, given the fact that you’re both just high schoolers.
• You would have to put up with his atrocious flirting skills, though after a while you’d think it’s cute how he still tries to win you over when you're already his and he’s yours.
• You now have a portable outlet anywhere you go. Your phone needs charging. He’s got your hearing aids. He’s got you literally anything that requires electricity. He would use his quirk for it.
• Now hanging out with the bakusquad is really fun. Being close friends with Mina and Sero, you would almost always be up to your weird shenanigans. Kirishima loves you and Denki together, but he’s running out of energy trying to keep Bakugo calm.
• If he caught Mineta, his (now former) friend, talking about his s/o, he would not be cool about it; he would most likely scream about it, getting the attention of half the dorms instantly, including Mr. Aizawa, who was not happy about Mineta yet again being a pervert.
• This man is a simp for his s/o, and he wants everyone to know they are his, so hand-holding and quick kisses throughout the day make him happier than anything.
• As stated above, he’s affectionate, so everyone knew you were dating within a couple of hours, but the poor Bakusquad had the worst of it; they had to see his flirting with you and the cuddling anytime they hung out.
• Now, when he’s nervous, it’s not very rare that he would accidentally shock you while holding hands in training camp. You were holding hands when the attack began, and he shocked you.
• late-night sleepovers Either she is sneaking into your room because she is bored, or you are sneaking into her room because you are bored.
• random shopping sprees with Momo and what you two can’t afford; that’s why you have Momo.
• Hanging out with the Bakusquad is a given, and being besties with Kirishima while things get crazy somehow means Bakugou doesn’t try to kill you two.
• skin care/self-care nights with the girls every week, just going over the random things that take place at UA
• Personal alone time is sweet; she is a very affectionate girlfriend, holding piggyback rides, kisses, and cuddling the whole 9-yard
• If she so much as thought Mineta was staring at her, she would threaten to burn his eyeballs right out of his body with her acid, and if she heard him say anything, she would threaten his tongue next.
• From her bubbly nature, she is friends with almost everyone, so with you together, you are also friends with almost all of Mineta and a handful of people from 1-B.
• You are always either hanging out with her or talking, and if you are not fine, it's not like a codependent relationship; you just bring out the best in each other.
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dollyfetti · 8 months ago
the ladies room - mina ashido
🍮⠀⠀ notes: not proofread!!, bsf mina ashido x nail tech reader, nsfw (no actual smut tho), suggestive, implied tiddie sucking + fingering, mention of drool, nicknames (doll, baby, my love) ‿ ୧ 🍡⠀ word count: 668
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bsf!mina opens the door to the nail salon you're currently working at, the little bell on top dinging as she strides in. she's wearing a cute cropped tank with the cut low, her soft cleavage on display. "heyy doll!!" the pink haired girl squeals excitedly, waving her dainty pink hand in your direction. peeling your bored eyes off your phone, you pick up your head at the familiar voice. heads turn at the loud entrance while a bright smile forms across your face. "hii ashh!!! come sit baby!" you wave her over, putting your phone back into your pretty little purse. as she perches over the chair, your eyes immediately land on her chest, a small flustered mess spreading onto your cheeks. your wandering eyes hurriedly flicker back to her face when she flashes you that toothy grin of hers you adore so much.
after a few minutes of silly girl babbling, you finally bring up the reason she's here. you gently take hold of her hands over the hand rest, looking over her nails, humming softly. “okayy so you wanted a purple french tit— tip!! … right?” you squeak in embarrassment, quickly correcting your mistake. she giggles girlishly before humming a noise of confirmation. you spin your wheeled chair around to grab purple paint swatches for her to choose from while mina takes a hand away from the handrest to lay her chin on.
after 45 minutes of work-- prepping the girl's nails, applying acrylic, picking out charms, painting the frenchies, and brushing off the dust, you're finished! “all done!! you likeee?” you grin, clapping your gloved hands together lightly. she opens her mouth with a wide smile. “they’re soo cute, thank you my love!!” her pillowy thighs squish together as she stares at her new acrylics, fighting the urge to bite her lip before standing up. “yknow actually..” she starts, lowering her tone. you look up with innocent confusion. “i needa go to the ladies room.. can ya show me where it is?” you admire her face as she speaks-- she bats her eyelashes so prettily… wait what did she say?
you snap back into reality, fastly blinking and replaying the words that spilled out of her glossy lips. "oh! sure, yeah!!" you nod, taking off your dusty gloves and leading her to the bathroom. as you two walk past your coworkers and other customers, your best friend slides her purse off her shoulder with a face full of lust. you open the solitary restroom door for her to step in. as she does, the confident girl pulls you inside with her abruptly, locking the door immediately. you raise your eyebrows. "ash..?" you mutter, fiddling your fingers together while mina turns on the sink's faucet to wash her hands. "would you help me out and unclip my bra?" she nonchalantly asks out of the blue, lathering soap onto her hands. "h-huh??" you whisper-yell, a sudden pool of arousal dripping onto your panties.
she lowly whimpers, rushing to dry her hands before shoving you against the tiled wall. your mouth widens as she puts her bare knee between your legs. "fuckk, you're so cute.." she whines. her hand reaches into your skirt, a mewl spewing out of your mouth. you pull the back off her tank top down to dig your fingers down her back to her bra clips.
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the front door opens, the bell dinging while your now friend with benefits waves her hand before blowing a kiss and strutting out of the salon. you exhale dreamily, plopping back down into your seat. "uh- yn? you got a little sumthin.." one of your coworkers points to her lips while staring at yours. you hazily hum, "hm?" you bring your hand up to your mouth, feeling yours and her mixed drool on your mouth. "oh shit." you whisper, wiping away the liquid awkwardly. "freaky gal!" another employee exclaims before the others giggle playfully. you shyly put your head down, taking out your phone again to text mina.
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fihella · 1 year ago
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They’re on holiday
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ashtray-shayy · 20 days ago
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𐙚˙✧˖° ༘🌸 ⋆。 ˚mina ashido, my beloved˖ ˚⋆🍡𖦹 ׂ 𓈒💮 ೀ
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n1ght0f-nyx · 7 months ago
mha girls asking you out 1/2
characters- Ochako Uraraka, kyoka jirou, mina ashido, Momo Yaoyorozu, tsuyu asui, Toru Hagakure notes- no spoilers, yn is genderless but jewerlly is bought for them, first perspective, not proofread obvi Ochako Uraraka I was in the common room of the dorms, flipping through a book absentmindedly, my mind kept drifting back to the events of the day, but mostly to a certain someone who had been on my mind more often than not. Just as I was about to lose myself in thought again, Ochako Uraraka walked in. Her usual bubbly energy seemed a little more subdued, and I noticed she was holding something behind her back.
"Hey, Y/N!" she greeted, her smile as bright as ever, though there was a hint of nervousness in her eyes.
"Hey, Ochako," I replied, closing my book and giving her my full attention. "What's up?"
She hesitated for a moment, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. It was rare to see her like this—usually, she was so confident and full of life. My curiosity piqued as I waited for her to continue.
"Well, um... there's something I've been wanting to tell you," she began, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "It's just that... I really like spending time with you, and I was wondering if you'd like to... go out with me? Like, on a date?" her eyes bubbled with stars, but she fiddled with her fingers anxiously, waiting for my answer
Kyoka Jirou Music echoed through the hallway as I walked towards the practice rooms. I recognized the rhythm immediately—Kyoka Jirou’s bass playing. It was so distinct, like she poured every bit of herself into each note.
As I got closer, the door to her practice room was slightly ajar. I peeked in, watching her as she played, completely lost in the music. Her earphone jacks swayed in time with the beat, and I couldn't help but smile at how cool she looked.
Suddenly, she looked up and noticed me. I panicked for a second, feeling like I’d been caught doing something I shouldn’t. But instead of looking annoyed, she gave me a small, almost shy smile and waved me in.
“Hey, Y/N,” she said, her voice slightly teasing as I stepped inside. “Enjoying the show?”
I chuckled, trying to play it cool. “Always. You’re amazing, Jirou.”
She blushed slightly and looked away, pretending to adjust the knobs on her amp. “Thanks… I’ve been working on this new song for a while. I’m glad you like it.”
There was a moment of silence as she fidgeted with her equipment, and I felt a strange tension in the air. Something was different today, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
“So, uh… Y/N,” she started, her voice a bit softer than usual. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” My heart skipped a beat. “Yeah? What’s up?”
She took a deep breath, twiling her finger around her earphone jacks nervously. “Would you… maybe wanna hang out sometime? Like, just the two of us?”
I blinked, trying to process what she was saying. Was she asking me out?
“You mean like a date?” I asked, my voice coming out more hopeful than I intended.
Her eyes met mine, and she nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. “Yeah… exactly like a date.” mina ashido The school day was winding down, and I found myself lingering by the lockers, my thoughts scattered after a long day of classes and training. I was just about to head out when I noticed Mina Ashido approaching, her usual bubbly energy radiating from her like sunshine.
"Hey, Y/N!" she called out, her voice bright and cheerful. Her pink skin practically glowed under the hallway lights, and her golden eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Hey, Mina," I replied, smiling as she came to a stop in front of me. "What's up?"
She rocked back on her heels, her hands clasped behind her back, a playful grin on her face. "So, I was thinking… we’ve been hanging out a lot lately, right?"
I nodded, curious where this was going. “Yeah, it’s been fun.”
“Right?!” She beamed at me, taking a step closer. “So, I was wondering if you’d maybe wanna hang out… like, officially?”
It took me a second to process what she was saying, and when I did, my heart skipped a beat. “You mean, like… a date?”
Mina’s cheeks darkened to a deeper pink, and she laughed, a little bit of nervousness slipping through her usual confidence. “Yeah, a date. I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while now, but, you know, hero stuff gets in the way sometimes.” momo Yaoyorozu It was a quiet afternoon when I heard a soft knock on my door. I wasn't expecting anyone, so I was surprised to find Momo Yaoyorozu standing there, a shy smile playing on her lips. She looked as elegant as ever, her dark hair falling perfectly over her shoulders. But there was something different about her today, a nervous energy that I hadn't seen before.
"Hi, Momo," I greeted her, trying to hide my own surprise. "What's up?"
"Hello," she replied, her voice gentle but with a hint of nervousness. "I was wondering if you had a moment to talk?"
I nodded, stepping aside to let her in. She walked in gracefully, her hands clutching a small, beautifully wrapped box. I couldn't help but notice it, and my curiosity got the better of me.
"What's that?" I asked, gesturing to the box.
Momo's cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she held it out to me. "It's... well, it's for you."
"For me?" I took the box from her, feeling its weight in my hands. "What’s the occasion?"
Momo bit her lip, her gaze flickering from the box to my face. "There’s something I've been wanting to tell you. And... I thought this might help."
My heart started to race as I carefully unwrapped the box. Inside was a delicate necklace, the pendant a beautiful, intricate design that sparkled in the light. It was stunning, and I couldn’t believe she had gotten it for me.
"Momo, this is beautiful," I breathed, looking up at her. "You didn’t have to—"
"I wanted to," she interrupted, taking a step closer. Her eyes were full of determination now, the nerves from earlier slowly fading away. "I really like you, Y/N. More than just a friend. And I’ve been trying to find the right way to tell you."
I felt my breath catch in my throat as her words sank in. "You… you like me?"
Momo nodded, her eyes never leaving mine. "Yes. I’ve liked you for a while now. And I know this might seem sudden, but I wanted to do something special for you, to show you how much you mean to me."
I glanced down at the necklace again, my heart swelling with emotion. It was such a thoughtful, sweet gesture, and knowing that it came from Momo made it even more meaningful.
"I don't know what to say," I whispered, still in awe of the moment.
"You don’t have to say anything right now," Momo replied softly. "But if you feel the same way... maybe you could give us a chance? We could go on a date, see where it takes us?"
I looked into her eyes, seeing the hope and sincerity there. I couldn’t help but smile, feeling a warmth spread through me. tsuyu asui I was walking down the hall when I heard a familiar, soft voice call out to me. Turning around, I saw Tsuyu Asui, her large, round eyes fixed on me with that calm expression she always wore.
"Hey, Y/N, ribbit," she spoke "Do you have a minute?"
"Of course, Tsuyu," I replied, smiling at her. She always had this way of making me feel at ease, like a gentle rain after a hot day.
We walked to a quieter spot near the school's garden. Tsuyu fidgeted slightly, her fingers playing with the hem of her uniform, a rare sign of nerves from her.
"I've been thinking about something," she started, her voice steady, though I could sense the slightest hesitation. "We've been friends for a while now, and I've come to realize... I like spending time with you, ribbit. A lot."
My heart skipped a beat, but I stayed quiet, waiting for her to continue.
"What I’m trying to say is... would you like to go out with me? On a date?" she asked, her gaze meeting mine directly, even though there was a faint blush on her cheeks. Toru Hagakure
I was heading back to the dorms after a long day of training when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turned around, but no one was there. I blinked in confusion, my mind racing until I remembered—Toru Hagakure, the invisible girl.
"Toru?" I asked, trying to figure out where exactly she was.
"Yep, it's me!" Her voice was bubbly, as always, but there was a hint of nervousness that I hadn't noticed before. "I, um, wanted to talk to you about something."
I smiled, trying to put her at ease. "Sure, what's up?"
"Well, you see…" She hesitated, and I could almost picture her fidgeting. "We've been friends for a while now, and I really enjoy spending time with you. You're always so nice and fun to be around, and I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out with me? Like, on a date?"
The suddenness of her question caught me off guard, and I could feel my cheeks heating up. "A date? You mean, like…"
"Yeah, like a date date," she confirmed, her voice a mix of hope and anxiety. "I totally understand if you're not interested, though! I just thought it was worth asking…"
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rainrot4me · 8 months ago
Gently, Now
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Summary: You have to show Eijiro how to be gentle.
Characters: Eijiro Kirishima x Female Reader
TW: Public fingering, under the table, fingering, embarrassment, deprivation, dildo, vaginal, eating out, begging, dub-con, power struggle, size difference
Words: 4.1k
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Dating Eijiro was anything but gentle.
On the exterior, he was an all-around good guy: a good friend, a hard worker, and a strong upcoming hero - all the things you would expect from a loving guy like him. But what people didn’t see, what Eijiro so carefully hid behind closed doors, was someone completely different.
Eijiro and you had cultivated a kind of puppy love for the first couple of years at UA. Your crushes on each other had turned into nervous hand-holding and pecks on the cheeks whenever you got the chance. But as the months passed and your relationship became official, it was like you were dating someone else. 
Around others, Eijiro was normal. Always happy and willing to help whenever he could. So of course it would have been impossible to expect how different he would be when you two were alone together.
Kirishima was a full-fledged pervert. 
He was obsessed. Can’t keep his hands off of you, can’t avoid kissing every exposed inch of your skin. When someone’s too close, he’ll wrap his hand around your waist and pull you close, mumbling to you about how annoying people are. And don’t even mention when you two end up in a room alone together. He’ll be quick to push his tongue into your mouth, gripping your hair to hold you still, sharp teeth knicking against your lips. You end up pushed against whatever surface is closest and thick fingers are shoved between your folds, working desperately to hear your anxious voice as you try to keep quiet. It’s like a game to him. Your dignity means nothing as long as he can feel your skin against his, edging you to orgasm no less than three times every chance he gets. 
In the best way you could put it, it was exhilarating. There was nothing ever gentle about the way he made love to you, it was always a competition to see how many times he could make you cum compared to the last encounter. And, fuck, was he good at making you cum. After being together for a couple of years, Eijiro was well-acquainted with your body, knowing every spot that made you tingle against his lips, or just how to angle his cock to make you cum quickly, or even exactly how you liked your nipples sucked. He wasn’t always like this, but as his confidence and curiosity grew with you, he had little to no restraint with you anymore. Anything he wanted to try, you best believe he was going to whether you wanted him to or not. You had to wonder if it was all the pent-up energy from middle school. Not being popular didn’t give him an outlet to satisfy himself, so when he finally got a hold of you, it just sent him into a spiral. In turn, this made him insanely dominant. You never got a chance to take control in any situation as he was already on you, controlling your every movement. 
So when you were invited on a double date with Kaminari and Jiro, you were nervous about it already. It wasn’t that Eijiro wasn’t a good boyfriend, he really was. He was always looking out for you at school or on missions, buying you whatever you wanted, and taking great care of you no matter how he was feeling. Eijiro was everything you could’ve ever wanted. His only stint was the constant horniness he had that never seemed to dwindle. 
So as you rode in the passenger seat of his truck, speeding down the highway to the little restaurant the other couple had suggested, you held his wrist tightly, tugging it desperately. Eijiro watched the road carefully, his left hand gripping the wheel as his right was shoved between your thighs, fingers curling up into your soaked cunt. His thick fingers stretched you, your face flushed and hot as you frantically tried to catch your breath. “Eiji- Please… We’re almost there-” You begged, clamping your knees together tightly as you tried to pull his hand away. You were close already and knew that. He claimed constantly that when you were about to cum, your chest would heave frantically with your quick breathing, telling him exactly when to speed up and drive you over the edge. It was annoying how close he paid attention, but as an upcoming hero, you guessed it was only right. 
“Then I guess you’d better hurry up and cum then, huh?” He teased, jerking his palm against your clit and making you whine. You wrapped your arms around his large bicep, the thick muscles tensing as he curled his fingers deep. His veins were popping out nicely, your nails digging into his skin as you came around his fingers. You cried out, eyes clamping shut as you rode out your pleasure, gasping as he pulled out slowly and rubbed your clit for good measure. You let go of his hand, knees falling limp as you panted, eyes heavy. The bulge in his jeans was evident, but there was no time to worry about it as you tugged your panties and shorts back up, Eijiro pulled into the parking lot, and cars packed in as the fancy noodle restaurant was bumping. 
Pulling next to Jiro’s small car, you fixed your clothes, glancing at yourself in the mirror before Eijiro rounded the corner, opening the door for you and helping you out of his jacked-up red truck. His arm instantly slid behind you, giving your ass a nice squeeze before wrapping around your waist, walking you to the entrance. Your cunt was still throbbing, cheeks still red as you walked into the restaurant. Jiro waved you down, the couple sat in a booth in the back corner of the dimly lit restaurant. The place was busy, with staff and customers running around while the wonderful smell of noodles and seafood filled the air. 
“Hey, guys. Wait took forever but we finally got a table.” Jiro smiled as you both slid into the other side of the booth, Kaminari bumping fists with Eijiro. “Ah, sorry to make y’all wait.” You chimed, ignoring the conversation the boys were loudly having next to you. 
You felt good, Jiro gossiping about other classes and her work studies while the boys argued over which soccer team was going to win the Japanese championships. Your food eventually came, the ramen bowls you all ordered steaming and looking wonderful as you filled yourselves with food and good conversation. You were fairly surprised with Eijiro and how well he was behaving, checking on you occasionally but more interested in what Kaminari had to say about the new workout routine he was trying. It was nice. The dim lighting made Eijiro look tan, his thick arm muscles nice against his black t-shirt. He was a very beautiful man, and he was your man. 
Nodding to whatever Jiro was saying, you slid your arm around his, hooking your hand around his bicep as you both continued talking, smiling at the warmth. You liked intimate moments like this, the domestic things that reminded you just how much you loved him. You thought it was cute, but that was your mistake. As Eijiro’s arm slid off the table and down to grip your thigh, you gritted your teeth, knowing that you had caught his attention. His large hand gripped tight against your upper thigh, pinkie brushing against your clothed crotch and nudging against the fabric. You grit your teeth, trying desperately to close your thighs tight as Jiro turns to ask Kaminari something, giving you a chance to swat his hand. Eijiro glanced over, a small smirk on his mouth as he pressed his fingertips against your clothed clit, circling slowly. Your previously soaked panties rubbed against you, making your hips stutter as you stared daggers at him.
“Eiji-” You mumbled quietly, wrapping your hands around his forearm and pushing it, but there was no budge. He chuckled quietly, embarrassment growing against your cheeks. He was getting more brave, more daring. He never would have tried this a year ago, but you guessed comfortability has a way of showing people’s true colors. “Quiet.” He cooed, Kaminari refocusing his attention back to Eijiro and began talking exactly where they let off. Jiro excused herself to the bathroom, sliding across Kami’s lap and into the opposite end of the restaurant. You stiffened, leaning your head against Eijiro’s shoulder as his fingers refused to let up. You had no idea how Kaminari wasn’t noticing your heavy breathing or the tint on your cheeks, but you guessed the lighting in the room and his terrible attention span made it easier to hide. You gripped onto the large arm across your body, nails begging him to pull away as his hand slipped under your shorts. Eijiro’s fingers shoved your panties to the side, his fingertips sliding against your folds until you couldn’t take it anymore.
You spread your legs, letting his fingers slide against your entrance and press in, closing your eyes and pressing your face against his arm. You felt the vibration of Eijiro talking against his arm as you breathed in his scent, trying your damnest to stay quiet as his fingers stretched you. This was so wrong, but it felt so good. You sucked a breath in when he curled his fingers, gritting your teeth.
“[Y/N]?” Shit. You hadn’t realized Jiro had already slid back into the booth until she was questioning you, concern lacing her voice. You opened your eyes, looking at her with hot cheeks, gripping Eijiro’s arm tight. “She said she wasn’t feeling too great. Think we need to head out soon. Maybe get her home to lay down.” Eijiro answered, allowing your face to fall back against his arm and let out a heavy breath you were holding. His palm was nudging against your clit, his arm flexing ever so slightly but to anyone else, it would have just looked like he was rubbing your leg gently. Jiro voiced her concern, urging Kaminari to pay the tab as Eijiro tugged his hand out of your shorts, fingers slick with your arousal. He quickly wiped them on his jeans, helping you out of the booth as your knitted brows stared him down. He chuckled, wrapping his arm around your hips and hauled you to the truck, helping you inside. Jiro and Kaminari waved their goodbyes, mentioning something about ice cream before sliding into her car. 
As Eijiro slid into the driver’s seat and started the loud engine, you slapped his shoulder hard. He huffed a laugh, peeling out of the parking lot and back onto the highway. “Right in front of them? Seriously?” You groaned, your arousal still heavy in your abdomen as Eijiro’s hand slid to grip your knee. He smiled, glancing at you but quickly dropping it as you stared daggers into him. “That was uncalled for. You fucking horndog.” You spat, crossing your arms and knocking his hand off your knee. “Listen, babe-”
“Just drive, Eiji.” You huffed, staring out the window. The silence was loud. Eijiro kept to his side of the console and glanced nervously at you, making you feel bad. But this was for his good. Eijiro had no sense of understanding as to why his constant overpowering nature made you so anxious, always wondering why you didn’t enjoy it as much as he did. You were going to have to speak in a language he could understand. 
Pulling onto the UA campus, Eijiro followed you through the dorm building, waving to your classmates in his usual happy demeanour, but letting his anxiety show when he turned back to you. “[Y/N]...” He whined, reaching for your hand as you climbed the stairs but you pulled it away, ignoring him. You could feel the desperation as he loomed behind you, following you to your dorm. You pushed open the door, Eijiro quickly following you inside out of fear of being locked out. He tried to grab your hands, but you pulled back, closing the door and turning to him.
“Eiji.” You hissed, crossing your arms. If there was one thing Eijiro didn’t like it was you upset. Out of any circumstance, he would do whatever he could to make you feel better. But watching this large hero cower under your gaze and shrivel in on himself made you nervous, fidgeting your fingers. “On the bed, please.” You gritted, shuffling to your closet and pulling out a large shoebox. Eijiro slid to the bed nervously, sitting on the edge and leaning back, watching you nervously. 
When you opened the box, Eijiro’s face lifted, his toothy smile spreading across his tan face as he went to stand, but you glared him back down. The box was full of the various sex toys Eijiro had bought you over the time you had been together, any variety of vibrator or dildo you could think of. You pulled out the red rubber dildo that he had bought you shortly after you started officially dating, the size the closest thing to his he could find. It was slightly smaller than your forearm, the sheer girth of it making your knees weak, but so did Eijiro’s. You set the box back in the closet, tossing the dildo onto the bed and unbuttoning your shorts, sliding them down your legs. “What?” Kirishima smiled, watching closely as you tugged your shirt off, then your panties. He was getting excited again, his cock twitching in his jeans as he began to slowly rub himself. “Wanna try two at once again? That could be fun…” He trailed off, nervous as you left him unanswered and climbed onto the bed. 
You sat back against the headboard, Eijiro leaning forward to pursue you but you were quick to push him back, leaning him against the end of the bed opposite of you. You reached down, pulling his shirt off his head and unbuttoning his jeans, pulling his thick cock out and letting it sit. But Eijiro’s face dropped when you sat back, leaving his cock unattended as you grabbed the dildo, confusion striking him. 
You spit on the dildo lewdly, Eijiro’s face twisting with arousal as you rubbed it, moving it down to press against your entrance. Finally, looking him in the eyes, you pressed the tip against your entrance, eyeing him down. “If you touch yourself, I stop.” His face dropped, confusion replacing the aroused face he just sported. His cock still twitched. “If you touch me, I stop.” You commanded, pressing your knees apart and letting him get a good view of the dildo slowly entering you. You hissed, the stretch of the rubber making your lips part, trying to keep your composure. You could see his panic as he realized what was happening, the desperation beginning to build. 
“[Y/N]...” He whined, fisting the mattress while you pressed the hilt of the dildo, pushing the girth inside and stretching nicely. It was nowhere near the real thing, you hated to admit, but watching his face in awe as you fucked yourself on it made it all worth it. When you finally bottomed out, you hissed, the fullness making your cunt tighten and clit throb. You stared Eijiro in the eyes, his panicked expression making you smile as you began to grind your hips against the red rubber toy, the squishing sound echoing lewdly. 
It didn’t take much before he was leaning forward, desperately glancing between your face and your cunt while he whined. It was odd, seeing him so vulnerable. Eijiro was usually always the one in control, the one commanding you and pushing your every movement. But now that he wasn’t able to get his hands on you, he sat pitifully, hands wrapped in the sheets and gripping tightly. “Feels… amazing…” You sighed, lifting your feet off the bed and hooking your hand under your knee, spreading your legs to get a better angle on the dildo. You turned your face into the pillow, grinning and moaning as you fucked yourself slowly and deeply with the toy, letting Eijiro get a full view as he groaned. “Please…” He panted, climbing to his knees and shoving his jeans off, letting his cock sit angry and red. The tip was already leaking, begging to be touched as it twitched. You shook your head, bringing your hand down to rub your clit softly. “Ah, ah… Gotta show you how to be gentle… Not so rough, ah, all the time…” You cooed, nudging the dildo deep against your walls and relishing in the slowness of it all. Eijiro was always rough and fast, searching to make you cum quick instead of making you feel good. He never took his time, it was always a race for some reason. But, in your opinion, the best orgasms were the ones that were drawn out, nice and slow. You had to teach him, whether he liked it or not.
Grinding your hips, you smiled, sweat dripping across your brow as Eijiro sat between your open legs, staring hungrily. “See how I’m going slow? Taking my time? Ah- It feels so good, Eiji.” He glanced into your heavy eyes, pleading desperately as he ran his hands through his hair, gripping the spikes tightly as his chest heaved. He was flushed all over, skin hot to the touch as his cock squirmed, angrily twitching. 
The sight was all too much, his desperation making you moan loudly. Your walls clamped on the toy, fingers pressing deep against your clit as you came, arching your back as you pushed the toy flush inside you. Your lips hung open, loud moans and gasps falling as Eijiro gritted, his sharp teeth glinting. 
You couldn’t help yourself when you slid the toy out, the rubber glistening with your pleasure as you tossed it on the bed, running your fingers through your soaked folds. Eijiro watched hungrily, eyes burning into you as you still rubbed your clit, eyes heavy. “Now, can you-” 
“Yes, God, please, yes.” He spat out quickly, leaning forward expectantly. You grinned, spreading your legs wider as he nudged between them. “Then eat me out first.” You giggled, spreading your folds with your fingers and rubbing the slick against them. Eijiro was taken back, face slightly annoyed as he sat back, cock still angry. Reluctantly, he laid down, face first with your soaked cunt as he slid his arms around your thighs, digging his nails in tightly. “And be gentle.” You commanded, wrapping your arms around the pillow behind you. Eijiro nodded, eyebrows knitted as he leaned in, licking a thick stripe up. 
You sighed heavily, knees relaxing against his arms as he probed his tongue against your entrance, lapping at your pleasure. He was groaning, hips grinding down against the mattress as he lapped you up, eager to please you. He was already going too fast for your liking, so instead of just taking it, you slid your hands through his spiked hair, gripping hard until he hissed, pulling back. “I said gently.” You grumbled, letting his hair go as he swore, but dove back in nonetheless. This pace was much better, his tongue focused more on pressing deep and up instead of lapping quickly. It made you louder, your moans more sing-songy as he gripped your thighs, your hips moving in time with his eager tongue. 
Before you knew it you were squirming, fingers clamped around your nipples as Eijiro ate you out so wonderfully. His tongue curled up, pressing against your velvet walls and moaning at how sweet you tasted. He was so into it, so inclined to make you feel good he couldn’t hear you as you told him to slow down or begged him to be gentle. You pressed back, back arching as you tried to slide away, but his strong arms just held you so closely, ignoring any pleas you had. This is how it normally went, Eijiro’s brute strength approach to sex overriding any fuzzy urges you wanted to fulfill. So as you clamped around his tongue, crying into the back of your hand as you came, you were pushing him away. Eijiro wiped the slick from his mouth, smiling before he saw your angry face, sitting back. “Babe-”
You shoved his shoulders back, climbing on top of him and straddling his hips. His cock twitched against your ass, the still untouched head was red and angry. You crossed your arms as you towered over him, slick cunt pressed down against his abdomen. “If you can’t do what I say, then I’m just gonna have to do it myself.” You snarled, lifting your hips and gripping his cock, a sharp hiss leaving his lips as you nudged it against your entrance. “And don’t even think about touching me.” 
Eijiro gritted his teeth, hands fisting the sheets as you nudged his cock inside of you, the stretch a little easier from the dildo. You moaned, the length twitching inside of you until you bottomed out, sighing at the fullness. His skin was hot under you, his hips trying desperately to buck up but you stayed down, forcing his stillness. Only when you decided to begin grinding, did you. You placed your hands against his chest, angling your hips down as you rode him slowly, relishing in the way the fullness wasn’t jabbing into you for once. “Fuck, babe…” Eijiro whined, fingers gripping tightly as his hips begged to move. You smiled lazily, clit throbbing as you ground down, his head pressing against your fucked-out walls. You were so sensitive, but that was what made it feel so good. You whined, bottom lip slipping between your teeth and chewing. You lifted your hips slowly, pulling the length out of you before sinking back down the same, all at your own pace. Eijiro was a whining mess, every other sound a quiet beg to let him touch you or even more his hips. His feet were sliding behind you, pressing down against the mattress until you felt like he was going to break it.
You sat back, hands gripping his knees as you slid up his length, sighing at the way it tugged against your cunt. “Gotta show you how to fuck properly.” You grinned, nudging your hips up and down slowly as you began to ride him better. You were already getting exhausted, your body worn out from the previous orgasms wrecking your cunt. You stared Eijiro in his flushed face, brows knitted and teeth gritted as he tried his best not to move, not to disappoint you. 
“Eiji.” You sighed, grinding your hips down. He perked up, eyes shooting to yours as he whined. “Do you think, ah… Think you can be good now and go slow?” He nodded frantically, shooting his hands to your hips and gripping down hard. “Yes, yes, please… Fuck-” That’s all it took for you to lean forward, pressing your chest against his and pressing your lips against him. You both closed your eyes, Eijiro’s large hands running down to grip your ass, tugging the mounds apart as he began to slowly thrust up into you. “I’ll be good, I- ah, I will…” He mumbled as your head pressed into his shoulder, kissing gently. Your skin was hot against his, sweat dripping as he thrust lazily into you, more worried now about sinking deeper than going quick. You moaned loudly, cunt throbbing as he pressed against your walls, sensitivity rushing you. 
“So good, Eiji- So good…” You clung to him, strong arms wrapping tightly around you until you were moaning loudly, cumming hard around his girth. Eijiro cursed loudly, pressing his face against your shoulder as he sunk deep, walls clenching tightly around him. He didn’t have time to pull out, his orgasm already racking him as he buried inside and came hard. He painted your sensitive walls, filling you wonderfully before sliding out. You groaned at the way his seed leaked between your folds, the warmth making you shudder.
Holding you close, Eijiro panted, you still catching your breath as he wiped your hair from your sweaty forehead. “I’m sorry…” He grunted, kissing your forehead gently. “I’ll get you a plan b… and flowers, for being such a douche.” 
You giggled, nudging your face against his neck and smiling, face still hot against his skin. 
“I forgive you. But please, no more of that in front of our friends.” 
Eijiro laughed, rubbing you back as he apologized some more. But how could you stay mad at a boyfriend as sweet as him?
This was an anonymous request!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated! 𐚁₊⊹
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luvv1anime · 13 days ago
Bsf's with Mina mood board! Masterlist!
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Hiii guys I decided I would do mina before I do the winner of the poll so here this is! I also just wanna put this out here lol, so I don't wanna make it seem like their horrible kids I just wanna show that their also teens who experience and do things they maybe probably definitely shouldn't do cs their teens their gonna do stupid shi and idk I just love the aesthetic of messy bad ass teens lol so yeahh, but again have a good day luvs and rmb feedback and repost are always appreciated!
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Being her bsf would be so amazing mina is such a good person and the biggest girls girl of girls girl in my head, like y'all would have the biggest gossip sessions abt the guys bcs well their them lmaoo.
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anime-as-textposts · 4 months ago
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cepsil · 2 months ago
happy new years
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sophrosynesworld · 9 months ago
Nostalgia's Table
I don't know if this is good, I haven't really edited it, so be warned haha.
"I’m so sorry I ran late, you guys. Apparently, villains never take a break for dinner," I apologize, shrugging off my coat as I join my friends. The chill from outside still clings to me, but the warmth radiating from the stoves inside the cozy restaurant makes it much more bearable.
Ochaco stands up from her seat and wraps me in a welcoming hug. "You can sit next to Sero," she says with a warm smile, gesturing to the empty spot beside him. I return her smile and slide into the seat, feeling a sense of relief and comfort in the familiar company.
The table is already covered with plates of food and steaming mugs of hot tea, the rich aroma mingling with the scent of beef and sauces.
"So, how did it go with the villain?" Ochaco asks, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she sips her drink.
I let out a sigh. "It was a tough one. He had this really tricky ability to create illusions, making it a real pain to pin him down. But we finally managed to corner him in an old warehouse. The fight was intense, but we got him."
"Sounds like you had all the fun," Bakugo grumbles, though there's a hint of admiration in his voice.
"Yeah, it wasn't fun at all," I chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck. "The paperwork was the worst part. By the time I finished, my hand felt like it was going to fall off."
Kirishima laughs, a bright, infectious sound. "Well, at least you're here now. We've missed you."
I smile, feeling a warmth that has nothing to do with the stoves. "I've missed you guys too. It's good to be back."
As the night goes on, our drunken conversations flow easily, filled with laughter and stories. We share our recent adventures, joke about our mishaps, and for a little while, the worries of hero work fade into the background.
"Remember that time in our first year when Kaminari short-circuited himself trying to show off?" Kirishima chuckles, shaking his head.
"Oh man, he was out of it for hours," Mina giggles. "Kept asking if he could borrow someone's 'brain waves' to recharge."
"And then there was that one time when Sero's tape got stuck on Principal Nezu's chair," I chime in. "He tried to play it cool, but you could see the panic in his eyes."
"Yeah, and who can forget Deku saving the world a million times," Bakugo smirks, rolling his eyes. "Who has that much beef with a 15-year-old?"
Midoriya, sitting across from us, blushes but laughs along. "Hey, it worked out in the end, didn't it?"
"We were such a mess back then," Momo smiles holding up her bottle of sake. "I can’t believe they let us become pro heroes after all." Sizzling sounds of meat cooking on the grill and the aroma of seasoned beef, pork, and vegetables fill the air.
"Pass me the tongs," Bakugo says, reaching for another slice of marinated beef. "You all remember the first time we did this? Half of you didn't even know how to use the grill."
"Yeah, like that time when Kaminari almost set the place on fire," Kirishima laughs, nudging Kaminari playfully. "You poured way too much oil, dude!"
Kaminari grins sheepishly. "Hey, it was an honest mistake. Plus, it made for a good story!"
The grill sizzles with new additions of meat and vegetables, the table fills with side dishes like kimchi, pickled radish, and bowls of steaming rice.
"And who can forget the time when Uraraka tried to use her Quirk to make the meat float?" I add, grinning. "We ended up with a piece of beef stuck to the ceiling."
Uraraka laughs, covering her face with her hands. "I was just trying to make it more fun! Who knew it would stick like that?"
"Good times," Kirishima says, raising his glass. "We've come a long way from those days, but it's nice to know we can still get together and have fun."
We all raise our glasses, toasting to friendship and the shared memories that have shaped us. The conversation continues with more stories and laughter as we savor the delicious BBQ. Bakugo, despite his tough exterior, expertly grills the meat, ensuring everyone has their fill.
"So, what's next for everyone?" I ask between bites, curious about my friends' plans.
"More hero work, of course," Midoriya replies, his eyes shining with determination. "We've got to keep improving and protecting everyone."
"Maybe we can go to the beach this summer" Todoroki suggests.
With a shared enthusiasm, everyone nods, anticipation already building for the next gathering. Our phones buzz in unison, agencies summoning us. Our gazes dart from one another, ensuring we share the same urgent message.
Phones are stashed in pockets, coats hurriedly donned, and cash tossed onto the counter to settle the bill.
"Ready for a team-up?"
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