#ylan noel
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dunayschimmel · 25 days ago
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blackisdivine · 6 months ago
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Y'lan Noel
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wegotinsecure · 4 months ago
𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓪’𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓼 👼🏿👼🏾👼🏽
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kestgrey · 3 months ago
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Y'lan Noel + an inspiration behind character Mykah, who appears in another one of my MXM erotic short stories called, "Session 5". You can check it out HERE!
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Plot: Mykah has finally been able to make his dreams come true after making the jump from independent artist, to now being signed under a label. The stroke of luck continues upon being told his first studio session would include him working with Khi, who is not only a fellow labelmate, but one of his favorite artists on the planet. As the night persists, Mykah finds out in a myriad of ways just how actualized his dreams have truly become.
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Snippet below ⬇️
“I feel you on that, but that usually falls on the maturity of the two people involved. It won’t have the typical blurred lines if we handle it well. We’re both adults, you already give me the vibes that you know how to handle your shit, am I lying?” Khi smirked, his eyes never failing to leave the other. He wanted to gorge so badly.
               “Well, you got a point but I- “Mykah started up but was now halted by the close presence of Khi. Fuck any distance, he was practically on top of him now.
               “Fine, let’s take the pressure off you and put it mostly on me,” Khi voiced before casually pressing his lips against Mykah’s. He intentionally let it be chaste in nature at first. He only slightly pulled away from the other’s lips, “Just let me taste you…” his words could be compared to that of a yearning, melodic tune. That was enough to fan the flames and inspire the other to meld into the feeling. Fuck it, Mykah gave in. He reached up, adjoining his lips to the other. They were propelled into a passionate locking of their lips. Mykah refused to let a slight moan be suppressed, serving as an indication to how dedicated he was to this now. As the fire intensified, both protruded their tongues, letting them further explore and dance. Only the two of them were exposed to the sweet, smacking sounds that came from them both. Mykah’s lower back stamped against the edge of the soundboard as Khi loomed over him, never breaking their lips apart.
               Khi dove his tongue deeper into the other’s mouth, desperate to siphon more of a taste. He casually lifted both hands, cupping both of Mykah’s cheeks. Khi felt his thickness already building below, fighting desperately to surpass the barrier that was his jeans. As close as he was to the other, Mykah certainly felt the slight bulge against his upper thigh. He had a growth of his own festering. Khi then snaked fingers down towards the edge of Mykah’s shirt, tugging in an effort to lift it up. As he started, both men temporarily ceased their kiss as the fabric glided past Mykah’s face. Now his top had been extricated from his body, with it descending to the floor. Khi mirrored the same actions as he took the lead with taking off his own.
               Both made haste with jumping back into locking lips and crashed their flesh into one another. The kiss continued to generate passion, as this time Mykah was the one sticking his tongue in Khi’s mouth. Khi captured it and began sucking on it. A brief, subtle amount of moaning came from Mykah, feeling his member perpetually rise. This coupled with their melanated bodies kneading against one another was enough to envelope the artist into full ecstasy.
Mykah made an attempt to pull his tongue from the other’s clutches, which was successful. A slight smirk was produced on their expressions after Mykah’s tongue didn’t leave and grazed the other’s lips, from top to bottom. They remained mere inches away from each other, as Khi licked his own bottom lip. “Damn…” he could only simply muster, intensely relishing in the moment. Khi reached forward again, planting another kiss before slithering his hand down. He now casually joined it with Mykah’s. The singer accepted and began to be led to the couch.  
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dcminions · 19 days ago
what i need is all szn dl's of abbott and insecure bc both shows have a whole host of fine ass men that i wanna gif BAD
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laketaj24 · 1 year ago
Come back to the black panther fandom 😩
I need to watch the new one - I literally took chads death to heart and I haven’t watched it since - I have grown fond of Ylan Noel, Yahya Abdul and of course Lakeith Stanfield ❤️
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wegotinsecure · 4 months ago
insecure put me onto so many songs and artists. 🙂‍↕️ on insta + tiktok
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miyuhpapayuh · 29 days ago
So glad you found me! Welcome 🤗💜
Where You Belong.
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It'd been two weeks since their breakup— if you can even classify it, as one.
Their relationship wasn't always rocky. Y'lan did everything to make sure that she was happy and taken care of and she did the same for him, but Cici began to feel neglected as time went on.
His job started to become his main focus and petty arguments became an everyday occurrence, until she got tired and moved out of his apartment, and into one of her own.
As of late, she's been enjoying being single, cumming and going as she pleases.
"So... when do I get the pleasure of seeing you, again?" Standing at the bottom of the steps, Cici and her new favorite man candy stand centimeters away from each other's lips, underneath the orange hued sun.
"Hm, you might be luckier than you think." The smitten man peers down at her, placing wet kisses on her lips.
"Mm., yo pretty ass better call me."
"Maybe I will....," she steps away from him and towards the door, her hand placed on the handle. "Maybe I won't."
"It's like that?" He asks with a raised brow.
"Always. Goodnight.," she sing-songs, unlocking the door and disappearing behind it.
Kicking her furry slides off, she sighs as the fluffy rug aides to her aching feet. Her phone starts ringing as she makes her way down the hall.
"Hello?," she answers, not even caring to look at the caller ID.
"So, you movin' on and ain't think to tell me?," Y'lan's irritated voice sounds through, causing her to roll her eyes.
"We gotta do this, tonight? I just had a great day and you're ruining it."
"Well, excuse me for being a fucking inconvenience.—"
"Yes., excuse you. You know, you got a lot of fucking nerve, calling me just to fuss at me about some shit that don't even fucking concern you.—"
"Since when does this not concern me?”
"Since your job became your whole fucking like, Y'lan!, are you kidding me?!" The huff that sounds on his end, further pisses her off.
"You just stopped caring. You were always working and always tired and I tried my hardest to be present, while you just sat there. You weren't the man that I feel in love with, anymore."
"Cici, I've been trying to apologize for the longest time, now. I know I wasn't there, like I should've been."
"Well, it's too late for that."
"Cause, I've been doin' this song and dance with you for too fucking long!," she leans against the wall by her bedroom. "I'm sure you out there fucking 'who knows what', so stop worrying about what I'm doing."
She hangs up and heads into her room, face planting onto the sheets and instantly knocking out.
Somewhere around midnight, Cici’s awaken by incessant banging on her front door.
"Ugh!", as she saunters down the hall, the banging grows louder, instantly annoying her. "Okay... either shut the fuck up or wait for me to open the door."
"Open it up, then." Rolling her eyes, she unlocks it and snatches it open, watching him walk in like he owns the place. Closing and locking the door back behind herself, she turns and leans against it, crossing her arms over her chest, her cleavage damn near spilling over.
Y'lan stands a few feet away from her, giving her a hard glare. "Can I help you?" She asks.
"You wanna help me understand why you hung up on me? You know I hate that shit."
"You're such a fucking baby. I didn't give enough of a shit to hear you explain whatever it is that made you act like I was no longer your girlfriend. I moved on and you should too, quit—"
"What?!," he cuts her off. She holds up her pointer finger in his direction.
"—quit!, calling me and harassing me about what and who I'm doing." His brow raises.
"Oh, so that's why you been hangin' up on me and shit. You got a new man in them walls and forgot, huh?" He strides over to her, now just a few inches from her face.
"I'm not a woman that waits. You know that. I've got needs and you weren't fulfilling them. Where's your roster of hoes at?"
"You really think I'm just out here fucking? That's all I'm about?" He questions, a crease in his left brow.
"That's how you used to be, who's to say that it still isn't?"
"Me!," he yells, pointing to his chest. "What's wrong with you?"
"You're what's wrong with me. I hate you.," she snarls, pushing him back. He grips her wrist, beaming back, this time closer to her face.
"You need that attitude fixed."
"Fix it, then."
A thick, sticky air shrouds the two bodies inside their bedroom. Pants, moans and grunts compete against the incessant slapping of their skin.
"Fuuuckk.... you feel so damn good, baby," she moans, taking her bottom lip between her teeth, again.
"Wet ass pussy.... I should fuckin' kill you." He grunts, before wrapping his large hand around her neck, thrusting deeper into her.
"Ahn! I'm sorry!"
"Shut the fuck up." Her hand reaches out for his thigh, as he begins to hit her spot.
"Oh fuck! You're gonna make me cum!"
"Cum on this dick." Her body jerks twice, while her pouty and swollen lips allow her foul praises, through.
"Come're." Pulling her up by her hair, his thrusts pick up speed, leaving her mouth to hang ajar.
"He gave it to you like this?"
"Nooooo.... fuck!" She quietly answers, making him move his hand back around her neck, tightly.
"I can't hear you, baby.... say it again." He grunts, dipping his hips into hers.
"No, baby!"
"He make you cum like I do?"
"No— unh!" Her toes curl, feeling him slow down some to dig into her.
"Then, why you keep fuckin' playin' with me, baby?" Moving his hand up to grab her chin, he speeds back up, the clapping of their skin refills the room.
"I'm n-not playiiiiinnng!— unh!, unh!, unh!,..." her fingers grip onto the foot board for dear life.
"I'm sorry!," she cries, feeling another orgasm brewing.
"You sorry, huh?!"
"You sorry for givin' Daddy's pussy away?" Her eyes roll back as every thrust begins to hit her spot.
"Fuck— yesssss,"
"For tellin' Daddy how much you hate him?" He emphasizes his pained question with a rough stroke, sending a scream through her.
"I didn't mean it, Daddy! Fuck, I love this dick!" Her head hangs forward.
"Ohh fuuccck.... aah! I love this dick, babyyy— I love you!"
"I love yo bratty ass, too. Throw that shit back on Daddy." She bounces back on his lap, feeling him throb against her.
"Feels so good, Daddy!" One hand grips his forearm and the other searches for something to latch onto.
"You boutta cum again, baby?" He taunts in her ear, slowly dragging his girth in and out of her tightening cove.
"Ffff—" her eyes roll back as her peak begins to rear its head.
"Talk to me, babygirl."
"Yes! I'm gonna cum!" Her body hunches forward as her essence drips down her leg. She reaches back for his thigh, pulling him closer.
"Don't st-stop," her top half goes limp on the bed, giving him more leverage to demolish her without a fight.
"Fuck!, I'm gonna cum, again!" Her legs begin to tremble as he third orgasm rushes through, just as quick, making way for another. She presses a hand over her clit, hissing at the overstimulation.
"–—shhhiiiiiit!" Her quaking frame almost hits the ground as she cums again. His big hands hold her up, continuing to dig into her.
"Okay, baby!..... I can't take it— fuck!, ooh!, ooh!, ooh!...." replaying like a broken record, she squeezes against him. He moans in response, stilling for a second.
"You can't handle it, huh?"
"You're killing me, baby... I need a break—" pulling her up from the bed, he presses her against the wall and wraps his hand around the front of her throat.
"You don't deserve a fuckin' break.," the venom in his speech makes her thighs clench around him. "You gon' take all this dick, you understand me?"
"Yes, Daddy,." The lust in her eyes doubles for him. She grabs the back of his head and smashes their lips together, moaning as he grips her fat ass with both hands.
Reaching between them with her free hand, she guides the head of his dick back between her slit, her mouth dropping open as he slides back inside.
"All that shit,..." he reminds her, digging as deep as possible.
"Oh shit...,—it feels so good, baby!" She wraps her arms around his neck and hides her face.
"Shit... you test my patience... all the fucking time.," he growls in her ear, causing a smile to break out on her lips.
"Only, because you let me." Laying her head back on the wall, she stares at him, biting down on her lip at the way his muscles flex.
"I got you that spoiled, huh?" He asks. She nods, closing her eyes as the pleasure begins to slowly build.
"Yes, baby." Pulling her away from the wall, he lays her back on the bed, beginning to move against her, like a serpent. Her hands latch onto his back.
"Oh!," her lips part, her moans swallowed in his many kisses. "Fuck, baby!"
"You feel me, girl?" He grunts against her lips.
"Yes... I feel youuuu!"
"You want this nut, babygirl?"
"Yesss, gimme that nut....," lifting her legs up, she grips the back of her thighs, giving him the leverage he needs.
"Unh,.... such a fucking brat." His hands fall above hers, gripping her flesh as he drives into her, madly.
"Fuck meeee!," she moans, digging her nails into his thighs.
His deep moans multiply as he gets closer, the muscles is his back working overtime, flexing underneath the streetlights outside her window.
"Shit!, I'ma bust all in this shit, you hear me?"
"Yes baby!," she screeches, clenching around him.
"Ah shit... uh! Fuck.... mmmm!," his pounding comes to an abrupt stop as his orgasm rushes through him. His head lolls back at the feeling.
@soufcakmistress @504queen @ghostfacekill-monger @hearteyes-for-killmonger @uzumaki-rebellion @l-auteuse @blowmymbackout @blktinkerbell @supersizemeplz @chaneajoyyy
@captainsaveasmut @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @daddy-killmonger @killmongerdispussy @browngirldominion @issahyland @honeyandpeaches @nxxstybrat @write-fromthe-start @emjayewrites
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eastsideofthemoon · 3 years ago
I hope we get Moose in The Old Guard 2. Nile deserves to have a Boo thang
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Here are my fan casting picks:
1. Trevante Rhodes. This man is FINE. And he can act. Another one of Barry Jenkins discoveries. He's my top pick
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2. Y'lan Noel. He's around Kiki's age and I think he can pull off Moose... Sidenote: I was rooting for Daniel #Insecure
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3. John David Washington. I don't think I have read his creditentials.
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4. Tristan Wilds. He played on Shots Fired, also directed and written by Gina Prince-Bythewood, and I thought he did a good job.
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5. Marque Richardson. You may know him from Netflix Dear White People. I think he can pull of Moose's personality.
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uppity-ape · 2 years ago
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The First Purge (2018)
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michellerlgr · 5 years ago
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omibutt · 5 years ago
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Y’LAN NOEL in “THE PHOTOGRAPH” (2020) written and directed by Stella Meghie
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davalynbaker · 5 years ago
insecure as f*ck (se01-ep01)
As all seven of you know (thank you for the add!), I set out on revisiting Issa’s past relationships to see how her and Molly got to where they are now. It’s actually kind of funny to see the way Issa and Molly’s lives have done a bit of a switch over the past four seasons. The best way this show can be revisited is through an abridged timeline so let’s get to the chaos.
Episode one is written by Issa Rae & Larry Wilmore, while being directed by Melina Matsoukas. Music used in this episode. 
Our protagonist, Issa (Issa Rae) introduces us to her story through the form of narration. (an homage to the youtube series, Awkward Black Girl) We learn that it’s her birthday, she’s at a job she hates, and in a relationship she hates even more. She laments about not being as successful or well-liked as her best friend Molly (Yvonne Orji). All these things are true with the exception of her love life which is pretty much in the pits.
After having a not so great day at work, Issa’s high school crush, Daniel (Y’lan Noel), hits her up and tells her happy birthday and the simple gesture has her fantasizing about dating him instead of her current boyfriend. It doesn’t play out like this but you can definitely see it in the eyes.
Molly treats Issa to a birthday dinner but it’s really just an outing where she complains about her relationship problems. Though Issa didn’t mind because Molly catches herself and realizes what she’s doing, it really has to suck spending your birthday consoling everyone around you.
Molly complains that she’s having a hard time dating and Issa jokes that maybe she has a “broken pussy.” These scenes are my favorite in the series, where it’s best friends sitting around talking shit and getting full of liquor. When their dinner is over, Issa confesses that she wants to break up with Lawrence and gets heavy criticism from her friend. Molly has issues projecting her own feelings onto other people’s situations. Let your best friend complain, damn. It’s her birthday! Also, what is it with people telling you not to break up with someone not romantically compatible with you just to avoid living the single life. Molly was so heavily obsessed with being in a relationship from the very beginning that she was willing to try and talk her friend out of breaking up with a partner that was pretty much dead weight at this point. 
Y’all, if you’re reading this: don’t do that to your friends. Let them get their feelings out and give them sound advice, if you can*. A sound piece of advice from me to you is that it isn’t always about you.
We’re then introduced to Lawrence (Jay Ellis), who is supposed to spend the rest of the evening with Issa for her birthday. He gives her what I like to call a dry as hell “happy birthday” and when she realizes he’s not dressed to go out, he begins to talk about how he failed his job interview and just isn’t in the mood to celebrate. So what does she do? She sits on the couch with this grown man and spends the rest of the birthday comforting him.
We meet this couple five years into their relationship and nothing has happened to show Issa that it’s headed anywhere. Imagine spending five years of your life with someone and feeling like you wasted most of them. Let’s do some quick math here: If Issa is turning twenty-nine and she’s been with Lawrence for five years now, it’s safe to say that she met him either near the end of college or right when she was out of it. He’s possibly been jobless the majority of that time and been taking a job interview here and there while Issa carries the load of this relationship the entire time. 
Now does that add up?
Earlier in the episode, Issa lets the audience know that she’s “aggressively passive” which, in short, means that she does not know how to effectively communicate when she has a problem. Knowing this, I can see why Lawrence feels comfortable lying on the couch complaining about one job interview and not taking his girlfriend out on her birthday. But Issa, you need to speak up. You can’t be miserable at both work and home - a home that you’re solely paying the rent and utilities for.
It’s MY opinion that Lawrence is sticking around because he’s comfortable and essentially, has no other place to go. He has no job, he has no motivation, and he really has nothing much to offer. He doesn't even offer Issa emotional support. He didn’t ask her how her day was, if her birthday was good, if her coworkers even did anything for her…
Issa and Lawrence are both depressed but it’s doubly frustrating when there’s an imbalance in support. Job hunting is stressful, trust me. And considering that in the real world, we’re currently smack dab in the middle of a pandemic it’s oh so much worse. However, I think we can agree that not doing something for your girlfriend’s birthday because you failed a job interview is pretty shitty. If I were Issa I’d be happy that my high school crush is sending me DMS too. Lawrence’s inability to give Issa the things she feels she needs out of a relationship pushes her closer to Daniel. 
Molly has a rough day at work after finding out her coworker is engaged while she’s being paid dust by men in her life so Issa uses that as an excuse to go to a club because Daniel is producing one of the acts. Later as Issa prepares to go out with Molly in an attempt to cheer her up, Lawrence makes a joke that Molly’s standards are far too high to get a boyfriend. And Issa says, “yeah, maybe she should lower them like I did.” 
It takes him a minute but he catches the snark and Issa runs off before they can talk more about it but not before she passive aggressively suggests that they should break up. Molly figures out that it’s a scam once she sees that Issa and Daniel link up at the bar but she doesn’t have too much of a fit about it because she meets Jered (Langston Kerman) and they hit it off really well.
As Issa and Daniel reminisce on their high school days, she learns there’s an open mic night and Daniel encourages her to participate. 
Now, if you’ve watched the show you can’t forget something as wild as “Broken Pussy” but if you need your memory refreshed here you go. This song was inspired entirely by the conversation Issa and Molly had in the restaurant where Issa told her that her pussy was “broken.”
Molly is rightfully upset despite Issa’s aloofness to her anger, happy that she took a risk and received a good reception for it. And it doesn’t matter that nobody in the crowd knew who she was rapping about, Molly knew! And really, it's about the principle. Molly emotionally goes off on Issa about making a very serious issue she’s dealing with the butt of a joke and Issa is super dismissive. Issa, girl, what the hell? 
During Molly’s rant about how obviously utterly messed up all this is, Daniel is texting Issa telling her to swing by. And even worse, Issa replies during Molly’s breakdown. Knowing that she was merely a pawn in Issa’s attempt to hang out with Daniel, Molly tells her that if she cheats on Lawrence with Daniel then she’s just as dumb a bitch as she [Molly] is. Issa feels bad that she upsets her friend but not upset enough to go and visit Daniel.
What is this thing that people do where they put potential romantic partners before friends? Selfishness? It’s not that Issa doesn’t care about Molly but she was determined to rekindle something with Daniel that she literally left her best friend upset to go hang with a guy. I can’t speak for anyone but myself but I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be able to have a good night’s sleep without having resolved that. When Daniel does not give Issa what she wants, who is she going to turn to complain about it? 
But alas, Issa and Daniel’s meet-up is not met with the expectations Issa set. For the first time in this episode, she speaks up after Daniel kisses her and tells him how she’s going through a break-up and does not want her next relationship to go sour the way it did with Lawrence. The gag? Daniel tells her that he’s not looking for anything serious and feeling humbled and possibly a little betrayed at her own self for projecting something that wasn’t there, Issa goes back to Molly to set things right.
Final Thoughts: Listen to your friends. Care for your friends. And let yourselves be cared for by your friends. And dump that dude if you feel like it’s headed nowhere.
*Give them advice IF you can. If you can’t, just listen and hug them and don’t make it about you. You don’t need to be Iyanla Vanzant when it comes to a friendship. Effie, we all got pains!
See y’all next Sunday!
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theficplug · 5 years ago
Do y'all have any cute little blurb requests (or smut requests if that's what y'all are looking for) ?? I'm off today lol
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brinsonbanks · 7 years ago
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We photographed Insecure and The First Purge actor Y’lan Noel at Vinz for The New York Times and we weren’t mad about it. | Brinson+Banks
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vintagewarhol · 5 years ago
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