#pleaaaase for the love of god people just let me be a bit of a hater i'm begging you
mossyflowers · 10 months
giving you 5 billion dollars compensation for the containment breach. Math :(((
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
child reader (Pt.4)
tommy x child!reader || whys he here??
someone comes to the tundra to fight the blade (also some cute fluff)
pt1 pt 2 pt3 pt4 pt5
this took so long lmao, part 5 coming soon
This story will diverge from the cannon. Since i cant remember it well im just gonna do my own thing.
The three of them, techno tommy and little (y/n), lived together peacefully for a bit. Techno and tommy would occasionally spar and commit minor terrorism, while (y/n) got to play with tommy and uncle techno. 
(y/n) has grown a bit sense they had arrived there, being a happy kid like they should be.
On calm nights, techno would read to the little kid, stories of gods who ruled over the lands. Stories of himself in his times of adventure. They enjoyed all his stories, for they held a sort of unreachable curiosity that they loved oh so much.
“Im not reading you a story.” techno says. Sitting in his usual arm chair. He had come back from the nether not long before, just wanting to rest after a long day of fighting withers. He didnt expect the kid to want to hang out with him. “Pwease uncle tech!” they said. He shook his head. “I said no.” (y/n) huffed, getting off the arm of the chair, walking to the pile of books that stood in the coroner of the room. 
They looked through it, trying to find the one they wanted. Once they did, they let out a happy ‘aha!’ and stumbled to the grumpy piglin, book in hand. “This one this one! Pleaaaase!!” they said. Showing techno the book. He examined it, realizing that it was the story about himself that philza had given to him as a joke gift. His eyes widened. ‘Why would the brat wanna read about me?’ he pondered. He just sighed, gently grabbing the book from the small hands it was being held in. “Fine, fine, I'll read you the story.” 
(y/n) smiled, climbing up to sit on the piglins lap, wanting to try and read the book along with him. He huffed, not really agreeing to them sitting on him. None the less he opened the book, reading the unfinished tale to the child sitting before him.
“Once centuries ago, there was a young lad cursed to hear ungodly voices…”
Those were nights (y/n) enjoyed the most. They couldn't read, but having techno read to them was much better than reading a book all alone.
On most days Tommy would play with (y/n) outside. Neither of them got bored of the snow, being used to the sunny weather that was logstedshire. It was a nice change of pace that (y/n) enjoyed. 
The two of them usually had snow ball fights, or tried to build towers and mini houses out of the snow. Tommy would build them snowmen, ones that looked like the people they knew. Others were sometimes ones they hadn't seen before, that Tommy would tell stories of when they would go to bed.
“Papa look!” tommy turned to his kid, who was happily standing next to a snow version of himself. It was small and barely looked like himself, but he easily recognized it. He came up to the small child, picking them up happily. “That's me!? It's amazing little (f/i)! You did so well!!” he said, ruffling the young ones hair. They giggled at the action. 
“Wanna see mine?” (y/n) nodded. He walked over to the snowman he had built, showing them to his kid.
They looked familiar, (y/n) thought. These were the people in the storys (y/n) was told, the man with words of wisdom and guitar playing skills that calmed every citizen, who had tragically died in their last battle. The boy who was by papas side, who loved bees and everyone he knew. The young baker who had a kind heart and a smile that could put anyone at ease. Jack manifold.
Tommy spemnt a very long time creating this, purely so he could show (y/n) his old friends at least once. “Whos that one??” (y/n) asked, pointing to the the fox looking one, standing tall next to the leader, wilbur. “That's fundy. He didn't do much in the war, but he was an amazing fighter, and also a furry.`` Tommy replied, setting the child down. They ran up to the snowman. “Furry furry furry!!” they chanted, making the young boy laugh. “Yes furry!”
Most days now were spent with all three of them playing games inside till the late hours. After (y/n) had gotten sick from being outside so much, Tommy decided to just stay inside the warm cabin. They would bug techno alot, but he enjoyed the company some days. It was better than staying inside alone with an enderman who didn't really like him.
Today however, was different. For they had an unexpecting visitor who was very friendly. 
Techno was making breakfast, as usual. He had learned that if he didnt, neither of the innits would eat till dinner when their bodys couldn't handle it anymore. It wasn't good for a young baby like that. Not that techno cared tho.
He was putting the dirty pots and pans in the sink, knowing he'd try and force Tommy to do it later. He started to put the food onto plates when he heard shouting coming from outside. "TECHNOBLADE GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!!!" 
Techno stops for a second. No one could possibly have the balls to fight him, let alone twice. Technoblade put the stuff in his hands down, walking over to the window to try and see who was out there. As he thought, it was none other than Quackity trying to pick a fight with him once more. 
"I CAN SEE YOU PIGMAN! COME OUT HERE AND GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!" The duck man was actually prepared this time, with enchanted netherite armor and an axe to go with it. It seemed he upped his game sense last time. 
Techno chuckled, going upstairs to grab his things real fast. There's no way someone can try and beat technoblade like that. He came back down to see Quackity opening his door. "Heh!? Why are you inside my house!?" Quackity stood there, axe gripped tightly. Techno reached the floor, grabbing his sword. "Why can't I be in your house techno? Hiding something?" 
Ah shit he's onto us
Kill him
Haha he looks funny
Techno shook his head. "Just thought you'd play fair duck man. That's what you government people love to try and do." Quackity stepped forward. "Why would I play fair with the man whos supposed to be dead? This has been a long time coming," Quackity readied his axe, "get ready blade, cause i'm finally killing you." Techno readied his sword as well. "I'd like to see you try." 
Just as they said this, someone came up from the floorboards. "*yawn* techno are you done with breakfast yet- HOLY FUCK QUACKITY!?" a tired Tommy says, holding a nearly sleeping (y/n). The two men turn to Tommy, seeing him and his child. "Oh? So this is what you were hiding. Haven't seen you sense the exile!" Quackity says, getting closer. Tommy got up from the ladder, shrinking behind technoblade, trying to protect his kid. 
"What are you doing here big q?" Tommy says, hiding his kid. “I could ask you the same thing. What's that you've got there? Technos kid or something?” 
“Well no-” “quackity leave them alone.” techno cuts off tommy, moving more so in front of him. He cant let the baby die, he knows phil would pumble him if he does. “This is between you and me quackity. Leave them alone.” quackity shook his head, pointing his axe at tommy. “Anyone alined with you is an enemy of mine. Even if he's an old friend.” quackity lunged at techno, who blocked the attack swiftly. Quackity tried to get around the man, so he could grab the child from tommys arms. (y/n) was now awake however, and they weren't very happy.
“Papa?” they ask, realizing there was an axe lunging towards them. Quackity got around the blade, and was already trying to get to them. Tommy noticed the axe coming their way, completely ready to take the hit for his kid. 
Techno blocked the attack however. “Tommy get them to safety! I can handle this.” tommy nodded, running as quackity and techno dueld. Wuackity tried to run after tommy, but techno blocked him. “Not interesting enough for you q?” he smirks, swinging his sword at the duck man. Quackity blocks, scolding. “You're really full of yourself aren't you?”
Tommy ran outside, running to the only place he knew big q wouldn't find them, (y/n)s old hut. He ran and ran for so long, it had reached past mid day when he reached the small home he had made so many months prier. He sighed, closing the door behind him. (y/n) had long since woken up, and was very agitated. They had not eaten yet and it's been hours. “Shit shit sorry (y/n).'' Tommy says, laying the child in their old bed. He looked around the old home for anything he had left behind. He found some stuff, but he still had to go out to get food. 
When he was done, he quickly fed the crying child. “I'm sorry kiddo, I didn't think this would happen. I didn't think quackity would wanna harm you. Sh shhh im sorry.” he picks up the crying child, kinda like how they first met. A crying (y/n) and a terrified tommy. 
“Pappa- '' Tommy cuts them off, shushing them. “Just rest, Just rest…” the kid nodded, calming down slightly.
The two of them stayed like that till the sun rose the next day.
The next day Tommy got a message on his communicator by techno. Apparently quackity had won the fight, having threatened to chase after them and kill them. Techno begrudgingly went to get executed a second time. Thankfully he lived however, thanks to ranboo and tubbo stopping it. The two of them were currently at the blades house. 
Tommy didnt wanna deal with seeing tubbo, but he knew he couldn't stay out here for more than an hour. He sighed. “Hey (y/n), how would you like it if you might get to meet new friends?” (y/n) looked at him, smiling. “Yeah new friends!!” he smiled, picking up the excited child. “Let's go back to uncle technos!” “uncle techy!!!” Tommy and (y/n) laughed. Tommy got ready and left for the tundra.
Hopefully tubbo wouldn't be there when he got there.
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universalistotalis · 3 years
Miya Osamu x Female Reader
Fluff fluff fluff to a little angst
Mention of Mommy Miya and Atsumu lol
2.9k words
You wiped the sleep from your eyes as you were woken up by one of your family members who sat beside you on the bus. People queued in line to exit the vehicle that’s stopped in front of the airport and you can hear the soft chattering of the passengers as they lined up the aisle.
It feels sad really. To be leaving a country that you’ve explored for days on end, enjoying the culture, the view, the food, and all the little details in between. You wrapped the jacket more to your figure as the cold and the sadness crept into you. You welcomed the feelings though, because it meant that you had such a wonderful time that you didn’t want to let go.
Blinding lights made your eyes squint as all of you entered the gigantic airport. ‘Here we are’, you said to yourself. The busy goers walked and jogged past you here and there, some were loading heavy bags trolleys, some were panicking while looking at the schedule, and some were just chilling at the aligned chairs, sipping a cup of coffee.
“So, we’ll go check- in on our flight and we’ll go to the duty- free shop for souvenirs. All right?” You just nodded at their plan because they’ve been repeating that ever since you went out the hotel room where you stayed.
As you had hoped, the duty free shop was so full of things that you wanted. Just packed with all the goodies like the country's famous snacks, the foreign cosmetics that you adored, and even the cool relief patches that you tried and were so amazed at. Good thing you were given enough money to purge on what you wanted so you filled an entire basket! After all, you never know when you can come back to this country again.
“Excuse me.” Someone from behind you cleared his throat.
You were busy looking at the label of one of the beauty products from the shelf that you didn’t notice that you were blocking the narrow column.
“Oh sorry.” You apologized and scooted a little so that the person could pass. You turned to see the man and your whole body froze for a millisecond at the sight. The air felt electric all of the sudden as your gazes fixed on each other. He was the first one to look away and go on his way normally, as if not feeling the surge of adrenaline that you just felt.
“Damn, he’s beautiful.” You whispered. You swore you have never seen someone that beautiful in your entire life... EVER! And it wasn’t helping that his body was so built and tall and that his hair had this ombre gray color going on. No one’s supposed to look good with that hair color but why did he pull it off?! How?!
“Samu! I found your favorite cookies from yesterday!” An loud, excited voice made you jump from behind and you turned around in reflex. You saw the beautiful man earlier, standing at the end of the aisle and examining the pack in his hands while nodding. “I told you we could find it here! C’mon, let’s get more!” A tall blonde man next to him said while dragging him away.
You blinked, trying to process what you saw. Wow.
That’s it! Some people are just god’s favorites, aren’t they? You thought you were having issues with your vision but it was clear that there is not only one beautiful man. But TWO! He has a twin and good god, they were both so fit!
‘Does this store have a sale on these guys because I would like to purchase, please!’ You just chuckled at your crazy, thirsty thoughts and proceeded to checking out the things you bought.
They never left your mind. There were still five hours to spare before your flight but not once did they, especially he, stop running in your head! You scolded yourself one too many times this past hour because of the scenarios flooding in. There were date nights, traveling to different countries, petty fight scenes, cute nicknames, and all the sappy shit that couples do and say. You’re just hurting yourself really, and you had to stop!
The gods just wanted you to have a good one minute of your life and that’s it. You’ll never see him again!
You sighed and excused yourself to get a beverage that’ll quench your thirst from so much daydreaming. The nearest vending machine that you saw was at the other waiting area so you had to walk a little bit further. Your eyes were already set on the juice drink once you neared the machine.
“Hey, y/n!” You looked up questioningly as you saw your family waving and approaching you. “Let’s stay here a bit. People are beginning to flock there and I don’t like it. Besides, we can see if they’re already boarding from here.”
“Alright.” You agreed. “You want anything from the vendo?”
“Anything that you’ll have please.”
You sealed the top cap of the bottle mindlessly while staring blankly at the the vending machine. Your fingers were a little numb from the cold drink but you didn’t mind. You allowed yourself to be overly emotional at the thought of ending the vacation and of not having the boy you swore would be perfect for you. How could a single meeting that lasted for seconds affect you so much?! A small, sad chuckle left your lips because you knew you were so damn whipped but that didn’t really matter now.
“You’re so damn whipped, man! What, you’ve known her for like five seconds and now you think you’re in love with her?” Atsumu hissed, looking at his brother like he had grown two heads.
“Shut yer trap, Tsumu.” Osamu snapped out of his daydream once his brother’s voice penetrated the peaceful area.
“Then stop staring!” Atsumu laughed and shook his head. He took a glimpse of the person behind him to check the girl out and he had to admit, you were pretty even in your simple clothes.
“Hey.” Osamu called, a hint of warning laced in his deep voice.
“What, I wasn’t looking!" Atsumu dramatically puts his hand up in the air. "Stop being possessive of your five- second girlfriend, sheesh!” He teased more as he was met by the scowling face of his twin.
“I’m not in love with her.” Osamu scowled and folded his hands together like a toddler.
Atsumu was trying so hard not to laugh at his state and denial. “Look, Samu. We practically came from the same cell, you don’t have to lie to me. If it makes you feel better, we’ll reduce it to a crush. Now, how does that sound?”
Osamu rolled his eyes but he knew Tsumu was right. When he saw your eyes from the store, he felt a prickling sensation in his whole body that it shocked him a little. He swore all the hairs on his skin stood up at the encounter and that was the first time he ever felt that way! And what are the odds that you came to sit on their waiting area, giving him such a good view?
“Honestly, bro. You’re being creepy.” Osamu massaged the bridge of his nose in despair as his twin clicked his tongue in judgment.
“And you’re being annoying.” He countered.
“Cool down! Why don’t you go get us a drink then?” Atsumu smirked and challenged.
“Get your own damn dr—“
“That would be great, honey! Can you please get me water too? I’m getting a little thirsty from waiting.” They both whipped their heads at their mother who was smiling so sweetly and both melted at the sight.
“Okay.” They said in unison and got to their feet in a flash.
“‘Kay, here’s the plan.” Atsumu announced while acting like he’s warming up for a game.
“What plan? We’re just getting drinks?!” Osamu regarded him questioningly.
“We are just getting drinks but the vendo’s in front of your girlfriend, dummy!”
“Shit!” Osamu's eyes widened as he cursed. He hated that Atsumu was making sense. They do need a plan!
“It’s so hard to be the smart brother. I gotta do all the work!” Atsumu sighed dramatically earning himself another eye roll. “So, the plan is…” He paused for a while, trying to get his brother’s attention.
“What?! What do we do?” Osamu's patience was on thin ice and his frustrating brother is not helping one bit!
“Wow, you’re really trusting me on this, huh?” Atsumu stared at him in wonder. “Damn, what did that girl do to you?”
“God fuckin’ dammit, Tsumu, you’re wasting time!” Osamu strangled and shook him lightly. The other just laughed his ass off while trying to break free.
“Boys.” The warning tone and stoic gaze from their mother were enough to make their way to you. To the vending machine, that is…
“I’ll stay here, lover boy.” Atsumu patted Osamu’s back as they neared the destination which was just meters away from their seat.
“Wait, what? No—"
“Don’t be scared, you dummy. You can do it!” Blonde hair swayed in front of Osamu’s face as Atsumu danced a little cheering dance for him. “I’ll have cola, by the way. Now, go!”
Osamu tripped a little as his back was pushed but he didn’t seem to care as he was nearing your crouching form. You were just so damned focused on that phone that you didn't acknowledge his presence.
"Okay, we're just going to go through this like a normal person, Samu. No big deal." He whispered to himself.
“Y/n.” One of the persons beside you called. “I want the juice again pleaaaase.”
He saw your head perk up and was stunned when you laughed at their plea. “Alright, alright! Same flavor?”
Osamu didn’t realize that he was nearing the vending machine the same time as you were as he was so distracted by your charm. So your name was y/n and you had such a cute voice. And definitely a cute smile. Somehow, that was enough to make his imagination run wild!
It all happened so fast and you became aware of his presence a little too late. All you knew was that there was suddenly a looming figure on your left and you jumped in surprise, not meaning to.
“S-sorry.” He stuttered, a little surprised at your reaction too.
“No, no, it’s okay.” You smiled and bowed your head politely at him, praying to all the gods that he doesn’t see you blushing nor hear the heartbeat from your chest. “You go first.”
He blinked and looked down at you questioningly but he declined gently. “No, no. I can wait. Ladies first.” He gestured and stepped aside.
“Alright.” You smiled again.
Your mind was going a hundred miles per hour! You never thought that going to vending machine would be the hardest endeavor of your life! With hands shaking slightly, you inserted the coins until they reached the exact amount of the drink that you wanted and you pressed on the button that suddenly lit up.
A sense of dread flooded your being because that was it. After you press the button, you’re going to go back to your normal life. You were going to turn around and leave and never see that face again.
But as you stood there, you wondered why there wasn’t that familiar sound of the bottle dropping for you to claim?
“That’s weird.” You whispered and crinkled your nose. Your finger pressed the button again... and again, hoping that it result to something but to no avail.
“Is it broken?” His voice echoed the question in your head.
“I don’t think so.” You pouted a little. “I was able to get the same drink a while ago.”
Both of you just stared at it for it moment.
“Kick it.” He suggested, while putting his hands in both of his pockets and cooly transferring his weight on the right side.
“What?” You asked, horrified.
You were flashed with his laughing grin and crinkling eyes. “No harm in trying. C’mon!” He encouraged.
“If I get in trouble, you’re going down with me.” You warned but then you took him up on his challenge and kicked the bottom of the huge metal.
And truthfully so, the bottle dropped.
He crouched down and fetched the cold drink in his hand while still grinning like a fox. “Okay, I didn’t think you’d actually do it but here you go.” His voice was so heavenly to hear especially when it was still alight with humor. His eyes looked at you so sweetly that you were effectively just stuck there, under his spell.
“Thanks.” You chuckled and took what he was holding out. At the touch of your skin, the both of you jumped at the sudden and strong electricity that coursed through your veins. It was the same thing you both felt at the store but this time, it was stronger!
“Woah.” He said in awe. “I—"
You rubbed the back of your hand as if it stung and gazed up at him to take a good look. He had kind, brown eyes below his bushy eyebrows and thick, plump lips below his pointed nose. His cheeks were dusted pink which was cute. But his jawline contrasted as it was ready to cut your heart open. His gray hair was tousled too which matched his cool look and outfit of dark blue jeans, white shirt, and a leather jacket.
“T-thanks for this, again.” You stuttered. “I gotta go now.”
“N-no, wait.” He stuttered as well while instinctively pulling your sleeve by the hem. Another surge of lightning shot through you but you managed to smile back at him.
“W-what if it doesn’t work on me?” He said, sheepishly. “I need your kicks.”
For the first time since you met him, you started to relax so you let out a hearty laugh. “Okay, I’ll be right here.”
Osamu smiled gratefully at you before turning back and loading his coins. His ears rang at your words, ‘I’ll be right here’. He hoped you would be for a long time but that’s just wishful thinking.
One… Two… Three… Four…
“Wow, how many would you take?” Your amused voice made him grin again.
“It’s for the whole family.” He shrugged and crouched for the fourth time to get the drink. “This would be the last.”
“Good thing it didn’t break!” You said and again you were met by the awkward silence and him just staring. “Uhmm…”
“I’m Osamu, by the way.” He blurted out suddenly. “Miya Osamu.”
He tried his best to hold all the four drinks in one arm and extended one out to you.
“Oh… uhm…” Fuck.
“Uhm?” He laughed, still waiting for your introduction… desperate for it, really.
“Y/n L/n.” Warmth spread from your hands to your body as you held his and squeezed lightly. “It’s nice to meet you, Osamu.”
“Nice to meet you too.” He continued to shake your hand, not breaking eye contact. “Really nice.”
You laugh at the awkwardness but it seems like both of you don’t mind. You just want to prolong this interaction of yours and without you knowing, he was doing the same.
“Thank you for waiting. Flight QR 1008 is now accepting passengers on board.”
Osamu’s world crashed as the announcement continued. That was his cue to leave. He didn’t want to let your hand go so he tightened his grip more.
“That’s our flight.” He whispered and smiled sadly at you.
You nodded as your heart shattered in pieces. “Have a safe flight, Osamu. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
“Same here.” He replied, slowly letting go of your hand. “You take care and try not to break vending machines next time.”
A laugh bubbled inside your chest as he stepped back in agonizing slowness. “I’ll try.”
“Bye, y/n.” He waved and walked back to his brother who you saw patted him on the back.
“Do you know the guy?” You were asked when you went back to the seats.
“No, I just met him.” How you wish you knew him more.
“Well, he’s such a hunk, isn’t he?” They teased but you just laughed and shrugged it off.
You’re going to suffer this heartache for a while.
On the other end, Osamu carried his backpack over his shoulder, looking like he’s carrying the weight of the world.
“Hey.” Atsumu wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “You alright?”
“It’s gonna take a while.” He grumbled.
Atsumu nodded in understanding and tightened his grip on his brother for support. “It’ll be fine, Samu.”
And before they could enter the boarding gate leading to the plane, a surge of courage ran through Osamu’s body. All he knew was that he just had to do it or regret it forever. It's worth the risk!
“Hey y/n!” He shouted, jogging his way to you when they neared the entrance doors.
You were stunned at the mere mention of your name from a baritone voice. The grip of two hands followed and they were heavy on your shoulders.
“Let’s meet again, yeah?” Osamu asked you, full of hope in his eyes. “Someday.”
You nodded your head and smiled. You love that idea. “Someday.”
With that, he waved his final good bye, bowed at your family, and left.
All was well but you never saw each other again.
Masterlist!!! Read more here hehehe
I actually enjoyed writing this so much hahaha I'm in love with the twin's tandem and their constant witty comebacks and bickering! I also miss going to airports and travelling and spotting eye candies outside... TAKE ME OUT OF THIS HOUSE PLEASE!
Anw, Hope you're all doing great. Stay safe!
Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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sonicunleash · 2 years
Sonic for the ask game
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Sexuality Headcanon: ohhh gay absolutely. though I see a lot of people hc him as bisexual too and I also think thats so awesome :)
Gender Headcanon: trans guy who is SO gnc. I've always seen him as being so open and proud about his sexuality and gender but its like. DOUBLY so for his gender he's just so unapologetic about being transgender and being trans and his own way and he's going to make sure the world knows it
A ship I have with said character: s/nkn/xadow admittedly. All three dynamics really appeal to me and have so much going for them when it comes to parallels and opposites and also just being silly and fun. but only the dynamics in my head and in canon literally everyone is wrong about the s/nadow dynamic because they want to make both characters into flat fanfiction tropes and want to make it out to be more special than it is and theyre just so generally annoying about it that it comes off like i hate it but really im just really picky and hate the fandom version of it. i think they are silly. s/nknux (NOT THE MOVIE VERSION) however is the world though it is that deep. if I talk about them in depth though this post is going to get so long so ill leave it at that. but also shipping isn't that serious. unrelated to actually shipping but i hc that most of his friends and rivals (THAT ARE CLOSE TO HIS AGE) have had crushes on sonic at some point i think its really silly to the point of being a bit. everyone sitting at a table like raise your hand if youve crushed on sonic at some point and all these hands go up and sonic like "uh. did i do that."
A BROTP I have with said character: SONIC AND TAILS FRRRR SEGA PLEAAAASE let them act like actual brothers in game like tails isnt just his sidekick tails is sonics BROTHER they are each others most important person. they live together they mess with each other they hold prank contests that will go in history books they know almost everything about each other. they found each other when they were orphans and are both each others first friend and first family. people talk about how much that means to tails but it means just as much to sonic
A NOTP I have with said character: all the gross stuff but especially shoutout to s/namy oh my god can everyone shut the fuck up about it being "basically canon" SHES 12 YOU FUCKERS SHES 12!!!!!!!!ITS UNREQUITED OH MY GOD SHES 12!!!!!!! Other than that uhhhh... m/tonic and s/nourge like sorry metal fucking hates him and scourge is literally Him from another dimension thats weird. stop.
A random headcanon: OOOOO well I know sonic being an orphan is pretty much canon but i have to say i just LOVE the idea of sonic being an orphan and VERY much an outcast growing up (something something tails parallels). he ran away from whoever was raising him (and probably raising other orphans) at a pretty young age and his powers didn't make it hard to avoid other adults and stuff like school and stuff. anyways long story short he pretty much didnt have anything except for what he stole and pulled together for himself-- he gave himself his own name (transgender) and everything. I'm just a big sucker for heroes who have the craziest powers and have become the most powerful people around but come from the most humble origins and at the end of the day they're just another person like us.
General Opinion over said character: HE'S MY BEST FRIEND!!! He's EVERYONES best friend like i promise you if sonic was real he would be your friend and make you feel special and awesome because he is so nice and friendly. god i wish sonic was real the world needs a sonic so bad
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-A Single Rose-
Happy birthday Lulu!! I know I'm super late but where I'm from, I just woke up and it's the 14th. :3 Take this mediocre fic anyway hhh im sorry @hardskz 
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Warnings: pwp, unprotected sex, soft dom Jisung, size kink, praise, eating out, semi-public sex, light daddy kink.
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The street was quiet, and the night air was chilly. Jisung adjusted his jacket, shivering slightly. He glanced at his reflection in the shop's window, running a hand through his hair to make sure he looked alright.
Taking in a deep breath, he tried to ignore the way his heart was pounding, and made his way into the shop. Almost immediately, his eyes landed on you behind the counter, humming as you flipped through your novel.
Every time he looked at you, he'd be blown away by your beauty. God, you were breathtaking...literally. He somehow always forgot to breathe around you.
As he walked up to the counter, you looked up, tilting your head. His footsteps came to a halt as he leaned against the counter in an attempt to look cool.
Han Jisung didn't really have to try to look cool, though. With one arm entirely covered in tattoos, jet black hair and a lip piercing, people always tended to find him intimidating...at first glance. Look a little closer, and you would see his toothy grin, his goofy personality and endearing habits. No leather jacket in the world could hide the fact that he was just a big old softie...and his softest spot was for you.
It was a little bit of a cliché, and he was aware of it. He was the stereotypical 'bad boy', and you were the daughter of the flower shop's owner. You wore pale yellow sun-dresses, liked reading novels and sometimes wore daisies in your hair.
How could he not be in love with you?
"Jisung...we're closed."
"Oh...b-but it's an emergency..." He stared at you imploringly, his puppy eyes burning into your head even as you tried to avoid looking at him. Sighing, you shut your novel, turning to face him.
"Don't give me that look..."
He pouted, leaning in a little closer. "Pleaaaase? You only closed like, a second ago. It's really urgent." The truth was, he just didn't wanna leave yet...he'd spent an hour back home psyching himself up in the mirror, and now he was ready to confess to you...more or less.
You pursed your lips. "What's the emergency?"
"Um...I need flowers for....uh..." he gulped, all his brain cells choosing that very moment to bail on him. "M-my...my girlfriend!" He blurted, immediately regretting it as soon as the words came out.
A small frown appeared on your features.
"Oh...you never told me you had a girlfriend." You said, trying to mask the disappointment in your voice. Somehow, though, Jisung still caught it.
Wait...was it possible that you might be interested in him after all? God, why the fuck did he make up that lie? It had come out of nowhere, almost like his lips had a mind of their own.
"I...um, that was because it wasn't official, yet. Yeah. So...I need to get her a rose...a pale pink one, please."
That was your favorite flower, and your favorite color. You stood up from your stool, trying to hold your emotions down as you went off to the side of the counter, pulling out a long-stemmed rose from one of the baskets and handing it to Jisung. Your fingers momentarily brushed against his as you gave it to him, and he tried to ignore the butterflies rampaging in his stomach.
"H-how much will that be?"
"You don't have to pay. I've already closed up for the night, any way."
"No, really. It will just mean a lot more work for me...so yeah. Um, have fun with your girlfriend tomorrow...bye." You waved, biting your lip and feeling tears rising up. You knew you were being a little too sensitive, but you couldn't help it.
Jisung had been visiting the little shop for months, now. You'd found him a little scary at first, but had quickly warmed up to him. He was always so kind and awkward around you...and you'd almost let yourself believe that he liked you. Maybe you'd mistaken his friendliness for flirtiness, all along.
"Wait..." Jisung's eyes widened in horror as he took in the way your eyes had gotten a little misty. "Y/n, are you c-crying?!"
"What? No, psh." You mumbled, wiping at your cheek as you looked away.
"Fuck, you are. Why? Is it because...because..."
He swallowed. Was he reading the situation right? Was it the newfound knowledge that he had a non-existent girlfriend that had made you cry? He didn't want to assume anything...
"Hey..." Jisung stepped behind the counter, tilting your chin up to face him. His heart spasmed as he took in your wet cheeks...and he knew he couldn't hold it back anymore.
"This...this is actually for you." He said, thrusting the rose in front of you. You frowned, sniffing as you looked up at him in confusion.
"You...y-you said this was for your girlfriend-"
"Exactly." Jisung said hesitantly. His mind couldn't believe that he was finally doing it. His heart had taken complete control of his body and his actions. He tried to maintain the confidence as you stared at him, your face slowly twisting into one of realization.
"I m-mean, that is, if you want to be. I just r-really like you, but I don't really wanna force you into anything that you don't w-"
He was interrupted as you threw your arms around his neck, tiptoeing as you pressed your lips to his. Eyes widening, Jisung's hands hovered in the air as he tried to get over the initial shock. Slowly, the shock gave way to a buzzing sensation in his stomach as he melted into the kiss, setting the rose down and deepening the kiss slightly, hands resting on your waist.
He pulled away, gazing down at you and letting out a small giggle. You blushed and avoided eye contact, looking at your feet. The sudden confidence that had gripped you a few seconds ago had completely disappeared. He took your chin, trying to make you face him again.
"So, does that mean you want to be my girlfriend?" He said, cupping your cheek and gazing at you, the affection in his eyes overflowing.
"Y-yeah..." you said shyly. His eyes twinkled as he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours again.
This time, the kiss was less chaste...more hungry. The atmosphere in the room changed palpably, as his tongue hesitantly slipped past your parted lips. The once sweet kiss was now turning into something more intimate, and Jisung's hands on your waist slowly drifted downwards. You tangled your fingers in his hair and kissed him back passionately, tugging gently on his locks and prompting a groan from him.
He pulled away, biting his lip as he looked down at you. "Baby...do you want this?"
You nodded desperately. "Yes! P-please..."
"Okay...will you be a good little girl for me, hm?"
You nodded again, and he clicked his tongue.
"Words, sweetheart."
"I'll...I'll be a good girl for you."
He smiled proudly, molding his lips with yours once again and lifting you up. You immediately wrapped your legs around his waist as he set you on the counter.
"Fuck." He bit at your lips, groaning. "Your lips are so soft..." You whimpered in response, sighing as he pressed himself against you, rubbing your clothed crotches together.
"Ah baby...why did I wait so long to do this?"
"I-I don't know...Jisung...please, I need you..."
He hummed. "Patience, princess..." He slid his hands up your sun dress, groping at your soft skin.
"You're like my perfect little doll, aren't you? In your pretty little dresses...you're so adorable."
You blushed, the way he was talking about you affecting you deeply.
"I think you'd look even prettier naked, though."
He kissed all over your face, slowly sliding your dress up. "Tiny and cute. Just how I like it."
"Mm....'m not tiny." You humphed. He pulled away, chuckling as he pet your head.
"You're half my size, sweetie." He pulled your dress up further. "Lift your arms, baby." You obeyed, letting him pull the dress over your head and discard it.
He ran his eyes over your body, biting his lip.
"You're perfect. So perfect..." Slowly, he pulled down the cups of your bra, licking his lips as your boobs were exposed to him.
"Cute tits." He mumbled, leaning forward to take a nipple into his mouth. You arched your back, keening as he swirled his tongue around the sensitive bud.
With his other hand, Jisung quickly pulled down his zipper, freeing his straining cock. Your eyes drifted to it, and you gulped at its size.
Jisung chuckled at your expression, fingers coming down to pull your panties off. He kissed your thighs as he went down, looking up at you with twinkling eyes. "Don't worry doll, it'll fit."
You whimpered as his face came level with your pussy, tongue darting out to lick your clit. You choked back a moan, clutching his hair as he suddenly buried his face in your pussy. Taking a deep sniff, he proceeded to eat you out ferociously, his hands stroking your thighs in a soothing motion, the action diametrically opposed to the sinful ministrations of his tongue.
You threw your head back and moaned, the feeling of his tongue exploring you so thoroughly making you see stars.
"You're so delicious- such a juicy pussy, I love it~" he mumbled against your folds, pulling away and getting to his feet. He pressed his lips to yours slowly, letting you taste your own essence.
When you felt his tip rub against your entrance, you mewled desperately into Jisung's ear. The innocent yet needy sound was the last straw for him. As Jisung drove his length into your pussy, his face scrunched as he tried to adjust to just how tight you were.
"Fuck...what a delicate pussy-" he grunted, going deeper."Stretching out so perfectly to make way for my cock."
You whimpered and buried your face in his neck as he gave you an experimental thrust. Carressing your back, he kissed the top of your head as he set a slow pace, going deeper with each stroke. "Shh, darling...it's okay."
He pulled you away from him to face him, heart clenching as he observed your wrecked face. "Daddy...your cock is too...too big." You sniffed. His eyes widened. "W-what did you just call me?"
You keened in response, clenching around him tightly. "Daddyyy~"
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, halting his thrusts as he gazed at you in concern.
"Why'd you stop?" You whined, mouth slightly open. "Please...want Daddy to fuck me open."
He exhaled, thankful that you were okay. "Your wish is my command, princess." He began thrusting faster as you clenched around his length repeatedly, making him cry out.
He pulled out suddenly, making you whine in despair. "Shh, baby don't worry..." He moved you over on the counter slightly and climbed onto it himself, crawling over you. Leading his cock back to your pussy, he leaned down to kiss you again.
You felt your heart beat pounding out of your chest as Jisung pulled away, lifting your leg over his shoulder. The new angle let him go deeper, and soon you felt the head of his cock hit your sweet spot.
He kept going, his hands going from your hips to your cheeks, squishing them as he leaned down to plant another kiss on your lips...and then another, and then another.
"I can't get enough of you. I don't think I ever will- oh, fuck-"
You moaned as his thrusts became sporadic, chasing his own high. You felt the flames of arousal lick at you, threatening to turn into a blaze of pleasure. His cock kept rubbing up against your sweet spot, and soon you were clenching tightly, on the precipice of your high.
"Daddy...please, let me cum..."
"Cum, baby-" he choked out, grunting as he felt himself hit his high at the same time you did. He filled you up with his cum, groaning as your walls were painted white. Panting, he continued fucking you through your orgasms, slowing down and collapsing on top of you once the over-sensitivity started setting in.
There was a comfortable silence for a few minutes. It felt almost magical, the way he was holding you so tenderly...the two of you surrounded with beautiful petals and blooms.
"I could stay here forever..."
"I could, too, but we don't want your father finding us like this in the morning, do we?"
"Heh. No..." You paused suddenly, frowning as you remembered something. Slowly, your eyes travelled to the security camera on the ceiling, pointed right at the two of you.
"Ah, fuck."
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ihavenocluedude · 4 years
(Not) Completely Okay
Merlin (Kingsman) x Reader
A/N:  Okay duderinos, were my plans slightly delayed because of a family vacation (it was within our own country and we had masks with us and tried to socially distance as much as possible)? Yup. Did I still work on the damn Merlin x reader thing during the vacation? Fuck yeah. So here it is... This is like the first fanfiction I’ve posted since like... 2015 ish? But like I think I’ve gotten better since? Let’s hope huh? 
Pleaaaase tell me what you think!
Summary (I suppose?): I think this is gender neutral? I mean it wasn’t intentional but I mean... that’s great. This is basically about Merlin (Hamish) telling reader what Kingsman actually is (though that’s not explained within the one shot) and features what his partner could be thinking during the experience (I can’t truly say this is realistic though but y’know, fanfiction). This is pre- Golden Circle, however some time after the first movie.
Word count: 1 553
Warnings - mention of death, a few mentions of small amounts of blood, spoilers for the first Kingsman movie, slight cursing, maybe a tad OOC because Merlin is slightly emotional in this but like... ye.
Angst and a bit of fluff? I suppose? I always thought I’d only write fluff but here I am 
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“Hamish?” You called out into the apartment as you came home, it wasn’t unusual for it to be met with silence. But silence was very unusual if he actually was there. 
Usually there’d be some music playing softly as he made dinner for the two of you, or he’d simply shout that he was ‘in here!’ from wherever in the flat he was. Hamish works a lot so he’s not at home all the time, his work is after all very demanding, you had gotten quite used to it by now. Of course you sometimes lied and said that it was completely okay. Missing your boyfriend all the time didn’t feel completely okay, if anything it was tolerable at most.
Finding your boyfriend in the living room with a gun? Extremely worrying and not at all ‘completely okay’.
Normally Hamish was almost always calm and collected, everything under control. However at this very moment he seemed to be trembling, clutching his head as he leaned forward, resting his elbows onto his knees, the gun still in his hand. Not to speak about the small amount of blood splatter he had on his shirt and skin.
“What the hell is going on?” It came out sharper than you wanted, sure the situation called for a slight what-the-fuck tone but looking at Hamish who looked completely broken as is... It felt way too harsh, you could sense the frazzled state, you could see how his body trembled. “Hamish?” Trying to put on a somewhat softer tone, slowly walking over to the man and putting your hand on his shoulder felt like the right thing to do. However it made you jolt up when he seemed to snap out of the daze he had been in.
“Sweetheart,” He almost seemed shocked that you were home, looking up at you “-It’s… I need to tell y’ something.” His stumbling voice only worried you more, you thought you’d seen Hamish in every single mood you could see someone in. But this seemed unexplored to you, it was unexpected. You’ve known him for so long, you’ve loved him for so long that this almost makes him seem like someone else. “Sit down, please.” 
You should run, you really should. But it was Hamish, sitting there in front of you asking you to please sit down and listen to whatever the hell had seemed happen inside your shared home. So you did, you sat down, took a deep breath and looked at the man you love, who at the moment barely seemed like him.
When Harry, one of his closest friends had died, you had heard him repeating a phrase in a whisper a couple times ‘no time for emotion’. It was a thing you had repeated in your head since in confusion, Hamish has always been a very collected person, someone who almost seems to excel in stressing moments if anything. You weren’t that shocked but of course very worried when you heard the phrase. You had tried to bring it up but Hamish didn’t seem to want to talk about it. 
But during all of that time he seemed to shut off slightly, the ‘no time for emotion’ seemed to be for every feeling. So to say that seeing him in this state was shocking? Yeah that was a bit of an understatement. 
“So…” Hamish began before he himself noticed that he was still holding the gun, looking at it wide eyed before setting it down on one of the tables nearby “I have a lot t’ explain sweetheart.” Giving you a weak smile and taking one of your hands in both of his, trying to keep the eye contact as he began describing his ‘real’ job. You knew he worked tech for some company and so on, however this was way different from what you thought he did. 
And the gun and the blood splatter described something more than what he was telling you at the moment. The missions, the agents in general, how Harry had actually died and who Harry really was, how the whole Valentine thing had happened and everything. 
“Hamish? What about the… uhm t-… the gun? And the…” You asked him and gestured towards the small blood splatter on his shirt that your eyes had locked onto for the last few seconds. You hadn’t known that Hamish had risked his life almost every day at work, that the small business trips were really missions that he had to help with on-site, that when he said good bye every morning; it could be the last time. 
He seemed almost confused at your reaction. Trying to look calm and collected but at the same time quite obvious about your real reaction. Your hands-no your whole body was shaking, your eyes looked slightly watery and you had crossed your arms in front of you by now. 
“I had to go on a mission today... It was... Well it didn’t go well.” 
“No shit Sherlock.” You let out a small chuckle before instantly shaking your head and putting your free hand over your face. This really wasn’t the time for a chuckle or jokes.
”Don’t leave... I’ll never let anything happen to y’.”
“You’ll never let anything happen to me? How can I trust that, Hamish?” Your eyes met his again finally “The only thing I can trust is that I love you too much to let you go-Fuck, look I need some time to process this.” Your voice was shaking as you tried to make up your mind yourself. It was hard even picturing Hamish with a gun even if one sat right beside him. He isn’t some fucking James Bond or anything, he’s just your Hamish. Sure he was always very charming, he was always very well dressed and sure the way he moves was very... smooth?-Ugh 
You couldn’t rely on your scrambled mind to make a steady, reliable answer to this whole situation. Your tornado of thoughts spinning from one thing to the next. How many people has he actually killed? Is it safe in here? Who’s blood is on his shirt? What the fuck happened tonight to make him react like this?
“Is it even safe in here?” You asked, trying to turn the tornado of thoughts into something useful, information. Pointing towards the gun on the table as to make a follow-up question, the gun still within reach of Hamish and his slender hands. That you thought only fixed IT problems, messaged you love-letters through texts when he worked late, massaged your neck when it was sore and could make a killer meal.
“Yeah, it is now.” His accent and voice seemed rougher and it didn’t really help that he said now. As if it had been dangerous just moments before you walked into your home, your supposedly safe home.
“I love you.” He spoke softly, practically whispering. Taking one of your hands in his once again as you stood up from the couch, he kissed your knuckles gently before letting you walk up to the usually shared bedroom. Hamish had decided for himself though that he’d sleep down there for tonight however, almost like a guard dog. In case the problems from earlier popped up again...
 --- --- ---
The morning after felt awkward, two people keeping each other at a distance out of some sort of fear. Hamish was afraid of going too close, scaring you or losing you just because he told you. He had waited for so long to tell you and this hadn’t been the way he wanted to tell you. But of course there was some big fuck up and he had returned exhausted with the blood splatter still on him. The gun he could’ve hid. Maybe it had been intentional he wondered to himself, maybe he’d pretended to himself that he forgot just so he could just finally tell you. 
Your fears? Who knows, your mind still felt scrambled. What were you going to do? Ask him to quit his job? You couldn’t do that, the way he spoke about his job yesterday just confirmed that he loves it. Sure you used to ask him about his job before and he seemed to love it, but before last night he’d lied about what he truly did during his workdays. He didn’t just fix some computer for some guy in finance. So what would you do, would you just leave him?
Leave Hamish? And what for? He told you that the only one who knew about you two, or you at all, had been Harry. Hamish is clearly trained so needless to say, you would be safe with him if you decided to stay. So what? Leave him because you’re scared of losing him? Pushing him away because you’re scared that you’ll come home and find true silence, you would anyway if you kept pushing him away. 
“Hamish?” Your voice came out rather weakly, as it had been one of the first sentences of your day. His head turned so quickly that you heard a small stretching crack from his neck. “I love you.” You simply told him, having your answer decided in your head. The hug he embraced you in held all the fears of maybe losing you, you could barely breathe but it was completely okay. 
A/N: Idek dude, I was thinking of ending this thing in a way more depressing way but like this is cute? Right? I feel like some of it might be a biiiit OOC unfortunately?? Like you always see Merlin so god damn professional, like even in like golden circle he was so calm and collected. I love Merlin, that’s all. 
(this is seriously one of the first things I’ve posted fanfic-wise since I was like... 14? And that was truly trash back then. But like I like to imagine I’ve gotten better?)
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krizaland · 5 years
Enter the Zimvoid Chapter 19
First Chapter  Previous
I’m super duper excited for issue #49! Therefore, I decided to write up another chapter to celebrate!
Number 2 ran and ran, never looking back for even a second.
You clung to Number 2 for dear life as you tried not to slip out of his arms.
“Ok…I think we’ve lost them…” Number 2 panted as he started to slow down to catch his breath.
However, Number 2 had spoken too soon, for the moment he had caught his breath, his left leg was met with the barrel of a laser rifle.
“RELEASE Y/N! RELEASE THEM OR SUFFER THE WRATH OF THE ULTIMATE ZIM!” Your Zim roared as he jammed the laser rifle against Number 2’s leg.
Number 2 started to snort. His snorting grew into giggling. His giggling grew into chuckling. His chuckling grew into laughing. And his laughter grew and grew until he erupted into a full-on laughing fit.
“Just what is so funny?!”
Number 2 tried to respond but all that came out was more roaring laughter.
Number 2’s laughter refused to cease until he almost dropped you.
After catching his breath and wiping away a few tears, Number 2 finally managed to get his words back.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just, the mere idea of a Zim as pathetic as you being able to even consider calling yourself the ultimate Zim is just so…” Number 2 was interrupted by another fit of roaring laughter.
“CEASE YOUR LAUGHTER, INFERIOR ZIM! I COMMAND YOU TO RELEASE Y/N!” Your Zim seethed as he raised his laser rifle.
Number 2’s laughter came to a sudden halt as Zim’s laser rifle collided with his left leg.
Number 2 let out a pained shriek as you fell out of his arms.
Wasting no time, your Zim dropped the laser rifle and rushed to catch you.
Your Zim nearly toppled over but he still managed to catch you.
“HA! VICTORY FOR THE ULTIMATE ZIM!” Your Zim cheered as he held you tight.
You let out a groan as your mind slowly processed what just happened.
Your Zim’s face softened as he held you in his arms.
“Are you alright, Sweet Y/N?”
“I think so…” You murmured as you finally got your head on straight.
“Excellent! Now, lets get you back to the rebels so we can finally take down that HORRIBLE Number 1 once and for all!”
Your Zim was about to take you back to the others when-
He bumped right back into Number 2.
“Just where do you think you’re taking the beautiful Y/N?” Number 2 growled as he folded his arms.
“Boys!” You called out. Neither Zim seemed to hear you.
“That’s none of your business, inferior Zim! Now step aside!” Your Zim commanded.
“Boys!” You yelled a little louder. Your voice still fell upon deaf antennas.
“And just what are you gonna do if I don’t?” Number 2’s ruby eyes narrowed.
“BOYS!!!” You screamed at the top of your lungs.
Both Zims immediately turned to look at you.
“Geez! Can’t you guys put your differences aside?! Just this once?! We have a waay bigger fish to fry right now!” You reminded as you climbed out of your Zim’s arms.
“Sweet Y/N Is right! We have to take down that HORRIBLE Number 1! You must step aside!” Your Zim commanded.
“Listen! I understand your desire to overthrow Number 1 but that is an impossible task! You all will be killed at best! Number 1’s power is far too great for one Zim to bear!” Number 2 warned as he flailed his arms
“Maybe one Zim can’t handle Number 1 but how about an army?”
Your eyes lit up at the sound of that familiar voice.
“And don’t forget about me, the superior Zim!” 2k chirped as he gestured to himself.
“What the- How did you rebels get in here?!” Number 2 stuttered as he backed away a bit.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” 2k mocked as he stuck out his worm like tongue.
Number 2 was about to respond when-
The ground shook as Brutus plowed through the army of Zims and pulled you into a tight hug.
“Choking…not breathing..” You heaved as you struggled to wriggle out of Brutus’s grip.
“BRUTUS SORRY!” Brutus whimpered as he loosened his grip.
“It’s fine…”
“Y/N! Oh man am I glad you’re ok! Number 1 didn’t try to experiment on you or anything did he?! DID HE?!” Dib stuttered as he frantically ran up to you and Brutus.
“No No! He didn’t experiment on me but he did try to do something….awful” You murmured as a few tears trickled down your cheeks.
“What did that monster do to you? Besides, you know trying to force you to marry him and stuff.” Specs asked gently as he gave you a sympathetic look.
“He…He… He threatened to kill everyone on this planet if I didn’t marry him!” You wailed as you buried your face into Brutus’s bulging muscles.
“Oh Y/N…” Specs trailed off as he struggled to think of something reassuring to say.
“Eh?! That’s what you’re upset about?! Sweet Y/N, I mean no disrespect but that’s just silly! No one can kill me, THE ULTIMATE ZIM!!” Your Zim announced dramatically.
“He actually kinda has a point there. We Zims are pretty much impossible to kill.” Specs agreed as he rubbed the back of his head.
“Yeah! Countless people throughout the universe tried to kill me but none were successful!” Palindrome boasted as he put a hand on his chest.
“LOTS OF PEOPLE TRY TO KILL BRUTUS BUT BRUTUS ALWAYS KILL THEM FIRST!” Brutus reassured as he gently patted the top of your head.
Soon the room came alive with hundreds of Zims sharing their near death experiences and reassuring words.
Every reassuring word you heard whisked away your falling tears. It wasn’t long before you ran out of tears to shed.
You pulled your head up and gave all of the Zims a triumphant smile!
“You’re all right! What was I thinking?” You let out a half hearted chuckle as you dried your face a bit.
“To be fair, it’s actually kinda touching that you care so much about us.” Specs admitted as a soft blush spread across his face.
“Well of course I do! You guys mean everything to me!” You smiled as you sat up straighter.
“Even me?”
Everyone turned around to look at a very sad Number 2.
“Yes. Even you.” You giggled as a soft blush spread across your face.
“Please tell me you’re not gonna invite Number 2 to join our relationship.” Specs groaned.
“Weeell I mean, he did save me. Besides, he’s kinda cute yes?”
“YEAH! WAIT… WHO TINY ZIM CALLING INFERIOR?!” Brutus growled as he shot your Zim a glare.
“Pleaaaase! For me?” You made the saddest puppy dog eyes you could muster.
Your Zim, Brutus, and Specs tried to look away but the power of your cuteness was just too much for them.
Letting out a sigh, Specs looked down in defeat.
“Very well. He may join us.”
You looked over to your Zim.
“Well? What do you say?”
Your Zim pouted and kicked his feet a bit.
“Oh okay…” He grumbled.
“Yay!! Thank you all for being so understanding!”
And with that, you jumped out of Brutus’s arms and zipped up to Number 2.
“Soo, would you like to join me and my boys?” You asked playfully.
“Erm, I’m not quite sure I understand. Are you referring to your army or…”
“Oh! Sorry. I’m in a poly relationship with those three Zims over there,” You gestured to your Zim, Specs, and Brutus, “I was wondering if you wanted to be a part of that!”
“Eh?! Are you honestly asking me to share you?! With those three inferior Zims?!” Number 2 let out an offended gasp as he put a hand on his chest.
“First off, those three Zims are not inferior. And second, if you’re not interested you could just say so!” You chided as you put your hands on your hips.
“Well of course I’m interested in being your mate! It would be the highest honor, beautiful Y/N but I simply cannot share you with anyone else!” Number 2 huffed.
“Oh…Welp, I’m sorry then. As weird as it sounds, I’m a package deal. If you can’t share me then we can’t be together.” You sighed as you looked down at your feet.
“Wait! If I refuse to share you…We’ll never be able to be together?!” Number 2 started to tear up.
“Well, I love you and all of my Zims so much! I cannot simply choose one! You’re all so wonderful! But if you can’t share then I won’t force you to. I understand it can be kind of overwhelming and-”
“Nonsense! Zim shall share you! Zim shall do whatever it takes to please you, oh beautiful Y/N!” Number 2 insisted.
“Really? Even share me?”
“Yes. Even share you. Besides, I’m simply sharing you with other versions of me! So I guess it’s not too bad!” Number 2 chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.
“Yay! Ok, so since I’m dating so many Zims! Would it be ok if I gave you a nickname?” You asked as you clapped your hands.
“Of course! Call me whatever you wish, oh beautiful Y/N.” Number 2 purred with a bow.
“Yeah…Also you don’t have to bow down to me. I’m your mate not a god.” You giggled.
“Nonsense! One as beautiful as you is far superior to a lowly mortal such as I! Truly you are a divine being!” Number 2 insisted as he put a hand on his chest.
“Erm. I’m not a divine being and I’m not superior to anybody! I don’t care what Number 1 told you! You’re amazing just the way you are!” You reminded as you helped Number 2 to his feet.
“But nothing! In fact, I hereby dub thee, Majestzee!” You bellowed as you snapped a finger in Number 2’s face.
“Majestzee….” Number 2 blinked in surprise before a huge smile spread across his face.
“Oh what a heavenly name I have been blessed with! Oh thank you! Thank you for this glorious name!” Majestzee cheered as he kissed your hand.
“Ok, I hate to break up all the excitement but we’ve got company!” Dib snapped as he wriggled between you and Majestzee.
“You dare interrupt this JOYUS naming ceremony?!” Majestzee snapped.
“I’m not the one interrupting! They are the ones interrupting!”
Dib huffed as he gestured to the army of angry guards storming over to you.
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fieldfullofbangtan · 6 years
bts imgn: taking care of them when they are drunk (friends)
holy poop this is my first ever imagine and it is WAY too long im gonna try to make it shorter in the future lol
(also im taking requests! so send emmmm)
requests are open!
✎ masterlist
Jin would call you at 3am asking you to pick him up from a bar. You knew that the boys sometimes went out to grab a drink but this time Jin was alone which was weird. He didn’t- or couldn’t say much more than just “(Y/N) please can you come pick me up? Im at the usual place...”. 
When you got there he sat outside on a bench napping, you had to pretty much carry him to the car. He crashed at your place cause you thought him getting drunk might be because of some fight he had with the others. When he woke up he explained.
“Did I puke?”
“God I hope not...” you say worried looking around.
“Sorry... The bar had a drink called unicorn poop and it tasted like cotton candy and I think we all had one too many so the boys left without noticing I went to the bathroom...”
Just as he finished that sentence the front door busts open and 6 men run inside looking scared shitless. When they spot Jin on the couch they all sigh in relief.
“Thank god...”
( vv him being groggy af in the morning vv )
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Namjoon can drink, everybody knows that. He is usually the one who acts the most sober and takes care of the others. But you’re not that bad of a drinker yourself. A few cocktails and a few shots is no biggie. So when you all went out one night Jin and Suga had to bring the lightweights home because they were all basically asleep 2.5  hours in. 
You and Namjoon were just beginning though. After another 1.5 hours of dancing and drinking your feet started to hurt and the music was getting too loud. You walk around to try to find Joon but he is nowhere to be seen. Suddenly somebody hugs you from behind. Getting ready to headbutt whatever creep is behind you, he says
“Can we go home now pleaaaase” 
You laugh at how dorky Joon is being. He’s only like this is he’s wasted. He becomes a 9 year old boy who has abandoment issues.
“Sure but you will need to let me go cause I can’t move when you are hugging me like this” you say as you laugh.
“Fine...” he says as he pouts.
The club is walking distans to their dorm so you decide to just walk with him and crash there. The 15 minute walk is filled with corny dad jokes, waves of compliments and occasional deep thoughts. You even have to save him from walking into a few lamp posts and poles.
Waking up at their dorms the day after you see a message on your phone. 
Namjoon 9:30
- we had to leave early for practice this morning but we left you some Doenjang soup. thanks for a fun night out and if you tell anyone about how drunk i was last night you are no longer allowed to borrow my clothes. ily :)
(vv you are yoongiiii vv)
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You hear someone knocking at your door at 12pm. The smart thing to do is grab a frying pan and hide in the closet, but this is not the first time something like this has happened. Yoongi has a tendency to drink when he is feeling down and with the holidays coming up, the possibility of him not being able to spend it with his family usually gets to him. The sloppy, barely audible knocks also point to it being a drunk Yoongi.
Opening the door he is looking at his feet, hair covering his face. 
“Come in...” 
“Im sorry you always have to deal with me when I’m like this...” he mumbles.
He couldn’t really talk about it with the others because they are most likely just as upset or stressed. It would just end in 7 grown men drinking their sadness away together.
You don’t say much. You grab a beer, a bottle of water and a few blankets from your couch and drag him with you up to the roof of your apartment buildning. Thankfully it’s not freezing cold out and your hoodie plus a few layers of blankets is just enough to warm you. You sit down on the ground, not too far in the distans you can see the skyscrapers of Seoul and above you a clear, star-filled sky. This is where you always go when you feel down. Nothing can make your problems seem small better than skyscrapers and stars. 
Yoongi reaches for the bottle of beer when you swat his hand away.
“That is for me.” “This” ... you give him the water bottle ... “is for you”.
Yoongi sighs but takes the waterbottle and opens it to drink some. 
The rest of the night you talk about everything and nothing, you make him promise to call you if he ever feels bad enough to repeat this and when the clock reaches 3am, Jin calls and convinces Yoongi to go back to the dorms. He hugs you goodbye and holds you a little longer than usual giving you a kiss on the forehead.
“Thank you (Y/N), I owe you” 
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Partying with J-hope always ends badly. He has a lot of fun without alcohol, so imagine him drunk. Yea he has way too much fun. He will dance too hard and spill someone’s drink, which leads to a fight. Maybe hit on someone’s girlfriend, which leads to a fight. Once he thought some other guy was Jungkook and playfully slapped him on the head, when the random dude turned around he pointed at someone else, which lead to a fight.
Usually the others can calm situations like that down, but in your case when drinking with hoseok alone, the goal was to stop those situations before they even started. 
“Heyyyy that guy looks like Donald Trump” Hoseok slurrs.
“What? Who? Nobody here it over 30...” you look around confused.
“Him over there! With the orange hair!” he says amused.
“Hoseok Donald Trump has orange skin not orange hair boi get your disses right”
“HEY, HEY DONALD!!” he yells at the guy.
“HOSEOK WTF” you whisper-shout as you cover his mouth.
The guy and his entire entourage looks at us confused as Hosoek waves happily at them. 
“Why are you always trying to get beaten up????” 
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Jimin sometimes drink too much and it can be because he feels a lot of pressure and alcohol can help relieve that. You followed them to Japan, their first world tour destination, to see the show and they were able to book you a hotel room in the same hotel as them. 
After eating dinner with all of them in Joon and Yoongis room they all wanted to sleep earlier because of the concert the next day but Jimin and Jungkook said you could hang a little longer with them by the bar.
Jungkook left after one beer but Jimin stayed with you. When you finished your first drink Jimin was already on his third. You could notice that he was feeling the alcohol because he smiled a little bit more and spoke a little less clearly
“You have a long day tomorrow Jimin, I think you should go to bed” you say slightly worried about his hangover tomorrow.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be able to sleep anyways...” Jimin says with a sad smile.
“Hm?” you look at him for an explanation.
“My anxiety hits the roof right before a concert, I have so many people I need to make proud and I will never be good enough for them...” he drinks what’s remaining in his glass. “I never feel like I’m enough compared to the others, you know?” his eyes start tearing up.
Your heart sinks and you pull him into a hug. “Don’t be stupid, everybody loves you and all your flaws. They don’t expect you to be perfect, they expect you to be human.” You grab his shoulders and push him up from your embrace, staring at him. “Your gonna go to bed, do your best tomorrow, and even if you mess up or don’t think you did well enough, you will still be loved by millions. I promise.”
He smiles and nods, he grabs your hand from his shoulders and says
“Comon’, let’s go to bed”
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Taehyungs drunk stages are -a little extra hyper-, to - yelling alot-, to -wearing his shoes on his hands and telling everybody his deepest darkest secrets-, then waking up and remembering nothing.
In this case during you night out, he had told you some hella weird stuff like him having an ice kink, him having a sex dream about you, and that he likes whipped cream more that anything in the world... 
This definitaly scarred you since you see Tae as a brother so you felt like giving him some payback. Since he crashed at your place you knew exactly how. You went into the kitchen and grabbed an ice cube, you walked to the counch where he was sleeping and started to rub the ice cube against his face. 
“Mm- Huh?” He opened his eyes and stared at you slightly disturbed.
“Good morning taeee ~” you sing.
“Why the ice cube...” he looked at you suspiciously.
You just stared right back at him smirking.
“Oh no... what more did I say last night...”
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Jungkook can sometimes be a bit of a lightweight. Now he can drink beer or wine just fine. But if its mixed drinks or shots, the boy can and will blackout.
“Jungkook it’s 10pm... there’s like 13 people in this club...”
“Comonnnn pleaase just take a shot with me....”
He has already had a beer and three shots and you don’t feel like carrying his unconscious body back to the dorms. You know you would get yelled at by the others since you promised them to take it easy with the maknae. But knowing drunk Kookie, he is not going to let up.
“Fine. I’ll take shots with you right after I use the restroom ok? Wait here.”
He nods happily and starts to do something on his phone. You make sure he is not paying attention and go to the other end on the bar. The other bartender looks at you waiting for your order and you ask him to fill 2 shotglasses with water as you point to Jungkook. He nods and chuckles a little. Probably not his first time getting asked that.
You see him pat Jungkook on the shoulder as he points to something, when he is distracted the bartender replaces the two shot glasses nearest him with the glasses with water. He tells Jungkook nevermind and retreats.
“Ok let’s do this!” You tell him coming back from the “restroom”.
“WOO!” he yells as you clink your glasses together and drink the water.
“Wow I must be drunkk cause that tasted like water!” he says happily and starts to drag you to the dance floor.
“I’ve got a long night ahead of me...”
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That Rude Laddie | Part 1 of?| Tom Holland x Reader
Ok, here we go. This is my first Tom Holland fic- pleaaaase be kind! English is not my mother tongue so I’d be eternally grateful if you correct my mistakes or tell me if something sounds funky or whatever. I’m also very inexperienced at Tumblr so idk if i’m doing this right lmao. Hope you like it!
WARNINGS: drinking, swearing (a lot), future smut. 
Summary: You are a 25-y-o English teacher living with Lisa, your best friend and owner of the pub you frequently visit in need of something to soothe your aching mind and heart (so extra). Tom is a regular and has a mild crush on your BFF, so he does not appreciate you being rude to her after a particularly rough day. Things get heated.
“Bad day, huh?”
You groaned as you plopped down on the bar stool and signaled your best friend to pour you a drink. She pulled a beer -your favourite brand- from under the bar-top and slid it towards you.
“These fucking children are going to be the death of me, I swear.” you grunted as you downed half the beer, making your friend give you quite a dirty look.
“What did they do this time?”
“Nothing! That’s what they did, nothing at all!” you yelped waving your arms around, and finished the beer in one swig. “No homework, no practising, no bringing the fucking photographs, nothing! How I am supposed to help them adapt to this country if they don’t do anything I ask them to?”
“But have you talked to..?”
“Of course I fucking tried! They don’t have time, Lisa. These parents… they have to work all day. Sometimes even two jobs. They’ll do anything to support their children. To give them a better life. And how do these nasty bastards pay them back? By going to class BAREHAND-”
“Calm the fuck down! You’re going to scare all my clients away” Lisa hissed while taking the empty bottle away. She hesitated, and then replaced it with a new one. “A little help on the house,”
“Cheers!” you smiled sarcastically and gulped it down.
“I thought you liked being a teacher. You seemed so excited when you started at the school” Lisa said as she wiped the bar-top and handed you a third beer, a worried look crossing her face.
“I do, L, I do. But it’s just… I hate when they don’t commit, you know?” you sighed, trying not to show how upset the thought made you.
It was true, though. Teaching was your true passion. You had moved overseas as soon as you’d finished your teacher training course and looked for any job opportunities that involved foreign children in English speaking countries. You wanted to help so badly. You also really enjoyed preparing classes and loved the look on their faces when they suddenly understood something, or how they sometimes hugged you at the end of a fun class. Luckily, it didn’t take you too long to find a job as a teacher, and that’s where you’d met Lisa; you two clicked right away and had become inseparable ever since. Now it was your fourth year at the school and everything had gone wrong. The group was hideous -fourteen 15-year-olds who where only interested in who got more likes on their Instagram posts- and you were overwhelmed. It didn’t help much that the rest of your life was absolute shit: the falling-out with your parents, the break-up, having to move in with Lisa because you were living in that cunt of your ex-boyfriend’s flat. And nothing seemed to get better.
“I’m sorry, dear. Why don’t you wait here until I close and they we can make something to eat and keep watching Sex Education?” your bestie smiled sympathetically.
“Love the idea. But, why don’t we order pizzas instead, huh?”
“We ate pizza yesterday, Y/N,”
“We can’t eat pizza two nights in a row,”
“Yes, we can...”
“We are adults. We can cook. And also it’s not heal...”
“Don’t you dare say it,”
“You said it,”
“But it’s true, Y/N, you can’t fill yourself up with empty calories every time you..”
“You’re not the boss of me,”
“And you never let me forget that. I’m just trying to help you out!”
“So help me out paying for the pizza,”
“I’ve already given you 3 free beers,”
“And that’s not healthy either, is it? So I might as well choke on pizza tonight and start dieting tomorrow,”
“You are impossible,”
“Am not”
“Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt,” you suddenly heard a husky voice coming from your right. You turned around, curiosity rising, but all you could see where brunette curls poking from under a black cap. You shifted slightly in your seat trying to get a better look of his face, but he seemed to be purposely hiding it from you. “Lis, can we get the same as before? That beer was sick. I’d never tried that brand before,”
“Sure, Tom. So 5 beers and one Diet Coke, then?” L asked as she raised a hand towards you, preventing you from speaking. Time out. “Shit, there aren’t any left here. Can you wait for like 2 minutes or do you want me to take them there?”
“Nah, it’s alright. I’ll wait,” he replied, beaming at her.
His eyes didn’t leave her body until she disappeared from sight. Ugh. He took his phone out and swiped away, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth every now and again. He didn’t even look up once and you were now positively sure that he was ignoring you. Who is this guy and why is he looking at her like that? Also, why was he deliberately pretending you weren’t there? You weren’t sure if it was really you or the 3 beers that might have taken over your body, but the more he avoided you, the more you wanted him to notice you. You shifted in place one more time and cleared your throat, but he still acted like you weren’t there.
“Hey,” you said, turning around on the stool and placing your chin on your hand.
He stopped moving for a fraction of a second, and you could see, hell, feel how much he didn’t want to talk to you. You were a little bit taken aback, and the feeling intensified when he looked up at you. He was young, or at least he seemed like it. You were expecting him to be a grown-ass man… you know, those were usually stupid enough to be completely oblivious to your beauty and charm. But not a boy. How was he even in there? He couldn’t be over 18. He had no facial hair whatsoever -your ex was 30 and couldn’t grow a beer either, hon- and he was wearing a Spiderman tee.
“Hiya,” he replied, his little smile never reaching his eye, and then went back to his phone.
What is wrong with him? “It’s Tom, isn’t it? I’m Y/N,”
And nothing. Wow.
“Nice meeting you too, Tom”
He sighed and looked up, eyes facing straight forward. “What do you want?”
What did he just say? “Beg your pardon?”
“I said what do you want,”
“Hhm, rude,”
“Look who’s talking,”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You think I don’t know who you are?” he spat as he turned around, his face exuding disgust.
“Well, I don’t know who you are so I wouldn’t even know why you know me,”
“I’ve seen you a couple of times around here. I don’t like how you treat Lisa,”
“Um, excuse you? She’s my friend. You don’t get to tell me how to treat my friends,”
“And you don’t get to treat people like shit,”
“We are just fucking arou… why am I even telling you this? You don’t even know me!”
“Thank God,”
“Wow, you are one rude laddie,”
“What did you just call me?”
“I called you, Tom, a rude laddie. What are you going to do about it, huh? Call your parents?  Or should I call them and tell them where you are? I’m no lenient Lisa,”
He stifled a laugh with the back of his hand. “Oh my God. You can’t be serious.  You actually think I’m a little boy,”
Oh, what have I done? “Well, you certainly act like one,”
“And you certainly act like an c…”
“Ok, enough!!” Lisa cut him off, placing the beers with a loud clunk in front of Tom. “Jesus Christ, I could hear you two barking at each other from back there,”
“Y/N, Tom is 22 and he has every right to be here, so sod off. Tom, I’m sorry but Y/N is my best friend, and we do what best friends do: fuck with each other. You don’t need to stand up for me. It was very sweet, don’t get me wrong, but there was no need,” she finished, blushing a bit at the end. Really?
“Sorry, Lis. It won’t happen again. Thanks for the beers, love. I’ll send Sam if we need anything else,” he beamed at her and then proceeded to glare at you nastily before walking away. 
You gave him the finger as soon as he turned around but L was having none of it. 
“Come here, you little piece of sh... ARE YOU FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND? WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?” Lisa yelled as she dragged you to the storage room.
“What are you yelling at me for? It’s not my bloody fault! He was being a dick to me! I just said hi and he started acting all pedantic, what was I supposed to do?”
“Are you shitting me?! Did you not realise who that was? For God’s sake, Y/N, get your head out of your ass!”
“Well, that was uncalled for,”
“That was Tom Holland, you fucking git!
“Tom Holland- like, Spiderman Tom Holland?”
“Yeah. Christ,”
“Oh, fuck me,”
“I’m not giving you any free beers ever again,”
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I’m sorry for bothering you with this, but can I have a ship for Queen and Bo Rhap? I’m a hetero girl and I look a lot like Hermione from the early HP films. I’m in mid 20s, but I look a lot younger and people ask me which grade I’m in lol. I’m a major introvert but don’t mind hanging with people, I just sometimes need my alone time. I also hate people prying into my private life and telling me what to do. Reading and writing are my greatest passions, but I’m reluctant to share my works. Polite.
HI HI HI hi hi. hi.
sorry this took 5 yrs im crazy busy working my ass off hehe
ships below the cut!!!
For Queen, I ship you with John Deacon!
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Brian was my initial choice, but after I thought about it, I realized he might be a bit too nosy for your liking (as a fellow Cancer.... I know how he probably is. He has an insatiable need to KNOW EVERYTHING). He’s also not private unless it’s in relation to particular things, but John Deacon? 
He is he king of privacy. You tell him a secret, and he’ll take it to his grave. His proclivity towards confidentiality is what led you to becoming close friends with him in the first place.
You’d know each other through Brian, but hadn’t ever really got the chance to hang out with each other much. You weren’t at gatherings a lot, nor was he, and rarely did you ever manage to show up on the same nights. You preferred to stay at home most of the time.
One night, you were doing just that when you got a call. You were just putting on some tea, so you put a pause on what you were doing and headed over to your phone, yawning before answering. “Hello?”
“Is this Y/N?” a slightly familiar, yet not recognizable voice asked timidly. You could hear shouting in the background that sounded vaguely like Brian, and then his voice got closer as there was some shuffling and a quiet “Shove off, Bri.”
“Yes, this is Y/N,” you answered slowly, still trying to connect the dots as the man on the other end of the line gave a sigh of relief and mumbled something about the right number from the drunkard.
“This is John Deacon, we’ve met a few times at Brian’s.” Making a noise of affirmation, you let him continue as he let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m with Brian right now, he’s off his rocker drunk and says we’re near your place and he wants to crash on your couch. Is there any way I can tell if he’s not just word-vomiting?”
“Um, yeah,” you laughed softly, crossing your arms as you heard Brian and John discuss something for a second, Brian clearly slurring as he spoke. “Where are you at right now?”
John described the street and named the pub, which was a few blocks from your place, so you described the walk to your flat as best as you could before wishing him luck and hanging up. 
And sure enough, he navigated his way to your flat, showing up about 15 minutes later with a clearly-sloshed Brian May in tow.
“Y/N, this is John!” he cheered as you opened the door, hugging your robe to yourself and laughing softly at the sight of his heavy-lidded, bloodshot eyes.
“I know, I just spoke to him on the phone, Bri. And we’ve met before anyways, remember?”
“Oh.” The tall man scratched his head for a moment before stretching and giving you a goofy smile. “Can we pleaaaase come in?”
You nodded and let the two of them in, heading for the kitchen and filling the kettle with a bit more water to make tea for all of you while John got Brian to the living room and somehow convinced him to sit on the couch instead of running around the flat like a madman. When Brian was drunk, his tendency to stick his nose in your business increased tenfold, which is why you usually didn’t let him stay over if he was going to be drinking.
“Tea?” you asked over the sound of Brian’s incessant babble, and John shushed him several times before managing to get him to answer the question. Then, he spoke up for the both of them, his voice plaintive and soft on your ears, a welcome contrast from Brian’s aggressive drunk rambling.
“That would be lovely, one sugar for me. Brian wants two sugars.”
“Three! What kind of establishment are you running here, Y/N?” Brian yelled, and John went through the process of shutting him up again as you laughed to yourself, going through the motions of making tea. You made sure to drop half an ice cube in Brian’s tea so he wouldn’t scald his mouth like he was bound to do, then made your way into the living room where Brian was arguing with John over some insignificant detail of a song.
“One sugar,” you repeated, sitting the tea in front of John, then you sat Brian’s in front of him and gave it one more stir before sitting back in your chair, blowing on the surface of your own tea. “Brian, I’m impressed you remembered my number. You usually can’t even remember what flat number I am.”
Tapping his head, Brian gave you a lazy smile before taking a sip of his tea and swallowing it quickly. “Got it all up here. Sometimes it just hides from me, sneaky bastards.”
You could see John’s shoulders shaking in silent laughter as he blew on his tea, and you grinned as you looked down to your own, sipping at it.
All three of you had a decent conversation as you sipped at your tea, Brian slowly but surely sobering, and by the time he excused himself to stumble to the bathroom, you were collecting all of your cups, heading to your kitchen to wash them while John said he’d go keep an eye on Brian.
Hearing nothing out of them for the time being, you washed and dried the mugs before putting them away, then turned to find John standing in the doorway, looking a bit sheepish.
In his hands, he had your journal, a simple little leather-bound thing that struck fear into your heart as he held it out to you. You took it from him, staring at him in disbelief, but he began to explain before you freaked out. 
“Brian found it on your bed when he went the wrong way after he went to the toilet. Was trying to read it but said the words were moving too fast. I grabbed it from him, didn’t look at anything. Promise.”
You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding as you saw the look on his face was genuine, and you hid the journal in a cupboard before turning back to face him and giving him a small smile. “Brian would have buried his nose in that for hours if he’d found it sober. But thank you for respecting me and not reading it. I don’t think Brian understands how much it means to me.”
“He means well, but...” John trailed off, and you nodded to signal that you understood that Brian’s need to understand your emotions was just a part of him that would always be there. You’d known that when you became friends, and he usually never gave you too much of an issue about it.
It was intriguing, however, to see how much John went out of his way to stop Brian from intruding, and you pursed your lips for a moment before nodding to the living room. “You can have the couch. I’d imagine Brian’s passed out on my bed right now, so I’ll roll him off onto the floor and let him be sore in the morning as punishment.”
John smiled at the idea, shaking his head and retreating into the main area of the flat. “You can kick me out if you want. I can walk home, I just live over in Hammersmith.”
“Oh, nonsense. You can stay here, you’re mad if you think I’ll let you walk all the way to another borough.” Walking over to your linen closet, you pulled out a spare pillow and blanket, then turned and held it out for him. “Here. Make yourself at home.”
John accepted the blanket and pillow gently, smiling and thanking you shyly before going to put together a makeshift bed. While he did so, you took the opportunity to really get a good look at him, and you questioned why you’d never noticed he was so cute. When he was finally bedded, you nodded and wished him a good night, then went to go roll the probably dead-asleep guitarist off your bed.
After that night, you never told Brian he’d gotten ahold of your journal - John apparently never told him either, because he never brought it up again. You were very thankful that John kept his mouth shut, so you ventured out to get his number from Brian and invited him over for tea a few nights a week, which turned into more and more time spent with each other. 
Brian, of course, took credit for bringing you two together, so when John called him one night and asked him if he was crazy for wanting to ask you to be his girlfriend that night, Brian nearly lost his mind. He was so excited he almost showed up himself, but he knew better, so he left you two alone and let it still be a private affair.
John had invited you over to ask your opinion on some songs he’d written, which was a favorite of yours to do. He was always so nervous about his writing, which you found common ground in, and he always made sure he ran it by you before he even considered putting it on the table for official Queen usage.
Tonight, he was especially quiet as he scribbled on a crumpled piece of paper, his bass in his lap as he sat next to you on the couch. You were comfortable with John now - he was one of the few people that you could be around and not feel socially drained at the end. He was gentle, soft-spoken, but still knew how to have fun.
You broke out of your trance when you saw John finally hold out the piece of paper, setting it on your thigh and picking up his bass to pluck an easy rhythm tune. Picking up the paper, you began to scan the paper as he spoke softly. “Let me know what you think.”
You read the song all the way through, sincerely not realizing what you were reading until the end. It read like a love song, typical of John’s writing, except at the very end, you were stunned to find your name there, a bit bolder than the rest of the writing. It said your name, then one simple question - ‘Will you be my girl?’
Looking up in surprise, you saw his fingers freeze on the strings of his bass as he smiled sheepishly, chewing at the inside of his lip. “I know it’s a bit corny, but I figured this was the only way I could ask without tripping over my own feet.”
“My god, John,” you murmured, smiling at him and blushing deeply as you looked back down to the paper, biting your lip. You went quiet for a moment, then started to nod eagerly. “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.”
“Oh, thank God,” he murmured as he let out a sigh of relief, setting his bass to the side and pulling you in for a tight hug. “I thought you’d be annoyed of me by now. Thought you weren’t going to say yes.”
Laughing softly, you buried your face in his shoulder and just enjoyed the hug for a moment, then pulled back slightly to give his cheek a gentle kiss. “I’d never get annoyed of you, John.”
“I could say the same for you.”
And for BoRhap, I ship you with Rami Malek!
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No one better for you than the king of ‘how do social media?’ himself, Rami Malek! 
You two are literally two peas in a pod - you both value a level of confidentiality to your lives that would be difficult to attain with every other member of Borhap’s main four (I’m looking at you, homiesexual instagram post trio).
Rami is so off the grid and private that you literally didn’t even know about him at all until Ben, a childhood friend and now one of your neighbors down the hallway, introduced you two when you came over to use Ben’s dryer. Yours had quit, unfortunately, so you asked if you could use his dryer in exchange for pizza.
“Promise I’ll order the good stuff. Brick oven,” you pleaded, holding your laundry on your hip and balancing it there as you stood just inside your doorway, debating whether or not to just go plead in person.
You heard Ben sigh a bit before laughing at something and clearing his throat. “Well, I suppose. But there’s two of us here, so you’ve got to get a large pizza.��
“Frankie is not going to eat that much pizza. You’ll make his stomach hurt, Benjamin.” You opened your door and started down the hallway towards Ben’s flat, humming a bit.
“Frankie will have his designated slice. But I mean, like, someone else is here. Rami.” There was a silence as you tried to register the name, but it wasn’t ringing any bells. Slowing down to a stop in front of his door, you pursed your lips and briefly reconsidered. Did you really have the social stamina to meet another one of his wily friends tonight?
Looking down to your laundry, you sighed. Damn it. You really didn’t have a choice. Mustering up all your energy, you reluctantly knocked on the door.
“I don’t believe I know a Rami. Has he been there before? Is this one of the guys you keep posting on your Instagram?”
“No, no,” Ben chuckled, moving his phone to his other ear as he rose to answer the door for you. “Well, not exactly. I’ll explain.” The line cut dead, and then you stood up a bit straighter as Ben swung the door open, nodding towards the living room before letting you follow him in. “I don’t post him as much, but he’s one of the chaps I worked on Bohemian Rhapsody with. He missed London after filming, so I’m letting him stay here while he does some flat-shopping to find a place over here so he doesn’t keep stealing my cuddle time with Frankie.”
And sure enough, as you rounded the corner into his living room, you spotted the stranger seated on Ben’s couch, Frankie on his lap and a small, curious grin on his face as he met your gaze. “Rami, this is Y/N. Y/N, Rami. She and I grew up next door to each other and she beat me up all the time.”
“I did not!” you exclaimed, turning bright red as you already regretted coming over. “I beat you up that one time, and that was because you took my fucking toy barn that made the mooing sound when you opened it.”
“Ben, stealing a woman’s things? Shame on you,” the man he’d introduced as Rami tutting his tongue before smiling at you. “Y/N, right? Nice to meet you. Ben told me to beg for a supreme pizza. Said you’d probably get one if I asked for it.”
Looking at Ben, you found him to be avoiding your gaze and whistling innocently as he opened the closet doors that revealed his washing machine and dryer. “Well, I suppose I’ve got to get a supreme pizza now, don’t I?”
“Supreme? Sounds amazing, great idea, Rami!” Ben suddenly cut in, giving you an innocent grin as Rami laughed and shook his head. He had a cute laugh, one that started out low and led into a broad smile with a steady repeat of amused laughter.
So, you called in a supreme pizza and started to dry your laundry, the pizza arriving just around the time you went to put the second half of your laundry in and fold the other half. So, you had to leave your laundry be, grumbling something about it wrinkling as you headed for the counter to grab your wallet.
“Oh, I’ll fold it for you,” Ben suggested, sending you an eyebrow wiggle and receiving a gentle smack from Rami.
“That’s creepy. Frankie, sic ‘em!”
Frankie just stared up at Rami as he nodded towards Ben, and you gave Rami a thankful look before laughing a bit and going to get the pizza. When you returned, Rami was still giving Ben hell for being creepy, so you stayed quiet as you sat down the pizza in front of them, grabbing a few paper towels from the counter.
“I don’t understand why it’s being creepy, though, like I’ve grown up with her! It’s not like I haven’t seen her panties before!”
“That’s still private stuff, you weirdo! Jesus!” Rami laughed, thanking you when you handed him a paper towel and grabbing himself a piece of pizza. You did the same, sitting in the chair nearest Rami, and gave been a knowing look.
“He’s right, thank you, Rami. That’s my underwear, I don’t want you snooping about in it.”
Ben looked offended as he glanced between the two of you, his mouth hanging slightly open while he looked for the words to say. “I feel like I’m being attacked right now!”
“Sorry, not sorry,” you half-apologized, giving him a slightly guilty smile as you dug into your pizza, Rami snickering when Ben groaned at your underhanded apology.
After that meeting, you got to see Rami a few more times before he had to head back to the states. He kept in touch, and when he finally found a place in London, he found himself over at your place more often than Ben’s, due to the fact that you were both laidback and lowkey. Rami was much less wily than Ben’s other friends, which was great.
Sometimes, Ben just wanted to go out and party while you wanted to keep it relaxed and reserved. Though you were a bit younger than Ben and much younger than Rami, you still managed to match Rami’s personality more than anything. 
That led to the two of you becoming very comfortable around each other, which led to Rami finally asking you to be his girlfriend, which you 100% agreed to as long as he had to be the one to break the news to Ben. Rami conveniently forgot to do so, and when Gwilym found out a few days, he was ecstatic, texting the groupchat with the boys in congratulatory fashion.
And that irritated Ben more than anything. So, that night. you were reading and Rami was watching That 70′s Show at your place - you were unaware that Rami hadn’t told Ben, so you were confused when you heard your phone buzzing. Lifting your head up from Rami’s lap, you saw that Ben’s horrid selfie took up the screen, and you sighed before answering the phone, sitting up against Rami’s side while he paused the show.
“So why am I like, the last person on Earth to know about you two? I mean, telling Gwilym before me? That’s a low blow, Y/N.” You looked at Rami, who could just hear the words enough to garner an idea of what was going on, and he gave you a sheepish grin that only made you roll your eyes. He hadn’t told him, that bastard. Putting it on speakerphone, you roped him into the call involuntarily and cleared your throat.
“Hey, hey, calm down, bud. I thought Rami had told you, I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to forget you or anything. Rami wants to say sorry.”
“Good, I’m about to go over to his flat and give him a good earful. I can’t believe you guys let Gwil know before me! He doesn’t even know your birthday!”
“What’s my birthday, Ben?” you asked curiously, wondering if he still remembered it as you stretched your legs out across Rami’s lap, smiling when he rested his hand on your thigh and kissed the top of your head. Leaning up, you gave his cheek a quick kiss as Ben replied. 
“Er... not important right now. What’s important is that I’m giving you both noogies for forgetting me!” Rami laughed at that, and Ben was quiet for a moment before speaking again, quieter this time. “Was that Rami?”
Rami chuckled before wrapping an arm around you and replying. “Yeah, hi, Ben. Sorry about not telling you, I was afraid you’d get mad at me for spending more time at her place than yours.”
“You-” Ben cut off, groaning exasperatedly before sighing. “You didn’t even put anything on Instagram about it! I wanted to comment first! Where are you two? I’m coming over.”
“Ben, not right now,” you groaned, desperately just wanting to have a night alone with Rami. “Can’t we just post something on Instagram and call it even?”
“I don’t know. Try it and see,” he said with a mock angry tone before hanging up, making Rami laugh a bit before grabbing his phone and unlocking it, then taking a picture of your legs splayed out across his lap while That 70′s was in the background. You silently commended him for not making it a selfie, and watched as he posted it with the caption ‘Life is too short to spend it with people who annoy you. For some reason, she’s still here anyways.’
“Oh, shut up, you do not annoy me,” you laughed as you watched him hit the post button, and he just laughed as he pulled you fully onto his lap, letting you settle between his legs before pressing play again.
And within seconds, his phone dinged with a notification, but it was from Joe instead of Ben. “Oh, he’s going to be so pissed,” Rami murmured as he read the excited comment from Joe, snickering to himself. And within another second, you saw a message notification from Ben pop up on his phone. 
Opening his Instagram DMs, Ben had sent Rami the original post with the simple message ‘i know you’re at her place. open the door :(’
Bursting out laughing, you got to your feet and started towards the door, Rami following you and standing behind you with a hand on your hip as you opened the door to find a pouting Ben. 
“I missed first comment. Post it again.”
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squidproquoclarice · 6 years
9, 16, 19 and 20 for Sadie/Arthur, pleaaaase ;з
9.)  Who gets baby-crazy when they see children?Sadie’s wanted kids for a long time but had to put them off due to her and Jake struggling with their families’ farms near Tumbleweed, then struggling to get the ranch established before having kids.  So there’s the feeling of so much lost time, and the chances she lost with Jake, that she now has to process and let go.  Plus given she holds the opinion of “They turned me into a monster”, she now probably feels like she’s not a good person enough to protect and even nurture a life rather than simply taking them.  She has to feel like she deserves that again.As for Arthur, he clearly loved Isaac deeply–you can hear this kind of shy warmth in his voice when he says Isaac was “such a good kid”–and adores and loves Jack, given how sweet he is to him.  But he has that enormous burden of guilt of being young, getting a young woman pregnant (likely, as I’ve discussed, in a tipsy one-night-stand while pining for Mary who recently broke up with him), and then being unable to leave his life and his family for this family he could have had, because Eliza made it clear she wasn’t going to live his life.  So he wasn’t nearly as much of a father to Isaac as he likely longed to be, and in the end, Eliza and Isaac were killed.  The fact that he tells Rains Fall it made him realize that you don’t get to be a bad person and have good things happen to you hits right in the feels.  Because he clearly hasn’t forgiven himself, let alone feel like he can hope for a second chance.  In his mind, he genuinely doesn’t deserve anything good.  So he’s given up on love, sex, hope, dreams.  He repeatedly calls himself a fool for even momentarily thinking about those things.    So they both get a little giddy around children, but it’s very quiet and internal, and it’s as much a painful longing as enjoyment.  Because it reminds them both of chances lost, chances taken from them, the people they feel they are versus the people they want so much to be.  They both really want a secure life with a family more than just about anything, but there’s a lot of things they need to deal with first.16.)  Who gets jealous when someone flirts with their partner?I’m not sure either of them would.  If they’re to the point where they’re actually together, they’re probably secure enough in themselves and in each other to know there’s no cause for worry.  They belong to each other, and they trust each other enough to know that their partner can politely turn away that interest.  I do think Arthur’s going to have some insecurity about measuring up to his perception of Jake’s incredibly high standard of goodness and stability, and for Sadie, it’s going to be strange trying to be the very real, flawed, and human woman who replaces Arthur’s sixteen-year idolization of Mary.  
19.) Already answered.20.)  Who’s loudest in bed?Probably Sadie.  She had a good, healthy sex life with Jake and doesn’t apologize for it.  Plus when you’re in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, you can be as noisy as you like.  I’m not sure I see her as being super loud, but if she’s enjoying herself and her partner’s going a good job, she sees no problem in letting them know it.From what we’ve seen, tipsy or drunk Arthur could be a bit noisier.  When he’s sober, though, I think he tends to be fairly quiet during sex, because as self-conscious as he is, his sexual history really isn’t one of being in situations where he feels like he can really relax and let go.  (Like I said, he’s had sexual partners, but not really lovers.)  I’m not sure he’ll ever be naturally loud and rowdy, but he’ll feel more able if the situation warrants it, and especially in understanding that Sadie likes it when she hears she’s doing a good job.Though as I said before, God, this man would fail so adorkably hard at dirty talk, because it’s going to just turn into unabashed praise.  ;)
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oups i shitposted again about mcl
Hey, @vae-eldarya : you asked me to write one : New vs old route but since i don’t really know them i report it for later!
if you missed the first part : http://sokosaturneandthecandylife.tumblr.com/post/174439095543/how-i-think-it-happened
Lysander : I wonder why Nathaniel hasn’t come back, yet…
Kentin : Don’t worry! He’ll be fine!
Armin : Yeah!! It’s we’re talking about Nathaniel. He’s super serious! Nothing bad will happen to him, i’m sure!
Lysander : If you say so…
Beemov : They took it well
Castiel : Oh yeah, they look totally pleased, it’s not like I wasn’t happy to see my face is on pikachu collage… That’s not rock’n’roll
Lynn : Well. Well. Sure they took it well, they turned us into memes!
Beemov : Exactly! I though it would be worse! Like sending hate.
Lynn : Because they aren’t? Online hate. Online hate : everywhere
Beemov : This time i though they would send IRL hate. Like…dropping bombs or knives. Anyway! Where’s our rookies?
Castiel : behind the Beta door. They’re waiting.
Beemov : Ok, Gladys bring them. And be careful around the moonlight prototypes, they bite.
Castiel : Who’s Gladys? The rainbow Ryo from devilman series?
Lynn : They use a weird cristal projection technology, i don’t really know how it works.
Beemov : Haaaaa!! Here they are, bonjour, bonjour, sit down, how are our news ikemen going?
Hyun : We’re fin…
Hyun : …thanks
Priya : It’s not really polite to cut someone who’s speaking.
Beemov : I couldn’t care less about what you think, the only thing that matter is what YOU think.
Lynn : Me?
Beemov : Gladys.
Yes, you! After all, you’re the heroine. You first impression count. What do you feel about them?
Lynn : I’m nice to meet them and i look forward to know them better.
Beemov : NO, NONONONO, Noooow, of course you look forward to blahblahblah…Stop being that nice!WE SELL DRAMAS.
What do you perceive about them! Their apparence, here’s their description, tell us, the truth.
Lynn : Owww…Hmm…
Rayan : Come one, don’t be shy, it’s not like…
Lynn : I find you scary.
Rayane : Euh, is that so?
Lynn : Yeah, you look scary. You’re pretty yeah, but also pretty old. I’m sure it’s super cool to listen to your class and all, but seriously « Likes : philosophical conversation » what are you expecting from a dating game, please? Plus, what’s with the « struggles to hide his tortured self » lmao if you tried to touch me against my consent, i call my dad…He’s probably your age and…Brrrr, don’t even wanna think about it.
Hyun ¨keroshane worried look* : Rayan, you’re ok?
Rayan : *white hair appears*
Beemov : excellent! She’s like this with all of them at first, but when she’ll be used to, everything will be perfect! Positive things, maybe…???
Lynn : Hmmm…he has a beard. Wich is cool. I was tired of dating high school boys. And what’s forbidden is always fun. So, when the times come we can bang in the auditorium! Plus he’s arab. A clever, arab. And he’s not a terrorist,or a football player, or a gucci ghetto brat. That’s a miracle in the french media!!
Priya : Oh…Even if it stopped, his hair won’t turned brown again…
Beemov : That’s EXEPTIONEL! They wanted a mature one, they’re he is. Great, next!
Lynn : Priya…You’re great, everyone loves you, was gay for you. I knew you from long ago , and I was jealous at that time because you seemed to be a better version of me. More realistic, more resulted. Hope that didn’t change! I’m pretty happy I can date a girl. Still, you’re the only one but…That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Duh…Still they’re a long way down.
Priya : Waw, Candy, that’s kinda cool!
Lynn : Yeah, but don’t let me be misunderstood. Since, they decided to include a lesbian romance in the game, i hope they will deal with it correctly and not mess it up. I like you, and I want our story to be a sincere one. Ok?
Priya : Yeah…we’ll try to do everything correctly.
Beemov : Hm, Hm…Let’s talk about Hyun!
Lynn : Hyun, Hyun…How to pronounce your name. That’s korean, isn’t it?
Hyun : Yeah, It’s pronouced Hyun.
Lynn : Thanks god, we’ll never know it… Just like for Armin. And for Morgan. Fantastic.
From which side?
Hyun : Euh…From ….
Lynn : I love K-pop, i saw BTS at the billboard last week, are you proud?
Hyun : Euh…I don’t really see the…
Lynn : Do you watch drama? Wich one is you’re favorite?
Hyun : Actually, I prefer Mov…
Lynn: I loved Boys Over Flowers, are you rich?
Hyun : That’s…A bit impolite and…
Huyn : Please
Hyun : please, stop
Hyun : Stop
Hyun : shut the fuck up you racist bitch
Lynn : See, « unfailing support ». He’s not even capable to handle Koreaboo…Do you realize, that’s the reason why they choose you. Because they’re seers. They want to play on the Hallyu wave. You know what it means? People will play only because you’re the asian guy they dream of.
Beemov : Hmm… Gladys, report that to the moderators. Koreabos are still a flaw.
Hyun : Ah…Sorry that i wasn’t good enough. It pissed me off. You were being rude.
Lynn : I know. Happy to see that you’re not THAT calm. But, you’re look cute and nice! And honestly i don’t know why they choose you for that archetype…You’re not rich, neither arrogant. A god? Hmm…
But, you’re involved with coffee so I suppose it’s enough!
Hyun : Sorry for calling you racist bitch.
Lynn : It’s ok…I’m used to. Actually, I’ve been a basic white cis-het girl all my life so, it feels new to me. To take care about those things. Thoses details that are so important because they defined the uniqueness of the individuals. They don’t look like it, but they try to do it. And, I’m trying to be a better person. And i’ll go with my time! So my wardrobe, please…
Beemov : Speaking of wardrobe, Gladys, did you finish?
(Castiel comes out from behind a curtain)
Castiel : So, what do you think?
Lynn : LmAO OMFFFF you look like a 2010 emo kid from skyblog, Kentin was right.
Castiel : Euh, hey…Lynn!!
a TiE PLSsSs So sKYrOCk!!
Beemov : Don’t you think it suits him????
Lynn : AHAahahaha, Hmm aha, i like the tattoos. Is it Lysander’s one? So cute. And, the hair. And the grumpy face.
Castiel : Ahaha shut up, idiot, in 7 years you change juste like 2 times.
Lynn : It’s because i was perfect ahaha back then, wich wasn’t your case.
Castiel : Tsss
Lynn : Look at me, i’m a bad boi, a play in my garage when my parents are gone. I have a dog called Démon. That’s excellent.
Castiel : Stop making fun of me. I’m not that ridiculous?
Lynn : Do you like it?
Castiel : Yeah. A lot.
Lynn : Then I like it too. It suits you. Punk garbage.
Beemov : Well, well. The beta is ongoing that’s great, everything is fine. Candy,…
Lynn : It’s Lynn.
Beemov : Talking about changing. And in 4 years thing happen so…
Lynn : I just realized..They’re like 4. Isn’t someone missing?
Lynn : W-Whaaaat? What kind of change?
Beemov : Just, trust us ;)
Nathaniel : 2 days have passed since they put me here, with you all, i feel bad for them.
Louis : You should’t, in the Beemov’s plaaaaaan
Louis, Agatha, Kiki, Dake, … : they use us sometimes they doN’T!
Nathaniel : Oh pleaaaase make it stop, i can’t handle this anymore.
??? (in a dark corner) : Here, take that.
Nathaniel : a blue…pill???? And what I have to do?
??? : It kinds of…Helps bad vibes disappear
Nathaniel : Ok, medecine? thanks…?
??? : Lance. It’s. Lance.
Nathaniel : …Ok…Then, thanks Lance.
Lance : You’re welco…NO DON’T EAT IT…
Oh shit.
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otteron-the-sun · 7 years
[5] Two side of a coin
State : In progress Characters : Moobin x Rocky x OC (Mee Joo) Genre : fluff / a bit of angst (it’s starting guys) Featured : Poly!Rockbin and College!AU Summary : Being a college student seems to be easier for your love life, little did I know that a bet between two guys won’t make everything goes so smoothly after all. Word count : 2,300+ Side note : Ok, I love this chapter, I loved writing it, and it’s finally starting to have a bit of sense (also I write more than the first chapters oops), but yeah, I hope you’ll like it as much as I do ♥
Previous part
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For the last two weeks, after the first date, a question occurred my mind,every single day. Since Rocky me took me to the first date, plan everything for the afternoon, shouldn’t it be my turn to take care of the planning of the next date? I didn’t really know what I should do in this case, because of how little the number of date I had was. Almost every day I hesitated to send a text to Rocky, asking if I should plan the date to a date that was good for him. But I didn’t, because it was a bit awkward to ask him like that. Even though “awkward” was  a thing I do quite a lot with him. It was a normal Tuesday morning, in class, just on the same table as my best friend. It wasn’t the best part of the year, having our end of the semester finals and trying to sort out our life in general. It was the kind of days where we were only running thanks to coffee, and no one would be really surprised if we learned that some of us are more on drugs to keep going at this period of the year. Like, yeah, almost relatable dude. For once, though, I was keeping up with this time way better than the past years, I wasn’t asleep in the first hours of morning, and Shin-Ae asleep the afternoon. We just seemed to be fine, just drinking three coffee per day. And to add to our joy, the morning helped us to learn the fact that our afternoon classes were cancelled this very morning, since our teacher was sick. How things could be better today, honestly. Just the mere thought of having an afternoon off to go home and study a bit more for the finals was a thing I could’ve only dreamed of before. To be honest, the past years, I would have taken this free afternoon to go have some times with friends around the town. Like grabbing a coffee with a few friends of my class or things like that. But no. Not anymore. The end of the morning went on like usual, with a few students sleeping on the last row, some others doodling in their notebook rather than listening to the class, and some others nodding and taking notes. And to be realistic, Shin-Ae was the doodler one, and I was the annoying little nodder by her side. She knew that, if I was taking notes in a class, she could do whatever she wanted and ask for it after, like we always did, one for the other. Never one of us were actually using the other to take all the notes to do nothing in class, but it was more like an exchange of information. Lunch break came pretty fast, allowing us to either go home and eat our own food, with proper balance of things, or staying at the cafeteria, with a quite questioning menu and dishes. And with that way of thinking, the choice was quickly made for everyone. It wasn’t that bad, it’s just that, some dishes we had at the cafeteria in the past years were particularly questionable. Not to be mean either, but seriously, who thought that some of them were a good idea? Walking down the way to go back to my apartment, with Shin-Ae by my side for once. The walk was pretty silent, both on our phone. Not the awkward and embarrassing silence I could usually create, but more like a comfortable silence. Nothing needed to be said out loud. And if anything to say came in our mind, we probably pushed it in the back of our head to talk about it while eating. During the time I was cooking something, I realized that I wasn’t really used to have two people to feed and not only myself. Jeez, I should ask people to come over more often than that or I’ll end really lonely someday. Maybe. Yeah, probably. And while I was busying myself in the kitchen, Shin-Ae was just chilling on my couch, both of our phones in hand, probably having some fun talking to people as me. Couldn’t blame her honestly. At least, I couldn’t, until she let out a little whimper, before shouting to me, without even moving. “ GUESS WHO IS INVITED TO WATCH MOONBIN AND ROCKY DANCE THIS AFTERNOON!” I sighed heavily, coming back to the coffee table to put down the tray with our plates and everything to eat, before quirking an eyebrow. “Wow, tell me, great friend, who’s the idiot that is going to hang out with my two future husbands this afternoon? To know who I have to defeat, of course.” If she couldn’t hear my sarcasm, I’ll probably gave up on her. I didn’t really care about who was the lucky girl who had a chance to hang out with them. And watch them dance. Absolutely not jealous. At all. “It’s you, you stupid, they both asked you to come when I told them we didn’t have class. Oh, and I accepted for you. I know, I’m fantastic, you’re welcome.” oh. OH. OH JEEZ. How to feel really stupid in one lesson. At this point, I didn’t even know if I should be thankful to her because she did all that, but at the same time, it meant that I’ll be just with two of my frickin’ crushes, at the same time. Watching them dance, appreciating all heavenly good they look. It also meant not studying, but that’s a thing I could do at night, instead of sleeping. Alright. Not panicking. Not freaking out. Everything is going to work ok. “Oh. Okay, thank you for planning my afternoon then. I guess you’re just gonna spend some time with my baby best friend instead of studying the new chapter with me then.” Yeah, my whole point here is to keep a cool façade in front of her. She just smirked, adding the fact that she’ll take responsibility if we fail at this chapter. Wow, so nice. SO. NICE. Only an hour after, I ended up in front of the practice room of the dancing student. I wasn’t only panicking, I was really questioning my motives of coming to them to watch them. But obviously, since Shin-Ae told them, as me, that I’ll be there, I couldn’t just cancel, in less than an hour. It wouldn’t have been really serious to do that this way. So here I was, standing like a statue. For the thousandth time, I rearranged my flannel on my shoulder, asking myself if it was alright, before doing my ponytail again to be sure it was perfect. And then, my flannel again. For once, I wasn’t wearing any high-waisted pants, just some black leggings with a white crop top under my red flannel, and some converse. Such a casual, cute, and a bit sexy outfit. Why was I wearing that?! OH. MY. GOD. I was really close to facepalming myself now. Deciding to leave my terror aside, I knocked two time on the wooden door, waiting for an answer while I was switching from a feet to the other. But instead of just a “yeah”, or a “come in”, the door swung open quickly just in front of me, making me jump. Sometimes I tend to forgot how lively and dynamic Rocky is, especially when it’s about spending some time together. And just behind, I can’t see Moonbin, stretching carefully. At the same time as I try to not drool on the floor just at this sight. Oops. Without hesitation, Rocky pulled me in the room, always so excited to talk, asking how I have been during the last two weeks, when we couldn’t see each other a lot because of school. Meanwhile we were both talking excitedly about the two weeks, Binnie was there, left aside, knowing the two stories since he never stopped talking to one or the other during the two weeks. Except the beginning, which was, not really surprisingly, awkward. After I just sat in the back to watch them dance, everything seemed a lot more relaxed, the both them in their environment. It was their world, I couldn’t deny that. And it was really beautiful, just watching them be. They’re having fun, enjoying the company of the other, and I wasn’t too much in here. The mood was so light and so nice. Suddenly, Binnie stopped dancing to turn around and look at me. Even if he could see me in the mirror in front of us, but anyway. A sly smirk appeared on his face and he extend a hand to me. “SanHa told me you are a good dancer, and even if you were quite great at the party, I want to really see it. Please?” And then again, he switched to his puppycat smile. How could I resist to that? And in all honesty, I knew SanHa must’ve dropped the hint before, that’s why my outfit was practical enough to dance with them. Even if I’d take a sweatpants over a legging anytime. But yeah, less cute. I got up and walked over to them, poking Moonbin’s nose, smiling softly “This kind of smile is cheating Binnie”. I stuck out my tongue to him before a little giggle, without seeing how flustered it got him. I stretched a bit, just testing a little my now-low flexibility. Rocky jogged to the stereo, choosing a song on his phone to see how I’ll dance to that. Especially when I hear one of my favorite song blast through the speaker. Well, I’m kind of happy that he’ll remember me telling about this song when we were at the coffee shop, the first time. I started to move, slowly first but gaining confidence quickly, getting a bit faster. I had to admit that I was kinda shy to show them in the first place, but I forgot their presence to dance freely on the beat of the song that I liked way too much. I closed my eyes and that was the mistake I made… Eyes closed, I couldn’t see the look on their face. Rocky, smiling widely and clutching his chest at the feeling of his heart beating faster. Or Moonbin, smiling softly at my figure, growing fonder of me at each step I took. But at the second the song stopped and I opened my eyes again, I just saw two smiles, and an excited puppy Rocky who jogged to me, before jumping up and down with my hands in his. “It was so great Mee ! You should dance with us more ! Pleaaaase !” I just patted his shoulder, with a laugh. I removed my flannel to tie it around my hips, adding my hands on each sides, daring them to dance with me for the rest of the afternoon. And they took the challenge really seriously. As I walked home, Rocky by my side, I just couldn’t stop smiling, all happy of the time spent together. And like the last date, he slowly took my hand, intertwining our fingers, in a way that my heart skipped a beat before going twice his normal speed. If only he knew how this little kind of actions made my heart flutter, and my cheeks heat up. If only he knew the way he make me feel. But as we made our way to the front door of my apartment, finally letting one of them enter more than the hall of the building, I thought that, maybe he knew. And the only reason he kept doing it, was because he felt the same way about it. Wow, hold your horses and think about it just a second. We are talking about the popular Rocky, the crush of half the girl of this campus. Not even talking about the other girls on the rest of the country. How Rocky, the popular, kind, sweet, super handsome could like me? Well, he’s holding my hand but that’s not really something big, is it? Before going any further in my thoughts, he poked my cheek, in front of my door. “So, Mee, it was kind of our third date.. I walked you home and all..” “Yes, I think I  was pretty aware about all that.” “Is it the time where I can kiss you goodbye and ask you to be my girlfriend at the same time?” Everything froze, my breath got caught up in my throat, will my eyes were widening. And I made the shyest nod I ever did, lips slightly ajar before he caught them with his. With a hand on my cheek, and on of mine on his chest, all of this was so softly executed. So natural but so new, we both had closed our eyes the second our lips met. Nothing in it was random or amateur. The shyness slowly disappearing on both side, his second hand find my waist to pull me carefully closer. And when the kiss was broken by his smile, I just became aware of the lack of air in my lungs. All my question were erased from my head, and I felt so light. “Will you be my girlfriend then?” “Honestly Rocky, do you really need an answer for that?” “No, but I want to hear it..” I whispered a little “yes”, before leaving a little peck on his lips. And a big smile came across his face, holding me close for a few minutes, in silence. Just enjoying to be this close with each other. Eventually, he let me go, letting me go back home, to finally take a shower and start studying before eating to continue even after dinner. That was my plan before seeing a few texts on my phone.
[18:46] Rocky : Binnie, I won the bet, she is my girlfriend. I’m sorry you lost ㅋㅋㅋ
And everything fell apart. I was just a bet then. How surprising.
Next part >
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cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 12: Up in Smoke
She's wearing her panties and Bra and a Chitinous Light armor which covers her body, But is still comfy and flexible, As a queen should have.
As Claudette walks through the forest, she hears the birds singing happily. It seems perfectly peaceful. There's even a friendly little rabbit bouncing along beside her.
Claudette smiles, Looking down at the rabbit. "It's such a nice day."she giggles.
The rabbit hops up to her, looking up at her with eyes that give off a sort of human-like intelligence.
Claudette watches it for a minute. "Hmm?"
The rabbit nuzzles her, as the clouds overhead darken.
Claudette looks up, Then at the Rabbit. She walks over to a tree so the leaves block the rain.
The rabbit follows her under the tree as it begins to rain. It lays down next to her, munching on the grass.
Claudette watches it, Thinking. Maybe if she layed eggs in it, The hatchlings would make a nest elsewhere and spread her species?
A bolt of lightning strikes nearby, and the sound of thunder startles the rabbit, causing it to run between Claudette's legs, quivering with fear. It seems like it'll be a while till the rain stops, maybe Claudette should get some sleep.
Claudette picks the little rabbit up and hugs it, Falling asleep.
When she wakes up, Claudette is cuddling with a small, green-haired girl who's fast asleep.
Claudette jumps. "Guh?" she looks at the girl.
"Mhh..." The girl starts to stir. It's stopped raining, and the little rabbit is nowhere to be seen.
Claudette pokes her. "Hey."
The girl opens her eyes. She has tribal-like tattoos on her naked body. "Huh... oh! You're that nice bee lady!" She says, hugging her. "Thank you for letting me sleep with you!"
Claudette looks confused. "Were you that rabbit?"
"Yep! I'm a Druid. We can turn into certain animals." She says happily. "Thunder scares me... I'm glad you were here."
Claudette nods, Standing. "I should be off." she begins to walk away.
"Wait!" The Druid calls out to her. "U-um..." she shifts nervously. "C-can I travel with you? For just a bit longer? I promise I won't be a burden! Pleaaaase?"
Claudette stops. "Lean on the tree near me, And let me lay my eggs in you, and I'll allow it, Druid."
The Druid nods happily. "And then you'll let me go with you? Okay!" She leans on the tree, humming happily. "So... how do you lay your eggs?"
Her ovipositor extends from her tail, And she takes of her lower armor and panties, Growing a cock. She walks up to the druid and slides her cock into her ass, Her ovipositor Sliding into the Druid's pussy.
The Druid squeals, blushing brightly as both of her holes are filled. "Mhh, b-bee lady?"
Claudette begins fucking her ass as she begins to lay her eggs, Her own pussy sliding across her Tail and leaking juices.
The Druid moans loudly as Claudette fucks her tight ass. "Ahhn, c-can you go... harder please, bee lady?"
Claudette speeds up, fucking the druid's ass harder.
She moans happily, her tongue lolling out as she gets filled with eggs. "Ahhn, yes! I-I'm gonna- mhh- cum!"
Claudette cums, her golden goo filling the druid's ass as she finishes egging her.
The Druid cums too, squealing loudly. She pants softly and rubs her egg-filled belly. "Mhh, I really like you, bee lady."
Claudette nods, Pulling out. "I'm going, Keep up."
"Okay!" The Druid smiles and follows after her, struggling a bit with her newly filled belly.
Claudette stops, Looking at The druid. "When we return, you'll have to get converted or stay with the other stock."
"The other stock? What do you mean?" The Druid asks, catching up to her. "Gods, I'm not used to this extra weight."
"Non-Waspkin Are breeding stock in the Hive."
"Th-that doesn't sound very fun..." She whimpers.
"You'd be treated well.....you'd just be at the command of the waspkin in the hive."
"Oh, well that doesn't sound so bad." The Druid smiles. "I like helping people anyway."
"You'd be a good help, I think. The eggs your body keeps warm will birth larvae that grow into more waspkin."
"Then I wanna be breeding stock and make lots of little waspkin like you, bee-lady!" She hugs her.
"Claudette. Queen Claudette."
She gasps. "You're a queen?! I got to have sex with a queen?" She smiles brightly. "You're the best queen ever!"
Claudette blushes. "Thank you, Dear. What is your name?"
"My parents named me Little Paw but you can just call me Lil." She smiles. "So what's a queen doing so far away from her hive, anyway?"
Claudette looks at her. "There's a Hive nearby that burned. The Queen Died. I want to collect the waspkin there and bring them to my nest."
Lil nods. "Ohh, that doesn't sound so hard. Lets go!"
"I don't think it will be. I don't think many are left."
"Oh... well... it shouldn't be too hard to get the ones that are left to join you, right?"
"I think they are all larvae and birthers. Surely most of the drones flew off...??"
"Then lets not keep those adorable little larvae waiting any longer!" Lil smiles happily, grabbing Claudette's hand and walking down the path. "C'mon!"
Claudette follows, Nodding. "You're very considerate of waspkin. It's interesting to see."
Lil smiles. "I just hate seeing people unhappy, that's all."
Claudette keeps walking, Watching little paw curiously.
Lil hums happily as they walk. "So how were you planning on getting all those Larvae to your hive safely?" She asks. "This is a dangerous road. Not place for kids."
"Well, Me and you will have to lead them back with the birthers." she says simply.
"Leave it to me!" Lil says confidently. "I may not look it, but I'm pretty tough!" She puffs her chest trying to look tough, but instead looks adorable.
Claudette giggles. "I'm sure. I'm quite tough myself."
"Then together we can handle anything! Dragon, demon, whatever comes!" She says cheerfully.
Claudette smiles. "I wonder if laying eggs in a dragon would work..." she says, Walking.
Lil shrugs. "I dunno. Maybe one day you'll find out." She giggles.
The Ruined hive is just up ahead.
Claudette bites her finger. "Oh my." she says.
"Hm? What is it?" Lil asks. "Are we almost there?"
The ruined hive is so damaged, that it doesn't even look like a hive anymore.
"Is it past that... what is that? A bunch of flaky rocks?"
"That's the Hive." Claudette says sadly. "Damn Vandals."
"That's the hive?" Lil asks. "Oh no... could anyone even live there?"
It looks like the inner parts of the hive managed to avoid most of the fire, if anyone's left, it's in there.
Claudette walks into the wreckage. "Dammit. This is why you keep it moist. And destroy old sectors. Dry sectors are how this happens..." she says sadly.
Lil follows her in. "Gods... so many people lived here and it all went up in smoke." She stops. "I hear someone crying. Further in the hive! It must be the larvae!"
Claudette quickly tears through the wreckage, Looking for the larvae. "The royal sector must've fallen."
Underneath some of the wreckage is the body of the queen. It looks like she died when part of the roof collapsed on her. There's a small child crying under her, most likely the queen sacrificed herself to shield this larvae from the falling debris.
"One larva." Claudette says sadly. "She must be a Royal Hatchling." she picks the larva up.
The larvae looks up at Claudette. She looks dehydrated and malnourished, but otherwise okay. "Wh-who are you?" She asks, both confused and afraid.
"I'm a Queen, Love. Are you all that's left?"
Claudette had expected a refugee group. Birthers, Or a clutch of Larvae. One Larva was worse then she thought.
"I-I don't know... There was screaming, and fire... a-and then the queen... the roof fell and she..." She clutches tightly onto Claudette, sobbing.
Claudette looks at Lil. "Check the upper sector. Be careful. If there's survivors, they must be up there."
Lil nods. "Alright. Be careful." She climbs up the wreckage to the upper sector.
"Mommy..." The larvae sobs.
Claudette looks up at Lil, hugging the larva. "Did you find anything, Dear?"
"Um... not ye-" Lil gets kicked in the face by a waspkin, falling back down to the floor of the hive. "Ow... I think I found something."
"Who are you?! What are you doing here?" A drone asks, holding a spear.
Claudette quickly flies up to the upper sector with the Larva. "Easy, I'm a Queen. Queen Claudette."
"How do I know you're not with those damn succubi?" The drone asks, pointing the spear at her. The drone's wing looks badly damaged, probably permanently.
Claudette raises an eyebrow. "You can't sense my phermones?"
"W-well... I-I..." The drone puts down the spear. "I just wanted to make sure is all. But... if you saved that Larvae then I guess you're not with them." She looks back. "It's safe! She's a queen!" About half a dozen birthers and a dozen larvae step out from hiding.
Claudette smiles. "Good, More survivors. Now, What attacked you? succubi?"
The drone nods. "Some succubi set fire to our hive. We don't have many enemies, and we'd never seen them before. We don't know what they want." She says. "They didn't look like normal succubi either. They had dark blue skin and black horns."
"I see. How were they able to destroy the entire Hive? I've never seen one burned this horribly."
"They... they had a Mage with them. A powerful one. They started burning one side of the hive, and when we all rushed over to stop the flame, their Mage just burned through the other side like paper."
Claudette sighs sadly. "Gods.....What a disaster. The queen died in the blaze?"
The drone nods. "The body you found protecting that larvae. That was her. You're holding her youngest daughter. And the heir to the throne now."
"Poor dear.....I'm here to relocate you all to my kingdom."
The drone nods. "Good, I wasn't sure how much longer we could hold out here. I'm the only drone left to protect them, if those succubi come back..." She shudders. "It doesn't matter. We should get going."
"Your wing is broken.." Claudette says sadly.
The drone nods. "It... it was damaged in the fire. I understand if you don't want a drone that can't fly burdening your hive. I just ask that you please give these larvae and birthers a home."
"I won't leave you here. Come on. I have a use for you, Dear."
The drone smiles. "You do?" She picks up her spear and whistles. "Come on, we're relocating to a new hive. Everyone stick together."
The little larvae in Claudette's arms sniffles. "M-mommy?" She looks up at Claudette. "I'm hungry, mommy..."
Claudette nods. "I need a birther." she says.
"I... I've never laid eggs before." The drone smiles. "But I can serve you as best I can, my queen." She bows.
"Are you producing milk? I'm sure the birthers are dry..."
She nods. "They are. But... I have a... the queen called it a blessing." She says. "I've never been pregnant but I still produce milk. I've been feeding most of the larvae recently."
"You'll have to feed her too. The birthers will need to be nursed back to health and the larvae will be fed by our birthers."
The drone nods. She looks exhausted, but determined. "Alright, give the little darling here." She drops her spear and holds out her hands to take the larvae. "I still have enough milk in me to feed her before we travel back to your hive."
Claudette hands the larva to the Drone. "Feed her quick, i don't want to be here by night fall."
The drone nods, holding the larva gently. "Here, love. Drink up." The little larvae starts suckling her breast. The drone looks down at her with a motherly love in her eyes. "My queen? Could I... stay with her? I owe her mother a great debt."
Claudette nods. "If you wish, Dear."
The drone smiles. "Thank you, my queen. I'll see to it no harm befalls her."
"Claudette!" Lil calls up. "We should get going if we want to get home by nightfall."
Claudette nods. "Come on, We need to go." she flies down.
The drone nods, picking up her spear with one arm while holding the larvae with her other, walking down the wreckage of the hive. The other birthers and larvae follow after her.
Claudette leads them, Hopeful she"ll make it back before sundown.
Lil looks around nervously as they get about halfway home. "I... I have a bad feeling, Claudette."
Claudette stops,Looking around. "Huh?"
A figure flies overhead. The figure has bright red scales and large wings, but a humanoid figure.
Claudette raises an eyebrow. "A dragon?"
"Oh gods, I-I know I said we could take on a dragon, but now I'm not so sure..." Lil says nervously.
The figure lands in front of them, flaring its wings. It's a tall, toned dragonkin with bright red scales. She's as big as a Minotaur. "Where do you think you're going?" She grins, baring her fangs.
"Home." claudette growls. "Blocking us will get you enslaved. Move."
"Enslaved? Are you threatening me?" The dragonkin says, frowning.
"I'm warning you. Step aside."
"Not gonna happen. You're gonna have to find another path. Or you could always try going through the forest." The smirks.
"Last warning to step aside." Claudette gets in position.
The drone puts down the larvae, standing next to Claudette and raising her spear. Lil stands nervously.
Claudette narrows her eyes. "Looks like you'd rather be enslaved."
"I don't think you could ever enslave me. Even if you did, I'd just burn down your hive." She grins. "But go ahead. Just try to enslave me."
Claudette growls, Flying towards her, Stinger beared.
The dragoness steps out of the way, grabbing Claudette by the throat.
Claudette gags, Pushing forward to try and sting her.
The drone charges, trying to stab the dragoness with the spear. The dragoness holds Claudette in the way, forcing the drone to pull up to avoid stabbing her. "That stinger looks dangerous. Maybe I should just rip it off."
Lil is still quivering in fear, not sure what to do.
"Y-You would bring the wrath of legions of waspkin down on you." Claudette hisses.
The dragoness grins. "Good. I'll be waiting."
She reaches down to grab Claudette's stinger when Lil lets out a roar, her body transforming into a dragon the size of a large horse, tackling the dragoness to the ground and making her drop Claudette. "Don't you dare hurt Claudette!" Lil roars.
Claudette takes the oppurtunity to sting her quickly.
The dragoness struggles as hard as she can, before the venom begins to take its effect. She quickly falls asleep.
Lil gets off of her, looking down at her dragon body. "Wow... I... I didn't know I could do that."
"Let's restrain and muzzle this slut."
The drone nods. "But... with what?"
"Find something! There has to be some rope or something around here..."
The drone nods. "Right!" She runs off into the forest, returning a few moments later. "I found some tough vines, they'll have to do."
"Tie her arms and legs and Muzzle her."
"What about her wings?" The drone asks, tying the dragoness' arms and legs and muzzling her.
"Wings as well, We will reeducate her in the hive."
The drone nods, tying up her wings too. "Alright, that should hold until we get to the hive."
Lil nods, turning back into a human. "I can carry her until she wakes up."
The drone shakes her head. "You are carrying eggs. I shall carry her."
"Are you sure you can handle it? You look exhausted."
"I'll be fine."
Claudette nods, Walking with the group back towards her hive.
The rest of the trip proceeds quietly and soon they are back home at the hive. "Wow... I didn't know your hive was so big!" Lil smiles.
"It's about as big as our old hive... we will be happy here." The drone says, her arms starting to tremble from the weight of carrying the dragoness.
Claudette crosses her arms. "Drones! Escort this dragoness to the prisons. She will be reeducated and used as breeding stock."
Drones fly out from the hive and take the dragoness. "Would you like to personally oversee her reeducation, or shall we have one of our wardens handle it?"
"I will personally oversee it. Keep her sedated and clip the tips of her wings."
The drone nods. "It shall be done." They carry the unconscious dragoness into the hive.
"Show Little paw to her new dwelling, And all the birthers and larvae to the infirmary. I need to take care of our new dragoness." Claudette walks towards the prisons.
The drones nod, leading the injured drone, Little Paw, and the others into the hive.
Claudette walks down. She smiles, Pledging to show the dragoness the error of her ways.
A drone shows her to the dragoness' new cell. Her vine restraints have been replaced with metal, and the tips of her wings have been clipped. She's still unconscious.
"Good. Sedate her and feed her lots of honey so she can't use her fire breath."
"Yes, my queen." The drone nods, whistling. Another drone comes in with a bowl of honey, unmuzzling the dragoness and feeding it to her.
Claudette sits down and grins, Waiting for the dragoness to wake up.
The drones leave, and It's a few minutes before the dragoness begins to stir. "Mhh... my head..."
"You're finally awake." Claudette smiles.
"What the- where am I?!" The dragoness sits up, pulling at her restraints. "Damnit, let me go before I turn this place to ashes!"
"Try. You've been sedated and fattened with honey." she grins.
The dragoness grins. "Honey? Stopping my flame?" She breathes in, holds it for a moment, and then simply blows cool air, a single pathetic bit of smoke raising from her mouth. "What?! My flame?! You bitch, I swear I'll make you pay!" She growls.
"There's nothing you can do, dear." claudette says. "You're at my mercy. I've been thinking of all sorts of uses for you."
The dragoness huffs. "Like what?"
"Injecting phermones into your breasts so you lactate honey, And Injecting them into your Womb so you'll Produce and incubate waspkin Eggs, For starters."
The dragoness frowns. "So that's what I am to you? A breeding cow?" She growls, pulling at her restraints. "I swear when I get free I'm gonna make make you regret this!"
"With that attitude, You'll never be free." Claudette retorts. "You're at my mercy. Like it or not, you're a slave of the hive now. And your large, Warm body makes for a nice breeding center."
The dragoness' bold attitude weakens slightly. "Y-you'll let me go if I do what you say, right?"
"You're never leaving this hive." claudette growls. "You sealed your fate when you tried to tear off my stinger."
"I-i was just bluffing! I wasn't really going to hurt you, honest!" The dragoness says.
Claudette stands, Her ovipositor revealed as she flies up and sticks it into one of the dragoness's nipples. "Let's begin your repurposing."
"No, please! I'm sorry!" The dragoness cries out. "I'll do anything you want, I'm begging you! I don't want to be breeding stock!"
Claudette growls, Injecting her phermones into the dragoness's Breast. Her anatomy is changed, Causing her to begin to lactate honey.
The dragoness whimpers as she feels her body changing, honey starting to leak from her large breasts. "I said I was sorry..."
"Apologize all you like." Claudette says, Moving down and sliding her ovipositor into the Dragoness's pussy. She lays her eggs and injects her phermones, Turning the Dragoness's Womb into a Waspkin Egg incubator.
The dragoness stops struggling as her body finishes changing, her belly now filled with eggs. "So what now? I stay locked up for the rest of my life making more waspkin for you?" She asks, gritting her teeth in frustration at her helplessness.
Claudette slides her ovipositor into the dragoness's mouth, Squirting phermones down her throat, Rendering her flameless and reprogramming her stomach to accept honey and waspkin cum.
The dragoness looks up at Claudette angrily as her body changes.
Claudette flies back. "Are you going to attack me if I release you?"
The dragoness looks at her angrily for a moment before sighing and shaking her head sadly. "No... I won't..."
"You're going to be a good girl?"
She nods. "I'll be a good girl..."
"Address me as 'my queen'."
"Yes... my queen. I'll be a good girl." She says submissively.
Claudette unchains her, Letting her down.
The dragoness rubs her sore wrists. "What now... my queen? If I'm stuck in here, where am I going? With the other breeding stock?"
Claudette nods. "On all fours. Now."
The dragoness opens her mouth to object, but stops when she realizes it's pointless. She gets down on all fours, her tail slowly swishing back and forth.
"Good girl. What's your name? "
"Ember..." She tells her. "My name is Ember."
Claudette smiles. "Do you want a treat, Ember?"
"Y-yes please... my queen."
Claudette grows her cock. "Be a good girl. No teeth."
Ember nods and opens her mouth submissively, feeling a craving for waspkin cum because of her new anatomy.
Claudette slides her cock into Ember's mouth. "Good girl. Now suck."
Ember does as she's told, sucking Claudette's cock obediently.
Claudette thrusts forward, Facefucking ember and watching her sway her tail.
Ember lets out a muffled moan as Claudette thrusts in and out of her mouth, her tail swaying faster.
"Get ready to swallow my load, slut." Claudette grunts as she nears orgasm,Facefucking ember faster.
Ember moans, licking at Claudette's cock, trying to get the biggest load she can.
Claudette cums, Filling her mouth and throat with her sticky load.
Ember eagerly swallows her cum, enjoying the taste and continuing to lick Claudette's cock to try and get more.
Claudette smiles as her cock disappears. "Good girl. "
Ember looks up at her, blushing lightly. "Th-thank you, my queen."
Claudette pets her head. "Come now, I need to talk to someone."
"Hm? Who?" She asks, standing up. "And why am I needed?"
"On all fours." Claudette commands. "That's how you will be around your queen."
"What?! But that's..." she sighs. "Yes, my queen." She gets down on all fours. "Just don't ask me to roll over and wag my tail."
"Roll over and wag your tail." Claudette commands.
"I shouldn't have said anything." Ember grumbles, rolling over onto her back and wagging her tail. "Happy?"
Claudette rubs her belly. "Are you?"
Ember blushes. "Well... a little bit..."
Claudette scratches Ember's scaly body like she's a dog.
Ember's tail starts to wag faster. "Mhh, s-stop it. I'm not a dogkin."
"Oh, But you're acting like it." she giggles, Scratching the once proud dragoness's neck.
"I-I am not!" She says, leaning against Claudette's hand. "Mhh, right there..."
Claudette giggles and scratches her where she wants. "Just admit it. You're my good little pet dragoness."
"P-preening is a common social activity among dragons, that's all!" She says, her tail wagging faster.
"You're my good little dragon, aren't you?" she smiles, Continuing her assault.
"I'm... your good little dragon." Ember admits shyly, blushing.
"Mhm, You're a very good little dragon." Claudette smiles and hugs her.
Ember blushes brighter, her cheeks matching her scales as she hugs her back. "I am?"
"You are. Carry me to the historian sector. It's ahead."
"Carry you? On my back?" Ember asks.
"You can do that, can't you?"
"I-I can. Just... tell me where to go." Ember says, getting back on all fours.
Claudette sits on her back. "Up ahead. Crawl forward."
Ember nods, crawling forward. She keeps her gaze downwards to avoid making eye contact with all the drones watching them.
"Good girl. Turn Right up here."
Ember does as she's told, turning right and continuing onwards.
Claudette smiles. "Don't look so glum, Dear."
"I-I'm not glum... I'm embarrassed. All these drones are staring at me."
"You're not a waspkin. They're just not used to seeing different species out much."
"I think it has more to do with you riding on my back." Ember says. "Please tell me we're close to wherever you're taking me."
"Keep going straight." Claudette smiles.
"Do you even know where you're going, or do you just feel like parading me around?"
"If you keep getting lippy, I will parade you around."
"U-understood, my queen." Ember says, staying quiet as she crawls.
"Left up here." Claudette points at the opening.
Ember turns left and keeps going. "Are we there yet?"
"Here we are." she smiles. "Be a good girl and stay behind me."
Ember nods. "Yes, my queen. Who are you going to talk to?"
"The historian, And you're my pet. Pets are seen, Not heard."
"Y-yes, my queen..." Ember says. "I'll be quiet."
Claudette walks into the room and looks around. "Hello?"
A refined looking waspkin wearing reading glasses is sitting by a table, reading a book when Claudette walks in. "Ah, my queen!" She puts the book down and stands up. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today?"
Ember crawls in after Claudette.
"I need information about Succubi with black horns."
"Black horns?" The historian thinks for a moment. "Hmm, maybe there's something in here..." She pulls out a large book with the mark of lust on the cover, flipping through it. "Golden sentinels... Castle Amber, hmm, should change that... The seven queens..." She continues looking through. "Noctis, Aamu, Jeda, Versu, Matsu, Gabriella, Deumos..." The historian flips through the pages. "Ah, black horns!" She smiles and begins to read. "Deumos would typically convert others into what is now known as the corrupted, however, it has been documented on rare occasions that she has performed a different ritual. One that left the recipient with dark blue skin and black horns. A succubus like this has never been caught."
Claudette crosses her arms. "A succubus like that Destroyed a neighboring hive."
The historian looks up. "Are you sure? They haven't been seen in centuries. If they're back then... could Deumos be back?"
Claudette narrows her eyes. "Is that what it means?'
"I don't know, I'm only a historian. But a ritual capable of changing someone like that would require a very powerful caster. Someone who was gifted in dark magic. Someone like Deumos."
Claudette nods. "If deumos was vanqiuished, Though......Could anyone else cast such a spell?"
"I suppose so, but they'd need to be very talented with dark magic." The historian says.
Claudette nods. "Why would a black horn sucucbus vandalize a waspkin nest?"
The historian shrugs. "For the same reason anyone else would. To eliminate foes and spread fear."
Claudette crosses her arms. "I see. I'll have the scouts find as much as they can about the black-Horned Succubi. Ember, Come up here so you can take me to the barracks."
Ember crawls over. "Yes, my queen." She says submissively.
The historian smiles. "I'll keep searching and let you know if I find anything, my queen."
"Thank you." she sits down on Ember's back. "Go back to the Central Sector, Ember."
Ember blushes and nods, crawling to the central sector.
Claudette gently scratches her, Wanting to keep her comfortable.
Ember's tail starts to wag as she crawls, smiling faintly.
Claudette giggles. "Oh, Your tail started right up."
"I-it just does that." Ember says shyly.
Claudette giggles. "You want to go somewhere private, Ember?"
Ember blushes and nods. "Y-yes please, my queen."
"We'll take a little break. Take us into that little sector there." she points at a little room nearby.
Ember nods and crawls into the room, starting to get wet.
Claudette giggles and climbs onto a bed in the room. "Come up here, Love."
Ember follows her onto the bed. "Wh-what are we gonna do, my queen?"
Claudette hugs Ember's scaly body, Giving her harder scratches.
Ember blushes, her tail wagging faster. "Mhh, my queen..."
"Yeah, You're my good girl, Aren't you?" she smiles, Scratching behind Ember's ears.
"I-I'm your good girl..." She admits, leaning against her.
Claudette smiles. "You're cute, For a big strong dragoness."
"I'm not cute, I'm scary..."
"You're a good little pet dragon." Claudette smiles and Squeezes Ember's nipples.
Ember gasps, moaning cutely. "Ahhn, my queen..." she nuzzles Claudette.
Claudette hugs her. "You love being a pet, Don't you?"
"I-I do..." Ember admits. "I love being your pet."
Claudette begins to fall asleep on top of Ember.
Ember smiles, cuddling with Claudette and wrapping her wings around her to keep her warm. "I love you, my queen." She whispers.
Claudette snuggles into her pet's larger body.
Ember closes her eyes, falling asleep with her new owner.
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