#playpen gates
stenoodie · 1 year
Week 158 motherhood - kids' first wedding attendance, infant massage class, tree planting, fire station open house
Week 158 motherhood - kids' first wedding attendance, infant massage class, tree planting, fire station open house. #earlyoninfantmassage #earmuffs #firestationopenhouse #babygatesagain
The kids’ first wedding attendance Week 158 motherhood with 3-year-old and 9-month-old:  Continue reading Untitled
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gzprodigy · 1 year
Baby Safety Products Manufacture
Looking for a trusted baby safety products manufacturer? Look no further! GZ Prodigy is your go-to source for high-quality and reliable baby safety products. With our extensive experience and commitment to excellence, we are proud to offer a wide range of baby safety essentials, including our retractable mesh pet gate with a rolling design for kids and stair fences. Designed to prioritize safety and convenience, our products provide peace of mind for parents while ensuring a secure environment for their little ones. Visit the link below to explore our top-notch baby safety products and make your home a safe haven for your baby!
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thegreatirene · 8 months
My Best Friends Brother(Carl Gallagher x Latina!reader)
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Rated: Mature(language and implied sex)
Summary: after leaving the south side you come back to visit your best friend’s lip and Ian. A lot of things changed around the Gallagher household especially the people living in it.
I watched some clips on tiktok of Carl and forgot how cute he looked in his policeman outfit. So this takes place in like the last season so Fiona is gone but she’s mentioned in it. The read is Latina cuz I am and I want more Latina reader fics out there.
“How long has it been since you left?”
“Shit, like eight? Yea I think it’s eight cause we were still in high school when my family moved.”
You inhaled on the watermelon flavored vape you had as you walked next to lip. You found him walking with a stroller. Surprised the hell out of you when you learned he had a kid and was married as well. You were happy for him and continued your walk with him on his way back to the Gallagher house. He told you about the things you’ve missed. Fiona being the biggest one. You didn’t think she would actually leave everyone behind without a word but you were really happy for her. You didn’t say it, cause you didn’t want to hurt lip’s feelings but she deserved to get out of here.
“No way Mickey and Ian are together! Would have thought they would have fucked a couple times and moved on” you laughed as you handed your vape to lip.
“We thought the same thing. Ian kind of thought that too but they’ve been strong throughout their relationship.”
“That’s cool and them other ones? Debbie and Franny still good?”
“Yea Deb’s had some shit going on with her but she’s fine now. Liam is our smart guy. Little man getting straight A’s”
“I’m not surprised. You and Ian were pretty good in school. I guess it skips a generation” you laugh as lip handed your vape back.
“Yea Carl’s a cop believe it or not”
“No fucking way?!?! Carl, Carl? The little boy who beat and tortured people just for the fun of it? The one we all thought was gonna be on the most wanted??? That Carl?” Lip nodded his head as the both of you stopped in front of the gate that was in front of the Gallagher’s house.
“I swear it,” lip held his hand up, “he should be dropping by soon if you want to see him?” You laughed as you said yes and went into the house with him.
“Man it still looks the same” you took your jacket off as you hung it on one of the empty hooks by the door. Walking further in you could hear voices in the kitchen and made your way in. Lip put his son in the playpen and walked towards the kitchen. Standing at the counter with his back to the doorway was Ian. Mickey looked around him and nodded towards you.
“Holy shit, here I thought you got deported” Mickey said as he took a sip of his coffee. Ian turned to see who he was talking to and broke out into a smile.
“And I don’t know how many times I have to tell your racist ass that I was born here-“ Ian grabbed you into a hug in the middle of your rant to Mickey.
“It’s so good to see you y/n” he kissed the top of your head as you squeezed him to you. You pulled back from the hug but still in his arms as you got a good look at his face.
“Still the pretty red head” you patted his cheek as you hugged him again. The both of you laughed as you felt Ian being pulled back a bit.
“Ok enough of that” Mickey said as he pushed Ian back from the shoulder and looked at you.
“Don’t get jealous Mickey. Ian is all yours he doesn’t like pussy remember?” You laughed as he mocked the laugh and pulled you into a hug. He patted your back a couple of times and then pushed you off of him and walked back to his seat.
“So it’s just you two here?”
“Yea Liam is at one of his friend’s house and Deb’s at the park with Franny.” You nodded your head.
“Lip said Carl’s a cop?”
“Yea he’s changed a lot” Ian offered you a cup but you declined it. Lip made a ‘I told you so’ face as he walked in front of you to get his own cup.
“He grew into that big ass head of his?” You questioned as you laughed at the memory of the little boy.
“Who has a big head?” Came Carl’s voice as he stood next to you. You looked up at him, “holy shit, y/n?” Carl looked you over. You got a good look at him. He’s a couple inches taller than you and definitely grew up. Carl is handsome and you definitely weren’t prepared for that. You blinked a couple of times and smiled at him.
“Hey bid head. It’s good to see you” he rolled his eyes and pulled you into a hug. You placed your face next to his. He smelled nice and god could you feel how strong his body felt under his clothes. You pulled back from the hug or at least tried but Carl was holding on to you. You could feel Carl’s hand rub your back and start to move a little lower.
“Ok that’s enough” lip said as he went and broke the two of you apart. You turned away from Carl to calm yourself while Lip smirked at his little brother and patted his shoulder. Ian held up his left arm for you to walk into him. He held you by the shoulder as lip and Carl whispered to each other.
“Man, you Gallagher’s really don’t be lacking in the looks department, huh?” You said to Ian and he looked down at you as you eyed Carl. His younger brother doing the same from over Lip’s shoulder. You huffed a breath through your nose and turned to look at Mickey and Ian.
“Nothing just-“
“Watching you be a prev for his brother.” Mickey finished. You scoffed at his remark and folded your arms over your chest.
“Fuck you, I’m just saying that the family has good genes. Where did I say that Carl is hot?” You whispered yelled at Mickey as you got close to him.
“You didn’t have to say anything. We can see you eye fucking him” Mickey whispered back as he laughed at you. Ian pulled you back as you were about to say something but stopped it.
“Stop it”
“Ian he started it”
“And I’m stopping it” you sucked your teeth and settled back into his side. Lip and Carl finished their conversation with lip patting his back with a big smile and walked over to the three of you.
“You staying the night, y/n?” Lip asked as he went to sit at the table with his cup.
“I could, I’m on vacation so I don’t have any where to be. If you guys don’t mind me being here”
“Mick and me don’t live here so you can take the room we slept.”
“Is it clean?”
“It’s clean don’t worry” Ian laughed as he rubbed your arm and let you go. He walked over to the table with lip and sat down.
“Sleepover at the Gallagher’s. Brings back memories the only difference is I don’t have to awkwardly pretend I don’t hear Ian jerking off in his bed.” You and Mickey laughed as the both of you looked at Ian.
Carl came up to your side a little closer than you thought he would. You turned to look at him and smiled.
“You gonna be sleeping with me tonight, Carl?” You said to him as you leaned on the counter with your head on your hand.
“I can think of some other things we can do besides sleep” he said as he looked at you with darkened eyes. You looked at his blue eyes and then to his full lips. You wetted your bottom lip and looked back his eyes and smiled.
“I’m gonna go make a phone call. If I’m gonna be sleeping here I need some of my things” you said as you broke your eye contact with him and talked to the other three people in the room. You smiled at them as you took your phone out and started to make your phone call.
Carl watched you walk out of the room and then out the house as he bit his lip and stood there for a minute. Mickey raised his brows at the younger man and then looked at the other two brothers. Lip shook his head as he got up and walked into the living room to be with his son.
“Carl the more you look the harder it is to make your eyes go back into your head.” Ian said as he got up from the table and put his mug in the sink. Carl rolled his eyes as he looked at the front door one more time before he began to talk.
“Y/n is…” he couldn’t finish his sentence as he went back to look at the front again. Ian shook his head as he walked into the living room. Mickey looked at Carl and finally had enough.
“Listen if you’re trying to fuck y/n make your move tonight. Me and your brother are gonna be out for a couple hours at like 8 and lip said he has to go back to his house to finish doing whatever” Mickey finished his coffee and got up. He stood in front of Carl and leaned back to look into the living room.
“Debbie isn’t gonna say anything cause she don’t care and Liam is having his own sleepover. So y/n is gonna be in that room by herself. Make your move” he said as he put his mug in the sink.
“Thanks Mickey” Carl said as he looked at the older man with a look of admiration. Mickey patted his shoulder and walked into the living room.
True to what Mickey said, him and Ian left the house at 8. Lip stuck around for another hour to finish catching up with you and left when he saw you get sleepy. Debbie hadn’t shown up yet but he wasn’t worried about that at the moment.
Right now he was debating if he should do it while you were in the shower or wait until you got dressed in the room. He chose the latter and waited at the top of the steps. Once he heard the water turn off and the door open he stood up. He watched as you walked to the room at the end.
The door was left a cracked as he quickly tiptoed to the room. He listened to see if you were gonna do anything but the door swung open and you grabbed him but the front of his shirt. Closing the door with a bang and locking it, you looked at him from the door. Your towel still wrapped around your body as you looked at him with sultry eyes.
Carl gulped as he stumbled back and fell on the bed. You walked towards him in a predatory manner. Your head held high and shoulders back as you swayed your hips. You stood right in front of him and slowly unwrapped the towel. You pushed him back until he was on his forearms and settled yourself on his lap. Still holding the towel loosely to you.
“Fuck” he breathlessly said as he watched your hand drop the towel. It landed on your spread legs and he followed it. His eyes slowly followed the curves of your torso. They landed on your breast and he reached out a hand to touch them. He rubbed his thumb over your right nipple. You moaned as you bit your lip.
“You’re so beautiful y/n” he groaned as he leaned forward and sucked your left nipple into his mouth.
“Fuck Carl” you moaned as you grabbed a fist of hair and pulled him away from you. He licked his lips and looked up at you. You leaned down and captured his lips with yours. The both of you moaned into the kiss as you grind down on the growing hard on in his shorts.
“I need you papi” you moaned as he bit your neck and flipped you on to your back on the bed. Carl looked down at you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He pulled over the undershirt and threw it behind him. He breathed hard as he watched your breast move with the breath you took. His eyes met yours again and went back for another round of kisses from you.
The next morning Debbie was making breakfast for her and Franny. Lip walked into the house with Freddie in his stroller. He announced himself to his sister as he placed his son in the playpen and walked into the kitchen.
“Hey Deb’s y/n still asleep?” He asked as he walked towards the bathroom but first gave Franny a kiss on the head. Debbie made a face as she looked at lip.
“Y/n? I haven’t seen her since you guys were in school. Is she back?” She placed a plate of pancakes in front of Franny as she went to make coffee.
“Yea, I bumped into her on my walk with Freddie and we offered her to sleepover. She should be sleeping in our old room.” He said as he finished washing his hands.
“Oh then I’ll wait until she comes down. It’s been a while since she’s been here” Debbie said as she had a happy look on her face. The two continued their conversation until they heard a scream from upstairs. Lip looked to Debbie and then to the staircase.
Lip was the first one to get out of his chair as he ran up the stairs. He was intercepted by Ian who was the first one at the door. Pulling it open they both rushed in.
In the middle of the room was frank on his back on the floor with Carl on top of him holding him down. You were on the bed with the covers held to your chest as you watched Carl.
“What the hell happened?” Lip shouted as he pulled carl off of frank. Carl stood back up in just his boxers as he looked at frank and began to tell his brothers and now, Debbie and Mickey, what happened.
“Y/n woke up and frank was standing over her, watching her!” He said as he went back to get frank but lip held him back.
“Hey, hey, hey it’s not my fault this Latin beauty is in my bed naked! Who can resist when someone like that is there! By the way son got yourself a good one” frank winked at Carl but Carl wasn’t appreciative of the compliment. Frank held his hands up as he got up from the floor and dusted himself off. Carl made his way to the bed and wrapped more of the blankets around you.
“Holy shit y/n and Carl fucked!?!?” Debbie said as she made her way into the room and looked at the two of you on the bed. You huffed and rubbed your face as you looked at all of them.
“It’s too early for this.”
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shotmrmiller · 3 months
Little baby riley can jump the baby fence to her playpen like Ghost jumped the gates of the church, one time Simon saw this live while watching a movie with the babysitter and just gaped.
bub isn't a baby, she's a malinois.
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This is a little fic from one of my asks/prompts on @ghostbite0 page about their tiny 21 trio au, such a good au I literally bawl every time... anyways tadaaaaa (I will be posting more trust gang)
Sanemi could feel something felt off when he woke up. Like a little pulling In the the back of the head. He sat up and pushed away the little puppy dog he'd been sleeping with (someone keeps putting it in his arms he swears). Sanemi looks around the room he and the other babies had been staying in trying to wake himself up. He realized they weren't here in the crib with him, he was confused but he preferred it that way (no matter what the little voice in the back of his head said).
He pushed himself up and got up holding the bars of his crib getting ready to yell at someone to get him out of this thing before he hears it. He knows that laugh. The tugging in the back of his mind overtakes his whole little baby brain. An excited scream breaks out of Sanemi's mouth when he sees a flash of purple go by. 
Genya freezes, was that Sanemi? He froze thinking he heard wrong but he knew he was right. Obanai was with Mitsuri who was trying to give him a bottle and Giyuu was with Tanjiro. Sanemi got put down for a nap after he dumped his food onto the floor. Genya's nervous, ever since his brother got turned into a baby his behavior toward him totally flipped. Sanemi used to avoid Genya like a plague and now its like the two are the best of friends. It was overwhelming for the poor teen. His big adult angsty older brother who acted like Genya didn't mean anything to him was now a little baby who wanted nothing more than to hang out with him (when he's in baby mode again). A whine breaks him out of this thoughts. 
Genya hesitates for a bit longer until the whining because sobbing. He rushes into the room, almost tripping on a stuffed animal (Mitsuri swears it's to keep the babies entertained but everyone knows it's all for Obanai). Sanemi giggles through his tears and bounces in his place. Genya pauses and tries to think of the last time his brother looked even remotely happy to see him. He guessed he took too long because Sanemi throws his stuffed dog at his face and whines with as much anger his baby body can muster (he looks like a kicked puppy with his watery eyes, chubby cheeks and tiny bit of drool on the right corner of his mouth).
“Alright Nemi I'm right here, it's okay”. Genya reaches over the crib bars and picks Sanemi up. A happy coo comes out of the baby and his brother wipes his snot covered face with a blue rag. Rags and bibs were an absolute necessity when the trio was in baby mode or eating. Sanemi has a bit of a dribble problem, Obanai is always suckling on his pacifier or little mittens, and Giyuu… he's something else. Sanemi squeals and shoves his face in his brother's neck, smelling the smallest hint of gun powder and mint. Genya chuckles, “You're such a little dweeb” and bends over to pick up the stuffed animal his baby brother chucked at him. His brother babbles out what sounds like “You're a dweeb”.
Genya tucks the toy in Sanemi's arms and the boy screams in delight and babbles random unintelligible words. Genya caught maybe the word puppy and his name but you couldn't tell with the way Sanemi was shaking his head back and forth. Genya tickles his brother's side and soaks in all the happy laughter he gets as a response. The teen looks around the room for something to do before deciding to go to the comfy corner covered in pillows and blankets. It was made after Giyuu smacked his head on the floor trying to find a comfy spot to lay down. It also doubles as a playpen and calm down corner/time out corner which was very effective for the baby Genya was holding who was prone to meltdowns for whatever reason.  
Genya steps over the makeshift gate and settles in between the pillows and blankets with his brother on his lap. The babbles continued with Sanemi smacking the puppy on his big brothers tummy. Genya smiled softly at Sanemi smiling little face and sparkling eyes. “Be gentle Nemi, don't be mean to your puppy okay?” Sanemi crawled off Genya with a little pat to his puppy and picked up a dragon plush for Genya. Genya chuckled as he realized his brother wanted to play with stuffed animals. When his brother got like this he especially enjoyed playing pretend, it was really cute. “Alright Nemi, whats our little story?” Genya smiled as he sat up across from his brother with the dragon in his hand. 
The two played for what felt like hours and Sanemi began to yawn again. Genya wiped his mouth again and laid down with him. His baby brother laid on his chest sniffling softly with one arm curled around his puppy and a hand clutching his brother's clothes. Genya rubbed up and down Sanemi's back until his breathing slowed. “Goodnight Nemi, I love you so much…” Genya pressed a kiss to his brother's forehead before laying down to think about how his life had totally flipped on him.
Genya woke up to angry babbling and things being thrown at him. “Nemi what are you doing? Come here let's get you dressed and fed”. He stood up and cracked his back before turning towards a pouty and red faced Sanemi in the corner of the room, the puppy laid nearby. When Genya tried to pick Sanemi up, the boy exploded into angry babbles with hateful eyes. Genya sighed and left to go get Gyomei to calm his chihuahua of a baby brother. So much for bonding time. 
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brattyprettysub2 · 18 days
All characters in this piece of fiction are role-playing adults
"Daddy!" Melissa calls. She's sitting on her playmat, dollies in hand, but she can't concentrate on her play, not when her bladder is aching. Her tummy feels like a drum, skin taut and stretched. She could ignore it for a while, and then she cupped a hand over the front of her diaper to squeeze her crotch, and then she lay on her tummy and tried to hold it that way, but nothing is helping any more. "Daddy, I need to go, please."
Daddy appears in the doorway and strolls over to Melissa's adult-sized playpen. He's moving far too slowly and casually, and she blinks up at him with teary eyes. "Please," she whimpers, as he leans over the railings and playfully tugs at one of her pigtails.
"How's your diaper, princess?" he asks.
Melissa whines loudly. "Wet," she says. "Very wet, Daddy." She's only wearing a T-shirt and her nappy, better for inspections, so she spreads her legs to show him her soggy crotch. But that makes a little bit of wee escape out of her and she hurriedly folds her legs in front of her again. The little bit of relief has made everything feel worse, more urgent, more desperate.
Daddy unlatches the gate of the playpen, which Melissa is never ever ever allowed to touch; he caned her knuckles when she tried, and she has never reached for it again. He bends down to squeeze the front of her diaper, then sticks two fingers into the leg hole, humming thoughtfully. "Very wet?" he says. "I think that may be a bit of an exaggeration, honey."
Melissa opens her mouth to argue. To tell Daddy that her diaper is soggy and cold. To tell him that it feels like it will leak if she moves to much. To tell him that he has to take it off and let her use the toilet.
Before she can get a single word out, she bursts into tears. "It -- i-it huwts," she says, the humiliating slip into a more babyish tone making her burn with embarrassment.
Daddy looks entirely unsympathetic, crossing his arms over his chest. "Does it?" he says mildly. "What's the lesson we should learn here?"
Melissa scrubs at her eyes with her fists, trying to wipe her tears away. It doesn't work; no sooner has she wiped them away that more are spilling down her cheeks. She feels like an over-filled water balloon. "That -- that silly little girls should use their diapers without a fuss," she says. "And shouldn't in-insist on using the t-toilet." 
She thought that if she fussed enough, Daddy would relent. That he'd say diapers didn't have to be part of their games. That she didn't have to wear one under her work uniform and call him to beg for a change, lisping babyishly down the phone until he allowed her to put herself in a dry diaper.
He hadn't. Instead, he'd tapped his finger on his chin like he was actually considering what she said -- and then he smiled and said that she could only use the toilet once she was out of her diaper, and little girls could only be taken out of their diapers when they were properly soaked. But there was nothing in the rules saying they had to be wet with their own weewee.
So this weekend, Daddy started using her diaper for her, and once she was wet enough, he'd take it off and she could use the toilet.
It felt strange and tingly. Whenever he needed to piss -- Daddy pissed, she made weewees -- he'd find her and tuck his cock into her diaper and let out a loud sigh as he flooded it. She shouldn't have liked it, she didn't like it... but it felt good, her pussy surrounded byDaddy's piss, hot and wet. She always got so slick and would rub the front of her diaper as she played. That was allowed, as long as she didn't come. It felt dirty and naughty and good.
At least until her bladder began to ache. She went to Daddy to ask politely to use the toilet, and he squeezed her diaper, and said, "No." That was all. No room for negotiation or whining.
Though when she stood there gaping at him, he smiled, a secret little grin to himself, and said, "You can use your diaper, but if you do, I'll rub ginger paste all over your pussy and put your hands in mittens."
She hates the burny ginger paste.
So now here she is, stewing in Daddy's piss, wriggling in search of relief that isn't going to come until Daddy takes mercy on her.
Judging by the smile on Daddy's face, mercy isn't imminent.
"I think you could be a bit wetter, precious," he says. "Just a little bit, not much. If you happened to do something like, oh, I don't know -- flood your diaper, maybe, then it would probably leak. Weewee all down your legs." Another tug to her pigtail. "But you won't do that, will you? You were so insistent that you were a big girl who could use the grown-up toilet."
He picks up an egg timer shaped like a chicken, twists it, and puts it on the shelf. She can hear it ticking. "Fifteen minutes," he says. "And then I'll get you a little wetter, and then I can take you to the toilet." He blows her a kiss and leaves the room.
Fifteen minutes. She chews on one of her dollies and tries to distract herself with play again. She's not going to make it. The timer will go off and Daddy will walk back in and find her sitting in a puddle of her own making. She sniffs loudly, trying to hold back tears, trying to clench her bladder so nothing leaks.
Her tummy is so tight. She can't -- she can't --
The hiss as she wets is the loudest thing she has ever heard.
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daisybianca · 2 years
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pairing: lando norris x femalereader
summary: you try to convince your boyfriend that the two of you are ready for one--more than one addition to your household.
warnings: none, just fluff, maybe a little angst but it's barely noticeable
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"LOOK, (Y/N), they have puppies!" Lando's eyes lit up as he ran towards the playpen of puppies.
Leaving you behind, he and the attendant began discussing details while the little ones seeked attention.
Your grin widened as you watched your boyfriend become overwhelmed by pouncing puppies. The combination of the animals and the man you love made your heart swoon. The cuteness was almost too much to handle.
As you made your way towards them, you caught a glimpse of a dog settled on his tattered bed. He was unlike the other animals in the adoption center, not barking and jumping excitedly at his gated door. Squatting in front of his crate, you cooed at him, wiggling your fingers through the wire fencing to gain his attention. Dark brown orbs starmed at you, calculating whether or not you are worth exerting energy for. Finally, deciding to give you what you're craving, he plopped down in front of you and locked eyes with you.
"Lando, I think found the perfect dog!" You said breathlessly.
You had never encountered one for those love-at-first-sight stories, but something about that animal tugged at your heartstrings. An undeniable urge to take him home and provide all the love he had been missing in his life.
"Yeah, but look at this little girl! She’s so adorable. We could name her Tessa or Bella." Holding up a squirming spotted puppy, he fawned over her enthusiastically.
"Just come here and look, please."
Bringing the puppy with him, Lando stood by you, reading the dog’s info sheet and baby-talking to him before turning back to you.
"I don’t know. He’s kind of…" His voice trailed off, unsure about how to word his thoughts.
"He’s old..."
"Now that’s just rude."
The dog huffed as if laughing at the two of you. You couldn't deny that the puppy in Lando's arms was quite adorable, but you also knew that you were meant to take that older dog home. You were sure that with a little persuasion, you could convince your boyfriend to adopt both.
"Babe, he needs a home. I can tell you’re in love with the puppy, and I’ll admit she is lovely. I wouldn't mind taking her home, but this boy deserves love too. It seems like he’s been waiting a really long time."
"I mean we could adopt both."
"(y/n), don't start with this again. I thought we decided that we are only ready for one dog right now." His British accent complained.
"Yeah, but just think about it. Tessa will need someone to show her the ropes and how to be a good dog. The 'older guy' can do that. Don’t you think they both deserve this?" You gave him your best puppy-dog eyes and added a pout for extra emphasis. Both dogs seem to understand and join you in an attempt to persuade Steve.
"Seriously? All three of you are pulling this stunt. This is how it’s gonna be from now on, isn't it? The three of you using your charms against me," He sighed, knowing there was never a chance he’d say no to you in the first place. "Okay, okay."
You squealed happily, pecking him on the lips, "Stay here! I’ll be right back."
The three watched as you ran off to get the caretaker.
Somehow, your household had just grown larger and a bit fluffier.
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strawberryfloofs · 4 months
tinyspace concept: playpen fun
being put in a playpen by my mommy that has all sorts of fun toys. i crawl over to some blocks and stack them, and also build some lego animals as she sits on the couch and watches her boring, grown up show. I look at the tv for a second, and go back to playing since it's not a cartoon. being able to play with my dollies and make them do silly things as my mama hears gigles come out of me. after playing with all the toys for a while, i get bored and crawl to the gate, sticking out my hand cuz I want mama's attention but she doesn't see, focused on the borin adult show, so I pick up my rattle and shake it lots. she looks over and smiles, "oh baby, you want some extra love, huh?" she coos and i nod lots, excitedly bouncing as she walks over
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icespur · 1 month
You know what I love that I don't see enough of?
AU fanart and fanfics where Shido raises Goro.
There's one that I love called Ruin or Glory, where Shido is a doting single Dad, which is precious, but might I suggest an alternate scenario?
Begrudging DadShido who got forced into the father role after Goro's mom dies in childbirth. The Doctors tracked him down and went "Hey, Prime Minister deadbeat, come get your fucking newborn." leaving Shido no choice but to drive to the hospital to take custody of his "consequences of his fucking actions, maybe this'll make you think twice before refusing a condom before calling over your favorite Health Maid" child.
At first, Shido considers this baby a nuisance, an obstacle. Because juggling a baby while working on a Political Career was not part of the damn plan! But, very slowly--he starts to warm up to his son. It takes a long while, it's practically a character arc because Shido is so damn stubborn and stoic, but it eventually happens.
Which is fine, because reluctant DadShido is the funny part.
If he isn't bald already, Goro is going to make him bald from the stress.
For the most part, Shido hires Nannies to watch and care for Goro so he doesn't have to deal with him. But what about when there's no Nanny available leaving Shido little choice but to interact and cater to Baby Goro?
I think it's safe to say this man has no experience with babies, so he's struggling.
The hospital staff did give him a quick crash course on the basics when he first claimed Goro, so he's not completely incompetent.
He didn't pick up on the secret cry language of infants, though. So he's often irritated, struggling on how to get his screeching infant to shut up, and tries everything until he gets it right after the fifth try that Goro was screaming his little lungs out just trying to communicate to Dad that he's fucking starving.
When he gets a little older, Goro's cry translations update from:
"Father, I require food"
"Father, I am in agony, my butt feels icky and I don't like it, change me! (I may or may not take the opportunity to piss on you)"
"I have decided I hate my crib. I will not stand for sleeping in this thing. I require human warmth to slumber, specifically your warmth." Where Shido has to lie down and hold Goro against his chest to get the clingy brat to fall asleep while Shido, dead tired, just stares up at the ceiling questioning his life decisions that lead to this moment.
When Goro becomes old enough to become mobile, he gets into everything. Anything and everything he can reach or get his little pudgy hands on. Shido better start baby-proofing, and fast!
Even though Shido isn't the most affectionate father, Baby Goro adores him and Shido has no idea why. Goro's practically Shido's little shadow, where Papa goes, he must go, whether Papa wants him to or not! Shido soon learns that one of the prices of being a parent to a curious clingy infant is "privacy and personal space is dead." Because God forbid he closes the bathroom door to take a shower or take a piss, or leave Goro in another room while he locks himself in his office to do important business stuff.
Goro will sit outside the closed Bathroom, lightly shoving and hitting the door with his tiny hands, confused and frustrated as to why this darn wooden blockage won't let him pass when he can hear Papa doing things in there without him!
For working at home, Shido makes the stupid mistake of leaving Goro in a playpen, so he can go to his office to work.
Shido greatly underestimates his little troublemaker's intelligence though, because after witnessing Shido close and lock the playpen gate enough times, Goro figures out how to open it, leaving him with free unattended reign to the Apartment!
As you can imagine, he does what any infant would do, get into shit.
That keeps him occupied for a good while, but eventually, he gets bored, misses Papa, and waddles his way to Shido's closed Office door. He tries pounding and pushing on the door, but to no avail, and he's too small to reach the doorknob yet. He toddles off to fetch a stool and drags it to the Office door to help him reach the doorknob.
Shido is typing on his computer, enjoying the calm, when he hears the doorknob followed by a thud of the door being roughly pushed open.
"Papa!" A very happy Goro squeals from the now open doorway on top of his stool upon spotting Shido.
Shido lets out a resigned sigh as his toddler cheerfully waddles over to him, most likely to demand uppies.
On days Shido goes to the Official Office, what if he's put into a situation where once again there are no available sitters, so Shido has to take Goro to work with him?
Shido sitting at a conference table, talking about important matters, while at the same time, Goro is chilling in a baby carrier strapped to Shido's chest.
Unfortunately for Shido, Goro is in his babbling phase and seems to want to contribute to whatever he and his associates are currently discussing because between his monologue Goro chimes in with incomprehensible babbles and gurgles.
Give me cute Baby Goro and Dad Shido fanart and fanfics. I need more, gimme!
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egberts · 11 months
you can zip tie a bunch of those wire rack shelving units to make a more sturdy playpen, it’s also cheaper than buying one. if you need to you can also stand them to make a vertical gate later, it is like the one thing my cat does not jump on or over lol
oh my fucking God you're a genius dude because I have been searching high and low for one with a small grate but haven't found anything great (pun intended) but you know what we have? a really nice big cooling rack with small grates that we got a tj max for super cheap. just gotta go get a couple more of those and it'll be perfect 😲
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liddlbiddlbunnie · 5 months
25 days of agere moodboards !!
Day 8: your ideal playroom
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Hihi!! I know this is latw y 5 whole days but I forgot to post!!
My ideal playroom would be very pink and babyish!! Lots of totes for all my toys and baby gear, a big ol crate, pink playpen gates, looots of stuffies, a play tent, and lots of play sets!! I want to feel like a princess in my playroom ^0^
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gzprodigy · 1 year
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savannahrose223 · 5 months
Chapter : prologue
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For the spooky bitches who always thought Jeon Jungkook was swinging a horse cock and would fuck like a demon. He knows you can be a good girl and a dirty slut at the same time.
Pain in the body quiets pain in the mind.
They say the system fails everyone in one way or another. Everyone is traumatized by people as they grow up. It’s a part of life, of being human. It’s something older generations were more accepting of and my generation is intolerant to.
Everyone makes mistakes, even when those mistakes leave them dripping in the blood of others. Blood isn’t too bad though. I’m drawn to it in an unexplainable way. The crimson hue grows in my vision with each passing day.
There’s something inside me that I can’t identify, but every second, it grows.
I pass the mountains of trash bags in the hall and force myself to breathe through the scent of rotting food before making it to one of the only clean rooms in the house.
As soon as I step inside, I tear open the zipper of my backpack–barely held together by the seams–and pull out the air freshener refill I stole from the store on my walk home.
Mom would be so disappointed, but she’s dead so she can’t say much. It’s not like Seomi is going to put out the money to make this room more bearable for our guest. She stands up in the little gated pen she spends her days in and giggles when she sees me.
Bellatrix Routh Child. My only guess is that her parents are huge Harry Potter fans and decided to take one of those weird names and give it to their only daughter. I call her Trixie though.
Seomi is an extended-stay babysitter, but Trixie is the only one who stays for more than a few days at a time. Seomi only has one rule for the parents. They aren’t allowed in the house for obvious reasons.
It’s insane that people actually trust her to take care of their kids. Mom never would’ve left me with Seomi if she hadn’t died in that plane crash seven years ago.
Seomi, the legal guardian in question, is my much older step-sister. Rodney, Seomi’s dad, and Mom married shortly after I was born and I was told the only condition was that Seomi never be left alone with me.
I didn’t understand why, but I do now. Seomi is in her late twenties and she’s always on something and in a foul mood.
“Hey, Trixie,” I say as I plug in the air freshener before dropping my backpack. She claps her hands with joy before flashing a toothy grin my way.
I try to remind myself that babies are like dogs. They love you as long as you’re the one feeding them. However, every time I try to keep that in perspective–that Trixie doesn’t actually care that it’s me who came into the living room–it feels wrong.
She doesn’t smile like that for her parents when they pick her up once every couple weeks for a few days.
I do everything for Trixie even though it’s Seomi who is supposed to be taking care of her. If I left it up to my evil step-sister to tend to Trixie, she would starve and live in her own feces.
Trixie is a well behaved little girl. Before I leave for school, I give her breakfast, leave her with three cups of water, change her clothes, and empty her potty chair.
I leave school during lunch time to do the same things as I did in the morning except for changing her clothes. When I get home, it’s another repeat, except I tend to bring her with me to my room while I do homework or whatever else Seomi makes me do.
That’s usually only when we leave the house though. Good thing Seomi brought Mom’s bike here when she died. It’s one of those bikes with a little playpen attached to the back so I can take Trixie with me.
I don’t feel right leaving her here with Seomi. She doesn’t do anything and, when she does, it’s not good.
“Jungkook!” Seomi calls from across the house as I rub my stomach, feeling the ache of the bruises along the muscles. “Are you home?”
I grimace before reaching into the pen and I lift up Trixie who quickly hugs me. “Kook kook!” Her arms tighten around my neck and I get the sense that this little girl wants to protect me from the monster in the next room.
No one else sees it, but she does because she’s here all the time. She clings to me and gets so upset when her parents come for her. In some way, she knows that when she leaves, I’m alone with pure evil.
I should be counting down the days until I can leave, but I’m not. Leaving means abandoning Trixie and I don’t want to do that. I could tell her parents the truth, but they won’t care.
No one does as long as evil puts on a mask and pretends to be something it isn’t. A person can be kind, but people are too wrapped up in themselves to see someone crying out for help. I’ve been crying for years, but everyone ignores it. As long as Trixie is taken care of, I don’t mind taking the abuse.
At least, that’s what I tell myself.
“Are you hungry?” I ask before I set her on the floor outside her pen and squat down. Seomi doesn’t like it, but I keep all of Trixie’s snacks in here, so her friends don’t eat them all.
I can only steal so much with my backpack and I can’t steal from the same places or they might notice a pattern.
Trixie sits on her knees and claps as I open the cabinet doors in the entertainment center and pull out a box of graham crackers. Flipping open the top, I pull out two sheets before handing them to her.
Trixie shoves one in her mouth before she extends the other out to me, pleading in her doe eyes. She wants me to eat, too. I’ll eat later. This is her food.
“That’s yours,” I say, but she shakes her head and thrusts the graham cracker sheet at me again, adamantly.
I sigh in defeat before I take a small bite off the end. She mimics the move as if to say keep going. My stomach rumbles in agreement with her so I follow her unspoken request until the cracker is completely gone.
“Thank you,” I whisper to her before I press a kiss to her cheek. Then, she shoves an entire graham cracker in her mouth, but it's too big. Half of it falls out of her lips as she chews with a big smile across her face.
“Jungkook,” Seomi chastises as she stumbles into the room, clutching her robe around her body. The way she moves tells me everything I need to know. She’s halfway to passed out on the floor. It’s barely three.
“I was calling your name,” she slurs as she drops onto the sofa, groaning from the lumpy surface.
“I was taking care of Trixie.” I grab her cup from inside the pen and hand it to the toddler as she grins up at me like I’m her favorite person in the world.
“Fucking brat has been making too much noise. I had a migraine all day.” Seomi presses a hand to her forehead with a groan, but I ignore her antics. A headache is no excuse for ignoring Trixie. She’s basically a baby.
She can’t take care of herself.
“I’ll make some food,” I offer before lifting Trixie into my arms.
“You’ll feel better after you eat.” Seomi sends me one of those smiles that tells me she’s thinking of something truly evil.
“Such a good boy.”
I duck my head and carry Trixie to the kitchen. I don’t have very many cooking skills, but I can make due with the basics.
Trixie doesn’t stop clinging to me until we’re away from Seomi and in the kitchen. I place Trixie in her high chair before I get to work on cleaning up the mess Seomi has made today.
Then, I start making food. Once I sit a plate on the kitchen table, I take Trixie and my plate of food up to my room before locking the door.
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scandistar · 2 months
Went on a bike ride and came home with a truck-load of Baldur’s Gate fanfic ideas. Druid Tav’s, Karlach getting a replacement heart, some Rolan stuff. I definitely see the appeal, and the dread. Hooo boy, the dread. My mind is a playpen and a office with papers piled towards the ceiling.
Honestly, though. You guys have definitely inspired me to start somewhere.
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stesierra · 6 months
Just an update on the ghost story. I'm working on it. Baby slows me down. Here's an excerpt.
The lights turned on and off at the worst possible time, no matter how many times she changed the bulbs. On cold nights, the vents blew ice, but on warm days they spit gusts straight from the pit of hell. Drawers opened and closed even when she kept Damian away from them. The opening tripled after she installed baby locks.
Still, she baby-proofed the house as well as she could. She put a baby gate across the rickety stair down to the unfinished basement. She put padding on the sharp edges of the doorframes and locks on the sullen black stove and plastic knob covers on the antique door knobs. Damian was crawling now, really running on all fours, and soon he'd walk. He was already pulling himself up on everything, standing against every vertical surface he could find.
She wanted this house to be safe. She needed it to be. She was desperate. Maybe that was why, when the drawer holding the knives slammed open one more time, she grabbed it and said, “Please. Please don’t.”
Please don’t what? She didn’t even know. Damian was wailing from his playpen, not hurt at all but bored, and all she said was “Please don’t.”
Slowly, the drawer slid shut.
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Just chapters and snippets
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murfpersonalblog · 2 months
Night Island - A Theory (post-IWTV S2 finale); Spoilers for TVA
This is literally just me spitballing; I could be waaaay off. But I was just talking about Armand's character development going forward, especially wrt his relationship with Benji & Sybelle. And it got me thinking of the cancelled(?) Immortals Universe spinoff Night Island--cuz it was supposed to star a boy and a girl, too....
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Kip & Maya are art thieves who're tryna rob Night Island, unaware that the joint is run & operated by the Vampire Armand.
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In QotD, Armand built Night Island for Daniel, as his paradisaical playpen/prison/psych ward--a la Loumand in Dubai.
I know nothing about the production hell the NI spinoff ended up in, or why it wasn't released. But we do know who wrote NI: Jonathan Ceniceroz--the same writer for 2x5--the "Devil's Minion episode."
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So now I'm wondering if the delay was in any way due to lining up the plot of Night Island with Armand & Daniel's character arcs in S2? Cuz they'd have to consider 2 things:
The events in SanFran from 2x5, after Loumand dumped mindwiped Dan in a drug den after the interview. (The spotty timeline potentially leaves avenues open for exploring WTF Armand was up to in the 80s, 90s, & early 2000s, which AMC has not explained yet at all).
The events post-Dubai from 2x8, when Armand finally turns Daniel into a vampire (and ditches him "out of spite"--which tracks with his irregular appearances in & out of Daniel's life in DM/QotD).
And I'm ALSO wondering if Kip & Maya are AMC's take on Benji & Sybelle from TVA. That could be neat, cuz B&S were basically street urchins, and Benji was a little preteen scam artist rapscallion who had to think quick on his feet to look out for himself & Sybelle. Ageing them up into young adult art thieves could be brilliant--having them bust into Night Island, rather than Armand literally falling in their laps, all burnt up after his suicide attempt post-Memnoch.
I've been booing & hissing AMC making Armand a daywalker ever since S1, cuz it totally effs up his character arc walking into the sun after Lestat showed him Veronica's Veil. By making him sunproof, it removes Armand's ability to try committing suicide, and removes B&S's chance to help & befriend him when he's hurt. But it makes great sense to transplant a B&S-like (hopefully not B&S-lite) alternate version in Night Island for Armand to bond with instead. 👀
The gremlin can still give them hell, a la the Dybbuk (demon) Benji always fondly called Armand, and still grow to love & care for them. And ultimately--if Kip & Maya's lives end up in danger cuz of their heist, that might present a window for AMC!Marius to swoop on in and Turn them for Armand, as he does in TVA. 👀 (DO NOT have Armand turning anymore fledglings--Daniel's his ONLY one for a effing reason, AMC!)
And Daniel being a vampire now lines up with Trinity Gate, and how by the end of TVC Armand, Daniel, Marius, Benji & Sybelle were all living together as a family.
Unless I'm way off base and Kip & Maya are just 2 bumbling idiots Armand DGAF about, who're gonna die at the end of the spinoff. 😅
As I said, IDFK, I'm just thinking out loud.
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