#playing as riku too has been a blast
princekirijo · 2 years
I wanna talk about it more but god Elden Ring is so much fun I can't believe it took me this long to get into From Software games
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khllentxene · 2 years
There are so many little hints that it’s actually Riku who is the Child of Destiny. Yes, the audience is supposed to immediately assume it’s Sora. And in a way it is because Riku chose to pass the Keyblade (and his heart) to Sora. Like “the Child of Destiny will combine his heart with another”
They do that. They do that with the Gayblade. That suspiciously still don’t have a name. Riku is Sora’s Dreameater. We have Yozora. This weird mish-mash of things and traits combining Sora and Riku (but mostly looks like Riku)
And then there’s just the fact that Sora is a “dull, ordinary boy”. Throughout Sora’s journey, this has always been who he is. How he’s described by anyone who has a 6th sense about this stuff. By Nomura. And it wouldn’t be the first time Nomura has only answered with what is present knowledge. But with Riku, Nomura has said “I haven’t revealed what Riku really is yet” and has taken SO. Much. Time. Showing over and over again the Riku has a heart full of Light. Zexion ponders “What is he? No one has worn the darkness like him before.” Terra and Aqua saw so much Light in Riku and were drawn into Destiny Islands just because of how much of a Special Boy tm Riku is.
And like my last reblog mentions, Riku is capable of holding his darkness without succumbing to it. (I wonder if the Dark Road line was changed because Nomura was like “Hm, maybe this is making it too obvious” lol)
The only, and I mean ONLY thing holding me back from 1000% believing this theory and keeping me at %99 sure is the whole empathy powers thing. Both Sora and Riku have shown capabilities for this, with Sora’s being more noticeable, like opening his heart to Ventus as a child, and like, that scene in the Frozen world where Sora feels Anna’s heart get blasted by Elsa’s magic. While Riku’s empathy powers seem zero focused on Sora. Noticing Sora crying before he cries in bbs, feeling Sora’s distress in the Keyblade Graveyard before he even sees Sora, and so on. But! At the same time, Sora’s empathy link with Ventus can be explained by what happens early in bbs, with baby Sora sharing his heart with Ven. My only working theory for explaining the Elsa/Anna/Heart blast thing is that either Riku’s powers are rubbing off on Sora, which would make enough sense, if Sora gets the Keyblade then it makes sense other abilities might transfer over as well. Or because Sora related so much to Anna/Elsa’s struggles to his own conflict with Riku, it opened his heart to feeling Anna’s pain or some kind of heart connection thing like that, y’know?
Whereas Riku’s instances doing this are played a lot more subtly with with no explanation (other than Riku just having the same kind of heart connection with Sora I was just talking about) so it certainly leads me to believe with my full chest that Sora is a red herring as the Child of Destiny, while it’s actually Riku. (But then y’know, also Sora cause Riku chose Sora. :V)
And then when you add on the whole “We haven’t completed the whole “Thank Namine” plotline yet” and the Necklace Theory., and the symbolism of, if the Necklace theory holds true, Riku giving Sora a *crown* necklace. Like, I’d say I just have a hunch about all this, but it’s more like a mountain.
And yeah, definitely not the first person to point all of this out, I just needed to write some of my own thoughts down.
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theladyheroine · 1 year
Kingdom Hearts x Star Wars! 🪐
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So recently I’ve been getting really into a Kingdom Hearts mood and this is a bit less of a crossover headcanon and more of an idea? I’ve heard that Star Wars is a possible world for KH4 so I figured why not try my own take! This is basically what I think might happen if we were to get a Star Wars World in KH4! Thank you for tuning in!
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ Characters ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
Now for starters, we gotta talk about Luke Skywalker as a party member! He’s the ultimate Star Wars character (please don’t be upset 😅🙏)! I have a feeling Sora might see him as a kinda mentor type figure, seeing as Luke is older than him & he does get a bit more serious by the time of Return of the Jedi. Although he still has that kind, but reckless farm boy attitude so I think he’ll get along with Sora pretty well or even Kairi! While Kairi is a bit more soft spoken, I feel like she’ll connect pretty well with Luke due to his ways with the force & wisdom he’s received from Master Yoda.
Another trilogy character I feel would make it into KH4 is Han Solo! The greatest pilot in the galaxy and his Millenium Falcon would definitely make an appearance. I feel Sora might like him because he's cool but I also feel Han might but heads with Riku just a bit. It's mostly because Riku himself is a bit impulsive in a way, despite being calm and collected he’s also willing to do things his way first. Maybe they both bicker about where to head next or who does what in the ship.
Another thing that might be cool is if Chewbacca were a character you could summon as an ally. Maybe he could launch the characters into the air for some kind of light blast attack or maybe he just goes around smashing obstacles and stuff for you? Kinda like Wreck-It-Ralph but hairier.
Okay next one! This is a bit less tied to KH4 actually, but I thought it would be a good idea for maybe a Birth by Sleep AU! Although real quick, I unfortunately barely started watching the Clone Wars a few weeks ago, but I really liked this idea. 😅 But dw, I know at least the major parts & about Rex & Cody so hopefully this is okay. 😅🙏
Okay anywho, the Clone Wars and/or The Bad Batch is next on my list! Since this period of Star Wars mostly takes place before the empire, or at least right when the Empire takes over, this might tie into Birth by Sleep a bit more since BBS is a KH prequel. Or at least maybe this can be a cool alternate world for KH4 since the Clone Wars series is so popular. Anyways though, I feel Aqua might fit a bit more into the Star Wars universe simply because I feel her calm and noble demeanor resembles that of a Jedi knight. After all, she is a Keyblade master, people might mistake her for a Jedi or at least force-sensitive.
Plus, it might be a interesting balance for the Clone Troopers, since I know that the Clones take their brotherhood very seriously. Aqua and the rest of the Keyblade wielders might compare that to their friendships.
A few other characters I’d like to include is Ahsoka, Master Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, although maybe the old man version of him too lol. But these are just a few ideas for the worlds as party members, but I can see the Keyblade weilders helping these guys along in their own personal stories maybe?
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ New Areas & Places ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
Tatooine - This planet I can see as a starting point for the gang, as Tatooine is like a main setting for most Star Wars content even though it's a pretty shady place. I can imagine quests such as helping villagers with their daily tasks, fixing ships, and keeping thugs off the peoples' backs as you navigate. Although, one fight I've heard people talk about is having either Jabba or Sarlacc as a boss fight. Plus, its where Luke Skywalker lives so it might work!
Endor - This one I feel might play a bigger role than Tatooine simply due to its role during the trilogy too. Plus, forest-y planets are also seen alot in Star Wars, which is I think to add mystery I guess? But maybe the gang ends up taking shelter on Endor and happen to run into, say, Princess Leia? And they have to help her and the rebels fight off the Empire!
Coruscant - This one also adds into the whole Clone Wars-BirthBySleep AU, but this might be an option in KH4. Since Coruscant is the capital of the galaxy, I can see maybe it being mentioned at least? Plus, since most of the gang doesn't live in a world with alot of technology other than the datascape, it would be intersting to see them marvel at all the technology there. Plus, maybe they mistake Coruscant for the city Sora's in? Since they don't really know about Shibuya yet.
Okay I think that's everything but thank you for listening! I hope this was fun! I really hope we get a Star Wars world in Kingdom Hearts but I'm thinking about making a few most posts like these for KH4, but anyways thank you!
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dj-of-the-coven · 2 years
how about kingdom hearts for the fandom ask game
Blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Riku. Ever since I started the series when I was fifteen (I played like a maniac and started with DDD bc I had no idea there was an order to the games. Sue me, I found my copy in a secondhand game store) Riku has always been my FAVORITE. He was just such a sarcastic little weirdo but also so cool!!! The fact that I started out being able to control him probably helped in cementing the dude as my fav, especially in the traverse town portion of the game. Traverse town has such a special place in my heart and I'll never forget what it was like wandering around there as Riku, oohing and aahing over the scenery and the music, having a blast seeing him interact with the world's characters, fighting the epic boss in the greenhouse, and playing with his little komory bat. Riku aaaaaaaaaall the way, baby.
not to diverge from the ask for too long, but I actually made a painting inspired by my fond memories of Riku's side of TravTown!! It's titled "distorted memory":
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kinda shit quality image but I think you get the idea.
Skrunkly (character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): I don't know why, I wish I could tell you, but it's Ventus. I'm one of the twelve people who really liked Birth By Sleep. Anyway, Ven was the second character I played after Aqua. I love him so much. He's just a funny little guy and yet he's imbued with so much goddamn trauma!!! The whole time I played as him I had an absolute blast, especially during his time in The Castle of Dreams and also that stupid cutscene where Ven hands the Disneytown tickets to Aqua and Terra. 10/10 best baby boy ancient murderer.
Scrimblo Bimblo (underappreciated fave): AQUA AQUA AQUA AQUA. I'm literally in love with her I'm not kidding. I'm a demiromantic (lesbian) ace, so I basically never get crushes on fictional characters, but Aqua was the first to break that streak since I was like 10 years old. I literally have a fancy canvas painting of her that I hang above my bed. When I was fifteen I wrote a 100,000+ word fanfic about her being an epic lesbian keyblade knight who saved Ventus from a dragon and fell in love with genderbent Terra. This is the most embarrassing thing I've ever admitted to. Nobody look at me
Glup Shitto (background fave): Before I got into twewy, the entire cameo cast was my glup shitto. I was so fucking hype to see them on replays of DDD (although yes, looking back on it, they didn't treat Shiki the way she deserved). Plus who could forget the SICKEST FUCKING JAMS that played any time they were on screen??? The thing that I find the funniest was that Beat was my favorite even when the most I knew about him was that he was loud and very sad about Rhyme being gone. I really am just predictable like that <3
Poor little meow meow ("unproblematic" fave): This is a tie between Roxas and Vanitas. Vanitas is obviously the harder to excuse, which makes him a better meow meow, but I happen to love Roxas' dumb little war crimes about as equally. The thing that skews me to Roxas' side is that I had SO much fun in Twilight Town playing as him in KH2. Even did yet another painting based on the experience:
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this one is a popup card called "view from twilight station".
I also have a full-scale model of his Oblivion keyblade hanging next to my bookshelf.
Horse Plinko (character I would torture for fun): Xigbar!! He's so funny lmao, I just love him whenever he's on screen. My brother and I have an inside joke about how he reminds us uncannily of our favorite uncle.
Eeby Deeby (character I would send to superhell): Donald fucking duck. Because I think it's where he belongs, personally. Donald duck in superhell. Yeah that's where he's supposed to be. Makes sense
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
Did remind fix KHIII for you? Or did III need fixing, alternatively?
Hmmm. That’s a tricky question. Because the thing is, I actually really liked Kingdom Hearts III. I had a blast with it and I still do. I don’t think I enjoy it quite as much as I or II (though keep in mind those are some of my all time favourite games). But I still thought it was really fun. It looked and sounded gorgeous, it had a lot of great moments. And it was a return to form on a gameplay level compared to Birth By Sleep or Dream Drop Distance. And not just in terms of the combat. This is arguably the first Kingdom Hearts game since the first where the levels weren’t entirely hallways (with the possible exception of Dream Drop). And as someone who has been craving level design closer to KHI for years, that was huge for me.
That being said, I had some definite complaints and I completely understood why others were more disappointed than I was. On a gameplay level it was way too easy and lacked optional content. While my thoughts on the story are more complicated. Again, it had a lot of memorable moments that did work for me. At the same time though, the pacing was really off with a lot of long-awaited moments crammed together at the end. The Disney worlds, while very fun to play, weren’t as well utilised as they could have been. A lot of characters felt really under-utilised, with a lot of missed potential for development (Kairi especially, but Riku, Ventus and several others suffered from this too). Sora’s the only one who really gets a half decent character arc by the end. Everyone else here gets scraps. Though, to be fair, a lot of my issues with the writing carried over from past games. I stand by the fact that DDD didn’t do a very good job setting up for III, so it was already starting off on the back-foot.
So it’s tough for me to say whether III needed ‘fixing’ considering how much I enjoyed it despite its problems. But did patches and DLC make the game better for me? Well, yes. I did find myself much more engaged with the game on Critical so that’s one huge improvement. I loved the Data battles (which were arguably even better and more challenging than those in KHII). And the extra playable characters were all fun and engaging to play in a way that really enhances the final battles (Roxas and Kairi are sooooo much fun here). This version definitely better succeeded at giving everyone more moments to shine in the final battle. And I think when you take vanilla III and Re:Mind together, you get a pretty good endgame. Also, Yozora is a pretty sweet superboss (even though I still haven’t beaten him). Does it fix my overarching problems with III’s story? No. It’s still poorly paced and jam-packed at the end. It’s still juggling far too many characters and plot threads without enough time to breathe. It still spends too much time setting up the next arc rather than bringing these characters’ journeys to a satisfying stopping point. It still carries over a lot of the problems I’ve had with the series’ storytelling since BBS. Also playable Kairi is a joy and I appreciate how the boss fight shows rather than tells that she and Sora are a good duo who work well together. But like…it doesn’t change how little she’s allowed to do before that or the fact that she gets freaking fridged fifteen minutes prior.
Put simply, it’s complicated. Again I like III. I like it a lot. Re:Mind and Critical Mode definitely made a game I already enjoyed even better. But I don’t believe they entirely fix the story’s underlying problems. And if you already didn’t like III, shelling out 25 quid for this isn’t gonna change your mind. I hope that answers your question.
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darkfromday · 4 years
Back at it again with Kingdom Hearts 3 anniversary fanfic!
Happy 2021, everyone! For anyone who loves Kairi, here—a Kairi-centric fanfic. Sorry she cries so much. But it’s post Melody of Memory sad hours, you know?
The sun is setting, slowly but surely, over the training garden and the majestic golden castle in the distance. It is the end of a very long day, full of sweating and small accomplishments. In a matter of minutes the sun will sink below the horizon and darkness will overtake light.
That means Kairi has only a few minutes left to defeat Aqua in combat.
She's been losing so far, as anyone might expect—Aqua's ice and thunder magic especially have knocked her mercilessly around the field, until Kairi came to resemble a half-drowned kitten with frizzy blood-red fur more than a plucky princess of heart. It makes perfect sense, even if it's frustrating. Though she made great strides under Merlin's tutelage, there is still so much she doesn't know about wielding a Keyblade. Pitting her up against Xehanort and Organization XIII on short notice was bad enough; against a far friendlier opponent with decades of physical and magical training under her belt, Kairi doesn't stand a chance.
Unless—unless she takes Aqua by surprise. Unless she thinks a little deviously, and exploits a weakness.
I know just which one.
Aqua's cartwheel dodge is flawless in battle, highly effective for evading hordes of Heartless, Nobodies, or Unversed. But it has the downside of leaving her upright, flushed and vulnerable for just a fraction of a second. It's not something most people notice in the middle of a fight—not her friends, not her opponents—but Kairi, for whom dodging while attacking is also an essential aspect of battle, took note of it immediately the first time she noticed it.
Her own evasion method condenses her into pure darting light for about the same fraction of time as Aqua's cartwheel, but with the added benefit of making her completely untouchable to an enemy once she's disappeared. So if she wants, she can aim her Keyblade at Aqua now, send an Aerora blast at her teacher, and wait just long enough for Aqua to smirk and dodge out of the way...
...and take her eyes off of Kairi for a second.
Kairi taps into the inner warmth she has carried since childhood, and becomes that bouncing ball of pure light again, darting forward to exactly the spot where she knows Aqua will come to rest. When she reforms into herself again, the first thing she sees is the utter shock on Aqua's face as she bounces into place, then rears back at being so close to her opponent.
Kairi doesn't hesitate—she immediately throws Destiny's Embrace forward, watching it spin gracefully, relishing—at last—the sound of the metal hitting skin and not other metal. By the time she has warped forward to catch her blade and continue the attack, Aqua has recovered enough from her new bruise to conjure a giant tsunami of water over their heads, facing Kairi.
Oh no!
The water shivers threateningly, dangerously—then crashes down.
A blazing, brilliant sphere surrounded by pink stars materializes just in time to part the waves—Kairi's own Barrier magic, adopted and adapted from the perfect sphere Aqua manifests when she wants to cancel an attack by standing still. She holds her free hand out, maintaining the shield as long as possible, and gathers all her might to push the light outward and overwhelm her foe with a counterattack—
—and unexpectedly, the top of her Barrier takes a slap from a stronger new wave, and cracks.
Water rushes into the shield faster than Kairi can dispel it; she yelps as she's submerged and dragged to the other end of the garden in a giant spinning bubble.
It takes time, far too much time, to aim her Keyblade down, set off a blast of air to escape her bubble, and then turn the sloshing mess of water into steam so her footing is steady again when she lands back on the grass. By the time she's twirling her weapon and getting ready to warp back across the garden to re-engage, a huge bell begins tolling from far away.
"Enough," Aqua says, setting off brief sparks in the air with her Keyblade, Stormfall. She points to the moon rising slowly but steadily in the distance. "You fought well, Kairi. But the sun has set, and I'm still standing."
Kairi droops as sadly as her damp hair. Which means she's won... again.
"That's all for today."
The next day will be better, Kairi tells herself in the shower. Every fight is a lesson. Every lesson gives me experience. Tomorrow I'll improve. Tomorrow I'll win.
Except she's told herself this many, many times before. And thus tomorrow, when it becomes today, dawns bright and clear and damp from the evening rain, and Kairi spars with Aqua all day long only to lose to her at moonrise (again) after a whirlwind of angry fire flowers.
When they go back to the castle again to rest and recover, Terra is nice enough to lend Kairi his worn old punching bag to swing and swear at for the rest of that long, sleepless night.
...Another tomorrow, then.
But she loses horribly the next day, too.
And the next.
And the next.
Loss number six.
Kairi grinds her teeth until they ache, so that she won't scream out all her fury and frustration instead. Nearly a week of losses, in a larger month of the same. And any experience gained isn't enough. Day after day after day passes, with no change.
Actually, the only change that occurs is exactly how she gets whipped in battle. Sometimes it's with magic, on their spell-only spars. Sometimes it's with physical attacks only, when they play a Struggle-similar game where the person with the least bruises and orbs lost wins. And one time they even forego their Keyblades entirely, opting to wrestle each other instead—and Kairi still fails because Aqua is older and smarter and stronger, and she has this little trip kick that's impossible to avoid.
She doesn't hop up immediately from the ground this evening, like she'd done in the past. No. Kairi just sits, and bows her head, and bites her lip hard enough to bruise.
Aqua trots over, flushed but otherwise mostly unscathed. "Kairi?" she ventures carefully, trying to bend to see her pupil's face. "Let's go inside. It'll be full-dark soon."
"...What's the point?" Kairi whispers. "When I'll just be back on my butt in a few hours anyway? No thanks. I'll just stay out here."
"What? Where's this coming from?"
"Oh, I don't know!" Her voice gets higher, and wobbles, not used to remaining in that register for long. "Maybe from losing for the sixth time in a row after barely marking you at all? Maybe from making absolutely zero progress as a Keyblade wielder after everything that's happened?"
But she can't stop; her cheeks are hot and her vision starts to blur. It's too much. It's all too much. "Maybe it's from being unable to hold my own in a simple sparring lesson while my friends, my best friends, are out alone in another whole new world I'll never ever ever be able to reach at this rate, fighting who knows what?! Please tell me, Master Aqua, because I'm not having much luck figuring it out myself!"
Kairi raises her arm and hurls Destiny's Embrace away. It disappears in a flash of tiny flower-shaped lights, and doesn't come back to her hand.
Aqua's speechless, apparently, because she doesn't say anything else for a while after saying Kairi's name. Just steps closer and closer, until Kairi's bowed head comes up to her thigh-high stockings, and waits for a while. Kairi doesn't speak or move—until she feels a gentle pressure moving over her hair, picking out the day's mud and twigs, and smoothing the rest down. Like an older sister, or the mother she doesn't remember, or the grandmother she scarcely sees these days.
The dam breaks open (just a little) and she feels more scalding tears race down her cheeks. Kairi hasn't cried, really cried, since the night she found Riku again after so long apart. And before that, not since she'd let go of Sora's hand in a world of darkness, forced back to the islands while he went on to worlds mysterious. But both those times there was at least one precious person with her to dry her tears, or at least encourage her not to let her sadness bring her down for long. At least back then there was a shining certainty that the three of them would be together again.
Now, she has no one. Sora is still gone without a trace, and Riku's trail of clues manifested a path for him to take to find Sora—without her.
No... that isn't fair.
He'd wanted her to go with him. She'd seen it in his eyes. After so long fighting by himself, Riku seems ready and willing to accept any companionship he can find in the long war against darkness, or disorder, or separation. And despite everything, Kairi is still one of his best friends—one of the precious people he wants to protect. But that's also the problem.
She hadn't been ready to join him yet. To become a fellow fighter instead of a powerful-but-tiny burden. After a year asleep in her memories, after nearly being defeated by a phantom from her own mind in that same year, Kairi could not yet be called strong enough to venture out to her own worlds mysterious to find the boy who helped her fight that phantom. It made sense that Riku wished her luck with her studies and left her behind. Barring a few brushes with Xehanort's lackeys, Riku has always been the sensible one.
But sensible makes my heart ache.
So Kairi sniffles out her fear and frustration, wiping angrily, fruitlessly at her face as the tears outstrip her attempts to control them. And Aqua keeps stroking her hair, stopping only once to offer her a folded baby-blue handkerchief. It's well past sundown by the time Kairi feels calm enough to look up from her knees and meet her Master's kind, patient eyes.
"I'm—I'm—sorry," she hiccoughs.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," Aqua says. Calm. Reassuring.
"I do. I'm weak. Too weak for—for what I want."
"I don't think so. I think you're exhausted, and upset, and you have every right to be. A lot's happened to you in such a short time, hasn't it, Kairi?"
Kairi hiccoughs again, but shrugs.
Aqua's blue eyes are very, very soft. "You won't benefit from a night of shivering out here. Will you come and have a sleepover with me? I think... we have a lot to talk about tonight."
Kairi is tired, and upset, and curious, and is not a princess used to "roughing it" in the wilderness yet—so, after a long pause, she agrees.
Ventus, always shy around Kairi, is kind enough to have a slice of ice cream cake waiting for her when they pass through the kitchen on their way to Aqua's room. She suspects that Aqua (who typically stays outside all day with her) must have some way of communicating with her best friends across long distances to make this possible, and feels a twinge of jealousy that she has to squash to give Ven the grateful smile he deserves.
Ever since stating her intent to study with Aqua in this world, Kairi has more or less lived here—a dusty tower room with soft earthy palettes is her second home since 'leaving' Radiant Garden as a child. It was difficult to say goodbye to her island friends, most of whom have spent more time missing her the past few years than seeing her—but it was what was necessary to become stronger. To get to a level where she couldn't—wouldn't—be left behind anymore.
The tower room remains empty tonight. Instead, Kairi follows Aqua down the key-patterned hallways of another tower entirely, until they reach the Master's room.
"My old room," Aqua always clarifies, whenever anyone refers to it that way. Probably because the Master's room, Master Eraqus' room, is a shut-up old thing that none of his three disciples go near, ever.
Kairi knows it is out of respect, but wonders if it isn't out of fear too. She has it hard enough trying to walk the path of self-improvement that Sora and Riku walked before her; she can't imagine what it would be like to try and inhabit a dead man's space along with his title. Or what it's actually like for Aqua to try and emulate a man whose training with the Keyblade will always be better and deeper than anything his students, and their students, might accomplish on their own.
"It gets really cold up here this time of year, so I've got plenty of blankets!" Aqua chirps. "We can set up wherever you'd like. Even in my bed if you're comfortable with that."
Kairi is, but she doesn't feel brave enough to say so, so she works some tiny magic instead. With a crook of her finger, a tiny tug of Gravity magic, all the colorful blankets she could ever ask for leap off Aqua's bed and make a nice comfy pile on the plush carpet.
"Are you sure this is okay?" she asks afterward. Because, well, she's late asking, but best to be sure.
"Looks perfect."
Aqua is a very graceful young woman; every move she makes appears deeply thought out even when it's casual. She looks like a gymnast finishing a routine as she lowers herself to the floor and pulls a threadbare pink blanket especially close.
"Come on," she encourages. Kairi sits down right next to her, close enough that their shoulders rub together and produce a tiny spark of static electricity. They both jerk away from each other a second, then laugh softly. Any awkwardness that followed them into the room is dispelled. It means Kairi can finish her Double Crunch ice cream cake without feeling out of place.
"Okay," Aqua says. "Just you and me now. No spectators. No wizards. No expectations. Will you tell me what's wrong?"
Kairi almost doesn't.
But... there's really no one else she feels comfortable confiding in about this. No one else that will understand. And though she doesn't remember it well now, Aqua is one of the first friends she ever made.
She stretches the words out on her tongue. "I'm... falling behind again. No matter how hard I try to catch up."
The older girl is silent.
"The first time I went on an adventure, I was locked securely away in Sora's heart," Kairi recalls, slowly. "Riku left first—like always—and Sora followed him looking for both of us. And he grew up on that journey in a good way—a strong way. But even though I was with him all along, I didn't gain the same experience that Sora did. I don't have... his skill at using the Keyblade, or connecting so easily and wonderfully with strangers."
Aqua's lips quirk upward. "I think that's a skill unique to Sora alone." She's probably remembering the way Sora rescued her from the deepest depths of the Realm of Darkness.
"And Riku... Riku worked so hard to overcome the darkness in his heart, to try and remain the boy we love so much. He struggled to atone for things we didn't even blame him for. He learned how to harness both sides of an incredible power. I was... am... so proud of him. Of both of them. But I..."
"I... don't have a story like that."
"You don't need to," Aqua says encouragingly. "No two Keyblade wielders have the exact same journey, no matter how similarly they may start out. You've just proved that with Sora and Riku. They're best friends and they went on completely different paths. The same will be true for you, when it's your time to have a proper journey."
Okay. But... still...
"Even if that's true... it doesn't change how I feel. I'm always the one left behind." Kairi feels her eyes well up against her will.
Aqua opens her mouth to say something—and nothing comes out. Instead her mouth forms a silent Oh. It seems she finally has an idea of just what Kairi is driving at.
"It doesn't matter if I'm a princess or a Guardian of Light. At the end of the day, Sora, Riku and I always get separated! And usually that means Sora and Riku are fighting whatever threat is trying to tear apart the worlds, while I wait behind a door and rub my good luck charm raw and hope they come home. That little bit of peace we had after Sora and Riku defeated Xemnas and made it back to the islands was a dream... and like every dream it ended way too soon. Different paths... seldom let their travelers meet up again."
She sniffles again, and Aqua immediately pulls her into a tight hug under all their blankets.
"That's why I asked Master Yen Sid to send me to you instead of Merlin. Not just because you're wonderful, and strong, and the best choice to teach the rest of us how to be Keyblade Masters. Because you were like me. You, Terra and Ven were kept apart by one man and the most complex plan in all the worlds. You understand what it's like to be separated from your friends for a long time—left behind—unable to reach them no matter how hard you try. And... you're the only person I know who didn't stop fighting until you got them back anyway."
"Oh, Kairi." Aqua's own eyes look a little watery now. "Getting them back was the hardest thing I've ever done... it was us against the world for so long. And then Master Xehanort enacted his plans, and Master Eraqus was dead, and it was me against the world... and I nearly gave up. There was just so much darkness. I came through, but it wasn't easy."
"But you did get through it."
"Yes. But not just by being strong or magically talented. Or good with my Keyblade."
"But—but Aqua—"
"Kairi," Aqua says. "I'm... I'm flattered that you think so well of me, really I am... but I don't know how I can help you. I don't know what you want me to do."
"I want you to teach me how to get stronger like you did!" Kairi blurts. "How to beat you when we train. How to be someone who can fight with my friends, instead of staying behind waiting for them to fight for me."
Her words echo in the still air.
Please, Aqua. Help me.
It's very quiet.
Say something.
Aqua keeps hugging her. She rubs Kairi's hands and rests her chin on Kairi's head. Kairi doesn't realize how much nervous energy she's still carrying from the fight until it starts draining away under the older girl's patient ministrations.
"Kairi... you're right. Just like you, I know what it's like to lose your friends—and to feel like you'll never catch up to them or be with them again. But there's something else you have to understand too, okay? Something very important."
Kairi strains her ears...
"I can't turn you into me. I can teach you all my magic, show you all the attacks I ever learned, but that's not a guarantee of anything. You could beat me, Terra, Ven, Lea, Roxas, and Xion in a hundred matches starting tomorrow and it still wouldn't mean you had what you needed to stand side by side with Riku and Sora."
Aqua exhales slowly. "This is just a reminder. You know this already. The most important thing to have as a Keyblade wielder isn't physical strength, or magic, or intellect, or charisma... it's heart. Strength of the heart."
Kairi shivers. A burst of familiar warmth, of light, has just flickered in her chest, as if reminding her it is still there.
The older girl lifts one hand up to brush a long lock of blue hair away from her forehead before she goes on. The uncharacteristic fidgeting tells Kairi what she's thinking about before she puts it into words. "Me, Ven and Terra... Master Xehanort was able to split the three of us up because we forgot to trust each other's hearts. We forgot to use our love for each other to cut through the darkness. By the time we came back together, it was too late... Xehanort had basically won. And we were destined to be apart for over a decade."
Earlier in the day, the evening even, Kairi might have cut in here, to say something about how Aqua's power and prowess still came through when she needed them most—but just like Aqua understands Kairi's anguish about being cast aside while her boys fought great battles, Kairi thinks she is beginning to understand that to Aqua, during all those dark lonely years, her training really hadn't been enough.
Being able to fight isn't the same as having the will.
"Fighting the Shadows was muscle memory, after all that time fighting the Unversed," Aqua recalls. "The only thing difficult about it was how never-ending it was. That's how the darkness gets to you, really; it tires you out, makes you think that giving in might be easier than resisting. And for me, the temptation to give in was strong. I thought my friends were already lost to the darkness anyway. Why not join them?"
Kairi squeezes Aqua's other hand. Aqua squeezes back.
"Terra and Ven were the ones who saved me then. And I remembered... why I was fighting in the first place. Why it was all so important. So that the people I held closest in my heart could be safe and happy. So that one day we might achieve our dream and be Keyblade Masters together. ...That's what you really want, isn't it Kairi? Not the power to stand with them, but the heart to do it."
Kairi's lips tremble as she nods.
Aqua turns Kairi around to face her, placing a finger on her heart. Her whisper is reverent. "You already have that."
"No—I don't, Aqua. I can't."
"You do. You're the strongest person I've ever met, Kairi. There are others who don't have the strength to follow their dreams, you know. Typically they give up and accept whatever limitations they think they have... they never find out if they could be something more after all. But not you. No matter what happens to you—if you're hurt, kidnapped, challenged, if your very heart is stolen away—you keep fighting! You keep finding your way back to your friends. You've even saved Sora and Riku when they were on the brink of dying or giving up themselves!
"That's why you have to stop thinking of getting stronger in terms of just training and learning spells, or defeating other wielders. You may not have always been able to summon a Keyblade and stand beside your friends, but you've always—always—made the best of what you had. And sometimes, just being the one to light the way home is the strongest thing a person can be."
The warmth in her chest spreads, and she feels teary for maybe the hundredth time today. Kairi has never ever considered herself strong before; not in the way Sora or Riku is strong, anyway. No, she's always felt like a little kid holding them back from their true potential—yet desperate to catch up and preserve their childhood bond. No one has ever told her she is already strong enough to stand with them.
It's the nicest thing Aqua has ever said to her.
"We should get some sleep," Aqua says, after looking at a clock in the corner of her room and sighing. "It's really late. But I want you to really think about what I've said, Kairi, about strength of the heart. I can teach you everything I know, but the power that will reunite you with your friends isn't something I can give you. It's something you have to find inside yourself. And in the meantime, I'm sure Sora and Riku will carry you in their hearts until you're all together again."
Kairi's smile is more radiant than the moonlight. They cuddle close, even though she's so warm inside she really could go without the extra heat. "Aqua... thank you."
"You're welcome. Now—bed!"
"Okay, okay!"
The next day is cold and cloudy, and Kairi loses mid-afternoon when Aqua conjures a tornado twenty feet high and uses it to blow her off the mountain.
But instead of brooding or crying, she smiles.
I'm strong enough to win, she thinks. This battle and any other. Whatever it takes to find Sora and Riku, and fight alongside them. I just have to find that strength.
Kairi's muscles are sore, her hair is a mess, and her Keyblade is freezing to the touch; but her heart is bolstered. She's worked this long already. There's a light at the end of the tunnel.
She will try again tomorrow.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 36
Warnings: you already know 
Rating: SFW
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You and Sora exited the Twelfth Floor entrance and had now entered the world of Destiny Islands. 
“I'm not going crazy, am I? I know exactly where this is... Yeah! This is our island! Where Naminé and us used to play together!” you said. 
“You’re right! It is!” Sora said. 
“Heeeey!” Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie said as they ran to you and Sora. 
“Whassup, guys!” Wakka said. 
“So, whatcha wanna do today?” Selphie said. 
“Hey, guys! Are we glad to see you, uh...” you said. 
“‘Uh’, what?” Tidus asked.
“We got food on our faces?” Wakka asked. 
“Please, Wakka. Only you could be dumb enough to not notice food stuck to your face,” Selphie said. 
“Hey, whoa! That's a low blow, ya?”
“I dunno, Wakka. I think Selphie's on the mark,” Tidus said. 
“Aw, not you too, Tidus!” Wakka said. 
“Oh, yeah. You're Selphie, Wakka, and Tidus, that's who you are!” Sora said. 
“Right!” you said. 
“You hit your head?” Wakka asked. 
“No, uh...just thinking aloud,” Sora said.
“I know... You're thinking about HER again!” Selphie said.
“Ohhh, I get it. Yeah, they’re a total zombie when she's on their minds,” Tidus said. 
“That would explain why he's actin' all funny towards us,” Wakka said.
“I bet you want us to take a hike so you three can be ALONE, huh?” Selphie asked.
“Ummm...I guess,” you said. 
“All right, all right. We'll disappear for awhile. Go find her, you two.”
“We'll try to be quiet while we SPY on you!” Tidus said. 
“Hey, Sora and (Y/N) are serious. Give the guy some room,” Wakka said. 
“I'm only kidding!” Tidus said. 
“See you later, you two!” Selphie said. The three of them left. You and Sora encountered Riku by the Paopu tree on a nearby tiny island.
“Hey, you two. What's the big rush?” Riku asked. 
“I know you...” Sora said. 
“Me too...” you said. The two of you thought for a moment. 
“You're Riku!” the two of you said. 
“Gee, thanks for remembering me. It's been, what, a couple of hours?” Riku said. 
“Er... Never mind. Are you okay? Are you still under his control?” Sora said. 
“What are you TALKING about?” The three of you thought for a moment.
“I get it... You must be the Riku from our memories,” you said. 
“’The Riku from our memories’? Sounds like you're stuck in the land of make-believe,” Riku said. 
“I guess we kind of are,” Sora said. 
“Ha ha, you're such a kid. How are you gonna take care of HER if you two act like that?” 
“Hey, speaking of her---” you said. Suddenly, the ground started to shake.
“What's happening?!” Sora asked. 
“How should I know! Whatever it is, it can't be good! I'm gonna go warn the others!” Riku said as he started to run 
“Then we should go---” you said.
“I know, I know! It's your job to look after her. Go!” Riku said.
“Okay!” Sora said. You all ran off. A large dark sphere hovered in the sky. The islands had been destroyed and reduced to a single landmass, which you and Sora was on.
“The island!” you said. You and Sora ran to the edge and looked down. A Darkside Heartless rose up behind him. You and Sora destroyed it.
“Okay...We have to keep her safe... Naminé! Can you hear me?” Sora said. Naminé was behind you and Sora. You and Sora noticed her.
“Naminé...” you and Sora said. The two of you ran to her.
“Sora, (Y/N)... You really came for me,” she said. You and Sora nodded and smiled. The two of you then took her hand.
“It's you... It's really you. We've been through so much just to see you,” you said.
“Yes. I wanted to see you guys, too. But this isn't right. I messed up. I wanted to see you... But this isn't the right way.”
“Naminé?” Sora asked.
“I was lonely for so long. I just couldn't bear it anymore. So I called out to your hearts and had you come all the way out to this place. You two came for me and I'm so...so happy, but...but to your hearts I had to---”
“Don't worry. We’re here because we promised that we would protect you,” you said.
“Sora, (Y/N)... Thank you. And I'm sorry.” SHe let go you and Sora’s hand.
“I'm not supposed to be in this picture,” she said. Suddenly, there was another Naminé behind you and Sora.
“That's true,” she said.
“Huh? Naminé?!” Sora asked as the two of you noticed the other Naminé.
“That isn't me. I'm not there,” she said.
“I don't really exist inside your heart,” the first Naminé said.
“I don't exist in anyone's heart.”
“I never have existed anywhere.”
“What... What are you saying? What's gotten into you? Weren't we inseparable, always together? But then you had to go away... we came here so we'd never lose you again!” you said.
“Was it really me you two wanted to see?” the second Naminé asked.
“Of course it was! I know we've forgotten a lot of things in this castle, but never anything about you!” Sora said. The two of you took out Naminé's good luck charms.
“Look! You gave this to us, didn't you?” you said.
“You have it! My good luck charms,” the first Naminé said.
“No, Sora, (Y/N)! You can't believe me!” the second Naminé said. The original Naminé looked away.
“What are we supposed to do...” Sora asked.
“Think, guys. Think just one more time. About who's most special to you. Call out to that piece of memory that glimmers faintly deep inside your hearts. No matter how far away the light gets, your heart's voice will always reach it,” the second Naminé said.
“Who's most special to us? That's an easy one. It's you, Nami---” you said. The good luck charms glowed and gave off a light. It changed into Kairi's good luck charms. You and Sora saw Naminé and she changed into Kairi. The islands were now restored.
“Who... Who was that? I can't remember her, but she feels so...familiar. Naminé? Naminé!” Sora said. 
“Neither can I!” you said. You and Sora left Destiny Islands and entered the Twelfth Floor Exit Hall, where the two of you encountered Naminé.
“Naminé! It isn't you. The person most special to us--- It's not you... Right?” Sora said. 
“No. The girl you two really care about... The one who was always with you... It's not me. It's her,” she said. 
“But then who...who is she? Cuz I can't...think of her name. If she's so special to us, then why can't we remember?” you said.
“Because I went into your memories and---” 
“Let ME explain this.” Suddenly, Riku had appeared. 
“Plain and simple. Your memories are a train wreck. You're not the one who's meant to protect Naminé. It's supposed to be me! But you and your messed-up memories are always in the way, guys!” he said. You, Sora, and Riku battled one last time with the help of Odile. After the battle, Riku was down on the ground. You and Sora came to his aid.
“Riku!” you and Sora said. 
“Want some more?” Riku asked. He fired a blast at you and Sora, knocking you two to the ground.
“Aah!” you and Sora screamed. 
“Sora! (Y/N)!” Naminé yelled. Riku had a smile on his face as he walked to you and Sora. Odile ran in front of you two but Riku knocked her away.
“Odile!” you yelled. You stood up and ran over to her. 
“Riku...” Sora groaned. 
“Looks like I win,” Riku said. 
“Riku, stop!” Naminé said. 
“You are through!” Riku prepared to strike down Sora. You and Naminé panicked.
“I said STOP!” Naminé said. Riku's head flashed. He stopped and fell to the ground.
“Riku...?” Sora asked. 
“Riku! RIKU!” you said. 
“What did you do? What did you do to him?” Sora asked Naminé. Suddenly, Larxene appeared.
“Broke his heart. I'd say more like she smashed it, really,” she said. 
“Smashed...his heart?! Then...what's gonna... What's gonna happen to Riku?” you asked. Larxene laughed.
“Oh, you two are so much fun to watch. If it's Riku you're worried about, then don't. Because Riku was never really here,” she said. 
“What do you mean?” Sora asked. 
“Do you really think I'm just gonna say it? That's too easy! Oh, what to do?”
“Quit the games!” you said. You and Sora attacked Larxene but she kicked the two of you away. Odile ran over to check on you. Larxene sighed.
“All right, have it your way, then. I know it'll kill you to hear this, but I think I can live with that. That thing lying there is just a puppet that Vexen made as an experiment. No more than a toy. It's laughable, really. It called you two a fake, but IT was a fabrication all along,” she said. 
“Not Riku? A fake?!” Sora asked.
“Fake in every possible way. It was only finished recently. How could it remember anything?” Larxene picked up the fake Riku.
“You get it? Its memories with Naminé were just planted, not real,” she said. She threw the replica near the wall.
“Yup. That means, all this time, it's been picking fights with you two over memories---that were counterfeit, trumped up, and completely bogus. Isn't that the truth, Naminé?” she said. She picked Naminé’s head up.
“Oh, so cute...but behind this little face, you do awful things,” she said. Naminé looked away.
“Naminé...” you said. 
“You two are so stupid. Don't you get it now? That's what Naminé's powers are about! She can enter, rearrange, and even create new memories---of anything, even things that never happened. The girl you two have been trying to protect all this time---is really a manipulative witch who shackles people's hearts!” Larxene said. 
“Then...our memories...are all...” Sora said. 
“Oh, you do get it! Lies, lies, all lies! Just Naminé's illusions, nothing more. Binding you two in the chains of your own memories was central to our trap. It makes me tingle to think how easily you two were duped. So close to it--- we were almost there. This was our only chance to turn the Keyblade master and the Spirit of Light into our puppet, but--- That jerk Axel---he used Naminé to betray us!” Larxene summoned her knives. You and Sora gasped. 
“So now, I'm left with no choice but to eliminate you!” Larxene said. 
“You'll pay...” you said. Larxene stepped forward. Naminé walked in between You, Sora, and Larxene and spreaded her arms out to protect the two of you. Odile got in a defensive stance in front of you. 
“Don't!” Naminé said. 
“Huh? It's a little late for the witch to grow a conscience. Last time I checked---YOU'RE the one who fooled around with their memories creating this mess,” Larxene said. 
“I know, but---”
“I should tell you that I'm in an EXTREMELY foul mood. Thanks to you, all our plans are ruined!” Larxene knocked her away.
“Naminé!” you and Sora said. 
“What's this? Are you two upset?” Larxene giggled.
“And you two don't even actually know her!” she said. 
“Maybe not. But still...we made...a promise,” Sora said.
“What?” You and Sora started to stand up.
“A promise we made to Naminé to keep her safe. Maybe our memories are fake. But the promise is real to us,” you said. You faltered a bit due to another headache but regained your balance.
“That's why---we'll keep it,” you said.
“Hmph. You're such an idiot. There is no promise and there never was! You're just delusional. Must you two insist on playing the hero? Whatever. If that's the way you two want it... You're going down alone!” Larxene said. Goofy's shield suddenly appeared and flew past Larxene, distracting her. Goofy appeared and ran in front of you and Sora. Donald casted Curaga on you and Sora and ran in front of the two of you as well.
“Not if we can stop you!” Donald said. 
“Huh?” you and Sora asked. Donald and Goofy had their weapons ready, shielding you and Sora. Odile walked next to them and became hostile towards Larxene.
“Donald! Goofy! You found us!” Sora said. 
“Of course we did. We were worried about you two!” Goofy said. 
“And we promised! We promised that we would protect you two!” Donald said. You and Sora smiled. 
“You two won't ever be alone. It's always been the four of us and we stick together...” Goofy said.
“And that is how it's going to stay!” Donald said.
“Who’s this little guy?” Goofy asked. 
“That’s Odile. She’s my little guardian,” you said. 
“Okay... Have it your way. More pain for you means more fun for me!” Larxene said. You and the group fought Larxene and won.
“No... No! I refuse to lose to such a bunch of losers!” She panted as she began to fade away.
“I think I'm...I'm fading?! No, this isn't...the way I... I won't... ALLOW...” she said. Larxene faded away into darkness. You and the trio noticed Naminé in front of the replica Riku, laying on her knees. The four of you walked over to her.
“You must be Naminé! It's good to meet ya. We're friends of (Y/N) and Sora's and my name is---” Goofy said.
“You're Goofy, and you're Donald,” Naminé said. 
“Yeah, but how did you know that?” Donald said. 
“Congratulations, you two! You finally found your friend. I'm so happy for ya!” Goofy said.
“Gee, there sure are a lot of questions... Naminé, I know this probably won't be easy for ya...but could ya tell us what happened?” Jiminy said. 
“Of course. It's my fault, after all. I took the people and memories that were inside Sora and (Y/N)'s heart...and little by little, I replaced them with false memories,” Naminé said.
“Hey... What about Sora and (Y/N)'s promise?” Donald asked. 
“Made up. It was fake. Sora and (Y/N) never really promised me anything. Me being with them on the islands---that was a lie, just like everything else. We never met. I was never Sora and (Y/N)'s friend---” 
“And you were never anything more---either...” Sora said. 
“No. You see, in all of your true memories, I was never really there.” 
“Gee, then that must mean it was your magic that made the rest of us lose our memories, too. Is there any way for us to ever get 'em back?” Jiminy said. 
“I can fix everything if we go to the thirteenth floor. But Marluxia, he---” 
“Bet I know who that is. Was he the fellah who made you tamper with all of our memories?” 
“If I didn't obey, he said I'd be locked in this castle forever. I've been alone for so long...” 
“So ya did what he told ya to do because you were lonely?” Goofy asked. 
“I'm so sorry...” 
“Don't be. Please don't cry...” you said. Odile walked over to Naminé and rubbed herself against her in a reassuring way.
“Oh... Of course. I know I really don't have the right to,” she said. 
“That's not what I meant!” Sora said.
“It's like this... I'm really not happy about you messing with mine and (Y/N)’s memories. But...you know---I can't really get mad at you for it, either. These memories you gave us... In our heads, I know they're lies---but they still feel right. Like the promise we made. We said we would protect you and that we wouldn't make you cry...not ever. Naminé...if you cry now---I'll feel guilty, like I let you down. So don't cry...please. Until we get our memories back, smile and try to be happy. It's easier on me that way.”
“Same here,” you said. 
“Sora, (Y/N)...” Naminé said. 
“Oh, brother! That's a bit much,” Donald said.
“It's okay. Sora and (Y/N) always gets like this every time they’re around a girl!” Goofy said. 
“Aw, cut it out! I thought you both lost your memories, too!” Sora said. Donald laughed.
“Too bad. Good friends don't forget the good stuff!” he winked. Goofy laughed.
“Come on...” you said. You and Sora smiled. Naminé laughed. 
“There! That's it! That's the Naminé I remember. Yeah...I really liked it when you used to smile. Of course, that was really only in my fake memories. But what I'm feeling now definitely isn't fake. It's real,” Sora said. 
“Sora’s right, you know,” you said. 
“Thank you,” Naminé said. Odile walked back to you and sat on your shoulders. 
“Well, then, let's go,” you said. 
“Oh boy! I can't wait to get my memory back!” Donald said. 
“Naminé, Marluxia is gonna be up there, so maybe you'd better stay down here,” Goofy said. 
“Yeah. Maybe you could look after Riku? We'll come get you when it's over,” Sora said. 
“Okay,” Namine said. You and the trio walked to the stairs. Donald and Goofy waved goodbye. You and Sora stopped for a moment and looked back at Naminé.
“Please be careful, you two,” she said.
“We'll be okay... I promise!” you said. Sora nodded in agreement. You, Sora, Donald, and Goofy entered the Thirteenth Floor. The four of you walked through the door ahead and entered the main area of the floor.
To be continued...
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iheartsunset · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons about cooper?
Papa Louie Cooper HCs
(Okay I know I said I was kinda on hiatus cause of school, but the hurricane warning have cancelled school for most of the week, so I’m temporarily back! After this though I don’t think I’ll be able to post too much 😢)
-Cooper Stripey is 23 years old and lives with his beloved cat, Cookie, in a Tastyville apartment building atop one of his favorite restaurants. His parents live with his younger brother, Greg, in a small house close by, but Greg always lives to spend the night in his apartment. While he works happily at the Pancakeria, Cooper does have dreams of becoming a real estate agent.
-His lasts name, Stripey, stems from tomatoes. He often referred to as Mr. Stripey, which is an unripe looking tomato with small leaves. Cooper thinks this is embarrassing, but Greg is overjoyed at its meaning, so he’s learning to bear with it for his brother’s sake.
-He is in a polyamorous relationship with Prudence and Taylor. He met Prudence when Papa allowed them to pick up their pets at the empty Pancakeria and agreed to become coworkers to return the favor. He and Taylor have been friends since middle school and were on the same baseball team once. They all began dating after Taylor admitted that he had feelings for them both and didn’t know what to do about it, and since they all liked each other, they just all started dating. It’s one of Flipline’s best and most wholesome couples.
-He’s totally had ideas for a Kairi, Riku, and Sora costume for him and his S/O’s. Either that or Nagito, Hajime, and Chiaki costumes.
-Cooper totally has both the special hoodie and the backpack that you can carry your cat around in. Cookie doesn’t even need it since they always follow Cooper around and won’t stray from him unless there’s a squirrel or something.
-He’s a really goofy guy that always has a smile on his face. While he’s not on Mitch and Kingsley levels of wacky, Cooper does like to tell jokes and worry about other too much. I’d say he’s adorkable, but not on Roy’s level. He’s also charismatic, but not nearly as smooth as Carlo Romano. However, there are times where he will get into someone’s face if they’ve wronged his friends or family in any way (but absolutely not on Koilee or Rudy’s level of “I’m gonna kick your ass”). He’s just a great balance of all the workers’ personalities.
-Cooper can’t understand Cookie, but he still has full on conversations with both Cookie and Pickles.
-He accidentally dropped a camera down the mountain while taking pictures for Greg and his parents.
-Cooper has severe arachnophobia stemming from narrowly surviving an unnoticed bite from a brown recluse. Even though he says he’s fine, Cooper will run out of the Pancakeria or the apartment screaming if he sees a spider. When he, Prudence, and Willow were talking about their pets, Willow (unaware of his phobia) decided that Cooper should meet her spider face-to-face. Cooper fainted and now Willow doesn’t even make eye contact with him anymore out of guilt.
-He definitely uses this embarrassing baby voice when talking to his cat. Greg thinks it’s super weird, but has learned to put in headphones during those times.
-Cooper is always worried that he might accidentally leave one of his significant other’s out. Therefore, he makes Prudence and Taylor sit in the back of the car. He also insists that they all sit on the same side of the booth, which is really awkward, so they usually double date with Liezel and Trishna, Carlo and Koilee, or Willow and Drakson.
-He likes to blast embarrassing music when he picks Greg up from school. He also plays harmless pranks on him and teases him like an older brother would. Greg does all the same things to him and overall, they have a normal sibling relationship.
-His favorite game series are Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. He has gone on stream with Tohru playing these games many times. He even made a cardboard Keyblade for his Halloween costume as Sora.
-Cooper, as a child, used to give leftover pancakes and bacon to this stray cat near his house. The cat grew so attached to Cooper that he decided to adopt it and name it Cookie (he didn’t think pancake rolled off the tongue as good as cookie did).
-His favorite anime genre is horror or psychological, so Higurashi and Happy Sugar Life are his favorites. Oddly enough, he hates monster movies and slasher films and will cry through them.
-Cooper’s car is sometimes not strong enough to drive up the freaking mountain, so Cooper often has to hike up it with Prudence to get to work on time. It really sucks and now Cooper dreads waking up in the morning.
-He hates when people say he looks just like Makoto Naegi or Hajime Hinata because deep down, he knows it’s true. But if you say he looks like Sora, he’ll be one of your best friends.
-The Fan Kids (Sarge Fan, Radlynn, LePete, and I guess Yippy and Iggy count since they all hang out together) low key scare him, but they’re Greg’s friends, so he’ll happily endure.
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SoKai is great but I wish more people would also let Kairi have good friends. I barely see her with people other then her trio or maybe Namine and Xion. So I propose, Ienzo and Kairi being old childhood friends when before she was taken from Radiant Garden and when meeting again they immediately become good friends again and nerd out together and everyone else is like "Wait, they know each other?"
Wanting one thing doesn’t negate wanting the other thing ;) I think a LOT of Sokai shippers agree that the interaction between Kairi and Riku in 0,2 was amazing (without wanting them to be romantic) and had wished for more like this in KH3 and were very disappointed when KH3 didn’t follow up with it. Sure, Riku is part of her trio, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be good/best friends with him, on the contrary, that is one of the friendships this series desperately needs. Riku has made similar experiences to Sora, has traveled the world and Kairi was always stuck at home, they can help each other understand their situations and feelings.
Also, I think Kairi being friends with Naminé and Xion would just be as wonderful. Despite many people headcanoning it, aside from interacting with Naminé in KH2 and wanting to save her in 3, Kairi didn’t really get to befriend Naminé at all, much less so Xion. I think a meeting of those three would be great, heck, throw Selphie in and they’d have a blast together!
Now I’m personally very pro Ienzo (the dead scientist in me loves the science boy okay??), but I’m rather against retro-introducing old childhood friends, especially since Ienzo was probably double the age of Kairi in BBS and unless your parents are friends and/or you have siblings, you’re way too unlikely to play with a 4 year old when you’re around 10. Ienzo is actually an orphan and Ansem the Wise took him up so unless Kairi’s related to him, it sounds quite unlikely.
However! I would be totally fine with them becoming friends now! Kairi does spend lots of time in Radiant Garden and while it seems like she’s been sleeping over a year, maybe she sleeps only a certain time of the day? Maybe they wake her up regularly to make her eat/try to convince her to stop this, but she insists? They could form a friendship there, even though it would be slow since Kairi is so focused on Sora and probably doesn’t really allow herself to have fun.
But you know what would be nice? If Lea actually came and checked up on Kairi every so often. They’re friends now, right? He should do that and not drop her just because he got his other friends back. Same goes for Riku (who is very aware of what Kairi’s doing though, yay!), but also Naminé and I’d argue Roxas - he did have contact to Kairi before and Naminé’s connected to Kairi, not to mention he knows about Sora’s feelings for Kairi, so I would hope he does have at least some kind of interest for her well-being :(
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Paopu Gamers
This is a Drabble based on a Modern AU of Sora and Reader starting a gaming channel on YouTube and gaining a decent amount of popularity written by @nobodies-png​. I loved it a ton and asked permission to write about it a little and here that is!
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Sora & Reader (friendship)
Warnings: N/A
1,242 words
“Hey guys! I’m [Name]!”
“And I’m Sora! Welcome to our new channel!”
Clips of you and Sora talking, laughing, screaming, and sobbing flashed across the screen. The earliest clips were from nearly 3 years ago, and you could tell because in the clips you had the terrible bangs you tried to cut yourself and Sora had on braces in many of the shots. Those older clips phased into ones from last month and the clarity of those clips were more clear and better edited.
It was a moving slideshow of how far things had come.
The last clip began to play, it was of Sora screaming and falling out his chair tangled in his headphone wire while you laughed beside him, and then it too faded away to reveal the two of you grinning and wearing party hats. Both of you had on oversized obnoxious sunglasses, the most ridiculous ones you could possibly find mind you, and popping long confetti sticks.
Sora tossed his confetti wand to the side and put his fingers to his mouth to let out a loud whistle as music blasted in the background. You dropped your own wand to scoop up a pile of confetti in front of you and throw it up again.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You chirped loudly. “Paopu Gamers has officially hit 1 million subscribers and I think I speak for both of us when we say that we are in complete and total shock.”
Sora wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him, giving the camera a thumbs up, “I’m still trying to get over the shock of us hitting 100 subscribers and that was three years ago now.”
“We started this channel to do something we love and to hear each other talk about our passion, and we’re so happy that you guys, for some odd reason, like to hear us talk about it too!” You laughed.
Sora released your shoulders to give the camera finger guns, “And with this new landmark in our journey to explore every single game ever released on this planet-”
“Every single game ever released is a stretch-”
“We have decided to heed one of your suggestions! Starting next week, we’ll be posting a short series as we take on ‘I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator!’” Sora pumped his fist, “Will we find love?”
“I sincerely doubt it, but I will be craving fried chicken for weeks while we do this.” You shook your head.
“So tune in next Wednesday for that, and thank you”, Sora put his hands together and bobbed his hand, “THANK YOU. For sticking with us this long.”
“We love you guys!” You cupped your cheeks with your hands. The music grew louder again, and Sora pulled you out of your seat to dance while more confetti rained down on the two of you. The screen faded to black as reminders came up for what videos were coming out when.
“I can’t believe you two reached 1 million subscribers.” Riku shook his head as he clicked paused on the video, which already had thousands of views, to ensure the next video wouldn’t randomly start playing.
Kairi pulled you into a tight hug, her cheek pressed against yours, “I can. They’re superstars, Riku, and I always knew it.”
“Some superstars. Terra still forgets they have an online presence unless their faces pop up on a Snapchat or Insta video.” Riku chuckled, “And then a week after that he forgets again.”
“Well, he sent us a ‘congrats’ text earlier. So, he remembers”, You glanced at your phone briefly before shrugging, “As of now, at least.”
Riku leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms, “So you guys are actually gonna do the KFC dating simulator thing? Really?”
“Yeah, I think it’ll be fun.” You shrugged. It sounded like the kind of thing you and Sora could film in a day or two and would have a blast going through it side by side. Dating Simulators were always a big hit just because the two of you had so much fun with it. Filming when you guys played ‘Dream Daddy’ had been one of your top ten favorite video series. “Besides, we gotta. The comments have been going crazy for it. People want Sora to fall in love with Colonel Sanders more than they want him to fall in love with me.”
Sora nodded once and paused in devouring his popsicle to speak, “That’s true.”
“Although, lately it seems like people are shipping you more with Vanitas from those videos he was in a few months ago or Ven and Roxas.” Kairi noted as she texted on her phone, “Xion was in one of the chatrooms about it.”
Riku narrowed his eyes, “Like Ven and Roxas or…?”
You shook your head, “I think they’re still confused about which person is which person and I think most of them still think they’re the same person? It’s… It’s hard to say, to be honest.”
“And yet they want you to date him—them?” Riku asked.
You shrugged in an exaggerated manner, “The only person I’ll be dating is Colonel Sanders.”
Kairi held up her finger with a twist of her lips, “Mmmm, that sentence is not one you hear every day, and I do not like it.”
“Yeah, it sounded gross as it came out of my mouth.” You agreed wholeheartedly.
Sora held up his fist, a look of brave determination on his features, “I won’t let the weirdness deter me. I will court and date Colonel Sanders. He will be mine.”
“We’ll leave you and your thoughts about Colonel Sanders alone.” Kairi bobbed her head and quickly stood and looked to you, “So we are doing this ‘100 Baby Challenge’ thing or what?”
You stood hesitantly, Kairi looped her arm through yours to start to drag you away, “I haven’t played The Sims since like middle school. Which one are they on now? Sims 12?”
“It’s only on Sims 4, you big baby, and I’m gonna show you the ropes. It’ll be a great video series I promise.” Kairi pulled you to where she knew where your computer was.
You grinned at your eager friend, “Ok, ok. Catch me up on those sims, Kairi.”
As Kairi dropped down into your desk chair and pulled up The Sims you couldn’t help but pause and really take in your situation. Never, ever would you have guessed that Sora and your channel would blow up quite like it did. You just wanted to post funny videos of you and your best friend talking about your favorite games just for fun and for other friends to watch. Yet here you were with followers and fans and people around the world who actually enjoyed watching you do what you loved to do. It seemed too good to be true, but here you were about to re-learn how to play the Sims so you could do a challenge that many followers begged for you to try.
“Hello? Dear pupil of mine? Are you ready? Take notes I will be quizzing you later.” Kairi jokingly said while snapping her fingers in front of you. You grinned and dropped down into your desk chair on top of Kairi who squealed in surprise at the sudden weight. The two of you laughed and wrestled for seat.
This was too good to be true.
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themattress · 5 years
KH3 ReMind - Pros & Cons
Pros, otherwise known as the fixes for KH3′s bullshit:
- Chirithy is still cute, and we find out how it got back to Ven.
- All of the new battles and tweaks to old battles are great.
- Namine actually gets some real screentime and is seen doing stuff.
- The outcome of Lingering Will vs. Terra-Xehanort gets shown.
- You can play as heroes other than Sora throughout the climax.
- Aside from failing to correct that scene with Terra-Xehanort (where everyone but Donald and Goofy acts like an idiot), Kairi is done justice throughout. Lea is shown to believe in her inner power which she displays by fighting Xemnas to a stand-still, her not doing anything while being kidnapped now makes sense because Xemnas used a Nil technique to drain all of her energy and she doesn’t have a time-traveling counterpart to restore it like Sora does, once Sora brings her back she kicks Master Xehanort’s ass and gets to be part of the group when they destroy him, she gets to have a romantic moment with Sora in the Final World and be aware of his upcoming fate so that she’s prepared for it, we see her actively take part in restoring Namine, and she actually has good facial animation that captures her character this time around!  If only Hayden Panettiere had returned to voice her, then it’d have been perfect.
- The messy Seasalt Trio reunion sequence has been heavily modified so that it’s more coherent as to what’s going on and, while I don’t particularly care for the Seasalt Trio, it does bring them greater closure than they had before so their fans should be happy with it.
- Explorable Scala Ad Caelum, and it’s as grand as I’d imagined it to be.
- Sora being legitimately smart in the solution he comes to at the climax.
- The battle with the Xehanort Replicas, but in particular the part where you play as King Mickey. The Kingdom Hearts franchise hadn’t pulled something that powerful since KH2, and it does wonders at redeeming Mickey’s reputation, which had taken a hit these past 3 years. 
- Via his merged replicas, we finally give Master Xehanort the death scene he deserves: engulfed in a mega blast of light from everyone’s Keyblades which causes him to shatter. It’s also the only time since the original game that repeating “My friends are my power!” works.
- Leon, Yuffie, Aerith and Cid return in “Limitcut Episode”.
- Data Analysis and Data Greeting; the former being a return of the Data Organization XIII type of battles players loved so much in KH2:FM (really, there’s even a datascape-based recreation of the Garden of Assembly and a remix of its musical theme), and the latter being an insanely fun and unique idea that lets you make your own KH adventures, which is far preferable to sticking with this series in the future. Thank you, Cid, you are a true tech genius!
- The final line of the true final scene (whichever version you get). I cannot stop laughing; it’s clear that the game developers have developed a sense of self-awareness and could not resist ending the Dark Seeger Saga with a line that most perfectly surmises the whole thing. 
Cons, otherwise known as Nomura not knowing when to quit:
- The opening sequence of ReMind, which goes from a bullshit new scene with Xigbar and Luxord to that bullshit end scene of KH3 when Sora embarks on his quest to find Kairi via the Power of Waking to a bullshit flashback of Young Xehanort meeting the Master of Masters (huh!?) to a scene where old Master Xehanort is relaying this memory to Saix and Xigbar before the three of them make their plans, which require a lot of exposition. And I thought the first 20 minutes of The Rise of Skywalker went by too quickly while throwing too much at you!
- “Limitcut Episode” begins with Riku finally interacting with Terra, which should be good since it was such an obvious oversight KH3 made. Unfortunately, what they talk about simply amounts to more obnoxious character shilling for Creator’s Pet Riku, continuing to beat in the retcon that started since he met Terra that he always sought “strength to protect his friends”. 
- Well, the justice done to Kairi in “ReMind” sure didn’t last long, because once we get to “Limitcut Episode” we learn that she willingly placed herself in a coma for a year so that Ansem the Wise and co. can study her heart and see if it holds a key to bringing back Sora. She could’ve easily been the one to do all the active stuff that’s being done here at Radiant Garden, her own birthplace, but nope, it’s gotta be Riku because of fucking course it is. 
- Yozora. Just...everything about him and having to do with him. I guess it’s kind of cool that Dylan Sprouse is his English voice actor and he gets to show his range, but otherwise he’s just the worst. Final Fantasy Versus XIII didn’t happen, Nomura. Deal with it and move on!
- Willa Holland, Alyson Stoner, Quinton Flynn and David Gallagher are not even trying here. And yeah, that was true of Holland and Gallagher in the first place, but I got the impression that Stoner and Flynn were at least giving it a genuine shot even if it didn’t turn out that well. The only positive is that David Gallagher playing Riku giving exposition on what everyone has been up to since Sora’s disappearance in “Limitcut Episode” is so bad that it’s hilarious.
- As cool as all of the fixes for KH3′s ending are, they still chronologically transpire after the original ending, so that remains in place as having actually happened at some point. What’s more, the fixes are reliant on further convoluted time travel and the Power of Waking bullshit.
- The nature of the thing. The stuff KH2 was missing that KH2:FM absolutely needed to add in order to fix it amounted to just a higher difficulty mode, a few scenes, a boss battle, a new ability (actually, an old one), and a collection quest added to the worlds. Everything else on top of that was just icing. But the stuff KH3 was missing was on a much more fundamental level that it needed this much of an overhaul. KH2 was a satisfying conclusion to the original trilogy even before it got its Final Mix, whereas KH3 was not a satisfying conclusion to the whole fucking Xehanort Saga until this DLC release, and I’ll never be able to overlook that.
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Some kind of Sora Birthday oneshot
You've been preparing for this day. Today is Sora's birthday. You, Riku and Kairi have been carefully planning this out. You do this every year where you three get together and throw Sora a birthday party. You guys usually have roles that switch around every year. This year you were baking the sweets, Kairi was setting up the decorations, and Riku was out keeping Sora distracted and away from home. You've been carefully following the recipes down. The cake was in the oven and you were now making some brownies. Sora usually likes to stuff himself with desserts, especially on his birthday. You guys make sure the sweets aren't too rich as one time Sora got himself sick from eating too many.
"Wow, that smells good." Kairi came walking into the kitchen.
"That's the cake in the oven. Are you all done setting up the decorations?" You smile. Kairi nods.
"I came in here to see if you needed any help."
"I'm almost done with getting the brownies ready. The cake should be almost done." You finished spreading the brownie mix in the pan and the timer went off. You checked the cake to make sure it was ready and then you pulled it out when it was. You then put the brownies into the oven and set the timer. You and Kairi chatted for a while until the cake was cool enough to decorate. You both worked together to make sure the cake was nice and decorated. When you two finished you both did a high five.
"Wow, today sure has been fun! Thanks for hanging out with me, Riku!" Sora grins as the two boys were walking home.
"You definitely looked like you were having a blast. We didn't do that much." 
"I'm always having fun when I'm with my friends." Sora lets out a laugh. He opened the door and confetti got thrown at him. Some landed on his hair.
"Happy birthday, Sora!" A nice small group of Sora's friends were gathered around. Sora grinned ear to ear. 
"You guys!" Sora laughs.
"How do we manage to still surprise you? We do this every year." Riku smiles and shakes his head.
"(Y/n), you made this? No wonder it tastes so good!" Sora was happily eating a slice of his cake. You blushed and laughed nervously.
"I just followed the recipe. I'm not that great," you scratch the back of your head.
"That's not true. I've tasted your cooking plenty of times. You're really good!" Sora never fails to get you to smile.
The small little party you guys threw was great. Sora was very happy with his presents he received. Then again he's happy with anything he gets. You swear someone could give him a rock and he'd act like it was the greatest thing ever. You all played some party games and shared a good number of laughs together. When the party finished Sora helped you guys clean up. He does this every year with you guys and he refuses to do anything else. Once everything was cleaned up you four spent the rest of the day relaxing together.
"Today was the best birthday ever!" Sora cheers.
"Sora, you say that every year." Riku chuckles. You and Kairi couldn't help but giggle. Sora looks at you guys and he lets out a laugh.
"And I mean it every year!"
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temperedbydarkness · 5 years
The Price of World Order || @aspiringparasyte​ The ache hadn't gotten any easier to bear. 
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To anyone who knew him that came as no surprise. Riku wasn't the sort who could just let things go that easily - Not when it came to something so important. They could find no complaints with how dedicated he was to task however; Even Yen Sid couldn't question the single minded intensity in which Riku focused back into trying to stop Xehanort and end the threat he posed to the scattered worlds. He tried to spend more time with Kairi and Axel, he spent more time with Mickey and Sora, he even worked with Aqua and Ven to try and get their strength up for the coming fight. If the sake of the world depended on the strength of the bonds of light, then Riku was determined not to be the weak link this time. Despite how dark he was, he refused to fail his friends again. 
Finally, years after Xehanort had decreed the promised day was coming, it finally came. It came and it was like every nightmare they had ever dreamt came to life.
More heartless than he had ever seen swarmed them. When they cut down one, three more were there to replace them. They rained down from the sky in a torrent. While the sun blazed as if midday, the tide of heartless was so plentiful that where the keyblade bearers of light stood it was as black as a moonless night. Riku knew if he had not felt so resolved to task this would be where the first cracks would appear because it felt like it would never end! They came together and were able to force a path through, sweeping away the darkness with a unified roar, but it had taken it's toll. It had reminded them that while the promised day was here, victory was not assured. 
They'd have to earn it. 
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From there things had gone even more sideways. Their next test came in the form of a memory. Terra, possessed by Xehanort, had been placed as bait for them. While Riku swam in a memory of a child, Ventus and Aqua had reached for their lost friend and were met with anticipated aggression. A well timed barrier from Aqua still shattered on impact, throwing both her and Ventus away from their positions. Mickey and Sora's revenge hit got blasted away with a sphere of darkness. Riku, Axel and Kairi had not been idle either, spreading out on the wings to find angles to attack from, but Terra didn't give them a chance for that, racing forward to attack the one person they'd all give their lives to protect. Kairi. 
Kairi, to her credit, prepared for the assault against her, her keyblade coming up in a guard, but Riku was faster. He was faster, stronger, and determined. His voice raged out of him as he inserted himself between the two, one hand looking like a dark claw bent to grasp the keyblade bearing down on them both. He forced the blade into the dirt and used his own keyblade to strike back, catching Terra with Braveheart. The blow sent Terra flying back with a grunt. 
"Now!" Riku called, and taking the cue, Axel and Kairi both summoned magical energy, fire and light. They unleashed hell onto Terra. For a moment it seemed like they had gotten him, but a low chuckle echoed over the rumble of magic, before it exploded back onto the users. Sora cried out to Kairi, rushing to her side, and Riku flinched to see if she was alright. Aqua rushed forward to heal Axel, and Ventus tried to strike at Terra. Clearly it was a half hearted effort, and Terra was able to grab Wayward Wind. Instead of letting go, Ven got swung like a weapon himself and crashed heavily into Mickey, who had been racing forward to fight back. 
The two of them collapsed into a heap at Terra's feet, and he arrogantly set his foot onto Ventus' chest, keeping him and Mickey from getting up. The unnamed keyblade appeared flashed into a reverse grip and the Seeker of Darkness made to jam it down onto the pair of them, about to rend heart from body.
"Mickey!" "Ven!" "Your Majesty!" 
Cries from Riku, from Aqua, and from Donald and Goofy rang out, but it was Goofy who got the real say in the matter. His shield, thrown with great force, slammed into Terra. It sent him tumbling head over heals and into the ground, the keyblade dropped and vanishing in a flash of light.  Donald had the next word. He had raced forward to stand next to Ventus and Mickey and despite Mickey's cries to stop, he charged up and unleashed a masterful spell. 
"ZETTAFLARE!" Terra had begun to recover from the concussive force of Goofy's shield, but it only meant he was met with the all encompassing blaze of Donald's magic. It blasted through him, and completely through the rockface behind him, punching a hole clean through to the skies behind. 
"All right Donald!" Sora called after it became clear that there was nothing left of their opponent, his voice a pearl of sound over the otherwise quiet battlefield. It was soon made clear that his celebrations were ill timed as the magician collapsed from the effort. Mickey wiggled free from under Ventus, joining Goofy in trying to shake Donald awake again. Aqua moved to Ven, who had been shaking his head and holding it between his bent knees, seeking to comfort him. 
Riku checked in with Axel, who saved him off with an exasperated wave, burnt more in pride than body. Kairi touched Sora's arm, trying to shake him loose of the blank stare that had settled over his face. It did elicit a response from him, but not the one anyone expected to hear. 
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"We can't really do this, can we?" Riku looked over at his friend sharply even as Kairi gasped. Something about the blank, staring eyes sent shivers down his spine, but Riku wasn't about to hear it. He wasn't going to let Sora just crumble like this. Kairi pulled back further when Riku stormed forward, the other warrior of light all peering at him as he moved. Sora wavered when Riku's hand came down on his shoulder, his head pivoting to peer at him. 
"Get a hold of yourself Sora!" The wide blue eyes blinked once, and it just had Riku shake him more fiercely. "He didn't beat us. We're still here and we can still fight!" 
"But look what one of them did to us?" A weak gesture to bring his attention back to Donald, and Riku did glance towards the magician, but he then snapped back around. 
"And he still has his heart!" He urged. That seemed to get Sora to check back in. "But he needs you."  Aqua helped Ven to his feet, then strode forward to join the two other boys.
"All of us. Together." 
Sora glanced between the two of them, then towards Kairi-who nodded- and Axel -who flicked his nose and grinned. He seemed to take heart from all of them and determination came back to his gaze. 
"Right." Riku let go of the breath he was holding as Sora spoke again. He was back to himself! Pulling back his hand, he shifted as he scented the winds, which held in them even more darkness than before. That couldn't be good... "Goofy, can you keep Donald safe?" 
"You betcha!" Mickey gave a relieved smile to his friend and Knight-Captain, then got up and joined the others. 
"Together!" He cried, offering his hand up to the others as a physical show of support. They didn't get a chance to make more of a show of it as more heartless began collect around them. 
 More. And more. And even more than that. If it seemed like there had been plenty before, this was even worse. So many of them, spinning rapidly in a mass, all coming together to face them directly. 
"Here it comes!" Axel cried out, even as the whole tidal wave of them rushed forward to meet them. 
The seven of them held out, each of their bodies glowing in a pale light as they formed a wedge against the mass. Goofy and Donald were between them, shielded from the flow by the warriors of light, and anxiously Goofy glanced around at them as they each reached a hand forward to hold the barrier. It seemed like for a time it was just going to be a stalemate, darkness bouncing off the shining glow they each made. Sora and Riku in the fore, Aqua beside Sora, Kairi with her. Axel and Ven set themselves beside Riku, and Mickey was between them. 
They held. For a time. The darkness then began to play tricks on them. Aqua faltered, seeing something they couldn't see. The darkness pulled for Donald and Goofy , tendrils sneaking in around the warriors to pull at them, distracting Mickey. The fractures in them started to widen, and that's all the heartless needed. It swept in, widened the gap and began to snatch them away from one another. 
Riku could see the moment Sora's heart broke. They took Aqua first, and pulled her and Kairi back like they had been caught in the undertow. Sora had been able to catch Kairi's hand, but it got pulled free as quick as they had grasped. Panicked eyes snapped around when he heard Mickey's voice too, and that's when it was lost. Axel and Ven vanished in their own pile of darkness. And Riku could sense it. He could sense the light in Sora flicker and extinguish. He could feel the weight of the darkness slamming into him more heavily. It wanted him back. 
He refused to give in. Absolutely refused. His refusal only grew stronger when he felt Sora grasp onto the fabric of his hoodie. 
"Riku! They're-they're gone!" The silverette turned his head to look at his friend and burned with ache to see tears running down from the normally lively eyes. "They're gone! What do we do?" Riku was going to answer, but the distraction caused him to falter a little and they slid back a few inches. Both of them flinched, but Riku restored his focus on his light and they steadied. Sora's grasp felt tighter on him. 
"I'm powerless without them! They're all my strength! But without them-- Alone I'm worthless!" The grip lost all of its strength and Sora dropped to his knees, weeping. Alone? Sora thought he was alone? And he thought himself worthless? 
It struck Riku then just how different he and Sora had become. How far their paths had diverged. Sora had always been in the light, surrounded by people he loved. Even when he had become heartless, he had been brought back by the warmth and kindness of those most important to him. He hadn't ever felt the loneliness and the heartbreak of being truly separated. Sora had struggled, felt pain and longing, had suffered a great deal in his journeys but he had never had to find his way when there was no light. When it came down to it, he had always had someone else there urge him back to his feet. 
He didn't know the kind of strength he had, the strength he gave to others. He didn't know what they offered him was the same that he offered them. But how could Riku tell him that? Especially now, when it was just the two of them and Sora still felt utterly alone? How could Riku tell him that it was because of him Riku had come this far, had the strength to hold the tide back on his own. 
Sora couldn't believe he was truly alone. Not with the way their hearts all connected. 
No. There was always a way. That was a nice reminder. Their hearts were always connected, and even if they were seperated, there would always be a way back to one another. Sora knew this. He just needed to be reminded. Riku knew this. Deep in his heart and that hope had sustained him. He knew he'd always be able to find Sora. Both of them. Even a lightless path would lead him home. 
It was too much. He could feel the darkness eating away at him even as he fought it. He could feel his strength chipping away bit by bit as he struggled to protect one of his most important people. And as he struggled, he reminded Sora. 
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"You don't believe that." 
They might have lost here, but Riku knew... he knew Sora would find a way. 
Riku had been right to trust him. Sora had managed to find them all and bring them back. He had been the key in bringing them back together where they belonged. It had allowed them the chance to try again, to face their doom with renewed hope and strength. 
The whole exercise was draining, in more ways that one. Physically it was battle after battle.  Emotionally it had been quite a gauntlet also, in part because each of the darknesses had… a certain reluctance to them that had surprised Riku. Every one of them seemed to have something; Even the echoing remnant of his replica had not seemed to be fighting back with the same heartless vigor as he might have expected. Xehanort hadn’t tempered the right forces is this was what was going on. Instead he had incensed the warriors of Light. Kairi’s capture had pushed Sora into furious recklessness and Riku had followed to cover his six. Fighting Xemnas, Ansem and the young Xehanort all at once had pushed the three of them to the limits of their endurance, leaving Sora, Riku and Mickey all gasping for breath, struggling to stand before Xehanort. 
He was tired. So tired. Maybe tired enough to be imagining things? Perhaps on the heels of Ansem’s urging Riku’s mind was tricking him with what he desired? What he hoped to seek? It didn’t matter. What mattered was Kairi. 
She had just been revealed beside Xehanort, limply hanging beside him in some unconscious state. In a sickening flash, Riku understood what Xehanort intended to do. He tapped into reserves deep within him, meaning to jump forward at the same moment as Sora in some desperate hope to stop Xehanort, but neither of them moved swiftly enough. Yet that same darkness Riku had scented a beat before proved to have tricks of its own. Sora appeared between Xehanort and Kairi, holding his hand up to block No-Name from dealing it’s wicked blow. Riku instantly recognized who it was. It was that Sora, his Sora, Sora Arias. Somehow he was here, now, in the very instant Riku could hardly keep moving! His best friend also cried out, astonished by what was going on. Then just as unbelievably as his appearance, Sora twisted and was able to throw Kairi away from Xehanort. His counterpart raced forward to catch her before she landed, sliding to be under her at the last moment. Riku forced his legs into moving as well, running up to their side to be sure that Kairi was safe. She was unharmed. If they could only wake her up, they could finish this by fighting together against Xehanort! He twisted to cry for Mickey with the hopes the King knew a spell that could wake her, only paused when he noticed a pair of blue eyes looking over at him. He knew Sora for his scent, knew him for the dark hair, but those blue eyes were new. Different. Enthralling. They had been looking for him and now Riku couldn’t look away. He was drawn in by the blue, lit by the light of Kingdom Hearts, wet with tears that escaped down pale skin. Smiling, but crying as well. Sora knew what was coming. 
“Hey! RIKU!” Sora had called. “Kick his ass for me, will ya?”
The keyblade came down and Riku’s whole world shattered. 
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“XEHANORT!” The scream was torn from him in the same moment a surge of darkness exploded out of him and while Sora shielded Kairi from it and Mickey tried to stop Riku from attacking, Riku was gone, so quick as to be nothing more than a flash. Xehanort had just enough time to bring up a keyblade before him to stop the strike. In fact, he was lucky to have thirteen blades as more hits came to rain down on him. The silver haired master had trained for years and had learned dangerous techniques which he employed now. Small portals of darkness allowed him to flash in and out of existence as he tried to batter down the old Master’s guard. To no avail. He couldn't get through.A tempest of darkness and wrath, and Xehanort resided in the eye, batting aside every blast, every slice, every blow. The grin had been wiped clean, but he still seemed unconcerned.  Eventually a blade caught Riku across the chest, sending him into the ground of the pilar. He rolled to his feet and was about to start again when Mickey came from above with a spell. “Ultima!” A perfect spell for that bastard. Unfortunately Xehanort was fast and instantly he had cast Stopza to prevent the King’s magic from obliterating him from existence. Riku had to watch helplessly from the epicenter as Xehanort was able to obtain the X-blade and unlock Kingdom Hearts. The time didn’t ease Riku’s rage. In fact it only helped it grow stronger. The man was going to pay for what he had just done. He was going to regret having made Riku an enemy. 
“Xehanort’s a portal.” He explained shortly after, when the magic had faded and the others had regrouped with the other four. Each of them was at a loss as to how to stop Xehanort, but Riku had remembered something from back during his Mark of Mastery Exam. “We can trap him. And I’m going to End him.” The others argued. Sora tried to insert himself, saying it was his fault that it had even happened, and Riku would be more useful against the bigger threat but Riku wouldn’t hear it. Xehanort had made an impulsive choice and taken something from Riku that he refused to forgive. With Kairi awake and Sora with her, they didn’t need him there. Riku had to do this. If it had been Kairi struck down, what would Sora have done in his place? That got his best friend to lower his eyes and nod, before he made Riku promise to come back. 
“Kick his ass for me, will ya?”
That’s exactly what Riku did. Xehanort had brought aspects of himself to fight Riku, but they had failed. He had unleashed his true strength, but that had fallen short. He had tried to steal all the light Riku had inherited, but as Ansem had observed, his strength was vaster than the darkness itself. And when he had needed it, when his desperation echoed back to his friends, Sora, Kairi, Mickey… they had reached out to him and given him what he needed to deal the final blow. 
And just like that, it was over. They had been able to seal away Kingdom hearts again, they had been restored to their time, and again they were back in the keyblade graveyard, everything set back the way it should be. At least, how it should have been. Only there was a raw wound in Riku’s heart that hadn’t been eased even after that satisfying honor to Sora’s wish. Because he wasn’t here. He was gone. Again. As the others celebrated the victory, Riku strode away from them, his eyes having caught sight of something sitting nearby. He could hear them go rather quiet as he bent to pick them up. A cell phone and a talisman. He knew that device, and instinctively he knew the talisman too. The scent lingered on them. These were his. As he powered up the screen, Riku could see the last message that had come through. [txt]: Goodbye. 
How long ago had he sent that, thinking he was never going to see Sora again? 
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“You’re leaving again, aren’t you?” Sora’s voice was soft at his elbow, drawing Riku’s attention back to his friend. Pale fingers wrapped tightly around both items in a tight grip, going whiter with the strength of that grip. The only answer he needed to give was a nod. Sora understood, even if he sighed. “You do that, Riku, and you might not come back!” Mickey protested. “I have to try.” 
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It was wet. Like it had been raining. As he shifted and raised his eyes, nothing familiar answered his inquiry. There was little sound beyond the occasional water dropping onto metal. He was somewhere… urban. Wait--maybe it was familiar? Had he been here before? 
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lynxgriffin · 6 years
I like that old time rock and roll
It’s under the cut for anyone who wants to avoid spoilers!!
Really, autosave? Okay then!
The whole series as chess match between Xehanort and Eraqus, this is so Homestuck
What are these little loading screen dooblydoos?
WOAH what is this town, I want to live here
Young Eraqus babe!!
Xehanort blames the Furry Squad
Also where do I learn to storyboard something like that
Well ain’t this just familiar!
And hmmm I usually like to just attack a bunch, so we’ll go path of the warrior
He’s on the salt flats all of a sudden!
Ahh good ol Darkside, can’t go along without you, can we
OMG HJO sounds so older
Okay this scene was earlier in 2.8
Also this version of this song is so pretty nnngh
And there’s that line again!
Hades it never works to use the FF sadboys
Sora’s heart has bad aim as usual
He can just run up walls now, it’s fine!
Aw man I was kinda hoping for field chatter, do we not have any of that?
Dat title crawl!!
I love Sora just casually sassing the god of the dead
We’re blasting off agaaaaain
I love how everyone is just like “oh great it’s you again”
Oh Maleficent you’re too smart to fall for that
Hey I remember these guys from when Aqua fought them!
OH GOSH you can set the poor boy on fire!!
Aw yay no longer Junior Heroes!
Aw we didn’t get to do the actual saving people part
“He’s inconsequential” Oh that’s gonna come back and bite you, Maleficent
Aww I found some food ingredients! Probably for Remy later!
Man could really go for some blizzard spells about now
Lady how did you even get up there??
Here have you been standing there Atlas-ing the whole time??
Ahaa so that’s how we do forms around here!
Is his hair getting more silver or am I imagining it
Good question there, Sora
Xigbar: Well, I’m here to be cryptic! And I’m done now! BYYYYEEE
Oh no them big sad eyes
Oh woah that’s a big fella
That we took out mostly via pirate ship, YEEEUH
I FOUND A HIDDEN MICKEY but I have no cell phone yet!
Okay that was a pretty heckin cool finisher
You know I was kinda worried about the textures in this earlier, but I gotta say in motion everything looks real great
Oh man they know how to make these battles satisfying
Oh hey check it out guys, we’ve arrived at heaven
Oh dang they did a nice job with the area here
WE got all the good candy now!!
Holy crap air stepping is uh! Nutty!
Oh hey there, all the remaining Titans
Wow okay first death because I had no clue what to do in that situation
Uuuugh okay I got FARTHER that time and I even got Antiform! But I’m still a bit confused as to how to get past this part, esp with no way to heal
THERE we go, got it on the third try!
And finished it off with a shotlock, niceeee
Sora: I’ll find my strength through the old-fashioned way: LEVELING UP
Holy cow the extra Keyblade stuff looks like it’ll actually be extra tricky in terms of technique
LMAO they just find Pandora’s Box and are like NEVER MIND THAT’S NOT THE SCARY BOX WE NEED
The good darkness boys!!
Back at this good ol’ darkness beach
He’s gonna sniff her out like a bloodhound!
Oh he is a lot tougher, and good thing because it’s another demon wave
Well that was weird
WHAT it seriously got broken by a demon wave??
Dang I love these title crawls and new remixes
Let’s Just Tease Sora Relentlessly: The Game
Ohhh man Aqua’s theme
*bangs fist on table* GIVE. LEA. NEW. CLOTHES
And yay Sora gets his new clothes!
Awww it’s got the Dream Eater symbol on it!
New plaid outfit!!
Ohh I’m excited to see where we actually go next
Ienzo: Come on Aeleus, just get over your horrific betrayal and murders like I did!!
Ienzo: We’ve discovered a Heart Hotel in you Sora; turns out it’s been there for awhile
Chip and Dale: Please help Sora he’s terrible with technology
Holy cow the gummi ship seems way harder to control now is it just me??
Okay whelp, makes sense Twilight Town is next!
“Hurting is part of caring” THAT MUST BE WHY I’M HURTIN RIGHT NOW
HOLY HOLY SHIT THAT HAS SO MUCH HP—oh we don’t have to fight the whole thing THANK GOODNESS
“This is underprecedented!”
Everyone here to find the Roxases!
Oh nooo photo cuties
OKAY I actually really need food in order to live so I need to take a quick lunch break but
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dawnblxde · 5 years
[Kingdom Hearts 3 Review]
Welp I’ve finally done it, finally played and finished KH3! - After intentionally delaying doing so with my day one copy after finding out for some silly reason - it lacked multiple world visits for development sake and had no Final Fantasy characters - so I decided to finish the games I was in the middle of then replay the entire KH franchise, except the ones you could watch. Gonna leave my thoughts below. Just in case there are those out there still trying to avoid legit spoilers!
There were good and bad elements to this game.. Plenty of my experience that I enjoyed, but I believe more so that I didn’t - which made me want to pull out my hair. But I like my head shaved, so that wouldn’t work lol I liked the graphics, beautiful but I knew a PS3 could handle them as the quality of Woody in this game was the same as him in Toy Story 3 (2010 Video Game). Enjoyed the gameplay, though it felt like a flawed, floaty and broken version of Kingdom Heart’s 2 near perfect improvement of Kingdom Heart’s gameplay. A problem was the fact that in the first two main games, even when I was level 50-60′s - I always felt like I could DIE. It was always a fear during major combat moments. I had to concentrate so much just to be successful. Even if I tried to be a higher level then recommending through grinding. I never felt like that in KH3, every moment was such a cake walk. Even the final battle. Did they even try. Regardless, I had a good time with the gameplay and the visuals. But I wasn’t as drawn in as previous games. It did the game no favors and was a massive flaw, it lacking Final Fantasy characters. We should of been able to explore Radiant Garden or had other worlds relevant to FF characters. They were really important to Sora’s development as a Keyblade wielder. Cloud and Squall for sure. Sora wouldn’t be who he is if he hadn’t encountered and spoke to them. They’d of been useful in multiple sequences. We deserved the next part to Cloud’s issues with Sephiroth. That wasn’t resolved. See how Squall/Leon and the others reacted and dealt with what was going on at Radiant Garden. They’re capable of other world travel, seeing how they’d react to some of the new worlds would of been great as well. Nomura confirmed the only Noctis he’d put in KH was his Noctis. Versus XIII Noctis. And interest in doing so. Yet he wasn’t in the game, when as an Anti-Hero of both light and darkness would of been interesting. Seeing he’d take neither side. Also has important factors in common with Rapunzel and Elsa. Seeing them relating over this would of been nice. The lack off FF adds to factors that make KH3 be disappointing experience - along with an enjoyable one. One of the things that still makes KH2 the best. Was how awesome it was to watch the Final Fantasy characters and Disney characters team up in the battle of 1000 Heartless. One of the best aspects about the franchise is the concept of it being a FF x Disney - a Final Fantasy and Disney collaboration. Multiple visits were really needed. Some of the worlds were quite enjoyable and not frustrating. But they all have different percentages of feeling rushed and not fleshed out enough due to one visit. And some annoyingly treated Sora like he didn’t matter. Just acted like making you watch rushed unfinished version’s of the original Disney movies. Sora’s just there like. Oh look, it’s Sora over there! Hi Sora! You don’t matter here! Shouldn’t be like that. The Disney characters should be well blended into the Kingdom Hearts plot and Sora in the plot of the Disney world. The story made me feel emotional, I enjoyed all the Kingdom Hearts parts, even if I felt some of them were rushed or not written well. Tears did leave my eyes. I liked how Aqua didn’t actually give into Darkness, it was Ansem’s fault. I liked the reunion, final battle sequences and all the stuff leading up to it. My favorite parts to praise are the deaths of all Org 13 members, each made me feel emotional and I wanted to see those character’s again reborn. Not so much young Xeraxnort. But Ansem and Xemnas? Oh the feels there, they were strong. I clapped. I felt there could be more with Larxene in the game in general, including her end. Luxord’s! Clap, really want him to come back and play cards with Sora. Riku Replica’s was great too. Both Riku Replica’s. Marluxa’s.. Vanitas’s was disappointing. However, these great moments aren’t enough for me to forgive those disrespected by this game. The one’s from the worlds you could visit. I’ll get to the unforgivable bits last. Toy Story’s new story and world were great. I loved exploring that world and playing through it. The development was great. Only flaw was what they did with Buzz, he’s stronger character then they take him for. He wouldn’t lose himself to the Darkness. Otherwise, everything was great. Pretty sure it’s my favorite. Hercules’s world was the level of quality I expected! It was decent, I miss the goddamn tournament's, Phil’s voice - but I did love the exploration of his city and meeting his father! Shame no boss fight with Hades's, they’re great and fun! Twilight Town sucked! I liked seeing the gang again, Uncle Scrooge and little chef. But that doesn’t make up for the fact that more then half of Twilight Town is cut and it doesn’t look like the same place! I liked exploring the entire world, not just a portion of it. Monsters Inc’s sequel to the first film with that world experience was great! I had a blast! I always wanted to see Sully’s reunion with Boo! It wasn’t perfect, but I had a good time! Pirates of Caribbean felt like it changed things from it’s canon, but it was an emotional blast! Jack Sparrow scenes and Will scenes, it was just great! The Big Hero 6 world! Oh it was great! It was emotional to lost Baymax in the film, to get him back was great! Kinda sucked to not see the big brother come back, but they’re saving that version of events for the sequel. Two Baymax’s. The only thing I didn’t like was how the whole cast was shrunk. Best example being Honey should of been taller then Jack Sparrow’s model, but she wasn’t. These worlds could of really done with multiple visits. Even more so the three left, that were wronged and disrespected. Don’t try to praise/defend what was done to them, they deserved better. Winne the Pooh deserved better. I liked not having to collect Torn Pages, but even if you didn’t have to. In the previous games, The Winnie the Pooh worlds lasted about an hour or so doing all the activities, helping out all Pooh Bear’s friends - stuff like that. Then you have KH3′s version, which is less then 20 minutes, doing the same activity three times. That was awful. Pooh’s universe deserved better. We deserved better. This is a massive flaw. Can’t forgive this. I love Pooh Bear. Now, as someone who love’s Rapunzel, not fond of how they treated her world either. It was basically the movie with bits cut out and skipped. She hardly interacted with Kingdom Hearts lore, Sora hardly stuck around her. It was just like. Now and then, Sora’s there. Why were they so scared of showing Rapunzel kissing Flynn? There were so many moments Sora should of got to interact with? Where were the two bad guy twins? Rapunzel just generally deserved better in this game. Last but not least, Frozen. Probably the worst world in the game. Because you spend most of it just falling off mountains. They hardly let Sora interact with Elsa or Anna. Or left them get involved in Kingdom Hearts lore. Sora would of been able to relate well to Elsa if they let it happen. You can’t explore the palace, Han’s has no lines and you’re forced to listen to Let It Go again with Sora basically just there. Like hi Sora! All I liked was Snow guard getting more of a role. Don’t even get to explore the city. Just the snowy place. No real development, it’s like - what was the point? There really was none. Why did we go there? Why was Larxene there? Elsa and Anna deserved better then this. Also while not all Disney worlds could of returned in KH3, due to their stories being settled. A lot definitely could! Also, Kairi deserved better then pretty much being a plot device, hardly getting development at all just to go poof. And the idea that Sora’s sacrifice to get her back doesn’t lead to the priority of everyone to find and/or bring him back somehow instead of chilling. Just made the whole ending sequence an OOC moment for me.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is a decent game and fun experience, but it’s also a flawed mess. Like handling in a English report that gets a low C and just barely hits the passing grade. It is not the worst in the franchise, but Kingdom Hearts 2 easily beats it and so does Kingdom Hearts, the original one. Funner to play then Dream Drop Distance, Chain Of Memories, Recoded and the Roxas focused game! But the rest defeat it! I have no interest in a new game plus, roleplay wise I intend to amend the flaws. The Disney worlds that were wronged will get justice. Add back Final Fantasy and the missing Disney worlds. Make it what it should of been! I had a good time, I really did. But once was enough. After finishing, it now shocks me that an amount of people I can count on just one of my hands tried to either tell me KH3 was good enough or superior to all the other games, even KH2. My assumption now is, they hadn’t recently played the other games before playing 3, were lost in Nostagla or something else was going on. Just how.. How could this possibly beat the two other main titles? The only thing superior is the more then three team mates tbh. xD
I really feel like I’m being generous here, but if I went lower then I’d think I was being too harsh. It’s not FFXV and Bound by Flame 5/10 quality, but it’s certainly not The Walking Dead (by Tellale) and The Last of Us 9/10 quality. So this will have to do. Nomura, I strongly advise you to look back at Kingdom Hearts 2 and what made it so great, before you work on your next main title. 
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star-shapedfruit · 6 years
A sort of KH3 review.. thing
Well dang that was a wild ride wasn’t it? It’s been about 2/3 weeks since I finished the game (took me 5 days which is record time for me considering it was a pretty big game) so I’ll try my best to condense my thoughts on it below
Please note this is my opinion so you may agree or disagree with me on some parts and that’s totally fine!
And it’s gonna be long
Alright let’s get the bad out of the way:
-The pacing
I’m not the first and I definitely won’t be the last to complain about the goddamn pacing. Kingdom Hearts in general is pretty bad when it comes to a well balanced pace and this was the same. Everything felt rushed and crammed towards the end with it feeling like ‘quick let’s wrap this up ASAP!’.
It was literally Disney world after world with bits of important story in between and then the actual plot of saving everyone kicked in and probably made up of about 3 hours of the whole game. It could have been better if we’d have rescued Aqua and Ven earlier then towards the end save Roxas, Xion and Terra (and Namine) but nah.
Even the ending itself felt rushed and half assed at times. We didn’t get to see Sora save Kairi it was just Keyblade Graveyard ending- everyone being happy at the beach- credits. That was... kinda dumb? Also when you’re wrapping up a 17 year old saga you don’t tend to end it like that. You know what I’m talking about.
They gone did Kairi dirty again. AGAIN. How many times are we gonna do this? My poor girl got shafted right at the end just to fuel Sora’s anger and then didn’t explain how she got back to the islands anyway but who fucking cares y’know.
She was hyped up after being confirmed to be a guardian of light and in training with Lea and they did fuck all with it. It’s like you’re so excited to see Santa and you get up on his knee to ask what present you want this Christmas only for Santa to laugh and smack you in the face.
I could go on and on about Kairi but I’d probably be saying what everyone else has already said. I was expecting more character interactions ie the famous Roxas and Ven one we’ve been looking forward to for years but we got a funny glance and that’s it. Again, probably due to pacing but there was so much potential for some great new friendships to blossom and they just... didn’t.
Ok this is mainly Twilight Town being so teenie weenie. Come on, in KH2 we had TT, Hollow Bastion, TWTNW, Yen Sid’s Tower but for 3? Two sections of TT that’ll do. ??? Why??? It looked gorgeous and I couldn’t wait to explore the whole town but for some reason we were reduced to it being two rooms. Also missed out a good opportunity to have RG playable again but nah.
I get the feeling Disney we’re very pushy with this title? Like they had more input than usual and Square couldn’t really argue with them which would explain why the OG worlds were kinda dull? Idk I hope they learn to butt out a little and let Square do their thing. I’m not saying get rid of Disney god no. I just think there needs to be less Disney and more OG in the next title.
Alright the good stuff now!
- The graphics
Holy shit this game was BEAUTIFUL
Everything was gorgeous to look at and Unreal Engine made all the worlds look unique and specific to their Disney world. Like o can’t fault how this game looks it’s just that pretty
-Voice acting
Hayley, Hayley my man you did fantastic. I was getting worried that he’d sound off like in DDD but the man delivered. Everything was spot on and his emotions came across so much better? That scream? The crying?? The joy?? Beautiful. And Vanitas sounded so goddamn evil and Hayley sounded like he was having a blast voicing him 👌
Jesse did amazing as always with Roxas and Ven making them sound different. Just wish they coulda talked to each other xD I really liked Alyson’s Kairi too! I miss Hayden but for the most part Alyson pulled it off great along with Xion.
Like everyone sounded so much better I could go on and on. Can’t really fault much of the voice acting tbh. Xehanort grew on me but Nimoy will always be the better Nort
-Minigames/side quests
I absolutely SUCK at the cooking mini game but I still found it loads of fun. The only one I could do properly was the salt and pepper shaker one 😅 The 100 Acre Wood stuff was very samey samey but still cute and fun regardless.
I only did one flan mini game (the one in Toy Box) and that was awesome too! Hunting for ingredients and lucky emblems was tricky in parts but I loved the satisfaction when you finally find the damn thing! They were just a nice little touch and even though I only got 17 out of 90 I enjoyed looking for them.
-Attraction Flow
LOVED this gimmick. What can I say I absolutely love Disneyland and being able to use the rides to fight in battle was a blast. I especially loved the mad tea cups (“Bring it in!”) and the pirate ship they were loads of fun :D shame I only got to use Thunder Mountain twice because it’s one of my favourite rides xD
-The gummi phone
Who doesn’t love this. Finally I can take selfies with Disney characters! It was so cute I’m glad they added it. I’m definitely gonna use it more on my next gameplay at inappropriate times during the final battles 🌚
-Final battles
Being able to fight alongside Riku, Mickey, Aqua, Ven, Kairi, Lea, Roxas and Xion was at the top of my wish list for 3 and it finally happened ;-; Ok we’re with Kairi and Lea for two minutes but I ENJOYED THOSE TWO MINUTES. Kairi actually does some decent damage too so she can fight. You did amazing sweetie. And how OP is Roxas? You can just sit back and let him do all the work while you and Xion chill out. Granted they weren’t difficult bosses but I don’t care I got to fight with my sons and daughters by my side <3
I’m nearly done now promise. Just wanna say my favourite worlds ❤️
Corona: Gorgeous and (mostly) tranquil. Rapunzel and Eugene make great partners and the hair swing thing was awesome to jump to different areas. Also the little quests with Rapunzel were adorable and made the world feel more alive.
Monstropolis: I think what made this world for me were the character interactions and the music. The world itself was just inside the factory but the way everyone played off each other and dealt with Vanitas at the end was amazing. And Sora doing his funny face again. You little treasure <3
Toy Box: YOU. ARE. A. TOYYYYYY. Everything was so gigantic and interactive and gsjsksksla it was just loads of fun! Loved Woody and Buzz as partners and the whole world was such a treat- nothing like we’ve ever had in a KH game before. Can we also talk about Woody absolutely wrecking Xehanort though? Iconic.
Well I think that’ll do me for now. Overall I’d give it an 8.5/10 with the major issues being plot pacing and lack of character development. Also the camera sometimes did this weird thing in attraction flow mode where it’d just zoom into a rock or a tree :/ I really enjoyed KH3 despite its flaws and what was done well was done really well
Maybe get some more new writers and let Square properly take the reins for the next one yeah? And let Kairi finally have her time to shine. You’ve set up a rescue mission after all, Square 👀
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