#platonic ronarry
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slitherpuffinstories · 6 months ago
Ron looks up at him from across the sofa, hand still digging in a bowl of popcorn.
“Yeah, mate?”
Harry stays silent for a moment, not looking away from the telly. He can’t see what’s going on on the screen; everything is too blurry. He isn’t crying, just… trying his best to zone out, so the hurt in Ron’s voice will hurt him less. He blinks quickly a few times.
“Would you hate me if I was gay?”
There. He’s said it.
There is silence, and Harry doesn’t even bother to try and hide the pure fear on his face. He knows it’s visible. People always tell his he wears his heart on his sleeve.
“Do you really think I would? Blimey, Harry, thanks a million.”
Harry holds his breath. He can hear the crunching sounds of popcorn between Ron’s teeth.
“You wouldn’t?”
“Well, of course not! Perhaps I’d be… shocked for a little while. But I’d get over it.”
“Shocked for a while?”
“How long are we talking?”
Harry looks over at his best friend, swallowing hard. Ron is smiling to himself, not meeting his eyes quite yet.
“To be completely honest with you, Harry, I’m already over it, so not that long of a moment.”
Harry buries his face in his knees and draws a shuddering breath, suddenly relieved. And Ron scoots over and puts an arm around him, his steady hand on Harry’s back sending waves of emotions through him. His shoulders are shaking, embarrassingly enough, and he has to blink a few times to stop his tears from falling.
Ron doesn’t say anything, just holds him and offers him popcorn from his bowl. Harry takes a few and laughs through his tears.
“Thank you.”
“No problem, Harry.” Ron pauses for a moment, then says: “I’m not even surprised, actually. I’m just happy you felt safe enough to tell me.”
The rest of the evening flies by, and when Harry goes to sleep that night, it feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
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fairyofspringdays · 2 months ago
i bet if ron and harry were gen z they would unironically call each other bestie all. the. time.
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 7 months ago
Friendly reminder that in Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets, Ron’s voice trembles when Harry is about to walk off to meet Tom Riddle and he’s about to say something before Harry cuts him off and leaves.
“I’ll be fine, Ron. Don’t worry. Just… wait here with Lockhart, will you?”
Ron bites his lip and nods. Harry can clearly hear the tremble in his voice as he says:
“I’ll clean up all these boulders as much as I can. So you can walk through here… when you get back. Harry, I…”
“I have to go”, Harry says quickly, turning around to leave to find Ginny.
Ron stays where he is, on the other side of all the boulders. He swallows and blinks a few times, determined not to let the tears that are threatening to fall escape his eyes. They’re just twelve, and now Harry is on his way to find Slytherin’s monster on his own and defeat it. On. His. Own. It’s unfair. Everything is so unfair.
“Find my sister, Harry”, Ron whispers. “Please come back, please come back, please come back.”
He looks down at his feet and tries to ignore the odd feeling in his stomach.
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maybebitterxox · 1 year ago
Something about Rarry that I think is just so beautiful is the fact that Ron thinks he needs to be better than his sibling and friends, needs to be better than what he is to be worthy of love, but the very moment Harry Potter, The Chosen One, saw the lopsided smile of the scruffy redhead with dirt on his nose and worn clothes, he loved him like he had loved nothing else. And he never, throughout his whole life, loved anyone in the way he loved Ron.
Ron believed himself unlovable — Harry had never known love until he met Ron, and loving him was as easy as breathing.
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urmumsgyatt · 7 months ago
petition to start calling ronarry goldenhearts
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coockiemonster3000 · 4 months ago
just thinking abt ron time traveling to the marauders era, interacting with lily and james and realizing how much harry resemble his parents
in the way he laughs like james, feel the word and gets mad just like lily, brush his hair the same way james does and frowns while poke the corner of his nails while reading a book in the same way lily does too, and all of this just makes him miss harry even more
bc even tho harry has so much of his parents in him, he also have much of himself and ron just yearns this part of him so much that It hurts sometimes
he misses the way harry lower his head to laugh everytime, even when its just a small laugh, the concentrated face when dealing with serious matters, the sideways glances every time someone says something stupid and he is not allowed to say anything, or even the silly way he tied his tie when he woke up too late for a class
ron cannot prevent himself from comparing harry's parents with his best mate bc even tho they share so much similarities, lily and james weren't him
they wasnt harry and this hurts him more than he imagined
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lunar-skylar · 2 months ago
Do you like harmony?
Oh boy. To put it quite plainly, yes, I do actually like Harmony (or, as I prefer to call it, Harmione).
I know there’s some controversy regarding that pairing because many people see them as siblings and claim that those who ship it just never read the books, but I’ve never really felt that sibling spark that they so often love to bring up. I’ve read the books (albeit not in quite some time) and watched the movies, yet I never once considered them to be brother and sister. Nothing about them screamed, “these two are definitely siblings”—at least in my opinion. They came off as simply two friends. For the longest time, I felt like I was completely missing something or was just crazy because I could not, for the life of me, see what all these other people were seeing when they said Harry and Hermione were very "sibling-coded,” but I honestly think it has to do with our differing views on sibling relationships and what they look like. The way I view siblings is so different from how those people see it. Where they saw siblings, I just saw two completely platonic best friends.
Some will say, “Yeah, but Harry said he sees her like a sister,” and sure, but personally, I never took that statement at face value. Not only does Harry refer to Hermione as a sister only once, but it was at a time when Ron was indifferent about their relationship and very jealous. I took it as him just trying to reassure Ron that he seriously didn’t want or see Hermione romantically at all, and that she was all his to pursue.
I mean, there’s even a time when it’s implied that Harry sees Ginny not only as his best friend’s little sister but also as his sister. That was when he confused his feelings for her as just “brotherly feelings.” My boy wouldn’t know what a sibling relationship looked like even if it slapped him in the face, lol. So, yeah, his “she’s like a sister to me” comment about Hermione simply came off as reassurance (while with Ginny, it was obviously just confusion).
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wizard-potter · 11 months ago
And now I have no idea what to do but I'll figure it out ig
Hell yeah my best friend's on the Quidditch team
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alien-slushie · 1 year ago
Ron, just got pranked by the twins: Just Shut Up! I'm going to kill the nex f*cking person I see, I swear to Merlin-!
Harry, just arriving at the Burrow: Ron! Hi I'm so happy to see you! ♡
Fred and George: *laughing their butts off in the background*
Ron, in a soft voice: Hi, oh my gosh, what's going on?
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gof rarry my beloved
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springs-hurts · 2 years ago
in Harry Potter, we might have nothing else but the friendship, trust, loyalty and others between Harry and Ron
and the friendship, loyalty, trust and others between Sirius and James. Just perfect.
I don't care bout anything(and imo friends to lovers just perfect,anyway) but the relationship between them is everything for me.
We've very little content about James and Sirius but even with what little we have, we know Sirius and James were just in different league than any other friends. He literally put his and lily and Harry's life into his hands. He believed so much. Sirius ran away and reached out to the person he loved most. Where he belonged.
Really tho, it'll never cease to amaze me how much they trust each other, how loyal they both were...
Then we've Ron and Harry, here we saw all the ups and downs but one thing remained constant and that was their love for each other. All hardships, all those adventures, everything, from the chapter Ron and Harry met to the last chapter, there'd be very very few chapters where ron isn't even mentioned.
It's canon that Ron was the person Harry loved most😭
James and Sirius and Ron and Harry, they both met first time in the Hogwarts express. Said F to all things and became ride or die from then on😭❤
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taleya15 · 6 months ago
About me!
My name is Taleya
My nickname is Leya
I’m pansexual 🩷💛💙
My pronouns are she/her or they/them
This is a safe place for anyone but creeps!
I’m a writer ofc, you can send in requests for me If you want! I write almost anything except for sexual assault or pedophilia. But I will say no, to other things depending on the ask.
My ships I write for:
Stranger things
Stobin (platonically!)
Harry Potter
Ronarry (Ron x Harry)
Jarlos (Jay x Carlos)
Jay x Harry
Jay x Gill
Ben x Carlos
Bed x Jay
Ben x Gil
Ben x Harry
That’s it for now! But request, for one shots are officially open! So please send in requests if you have any! If you have any other questions, I’m happy to answer!
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violettavonviolet · 4 months ago
Ron & Harry Fic Rec's
This is a celebration of the wonderful friendship that Ron and Harry had, which somehow disappeared in the movies. There are way too few fics out there about them.
Some are ronarry fics, some are platonic, all are completed. Show the authors some love! If you want recs for a certain ship, just ask, I probably have some!
Ron is twelve when he hears that complete and utter twat Ernie Macmillan insult his best friend.
Ron's first fight is done in the name of protecting Harry's honor.
2.6k harry & ron best friends
The Wizards Gambit
Harry accidently gets good at chess after playing Ron for 6 years. Pity he doesn't even notice.
All the chess matches are real and linked in the fic for you to follow along for context since, as it turns out, writing chess is bloody difficult!
7k Harry & Ron
Life Drawing
Dean watches, and sees something unexpected.
1.7k ronarry
Wish Fulfillment
A canon retelling of the original series from Ron's POV, but with a twist - every witch or wizard has a soulmark that reflects their soulmate's deepest desire. Ron gets his at just five years old, but the words aren't what anyone expects.
Not (completely) Epilogue or Cursed Child compliant. Endgame pairings not all canon-compliant.
Rated M to be safe. Some profanity and adult references in later chapters.
55k ronarry soulmates
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Questions asked, questions unasked, secrets told and secrets kept, trust, devotion, empathy and love. 
Ron and Harry's friendship, from that first day on the Hogwarts Express, right through until after the Battle. Can be read as a friendship fic, or a ship fic. It's open to interpretation.
3.7k ronarry
nights with a knight (safe in your arms)
Lady Heloise Potter couldn't remember exactly when waking became her nightmare. Her dreams of being bonded with Mister Ron Weasley were agony to leave.
5k ronarry fem!Harry
The Happy Smiles Recipe
After Sirius's death Dumbledore is ready to send Harry once again back to the Dursleys. Molly Weasley is not about to let that happen.
8k ronarry
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dronarryfest · 6 months ago
Dronarry Fest 2025 | Schedule & Rules
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Dronarry Fest 2025 Rules and Guidelines
Dronarry Fest is a fic and art fest specifically dedicated to the characters of Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter, either as a triad (Dronarry) or as pairs (Drarry, Dron, Ronarry). All works must feature all three characters in significant capacity either as romantic interests or in a platonic dynamic of some description. This is a non-anon fest!
Prompting Opens October 11th  Prompting Closes November 1st  Claiming Starts November 2nd Claiming Close: February 7th Submissions Due February 20th
Posting will begin around March 7th, with reveals to follow, exact dates to be confirmed.
Rules and guidelines below the cut
Prompting Opens October 11th Prompting Closes November 1st
You may submit as many prompts as you like, either using your name or anonymously.
You do not have to be creating in the fest to send in a prompt.
Please include any extra prompt details you would love to see incorporated (e.g. a favourite trope).
If you wish to, please include a maximum rating (e.g. Explicit) and any squicks or triggers (e.g. MCD). 
Please note that any prompt details, including wished-for tropes, ratings, and squicks, are for inspiration only, and creators are not obligated to fulfil all of your desired wishes.
Remember that this is a Dronarry fest, and all ship requests must include Dronarry, Dron, Drarry, and/or Ronarry. No other ships are permitted unless they are minor.
We allow self-prompting. You may submit your desired prompt and then take your chance claiming it (with the risk that someone else may snatch it up before you), or you can fill in the special box for self-prompts once claiming opens.
Prompts will be available for browsing once claiming opens. 
Claiming Starts November 2nd at 5pm GMT Claiming Closes: February 7th at 5pm GMT
This is an 18+ fest. Please do not sign up if you are under the age of 18 at the time of submission (February 20th 2025).
You may only claim one prompt at a time. If you finish your prompt, you may claim an additional prompt, but you must submit your first prompt as per submission guidelines first.
Claims will be awarded on a first come, first served basis.
You may claim for different fanwork types at the same time, either as an individual or as a collaboration (e.g. art + fic).
Collaborations are welcome! Please only submit one form per collaboration work and include details of all participants. Collabs can be illustrated fics, multi-author fics, multi-artists artworks, etc.
If you wish to create based on an existing fanwork, please submit as a self-prompt. You must ask for the original creator’s permission before submitting. We will trust you to honour this and only ask for proof in case issues arise. As proof we would expect written consent, or a blanket permission statement from the original creator either as a link or screencap.
You can browse blanket permission statements of creators here: https://www.fpslist.org/
All creations must feature either: Dronarry (Draco/Ron/Harry), Drarry (Draco/Harry), Dron (Draco/Ron), or Ronarry (Ron/Harry), or a mixture of the listed ships. Any other ships must be minor.
All creations must feature Draco, Ron, and Harry as main characters.
Minimum of 1k for fics, with no maximum wordcount. For podfics, the recorded story should be a minimum of 1k words, no maximum.
All fics must be proofread by a beta. Podfics must be proofed before submission. If you do not have a beta, please contact the mods ([email protected]) or send us an ask and we can put a call out for a beta for you.
Please tag your works appropriately and sensitively. We want this to be a fest for everyone to feel safe and included and that means being mindful with your warning tags. If you’re not sure about how to tag something, please let the mods know and we can help. Please also note that we reserve the right to review your tags and add any additional tags to your works. We will always let you know what these tags are.
This is a non-anonymous fest, so feel free to share snippets of your work in the run up to posting!
Submissions must be complete works created for Dronarry Fest. Please do not submit incomplete works or works that are part of a series or a prequel/sequel to an existing work, unless it is a remix.
We encourage you to be inspired by prompts’ additional details, but it is not a requirement to incorporate them into your creation. You are not required to abide by any mentioned dislikes. However, if you plan to gift a creation to the prompter, we may disallow this if you ignore stated dislikes. Please tag your work appropriately.
Submissions Due February 20th
All works must be submitted to the AO3 collection: Dronarry Fest 2025. If you do not have an AO3 account, please contact the mods.
You are required to add dronarry_mods as a co-creator when uploading your creation. This is so that we can change the posting date, check the submission, and add a tag for Dronarry Fest 2025. We will not make any other changes to your work, and we will remove the mod account immediately after the fest has ended. 
Please contact the mods if you have any issues submitting your work to AO3.
Following submission, please email [email protected] to confirm you have submitted your work with the completed submission header form below. You will receive a confirmation email from us.
Submission header
Title: Creator(s): Type: (art, fic, podfic, craft) Wordcount/length: Art/Craft medium: Warnings: Prompt no. or self prompt: Pairing: Summary: Link to work: Link to original work (if applicable):
Extensions/Dropping Out/Adjustments
Real life happens! If you need to drop out of the fest for any reason at all, please let the mods know ASAP via email. There will be no repercussions for future fests if you let us know before the submission date.
If you need an extension, please contact the mods ASAP with the estimated additional time you need. Please don’t hesitate to reach out as soon as you find yourself struggling with a due date.
If you signed up for a collaboration but things don’t work out for one or more participants, please let us know. We will confirm to all collab partners and treat the remaining participant/s as a single claim pending confirmation.
The mods will post your creation on the scheduled day. We do not release the posting schedule as this is subject to change.
Reveals posting will be scheduled closer to the submission deadline. Watch this space!
Are other ships allowed?
Theoretically, yes, but they must be minor. Dronarry, Drarry, Dron and/or Ronarry must be the main pairing and focus of your work. You can pair Draco, Ron, and/or Harry with other characters, but these must be background relationships and the story must be centred around one or more of the ships listed above.
Is this an 18+ fest?
Yes, this fest is only open to creators over the age of 18 at time of submission (February 20th 2025).
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toorumlk · 14 days ago
hi I'm new here and first of all I LOVE YOUR ART and wanted to know what your ships were (other than Ronmione)
hello welcome welcome!!! thank you so much! here are some non-romione ships i’m fond of:
tomarry (don’t shoot me)
snily (both platonic and romantic)
nevarry (neville and harry 🫶🏽)
ronarry (in a gay harry pining over oblivious het ron way)
wolfstar (of the adult/middle-aged variety)
mollyarthur <3 they’re always worth a mention
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remusawoooo · 11 months ago
one look under ronarry tag in tiktok and most comments are
when the edit is clearly shipping them romantically
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