#platonic itadori yuji
sunoorintarou · 1 year
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Catharsis: Kingdom Come.
Phos!Reader x (Platonic) Itadori Yuji, Kugisaki Nobara and Mahito
Warnings: Character death, murder ig, blood, gore, soooo angsty it isn't even funny, mentions of mental health, breakdowns, regret, neglect, ingestion of blood, grief, Mahito deserves his own warning, so so much self loathing, it's just alot.
Notes: Longest part yet. In my defense, I listened to Kimi Ga Kureta Mono, Give It Back and Inertia, Rapport, Lamp, and Ichiko Aoba while writing this
You hadn't expected the members of Jujutsu Tech to find you so quickly. It had barely been a few months after all. But here you were on a 'stroll' with Mahito and Jogo, when suddenly, you had the displeasure of  seeing Yuji and Nobara.
You had hoped to escape before they noticed you, but it was too late.
That was how you ended up in this stand-off, standing next to Mahito with your hands in your pockets. You were so nonchalant, not even looking them in the eye.
"This seems like it's gonna be a pain." You whispered to Mahito.
"Come on, these are your friends, don't you think it'll be fun? Itadori Yuji hates me, though. I'm taking more of a risk than you." Mahito laughed.
You cursed under your breath. Of course, Jogo left at the first sign of danger.
"Y/n! What are you doing?" Yuji asked, eyes narrowing at your form.
Nobara's eyes were filled with rage, glazing over. Standing with the curses, however, you looked healthier than you had when you were with them.
Your face looked fuller, brighter, cheeks flushed ever so slightly. It seemed as if life had returned back to you, and that realisation left a stabbing pain in both Yuji and Nobara's chests.
"What am I doing? Well, I was taking a walk with my friend, now though, hmm, I hope I'm not fighting, that's for sure." You shrugged, leaning on Mahito's shoulder.
The goal, your goal, was to make them hate you, to make them never think of you without a foul taste in their mouths, and although it was cruel, this was the perfect way to do it. You had to taunt them, crush their spirits, become someone you weren't, briefly embrace the darkness in your heart before fleeing to the light once again. The only problem was that you didn't know which direction the light was cracking in from.
"You upset I took another one of your friends? If you want her back, come get her." Mahito taunted, narrowing his eyes. Jogo had decided not to take part in the battle, rather informing Getou of what was going on.
You watched as Mahito and Yuji went at it. Nobara hadn't moved yet. She was a strong woman, but not in the face of her ex - best friend whom she had watched whither away, unable to do anything about it.
"Man, this is lame. Nobara, attack me or something. Get it over and done with, I wanna go back home." You sighed nonchalantly, looking off to the side.
"Y/n, what... just what did we mean to you? Did we mean anything at all?" Nobara knew her words were selfish. We, we, we. I. Did she ever mean anything to you at all? This was selfish of her. So selfish of her to make it about herself, but she couldn't help it. Everyone is a little selfish with the people they love.
Home. You said that word so casually now. She remembered a day in summer so long ago when you, Gojo, Megumi, Yuji, and her were all on the training grounds. You weren't training, just sitting in each other's presence, talking casually.
You had been unusually quiet that day, and Nobara and Yuji had taken it upon themselves to get it the bottom of it, see what was bothering you.
She remembered the way your cheeks flushed pink, form trembling ever so slightly as you gathered all your courage and told them you liked them in the boldest voice you could muster. Claiming it was stupid, but you had been thinking about your family a lot lately and couldn't help but feel as if Jujutsu Tech had become your new family. Your new home.
Had you replaced them so easily?
"Huh, who knows. Fight me and figure it out." You smiled. Not the half smile they had grown used to, but a real smile, wide and bright. It didn't reach your eyes, though. It never did.
You knew Nobara wouldn't fight you. She couldn't. She was weak, and she cared about you too much. And you sighed, deciding to at least impart her with some knowledge.
"You're weak, Nobara. You're tenacious, and your curse technique is strong, but you hesitate, and that makes you weak. We mean nothing to each other now, I'm just another villain you need to defeat, so hurry up and stop being so pathetic and attack me."
Nobara felt sick. This was not you. This was not the bubbly, soft hearted girl who never hurt a fly. This was not the girl who painted her nails to match hers even though she didn't like nail polish. This was not the girl she had gone shopping with Maki with who stumbled in every pair of heels she tried on. This was not the girl who she shared a bed with whenever she had bad dreams. This was not the girl who cried in Nobara's arms until she fell asleep. This was not the girl who cried when they had returned from a mission all beaten up, the girl who had stayed awake sick with worry, spending all her time with Shoko in hopes she could help them with their injuries when they returned. This was simply not you.
And Nobara couldn't help but wonder if she was at fault. How long had you been feeling this way? How hadn't she noticed? Who was she lying to? She had noticed. They all had. But it had never occurred to them that you would actually do this. It was you, after all. You were the most put together, composed one of the group. Weak as you had been, you were never scared to put your life on the line to save others.
You who had been soothing their sore hearts and shining light upon their dark nights... had no one to do the same for you in return.
When had the days turned to nights in your head? When did the voices of everyone around you become muffled? When had the warmth in your heart turned cold?
Just how long did you suffer? Did you struggle with everything around you? With yourself? Until you decided this was the only way out?
Nobara took in a shaky breath, eyes glazing over.
You frowned when you felt the cursed energy of a few curses behind you. Jogo must have told Geto what had happened. You rolled your eyes, narrowing them at the curses, knowing they wouldn't listen to you.
Nobara now had no choice. She had to fight.
She activated her cursed technique, immediately getting to work fighting the curses. You hadn't moved from your spot, watching the fight a few feet in front of you.
"Fine then, if you won't get me answers, I'll force them out of you." Nobara shouted, steeling her resolve.
You smiled, inviting her to engage in combat.
You dodged all of her attacks, surprised when she tried to use close combat. You recognised her form, realising that she had been training with Maki. You smiled. She was still underestimating you. Just because you didn't have the will to fight, it didn't mean that you were still weak.
It was amusing, almost like an orcastrated dance. Nobara charged, you dodged, her fist flew at you, you used your foot to make her stumble. You were so much more agile and graceful than you had once been, easily dodging all her attacks.
It became even easier when the curses started attacking again. She could only hold them off for so long.
Nobara knew she had to end this soon, her cursed energy running low. But she finally had you in the perfect position.
"What's wrong, Nobara? Are you out of cursed energy already?" You mocked, staring at the girl a few feet in front of you. She was panting, clearly tired, but when she made eye contact with you, she smiled.
Your eyes widened, noticing the straw doll in her hands.
Nobara planned to immobilise your arms and legs, allowing her to effectively stop you and be able to bring you back with her. But in her rush, she was careless, one of her nails piercing a bit too high.
With the sound of shattering glass, your head snapped clean off. The strength of Nobara's nail easily overpowered the gold and gems that ran through your veins. Phosphophyllite only had a hardness of 3.5 after all.
The sound caught the attention of Mahito and Yuji, both boys turning in shock to watch as your head fell to the ground, shattering into pieces of gem so gorgeous, reflecting the moonlight like a puddle of ichor.
Yuji had felt weak. For the second time, he had been unable to protect someone he cared about. He was a Jujutsu Sorceror. He was supposed to be strong. How strong could he truly be if he could never protect the people he cared about?
What was he without Sukuna? Just a boy with above average physical strength who couldn't even protect the people closest to him.
This felt like Junpei all over again. Yuji felt sick. And of course, this God forsaken curse was involved again.
The rage managed to overtake how sick, how weak, Yuji felt. There was no point thinking about it after all. That wouldn't save you.
Perhaps this was worse than Junpei, in a way. You were the one person who saw through Yuji's smile. He could never hide how he felt from you.
His mind couldn't help but wonder to that night when everything had caught up to him. His grandfather, his execution, Sukuna, Junpei, curses, the cruelness of the world around him. Yuji felt as if he was slowly breaking.
And you, with a patience rivaling that of a deity, had patched up all the cracks, holding Yuji so gently he couldn't help but cry. Finally, let everything out, his true feelings, everything he had gone through, how unfair everything felt.
You were the one person he could never hide anything from.
Yet, you were the one person he could never read.
How did things turn out like this? He couldn't help but ask on all those nights he found himself in your room, looking at the picture you had taken of them all on the day of the first snow. The one you had framed on your bedside. The one you had left behind.
Yuji would be lying to himself if he said he didn't see it. He saw your eyes grow tired, weary from the burden you shouldered alone. Between the business of missions and training, he noticed the sadness that lingered in your features after Yukio's death. But he thought you'd be fine. He thought you had Nanamin, Ieiri - Sensei, Maki - Senpai, Panda - Senpai, Inumaki - Senpai. He thought you'd be fine without him, without Fushiguro, without Kugisaki.
He thought.
He also thought the same about Junpei. When would he learn?
When Yuji heard that sickening crack, he felt the same despair he had felt the day Sukuna had ripped out his heart.
Blood and gold fell from your neck, dripping down your body so slowly. Then, your knees buckled, body falling to the floor.
"Oh no, this doesn't look very good." Mahito commented, having made it just in time to catch your body. Pouting as if he were a child whose sweets had just been taken.
He smiled, noticing that one of the curses had turned to Lapis Lazuli. You had managed to touch it before you lost your power.
"Wow, Jujutsu Sorcerors are more cruel than I thought. Killing their own friends." He taunted, looking at the duo who looked absolutely crushed.
Yuji's eyes were wide, still in shock, while Nobara's legs had given in, hitting the ground.
What had she done?
Your blood stained Mahito's hands, his curiosity getting the best of him. He licked it off his thumb, contemplating the taste.
"It's salty."
"Let go of her."
Mahito looked up, hearing Yuji's voice. His eyes widened, noticing how Yuji's cursed energy had spiked. He was practically trembling with rage, hands shaking, yet the tears in his eyes told another story.
"Now that's no fair. You killed her, but you're blaming me. How about you go tell your friends what you did, and come get her body from me. Together." Mahito grinned. He fought only when he knew he could win. And right now, he knew he wouldn't. Your friend was ready to drag Mahito to hell and back if it meant you'd go back to him.
He took your body, like a soldier departing from war, stained in blood and the sorrow that poured from your soul. Disappearing before Yuji could react.
Their eyes then trained on the shattered Phosphophyllite in front of them. Nobara broke.
Just what had she done?
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ffsg0jo · 5 months
same universe as this post. you don't have to read it beforehand, but it helps 🤭
even when yuuji's much older and has his own room, he's still woken up by sukuna's old man noises™ in the bathroom at 7am.
the poor, almost adult just wants to sleep in for a little longer and rest his weary bones, but sukuna's snorting and coughing and hacking his life out in the bathroom down the hall.
yuuji doesn't know how you do it, to be honest. between the snoring and old man-isms, the way he seems to have a permanent frown on his face. you've been by his uncle's side for as long as he can remember, acting as a mother figure to yuuji. always patient and caring, standing your ground against sukuna who can be bull-headed sometimes (a lot of times), and ultimately doing everything you can for the little family they've created.
he truthfully doesn't remember life without you, and quite frankly, he doesn't want to remember. ever since he was a toddler, you were his sun, yuuji your sunflower, absorbing your warmth and love.
you stayed by their side throughout everything; the ups, the downs, the twisty turvies. never once have you tried to replace his biological mum or even referred to yourself as his mother. but yuuji sees the way your eyes shine with pride and joy when looking at him.
he can see it in your face now as he walks into the kitchen, yawning. you notice him immediately while plating up everyone’s breakfast and attempting to escape sukuna's embrace, who's clinging onto your back like the leech he is.
“dammit woman, just let me hold you,” he growls, tightening him arms around you and kissing up and down your neck.
“sukuna,” you gasp, “not in front of yuuji!”
the giant of a man slowly lifts his face up from your neck and turns to side-eye yuuji. he lets go of you and sighs, grabbing the plates you’ve prepared, setting them on the table.  
“mornin’ brat, sleep well?” he asks yuuji.
“not with all your snoring, he didn’t.” yuuji laughs at your response.
“i don’t snore woman.”
you and yuuji share a look, completely in disbelief at the man’s denial. he’s woken himself up with how loud he is, many, many times. neither of you can believe he has the audacity to stand there and lie with a straight face.
you both scoff and yuuji sits down at the table, in no mood to deal with his uncle’s nonsense this early in the morning. you move towards yuuji planting a soft kiss on his cheek and ruffling his hair.
“sorry he woke you up yuuji,” you say warmly, kissing him once more.
“if anything i should be apologising to you, you’re the one that has to put up with him for the rest of your life,” the boy responds, looking up at you solemnly, genuinely sorry for you.
“i can hear ya both,” sukuna rumbles, mouth full of egg. “anyways, finish eating and make sure you’re ready by 10”
yuuji turns to you in confusion, and sees your face light up, practically buzzing with excitement.  
“where we going?” yuuji asks
you wrap your arms around him tighter and press his cheek onto yours. he basks in your affection and leans impossibly closer towards you.
“it’s a surprise,” you giggle.
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yuuji’s face twists in confusion as he stares at the shiny, brand-new motorbike in front of him. it was beautiful, and he’s always dreamed of having that exact model, but he was confused at to why they were there at the dealership. is this some cruel joke? he looks at you though, and shakes the thought out of his head. you would never do that to him.
“you like it, yuuji,” you ask, a broad smile on your face, eyes shining with glee.
 “s’ beautiful,” he nods in response.
his uncle pats his back and lifts his hand up, his own tattooed hand pressing something sharp and chunky into his palm. yuuji looks down and sees… keys?
“she’s all yours,” sukuna smirks, revelling in the disbelief on yuuji’s face. he seems to be frozen for a good 20 seconds, just processing what he’s heard. you and your husband share a smile. it suddenly hits yuuji that the motobike is all his, and his face splits into the widest grin.
“i love you both so much” he whispers, tearing up and throwing himself into sukuna’s arms and an arm around your neck.
the man steadies himself as you both tumble into him, heart suddenly panging at how big his nephew has gotten. it seemed like only yesterday when he was barely up to his shins, and now he was eye level?
sukuna hides his teary smile in yuuji’s hair, tightening one arm around you and softly rubbing his nephews back with his hand.
“yeah yeah, love ya too brat.”
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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lotus-pear · 8 months
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the besties ever!! (they will both exorcise you)
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gatitties · 10 months
Web of love
─Yandere!Jujutsu Kaisen x fem!reader (platonic)
─Summary: forced to abandon your family and being spit out into a world of curses where everyone seems to gravitate towards you
─Warnings: a little angst¿ obsession, toxic behaviors, yandere stuff
Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
The blank pages: Part One / Par Two
ok I had a burst of inspiration and I needed to write also need more platonic yanderes for jjk 😔 (I'll probably write another part because I left out many characters and villains… 😈)
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SOMETIMES you think that you had to do something very terrible in your old life, something unforgivable and unimaginable to be punished right now, sometimes you think that the easiest thing would be to bang your head against the wall until you are stupid enough to have a caregiver and stop worrying about many things.
You just wanted to help your parents with the family business, being a time of high demand in the hostelry sector, taking advantage of your school holidays, you loved your family very much and helping in the business was the least you could do.
But the moment a group of children come in screaming excitedly and running from one side to the other you lost your nerve, yes, they are kids celebrating a birthday, but so much activity, noise and annoyance made a vein swell on your forehead, you were reaching the limit, but at least there were only a couple of hours left to be able to close and surreptitiously remove the last people with brooms.
You swore you were losing years and hair, that the minutes passed slower and slower as if you were stuck in an endless hour.
"I think if you keep squeezing the tray like that you'll break it, honey."
Your mother squeezed your shoulder, you turned to look at her, she was behind the bar, cleaning with a cloth while she glanced at you from time to time, she certainly knew how to detect when you were losing your temper, after all she saw you have many crises nervous before.
"Sorry, you know I can't stand so much movement and annoying noises, it's exhausting."
"Oh, I think you can go home if you want, you've done enough for today miss."
A new voice joined in, your father made way with a couple of plates, he left them on the bar to place his hands on your shoulders and rub circles on them, calming you with his touch, you smiled in agreement, your mood improving as you heard that you can go home once and for all, they wouldn't have much work at this hour.
"Don't forget the jacket love, it's already night and it's cold outside!"
"I know mom, bye, love you two!"
You shouted as you were already walking through the door, you waved to both of them before walking out onto the lonely streets, luckily your house wasn't too far from the family business. Without wasting time you grabbed your faithful life companions, your headphones, connecting them to your phone to listen to music at a ridiculously high volume. You let music be your final destination, if you ever suffer an accident, at least it'll be listen to something you like.
Moving your head slightly to the rhythm of the sound, looking at the ground as your legs moved on their own, knowing the way back by heart, you concentrated on drowning out the thoughts leaving your mind blank, it wasn't very difficult since you barely had enough active neurons at this time to have too deep thoughts.
Some mist came out of your mouth when you felt something tiny cling to your leg, confused, you looked down with a blank look and an imperturbable face, you saw like a kind of fairy-bug, a strange thing was sticking to your leg, looking at you with eyes of a kicked dog. Oh yeah, you started seeing these kinds of creatures, monsters, whatever they are, a couple of months ago when you decided to walk into a 'witchcraft' shop just because a bracelet seemed cute to you.
When you wanted to question the old woman who sold it to you ─after checking that you hadn't spent too much time on the Internet to be hallucinating─ she was no longer there, as if she had disappeared from the face of the earth, no one seemed to remember her except of you.
You grimaced, holding the little thing carefully, pushing it away from you as if you had just taken unidentified food out of the sink after having washed the dishes, without hesitation you threw it like it was a snot, you didn't even hear the squeal that came from it as it crashed to the ground because you hadn't turned the music down.
You continued your path, ignoring how more of those monsters began to appear, larger ones, with more or less human shapes, you didn't know if you had reached the point of emotional exhaustion that you no longer cared about those things, or you were so desensitized to certain things that you barely changed your expression.
"Help… help please… my son- oh- it burns…"
Your feet stopped suddenly, almost falling face first to the ground as you felt one of those monsters cling to your arm like an old woman crossing the street with a helper, looking at you with tears flowing down her cheeks, murmuring things you wouldn't understand if you weren't able to read lips, her hand went higher and higher, absorbing your body in a kind of wrestling-like lock-hug.
If you could you would pinch the bridge of your nose, you started to struggle with the woman, she started screaming the further you got away from her, you cursed silently when you couldn't get her off. This was it, the only thing that bothered you about seeing strange things was that they clung to you as if you were some kind of helper or salvation, you are not a saint, you are not a savior, you were nobody, but they kept coming to you like bees to pollen.
"Looks like you need some help"
You turned your head slowly, dramatizing the side eye you gave to that familiar voice, you heard by chance because of the song change and the small silence, but you could feel his presence for miles. Your frown deepened as you saw the albino look at you with a smile, oh, not only did you have to deal with these curses on your own, as if that were not enough, being one of the few people capable of perceiving these things certain people became interested in you. Sorcerers, it was funny, you didn't believe in magic until you saw this albino lunatic exorcise a curse in front of your eyes, even though you were somewhat skeptical, you refused to attend his institute, but they kept showing up to persuade.
"No, I can take care of this."
"Aw sure, go ahead then, I want to see how you do it."
This time you didn't listen to shit, but his shit eating smile told you everything you wanted to know, you started to struggle with the cursed woman again, it didn't work until you started talking to her. You found it was easier if you tried to give comforts to the poor cursed souls, and you had to do it reluctantly on these types of occasions, removing your headphones for greater concentration. You were terrible at comforting people, so it was like an uphill climb to get that curse to leave you alone.
"And that was ten minutes, you could have done it in twenty seconds if you knew how to use cursed energy."
"Just get lost, I already said no."
"We are offering you free knowledge, how can you refuse it?"
"Aren't public schools there for that?"
"There are no exorcization courses that I know of."
You rubbed your face desperately, you didn't want to learn sorcery, you didn't want to get in trouble, you didn't want to have to comfort anyone, you wanted your simple life, helping your parents, studying, getting a decent job. What kind of future would guarantee you knowing how to control that cursed energy? Clearly nothing good.
"I'm going to put it another way… you attract cursed energy, until now you have been lucky enough to find desperate souls in search of comfort, but what will happen when something much worse is stalking you? Something that seeks blood, your blood."
"Then I'll die, isn't it obvious?"
You raised your thumb with a sarcastic smile, you were too tired to continue a conversation, unfortunately Gojo's next words resonated in your head like a scratched record.
"What if they were your parents? They will not be safe by your side, as I said you attract bad energies."
A lump formed in your throat, letting a shaky breath escape your lips, he watched in silence as he had managed to hit your weak spot, your family, it was something you wouldn't change for the world, they were people who would die for you without a second thought, and just like them, you would give your life for them, they showered you with love and affection, the least you could do was protect them from your own problems.
As annoying as it was to give Gojo an affirmative answer, you had to swallow your pride for a greater reason, and just a week later you were already making the move. Covered as a kind of “Erasmus”, your parents were happy that you were going to explore and meet friends on your own, you wanted to tell them that you didn't want to go, that they would refuse to allow that decision, but that wasn't the case.
Then began what seemed like torture for you, as if you had fallen into a spider web and the more you struggled, the more you got caught in the webs. It was strange, everyone there seemed to have knowledge about who you were and where you came from while you were completely uninformed, it felt strange to be greeted so warmly by unknown people, inside you it was stressful to receive such a degree of attention, but you kept your expression unfazed.
You were like an extension of Megumi, only less expressive and definitely more stupid, you had no thoughts beyond your lost eyes staring into space, nothing made you flinch, nothing made you laugh, nothing made you have a hint of emotion that wasn't nervousness or tiredness. And yet the three first-year students, your classmates, could hear how you tried to drown out your nightly sobs, longing for your home and your family, how you secretly laughed lightly when you saw something stupid on your phone. Why didn't you want to share your emotions with them? Weren't they good enough for you?
You don't know what you triggered by strictly trying not to get emotionally close to people who from one day to the next could be in a grave, just because you couldn't stand it, just because you couldn't stand giving up more parts of your little heart to have them break later.
Itadori started to stick to you like a sticker, are you going for a walk? He needs to stretch his legs, do you want to laze around? He too! He is new to this world of curses like you, so he thinks it is better that you help each other in the face of complications and training. The first time he saw how a curse clung to you for comfort it almost gave him a seizure, he would never think he would be able to exorcise something so quickly, it worried him how used you were to being 'attacked' like that constantly and it only increased his worry, he needed to keep you safe from this dangerous world, it was a promise.
Megumi felt sorry, unlike him you had a normal and happy family, people to turn to, a little envious, he wasn't going to lie, but he tried to make you as comfortable as possible, maybe a little too paranoid about your well-being now that you were a novice unwilling to learn, he felt like he was your big brother, he wasn't going to take an eye off you even for a second, you could get hurt or worse and he had already experienced the bitter feeling.
Nobara was persistent that you open up to her, after all girls should be close, maybe she got too obsessed with that phrase when she watched suspiciously as Itadori dragged you to do something stupid ─against your will but without the energy of to refuse─ and you weren't going with her to have a snack or shopping, she felt a pang in her heart, what if she's not there and something happens? She doesn't trust anyone to take care of you, everyone is inept in her eyes.
Gojo proclaimed himself your fake father, no matter how hard he tried, he would in no way replace the real one, but if he wanted to play the family game you would let him if that made him happy. His attitude was the one that bothered you the most because it made you look like a helpless person at his side, he made you look like you needed him to take care of you. You accepted being the weakest link, but you could fight your own battles, especially after discovering some of your abilities, but he wouldn't allow it, you're too adorable to let go.
After some tests, missions and training, they discovered that your cursed energy acted like an antenna, attracting all curses that wanted to be forgiven or sought freedom. You were cursed with the 'gift' of forgiving and freeing from torture curses that wanted to cease to exist, and you acted as a peacemaker on some occasions. Luck was definitely not on your side or it was kicking you for having laughed at so many other people's sorrows on the internet, couldn't you punch? Kicks? Do voodoo? Summon shikigami? No, you had to pat and release cursed souls.
You didn't have enough suffocating attention from the sorcerers that you also had to have that from the curses. You were going to look for the old woman who cursed you the day you entered her store in another life and you were going to sacrifice her in the name of barbatos.
"Hey there you were! We're going out to dinner, are you coming?"
Nobara opened your door without knocking, you didn't stop looking at the ceiling while you lay motionless in your bed, you shook your head slowly in denial, you weren't in the mood, you were never in the mood.
"Don't talk nonsense, there is no way you can stay here alone, come on, come on! Gojo will pay for everyone."
Itadori entered immediately, pulling your wrist to drag you, you slid off the bed like a dead body, looking blankly at the boy who was giving you a puppy dog look, it wasn't that that made you accept, but if you didn't accept you would pass more time arguing with them in a useless way. You had learned to accept your destiny, you had learned to stay still in that web, maybe if you manage not to move you can free yourself, just maybe.
"I'm glad you decided to accept! It is good to have bonding time with your classmates and teacher, it encourages communication."
You nodded, looking absentmindedly at your phone, scrolling through the screen without looking at anything in particular but not wanting to have to look at the albino's expression, he knew you were going to accept, he knew you were going to go with them because they wouldn't give you any other option. He put his arm around your shoulders dragging you towards the car while he chattered things that went in one ear and out the other.
"Will you sit next to me?"
" No way, she will sit with me!"
And the tug of war began between Itadori and Nobara over who you would sit next to, too stubborn to 'share' if you sat in the middle, they would prefer to be the only ones next to you, Megumi on the other hand was the smartest when entering the first, if he sat in the middle he would assure him that you would sit next to him, however, absorbed in the discussion, they did not notice how you moved towards the passenger seat, end of the discussion and the headache, now you just had to rack your brain thinking about how to solve the fight next to who you would sit at while eating without giving anyone the benefit.
Sometimes you think that you had to do something very terrible in your old life, something unforgivable and unimaginable to be punished right now, sometimes you think that the easiest thing would be to bang your head against the wall until you are stupid enough to have a caregiver and stop worrying about many things, now you had four caregivers but no concussion, for now.
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hxnbi · 6 months
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synopsis: you were his beloved sibling, meant to stay far out of harms way, he would make damn sure of it
— characters: itadori yuji, fushiguro megumi — contents: fluff, angst, comfort, platonic, gn reader
gojo version | masterlist
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ITADORI YUJI ✿ child reader
With all that Yuji has been through in his life, he, of course, feels a sense of responsibility and duty for the well-being of his family, blood-related or not. 
Still at the age where letters in math could only be dreamt of in nightmares, Yuji found himself being the one to take care of you. And when his grandpa died, he was left, now alone, holding the bag.
Or so he thought. 
You held onto his hand that day when he found out, a sombre look in your eyes. 
Thats right… How could he be so selfish? He still had you. 
He's very much a family guy, and he holds his family closest to his heart. And when he was told about you—getting to keep you in his arms in the hospital—he knew what his duty was. As his baby sibling, Yuji did everything and anything to ensure that you were protected and cared for.
Yuji's mouth dropped. "Crap…"
"Huh? What are you yapping about now?" Megumi scowled.
"I need to pick up [Y/n] from daycare!" he panicked, pacing back and forth. But it wasn't like he could suddenly leave, not like this spiky-haired individual staring daggers into him would let him… Well, not voluntarily, that is.
Megumi sighed, and he pulled out his phone. "I'm on it."
"What… are you doing?"
"Making a call. We'll have a trusted individual pick up your sibling."
"...I-I see."
Megumi looked at Yuji, who nodded. "Don't worry. They'll be out of harm's way."
That was all Yuji ever wanted.
But when everything in his life came to a head and he became the vessel of Ryomen Sukuna, the king of curses, your safety could no longer be guaranteed… not while Sukuna was still around, or rather, inside him. 
Still, you loved being around him, and Yuji loved being around you. When everything was said and done, all of Yuji's worries about this sudden move to Tokyo went much better than expected.
As a young child, you were naive, but that may as well be thrown out the window because Yuji didn't give two shits about that. And just like Yuji, you were energetic, outgoing, and eager to see the new "world" you were in. You two were like two birds that flock together, for better or for worse. 
The Tokyo students—mainly the infamously noisy ones Nobara and Panda while Maki, Megumi, and Toge watched—would pop in from time to time in his room, only to see you sleeping on Yuji's shoulder. At the same time, Yuji had a book in hand, previously to read to you but now used to block the sun from dancing on your face.
And a mystery to nearly everyone, even Yaga, the revered and arguably intimating headmaster—with a stare enough to make any child under the age of 5 cry—couldn't resist your charm. Your influence permeated every corner of Tokyo Jujutsu High until you were affectionately dubbed the school's unofficial mascot, much to your brother's horror.
And when Yuji went on missions or on days when the students had to train and go to classes, arguably the most responsible adult, Nanami Kento, was given the babysitter title of Yuji's sibling.
The others—that being Nobara, Gojo, and Panda; Megumi, Maki, and Toge would only watch with deadpan expressions—could only speculate on the origin of Yuji's surprising skills at cooking, but after doing some stalking investigating, and seeing you and Yuji in the itches together, teaching you how to cook, their hearts couldn't take it. That day, dozens of pictures were snapped and then plastered in Yuji's room. 
Yuji would hold you in his arms, providing comfort and a safe haven. He was an older brother figure who would do anything and everything to protect his younger sibling, even if it meant hiding things from you. He carried all the weight, all the burdens, on his own in hopes of shielding you from the harsh realities of their world. One of Yuji's defining traits is his willingness to sacrifice himself for others, triggered by his grandfather's last words to him.
No way in hell could he ever let that happen again—not to you, who had such a long life ahead of you, not to anyone. Yuji would always joke around with you and have fun, protecting that youth he cherished with his soul. 
You were just a kid, after all. You were just a kid when he died.
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI ✿ older sibling reader
Unlike Yuji, Megumi would be the complete opposite.
As the oldest Fushiguro sibling, naturally, you took up the responsibility of caring for Megumi and Tsumiki. You were yet another child, the byproduct of Toji's fickle nature. You, Megumi, and Tsumiki were all from different mothers. God forbid there be another secret child you three haven't heard about yet. Still, the three of you couldn't have been more tightly knit. Megumi would beg to differ, only to have a chocolate milk carton thrown his way by Tsumiki. What a magical household of violence. 
When he was younger, Megumi struggled, or rather, embraced his unruly bursts of temper, often resulting in scuffles with middle schoolers. He would probably be considered a problem child if it weren't for his straight A's. But that didn't matter to you, and you ensured you knew that.
Your swift reprimands would quash any budding notions of so-called "gang activity," cautioning him against a future as a "mafia leader." Needless to say, he wasn't impressed.
Regardless, he listened—much to the jaw-dropping shock of anyone, especially those whom Megumi had previously beaten up. 
Your genuine concern for him—not about what he did but about him—made him angry.
He hated it, and yet he craved it. 
You'd always urge him to take a breather and relax, all the while as the pile of beaten-up "gangsters" groaned in pain and agony. But that wasn't your concern. Occasionally, during those moments with a fuming teenager at your side, you'd treat him to meals out whenever you managed to steal a moment from your busy workday. Everything you did was for his well-being, regardless of the stress you were putting on your own shoulders. Because in your mind, your little brother didn't deserve all that he went through, and as mature as he was for his age, he still deserved to be a kid.
No one should be able to take away youth from children.
As a kid, he needed that sort of stability in his life. After enduring so much, simply having someone beside him meant everything to him.
And you did so in a way where you took on a mother-like figure in his life. Everything you did and every action you took was driven by your love and care for him and Tsumiki. 
Even as a young third grader, Megumi keenly felt burdened by this fact—the weight of this responsibility, especially following his family's departure, Tsumiki's subsequent accident and being crippled and left in a coma in the hospital. Every first day of the month became a ritual for you and Megumi, visiting Tsumiki's bedside with a bouquet of flowers. 
And during the days when nightmares haunted your sleep, Megumi would be woken up to you crying. 
Neither would ever go on to utter a word about that.
Your absolute worst fear was for him to be injured or worse—to lose him to the dangerous path he might tread—and Megumi didn't have to be a genius to know what you were referring to. 
In your eyes, you wanted to take him and Tsumiki away from the messiness of Jujutsu and the Zenin clan and live a peaceful life. From all the times that Megumi would see you sacrificing your own happiness for the sake of others, he knew your heart's desire.
But when that scheming man—Gojo Satoru—presented Megumi with a deal, promising a brighter future for Tsumiki and you, Megumi knew it was his turn to repay you for all you had done for him.
He wasn't sure if you would accept it, but he had to try.
Little did he know, you had expected it.
"You don't need to say anything else. I understand."
You smiled softly, continuing to make dinner as Megumi stood there, lost in thought.
"Whatever choice you make is up to you. This is your life," you said gently, turning to face him. "And I trust you to make the best decision for yourself and Tsumiki. After all, what sibling would I be if I didn't trust my own brother?" you laughed. 
Megumi met your gaze. The stiffness in his shoulders eased as he took in your words and that smile of yours…
Your support meant the world to him.
"Thank you," he whispered, and you only smiled in response.
"Now!" you clapped. "Enough of that sappy stuff. Would you like to help me out with dinner?"
With a smile of his own, he nodded, "Of course," and made his way to the kitchen to lend a hand.
Yeah... this was what he was looking for. It was what filled the void he had been feeling.
With your acceptance, he felt more confident in accepting whatever was ahead of him. It didn't matter what happened to him. His own fate became inconsequential; his sole focus was on protecting you and his sister, Tsumiki.
You respected his choice—you always did—and that was why he cherished you so much. 
You, his older sibling.
There was always an aura of maturity around Megumi, his friends thought (and surprisingly selfless, but they would never admit that to his face). Unbeknownst to them, it was all because of how he had to take care of himself after all the adult figures in his life left him, except for one person. His older sibling of 7 years, you.
He felt a sense of responsibility. He owed it to you after all that you've done. He wanted to prove to you that all your efforts to raise him weren't for naught. 
All those nights when you thought Tsumiki and Megumi were asleep and would then cry yourself to sleep, or days when you would come back from work with a couple of injuries, or even the day when you came home with a bruise on your cheek…
He wanted to prove to you—that he could protect you, his family.
And then you could take a break and leave the rest to him.
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
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thetreefairy · 1 year
Don't go
tw: threats, kinda kidnapping, reader is terrified of Sukuna, its not very angsty but it is angst
This is a test piece- I have only recently been back into the jjk fandom so if it's ooc sorry. (b/n) = best friend name (n/n) = nickname Kofi
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Yuuji never expected Reader to become cautious around him. But at the same time he couldn't blame her. Sukuna could be rather scary, especially when it comes to reader's safety. But when he saw them carry a suitcase to the front door, he couldn't help but ask:
"(N/n)... Are you scared of me?" Reader looked at Yuuji with a sad expression. "I am scared of Sukuna, not you." Reader admitted. Hoping it would calm him down, it didn't. "Now that's just rude." Sukuna mumbled, using Yuuji's mouth.
"Sukuna! Stop it!" Yuuji shouted irritated taking back control. "This is what I mean." Reader admitted. "All he does is threaten the people I care about, and if I don't agree with him he threatens to confine me."
Yuuji looked down shamefully. "I know.. But I can control him! You know that!"
"But you don't." Reader hisses. "You let him threaten the people I go on dates with, you let him threaten my friends unless they are your friends too!"
Yuuji now started to look angry. Sukuna whispering in his ear: 'I told you, those friends of them would take them away from us.'
"Where are you going?" Yuuji asked, if reader was just going to a Hotel, he would let them. As long as it isn't (B/n). "B/n offered me to stay at their house, until you calm down."
After seeing Yuuji's face harden Reader said: "Don't worry, I didn't tell them about Sukuna." Reader chuckled. "Even if he's a dick, I guess he's kinda my brother now."
'Now, now, are you truly this much of a pushover Yuuji?' Sukuna hissed at Yuuji. 'Mhm, we should break their legs. Do you want (b/n) to defile them?'
"Don't go, please n/n." Yuuji tried. "Yuuji. I have to, we are way too attached for siblings."
'We should kill (b/n)' Sukuna hissed. 'Then N/n would have no choice but to seek our comfort.'
"I'll let Sukuna kill B/n." Reader looked at Yuuji in shock. "What did you just say?" Reader hissed. Sukuna took over, Yuuji was letting him.
"I will kill him either way." Sukuna chuckled. "Awh, don't look at my like that, my dear sibling."
Sukuna had taken Reader into a hug. "Your brothers will protect you."
"You are a piece of shit."
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 2 months
The Anomaly || JJK || Masterlist
summary : In which you're isekai'd from your (own) parallel Jujutsu Kaisen universe to the canon universe.
Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen X Reader, eventually Character x Reader (idk who yet tho)
A/N: Bonus chapters can be read by as a standalone.
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Chapter 1: Alone
Chapter 2: The Origin of Blind Obedience
Chapter 3: Accomplices
Chapter 4: Homesick
Chapter 5: It's Like That
Chapter 6: Evening Festival
Chapter 7: The Shibuya Incident
Chapter 8: Seance
Chapter 9: Flunctations
Chapter 10: Flunctations pt.2
Chapter 11: Thunderclap
Chapter 12: Right and Wrong
| Bonus Chapter: Nanami Kento
Chapter 13: Right and Wrong pt.2
| Bonus Chapter: Nobara Kugisaki
Chapter 14: Right and Wrong pt.3
Chapter 15: Metamorphosis
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deaddovedecadence · 4 months
im dying my hair today so here's jjk people reacting to you wanting to dye your hair (in the dad! gojou verse with no name)
notes: there's both romantic and platonic yandere in this one, mentions of sex
you want to dye? she's first in line to do it for you. She's the one that helped you chop your hair when it got too long, the one who does your nails and your makeup when you're down
she orders the best dye on your father's dime and he just laughs, more lenient with them then he'll ever be with you
sends everyone away til it's done
doesn't get it but is supportive. He does genuinely want your happiness as long as you're doing something deemed safe
He'll wash your hair and prep it for you, humming to himself as you sit together in silence. Does the best job of getting all the dye out with his long ass fingers
gojou probably invades your time together at some point to fuck with you
tells you that you look beautiful afterwards and you can't help the flush when he runs fingers through your fresh clean hair and sends you off to Nobara
doesn't get it at all, and when you ask how he dyes his own hair, reveals that it's naturally that color of pink.
you don't know what to do with this information because you know your dad is weird,hell megumi is weird but sweet innocent yuuji, what the fuck
ends up asking sukuna to do it for you
is half laughing at yuuji while he dyes it for you. makes you let him pick the color and to no one's surprise it's the same pink color that he and yuuji share.
sharp nails make you feel amazing, getting all the gunk and grime out of the parts of your hair that's hard to reach
the two of you somehow end up fucking because sukuna likes your hair in his colors. megumi has to carry you back to your room afterwards
happens several years before everyone else's
you've managed to fuck up big time, like refusing to call him dad or at least satoru.
takes you to his favorite salon, and has them dye your hair a brilliant white so you look like him
you know not to say anything because he will kill all these people if you disobey enough. you're lucky getting off with a simple hair dye.
makes you wear your hair like that for a year.
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cinniipuppiii · 3 months
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Texts With Yuji Itadori As Your Bestie!!
Includes: Yuji, GN Reader
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ashenesart · 1 year
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cuddles cuddles cuddles <3 I miss seeing them together
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Found this on my instagram.
I thought it was interesting
It made me think about my You Are My Special series.
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cyllres · 3 months
Devil | JJK x Makima! Reader
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𝔉𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔬𝔫, 𝔶𝔬𝔲'𝔯𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔪𝔶 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔢. ℑ 𝔢𝔵𝔭𝔢𝔠𝔱 "𝔶𝔢𝔰" 𝔬𝔯 "𝔴𝔬𝔬𝔣" 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔰. ℑ 𝔡𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔫𝔢𝔢𝔡 𝔞 𝔡𝔬𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔰𝔞𝔶𝔰 "𝔫𝔬."
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Y/n Itadori
00 - Prologue
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Filler #1
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Filler #2
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Filler #3
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kumimi3 · 9 months
choso n how sweet he would be to his little sister ~ ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ he would be so gentle with her n so scared to touch her cuz he thinks his hands r too calloused ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა oh but he's so so protective ! he carries her around n loves it when she calls her 'big brother' ! choso and yuji love her so so much and love taking care of her ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა they're so cutiesssss
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gatitties · 10 months
Web of love
─Yandere!Jujutsu Kaisen x fem!reader (platonic)
─Summary: you just keep adding lunatics to the list like they're pokemon and you lose patience
─Warnings: mahito (he's a warning himself yeh) blood, death, a little anxiety attack, toxic behaviors, obsession, yandere stuff
Part One / Part Three / Part Four
The blank pages: Part One / Par Two
I'm done downloading my inspiration on this for now, I feel like this is a little longer, sorryyy 😶
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YOU WERE too quick to accept that these sorcerers would do whatever they wanted with you, but in a way, starting a verbal fight to refuse to do certain quests would cause you more problems than solutions, so you were just like a body empty of soul moving back and forth, simply waiting for the next order to complete it as quickly as possible.
The worst thing of all was that it wasn't annoying, at least, not the fact of taking orders, you liked it, you didn't have to think too much, just do this and that, you definitely started to think that all those tests of 'are you a leader or a follower' made sense all those times that your result was being a follower, you wanted an easy life and being a leader of anything is a complete stress that you were not going to go through.
So your simplistic and conformist personality only made it easier for all those sorcerers to mold you to their liking, this does not mean that whenever they asked to spend time with you or simply be attached to you you accepted, they would always have a negative response at first, however if they continued insisting, as may be the case with Itadori and Nobara, you would agree to do what they wanted, because accepting is easier than declining. Megumi and Gojo weren't as persistent in asking for small favors or bonding time, which you appreciated.
"I was looking for you, Maki and I are going to go downtown to look for some cursed weapons, do you want to come?"
Nobara, getting into the bad habit of not knocking on your door and entering without permission, throw herself at your bed grabbing your hand to beg you to go out with her and Maki, knowing that you would refuse she started whining about how you hadn't left your room lately and that she had been very busy with the missions. With no other option you accepted, hoping to be able to get back to what you were doing later in the night.
You thanked the heavens that Maki Zenin was skeptical about your stay at the Jujutsu school, since you did not show any interest in developing cursed techniques or improving physical abilities, she thought that you were not important enough, a shame that Nobara had to drag you with her long enough for Maki to end up getting attached to you, you barely talked to her but for some reason she ended up liking you.
"Come on, we don't have all afternoon."
Maki began to walk waiting for you both to follow her steps, a couple of minutes later the two of them began a light idle chat while you followed behind, only with one of your headphones on in case they spoke to you at some point.
"Be careful, you should stop looking at your phone and look at your surroundings, you are so careless."
The girl with glasses grabbed the back of the collar of your uniform to stop you just before you crossed a red zebra crossing for pedestrians, you watched for a moment as the cars sped by just a few centimeters from you with blank eyes.
"Yeah, I'm sorry."
You shrugged, putting away your phone like a scolded child, Nobara took the liberty of grabbing your hand to guide you the rest of the way, at least you could walk looking absent-mindedly at anything that caught your attention without worrying about tripping.
Disinterested and bored once they started negotiating about the cursed weapons, you decided that you could go out for a few minutes without anyone noticing to the bakery you had seen around the corner, you felt like something sweet, you were going to buy something sweet and no one will stop you. Unfortunately before you could get out of the alley, because of course, a shop like that wasn't going to be visible to everyone, once again a curse clung to you desperately to be forgiven.
"Not now please."
You took a couple of minutes to release the cursed energy of that curse, feeling your eyelids heavier and your body more relaxed, of course your ability had cons, after all what you were doing was consuming cursed energy, your way of releasing it were resting, which led you to sometimes fall asleep even standing up due to exhaustion.
Your slight drowsiness disappeared when you heard the sewer besides you sliding with a squeak, a strange mass began to come out until it formed a guy who looked like a sewn doll, his bicolor eyes looked into your soul.
"That was very interesting, where is that curse? Did you absorb it? Did you kill it?"
Your parents had taught you that you shouldn't talk to strangers, especially if they seemed like lunatics who could deform and come out of random sewers, and like a good mom and dad's girl, you looked away, backing away to exit through the other side of the alley, but he managed to grab your wrist so you wouldn't run away.
"It's rude to ignore someone when they speak, you know?"
You frowned looking at his hand on you, remaining silent, you let out an inaudible sigh, you always had to end up in this type of situation, tangled with people ─in this case curses─ that trapped you without wanting to let go.
"I sent it to rot in hell, its soul will remain suffering until eternity, remembering and regretting all the evils it has caused, it will be subjected to the worst tortures imaginable."
He remained silent before bursting into laughter, you had said all that so seriously, with that grim face that he almost believed it, you hoped that trying to 'scare' him would work, but this curse had at least a couple more neurons than the ones you used to meet.
"Aren't you funny? It's a shame I have to kill you, I thought we could be friends but you're-"
The ground began to shake, almost losing your balance, you took advantage of the sudden distraction to free yourself from Mahito's grip, approaching the nearest wall so as not to fall due to the tremors, the sewer flew away and you could see how the curse paled, transforming again to escape.
"How many hours have I lost in this chase?"
A new voice came out of nowhere, turning around you saw a blonde man with glasses, he was wearing a uniform and had a blood stained weapon in one of his hands, you looked at each other in silence until he spoke again.
"A student… hey, have you seen that curse? Where did he flee?"
Figuring he was trustworthy enough since he seemed to recognize the Jujutsu high, you silently pointed in the direction Mahito left, earning a nod from him to leave you there alone again. As if that weren't enough, before you could leave the alley to get some sweet, you ran into another curse, this one looked like a volcano with only one eye, it was petting a stray cat while muttering things like 'you're a good boy' in a squeaky voice, you were going to turn around to make this less awkward but your bones had to make that weird sound sometimes when you walk.
His one eye widened at the sight of you, a small rash erupting from his head and he shot up at the speed of light.
"I'll pretend I haven't seen anything if you pretend you haven't seen me."
You decided to reach a mutual agreement because you heard Nobara shout your name, surely they had finished their purchase or had been alerted by the noise earlier, and if they found you now they would surely distract you enough that you wouldn't be able to buy your candy. You took enough time to complete your little mission, as just as you left the bakery you were approached by the red-haired girl who hugged you like a whimpering koala.
"You can't disappear like that out of nowhere! We heard a shaking and thought something bad had happened to you."
She rubbed her cheek against your shoulder, you murmured apologies while still savoring your sweet, Maki remained silent watching the interaction, carefully searching for any kind of scratch or wound on your body, she sighed in relief when she saw that you didn't seem to have anything.
"We have already spent a lot of time here, we should go back, Toge and Panda are waiting for us for our training."
The encounter with these two curses, Mahito and Jogo, was only a small trigger that led you to strangely meet them more times later, you were never close of course, but your eyes always seemed to meet the multicolored or the single eye of those guys in some bustling part of the city, you knew they had some plan with Itadori, but it's not like you could do anything, you just alerted Gojo and he thanked you with a few pats on the head for the information.
On the other hand, you became a recurring conversation on the side of the villains, for one reason or another, everyone got to know you, either because Mahito was talking about you or because you had an encounter with Geto or Choso, not knowing them, you felt strange when you exchanged glances with them because you felt the same as when you first met the trio of sorceres, they already knew you before you knew anything about them.
Their curiosity about you was only based on overprotectiveness and how obsessed the sorcerers were with you, you seemed to be an important person, was it because of your power? Was it because of your cursed technique? It was something they wanted to find out and anyway if it was nothing like that, they could always use you as a wild card to blackmail them.
You decided to ignore their presence while you worked on your assignments, assignments in which you got to know that blonde guy, Nanami, he was assigned with you for a couple of missions and at first he felt quite irritated by your carefree behavior and even annoyed by your lack of interest in the work, but he couldn't blame you, in his eyes, like Itadori, you were just a teenager who shouldn't be doing this kind of work. He proposed to himself that no student was going to die under his care, especially someone who was never in favor of being part of the cursed world.
You just kept adding people who were worried or interested in you to the list, and you thought that there was no one else who could feel that way, that you could finally breathe easy, that you could stop moving through that web that kept you captive, that you could snuggling in your sheets protecting yourself from the cold while you hugged a pillow and slept carefree.
And… out of nowhere you wake up with a wet cheek, an eternal sea of blood where you could float, in the distance a temple made up of different animal and human bones. Your eyes became slightly watery, your only moment of rest ruined by whatever was happening, you were upset, furious, maybe it was the first time since you left home you felt an emotion this strong and vivid.
"This has to be a fucking joke…"
You mumble walking towards the temple hoping to find some kind of answer to get out of there, you wanted your hours of sleep back, you wanted to disconnect your brain from reality and travel to your dreams seeking solace outside of this world, not to be trapped in this stupid place.
"This is unusual, how did you manage to get here, brat?"
You rubbed your face furiously, of course you had heard about Sukuna, how Itadori swallowed a fucking finger, but luckily you didn't have any encounter with the king of curses, until now. Again it seemed like he already knew you, but how could he not? You occupied more than half of Itadori's thoughts.
"That's what I would like to know, is this your domain? Get me out of here."
"I can't."
You couldn't contain the irritated grimace you made, this time your expressionlessness broke as well as your patience, a small twitch appeared in your eye and you began to breathe harder, you rubbed your head too hard, perhaps tearing out a few strands in the process, but you didn't care, you exploded after putting up with so much shit.
"Tell me it's a joke, you're the king of curses, not the king of comedians, get me out of here."
Your tone of voice stopped being monotonous, now radiating annoyance and demand that made Sukuna smile at your outburst, he had always heard Itadori complain about how unexpressive you were with them and now you are exploiting a lot of negative emotions.
"Well, I can do that, but for that I would have to kill you."
"Do it." you didn't take a second or hesitate to respond, almost surprising the man, who watched you in silence as you approached him, your frown more with every step you took "What the hell are you waiting for? Do it, kill me."
Sukuna had seen many people begging him, begging for lives, begging to end suffering, it wasn't even the first time they had begged him for a death, but this felt… strange, he had never seen someone so young desperate to die, he had never seen someone have the anxiety attack you were experiencing right now, and strangely he had never felt the kind of energy you gave off, it was somewhat reassuring. He began to understand all the macabre thoughts about you in Itadori's thoughts, all that overprotection and worry, or perhaps, he had gone crazy, becoming infected because of the human in which he was locked up.
"Mmmh, I can do it, but you will only wake up, if you have managed to get here without trying, you will surely come back when you try to sleep again, but it is only a theory, since you have never been here before."
"In that case I'll think of something, but let me wake up."
He shrugged with disinterest, you didn't even feel how his fist lodged in your abdomen, your body staggered towards his, while he held you with one of his arms, the other pulled out your heart that continued pumping blood, you looked in disgust as he seemed to enjoy watching the blood splash across his face.
"Son of a bitch with a fetish for dishearten people…"
It was the only thing you said before your body faded away, immediately waking up in your bed with labored breathing, you placed your hands on your heart, checking that it was still in place, beating rapidly from the agitation. That specific night you couldn't sleep, because by doing so you returned to Sukuna's domain, or to Itadori's mind, the problem was rooted in the fact that that specific day Itadori was much more worried about you than usual, generating a certain connection that interfered with his and your dreams, the middle ground being Sukuna's domain.
Now you couldn't even go to sleep thinking about having a good dream, because depending on the night you would end up stuck with the king of curses, another person added to the list, would this be some kind of divine punishment? You just want to run to your parents and hug them with all your might, for them to tell you that everything will be okay and that you are a good daughter, for the moment you will settle for hugging your cold pillow in search of comfort while three pairs of eyes watch as your emotions slowly deteriorates.
They would make sure to be the arms that keep you warm, to be the people you turn to in these types of situations, you shouldn't be sad, you are much better off here, more protected and safe.
"Good night darling, have sweet dreams."
Gojo, having shooed the other three students away from you, entered your room, gently wiping away the tears that stained your cheeks, he stroked your hair for a few seconds before brushing away a few strands and kissing your forehead. He hadn't had the chance to prove that he was capable of being a good father in Megumi's eyes, but he could be to you, it's a shame that you still cling to your parents as role models when he was there, he would be a better father figure, just wait.
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ratchetonsteroids · 2 months
This is canon right
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thetreefairy · 1 year
Hey, how are you, I'm sorry if I'm bothering beforehand. I wanted to make a request with male reader (if you want, otherwise it's fine) where Sukuna takes control of Yuuji's body while on a mission with the reader and pretends he's still Yuuji he was talking to (because he wanted to kill the reader when he's distracted) but he ends up liking him and starts treating him like a younger brother?
I'm still recovering and this makes me wanna write again, so imma write this, also you aren't bothering me, i like your writing :).
Also I'm okay with all things considered, im too lazy to do a pretty format, so please excuse me, also no idea if you wanted yandere, but sukuna hes just that in general so--, i did try a new form of writing, hope you enjoy it.
warning: Sukuna is a possessive bitch, probably ooc. I can only really write angst for this guy, this guy is slowly turning into a yandere for thou
he/him reader
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Yuuji loved his brother, Sukuna knew this, it made him dislike you.
He didn't want his vessel to be swayed by such weak attachment.
So he was planning to kill Reader on their next duo mission, after all, he can just blame it on some lower curse.
Yet here he was, talking to him as if he was Yuuji, not killing Reader at all. For some reason he couldn't, he first thought it was Yuuji, but the more he spoke to you, the more he realized.
It wasn't that.
It was Reader, himself.
He felt so familiar, so lovely, so brotherly.
He didn't even know that he missed such familiar bounds, but he did. Now he understands why Yuuji talks about him as if he's god reincarnated.
Who wouldn't adore such a lovely brother?
"Yuuji? I think the curse is up ahead." Reader announced, snapping Sukuna out of his thoughts. "Let me handle it." He said kinda roughly. "You're too weak for this curse."
Reader looked at him and rolled his eyes. "Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."
"Shut it." Sukuna hissed. "If you get hurt, I'm going to fucking murder you." reader rolled his eyes. "Is Sukuna being chatty again?" he asked while humming. "if so, just eat some food he dislikes, he'll shut up."
Sukuna couln't help but look offended. "OI, that's no way to speak to your brother." He couldn't stop himself as he said brother, he felt the curse coming closer, but he could handle it with his eyes closed. "Yuuji... did you just call Sukuna my brother?'
"Y-yes?" Sukuna chuckled nervously. Yuuji was laughing at him, as he never called Sukuna apart of him, or Reader's other brother.
"Awhh, you're bonding with him."
the moment Reader said that, the curse arrived, it was obviously vengeful.
Out of pure embarrassment at Reader's words Sukuna eliminated the curse within seconds.
"S-sukuna?!" Reader shouted surprised. "Me and Yuuji are not bonding! We are!" He whined, which caused Reader to look rather shocked.
He never expected Sukuna to want to bond with him.
Well, now you are stuck with two loving brothers, only one won't hesitate to break your legs if you shout at him :)
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