#platonic Moonwater headcannon
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kingstarkingslay · 7 months ago
Platonic Moonwater Headcannon
Remus was the first friend Regulus made when he joined Hogwarts. Remus knew Sirius and Regulus weren’t on speaking terms ever since Sirius got sorted into Gryffindor and about the abuse the both of them experience at home so he takes the first chance he can get to befriend Regulus. The both of them get along really easily cause they both have a lot of common interests, majorly in books but Regulus only knows wizarding books so Remus starts introducing him to muggle books - literature and poetry. Regulus absolutely falls in love with them and they spend hours talking about them. They’d share notes on them.By now Sirius knows that the reason why Remus spends so much time in the library is cause he’s hanging out with his brother and he loves it cause now he knows his brother is in safe hands. Plus this gives him the chance to keep tabs on his brother through Remus.
Remus and Regulus start confiding in each other. In fact Regulus was the first one to know about Remus’s crush on Sirius. Remus finds out that Regulus loves playing the piano even though it was something his parents forced him to learn and that they actually have a Grand Piano back at Grimmauld Place but Regulus only knows Wizarding Piano Compositions cause that’s what his tutors taught him and you know what his family thinks about muggles….. so Remus then starts researching everything he can about Muggle composers- Beethoven and Mozart, Tchaikovsky and Bach , and he tells Regulus all about them. Once during the holidays Remus found a book called “ The Greatest Pianists ” at a bookstore so he buys it and brings it back with him to Hogwarts and lends Regulus the book, promising him that next time he’d look for a book with piano pieces ( or music sheets ) in them so that Regulus could maybe learn Muggle compositions.
But Regulus never got to return The Greatest Pianists because that was the year Sirius ran away and after that Regulus closed up completely. He stopped hanging out with Remus because of his anger at Sirius, even though he really missed his time with Remus. Remus knew Regulus was avoiding him but he didn’t push it cause he knew the younger Black brother was in pain.
So whenever Regulus was back at Grimmauld Place , he’d lock his bedroom door, take the book out of the little secret compartment he had on the floor under his bed and read it and cry cause he missed Remus. He missed being able to talk to him and spend his time with him. So he’d cry over all the people he pushed outta his life.
But then the letters started coming.
Letters written in a familiar handwriting.
Remus’s handwriting.
In the envelope were two pieces of paper.
One was a small piece of paper with the words “ I thought you’d find these interesting ” written in Remus’s handwriting.
And the other- A music sheet to Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata
Regulus immediately runs to the Grand Piano , rests the music sheet on the piano rack and starts playing the piece. By the time he’s done with it he’s in tears.
The letters don’t stop. Everyday during the holidays he wakes up to an owl dropping a different music sheet on his table and he’s rush to his piano and start playing them. By the end of the day he’d have learnt the piece by heart and could play it without looking at the music sheet.
His parents never found out about the letters cause Remus never signed his name on any of them.
More importantly, the letters were hidden in that secret compartment under his bed, folded neatly in between the pages of The Greatest Pianists.
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danceonmygravewhenthemoon · 2 years ago
Remus loved dinosaurs. He learned about them in muggle school and has since been obsessed.
He told sirius and regulus but they didn’t understand the hype.
Peter let him info dump to him but never reciprocated his enthusiasm for them.
Mary and Lily also grew up knowing about dinosaurs but they cared more about the prehistoric animals.
Remus tried explaining dinosaurs to Marlene but she just wanted to her more about the meteor that killed them.
But James, James was ecstatic to learn about dinosaurs. He wanted to learn everything about them. James read books and learned every obscure fact he could find and he would always tell Remus everything he learned. James would enthusiastically listen to Remus’ info dumps and bring up his own points. The two of them could go on talking about dinos for hours. Finally Remus found someone to share his hobbies with. Someone who didn’t judge him and shared his enthusiasm.
Remus and James were bestfriends, they were major nerds and their friendship deserves more representation.
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lilyofthevalleyys · 2 years ago
WAIT what if Remus and/or Lily introduced jigsaw puzzles to Regulus (because you know muggles and all) and Regulus actually took a liking to it because it made him feel like he actually has the power to fix something and make it whole again (i can’t really explain it) and only Pandora knew
You know… that’s definitely not the reason I’ve been playing with jigsaw puzzles and decided to make Regulus suffer for it. Nope. Not at all 😀👍
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noblehouseofgay · 6 months ago
Platonic moonwater headcannons bc I adore them!!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
- They're both somewhat disabled, remus obviously bc of his furry little problem and regulus' body just decides to stop working randomly (me core). So they bond over that and help each other out with it. Like when one of them is worse off the other helps them do things they can't do
- they can basically read each other's minds. They can give each other a look and it's basically an entire conversation. (James and sirius always get so mad bc they have no idea what their bfs are planning/thinking)
- they have one day a week where they send james and sirius off on a task so they can have quiet reading time
- Remus helped teach regulus how to cook
- regulus buys remus a fuck ton of gifts bc he doesn't know how else to express that he cares for his friends
- they'll read the same book, annotate it, then switch, and then the other person adds annotations with those. They switch every chapter
- one day they came home with a cat and james and sirius just had to accept that they had a cat now (james and remus fuel regulus' old cat lady vibe, sirius is the only one who keeps the amount of cats to a normal amount)
- reg's periods sync up with the moon most times so they end up being cuddly besties and make their bfs do things for them
- when they found out regulus was an animagus, they convinced him to join them for fulls. Reg acted like he didn't want to but he absolutely did
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calamitoustide · 7 months ago
soooo happy i’m not alone in hating everything remus & regulus…. like they r not besties who came up w that !!
I don't know who decided to just make it a fact that they're best friends. I want names! It's just one of those headcannons that people think have to happen. Like it's not even romantic moonwater, which yeah I also hate, they are not kissing right now and Regulus would kill himself if you so much as insinuated that they were! It's the platonic one that gets me because everyone just expects it to be true.
Regulus hates Remus with every fiber of his being god dammit!
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andytheoverthinker · 8 months ago
this is all the info i have on them, maybe it’ll help =]
Evan Rosier
- comes from a pureblood family
- in a dorm room with barty and regulus
- sometimes headcannoned as Pandora’s twin brother
- most of the time he’s hc as gay/queer and in love with barty crouch jr
- joins the death eaters, fights mad eye moody and blasts off part of his nose (he also dies in canon but that doesn’t matter because canon isn’t real and we’re all ignoring it)
- (i personally headcannon him as trans and ace but idk if that’s a popular headcannon)
Barty Crouch Jr
- despises his father (who is an important ministry official)(a lot of the time his father is hc as an abusive parent)
- good relationship with his mother?? - in canon she loves him enough to switch places with him in azkaban
- often shipped with evan rosier (rosekiller) or regulus black (bartylus)
- he’s a but insane?? i think in every single fic i’ve read with him in it he’s at least a little bit unhinged
Regulus Black
- younger brother of sirius black
- becomes the heir to the most ancient and noble house of black™️ when sirius is disinherited
- most of the time he’s headcannoned as gay i think?
- some people (me included) headcannon him as trans (i adore trans regulus)
- shipped with james (jegulus/starchaser/sunseeker), or barty (bartylus)
- sometimes headcannoned as being friends with remus (platonic moonwater my beloved <333) (i don’t actually know how popular this hc is)
- speaks french (this is technically a hc but like…practically canon at this point)
- in canon he joins the death eaters, then defects and tries to destroy voldemort’s horcruxes (he drowns in a cave while trying to retrieve a locket)
- black brothers angst- need i say more
Dorcas Meadows
- a powerful witch, in canon she was mentioned as one of the people that voldemort killed personally
- in love with marlene mckinnon (i am not sane about dorlene)
- absolute queen
- is in slytherin and friends with regulus, barty, and evan, but she ends up fighting on the good guy’s side of the war
Pandora Lovegood/Rosier/Lupin
- in canon she’s married to xenophilius and she is the mother of luna lovegood, she also dies when luna is young (8? maybe? i don’t remember)
- usually headcannoned as being in ravenclaw, but being friends with the slytherin skittles
- sometimes hc as a seer
- sometimes hc as evan rosier’s twin sister
- shipped with xenophilius, or lily evans (pandalily)
- sometimes hc as being related to remus lupin
here’s a few fics i know that have some stuff about the slytherin skittles:
“to a happier year” by cukrkandl (one of my all time faves)
“a serpent and his rose” by LovelyLittleManiac on ao3
“just lovers (like we were supposed to be)” - i don’t remember who this was by but it’s pretty well known so it shouldn’t be too hard to find it
okay yeah that’s it i hope this helps!
I've been in the marauders fandom for a while, like before anyone really talked abt slytherins. Pls someone tell me how I can find out who tf Evan is 🙏
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itsjustfire4 · 2 years ago
My dad gave me this little dragon thing that’s green and gold and it immediately got me thinking..
What if Hagrid got his hands on a dragon during the Marauders era and his first thought was Remus. Remus is a magical creature himself so Hagrid thought “he’d be great to take care of this Dragon!”. So Hagrid got Remus over to his hut and gave him this baby green and gold dragon (obviously Hagrid would help him take care of it). When Remus got back to his dorm, with the little dragon hidden in his robes, his friends immediately asked where he’d been. He made his friends promise not to tell anyone then showed them the dragon. I think they would’ve freaked out because it’s a fucking dragon, and they would be like “Moony you can’t take care of a dragon! Are you crazy?” And then Remus would be like “yes”. Remus would put all these protective charms on the dragon, so that no one with ill intentions could go near it, and threaten his friends. Obviously they wouldn’t rat him out because, come on, we know them better than that. And then Remus would’ve ran down to the library to look for all the books on taking care of a dragon. Then, he would’ve seen Regulus (This is in the au that Regulus and Remus were secretly friends.) and he would’ve seen the hidden dragon. Regulus definitely would be like “is that a bloody dragon?” And Remus would tell him what happened with Hagrid and that he’s taking care of it. Regulus would think about it for a sec then, bc I feel like he would actually love dragons, he’d ask “what’s its name?”. Remus wouldn’t have named it yet and would be like “idk I don’t have a name for them yet.” And Regulus would ask to help come up with a name. Then what if Remus asked if he wanted to co-parent with him and help him take care of the dragon bc he knows how much reg loves them. Then, bc he has bad impulse control, Regulus Black would’ve definitely said yes. They would look up names and come up with Atlas, a Greek mythological name. They’d make plans to meet up and switch to had Atlas every other week. Regulus and Remus would have a platonic dragon child.
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kingstarkingslay · 2 months ago
Regulus, despite his hardened exterior, has a sensitive side that only a few people see. He writes poetry late at night, but it’s not the usual pompous, dramatic kind. He writes for Remus—describing the moon, the stars, the silence, and the agony of transformation. He leaves these poems in small, obscure places—inside Remus’s books, tucked under his pillow, or left in the common room when he’s sure no one is around to see. He never tells Remus about them, but Remus eventually finds one and is touched by the gesture. He never acknowledges it aloud, but he leaves a simple flower in return for Regulus to find one night.
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anything-for-my-moony-1971 · 7 months ago
Thx for the tag
Favourite charectars=
Sirius, james, remus ,evan ,barty ,regulus, marlene
Favourite romantic ships=
Jegulus, wolfstar ,rosekiller, dorlene
Favourite platonic ships=
A rarepair I rly like=
Syble trelainy and Pandora rosier, remus lupin and evan rosier
Favourite headcannon for any charectar=
Remus loves watching sirius do his make up
Charectars I kin=
Sirius, james, remus ,evan ,barty ,regulus, marlene
(Mostly remus tho)
Tags= @homocidalpotat @dracosleftarsecheek @drarrytexts @jegulus-microfic @moonyswarmsweaters +any and all other mauraders fans
Okeyyy do this and tag the moots
marauders fandom get to know me
favorite character(s): Evan, Emmeline
favorite romantic ship: Rosekiller
favorite platonic ship: Regulus & pandora
a rarepair you really like: Rosestar, Bartylily
your favorite hc for any character: Evan loves anything strawberry (flavored, scented, ect)
what character you kin: Evan
@aesthetic-writer18 @starcrossedmoony @regulus-smith @accio-atticus @my-castles-crumbling @foxalade @morallyundefined @cheekyboybeth and anyone else!
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noblehouseofgay · 7 months ago
I love tag games ngl
Favorite characters: regulus, James, remus, and honestly all the skittles I can't pick
Favorite romantic ships: jegulus <33, rosekiller, wolfstar, dorlene
Favorite platonic ships: moonwater, pandora and reg, Sirius and reg
Rarepair: idk if I have one tbh
Favorite headcannon(s): trans autistic regulus, animagus black cat regulus, and none of them died and they all lived happily ever after!! I enjoy being delusional. Oh one more- pandoras potion that went wrong and killed her was something to help regulus. It was either to bring him back or destroy the locket or something
Who I kin: regulus 100% but also remus. I'm personified moonwater fr
Tagging anyone who wants to, I'm not good at actually tagging people. But if you wanna do it feel free
Okeyyy do this and tag the moots
marauders fandom get to know me
favorite character(s): Evan, Emmeline
favorite romantic ship: Rosekiller
favorite platonic ship: Regulus & pandora
a rarepair you really like: Rosestar, Bartylily
your favorite hc for any character: Evan loves anything strawberry (flavored, scented, ect)
what character you kin: Evan
@aesthetic-writer18 @starcrossedmoony @regulus-smith @accio-atticus @my-castles-crumbling @foxalade and anyone else!
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