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karlacastro94 · 1 year ago
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ING. Ambiental KARLA CASTRO https://karlacastro-responsabletecnico.blogspot.com/ Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/karlacastro94 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlacastroc7/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/KarlaCa93342954 #plasticfreeseas #oceanfriendly #noplasticplease #plasticpollutes #plasticfreelife #reduceplastic #plasticwaste #plasticfreeoceans #saynotoplastic #plasticfreeworld
Viajar a la playa con amigos o familiares fomenta la interacción social y fortalece los lazos afectivos. La playa te anima a disfrutar del momento presente y a dejar de lado las preocupaciones del pasado o del futuro.
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geographical-freedom · 4 years ago
Check out this epic sunset shot of Bocas del Toro, I’m excited to see what this project end up doing. Solving Plastic Pollution. Bocas Del Toro, can this popular tourist destination become the example to follow when it comes to waste management and recycling plastic???...
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adaddictive · 5 years ago
An excellent experiment by Mahindra Rise to bring awareness about plasric waste
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colorflowcreations · 4 years ago
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8 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year. Reduce dependence on single use plastics like bags, straws and water bottles. The turtles will thank you! ⁠ ⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ ⁠ #zazzledesigner #zazzlemade #zazzleshop #zazzlestore #zazzle #keepourseasplasticfree #turtlelove #saveourseas #skipastraw #plasticfreesea https://www.instagram.com/p/CK7CHLnH-Sh/?igshid=6yu9873gn50d
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celebrantspain · 5 years ago
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Celebrating living by the sea. I love walking to a beach chiringito and ordering a locally caught barbequed fish. The sea here is clean, the marine life is varied and plentiful. At times the water boils with sardines, there are large pods of dolphins, the and the delicate eco system is protected by natural park status. Playa Patrol volunteers ensure the beaches are also free from plastic and cigarette butts. I've only ever missed one collection and that's because I had a ceremony. Quite simply living by the sea makes me smile.... especially when the sun's shining, the sea is warm, the beaches are empty and it's late October! www.celebrantspain.es #celebrantspain #celebranteingles #celebrantweddings #plasticfreesea #thecelebrantdirectory #celebrantinspain #celebratingcelebrants #supportingcelebrants #weddingofficiant #oficianteespaña #oficiantedecasamiento #bodassimbolicas #symbolicwedding #symbolicceremony #playapatrol #unmarsinplastico #weddingrituals #destinationwedding #spaincelebrants #spainwedding #weddinginspain #weddinginspiration #weddingideas #weddingblog #weddingblogger #weddingblessing #weddingblessingspain #cortijowedding #andaluciawedding #andalusiawedding (at Chiringuito El Copo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B36VCGZitKM/?igshid=1lfxicj361z6i
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donnanaturale · 4 years ago
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Out this morning picking up a few caches with my @oceanbottle while running errands. 🌄 . Geocaching is one of my most favorite #fallactivities for several reasons... 🍁I get to get out and enjoy the fresh air and fall colors 🍁I get in my physical activity for the day 🍁I get to hunt REAL life hidden treasures! 😆 🍁I get to help my planet by picking up litter along my hunt (we cachers call this #CITO or Cache In, Trash Out) 🍁 And I get to reduce my plastic waste by taking along my Ocean Bottle! Every Ocean Bottle sold funds the collection of 1000 plastic bottles! 🌊 You can even fund more collection in the future when you scan your bottle at retailers, gyms, and campuses. . I love this company and their mission!🗣 . You can get your very own Ocean Bottle too! Use the link in my bio and my promo code PERKDonnaN to get 25%OFF plus #freeshipping 😍 Hurry- promo code expires 11/4/2020 . #donnanaturale #oceanbottle #reducesingleuseplastic #recycle #geocaching #fallactivitiesforkids #plasticfreeseas #geocachingadventures #fall #October #ecoblogger #midwestliving #fallfoliage #enjoytheview #indianablogger #geocachersofinstagram #ecoinfluencer https://www.instagram.com/p/CG5XCfxH0XX/?igshid=1nvep2ixszo13
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eco-modern-city · 5 years ago
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Another great idea to reuse plastic bottles instead of wasting them in the forest or jungle. . Follow ➡️ @eco_modern_city . #globalwarming #climatechangeisreal #globalwarmingisreal #plasticfreeoceans #plasticbeach #plasticfreeseas #plasticfreelife #plastic #plasticpollution #🚿 #♻️ #💯 #🚮 #🚰 #🚯 #💧 #♥️ #🏺 #🥤 #🖼 #🌍 #goodidea #great #india🇮🇳 #philippines🇵🇭 #malaysia #fightforyourworld #singapore🇸🇬 #cars #car . @nature.energy.sustainability (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9b55o9HoXi/?igshid=1a59o5b6fqwxm
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wastelesswanderess · 6 years ago
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Street art with soul. 🎨🖌️ I hope whoever tagged this piece stubs their toe. 👟 #protestart #streetart #graffiti #graffitiart #mural #plasticfreeliving #plasticfreeoceans #plasticfreejuly #plasticfreeseas #ecofriendly (at Dublin, Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0d5ycMHUzG/?igshid=1mlnnr34ri7vl
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drartiekcresli · 3 years ago
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This is “theta right,” a newly named harbor seal that continues to be strangled by plastic. We’ve seen this seen strangled for 13 years. The ligature around its neck gets more deeply embedded every year. We must stop this. #plasticfreeseas #plasticfreeoceans #plasticfreeplanet (at Suffolk County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbGJLb8P2_n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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karlacastro94 · 1 year ago
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ING. Ambiental KARLA CASTRO https://karlacastro-responsabletecnico.blogspot.com/ Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/karlacastro94 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karlacastroc7/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/KarlaCa93342954 #plasticfreeseas #oceanfriendly #noplasticplease #plasticpollutes #plasticfreelife #reduceplastic #plasticwaste #plasticfreeoceans #saynotoplastic #plasticfreeworld
Evitas el estrés y la ansiedad que conlleva llegar tarde o sentir que no tienes suficiente tiempo para cumplir tus tareas. Llegar a tiempo te permite aprovechar oportunidades que podrían perderse si llegas tarde a reuniones o eventos importantes.
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manishdarandalepatil · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @get.waste.ed They hauled 250 pounds of ocean trash off beaches during a 5-day cleanup along the New South Wales coast! Over 50 shipping containers were lost at sea earlier this year, spilling out TONS of plastic, face masks and other waste into the water. When @catching_paradise heard the news, they set out for a multi-day cleaning marathon! They hiked for 25 miles and collected 221 meat trays, 1,299 face masks and nearly 200 take-away containers. BIG thanks to you for keeping Australia's beaches clean! . . . . 📸 @catching_paradise . . #GetWasteEd #beachcleanup #cleanoceans #protectouroceans #plasticfreeocean #plasticfreeseas #saveouroceans #savetheocean #oceanlife #marinelife #oceans #oceanpollution #marinelife #plasticpollution #sustainable #sustainability #zerowaste #plastic #noplastic #breakfreefromplastic #saynotoplastic #singleuseplastic #reuse #reduce #recycle #wastefree #GetWasteEd #TheEnvironmentalBoy #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CDUJaKklW-W/?igshid=11qq2owoh5aka
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eco-modern-city · 5 years ago
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Another tremendously powerful piece by @iconeo. . #cleantheseas #fire ⁠#globalwarmingisreal #friends #globalwarming #love #loveearth #plasticpollutes #plasticpollution #plasticfreeseas #saveourseas #saveourplanet #planetnotplastic #refuseplastic #refusesingleuse #refusesingleuseplastic #noplasticplease #plasticfree #saynotoplastic #noplasticstraws #breakfreefromplastic #australia #canada #africa #america #iran #aviation https://www.instagram.com/p/B79yOqpnU6V/?igshid=f0q218rszflx
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gpaadi · 5 years ago
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Claro q da pra evitar copos plásticos . . . . . ⁠. #plasticpollutes #plasticfreeicecream #weloveicecream #refuseplastic #refusesingleuse #refusesingleuseplastic #plasticfree #plasticfreepackaging #packagingonpoint #saynotoplastic #breakfreefromplastic #plasticfreeseas https://www.instagram.com/p/B8OYTBDHUAK/?igshid=1n5v3r3odbrgz
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ecofworld · 5 years ago
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The charcoal infused bamboo toothbrush to protect our nature. #zerowastetips #plasticfreeparent #plasticfreeseas #biodegradeable #biodegradabletoothbrush https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jIffjHGCo/?igshid=otgzodac0si8
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mythoecoliving · 5 years ago
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Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet. It can grow 3 feet in height in 24 hours under appropriate climate conditions. Unlike other woody plants, bamboo reaches maturity after only 3 to 5 years. Bamboo releases 30% more oxygen into the atmosphere and absorbs more carbon dioxide compared to other plants.  Because of these features, bamboo charcoal has been used to remove harmful chemicals in the air and absorbs musty odors inside your home or vehicle. . . . . . #mythoecoliving #plasticfree #airpurifier #airpurifiers #reusable #plasticfreeliving #plasticfreelife #plasticfree2020 #plasticfreeocean #plasticfreeforthesea #plasticfreeuk #plasticfreeproduce #plasticfreeseas #plasticfreehome #plasticfreeshopping #plasticfreemovement #plasticfreeworld #plasticfreecoastlines #odors #plasticfreerevolution #zerowaste #zerowastelifestyle #zerowastegift #zerowastestore #zerowasteproducts  #bamboocharcoal #bamboo #zerowastehome #lowimpact #sustainableswaps https://www.instagram.com/p/B7KAD3-H2gq/?igshid=eiuf6z8g9tm5
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plasticfreemanifesto · 5 years ago
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Know your plastics. Don’t be fooled by clever marketing #plasticfree #plasticfreeoceans #plasticfreeparent #plasticfreeliving #plasticfreelife #plasticfreeforthesea #plasticfreejuly #plasticfreeseas #plasticfreeuk #plasticfreehome #plasticfreeocean #plasticfreeproduce #plasticfreefriday #plasticfreewave #plasticfreeworld #plasticfreefoodie #plasticfreeshopping #plasticfreecoastlines #plasticfreechallenge #plasticfreepackaging #plasticfreecommunities #plasticfree #microplastic #microplastics #pollution #plasticpollution #biobased https://www.instagram.com/p/B2a7mWdnnv9/?igshid=1lycnal8cm2aa
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