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yoga-onion · 6 years ago
YO!Yoga Onion
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-The Power of Nature(7)-
Recently, I’ve noticed some articles about ‘World Food Building, Plantagon that is the High-rise greenhouse’in Sweden and many more recent developments, using advanced technology to solve expected food shortages when the world population will increase and climates change.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s something that our Jacinta, a Portuguese tea lady, in the council flat had done, 20 years ago without fuss.
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saurabhkatiyar · 3 years ago
Is Vertical Farming just a showpiece or mature enough to explore by agriculture industry ?
Is Vertical Farming just a showpiece or mature enough to explore by agriculture industry ?
The case for Urban Farming / Vertical farming, on one side having much higher productivity with many advantages compared with traditional agriculture like use of Less Water, Better Traceability, Fresher Products, Deduce Wastes, Reduce Food Miles, Year Round Production, 99% Less Land, Reduced/No Pesticides. As we review urban agriculture technologies, typical components of a Vertical Farm are…
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agritecture · 7 years ago
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Move Over, Skyscrapers. This “Plantscraper” Can Feed 5,000 a Year.
As populations grow and cities condense, availability of fresh produce becomes an increasingly dire issue. The concept of "plantscapers" could allow office buildings to feed thousands of people every year.
From rooftop gardens to “sponge city” architecture, natural elements are finding their way into city buildings around the world. This is helping to alleviate the effects of flooding, providing food for locals, and even improving air quality. As populations swell within congested urban areas,  it will become more challenging to make locally-produced, fresh food available. This is why Plantagon, a Swedish food-tech company, is proposing the idea of “plantscrapers.”
Plantagon is building the first of these in Linköping, Sweden. These futuristic, green skyscrapers (or “plantscrapers”) are simply large buildings that contain massive indoor farms. The project, which started in 2012, should be completed and ready to open by 2020.
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This “plantscraper” will be called The World Food Building, and all of its plants will be grown hydroponically — meaning the produce grown in the skyscraper’s farms will take root in a nutrient-rich, water-based solution without any soil. To allow for optimum success, this growth will be controlled almost entirely autonomously: everything from water to nutrition, sunlight, temperature, and air quality will be measured and controlled autonomously through a complex system.
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This building will cost $40 million to construct, but you can’t put a price on the long-term payoff: a single building that will be capable of feeding over 5,000 people every year. It’s also a sustainable and local solution, cutting out wasteful transport costs and saving energy while providing quality, healthy produce to urban areas that may not have widespread, reliable access.
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We’ll have to wait and see if The World Food Building will deliver on its promises, though. If the launch is successful, then perhaps other cities will follow suit. As populations increase and resources become increasingly scarce, creative solutions like “plantscapers” could help keep our cities (and our species) flourishing.
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too-quick-to-quit · 7 years ago
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The @plantagon_international is a modern “agritecture” project in Stockholm, Sweden. It’ol be a multi-functional space that will help solve the hunger crisis and hopefully lead the future of green architecture. Visit their website here: www.plantagon.com #plantagon #green #sustainability #sustainable #agriculture
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arqui-mequedo · 5 years ago
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Este edificio esta situado en  Linköping, Suecia. Es conocido como el World food Building. Está actualmente en construcción. Consta de 16 plantas, tiene una altura de 60 metros y 4300 metros del edificio están dedicados al cultivo. Es un edificio híbrido, en la fachada sur se encuentran los cultivos, en la fachada opuesta el edificio está pensada para hacer oficinas. El proyecto de World Food Building fue galardonado con el prestigioso premio mundial The International Architecture Awards 2016, por el Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design y el European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies. Es un edificio sostenible, recicla toda la energía posible, por ejemplo usa la energía de los cultivos para la climatización del edificio.
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myupostsheadcanons · 5 years ago
Books “Read” in 2019
I am going to rank these by how much i enjoyed them vs. any actual literary quality. often well written books aren’t always the most entertaining books.
Note: i listen to many of these books at work, which is why i am able to go through so many of them in a year.
List from 2017 List from 2018
------- My Favs of the Year ----
Novels from The First Law:
Best Served Cold (#1), The Heroes(#3), Red Country(#4), Sharp Ends(#5).
A Little Hatred (#2) (Age of Madness, sequel to The First Law)
I read “The First Law Trilogy” about a year or two ago and finally got around to reading the rest of the books, just in time for a new series taking place in the same world to start up (Age of Madness) and now i am waiting like everybody else for the next two books to come out in 2020 and 2021. A Little Hatred shouldn’t be read as a stand alone, a lot of what goes on is dependent mainly on knowledge from the first trilogy and in The Heroes, then bits and pieces from Best Served Cold and Red Country. So much of your enjoyment of each book is based on what you’ve learned in other ones (character development or seemingly useless information being not so useless later).
Age of Legend (Book 4,  Legend of the First Empire)
This is more-or-less an “aftermath” book where the main characters are still reeling about what happened in the previous book and are trying to make plans for what they are going to do next. I still like the characters and the world/setting it takes place in.
House of Assassins (Saga of the Forgotten Warrior, Book 2)
I’ve been waiting for the next book in this series to come out the second i finished the first book in the series. It is one of those Science fiction in the disguise of Fantasy settings and I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see how that plot/revelation comes out (I am certain that the location the story takes place is Earth, more specifically around Asia/India, but in a post-invasion apocalypse setting where nobody remembers anything prior to the invasion). I also really like how much of a badass Ashok is... i have a thing for emotionally stunted badass characters, especially when their flaws are held up to a mirror and have real consequences.
R. R. Haywood’s Worldship Humility & Extinct (Extracted, Book 3)
I love the way Haywood writes characters and dialog. I was at-first iffy about WSH, but was won over after i warmed up to the new characters.
Shades of Magic Trilogy (A Darker Shade of Magic, A Gathering of Shadows, A Conjuring of Shadows)
Solid multi-verse and magic system world. Well-written characters, some minor nitpicks on plot points, but can be easily ignored. LGBTQ rep, the gays don’t stay buried.
“Don’t you have enough [knives]?” “You can never have too many.” [me, every time: LOL]
One of the few times when a character deserves a redemption arc, doesn’t really get one, dies, and i am perfectly fine with it because it is done well.
Assassin’s Fate (Fitz and the Fool, Book 3)
I read this one in book-book form, but i already knew most of the emotionally painful parts of the book by spoiling it to myself when it first came out a couple years ago. The main appeal is the inner monologues of the two main characters, even if like 50% of this trilogy is basically spending weeks/months trying to go from Point A to Point B, when many other books would have glossed over the details of travel.. but you can really feel the stress as they dwell in their thoughts and struggles.
Madeline Miller’s The Song of Achilles & Circe
Re-Imagining of the Iliad and The Odyssey. Focusing not on the characters of Achilles or Odysseus, but on Petroclus (Achilles’ lover) and Circe the sea nymph witch that Odysseus had an affair and child with.
The Spear of the Stars (Cycle of Galand, Book 5)
Still love Dante and Bleys... This is where they really get into the meat of world building and solving the mysteries of the Arawn Cycle (the book/bible) and peel back the layers of their reality.
Dust (Silo Book 3)
A great ending to a good series, it answers whether or not humanity can or has survived what had caused them to be locked away in the silos.
Blackthorn and Grim (Dreamer’s Pool, Tower of Thorns, Den of Wolves)
I like the premise of the books, the two main characters first seeking out revenge, but end up wanting to become better people due to magic shenanigans.... One part Fantasy, One Part Mystery, One Part Lovestory.
The Dispatcher (Audible Free Book) 
I want a whole series based off this novella. It is John Scalzi so he can write a good story. I had previously read Android’s Dream by him, which it didn’t make it into my top-10 that year, but was still decent, even if the subject matter was a bit gross... The Dispatcher world is a Sci-Fi Noir, not quite Cyberpunk, where people don’t die by anything other than natural causes. The Dispatcher’s job is to kill people before something goes does wrong and the person “resets” to when they where safe and sound.
---- this is the “Above Average” Zone ----
All the Pretty Horses & Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West
The master of bleak and depressing fiction. if regular Dark Fiction isn’t enough for you.... there is Cormac McCarthy books. Get use to the “purple prose” that fills up pages with no dialog.
The Golem and the Jinni
Supernatural world of the far past dealing with Edwardian New York and Immigration. It not only is a “fish out of water” story of the two main characters trying to fit in with society but they are among communities that are also new to America and trying to find their own place in the world. There are love subplots but most of those kind of fizzle out.
The Axe and the Throne: Bounds of Redemption Vol. 1.
“Discount First Law” book... it is lacking the dark humor that made TFL series far more entertaining.  This was also the book that was prefaced by warning people about how grim and dark the setting was... Hahahaha. I still found it entertaining none the less, and hope the rest would show up on audible soon.
Black Snow, White Crow (Audible Free Book) 
Another one of those short stories that should have a larger saga to its name. Fantasy Industrial Punk. It has the whole equality role reversal thing going on, it isn’t done quite as well as Left Hand of Darkness (but that book leaned onto the boring side of things).
Stephen King’s IT, Pet Semetary, and Carrie
It’s Stephen King. Classic King. Not much else to say.
Watership Down
Depressing Rabbit Book. Though I did like all the stories and mythology the rabbits had.
Bloody Acquisitions (Fred the Vampire Accountant, Book 3)
A series that is always fun to listen to. I wish the audio books were cheaper because they are rather short.
Lethal White (Cormoran Strike, Book 4)
shuddup, i don’t care if it is Rowling... i have a low-key crush on Cormoran.... he just hits that big-burly tragic-backstory man-shaped soft-spot of mine. These stories are also her “for adults” writings so...  expect more racism and garbage values.
The Eye of the World (Book 1, Wheel of Time)
Classic set up to a long running series, though i am reluctant to go further as the middling books in this series are said to drag out the story too much.... It’s not as self-centered as Wizard’s First Rule and the characters are more relatable and stick to their fantasy tropes. This is the “mold” that other modern fantasy try to subvert by going “darker and edgier.”
The Exorcist
If you like the movie, read the book. There is a lot of back story that the movie wasn’t able to adapt.
---- This is the “AVERAGE, but Still Good”  Zone ---
The Iliad and The Odyssey
Classics. I am still on the hunt for an unabridged version of Jason and the Argonauts story. I also have Virgil’s Aeneid in my wishlist to get too soon.
Phillipa Gregory’s Plantagonate Novels (The Lady of the Rivers, The Red Queen, White Queen, The Kingmaker’s Daughter)
Sometimes it is like reading the same book 5x in a row. other times you end up not liking the previous protagonist in a book you just finished reading because of how the current protagonist sees them from their POV.
Return of the King (Lord of the Rings, Book 3)
Read the other books last year and didn’t get around to this one for a few months.
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Fuck... I’m a janitor... why can’t i afford a house?   If you liked Stephen King’s “IT” go back and read this book.
Alien Franchise Dramatizations: Alien: Sea of Sorrows, Alien: The Cold Forge (Audible Free Book) Alien III (Audible Free Book)
I don’t mind that they all are done with a full cast. Though often I end up wanting to find the actual book and listen to them with just one narrator and descriptions.
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (Narnia, Book 1)
I would like to get the rest of the books in this series, but for books that are only 5-7 hours long they want 20$ a book for them. It needs to go into an omnibus.
Stephen Fry’s Victorian Secrets (Audible Free Book)
It’s Stephen Fry... he’s funny and a good narrator.
Wizard’s First Rule (Book 1, Sword of Truth)
I don’t like Richard. He started off alright, but even before he got tortured 2/3rds into the book, i was starting to dislike his personality.  Other than that, the side characters and world are solid, but it was like taking an R-rated movie and cutting it down for TV. There is somethings that are vaguely described when i am use to harder fiction like ASoIaF, The First Law, Dresden, and McCarthy books actually describing those things.
Halloween (2018, movie novel)
Like I said when i first read the book, it would’ve benefited by a second re-write before being published. But, i like the movie and so I liked the book.
Don Quixote
Another classic read. I did find it hilarious that the Author spent a good chunk of the second book complaining about Fanfiction of his own book... in the 1600′s.
The Princess Diarist
I listened this book instead of going to see TROS. worth it.
Smoke Gets in Your eyes: And other Lessons from the Crematorium
Non-Fiction, If you want to know the ins and outs of the funeral business and get told in an informative yet non-clinical way with lots of tidbits and history facts tossed in as well as a semi-autobiographical account of the Author’s life.
--- These Books are “Alright” ---
Frank L. Baum’s Wizard of Oz books
I ligit got into an argument with a 70yo man in a comic book shop about how Canon the other Oz books were post Baum’s death. He was looking for Oz comic books and I brought up reading the first 14 books, and he’s like “There’s over 100 of them” and i was all “but all those are written by somebody else.” and he got all “they are still canon...” 
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
If you want to know about the In//cel ideology in a classic literary form, this fits the bill. So much man pain.
A Christmas Carol (Tim Curry) (Audible Free Book)
Tim Curry, guys.....
The Poetic Edda (Norse God Mythology)
I listened this book twice. I bought two Edda books thinking I’d get some extra content, but no... same book just different production teams and readers. Returned the one with the worst translation.
Treasure Island (Audible Free Book, dramatization)
I need to read the actual book sometime, but i did like the cast and thought they did a good job.
Wally Roux, Quantum Mechanic (Audible Free Book)
A YA coming of age story about diversity and acceptance... with wacky science fiction. 
Carmilla (Audible Free Book, dramatization)
The vampire before Dracula. Victorian Lesbian love story.
Even Tree Nymphs get the Blues (Audible Free Book)
A novella from one of those “love on the Bayou” romance series with supernatural creatures. Could practically take place in the same world of either True Blood, Dresden, or Fred the Vampire Accountant.
Mystwick School of Musicraft (Audible Free Book)
Harry Potter lite. For 10yo girls.
A Grown-up’s Guide to Dinosaurs (Audible Free Book)
I like dinosaurs.
Rivals! Frenemies Who Changed the World (Audible Free Book, Dramatization)
Interesting way on telling us about the Fossil Wars and Puma vs. Adidas.
True-Crime from Audible: Body of Proof (Audible Free Book),   Midnight Son (Audible Free Book), The Demon Next Door (Audible Free Book), Killer By Nature (Audible Free Book)
Why is True-Crime or YA fiction the only halfway-decent things Audible is giving us? But yeah, these are basically the type of reporting that the two journalists from Halloween were trying to do. Where they go around and gather up information about semi-famous cases and present it in a Podcast-like format.
---- Meh... ---
Camp Red Moon (Audible Free Book)
Would’ve been better if they were actually written by R. L. Stein.
More Bedtime Stories for Cynics (Audible Free Book)
No... half of these aren’t written very well.
The Darkwater Bride (Audible Free Book, Dramatization)
The setting is nice, but it is far too .... Soap Opera Dramatic.
Junk (Audible Free Book)
A cross between Alien Invasion and Zombie outbreak, read by John Waters and written as if it was a bad version of a Philip K. Dick Novel.
Rip Off!! (Audible Free Book)
Most of them are duds and boring. I don’t even remember half of them without having to look them up. The two that stood out the most for me where the “Other Darren/Bewitched” and the “Dark and Stormy Night” stories, the rest were rather garbled.
--- Garbage... ---
Dodge and Twist (Audible Free Book, Dramatization)
No, you are not being edgy or kool.
Siege Tactics (Spells, Swords, & Stealth. Book 4)
Triumphant (Genesis Fleet, Book 3)
Earthsea (Tehanu and Tales from Earthsea, i am going to re-listen to the first three before i get to these)
Into the Wilds (Warriors, Book 1)
Pout Neuf (Audible Free Book)
House of Teeth (Audible Free Book)
Viva Durant and the Secret of the Silver Buttons (Audible Free Book)
The Other Boleyn Girl (Phillipa Gregory)
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diaryofaninsanewriter · 6 years ago
DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter brings to you the third post in the Health Transformation series. Thank you for loving & reading Sameer Karve & Mohit Anand‘s stories. The story you are about to read is about a high flying Global Consultant to Ministeries with no time for himself. He hangs out with the likes of Bill Clinton and has about 300 travel days in his calendar.
Despite an extremely busy life, SR Shrikant lost 53 Kgs & 44% body fat in 19 months! Here is how he did it…
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Don’t forget to scroll to the end for a downloadable infographic containing invaluable tips from SR Srikant.
SR Srikant or as we fondly call him SRS is a friend that you absolutely want around. He is jovial, calm and patient. I remember him as a cute, huggable Panda who you can depend on for all your woes and troubles. We were all part of a happy group of friends who met often with the love of cars and travel uniting us all. As fate would have it, we drifted apart due to work pressures.
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A while ago, at a party, a fit gentleman tapped my shoulder and said, “Hi Mayura, its me, SRS .” I turned around, gasped and said, “WTF, where is the rest of you?”  He let out his signature laugh and narrated his story.
You look leaner, fitter and energetic. What was the trigger that made you commit to fitness?
Thank you, Mayura. It’s a large bag of mixed emotions – some positive and nice and some brutal and negative too.
Tonnes of taunts by near and dear ones, office mates, very good pals, even strangers who asked me ‘ how can an overweight obese man like you stand on the stage and talk about Sustainability?’
“Finally, physical pain in the knees making me almost quit my profession and my daughter’s dream to play sport with me … made me take one final gigantic dig at becoming what am totally capable of being – a real fit guy.”
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People asked me: ‘ how can an overweight, obese man like you stand on the stage and talk about Sustainability?’
So tonnes of anger, spirit, and fire are part of the process. And I don’t think I have reached any real stage where I can say safely that now I am now on the path of fitness salvation.
“Loads of hard earned money lost in the form of gym memberships, swimming classes, nutrition programs – online and real-time, at least a dozen promises to my better half that next time when we meet at the annual function, I will get fitter. !!!”
What was the weight you started with and how much is it now? How much time did it take to come to come to this figure?
“In Jan 2016, I was 123 kgs, February, it was 121 kgs and the slide started there on.
Now in September 2018, am 69.3 kgs and feel like a million bloody bucks!!!!”
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What preparations did you make before hitting the gym? Please tell our readers so that they keep these tips in mind.
I made an excel sheet that counted everything I did. And I for professional nutrition advice to GO SLOW but NEVER QUIT.
So a simple and effective start was to divide my entire waking day into 30 mins intervals. And create a plan for my day for intake of food – Solids and liquids into 30 min targets. 5:30am to 6am – liquids … warm water 350-500ml 6-6:30am – solids – cereal breakfasts 630-7am – liquids – coffee + water – 500ml 7-730am – solids – 3-4 idlis and so on…
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“No change in what I ate but a very regulated approach to everything was the start of my process – for 2 months.”
I personally observed many changes… high energy times and low energy zones and the rationale behind the foods etc…
Also, I managed to finally start drinking 4 litres of water daily and that felt great to be hydrated constantly…
The beginning of a transformation process – in my own head – had begun well.
Did you follow a particular routine or diet? What were the lifestyle changes you made to ensure that your commitment to fitness remains intact
Yes, I followed a regular diet plan for a 90 day period & adjusted it as I moved along.
“Commitments made by me remains to not have a single cheat day. Not one.”
All Garbage IN must be accounted for within the same 24 hrs period and must be shoved out of the system. No matter what. Let’s hope I can stick to it forever… that’s as simple as that really.
There must have been moments of frustration where you felt like giving up. What kept you going? Can you share a couple of instances?
Tonnes of instances where I felt my past creeping up on me and the devil in my head. I used to enjoy my single malts, ice cream sessions, sweet tooth sessions, and shaadi walla khaana session and took the very personally…now I smile at them and say been there… done that enough.
Anyone who knows me … knows how bloody tough it is for me to resist these simple but unhealthy pleasures in life. But not anymore.
“My profession as a Global Consultant for Ministries across the world grants me access to some very pleasant hospitality destinations. My goal in such places for a good 10 years before I got here used to be hitting a 24X7 bar and nightclub. Now I search for 24X7 gym and yoga sessions !!!”
My friend circle has narrowed down a bit but my best buddies have stayed and loved me for who I am becoming day-by-day
How did your family support you in this mission?
Family support has been immense…initially, they assumed what I am doing was part of my regular nautanki. They thought the phase would last a fortnight and no more. As they saw me struggle over months and even howling at nite with pain/ hunger but not giving in…. their support was amazing.
“My daughter, Adithi’s study table has my old picture… and she proudly tells all her friends:- that was my dad when he was just great fun now he is a super fit and fun dad too.”
I am now my daughter’s basketball, football, badminton partner in all club events and we do fitness training together too. Feels bloody awesome.
My better half…I couldn’t have achieved this without her…
Family support remains invincible, it’s like that perfect stool you just find when you wanna lean on something… not that Swanky soft-leather recliner that lies in one corner of a drawing room but that four-legged creature lurking right behind you… when you behind need it the very most.
My better half … rightfully so too, is one creature who can’t live without telling me to improve constantly. Also making sure that am off sweets during my weakest days… and peps me constantly for finding my rhythm with sports and work and also balancing it.
“All men, by default, need an auditor in our lives. Not just the financial kind but for our more weaker and supposedly manly moments too.”
Our judgements, in my humble opinion, need constant review and an in-house auditor is the best help we can get. My better half – Keerthana – is that shining spirit of no-compromise in my life. Even after a good-show, her attention is to make sure I don’t end up indulging too much. And she is bloody right. Since such silly acts are the ones that have derailed me many many many times before.
“So now, as a proud wife of a fit husband, she remains vigilant about my lifestyle and even in my worst moments – she only has advice for me!!!”
That no-sugar diet, those amazing tasting lemon infused yellow dal soups, that extra crispy dosa with no oil… she did all this to keep me incentivised in my lifestyle.
Kudos to her constant companionship and enthusiasm and care that am happily marching along making this whole fit-lifestyle business a personal milestone.
Your journey is still ongoing, what are you doing so that you reach your target weight?
My target weight has been attained a few months ago. But that is not what am after…from losing weight… to getting fit… to maintaining an athletic routine and body… to staying super fit to do a Himalayan trek soon… that’s the journey now.
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“How much ever we love the very many flavours of mocktails, we must remember to praise dear old water as the main ingredient of it all.”
What were the positive changes in your health that you noticed after committing to fitness?
All the medical reports seem like a journey through a rose garden! Personally, even when I was obese, I had the ability to continue my spiritual journey smoothly… now with physical fitness that spiritual journey only feels much easier too. Like the opening of many chakras inside of you allowing you to raise your internal game!!!
Please give a message to our readers who are struggling to lose weight.
“This is a war only you have to fight. And fight it only for Yourself as anything and everything else can derail you. It’s like the salvation of the soul. It’s all you’re doing… for your own self. It’s all internal. No drama please.”
What are some of the dos and don’ts for a person who wants to lose weight fast?
What is ‘fast’? Sadly there are no ‘fast and permanent’ solutions. Give up that struggle fast, to lose weight fast.
Take a conscious and studied approach and you’re gonna feel like Mohammed Ali before a fight. All fire in the ballet ready to explode in the ring.
Water – increase intake to 4-5 litres a day
Maintain a notebook on everything you do…. and measure up yourself.
Raise your heart rate to peak / optimum atleast once every 10 hrs and see the difference it makes to your system.
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“Our body is an extremely intelligent mass of flesh. It has inbuilt AI to support your mental desires. Learn from it and enjoy the ride.“
Were there any foods you avoided, any that were absolutely part of your routine. Please share a sample diet chart if you can.
My current routine is very different from when I began… and precisely why I am SOO convinced that our body has inbuilt AI to lead us to amazing results.
“Right now, I play Pro-Grade badminton 5 mornings a week for 120 mins, Muscle training at a gym for 4 evenings a week, execute 18-20 k steps daily and take every opportunity to sleep off by 10 pm every day… all days of the week.”
From a diet perspective, I am back to regular eating habits but only in 1/10th, the portions spread over 6-7 meals a day.
Only fruits and liquids after 7 pm… no matter what.
Small amounts of Ghee & tofu every day.
Yoghurt, green salads, and fruits of all kinds especially all berries from farms …. to my heart’s content.
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“For moving ahead… am convinced it is a 70% diet control and 30% muscle mass orientation that’s gonna be the key.”
SRS is no longer the huggable Panda, instead, he has turned into a fit person with strong shoulders for his friends and family. He remains the ‘4 am friend’, however, he is now an inspiration to all his friends, including me.
Here is a downloadable infographic containing Weight Loss Tips by SR Shrikant.
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I really hope SRS’s story inspired you as well. Do leave your comments and questions so that we can have SRS answer them. All the best for your journey to fitness.
Penned by:
Mayura Amarkant 
I am taking my Alexa Rank to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa Campaign.
"Not a single cheat day in 20 months!!" that's how @SRSIyer lost 53 kgs & 44% body fat. #MyFriendAlexa #DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter brings to you the third post in the Health Transformation series. Thank you for loving & reading…
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ericthelemming · 7 years ago
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So... What did I do today? I went to the Launch party at Plantagon CityFarm (as an investor in their crowdfunding campaign). I got to take a look at the cultivation system they're setting up in the basement of the DN building in Stockholm and listen to their ideas on the future of urban farming. #cityfarm #urbanfarming #plantagon (at Plantagon)
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topmarketreportnews · 3 years ago
Hydroponic Indoor Farm Market Report Till 2028 | Latest Trend, Growth Opportunities & Forecast Analysis
The study on Hydroponic Indoor Farm Market with its type and application sales analysis is very essential for all the decision-makers or strategists operating in this industry. The report is made by analysts with deep industry knowledge and experience. The global, regional, and country annual sales and revenue has been studied for the historical years and estimated for the current year. With the help of analytical tools, primary interviews, and data triangulation the report is enriched with quality data. The qualitative data on the upcoming industry trends with market triggers and risks are covered as a separate section in this comprehensive report.
As understood and analyzed in the global Hydroponic Indoor Farm market report the growth CAGR in the year 2022 to 2028 is showing a promising inclination. The macro and microeconomic conditions are studied and forecast data is anticipated.
Click here to get a FREE Sample PDF Copy of the Hydroponic Indoor Farm Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-59940
As per this report analysis, the Hydroponic Indoor Farm market is expected to show a CAGR (revenue) of xx% between the forecast years and the global market size can cross USD XX million by the end of 2028, growing from USD XX million in the year 2022. This report specifically covers the global market share (sales as well as revenue) of key companies in the Hydroponic Indoor Farm business, as mentioned in a separate Chapter 3.
Regionally, the Hydroponic Indoor Farm market data is studied under the below-mentioned regions and countries – Americas covering (United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil), APAC covering (China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Australia), Europe covering (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Spain), Middle East & Africa covering (Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Turkey, and other GCC Countries).
This research study gives a comprehensive overview of market share and growth opportunities of the Hydroponic Indoor Farm market as per type and application. The report also covers key manufacturers’ profiles with sales and gross margin data.
The key manufacturers covered in this report: Breakdown data in Chapter 3.
Gotham Greens
Green Sense Farms
Garden Fresh Farms
Sky Vegetables
Urban Crops
Sky Greens
Metropolis Farms
Sanan Sino Science
Nongzhong Wulian
To inquire about report customization, feel free to reach out to our team of expert analysts @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/ask-questions-59940
This study considers the Hydroponic Indoor Farm value and volume generated from the sales of the following segments:
Segmentation by type: breakdown data from 2017 to 2022, in Section 2.3; and forecast to 2028 in section 11.7.
Glass Or Polymer Greenhouse
Indoor Vertical Farm
Container Farm
Segmentation by application: breakdown data from 2017 to 2022, in Section 2.4; and forecast to 2028 in section 11.8.
Vegetable Cultivation
Fruit Planting
The latest developments of the industry and the sales channel, manufacturing process along with the manufacturing cost study is covered in the report.
Key Questions Answered –
What will be the Hydroponic Indoor Farm market CAGR and size between 2022-2028?
Who are the top/leading players of the Hydroponic Indoor Farm market?
What changes are expected in the Hydroponic Indoor Farm market in the next six years?
Which are the top product and leading applications of the Hydroponic Indoor Farm market?
What are the leading market drivers and major risks factors for the Hydroponic Indoor Farm market?
Which region/country leads and foresees highest growth in the next six years?
Purchase the Complete Global Hydroponic Indoor Farm Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-59940
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DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research report provider, enriching decision makers and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research reports, customized research reports, company profiles, and industry databases across multiple domains. Our expert research analysts have been trained to map clients’ research requirements to the correct research resource leading to a distinctive edge over its competitors. We provide intellectual, precise, and meaningful data at a lightning speed.
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agritecture · 6 years ago
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freesuitwhispers · 4 years ago
Global Indoor Vertical Farm  Market   Audience, Geographies and Key Players 2020-2026
Summary – A new market study, “Global Indoor Vertical Farm Market Growth (Status and Outlook) 2020-2025”has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
According to this study, over the next five years the Indoor Vertical Farm market will register a xx%% CAGR in terms of revenue, the global market size will reach $ xx million by 2025, from $ xx million in 2019. In particular, this report presents the global revenue market share of key companies in Indoor Vertical Farm business, shared in Chapter 3.
Also Read: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/525197998/global-indoor-vertical-farm-market-2020-segmentation-demand-growth-trend-opportunity-and-forecast-to-2025
 This report presents a comprehensive overview, market shares, and growth opportunities of Indoor Vertical Farm market by product type, application, key manufacturers and key regions and countries.
 This study specially analyses the impact of Covid-19 outbreak on the Indoor Vertical Farm, covering the supply chain analysis, impact assessment to the Indoor Vertical Farm market size growth rate in several scenarios, and the measures to be undertaken by Indoor Vertical Farm companies in response to the COVID-19 epidemic.
Also Read: https://industrytoday.co.uk/manufacturing/preservative-free-cosmetics-market--global-industry-analysis-and-opportunity-and-forecast-2020-to-2025
 Segmentation by type: breakdown data from 2015 to 2020 in Section 2.3; and forecast to 2025 in section 10.7.
Also Read: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/global-foot-and-mouth-disease-vaccines-industry-analysis-size-market-share-growth-trend-and-forecast-to-2026-2020-12-21
 Segmentation by application: breakdown data from 2015 to 2020, in Section 2.4; and forecast to 2025 in section 10.8.
Vegetable Cultivation
Fruit Planting
Also Read: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/global-mead-industry-analysis-size-market-share-growth-trend-and-forecast-to-2025-2020-11-10
 This report also splits the market by region: Breakdown data in Chapter 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
United States
Southeast Asia
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
GCC Countries
 The report also presents the market competition landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/manufacturers in the market. The key manufacturers covered in this report: Breakdown data in in Chapter 3.
Gotham Greens
Lufa Farms
Beijing IEDA Protected Horticulture
Plenty (Bright Farms)
Green Sense Farms
Sky Vegetables
Garden Fresh Farms
Metropolis Farms
Urban Crops
Nongzhong Wulian
Sky Greens
Sanan Sino Science
 In addition, this report discusses the key drivers influencing market growth, opportunities, the challenges and the risks faced by key players and the market as a whole. It also analyzes key emerging trends and their impact on present and future development.
Also Read: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/covid-19-impact-on-global-orthopedic-robots-market-share-trends-opportunities-projection-revenue-analysis-forecast-outlook-2026-2020-10-14
 Research objectives
To study and analyze the global Indoor Vertical Farm market size by key regions/countries, type and application, history data from 2015 to 2019, and forecast to 2025.
To understand the structure of Indoor Vertical Farm market by identifying its various subsegments.
Focuses on the key global Indoor Vertical Farm players, to define, describe and analyze the value, market share, market competition landscape, SWOT analysis and development plans in next few years.
To analyze the Indoor Vertical Farm with respect to individual growth trends, future prospects, and their contribution to the total market.
To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges and risks).
To project the size of Indoor Vertical Farm submarkets, with respect to key regions (along with their respective key countries).
To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches and acquisitions in the market.
To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.
About Us:
Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe.                
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myoliver123stuff · 5 years ago
Vertical Farming Market Insights and Trends 2018, Forecast to 2026
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Market Scenario
Global Vertical Farming Market was valued US$ 1.8 Bn in 2017 and is anticipated to reach US$ 9 Bn by 2026 at a CAGR of about 22.28% during a forecast.
The reported segment of Global Vertical Farming Market based on equipment type, growing technology, crops type, and region. Based on equipment type, the global vertical farming market can be classified into the lighting system, sensors, tank, environment & climate controller, pumps & irrigation systems and meter. By growing technology, a global vertical farming market is divided into aeroponics, hydroponics, and aquaponics. In terms of crops type, global vertical farming market the can be fragmented into lettuce, peppers, broccoli, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, and pomegranates. By region, a global vertical farming market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America
Vertical farming provides features such as low transportation cost, less water requirement, and technology advancement such as internet of things are the key factors which helps to drive the growth in Global Vertical Farming Market. The vertical farming has increased popularity in recent years owing to the weaakening in water level and a problem of shortage of rain. Rapid urbanization, Increasing demand for organic good, a Limited area of the landscape for traditional farming are the boosting the growth in vertical farming market global Vertical Farming Market. However high initial set up investments and involvement of emerging technology hamper the Global Vertical Farming Market growth. All crops cannot be grown by a vertical farming method is limiting the growth in the vertical farming market.
Request for Report Sample: https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/sample/10993
Global Vertical Farming Market
By equipment type, lighting system with the LED is expected to dominate the growth in vertical framing market. Lighting system devices use an LED lighting system which produces a dual-band color spectrum and maintains efficiency and low heat dissipation in vertical farming. Based on the growing technology, Hydroponics technology is growing uses mineral nutrient solutions to feed the plants in water without soil. The aeroponics growth technology is projected to grow at the high rate CAGR during the forecast year owing to it facilities faster plant growth and more number of plants within less time than the plants under normal conditions.
In terms of region, North America region hold the large market share in the vertical farming market owing to the presence of a large number of project entrepreneur and Research development centers in the region. However, Asia-Pacific accounted large share in Global Vertical Farming Market owing to rising demand for organic food, shortage of the rain and government initiatives for the subsidies to expanding the Global Vertical Farming Market.
Key profiled in the vertical farming market report: Aerofarms, FarmedHere, Koninklijke Philips N.V. Illumitex Inc., Sky Greens, Everlight Electronics, Green Sense Farms, American Hydroponics, Hort Americas, Agrilution, Urban Crop Solutions Inc., Vertical Farm Systems, Plantagon International AB, Mirai Co. Ltd, Spread Co. Ltd The scope of the report for Global Vertical Farming Market
Global Vertical Farming Market, by Equipment type
• Lighting system • Sensors • Tank • Environment & climate controller • Pumps & irrigation systems Global Vertical Farming Market, by Growth Mechanism
• Aeroponics • Hydroponics • Aquaponics Global Vertical Farming Market, by Crop type
• Lettuce • Peppers • Broccoli • Spinach • Cucumbers • Tomatoes • Strawberries • Pomegranates Global Vertical Farming Market, by Region
Request for Report Discount: https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/discount/10993
• North America • Europe • Asia-Pacific • Latin America • Middle East Africa Key players operating in Global Vertical Farming Market
• Aerofarms • FarmedHere • Koninklijke Philips N.V. • Illumitex Inc. • Sky Greens • Everlight Electronics • Green Sense Farms • American Hydroponics • Hort Americas • Agrilution • Urban Crop Solutions Inc. • Vertical Farm Systems • Plantagon International AB • Mirai Co. Ltd • Spread Co. Ltd
Full View of Report Description: https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/analysis/MMR/global-vertical-farming-market
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aneddoticamagazinestuff · 7 years ago
Vertical agriculture in Sweden
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/vertical-agriculture-sweden/
Vertical agriculture in Sweden
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The World Food Building
In Linköping, Sweden February 9, 2012 the first Plantagon Greenhouse broke ground. A new type of greenhouse for vertical farming; an international Centre of Excellence for Urban Agriculture; a demo-plant for Swedish clean-tech and a climate-smart way to use excess heating and CO2 from industries. The potential is tremendous and ambitions high for the new greenhouse being built in Linköping, Sweden, near the regional energy company, Tekniska Verken. Not least, it will be a new landmark for the people in Linköping to enjoy. Once the drafting stage is complete, construction of the greenhouse will take an estimated 12-16 months.
The Plantagon greenhouse, developed together with Sweco, is designed for vertical agriculture of vegetables in urban areas. In cooperation with several partners, Plantagon plans to develop integrated solutions for energy, excess heat, waste, CO2 and water.
SymbioCity is a Swedish government initiative run by Business Sweden and SKL International.  As part of Swedish international development co-operation, SKL International uses the SymbioCity Approach to support cities in developing countries to plan and build sustainably e.g. by identifying inclusive and innovative solutions.
The Urban Agriculture offer proposes a new way to cultivate food by building vertical greenhouses that reduce transport costs and emissions. This approach integrates with the city and saves money and the environment.
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asyrealtyco · 7 years ago
Ферма-небоскреб Plantagon будет производить 550 тонн овощей ежегодно
The World Food Building будет экономить 13 млн галлонов воды и сокращать количество выбросов CO2 на 1100 тонн. Растениям понадо��ится совсем мало почвы, а 2/3 башни смогут занять офисы, сообщает Business Insider.
К 2050 году численность населения Земли может достигнуть 9,6 миллиардов человек, и 66% из…
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A new market study, titled “ Global Vertical Farming and Plant Factory Market Global Demand, Sales, Consumption and Forecasts to 2020-2026 ” has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
Vertical Farming and Plant Factory market is segmented by region, by country, company, type, application and by sales channels. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Vertical Farming and Plant Factory market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on sales, revenue and forecast by region, by country, company, type, application and by sales channels for the period 2015-2026.
Segment by Type, the Vertical Farming and Plant Factory market is segmented into Hydroponics Aeroponics Others
Segment by Application, the Vertical Farming and Plant Factory market is segmented into Vegetable Cultivation Fruit Planting Others
Regional and Country-level Analysis: North America United States Canada Asia-Pacific China Japan South Korea India Southeast Asia Australia Rest of Asia-Pacific Europe Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Nordic Countries Rest of Europe Latin America Mexico Brazil Rest of Latin America Middle East & Africa Turkey Saudi Arabia UAE Rest of MEA
ALSO READ:https://www.einpresswire.com/article/521826819/vertical-farming-and-plant-factory-market-2020-global-analysis-opportunities-forecast-to-2026
Competitive Landscape and Vertical Farming and Plant Factory Market Share Analysis Vertical Farming and Plant Factory market competitive landscape provides details and data information by companies. The report offers comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on revenue by the player for the period 2015-2020. It also offers detailed analysis supported by reliable statistics on sale and revenue by players for the period 2015-2020. Details included are company description, major business, Vertical Farming and Plant Factory product introduction, recent developments, Vertical Farming and Plant Factory sales by region, type, application and by sales channel.
The major companies include: AeroFarms Gotham Greens Plenty (Bright Farms) Lufa Farms Beijing IEDA Protected Horticulture Green Sense Farms Garden Fresh Farms Mirai Sky Vegetables TruLeaf Urban Crops Sky Greens GreenLand Scatil Jingpeng Metropolis Farms Plantagon Spread Sanan Sino Science Nongzhong Wulian
FOR MORE DETAILS –https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5585437-global-vertical-farming-and-plant-factory-market-size
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Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe.   
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ehteshamuniverse · 5 years ago
Vertical Farming Industry Size, Global Trends and Forecast by Regions, Segmentation, Applications, Dynamics, Development Status and Outlook 2022 | COVID-19 Analysis
Market Highlights
The shortage of foods combined with the lack of arable land to feed the growing population has triggered the need for new methods of farming. Vertical farming is a method of growing medicines and crops in a controlled environment. Environmental conditions such as sunlight, humidity, and temperature can be augmented with the help of LEDs. The global vertical farming market report by Market Research Future (MRFR) highlights the various trends and challenges enveloping the market.
The global vertical farming market size can reach approximately USD 6 billion by 2022 exhibiting a CAGR of 26% CAGR over the forecast period (2016-2022). Low dependency on water combined heightened demands for quality foods are expected to drive market growth.
The use of internet of things (IoT) sensors which can provide a controlled environment to indoor farmers can drive the market growth. Automation in farming coupled with analytics which can alert crop growers of any abnormalities and ensure successful yields is likely to drive investments in the market.
The migration to cities from rural regions due to lack of jobs is projected to drive the vertical farming market demand. Changing lifestyles and inclination towards chemical-free crops is expected to spur the demands in vertical farming.
But high initial costs to enter the market space may hinder its growth.
The global vertical farming industry is segmented by component, type, and crop type.
By component, it is segmented into hardware, software, and services. The services segment is projected to be the biggest revenue generator in the market. This can be credited to the growth in research and development activities pertaining to indoor farming and demand for foods free of pesticides.
By type, it is segmented into hydroponic, aeroponic, and aquaponic. The hydroponic segment is expected to garner massive growth in the coming years due to its independence from soil. The use of correct nutrients and monitoring of crops in the environment can lead to high yields from the segment. On the other hand, aeroponics can gain a larger market share due to the usage of less water for cultivation.
By crop type, it is segmented into strawberries, peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, broccoli, and others.
Regional Analysis:
North America held the largest market share due to being first adopters of latest technologies, rising urban populace, and employment generation. Popularity of organic foods is predicted to be the primary driver of the vertical farming market in the region.
On the other hand, the Asia Pacific (APAC) region can be lucrative for the vertical farming market owing to huge investments in urban farming and rapid urbanization in China and Japan.
Europe can be viable for the global market due to efforts taken by the European Environment Agency (EEA) to ensure the constant supply of crops. The use of vertical farming for tackling climate change and boom in population growth can drive the regional interest. In addition, the use of vacant spaces to grow crops and feed consumers is likely to be lucrative for the market. For instance, Plantagon, a Swedish company has planned to assist office spaces in growing indoor crops for its employees. The World Food Building would be capable of producing close to 550 tons of vegetables annually.
Competitive Landscape
Key market players include Hort Americas (U.S.), Agrilution (Germany), Everlight Electronics co. (Taiwan), Illumitex, Inc. (U.S.), Aerofarms (U.S.), Indoor Harvest Corporation (U.S.), Sky Greens (Singapore), Urban Crop Solutions (Belgium), Koninklijke Philips N.V. (the Netherlands), and others.
Industry News
In 2019, 80 Acres Farms, a U.S. based indoor farming company has decided to renovate dilapidated buildings in New York to sustain its indoor farming operations. The move allows it to be a constant supply of fresh vegetables to well-known retailers such as Jungle Jim’s International Market and Whole Foods.
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