#planning our trip down to see the little one and I’m like AHHHH
butchsans · 8 months
I’m going to be an uncle in less than a month wtf
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
The Morning After
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Synopsis: no one knows you’re dating until the boys walk in on you and Tom after your first time
Requested by @iwantacertainlondonboy
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“I’m starving.” Harry whined. “Why didn’t anyone make anything?”
“Because you divs used all the dishes and didn’t clean them.” Harrison shot back as his tummy growled.
“Well who was supposed to go grocery shopping?” Sam snapped. “You. Now, all we have is hummus and barbecue sauce.”
“The barbecue is starting to look real good.” Tuwaine mumbled.
“Let’s get Tom and Y/n and go get brunch or something.” Harrison suggested.
“They’re sleeping.” Harry whined again. “Why don’t we just go without them?”
“Because if we go without them, Tom won’t pick up the tab.” Harrison said as he tapped the side of his head.
“Smart thinking.” Sam agreed. “I’ll get Y/n.”
Sam got off the couch and made his way to your bedroom. He took a deep breath before knocking on your slightly open door.
“Y/n?” He asked softly as he pushed the door open. He tip toed into your room and gently shook the pile of blankets on your bed.
“We were all going to get some breakfast.” Ge continued in a soft tone. “Do you want to come?”
When you didn’t answer, he frowned and shook the blankets again.
“Y/n?” He asked. “Are you awake?”
Sam furrowed his eyebrows and pulled your blankets down. He saw that you weren’t in the bed and retreated back to the living room.
“She’s not in her bed guys.” Sam announced when he got back to the boys. “Did she get up already?”
“I haven’t seen her.” Tuwaine shrugged.
“Did you check on Tom?” Harrison asked.
“I was just about to.” Sam answered.
“Should we all run in there and scream?” Harry said while rubbing his hands together.
“Why would we do that?” Harrison asked.
“To piss him off.” Harry said like it was obvious.
“Yeah.” Harrison nodded in agreement. “Okay.”
The rest of the boys got up but Tuwaine stopped them before they could go through with the plan.
“We can’t do that.” Tuwaine shook his head.
“Why not?” Harry asked.
“We need him to pay.” Tuwaine reminded them.
“He’s right.” Harrison said. “I’ll go in there and wake him up.”
Harrison went ahead of the group and went into Tom’s room. When he opened the door, he saw you asleep in Tom’s bed. Even with Tom’s arms wrapped around you, it was apparent that neither of you were wearing clothes. Harrison caught sight of the splatter of hickeys covering your neck and his eyes widened. He quietly backed out of the room and went back to the boys.
“Is he awake?” Harry asked him.
“Um, see for yourself.” Harrison gestured to the door. Harry gave him a strange look before going into Tom’s room. He saw exactly what Harrison saw, also catching sight of your discarded clothes on the floor. He quickly shut the door and ran back to Harrison.
“Dude.” He said as he pointed to Tom’s room.
“I know.” Harrison nodded. Harry thought about what might have happened between the two of you and his eyes bulged.
“Dude!” He whispered harshly.
“I know!” Harrison matched his tone. “What’s going on in there?”
“What are you guys talking about?” Tuwaine asked them. They both silently pointed to Tom’s door in response. Tuwaine went into the room and came back shortly with a shocked expression.
“Dudes.” He said softly.
“We know.” Harry and Harrison said in unison.
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked. “Is he awake?”
“Uh, I wouldn’t go in there.” Harry stopped Sam before he could go into Tom’s room.
“Is he sick?” Sam wondered.
“Let’s just say, uh, the British are coming.” Harry answered.
“I think they already came.” Harrison mumbled under his breath.
“What? What are you talking about?” Sam looked between the boys in confusion. No one wanted to be the one to tell him, so they all stepped aside and gestured to Tom’s door. Sam gave them a look before opening Tom’s door. He immediately tripped on Tom’s boxers by the door. His eyes went up the trail of clothes leading up to the bed, where he saw you and his brother tangled together. Tom stirred a little in his sleep and kissed your shoulder, making you smile in your sleep. Sam felt all the color drain from his face and before he knew it, he was screaming.
“AHHH.” He screamed, instantly waking you and Tom up. You both shot up in bed and screamed back.
“AHHHH.” You and Tom screamed in surprise.
“AHHHHH.” Sam screamed back and smacked his hands over his eyes. The rest of the boys rushed into the room when he heard the commotion.
“Whats all the screaming about?” Harry asked before his eyes fell on you.
“Woah, tiddies.” He chuckled as he pointed a finger at you. Tom quickly covered you with his hands and glared at Harry.
“Everyone out now!” Tom commanded. “We - we’re doing laundry!”
“I’m seeing an alarming lack of clothes for people doing laundry.” Harry snickered. Sam looked at him in horror for making light of the situation.
“Get out!” Tom said again. The boys scrambled to the door, knocking and tripping over each other as they went.
“Sorry!” Harry called as he shut the door behind him. You and Tom caught your breath once silence settled back into the room. You looked at each other in a panic as your heart rates returned to a steady rhythm.
“Do you think they saw us?” Tom asked you after a beat of silence. You looked at him for a long time as flashes of all the screaming played back in your mind.
“Yes, I think they saw us.” You replied.
“Oh no.” Tom groaned. “They’re gonna know.”
“Maybe not.” You shrugged helplessly. “Maybe they think we were just doing karate or something.”
“Darling, I don’t think they’re gonna think we were doing karate.” Tom chuckled as he brushed his thumb over your series of hickeys. You laughed as well as you took his hand off your shoulder and kissed the back of it.
Elsewhere, the boys were trying to process what they just witnessed in the living room.
“What just happened?” Harrison asked the group.
“They were just sleeping.” Sam said quickly. “They probably fell asleep watching a movie or something.”
“Naked though?” Tuwaine raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t think they were naked.” Sam’s eyes darted around as he lied.
“No. They were.” Harrison concurred. “I definitely saw some peen.”
“I saw boobs, so,” Harry shrugged. “I’m happy.”
“What do you think they were doing in there?” Tuwaine wondered.
“Definitely not laundry.” Harry muttered.
“Hm. Let’s think. What were two adults doing naked in a bed together?” Harrison asked sarcastically.
“Karate?” Sam suggested weakly. The rest of the boys looked at him, their silence deafening.
Back in Tom’s room, you tried to come up with a plan.
“What should we do?” You asked him. “Is it safe to go out there?”
“Let’s give them a minute to process it. I don’t want to get asked a million questions right now. I just want to stay here with you.” Tom said and he picked up your hand to hold it.
“I wanna stay here too.” You mumbled. With all the commotion of waking up, you had momentarily forgotten that you had sex for the first time last night. You leaned in to kiss him to thank him for a magical night. He immediately kissed you back, putting his hands on your face face to keep you close.
“I’m glad we did it. I’m less glad about being woken up by screams, but I’m glad it happened.” Tom chuckled as he stroked your cheek with his thumb.
“Me too.” You smiled softly. “I was really nervous, but now I’m just happy.”
“You were nervous?” Tom asked curiously.
“Yeah.” You said sheepishly. “I had no experience. I was scared I wouldn’t be any good.”
“Well, you were perfect.” He told you as he kissed your knuckles. “I’ve always thought you were perfect.”
You smiled and cupped his face to kiss him again. You kissed him multiple times before moving to press kissed all over his face.
“I’m so happy.” You beamed. “I’ve never been this happy.”
“Me either, darling.” He matched your grin. “I love you.”
You kissed him again and pulled him into a hug.
“I love you more.”
In the living room, the boys were standing around, impatiently waiting for you and Tom.
“Why haven’t they come out yet?” Sam whined as he paced around the room.
“Round two, perhaps?” Harry joked, giving Harrison a nudge.
“You seriously think they hooked up?” Harrison asked him. “That’s kinda bold for them.”
“Is it? You know how close they are.” Tuwaine shrugged. “Tom must have seduced her and lead her to his bed chambers.”
“Under our roof?” Sam gasped. “With us in the house? Those whores.”
“I mean, I personally saw this coming.” Harry raised his hand. “It was only a matter of time.”
Everyone else nodded, which caught Sam’s attention.
“You guys saw this coming?” He asked sadly.
“Yeah. It was pretty obvious they liked each other. And with all of us living together, some hanky panky is bound to happen.” Tuwaine explained. Sam stopped pacing and looked down at the ground.
“I just didn’t think she liked him back.” He mumbled.
“Maybe she doesn’t.” Harrison suggested. “Maybe she just wanted to get off and he was there.”
“I was there too.” Sam shrugged. “We all were.”
“Yeah, but, she picked him.” Harry stated. “Can’t blame her. I’d shag a superhero too if given the chance.”
“Have none of you ever heard the word “sex” before or…” Tuwaine said under his breath.
“Wait, shhh.” Harrison hushed the crowd “They’re coming.”
Tom sheepishly padded into the room, fully dressed now. His hair was sticking up in every single direction, worse then his usual bed head. His pajama shirt did little to hide the love bites on his jawline, and absolutely nothing could hide the grin on his face.
“Hello everyone.” He said, bowing a little to the crowd.
“Good morning.” Harrison smirked. “How’d you sleep?”
“Or did you not get much?” Harry quipped. Tom shot him another look and dropped his smile.
“I slept fine.” He rolled his eyes. “What did you guys see?”
“More of you than I ever wanted to.” Harry began. “But as much of her as I wanted.”
“Don’t be a div.” Tom smacked the back of his brothers head.
“You’re the div.” Harry insisted. “Who doesn’t lock the door?”
“It’s not our fault. We didn’t know it was gonna happen.” Tom replied.
“What did happen?” Sam asked wearily. Tom looked around at the group and saw everyone leaning in to find out more. He wanted to keep the sweetness of your relationship to himself for a little longer, but he knew was was caught.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but we had sex last night.” Tom said slowly. The group fell silent, then erupted into applause.
“All right.” Harrison cheered and shook Toms shoulders.
“It’s about time.” Harry clapped him on the back as well.
“Was it good?” Tuwaine inquired.
“Did she peg you?” Harry asked.
“Where is she now?” Sam spoke above the crowd.
“She’s bloody embarrassed after you all woke us up screaming.” Tom said with annoyance. “She didn’t want to come down.”
Everyone nodded, understanding where you were coming from.
Tom looked around the room before muttering, “Also, she can’t walk.”
Excited murders came from Harry, Harrison, and Tuwaine while Sam groaned.
“Oh my God.” Sam gagged. “I’m gonna be sick.”
Not wanting to hear anymore, he left the room and went to sulk in his own bedroom.
“Whats his problem?” Tom asked once his brother had left.
“Not sure.” Harry shrugged. “The rest of you are happy for you though. I don’t think any of us thought you had the balls to go for it.”
“Well I do.” Tom folded his arms. “Y/n can vouch for me.”
No one liked that joke as much as Tom did, and it showed in everyone’s faces. The room fell silent as Tom stood there, proud of what he had said.
“Don’t be gross, man.” Tuwaine mumbled.
Suddenly, you walked into the room wearing Toms shirt from the night before. You had sleep shorts sticking out under the shirt, barely hiding the hickies littered on your thighs. Tom caught sight of them and flushed, adverting his eyes to calm himself down.
“Good morning.” You said quietly. You stood next to Tom and wrapped your arm around his, feeling particularly clingy this morning.
“There she is.” Harrison clapped. “The girl of the hour.”
“How are you, beautiful?” Harry asked you. “Do you need anything? Water? Breakfast?”
“Plan B?” Harrison said in the same cheery tone.
“Shut up.” Tom snapped.
“Actually, I could use some water.” You laughed softly.
“I’ll get it!” Harry and Harrison said in unison as the ran to the kitchen. You could hear them fighting over a water bottle in the kitchen and looked to Tom for answers.
“Whats up with them?” You wondered.
“They saw your tits.” Tuwaine said timidly. “You could hit them with your car and they’d be okay with it.”
“Interesting.” You chuckled.
“Not interesting. Unacceptable.” Tom grumbled with jealously. “And I will definitely be hitting them with my car.”
“Don’t.” You rubbed his arm soothingly. “Let’s just have a nice day. No vehicular man slaughter.”
“Okay.” Tom smiled at you and kissed your forehead. At that moment, Harry and Harrison ran back into the room with water bottles in hand.
“Here you go.” Harry said as he presented you with a water bottle.
“Mines better.” Harrison smacked the bottle out of Harry’s hand and held his out. “It’s colder.”
You laughed and took Harrison’s water bottle with a grateful smile.
“Thank you.” You said before taking a long sip. You didn’t realize how dry your mouth was until you got some water.
“Do you need any?” You asked Tom, and he nodded.
“Yeah. Thanks, love.” He said before opening his mouth. You poured some water in, smiling as it ran down the love bites on his neck.
“Ew.” Harry scrunched up his nose when he saw this. You used the hem of your shirt to wipe Toms face free of water. He smiled gratefully before leaning down to kiss you.
“So, are you guys together or what?” Harry wondered. “Because if you just wanted to sleep with a Holland brother, might I suggest m-“
“Shut up.” Tom cut him off. “We’re together. We’ve been together for a few weeks now.”
“Really?” Tuwaine asked. “How come you didn’t tell us?”
“We were planning on telling you guys soon.” You said. “Just not like this.”
“None of us could have planned for this.” Tuwaine agreed.
“I’m happy for you guys though.” Harrison piped up. “I think you make a good couple.”
“Thank you.” Tom smiled proudly as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
“Just, you know, lock the door next time.” He continued.
“Trust me.” You sighed and patted Toms chest. “We will.”
You looked around suddenly and noticed one of your housemates was missing.
“Where’s Sam?” You wondered.
“Probably crying in the other room.” Harrison chuckled.
“Crying?” Tom furrowed his eyebrows. “Why?”
Harry and Harrison exchanged a look, neither wanted to be the one who broke the news.
“You should probably go talk to him.” Harry said. Tom looked at you curiously before nodding.
“I’ll be right back.” He told the group before leaving the room.
Tom found Sam in his bedroom, blankly staring at the wall. He shut the door behind him, making Sam jump a little.
“Mate, what’s going on with you? Is everything okay?” Tom asked. Sam looked at him for minute before looking down at his hands.
“I can’t believe you slept with Y/n.” He mumbled.
“Why?” Tom wondered. “You guys tease us all the time about how close we are. I thought you’d all see this coming.”
“I didn’t. I didn’t think you two would ever actually do something.” Sam sighed. “What even was last night? Was it a one night stand or…”
“Well, we’ve kinda been dating.” Tom said slowly. “Not for very long, though. We both agreed we wanted to be more than friends and I don’t know. Things just kinda happened from there.”
“Why didn’t you tell any of us?” Sam asked. “We live together, for Christ’s sake.”
“Because, I don’t know.” Tom shrugged. “I didn’t want anyone to know yet. It was just our little secret. Haven’t you ever had a secret?”
Sam opened his mouth and quickly shut it, feeling the irony of Tom’s question hit him. He didn’t want to lie to his brother, so he let out a sigh.
“I like her.” He said, barely audible but Tom heard.
“That’s my secret. I like her.” Sam looked up. “I’ve liked her ever since we met. And now you…you ruined it.”
“What?” Tom repeated. “I didn’t ruin anything.”
“My older brother slept with the girl I liked.” Sam said fully. “That kinda ruins things for me, mate.”
“I slept with my girlfriend.” Tom corrected. “And it was a big deal for us, so don’t rain all over it.”
“It’s a big deal for me too.” Sam insisted. “I really liked her.”
Tom was about to raise his voice, but decided against it. He knew better than anyone that you could not help who you fell in love with. He knew that if he was in Sam’s shoes, he’d be just as upset.
“Look, I’m sorry your feelings are hurt.” Tom said as he sat down next to Sam. “I didn’t know you liked her. But you never said anything about it. How was I supposed to know?”
“Would it have changed anything if you did know?” Sam asked quietly. Tom though about it for a moment before he gave his reply.
“Honestly, no.” Tom answered. “I love her. Nothing would’ve changed my mind.”
Sam stayed silent, not happy with this answer.
“Would anything have changed your mind?” Tom asked. “Would you have stopped liking her if you knew I did as well?”
“No.” Sam realized. “I guess I wouldn’t.”
“So do you understand now?” Tom hoped. “I didn’t do this to hurt you. I love her. This was always about her.”
“I guess.” Sam huffed. “It still sucks for me, though.”
“Yeah.” Tom chuckled. “It does. But you still get to be her friend. And she still loves you. Just, you know, like a brother.”
“I wish it was different.” He mumbled. “I’ll get over it. But for now, I really wish it was different.”
Tom looked at his brother and sighed. He knew this wasn’t the kind of problem he could fix. Tom definitely wasn’t the person Sam wanted to be around right now. He patted his brothers shoulder and left the room, going to find you for help.
A few hours later, you spotted Sam sitting alone on the couch. He was staring at the wall, seemingly a little out of it.
“Hey, Sam.” You smiled at him as you took a seat next to him. He broke out of his trance to look at you, giving you a weak smile back.
“Hi.” Sam said timidly.
“What’s going on?” You asked as you pushed his shoulder playfully.
“Tom told you?” Sam knew right away.
“Yeah.” You gave him a sad smile. “He told me.”
Sam stayed quiet, feeling his cheeks flush with embarrassment. You noticed this and put a cold hand on his face.
“You know I love you, right?” You said softly. “So much, Sammy.”
Sam nodded and looked down at his clasped hands.
“But not like that?” He asked wearily. You folded your lips in and nodded a little.
“But not like that.” You repeated. He looked up, but not at you. You put your hands on top of his and gave them a gentle squeeze.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered.
“It’s not your fault.” He said. “We can’t help what we don’t feel.”
“I guess not.” You agreed. Sam nodded again, not trusting his voice enough to speak.
“For what it’s worth, you’ve always been my favorite brother.” You told him honestly. He finally looked at you and smiled a little.
“I won’t tell Harry.” He told you, assuming he meant favorite of the twins.
“Or Tom or Paddy.” You added. “It’ll be our little secret. Can you keep a secret?”
Your words caused Sam to think of all the times he wanted to tell you he liked you, but didn’t. He briefly wondered if things would be different had you known.
“Yeah.” He smiled sadly. “I can.”
Tag List 🏷
@awesomebooklover17​ @thebookwormlife​ @imanativeofswlondondahling​ @weirdr-artiest​ @serendipitous-amor​ @dummiesshort​
@foreverxholland​ @lavender-writer​ @michaela072796 @whatareyouhidingpeter​ @takenbyheartstrings​ @ultrunning​ @imyourliquor-youremypoison​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @waiting-to-be-myself​ @letsloveimagines​ @peterparkoure​ @a-villain-vying-for-attention​ @justcallmehitgirl​ @jackiehollanderr​ @tiny-friggin-human @mara-twins​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @maryjanee23​ @geeksareunique​ @emmamarshmellow​ @unbelievableholland​ @flixndchill​ @sovereignparker​ @thisisthebiplace​ @spideydobrik​ @every-marveler-ever​ @undiadeestos​ @caelestii-e​ @eridanuswave​​ @itscaminow​​ @fiantomartell​ @solarxmoonchild​ @canyouevencauseicant​ @illwritetomorrow​ @thehappygrungelife​ @saysomethingspiderman​ @smilexcaptainx​ @quaksonhehe​ @kelieah @kickingn-ames​ @seasidecrowbar​ @lovelessdagger​ @love-sick-blues​ @electraheart-3174​ @unbelievableholland​ @yourtypicalhotmess​ @spideyanakin​ @horanxholland​ @thesuitelifeofafangirl​ @anapocalypseinmymind @marshxx​ @heyheycharlatte​ @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie​ @tomshufflepuff​ @cookiemonstermusic258​
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wonlouvre · 3 years
Hii I wanted to request a fluff one for Hoshi- can also add anything slightly suggestive- (because it's his birthday and my need to squish his cheekies are at peak lmao🥺).
One where reader has been very busy and unable to meet with him for a while. They ask the members for help to surprise him at midnight sharp (because we all know how Hoshi loves midnight wishes- omgg i love this cutie so much 😭💔) and they both spend the night together.. Thankss 💕
pairing: soonyoung x g.n. reader genre: fluff! warnings: a little suggestive in the end ;) word count: 949
💌: belated happy birthday hoshi! thank you for this cute request! i’m sorry if i made some changes :( i hope you enjoy still anon! requests are open, just click this link!
“Are you sure? You can still come along. We can wait for you.”
You can imagine the sad pout on Soonyoung’s lips by the sound of his voice on the phone you’re holding against your ear. It’s his birthday tomorrow and he has told you countless times before that he always waits for the day to come because he gets to spend it with his family and friends. And finally, this time around, it’s going to be with you.  He wants you present because this is going to be the first birthday among many that you’ll be with him. And to add to that, this birthday celebration was a planned getaway to a private beach resort by his friends and it’s killing him that you’re not joining them. 
“I’m sorry baby, but I’m needed at the field by tomorrow morning,” you apologize, sipping on the drink that you ordered at the mini bar of the restaurant you’re sitting at. “I promise, we’ll have our own trip soon.”
Your boyfriend sadly sighs and you just smile. A waiter suddenly stops by, showing you a folder to which you give a thumbs up as a go signal. It’s the menu for dinner tonight. 
“Okay. Let’s see each other soon. Please?” Soonyoung drags his pleas and you almost give in and blurt the surprise. 
“You will see me soon,” you guarantee and take your leave after finishing your business here. “I love you, okay?”
“Stop,” he whines, feeling shy. “I love you too.”
Once the call ends, you’re on to your next mission: the karaoke room. Your boyfriend enjoys partying because he himself is the party. So it’s crucial that this room is added to the list of what you will enjoy for your two night stay.
Soonyoung doesn’t know that you had been planning his surprise birthday party with his friends for four months. You asked for their help and input because you want your special man to feel that he is special and him being born is the best thing that ever happened. He is the best son, friend, stranger and boyfriend and what does an all around person deserve? Everything. 
You know that it has been a bummer for him to not be able to spend time with you over the last two weeks because of your demanding job. You only got to see him a maximum of three times during the course of those two weeks and they were heartbreakingly brief. It was either him waiting for you at your apartment and once you arrive, you just shower and snuggle close to him, who’s already asleep. On a different day, it was a quick lunch because he badly wanted to see you even just for an hour. 
Soonyoung has been very patient, understanding and supporting. This surprise is not enough to thank him, but you have to try at least. 
This resort and all of the necessary amenities has been booked by Seungkwan already and you’re just doing some last minute check ups to make sure that everything is perfect. You entrusted the ocular visitations to his friends and you don’t regret it because the beach and everything else is beautiful. 
Now, you just wait inside the hotel room that you’d be sharing with him all the while hoping that he would like what you have in store for him. 
The drive here is a good two hours long so it didn’t surprise you that you fell asleep while waiting for them. The door opening and the loud chatter outside woke you up and you almost forgot what you were supposed to do. You immediately hide under the thick covers when the sound of the door being fumbled is heard.
“How come no one is sharing a room with me?” Soonyoung shouts to his friends as they find their respective rooms one by one. “This room is the biggest among what we booked, though.”
“It is,” you hear Jeonghan’s familiar voice soothe your boyfriend. “But it only has one big bed and we’re giving it to you as the birthday boy.”
Your boyfriend didn’t seem to be convinced because you don’t hear anything else from him other than the click of the door’s lock. 
Your heart is racing and you can’t wait for him to switch on the lights and just jump on him. Once you see the room brighten from underneath, you sit up and remove the covers. 
The two of you simultaneously screamed and you could laugh because of his frightened face but you noticed his hands on his pants, already unbuttoned and halfway down his legs. 
You frown. “Why are you getting naked?”
“Why are you here?!” 
You ignore his question. Instead, you give him a grin and open your arms wide for him to dive to. Soonyoung doesn’t hesitate, leaving his jeans in a discarded mess and jumping on the bed. You giggle and roll your eyes as he crawls to you in a sultry way. 
When he’s finally nuzzling his nose against your neck, you greet him, “Advanced happy birthday baby.”
Soonyoung doesn’t answer but kisses you full on the lips instead. You blink in surprise but kiss him back nonetheless. You thought it was going to be a quick one but he licks on your bottom lip desperately, begging for entrance. You allow him and tightly wrap your arms around his neck. He adjusts his position and places his pelvis against yours, making you moan softly at the contact. 
“Soonyoung,” you pull away to catch your breath. “We have to go to dinner with the boys.”
He shakes his head and kisses you again. “Not until I’m done with you.”
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Lisianthus: Everlasting Bond
Valentines Special: Day Seven
Day One: Morning Glories  //  Day Two: Blue Salvias Day Three: Sunflowers  //  Day Four: Pink Camellias Day Five: Yellow Tulips   //  Day Six: Violets - Day Eight: Daffodils
Plot: The reader keeps receiving flowers and sweet messages every day from an anonymous source leading up to Valentines Day. But who is sending them?
Choose your own character ending (coming on Valentines Day).
Gender!Neutral Reader x ???
Triggers: None        Words: 1,156
Marvel Taglist: @aquariuslavenderhoney​​, @thebookbakery​​,  @groovyfluxie​​  Requested Taglist: @spuffyfan394​​, @gaitwae​​, @fablesrose​​, @kitkatd7​​, @thefallenbibliophilequote​​, @beksib​​, @destynelseclipsa​​, @criminaly-supernatural​​, @tammythompson-singslikea-muppet, @belloangelus​​, @snarky--starky​​, @saintbootlegloras​​, @wecallhimbrowneyess​​, @empath-bunny​​, @okkulta​​, @katinthemoon,  @ravennight41​​, @youcancallme-rae , @radhumandragonclam, @unfortunateidiotinadilemma, @past3l-w1ngs​​ , @okkulta​​ , @anonymous-pls-dont-click​​ (just daily), @username23345​​, @hulkswitch​​, @theofficialzivadavid​​, @lainphotography​​, @fred-deeks-ben​​, @normanijauregui​​, @goinggoinggonzo​, @mxxnmocha​, @euphouriaszn2​, 
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February 12th
You scribbled on a notepad as you scrolled through the website you were reading through. Wanting to press some of the flowers you received, you wanted to do it correctly so that they lasted a long time. You wanted to buy a small journal, a flower on each page, with the note saved next to it.
“So, I need, the journal, blotting paper, diluted glue, and clear acrylic spray” you said to yourself as you wrote a note in your phone. You smiled to yourself as you thought about the little project.
After getting dressed you made your way through the tower, asking the others if they needed anything from the stores. Tony and Natasha asked for lunch, Clint needed milk, eggs, and creamer. Bruce, Vision, Wanda, and Steve needed nothing. Now you were seeking out Bucky as the last to ask if he needed anything. 
Wandering into the gym, you found him replacing the hanging rope on a punching bag. 
“Hey Buck” you greeted as you entered. 
He smiled at you “Hey.”
“I’m going to the grocery store, and I made the rounds asking everyone else if they needed anything, and you are the last. So. Do you need anything?”
He smiled at you as he stood “Actually, I need quite a few things, do you mind if I just go with you?” 
“Of course not, I would never decline your company” you said with a cheery smile “Need time to get ready?” 
“I just have to go grab my wallet from my room, I’ll meet you in the car-park.”
- - - 
As you paced down the crafts isle, after having gotten everyone else’s stuff you frowned when you couldn’t find blotting paper or acrylic spray, you weren’t surprised they weren’t here, but you had been hoping to save yourself a trip. 
“Hey” you heard from behind you.
Turning you see Bucky strolling up behind you, cart in tow “What are you looking for?” 
“Blotting paper and acrylic spray” you said with a sigh “But there isn’t any here, I have to go somewhere else.”
“What do you need them for?”
You opened your mouth to answer him and then faltered. Should you tell him? What if it is him? You felt heat creep up your neck at the thought. 
He rose his brow as you remained silent “Is it a secret or something?” he let out a small chuckle. 
Then again, if you tell him, maybe he wont be able to hide his reaction if it is him. You let out a small breath “I want to press the flower’s I’ve been receiving.”
Bucky took a second to react before he smiled “That sounds like a great idea. It’ll make a great keepsake. There is a craft store a few streets if you want to stop and look there.”
You had no idea how to take his reaction. He didn’t seem perturbed or shocked about it. You returned the smile he gave you “You wouldn’t mind?” 
He shook his head in reply and smiled “Of course not.” 
- - -
After finally getting back to the tower after scouring the craft store with Bucky’s help you finally had everything you needed to press the flowers. You planned on using the rest of your day to begin pressing. You didn’t have to get back to work until tomorrow. 
After dropping off Tony and Natasha’s lunch and Clint’s groceries you made your way to your room. As you exited the elevator and began walking towards your apartment, you were surprised to see a new bouquet placed at your doorstep. You had almost forgotten that you would be receiving another gift today. 
You excitedly picked it up and admired the pretty pale pink and white flowers wrapped in a white paper covered in small gold flakes, tied with twine. Quickly getting into your apartment you placed your bags on the desk before searching for the note in the flowers. 
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Lisianthus
“Everlasting Bond” Ever since we met, I felt a bond between us. It formed through teamwork, turned into friendship, and then family, and continued to grow stronger and change from there. I still and always will see you as a friend, an ally, and family. But my feelings have progressed past that. As you already know. 
This bond between us has help keep me grounded, and made me feel as though I was never alone, and that I always had you beside me. Soon I know, I will learn the truth of how you feel about me. And no matter what you feel, I know that this bond will remain, and continue to be strong and unbroken for the rest of our lives.  ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
You felt an odd since of comfort fill your being as you read their words. This note made it more clear that whoever it is, is definitely someone you are very close too, which narrows it down from everyone you’ve worked with to mostly just the Avengers. You were all so close, they were your found family. 
After everything that has happened, Ultron, the division between the team and the fight at the airport, Thanos, you had all been through so much together, and you were able to grow closer and become more of a family that just a team. You loved all of them so much. But this person, they held a different form of love for you, an ‘everlasting bond’. 
You bit your lip as you fell deep into thought. Could you really be alright with it being any of them? Could you see yourself loving all of them? What a strange thought. There was already one in particular you know you could, you had already fallen for them before any of this happened. If it wasn’t them, could you move on and accept someone else’s affection? 
Even though they insist that no matter your decision there will still be a bond, and like a previous note, they said they will accept your decision no matter what. But you knew from past experience, that unrequited love is one of the most painful things to experience. Would they really be able to continue being around you, if you rejected them?
Looking over at your calendar, you see February 14th circled in red. The day after tomorrow you would finally learn who it was. How would you deal with it if it wasn’t someone you could see yourself having feelings for? 
You wish that Valentines would come already, but at the same time, you wish it wouldn’t come at all. The internal conflict raging within you made you unsure of what you wanted. And unsure of what to do. But just as you have with many things before, you would wait and see what happens, and deal with it as it comes. All the while hoping, that at the end of all this. You would be happy.
xx xx xx xx xx
Not sure if I like this one that much, and it does seem a bit short, but I’m trying not to be too repetitive with these days and I’m having a hard time making them somewhat interesting.
Ahhhh, well, I hope you are liking it/them at least lol.
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vanserraseris · 3 years
END OF PART VI - Lucien learned how to fish from his brother, idk, no one can convince me otherwise. Just a warning that there are mentions of abuse and it is also implied. The next few parts are a little shorter, so hopefully they’ll be edited a little faster. I hope you enjoy it!!!
ahhhh so excited legoo!
Prince of Ashes. Part VI. 
“I don’t like this,” Lucien mumbled as he stared into the waters of the river.
Rufus kicked water at him. 
“I don’t like you,” Lucien grumbled as he made to splash back, his hand in midair when Eris growled at them. 
Rufus kicked water at Eris. 
Eris closed his eyes, standing straight, droplets of water dripped along his face and back into the river. He let out a long-suffering sigh. Lucien’s laugh could be heard above the sound of the water.
“I’ll remind the both of you that I was not the one that suggested we spend our day doing this.” Eris made a vague hand gesture in front of him. He opened his eyes and raised a wet, auburn brow at Rufus. Rufus waved a hand dismissively, something he seemed to have picked up from Eris. How annoying, Eris thought, and considered that perhaps he should wave people off less often.
“You’ve been holed away in that study of yours for far too long, it can’t be healthy. Touch some grass, Eris, smell some roses. I’m sure it will do you much good.” 
Lucien smiled, his shoulder length hair tied back messily with a strap of leather, “Why don't we make it a game, then, that should make this exciting.” Now that Lucien had grown a bit, he looked a lot like Rufus. Eris supposed that meant Lucien looked like him as well, but there were more similarities to the two youngest brothers.
Both of them had easy grins and playful, russett eyes. The only small differences were their noses and the fact that Lucien’s skin was a light brown in comparison to the pale skin of the rest of his brothers. Eris couldn’t help but think they were all very fucking lucky that Lucien had the blood-red hair they’d all gotten from their mother. Sometimes, Eris wondered where in the fuck the Lady of Autumn had managed to find a secret lover from another court, but he wasn’t too keen on asking her.
“Hope you’re ready to lose, fox,” Rufus bared his teeth at Lucien, “Don’t expect me to go easy on you just because you’re little.” 
Lucien stuck out his tongue. “First one to catch a fish wins,” he said, getting into position. 
Eris smiled, something that was becoming quite rare, bending over with his hands hanging loosely in the water, “Prepare to learn from the best, I’m sure the couple centuries I have on you both should give me an advantage.”
“Doubtful,” Rufus snapped, “You’re shit at this kind of thing.” 
Not true, Eris thought, but didn’t bother responding. Eris had been the one to teach Rufus how to do this in the first place, having learned from Micah and Widge from his time in the war camps. Eris was pretty sure that as princes, he and his brothers were very much above wading around in rivers trying to catch fish, but it was nice to get outside.
“Are you sure there are fish in this river?” Lucien muttered. 
“There are fish in every river,” Rufus replied, moving closer to their youngest brother. 
Eris was no longer paying attention to the water, he merely glanced up to look at Lucien. Lucien was biting his lip, a look of determination on his face as he stared intently into the running water. Eris guessed that Lucien could probably do anything he set his mind to with that kind of perseverance.
Eris had been spending less and less time at the Forest House, not just because of his father’s many orders, but because he felt as though the less attention he gave Lucien, Beron did the same. Lucien didn’t really understand why Eris was avoiding him, but at least he still had Rufus. Eris hated to admit that he missed the little runt, and he couldn’t help feeling like he was missing out on Lucien’s life.
Cato had just been born when Eris was sent to the war camps that bordered the Autumn Court, Owain had been born right before the War, and Maddox right after it. Eris had been busy then. Worst was when Priam was born and Eris had been dutifully kicked out of The Forest House to rule over a territory far away from the capital city of Calchas. Not being there for his brothers was one of the few things he’d regretted when he’d been younger, but he didn’t spend too much time dwelling on that now.
He had been around much more for Rufus. His mother had had a difficult pregnancy and Eris had worried for her. He’d worried even more when Rufus was born such a small and sickly thing, but that had only meant that Beron paid him no mind. It was evident in the way Rufus acted, in his mannerisms and the patterns of his speech, that Eris had been a big part of his brother’s life. Eris supposed they differed a lot in personality, but he didn’t mind.
He’d rather Rufus be wild and playful than whatever the hells had happened to him. 
“Ha,” Rufus said, amusement glittering in his eyes, “Found one.” 
With a small yelp, Lucien crashed into the waters. 
“Cauldron, Rufus,” Eris snarled. Rufus had wrapped a hand around Lucien’s ankle, holding him so that he dangled upside down, water dripping into the river from Lucien’s soaked clothes and hair.
Lucien made a funny gasping sound, his mouth gaping as he sputtered water. Eris didn’t know why he had panicked so irrationally, he knew very well that nothing dangerous lurked in these rivers. Eris stood to his full height and watched as Rufus lifted Lucien so that they were almost facing each other. 
“The rare fox fish, quite the catch, brothers,” Rufus grinned, “I’m sure Old Sae will be thrilled with this remarkable find.”
“Eris,” his youngest brother whined, and Eris sighed, reaching for Lucien. 
“Honestly, Rufus,” he tried to send a reprimanding look to him, but Rufus just shrugged, a smile still gracing his face. Rufus liked this sort of thing - tricks and riddles and jokes. Lucien liked it as well, just when he wasn’t the one the tricks and jokes were directed at. Lucien wrapped his arms around Eris’s neck, leaning his head on Eris’s shoulder like he had done when he was much younger.
Eris could hardly believe that Lucien was already a decade old. Eris held onto Lucien with one hand, fixing the cuff of his pants so that it covered the gold tattoo on his ankle. His father still didn’t know he’d gotten one, probably would have cut off his foot if he ever found out, but it served as a reminder to Eris that Beron didn’t own him. 
“That’s why Eris is my favourite,” Lucien mumbled as Eris straightened.
Eris couldn’t help the triumphant smile he flashed in Rufus’s direction. Rufus scowled, “You hardly ever see Eris! He’s always gone, and you constantly come crying to me when father makes you upset, and Eris is your favourite?” 
Eris spoke before they started arguing, something they had begun doing a lot. “I think we’re done enough fishing for today.” Eris took the leather strap out of Lucien’s hair and handed it to Rufus, warming his hands with some of his magic and raking his fingers through the wet strands of his brother’s damp hair. “I should be getting back.”
“Mother’s tits, next time you want something, Lucien, I’m going to tell you to bother Eris with it.” Rufus was smiling as he ruffled Lucien’s hair, so Eris guessed Rufus might not have been telling the truth. “If you can find him, that is.” 
“You never come home anymore.” Lucien observed, leaning back in Eris’s arms as he gently moved the hair that had fallen into Eris’s face. Eris frowned, thinking how Lucien’s softness was going to get him into a whole lot of trouble in a few years time.
“He’s gotten tired of us,” Rufus flicked water from his wet hands at Lucien. While Eris was pretty sure Rufus had meant that as a joke, he couldn’t help feeling as though perhaps Rufus was hiding some truth in his statement, some complaint he had of his oldest brother. 
Lucien looked to Rufus, scrunching his nose in annoyance, “I’m tired of you.” 
Rufus snorted, “I sincerely doubt that.” 
“I’m not tired of you,” Eris felt like he needed to reassure them both, “I’ve just been busy.”
Rufus seemed to recognize that Eris hadn’t liked what he’d said, so he threw his arm over Eris’s shoulders as they continued to walk along the cobblestone path. “I know, I know, you think we’re great fun.” Rufus grinned, “It’s everyone else you’re tired of.” Just as they walked up the stone steps of The Forest House, Owain threw open the large, carved doors. Eris wondered if he’d been sitting there the whole time, waiting for their return.
The guards stationed there didn’t flinch at the loud bang the doors made as they hit the walls. “Where the hells have you been?” He snarled, his teeth bared. The jewels in the hilt of his large sword glinted in the light of the setting sun. 
“Watch your tone, Owain, I’m not in the mood,” Eris snapped.
Owain stood in front of Eris so that he couldn’t walk any further, his broad hand grabbing Eris’s shoulder roughly. “Father has returned from his trip to Spring a little early and he’s looking for you.” 
“He’s not due back until next week.” Eris thought that he would have been able to spend time with Rufus and Lucien, and Beron wouldn’t have even gotten word that he’d been neglecting some of his duties for it.
“Well, there’s been a change of plans, and now he’s fucking pissed.” Owain ran his fingers through his short, messy hair, “He already beat Cato bloody, said it was for letting you leave the house when you have a million things to do.” Owain shook his head, “I told father I’d send you to him once you’d returned. Head to the throne room - immediately.” 
Eris was debating whether he should ask Owain where their mother was when Lucien was wrenched from his arms.
“Fucking hurry,” Owain spat, holding Lucien a bit awkwardly. 
Lucien shifted in Owain’s arms so that he was facing his oldest brother, “Eris, you said you’d read me a story, you promised.” Eris frowned. He’d gotten very good at breaking his promises lately. 
“I’ll read you a story,” Rufus finally spoke, saving Eris from having to respond, “Maybe we can get Owain to join us, too.”
Eris didn’t think Owain had ever read to a child, but he couldn’t help but feel grateful to Owain as he shot Lucien a small smile before he said, “I suppose I could join you for a bit.” The tone of his voice was much softer than what Eris was used to hearing from him. As captain of the Royal Guard, Owain usually sounded like he was giving an order, snappish and abrupt.
Eris remembered a time when Owain was all smiles, and he often wondered what Owain would have become had Beron not been their father. “I’ll read to you another time.” Eris tugged once on a strand of Lucien’s hair, “Goodnight, fox.” Lucien’s russett eyes were wide as he looked at Eris, tears threatening to fall from them. With one last look at Rufus, who wasn’t doing a very good job of keeping the fear he so obviously felt off his face, Eris jogged down the hall towards the throne room.
He would have to stop spoiling Lucien, Eris thought. He was making things worse than they had to be. By the time Eris finally made it to the doors of the throne room, he’d decided that he’d be spending even less time with Lucien, since that was what it meant to protect him. Eris took a deep breath, running a hand through his unbound hair. Eris regretted that he hadn’t thought to bring his boots when they’d gone fishing, and he muttered a low curse as he stared at his bare feet.
He felt a bit ridiculous, but there was no point in stalling, so Eris took another deep breath before he pushed the doors to the throne room open. Beron was already standing, the Lady of Autumn behind him and off to the side. She was gripping the skirts of her dress so tightly her knuckles had turned white. 
“How many times do I have to tell you, boy,” Beron growled, his voice thick with rage. “How many fucking times?”
The ash-tipped whip in his father’s hand was familiar and Eris nearly flinched just looking at it. Beron shook his head when Eris didn’t respond, “Insolent,” he snarled. “The disrespect you show your High Lord cannot go unpunished, you understand that?” 
Eris watched as his mother took one small step forward. 
Eris widened his eyes in silent warning, but she spoke despite it. “Beron—”
“Be quiet,” his father hissed. “I don’t want to hear your voice.” Addressing Eris, Beron asked, “Where were you?” 
Despite being quite a bit taller than the High Lord of the Autumn Court, Eris usually felt very small in his presence. Eris lifted his chin, “Out.” He often found he sounded very young when his father questioned him - like a defiant child. Beron looked closely at his eldest son, eyes stopping on Eris’s bare feet.
“5 for disobedience and 5 because you should have known better.” It could have been so much worse, and Eris knew he should have been counting his blessings for such a simple punishment, counting his blessings that Rufus and Lucien weren’t there in his place, but he couldn’t help the feeling of hate that swelled in his chest. 
“Beron, please,” his mother begged. Eris didn’t know why she bothered, at this point, Eris’s back was so scarred it hardly mattered.
Beron turned to face her, flames in his eyes as the temperature in the room raised. “Speak again, and I’ll add another five.” 
Since Eris could remember, Beron had always been a High Lord before a father. As Eris undid the laces of his shirt, he vowed that he would be a father before a High Lord if he lived long enough to do both.
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
Winner Takes All
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Drum roll please....🥁.... I'm very happy to present to you: the return of Gamer Jisoo and her infamous Pikachu hat. I know I know, very exciting.
Pairing: Jisoo x Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~ 4,479
Warnings / Misc. -- Fluff Galore, A Few Curse Words
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: First off I'd like to thank you guys for the love on my other gaming fic; seeing you enjoy my work really encourages me. With that being said, I should note that I don't know much about gaming conventions -- I apologize if I get some details wrong in this writing. I hope you enjoy it regardless. Happy reading!
“Lisa, I’m scared! What if she tackles me? You know how she can get when she’s excited…”
The throaty chuckle that leaves the maknae works to calm you down, and you find yourself smiling despite the nerves. “The girls and I will be there to keep you safe, don’t worry. Jisoo-monster can’t hurt you.” 
You shake your head as you grab the tickets, stuffing them in your pocket and mentally preparing yourself for the surprise. Lisa takes your hand and drags you out the door in a rush, her happiness plain to see.
The sounds of your foot falls against the linoleum work in tandem with the beating of your heart, and you do your best to conceal your grin. The last thing you want to do is give the plan away at the last second. 
Upon opening the door, you find the other 3 girls sprawled out on the floor in various positions, bodies exhausted from dance practice. So much for protecting you. 
“Where were you guys? We were starting to get worried.”
When you take too long to reply, Jennie raises up onto her elbows, narrowing her eyes. “Y/N…”
Shit. You’re toast. The girls’ eyes search the two of you quizzically while your brain goes into overdrive in an attempt to find a believable excuse. Everyone knows you’re a bad liar, and you’ve just been caught in the act.
The words leave your lips in a rush, but your girlfriend doesn’t miss her name being thrown in there at the end. Her eyes dart up to yours, and she perks up.
“OYE! What was that?” 
Releasing a sigh, you repeat yourself. “Lisa was helping me with a surprise for you.”
Jisoo’s stupid smirk from across the room makes you giggle, and you roll your eyes. She stands up and walks over, wrapping her arms around you. 
"A surprise, huh?" She asks cutely, her eyes shining even brighter than usual as she raises her eyebrows repeatedly like a dork. Both of your smiles widen as you nod at her, allowing your hands to run through her mussed hair. Seeing her so excited makes everything worth it, and you know you'd spend every dollar to your name in order to keep her as happy as this; she deserves nothing less. 
As she leans in to press a kiss against your lips, her hands work their way down to your hips, resting there. Too caught up in the moment, you fail to realize that her fingers have hooked their way into your pockets. 
Her lips vibrate against yours as she lets out a confused mumble, her fingertips brushing over the foreign material. She gets the jump on you, quickly snatching the tickets from your jeans, and you watch her face as she reads them.
Every moment that passes feels like an eternity, the air void of any sound as you and the girls wait to see her reaction. She's still just staring at them, running a finger across the material as she rereads the info printed there. A pang of insecurity runs through you at her continuous silence, and you can't help but speak up.
"I know they're not the premium access ones, but we still get to--"
"They're absolutely perfect, Y/N. I don't know what to say." Her voice is gentle and quiet, and your heart softens at how precious she looks right now. 
"You didn't have to do all of this for me." She says, unbelieving that she deserves such a gift. Determined to remind her of how much she means to you, you cup her cheek and coax her into looking into your eyes. 
"After everything you do for me, this is the least I could do, baby. You're worth every bit of it and then some. I can't wait to take you." 
She pulls you up against her again, wrapping her arms around your shoulders as she whispers words of gratitude and praise into your ear. 
A minute later she pulls away to give everyone in the room a warning. 
"Prepare yourselves -- incoming scream in 3...2...1…"
Jennie, Lisa, and Rosé all scramble to the farthest corner of the room, tripping and sliding the entire way while you just cover your ears and laugh. They look like characters out of an episode of Scooby Doo. 
"AHHHH I love them!" She suddenly shouts, throwing her hands up into the air triumphantly as she does a little happy dance with the tickets. Her joy is contagious, and soon the rest of you are all bouncing around with her in celebration. 
"Ready, my love?" 
Upon poking your head into Jisoo's room, you find her sitting at her vanity, smoothing out her hair before she puts on her signature Pikachu hat. 
"Just a minute." She responds, sending you a soft smile through the mirror. You lean against the door frame to admire her until she's done, studying how elegant she looks while doing even the simplest thing. How you managed to get so lucky is beyond you, but you thank your lucky stars for her every day. 
Once she's finished, she turns around in her chair to get a good look at you. A light pattern of blush rises to her cheeks at the way you're looking at her, head over heels and hopelessly devoted. A grin tugs at her lips as she approaches you, dusting off your shoulders and fixing your shirt just like a married couple would. 
"I'm so in love with you." 
Jisoo's heart speeds up at your words, still getting just as giddy as it did the first time you confessed to her. She bats her eyelashes and looks at you as if you hold the key to the universe. 
"No way! Me too; I'm pretty great, aren't I?" She plays, making you roll your eyes and laugh. Of course she has to mess with you in the middle of a serious moment. 
"I'm kidding. I love you more and more every day, Y/N." She says, taking your hands within her own as she loops them around her waist. Her eyes meet yours again, and she leans in to kiss your cheek. 
"Now come on or we'll be late. I can't wait to school you!" She says, sticking her tongue out at you. 
"Oh you are so going down. Just don't cry when I beat you." You retort, mocking her as you pout and make your lip tremble. 
She playfully pushes you out the door, cackling as you almost fall. You say goodbye to the girls, making sure to give them all big hugs before leaving the dorm. 
The convention center is bigger than you had ever imagined it'd be. Past the security line at the entrance, the space opens up immensely with two large hallways sprawling off on either side of the main performance room. High ceilings tower overhead, their support beams decorated with various posters and guides. Some staff members sit at a long line of tables to greet guests and offer information about the scheduled events. 
"Good afternoon, ladies. How're you doing today?" One of them asks as you approach.
"Good, thank you. And you?" Jisoo says, smiling excitedly. 
"I'm doing just fine. Is there anything I can help you with?" The woman is kind; you like her. 
"Do you by chance have a map?" You inquire.
She nods, reaching underneath the table to fish the complimentary guide out of one of the boxes. 
"Here you go." 
"Thank you very much. I think this is all we need; have a great day!" You cheerily reply, bowing your head to show gratitude. 
"You're welcome. Come back if you have any more questions; we hope you two enjoy your experience with us!" She sends you one last smile as you step out of line and allow the next guest to take your place. 
After scanning your eyes across the busy area, feeling a bit overwhelmed by all that's going on, you spot some tables near the large front windows of one of the expo halls. 
You direct Jisoo's attention to them, and you swiftly make your way over there. 
"Be cool -- I snuck us in some snacks because everything here is overpriced as hell." 
You whisper to her, stealing a glance around the two of you before opening your coat like some sort of drug dealer. She lets out a little giggle as she eyes the assortment of candies and food you brought, saying: "You smart." 
"Alright, let's plan out our route."
She nods in agreement, pulling a chair up next to yours so you both can look at the map. 
Various fandoms have booths and rooms set up throughout the building -- everything from movies and tv shows, to any video game you can think of. Because of the scope of experiences offered, the tickets weren't easy to come by: you had to pay a pretty penny to even get the "cheap" option. Nevertheless, that's the last thing on your mind as you notice how happy Jisoo is right now. Her eyes dart across the paper, taking in all of the different sections and committing them to memory. 
"I heard that the Harry Potter wing has butterbeer…" you start, nudging her shoulder with a smile. 
She lights up at this, quickly deciding that you should start your trip there. "Okay, let's begin with it. Then we can check out some of the other movie franchises in that hall, and come over to the video games after." 
You glance down at your phone to check the time before adding, "That'll work out perfectly. Overwatch and PUBG are having major tournaments later, so we'll be there in time." 
She stands up to snatch a pen from one of the nearby help stands, and returns to her seat soon after. A scribbling noise can be heard as she circles the different places you want to go, adding stars beside the ones you guys are most excited for. 
"Done!" She declares, placing the cap back on the pen and setting it to the side. 
"Lead the way, pretty girl." You purr, grinning at the way her eyes turn into those famous little crescents as she smiles. She slips her hand into yours, interlocking your fingers as the two of you begin your journey.
"Y/N IT'S SO ADORABLE!" She yells, pointing to one of the Animal Crossing plushies that adorns the table in front of you. You push the brim of your newly-purchased Star Wars hat out of the way so you can get a better look at what she's talking about.
"Awww." You coo, reaching into your pocket to grab your wallet without hesitation. After buying it for her, you have her stand by one of the latest posters so you can have a mini photoshoot. 
"You're so beautiful." 
She loses focus on posing for the camera now, her eyes shifting from the lens to your own. You nearly melt from the look of pure adoration she's sending you, and she takes that as her opportunity to compliment you back. 
"And you're the cutest thing ever." You hide behind your hands, shielding your blushing cheeks from further scrutiny. 
"Stop it." You command, feeling her arms snake around your waist as she approaches you. 
"Never," she starts, pulling your hands away so she can pepper kisses across your face. "I'll spend every day reminding you how precious you are." 
"Ya know, my heart really can't take all of this love. I'm surprised it hasn't burst yet." 
"Well it'll just have to get used to it." She declares, nodding curtly with a final look of determination taking over her features. 
"I'm in love with a dork, everyone." You say to an imaginary audience, taking a step back as you motion to Jisoo. She slaps your shoulder playfully before dragging you to the next booth.
For the past 2 and half hours, the two of you have hit up just about every spot you intended to. You've accumulated bagfuls of bracelets, necklaces, shirts, and other memorabilia from nearly every shop you visited, and the thought makes you happy. Jisoo can decorate the dorm with her figurines and merch, and she'll be reminded of today every time she sees them. 
"The big Overwatch match is about to start, so we can check it out until the PUBG one begins, if you want." 
"Okay, but can you help me put this necklace on before we go?" 
You nod in affirmation, taking her over to a nearby bench to set your things down and help her. She scoots up next to you and pulls her hair to the side as you fasten the small clip behind her neck. The piece matches yours, and you grin as her fingers come up to toy with the material. 
She spins around to face you as she expresses her thanks, quickly moving on to rant about the tournaments. She giggles eagerly, mind completely wrapped up with thoughts of the games as she gushes about the things she's looking forward to.
You're doing your best -- honestly, you really are -- but Jisoo's lips look so kissable right now that you can't help but lose focus. They purse and pout as she rambles on, and you do your best not to stare. 
You fail miserably, though -- after finding that your eyes have been nearly glued to her lips for the past 5 minutes, your gaze always dropping back down to those heart shaped pillows, Jisoo smirks. The sight makes you weak in the knees but you try not to show it.
"Awww, does somebody want a kiss?" She teases, making kissy noises at you while you blush and look away. 
"Yeah, and what about it?" You challenge, turning back to her. 
Content with how much she's teased you (for now), she rests a hand on the back of your neck as she draws you in closer to her body. Her other hand rests on your thigh, rubbing small circles onto the material of your pants. The moment is innocent enough at first, but the combination of her soft lips against yours and her ministrations on your leg soon makes your blood pressure rise. 
Feeling the stares of other guests passing by, you decide to pull away. She chases your lips, though, pressing one more peck to them before looking into your eyes. 
Your pupils are blown wide; your lips a little darker now, and Jisoo pats herself on the back. You're artwork to her, and she loves to see what she's capable of doing to you. 
"If you keep looking at me like that then we’re gonna miss a big portion of this match.” You say lowly, just loud enough for her to hear. Her eyebrows raise in surprise at what your words imply, and her lips settle in their famous heart pose. 
"Come on then, let's go inside." She says, tugging you up along with her. You guys will have plenty of time for that, later; for now, the most important thing is the event.
Upon entering the spacious room, your ears are filled with theme music being played over the speakers. Chatter from fellow fans can be heard as well, and you take a moment to look around. 
Countless rows of chairs stretch out in front of you, all neatly lined up towards the large stage across the room. A vast majority of them are already taken, but you happen to spot 2 empty ones in what appears to be the 4th row.
"Come on, let's grab those seats." You say, pulling her from her geeked-out stupor. She continues to gape at the layout of the room as you lead her to the chairs, her eyes wide in wonder. Large projectors on either side of the stage take turns displaying pictures of the starting players from both teams. Multicolored lights also shine at various points throughout the room, moving about in predetermined patterns and motions as they cycle. 
Within 10 minutes, the elite players make their entrance, sending the room wild. Introductions are made, and they all take their seats at the different computers lined up on stage. 
"How's everyone doing?" The MC's strong voice booms into the microphone, echoing loudly across the performance hall. The crowd shouts its response and you laugh at how loud Jisoo bellows out her own. 
"We have an amazing set for you here tonight. Teams from across the world have flown in to compete for the 150,000 dollar cash prize, as well as the title of Overwatch league champions!"
The teams clap along at this, some pumping themselves up for the match while others try to appear cocky and unaffected. 
"Our first teams, hailing from the US and Australia, are beyond excited to be here. Let's give them a hand!" He steps back to allow the cameras to get the best possible view of the gamers, and the footage is cast onto big banners hanging from the ceiling. Now everyone, regardless of how far back they're sitting, are able to see them well. 
After the MC interacts with the crowd a little more and some of the players speak to their supporters, the match begins.
Jisoo is never very far from you, always close enough to point out certain things that she notices and comment on their techniques. She's like a sponge, soaking in the different ways to improve her own skills. As much as you love video games yourself, it's hard to pay attention to the game when she looks so unbelievably happy. 
Many rounds later, after the winners are announced, you cross your fingers and take a deep breath. There's one final thing that you didn't tell Jisoo about earlier...
"Now, it's time for what you've all been waiting for! We'll be selecting 3 audience members to join us on stage and play against one another. Let's see who wants a spot!"
The MC shouts cheerily with that million dollar smile plastered onto his face. It's easy to see that he loves his job, and you've enjoyed watching him interact with everyone tonight. 
The large crowd erupts at this and you have to fight to contain your knowing smile. You really have a knack for surprises.
"Jisoo, baby, stand over here. I think you'll be able to get their attention better." 
A subtle nod passes between you and the event organizer you met with earlier, and he says something into his headset. Thankfully Jisoo hadn't questioned why your previous "bathroom break" took 10 minutes, and you were able to make an arrangement with the staff. 
"Pick me!"
"I can beat 'em!"
Various shouts and whistles sound out around the venue, all the hopeful candidates vying for the MC's attention. He leans down to listen to his assistant when she taps on his shoulder, informing him of your plan. With a smile slowly spreading across his lips, he looks in your direction and his eyes lock with yours. "Alright, everyone. Who thinks they've got what it takes?" He asks, walking down the stage stairs until he's face to face with the sizable audience. The cameras track his every move as he slowly walks up the large center aisle, some people clapping and reaching to high five him. "The three people I select will compete in a free-for-all for first place. The winner gets 200 dollars and a t-shirt signed by our league champions." His announcement spurs the crowd on even more, somehow, and they cheer at such a great prize. "You, with the Call of Duty shirt!" He calls into the mic, pointing to a teenage boy who looks like he's about to pass out from being noticed. He joins the MC, and together they make their slow voyage towards the back of the room. 
"You, miss, with the Smite hat!" The young woman celebrates with her friend, and you smile as you watch them do a special handshake on the jumbo screen. 
Now, with two enthusiastic players in tow, the MC ambles his way back up to the front. He tries not to make it obvious that he already knows who the final pick is, and thankfully he's a skilled actor. He knows just how to keep the crowd excited and make them think they still stand a chance. 
"Yes, yes, I see that you're all eager to show your talents. But earning this final spot will take some convincing. Quick, everyone strike an epic player pose!" 
Collective shuffling from the audience sounds out in waves as people scoot their chairs out of the way to make room for their stances. Jisoo, however, takes a different approach: with a steadying hand on your shoulder, she places one foot on each of your seats and stands proudly. One of her hands sits on her hip while the other rests an invisible gun on her shoulder. She glances at the MC with a raised brow and steely look in her eye.
Damn, she's good. After seeing how well she's doing right now, you doubt that she even needed your help in the first place. That makes you feel a little better about rigging the results, so it's a true win-win. 
"Pikachu hat, it's your time to shine!" He laughs, motioning for her to come over. In an instant, her previously cool demeanor crumbles and she's left looking like a giddy little girl. She gives you a sweet hug before walking over to the trio. 
After introducing themselves to the room, the 3 hopefuls all sit down next to each other. You can see them eyeing the winners that have gathered around to cheer them on, more star struck than competitive in that moment. Well, at least the other two are: after allowing herself a minute to geek out, Gamer Jisoo™️ takes over and a serious aura befalls your girlfriend. She cracks her knuckles before getting comfortable in her seat, and she steals a glance at you. Her cheek tugs up ever so slightly, the hint of a smirk playing on her lips. 
You make a heart with your hands and blow her a kiss, and she winks at you in return. 
"Let's give them some encouragement!" 
The crowd sounds off once more, and the three of them wish each other luck.
It's not a new discovery that your girlfriend is gorgeous, but something about how focused she is is so attractive. She's already taken down at least 5 other players, completely wiping the floor with them while barely batting an eye. Within a few more minutes, only Jisoo and Amelia, the other female audience member, remain. 
"It's neck and neck as our last two competitors face off in the final stretch of the game."
The MC looks genuinely invested following his announcement, and you can almost see the inner 5 year old in him popping out. That's something that you love so much about video games: they can really bring the inner child out of anyone and distract them from life's stressors.
Jisoo's tongue darts out of her mouth, tracing over her lips in concentration as she considers her next move. You can practically see the wheels turning as her eyes dance across the screen, watching the movements of her enemy with the utmost focus.
Poor Amelia seems to be sweating buckets beside Jisoo; the pressure must really be getting to her. She looks intimidated, but she doesn't back down from the challenge. 
And then, it stops. Jisoo fires one final, calculated shot, taking her opponent down within a second. 
In what feels like slow motion, your eyebrows shoot up to your forehead in surprise and you stand up with a shout. You raise your arms above your head, screaming her name as you celebrate and cheer. You're the first thing she looks to once she realizes she's won, and that simple fact makes your heart grow 10 sizes. She smiles adorably as she observes you, grinning even deeper as confetti shoots out of the canons and onto the stage. She raises her head to watch it flutter down, shimmering in the lights as it rides the swirling air currents.
She's proud of herself, and so are you. 
The same event organizer from before approaches you, informing you that you have the all-clear to go greet Jisoo on stage. And that you do: you race towards the stairs, practically flying up them and into her waiting arms. You pick her up and spin her around, getting lost in the feeling of her giggles vibrating against you. 
"You did amazing, baby." You say, taking note of how the curve of her jaw is highlighted by the stage lights. 
"Thank you, Y/N. For everything. Today has been amazing." 
The MC grins at you approvingly, happy to see you guys so ecstatic. Ever the altruist, Jisoo makes sure to go shake hands with her opponents and raise their spirits before coming back to talk to the crowd. 
Once the man has her attention again, he says, "Congratulations, Jisoo. How does it feel to win?"
"It feels great! I have to thank my beautiful girlfriend, though; she's the reason we're even here today." She says humbly, reaching over to squish your cheek. 
A chorus of "ooh's" and "ahhh's" leaves the crowd, all of them gushing at how cute the two of you are. You spot yourself on the jumbo screen and blush with embarrassment. 
His assistant returns with the cash and shirt promised to the winner, and she holds it up for the cameras. The fresh signatures gleam in the light, some of them written with glitter markers while others are in traditional sharpie. 
"Here you go! Enjoy!" He cheers again, motioning for the audience to join him. Everyone does, and Jisoo clutches the material close to her chest triumphantly. The two of you watch everyone send their praise, and she rests her head on your shoulder to fully soak in the moment. 
You eventually exit the stage, waving to all of them as you take your leave. 
With the event now over, you head back to your seat to gather up your belongings and head to the PUBG panel.
"I love you." She says, causing you to pause your movements and look up at her. 
"I love you more." You tease, pulling her in close as you plant a kiss to her temple. She hooks an arm around your neck once you finish grabbing the bags, walking out into the expo hall again. 
"So, since you're rich now, can we go to the arcade on the second floor?" 
"Um, duh. Next mission: Beat Y/N. PUBG can wait." 
You grin cheekily at her confidence before pulling out of her embrace. 
"Race you there!" You shout, laughing as you take off towards the elevator, giving yourself a major head start. 
"Cheater!" She yells, giggling as she chases after you. 
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour, and Goodfellas - Chapter 3
Chapter 3: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Dad!Mob!Tom Holland x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x reader, Parker Holland x Charlotte Owens
-Warnings: Language, Blood, Death, Fighting
-Words: 3.6K
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Author note: I really love this chapter. I love all the comments and would appreciate nice constructive criticism (please don't butcher my work lol) if you want. Feel free to leave in the comments or message me directly your feelings while reading the chapter :))
Chapter 3: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Word: 3.6K
“Haz are you okay mate?” Tom asked, seeing Haz freak out, they were about to land at Heathrow, on their way back from Dublin.
“No, I just heard from my neighbor that Henry never came home last night. With everything that happened yesterday, I’m just worried. I hope he is not lying in a ditch somewhere.” Harrison explained.
“He probably crashed at ours, everything will be ok.” You said as you comforted Haz. Oh boy, were you wrong.
Back at home, Parker awoke to his impending death once you and Tom, his parents’, find out what happened to their beautiful mansion. One party did all this damage. The curtains were torn down, there was red party cups everywhere and all the liquor bottles were displayed on the table. One amazingly epic party did all that.
“Bloody hell! That’s it I’m dead. I’m dead. I will never be allowed to leave this house ever again.” Parker said to himself. Picking up his phone he noticed 4 missed calls from you. Each one had a message and if there was one thing he knew about you is that you only left more harsh and frantic voice messages the more you called.
He only played the most recent one, you sounded really peeved “PARKER JACKSON HOLLAND! Please call me, I’m worried about you. I can’t get in touch with the staff either. I will be home in 20 mins, you better have a good fucking explanation for everything.” Parker’s eyes nearly flew out of his head when he saw that was sent 15 mins ago. Any moment now he would hear the Rolls pulling into the driveway.
The poor kid could only move so fast, he quickly gathered the liquor bottles and threw them into a plastic trash bag along with all the red solo cups that seem to be multiplying. All the meanwhile corralling all the squatters, from last night, who crashed there. He found some people by the pool and others passed out in the dining room. Running like a madman through the house, he caught a glimpse of what would be the reason for his demise. The door to Tom’s office was open. He swore to god he locked it, someone must’ve broken in. They could’ve taken anything, all the information about the mob was stored in that one tastefully decorated room. Parker quickly shut the door and hoped nothing would happen, he couldn’t live with himself if this one stupid party cost his family their livelihood.
“Rosie? Henry? Where are you guys? Mum and dad will be home any minute, I need your help.” Parker called out throughout the house. He didn’t expect Rosie to show up because of their fight last night, but where the fuck was Henry.
You and Tom pulled up along with Harrison in the black Rolls Royce, coming to a screeching halt. You all walked along the cobble stone path to the two large, intimidating front doors. You all simultaneously freaked out when you saw the door was ajar. Tom and Haz pulled out their guns and made it a priority to keep you safe by shoving you behind them. You all had no idea what you could be walking into.
Tom whispered to Haz to split up, Haz took the East Wing while Tom checked the main rooms. Rounding the corner he could her footsteps.
“Darling, stay behind me. I don’t want you getting hurt,” Tom whispered and you nodded in response.
“On the count of 3. 1, 2, 3,” Tom screamed as he jumped out, holding his gun straight ahead. He found his son disheveled, carrying grocery bags filled with empty beer cans and liquor bottles.
“DON’T SHOOT! DON’T SHOOT! Holy fuck! Dad is that you?” Parker screamed, dropping the bags to the ground, glass shattering and raising his hand up in innocence. Scared for his life her quickly caught his breath when he realized who it was.
“Parker, what the hell? Why the fuck was the door opened…. wait? Did you have a party!?!” Tom thundered as he realized what his son did. His voice gradually growing more furious. Parker just stood there with a shameful look on his face.
“Mum, dad. How was Dublin?” Parker sneaked to quickly change the subject.
“Don’t try to get out this, explain now!” You scolded, just as furious as Tom
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did it, I just needed to blow off steam.” “What the fuck do you think a sorry is going to do? I run a fucking mob, Parker. Are you a fucking idiot? Parker, for fucks sake, anyone could have stolen some information from my office or gotten into the gun room. What the fuck were you thinking?”
“I’m not that much of a div, I locked your office and I don’t know,” Parker explained.
“You’re not as dumb as I thought. Hope you were smart enough to lock the liquor cellar too,” Tom concluded.
“Yeah…about that,” Parker mumbled as Tom ran off to his liquor room. A loud clash and curse sounded throughout the house when he laid his eyes on his ransacked priceless collection.
“Mum, say something?” Parker pleaded with you as you just stood there in silence.
“2 months. You’re grounded for 2 months. No dates or parties, just school and home. I don’t think you understand how lucky you are that nothing serious happened here.” You said, your voice drenched with disappointment. “I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been thinking about what dad and you asked me and —” Parker whispered as he was soon cut off by Haz walking in.
“Did you find Henry?” Haz interrupted.
“No, I’m going to check upstairs. Will you check on Tom?” Harrison nodded as you ascended the staircase. Making your way through the halls, coming upon Rosie’s room.
“Roo, honey you awake?” You said walking into Rosie’s room
“AHHHH! Oh my fucking god! Rosie!” You screamed at the sight in front of you. Your sweet, slightly bad tempered daughter asleep with a boy in her bed.
“Darling? You alright?” Tom yelled from downstairs after hearing your scream.
“Mum, what are you doing here?” Rosie exclaimed frantically.
“Hi, Y/N.” Henry whispered, praying he wasn’t going to be berated. You were a mother figure to him after his own mother left his father and never looked back. “This is my house and hi Henry. What the fuck is Henry doing here in you bed? What the fuck are you doing here?” You questioned bouncing between the two of them to get some answers.
“I can explain. But, firstly are you gonna tell dad?” Rosie inquired.
“The fact that he is already fuming downstairs, no. Not right now. And please explain, you have 5 seconds, but first you need to get Henry out of here.”
“Thank you mom, I just don’t —.“
“Ehh, eh, eh! Shut it, I’ll deal with you later,” you barked.
“Henry, I suggest you take the window and your dad is looking for you,” you said.
“Shit! Thanks Y/N… I mean Mrs. Holland” Henry said as you shot him a glare.
The moment Henry was in the clear, Tom barged in with his gun in hand. Someone needs to tell this man to put it down. All morning he has been traumatically scarring his kids for life, first with Parker and now Rosie.
“What? Is everyone all right? I heard a scream.” Tom exclaimed out of breath.
“Umm, yeah. I just saw a spider.” You stuttered.
“Oh love, you can kill a man in cold blood but can’t handle an itty bitty spider,” Tom joked as he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“You're afraid of them too, Thomas.” You quipped with a side eye. If looks could kill, yours definitely would.
“And for you missy, you’re grounded along with your brother.” Tom said, looking down on Rosie. “Me? What did I do?” Rosie asked in a high pitched voice. “You attended this party correct? And since this is also your house, you threw it by association. Am I right?” Tom inquired.
“I guess so,” Rosie huffed.
The twin’s exile was worse than they prepared for. Not only were they responsible for cleaning up the entire mess but they were given a list of chores to complete. This was no ordinary list. It was devised by you and Tom along with inputs from the maids and capos.
On it read:
Wash the Rolls
Clean the guns
Reorganize the pantry
Mow the lawn
Re-order all stolen liquor and stock the liquor room
Drain the pool, clean the pool, fill the pool back up again…
The list was never-ending. Each task more pointless than the next. It went on forever. The household staff was happy for their load was to be lessen for a couple weeks, unlike the kids. Harrison even forced Henry to partake in the chores.
The kids were only a couple days into their quarantine and were already going stir crazy. Parker was having withdrawals from Charlotte, missing her even more. The boy was whipped for her, really smitten. They would talk the night away. Some nights never getting any shut eye as their conversations would prolong hours.
Parker couldn’t believe this was where he was now. One night of unadulterated juvenile fun equated to 2 months of misery. Today was Charlotte’s birthday and he was supposed to take her to the London Eye on a surprise birthday trip, but all his plans were ruined the moment his parents came home and grounded his sorry ass.
“I can’t believe your parents grounded you. Assholes.” Charlotte said over the phone, fuming he couldn’t celebrate with her.
“I can’t go babe. I really wish I could but I’m grounded for life remember.” Parker said, the cold shoulder Tom and you had been giving him was killing him.
“Parker its my birthday. You have to come,” Charlotte pleaded
“There’s no chance in hell I’m allowed to leave.”
“Geez you just threw a party, it’s not like you killed someone,” Charlotte added. He might as well have. If he killed someone he wouldn’t be burdened with this punishment, probably praised instead, carrying on the family tradition.
“Just sneak out. Come on, we are all going to this nightclub downtown. It’s gonna be awesome. And I’m such a good girlfriend, I can’t let you miss it.” Charlotte pleaded.
“Alright, Char you wore me down.”
“I knew it. Pick you up at 11 tonight.”
“Park around the block, I’m going to have to climb out my window. Remember my house is like a fortress.” Parker said. He wasn’t lying.
Meanwhile, Tom was in and out of meetings in his office all day. He received one odd phone call in particular from his dad, Dominic Holland. “Hi dad, how are you” Tom said as he picked up the phone.
“I’m fine son, so how did the talk with Parker go. I’m excited to teach him all my mobster tricks,” Dom exclaimed. “Actually dad, he reacted like I did.”
“Oh well, he will come around just like you did” Dom said encouragingly.
“I don’t know if he will. Anyway it wouldn’t be so bad if he had his own path in life.” Tom murmured trying to stick up for his son’s decision.
“Tom, you know what will happen to this family if that happens,” Dom yelled.
“I know dad. I just don’t want him to feel trapped, like you did to me,” Tom exclaimed growing more annoyed by the minute.
“What I did to you got you to where you are today. Your life is thanks to me son and don’t you forget it,” Dom said with a stern, menacing voice.
“Understood sir,” Tom quipped. “Maybe Parker needs a push, in the right direction.” “Dad, I swear to god, don’t fucking do anything. Y/N and I are handling this” Tom yelled. “We’ll see how that turns out” Dom ended the phone call. Leaving Tom frustrated that his father sees him as his own puppet.
The night soon fell and Parker’s plan had been put into motion. He bribed a few of the Tom’s men with his allowance to let him sneak past. He jumped out the window, carefully walked on the roof as to not slip and make any noise. Finally on the ground, he scaled the iron fence to be met with Charlotte’s ice blue eyes. She was dressed in a pink party dress that hugged her figure perfectly.
“Wow princess, you look *chef’s kiss. Happy birthday baby,” Parker said while making his way back to the ground.
“Thanks doll. Now come on, before someone catches us,” she yelled whilst hopping into her silver Mercedes.
Arriving at the nightclub, everything was in full swing for 11 o’clock at night. Parker, Charlotte and her other friends were treated like royalty the moment Parker let his name slip.
“Right this way Mr. Holland and I will have someone bring you a bottle of champagne, on the house of course,” the hostess said as she sat them at their table.
“Oooo fancy, you should drop your name more often,” Charlotte whispered in Parker’s ear.
“Oh it was nothing, love.” Parker said while pouring himself and Charlotte a glass of bubbly. “Seriously Parker, how’d you do this? If I didn’t know any better I’d say your dad owned the club or something,” Charlotte said dumbfounded, causing Parker to choke on his champagne at her remark.
It was amazing what power could do. Having enough power to make your enemies disappear was unimaginable. Parker knew what turning down his father meant. He would have the name and the look of a Holland, but he wouldn’t be one anymore.
How could he give all that up. He enjoyed his cushy lifestyle. Sure it was day after day of worrying about your image but, he felt as though he belonged in that world. How could he go on being a kid for two more years knowing there was a metaphorical expiration date on his life.
He desperately wanted to want to be like them, his family. You, his mother, are the strongest person he knows. Having you in his life keeps him grounded, literally at the moment. Also his dad, Tom is a very loving and amazing father. He was there at all the football games (English football) cheering him on and at the spelling bees, also when he felt his first heartbreak, Tom was there.
Family has been the one constant in his life. Now it was being eclipsed by power, a power that could ruin lives or affect change. Turning his back on his family means they would never get see his future.
No one would be there at his graduation from college or when he first child was born, only Charlotte would be there. The girl he hoped to marry and have his kids. He couldn’t give up his future with her, no way. Parker eyes glanced at her, mesmerized by her beauty. He thought to himself, “This was it. This, she is all I’ll ever need, my princess.”
Most of Parker’s pet names for Charlotte were derived from Tom. He had heard his dad refer to his mother as: princess, queen, doll, darling, love. The list goes on. As long as Parker had his princess he knew he would be ok.
They danced the night away. Song after song. Feeling like the only two people in the room. Getting more drunk as the night progressed and other guests started to fizzle out. Leaving Charlotte and Parker alone on the dance floor.
“Char, I think it’s about time we head home. We are the only people left,”
Parker chuckled.
“Just two more songs please,” she muttered with her head nuzzled by his neck.
“It’s two hours til sunrise!” Parker exclaimed.
“Just a little while longer, I don’t want this moment to end.” “Me neither baby, I want to stay in your arms forever” Parker said. In a moment of love, coupled with champagne and a few tequila shots, Parker whispered, “We should get married.”
“What? Are you serious? Do you mean now or in like 5 years?” Charlotte asked as her voice slowly diminished
“Umm… yes and now. I love you,” Parker murmured. “YES! I will marry you!” Charlotte exclaimed pulling her boyfriend into a deep, passionate kiss. Parker’s dream was coming true and all he had to do was leave his family.
Just then a group of tall, stocky men, all dressed in black, funneled through the door of the club. They didn’t bother with sitting down, they just stood there blocking the only exit.
One of the men spoke up, “Parker Holland? I have a message for you.”
“Can’t it wait til morning, just tell him I’m sorry and he can ground me even longer,” Parker replied thinking the message was from Tom.
“It’s not that kind of message,” all the noise drifted away as the other man drew his gun. Both Charlotte and Parker grew tense at the sight of his pistol.
“Charlotte, get behind me,” Parker whispered, scared for both their lives.
“Boy, it’s not from your daddy,” said the leader of the men. “Do you know who my father is? He will have all of your heads if you so as much lay a finger on me,” Parker responded
“So the girl is up for grabs?” “Charlotte, RUN!” Parker Screamed
“Eh, not so fast. I’m going to enjoy this one.” The guy said, seizing Charlotte in his grip and motioning for this associates to grab Parker. Two arms holding Parker back from protecting Charlotte.
“Why you hanging out this rift raft? I’m sorry but he needs to atone for his mistakes.” “Parker..” Charlotte whimpered.
“Such a pretty girl and such a waste” the man snickered as he pressed the gun into her abdomen. Tears slipped down her face as she felt the cool metal against her.
It was the shot heard round the room. Everything stood quiet as Charlotte collapsed to the floor. The leader of the men shouted he need a drink. “NOOOOO! ” Parker screamed as he was let go and raced to Charlotte’s side
“Hey, hey, baby look at me. Look at me,” Parker said as tears flooded down his face.
“I’m sorry, we should’ve left.” Charlotte whispered with labored breaths while blood poured out of her wound. “Baby, you have nothing to be sorry for.” Parker cried while rubbing his thumb on her cheek. Blood pooled around them and he could only be focused on one thing, the love of his life dying in his arms. “Parker, it hurts so much,” Charlotte cried. The pain was mind-numbing. Threatening the life inside her.
“I know, love. Just keep your eyes on me love, keep’em open”
“I’m so tired Parker… I want my last words to you to be I love you. I love you ok? So much.” she whispered, then broke into a coughing fit. Blood filling her mouth and running down her chin, scaring Parker.
“Don’t, don’t fucking start that now you, hear me. You’re gonna be fine, we’re gonna get married and have kids and grow old together,” Parker exclaimed as her eyes threatened to shut.
“You said yes, Char. You have to be okay. You said yes. I asked you to marry me and you said yes.” Parker cried as tears refused to stop coming. Charlotte’s eyes growing more and more to a close.
“Please, don’t leave me baby. Charlotte don’t leave me. Don’t fucking close your eyes. You hear me. Don’t.” And with that, the hand Parker held so close to his heart was limp. Her eyes had closed and heart stopped beating. She was gone.
“No! No, no no, hey hey hey, come on, come on baby stay with me. Stay with me please.”
“Wake up, darling. Please. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Just come back to me baby. , I need you,” Parker whimpered. He burst into a fit of sobs and hugged her close to his body, not wanting to let her go because then it all became real.
The woman who changed his life, no longer walked this earth. The love of his life was gone. All the bubbling life inside of her, vanished like it had never existed in the first place. Parker’s demeanor flipped like a switch. His sadness became infused with anger, he was out for blood.
“You bastards! Why did you do that? She had nothing to do with this?” Parker thundered as blood coated his knuckles. “I’m sorry kid, but it had to be done” The leader spoke.
In a fit of rage, Parker grabbed the empty champagne bottle and smashed it over one of the guy’s heads, knocking the muscular guy unconscious.
“Big mistake, kid. Thought you were smarter than that.” The leader said as he stood in front of Parker and delivered him a swift punch to the jaw, flooring Parker.
“She really wasn’t enough of a message? Want her death to be in vain?” He spat as he kicked Parker in the stomach.
Several kicks followed, two more to the stomach, one to the groin and one final blow to the head, demobilizing Parker. He laid on the ground coughing up blood, trying to gather enough strength to get home.
He looked once more over to the girl he had loved, lifeless with a whole in stomach, knowing if it weren’t for him she would still be alive. Charlotte was the only thing on his mind as he succumbed to all the pain and everything faded to darkness.
Guns, Glamour, and Goodfellas Series Masterlist
Taglist: @thenoddingbunny-blog @adriannauni @dummiesshort
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achliegh · 3 years
Yeehaw Leo… it's all because this song came on one day (I don’t even really listen to country anymore so it really is fate). Leo is based off that song, each chapter is going to be based off a yeehaw song too.
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
TW/CW: Smut, terrible yeehaw sayings and jokes, injuries, mentions of past death, minor character death, underage drinking, mentions of past arrests, cringe
Chapter 1:
Picking Wildflowers
“Ohhhh Leo! Oh Leo! Leo! More More!”
“Please Leo I’m soooo cloosse! Ah! AH! AHHHH!”
Laughing both Finn and Logan were clapped on their shoulders as Thomas and James came up behind them. Red faced Logan and Finn laughed a long, a little more awkwardly and stiff, but much more relaxed than they were at the beginning of the trip.
They kept poking fun and walking beside each other to bump shoulders. Finn, who had a mild limp, and Logan , who still has a bite mark on his ass cheek, walked into the locker room. Everyone had heard the two of them moaning last night with their angelic cowboy so the chirping wasn’t a surprise. Then again, when everyone noticed Finn limping instead of Logan they couldn’t help but stare in wild amusement.
No one on the rest of the team got to meet Leo so they all thought he was some scrappy hick who is into threesomes. Which he is, but he also is one of the sweetest people Logan and Finn had ever met! He gave them a goodmorning/goodbye kiss. What an angel, but they don’t know that, or that he snuggled with them all night even when Logan thought he was a comforter in his sleep and tried to kick him off the bed. He held them just as close as they have held each other for years.
It brought a lot of feelings to the surface that Logan didn’t want to acknowledge yet. Finn knew he was got to daydreaming about Leo’s sweet words he whispered before they even got him into bed, all day.
“Is this all we are going to hear about today?” Logan sets his bag down in his stall and starts undressing. Huffing annoyed as he looked in his bag for his practice jersey.
“You think we would talk about anything else when your moaning of a hillbilly’s name is still fresh in our brain?” Sirius walks past them and bumps Logan playfully with his hip so he jolts forwards a little having to catch himself with his hands in front of his face so he doesn’t faceplant into the locker behind him. The shorter guy glares a little and sticks out his tongue in a show of true maturity. Taking off his pants and changing before anyone sees the bite, he turns around to sit and put his socks and tape.
He feels a tap on his thigh and looks at Finn who is holding his phone so only they can see it, and there is a text from Leo. They had both sent him good morning texts and added him to a group chat because they honestly really liked him, they literally talked about Leo as they got dressed that morning, but they weren’t for sure he would actually answer them.
Text From: Cowboy Sweet Ass
8:15 am
Y’all want to come help me with something later <3
I want to see you again before you leave :)
They share a look of equal excitement and slight arousal from what this implies, Finn texts Leo back, both having this dazed almost soppy look on their face, especially when they looked at each other. Leo was having an effect on the guy and everyone on the team could feel it. Chirping aside, they were happy for them. Maybe this would get them to finally talk to each other.
They could hope.
Leo was dressed for success, overalls without a shirt that were pretty baggy on him and his square-toed work boots, he was sweating in the summer heat as he pushed his hair back under his ball cap to keep the sun out of his eyes as the ranch hands worked with the horses and he worked on fixing the baler. It was nine am and over 80 degrees, sometimes he doesn’t enjoy Louisiana as much as he thinks. But nothing could ruin his mood, humming cheesy love songs to the radio, tapping the rhythm on the machine. Smiling, he takes a step back from the bailer and wipes the sweat off his forehead with the rag from his pocket.
He sees a light blue 1967 Chevy C/K10 pulls up the dusty driveway and parks in its usual spot next to the main house. Who else but Clayton, the man of the hour, hop out of the truck wearing one of his stupid short ass crop tops that stop just below his nipple, making it easy for Leo to tweak them when he annoys him, with his jeans, belt, and boots that are falling apart. Strutting over to Leo he smiles bright and meets him by the bailer.
Leo smiles and they dap, tapping their foreheads together.
“Sooo, how was last night? I saw you leave with those two buffies and I knew you were getting double.” Clayton smiles and hands Leo the wrench he needs when Leo holds out his hand and laughs a little. Leaning on the machine and tipping his head back to soak in the sun.
Leo and Clayton have been friends since kindergarten, having never been apart for more than two days, they told each other everything. They were so close that their parents think they are going to end up together someday. They feel different about it. But they tell each other everything, everything, maybe even too much sometimes.
Traveling together for rodeo has gotten them so close that people just assume they are related somehow. It gets weird when they drunkenly kiss sometimes though. Clayton roping calves and Leo riding bulls has made them a hot commodity with the ladies but they make it clear that they aren’t interested… or that Leo isn’t interested. Clayton would still tap that.
“Dude, they were amazing! Fuckin Montgomery Gentry got me laid.” Leo waits a second for Clayton to catch on, then when it clicks that he is talking about Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy, when he stands back up from where he was squatting next to the baler to fix the belts and gets a slap on the back as Clayton whoops. Jumping around he shakes Leo’s shoulders.
“That's fucking hilarious! They took that song literally! Damn, you gotta try and keep ‘em, are you seeing them again? Or was this one of your hook ups that could work but you don’t want it.” Leo narrows his eyes at Clayton and grabs him into a headlock, struggling to get away from the 3” taller man. Clayton falls to the ground when Leo lets him go.
“I don’t do that! Plus, I want them to go out to secret with me tonight.” Leo looks at him while wiping the grease off his hands and squinting a little as the sun gleams off the metal right into his eyes. The red creeping down his neck doesn’t go unnoticed by the dusty friend and he smirks at him.
“Playboy Leo going on a real date… damn they must have really had an impact on you.”
“Well they rode me at the same time, so that left an impression. It’s funny how I feel more comfortable with two people rather than one.” They start walking towards the house to grab some water and tell Eloise that Clayton is here, so when Judy calls they can tell her that her son is indeed still here.
“One on the dick and one on the face or something weird?” Leo smiles and shakes his head as he gulps down a glass of water.
“How do you just always know?”
Text From: Cowboy Sweet Ass
6:01 pm
I’m outside Sweethearts
6:01 pm
Comming out
6:01 pm
I’m gey
Leo laughs a little as he reads the texts, he hasn’t stopped smiling all day after he gushed about the boys to his mom and sudo-brother. Texting them when he could he didn’t have time to change before he came to pick them up, but knowing how they react to him… it will be just fine.
Logan gets into the truck first, sliding into the middle and planting a kiss on Leo’s cheek making them both smile brightly and dopey. Finn gets in and leans over Logan to plant a steamy kiss on Leo’s slightly dry lips, taking him by surprise but he melts into it, pulling away until they are still close enough to bump noses.
“Hi” Leo can’t help but laugh as Finn smiles a blushes before sitting back and buckling up, Logan grabs his face looking a little excited and gives him a kiss as well, a bit more possessive and sharp but when they pull away Logan gets buckled while Leo is still blinking in shock.
“Nice to see you too.” He smiles stupidly and relaxes into the seat before switching gear and starting to drive, the rink is close to the outskirts of town. “Alright, tomorrow is mama’s birthday! So.. that means I need to get her some of her favorite things, like wildflower, smooth rocks, and some honeysuckle. I’m taking y’all to a place only Clayton and I ever go, and it has all of those things… and we can go skinny dipping because I like seeing y’all naked.” Leo smiles innocently at them for a moment as he pulls onto a gravel road and starts driving.
“You don’t plan to kill us right? I mean we could probably take you but… I’d rather you take me” Logan bites his lip and leans into Leo’s side, Leo takes his hand off the steering wheel to wrap it around Logan’s shoulders and takes one of Finn’s hands.
“Ditto.” Finn smiles and is looking out the window in awe, as someone who has grown up in the city and really hasn’t been outdoors much he isn’t used to seeing all of the thick trees and wild plants. He squeezes Leo’s hand in excitement.
After a half hour of driving and listening to some oldies music on the radio, they pull over to the side of the road and Leo turns off the truck. “Okay, one more kiss” He leans over and kisses Logan with hand on the back of his neck, humming in contentment before smoothly pulling away and kissing Finn in one smooth motion. He pulls away and sighs happily leaning his head back on the seat, when he opens his eyes he sees Logan and Finn kissing and his heart skips a beat watching them. “Okay, we have a job to get done before we get into some sexy stuff!” Leo is more so reminding himself than the other two who pulled away and are looking at him the same way they did last night.
Getting out of the truck Leo walks toward the woods he pulled up next to and notices the boys aren't behind him, turning around he sees Finn looking at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes through the window. Oh yeah, the door is sticky.
He can’t get the door open.
Laughing Leo walks over to the door and opens the jammed door with ease, bowing slightly. “Your majesty” Finn snorts and gets out of the truck before patting Leo’s head and moving out of the way for Logan to hop out.
Logan takes Leo off guard by leaning his full body weight into him after he closes the door, Leo being the sweetheart he is, just scoops Logan up like he weighs nothing and smiles when he lets out the most manly squeak. Finn sneaks a picture smiling as he moves to their side.
Leo leads them through the thick woods and only sets Logan down when they reach a Grove with a crystal clear small lake and flowers everywhere. It was beautiful.
“This is what we call Secret, because we don’t think anyone really knows about it but” He shrugs “Maybe someone does.” He walks forward and sits on a stump, around the stump is a bunch of small white flowers that are two lipped and smell very strong.
Finn walks towards the water and sees a bunch of minnows socializing in the shallows, crouching down he feels the water, taking note of how warm it is. Logan was mesmerized by all the flowers growing, all different colors of shapes. Bee’s buzzed around the surprisingly silent grove and Logan watched them before picking a couple handfuls of flowers.
Leo looks up at Finn first and smiles as he sees him picking out rock he finds because Leo mentioned they needed some, and then his eyes move to Logan who is holding armfuls of beautiful flowers and even has a couple of leaves and petals in his extra curly hair from it drying in the humid heat. Leo felt so at peace with the whole situation. It felt natural.
Logan hears someone walking toward him and looks up with his arms just overflowing with flowers, Finn is carrying handfuls of wet rocks that keep falling out of his hands and he keeps bending to pick up to just… drop more. It was funny and Leo seemed to agree as he was taking a video of Finn dropping and picking up stones.
“Here” Leo holds out a cloth bag and catches the rock that just fell out of Finn’s hand to finally stop the cycle. They put everything in separate appropriate bags before setting them on the stump Leo was sitting on before.
Turning to the boys and smiling, Leo unbuckles his overalls and drops them after he kicks off his boots, so he is just standing there in his tight teal boxer briefs that have dumplings on them. His smiles turns into a teasing smirk as he turns to face the lake having his back to his boys and takes his underwear off before looking over his shoulder at them and then running into the lakes and driving in. Fin and Logan strip so fast, tossing their clothes wherever and following this Casanova into the water.
Two hours of dunking, kissing, splashing and holding each other close. They decide to lay in the short grass of the grove where the flowers don’t reach, sprawling out in a circle, the top of their heads facing each other. They pass around a spliff that Leo brought in the pocket of his overalls. Relaxing in the setting sun as they air dry.
“What day do you guys leave?” Leo has his eyes closed as he is relaxing holding his hand out for the spliff as Finn shotguns Logan, handing it to Leo as they end up sloppily kissing each other before pulling away to answer.
“A week, so you can call us up anytime.” Finn smiles and rolls onto his stomach propping his head up on his hands as he watches the smoke fall from Leo’s lips. His eyelids feel a little heavy as the exhaustion from practice and the cbd from the weed soak into his nerves.
“Are we going to have sex tonight?” Logan also rolls onto his stomach bumping into Finn’s shoulder as he clumsily does so. Leo opens his bright eyes and tips his head back to look at them. “I am really tired but… I also kinda want to suck you dick.” Leo huffs out a laugh and flicks the roach into the lake where a fish slurps it up later.
“I would not say no to that, sweetheart.” Leo bites his lips a little as Logan flushes pink and crawls over to him sliding between his legs leaving light kisses and nips on the tops and inner of his thighs and watching him get hard. Then Logan notices it.
“Do- do you have a worm tattoo with a lasso on your inner knee?” Logan can’t help but laugh as Leo nods smiling. Finn, who has been in heaven watching, joins Logan between Leo’s legs and notices the small tattoo as well and kisses it.
“I have a bunch of little ones. Can you blow me now?” Leo props himself up on his elbows, an adorable blush spread across his cheeks and nose make him look so delicious. Finn and Logan share a look before smiling and licking up Leo’s shaft on opposite sides causing Leo’s head to fall back and his knees to spread more. “Fuck.”
Logan and Finn continue to mirror each other as Logan massages Leo’s taint and balls while Finn sucks on his head, Logan on the base.
Leo is a mess.
His back arching, his jaw tense from making himself hold off from fucking up into their mouths or grinding back onto Logan’s hand. He is gripping the grass so his hands will be stained tomorrow, sweat beading on his hairline and chest. Moaning every once in a while when he can find his voice.
Finn takes him down as much as he can as Logan squeezes just right causing Leo to cum hard, throwing his hands in his hair and tugging it. Once he finishes riding out his orgasm he just flops down all boneless.
“Give me a minute and I’ll get you off.” Leo exhales slowly and props himself up to look at them and a flush of want rushes through him. Finn had gotten himself off on Leo’s leg, how he didn’t notice he didn’t know, Logan looks like he hasn’t moved but his face was blissed out, he came untouched and if that wasn’t the sexiest fucking thing Leo has ever seen. He didn’t know what was.
Cleaning themselves up with some lake water and getting dressed they carry their treasures back to the truck. They all slide in and make their way back to town. Leo sings some shitty old songs with his hand on Logan's upper thigh as Finn has his head on his shoulder drifting in and out of sleep, by the time Leo makes it to the hotel they are staying at, both of them are asleep. Kissing their foreheads he slowly shakes them awake.
“We’re here, come on darlings, let's get you to bed.” He gets them up and smiles as Finn stretches like a cat and snuggles into his side as he supports them on either side. Walking them to their room he waits for one of them to unlock the door and hears a couple of guys yelling around a ‘cheater in go-fish!’ and Leo can’t help but wonder what it's like to travel with a team like Logan and Finn’s.
After a few tires Leo just takes the key from Logan and swipes it to unlock the door. Leo stumbles a little as they both lean forward. He sits them on the bed and get them undressed.
“What do you like to sleep in?” Leo asks as he located their bag in the corner of the room. Logan mumbles something about Finn’s shirt and Finn just mentions boxers. Leo gets them situated, having Logan lift his arms so he can put Finn’s shirt on him. It's baggy and makes Logan look so sweet that Leo can’t help but lean down and give him a sweet kiss.
Tucking a smiling Logan into bed he moves to get Finn under the covers and see him pouting.
“Wa kith” Leo tries not to groan at how these two beefy boys can be so sweet and cute that it hurts his chest. He gives Finn a kiss and pulls away, watching the two snuggle into each other.
Leo realizes he wants this, every night.
Swallowing down the sudden fear that crashed over him he turns to leave, forgetting to put the hotel key on the night stand he doesn’t realize he still has it until he is getting ready for bed himself in his room that's too large for one person.
Now he has an excuse to see them again.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Kiro’s Inspiration Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 灵感之约, which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
An early birthday gift to the embodiment of sunshine, @moondusks​ :>
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[ This date was released in CN on 7 December 2020 ]
A pleasantly warm and light breeze lifts the muslin curtains, bringing with it the fresh atmosphere of early winter.
Lemon yellow sunlight filters lazily through the trees, casting shadows on the window and carrying the scent of peppermint.
It’s an incomparably ordinary, and incomparably comfortable afternoon.
It’s very suitable for heading out and casting aside one’s cares - laying down on a grass patch, basking in the warm sunlight.
Or perhaps taking a stroll along the street, and sitting down in a cafe one has been longing to visit.
That’s what Kiro and I originally planned to do. 
However, the cruel reality is...
MC: Why does this proposal have to be done by next week ahhhh--
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Kiro: Why can’t I write this song properly--
MC: Why do people need to be exploited by work--
Kiro: [sighs] And why are people constrained by inspiration--
Because of a sudden program, I have no choice but to work overtime.
And Kiro, who is about to record a new album, has remained dissatisfied towards the title track.
Due to the pressures of reality, we have to give up our original plans of having a fulfilling and happy date.
The both of us are working overtime at home.
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Kiro: [groans] Farewell, my rosy weekend. Goodbye, my donuts and soup dumplings which have vanished into thin air.
MC: And brown sugar milk coffee, taro pies, and lava cakes...
Even though we sing the same tune, complaining dejectedly about not being able to go out, the both of us work non-stop on our tasks.
I can hear the crisp sound of Kiro tapping his pen rhythmically against the music stand. Occasionally, his soft humming can also be heard.
Seeing him working hard and struggling with himself, the corners of my lips lift upwards.
Even though we’re unable to head outside to do something interesting, it isn’t a bad thing to be together at home like this, channelling effort into our differing goals.
In some way, this should also count as a type of date.
I smile, adjusting my posture on the bean bag so that it’s more comfortable for typing, then continue immersing myself in the battle against the program proposal.
The proposal I’m working on is extremely urgent, and has to be settled by next week. 
Not only that, but this sudden program has an importance accompanied by a non-proportional preparation timing.
And during such a period of high stress, the goddess of inspiration, who typically shows concern for me, has gone on a faraway vacation, and has  completely vanished.
I have trouble writing. When I completely lose my train of thought, I exchange helpless glances with the few words on the screen.
In the end, I give up and pause the hands which have been maltreating the keyboard, preparing to pour myself a glass of water, and attempt to change my mood.
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Lifting my head, I subconsciously glance in Kiro’s direction.
The curtains separate the room from sunlight, casting Kiro in a faint shadow as he leans against the window while composing a song.
Busy writing the new song, he hasn’t had time to maintain the state of his hair. 
Finding stray hairs a hindrance as they block his vision, Kiro holds a rubber band in his mouth, combing his hair to the back, and ties it into a small ponytail.
Those azure eyes stare at the music score in concentration. They are as clear and bright as always, but lack the flash of light he usually has when inspiration strikes.
Reference materials and abandoned drafts are scattered all over, which seem to isolate him on a higher platform which I’m unable to reach.
Completely engrossed in creating his work, even his languid sitting posture exudes a cold and lonely feeling for some reason.
For a moment, I feel slightly dazed.
Kiro: Let me guess. Is Miss Chips lacking inspiration, and having trouble writing the proposal?
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Kiro suddenly removes his earplugs, turning his head to look at me. 
He shows me a brilliant smile, and the room is once again filled with sunlight.
MC: How did you know? 
He stands up as well, stretching himself, turning back into the him that I’m most familiar with.
It’s as though the him of just a few seconds ago was simply an illusion surfacing from work-induced stress.
Kiro: Hmm... since just now, the sound of your keyboard has been intermittent, unlike how smooth it usually is.
While he speaks, Kiro walks to the snack cabinet and rifles through it carefully, as though he’s a small squirrel searching for a pine cone from the hole of a tree in winter.
Kiro: So I thought - Miss Chips is probably just like me, entering a bottleneck at work.
He splits the low-fat and sugar-free healthy snack into half, placing it into my hand.
Kiro: A little reward for the hardworking you. Now, do you feel more motivated?
MC: It sounds quite embarrassing... but I don’t think I can work any harder.
I munch on the snack which gives me absolutely no happiness, saying this with a sullen expression.
MC: The presentation is next week, but I still have no idea how to go about writing the proposal. Right now, I just want to turn into an ostrich and curl up into a ball, avoiding the presentation meeting in a few days... and also avoiding my unmotivated self.
I turn the laptop towards him, letting him see the lonely and piteous 235 words in the document.
MC: I even want to knock on my brain forcefully, checking to see if new ideas will appear.
Kiro: Hmm... I see...
Kiro curls his finger, tapping it gently against my forehead. He leans closer to my ear and asks a question.
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Kiro: Nice to meet you, Miss Chips’ inspiration. May I know if you’re at home?
Following his action, I close my eyes and sense it carefully.
After a short silence, I furrow my brows and lift my head, looking at him bitterly.
MC: Hello, the user you’re calling is not in service...
Kiro reaches out to rub the area between my eyebrows, smoothening out the creases on my face.
After ensuring that I’m no longer a “bun”, he sighs, laying down next to me.
[Note] Chinese buns (包子 - “bao zi”)  look like this i.e. they look like wrinkles:
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Kiro: [sighs] Actually, I’m the same as you. There’s a song I especially wish to write, and I really like the concept and composition. I want to try writing a song on understanding and interpreting the theme of “love” from my own perspective.
He pauses, lifting his fringe with a wry smile. After give it a forceful rub, he causes his originally tidy hairstyle to become fuzzy.
Kiro: But no matter how I change it, I’m not satisfied. I keep feeling as though something is missing from the music. There’s no soul.
I untie the string, using a hand to smoothen his hair, helping him tie it up properly again.
MC: Whether it’s “My Treasure” or the song we wrote together last Christmas, aren’t they very incredible? They’re tender and sweet - it’s as though they can be sung into the hearts of every listener, enabling them to recollect the best memories.
Kiro: That won’t do.
Kiro flips over and sits up, his eyes serious.
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Kiro: Those songs write about us. They write about you. I have several thousand ways to write about how adorable you are, but I don’t know which timbre I should use to face myself.
Not realising how potent his words are in causing one to blush, Kiro sighs once again after speaking, laying back down.
Kiro: [sighs] Looks like this time, we’ve both chosen subjects which are very difficult for us.
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Kiro: Since we’ve both sunk into a major crisis--
Kiro: Want to try Kiro’s special, secret recipe and see if it can sort out our thinking?
Kiro shoots me a wink.
MC: Sure. Do I need to do anything?
Kiro: At this stage, all you have to do is sit here.
While Kiro speaks, he picks up the abandoned drafts he had casually thrown on the floor earlier, using them to enclose us within a square frame.
Kiro: This is the thinking box that we’re trying to escape from.
He sets down the final sheet of paper, completing this “box”, his tone light.
Kiro: Right now, we’re both locked in it.
MC: In that case, will the superhero help me break this box, so we can have a breakthrough together?
Kiro: Nope. 
Kiro steps out of the square frame made out of drafts, reaching out to seize Cello, who is sleeping soundly on the cat climbing shelf. Then, he places it in my arms.
Cello: Meow?
Kiro nods in satisfaction, then jogs over to the kitchen, bringing over some fruits.
Under the confused gaze of both me and Cello, he makes several trips in and out, bringing over soft cushions, comfortable blankets, and two cups of sugar-free hot chocolate.
Finally, Kiro shifts another bean bag over, and sits down beside me.
Kiro: I’m incredibly sorry to tell you that even a superhero can’t find a way to jump out of this box.
Somewhat pleased with himself, he takes me into his arms with one hand, letting me lean on him.
Kiro: But at the very least, I can keep you company in this box. And together, we can see what exactly in this box has left us so bewildered that we’re unable to get out even after such a long time. 
As he speaks, he tousles Cello’s fuzzy head, and it releases a comfortable meow.
Kiro: We can also decorate it a little, so the box is more comfortable. 
MC: Pfft...
I can’t help but laugh. The sense of dejectedness due to work earlier seems to be cleared up with his actions.
I reach out, pointing at a corner of the ceiling in a joking manner. 
MC: See that? Over there, there’s an MC who just can’t write a proposal, and she’s currently curled up and for waiting for mushrooms to sprout on her... I don’t know how to deal with it.
Kiro nods in understanding, pointing at a corner of the room.
Kiro: Ladies and gentlemen, look here. Here is a Kiro whose inspiration is stuck, and is currently drawing circles. 
MC: When you put it like that, it sounds pretty cute...
While he speaks, I more or less understand why Kiro went to such trouble to do this.
Kiro: That’s right. To me, whether it’s that ostrich-like MC, or that MC who has mushrooms growing on her, I want to hug all of them properly.
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Kiro: And then tell her solemnly - that you’re already very amazing. Even if you don’t think you’re good enough, I still like you very much.
Kiro: Just as much as a little bear in winter liking the warm blue sky and green grass.
As he speaks, he tightens his grip on my hand, leaning his chin on top of my head.
Surrounding me are soft blankets and cushions. In my arms is a cat which has gone back to sleep.
Behind me, Kiro’s body temperature and scent encase me tenderly, making me feel so contented that I want to release a joyful sound together with Cello.
I close my eyes in happiness, nuzzling the crook of Kiro’s neck.
The things that were bothering me just a second ago, weighing me down with stress and emotions and leaving me unable to breathe, vanish like smoke and disperse like clouds.
It’s as though I’ve awakened from an incredibly long nightmare, discovering that sunlight is illuminating my surroundings, and that a cup of hot chocolate is waiting at the bedside.
MC: Kiro, why do you always know of such ingenious methods?
I lift my head to look at him, gazing at that blue colour which seeps into one’s heart, and the golden colour traced by sunlight.
Our foreheads lean against each other, and he smiles as he responds.
Kiro: You were the one who taught me these things. Why are you asking me instead?
MC: Me? 
Kiro: Last time, there were numerous occasions when I felt I couldn’t create works that were good enough, and I’d start to doubt myself. I’d lock myself in a corner, and start having internal fights with myself. 
Along with his words, it’s as though I see the Kiro I was barely acquainted with back then, and how he had endured several days and nights of work.
He had locked himself up in a room, helpless and frantic, not leaving any space for himself to breathe. 
Kiro: But during those times, you were always by my side. You told me that no matter how I was, you’d like me all the same. 
As he speaks, he taps on my laptop. 
Kiro: Actually, it’s the same today. 
Kiro: Don’t just look at how I appear now. Actually, I’m in a terrible state. 
Kiro: On one hand, I’m forcing myself to finish this work quickly. On the other hand, I’m so irritated and annoyed at myself, who lacks creativity. 
Kiro: There were many times when I wanted to just give up. 
Kiro: But...
He lifts a strand of my hair, twirling it around his fingertip. In the end, he pulls it to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss.
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Kiro: Each time I heard your intermittent yet continuous typing sounds, I’d tell myself that next to me, you’re still working hard. 
Kiro: My Miss Chips is also feeling perplexed, but she’s still persevering in work. 
Kiro: So I told myself - how could I give up before you did?
Kiro: I must definitely persevere a little longer, so you see how dashing I am. 
Kiro relates this softly at my ear. His tone, which harbours a smile, sounds as though he’s depicting a treasure.
I indulge myself in his arms, greedily enjoying the present tranquility and warm atmosphere for a while longer.
I always feel that Kiro is a star whenever I go off course. He always illuminates the pathway, pointing the way forward for me. 
Actually, without even realising it, it’s because we’ve seen each others’ light that we could press on.
Encouraging each other, and feeling the way forward in the darkness. 
Until we break through the predicament together.
MC: Thank you, my superhero. I think I’ve regained the ability to fight a little more.
A soft chuckle brushes my ear. Then, a warm and gentle touch is planted on my lower jaw. 
Reminiscent of the whiskers of a kitten brushing past, spreading into a plain of sweetness.
Kiro: At your service anytime, my Miss Chips.
With that, Kiro and I sit in the “box” together, resuming our work. 
He lays on the ground, scribbling and drawing on the music sheet, while I hug the laptop to myself, working hard to squeeze out a proposal.
The typing sounds on the laptop remain intermittent as before, but no longer have the sense of repression and frustration from earlier.
With his presence, I actually manage to complete a draft of the proposal without realising it. 
It isn’t excellent, and there are many areas which require editing. Nevertheless, I’ve already tided over the most difficult period.
I move my neck and shoulders, then shift a little closer to Kiro.
Same as before, Kiro is wholly absorbed in the music sheet in his hands.
Even though I can’t tell his current progress, based on his expression and posture, he should be the same as me, breaking free from the lowest point of production.
I observe him quietly for a long time. In the end, my playfulness triumphs, and I think of pulling a tiny prank on him.
Lifting Kiro’s right hand, I burrow into his arms. 
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MC: Surprise~
Probably not expecting me to do this, Kiro is left dumbfounded. However, he subconsciously props himself up and hugs me. 
Kiro: Miss Chips?
MC: A little reward for the hardworking musician.
Saying this, I tilt my head upwards and give him a light peck on the chin.
My sudden attack and the closing of distance between us enables me to successfully capture the faint redness on Kiro’s face.
Kiro: ...mm, how’s your proposal doing?
MC: At the moment, there are positive prospects.
Just like this, I wrap my arms around his neck, tousling his soft, golden coloured hair.
Because of my action, the ponytail is now in disarray.
I simply hook my fingers underneath Kiro’s rubber band, untying it, feeling the softness of his hair in between my fingers.
MC: How’s your song doing?
Kiro: At the moment, there are positive prospects.
He mimics my words, inserting one earplug into my ear.
A somewhat rough demo occupies my hearing.
I close my eyes, immersed in the music he has given to me. My fingers twirl the wire of the earpiece, tracing the rhythm.
Kiro: Although it isn’t done yet, the overall main key won’t change.
It’s a somewhat slow tune.
It's quiet, and even brings with it a heavy and melancholic melody. It’s reminiscent of a self-reflection, and also like a careful recount.
Kiro: Even though this tune is a little sombre, I still wrote it. 
Kiro: Because I know you’d definitely say that you like such songs too.
MC: Of course.
I say this with certainty. He smiles and lowers his head, the tips of our noses gently touching.
MC: Kiro, I came across a saying once.
MC: The process of writing a song is actually a writer’s conversation with himself.
MC: Although I don’t know what you said to yourself, if this melody is your answer, I like it very much.
Our drifting breaths channel a temperature slightly higher than the sunlight.
MC: Including these slightly heavy portions - I like them very much.
Saying this, I crinkle my eyes, humming along with the melody from the earpiece.
Kiro releases a sigh, hugging me tightly.
Kiro: [sighs] Why does this song become so sweet when you hum it? 
Before I can respond, Kiro continues. 
Kiro: [laughs] It must be because MC is a jar of honey.
He nods with force, seeming to be very satisfied with this answer. Then, it’s as though something occurs to him, and he plants a kiss on my forehead. 
Kiro: See? It’s very sweet.
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MC: What...
I laugh, pretending to push at his chest.
MC: Looks like I have to stay a little further away from you next time, so you won’t become overweight.
Kiro: Hehe, it’s already too late! My feelings come in large portions, so it’s too late to say that.
Kiro presses me against the woollen blanket, embracing me with even more strength than before.
Kiro: Miss Chips has already been firmly held onto by me.
Kiro: I’ll leave a stamp.
While he says this, he nibbles the side of my neck half-jokingly, and half-declaratory.
He doesn’t use strength, but the electric-like sensation makes me forget how to breathe for a moment. 
The charmingly tepid air leaves my cheeks burning crimson.
Kiro’s hug is tight, yet very careful. It’s as though he’s embracing the one and only treasure in the entire world. 
MC: It’s not like I can really run away...
Not minding my soft mumbling, another kiss descends on the shell of my ear, as though seeking a confirmation.
His breaths lift up strands of stray hair near my ear. They brush against my earlobe, as scorching as his lips.
Kiro: MC, I’m actually timid and a little childish.
Kiro buries his head in my shoulder, speaking softly.
Kiro: When it comes to things I don’t like, I’ll always think of hiding them and locking them up. I won’t see them, and I won’t let other people see them.
Kiro: But if it’s you...
I secretly take a few deep breaths, cradling his face a little stiffly yet carefully, tilting my head upwards. 
MC: Thank you for trusting me.
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Kiro: ...
Kiro’s eyes widen slightly, and his lips part and close. It’s as though he wants to say something, but returns to a blank.
At the end of a short silence, Kiro speaks solemnly. 
Kiro: I’ll definitely finish this song. 
He lowers his voice slightly. Even though this sentence is as light as a feather, I know that he’s as serious as making a vow. 
Kiro: I’ll definitely finish this song, and sing various versions of myself to you in the future.
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Kiro: Even the parts which are heavier, and the parts I’m unwilling to face myself.
MC: Mm. I’ll definitely listen earnestly.
Following the trail of his spine, I stroke his back lightly, giving him my promise.
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Kiro: I know. 
Kiro: It’s precisely because no matter what melody it is, you’ll definitely sing it into a song akin to honey.
Kiro: Which is why I have such courage. 
I no longer speak, only giving him a serious nod.
Both his breathing and heart beats can be heard, regular and steady.
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Kiro: Since we’ve reached an agreement, should I leave another stamp?
Kiro’s voice is once again light-hearted, even carrying with it a twinge of slyness. 
MC: Wait! The most important thing now should be noting down the hard-earned inspiration before it goes away!
I grip several music sheets at the side, pressing them against his chest, attempting to flee from his arms.
MC: Get to work quickly!
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Kiro: Why are you like this?
Kiro pouts, showing me his signature, puppy-eyed expression of dejection.
MC: I won’t be duped by your gaze again. I’m going to become a merciless supervisor, so you can finish your work before the deadline!
Seeing that his plan has been foiled, Kiro simply gives up “pretending”. With a smile, he grips my struggling wrist, pressing it to the side. 
MC: Where’s your professionalism? Could it...
A prolonged kiss seals up the words I haven’t spoken.
Kiro: It’s exactly because of my professionalism that I can say with certainty...
Kiro smiles, his sapphire-like eyes radiating an azure colour even more eye-catching than the clear skies of winter.
Perhaps he hasn’t realised it himself, but he looks at me with the most burning and clear gaze, sticking out the tip of his tongue. Like a dragonfly flitting across water, he wets his lower lip.
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Kiro: Before my inspiration vanishes, there’s still time to act coquettishly with my favourite Miss Chips.
Phone calls: First // Second
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xserpentlife · 4 years
Requested: Yes - Hey are requests still open? If so do you think you could so one where it's a Jughead or Sweet Pea x reader where the reader is usually super clumsy, so he's usually prepared to save them and stuff, But the reader gets a pair of heelys and he doesn't find out until he sees the reader holding onto one their friends jackets or back packs running through the halls?
A/N: I hope y’all love this. I really love the way it turned out so I hope you do too.
WC: 1845
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Sweet Pea’s POV
5 months ago I noticed Y/N for the first time. We were friends, always had been. Walking home from Pops with Fangs on my left and Y/N to my right. We were making our way to our trailers on the Southside. After a long week of school, Pops was our escape. No care in the world we were walking aimlessly along the stone sidewalks and uneven ground. Y/N stepped up and must have mistook how high or uneven the ground was and somehow I instinctively saw her falling as I reached out and grabbed the end of her backpack. I grabbed on to it as she screamed, but I stopped her from falling before she could hit the ground.
“Ahhhh!, What the…!” I lifted her back up placing her onto her feet.  
“How did you...?”
“I dunno” She looked at me before turning back and running into her trailer as we soon made our way into Sunnyside Trailer park.
The second time we were waiting for a meeting. An emergency Serpent meeting had been called and luckily I was in the area, I texted Y/N about it and she was on her way running from her job on the Northside. She was trying to get there as fast as she could but the meeting had to start before she arrived. I heard a bike pull into the lot upstairs, and I heard pounding down the steps, and again I felt that instinctive feeling. I opened the door as she came barreling in landing in the booth in front of her. I went back over and stood next to Fangs as she collected herself, slipping out of her work vest and putting on her Serpent jacket.
“You know if you hadn’t opened that door she would have run face-first into it right?”
“Nah, Fangs she would’ve…”
“Bro did you see how fast she was running”
“You two have some weird psychic shit going on or something”
“I don’t know Fangs”
“Hey, guys!” I turned to see Y/N’s makeup done, Serpent Jacket on, beautiful. I saw her.
The third time was when I saw her clumsiness once again, her goofiness, as she was running late to a class, running down the hallway full speed. She turned a corner running straight down the hallway as she turned the corner too sharp and came barrelling towards the lockers, but instead she came towards where I was standing and barreled straight into my chest as I fell and she fell right on top of me.
“Pea oh my god are you ok!”
“Date me”
“What, did you hit your head?” she started standing up as she grabbed my hand “C’mon we gotta bring you to the nurse, get up you big oaf” I started standing but I pulled her back down and put my hand on her cheek waiting for her to react before I did anything.
“I’m serious” I brought my lips to hers slowly. She bit her lip as I pulled away.
“Is that a yes…?”
“Yes Pea, i'll go on a date with you” we were a we
The fourth time was months later, finals had just finished and we were finally graduating. Cheryl was throwing her end of the year bash. Red solo cups everywhere, kids trying to play with the various vases and China that Thistlehouse had locked away. Cheryl yells every 5 seconds for someone to put something down, and Toni follows behind her to calm her down. The normal things that always went on. I couldn’t find Y/N though. I had lost her as she wandered away midway through the party and went with Toni and Fangs as they pulled me away for a game of beer pong. I heard everyone screaming shouting a bunch of “Do it’s” and “yes’s” and “you got this'' from various areas of the party until I looking up and saw Y/N. She was on the small roof of the Thistlehouse guest house, where a couch had been placed, standing on it, dangerous as it was for her clumsiness. Aside from that, she was trying to jump into the pool that stood below her.
“Y/N what are you doing!”
“Hi babyyyyyy”
“Y/N baby get down” I didn’t care that she had fun. That was not my worry, my worry was her and the danger she was in at the moment. I saw her ready to jump, luckily the building was fairly short, I could climb up right now, I knew if she would jump I could catch her, or her falling I could do the same. I had Fangs and Jug come up behind me as a backup, as she jumped I stood underneath watching as she jumped directly down completely missing the pool that Jughead thought she was going to hit the edge of, which caused him to fall in, while she landed directly into my arms.
“Oh nooooooo, Juggy”
“Its okay princess”
“Fangs can you help him while I get her home”
“Course” the 5-minute walk to the truck felt like the calmest moments of my life, her and me the trees and woods surrounding us and the sounds of the birds singing. Her head nuzzled into my chest. I felt love.
And now we’re here month 5, and on the 5th month with the love of my life. We both started working at the Wyrm, shifts on the weekend covering bar shifts. We were the only two who apparently knew each other’s movements well enough to work together efficiently and timely enough in the confined space of the bar. But this night, in particular, she was trying to impress Fangs and Toni. She had been learning some bar tricks from Tik Tok and wanted to show them a few of the moves. She was doing good and all, until one I knew wasn’t gonna end well.
“Fangs, T, wanna see a cool trick?”
“Yeah Y/N do it”
“Yeah, I wanna see” I watched the bottle swing up as it was about to land on her head, the spin not quite right on the bottle, she ducked down as the bottle was coming close to her head, I hadn’t even heard anything as I was talking to a customer but I knew. I reached upright as I turned around. Stepping right in front of her catching it before it could even come close to hitting her as everyone around us cheered. She grabbed my hand standing back up again.
“Anytime” we stared into the eyes of each other, for some reason I didn’t wanna look away. As her lips came to mine slowly.
“Marry me”
“I’ll do this again in a fancier way I promise, but… marry me”
“No, I mean I don’t need the fanciness, I just know, Yes Pea!, It’s a yes”
“Its a yes!”
“Mhm” Everyone around us cheered once again. The happiness running through me. She was my person. The connectedness I felt for her I never felt for anyone. The constant clumsiness that she had that always made me laugh. The extra change of clothes I kept in my car because she always spilled food or coffee down the front of herself, not to mention all the coffee that she spilled in my truck on our morning coffee runs. Or even the amount of times I’ve watched her phone drop on her face in the middle of the night and had to kiss it better. Or the hundreds upon thousands of times she's fallen up the stairs. Those are the things I love about this girl. But what I love most is the way I can catch her when she falls, the way I know when she is gonna run into a door and I can open it for her, or even when I can be that barrier and break that fall for her. I can be that cushion that she needs. I love her. I want to marry her.
5 months later we had our wedding, Yeah, it wasn’t a long time to plan, but we didn’t need long. It was small and intimate. I stood at the front of the aisle, the flowers surrounding me as I waited for her to walk down. Our favorite song playing in my ears because she didn’t want to walk down the aisle to the traditional here comes the bride. Fangs was gonna be the one to walk her down, her father, a serpent had been killed years ago on a job, Fangs had been there for her as a brother since she was a kid. A brother to me as well, I was ready. Ready to take this beautiful woman as my wife. Our officiant standing behind me ready to make this whole thing official. FP standing off to the side as support as one of my groomsmen along with Jughead, Fangs my best man once he was done walking her down. Her side consists of Betty, Cheryl, and Toni.
I heard the song start, the music playing as everyone took their seats and began to quiet down. The nerves are beginning to rack through me. FP smacking me on the back as he came and stood behind me. I shook out my arms as I brought my hands together.
The doors shot open as Fangs came running in Y/N holding onto his back *I was wondering why had such a long aisle* She let go soon as Fangs whipped her forward, as she came barrelling towards me, she had a short white poofy dress on. Almost cupcake-like. And I looked to her feet to see Heelys. DaNgER was all I thought to myself. She just kept going as she came barreling into my arms as I caught her and helped her stand upright.
“Fancy meeting you here”
“Oh yeah?”
“Thought I’d make us meet the same way we always do”
“Mmm oh yeah baby, just wanted to live in danger, add a little clumsiness to the wedding huh, you’re the clumsiest person I know so I think you’d do that anyway”
“Hey!” she smacked me on the chest as I leaned down kissing her on the cheek before helping her up onto the step by the officiant. Toni handed Y/N her regular bottoms to the Heelys so that she could wear them as normal sneakers for the rest of the night. The wedding went by smoothly as vows were exchanged and the kiss. The best kiss of my life. I stepped down the stairs about to take her hand but she decided to come down tripping as she did until I caught her so she wouldn’t fall.
“See… clumsy, I look over for five seconds and you end up like this...”
“Hey… well, now you’re married to clumsy MR!”
“Wouldn’t want it any other way Princess” I kissed her before helping her stand up straight, grabbing her hand as everyone clapped and blew bubbles as we exited down the aisle.
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onlyhereforangst · 4 years
Ok y’all if you thought 18x05 was long, you in for a trip. Get ready for lots of caps, lots of not PG-13, and lots of overanalysis. I hope this lives up to the hype since it took me forever and a day (literally almost every minute of the 20 minutes of scenes took practically an hour to breakdown, I have a problem I know). Anyways, let’s get sweaty under the cut because the day ain’t young no more 👇🏼
Their bickering in the car but Nick smiling the whole time is a huge married vibe but also he’s so happy she’s alive and will take any shit she gives him vibe and I’m here for it. Pluuuuus Ellie avoiding nicks question about the phone call 😭 he’s so freaking concerned for her (he’s been through his own version of PTSD), his voice drops all the teasing and he actually opens up a little bit - really wants to make sure she’s ok. He needs to be there for her and ugh poor Ellie, those walls are going back up after that hug- a momentary lapse in her usual self. She’s so far outside of her comfort zone talking about feelings and weaknesses and she immediately deflects. Nick respecting that deflection is also huge growth for him, knows it’s not ok to push through like a person like him would normally do and force her hand. He knows she needs space but also clearly ready to be that ear to listen or shoulder to cry on whenever she needs it.
His joke about notable mustaches only to be the butt of the joke about using the word notable later is hiiiiiilarious. 
Her comment about Zillow 😂 um excuse me ellie you looking for houses and to settle down 👀 but then(!!) Nick pushes her down the stairs first when shots start, getting her out of harm’s way and putting himself in danger like he always does my heart 😩 like he’s still on the stairs by the time she’s in a cell “safe.” And side note damn they are good shots, oof. 
The toilet bowl scene is easily one of my favorites. Nick freaking out over Ellie moving hers and him not being able to had me DYING. Like legit cackling over his worry she’s suddenly way stronger than him 🤣🤣 and then he gets SO pissed they took their car hahaha like so mad he hugs the damn wall in frustration. But then he claims he’ll rip out the bars of the window (you know, to make up for not being able to move his toilet and still prove he’s macho) and Ellie’s comment about superhuman strength & his agreement LOL. His anxiety level of being trapped and more so Ellie being trapped is getting to him already. He is reaching for any possible way to get them (read: her) out of there safely it doesn’t matter that the plan sounds outrageous. Cue him moving back to pissed and breaking the toilet with his damn foot like 🥵 we get you strong Nick but no need to show off. Hot damn. His “I really think we’re stuck in here” after that IDK why but had be laughing again. I’m pretty sure I said “no shit Sherlock” at my TV watching live because thank you Captain Obvious. 
Aaaaaand then when she pauses and finds the bomb bricks but goes so quiet oooooof he’s on high alert. You can practically hear his heart pounding and then he goes and starts panicking slightly when she doesn’t respond with our first use of a first name, “Ellie we have a wall between us, what is it?” But his tone is so frantic and his eyes are darting around putting the whole picture together and my heart aches for him. He’s starting to realize just how helpless he is to save her. The exact thing he likely swore he’d set out to never let happen again (Ellie in danger) after last episode, is happening again. And this time, it’s not like he can go hunt the guys down, he’s quite literally stuck. Helpless with no way out. Aaand here’s where Nick starts to lose his patience. Pissed at himself for not saving her before, not being able to save her now. Pissed at everything. He cannot comprehend how she is in this situation AGAIN and he can do nothing. But oh lord, he doesn’t even realize it’s about to get worse...
Him brooding over this crappy situation in a corner and being the cautious one is so unlike him (but also so telling as to how unnerved he is by her being in danger once again and not wanting to do anything to make it worse) and Ellie calls him on being “so careful, cowboy” and hot damn again she really does like a man in uniform doesn’t she??? 👀🔥 and she not picky on the type of uniform either 😏 but Nick immediately deflects because he’s not *quite* ready to talk feelings so let’s get down to business about counting bullets BUT the second Ellie starts to worry again he goes into hyperdrive protective and caring boyfriend partner. Without hesitation he tells her they’re going to figure it out because goddamnit he HAS to figure this out for her. He can’t fail, again. And he’s so so SO worried about her & her mental health right now and I sincerely love it. I know Ellie doesn’t want to have that conversation but I stan (I can’t believe I’m using that word, I’m not hip enough for that word) an empathetic boyfriend who supports their significant other when facing mental health issues (like PTSD in Ellie’s case) ❤️❤️❤️ Nick breaks my heart, he wants to be there for her- wants to be the one she feels comfortable enough to open up to and he just gets so dejected when she rejects his probing again (but I don’t blame her, it’s *hard* to open up about these difficult topics), his body language slumped over the bars and tone is just so defeated even if he tries to snap back into his usual Torres self (newsflash it ain’t working bruv because she’s not totally wrong in calling you hovery). Yet naturally he gets annoyed because he JUST CARES ELLIE DAMMIT LET HIM CARE. Like you go through this entire list of him trying to protect you from everything that could go wrong because HE CARES. HE WAS TERRIFIED HE LOST YOU ELLIE. HE TRULY THOUGHT HE’D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN. NEVER TOUCH YOU AGAIN. NEVER TELL YOU HE LOVES YOU. HE CARES. AND HE CANT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO YOU AGAIN. HE LITERALLY WANTS TO SAVE YOU (his own words because god damn this show plays with my emotions 😭😭) FROM ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING BECAUSE HE COULDN’T SAVE YOU FROM GETTING KIDNAPPED AND HAVING TO FIGHT YOUR WAY OUT OF A PLANE RIGGED TO BLOW. Ok done with yelling for now but man this part gets me. The implications are so important even over trivial stuff. He felt helpless and Nick Torres cannot do helpless, so he tries do to everything else in his power to keep her away from any danger no matter how little it seems. Even hot coffee is too much for his precious babe and while he knows she’s not some delicate, fragile flower- he knows she can hold her own (& has called her a badass as proof), his heart can’t possibly take another explosion on an airstrip. Even if that airstrip is something like a burnt tongue. Ok I die now 😩😩😩
But let’s come back to living because this bullshit Nick “I always tell you what’s going on with me...you ask I tell you” exCUSE ME. Is this the same man who claimed he was being overprotective and that Ellie was like a sister to him?!???!! Yeah, I call bullSHIT that you tell Ellie what’s going on with you. (And Ellie calls BS too, btw buddy). 
But when Ellie finally decides to open a little I love it. I think she finally understood at least just a bit that he just, simply cares about her & her well-being. So she gives him a tiny taste of what she’s going through. And god Nick’s face when he understands the gravity of what she’s having to face mentally. Like I know he knew but I don’t think he knew just how bad. And you can just see that hatred towards his perceived failure turning inward once again as the mood shifts in these cells to somber. Plus Ellies last comment here with them *needing* to find a way out of there- girrrrrrrl poor baby girl 😭 she’s struggling so hard right now and trying so hard to not let it show and not let it get to her but you know she’s terrified. You know she’s desperately triggered. UGH Ellie 💔💔
We cut to Ellie desperately trying to figure out a solution to getting the fuck outta there and once again my heart aches for her triggered self. Nick seems desolate and frustrated, shutting down slowly as it seems less and less likely they’ll get out. Buuuuut then the GUM. Ahahahahahah Ellieeeeeee how do you know about that last piece of gum for “breath emergencies”??? AHHHH this man’s jeans are so damn tight (& yes trust me I would know, I observe) but like also you staring at a spot on said tight jeans that’s only maybe five inches from a different outline 👀👀👀 GIRL I FEEL YOUUUU. GET. IT. Plus she knows exactly what he calls it and I freaking love that. His excuse for why he has to save it is also hilarious 🤣 his breath emergency later hmmm doubt you wanted to save it to MacGyver something Nick sooooo you got another thing in mind?? 😏 and then LMAO it’s mushy because his pants are sweaty I’m rolllllling. Your pants too tight Nick? (this is not humanly possible btw) ALSO is this why later Ellie says she expected Nick to be more sweaty??? If it is and now rewatching I kind of feel like it is, omg what a great callback on her part 🤣🤣
Nick trying to coach her on the proper way of opening the cell door is hilarious because bitch which one of you was able to move their toilet Nick 👀😂 but oh damn now it’s when shit goes downhill fast. 
Nick not being able to see anything and his frantic questioning is amazing compared to Ellies absolute panic realizing she is once again facing down a bomb. I feel like her calming breaths are a coping technique Jack has been helping her with but man kill me now, Nick’s face?? When he realizes what he thought was helplessness earlier has just shot yo exponentially??? Oof with a capital O. This poor man needs a damn drink and yet all he can have is a club soda boy I *feel you* on that (side note #letsgetthisbabyoutmybellyasap). His woman has gone and gotten herself into another bomb encounter for the second time in a week. And he CANT DO A DAMN THING ABOUT IT. Can you imagine the absolute inner (and outer, give it a sec) freak out he’s having?? He wants to save her from hot coffee for Christ’s sake and now he can’t save her from a rigged bomb. Talk about a shitty situation. 
I just love the Torres Teachable Moment little discussion. Like Nick’s smirk gets me. I really don’t think he knew she had a name for it or realized that she caught on to what he was doing (trying to help her grow as an agent without being obvious or “degrading”). And then we move on to comparing arm length and I crack up 😂 “my arms are longer than yours” and “no they’re disproportionately short for your body” HAHAHA like what the hell have you guys been doing to know this?? Do you stand *that* close together with your arms down to know their lengths comparatively and how much do you stare at Nick, Ellie? Daaaaaaamn. From his gum to his arms to his body I see you 👀 I’m not hating tho I would too 😏 I think what I loved most about this whole jail scene (aside the ending obvs) is the quick flipping back and  forth from joking & teasing to dead serious & worried. Like they’re both trying so hard to keep it above board and light- trying desperately not to think of the implications of what’s happening but then (usually Nick) those intrusive thoughts sneak through and he can’t help but redirect them back to serious. It shows their inner warrings with themselves and just how hard this is for both of them. How much they want to appear strong and unflappable but they both know deep down the whole situation is eating away at them. And Nick bringing up her standing on a bomb only moments before he tells her he’s going to shoot the wall- OOF. Ellie’s genuine terror for him injuring himself and her then not being able to do a damn thing about it because she’s standing on a FREAKING BOMB is so painful to watch. Like she’s stuttering she can’t get it out fast enough, she needs to stop him, she can’t fathom him getting hurt while she’s helpless (uh, hello there theme of the episode how have you been). Nick’s facial expressions through this scene are also so telling. He goes from “this isn’t a big deal” to “oh shit she’s panicking” to “holy shit is she going to open up, is she really talking about this” to “fuck it’s my fault she had to go through that and it’s tearing me up inside every second” to “hooooooly fuck is she about to say what I think she’s about to say?? Is she about to confirm what I know deep inside but am too afraid to say aloud?? Is it true??” And ELLIE OH ELLIE. Reliving that *has* to be hard, has to. To finally bring it up after she’s been dodging it all damn day...you know the thought of him getting seriously injured had her more than rattled. And she cracks open those cement walls around her heart so briefly, the glimpse in it provides I think a turning point for Nick. Finally seeing that it’s not just him, she’s in deep too. Even if she can’t say it, can’t say she was fighting to see him again 😩💔 he knows. She says he only has one bullet left and to save it and they’ll figure some other way with tears in her eyes my HEART. But Nick gets it. Nick gets it because he’s been in the exact same situation. His eyes as they process the implication of her words and the fear for his life running through them 🥺 his simple “ok” is so unlike his normal self, you just know he’s once again doing anything and everything he can for. Even if that means standing down and not fighting for his way (the natural instinct for him). He knows what she needs is reassurance he won’t accidentally shoot himself. So he does it 😭 But him pacing (as a man of action suddenly faced with forced inaction) & Ellie begging for an inventory over and over (a woman of logics and data faced with PTSD) is so painful. You can tell they’re both struggling and neither wants to admit it but also they both need to do something - for Nick that becomes finally deciding to shoot a foothold in the wall and for Ellie that meant trying to go over their facts again and again but suddenly she’s once again terrified Nick is going to injure himself. The one man she fought to see again might hurt or even kill himself and she can’t do a damn thing because she’s standing on a bomb for fuck’s sake. Aaaaaaand cue the blow up. Cue Nick voicing his worst fears of Ellie accidentally triggering the bomb. Cue Ellie getting defensive because she’s so damn used to be babied and treated like she can’t take care of herself. Cue the “overprotective hovery man crap” line that had me rolling on the floor (tbt ROFL). Cue Ellie calling herself a girl but Nick calling her a woman like DAMN get me where it hurts Nick- that right there is a man who respects the living hell out of this fiiiiiiine representation of a woman in front of him 🔥. Cue Ellie saying because I’m “me” like um FUCK YES IT’S BECAUSE YOU’RE YOU AND HE’S TOO SCARED OF LOSING YOU ELLIE. Cue Nick finally losing his shit and getting reeeeeealllllllll like hallelujah do you hear the church bells?! Even Ellie knows to finally pause and listen. Nick never loses it on her, never. She knows this shift is serious and it’s happening. And omg his confession can I just have a moment of silence for the GROWTH.
Thank you, it needed commemorating. The same Nick who didn’t belong to a team is the Nick that is out here claiming he can’t sit idly by while the love of his life might get blown up again. He’s NOT OKAY WITH THAT AND NEITHER AM I. NOT AFTER THIS GODDAMN SCENE. His head bob accentuating just- how- important this is to him is so in character (thank you Wilmer) and theeeeeeen shoot me the way he has to fucking collect himself from almost crying. The emotion- there just aren’t words. Literally he has to look up to the sky and blink back those tears you know are threatening to fall at the thought of the woman who he still *technically* hasn’t told that he loves her could potentially die, again, for the second time in a week. So guess the hell what? He’s telling her (sort of). He’s telling her he would do anything, anything, put himself in danger’s way if it meant there was even the tiniest chance it would save her. Pardon the callback but- HE WOULD RISK HIS LIFE TO SAVE HERS. DON’T YOU REMEMBER ELLIE. YOU SAID I KNOW. DO YOU KNOW NOW. DO YOU. BECAUSE GOOD LORD CAN YOU MARRY THIS MAN ALREADY BEFORE I DIVORCE MY HUSBAND AND DO IT (jk love you honey 😘). But like damn, she knows it now. That look- she bites her lip and has tears in her own eyes at the realness she can feel even through a cement block wall. It’s a feeling she’s not used to. She isn’t used to being a person someone would literally risk death for. She doesn’t think she deserves it (sip on that like whiskey, mull it over, let it sink in & cry about it). Even if she knows she doesn’t need saving (and so does Nick), she finally realizes it isn’t about that. It isn’t about he feels like she can’t do it. It’s about the overwhelming pull that your life isn’t greater than the one you love. That love, real true love, is knowing you would do anything for that other person (and they the same) because the world would be worse off without them in it. And Nick will never be okay with a world without Ellie. Never. Their joint quiet after his confession is so powerful. There’s no claims of falsehood, there’s no trying to quip back at him, there’s no trying to stop him. It just settles into the room- into their hearts. They’ve crossed a line and it means so, so much. Nick can feel a weight lifted off his shoulders as he loads his gun and gets ready and Ellie can feel a weight settle on hers from the need to reciprocate. And not out of pity, it would be out of truth. But she knows it isn’t the right time. She knows she has to do it, and she will. She held back earlier when she couldn’t say she was fighting for Nick, but his outburst and confession gave her the courage in this scene. She finally has confirmation she means to him like he means to her. And she has to know, she has to know if he means it or if it was heat of the moment so when the dust settles she inquires, “what’s going on over there?” A pulse check. A way of asking without asking—did you mean that? And the shock of confirmation of her face as Nick, dead as a doornail serious says, “close calls make you live harder”….holy hell. That’s the moment it snaps for her, everything snaps into place—the agony he’s gone through not only this week, but the past couple years of close calls. He’s done beating around the bush, he’s living harder, he’s going all in, he’s getting what he wants. He refuses to let anything like a damn jail cell rigged to blow stand in his way. And she knows, she knows just how important she is to him. He might not have said those three words, but that phrase- that phrase was a direct window into Nick Torres’ soul. And by god I love it. 
But Nick pulling a prank on Ellie like that is also so Nick- the little shit. The genuine concern in her voice when she yells his name 😭 like dude, her worst fear, something causing ongoing trauma in her head right now is the ONE THING you decide to tease her with??? I should expect nothing less but damn that’s low 😂 her checking on his status update with Gibbs though feels like such a role reversal from earlier and it cracks me up, side note. 
When they’re getting ready to stand down the returning brother and Nick gets in position next to the wall but can’t even look ahead- he’s just staring at Ellie, oof. In that moment he’s brutally and painfully aware she can’t hide for cover. Not only can she not hide, he can’t cover her because he’s (locked in a cell but also) out of bullets. He’s once again near helpless and the woman he loves (and has now finally kind of told) is a sitting duck. Someone get this poor man a damn club soda, I repeat. 
And the little talk between the two parties- I love that Ellie takes point. Love that Nick lets her. Like damn that’s a supportive partner right there and I 👏🏼 AM 👏🏼 HERE 👏🏼 FOR 👏🏼 IT. He knows she can handle this shit and he will willingly let her. But nooooooowwwww weee gettinggggg to the goooooood paaaaaaart. 
Ok first, “good to see you” - this man has missed her face. Straight up dying to see her in the flesh. Just listening to her voice and not seeing the emotions written on her face is not enough. Seeing her alive, smiling at him, he needed it. But of course, let’s keep it light, act natural Nicholas. 
“I thought you’d be sweatier” - excUUUUSE ME ELLIE. Not only did you just call out his reference to his sweaty jeans earlier, you also WANT TO SEE HIM SWEATY DON’T YOU. THAT SMIRK SAYS YES DON’T LIE. And honestly, I don’t blame you shhhhh.
“The day is young” - can I get another excUUUUSE ME NICK. Words- they don’t- function. Because that knowing smile of hers- SHE’S OKAY WITH IT. GET YOUR MIND OUT THE GUTTER YOU TWO THERE’S A HOMICIDAL MAN UPSTAIRS. YOU’VE GOT TIME TO GET SWEATY TOGETHER TONIGHT YOU HEAR ME. THAT DAY IS YOUNG AND SO ARE YOU SO GET THOSE BRICKS AND THEN YOU CAN GET TO BANGING LATER. I just fucking can’t with their smirks. I can’t. This isn’t the normal banter, this is the fuck me banter and I’m okay with it. Because right after the I-wanna-get-in-your-sweaty-jeans banter we have Ellie putting her HAND ON HIS GD HIP AS HE PASSES ONLY TO MOVE UP TO BOTH SHOULDERS. AND THEEEEEEEN HOLY HELL SOMEONE LIGHT A MATCH BECAUSE THIS BITCH ABOUT TO EXPLODE FROM SEXUAL TENSION. Is it possible to rewatch this scene a thousand times in slo-mo and still not have watched it enough? Because that is me. That will always be me. How are they so in tandem, so in sync as they look up mere inches from each other- directly into the other’s eyes knowing exactly how serious this situation is and yet pausing to freaking gaze longingly (read: have eye sex) at each other. And I’m sorry Nick looks down at her lips like three times??? For a good while too?? Sir nothing you said required you to look there. nothing. And also there’s no way his hands aren’t on her I thiiiiiiink they’re on her upper arms (based on the last shot as he’s walking to get the bricks) but like hold her tight Nick please. Also while Ellie doesn’t look at his lips (in this scene) holy shit those are some come-hither eyes if I’ve ever seen them. “I’m sure” ABOUT YOU. SHE’S SURE ABOUT YOU NICK. SHE’S SURE SHE’S READY TO GET SWEATY WITH YOU NICK. Like literally, this girl had been leaning up against the cement wall for a looooong time before he has to pass her and now, NOW that Nick has to pass her- SHE STANDS UP TALL. TO GIVE HIM NO SPACE. WHILE SHE’S STANDING ON A BOMB. BITCH YOU WANTED IT. That was a damn power move Ellie and I am not mad about it. She so easily could have leaned back, given him a ton of space to get around, but nooooooo she stands right there, middle of the tight opening and says yes Nick come get 1mm from my face, touch me here, touch me there, touch me everywhere don’t care 👀 while you pass. I’m sure I’m okay with it because you’ve just eye fucked me and it’s exactly what I wanted. And I mean come oooooooon just the underlying emotion behind both of their words. Nick isn’t just asking if she won’t move her foot- it’s his way of asking if she’s ok and she looks SO much better, more relaxed now that he’s with her. The tense, anxiety-ridden Ellie that was asking for inventory or snapping about him being overprotective, is now at ease despite still standing on said bomb- all because Nick is right there with her and if that doesn’t make you 🥺😭 I don’t know what will. Like she can’t even take her eyes off of him even after rude brother interrupts this gold moment of theirs until Nick has already completely turned his head towards the dude. She’s just so relieved to see him standing there, so close to her, feeling his warmth underneath her hands again. 
Side note to prove my earlier point, when Nick casually reaches through to throw the bags of bricks through the door Ellie is leaning on the wall and THERE’S SO MUCH ROOM. HE COULD HAVE EASILY PASSED. 
Nick looks like he literally wants to murder the guy, enraged that he’s the one who put Ellie in this situation again. We would’ve seen swan!Nick if it wasn’t for Ellie choosing this moment to finally share her feelings. Because remember- she’d decided she was going to reciprocate but knew it wouldn’t come off the right way before. Now’s the time. Now when the immediate threat to their lives is gone (excluding bomb of course). Now when they’re alone, they’re together, and she can look him in the eye so he knows she’s serious. He can read the truth in her eyes rather than doubt her words said across a jail cell wall. 
“This isn’t about me, it’s about you” - well damn that got your attention didn’t it Nick??? So used to putting Ellie first, putting yourself second its weird to hear it come from someone else isn’t it? That someone is worried for your safety? That someone needs you living and breathing just as much as you need them doing the same? His eyes immediately change from Imma kill this man to did I just hear this woman right. 
“I’m not okay with you getting blown up either” - first off, the parallelism is what makes this absolute *chef’s kiss* because Nick has literally zero chance of being blown up if he runs after this dude. Shot? Yes. But blown up? No. Ellie has chosen these words precisely to call back to what Nick said earlier. To make sure he’s aware she understood the weight of his earlier confession and is making the same one. They are on equal footing- their feelings are not only reciprocated but just as strong as the other. She could’ve said anything else but choosing his exact words was so poignant in the moment. It’s like the difference between saying “I love you” & “I love you too” compared to “I love you” & “I really care about you.” And the way she says it with such confidence, she isn’t playing around, she didn’t even *have* to bring up their previous conversation, she’s got determination etched across her face with a ghost of a smile on her lips. She means this, and it’s dying to bust out of her. And so the shock to Nick’s system is quite frankly understandable. This is Ellie - someone who hours ago didn’t even want to tell him who she was trying to make a phone call to. Ellie who has walls the size of Mt. Everest erected around her heart. Ellie who could have brushed off his earlier comments said from the safety of a cement wall between them. But no. This Ellie is all-in, she’s ready to own up to her side. She’s ready to lay it on the line just like him. Equal footing. If Nick is ready to jump, then so is she. And he’s just so taken aback- glancing at her lips, blinking through the shock as he processes. Processes the weight of her words on their relationship. He knows he could laugh it off, make a joke about his superhuman strength not allowing him to get blown up, or he could man up and take them both forward. Ellie doesn’t even flinch under his stare, if anything she becomes more confident, more resolute in her words and her stance. Her eyes searching his for what his reaction will be and for a brief moment I swear there’s a tiny bit of worry, a tiny bit of unease that he wasn’t ready for her to repeat his words back to him. 
“Well, what are we gonna do about that?” Oh YOU HEARD. That smirrrrrrrrk Nicholas stop iiiiiit, Eleanor’s standing on a bomb you don’t need to light her on fire!! Because this is a challenge, a goddamn challenge. Staring straight into her soul saying, “oh you want me and I want you? How about we blow this popsicle stand and go get fucking sweaty ok? Because that’s what I want to do about that 👀🔥🔥🔥” and not only is the smirk sexy as hell but it’s also got this glint of elation. Like he could not be happier she said those words back to him. That he finally took Ziva’s advice, wasn’t a wuss and WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT IT PAID OFF. But his words also tell of a little nervousness. And not necessarily in a bad way, more as in a leaving it to her way. Putting her in the driver’s seat of this relationship knowing it’s where she’ll feel most comfortable. Given all she’s been through, like all of it not just the past week, he knows that she needs to be in control of how fast they move. And once again his chivalry and thoughtfulness of her is just- I cry. He doesn’t just assault her with what they should do next, he leaves it for her to decide. For her to weigh in on how far and how fast she wants to take them. And by the little shy smile Ellie gives him- she knows what he means. She knows her words have hit their mark and that he respects her enough to let her lead the way. And now she has to make her decision, a decision we DON’T GET TO SEE BUT I’M NOT BITTER IT’S FINE. But a decision nonetheless. 
I honestly go two ways on this- the most obvious of hell yes they kissed right then and there and started *something* and then the bitter realistic one of they were probably interrupted by Gibbs (who was literally outside like right then based on timing) but also may have just continued to stare into each other’s eyes- still slightly taken aback by everything they just shared and what it means for them. Still unsure of how they “work” as people who *love* each other, not just partners. Having that reality sink in as they continue to face off and wait for a rescuer. That reality sinking in could lead to obviously very good things (that we better see on our screen or I will fucking riot) or a slight nervous closing-off. Like not quite closed off closed off, but a tiny retreat when the gravity of the day falls down on both of them. I don’t think either will believe they only said what they did because of the situation/moment they were in, but it’s still a lot to deal with after all is said and done. I sincerely hope they unpack this in the coming episodes and give us some direction of what happened after that jail cell scene. 
I love the Torres told McGee about what happened today and I’m so curious about how much detail he told him lol but I also love that McGee has now received genuinely good advice from Torres twice now (the one about the reunion and now this). Just goes to show you the brotherly bond they have ❤️ but also that the advice was the same advice he literally lived out that day. Close calls make you live harder, almost as an affirmation to himself (Nick about what happened), but as something he knew McGee needed to hear too- they all do. 
And then this bullpen scene - one, how far of a time jump is this and whyyyyyyy won’t they telllll meeeeee. They hate me. Two, Ellie coming over so close just to hand off a file that he doesn’t even look at 👀 three, THEIR SMIRKS. WHAT DO THEY MEAN. Because Nick is holding back the world’s biggest smile as Ellie gets close to him and Ellie is just all nonchalantly checking him out with a brief eye-sex scene. Like damn this fine man doesn’t want me to blow up and I don’t want him to blow up either 🔥 Now does this mean they absolutely got together and did the nasty after they got out of that cell? Of course not. We can only dream, and write fics. This ending scene is very reminiscent of what NCIS loves to do with their power of open-ended persuasion at the end of an ep, see On Fire for example. The ending music and comments combined with the shot of Gibbs leaving in the elevator is literally there to try and persuade you that he killed Xavier. In this ep, the ending music and voiceover combined with their looks at each other is there to try and persuade you they totally got it oooooon. Not to say they didn’t, but I don’t trust NCIS one damn bit. 
All in all, cannot *wait* to see where they take ellick the rest of the season. Emily hyped this ep and man, she did NOT disappoint. Let’s see that shift that is going to ripple for the rest of the season now like Wilmer promised 🤞🏼
Oh and my only side note because this was insanely insanely long and if you’re still reading I’m proud of you for hanging in there with me & my screams into the void, send me an ask screaming back it’s ok I’ll love you for it—waaaas the whole team poking fun at Torres for using the word notable was downright hilarious. That and Gibbs trying to do everything himself, I can’t. Comedic gold. I love. I would go from dying of laughter to intense emotions so fast in this ep I got whiplash and for that, I am thankful to Gina. She always delivers 🔥
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz-Protect
For my bitch @spookysmujer, hope you like it girly! And y’all go check out her stuff!
Warnings: A fucking sleazy guy 🥴
“What do you say you come back to my place for some fun?” Some random guy asks as you walk out of the corner store that was down the street from your boyfriend Oscar’s house. You were actually heading that way after deciding to walk so you could pick up some snacks to munch on during the movie marathon he had planned for you guys.
“Fucking pig.” You mumble as you ignore him, taking a few more steps before you hear his deep voice once again.
“Are you a stuck up bitch that can’t answer a question or what?” He asks in a teasing manner as he walks closer.
“Oh no, see that’s what you’re not about to do.” You snap as you turn around to glare at the man,”Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“Woah, woah, woah chill out baby.” He chuckles,”I’m just trying to get to know you, that’s all.” He says his fingers coming up to your face as he try’s to push some hair behind your ear.
“Don’t touch me!” You cringe in disgust as you swat his hand away,”Just go back to your car.” You say with a wave of your hand in that direction,”You don’t want the problems that come with me.”
“Am I suppose to be scared of you?” He chuckles,”Besides I wasn’t doing anything wrong, there is no harm in trying to make new friends.”
“Nah you’re doing more than that.” You say as a knowing smirk forms on your face,”You ain’t from around here huh?” You ask with a chuckle as you glance around,”Cause if you were, you wouldn’t even be looking in my direction. Especially not on this street.”
“What? Your daddy own this neighborhood or something?” He asks with a scoff,”Last I checked this was America baby, I can say what I please.”
“You could say my daddy owns this block.” You smile sweetly at him,”Which is why I’m going to let you walk away. I would hate for him to have to take time out of his day to beat the shit out of some sleazy dumb fuck.” You say as you spin around in the opposite direction, the guy biting his lower lip and nodding before heading to his car with sick intentions.
“What a asshole.” You shudder as you walk at a hurried pace along the sidewalk. Oscar’s house in sight a minute later just as a familiar beat up blue mustang pulls to a stop in front of you and sends a few trash cans flying.
“Ahhhh!” You exclaim as you jump back in fear,”What the fuck?!” You shout as you see the familiar guy step out.
“You know, I don’t like the way our conversation ended back there.” He says as he begins to walk around the car, causing you to step backwards and into the street,”I think I oughta show you manners baby. Maybe you wouldn’t be able to bitch if you had something to occupy that pretty little mouth of yours.” He smirks, his hand grabbing at his bulge.
“Come any closer and I’ll scream.” You warn, taking one more step before you trip and fall on your backside. A moan of pain escaping your lips as you sit up in discomfort, your snacks now thrown about.
“See what happens when you don’t do what I say? You get hurt.” He chuckles just as he reaches you, your about to scream when you hear a all too familiar voice behind you.
“Aye what’s going on out here?!” Sad Eyes shouts as he jogs down his driveway in nothing but his sweats with a gun in hand,”Y/N?” He asks, your best friend running out after him in one of his too long t-shirts.
“Y/N, oh my god are you okay?” She ask as she comes to a stop and kneels down next to you,”Your hands are all cut up.” She says as she puts her arms under yours and lifts you up quickly, Sad Eyes stepping around the two of you with his gun now pointed at the man.
“You know this foo?” He asks
“She’s my friend.” He answers the same time as you do, fear now clear in his eyes as he takes notice of a few neighbors coming outside to see the commotion. Most of them being armed and tattooed with the famous Santo cross.
“No! He fucking followed me from the store.” You say as you wipe your hands clean, the sting causing your eyes to water,”He wouldn’t leave me alone.”
“You messing with my homies girl?” He asks rhetorically as he cocks the gun,”Ima need you to take a seat on the curb. I’m sure he’s going to want to have a chat with you.”
“Look man, I’m gonna just go alright?” He says as he holds his hands up,”I don’t want any trouble. That wasn’t my intention.”
“He’s a liar! He was messing with me in the parking lot, I tried to warn him about what would happened and he didn’t care.” You say as angry tears slip from your eyes,”You should have just left me alone.”
“Hey, I’m sorry. Really, I am.” He says, his head snapping in the direction of Oscar’s commanding whistle as he walks down the street.
“What the fuck is happening on my block?” He booms as he takes in the scene in front of him, his pace quickening as he takes notice of you,”Dime qué está pasando.” He barks out loud to nobody in particular as he reaches you and takes you from Carla,”Calm down bebe, I’m here.” He soothes as he looks over you, his jaw clenching when he takes notice of your injury.
“Seems like this guy was messing with your hyna Spooky. Followed her from the store and shit.” Sad Eyes explains as he puts his gun down and steps to the side,”Made her fall and cut her hands up too.”
“No!” The man interjects,”It wasn’t like that.”
“You fucking with my girl?” Oscar questions as he slowly walks towards him after letting Carla take over you again,”And then you made her bleed?” He adds as he pulls off his chain and tucks it in his pocket.
“I would never mess with your girl man. Come on, we don’t have to make this into a big thing.” He says shakily as Oscar now tugs off his white t-shirt and hands it off to his right hand man.
“Nah it’s too late for that.” Oscar shrugs before he posts up,”It’s square business now, we gonna have to catch a round.”
“I don’t want to fight you. We don’t have to do all that.” He cries, one of the other Santo members coming up behind him and shoving him forward.
“It’s either we fight or my compa here puts a bullet between your eyes. Your choice.” He informs as he holds his stance, the guy looks around before weakly holding his hands up. Oscar taking that action as a final decision and quickly throwing a powerful right hook to his jaw. He falls to the ground, Oscar leaning down and delivering blow after blow to the guys head,”Don’t fuck...with my...girl!” He grunts as his knuckles get covered with blood, the curb sprayed with it as well.
“Oscar! Enough!” You shout out when no one else intervenes, the guy having been knocked out after the first few punches. He looks over at you before using his forearm to wipe his mouth as he nods towards the other side of the street.
“Look over there.” He orders quietly, you take in a shaky breathe before doing as asked and turning around with Carla. The sound of more blows being delivered reach your ears before a final and different kind of hit sounds off.
“Okay, enough...chill out Spooky.” Sad Eyes finally jumps in as he wraps his arms around his best friend and forcibly walks him over to you,”Take her home, I’ll handle this mess.” He reassures Oscar as he hands off his gun to Carla,”Go put that up and stay inside.” He instructs her as you take a peek at the man, his face almost unrecognizable. You look down and cringe when you take notice of your boyfriends once crisp white air forces, no doubt that the last hit you heard was a kick to the guys face.
“I’m sorry.” The man croaks out as you feel yourself being pulled away by Oscar, you let him lead you down the road and into the house after he kicks off his shoes on the porch.
“You okay nena?” He asks as he gently pushes you down on to the toilet to sit after you enter the dim lit bathroom,”He didn’t actually touch you, did he?”
“I’m okay...he’s so stupid, I tried to tell him to leave me alone because I didn’t want you to have to do that.” You say as you watch him wash his hands,”I’m sorry.”
“No. Don’t apologize.” He says with a shake of his head,”He got what he deserved and that’s that. Next time he’ll think twice before approaching any girl, maldito tonto.” He grumbles as he drys his hands before taking yours in his and kneeling down in front of you,”Just a few scrapes.” He informs before flipping them over and placing soft kisses to the back of them,”I love you.” He mumbles against them, his nerves calming down as he closes his eyes.
“I love you.” You smile before wrapping your arms around him,”Thank you for being there, like you always are.”
“You know Ima always be there ma, ain’t no one ever gonna hurt you, or even disrespect you as long as I’m around.” He informs you, the two of you standing up so you could properly hug him,”You go set that movie up, I’m gonna step out real quick and see what’s up.”
“Okay.” You reply as you stand on your tip toes,”Just hurry up, I don’t want to be alone.” You admit before pecking his lips.
“I will.” He sighs, giving you another quick kiss before untangling his body from yours,”Go to my room, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He urges, he did have to make sure the mess that happened was cleaned up properly after all. You wait until he’s back outside before lazily walking to his bedroom and setting up a movie like he asked, a comedy for sure after everything that just went down. You look out the window after a few minutes go by, the little old lady that lives across the street cleaning off the road with a bucket of soapy water after giving Oscar a reassuring squeeze on the arm. The blue mustang now driving down the street, the window tint to dark to see who was inside. You watch as the neighbors join together to clean up the mess, being pulled from your thoughts as a pair of arms embrace you from behind.
“Don’t worry about that.” He mutters as he turns you around to face him,”He’ll be fine, I know you’re worried about that. He had his Id on him, Jokers gonna go toss him out on his lawn. Think he’s gonna keep the car too.” Oscar says with a dry chuckle.
“Lets just forget about it.” You sigh as you step around him to lay on the bed,”Can you come lay down now?” You ask, Oscar smiling as he slides in next to you before grabbing the remote and pressing play. Your mind now at ease in the comfort of his arms, his lips pressed to the top of head as he mumbles about how he’d always be there to protect you. A promise he’d keep forever.
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Not sure if you’re still doing matchups but if you are I’d appreciate a naruto one :3 if not just ignore this ask!! Xx
I dye my hair a lot but currently it’s my natural brown with the underneath blonde, it’s gonna be red underneath soon. I’m an emo, v into metal but also into Kpop and stuff, I’m an Aquarius, I’m 5’3.5 and I’m a little chubby, my profile picture is me for reference. I’m v into reading and writing, a huge gamer. I’m bisexual and my pronouns are she/they so I am fine with any gender haha. I’m super emotional I guess, I cry a lot. Im also into drawing and painting, as well as baking, mainly brownies and I’m super clumsy :)
Thank you if you do manage to do this one❤️
Of Course it is open! Thank you for participating! Also, why are we not friends already? We are now! For you I choose.... Shisui Uchiha. I feel like he'd totally just understand you and be there for you always.
It was only 9:00 AM, you managed to trip over your own two feet, break a coffee cup, and break the whole carton of eggs. All you wanted was some coffee and eggs. So when there was a knock at the door, and you tripped over the garbage can, you were beyond frustrated.
"What?" You said hastily as you flung the door open to be greeted by your sweet smiling boyfriend.
"Good morning, Angel." He greeted you while holding up coffee and a muffin for you. You walked away from the door to clean up the trash, only to stub your toe on the table.
"AHHHH" You screamed in frustration with tears stinging your eyes. Shisui walked into your apartment to see the state of things. He shook his head and pulled you into a tight hug.
"Oh, baby, how about we take a rain check today? Instead, we can stay in, and you can read or write or we can play games, or even just watch tv all day." He told you before pulling away.
"First, you go shower, take as long as you need. I will clean up this mess." He gestured to the whole kitchen. You didn't want to have him clean up after you, but you weren't really in the mood for cleaning up.
As you sat in the shower and let the warm water run over you, you let all the tears flow freely. You didn't deserve Shisui, he was too good to you, and all you did was ruin all the plans he ever made for you.
After a little while, and not feeling any better, you decided to come out of the shower and change into something comfortable. When you finally appeared, you saw he cleaned the kitchen to perfection, and he was sitting reading a book.
"Baby?" He looked up concerned. "Are you okay? Why were you crying?" You knew you wouldn't be able to hide anything from him.
"I am a terrible girlfriend. I am clumsy, and mess up all our plans." You cried into his chest. He rubbed your back as sobs racked your body. He just held you close as you let it all out
"You know, I never mind our plans not working out, as long as I get to spend time with the person I care about most." He told you as he played with your hair. He gently laid down on the couch and wrapped his arms around you. Your eyes felt heavy and you gave into sleep.
These moments were the ones he'd cherish the most, especially after he'd ask you to move in with him.
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oumiyuki · 3 years
Maki Viewing
Summary: Nico brings Maki to view the cherry blossoms this year on a special day. Maki hates (loves) how Nico steals her breath away with everything she does.
Pairing: NicoMaki
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Words: 1193
 ~~Read me at AO3 or fanfiction.net too~ ^w^ ~~
Author Notes
Happy Birthday Dearest Maki-chan!!
You are simply soooooo lovely and precious and I hope you know that!! *O*
Now, may you who is reading this - enjoy~ ;D
A gentle breeze.
Soft, sweet and gentle blows past Maki’s red curls and she looks over to see the same wind blow her senior’s sleek black hair that said senior held back from becoming a mess, and eyes closed for a moment from the chilly air.
Maki purses her lips at the girl walking beside her. “Have you not seen enough of this already?”
I know you’ve been here so many times now.
Bright ruby eyes looked at her, directly at her, it made Maki squirm from the inside.
W-What is with her? Looking at me so…honest and straightforward…
“What do you mean?” The shorter girl asked innocently.
“This.” Maki gestures all around her as she looks to the cherry blossom trees all around them as Nico brought her here for flower viewing.
You’ve already been here so many times with others… N-Not that I’m thinking that I wanted to come along too. Or that I wished I could be the first one to see it with Nico-chan!
Nico blinks as she reaches an understanding of her girlfriend’s concern. She has been flower viewing so many times to help Shizuku with her theatre act after all. Nico smiles, no, grins widely with too much mirth in those glittery red eyes for Maki to relax.
Ughh, she’s smiling like a little imp. Annoying imp. Annoying…cute imp. Ughhh.
“You want to know why I brought you flower viewing today, Makki~?” The Universe’s No.1 Idol flashes a blindingly huge smile at the redhead who was trying but failing to look away and be aloof.
“Maybe not?” Maki was not being honest yet again.
Uu…Nico-chan’s smile is so brilliant… Calm down, my heart!
Nico laughs and the cherry blossoms fluttering down from the top seem to giggle along. The onyx haired girl brings Maki to a top favourite spot and lays out the pretty pink picnic mat which Maki tries to help but couldn’t quite catch the ends in time so Nico smirks and spreads the picnic mat herself perfectly.
“It’s okay, Makki~ Sometimes it takes someone more skilled as myself to put out a picnic mat this perfectly.” Nico had to bring along some sass.
Again with this overconfidence! I--
Maki opens her mouth to protest but the cheeky school idol sends a quick wink that stopped Maki’s train of thought.
“A perfectly cute picnic mat for a perfectly planned flower viewing date with my perfectly wonderful girlfriend Makki-chan~” Nico ignores her own warm pink on her cheeks as she managed to secure a fully red tomato Maki with those lines.
Aaaahhhhhh!!!! What is that Nico-chan??! Why you got to be so sweet-tongued!! And why do I have to be so tongue-tied and stumped? I- I usually would be able to have a comeback… A comeback…
Violet eyes find itself lost in Nico’s movements; bringing the picnic basket out and laying some traditional snacks for the two to eat and even drinks. The pianist could only wonder how Nico could be so infuriatingly perfect and hers.
Maki’s eyebrows furrow together. Twitched with each passing second as she did her best to ignore Nico’s shenanigans. But that was impossible when she wanted to take in all of Nico’s good sides and frustrating sides.
Why does Nico-chan have to be so irksome at this moment?
“What is it?” Maki gives in to Nico’s constant batting of her eyelids and obnoxious “Hm~ hm~~? Yes~? You wanna know~~? You want to know why I brought you here for a date, right~?”
Maki shuts her eyes her face was still warm and pout evident of Nico’s teases getting to her. Nico’s presence and relentless love were getting to her.
Go on then.
Nico smiled a Cheshire grin at getting the okay to sharing her reasons for bringing her Maki to see the Sakura in full blossom.
A few seconds pass and Maki opens her eyes to see Nico sitting back, going quiet, stealing Maki’s attention. “Because…”
“Because I wanted to see the cherry blossoms with you.”
Maki blushes harder; happens every single time Nico surprises her with such honesty.
“Each trip to see them with Nozomi and the rest was fun…and meaningful. But…each time I wondered – how nice it would be to watch them bloom and fall with you… And,” Nico smiles, like an angel in Maki’s eyes. “I’m right yet again.”
Right about..?
Maki was already lost in those glimmering with earnest love rubies and angelic voice.
“Maki looks beautiful with all the cherry blossoms dancing around her!” Nico smiles, pearly whites gleaming, her head tilted to the side as her hair that she let down today flowed to the left, and…
And Maki was speechless and awestruck and falling further down the rabbit hole of love with her Nico.
The beautiful, breathtaking one is you… baka.
Maki turns away as she picked at a traditional sweet with the toothpick her girlfriend already prepared. Poking, poking, prodding, prodding, blushing, averting her eyes that so wanted to just keep staring at Nico and all the pink petals that made a picture-perfect scene—
A click of the camera made Maki turned back surprised.
And another click made Maki blink and let out a “Hey! Wh-What are you doing?”
“Saving memories, of course, ~ And taking a picture of the Great Nico Nii I know Maki-chan would appreciate and treasure for a long, long time to come~” Nico sing-songs gleefully, proud to make her blushing princess this happy on her special day.
“Wh-Who’s going to stare at you for a long time!” Maki turns away from Nico yet again.
Ugh, why can’t I just be honest around Nico-chan?
“Hey~ Don’t turn away from Nico when she’s praising you!” Nico teases.
Maki turns her back to Nico.
I want her to tone down the tease and not tone the tease at the same time… What is with me??
“Hey!!” The older but playful black haired girl was on a roll and could not stop, so she crawls over, careful not to topple the snacks or drinks. “Makki~~!”
Ahhh, why is she—
Maki adamantly tries to but fails to hide her tomato red blush from her girlfriend that was already beside her poking that annoyingly cute and sweet smirk in her face. “Nico-chan!!”
Nico laughs; she always has her way of making Maki open up to her.
Despite Maki’s protests, Nico took many memories that day.
And Maki hates to admit it but, “T-Thank you for today…Nico-chan. It… It made me happy to get to see the cherry blossoms with you. W-Will you…bring me again next year?” Maki bites her bottom lip as she waited for an answer.
Nico had that expression again, that love-filled, shimmering ruby eyes expression that made Maki’s stomach do a flip and know just how much she is loved by Nico. “You don’t even have to ask. I’ll be taking you places, Maki-chan. Always~”
Maki’s heart was already a constant fast pace from the moment Nico showed up at her doorstep today to take her on a date and as it became a constant throughout the flower viewing; Maki knew.
I love her so much.
Author Notes
Suki? Suki? Daisuki? >//w//<
Ahhh, tell me if you blushed hard or liked this? >//w//<
Nico and Maki’s interactions just…puts a sweet grin on my face and I just…love them so much???
Writing for them, writing for Maki’s birthday this year just reminded me of how much I love NicoMaki a wholeeeee lot!!!
Ahhhh, l-leave a comment if you like… (It’s not like I really want to hear your thoughts and that I will be all smiles if you do so!!) hehehe~ :D
Once again, Happy Birthday to our Tomato Princess Blushing Darling Baby ;D
See you next story! ^w^
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spell-cleaver · 4 years
I LOVE your Luke & Vader material so much, it's all just SO, SO GOOD. If you're still in the mood for requests, I was thinking for your latest Imperial Luke au: Lord Skywalker interrogating a Rebel while Lord Vader is... spooky
Ahhhh thank you so much!!
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DAY 18: WHUMPTOBER: Panic! At The Disco@whumptober2020
This really did not turn out the way I wanted it to when I took this prompt for it, but eh, here it is. Set in the same Imperial Luke ‘verse as these two ficlets, which I’m now briefly dubbing The Hero AU (it’ll make sense. At some point).
He had to be here.
Luke repeated it to himself as he strode down into the bowels of the Palace, still not used to the way every person he passed on the walk bowed their head to him as he went. He wore no crown—though he’d heard his father was working on that, in his endless attempts to make Luke seem like a prince, a noble, legitimate leader and hero—but still, people knew his face. The story had spread.
The all-white ensemble he wore, and the cape that flared behind him as he walked, as well as the squad of death troopers that marched as his bodyguards… he supposed all that went a long way toward helping with recognition, too.
He met his father in the turbolift down to the detention level, and greeted him with a nod and a faint smile; Vader inclined his helmet likewise and put a steady, affectionate hand on Luke’s shoulder as they stepped in.
He had to be here.
It was necessary: he had written up no report to the ISB so they could carry out the interrogations themselves, and the ISB, for all that he’d been one of their cadets for several years, did not dare to demand that he do so. He was trained in interrogation methods himself, he was in charge of this operation to begin with, and he… he needed to do it.
Vader insisted that it would help him get back on track—reminding him what the Rebels had done, the atrocities they committed, why they needed to be wiped out. So he was here, and now the poor Rebel who’d been captured would pay.
The Force—the dark side of the Force, something he’d missed so dearly while he tried to pretend to be a naïve, foolish Jedi—swelled around him in anticipation.
The turbolift chimed to a halt and they stepped out, his father going first. The officers on duty snapped to attention immediately— “Your Majesty! Your Highness!”
Vader ignored them.
Luke surveyed them with cool eyes, then a nod of acknowledgement, recognition—those were actually some of the older students who’d mentored him at the academy—and approval, then followed his father forward as he sensed them glow with pride.
The cell they were entering was an unfamiliar one, and the presence within it equally so; he could sense familiar presences around him, but he ignored them. He would think about them later. Until then…
It was a pilot they’d captured, there. Someone from Gold Squadron, he knew just by looking at them—the only pilot from Gold Squadron who’d survived the Battle of Yavin, and only because Luke had shot down the TIE chasing her. He gritted his teeth.
It was Leia’s friend, he knew… Evaan. He didn’t know her. Not well. But he knew her name.
He knew she was from the massacred planet of Alderaan.
She jerked up when the door to her cell clanged open, and glowered as two troopers filed in. The interrogation droid bobbed in the corner, but Luke didn’t move toward it or summon it forwards; he didn’t need it.
He had other ways of getting the information he wanted.
When he stepped inside himself, taking the steps carefully lest he trip on the hem of this stupid fancy cape—he had forgotten entirely what Imperial high society was like with its fashion—she outright spat at him.
“Traitor,” she snarled. “You kriffing traitor, no good little—”
There was an impressive string of Alderaanian cursing then, in a dialect Luke didn’t know, but he didn’t bother to guess what it meant. It was clear enough.
“Not a traitor,” he said coolly, oh if only that were true. “Only a spy. And a spy who saved your life in battle, didn’t I?”
“That means nothing.”
“So I suppose you aren’t open to repaying that debt with information.” His words were flat, hollow, extracted from his tongue by muscle memory. He hadn’t interrogated anyone since the destruction of Jedha, when Emperor Palpatine had put him in charge of looking for who wanted the Death Star plans. “A pity. But we have other methods.”
He stretched out with the Force, taken the moment to bask in his father’s pride—he was proud of him, he was doing the right thing, staying loyal was the right thing—before he scraped mental claws along the edges of Evaan’s mind. She shuddered, and raised her shields immediately; he nodded to himself, expecting that, and immediately made to push deeper—
—until he saw Yavin, the medal ceremony, his own beaming face—
—the excitable Rebel pilots, with sweaty, beaming faces and enthusiasm shining off of every inch of them—
—Leia, gritting her teeth and so stoic against the pain of losing Alderaan, ready to cry, then turning to see Luke approaching her, Luke pretending to comfort and care for her, and lighting up somewhat—
And guilt festered anew in the burrow it had dug in his heart.
He pulled out of her mind so fast she cried out in pain, so fast it hurt him, and physically staggered back. He— he had no hope of extracting information, not when he had to wade through so much useless shavit to get there, useless painful shavit that just caused his doubts to flare up again at the pettiest of things—
He looked at his father pleadingly, breathing far too hard.
Vader wrapped the Force around Evaan and she died.
Luke shuddered. He— he felt that, felt it throttle her quickly and painfully, and saw the memories of Luke lying vanish.
“Perhaps, Luke,” his father’s voice boomed, “you require some more time to recover, and to regain your loyalties.”
Luke nodded. He wanted that. Oh, stars, he wanted that certainty again.
“I can re-enrol you in programs for the ISB,” Vader said, more gently. The death troopers, deadly loyal as they were, did not react; he felt only sympathy from them, and a fierce duty despite all this. “I can—I will—find a way to make you satisfied and secure in our place here, again.”
Luke said, trying to regain his breathing. “We can say that I simply want to refresh my administrative skills and familiarity with the Empire’s structure, in order to excuse the repeat.”
“Yes.” Vader ruffled his hair. “You are good at this, Luke. This is what you were meant to do. I understand that it is difficult, that there will be conflict… but never doubt that we are doing great work, here.”
Luke nodded.
“My prince,” one of the death troopers said eventually, “should we return you to your quarters?”
Luke took a deep breath. “Yes,” he said. “There is another banquet tonight to attend, more courtiers to woo. I will need to prepare.” He added, “Thank you, Father.”
A big hand cupped his cheek for a moment, then it was gone.
Luke left the detention level feeling even less like a prince than he did going in.
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deluxinn-works · 3 years
[Ever Since Then] Chapter 1-9
【Chapter One: The one who I wanted】
Adelyn successfully escaped from the ski trip.
She softly sat down in the subway and breathed a sigh of relief.
It was sad that she had to miss such a big event, but witnessing the one she wanted laughing with her rival would’ve been even more tragic.
Or so she felt.
Her only lament was knowing the disappointment everyone would have of her since she backed out at the last second.
But there was nothing left she could’ve done at that moment, so she gave up.
The sorrow was her lullaby, and it would’ve led her all the way home.
Martin, however, didn’t let that happen.
Adelyn momentarily opened her eyes and saw him standing there with eyes of melancholy, whilst her eyes filled with agitation.
“Of course the one who I wanted to see the least is the one who shows up. What are you doing here?” she questioned.
“I could ask you the same thing. You looked forward to this trip more than anyone else, so I don’t get it. Why are you on the train back home?” replied Martin.
She looked away with dull eyes.
He stared for a minute then realized an eternity could pass and she still wouldn’t have responded.
So, instead, he took a seat next to her.
“I can’t go back without you. It just won’t feel right.” he said.
“…Are you trying to guilt trip me or something?”
“No, not at all. I just can’t believe the class would have fun without you around. I also don’t believe it’d be right to leave you alone now that I know you clearly wish you didn’t leave.”
“And what makes you so sure?”
“Well… If you took pleasure in ditching us, you would’ve been doing something along the lines of happily snickering or dining at a restaurant, not… Scowling.”
“You haven’t stopped to think that maybe you’re the reason of that scowl?”
“I have, actually. Not for now, though. But for before.”
Adelyn’s eyebrow twitched, and Martin knew he was spot on.
“Aren’t you just the knight in shining armor? Just assuming that people who are alone hate the isolation.” she said in attempt to change the subject.
“There’s nothing wrong with some alone time, but there’s a difference between preferring to have no company and having something preventing you from company. Something like jealousy.”
“It looks like you don’t have to wonder why I hate you anymore because now you’ll know. It’s because you think you know me.”
“Really? I think you hate me because I know you too well.”
“Enlighten me, then. What could I possibly be jealous of?”
“That I was with Winter. The fact that she and I happened to be in the same group bothered you. Before the grouping period, you were just fine.”
Adelyn felt her stomache drop.
She figured that her secret was out.
She felt betrayed.
“Then, why did you ask me why I left if you knew?” she asked.
Martin shyly looked away.
“I just can’t give myself too much credit.” he said.
“To be fair, I thought I hid it well. Giving yourself a little credit wouldn’t hurt.”
“No, I mean… I just can’t believe anyone would actually like me.”
“Like you? What are you talking about, Martin? You know I like-”
Adelyn paused.
Then her face got red with embarassment.
He didn’t know her secret.
But she gave it away.
The two made wide eye contact for a few seconds then slowly turned away.
“Arriving at Dasdun. Dasdun Station.” the transit system said.
As the train doors opened, Martin grabbed Adelyn’s hand and began to run.
“Hey! What the hell are you doing?” yelled Adelyn.
“I was just thinking, you can’t think Winter’s going to wait for you forever. Besides, it’s already November!”  said Martin.
“I can’t tell if you’re talking about the person or the season!”
“Sure you can! Just read the sentence that’s right above your reply! It’s not that hard!”
“You’re an idiot!”
The two headed to the Northbound platform and barely made it onto the train back to the lodge.
“You should be there. I promise Winter will be happier with you around. She was the one that did her best to convince you to come, after all.”
She finally managed to crack a smile to him.
“I guess, in the end, I should be glad you’re a moron.”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Even though we only spoke a few times before today, you seriously thought I liked you. And… Without that, I would’ve kept believing you were some stuck up jerk. You could’ve left me, but you gave me a chance to spend time with her again. But…. You should’ve seen the look your face after you found out!”
“What?! You mean your face that was as red as Hide in the last episode of New York Ghoul!”
“I-I’ll show you red!” she yelled as she pulled on his cheeks.
Ever since then, she knew he was her best friend.
【Chapter Two: Falling for you】
“Huh, Adelyn? Where’s Martin?” asked Estelle, not aware of Adelyn’s hour long absence.
“He was insistent in joining the group I was in. Must’ve really wanted to ski with Jaime or something.” she replied.
Of course, this was planned by Martin and herself a few minutes before their arrival. It took him a while, but Martin had finally convinced Adelyn a second time to be brave when it came to Winter.
“Oh I see… So he wants to ditch us for the beginner’s group, huh?” smiled Winter.
“Beginner..?” asked Adelyn.
“Yeah. Don’t you remember? We were split into three groups: Intermediate, Casual, and Beginner. This group being intermediate.” said Estelle.
“Dammit! That lil sackbag used me!” Adelyn thought.
Martin sneezed. After he regained his composure, he graced his eyes upon the bunny hill.
“It still looks pretty damn scary for a beginner’s course.” shivered Jaime.
“Don’t worry man. The trick to not falling is to never stand up in the first place.” said Martin.
“You mean like squatting your ass down on the skis?”
“Uhh, that’s missing out on the experience. What’s the point of that?”
“To not wipe out like the dinosaurs.”
Winter and Adelyn stood atop of the intermediate mountain.
“I’m probably not ready for this, Winter. I mean, this is the first time I’ve ever worn skis.”
“I know, Adelyn. Don’t worry. It may look kind of intimidating, but it’s actually the same as the bunny hill. The only difference is that there’s trees and multiple paths downward”
“You mean multiple ways our bones can break while falling down.”
Winter gave a warm laugh.
“That can happen, yes. Even for me. But if it’s falling for you I doubt I’d mind since with every moment of pain there’s a moment of experience to learn from.”
Adelyn’s face beamed and, without her noticing, subconsciously took a step forward and began the downhill journey.
“Oh, shit! Winter! What’s the ‘I wanna freaking stop going downhill’ maneuver?!” yelled Adelyn.
“No! You don’t want to stop too abruptly! Try slowing down first!” Winter shouted back.
“Okay, what’s the slow down maneuver?!”
Winter took a deep breath.
“Hold on!”
She sped down the hill to catch up with Adelyn, and she did it with much grace and such speed.
When the two finally met, they grabbed each other’s hands and they started to slow down.
“Not bad for your first time, Adelyn.” said Winter.
“You too, er, I mean…”
The two shared a gaze for a moment.
After a few seconds, a squat skiing Martin crashed into Winter, causing her to flip twice in the air then roll down the hill.
“What’re you doing?!” screamed Adelyn.
“Losing control! I never thought skiing like this would be so difficult! I also never thought the bunny hill was connected to the intermediate one! Like that just makes no-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Martin crashed into a tree.
In the distance, Adelyn saw Jaime also making his way from the bunny hill to the mountain.
“Ahhhh, Adelyn!” he cried.
He tried to grab onto Adelyn to stop himself from falling, but she dodged, causing him to trip. As a result, though, she slipped on his back and began sliding down the hill while dragging him on her ski.
“Oh God! This hurts a lot more than you think it does, yo!” yelled Jaime.
“You shouldn’t have tried to grab me! What would’ve that done, huh? This would’ve happened anyway, with my head on the snow and all!” replied Adelyn.
The two of them kept tumbling until eventually they flew up a few feet into the air.  
It was then that Estelle showed up and opened up her arms.
“It’s alright! I’ll catch the both of you and then we’ll-”
And before she finished her sentence, they crashed into her and the three shot down straight to the bottom.
【Chapter Three: After you win】
“I’m really sorry. I thought I’d be able to catch the both of you… I have been working on my upper body strength after all.” said Estelle.
“I think you’d require a lot more than that to catch a falling boulder, but…” replied Adelyn.
“Look at all of you so beat up and stuff. As for me? I haven’t got a scratch on me. Oh, a splinter.” Martin said as he pulled out one of the fifty pieces of wood in his forehead.
“I think most of this happened because of you, but…” Adelyn once again replied.
“Yeah, I wish I were more like you, Martin. I’m still working on my balancing. I mean I can’t even do it when it comes to chemical equations either.” sighed Jaime.
“I think those two things are completely different, BUT…!”
“Hey, we can’t be too hard on ourselves. On the bright side, Martin taught me that back flips are a lot less painful that I thought they’d be. Rolling down a hill on the other hand… Well, anyway! With every moment of pain there’s a moment of experience to learn from!” Winter said.
“Then he’s gonna get a full lecture today!” angrily said Adelyn as she pulled Martin from the splinter in his head.
His eyes teared up from the pain of getting dragged from the piece of wood. After the two of them were alone, Adelyn harshly pushed him to the side then began to scold him.
“I thought you were good at skiing! What’s the big idea?!”
“I am good at skiing! But squat skiing’s a new thing for me, so can’t expect a guy to master something that difficult so quickly. Like shuffling, you’re either really bad at it or really good at it, there’s like no in between.”
“Remember when I said I was glad you’re a moron? I think I take that back.”
“Good, because now you’ll be glad to see my genius side.”
“….I’m not sure I follow.”
“That’s also good, because you’re not gonna follow, you’re gonna lead. You see Winter all cold and stuff over there? Now’s a great time to grab her some hot chocolate. I think she’d really appreciate it. Oh and everyone else unless you wanna be all suspicious, which you already are, by the way, since we’re talking right in front of the bathrooms.”
“You trying to get a free hot chocolate off of me?”
“Ye- no.”
“You’re like Aizen or something. I bet me transferring to this school was your idea too. Ugh, I could’ve still been having skiing lessons with her if it weren’t for you.”
“A lesson on death mountain? Iiiii think you already learned that one. Look, I’m sorry about losing control on my squat ski crusade. I didn’t mean to interrupt the both of you, but with one closed door, another one opens.”
“In haunted houses, maybe.”
“And ski lodges. Look around you. It’s warm and cozy, and hey there’s even a fireplace. Wait no, that’s just a flat screen with a heater beside it. Anyways, I think it’s better to have more of a intimate environment when it comes to doing confessions.”
“Confession?! I don’t want to do that yet! I… I just want to get closer to her, that’s all.”
“You could get closer to her after the fact.”
“Why? I mean, it’s not like I have to rush into things.”
“Adelyn, how long has passed since you met her and she still doesn’t know? You could tell yourself you’ll do it someday, but that’s a fancy way of saying you’ll do it never. If you take the time we have while we’re young for granted, you might regret it. I won’t have any time rewinding powers either, so you gotta decide for sure whether or not you want to go another day keeping her oblivious.”
“I guess. But what will I do when I get rejected?”
“You don’t have to be scared of not having hundreds of chapters to delay an inevitable confession. This isn’t Hina Love or koiNise! Readers love when all the filler’s cut out, trust me. You won’t get rejected.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I’d date you. She can’t say she wouldn’t date you.”
“Yeah, you’d date me if I were into dicks.”
Martin couldn’t tell if she was talking about genitalia or the type of person. Or both.
After pondering for a moment, he continued the conversation.
“Anyway, you can practice on me. Come on, pretend I’m Winter.”
“Psh. You’re barely Autumn.”
“I-is that a compliment?”
“No it’s not a goddamn compliment!”
“I was mimicking Winter just then because I thought the ‘what if’ scenario already started. Was that seriously what you would’ve said to her?”
“I am so done.”
“Wait! You didn’t tell pretend Winter you like her yet!”
“I’m not gonna tell Winter I like her!”
As Adelyn’s sentence left her mouth, Winter walked into the hallway that led to the bathrooms.
Martin and Adelyn shared shocked expressions and huddled together.
“Quick, help me think of something to play it off!”
“Don’t play it off! Now’s your chance to be honest and just let it out in the open! You can talk to me again after you win! Not many stories continue after the main couple get together, so maybe you can make this one an exception!”
“W-wait, I can’t!”
Winter noticed the both of them and decided to let them know she was there.
“So this is where the both of you were hanging out. Come on, we ordered hot chocolate already. It’ll get cold if you don’t hurry back.” she said lovingly.
“Oh shit. The hot chocolate plan failed like me in math class.” thought Martin.
“Yeah, no kidding! What are we going to do now, order bagels?!” thought Adelyn.
“Wait, I’m thinking this in my head right now! How’d you reply to me, Adelyn?”
“I took your advice and read the text above my sentences!”
“If it’s bagels you want, we ordered those too.” said Winter out loud.
“So she could read our minds toooooooo?!!!” they thought in unison.
Adelyn took a deep breath and began to speak.
“A-about that sentence I said earlier that you heard…”
“Sentence I heard?”
“…I! I meant it! I’ve been in lo- li- lo- like with you since a few days after we met!”
Adelyn was completely flustered. She wanted to turn to Martin so that he’d give a thumbs up of encouragement, but he was gone.
【Chapter Four: The coolest person 】
“That asshole ditched me!” thought Adelyn.
Winter had a calm expression but her face was as red as Rudolph. Rudolph himself, not just his nose.
“Wow…. I don’t know what to say! I mean, I always thought you were the coolest person who ever spoke to me. So, hearing you say this makes me really happy!” said Winter.
“Coolest person? Me? Noo no! W-wouldn’t that be you?”
“Ohh, I got you! Is that a joke about my name?”
“No, but it is a joke about how you tumbled down the mountain.”
Adelyn stuck her tongue out then turned away. It was the first time she felt truly comfortable with casually speaking with Winter.
“Let’s go out!” Winter said with a smile.
“Wait, what’d you say?”
“I said we should go out with each other!”
“You’re not going to reject me and say you want to know me better first? B-but the first time we like spoke spoke was when you convinced me to go on this trip.”
“No… To be honest, the only reason I haven’t developed feelings for you yet is because I didn’t expect someone as cool as you to like me. But now that I do, I don’t want to let go of that, you know? And I’d be happy to get to know you more, so let’s go out with each other!”
Adelyn tried to keep eye contact with Winter but was too flustered.
“I’d be happy to.” she managed to reply.
The two began to walk back to the lodge cafe to rejoin the others.
“So, about us… Do you think we should tell everyone or should we just-”
Before Adelyn could finish, Winter saw their friends and said:
“Hey guys! Adelyn and I are dating!”
Adelyn made an almost inaudible squeal.
Winter looked over and saw that Adelyn was caught off guard with the announcement.
“Sorry! I was excited and I wanted to let them know. I could say I was just kidding if you-”
Before Winter could finish her sentence, Adelyn held Winter’s wrist and shook her head.
“It’s okay, Winter. I want to tell them too. I just didn’t expect you to do it like that.” she said while smiling.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make it look like I’m showing us off. Alright, let’s go tell them together!” Winter replied happily.
The two sat down with their friends and let them know of their new status together.
Everyone was excited for them and they held a toast to celebrate. After a good thirty minutes, they returned to the ski lifts and spent time together till it was time to head home.
Jaime and Winter lived near each other, so they took the same bus home. Estelle got picked up earlier at the lodge by her mom. So, that left Martin and Adelyn.
“Why did you ditch me at the most crucial moment, you jerk?” asked Adelyn.
“I didn’t need to be there. It was your special moment, right? You’re dating her, not ‘us’ dating her.” Martin replied.
Adelyn raised her eyebrow then changed the subject.
“Speaking of… How did you know she’d say yes? Are you from the future? You did mention something about rewinding time.”
“If I were from the future, don’t you think I’d change the part where I crashed into a tree?”
“I thought you didn’t have a scratch on you.”
“Yeah, I didn’t have A scratch on me, I had like a million.”
“Hm… Okay, then you’re not my imagination either, right? You seem to be too supportive to me and I didn’t even notice when you left.”
“Imagination? This isn’t Might Club. And I’d be worried if your attention was on me during your own confession.”
“Curious. But I still don’t believe you. Tell me something I don’t know.”
“What? Okay… Uh, a cat’s penis is like a hook.”
“That’s disgusting. Why would you say that? But yeah, I already knew that. Tell me something else.”
“Um… There’s a place called Eromanga located in Australia.”
“Woah, really? That’s actually kinda funny! I didn’t know that one, I guess that means you’re real.”
“Of course I’m real! How else was Winter gonna back flip like that?”
“Practice makes perfect.”
“Mm, yeah that was a pretty perfect moment, I can’t argue with that.”
The two paused then shared a laugh as their train drew closer and closer.
【Chapter Five: Self defense】
“Hey, we should take some self defense classes.” Adelyn suggested to Martin.
“Sounds like fun. Which styles were you thinking?” he replied.
“Hm. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Jujutsu…”
“Everyone learns those. We should try something unexpected… like Drunken Fist.”
“You mean try sitting your ass in jail.”
“No, I’m serious. I mean there’s gotta be countless assholes who recognize the usual styles so they’d know how to counter us. We gotta be the hipsters of combat in order to survive.”
“Okay… Why don’t you suggest something other than the Drunken Fist?”
“If you say so. Hmm, I know, what about Muay Thai?”
“We’re learning self defense, not how to kill someone.”
“Muay Thai wasn’t designed to kill! Nothing is.”
“Then explain guns, dude.”
“Guns could just be a device that emits a loud noise to warn people that they’re about to get shot by a gun.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure that’s the best example to help your case.”
“Trust me, the best defense is a good offense. Not a great offense though, that’d be too offensive.”
“Okay, fine. We’ll look for a place that teaches Muay Thai.”
“And if we don’t find one, we could always use ThouTube.”
Adelyn narrowed her eyes and glared at Martin.
“You better show up to every class.” she said.
“I will. Unless I have homework- Oh, who am I kidding? I never do school work anyways.” he replied.
Adelyn sighed in response.
“Hey, don’t worry. This whole thing was my idea, I wouldn’t ditch it after all this.”
“You mean our idea. The killing stance was your idea, and self defense was mine, so our idea.”
“Alright. Our idea.” Martin happily agreed.
Thus marked the first activity they have committed to together.
【Chapter Six: Our bar date that’s probably not a disaster】
“So… We’ve been on a couple dates now, right?”
Adelyn took a couple sips of her mojito before she nodded and replied with a “Mhmm.”
“Well, not that I’m counting but it’s been about 2 years, 7 months, and 10 days since our last appearance together so I was wondering… Is why you brought us to a Barcade? To change it up for the reader’s lost time?” asked Winter.
The glass in Adelyn’s hands that was once a steady fellow became more akin to a person at a club, judging from the way it was shaking.
“No! W-Who would care about those two people anyways? Because I do, a lot and I appreciate them but I’ve just been busy with learning Muay Thai that I’ve wanted to become a bit more spicy. You know, pick you up in this bar because I can’t do it physically.”  
Winter stopped her laughter so fast that it sounded like a sneeze.
Though that and Adelyn’s words to made it impossible to suppress the rest of it and let out bursts one after the other.  
“You’re too adorable. You picked me up once already Adelyn. I think you can do it again.” she said while moving closer to Adelyn’s side.
Oh God. I might’ve confessed to her first but I swear I’m not a top. I’m not a top. I’m not a top! thought Adelyn.
“Oh yeah! Totally! All me…!”
Adelyn said that in a convincing voice by the way.
Winter put her hand on Adelyn’s shoulder then slowly slid it down to her hand, interlocking their fingers in the process.
“Let’s see what kind of spicy things we can do here then, shall we?”
I don’t need to be a top.
The two noticed some sort of special event happening at one of the motion sensing game cabinets.
“Come beat me and my partner at TekkSoulStreetVirtuaMortalFighter to get five rounds of shots on the house!”
It was one of the managers with his buddies. Apparently they’ve been beating customers left and right with their incredible skills of getting motion detected.
However, Winter knew she and her girlfriend also have skills of motion. Spicy skills of motion, one might say.
“Alright! We’re gonna kick the ass of the manager and get shot up because of it!” said Adelyn.
Wow that sounds really bad without context she thought.
“Oh yeah?! Just try it! My brother’s aunt’s sister’s nephew’s roommate’s online friend’s cat’s dad’s owner’s made this game and I’m not about to let some awesome paying customer take that away from me!”
“Defeating you won’t take away that fact dude but we will beat you anyway!” challenged Winter.
The four players took their stand at the cabinets and were ready to pick some brass.
A referee began to speak.
“Now the rules are simple. Each character looks different but is exactly the same. They have the same movesets, same specials, hitboxes, et cetera. It’s poetic, really. Just like in this game, we all look different on the outside but are the same in the inside. Amen.”
“Yo why’s a priest the ref?” asked a viewer.
“I don’t know.” said Chris Evans.
The players had a few seconds to check the controls, so Adelyn did what any first timer would do. She flipped the bird. It buffed her character with something called BDE.
“Oh hey, check that out! It’s really radiating with the veiny aura and stuff!” she said.
“Very sexy hot and/or mild! Now let’s flank em!” yelled Winter.
But unbeknownst to them, the manager and his buddy already got the drop on them!
The two made punching motions at their screen which one could probably imagine what happened in the game… It made them kick Adelyn and Winter’s avatars over and over!
“Shit! They did the move where our HP bars go down a little bit!”
“Don’t worry, I have a plan!”
Winter copied the middle finger gesture with both her hands, giving the two of them massive buffs of BDE.
“Wow! She’s going even further beyond?!” asked a hyped customer.
The buff was making their HP heal faster than they were getting damage… No… It made their HP bar grow even bigger than the screen!
“Christ! I didn’t even know that was a feature! But it won’t be enough!” said the manager.
The combo stun locked Winter, making the extra health pointless.
Dammit. Is there nothing I could do…? Wait…
Adelyn noticed something about the base combo.
“Winter! Try moving after the third hit!”
Winter took the first two kicks of the combo then was able to dodge the third, just like Adelyn advised!
“What the funk?!” yelled the manager’s friend.
“I know the secret of the combo. You’re done!”
Adelyn did a quick kick then stopped. After a half second, she did another one. And another one. The ultimate technique has been discovered: The first hit is a stun! Using only the first attack without triggering a combo allowed the 『True Stun Lock』 to be used!
Winter joined in, making it impossible for their opponents to move, even in real life!
“And the winner is Adelyn and Winter!” announced the priest.
The crowd chanted their names and ordered more shots of their own to celebrate the hype.
“Wow, that was quite the game. I learn new things everyday. Hey, I’d love for you guys to be regulars here. It’s been a while since we’ve got crowds this excited.” said the manager.
Winter looked at Adelyn and smiled. She nodded back.
“Sure. I think we had a lot of fun too.” said Winter.
The rounds of shots just arrived at the bar.
“And I think it’s about to get a lot more interesting.” Adelyn smirked.
【Chapter Seven: Leg muscles】
Adelyn noticed Estelle heavily panting as she struggled to make her way down the hall.
“Woah. You’re looking… Energetic.” Adelyn said.
“Adelyn! Help me!” said Estelle as she fell face down.
“The nurse’s office is right there. You can make it. I believe in you.”
Estelle instantly got up and put her hands on Adelyn’s shoulders.
“Do you remember what you said at the ski trip? I took it to heart!”
“Umm.. What’d I say again?”
“That it’d take a lot more than upper body strength to catch a boulder.”
“…But now I know! It was leg muscles that I lacked! So I leg pressed 500 pounds for like 40 minutes just now!”
“Now that’s hefty.”
“It sucks now since I could barely crawl. It’s like the opening to Metal Gear Solid V!”
“Yeah, maybe. Though unlike that game, you’re looking like a finished project so let’s get you to that office, ‘kay?”
Adelyn looked around for a second then squatted down reluctantly.
“Come on. We’re doing the anime thing where I carry you to to the infirmary then we have some deep talk.” said Adelyn.
Estelle’s eyes lit up as she hopped on her back.
The two made their way into the office and Estelle was dropped gently on one of the beds. Not even a second after, Adelyn made her way towards the door.
“Marianas Trench.” said Estelle.
“You said we were gonna have deep talk so I said Marianas Trench.”
Adelyn turned around to hide her smile.
“Not that kind of deep. Though yeah some of their songs get sorta deep.”
Estelle was different though. She couldn’t hide her joy from Adelyn.
She was glad that they got a chance to talk a little more.
“I’ll catch you next time for sure, Adelyn.”
Adelyn nodded and waved as she exited the room.
“I’m counting on it.”
【Chapter Eight: Two years】
“Yo dude. Am I really the right one for Winter?” asked Adelyn.
“We had a two year gap in chapters and you’re only wondering this now?” Martin asked in reply.
“I mean… Yeah. She’s everything I’m not. She’s beautiful, athletic, outgoing…”
“Sounds just like you to me.”
“What? Knowing like some Muay Thai doesn’t count as athletic. Also I don’t really like talking to people if I could help it… And… Did you just call me beautiful?”
“Course I did friend. A Martial Art’s an art and you practice it ergo you are beautiful.”
“Oh. I thought you meant like physically or something.”
“Yeah I meant that too. That’s why I’m not really seeing your point here.”
“The point is I’m just not as composed as she is. I don’t think that I have anything figured out.”
“And you think that she does?”
“Of course I do. Haven’t you seen her?”
“A couple of times I think. Yeah.”
“I don’t know… It just seems that nothing phases her. Everything we do, she’s just so knowledgeable and good at it. I just seem to screw up at everything I do. Even the simple things. Like… Did you know I didn’t even know how to tie a knot till like a couple years ago?”
“I did not know that. But everyone experiences shit at different times anyway. Look at me, I haven’t still haven’t done the fuck word with anyone but that’s just cuz It’s Not The Right Time by Daichi Miura.”
“Well that’s almost the song title.”
“It’s been like a two year hiatus. You don’t think Winter would’ve moved on by now if that’s how she felt? She chose to commit to you. Even if other people are into her, even if she found herself attracted to someone else, she’ll say fuck all that and choose you. You might have to stop and think that maybe she’s just as flustered when it comes to you sometimes.”
It took a second, but Martin’s words really stuck with Adelyn.
He does have a point. Then instead of wondering why she chose me in spite of my flaws, I will focus on what she does like until it drowns out all my doubts. I’ll give to her as much as she gives me and more. Much much more. This I do swear to both myself and Winter.
“Yeah. You’re right. Even if our story isn’t written for two or three or ten more years, I’ll always be Winter’s. I’ll always… Always commit to her!”
Adelyn made her way to the gym where Winter’s volleyball club activities were held. When she got to the doors, she kicked it open and slid in.
“Winter! You go! Be better than Shoyo Hinata!”
Winter noticed her girlfriend cheering from the side and smiled.
“Sorry! What was that last part? I don’t understand French!”
Ah well we can’t all be anime. Yes.
Adelyn waltzed up to Winter after her match, with a nice red Gatorade to quench her thirst.
“Hello Mon Winter, how was your game?” asked Adelyn.
“It was great! Really inspiring to see the talent we got out here… Even better to see you around. I thought you didn’t like going here.”
“Well… Maybe going anywhere you are is a place I’d like to be. From now on. I mean only if it’s chill.”
Winter was a bit surprised and flattered. You see, deep down, Winter did have the similar doubts about herself. She would often go to Martin for advice just like Adelyn did. Everyday she would ask him if perhaps they were too different for each other. Maybe Adelyn wasn’t attracted to someone whose interests were of going out often or speaking to people on the regular. Perhaps she’d find it exhausting. And yet there Adelyn was, willing to and even voluntarily spending time with Winter in an environment she would probably avoid regularly.
“The things I find myself avoiding aren’t because I don’t like them. It’s because I was scared. Scared of… Being too pathetic or being too boring. Being nothing really. But you helped reach out. I probably won’t be able to be good at everything right away so… If you’re okay with walking me through a couple things, I’m here.” continued Adelyn.
“Yeah. Always.” said Winter.
Winter took a sip from her bottle then set it down. She glanced at Adelyn as she pat the empty space beside her on the bench.
The two found that they were both scanning each other. From their legs, chest, shoulders… Then to their eyes.
Winter looked to the side then back to Adelyn’s eyes nervously.
“It’s just that I’m a bit sweaty, so…” she said softly.
What? Wait… Is this…? Could it be that this is our chance?
After our dates and confession.
After all the doubts and promises.
After our broken bones from a ski trip. And after winning free shots…
Will we finally…?
Adelyn’s shaking hands found their way to Winter’s wrist.
She carefully slid it up to her shoulder to her neck, and finally to her cheek.
“I like you, Winter. I really like you. I’ll always…”
Before she finished her sentence, Adelyn leaned in.
The tips of their noses touched and the both of them let out a small laugh.
Adelyn then chomped Winter’s lower lips then they began making out for an undisclosed amount of time.
It was rad.
【Chapter Nine: The narrative perspective】
The reason I’m having this monologue today is to show that I, Jaime, can also have a chapter dedicated to myself. I’m here to show Winter, Adelyn, and Martin that they can’t have all the screen time to themselves! Uh, sorry… Is screen time the right thing to say? I’m not really sure. I suppose technically yes because this  sure wouldn’t be shown on actual paper unless someone printed this or if we got some sort of publishing deal.
But I digress. While everyone else has been ranking up their Social Links and Confidant levels, I have been doing the important duty of studying academics. Yes. Unlike the rest of them, I actually pay attention in class!
I mean my grades aren’t very good at the moment but it’s still my passion. When you learn about the world and its functions, you’ve already attained the most basic foundations to becoming a great help to the rest of the planet!
And learning about curing all kinds of diseases is especially important to me, because you never know who’d need that kind of help.
“Why are you trying to change the writing style to first person, Jaime?” interrupted someone at the lecture hall entrance.
It was Estelle. She took a running start then jumped from her end to Jaime’s desk, skidding on the edges while avoiding everyone’s school supplies except for Jaime’s. His notebook was the only thing that flew off and burst into flames upon her stopping momentum.
“What the feudal are you doing?!” he asked.
“Oooh, yikes. You might need to grab a new one.” she answered, well sort of.
After the room calmed down a little bit, she took a seat on the desk.
The professor was mad yet impressed with her athleticism so they simply ignored her and continued with their lecture of the selfish gene.
“Nice. They’re still going. Come on, you can borrow my tablet.” Estelle continued.
After she handed it to a slightly fuming Jaime, she took out a small sketchbook of her own.
The hell does she have that for? This isn’t an art class…
Estelle crossed her legs and began to sketch. Every so often, she would pause to stare at the professor. After they were done with a point, she continued to work on her picture.
“And that’s all for today! Be sure to blah blah deadline blah blah homework and blah blah exam!”
Most of the students were surprised that the prof actually said blah blah but continued on with their life.
After the class was mostly empty, Jaime went to pick up his banged up notebook. It was mostly okay in that it resembled old and burnt notebooks from a world war, so he was only mildly upset.
“I’ll email you the notes you took- Oh it’s just an angry emote.” said Estelle as she took back her tablet.
“I didn’t take any. It seemed kind of like a philosophy class this session anyway. So… Why’d you come here again? Did changing up the narrative perspective make you hate me that much?” asked Jaime.
She held up her sketchbook to show him what she was drawing.
In the picture was an elephant. It lifted a capybara with its trunk to put it on its back. On the elephant’s back was a bunch of fruit and there were plenty of other animals surrounding them in what seemed to be an oasis. There were so many trees. The lake was enormous.
“I just wanted you to know you’re not the only one. It might be a little different from what you’re used to but yeah, it is what it is. It doesn’t matter who’s there to see us, as long as we see ourselves.” Estelle continued.
Jaime realized her picture really matched up with the lesson. Estelle wasn’t trying to interrupt the lecture. She was there to be by his side… To show him that even if he thought he wasn’t in anyone’s spotlight, he’ll always shine somewhere else.
This narration doesn’t need to be in first person. Because it would be too selfish. The only writing style out there needed is the one that has Estelle, Winter, Adelyn, and Martin too.
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