#planetary shield generator
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swtechspecs · 3 months ago
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CoMar Combat Systems SLD-26 Planetary Shield Generator
Source: The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology (Del Rey, 1997)
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xystonantzintla · 1 year ago
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siege dreadnoughts,,,,,..
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ad-caelestia · 5 months ago
grimoire organization ideas 🔮
what is a grimoire?
a grimoire can be defined as a book of magical spells and invocations; sometimes used interchangeably with "book of shadows" but you can call it whatever you want.
what should i write my grimoire in / on?
a grimoire can be handwritten or typed, there is no wrong way to construct your grimoire. (for example, my grimoire is typed in a one note document but also stretched across many, many different notebooks and composition books)
what can i put in my grimoire?
about the author
favorites: color, magical tools, herbs, crystals
tarot birth card, astrology birth chart, personal beliefs, relationship with deities or other spiritual beings
protection, cleansing, & banishing using various energies: shields & wards, circle casting / take down, protective amulets
enchanting items 
clockwise vs. counterclockwise 
other how-to’s, such as anointing items and dressing a candle
general correspondences
days of the week, lunar phases, colors, incense, essential oils, elements
correspondences based on intent 
protection, healing, cleansing, banishing, luck, wealth, love, emotions, mental clarity, psychic awareness, cursing, etc.
altar ideas
crystal grid designs, crystal correspondences & folklore, gem water / crystal elixir recipes, crystal care 
herbs, spices, plants, flowers, & trees
correspondences, edible vs. non-edible, botanicals with medicinal value, folklore, gardening 
tarot, runes, pendulum, scrying, etc.
birth chart + traits, planetary correspondences, planetary hours, zodiac correspondences, moon / star / sun water
sigils & symbols
how to create, personal sigils, other symbols & talismans 
psychic abilities 
identification of personal abilities (clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairambience, etc.)
meditation techniques to strengthen abilities 
personal experiences
important dates
sabbats, wheel of the year, magical anniversaries, astronomical & astrological phenomena (meteor showers, planetary alignments, etc.)
potions (potions are edible and consumable liquids!!!)
beauty products: salt scrubs, sugar scrubs, lotions, lip balm
natural remedies: salves, ointments, balms, poultices 
cleaning products: floor washes, window cleaner, wood cleaner, etc.
witchy crafts
glitter jars, witch ladders, wand-making, crystal jewelry, etc. 
spells & enchantments
sachets, spell jars / bottles, knot magic, candle spells, powder spells, curses, protective magic, etc.
magical goals
good luck! ✨
© 2025 ad-caelestia
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probablyasocialecologist · 3 months ago
The likelihood that other technologically sophisticated societies exist is smaller than previously thought, because basic amenities we take for granted on Earth—continents, oceans, and plate tectonics—are cosmically rare.
Most geologists will agree with Stern’s and Gerya’s argument that plate tectonics should be included as a criterion for long-term planetary habitability. Earth’s tectonic system allows the planet’s atmosphere and hydrosphere to remain in communication with its interior, in a remarkable, self-perpetuating cycle. Subducted ocean crust—seafloor that slips down into Earth’s interior—carries water back into the mantle, and at shallow depths, this water lowers the melting temperature of mantle rock, giving rise to unusual magmas that create the continental crust—what we surface dwellers live on—which is rich in rare elements, like phosphorus, that are critical to life.  At greater depths, subducted water acts to decrease the viscosity of the mantle, allowing it to churn, or convect, more vigorously—which in turn drives plate motion. When the Earth’s mantle exports heat via convection, it encourages the liquid iron outer core to convect as well, and this generates Earth’s protective magnetic field, which shields the surface environment from harmful cosmic radiation. Without plate tectonics, continents would quickly be eroded to sea level. But tectonic collisions continuously rejuvenate Earth’s topography, providing rivers with more energy to transport nutrient-rich sediments to shallow marine environments. In other words, plate tectonics is entangled with all the phenomena that support life on Earth.
17 July 2024
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carionto · 1 year ago
"OMG, that's so cool! We want one."
The United Federation have unveiled a monstrosity.
On the border before the Neutral Zone, a barren planet now has a new moon. Upon closer inspection, it was indeed a moon, but also not. When it turned, we saw an abomination of a surface. Innumerable laser batteries, shield generators embedded within the core of the planetoid, endless rows of mass printers, underground hangars, and a constant supply of fresh pilots and crew from their subservient races.
The Galactic Coalition are not at war with them, currently, but this kind of provocation cannot go unanswered! We debated long into several cycles before the Human delegates joined us. They took one look at the images of the Federation Battle Moon and exclaimed all at once:
"Holy shit!" "That's awesome!" "It looks like a giant face!" "With GUNS!" "Fuckin' rad." "I want one!" "Yeah, same." "Can we build that?" "I dunno, probably?" "Quick, get the engineers!" "Right on!"
"Sorry, but we gotta show this to everyone, we'll be right back."
In a flurry of motion and excitement, the Humans left to contact the rest of Humanity. Their comments in the blur of the moment gradually filter through to us and we begin to worry. This Battle Moon is the largest structure anyone has ever built! Well, that is until the Humans finish their Planetary Warp Gate and Dyson Sphere...
Okay, the largest military structure. We suspect that will soon change though.
---[Aboard the Department of Strategy (Space Pentagon)]---
"Message from the Coalition delegate team, the Joint Chiefs have to see this."
As the message plays and the Joint Chiefs examine the documents, a variety of expressions hide deep internal thoughts and deliberations. Here they sit, the fifteen people responsible for all of Humanity's decisions and matters of import regarding our expansion and existence on the Galactic stage. Once silence began to reign, Grand Admiral Ekaterina is the first to stand and speak up:
"This is certainly an impressive display on the Federation's part, and further solidifies their stance as a likely aggressor. Given what we know, there is little chance for a diplomatic solution and a long-term peaceful coexistence. Thus, only two questions remain:
Which moon are we gonna use? And what's our Battle Moon gonna look like? I vote giant skull with horns!"
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someinstant · 10 months ago
So I turned my ankle taking out my trash this evening and it's swelling up beautifully-- I did a number on that ankle back in college and it regularly betrays me because of the Dumb Things I did without seeking medical attention when I was twenty-- so I've decided to prop it up on the couch and ice the hell out of it and watch the special features on my ANDOR Blu-Ray.
Here's a short list of Cool Things I've learned:
Diego says that it was important to show Cassian being nice to B2EMO in the first bit of episode one, because you needed to see Cassian show care and kindness for someone-- because he's not a particularly awesome guy at the beginning.
The set designer for the Andor house on Ferix made macrame door curtains out of metal scrap and bolts because they wanted a 1970s feel with an industrial twist. Also, the set designer pronounces "macrame" with the accent on the second syllable, and I've never heard it that way before? British folks, is that standard on your fair isle? Because hereabouts it's MAC-rah-may, or maybe mac-rah-MAY if you're fancy. But it sure as hell isn't mah-CRAHM-eh.
Just so many gorgeous shots of Ferix, man. And all the costumes and details-- it looks SO GOOD, even when it's clearly just a set and not the finished version. The actors all clearly adored working in the physical space.
During the Aldhani arc, the Aldhani rebel cell actors worked extensively together with the director to train, rehearse, and develop chemistry-- and they deliberately didn't bring Diego Luna in until they were ready to shoot for real. So the Aldhani squad had this rapport and inside jokes and relationships, and THEN they dropped Luna in so he would feel properly like an outsider.
And they did the SAME THING on the Narkina 5 arc. All the prisoners rehearsed together well before they brought in Luna, so he wouldn't have the same understanding of the space or tools or way the actors related to each other. Love it. Really smart decision, and it paid off.
The visual reference for what the Eye would look like when you were flying through it was a close-up of a human iris, and actually-- yeah. They did that really, really well.
They made the prison on Narkina 5 the same shape as the planetary shield generator on Scarif, and I have no idea how I didn't notice that before.
Stellan Skarsgard was clearly DELIGHTED by Luthen's big speech in "Nobody's Listening." He talks about how when he read it, he was like, "Absolutely, this is the dilemma, isn't it? How far can you go in the name of change?," followed immediately by, "Now, how in the world do I SAY that?!"
The musicians in "Rix Road" are really playing on set-- they did ADR over top for sound quality but in order to give the actors the right feel, the musicians are really playing and the instruments all are fully functional. The musicians are a mix of studio musicians who are on the final recording and some talented amateurs who also work as background actors, so you get the imperfect, community-band style tuning, which is what they wanted.
And there's a bunch of other cool stuff, but my ankle is throbbing, so I'm going to go take a painkiller and go to bed I think.
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drinkpisser · 8 months ago
posting this here to see what kind of interest it gets, because generally this was just a silly idea I wanted to do on impulse and I dooo have more but i'm gonna feed yall with a prologue/intro first to see how it does or if anyone likes it :p
the general idea for this is basically a backstory for hesitant alien era gerard pretty much 😭 and him meeting lola if I get that far w/ it too!!
anywayyysss thank you so much to anyone who reads and enjoy!! <33
Noise from the TV buzzes commercially, as per usual. The transatlantic voice rings through listeners' ears like an old fashioned telephone, desperate for attention. Once you're tuned in from the jingle, it's almost obligatory to stick around- how else will you hear that household name radio song which hates even it's own existence?
"Intergalactic Star Gerard Way, the first human to discover planetary lifeforms, shares a heart to heart insight on his initial connection with aliens! Don't miss it!"
After the interviewers' ramble about new hits and floorfillers finally ends, the voice that was supposed to be heard about ten minutes ago finally has a chance to speak:
"You wouldn't believe it. It was the first night of summer camp thirty years ago where I had my first encounter with the extraterrestrial. They crept up on me without a sound. The rays from the spaceship beamed across the window shielding my sleeping face, leaving behind a faint warmth that woke me up. I walked outside and there it was. A giant fuckin' UFO that called to me, in a way, at least I'd like to think was, telepathically."
"Aaaaand we're outta ti"-
Gerard, after listening again to his interview for faults of some kind, shuts the radio off with a solemn sigh, reminiscing on that evening so long ago. It's his claim to fame, after all. The only thing the press sees him for- a party trick, a magic man, a captivating headline. The guy who discovered aliens and made a music career out of it, kickstarting an entire phenomenon of intergalactic tourism.
However, what seems applaudable today was beyond humane questioning back then- at the beginning. Before he reached stardom, he persevered time after time of disbelief, apathy and questioning of his gift...
Yet, how was it given to him?
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jennelikejennay · 1 year ago
I'm writing another AOS fic (WHY?!) and that means it's time for another
✨ plot hole rant ✨
To me, the part of the first movie that makes the least sense is Pike going over to the Narada. For so many reasons.
1. If Nero wanted a random Starfleet captain in order to get information on Earth's defenses, he wouldn't have shot up every ship that showed up in Vulcan's orbit. He'd have destroyed all but one, and then demanded or just captured the captain of that ship. He didn't know the Enterprise was going to be warping in five minutes later! He would naturally think that was the whole fleet.
2. If he did, Pike would have no reason to agree. First, he wrote his dissertation on this, he knows that's what Robau did and that Robau got killed and it didn't save the Kelvin. Just a general rule of thumb, if your enemy really wants something, don't give it to them. It was the ONE thing they could have denied Nero, and he gives it up.
3. Okay, so let's say it was absolutely necessary to provide cover for Kirk and Sulu's space jump. That still doesn't mean he actually has to give himself up when he gets there. He could have rammed, self destructed, come out shooting, anything else.
4. It's also incredibly stupid to have single factor authentication on your entire planetary defense grid, and then go ahead and store the password inside the head of EVERY captain. Some captains are chumps! They get captured sometimes! This is not a secure place to keep the data which ten billion lives rely on! It would make more sense to require human confirmation at the very least. A dude who can look out the window and go "yeah I see that you look like the Enterprise, as well as having the right 1000-digit transponder codes for today" before taking the shields down.
5. If you DID have a system like that, it would become that more vital not to give up your captain to anyone, for any reason. Captains are taught to resist torture, but nothing's perfect. This is cyanide-pill-in-your-cheek level hot information. For Pike to give himself up, knowing he's got the key to Earth's defenses in his mind, is incredibly irresponsible. Especially given he can SEE this guy is actively drilling holes in a different planet.
6. Also it does really make you wonder what Vulcan's planetary defenses are like. Even if they were dumb enough to have it all running on a single password, Vulcans can resist the mind sifter so I'd bet on them over a Ceti eel or whatever. Plus if there were an encounter like that, that would have given them time to send a subspace message like DON'T WARP OVER HERE WITH YOUR SHIELDS DOWN or something, just a thought. But really I don't think it occurred to the writers that planets other than Earth have defenses, because the movie does not treat Vulcan like a real planet. Vulcans are pacifists who carry a big stick, they'd have defenses.
This has been my rant for the day. I just can't believe the Earth defenses have less robust security than I need to log into zoom. Really, a freaking miracle nobody blew it up before.
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novaursa · 5 months ago
Of Gods and Men
Targaryen Spaceships
main list (where the story is)
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This is Dune/GOT/HOTD/FAB/ASOIAF crossover AU that you've voted for. If you always wanted to see House Targaryen in space, I got you. Please note how some of the lore of both universes is bent to blend in both worlds. This is my original idea that I've been cooking for at least two years. Be gentle with my work, and enjoy the ride.
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Targaryen Technology: The Dragons of the Stars
The Targaryen starships, like the family that commands them, are sleek, powerful, and imbued with an almost mythical presence. Crafted with a combination of ancient Valyrian technology and innovations developed in their centuries-long exile on Albiron, these ships are a testament to the Targaryens' refusal to fade into obscurity. Their dark, smooth exteriors and powerful engines make them some of the most advanced vessels in the unknown reaches of space, unmatched by anything within the known Imperium.
Starship Design
The hulls of Targaryen starships are a deep black, designed to blend seamlessly with the darkness of space. The sleek, elongated bodies of the ships evoke the shape of a dragon in flight, their surfaces polished to an obsidian-like shine. There are no unnecessary angles or protrusions; every inch of the vessel is designed for maximum efficiency and stealth. Their elongated frames make them aerodynamic enough for atmospheric entry, while their retractable extensions function as both solar collectors and atmospheric entry assistants.
Solar Collectors & Atmospheric Entry Assistants: The starships are equipped with large, wing-like extensions on either side of their main hull. These extensions serve dual purposes. In space, they act as solar collectors, absorbing energy from nearby stars to power the ship's secondary systems and boost the efficiency of its primary energy source: drakaon crystals. When the ship enters an atmosphere, these extensions retract into the hull, allowing for a smoother descent through planetary atmospheres without generating excess drag or turbulence. The retraction process is seamless and occurs at the precise moment of atmospheric entry, ensuring the ship retains its agility.
Material Composition: The starships are constructed from a blend of ultra-lightweight alloys derived from the rich mineral deposits found on Albiron, with an outer layer infused with a crystalline composite derived from the drakaon crystals. This crystalline layer not only enhances the ship's structural integrity but also makes the hull nearly impervious to traditional energy-based weapons, allowing the ships to absorb and dissipate energy from laser-based weaponry.
Weapons Systems
The Targaryens have never relied on brute force alone. Their mastery of both dragon-riding and advanced technology gives their ships a distinct advantage in combat. The weapons they wield are as precise as they are devastating, designed to strike with the fiery ferocity their family is known for.
Drakaon-Powered Energy Cannons: The main offensive weaponry of Targaryen starships are their energy cannons, powered by the same drakaon crystals that fuel the ship. These crystals, when harnessed correctly, can be used to generate an immense amount of energy that is channeled into concentrated beams of destruction. The cannons fire pulses of radiant energy that resemble dragon fire—bright, burning streaks of golden-red light that cut through enemy shields and armor with terrifying precision. These weapons are capable of targeting multiple enemies at once, with a tracking system that locks onto hostile ships and unleashes a volley of energy pulses that seem to follow their targets.
Ion Disruptors: In addition to their energy cannons, Targaryen ships are equipped with ion disruptors, which are designed to disable enemy vessels without destroying them outright. These disruptors fire bursts of ionized particles that interfere with the electronics and navigation systems of opposing ships, rendering them defenseless. While not as visually spectacular as the energy cannons, the ion disruptors are highly effective in neutralizing threats, particularly when the Targaryens want to disable and board enemy ships rather than annihilate them.
Plasma Missiles: For long-range combat, the Targaryen ships are equipped with plasma missile launchers. These missiles, encased in a crystalline shell, carry a payload of superheated plasma energy. Upon impact, the crystalline casing shatters, releasing the plasma in a devastating explosion that can melt through most standard ship armor. These missiles are often used to target capital ships or stations, as their explosive power is too great for smaller, faster vessels.
Defensive Capabilities: While the Targaryen starships are primarily offensive in nature, they are also well-equipped with defensive measures. The drakaon crystals embedded in the hull not only provide structural strength but also act as an energy shield. When activated, the crystals emit a protective field around the ship, capable of absorbing incoming energy attacks and dispersing them across the surface of the ship. This makes Targaryen vessels highly resilient to laser and plasma-based weaponry, though they are somewhat more vulnerable to physical projectiles such as missiles or railgun slugs.
Power Source: The Drakaon Crystals
At the heart of every Targaryen starship is the drakaon crystal, the key to the House's technological superiority. These crystals, discovered in the depths of Albiron, revolutionized their space travel capabilities and energy production, allowing them to operate independently of the Imperium's spice-fueled economy.
Energy Output: The drakaon crystals are unique in that they can generate massive amounts of energy when exposed to specific wavelengths of light or when placed under high-pressure conditions. The Targaryens have developed a process to harness this energy in a controlled manner, using it to power everything from their starships' engines to their advanced weaponry systems. The energy output of these crystals is far more efficient than melange-based technologies, and it is entirely self-sustaining, allowing Targaryen vessels to travel vast distances without refueling.
Space Travel: One of the most significant applications of the drakaon crystals is in space travel. The Targaryens have developed a form of faster-than-light (FTL) travel that does not rely on traditional spice-based navigation. Instead, their ships use the energy from the drakaon crystals to create temporary rifts in space-time, allowing them to "jump" across vast distances in the blink of an eye. This technology is far more advanced than the Guild's methods, and it is one of the reasons the Targaryens have remained hidden for so long.
Interior Design and Aesthetics
The interior of Targaryen starships is as striking as their exteriors. The corridors and chambers are illuminated by a soft, amber light that mimics the glow of Albiron's skies. The walls are smooth and seamless, crafted from the same dark, crystalline material as the ship's hull, giving the interiors a sense of both luxury and unyielding strength.
Command Centers: The bridge of each starship is designed for maximum efficiency, with sleek, minimalist control panels that seem to respond to the touch of their operators. Holographic displays project maps of the surrounding space and provide real-time data on ship systems, enemy positions, and tactical options. The seats of the command crew are arranged in a semi-circle around the central control station, where the ship’s captain—often a high-ranking Targaryen or a trusted vassal—oversees all operations.
Dragon Holds: Uniquely, Targaryen starships also contain specially designed dragon holds—massive, reinforced chambers where their bonded dragons can be transported when necessary. These holds are equipped with climate controls that mimic the conditions of Albiron, keeping the dragons calm and comfortable during long voyages. The dragons' presence on the ships not only serves a symbolic purpose but also provides a tactical advantage during planetary assaults.
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magnetarbeam · 6 months ago
Star Wars Technical Worldbuilding Notes 4
The Malevolence's ion web thing is a mystery in terms of what it was actually supposed to do. That ship didn't accomplish anything any other warship its size couldn't. If anything, it's a waste of energy because of how much of the web just travels past a target that's hit.
All I've really been able to come up with for how that weapon might be uniquely useful is against planetary shields. It'd have to be attached to a much bigger ship, but theoretically if you put enough power into that, you could take down the shielding across an entire hemisphere in a single shot. Still a very energy-intensive novelty weapon at best - the standard doctrine of a concentrated barrage to form a local breach and landing ground forces through the breach exists for a reason - but I can see it coming in handy against a layout of ground defenses that planned on an attacking fleet being able to breach the shield at only a few specific points.
Headcanonically, conventionally armed Subjugator-class variants did end up as the main CIS line cruiser for the rest of that war, because it's also just a better design for a warship. I admittedly have yet to do proper volume calcs for either of them, but no matter how many reactors and cannons and military-grade power conduits you can fit in a Lucrehulk, the firing arcs are still abysmal in comparison.
Fortifications on planets can inherently be much higher-powered than ships, because there's much more space for reactors and neutrino radiator banks and shield generators. The limit on the fuel capacity of ships is the mass of hypermatter, which is also of no concern to a planet.
Ecumenopolis worlds would be the hardest to take, and would probably require specialized tactics, because the amount of territory you have to cover is a matter of volume and not just surface area.
Shields should be present on all planets with access to galactic standard technology. Not necessarily shields that can stand up to a turbolaser bombardment, but they need to at least stop asteroids.
The relative prominence of Mon Calamari compared to Kuat in New Republic and then Galactic Alliance warship construction is something I wonder about sometimes.
Kuat, of course, has their giant fucking system ring and stuff, and is historically the dominant starship manufacturer. But I wonder if the political prominence of Mon Calamari due to their contributions from the Rebellion onward might lead to them getting more new contracts.
Come to think of it, I like the thought of whatever corporate entity probably handles the Mon Cal yards having subsidiary facilities specifically on other ocean planets.
Or maybe the Mon Cal yards are just completely nationalized. I can kinda see the Galactic Alliance, at least, wanting at least one major shipyard to be under their direct control, to limit potential interference from corrupt corporate executives. I don't think I've ever heard anything explicitly contradicting that.
Anything you might hear about pre-Endor Mon Cal designs, which are converted civilian stuff, being superior to their purpose-built Imperial warship counterparts is pure bullshit, for, I'd think, obvious reasons.
Realistically, I do think the New Republic would have started to show original purpose-built warship designs earlier than we see, and as I've talked about before, that's the niche that I headcanonically have brought in the Starhawk for (minus the super-tractor-beam thing, because I think it's dumb as shit). I've also thought of moving the introduction of the MC90 design generation a couple years earlier, like maybe 8 ABY, for similar reasons.
I think the Starhawk Mark II only exists in disney canon because of the stats in Armada, but I can maybe extrapolate it in here as a successor that the NR came up for the sake of quickly coming up with something to pay KDY for after they took the planet, to keep the company happy.
U-Wings also exist in my headcanon because I just like them, and a random piece of worldbuilding I've devised about it is that they're technically organized as NR/GA Marine Corps assets.
The way I understand it, the general basis for the NR and GA naval structure - four to nine numbered fleets at any given time, and most major engagements involve at least one of those being committed in full - comes from stuff set up in Black Fleet Crisis, where the new Fifth Fleet is the centerpiece of the plot and stuff. Some of the reference books elaborated on that in earlier periods, laying out some of the movements and positions of the First through Fourth in the first two years or so after Endor - but it's not as widespread as a point of reference in most of the New Republic-era books. I'd be pretty curious to learn what fleet Han's anti-Zsinj task force was drawn from, for example.
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case-of-traxits · 1 year ago
How about Vincent (maybe Tseng too if that last one didn't kill you haha) for the new ask meme :D
For the Opinion Meme || Still accepting!
Whew. Sorry this one took so long. I uh... I went hard. This got so long. It's behind a cut.
Vincent Valentine, Turk Flavor (And then Vincent, post-Chaos) (And then Tseng)
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual, but with a slight preference for women.
Gender Headcanon: Cis male.
A ship I have with said character: Vincent/Veld so much, thanks. I'm a sucker for partnerships in the Turks though, so this cannot possibly surprise anyone.
That said, I also absolutely love Vincent/Lucrecia. I have... so many feels about them.
The ship of my soul would probably be Veld/Vincent/Lucrecia, with Vincent as the hinge there. So good.
A BROTP I have with said character: Vincent/Veld. I mean, you don't really have too many options for back then, but I'm also super fond of several of @ladykf-writes's OCs as broships with him.
Honestly, I just shamelessly steal her OCs constantly. They're all deliciously written and they do so much to flesh out the world in those leaner eras.
A NOTP I have with said character: I have not personally seen anything I would consider a NOTP/squick for me with Turk!Vincent.
A random headcanon: Vincent's mother is a priestess at one of the Temples to Leviathan in Wutai. Grimoire met her while researching planetary flows, and while he drifted to and from Wutai during their relationship, he did eventually marry her. She chose to stay in Wutai though, offering him a home whenever he came back.
Vincent stayed with her for a lot of his childhood, but when he was about 10, Grimoire fetched him to start traveling the world. Vincent's not sure he's ever really forgiven Grimoire for removing him from the place he felt like 'home.'
General Opinion over said character: I love my precious cinnamon roll, okay. He's so wonderful. An absolute idiot sometimes. But wonderful.
BONUS! A song I associate with the character:
The child without a name grew up to be the hand To watch you, to shield you or kill on demand The choice he'd made he could not comprehend His blood a grim secret they had to command He's torn between his honor and the true love of his life He prayed for both but was denied So many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind? So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise? Will all our sins be justified? The curse of his powers tormented his life Obeying the crown was a sinister price His soul was tortured by love and by pain He surely would flee but the oath made him stay
-- Hand of Sorrow, by Within Temptation. (You can thank @ladykf-writes for that one too.)
Vincent Valentine, post-Chaos
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Sexuality Headcanon: I don't know that post-Chaos Vincent really has the emotional energy to actually spend on being attracted to anyone anymore. That said, I think he's probably far more likely to develop a sexual attraction after he's developed a romantic/emotional one, so I'll just stick him in the demisexual box.
Gender Headcanon: Vincent barely sees himself as human anymore, but if pressed, he'd say male still, I think. (Let's be real, he'd say he was a monster first.)
A ship I have with said character: Ohhhh boy. Okay, so...
Vincent/Lucrecia. I do, I still love it. Post-OG, I think Lucrecia is too broken to actually do much, but I still love his pining for her. (And her pining for him too. Mutual pining idiots.)
Vincent/Veld. Some delicious old man yaoi at this point. And Veld has some trauma of his own to contend with, and they've both had horrible things happen to their bodies without their consent and just... It's still so good.
Vincent/Tseng. I can hear the record scratches now, but listen. I always HC Vincent as half-Wutaian, and Tseng as a former Leviathan priest, and I just. I want them to talk post-canon. I want those moments of just exchanging looks and getting it in a way that most people don't.
Vincent/Reeve. I do really like this. It can be a bit squicky, given the age difference (and that my Reeve sees Veld as a father figure), but honestly, they're so good together. Dirge was a delicious snack that I thoroughly enjoyed.
A BROTP I have with said character: Vincent+Tifa and Vincent+Yuffie are absolute favorite broships of mine for Vincent. And Vincent+Reeve.
A NOTP I have with said character: Vincent/Yuffie is really my only hard no.
A random headcanon: Vincent's fixation on Lucrecia isn't just his own love for her, it's how Chaos manifests his interest in someone that he sees as being basically his first follower since the Cetra "died off."
Lucrecia is the first mortal to be as thoroughly fixated on him as she is, and she's spent years now, crystalized in the tainted mako where Chaos is from. She feels like home to him and Vincent both, even if they're not good at quantifying it.
Vincent also really likes Marlene and Denzel both.
General Opinion over said character: I really do like Vincent. I was always a little meh on him in just the OG, but I was sold on him in Dirge. I think I was only meh on him because he was so damn popular originally. I was in my not like other girls phase at the time, after all. XD
BONUS! A song I associate with the character:
And I'd sing a song that'd be just ours But I sang 'em all to another heart And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love But all my tears have been used up On another love, another love All my tears have been used up On another love, another love All my tears have been used up On another love, another love All my tears have been used up, up
-- Another Love, by Tom Odell
Tseng of the Turks
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Sexuality Headcanon: Technically bisexual, but much like Reeve, functionally gay. His is for cultural reasons more than anything though.
(Surprise! Incoming HC)
In Wutai, same sex relations are strongly encouraged up until marriage to prevent out-of-wedlock babies. So for Tseng, as an unmarried man, he would absolutely expect and be expected to sate any urges with another man. Since moving to Midgar, he has managed to wrap his head around the realization that it doesn't necessarily work that way anymore, but he still feels horribly transgressive whenever he sleeps with a woman.
Gender Headcanon: Cis male, but he has absolutely zero give-a-fucks if someone were to misgender him. He's firmly of the opinion that Midgardians wouldn't have any clue what masculinity looks like if it bit them on the ass.
Now, getting misgendered in Wutaian when he isn't actively trying to pass for some reason? That would earn a side-eye, but more because Tseng cannot imagine it happening without it expressly being done as an insult.
A ship I have with said character: I love basically everyone with Tseng, okay. Like. So good.
Tseng/Reeve is so soft and so sweet sometimes, and they're still holding secrets and just... I love it.
Tseng/Rufus is an amazing complicated dynamic, with Tseng being his trainer/teacher and Rufus being the one to actually demand/control the romantic part of their relationship.
Tseng/Sephiroth is full of these meaningful silences (if there was ever a pair who can communicate entirely in unspoken glances, it's these two), and it's so deliciously tragic.
Tseng/Reno is also super complicated (I talk about it in my Reno answers for this meme).
Tseng/Vincent was talked about up there in post-Chaos Vincent section.
Tseng/Tifa is a wonderful favorite of mine too. I just... It's all great.
A BROTP I have with said character: Tseng and Reeve. I cannot not have them be close. If I'm not shipping them, they're absolute best friends.
A NOTP I have with said character: I wouldn't say it's a NOTP exactly, but I am not super fond of Tseng/Elena. It used to be a favorite ship of mine, but the older I get, the less I care for it, so... Yeah.
A random headcanon: Oh man. Okay, so let's just... I'll discount everything I gave you guys in the 50 Random Questions post. Let's see...
Tseng can play the Erhu and the Guzheng well enough to play for the Wutaian Imperial Court. He can also draft letters in Wutaian calligraphy. He loves poetry and likes to pick up Wutaian poetry/short story collections from vendors in Little Wutai.
Speaking of, how about that one? Sector Eight is "The Turk sector" because Tseng moved there as soon as he could get his own housing in Midgar thanks to the high population of Wutaian ex-pats there. He ended up forcibly removing several infantry patrols from Eight pretty early on, all of whom had attempted to menace or attack him without realizing he was a Turk.
After that, he realized that Shinra would still need some kind of influence in the sector, so when Veld put him in charge of assigning schedules, he made sure to add patrols of Sector Eight to the standard Turk duties.
(Hilariously, I've always had Eight as the "Turk Sector," even well before CC established it as canon.)
General Opinion over said character: I love Tseng so much. He's an ass, much like Rufus, but I adore him all the same.
BONUS! A song I associate with the character:
We're going to hell, we're going to hell We're going to hell, we're going to hell my friends So what's that something sinister inside We act so civilized Devils in tuxedos Our sordid hearts are far too hard to hide What's that 'neath the floorboards? Boom boom Boom boom Boom boom We're going to hell, we're going to hell We're going to hell, we're going to hell
-- We're Going to Hell, by Cursive
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sweetiguessso · 1 month ago
Humanity in 100 years
In the year 2124, the world has transformed into a space-faring society, and the military academies have evolved to train the next generation of space cadets. Here's a detailed look at what such an academy might be like:
Academy Overview: The Stellar Command Academy (SCA)
Location: The Stellar Command Academy is located on a space station orbiting Earth, known as the "Orbital Citadel." This station is equipped with advanced gravity simulation technology, allowing cadets to train in environments mimicking various planetary conditions.
Mission: The SCA's primary mission is to prepare cadets for roles in space exploration, defense, and diplomacy. The academy emphasizes not only military tactics but also scientific research, interstellar relations, and advanced technological skills.
Curriculum and Training
Core Courses:
Astro-Navigation: Cadets learn to navigate the vastness of space using advanced star charts and quantum navigation systems.
Exo-Biology: Understanding alien ecosystems and life forms is crucial for missions to distant planets.
Quantum Mechanics and Engineering: Cadets are trained in the latest technologies, including quantum computing and propulsion systems.
Interstellar Diplomacy: Training in negotiation and cultural understanding to manage relations with potential alien civilizations.
Physical Training:
Zero-G Combat: Cadets practice combat techniques in zero-gravity environments, using specialized suits and weapons.
Planetary Survival: Training in survival skills on various planetary terrains, from desert worlds to icy moons.
Spacecraft Piloting: Cadets learn to operate a variety of spacecraft, from small fighters to large exploratory vessels.
Simulations and Missions:
Virtual Reality Scenarios: Cadets undergo intense virtual reality training, simulating everything from space battles to diplomatic encounters with alien species.
Real-World Missions: Advanced cadets participate in real missions, such as asteroid mining operations, rescue missions, and exploratory expeditions to the outer planets.
Technology and Equipment
Suits and Gear:
Adaptive Combat Suits: These suits adjust to different planetary environments and can enhance the wearer's strength and endurance.
Neural Interfaces: Cadets use neural interfaces to control spacecraft and drones, allowing for faster reaction times and more precise control.
Weapons and Defense:
Energy Weapons: Advanced plasma and laser weapons are standard issue, designed for use in various atmospheric conditions.
Shielding Technology: Personal and spacecraft shielding systems protect against hostile environments and enemy attacks.
Fighter Jets and Shuttles: Cadets train with a fleet of high-speed spacecraft capable of atmospheric and space flight.
Warp-capable Vessels: For longer missions, cadets learn to operate ships equipped with experimental warp drives.
Life at the Academy
Dormitories and Living Quarters:
Cadets live in modular dormitories that can be reconfigured to simulate different living conditions, preparing them for life on various space stations and planetary bases.
Advanced life support systems ensure a comfortable living environment, recycling air and water efficiently.
Social and Recreational Activities:
Holodecks: Recreational facilities include holodecks where cadets can participate in virtual sports, cultural events, and relaxation activities.
Interstellar Sports: Cadets compete in sports adapted for zero-gravity environments, such as zero-g soccer and space rugby.
Cultural Integration:
The academy fosters a diverse and inclusive environment, with cadets from various planets and backgrounds. Cultural exchange programs are common, promoting understanding and cooperation among future space leaders.
Graduation and Career Paths
Graduation Ceremony:
The graduation ceremony is held in a grand hall on the Orbital Citadel, with dignitaries from Earth and other planets in attendance.
Cadets receive their commissions and are assigned to various branches of the space military, such as the Space Fleet, the Planetary Defense Force, or the Interstellar Diplomatic Corps.
Career Opportunities:
Space Fleet: Cadets can serve on exploratory missions, defend against potential threats, and conduct scientific research.
Planetary Defense Force: Graduates may be stationed on planets and moons, protecting settlements and conducting security operations.
Interstellar Diplomatic Corps: Cadets with a focus on diplomacy can represent Earth in negotiations with other civilizations, fostering peace and cooperation.
Challenges and Future Prospects
Technological Advancements:
The academy must constantly adapt to new technologies, requiring continuous updates to its curriculum and facilities.
Research and development are ongoing, with cadets often involved in testing and refining new systems.
Interstellar Relations:
As humanity encounters more alien species, the academy plays a crucial role in preparing cadets for the complexities of interstellar politics and potential conflicts.
Environmental and Ethical Considerations:
Cadets are trained to respect and preserve the environments of other planets, adhering to strict ethical guidelines.
Ethical dilemmas, such as the use of advanced AI in warfare and the rights of sentient beings, are part of the curriculum.
In this future, the Stellar Command Academy stands as a beacon of human progress, training the next generation to explore, defend, and connect with the vast universe beyond Earth.
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sonicasura · 2 months ago
MECH was in luck relatively speaking. One of the giant robots had been willing to partner with them without much loyalty for her own kind. Airachnid was truly a woman after his own ideals save for a few hundred pounds of metal.
She had even managed to dig them out a test subject for Project Chimera to be implemented in full. Their (unwilling) subject was a individual neither factions knew about, so there would be no one coming to rescue this one. Silas could still feel the smile on his face as the techies were gathering their tools. Extra restraints had been implemented despite this one’s significant less bulk compared to the last—
“Oh, I was wondering where Smokescreen went! I had feared he hadn’t survived landing on Earth.” A young voice quietly announced just a few feet away from him. Leaning over the catwalk railing was a teenager looking all too out of place. The techies and Silas himself drew their weapons as the teen’s sudden appearance. Appearing too at ease, the teen merely leaned further over the railing. “Truly, I’m glad you all gave me a reason to finally come here!”
The teenager stood up stretching, still ignoring all the weapons pointed at them. Several unsettling popping noises no human should be able to make sounded off. They held themself straighter and opened their now venomously glowing green eyes. “You finally reached a high enough threat level for us to be able to act. Not that you’re threatening anyone major right now… But for their future, I unfortunately have to set an example. Should we meet again?”
“I’ll make sure none of you survive next time.”
The Predacon had bridged back to their base all too enthusiastic while carrying around an unfamiliar Autobot. Starscream narrowed his optics at the display, his wings tense from one of Bygone’s servos being coated in Energon. They set the frankly worryingly young mech onto a medical berth far away from Breakdown.
A rumble of a laugh exited the Predacon. “I’ve been attempting to track down this particular being for months now. Lo and behold, the planetary troublemakers managed to find him first.” The Seeker was unsure if they were talking to themself, the air, or the Vehicons situated around the Medbay. He reluctantly positioned himself so he was shielding Knockout and Breakdown’s general frames.
Not that his gesture stopped the Predacon from stalking over. Knockout himself tensed up fearing their, well, predatory nature had finally reared its ugly head.
Bygone lifted up their Energon stained servo to reveal a rather freshly extracted T-Cog, one made from purple and grey plating. “I remember you mentioning we might have to replace Breakdown’s transformation cog. A donor happened to come up while I was out on an errand…” They began having a very unnerving smile on their alt-mode’s snout. “An insecticon queen’s T-Cog should function as a decent replacement. Right, Knockout?”
The medic stared at the “donated” t-cog bewildered. “It can. Is she—?”
“Unfortunately, Airachnid lived to tell the tale though I hardly expect her to ever share it.” Bygone clarified, only making the two (former) Decepticons have more questions.
—ROB’d Anon.
Dart does not like the idea of killing outside genuine cases of self defense. They are willing to give enemies a chance to never bother them again. Airachnid and MECH nearly made them break that particular ideal of theirs. Still, like how they stopped Starscream from killing Cliffjumper. They can’t preemptively attack someone for a crime they didn’t commit.
Looks like MECH and Airachnid got the monster scorpion treatment, lol. Hopefully Smokescreen wasn't conscious enough to see any of THAT. The Autobots would be confused and a bit worried if so.
Especially should he see a scorpion because Smokes will freak the fuck out. Nobody was gonna ask Bygone how they got Airachnid's T-Cog.
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swadloom · 10 months ago
thinking about the aurum again god help me
OKAYSO since I've been venturing back into looking at the wiki territory I wanna talk about something I think about with these guys, starting with this bit in the Aurum Brain's idol description.
"The Aurum Brain has no will of its own, only living to give an endless stream of orders to the forces acting as its swords and shields in the fight to protect the Aurum."
The "living" bit aside (which could have messed up implications or just be another word for existing in this context, I'm not sure), the idea that the central thing controlling all of the Aurum doesn't have a "will of its own" is so interesting, especially put together with how some things are phrased in the bossfight. They must become all -- they don't have free will, so they don't have a choice.
Also, even though the Aurum Brain is likely the "core" of the Aurum, does that mean it is them? As in, if it were gone would there be nothing resembling life left in the Aurum troops, or does the hivemind speak mean that all the troops have a spark of... something consciousness-adjacent in them that are binded together by this calling to take over? The cruisers and islands and such seem to share whatever kind of consciousness the troops have with how they move on their own and how they're described in some idols too, like it's something that runs through all of them. What would they be like if freed from that calling? Grateful, devastated, hollowed out? Would they simply drift away like nothing ever happened, feeling something beyond words for human feelings?
They kinda feel like they're designed after planets and planetary rings to me too, especially the Aurum Generator and Aurum Brain. It fits, they just are and always have been, and orbit on a path they don't choose. (Figures that the sun would be both their greatest disrupting enemy and the perfect central vessel.)
Combine the horror of these beings that aren't as empty as they might seem forced to convert everything into themselves, plus some of their more silly traits (the game and watch-ing, copying their enemies ineptitudes along with their strengths, >THIS WILL HURT, etc) and honestly I think the Aurum have more of a personality than people give them credit for, managing to have that personality in a completely inorganic and inhuman way.
ourghh. the aliems
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ultimate-worldbuilding · 2 years ago
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Creating a Space Station
Name and Location:
Name of the space station
Orbital location (e.g., around a planet, moon, or in deep space)
Any unique features or characteristics of the location
Background and Purpose:
Brief history and reasons for the station's construction
Primary purpose or mission of the station (e.g., research, colonization, defense, trade, mining, etc.)
Key organizations or entities involved in its establishment
Design and Structure:
Overview of the station's architectural design and layout
Different modules or sections of the station (e.g., living quarters, research labs, docking bays, etc.)
Key engineering feats or technological advancements used in its construction
Size and Population:
Dimensions of the space station (length, width, height)
Estimated population and demographics (humans, aliens, robots, etc.)
Capacity for expansion and accommodating future growth
Systems and Resources:
Life support and Resource systems: Air generation and filtration, Water purification and recycling, Waste management, Artificial gravity, Temperature and air pressure control, Radiation protection, Fire suppression systems, Medical supplies and tools, Food production, Maintenance and Repair tools and facilities
Energy source and storage: Solar power, Nuclear fusion, Advanced batteries, Fusion reactors, Harvesting solar flares
Living Quarters and Facilities
Description of residential areas (individual quarters, communal spaces, recreational facilities)
Water block
Medical facilities and healthcare services available
Education and training facilities for residents and their families
Scientific Research and Laboratories
Different types of laboratories and equipment available depending on the stations’s mission
Astronomical observatories, Biological Laboratory, Climate and Environmental Studies, Planet observation and Research, Rock Analysis Facility
Transportation and Docking:
Docking bays for spacecraft and shuttle services
Transportation systems within the station (elevators, maglev trains, etc.)
Maintenance and repair facilities for visiting spacecraft
Security and Defense:
Security measures and protocols
Defense systems against potential threats: Shielding technology, Defensive satellites & space drones, Cloaking Technology, Countermeasures (flares, countershots, etc), Intruder Detection Systems, Surveillance and AI protection, Protection by AI or Hacker from outside hacks, Self-Repair System
Security personnel and their roles and ranks
Communication and Information Systems:
Communication technology used for inter-station and interstellar communication
Data storage and retrieval systems
Access to networks anddatabases
Trade and Economy:
Types of goods and resources traded on the station
Cargo of the space station
Economic systems
Currency used
Marketplaces within the station
Social and Cultural Aspects:
Societal norms and cultural diversity among the station's residents
Recreational and entertainment facilities (cinemas, sports arenas, etc.)
Events or celebrations unique to the station's culture
Governance and Administration:
Station hierarchy and governing bodies (administrators, council, etc.)
Laws and regulations specific to the station
Interactions with external governing entities (planetary governments, interstellar alliances, etc.)
Exploration and Discovery:
Expeditions or missions launched from the station
Discoveries made during exploration and sample gathering efforts
Spacecrafts and vehicles associated with the station's exploration activities
Environmental Considerations:
Measures taken to mitigate the effects of microgravity or radiation on residents' health
Environmental controls and simulations for recreating gravity and natural environments
Preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity on the station (if applicable)
Emergency Response and Crisis Management:
Protocols for handling emergencies (fires, system failures, medical emergencies, etc.)
Emergency evacuation plans and escape pods
Training programs for emergency response teams
Relations with Other Space Stations or Entities:
Collaborative projects or joint initiatives with other space stations
Trade agreements or diplomatic relations with neighboring stations or colonies
Conflict resolution mechanisms for inter-station disputes
Notable Individuals or Figures:
Prominent leaders from the station
Accomplishments and contributions of notable residents
Astronauts, scientists, or pioneers who have called the station home
Challenges and Risks:
Environmental and technological risks faced by the station
Political and social tensions within the station's community
External threats and conflicts affecting the station's stability
Future Expansion and Development:
Plans for future expansion and upgrades (where are they gonna get the resources for this?)
Integration of new technologies, scientific advancements into the station's infrastructure
Long-term goals for the station
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santoschristos · 4 months ago
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Pentacle of Protection The photo shows a cabalistic pentacle created to provide its owner with unwavering protection. This pentacle was painted with acrylic paints on a 26-cm-wide fiberboard circle. In the middle of the circle are the words אָנֹכִי מָגֵן לָךְ [≈ anohí magen lah], i.e. “I am a shield for you,” which, according to the Book of בְּרֵאשִׁית (XV, 1), Abram heard from God during a vision. The malā (reduced) gematria of the only noun in this phrase, מָגֵן, is five, and thus it correlates with the fifth sphere of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, which is most often referred to as גְּבוּרָה [≈ gvurah], i.e., “power,” and less often as דִּין [din], “judgment,” or פַּחַד [≈ pahad], “fear.” Therefore, all the elements of this pentacle correlate with it in one way or another: the red, black, and gold* colors, the pentagram, the inscribed “five-spear” astrological symbol of Mars, which is the planetary equivalent of the aforementioned sphyrus, and, as the core element, the most appropriate divine Name אֱלֹהִים [≈ Elohim]. The work on this artifact was carried out only on the growing moon and during the planetary hours of Mars or Mercury, and now for its full activation, the only operation left to be done is to smoke it with the smoke of suitable plants collected at the right time, which will be done in the evening of October 15, if, of course, God does not object. In general, if there is a serious order, I am ready to take up the creation of a copy of this pentacle, but in this case I would prefer to push most of the work closer to the time when the duration of the daytime planetary hours will allow me to achieve at least some noticeable results during them. ===== * The smallest weight of the word זָהָב [≈ zagav], “gold,” is also five. Written by Yevhen Volokhin
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