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This Single Oversight Will Bring Irken-Kind to Its Knees

I have a little riddle for you.
What does an ant nest, a computer, and the ancient city of Troy have in common?
While you ponder the significance of this question and consider your answer, there’s a few things I want to analyze about the worldbuilding of Invader Zim.
We may have heard it said before, least I have (and agree), that the fate of the IZ universe appears to be a rather bleak picture.
Through our lens of focus, being upon Earth and an oh-so specific nutball waging his battle upon humanity, we often don’t do as much thinking about the larger cosmic war taking place meanwhile. Not between the Meekrob and Tenn, not between the Tallest and every dumb luck threat they are thrown against, but between the Irken Armada and all life in the entire universe, sentient or not.
Their intentions will not be made any more clear, between outright eradication or eventual enslavement of every lifeform they set their sights on. While they have alliances and neutral treaties, those agreements seem few and far between, as well as born from temporary conveniences. The cards have already been dealt, and all available evidence has indicated that every planet they are aware of is doomed from the moment The Massive was operational.
Though littered with inefficiencies and incompetency that could suggest an empire in internal decline, the development of the control brains and other centralized command crutches of the species suggests the Irkens can still keep a well oiled machine running, no matter how many mishaps happen along the way. At least, that machine and their plundered resources will definitely outlast the survival of their enemies, for sure.
To speak of their enemies, there has not been a single competitive race within the show that demonstrates any credible threat to Operation Impending Doom II- only those that can resist the conquest a little bit longer than others, or those who survive by appeasing Irk (or evading its detection). The fall of Vort, which stood as the homeworld of the only aliens with the technological ability to match the armada’s firepower is…. Really bad news. That’s to say the least of comparatively primitive, TINY planets like Earth or Blorch, standing zero chance in the way of what’s eventually coming. This is a war that has continued despite the death of two.. FOUR Almighty Tallests if you follow the movie’s events… and Irkens wholly are still thriving for it across the Galaxy.
So, given all of these facts, and the perception that the Irkens (like any invasive species or colonial force) don’t seem to be a society that will make responsible and/or sustainable use of their ill-gotten territory… it seems like this is how life across the universe ends in Invader Zim one day: Not with a bang, not with the whimper of heat death, but through screams muffled under the bloody boots of a dominant predator- a predator that is, itself, doomed to cannibalize its own once it hits the carrying capacity of all existence.
Bleak, concrete, and horrific as that may sound, there’s still a “however” here to consider!
Yep, that’s me about to point one of my big fat fingers to the sky and protest- Irk just might be,
Not so Undefeatable, after all!
And not only have I figured out exactly what sort of countermeasure you need to destroy these invaders, I have reason to suspect it’s a plan already long ago set into motion.

Let’s break it down,
An Irksome Achilles’ Heel
True, individually, the bug bastards are irritatingly tough to kill through conventional means. True, collectively, they are nigh impossible to outmatch. And more than most anything else, they owe this tenacity to two things: numbers, and R&D. Possessing some of most state of the art pinnacles in transportation, communications, and military equipment, the Armada found a knack for being able to steamroll most lesser planets before it.
The genius of the individual PAK unit grants each and any one Irken a theoretical path to partial immortality itself, by route of consciousness archiving. I strongly believe that kind of cybernetic progress was also one of the stepping stones that led to the creation of the Control Brains. Nonetheless, this very same strength of the Irkens’ has also proven to be the source of their greatest vulnerability.
Paks, Paks… Oh Paks. The entire race’s civilization revolves around such technology the way we do around our own brains, our own hearts, and our communicative network. For all intents and purposes, and as I’ve gone on about ad nauseum in my other spills about the show, a PAK is all and at once
• Synonymous with the holder of their soul, consciousness, being, whatever you want to call their personhood.
• Able to have their data repurposed by future generations, in the result of an Irken’s permanent death.
• A universal necessity shared by the entire population.
• Susceptible to alterations, sometimes by intelligent enough individuals (as demonstrated by the Zimvoid comic arc), but usually by a Control Brain, directly.
In addition to that last quality, there’s another way the code in a PAK can be changed, for better or worse- Via evolution. Though I am talking about digitized neurology, the actual data in a PAK is a lot more comparable to biological DNA or a “self-learning” AI than it is a rigid computer program. By this, I mean that its code is subject to certain changes over time, perhaps both directed and completely random, particularly during the recycling of its information back into the Smeeteries.
And this is actually good design on the control brains’ part, the same way not reproducing Irkens as genetically identical clones was. Genetic and digital diversity are desirable goals to keep in mind if you want a healthy and versatile stock of workers, engineers, soldiers, and everything in between. We’re talking about highly sentient, highly intelligent, and emotional organisms here. A static drone mindset is going to offer them inadequate ability to adapt to their lengthy life experiences or be unique persons. How else would social mobility have purpose in their world? How else could the cream of the crop rise so far above their peers? That positive was deemed worthy of an obvious risk, however: computational errors.

When the Bugs Get Bugs
 IZ does not clearly lay out what it means for an Irken to be defective, but it gives us a general idea. Defectiveness is not something diagnosed from a code scan for this missing value or that incorrect variable. It’s not judged by one specific character trait or quality that’s abnormal for an Irken to display. “Defective” is a judgement stamp, wielded by the Control Brains when they gauge the total sum value of a life’s contribution to the species. And it’s not one given to Irkens which are merely incompetent, no. Anyone proven to be unfit for their standing is given generous opportunity for redemption or simply reassigned a more suitable occupation. If it were based on likability, we’d have seen Skoodge sent to Judgementia years ago.
Rather, it’s given to those who are viewed as so twisted that they are proven to be an existential danger to their brethren. Irkens that are so destructive to the essence of the collective that their memory must be purged from the record and their identity erased.
I adore the enthusiasm behind fans who want to view this as an analogy for disability or neurodivergence against a conformist society, but the metaphor I’m seeing is one of extreme antisocial behavior. A defective Irken screams less “adhd/autism” to me than they do serial murderers (of their own) or outright traitors. Pardon the use of a gross phrase, but it’d seem we were talking about an Irken equivalent of what the outdated gens would have dubbed the “criminally insane”. No one on screen has ever shown Skoodge or Tak the sort of concern that would get them sent to the Spike of Judgement, but when Zim was in that hot seat? NO one was doubting what his verdict would be.

^ courtesy of “The Trial’s” transcript
I think about the 40 shmillion mistakes a lot.
It’s such a vague quantity. But it sure sounds like a hell of a big one. And what mistakes… what did the lil squirt even have to compare them to? There’s no standard one person an Irken can be. Every presentation of the flaws in that code to the control brains hasn’t ended up a flaw to him.
I only started writing this because I really couldn’t stop thinking about the 40 shmillion. There’s no chronological room for bad self-modding to add up to that so quickly.  DNA replication, nature’s own sloppy and random process of creating new life, can be excused around 120,000 hiccups when duplicating with a 6 billion pair-long protein. But this kind of shuffling is under a futuristic AI’s precise eye. Yes, defects happen, but as bad as him? From birth??? How could you possibly get that many detrimental deviations from the mechanical fucking god-queen(s) of their entire homeworld?
And then it hit me.
You don’t. Not from Irk.
The hot take I’ve been charging for this entire time is thus.
Zim is not defective by any random accident. In fact, I smell the tampering of foreign sabotage.
Not only is this guy the thing his kind fears more than any else, they have every right to be shaking in their stance.
That puzzle i posed at the beginning of this journey, have you seen what I’ve seen yet?
Because the answer I was looking for as to what similarity connects an anthill, a PC, and a city from Greek legend was a most effective tactic for taking them down.
Do you know the best way to deal with a bad ant infestation? Cuz you can lay down all the raid and crushing action you want, but you won’t really be getting anywhere unless you target the pests directly at their queen. To that end, liquid ant baits are marvelous inventions- a sweet substance hiding a small amount of slow acting poison. Poison to be peacefully delivered by the stomach of an ant to the rest of her colony, poisoning her kin, who sicken more members, on and on until the queen is destroyed and the entire nest perishes. An insidious toxin to do all the work while its user never lifts a finger, pretty ingenious.
And when it comes to computers, we also have ways to attack entire networks at source, from quietly and far away. “Trojan” was a category of malware responsible for 64.31% of all cyber attacks on Windows systems in 2022, and they still make up a majority of active malware hits today. The concept is deviously simple. The malicious code is hidden within an innocent looking program, maybe even within a legitimate software that does what it’s supposed to. Once the stowaway is invited into the system, it can get down to it some sneaky, nasty, destructive work on your device. As for what those acts could look like, well, malware exists to do all kinds of things. Mostly something involving trying to get money/information from you or hijacking your computer for whatever its creator wants to use it for. And some of them will just up and wreck your shit, disable your antivirus software to open you up to more infections, disable important operations, wipe your data. Use your imagination.
And as for Troy.. well, where do you think Trojan programs got their name? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So, Irkens have their Armada, bionic drones, and homeworld- in other words, the thriving swarm of army ants, the billions to trillions of computers they so rely on, and their nigh untouchable fortress, always at war.
And some damn crafty bastard(s) in the stars said
“Here is their sugar-bait,”

“Here is their cyber attack,”

“Here is their wooden horse.”

And one particular race is going to be getting the last laugh before long.

Nerds That Are GOATed With the Sauce
That’s right, I thought about this all the way through to finding our prime suspect. And let me tell you, NO ONE in the Galaxy reeked of fish like the Vortians did. Get over here and lemme show you my whiteboard with all the red circles and polaroids on it.
- The Means
In a way of tragic irony, Vort has contributed more than any else to the same Irken conquest that turned on them in the end. A natural talent for cutting edge engineering and technical development actually does not seem to be what Irk already came into the ring with. For how mighty and superior they view themselves, the greatest achievements of their military can actually be owed to Vortian outsourcing. When we would have gotten a look at Tallest Miyuki’s very own “finest minds” during her reign, notice something interesting about these guys below,

Zim there is the ONLY Irken to be found! Yes, transferred there because of the punchline explanation of ‘he breaks everything he touches so maybe he’ll have an affinity for weapons research’ but damn right he actually did! And still does; I don’t want it to go unsaid that Zim has shown MUCH more technological skill and innovation than near any other Irken we’ve seen.
Another fun thing to note about this is that Lard Nar was also part of this lineup, and in the transcript he was in the process of working on the blueprints for The Massive. (which leaves you with the cursed knowledge that Zim, Prisoner 777, and Lard were all familiar coworkers long before the events of the show) And that brings me back to what I’m saying about the real reason the Vort natives were enslaved and imprisoned instead of outright sweeped after conquering. The Armada needs their skills, because Vortian advancement is something their own scientists couldn’t come close to. Left to their own devices, Vort could have easily outmatched them at an earlier point in history. It’s a people that figured out infinite power sources and potentially wormhole technology, while PAKs were something a disfigured human tween with a lot of time on his hands was able to crack. If anyone could outpace and outsmart the defensive measures of the Control Brains, it’s going to be them. And what better, cleaner way to sabotage the enemy than from within. 
The very same strings of inserted code that cursed Zim with his delusions, paranoia, lust for destruction, and horrible tactics may also have blessed him with a determination and intellect higher than almost any creature alive. The saboteur gave Irk the most powerful racecar in history, and then fitted it with bicycle brakes. No matter how hard Zim tries to conform to what will give him admiration, no matter how competent he is at keeping himself alive, it’s as if he is instinctually compelled toward whatever actions will cause the MOST damage to his allies in the process. Dib may think he’s the bulwark against the invasion when, ironically, he’s fighting against the one being that’s predetermined to be the arrow that strikes Irken leadership right in their dumb, green heels. (There is also an instance in the comics where Dib figures out that Zim is the ace in the hole for total Irken eradication but that’s another fun story.)
Oh, oh HO HO, and that’s only what he’s capable of doing before the empire’s actual immune system against defects like him wakes up and notices!
Three planetary blackouts, two dead generals, and a whole swath of dead invaders was just the fucking warm up, babey! All that is merely the kind of loud disruption that you need in order to fulfil the real thing this Trojan horse exists for in the first place.
What a celebration of hubris the Spike of Judgement was. Yeah, let’s take our method of filtering the corrupted data from the hive mind, and completely centralize it on a single planet! As well, let’s have the very purging agents also be the same ones to perform the evaluations themselves, I’m sure that it would be unthinkable for any outsider to design a worm that could make it through the brains’ firewalls. Goddamn spectacular. Like inserting an infected USB into your laptop, the Tallest never realized what kind of beast they woke up by plugging that PAK into the Spike’s mainframes. Those brains were meant to handle an expected spectrum of deviation when it came to defective Irkens, never a sleeper virus of this complexity.
From here it probably won’t even matter if Zim survives much longer on Earth, his virus has already spread to the very thing relied upon to keep things like him out of the data pool in the first place. With the Judgementia brains corrupted and no higher authority to overrule them, the firewall is effectively broken, and you know what that means? Bigger cracks for future defectives to start trickling through, both spontaneous and artificial. The ideal scenario is one where a degenerating and glitched population accelerates the incompetency of the empire to the point where it just implodes on itself; nevertheless, even a disease that only slows down Operation Doom could be a game changer, by giving the rest of the little guys more time to band together a coalition strong enough to strike back when the time is right.
- The Motive
The history of these two races’ alliance is something I lament us not having more lore to pull from- how far back it goes, what the character of the Vort was like during that time, what the Irkens had offered in return- a few among dozens of questions it rears.  The implication behind how it ended lies in Zim’s creation that slayed Tallest Miyuki. Interestingly, the Empire never received the memo of what exactly went down, or, perhaps, stubbornly denied the account of the other scientists who were there that day. Neither Red/Purple nor the Judgmentia Brains had any idea that Zim’s actions led to the death of a Tallest. So, makes sense that the Vortians became the unintentional scapegoat (no pun intended) for the incident, and the rest is history.
Note: It’s also in the realm of possibility that Vort was actually the one to withdraw from the alliance instead, given that the same blob that devoured Miyuki (purely the fault of their Irken transfer) also went on to cause untold amounts of devastation. Red’s reaction to the real story stuck out to me as more telling, although.
But why am I even talking about this? Zim was decades old before war was declared on them, and either people’s regard to each other seemed strangely… respectful, if anything.
But, was Vort really a monolithic bunch? Irk was already an empire by this point, and diplomacy with those they needed something from did not mean they weren’t otherwise an aggressive force in the universe. For all we know, the alliance itself might have been coerced, or result of depraved leadership among the Vortians.  Any citizen with a conscience who could see the writing on the walls would be disgusted by giving so much aid and brown nosing to such a menace, no? I know who would have seen that writing before anyone else. Brainiacs who are smart enough to build something like The Massive and all its bells and whistles would know better than anyone just what it was all capable of in the wrong hands. The collateral damage against your own people might be a sacrifice worth making in the face of the alternative.
- The Oppurtunity
So.. that’s all well and good, yeah? A why, and a what, yet this is actually the tricky part of saving the galaxy,
Sneaking your StupidifyIrk.exe file onto the assholes’ homeworld without alerting either them or your own treacherous, weak, collaborator superiors to your actions. Infecting and releasing a random Irken alive would be far too dangerous, far too noticeable to the point where they could just be destroyed outright before given a chance to wreak real havoc.
But what about releasing a dead Irken? 🤔
PAKs are only screened for criminal flaws when errors begin to affect their body’s behaviors in destructive ways. A fully competent scientist, or soldier, or navigator performing a lifetime of loyal service to the empire and then meeting an unfortunate end? Their minds’ shadows can be accepted back into the data pool no questions asked. That’s only business as usual.
That almost makes new smeets something of a reincarnation of their ancestors. Personally, I see it kind of like replaying a video game and re-rolling your stats, even if you’re reusing your character’s name and general play style.
Either way, we come full circle to my theory about Zim’s actual origin. Maybe not “our” Zim, but the previous iteration of data that was shuffled to create his person. Whoever they were, I’m convinced that they were also an exceptional individual. They were probably pretty arrogant, but it was a more earned confidence, and they were a prodigy genius, the likes of which that was drawn to work alongside Vortian allies, as another researcher. Then, an untimely demise befell them. I couldn’t say they fell victim to some unfortunate accident, considering the cockroach durability of their body. No, I find it a lot easier to imagine they met their end in one of the more embarrassing ways for an Irken to die- A PAK stolen, disabled or forcefully detached by an assailant they might have allowed a little closer than they should have. To the homeworld, it’s a small matter. One more PAK recovered by the natives of the friendly planet, brought back home to be repurposed by the smeeteries, right?
Well, that’s what one smartass might have been hoping for.
And they really were a clever cookie, because that scheming seed is fruiting beautifully.
#invader zim#iz#vortian#irkens#invader zim headcanon#iz headcanons#planet Vort#scarlet talks about things#sci fi#long post#absolute ramblings i mean holy crap#longass post
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One of my favorite hobbies recently is asking ChatGPT about Invader Zim things and watching it make shit up.
#I also asked it to do more creative things the first time#those can be funny but they’re a bit lifeless anyway it’s funnier to watch it try to give ‘facts’#planet vort was the first time I ever talked to this version of chatgpt and it set the bar so low lmfao#may be late to work over making that gif and its not even that good but this is literally what is happening#invader zim#invader tenn#forbidden lore#skoodge#tak#iz#it tries to convince you clembrane doesn't exist but i remember
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ok ik i posted this in a commjnitty But HELLO TUMBLR!

schlub and nyx (im working on nyx's disguise but jts in the trad art..aka nyxs first drawing) also ignore that nyx's pixel [it was the first] and the furst img kinda suxk [first one is a wip im proud of]theyre best friends!! unlikely ones too :> they met when schlub was on planet vort (nyx is a vortian so its where she lived)(keyword lived) and they got along suprsngly well. Nyx isn't LOUD but she is social..enough. She dosent like vortians so she is excited to meet people that aren't vortians (atleast when she wasnt on earth yet) Nyx is quiet and antisocial but Nyx was nice enough and seemed genuinely instrested in his stuff. she wasSi they became friends because of it :3 oddly violent vortian(haha like lardnar but she dosentnknoe him) vs oddly sweet irkenThey both dislike Zim, nyx meeting him way later the Schlub BECAUSE SCHLUB HAD TO WORK WITH ZIM when he was in the lab (zim was way younger and also dgaf about schlub because he was kind of scared of zim so they never interacted)(he remembers zim, zim does not remember him.) and zim messed up some of his stuff ( according to people in the lab, miyuki, and whoeber put him to work there "Zim destroys everything he touches" so they thought he would help making weaponry.) but uhm yeah Schlub expierenced that first hand and git lowk terrified of Zim. Nyx met him, Zim talked to her, acted like he was better, got punted into the wall. This was on Earth so the gap between their expierences with the little bug was quite a bit.Theyre both simmilar in age jaja (nyx is 17, schlub is 15. also nyx is shorter. 4'12 vs 5'4💔) Nyx has anger issues so she despite liking humans and earth CONSTANTLY got into fights when she first got there. Because she spoke to everyone and sometimes people REALLY annoyed her. (alot of the time)Schlub like i said is antisocial but he got into fights because sometimes people saw him hanging out with Nyx and if they insulted her he would beat rhe shit out if them💔
hes a better fighter then Nyx, but only because hes an irken and irken society wants everybody ti work til they die💔 Also everytime i draw Nyx or Schlub their posture is the same as last SOMEHOW schlub has good posture and Nyx has bad posture. OH nyx posts on social medias and does not give a fuck if it has him or Nyx out of their disguises so that kind of caught zims AND dibs attention. And gaz's a litle but she didnt care enough so when they became friends wher she didnt mind and thiught it was kind of cool.They both became friends with her because of love for video games, with Schlub buying her a video game she wanted (he had no idea) just because he wanted to be friends with her. (he likes video games but he sucks at them so he plays like..stardew valley or peaceful mode minecraft.) He introduced her to Nyx who REALLY likes video games (of any sort.) so she and Gaz got along.The only problem was Dib bothering the two but if Gaz was around it didnt really happen :3 bc she would make Dib fuck off. But when it was just them two it would usually end up in Nyx trying to fight him because he said something that either scared Schlub or made him uncomfortable. Because dibs WEIRD.the only thing he and dib have in common is they both like ghosts and cryptids (schlubs a scientist so he wants to find them for real and research them so bad)(dibs a freak) but thats aboutit. Also schlub would pussy out if he realy saw one unlike Dib.Nyx brought Schlub to earth after going and really liking it. Schlub visits earth often but lives on venus because he thinks its a good place to live fir some reason. Nyx straight up lives there. Also Schlub was the one that made their disguises (holographic like Tak's.)Schlub is a total boy failure and becayse he quit working for the irken empire and wasnt important everybody forgot about him jajaSO to work he works at a bunch of places, like a pizza diner part time, he works part time at mac meaties.
Nyx doesn't work anywhere shes jobless. But its okay she has irken tech from Schlub (think of Zims house, she has that kind of thing. just witgout the base below. Only an attic full of her stuff.) She does the guitar just as a sily thing too.They both go to school, but skip alot. Tehey have good enougj excuses so they wont graduate very quickly BUT they dont get suspended.I heart my vortian and irken oc!
#irken oc#vortian oc#oc#invader zim#iz#iz oc#invader zim oc#iz vortian#iz irken#irken#art#nyx and schlub#my babies i fear#SCHLUB HAS A TUMBLR BLOG BTW
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IZ ocs!!!
Quick Backstory:
In order to avoid being imprisoned or enslaved after the conquering of planet Vort, Kytt stole an Irken cloaking device and disguised themself as an Irken in order to blend into their society. Their overall goal is to somehow figure out a way to destroy the empire from the inside and free their people. They know about the Resisty, but they personally think that their methods are stupid, and that their own plan is objectively better, Even though they don't actually have a plan or any clue what they’re actually doing other than just trying to survive and blend into Irken society.
Being a Vortian, they’re naturally very skilled at Tech, so it's no surprise that they end up being placed in that field. Also being surrounded by so much metal allows them to sneak the occasional snack. (I headcannon that Vortians eat metal lol)
While they’re there, they meet an Irken named Ark, a very skilled Technician and scientist, and overhears that she sometimes works with a group of enslaved Vortians in a separate facility on Vort. They begin to become closer to her and try to gain her trust in hopes that maybe they can achieve some form of contact with those other Vortians and gain their help to overthrow the Irken Empire.
Except, whoopsies, they accidentally become attached to her and the two become best friends. They weren't supposed to befriend the enemy!!
But the thing is, there was something about Ark that, to them, made her different from the other Irkens. She was still fiercely loyal to the empire, of course, but they noted that there was no disdain in her voice when she talked about her Vortian coworkers. She was in a position of power over them, but the way she talked about them, it almost seemed like she treated them as equals.
And she wasn't as cold as most other Irkens either. She wasn’t a cruel horrible monster like Kytt had previously assumed all Irkens to be. Ark was actually sorta nice. And also a bit hyper and unhinged, but Kytt grew to like that in time. And she seemed to like them as well. For the first time in either of their lives, they actually had someone who cared about them. They were friends. That's something rare in both Irken and Vortian society.
Though of course, their secret can’t stay hidden forever…
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Really says something about Red and Purple's priotities when all their empire's technology comes from Planet Vort yet "Home of the universe's most comfortable couch" is the title they use for it

#invader zim#vortians#the almighty tallest#tallest red#tallest purple#maybe they invested a lot of research into that couch who knows#HMT pre galaxycon rewatch series
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Tallest Miyuki, if you were to successfully launch the massive. What will be the steps for your universal conquest? Any obstacles you want to tackle first? Gonna wage war against the Vortians? Break ties with other allied groups like those bee species? If there are planets with no life forms on it. Would you convert it to your liking? Or just blow it up or leave it alone? When the irkens finally take over the galaxy, what then? You’ve got most species included into the empire as slaves while others are now instinct. Sorry if this is too much to answer my tallest. Just wanna know your pov of this.
Miyuki "... That line of questioning is rather intrusive-- A tallest wouldn't, er, DOESN'T discuss such matters with anyone else besides the control brains or with their top frylords and high generals if need be, BUT I've been dead for what? A century now? Close to a century, roughly? *shrug*
I suppose I could indulge your curiosity.

Sadly, I didn't live to personally watch the official launch of the Massive. My predecessors more or less carried out my plans for conquest. From what information that has been relayed to me, Tallest Red and Purple had launched a series of invasions. Planet Vort has been successfully conquered and the Vortian race is rendered completely subservient to the Irken empire. That accomplishment was towards the top of my list of goals. As repulsive as they are visually, socially and politically, Vortian technology is a staple for improving the quality of life within the Irken empire.
Many of the planets and alien races dwelling on them were flagged for conquest were flagged so strictly for cheap labor. The Mekrob were targeted because they pose the most formidable threat against the scheduled invasions. The Mekrob are a highly intellectually and spiritually advanced species. If left unchecked, they might organize rebellion against us, hence why I marked them as a highly prioritized target.
My goal was the same as any other tallest's-- to expand the Irken empire and maintain the might and glory of the existing territories within the empire.
Young tallests Red and Purple followed the warpath I marked for the most part.
PERSONALLY, I would have launched a stealth opener invasion against the Mekrob BEFORE launching the full-scale ID1 oporation to eliminate the biggest threat.
The Vortians were more of a threat than an ally to us. The Planet Jackers haven't been a threat to us since the treaty between our species was drafted and signed The Inquisitorians and Hymenopteracians are too essential to the fundamental structure of the empire so I honored the Irken alliance between them and us. I would like to think young Red and Purple will honor these treaties too. We Irkens are not heathens. We will not break a treaty unless betrayed or threatened.
If I were to criticize them for their approach to universal conquest, it would be their careless handling of newly discovered planets. A wise tallest does NOT blow up random lifeless planets like smeets with firecrackers. Real estate is a limited resource even in our vast universe. When you find solid rock, YOU BUILD SOMETHING ON IT! You don't blow it up!
But... Red and Purple are in charge now, not me. We shall see how events play out on the timeline ahead.
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Invader Zim Deathmatch:
The rules are as follows:
1. We’re assuming that both participants actively want and are willing to kill each other unless actively specified otherwise (for example: Chammy Wamboo).
2. The fight must be one on one so no outside help is allowed, but prep time is allowed.
3. The rule for prep time is that if one contestant gets prep time, the other contestant gets an equal amount of prep time as well.
Information about both contestants (who they are, powers and abilities, etc) can be found under the cut.
Contestant Stats:
Invader Larb:
“Nap-Lord of the most comfortable couch”
Invader Larb appears or is at least mentioned several times throughout the show and comics
Powers and abilities:
Irken physiology (can lift over 3 times their body weight and is extremely durable)
PAK (PAK legs, PAK lasers, shield generator, all the things an Irken PAK can do)
Elite military training (Larb is an Invader, meaning that he went through irken military training and became an elite soldier before going through Invader training. This means that Larb has the combat skills of an elite soldier)
Invader training (as an Invader, Larb is trained in espionage, stealth, sabotage, and other invader-related things)
Fun Fact (important):
Larb is an extremely successful Invader with a lot of conquered planets under his belt, but it’s worth pointing out that his accomplishments aren’t as impressive as they seem. As pointed out by Zim, Larb got all the easiest planets to conquer (even his initial planet of Vort, despite being extremely important, wouldn’t be that much of a challenge to conquer since Vortians and Irkens were on at least somewhat decently good terms at the time. Larb probably didn’t even need a disguise) and one of the planets in his list of accomplishments (Blorch) wasn’t even conquered by him. Larb’s actual invader prowess is a lot less impressive than it seems, with him conquering a lot of really easy planets and no really difficult ones to essentially pad out his score.
“Dirtlord of Dirt with a planned 70 year reign”
Tak appears in the episode “Tak; The Hideous New Girl” and has a cameo appearance in Dookie Loop Horror.
Powers and abilities:
Irken physiology (can lift over 3 times their body weight and is extremely durable)
PAK (PAK legs, PAK lasers, shield generator, all the things an Irken PAK can do)
Elite military training (Tak went through irken military training, but fell just barely short of becoming an elite soldier because she missed the final test. This means that Tak has roughly the combat skills of an elite soldier)
Holograms (Tak has the ability to create holograms, letting her turn invisible and disguise herself. However, we never see Tak affect anything but herself with these holograms, implying that her holograms are limited to just covering her)
Mind Control/Wipe (using her holographic tech, Tak can compel creatures to do things. She can also wipe memories with the same tech. However, creatures of even average intelligence or greater are completely immune to its effects, meaning that it’s only effective on already stupid creatures. Even Zim is immune)
Fun Fact:
Out of universe, Tak is cursed. I mean it. Every time she tries to appear in an Episode/Comic/Movie/etc, something stops her. The show was cancelled before she could appear in any more episodes (which was supposed to happen), a last second animation error kept her out of ETF, copyright issues and Nickelodeon meddling kept her out of all the comics but the last one where she gets a one panel cameo (the same thing happened to Skoodge there). It’s almost like the universe actively doesn’t want Tak to have more appearances.
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Irken Lore in WotS!
So, while Irken customs/culture isn’t really touched on in the fics, I thought I’d still talk about it though given I do have some stuff for it.
Section One: Post- Florpus Irk:
Irk is in SHAMBLES after Red and Purple’s likely death. It’s mass hysteria, as Tenn mentions in chapter 5 of the first fic.
Basically, Irk is SCRAMBLING to find new leadership. Irk was not the same after Red and Purple’s likely death.
What happens to Irk is up to the reader to decide, honestly. Because even I don’t know myself. Maybe they find a new leader? Maybe they don’t? Maybe they’re now struggling because they have no one to guide them? Who knows.
Section Two: General Information about Irk in this AU: (aka my hcs)
• Romance was banned and was only allowed for Tallests by a former Tallest. One that came even earlier than Miyuki and Spork. It was done out of spite, as that specific Tallest hated romance.
• Irkens have both reproductive organs, but they don’t really use them anymore given the existence of Smeeteries. And, nowadays it is looked down upon to have Smeets naturally.
• Being Defective is more common than people think.
• Romance was eventually unbanned after Red and Purple’s disappearance / likely death.
• Zim is kind of known as an outlaw (?) to Irkens and other aliens. He’s known as the Irken who somehow survived all odds, much to Red and Purple’s dismay. And for the fact he committed war crimes of course. (Despite only being a dumb kid at the time, but to be fair. Most Irkens were just dumb kids. Even the Tallest. Even if they were teenagers.) And, is also known for how he fell in love with a person of a completely different species. (Aka Dib, the siren/human.) which was something most Irkens didn’t think was possible. Same applies to Tak, but she isn’t as well known as Zim.
• Irkens purr and make cat like noises (ex: caterwauling.) and Smeets mew sometimes. (Especially if they’re upset.) They also make bug chirping noises. They’re catbugs.
• Irkens DO have tails, but they’re short and stubby and are often kept tucked into their clothes.
• More Irkens started realizing just how fucked up and corrupt Irk was after Red and Purple got sucked into the Florpus hole.
• Sizz-lorr is doing well. Just know that’s hes doing good. Maybe it’s best that Zim escape. • You only have to be 13 to drink alcohol , (as mentioned by Zim in chapter 2 of Road Trippin’) however, it is common for Irkens to engage in underage drinking.
• Gender doesn’t really matter on Irk. they don’t really have human gender norms.
Section Three: What happened to the Resisty? + Others :
• The Resisty is still alive and well! After BSDFBtS (backseat drivers from beyond the stars) they decided to open a space bar. (As mentioned in Chapter 2 of Road Trippin’) And while, the Resisty still exists, and are considered alien rights activists they also ran their space bar, lolz.
They serve food from different planets (minus Irk) but they especially serve Vortian food. (Ex: Vort Dogs.) and they also sell different types of drinks. (Including non alcoholic beverages.)
• Mr Dwinky is still alive and well. Mr Elliot visits sometimes. (I like Mr dwinky / mr elliot mkay)
#kitty giggles#invader zim#wail of the siren au#lore dump#au lore#Irken headcanons#invader zim headcanons
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More TATR propaganda for the rarepair poll:
Imagine after Tak fails to take Zim's mission she asks the Tallest for another chance, but they laugh in her face for being such a loser she couldn't even beat Zim. So Tak gets the idea that if she can take over a planet the Tallest actually wanted and assigned to a REAL Invader, she can redeem herself.
So she travels to Meekrob thinking Invader Tenn was just a loser who couldn't hack it and she's going to show the Tallest they were wrong for underestimating her. She meets Tenn, who thinks Tak has come to extract her from Meekrob after she lost her means of transport and communication and has been dodging the Meekrobians for months, barely managing to stay alive. At first Tak's plan is just to play along and pretend she wants to help Tenn salvage her mission, but she's really just pumping her for information so she can formulate her own plan. But when she learns that Tenn's mission failed because of a bunch of SIRs going nuts on her, (just like Mimi did when Tak was on the verge of defeating Zim) and sees how resourceful Tenn has been in the face of adversity (just as she had to be to escape Planet Dirt and make her way to Meekrob after getting her ass kicked by Zim) she decides she'll help out Tenn for real. That way, they can both get credit for conquering Meekrob and redeem themselves in the eyes of the Tallest.
The two of them manage to succeed, but then find out that just like Blortch, the Tallest didn't even have a plan for what to do with Meekrob after it was conquered. Not only did they forget what they wanted it for, they forgot they ever even wanted it at all after Tenn's mission was compromised and they wrote it off as "Oh well, you win some you lose some." To rub extra salt in the wound, they give Tak and Tenn both a pity reward to placate them, just like Zim's sandwich. They're both shocked and dismayed that after all the work they put into accomplishing their dreams their victory could feel so hollow and unsatisfying. They can barely process it.
The Tallest don't even know what to do with them now and suggest retiring them from active duty, but they both object to being put out to pasture. The Tallest then suggest some menial task and this causes Tak to snap at them that she wants to be assigned a real mission. But the Tallest have already assigned Invaders to every planet they care about and when they suggest places Tak and Tenn could conquer, it's obvious they're just picking names off the top of their heads like;
"Oh, what about Vort?"
"We've already conquered Vort."
"Okay, how about uh... I don't know, why don't you conquer Aksdjfoi?"
"Is that even a real place?"
"Oh! Oh! I know, how about Plookesia? Home of the universe's most... Uh? I forget, what is it they have?"
"Packing peanuts. The universe's most shock-absorbing packing peanuts. That's what they're known for. The very best for minimizing the risk of damage to fragile items."
"Yes! We must have those peanuts! They're a vital commodity, essential to the continuation of our Empire!"
Tak and Tenn both fake a smile and pretend to graciously accept the honor of being assigned to conquer Plookesia, but they're both dying inside. They head to their ship together and try to cope by deluding themselves into thinking that they'll get all the acclaim and personal satisfaction they were hoping for when they succeed in their mission THIS time around. But en route they both decide "Fuck this" and go AWOL together. If the Empire doesn't give a shit about them or anything that they do, then they're not going to give a shit about the Empire either.
They end up joining the Resisty to get revenge and give themselves a new purpose, but along the way they realize that becoming Resistance heroes isn't what really gives them purpose. They give each other purpose because they see each other's value regardless of any achievements and have learned to fight for each other, rather than their own glory.
So anyway, vote for Space Lesbians in the rarepair tournament!
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Here I am yet again with another Invader Zim theory
(Pray I do not make another)
MatPat’s old film theory on the series popped up in my recommended feed on YouTube today, and it got me thinking about something. In case you haven’t seen it, his theory was that Professor Membrane (and by extension, Dib and Gaz) was an alien, an Irken specifically, who had been banished to Earth by the Tallest in order to stop him from usurping their position.
It’s an old and silly theory that can be debunked in four simple words: “where’s Membrane’s PAK?” But like I said, it got me thinking. Instead of focusing on Irken/alien material on Earth, let’s focus on elements of human culture on the other planets we see in the show.
Isn’t it a bit odd how much distinctly human food is seen throughout the series, presumably made and consumed by alien species located several hundred light years away from Earth? Nachos, sandwiches, doughnuts, etc. They all look just like their Earth equivalents too, so presumably they’re one and the same and made with the same ingredients. So by extension, things like sugar, corn, cheese, and lettuce must also exist on Irk.
That wouldn’t be so weird—in fact, you could argue that it’s the show’s way of simplifying alien food into something more recognizable for a human audience and easier understood by younger viewers—except that we do see tons of distinctly alien foods in the show. Zim is seen eating a fun dip-like snack in a couple of episodes, and tons of unique alien foods are both seen and named in the episode where Zim gets sent back to Foodcourtia. So this isn’t just the show using visual language to instantly convey the idea of food to the viewer, there is a clear distinction between “human” food and “alien” food. Hell, there’s even something called a Vort Dog, which looks like a small hot dog with a band around the rim, so there’s even alien variations of human food.
But that’s not all! Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster, the restaurant place Zim is sentenced to work at, looks and functions exactly like a fast food place on Earth. An establishment that caters to multiple, distinct alien races, all with their own needs and cultures, and yet it still has the same old booths, cash registers, and happy mascot costumes you’d find at a MacMeaties or Krazy Taco. The kitchen itself is more automated than their Earth equivalents, but the point stands.
Another thing that stands out is how language is used by the other aliens in the show. Zim presumably has a universal translator built into his PAK (we hear what is likely his untranslated speech at the start of the Mysterious Mysteries episode) and given their military conquest, Irken is presumably the dominant language used by the other alien species in the show. But we see Dib interact with multiple other aliens in the show, all of whom would have no reason to know an Earth language like English. This only comes up a couple times in the show, like with the Plookesians, but is a lot more prevalent in the comics where Dib goes out into space more often. And he does interact with a lot of different species, many of which don’t seem to be under the control of the Irken empire. Dib is never shown to know how to speak Irken (unless Ten Minutes to Doom is canon and he retained that knowledge from when Zim’s PAK was stuck to him), and it’s unlikely that all of the different aliens he talks to would as well. Meaning the only alternative is that they’re all speaking English.
So we see human food, infrastructure, architecture, plumbing, and language scattered throughout the vast reaches of space, both within the Irken Empire and outside of it.
Let’s take that information with some of the stuff that MatPat brought up in his theory.
“I only hope the Irkens just so happen to use the same operating system as me.” Even though this line is meant to be a joke, it really does feel like a smoking gun for a link between human and Irken society and technology. The Irkens did know about Earth, but only as an unspecified mystery planet. Professor Membrane’s continued, staunch denial of aliens is odd considering the literal walking proof right in front of him, not to mention how big of a scientific discovery extraterrestrial life would be. And yeah, some of his technology does resemble the equipment in Zim’s base.
Which brings me to my next point: the Control Brains.
The Control Brains are weird. They have very few appearances in the show and don’t appear at all in the comics, but what little screen time they have tells us everything we need to know about them: they’re giant computers in control of the Irken Empire, responsible for handling everything from Irken reproduction to military affairs to corporal punishment. Their design also implies a connection to PAKs. Make no mistake; the Tallest aren’t in control, these guys are. But they’re machines, they didn’t just come out of nowhere. So who made them?
A lot of this is speculative on my part, I’m sure there’s some decade old interview where Jhonen deconfirms everything I’m about to say. But stick with me here.
I think that the PAKs were made by humans, and that Membrane at least knows about them and the Irkens.
A previous human presence in extraterrestrial territories would explain a lot. It explains why we see so much human food; why the alien restaurants, bathrooms, and prisons look and function so similarly to the ones on Earth, and it explains why everyone in space speaks English. It all originated from Earth. “I only hope the Irkens just so happen to use the same operating system as me,” Irken and human computers are compatible with each other. The Control Brains are giant Irken supercomputers. Ergo, they were likely built on human operating systems as well.
The obvious conclusion here is that they were made by Professor Membrane, but I actually don’t think that’s the case; the Irken Empire has probably been around much longer than Membrane has, no matter how many time warps you throw in. That being said, I think Membrane does know about whatever the origin of all of this was. That’s why he’s so in denial about aliens—he wants to keep his son away from that field of study to keep him safe. He ignores Zim’s plans for world conquest for the same reason Gaz does, “because he’s so bad at it.” Membrane doesn’t see Zim as a threat.
#invader zim#theory#I wrote this at 4:30 am#dib membrane#almighty tallest#professor membrane#ella essays
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So this is PROJECT #CC-97. Its a hell of a lot bigger than i expected, how much architecture do you need to create a repository? Seems a bit over-engineered from my perspective. [Even if you need Vorts to charge the damm thing use exo-fields AROUND them as well, since whatever power they use seems to be dragged in from around them.]
That's also probably what Alyx is after as well. Whatever the hell they're keeping in there they seem extremely powerful, and that means something i haven't seen in them. Fear. They're scared of what they're trying to keep in there.
Ive been seeing a few dead patrol units here and there. Had to scavenge whatever i could find on their bodies. No ammo but plenty of supplies and whatever i could repair. Why haven't they sent any support troops to come and find me, or hell with how we have a rebel just walking around the place like she owns it?
Ive had bad recon missions involving those damm crab but this is hell. They're everywhere, even when you think your safe you can hear their horrid screams fucking everywhere, your never safe from their presence. Ive tried to rest but i feel so fucking tired. My visor wont shut off. I cant even shut myself off like when i'm in the transit ships. I cant sleep. Apparently neither could people pre-containment. I guess thats one thing we have in common, being the two only creatures on this horrid rock of a planet with the inability to shut our own brains off.
#did you know#humans are the only animal with the inability to sleep?#and with serious sleep problems?#i guess thats something m4xe and us have in common#and in due time#even more#just be patient with them#half life#creative writing#half life: non-citizen#hla#hlnc#unfiction#half life combine#hl2
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Personal Vort Headcanons
(And not as a true essay because really, the show gave out so little in specific details for this race that any real attempt to put together a thorough analysis or theory about them necessarily will arise from or give way to fanon fodder at best. Such freedom and gaps in information remains a blessing and a curse.)

- The modern Vortian people evolved from highly intelligent, predatory ancestors which had to adapt to an erratic, competitive ecosystem. Like Homo sapiens, they once filled a niche as both hunter and the hunted, until the development of primitive weaponry and an apt for problem-solving helped them eliminate their natural predators and claim the mantle of dominant species over their home world.
- This origin coincides with a preferred diet high in protein and calorie-dense foods. It’s assumed that Vort dogs, implied to be a kind of processed sausage, are a culinary signature particularly enjoyed by this species. This suggests that Vortians are likely either obligate carnivores, or opportunistically omnivorous. Such a hypothesis is further supported by their jagged teeth, suited for ripping and tearing animal flesh.
- It is possible that their hornlike appendages might be hollow and serve an important role in their hearing; alternatively, they may actually be blood-rich and act as thermoregulating organs. They are shown to be capable of some degree of movement and functionally help a Vortian emote extreme amounts of stress. It may also be that they continue growing throughout the life of the individual, designating a visible marker of wisdom and age.
- Vort’s inventive history is one filled with hyper militarization, not in the pursuit of war, but in dissuading would-be marauders from the outside, such as the Planet Jackers. Their alliance with Irk was one born of shared commercial and strategic interest: While the Irkens began initially behind the Vort in technological prowess, their sheer numbers, connections with other powerful organizations, and continued expansion throughout the galaxy offered an invaluable level of protection to Vort by virtue of being an ally. On the other end of the table, Irk enjoyed a golden era of prosperity and dominance over their territory, directly fueled by Vortian ingenuity.
- The Vort do not have a binary understanding of gender and are a single-sexed people, reproducing either through the use of technology (like the Irkens) or naturally by some form of parthenogenesis. Evidence available indicates that they have a concept of family units, and Vortian fathers are dedicated parents toward their offspring.

- Pre-Invasion, Vortian society was a technocratic republic which selected out its leader(s) by experience. The appearance and significance of the “universe’s most comfortable couch” leads me to believe that it was a luxury designated for the highest ruling despot of the planet, who was either assassinated or usurped by invader Larb to complete his mission. If Vortian growth continues beyond adulthood, then the couch could theoretically be tailored to seat a single incredibly old, enormous individual. This is an idea that draws inspiration from DBZ’s Namekian society , and their Grand Elder Guru.

- Regarding the end of their connections with the Irken Empire, a severe miscommunication was what led to the diplomatic bridge burning on both sides of the exchange. While it was Irk who blamed the scientists of Vort for the death of Almighty Miyuki, the Vortians had correctly identified an Irken transfer as the true perpetrator of the disaster, and decidedly cut ties in retaliation of what they perceived as an attack instigated by the Empire to justify future aggression.
- Following their civilization being brought to heel by Larb, the majority of escaped Vortians by and large have no real leadership and exist as scattered fugitives across and beyond the Empire. Due to their technological marvels and pride falling into Irken hands, as well as their brutal time within the research prison, most of these escapees have had their wills to rebel against the armada beyond a state of “every man for himself” survival broken. Lard Nar is an exception that many of these peers would probably view as moronic and foolhearty for his endeavors leading The Resisty head-on against the Empire.
- Their thin, wormlike tongues hold vestigial remnants of when they were once used as a tool to feed on small tree or crevasse dwelling arthropods.
- Above all else, Vortian leg structure baffles a human-perspective evolutionary analysis, at least at first. Their legs appear to follow an ungulate-like shape, ending in pointed, stilt-like tips; Earth has no surviving carnivorous ungulates, let alone one that has transitioned into an obligatory biped. Both of the latter concepts alone would make for a most inefficient strategy when working with this leg structure. A bipedal gait would suggest a need for stronger, developed legs to support the whole animal, but the Vortians’ remain almost dainty. Their appearance, intellect, and food suggests a history of hunters and prey, but such a leg structure would undoubtedly leave them horribly equipped for fast sprinting or even stable ground holding against a threat.
Sure, there are some gazelle to observe here that can stand for long periods… to feed on vegetation. There are kangaroos and other digitigrade bipeds… which have adapted counterbalancing tails and other means of stabilizing their gait. None of it could make sense to me until I realized I was thinking far too narrowly. Grasslands are where our hooved things thrive, but they’ve managed in more extreme situations before. No one ever said that Vortians were operating under the rules of Earth’s environments anyway. I mean, what hinderance is a weaker gravity to thinner legs? I’ve been thinking at this like a dumb primate that went from an arboreal ancestry to endurance running over long stretches of plains, but what if the people of Vort didn’t follow such a path?

It’s come to my best guess now that Vortians originated not from distance runners, but exceptional climbers.

Performing meme necromancy aside, consider the humble ibex or mountain goat. Fascinating animals for sure, seen not only scaling damn near vertical cliff sides, but able to nimbly navigate up at down them about as easily as they scamper over flat ground, and all for the sake of a good salt lick. How on earth does something tiptoeing on a hoof pull that off? The first neat trick up their sleeve is that it’s a very specialized, split hoof in fact- Cloven toes and rough inner pads that allow them to really grip onto the rock surface, even amid strong gales and other harsh alpine weather. Vortian forelimbs have taken this to the next step, aiding them with a dexterous upper grip as well, equally fit for higher tool use and traversing heights. A less visible adaptation that mountain goats also utilize is their enlarged inner ears, which provide them an incredible innate sense of balance and coordination over their relatives. It’s absolutely a possibility that the organs on a Vortian’s head may even play some similar, if not well understood advantage on this front as well. Alongside the development of their larger skulls and and sapient-like intellect, their evolution spared no waste to giving them a sure-footed agility. And this lifestyle needn’t have been for the soul sake of licking rocks, for we’re free to interpret what we may about the threats and prey that old Vort was packing. Under this idea I’d like to think that the first Vortians congregated in tribal packs like early anthropoids, but taking to the cliffs, or maybe even the trees as their prowl. From higher vantage points they could both elude larger predators as well as feed upon all manner of smaller life forms they could pluck off of the rocks and out from hidden crevices. If larger game was an option, it was likely either scavenged, or taken down collectively, the whole group enacting a precise ambush from above.
#invader zim#planet vort#iz headcanons#vortian#iz#invader zim headcanon#vortians#iz lard Nar#scarlet talks about things
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god I really love my friends I’m gonna ramble a little bit in response to your tags ok thank u

@verm1c1de LMAO I really have to draw nyx more. and scenes with her. there’s just no emotional attachment to her whatsoever oops. the eye colors thing is very early on when Callie is “revived” but Nyx is still very present in the body and there are times Lard Nar is trying to comfort Callie but then Nyx takes a bit more control and fully plans on hurting or flat out killing him so. I don’t have the skillset to illustrate that but PAK legs aiming at his back while he can’t see kinda thing? it looked cool in my head ok???
so that irken was “going to kill him probably”. the very scribbly one of Callie asking Miyuki a question was something about her wanting one of the cool scientist uniforms while she did the rounds on Vort. Miyuki does not think that’s necessary. it’s below her rank

@miniimoose thank u 🥺 again looked way cooler in my head but woooooo I have a whole scene written out where they’re on a planet that’s supposedly neutral ground but this asshole Irken spots Callie n Lard Nar outside a restaurant and confronts them abt their casual demeanor with each other, like no you guys should absolutely be at each other’s throats since you’re Irken and Vortian! and idk Callie gets real pissed bc the Irken threatens Lard Nar’s life or smth idk. this causes a whole chain reaction of angst bc like, Nar thought Callie was different but she’s still violently Irken at her core so 🤷♀️

@i-like-pink-lolzz @short-and-ugly you two are the best bc you’re just so confused but you still like my stuff and actually that means a lot to me and you’re SUPPOSED to be confused because I don’t have the time, motivation or skillset to make a whole ass comic or fanfic to make sense of anything LOL. so you get random scenes. and those tend to be the most Going Thru It™️ scenes bc they’re fun!!! only misery for my favs and OCs 💜
anyway I’m just in a talky mood and ilu guys bye
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I've been dragged into an Invader Zim fixation and have designed my own OCs; Vi (she/her), Ilo (he/him), and Itt (itt/itts)!
Info on them is below the cut!
Vi is an invader who was in a similar but slightly better siutation as Skooge. She was sent to a planet that was initially deemed "highly dangerous" for her kind, but through successful infiltration was able to survive and conquer the planet, becoming their "leader." The inhabitants became slaves to the Empire shortly after, and the planet became an asset in gathering raw materials (particularly for snacks) for the army. Because of her success, she was granted the opportunity to continue overseeing the planet and its operations.
Ilo is a former Irken Pilot who became traitorous shortly after the appearance of the Resisty. Though very military-oriented, Ilo sometimes thought back on the planets he and other pilots were ordered to put under "Organic Sweeps" and sometimes felt a sense of regret. This feeling eventually became overwhelming when he and others who were a part of the Armada were ordered to put the planet of Vort under the same attack, and it was then he realized he needed to find a way out. He saw his opportunity for escape upon learning of the Resisty, and left the armada with his ship while his fellow pilots attempted to reunite with the Massive.
Itt is an Irken scientist whose experiments are quite questionable, to say at the very least. Itt is very quiet, but if itt is persuaded to talk, itt will talk your ears/antenae off in a slow, precise way. Itt is also heavily dedicated to itts work, and was once even captured by an enemy army only to continue itts work while a prisoner without much bother.
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Bio: Nixy is the daughter of tallest Red and Eva and the third born of her siblings. Unlike her older brother, Jovian, she doesn’t take ring a halfbreed to heart. Nixy knows she’ll be treated differently, and is aware of the discrimination she and her siblings face. Nixy is a smart girl and has proven this in many way, including ring very calculating. When she was little, her mother found her toying with one of her inventions. As it turns out, Nixy actually improved it. Eva has her studying with her older sister, Bellatrix. Learning the culture of planet Vort. She’s very interested in learning more about her mother’s background. Once can believe it or not but Nixy is a genius in her own right. Given a tablet of her own from her mother, she was able to use it to her own advantage. Hacking, converting, designing, encoding. She’s using her vortian side they most and it’s leaving her with good results as she grows. Nixy’s interested in science and genetic research ever since she and her siblings learned that their father was made in a smeetery back on planet irk. Her mother sees this as a sign to get her involved with the nautralian’s lab training so that she can explore this passion of hers. Out of her siblings, Nixy has doesn’t have the best of eyesight.
That being part of her vortian side. Eva told her that some of her people have that same issue and there is reason why most wear goggles now. Her mother did offered her glasses but instead, Nixy made her own. Using the material sand soil for the lenses as well as adding other things to make it notes useful to her. Like night vision, zooming, sensing heat signatures, and she might add a laser beam for it. Nixy could be a pilot navigator but is still thinking about what she want to be when she grows up. Her mother gave her a few ideas to think over. Some that seems fitting for a vortian. Nixy wants to be accepted the way she is instead of being judged because of who her father is.
Likes: Her family, stargazing, snacks, studying, working on her tablet, her parents, vegetables, camping, video games, backing cupcakes, her crush.
Dislikes: filthy things, rude insults, fake people, being told she’s not good enough for anything, stupidity.
Personality:Lovable, benevolent, cheerful, talkative,diligent,devoted, generous, impatient.
Eva: Her mother helped her out a lot when she was little. From moving Nixy past her own insecurities to improving her poor vision. Her mother walked her though the knowledge of her vortian side, and telling her all the good contribution her people made for themselves and other aliens they’ve allied themselves with. Accept for the irken race. During times when her mother was going to be exposed for harboring a fugitive, tallest Red. Nixy helped her out by messing with the wanted poster images and putting cryptic locks on their home security. Eva is the one person she would never cross.
Tallest Red: Meeting her father for the first time was a shock to her. Nixy was the first out of her siblings to make him feel welcome. Even going so far as to jump into his arms to hug him. Red was unsure about this whole family thing, and Nixy learned that her father is a clone made in a smeetery factory back on irk, so his father skills need work on. This cloud on improving his other lack of emotions that are not implanted into his pak system. Even after being told about who tallest Red really is and all the horrible things he’s done to others. Nixy still wants to bond with her father. Just like the rest of her siblings.
Bellatrix: She admires her older sister. Not because she resembles their mother a lot! One would say, Bella keeps the peace among her siblings with gentle or firm words of knowledge . A trait she’s got from Eva. During their earlier years, Nixy and her sister snuck out of their mother’s nest to explore a little. Bella found a rare neutralien crystal gem and kept it. It’s been used for her her own inventions and experiments. Nixy learns a lot when she’s with her sister. Bella can handle tough situations than she can. During a pak malfunction, Nixy was in a state of panic. It was her older sister who came and fix the problem. Adding a new function to the pak’s system that’ll prevent internal bugging. Bella takes care of her whenever she’s feeling down or upset. It’s hard not to call her mom when she does this.
jovian: It can’t be helped to say that he’s a thorn in her side sometimes. Like the rest of their siblings, Jovian’s reckless antics is an eyesore to the family.l and needs to be scolded. Nixy isn’t in favor of her older brother fighting himself to be better at everything. Jovian would often show up after a hard self disciplined training session with blood and bruises all over his body. Nixy can’t even count the times she had to restitch his outfits. She only covered for him him once when their mother demand what happened to him the first time he started this. Never again. She regrets it every time a new scratch our black eye shows up on her brother’s face. Other than this, Nixy and Jovian get along just fine. They are the dynamic duo. Teaming up to concur anything. This sort of happened when they were young little smeets, playing round in their mother’s nest with. They would team up against Bellatrix and Orieon to climb to the top of their mother’s head as a sort of “king of the mountain game.” She was also involved with him getting custom made pak from their mother. She thought of having different colors would be nice for a change. Seeing she learn that the majority of irken have everything match the same. Nixy’s most recent argument with Jovian was about him wanting to leave planet Neutra and explore the universe. What frightened her more was that he thought of visiting planet irk. It only took a few insults and a stream of tears to get him to stay.
Orieon: Her younger brother. He used to be the quiet one in their litter and was the last to leave the nest. It was Nixy and Bellatrix that got him to be more talkative and outgoing. Nixy noticed that her brother seems to be growing a lot faster than the rest of them. With their mother, began to keep tabs on his growth. Eva noticed his behavior patterns are almost at a match with tallest Red, and that was something to be concerned about later in the years. After having installed their custom paks, Nixy helped her brother get the hang of using his pak legs. She even saved him once, after one of them went haywire and was about to stab him in the chest. In fact she’s the one monitoring all of their paks with her tablet. Orieon appreciates Nixy and thanked her for tolerating him.
Dib: Nixy has grown interested in the human. Partly because she wants to examine him or ask a lot of questions about space, or his relationship with an Irken. Zim’s voot cruiser also caught her eye at the time. Nixy, like her older brother, wants to learn more about their Irken heritage, so they asked Zim. The human boy shared some info about what’s going on in space. Letting Nixy know that there is a brave vortian out there, risking his life as well as his team to make sure planets like theirs are safe from an invasion. At first Nixy thought that humans were uneducated and so far back behind from the res of the universe, that they’d wouldn’t bother to explore outside their own solar system. Or not even to make trading partner ls with other, more advanced planets. For a moment, Nixy was thinking like an Irken. Believing that other inferior races should just give in to the stronger ones. Dib made it clear to her and the other kids that being stronger doesn’t make you better than others because there will always be someone out there better than you. Before Dib and Zim depart from planet Neutra, she gave them a gem. Both something to remember her by and for great use in forging into something powerful.
Zim: When he and Dib landed on the outskirts of the neutralien’s refugee camp, they were following a distress signal which lead them to Eva and her children. Jovian found and brought them home with him. Nixy and her other siblings were amazed to see another Irken, other than the other two that are part of the camp. Zim proudfully told the kids about Irken culture, the empire, the function of the paks, and the ranked jobs of the Irken military. Nixy took notes of everything being said to her from him. Asked her own questions, including one that kinda caught him off gourd. She wanted to know if he’s a defective. This didn’t trigger much, other than a slight bias and a displeasing look from Zim. The young hybrid wonders if the reason for the defectivness is the park, she suggested that Zim just fix it himself or Chang ethe encoding while cutting off links to the possible downgrade that will automatically change his functional character. Zim never met anyone THIS young being able to speak this logical and smart. Nixy sees a friend in Zim and possibly a god father.
•She made an Irken uniform in inspiration of Zim.
•Nixy likes to analyze people and her work.
• Just like her brother, she’s a brainiac.
• Her mother surgically enhanced her poor vision.
• She likes to make silk fabrics for her family.
• She’s partially colorblind to some colors. That’s another reason why she got the surgery from Eva.
•Nixy gotten used to wearing neutralien
• Is afraid of horror movies but likes sci-fi films.
•Just like her mother, Nixy grooms her horns.
• Nixie and Bellatrix are the ones with four fingers.
•Nixy and Orieon both have a crush on an neutralien.
“I never liked being called a know it all. I am smarter than most kids my age but I don’t see myself as anyone too intelligent to be important. Me and Bellatrix have the same IQ. According to our test scores from mom.”
“I didn’t tell my littermates about this but….I have poor eyesight. Mom said that it’s normal for some vortian’s to have this problem due to having smaller eyes. I had to wear ugly glasses for a while. In secret, mom got to do surgery on my eyes to improve them. My goggles are also a good adjustment.”
“The Neutraliens we’re pretty decent with me and my family. I only hope the other aliens who took residence here would be more accepting. Some of them think that me and siblings are a curse.”
“You are so hard-headed, Jovian! You’re not going to succeed our father. Get a fucking clue!”
“These schismatics are amazing! It’s exactly what I need to improve our custom paks.”
“HEY! I may be an nuisance to you but I’m still a kid!”
“When in doubt, try a different approach!”
“Are they going to send us away? Why did that tall man get us in trouble, momma?”
“Doesn’t it shock you that our father is the leader of the most threatening race in the universe? The tallest of the Irken empire. Just try and Top that! Now we hear he has a identical co-leader too!”
“I want to make a difference in this place once I’m older. We’ll have to contribute to it one day. I hope that our father’s reputation doesn’t ruin this chance for us. We’re already being judged by everyone here.”
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what do your ocs want the most?
sally- though she's very expressive on the outside, she only exhibits positive emotions and she keeps a lot of insecurities/fears/doubts to itself. this makes her wants often not known to anyone, even Jack. But her ultimate desire is to be accepted by the vortigaunts (she feels very alienated from them due to her being altered, her trauma, and the fact community matters very much to her AND the vorts) and otherwise for everyone it loves to live happy and fulfilling lives.
jack- this is such a good and funny question for jack bc. jack's whole character arc is that she feels purposeless and directionless. they feel stuck on Earth and stuck fighting the Combine for what it thinks might be forever. I guess it can be said that at first what Jack desires most is change, and at the end...well, let's just say the climax of the story is jack finding out what he really wants.
tiger- ok this one is complicated. on surface level it's clear that Tiger just wants to perpetuate it's colony's desires in conquering planets. Everything he does is in the name of eventually bringing more shock troopers to Earth and doing almost exactly what the Combine does but THEIR way. Basically the Colony's wants are Tiger's wants. It's a soldier m.i.a. from everything she's ever known, alone in a hostile world who sees the glory and potential of returning home a warrior with a promised planet. It wants to go home. And to not be alone. At any means necessary.
#half life#half life opposing force#half life oc#half life ocs#shock trooper#shock trooper oc#alien grunt#asks#do NOT let sympathy for Tiger fool you. it would sell you for a cornchip and then steal your home
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