#plainview oc
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haddieshifting · 3 months ago
diary of a wimpy kid alternate reality
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setting starting set in august if 2023, i first shift during the plot of “rodrick rules.” a few things have been adjusted, considering i will be 18 years old, high school has been changed to 9th grade being 15-16, 10th being 16-17, 11th being 17-18, and 12th being 18-19.
backstory i’m an 18 year old senior in high school and my family decided to move to plainview from florida. my parents make a comfortable living but decided to move for career reasons. we become next door neighbors to the heffley family.
life i find it easy to adjust to my new school. i quickly become friends with heather (hills) and a girl named estaa. i join theater and cheerleading. rodrick and i meet and become friends, eventually becoming friends with his bandmates too.
family myself, my mom, my dad, 12 year old little brother, a dog named rocky
friends rodrick heffley, heather hills, estaa batalia (OC), rodrick’s bandmates/friends: drew, ben, chris
love interest rodrick heffley
+ more soon
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salesmans-ptm · 2 months ago
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old plainview art i never posted on tumblr dump
ref sheet for an oc i made, she was a marine biologist who was interested in the fucked up water around plainview. hes no longer a pv oc but i might as well post him as a part of the art dump lol
(november 22nd 2022)
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confunni-art · 1 year ago
Before the Council
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Cringetober Day 2 - Self Insert
Featuring Confunni P. Cannon my plainview oc/self insert!
Additional Doodle under the read more!
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pankomako · 2 years ago
For the OC ask game:
2, 4, 5, 12, 16, 20, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 43, 49, 50
You can just answer some if all of them are too much.
2: of my boardwalk ocs, parker for sure is my favorite. he's the one i project onto lol. i also really love vertigo, rowdy and cassidy, and i think of gang's bay, screwball, juicebox and hot-rod might be my favorites. i also really like scott but i dont do much w him as of now
4: a character i rarely talk about? well i sure havent talked about boardwalk as much recently, so like of those calla is a deep cut for sure. she's DJ's best friend and too nice for her own good. i also imagine her hanging out a lot with korva and nero who are two cat-devil monster siblings. i GOTTA talk more about boardwalk here jeez
5 i already answered so i'll just skip it lol
12: oh crap another person's oc? it's been like a million years since i've talked to my artist friends so like uhhhhhh not sure?? but i did really like caspi from campyvillain's Plainview. funny shark :)
16: best oc at bio? hmmm probably gemini from boardwalk bc he's like. smart guy. but of gang's bay... i actually wanna say screwball. i really had to think about that one but i see him as knowing a lot about local wildlife so he probably does know a thing or two about biology. obviously of ALL the gangs bay characters it'd be sharky but i dont consider him an oc bc he's just me.
20: oc that sings! well i do kinda want the boardwalk characters to form a band, and DJ would likely be the lead singer. her voice in general is pretty feminine sounding but with a tomboyish bite to match her appearance and personality, but idk what she'd sound like singing lol. as for favorite music, not sure of any specific songs but she definitely likes more rock/alternative and like a few old-ish pop songs. probably plenty of 80s/90s stuff too. she's also a literal DJ and her music taste is pretty prominent in the stuff she plays. she also for sure knows how to play electric guitar and gets crazy with it.
24: if i could meet one of my ocs? like of course i'd go with parker. i put a lot of me and a lot of the traits i enjoy in him. i'd talk to him about our struggles and then probably play video games with him. putting aside all the angst i think we'd be besties
25: oc that most closely resembles me? well vertigo is probably the closest because he also functions as one of my personas, so most of his appearance aside he's just me but perpetually tired and with cool powers. like i could say sharky too but again like. he is JUST me as an adult in an ideal world so i dont consider him an oc. although of my non-personas, i'd yet again have to say parker. brown hair, brown eyes, parents that suck, lover of sharks, ADHD energy, generally kinda weird, especially about guys. big difference though is that he's bi while i'm not. nor am i a 5'10" cis guy like him lol
28: most DANGEROUS? probably vertigo. i mean just look at all the scars rowdy has. his fault for picking a fight with vertigo though. like vertigo's generally pretty docile but he's very likely to win in a fight with the powers he has. other than him you don't wanna mess with hot-rod or ding. they both hit the gym and know how to fight. although you're FAR more likely to rile up hot-rod, but why would you even want to when he could probably crush your spine just by squeezing you too tightly. oh yeah also bubbles can kick ass
29: which of my ocs would investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone? probably DJ. maybe screwball too but idk how likely he'd be to just not tell anyone
30: secret plushie collection? parker. like cmon. bubbles too. maybe cassidy. amelia has a huge collection but she hasnt even considered hiding it (just like me lol)
32: ooooh horror game protag. ive never played a horror game so idk for sure. parker and cassidy would both be the type of guy to check every single little thing and also be terrified out of their minds (screwball and juicebox too (ok maybe juicebox wouldnt interact with *every*thing)). august and ding would both have a "no big deal lol" attitude and then proceed to be proven wrong. DJ, rowdy, hot-rod and bubbles would all try to keep composure but it's also pretty clear that they're scared. vertigo doesn't find it all that scary. so who's the most suitable? no idea like what should i even be looking for here
43: my type? loser men. aka like a large majority of my characters. also dudes with long hair. i've also been partial to chubby guys as of late. cassidy is all 3 of those
49: most likely to enjoy memes? each of my oc worlds takes place in the modern era so they all at least know OF memes. but the characters that probably get a kick out of them the most would be DJ and parker, juicebox and amelia, and probably cassidy. maybe fenton and charlotte idk
50: it's getting late at the time of writing this so i'll keep it to smth brief: boardwalk of beasts and vertigo's oc world both have canon ships, but gang's bay is pretty much free game for shipping. really the only rules are no problematic ships and to respect canon sexualities (sharky is mlm, bubbles is a lesbian, milkshake is aroace), and be extra careful if you wanted to ship shipwreck with anyone, for obvious reasons. but im down for pretty much anything. you have my full permission to ship sharky with any of the guys, bc frankly i'd be dtf with any of em. also i think ship names will be super fun with the gang nicknames. like screwbox for example. fun! also bubbles and hot-rod did date during college so im ok with depictions of that too but not like actively shipping gang-era them if that makes sense.
tysm for the ask!
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thedurvin · 9 months ago
Scared to ask but what is this Small Town Roleplay concept that is trending. I looked and most of the posts are “hi welcome to Plainview, Indiana! Here’s a link to submit your OC’s application to move here”
It sounds like y’all are making up gated neighborhoods to pretend you live in
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gmod · 1 year ago
not gonna maintag this for obvious reasons but heres that (pre-reboot) plainview oc i was talkin bout LAWWWL
[Clothes r colorpicked from creepypasta images: skirt (jeff the killer), belt (smile dog), 2nd part of jacket (Victim #1) and 1st part of jacket (ticket-taker/swirly man from the theater]
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fagdykemuppet · 2 years ago
joey started as a plainview oc then when i fell out of that he became a ghost oc for a small period of time b4 i made her just her own thing
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vantapandemonium · 2 years ago
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spamtons · 3 years ago
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omg i never posted her here have i? this is my plainview OC, Cee M. Waikei! she’s like...an influencer/social media star!! designing her was really fun!!
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vulpixfire · 2 years ago
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Name: Splitzo
Age: 38
Pronouns: They/She/He
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nickname: Split
Affiliations: Birthday Party Mafia, Performer
Things to know about them
They have a very short temper
Always is yelling (Unless switching Personalitys) and always have a crazy tone to their voice
Is cleanliness alot and tends to be very short tempered when something is out of order
Abolutely hates Maxmilla
Can Camouflage but only for a short period
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sikeyaout · 3 years ago
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you look like the guy. Crys tal
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worldyea · 3 years ago
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hotpink b word named breakfast
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hauntingrabbits · 3 years ago
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Peak character design
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spectacledraws · 3 years ago
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art fight attack of Cerebelle and Caspi (@campyvillain), they’re so cartoony I wanted to try a small animation!
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courtofthecorpseking · 2 years ago
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HI long time no post sorry about that have a helpy and little man
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gmod · 1 year ago
not gonna maintag this BUT i rehauled a old plainview oc of mine
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