#plain long sleeve t shirts
bombayshirts2023 · 11 months
Versatile Elegance: From Casual T Shirt To Formal Shirts for Men - Bombay Shirt Company
Discover Bombay Shirt Company's impeccable range of men's shirts, from casual tees to best-in-class formal shirts. Elevate your style effortlessly. Visit - https://www.bombayshirts.com/
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galaxicnerd · 5 months
uhh hi i just wanna tell you that terezi actually wears a short-sleeved turtleneck not just a short-sleeved-normal-t-shirt
who cares
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content creators i am Begging you to stop putting the cool part of your designs on the BACK of the shirt. when did we start making this the most popular option. stop. i want to be able to wear a jacket.
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Very strange outfit that is sort of like.. a mix of my current style (pattern mixing, pom poms, fun sandals) combined with how I dressed when I was like 10 years old. The stereotypical skelanimals hoodie vest and the skull t-shirt lol.. 
#self#kit the cat you will always be famous#all that like 2004 - 2008 emo & scene fashion is kind of like goth fashion in that I largely am not into it really but ALSO I can respect#elements of the aesthetic. Especially pattern mixing. plaid with stripes?? with checker print also?? Very cool. Less with scene stuff since#the patterns were all like#animal prints which was worse hghjbjh.. cheeta print with zebra print with checkers is a little weirder. I think I just don't like animal#prints though. Striped parts of hair are cool though still actually to me unironically like. If it wasn't so associated with sceney stuff#still I would maybe have some stripes lol#Googling skelanimals now most of it is unappealing to me but there are a few things that are cool. there's a jacket that has stripes and#heart print mixed together. Do I just really like pattern mixing?? ghbjhbhj.. that seems like the qualification.#T-shirt? no . boring. I hate it. Will never wear it. Same exact t-shirt in the same exact style except part of it is floral and the other pa#rt is striped and it also has like lace lining or something so it's more detailed looking? wow . perfect. I love it.#Silly skull animal hoodie in plain black? boring. no. never. Same hoodie but now each sleeve is a diferent pattern? Wow.. truly amazing#I can be won over by anything that's gaudy/busy/over complicated. That quote about like ''once you think your outfit is perfect remove one#more accesory'' or whatever about minimalism and not overcomplicating a look except the opposte. Once you think your outfit is perfect add 8#more items. also they all should be different patterns. hghjbhj#ANYWAY.. I do like some of the concepts of some of the older fashion. Like t-shirt over a long sleeve shirt and they're both different#patterns. and then a skirt that's a different pattern. and some tights or socks that are also assymetrical or some like complimentary#other pattern. Stripes + plaid especially. Famous combination. And the having like 667495789789 little plastic bracelets. No idea what was#up with that since I'm too socially out of touch especially when I was in school (I remember hearing that like some colors#of bracelet mean different things or something) but it was an interesting aesthetic. And the wrist bands#The t-shirt is from walmart from when I think I wasnt even in middle school yet still late elementary school and I remember thinking it was#the coolest thing ever because usually you had to go to hot topic or something to get clothes with skulls on them. And it's so so weird look#ing like. the colors?? are ugly and shouldnt work but actually I still kind of like the aesthetic. green with pink and weird mustardy yellow#and gray??? Maybe I only like it because it has different patterns (skulls + checkers + dots + hearts)#Anyway it's a really funny t-shirt to me. One of those weird items that is captivating for some reason#And the hoodie I actually owned a long time ago too. but I think I got it later. I had one other skelanimals thing which was a jacket and it#was like 5 sizes too big for me which I loved. And I remember being really obsessed with the font they used on their tags and trying to#replicate writing that way. not the newer gothy one. but the old logo font like.. it looks like Curlz MT or something lol
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creativesnehalshop · 10 months
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All tips t shirt available
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its-captain-sir · 1 year
had an "oh it's me" gender moment when I saw myself in the mirror just now cause it's finally warm enough to wear t-shirts again :)
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hushandwear · 2 years
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violetbranwen · 2 months
Sing My Praises | Soap x AFAB!Reader | PWP Oneshot
This blog is 18+, Minors DNI. NSFW makes up most of the content I post.
Summary: Johnny loves a bit of praise ;) Word Count: 3k~ Warnings: Alcohol mention/assumption, this is just PWP, Johnny is Subby, Johnny has a praise k*nk, protected PiV (I know?!), face-riding, face-sitting, oral(F!receiving), dirty talk galore, Johnny is a Good Boy, no race/appearance coding of reader, but reader wears a dress, has a vagina. Let me know if I missed anything!
AO3 | CoD Masterlist
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You spotted him from across the bar an hour ago as you sipped on your overpriced drink. It’s been a long week and you’ve got two things on your to-do list: drink and fuck. And you’ve almost finished your drink.
You check him out without an ounce of subtlety or sliver of shame. He’s handsome, and he knows it. Stubble graces his strong jaw, sparkling blue eyes, Mohawk styled just right. He’s just your type.
It seems he’s noticed you too.
He says something to the three men he’s been with all evening, resulting in a chorus of testosterone filled grunts of assurance and encouragement. You stop yourself from smirking at that, you want to play coy, for now.
He saunters over, fixing his mohawk with dextrous fingers as he flashes you a smirk so saturated with self-confidence it’s almost comical. But there’s a cool, calculated shine to his eyes that tells you he’s more than just a peacocking asshole. This man means business.
“Evening gorgeous,” he greets you as he sits down on the free stool to your right, the gentle Glaswegian accent rolls off his tongue like honey, “Couldn’t help but notice you’ve been on your lonesome all night, d’ya mind if I remedy tha’?”
You turn on your stool and take your time in looking him up and down now he’s closer. It’s mostly for show, but you can’t help but admire the way his jeans hug his thighs, nor the way his biceps strain against the short sleeves of his plain black t-shirt.
“Why, aren’t you a bold one?” You ask as you take another sip of your drink.
“Aye, you could say tha’,” he flashes you a smile that might dazzle someone younger, less experienced, but you see right through it, “I’m John, by the way, but my friends call me Johnny.”
He extends his hand out to you, and you smile, despite yourself, at his earnest nature. You take his hand and give your name before squeezing it firmly, which makes his eyebrows shoot up in awe. His palm is hot and rough on your own and you can’t wait to see how it feels elsewhere on your body.
“Well, Johnny,” you say with a soft chuckle. You release his hand, only to trail your fingertips up the inside of his wrist, circling over his pulse point as you hold his gaze, “Do you want to cut the bullshit and come back to my place?”
You’re in an Uber in minutes, Johnny’s fingertips ghosting up your bare thighs, under the hem of your dress; only to be moved back each time he gets too close to your panties. All you want to do is mount him, right here, right now, and make him come apart. But you relish in the way he whines as you slide his hands back down your thighs.
“Enough,” you hush him as his fingertips dig into your knees, “I’m not fucking you in the back of a taxi.”
“You sure?” He asks, voice thick and raspy as he leaves hot, wet kisses along your neck, trailing up your neck to nip gently at your jaw.
You crane your neck, baring it to his ravenous mouth as you palm his bluge through his jeans. He yelps, a bright, endearing sound as he bucks up into your eager touch.
“Very sure,” you say with an elated sigh as he cups the side of your face, turning you to look at him as he places a lingering kiss to the corner of your mouth, “Want to take my time with you.”
“Fuck,” he moans before slotting his lips over yours, the heat of his mouth on yours has you trembling. You slip your tongue past his all-too-willing lips as you tug on the base of his mohawk. He growls against you as he slowly caresses your tongue with his own. It’s thick, heavy in your mouth as you let him feel like he’s in control.
For now.
The driver clears his throat loudly as you feel the car shudder to a halt. Johnny looks up in surprise and before he can so much as blink you’re slipping out of the car and making your way to the front door.
You hear a muffled curse from behind you followed by the car door slamming behind you. Before you’ve got the key in the lock he’s pressed against you, mouthing desperately at the side of your neck.
“Fuckin’ need you, hen,” he murmurs against your skin as he grinds against your ass, the hefty bulge in his jeans making your mouth water at the size of it.
“So eager,” you respond as you fumble the door open, stumbling through with a distinct lack of grace as the Scotsman spins you to face him. His mouth is back on yours as he kicks the door shut, pushing you against the nearest wall as his firm hands find your hips.
Your fingers fist in the front of his t-shirt as he slots his knee between your thighs, his stubble scrapes your skin with a delicious burn as you grind against him. You nip at his bottom lip and your pussy clenches at the soft little whines he makes as his palms drift up and over your ribs.
“You wanna do this here, or have ye got a bed, hen?” He asks as he grazes his teeth along your jaw, the wet drag of his tongue against your skin makes you arch up against his broad chest.
“Come on,” you say as you shove him back, “Follow me pretty boy.”
You lead him to your bedroom, pushing him down onto the bed before pulling your dress over your head, revealing your lacy underwear set. You tug on his t-shirt and without question he pulls it up and over his head. He’s sat in just his jeans, and you hum in approval as you rake your eyes over his muscular torso.
“Bloody hell,” Johnny breathes as he sits up, “You’re fuckin’ beautiful lass.”
“You’re not too bad yourself,” you say with a grin as you sink down onto his lap, “But a pretty boy like you doesn’t have to be told that do you?”
You shudder as his hands grope at the meat of your ass, kneading at your tender skin as he splays his fingers out. His icy eyes glimmer up at you as you scrape your fingertips down his chest. He groans low and you bite your lip as you increase the pressure, red lines raising on his skin as his jaw falls slack.
“Oh, do you like that, Johnny?” Your voice is mocking as you watch his eyes glaze over, “You like a bit of pain?”
“Yes,” he breathes as he rolls your damp crotch over his clothed cock, the friction makes you gasp as he rubs the fingers of his right hand over the curve of your ass, “Fuckin’ love it.”
“Good,” you groan as you feel the thick, blunt tips of his fingertips press against the thin lace covering your pussy, “Fuck, Johnny.”
You clench around nothing as he teases two fingers over your clothed cunt, the friction makes you weak as he increases the pressure.
“Want to make you feel good,” he growls against your sternum as he buries his face between your breasts, “Can I lass?”
“Please,” you whine, already losing the grip on your senses as you feel his left hand ghost up your ribs, a calloused palm catching on your skin as he feels for your bra clasp. You’re about to help when you feel the pressure release, your bra folds down and before he can help, you’re slipping your arms out of the straps and throwing the lacy garment across the room.
“You’re good at that,” you compliment him with a giggle as both his hands come up to cup your tits, “You get a lot of practice?”
“Not as much as I’d like,” he says with a wink, and you feel the heat rush to your cheeks as his tongue darts out of his mouth to lap at your left nipple. You gasp at the way he circles your stiffening bud, bright blue eyes locked on yours as he watches you pant and whine.
“Yes, that’s it,” you say with a hard roll of your hips, “Good fucking boy.”
You almost let out a triumphant laugh when you hear the whimper escape Johnny’s lips, but the way he latches onto your nipple and sucks hard has you squirming in his lap instead. He’s grinding up against you now as you tug on the base of his mohawk, you’re so close already.
“You like being called a good boy?” You ask breathlessly as he releases your nipple with an audible pop before trailing wet kisses across your chest.
“Fuckin’ right,” he moans against the curve of your breast before nipping at the tender flesh there, “Nothin’ like pretty woman singing my praises, lass.”
“I’ll sing for you Johnny,” you say as your head lolls back, “But you gotta make me come first.”
“I intend on it,” he says, lips teasing against your stiffened peak as he swirls the tip of his tongue in torturously slow circles around it.
“You gonna let me ride your face, pretty boy?”
“Steamin’ Jesus, lass. Yes,” he groans against your chest before sinking down onto his back, pulling you down with him as he moves back up on the bed.
His lips find yours as he slips his fingertips beneath the lacy band of your panties, rolling them down your thighs. You awkwardly kick them off the rest of the way, the pair of you laughing into each other’s open mouths as you wriggle above him.
“So fuckin’ beautiful,” he breathes as he guides you by your hips to hover over his face, your knees rest either side of his head as his fingertips trace invisible patterns up and down your thighs.
“Got a filthy mouth on you, Johnny,” you purr as you let the tension in your thighs release, easing your aching cunt closer to his eager mouth.
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, hen.”
You’re about to challenge him when his fingertips dig into the swell of your ass before pulling your cunt flush against his mouth. You cry out as his lips wrap around your clit, his tongue swirling around the swollen, throbbing bud as your thighs tremble.
You moan low as you steady yourself on the headboard, knuckles burning and chest heaving as he devours you. You look down to see his bright eyes alight with desire as he groans against your mound.
He rocks you back and forth over his tongue as you feel the tight pull of your release threaten to spill forth. You grind down harder on him now, desperately chasing your high, and you feel him tremble beneath you as he sucks even harder, making you see stars.
“Fuck, that’s right,” you cry out as pleasure bursts through you, your legs weakening as you come, “Eat my cunt, fucking yes, good boy. Good fucking boy.”
You clench hard around nothing as you ride his face, bucking your hips over his greedy tongue as he laps and sucks wantonly at your slick folds. He dips his tongue into your entrance, making you whine as he rocks you through your aftershocks.
You flop forward as you succumb to overstimulation and Johnny helps you ease down onto the bed. He slips out from under you, and you feel a broad palm on your left ass cheek as he gently kneads at it.
“Got a pretty wee voice there, hen,” he says with a chuckle, and you can’t help but smirk into your bedsheets as you feel the heat burning through your entire body.
“And you’ve got a filthier mouth than I gave you credit for,” you say with a huff as you roll onto your back, looking up to see him still wearing his jeans, “Get naked for me.”
He does so without a word and as he ditches his jeans you watch with rapt attention as he pulls down his tight boxer briefs. His dick springs free and you clench around nothing.
He’s thick and uncut, his length considerable but not daunting. You curl your toes and your pussy clenches around nothing as you consider throwing caution to the wind and letting him fuck you raw.
“Pretty dick for a pretty boy,” you say with a sultry lilt, “Shame we have to cover him up.”
“Aye,” Johnny says with a flash of his pearly whites, “But whatever makes you comfortable, I’m squeaky clean, if that helps?”
You roll onto your front, wiggling your ass a little as you reach into your bedside table to fetch a foil packet.
“As much as I’d like to trust you,” you muse as you roll back over to present the condom to him, “I’m not so naïve to trust the word of a one-night stand, no offence.”
“Clever,” he says with a nod, if he’s displeased with your choice he doesn’t show it, “Maybe we’ll just have to schedule a few more of these rendezvous, and see where we go?”
“Haven’t even got your dick inside me, and you’re so sure there’ll be another? You are a cocky one,” you tease as he rips the packet open before rolling it down his length. You shift back up onto the pillows and spread yourself out for him.
“I’d have thought by now you’d know I’m here to get you off as much as myself,” he counters as he kneels between your thighs, “You get that from all of yer one-night stands?”
“I dunno,” you say as he rubs his tip through your dripping folds, “Maybe I have a type.”
“That so?” He scoffs and you lick your lips as he notches his tip at your core, “Guess I have something to prove then.”
He presses into you with a slow, purposeful roll of his hips and any witty retort dies on your lips. You mewl at the way he stretches you out, his cock thick and heavy, you practically forget he’s wearing a condom as he sinks deep inside you.
He bottoms out with a thick grunt, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips and you smile against his mouth.
“God, you feel good,” you breathe as you slide one hand down between your slick bodies, the other cupping his stubbled jaw. You run your fingertips over your swollen clit, shuddering and clenching around him as you start to build up to another orgasm.
“So do you, like fuckin’ heaven,” Johnny pants as he nudges his nose against yours.
“Johnny?” You ask in a tight whisper as you wrap your legs around his waist, heels digging into the small of his back as you cross your ankles.
“What is it?” He asks, pulling back a little to look you in the eye, there’s a sobriety to his tone as he checks in.
“Want you to fuck me rough, fuck me dumb on your pretty little cock,” you say with a whisper against his lips as you tilt your hips up, digging your heels in to pull his pelvis flush with yours.
Johnny whines in response before grinding down into you, flattening your hand between your bodies as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. He presses his entire body weight onto you as he moans against your skin.
“Such a tight little cunt,” he whimpers as he pulls almost all the way out, your walls aching to be filled.
You don’t have to wait long, as he fucks down into you with fervour as he sets a brutal pace. You pant and whine as he sucks marks into your skin, your free hand tugging at the short hair at the base of his skull as you work your clit.
“Fuck, Johnny,” you cry out as the lewd sounds of skin slapping on skin fills your senses, “Feel so fucking good,” you babble as you gush around him. You’re so close, blindingly so, as you feel him shift above you.
“Yeah?” He pants as his thick fingers dig into the backs of your thighs, “Gonna fuck you like you deserve, make you come on my cock.”
You gasp as your thighs are pushed up; knees folded up as Johnny puts you in a mating press. You can’t help but cry out as he rams his thick cock deep inside you. He hits a spot deep inside you that you’ve rarely felt before.
Your vision blurs and you feel tears forming at the corners of your eyes as your orgasm explodes. You pant and cry out as he fucks you through your release, your lips find his and you groan into his mouth as he continues to fuck you hard.
“Gonna come lass,” he snarls as his pace falters and his forehead presses against your own.
“Come inside me,” you say, without thinking, as you feel his dick twitch as he slams his hips flush against your thighs. He fills the condom with a low whine as he holds himself there, pulsing inside you.
You kiss him again, tongue pressing past his lips in a slow, probing dance as you feel the energy ebbing from your body. You eventually collapse together in a sweaty heap, chests heaving, and lips pulled up into wide smiles.
You force yourself to go and pee, Johnny following close behind to dispose of the condom in the bin before washing up and rejoining you on the bed. The room smells of sex and the sheets are damp but there’s a tranquillity to the way you lie facing one another. For some time, you just stare, not touching as you both try not to drift off to sleep.
“So,” Johnny eventually breaks the silence, “Do I meet your standards for a second date?”
You laugh breathlessly as you run your fingertips over the slope of his nose and down to the curve of his lips. There’s a warmth buzzing in your chest, something more than post-nut euphoria, as you consider your answer. There’s great risk in making decisions in such a blissed-out state, but something tells you that you won’t be able to stay away from Johnny. Even if you wanted to.
“Buy me breakfast, and we’ll see.”
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eazybelinfo · 2 years
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Buy Electric Baby Bouncers With Bluetooth - Eazybel
If you want to buy electric baby bouncers with Bluetooth, then Eazybel is the best option for you. We have a comfortable baby bouncer that helps parents achieve many things that are physically impossible to help their baby sleep. Rocking is a natural way to soothe, comfort, and help a child fall asleep. A person they do fall asleep quickly. It is more convenient, lighter, easy to carry, and comes with a USB charger. You can visit our website and see our collection: https://www.eazybel.com/collections/mom-and-newborn/products/electric-baby-bouncers-with-bluetooth-and-five-gear-swing-hot-mom-intelligence-timing -baby-schaukel-reine-cotton-baby-wippe-cardle?variant=42929382719710
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dilemmaontwolegs · 7 months
And Carlos having to watch in Abu Dhabi as they get to publicly be together. Maybe that’s why he crashed out in FP2, she was on his mind…
This is now canon.
Can it be an epilogue?
Lady in Red {4} || CS55 & CL16
Summary: It's the final event of the season and plans are being made for winter, but first there's some mind games going on at Ferrari Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, bj, fingering, toxic behaviour WC: 2.4k One || Two || Three || Four
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Charles felt your fingers slip away from his as you neared the entrance to the track. Confused, he reached for them again and looked at your reflection in the car window. Turning away from the lines of fans waiting for a glimpse of the drivers, you met his green eyes. “Sorry, force of habit,” you apologised sheepishly. 
You had confessed everything to him when he tried to kiss you at the end of the night in Vegas. Ever the gentleman, he had walked you to your room but when he leaned closer, just like you wanted him to, the words had tumbled out. He knew everything; how you had been played by Carlos and, even worse, what you had done knowing he was in a relationship.
Lacing your fingers tighter, he raised them to his lips and kissed them. “You don’t have to hide with me.”
You smiled at the truth and leaned into his side as the car came to a stop. “I know.”
It felt strange stepping out into the spotlight with all of your clothes on. You were used to the wind kissing your skin through the thin lingerie you were being paid to promote with your body, pretending you weren’t freezing cold when night fell. It was comfortable to walk hand in hand with Charles, in a fairly plain dress that you had chosen. You weren’t here for business, it was purely pleasure.
“What are your plans for the break?” you asked as he settled into his driver's room. 
He pulled his t-shirt off and traded it for the fireproof long sleeved shirt you had grabbed from the shelf. Your eyes lingered on the toned skin that disappeared beneath the shirt and he combed a hand through his hair that had messed up. “My plans or our plans?”
“I didn’t know we had plans,” you said coyly. 
He kicked off his jeans and smirked as you hid the fireproof pants behind your back. His body pressed to yours as he dominated your space, reaching around your back and catching your hands in his much larger ones. 
“Then we will have to change that, chérie. Unless you have something already planned?”
He pulled you closer and dipped his head to yours, kissing you until your body relaxed and your hands released his clothes. 
“I suppose I can clear my schedule for you,” you sighed jokingly, smiling when his lips tugged up again. 
“Don’t go out of your way,” he said sarcastically as he pulled his fireproofs up and jumped to get the tight leggings into place. “I would hate to be a nuisance.”
“Such a pest,” you noted, dropping onto his couch and tucking your legs up. You rested your chin on your knees and watched him sip from his bottle to keep hydrated. “What did you have in mind?”
“Do you like skiing?”
“Never tried. I’ll probably be terrible and complain about the cold,” you admitted with a laugh. “I hope you are a good teacher.”
“The best, chérie.” He winked your way as he pulled his racing suit on, shrugging the shoulders up so he could close the velcro collar. When he had his boots on and his balaclava in his hands, he bent down and kissed you goodbye. “I’ll see you after practice.”
“Drive safe.”
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Charles had done well to avoid Carlos for most of the week. The two drivers had been on separate media panels and had barely spoken outside of team meetings or whatever silly games they were told to play by management. Those had been tense to say the least. 
There was no avoiding him however when they finished FP1 and spoke to the media. They had both finished their interviews at the same time and were heading in the same direction to hospitality.
“Did your girlfriend tell you about me? About the things we did?” Carlos goaded his teammate as they walked along. They both smiled and waved to the fans and the cameras but Carlos’ one was straining under the force of his.
“She told me everything, but we all make mistakes,” Charles replied calmly, his smile never wavering as he signed autographs for the young fans. “That’s all you are to her, a mistake.”
“We’ll see about that: once a whore, always a whore.” Carlos threw his arm over Charles’ shoulders and pulled him closer, slapping his chest patronisingly. “You’re vanilla, Chuck. Vanilla is boring once you’ve had a bit of spice. Why do you think they call me Chilli?” 
Carlos pushed away with a laugh and left the Monegasque with the words playing on his mind. Charles was still thinking about them when he met you in his driver's room. He closed the door a little too hard and you frowned at the change in him. He had been smiling in the media pit, proud of how the first practice went, but now he was sour as he started to strip his clothes off.
“Is everything okay?” you asked as you touched his back lightly, feeling his move out of your touch. “Oh, okay. I’ll leave you alone then.”
You grabbed your handbag and reached for the door but Charles stretched over you to plant his hand on the top, the press of his chest against your back. His lips brushed the shell of your ear and his other hand snaked over your hip, drifting down your abdomen. “Am I boring?”
Your head fell back to his shoulder as his fingers followed the shape of your body and slipped between your legs. “No,” you whispered as you remembered he had asked you a question. “Did Carlos say something?”
Charles' hand disappeared as he pushed away from you with a huff. “Were you seriously thinking about him?”
“I think you were,” you pointed out as you turned to face him and leaned against the door, crossing your arms. You stared at him for a moment and he looked away first, brushing a hand angrily through his hair - but the anger wasn’t aimed at you. 
“Fuck, he got in my head.”You crossed the room and caught his face in your hands, brushing your thumbs over the beard he sported. “Forget about him, Charles, I’m with you. You’re good for me, healthy.”
“Vanilla,” he muttered as he twisted his face away and sighed. 
“I’m going for a walk,” you murmured as he sank into the couch. “Give you some space.”
“Wait,” he said as you opened the door. “Come back.”
“I will, soon. Promise.” You closed the door behind you before marching across the motorhome to the other driver room and pounding your fist on Carlos’ door. “Open up.”
It swung open quickly, like he had been waiting for your visit and smirked as you stepped inside. “Hermosa, you look disappointed. Does Charles leave you unsatisfied?”
“I am disappointed, Carlos,” you said as you crossed your arms but quickly unfolded then when his eyes fell to the swell of your breasts. “Do you really have nothing better to do with your time?”
“There’s one improvement I can think of, and it isn’t talking, cariña.”
Your hands turned to fists at your side as he undressed you with his eyes, his tongue rolling across his bottom lip. “Don’t talk to Charles, don’t talk to me, don’t even think about me, okay?”
Carlos shrugged nonchalantly. “Hard to do, he’s my teammate.”
“You’ll find a way, or Rebecca will find out the truth. Wouldn’t that be fun? Imagine that, Carlos, she would drop you in an instant and once again you would be all alone - because I won’t be answering your call,” you threatened coldly as you took a step closer. “I will be too busy on holiday with my boyfriend - the one I will fuck in every possible way so no one could ever call him vanilla again.”
“He’ll never be enough,” Carlos called out as you stepped towards the door. “That thrill, of knowing you might be caught, you’ll never get that with him.”
“There’s other thrills to be had,” you smirked over your shoulder. “Maybe I’ll take a page out of your book and mess with your girlfriend. I could send Rebecca that two piece you loved so much. You remember, the red one, delicate, lace. The one that had you on your knees begging to fuck me in. Yeah…I think I like this new game, it’s just so thrilling.”
“You're not wearing red today,” he muttered.
“No, I’m not being paid to support Ferrari, I’m here for Charles.”
You left him unable to articulate a response and closed the door behind you with a dark smile. Charles was where you left him, fidgeting with his rings, and his head snapped up when you walked in. 
“You went to him?” It wasn’t an accusation, merely curiosity that filled his tone and he patted the space beside him.
“I did,” you confirmed, taking the seat he offered. His hand laced with yours and he settled them on his thigh as he leaned back into the couch with a heavy sigh. “I needed to clarify some things that he didn’t seem to understand.”
“I didn’t mean to push you away, or pin you to the door.”
“You didn’t,” you assured him as you rested your head on his shoulder. “Was kind of hot though.”
Charles laughed nervously. “Yeah, it was. Would it be alright if I did that?”
You peeked up under your lashes to see him looking intently at you. You didn’t realise he felt he needed permission but your heart skipped a beat over the fact he asked. You hadn’t really had that before and your body burned in response as you shifted on the seat to straddle his hips. “Yes, Charles.”
“Not too vanilla,” he teased, but the laughter never reached his eyes.
“I don’t know why you are so hung up on that,” you tutted. “Vanilla isn’t an insult. It’s classic and timeless, and perfect for all occasions.”
“I suppose so,” he mused, half convinced.
“You know what wouldn’t be vanilla?” He shook his head and watched you sink to the floor between his legs. Your hands found the waistband of his fireproofs and dragged them down as he lifted his hips. You wet your lips at the sight of his semi that was growing harder by the second. “Letting me do this, with the door unlocked.”
His eyes widened and his lips parted but before he could think better and ask you to stop your lips sealed around his cock and the only sound that escaped was a sated sigh. “Putain, tu te sens si bien.”
You hummed at the taste of him in your mouth and you pressed your tongue against his shaft as you took him deeper. Incoherent French filled the room and you delighted in the sounds as you ignored the need to breathe. There was nothing prettier than rolling your eyes up his body to see the complete awe on his face as he watched you pleasure him, your name on his lips. Not a nickname or an endearment, your name, because you weren’t a secret to hide.
“Je vais…je vais foutre,” he moaned loudly. His hands gripped your head and he snapped his hips up, choking you with his cock as he buried himself in your throat. A thick stream of cum filled your mouth as he sagged back into the couch, his cock twitching as you milked every last drop on your tongue and swallowed it. 
You sat back on your heels pleased with yourself. He was thoroughly relaxed as he curled his fingers to draw you back up onto his lap. 
“Thank you,” he said softly, his confidence completely restored. “I’m sorry I have to get ready to go, chérie, or I would happily return the favour.”
“I can wait,” you hummed as he started to tease you with his fingers anyway. He eased one into your cunt to find it already wet and ready for him, then he added a second and pressed his thumb to your clit. “Someone might walk in,” you whispered, but it turned to a moan at the circles he drew around your clit.
“Someone might,” he chuckled, clearly enjoying the idea as much as you were. 
His fingers worked you to a frenzy and you rode your hips over them as you chased your release. He swallowed the cries of your release with a deep kiss, his tongue dominating yours and sharing the taste of his musk that coated your tongue. Lifting his fingers to his lips, he held your eyes as he licked them clean and your pussy clenched at the sight.
“That’s not vanilla,” you said as you bit your lip and climbed off. “Not vanilla at all, baby.”
He grinned at the compliment and tucked himself away before standing up too. “I’ll see you after practice.”
“Drive safe.”
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Charles didn’t stop smiling that night. His practice may not have had the top time but it was still a positive indicator that he was going to have a good pace for the race and better yet Carlos had crashed out. They had passed each other in the media pit and Charles didn’t have the ability to hide his smirk as he watched his teammate saunter off with a scowl on his face.
“I don’t know what you said to him, chérie,” Charles laughed at dinner with his friends, Carlos’ table much more reserved on the other side of the restaurant. “But I haven’t seen him that quiet, ever.”
“I just reminded him of his values,” you said with a sweet smile, and you fluttered your eyelashes too. “And what will happen if he tries to fuck with us again.”
“God, winter break can’t come soon enough,” Charles said as he took your hand and kissed it before draping his arm over your shoulders. Carlos shifted in his seat, eyebrows furrowing at you before he did the same to his girlfriend. “I don’t know if I will even want to leave the chalet.”
“One ski lesson with me and that might be the wise decision.”
Charles shook his head. “You’re not getting out of it, I told you, chérie, I’m the best.”
You smirked as your hand came to rest high up his thigh under the table. “Yes, yes you are.”
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vryfmi · 9 months
book!l&co character lineup
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finally finished extended version of my L&Co designs, based on their book descriptions! it took months, but im happy with the results
ID of designs + thumbnail-sketch under the cut
[image ID: two digital drawings of characters from Lockwood and Co books, done in semi-realistic style, black lineart and plain colour against grey background.
image 1: from left to right there are full body drawings of George Cubbins, Anthony Lockwood and Lucy Carlyle. George is standing facing left, slouching, he's looking at the viewer with indifferent expression. he's fat, light-skinned and has medium length fair hair. George's wearing round glasses, red t-shirt, baggy jeans, unzipped grey hoodie and sneakers. he has a grey sport bag in right hand and a black messenger bag across left shoulder. next to him there's Lockwood, he's standing half turned to right, he's facing the viewer with a gentle smile. Lockwood is paler than George, almost a head taller and slim with short, slightly wavy, black hair. he's wearing a grey three piece suit with white shirt underneath, as well as smart black shoes and a purple tie. on top of it is a black greatcoat. Lockwood stands with one hand in pocket and another resting on rapier's grip. the sword is in its scabbard attached to Lockwood's belt. furthest on the right is Lucy, she's standing half turned to right, head facing left with a curious look directed at the viewer. her skin is light and her hair is warm brown, slightly uneven and spiky with middle parting. she has a wide frame and is the same height as George. Lucy's wearing a baggy orange sweater, plaid grey skirt, black leggings and tall dark-brown work boots with iron patches. she's holding onto a strap of her rucksack that is on her right shoulder. there's also a belt on top of the sweater which holds her rapier.
image 2: from left to right there are full body drawings of Flo Bones, human version of the skull, Quill Kipps and Holly Munro. Flo is standing half turned to left, facing towards the viewer with a smirk. she's light-skinned with long dirty-blonde hair, and her face has smudges of mud all over. compared to previous pictures, she's almost as tall as Lockwood, but not quite. Flo is wearing long blue puffer jacket on top of her darker clothes that resemble one of fisherman's with mudded thigh-high rainboots. she stands with one hand in jacket pocket, one raising a brim of straw hat with a knife. said hat has a fishing hook stuck on its brim and two lavender stems attached to hat band. next to her is the skull in his human form. he stands half turned to right, slouching, hands in pockets, with head thrown back with a wide smirk across his face. skull is very thin and not really tall, he is tanned and freckled with spiky dark hair. skull is wearing ill-fitting clothes: a white old-timey shirt that is slightly too big and grey trousers that are too small and short. he stands barefoot. third from the left is Quill Kipps, he stand half turned to right, crossing his arms, head facing left with a look of annoyance. Kipps is short and slim, he has ruddy and freckled skin and short ginger hair. Kipps is wearing a grey leather jacket with Fittes logo on it as well as two medals, tight black jeans and chelsea boots. his rapier scabbard has a baldric type of belt. rapier itself has green gems on a hilt. finally, there's Holly Munro, she's standing half turned to left, head facing right with a gentle smile. she's pretty tall and slim with deep rich black skin tone and black shoulder length curls. Holly's wearing a white short lantern sleeve shirt with a blue dress with a cloth belt wrapped around and tied into a bow at the back, as well as low heel shoes. she has a light-blue scarf wrapped around her head. Holly also has white small earrings and beige nail paint. all of the characters have artist’s watermark at the lower right side of them./end ID]
bonus sketch
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kaurwreck · 9 months
Is now a good time to talk about how Dazai and Chuuya parallel each other's clothes and that Chuuya arriving at Mersault in a plain white t-shirt matches Dazai's plain white prison drip.
Exhibit A
They both wear slacks, suit vests, long coats, and button-up shirts with the collars undone. They both cuff their sleeves at 3/4 length. Chuuya's choker, which he began wearing after joining the Port Mafia, mirrors Dazai's neck bandages. His harness, which he did not wear when they were in the Port Mafia together as far as Fifteen, Storm Bringer, and Dead Apple imply, mirrors the bolo tie Dazai began wearing after he left the Port Mafia.
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Exhibit B
Their current looks are more subtle, Chuuya is too ra ra fashion baby for Meursault, but Dazai doesn't have his bolo tie, and Chuuya has accordingly ditched his harness. Chuuya wears a plain white t-shirt, mirroring Dazai's plain white. Dazai still has his neck bandages, Chuuya still has his choker. Dazai tries to cuff his sleeves in prison (although in the manga, he wears them long), but they still rest longer than his usual preference. Chuuya similarly sports longer sleeves than usual, also stopping short of his wrists. Importantly, Chuuya still wears lots of Port Mafia black to foil Dazai's Agency white/khaki/pale.
(Harukawa talks about contrasting the Port Mafia's black scheme to the Agency's plainer neutrals here).
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It's not that they match perfectly because they don't. They each have distinct styles, reflective of their distinct personalities and where they thrive best (Chuuya in the dark, Dazai in the light). But they parallel and complement one another, even years later, even in separate organizations. Moreover, Chuuya keeps pace with Dazai, changing his outfits with Dazai's as they grow together (even when apart).
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creativesnehalshop · 10 months
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New York Tee
All tips t shirt available
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dreadsuitsamus · 3 months
jealous choso... but not just any type of jealousy. post breakup jealousy
things didn't work out for one reason or another, but for the sake of his little brother yuji, who you've helped him raise, you've remained friends! things work out okay enough this way, and for a long time there weren't any issues. you're there for each other when needed, and sometimes it feels like you never split up to begin with.
but you are apart, and that much becomes absolutely crystal clear as you prepare for your first date after the breakup of your six year relationship with choso.
"you... have a date?" choso frowns softly, adjusting the phone between his shoulder and ear as he dries off the dinner dishes. he'd called to see if you'd come over to watch the new hour long special of yuji's favorite cartoon, only to be shot down rather shyly.
"well... yeah." you murmur.
choso's eye twitches. he'd bet any amount of money you're wearing that little black dress, the one that hugs your curves and shows off those delicious thighs, and you've no doubt paired it with those sexy stilettos that give your ass a bit more of a pop... "with who?"
"a guy i met at work." you fiddle with the hem of your dress. "it's nothing serious... just some dinner."
my ass!
still, choso does his best to swallow down the bitter flavor in his mouth. he should be happy for you! "hm. have fun. you need a ride?"
"no, he's picking me up."
oh fuck that
"okay. send me your location anyway."
sighing, though with fondness, you concede and hang up the phone. and as soon as choso's phone pings with the information, he's tying his hair up and making another call.
"sukuna, i need you to watch yuji for a couple hours."
and it takes some haggling, but soon enough the eldest itadori brother is over and choso is gone, flying out of the apartment parking lot like a bat out of hell and to the restaurant. spotting you and your "date" across the room, choso grabs a menu and settles at a table he can still see you at. the glower on his face is murderous as he takes in just how gorgeous you are, and just how much you're no longer his.
it's been a while since the breakup, but he still isn't prepared for this. it's just not right, seeing you with another man. he doesn't know you like choso does! he doesn't know how you like your grilled cheese, what side of the bed you like to sleep on, how you like to be held in strong arms...
he never should've let you go.
the vein at his temple threatens to burst just as much as his biceps do through the sleeves of his t-shirt. you're laughing. he's charming you and it's working. his girl, his baby is at dinner with a man that's doing all he can to get under the skirt of that dress.
admittedly, choso would love to be under that skirt too. it's been... a while.
flicking his amber eyes over the top of the menu, choso smirks as you decline the dessert menu and slips out of the restaurant. he'll catch you before you can leave with the schmuck, and then you're all his. he waits at his car, watching until you're stepping out of the restaurant—
his phone ringing is a bit unexpected.
slowly raising it to his ear, you're speaking before he has a chance.
"you know, you're really bad at hiding in plain sight with all of that brooding."
clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, choso bounces his leg a bit. "yeah, whatever... had to make sure you were okay."
"mhmmm." you laugh softly, and choso rolls his eyes.
"well if you're calling me, clearly your date is a bust."
"how couldn't it be?! there was a big, sulking man shooting daggers from the corner at us!"
"not my fault he's a coward." choso shrugs, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. "come on now, i'll take you home."
"you'd better! you scared off my ride."
"my ride's better."
in the car, choso drives right past your apartment complex, and you tug at the hem of his shirt. "you missed the turn, cho."
"did i?" he hums and gently takes your hand, tugging you across the bench and into his side, driving one-handed while his other arm slings over your shoulders.
"mhmmm." leaning into choso is still so easy for you. "and where's yuji?"
"'kuna's watching him."
"oh, i know that one cost you."
"'nother week with yuji." choso shrugs; it's not much of a loss for him, truly. he never quite relaxes when sukuna has their little brother for his week.
"so not all that much in the long-run."
"i actually gain more time with no gray hairs this way."
you hide a laugh into his neck and choso presses a soft kiss to your temple. "cho... why'd you come out tonight?"
"guys don't like their lady goin' on dates with other men." choso mumbles, a blush spreading along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
your lips linger against his neck, lipstick marking his fair skin through your mumble. "we broke up a year ago, choso."
your ex pulls over, parking the car before scooping you into his arms and laying you down on the bench with plenty of hot kisses to follow. "mm... i changed my mind."
"oh really? well, you'll still have to change mine."
choso just grins, and his methods of convincing you make dealing with sukuna's attitude a walk in the park.
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hushandwear · 2 years
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YOU GOT THIS REGULAR MEN'S T-SHIRT - Fill your wardrobe with the most wanted brand in the online world and be stylish with the most beautiful collections from the house of Hush and Wear. Find the perfect t-shirt for men and women. You will find a large selection of sleek, modern designs with high-quality materials.
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prettieinpink · 11 months
Wardrobe Essentials Guide !!
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This is only a guide- you don’t need everything I list. This is just to help people build their dream wardrobe sensibly without over or under consuming or to recognize what they may want/need.
Solid colour does not mean there can be no pattern on your clothes!! It just means avoid shapes, text, pictures etc on your clothes!! 
Before purchasing ANYTHING ask yourself these 3 questions!!
How can I style this?
Is there an opportunity cost? 
Will I still be able to wear it in 3+ years, even if my style changes?
  2 solid colour long sleeve tops
 2 solid colour short sleeve tops
2 solid colour tank top
2 solid colour cami top
2 underneath ‘layers’ tops 
1 athletic wear top
1 white button up ( make it as plain as possible) 
2+ graphic tee of your choice ( for funsies ) 
1 cute bodysuit of your choice 
1+ knitwear solid colour top
3+ statement piece tops of ur liking 
1 good pair of jeans you like
2 leggings solid colour!!!
2 sweatpants 
2 track shorts 
2 basic long pants solid colour ( for going out more formally/extra) 
2 biker shorts solid colour
1 cargos pants solid colour 
1 denim shorts
2 mini skirts ( or longer )
1 midi/maxi skirt 
1 pencil black skirt ( formal events ) 
1 athletic wear bottoms 
3+ statement pieces of your liking 
1 black mini dress (trust me)
1 solid colour maxi dress
1 solid colour mini dress
1 solid colour jumpsuit (short or long)
1 solid colour 2 piece outfit
1+ statement pieces of your liking 
1 white cardigan ( can be cropped)
1 black cardigan ( can be cropped) 
2 solid colour zip up jackets
2 solid colour sweaters 
1 solid colour puffer jacket 
1 solid colour blazer
1+ statement piece of your liking
1 cute pair of summer pjs
1 cute pair of winter pjs
2 sleeping tops
2 sleeping bottoms 
1 satin OR cotton robe 
2 cute loungewear sets 
2 your skin colour t-shirt bras 
2 solid colour sport bras
1 black t-shirt bra
1 white t-shirt bra
2+ your skin colour bikini underwear
2+ your skin colour slip underwear 
2+ solid colour hipster underwear 
2+ solid colour classic underwear
1+ maxi underwear 
1 cute swimwear set 
1 cute activewear set
1 plain white sneakers ( can be chunky) 
1+ white sneakers with statement colours
1 cute pair of ugg boots 
1 nude pair of heels of your choice
1 white pair of heels of your choice
1 black pair of heels of your choice
1 white OR black boots 
1 black, nude OR white pair of loafers
1 pair of solid colour sandals OR FLATS
2+ statement pieces of your choice 
1 black shoulder OR crossbody
1 white shoulder OR crossbody 
1 brown shoulder OR crossbody
1 solid colour tote bag ( not the shopping ones) 
1 solid colour clutch 
1 solid colour backpack
small OR big hoops
5 cute studs
5 dangling earrings
2 necklaces
4 rings 
4 bracelets 
1 good quality watch 
2+ black belts
2+ solid colour scarves 
1+ solid colour gloves
1+ solid colour beanies 
2+ solid colour hats of ur liking
2+ apparel chains
2+ solid colour sunglasses 
Andddd thats it lovelies!!! Reminder to spend and consume responsibly, don’t shop fast fashion please!! Clothes suck and its so bad for the environment. Is there anything that you think I should add to this list, or anything to remove and why? Also if you don’t know why something is on this list, ask me pls!!!! 
Should I make an skincare or make up bag essentials guide next ??? 
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