#place your bets on who it was
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overlyinvestedinlife · 1 year ago
Full video of Jan flipping someone off that Tennis Tv deleted
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wombywoo · 4 months ago
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ghoap retirement piece on patreon~ 👴👴
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starlightshore · 9 days ago
Winning Hats drawing suggestion:
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This meme but it’s Loop running from their problems or smthing
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rysttle · 8 months ago
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I'll be there on their side, I'm losing by their side-
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rhiangalaxy · 2 months ago
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I wonder what Binghe's gonna tell him 👀(IAC pt.3) (First/Prev/Next)
[ID: A Scum Villain Comic. Panel one depicts Chibi!Plant Yuan looking up with a grin towards Chibi!Luo Binghe while reaching his hand to cover LBH's hand on his shoulder. He says, "So...Is Binghe ready?" to which LBH replies with a nervous expression "This Binghe admits he's a little nervous." SY turns to hold onto LBH's shoulder and arm and says "Nonsense! You'll do great!" LBH with his hands held up to his chest responds "A'Yuan really thinks so?" In a non-chibi style, SY holds a hand up to cradle LBH's face (who is facing away from the viewer with a heavy blush) and says "I know so. No one can beat Binghe."
Panel two is completely in chibi style. SY reaches up to his hair saying, "But! If Binghe is still nervous... I know what will help!" SY takes out his hairpin causing his hair to fall down fully, with a bright closed eye smile says "You can have my hairpin! Think of it like a good luck charm!" A very flustered LBH has his fist slightly raised in front of his chest and sputters out "But that's precious to A'Yuan! I can't just take it!!" A smaller LBH as if his thoughts looks very flustered with his hands cupping his face going "omg his hair is down..."
Panel three is in chibi style. SY looks towards LBH amused saying "Silly Binghe... It's not taking if I'm giving it to you. If it makes you feel better just give it back after the Conference!" A tiny flustered LBH has his fingers pointed together with a meek "okay..." LBH holds the hairpin and looks towards it with a lovestruck look, saying "Thank you A'Yuan..." He then looks up determinedly and says "This one promises to win the Conference for you!"
Panel four is not in chibi style. LBH looks flustered to the side, nervously saying "And when I do... I have something important to tell you. So wait for me okay?" SY smiles brightly responding "Binghe doesn't even need to ask. Good luck! I'll be cheering for you." A caption appears saying "Later..." now showing LBH with SY's hairpin in his ponytail. He raises a hand to rest on his chest looking down thinking "Okay Binghe, It's time to make A'Yuan proud." End ID]
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elizabethemerald · 3 months ago
The Future of the Pantheon of the Gods
@prehistoric-catgirl added onto @stealingyourbones 's post about Random DC characters interacting with DP characters. Her character was Cassie Sandsmark and she created a prompt where-in Cassie is assigned to become part of the new Pantheon and to seek out other members of the new Pantheon, including Danny Phantom who will be the new God of Death.
"Is this true?" Cassandra Sandsmark asked.
Cassie, Donna Troy and Diana Prince, stood before the gathered gods of Olympus. Cassie had been surprised to be summoned alongside the original Wonder Woman and the first Wonder Girl, her mentor and greatest inspiration respectively, to stand before the Olympians.
"Yes. Though we have tried to stop the decline, the truth is the gods are dying." Zeus rumbled, ozone and petrichor filling her nose as he spoke.
Cassie hadn't wanted to bring it up, but the gods around them did seem... older... weaker than they ever had been. They were still far over any mortal, but even with all the gathered Olympians the air was suffocated by their power like it had been even a few years before.
"Is there some way we can assist?" Donna asked, looking around them and no doubt cataloging the same changes Cassie had noticed.
Hera smiled at the trio of Wonder Women.
"Your noble spirit is why we have summoned you, but there is nothing that can be done to save us now." The words had a weight of surety to them. Everything had already been tried. The end of the Olympians was inevitable.
"The worship from the mortals has declined in recent centuries." The ground rumbled and shook under her feet as Poseidon spoke. "We are not as powerful now as we were a decade ago and in another decade more our infirmity will only grow."
Hades spoke next, his voice cracking with cold that stole Cassie's breath away. "There were some of us who felt we should just fade away, if the mortals no longer wished to worship us, then they can see how well they do without our influence over our domains."
"However, the rest of us wanted to ensure our domains remained to serve the humans even after our passing." Hera said, her words like a gavel. "The solution we have reached is to pass on our mantels to new, worthy successors. Those who have some skill with our domains, unshakable moral codes, and a deep love for their fellow mortals."
Cassie pondered the words of the Gods in the following silence. Then her eyes widened and her head whipped up to meet the eyes of Zeus who smiled at them as she gasped.
"Yes, we plan to pass on our duties to heroes such as yourselves." He declared, his arms open, magnanimously.
Cassie could see that Donna and Diana were as shocked as she was, though both of them kept their gasps silent. Diana gave a short bow.
"If there is no other way, than is a duty I can bare." She said.
"Not you Diana." Hades said, his empty eyes capturing them each in turn. "You have your own purpose among the new Pantheon, God-killer."
Diana stiffened and rose to face the Olympians once more, her shoulders set. Hera was the one to speak next.
"We decided those best to handle the weight of the cosmos would be those who are young enough to grow into their new roles. There are many such young heroes in your world who could train alongside us before our decline is complete."
"And if they should fall short of your standards, you expect me to serve as their executioner." Diana's disdain could have only been more clear if she had spat on the floor.
"Yes." Poseidon snapped like the crash of wave. "The power we have, that we are offering is too great to exist without some kind of check to prevent its abuse."
"Besides," spoke Athena for the first time, her eyes still filled with power despite her declining worship. "How many problems have been created for the mortals by the petty squabbles of those who sit on these thrones? We believe you, Diana, will be a worthy mentor for our successors, but you will not be among them. Always apart, always with your sword ready."
Diana's fury burned off her in waves, hating the idea that she would have to turn her blade against some of the junior heroes that she had helped raise, and seen grow up. Cassie swore she could hear her grinding her teeth and was afraid that Diana would decide to end the Pantheon right there.
"So! Who is it you have decided to be your successors?" Donna spoke up quickly, clearly thinking the same thing Cassie was.
"We have consulted the greatest oracles and soothsayers and each of us have chosen one who will suit." Hera said. "Zeus, why don't you go first."
Zeus held his hands out towards Donna. His eyes locked on hers. He stepped down from his dais as Donna stepped back, her eyes the size of dinner plates.
"Who else could take my place other than the sister of our dear Diana, who has proven her metal through lifetimes of strength and suffering. Donna Troy, you will be the next Queen of Olympus."
Donna looked like she might pass out, but shook the shock off and stood firm, earning her a proud smile from Zeus. Cassie patted her on the back, proud of her idol for everything she has accomplished.
"And you Cassandra, daughter of Zeus will take my place as the Goddess of War." Ares declared. "As you should."
Cassie carefully kept her snarl inside, her problems with her "brother" Ares was better left for when she was away from the rest of the Pantheon. At least if she were the Goddess of War, she wouldn't revel in the violence like he always did.
"We will not transfer our power now." Zeus spoke up again, returning to his throne. "Once the New Pantheon is assembled we will hand over our mantels, retaining only a fraction of our power to train our successors."
"Your responsibilities, and the reason we called you first, is so that you may notify those who will join you by your side." Hera said, settling to the details of their mission. "Diana, you will inform the mentors of these young heroes to prevent a panic. Diana, many of these are known to you, and you are known to them, so you will be the primary contact."
Hermes and Athena stepped forward to hand off scrolls to the two of them. Cassie fought to keep her emotions neutral. She would help no one by pouting at being redundant. Diana and Donna looked closely at the scrolls, their faces journeying through emotions as they considered the names.
"And you Cassandra," Cassie looked up in surprise at being addressed by Hades. "There are other heroes that you must reach out to who are not known to your organization, including my own successor."
"Secret would be a perfect-" Cassie started, quick to suggest her own teammate before Hades cut her off.
"No!" He snapped, the word stealing her breath away, forcing her to gasp and clutch her chest. "Your companion does have skills with regards to my domain, but there is another whose power and dominion of death is absolute. He is already a king in his own right, and his connection to life remains strong enough that he would be able to sympathize with the mortals. While he is unknown to your Justice League he is know and beloved to me."
Cassie nodded her head as another scroll, this one cold as ice was handed to her by Hermes. She couldn't help but be impressed by whoever this person is. She hadn't heard Hades call anything beloved other than Persephone in all the time she had known him. She looked at the names and coordinates on the scroll.
"Who on Earth is Phantom?"
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supernova049 · 9 months ago
Before the finale starts, I want everybody to know that in 'The Church Of Ruby Road' when The Tardis opens for Ruby it plays a very similar tune to the one when The Toymaker cuts the companion's strings.
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jasmineoolongtea · 7 months ago
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is it cocky to say that gojo satoru isn't used to competition?
well, if you were to ask satoru himself, he would say no. actually, he would insist that this was par for the course for someone his calibre since it would just simply be unfair in almost every imaginable way to compare anyone, regardless of their status or skillset, to him.
a little-known fact about him is that he's all about fairness and playing fair, alongside his sense of humility which puts everyone else's to shame.
that is, until now. even he has to admit (albeit very begrudgingly), that this might be the toughest opponent of his life, nay, of his generation perhaps.
and it all began on that cursed day two weeks ago.
it's a particularly rainy day outside and satoru's sitting idly on the couch eagerly awaiting your return from the local convenience store when, without warning, the door suddenly slams open and he's met with a very curious sight. it's you, standing there in the doorway and slightly drenched from the downpour with a plastic bag hanging from one arm with a mysterious medium-sized lump of something resting precariously on your other.
"look at what i found just outside, tour!" there's an edge of excitement to your voice like a kid on christmas day. you quickly slip off your shoes and unceremoniously dump the plastic bag on the floor as you scramble towards satoru, clearly very eager to show off your newfound spoil.
in your eagerness however, you almost trip over your own two feet but lucky for you, he has fast reflexes and is there in the blink of an eye to steady you. his eyes roam around your figure, searching for any other possible injury you might have sustained from your near fall when they land on the object you've been seemingly holding on to for dear life.
squinting his eyes in an attempt to further scrutinise it, he notices that it's all curled up in your arms and that what might once have been snowy white fur is now an off-white that is much closer to beige thanks to the amount of dirt and dust that it has probably racked up from being outside.
"why do you have a bundle of dirty fur in your arms?" he asks doubtfully.
you gasp at his words.
"don't be rude!" you chide, bringing the object closer to you as you nuzzle your cheek into it. "it's a cat. i found it shivering in the rain and of course, i couldn't just leave it there." true to your words, and seemingly on cue, there's movement coming from the furry object and soon a cat's head pops out from who knows where which takes him by surprise as he jumps back in shock.
"he even looks like you in a way. you know, with the white fur and blue eyes." as if to emphasise your point, you pick up the cat and showcase it to him like an auctioneer would do with the item they're auctioning off, trying to display it in its best light.
too bad for you, your tactics aren't working on him and his face scrunches up in an expression of disdain.
"it's a he?" the thing- no, the cat blinks owlishly at him with its freakishly bright blue eyes staring into his soul. he shudders at the sight of it. "and if you love me babe you wouldn't compare me to that wet furball." he quips back, a comically large pout on his face as he appears to almost be insulted by your recent comparison.
"you're being dramatic, toru." you roll your eyes at him, bringing the cat back into your arms to cuddle with it once again which earns you a content purr from it. he's fighting off the urge to glare at it right now. "he's probably not going to stay here that long anyways since it seems he likes to be outside."
yeah, famous last words right there.
what was supposed to be a few hours where the cat could wait out the rain in the safety and comfort of your shared apartment soon turned into a few days and then into several weeks and before satoru knew it, your home now had a new (and unwelcomed in satoru's opinion) inhabitant.
not only that but the cat, who now apparently had the name of daifuku on account of your insistence that you needed to give the cat a name since you couldn't go on calling the cat 'cat' forever, was living absolutely rent-free on his part and had essentially claimed the entire space as his own.
to top it all off, this also meant that a new challenger was entering the arena to compete for the most coveted prize of them all; your affection.
and unfortunately for satoru, he had finally met his match.
whenever he was feeling particularly affectionate during the day or just wanted to spend some precious time with you in each other's arms, he would almost always find himself late to the party when there was someone else, or more specifically something, already waiting there as if to lord his victory over him.
logically, he knows that cats can't smile or emote like humans do but he's pretty sure if they could, this one would be smugly smirking and looking down at him from its gilded throne.
as if to further rub salt on the wound, the cat was stretched out in a boneless mass on your lap aka his favourite spot to lie down on. that was prime real estate right there if you asked him! and now what should have been satoru's right as your boyfriend to rest there was thrown out the window for someone new and apparently cuter, judging by how much you coo at it daily much to his chagrin.
when he puts on his best puppy dog eyes (the ones he knows that you're weak in the knees too) and does his best to convince you to push the cat off in favour of him, he's met with another punch to the metaphorical gut when you go against all odds and deny him of his simple wish. instead, you just motion to the cat resting on your lap and press a consolation kiss to his cheek before pulling away and redirecting your attention back to it.
stubborn as he always is, satoru refuses to budge and although his ego is severely wounded by this point, he takes the second-best option and rests his head against your shoulder and nuzzles his nose into the crook of your neck, earning him a soft melodious giggle from you as you shiver slightly from the ticklish sensation.
when you're not looking, he takes the opportunity to glare jealously at the cat and the cat, ever so proud in its high castle, smugly glares right back at him as if daring him to try and dethrone him now. he huffs
satoru may have lost the battle for now but he swears that he won't lose the war.
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peonycats · 3 months ago
I love how your version of Egypt gives "The Egyptians think that the most significant thing you can do in your life is die" vibes lmao
it sure is... egypt_family_guy_death_pose.jpg
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ckneal · 9 months ago
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I actually really enjoy Portia Featherington as a character, but I cannot wait to see Colin charge at her like a freaking bull later this season because she dared to take the wrong tone with his future wife.
This confrontation was always gonna happen.
Let’s go!
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wombywoo · 6 months ago
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ghoap and quinncent double date !!!! 💙🩵
here's them all lined up:
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johnny is so smalllll 😭 and vincent is GIANT
(these are not to scale btw--ghost is supposed to be the tallest and quinn the shortest ☝️)
bonus bonus:
I'm so normal I swear
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2bluetwo85 · 9 months ago
Things that happened today:
Marc Marquez went from 14th to 3rd
Oscar Piastri was nearly passed by Carlos Sainz about 50 million times and almost got into a collision with him. Again.
Magnussen hitting Perez, retiring him, Perez, and his teammate Hulkenberg from the race. At this point, he’s trying to get a race ban so that Ollie can have another go at points (question: what team will he be representing in the standings?)
Ocon trying to overtake his own teammate, and getting collided with. His team boss? principal? (I still don’t know what’s going on with Alpine, someone tell me who it was) going on French TV and saying that there’ll be consequences. Or something like that. And getting a 5-place grid penalty for Canada
Rest of Monaco was pretty calm, but CHARLES LECLERC FINALLY FUCKING WON MONACO
That last fucking lap of Indy500. Pato was just so close
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tswwwit · 2 months ago
what circumstances would allow bill to pick up his world-domination plans again, it couldn't be when dipper and him fight cuz that would make his mortal angrier, so when dipper has been in a great mood for a few decades? but also older and more or less unable to stop bill if he reallyyyy wanted too. or has bill given up entirely and convinced himself he's just 'waiting for when dipper stops reincarnating or smth' but he's never gonna stop so bill's never gonna conquer his universe?
what if dipper reincarnates into an already conquered universe? everything is to ruin and his family, The Pines, seem to be the only one's left standing in the revolution, actually only ones standing periodt. now that i think abt it the only time bill could get away with taking over the universe with no one to stop him is dipper's reincarnation period and prob the same events as Gravity falls with gideon n stuff
Conquering the world is grounds for their marriage contract being cancelled. Bill's not gonna give that a try anytime soon, unless he's somehow in the mood for an enraged husband with a solid case for Divorce. He's probably relegated the whole business to a shrugging 'eh, I'll get to it eventually'. Nevermind that 'eventually' might never arrive!
That's not to say other worlds are quite as well off, since they're still fair game for Bill Shenanigans! But at least Bill's too busy and easily bored/distracted to really knuckle down like he was planning to on Earth.
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everyshadeofwrong · 5 months ago
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here comes the aeroplane
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cherrytraveller · 2 years ago
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@chiangyorange‘s poor guy had to fight for his damn life so far, meanwhile my old man got to chill half of the time in the @rottmntpeepawpolls
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charbroiledchicken · 4 months ago
arcane season 2 introduction analysis incoming:
does anyone else find it really cool, but also very nerve-wracking, that the season 2 arcane introduction is referencing a bunch of well known tragic plays/musicals? we all know riot/fortiche isn’t one to put unnecessary details in, every single thing is either symbolic, a parallel or foreshadowing - especially in the introductions. so, could these chosen plays/performances foreshadow how the rest of the story could go?
i know that the caitlyn/macbeth poster parallels have been circulating a lot recently, and i think it provides a really good idea into how caitlyn’s arc might go. 
the events of act one positioned caitlyn in a perfect place to follow the storyline of macbeth. her current state (losing her mother, the trauma from jinx, etc) has made her predisposed to violence, much like macbeth. we can clearly see that in the caitvi betrayal scene, when she hits vi in the gut with a rifle, as well as in the fight before that, where she has no qualms with potentially killing innocents for the ‘greater good’. she was also thrust into a position of high power where she will be easily manipulated by ambessa. 
similar to this, macbeth is a story of a man thrust into a high position of power and unable to keep the blood off his hands, and he and his wife eventually go mad because of it. I think ambessa fits the role of lady macbeth here, and she has the potential to goad caitlyn (macbeth) into violent acts and atrocities while keeping the blood and blame off her hands. through caitlyn, ambessa now has significant influence and power over piltover and the fight with zaun. how will caitlyn, who is barely more than a pawn now, cope with this? macbeth slowly went insane in his attempt to maintain power - i fear for how caitlyn will fare. 
macbeth is a tragedy, by the way. 
i haven’t properly analysed the rest, but i think it’s interesting to know that the shot of jinx holding the flag is a reference to les mis (also a tragedy, as SPOILER ALERT all the characters die in their fight for freedom and fairness). the line is literally 'oh the misery'. if jinx rallies zaun to fight against piltover, is she leading them into a massacre?  
les mis is a tragedy. 
the shots of mel and ambessa lounging on the couch is a reference to julius caesar. it is a play of betrayal and caesar is betrayed by one of their companions. et tu, brute? brutus joins a conspiracy to assassinate caesar and prevent him from becoming a tyrant. does ambessa become a tyrant/bloodthirsty leader with her newfound power? will mel join the black rose and betray her mother in order to stop piltover’s destruction?
julius caesar is a tragedy.
one last thing. in all of these works, the main character of the story dies by the end.
so, safe to say, i am very nervous about what the introduction is foreshadowing. i have a feeling an important character is going to die.
arcane will be a tragedy. 
(viktor and the mask is also a reference to phantom of the opera but, as much as i love that musical, i haven’t analysed his shots yet so i haven’t included it)
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