#pjo triumvirate
star-mannnn · 2 months
I bet Caligula wears platforms to triumvirate holdings, so that he’s the same height as Commodus, or taller
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apollosothertwin · 1 month
Nero and Caligula definitely teased Commodus for his relationship with Apollo
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polyhexianbirb · 14 days
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I like to call it "who will the gods pick to torture now that Percy is at college? Local nerd man ofc"
This is just page 1, page 2 will be linked here when completed (most likely tomorrow). Yes, I've worked our who pretty much everyone will be lol.
My man's have beef with some teenagers lolz
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stepson-of-caligula · 5 months
I’m sorry that little boots is your dad
It's fine, I have a plan to sink his lingerie ship if you want to help though.
@emperor-not-little-boots If you buy any more Victoria's Secret I will sink it. I will.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 11 months
Nero, struggling to keep upright in his 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don’t really think heels are for me
Caligula, pointing at him and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK.
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anonymous-ace72 · 5 months
I have a folder of Roman statuary on my computer for drawing purposes so sometimes I’m just like-
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m4gp13 · 1 year
my hcs for the TA demigods be like:
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star-mannnn · 4 months
I’m really hoping we get Triumvirate Holdings easter eggs during season two of the pjo series. Like I want to see their logo on the princess andromeda so bad.
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stepson-of-caligula · 5 months
I’m sorry that your dad is your dad
Yeah the bathroom is on yacht 6 and the bedroom is on yacht 35 and he don't care. I end up peeing in the ocean on yacht 33.
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The Triumvirate & Python, In A Nutshell
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Python: excuse you he's MY nemesis, I am, not you
Python: I'm sorry is this OUR nemesis? I thought not
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zazzander · 2 years
Octavian is said to have spent all the legion's money, except he was getting funding from Nero. So when they actually looked at the books, they'd have found that the legion hadn't used all that much of their funds. Especially when they factored in the fleet of boats, the onagers etc. And none of the Romans thought, "let's investigate?"
Like, did I just miss that part? Or is it possible that Octavian left the paper trail for someone to find? The Triumvirate have been underground for centuries, and Rachel's investigation is about to turn them up in less than six months?
Just has me thinking... maybe Octavian wanted the emperors to be found.
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years
Reading The Dark Prophecy: Chapter 29 (SPOILERS)
I got a glimpse of the "You villain!" and "Ssssstand assssside! . . . I will ssssswallow him whole!" on the next page and immediately thought they were talking about Apollo. My bad. It was Lityerses. Coulda been either of them at this point, though.
"'I thought you--' His welding visor fell shut, making the rest of his sentence unintelligible." Lmao
"You have to wonder about your chances in combat when even your dead friends are worried about dying." Oh yeah, I forgot Brieanna's already dead. And even he thinks they should flee? Yeesh, things are not looking up. Eh, they'll be fine.
"But I hear much talk about us and them." Jamie! We're about to die! I think we can spare a little "us and them" talk.
"Hunter Kowalski brandished her screwdriver. 'Not likely.'" Death by screwdriver.
"Commodus won't leave this net alive." I hope he doesn't die in this book. Shouldn't the final battle in the final book have all three Triumvirate members there? I know it's called The Tower of Nero, but everyone should be there, right?
"They have ìgboyà." Yoruba for courage/bravery. "I would have to purchase some ìgboyà as soon as possible." Yeah, Apollo does need a little ìgboyà to strengthen his bones.
"the Hunters of Artemis had to clean the cow pens" Maybe Emmie and Jo are still salty about having to leave the Hunters.
"brothers named Deacon and Stan" I'm sorry, Stan? Ok. "IV drips of nectar." First of all. Do we know their godly parents? Second of all. I didn't know you could inject nectar directly into your blood. Isn't that supposed to be food? I don't see anyone ingesting soup via bloodstream.
"a few dozen mortal mercenaries, about the same number of demigods from the Imperial Household, a few hundred assorted cynocephali and other monsters, plus the usual hordes of blemmyae" *toaster oven dings* How many Hunters do we have?
"Leo, stop." Let him cope, Calypso! Y'all're about to die. Let him let off some steam, both figuratively and maybe literally.
"Also I should mention the giant bronze dragon in the corner" Oh, yeah. So maybe things aren't as bleak as they seem.
"what about your magic? Has it returned?" "This morning, I moved a coffee cup across the counter." clap clap clap
"I would have made popcorn and watched the bloodbath from a distance on Mount Olympus, or simply caught the highlight reel later." I wonder if that was supposed to sound as demented as it did. "But as Lester I felt obliged to defend these people" Is it because he's Lester or because he's seeing this stuff happen firsthand and in the middle of the fray? If it's because he's Lester, then once he regains his powers, will he no longer feel these things?
"not-so-little Georgina" I reiterate: are we sure she's not half Germani? Apollo could've gotten with a Germani person and had a kid. 'Cause Georgina's giant.
"bounce it off his nonexistent head." As a ghost, do you not have all your body parts if you died without them? Like, you'd think that he'd have his head reattached once he became a spirit, but no. Maybe only if they're in the Underworld. But he'd at least, like, carry his head around or keep it in his inventory or something, no? Guess not.
"Was it payback?" I hadn't even considered that. I highly doubt it. Apollo's type of payback is much more obvious than that. *eyes Halcyon Green*
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star-mannnn · 1 month
I saw this on Facebook and it made me giggle because it was about the three emperors that were in trials of Apollo
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It’s insane how much toa has caused me to learn. I don’t rely on the books for accurate information on these three, but they made me so interested in Caligula, so now I know way too much about him. I don’t know as much about Nero and Commodus, I know a little more on Nero than Commodus.
Anyways the point is, a children’s book series is the reason I’m majoring in archaeology and minoring in history.
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witchyamethyst · 10 months
I feel like we as a fandom don't talk nearly enough about the triumvirate and what their existance implies. Like, how much of Ocatvian's actions in HoO were influenced by them? When did he meet them? How much influence did they have over the TA and their actions? How did their various headquarters operate?
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fatiguedcorvid · 2 years
i love how trials of Apollo just dropped the pretense and was like 'the big baddies are just capitalists, who are just evil emperors really. they could destroy the entire world if they just kinda feel like it.' unparalleled.
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stepson-of-caligula · 5 months
Holy Mercury's Mercedes
I reached 10 posts in 1 day. If you want to come to the party, it's on @emperor-not-little-boots yachts.
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