#pj is being problematic
pivotalfilth · 11 months
🏳️‍🌈 Bottoms Is The Best Movie Of 2023 And It’s Not Even Fucking Close 🏳️‍🌈
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There was a kid at my high school whose name was Psycho and he did huge shits on the ground and liked to show them to people.
Okay his birth name probably wasn’t Psycho but I don’t remember his real name. But nobody really called him Psycho with hate in their hearts - this moniker was used casually like “Hey there goes Psycho” etc.
In all fairness, he also probably didn’t show his huge shits to people. But that’s how I remember it. And if there’s something that permeates through the paltry existence of adulthood when it comes to school life, it’s wild memories that may or may not have actually happened.
That’s one of the hundreds of reasons why Emma Seligman’s Bottoms is so good. That, and all the actors, the writing, the queerness, the celebration of losers, the vibe, the comedy and the glorious fucking violence.
Two queer girls start a lunchtime fight club at their school in order to have sex with cheerleaders. That’s the plot. And it’s absolutely joyous.
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If there’s something modern cinema lacks, it’s trashy queer characters who balance the line between being fucked up and REALLY fucked up. Not as comic relief, but as main core protagonists. Bottoms is full of them. In fact, the straight characters are the odd ones out.
Like the insanely narcissistic football quarterback Jeff who never changes out of his sports uniform and is widely celebrated for being a massive piece of shit. Or Marshawn Lynch as the adorably clueless teacher Mr. G who, despite having his heart in the right place, doesn’t really understand what’s going on and reads booty magazines at his desk.
Everyone else is superb, iconic, manic, delightful, cringe, handsome, disgusting. And as gay as a volcano.
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Most people at school hate them but they’re the main characters in the movie and in our queer hearts. Heroes just tolerating their school days by trying hard not to have their lives ruined by assholes and trying even harder to kiss hot girls. Even if they are huge dorks. ESPECIALLY because they’re huge dorks.
The other important thing that’s overflowing in Bottoms are regular, surreal moments that, in lesser films, would be left on the cutting room floor.
A meathead student who is only let out of his literal cage to get in teacher-approved schoolyard fights. Outrageously problematic announcements over the school’s speakers. Car bombs, broken noses, a finale that involves students being impaled on swords and a tsunami of amazing, honest cringe.
Bottoms gets so wild that it begins to dip into absurdity - which is EXACTLY how most of us remember high school. Remember that teacher who was rumoured to have been a drug dealer? I totally remember seeing something explode in science class and giving the whole class second degree burns. A groundskeeper who was secretly a serial killer? That one kid who claimed he was born in a Paris nightclub? And yes, Psycho who used to show off his huge shits. It’s just how I remember it.
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Every scene, every moment, taps into that gloriously misplaced, nostaIgia-infested rose-coloured view of high school so hard that I felt like I fractured a rib by the time the credits rolled.
I didn’t have any brave and dedicated queer friends in high school. The kind who were 100% ride or fucking die for you. The kind who knew precisely how much of a loser you were and gravitated towards your aura because they were the same flavour of loser. The kind who when you met them, you knew instantly that you had found your people. Like PJ, Josie and Hazel. They’re my people. And Bottoms is my movie.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
As a HS and MS GSA survivor, you are so lucky to have never had to interact with one 😭
In most GSAs I’ve been in (like 4/5) it’s a very 2020/SJW-esque environment. This also applies to middle school and is mostly post-lockdown effects, the type of people GSA attracts and also it’s your most developing years but something about the motto of “you are valid no matter what” seems to be the interpreted as “ok no matter what my behavior is it’s ok” 😭
Some of the things I (or friends) have had to deal with is stuff like:
-being told my chosen name is a trigger because it’s also another persons deadname, therefor I can’t use it
-being HEADCANNONED as a omnisexual nb transmasc (my friend is very much a cis gay male)
-being weirdly affectionate with other teachers in school because they “act gay”
-headcannoning male teachers WITH WIVES AND CHILDREN as drag queens
-being told the way I dress is a trigger (I wore a Sanrio theme outfit to school for PJ day)
-being told the way my friend dresses is cringey and problematic (she doesn’t wear alternative stuff, she wears color block tees and jeans)
TW: slight blood mention (skip italics)
-one person sent a video of a picture of another kid covered in their period blood in the groupchat because the person liked them??
In general it’s a very disliked group of kids who are often struggling or are neurodivergent and no one is actually teaching them to behave socially and instead they react inappropriately and violently to others 😭 which also sucks because it ruins the reputation for neurodivergent/queer/alternative kids who don’t behave like this and get roped in with them anyways
TLDR: lockdown kids who peaked in 2020 and never lived it down
that is actually insane, and something I literally can’t even comprehend. I’m not even used to people being able to be outwardly queer like, irl, without expecting punishment, because I’m used to there being consequences for my being gay. The reason my school didn’t have a GSA was because it was a religious cult and we were regularly told we had to repent for having queer thoughts, and any kids outted as queer were straight up expelled or sent to have one on ones with a priest so they could be ‘cured’. I was sent to the priest and a theology teacher a lot, but that’s just what happens when you keep getting outted as bisexual 💔
there’s gotta be a healthy medium out there somewhere 😭
also being HEADCANONED as an identity is INSANE, you’re a real person???????
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knife-eared-jan · 7 days
Sorry about this, I gotta verbal process my Rook decisions... any input welcome.
I am dedicated to playing a Rook that was hand-crafted in a lab just for Lucanis. so Shadow Dragon would have been juicy.
However, I didn't really vibe with the Shadow Dragon background story as much as I had hoped (nor with their casual PJ lol), so I'm considering my options again... At least for a first playthrough, until I know how the whole being adopted into a military family thing plays out.
I am obsessed with the Crows but 1) I feel like that should be a rogue and I really wanna start with mage 2) cross-faction romance seems more fun and 3) I wanna just enjoy Viago for now without pondering if he like bought and tortured me. Cause that's something we'll need to talk about at some point, after the whole excitement of him and Teia being there and being perfect calms down (me included). Like, if I play a Crow I'll probably make an enemy out of him but for now I just wanna love him! T_T
Not really into Warden or Veil Jumper tbh.. (Feels too much like HoF and Lavellan imo).
That leaves Mourn Watcher and Lords of Fortune.
I am frothing at the mouth to play a Lord of Fortune treasure hunter, mercenary type of little dude, I think it fits so well for being recruited by Varric and also like Rivain dude and like the whole heist vibe. But the best parallel to Lucanis I see rn is like, an interest in earning money?? and I'm sure that could be something but...eh???. Also, their rogue armor is way more fun than that slightly problematic mage one.
Soooo... Mourn Watch? I'm not really interested in the faction tbh?? But that found as a babe by undead story, I mean come on. That's like RPG meth! And personally I adore the mortician kinda raggedy mage armor, it's maybe my favourite! I love how pathetic it is! And the themes! The spirit/possession connection with Lucanis! The different approaches to death!
So yeah idk... my faction interests and who I want my Rook to be vis-a-vis Lucanis kinda don't match up? I am once again back in RPG decision paralysis.
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problems-exe · 10 days
Ik u probably reblogged the last drawings bcs of PJ and Gradient but I feel the need to say that Underwent04(the creator of the poll) is problematic,, she sexualized minors(including Raven when his creator said they don’t like nsfw being made of him), ships weird things(also included a dreammare kid on the poll) and is apparently transphobic + a bunch of other stuff
sorry,, 😭 /gen /lh
Oh ew 💀 thank you for letting me know!!! I deleted the repost!!!!
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kylefletchersgf · 4 months
❦『Ur mess is now Mine』❦
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'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
-ˋˏ [Word Count] ˎˊ : 1.1k
-ˋˏ [Genre] ˎˊ : fluff
-ˋˏ [TW] ˎˊ : mention of breakup, gxg, sadness, any mistakes I have
-ˋˏ [Taglist] ˎˊ : @stacksifino @nev-danielgarciawife
[Let me know if you want to be in the taglist]
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
Since childhood you have always been Kiera's favorite person even if she got into relationships; to the both of you that will never change you guys being each other's favorite person was always vice versa. She started dating women and so did you, some were good relationships and some were bad but all of them never worked out. Either they cheated or it was the 'Right person, wrong time' scenario, but at the end of the day you and Kiera always helped each other through it.
She’s in a toxic relationship with a girl named Trinity that you never liked even before they started dating, but you put up with her just because Kiera was happy during the beginning of the relationship. It felt like every week that she came over to your house crying because of something Trinity did or said you hated that Trinity made her feel like that but you acted like you liked her just for Kiera.
Kiera came over your house crying again but you couldn’t blame her she was in love well at least on her side she was in love, you could say Trinity loved her but it was toxic love; she showed love but became controlling again. You let Kiera in taking her upstairs letting her change into a pair of fuzzy pj bottoms and a crop top with hot tea ready for her to drink when she was ready, you matched pjs with her as you sat on your bed next to her hugging her while comforting her to keep her calm and her mind off of Trinity.
“What did she do this time?” You asked as Kiera leaned her head on your shoulder, she sniffled as she began to talk “she’s being toxic again saying that I don’t love her and guilt tripping me because I didn’t want to do what she wanted to do so she’s trying to make me feel bad” she cried on your shoulder. You held your best friend close as you held her you reassured her that you got her and that’s it’s gonna be ok “maybe it’s time to leave her I know you love her but you can’t keep going through this you know you deserve better girl”
Sometimes you felt like there was something there with you and Kiera but of course you didn’t want to rush into things for one and for two Trinity was still there and it sucked because what if Kiera didn’t even feel the same way about you? Kiera read some texts that Trinity sent her over the past few days and it made your blood boil, you had a reason to hate get but now you have a reason to hate her more now. When Kiera got done telling you she listen to any advice you gave while she sipped the tea you poured her, now the advice was really getting into her head and to her heart that’s when she texted Trinity that is over this time; the 3 year toxic relationship finally over.
You felt proud of her that she finally ended it with Trinity, you could finally make her yours but you wanted to wait until she was healed and ready to date again, even though you had to wait you was finally happy that Trinity was out the picture for good this time. Since it was late you let Kiera stay the night so she didn’t have to drive home this late in the dark, you sat on the edge of your bed as you let her straighten your hair while y’all listened to music like you used to do at old sleepovers.
Over the past few months Kiera was healing and was showing signs that she might be into you, it sometimes was obvious but other times she made some signs less noticeable. For the past few months also she’s been staying with you until she found a house because at this time she shared a house with Trinity so she just let Trinity keep the house. Whatever things Kiera wanted to keep she had in your garage, the room y’all shared, the bathroom, and her clothes in your closet; you didn’t mind because at least you know she’s safe staying with you.
Today you and Kiera are running errands like getting stuff for the house, stuff for your dog, grocery shopping, paying bills, etc. stuff like that. It may seem boring to someone else but to you with Kiera around it made it fun for you, also Kiera decided to start a YouTube channel for the both of y’all and vlog when you guys did stuff to keep her mind off of Trinity. Even though it was for that the both of you was having genuine fun doing it; the channel grew and people starting shipping you two even people at her work did, she’s so much happier being around you.
The more y’all vloged the more people started to see the genuine vibe between you and Kiera, this is where her starting to like you started to show and vice versa for you. So that night you and Kiera started to talk about how you both felt and to see if both of you was ready for a relationship, you sat down on your bed that you shared with her as she sat down next to you “Kierra do you like me?” You asked looking over at you. “I do y/n and I have for the past few months and I wanted to ask you out when I was ready” she admitted shyly.
“Are you ready now?” You ask looking at her, she looked over at you “yes I’m over Trinity for good and I feel genuinely happy being around you y/n.” Your heart was finally happy that she finally admitted she liked you and that she was ready to date you. “You want to be my girlfriend?” You asked her happily, “yes” she nodded hugging you, you finally are dating her and you hated that it took this long just to make her yours but you’re finally glad that wait is over.
Fast forward to a year later you and Kiera are still going strong in a happy relationship and it’s like a dream to you and to her; she’s finally in a happy relationship with someone she always loved. So far you and her moved to get away from Trinity, got a puppy so your dog won’t be lonely, she got you into wrestling, you guys took couples vacations, took a family vacation with the dogs, and Kiera’s family loved that you two finally started dating; her mom always knew y’all loved each other. Kiera’s mess was now yours and you couldn’t be more happier out of it; out of it you and her both got a happy healthy relationship that you wouldn’t trade for the world.
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brainyrot · 1 year
Good god everybody is geeting exposed for being a crappy person this year first Colleen Ballinger then Lizzo for horrible Behavior and now this
it's very VERY annoying because it feels like you can't enjoy their content anymore because of it, and it's also a very horrible feeling knowing you've been supporting and looking up to a person that is now a horrible person, but I am personally glad that they have been exposing the abuse, the racism, the transphobia and more of all of these people because I wouldn't have let them go around innocent like that, I would have exposed them immediately (it is HARD to expose a famous person, they can do so many things, but I wouldn't have let them go around without consequences)
Now all of these cases aren't really affecting me, at least emotionally, because I never supported them or even saw any of their content (with Connie for example, I simply saw one of their art, and ignored them while I was scrolling through the Babttqftim tag)
But for others it's probably really frustrating
It's frustrating in here too in some way because people just keep coming and coming and showing that no matter what there is always a shitty person around and it brings that little hope of humanity having learned or learning, or even humanity being good, so down it falls on the floor.
Personally speaking, I was one of those kids who had met rouge with Babttqftim and PJ's daycare and as a lot you know, rouge isn't the best and neither is pj's daycare and Babttqftim (the big sexualization when it comes to the aus)
And as a kid, I only really cared for the content. I left pj's daycare and focused on the other but rouge never continued and again, as a kid I didn't know what was wrong with either of them.
When I did found out that both rouge wouldn't have continued the comic and that rouge was problematic I just distanced myself from all of it completely ignoring the innocent content others were making despite the creator (but that is because I wasn't aware of them)
So I've stayed for years being really ashamed of enjoying Babttqftim because I did and I still do enjoy it because of rouge, and I know how it feels for others when it comes to problematic creators music and such
But if I did found a way to enjoy rouge content, completely fan made and still good, without supporting the guy
So maybe you can too
I am so bad at comforting I am sorry
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anghraine · 2 years
This is a belated reply, but:
irresistible-revolution replied to this post:
yep yep, the facetiousness and rhetorical games are truly maddening. i enjoy the pj movies a lot more than you do and they are deeply, deeply racist! pj specifically refused to let black actors try out for any of the elven parts. so it’s really fascinating how these movies are being upheld as paradigmatic against the diverse casting for ROP. there’s some deeply entrenched white supremacy that’s being troubled by the sight of black and brown elves specifically.
Yup. It's really noticeable that the nuclear rage is particularly disproportionate when it comes to characters or groups described as especially beautiful in the source material being played by Black and brown actors. As you say, it's marked for Elves especially (and detractors have been especially fixated on Arondir's hair—not just the open bigots).
You also see it with characters like Tar-Míriel; I've seen so many people heatedly arguing that the description of her beauty as superior to ivory, silver, and pearls = she is canonically pale-skinned = HOW DARE.
have also seen people complaining about the “scale” of the show as lacking grandeur, and about sauron looking “too ordinary” (again, the pj movies being used as implicit standard) instead of just…enjoying a different flavor of adaptation?
Yeah. There are legit criticisms to make, but a lot of the ones that are made seem based on the assumption that difference from the Jackson films is intrinsically inferior. If the aesthetic of a place or a people is at all different than the films, it must be for the worse, and/or less "faithful." And there's this willingness to approach the films with the maximum generosity possible (including where they're drastically at variance with Tolkien or with ... uh, decency) while approaching the show with an incredible degree of poor faith (that also leads to bad and frequently racist and/or xenophobic and/or misogynistic takes on the original material, too!).
insane insane. incidentally, someone told me ROP couldn’t get the rights to The Silmarillion and have hence had to create a lot of story to fill in the gaps, is that true?
Yes, basically. My understanding is that they couldn't actually get the rights to Silmarillion material directly, but could work with anything mentioned in LOTR (the main narrative or Appendices). There's actually a good bit of Silm stuff mentioned in LOTR in some form, like Gandalf talking about Fëanor's craftmanship, material embedded in various songs or explanations, etc, along with the quantity of background material in the Appendices.
But there's also plenty of stuff that's not there, and AFAIK they had to get special specific permission from the Tolkien Estate for basically anything not contained in LOTR. The ROP narrative is pretty clearly assembling its narrative from a mixture of LOTR details, extrapolations, and actual inventions, alongside a few isolated details from places like Unfinished Tales (there's a reference to a detail from "The Mariner's Wife" in the depiction of Númenor, for instance).
I think the end result is interesting, but unfortunately, it's also ... like, I've seen people complaining that it's problematic that ROP Elrond is more focused on his biological father, Eärendil, than his adoptive one, Maglor. That is, Maglor is his adoptive father according to popular fanon (even people who dislike Maglor will usually accept this characterization of their relationship). But Tolkien does not talk about Maglor in LOTR, so ROP couldn't have used him anyway without requesting a special exception that might or might not be granted.
...FWIW, Elrond does refer to his parents in LOTR, but he only mentions Eärendil and Elwing. Even outside LOTR, Tolkien doesn't specify that Maglor is the adoptive father of Elrond and Elros, only that he affectionately looks after them for awhile and the relationship becomes unexpectedly loving on all sides—there are a lot of ways to interpret that other than "adoptive dad" but fandom is very intent on shoving all relationships into clear-cut nuclear family frameworks.
And it just seems absurd to me that there's this whole idea that ROP had some obligation to bring in this very particular fanon reading of a line that isn't in LOTR, about a character who isn't mentioned in LOTR, who is not actually described as Elrond's father anyway, when Eärendil has a very long song about him in LOTR and is explicitly acknowledged by Elrond in the book. And that's pretty typical of a lot of ROP discourse, IMO.
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panda-of-the-trash · 9 months
I don’t ship pj x fresh, but I hear I hear it’s very problematic
Well as far as I know (please no one come for me if i´m wrong) Fresh is sometimes regarded as Error´s brother and yanno PJ being Error´s child..
There is also the fact that in most depictions where they´re shipped together, PJ is a literal child
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theflikchic · 2 years
Okay, I gotta get this off my chest: Just because Rick Riordan, unlike JK Rowling, has taken responsibility for the problematic elements of Percy Jackson does not erase all of the problems within those books. It does not erase the stereotypes of Piper's character, or the weird rep of ADHD, or the "going schizophrenic" descriptions of the Greek and Roman gods. They are still there.
"But no one's saying they aren't!" No, but y'all are acting like it. I'm sorry, but the whole "read Percy Jackson, not Harry Potter" just...doesn't work for me. Because it's not just people saying "support Riordan and not Rowling": it's people acting like Percy Jackson is this perfectly written and flawlessly inclusive simply because Rick Riordan is a really cool guy (and he is, he DOES deserve the support!).
But it isn't. It's...I'm sorry...not better written than Harry Potter on a bare technical level (I'm rereading two books in the series right now too). And Riordan being an actually decent and cool guy who really did TRY (unlike Rowling, who seemed to try and give up once it actually became hard) does not erase the issues in Percy Jackson.
They're still there, they're still gonna be there when kids read them and think it's how ADHD works (like I did). Just like how Cho Chang had child-me thinking that writing "almond shaped eyes" was how to write Chinese characters (I recently learned it is not).
And this is why I'm so freaking hyped for the show. Because I feel it's gonna improve on so much. It'll give our guy Rick the chance to actually make a change, to improve on his own world and own characters. To give awesome representation to neurodivergent kids and kids of colour, which is what he clearly always wanted.
But Percy Jackson is not Harry Potter's perfect counterpart. It just isn't.
Should you buy new PJ books instead of HP? Yes! I'm buying a ton of out-of-print editions of HP from second hand local bookstores and genuinely- it's WAY better than in store shopping just in general!
Percy Jackson has a great story, a great world, a great concept. It's one of the reasons I'm writing stories the way I am today! But it is still quite flawed and those flaws are not going to just vanish because Riordan is cool and Rowling is not.
And a disclaimer: I am a hypocrite and even I've thought this way about certain things. And I'll DEFINITELY be making a post on the best thing to move onto from Harry Potter if you feel you have to (spoiler alert: It's Discworld. Trust me on this.)
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duncebento · 1 year
the pj characters are college students for like half of the full series but IDK IT'S STILL.....STILL KINDA WEIRD....to me at least
yeah ik but w/o being majorly problematic i still think it’s weird to see a post abt kinky gay sex n start talking about characters from a middle-school-to-college coming of age
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doorp · 2 months
okay so this is different from what I normally post but I need to talk about paper teeth
I swear annabel Lee never more is a gateway drug for problematic gay people. happy to add avery grey to my list of problematic blenderables
(Off the top of my head the list includes Annabel Lee nevermore, PJ Bottoms, Isabel Bottoms, Elias bouchard the Magnus archives and now avery grey paperteeth. Okay wait maybe the cat from infinity train and Nigel Rio FUCK this list is getting too long but . You get the point.)
scarlet is honestly. prolly the funniest character in this comic. mother fucker heard another vampire hunter got turned into a vampire and was like. We will have a sleepover. We will do makeup. Oh god shes crying. Maybe finding out youre dead and that u can’t eat food or like feel the sun on your face anymore makes you sad.
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She’s been SO lonely n is so excited to finally have someone to relate to, rushing in not thinking yknow maybe this is like the worst day of averys life, until she realizes she should have done a bit more research on avery before becoming involved with her. The way she slowly finds out that avery is Actually The Worst, a blubbering sopping wet serial killing cannibal cat, who is this worlds equivalent of a flat earther. Seeing her slowly figure out averys whole deal from third parties + from avery herself has been SO good.
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also her being bad at socializing is so real. How do u meet people as an adult. People who aren’t serial killers or serial killer adjacent.
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Another thing I like about this comic is that like if you pay enough attention to the other characters you can tell that avery is acting like. Against type. There’s a moment where Kelly is talking to avery and sort of teasing, not expecting genuine openness from her, And you see the shock on his face when she actually opens up. Being around scarlet and in this situation is actually making her like be different, in some ways better, i really believe she is more receptive to self reflection than she would have been before. I feel like she was a lot worse before idk. She is still th worst and I love her for that tho
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Anyway scarlet and avery have taken over my brain its 4 am im going to sleep
Song that reminded me of paperteeth
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angelmichelangelo · 2 years
As a fellow ex phan here for the drama, tell me why you dislike Dan hehe I want to see if it's the same reasons I have
oh ive been waiting for this lmfao
there’s an entire plethora of reasons as to why i now find dan rather unbearable. i’ll go ahead and say my experience in the phandom was not a particularly good one. and maybe that tainted my view? probably. but it also contributes in a fair enough way for me to go “yeah, this guy ISNT great”
one reason that i’ll start with is: his fanbase. this man is literally the equivalent to a wet yoghurt lid. flaccid and useless, literally nothing about dan is special in any way. he’s not funny, he can’t act. his style of videos is very outdated (hence why he probably won’t return to story times any time soon) and yet.. the phandom will suck his dick for so little in return. he wrote a mental health book? because he suffers with mental health issues? okay. once i was constipated so now i guess im a doctor of the bowels. his humour is… god. it’s fucking horrible. he’s literally stuck in 2014 with his “im a walking funeral” jokes and “i wear black like my soul” persona like damn you got the whole room laughing 😐😐 but of course, phannies will go feral for that shit and he believes he’s good at everything he does, so now we’re supposedly being cursed with a dan howell comedy tour so… thanks world, i guess. the whole class suffers mentality.
he takes zero accountability for anything and yet is often hailed as one of the unproblematic youtubers of his time. so okay, he didn’t fuck a cat or do any shane levels of terrible, but omg dan and phil ARE problematic. i don’t care or believe in cancel culture so like, it doesn’t matter, but dan and phil have done stupid, bad, shady shit in the past AND in recent years. they have bad management with their merch line, they fuck up orders and constantly rip off their fans and have never ever made a single comment about how badly it’s being run, or ever offered an apology to the people who have been ripped off. literally in the height of the pandemic phil was selling the most ugliest, most bland, primark looking ass pjs for like £50 or something stupid like that. and dan does the same. doesn’t give his fans any content but WILL charge you £40 for a walmart journal and some cards with loopy sparkly writing on it for your daily affirmations ✨✨ but phannies dismiss this because “it’s my money i can do what i like with it!!” like damn girlie get yourself a bank employee to help you it’s okay lol
he is a personality vacuum. this kinda ties in with my first point about him being a 2014 tumblr post in a white mans form but yeah. dude is straight up BORING to listen to. dnp worked as a brand, cool. alone they suck. literally phil is a buzzfeed machine that can’t stop making 😲 faces in ever thumbnail because god forbid he does something creative and original for once (spoiler: he’s not that funny either) and dan talks in this droll, monotone voice, sprinkling in a few edgy jokes then talks about sucking cock, then bitches about his sad, sad life (another spoiler: his life isn’t that bad like babygirl shut up) and then ANOTHER joke about how a dick in his ass (tasteful) and then tops it off with a joke about wearing black.. something something, he has depression and was closested so im not allowed to be mean to him. waaahhhh idc.
he also made jokes about having so much gay sex that he caught every disease possible whilst hosting a charity livestream for AIDS… and of course every phannie and their girlfriends wet themselves laughing whilst i was straight faced like. how is that remotely funny? but of course as it says in the phannie handbook of god: im now allowed to make comments about dan and his sexuality or however he decides to present himself on the internet because he has depression…………,,., even though Dan said in his depression video he doesn’t want it to define him. but alas, what do i know! im a bitter ex phannie who is mean and evil 🤧 he’s also made jokes about lesbians and also been pretty racist and never apologied or even acknowledged it. i think he just quietly deleted old videos and phannies were cool with it whilst in the same breath they were screaming about shane dawson for doing the same (and rightly so i hate his guts too btw)
he’s lazy, unfunny and pretty spoilt, imo. he has a “me, me, me!!!” attitude to everything and wants everything with very little effort on his end. and why do phannies go wild for it?? beats me. white skin and curly hair maybe? idk, i hope they find a cure for them soon ❤️❤️❤️
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oh rhe behind the scenes info from I Want it All is so super cute I need more
Edit: Part 1
Hi anon!! So glad you liked it! 🥰🥰 thank you for asking, and I’d love to share more. I actually found some notes that I never used, so don’t worry. Here’s a quick one about Amelia (I actually just cut the idea from the Halloween chapter bc it no longer fit). This is an “in the future” story, maybe 6 months to a year from now, give or take.
The Princess likes King Arthur, typical.
Robbe and Sander were warned early on by the ladies at swim class to be very careful and discerning when introducing Amelia to tv and movies. Little kids fixate, they said, and they knew from experience that whatever show or movie she latched onto first would be the one they’d be stuck with for awhile. If they weren’t careful, they’d be watching a movie they abhorred every day for a year. They told horror stories of being stuck with Caillou and PJ Masks and wanting to gouge their eyes out with legos.
She was far too little at the time for them to worry, but they took the advice to heart and were prepared when she started noticing the tv and stopping to watch it. They wanted something with a powerful, female protagonist and something they both could stand to watch over and over. They realized quickly that they didn’t have too many options, so they extended it to no damsels in distress. They tried Moana, Mulan, and Frozen first, just having it on in the background. Nope. Nothing. She glanced at it and kept going. That was fine. Fine. She was just too young. They waited another few months and tried them again. Still nothing, but she was continually checking out the tv even when it was off, which was most of the time. So they tried Tangled and Aladdin. Nothing. Not even the “big big kitties” of the Lion King interested her. After that, they gave up on choosing something specific and just paid more attention to what they allowed on the tv, turning off anything that looked obnoxious after a few minutes. So much for being prepared and ahead of the game.
In the end, Amelia found it herself. The Sword in the Stone came on as an auto-play after a random cartoon they’d had on in the background. Wart’s “Woah-wii-whoa” caught her attention, and the next thing they knew, she was plopped on the floor in front of the couch, clutching her blanket, cackling as the milk and sugar waltzed across the table. She thought the squirrels were funny and cute, covered her eyes with the blanket when the barracuda chased the fish Wart, and squealed with delight when Madam Mim turned into a dragon. She thought the whole thing was hilarious. From that day on, she always asked for the “Squirrel Wart and Dragon lady” movie and couldn’t decide whether to be Wart or Merlin for Halloween. She even played Merlin with her tea set and stood on her stool next to Sander’s suitcase, waving her arms around, singing nonsense syllables, and she asked for an Archimedes (owl) stuffy for Christmas. Neither of them could have guessed this would be the film she’d like best, but they weren’t complaining. It was a cute movie with nothing really problematic in it. So much for control. Their stubborn girl wasn’t about to let them dictate her interests. She’d like what she liked. They might as well be thankful they were learning that lesson now.
I’m sorry it’s taken me a few days to respond to this. I’ve been writing the Halloween chapter and have kind of been in the zone the last few days. Thank you so much for your ask. 🥰🥰 It’s fun to think I’m not the only one enjoying this.
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@ericamzdm I’ve read all three parts of your 5x06 pick apart and I think you made some interesting points. I’m going to respond to all of the posts at once (really just the first two, though) for the sake of clarity, and because a lot of the themes carry over and my remarks on them are more general. I’m doing this in a seperate post to avoid highjacking yours and so I’m not sending a huge ass post onto my followers’ timelines. (But interested readers should check out the original posts here: part 1, part 2, part 3.)
First of all, while I disagree with a number of your conclusions, I want to say thank you for putting into words why this episode (and in particular the fandom’s reaction to it) makes me really uncomfortable. I’m not actually sure how much of the problem is in the episode itself vs. the way people talk about it, but I agree said framing issue is there and the writers could have made it better with a few small changes.
I wouldn’t call Adora’s behavior in this episode abusive, with the possible exceptions of the mattress flip and backing Catra into the corner and pinning her arm. And even with those, you gotta remember that these two have been friends since they were little kids, and scrapping and physical aggression is just part of their relationship (remember Catra scratching Adora in 5x03?). Of course, it used to be playful/childish and now the context is different, so there’s room for disagreement there. Even if it is abusive it’s clearly unintentionally so, but Adora does have a very bad habit (we saw it in Promise too) of getting up in Catra’s face and using her superior size to intimidate, which is super uncomfortable to watch given how many times we have seen Shadow Weaver do the same thing to Catra.
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Really, I think the crux of this matter is that neither Catra nor Adora is abusive towards the other, but they were raised in an abusive environment and picked up a lot of their tools for handling conflict from that environment. Further, I disagree with your assertion that Adora was abusing Catra back in the Horde. However, you are right that she picked up bad habits there and I think in a way Catra feels like Adora abused her because she was part of the system that abused her - while she tried to protect her from Shadow Weaver we know she also did some victim blaming. Adora wasn’t in a position of much influence and was trying to help, but I can understand the resentment there and why Catra felt the need to cut ties earlier in the show.
One thing you’re very right about, though, is that in this episode Adora did loom quite a bit and used intimidating body language that made me (and Catra) uncomfortable as an abuse survivor. I disagree Adora’s holding Catra prisoner but I think to Catra it might feel that way anyway, which is really the issue. As you noted there is a huge power imbalance here with Catra recovering from basically dying and being in her PJs and with no allies. And Adora definitely violates Catra’s boundaries again and again, so set on smoothing things over that she fails to realize her insistence on fixing things is making them worse. As is often the case with her, her intentions are good but she completely misreads what the other person needs from her and barges on with her way instead of listening to them. Adora’s complaint that nothing has changed is her fault as much as Catra’s imo.
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I also agree the part where she is stomping around huffing and kicking things and complaining that Catra is a brat is a sign of her emotional dysregulation and Not Great behavior. Someone asked once if I found that behavior abusive and no I don’t because it’s not directed at Catra, but it is still hard to watch. I agree Adora’s categorization of Catra as a brat while lashing out physically feels a little Shadow Weaver (intentionally or not) and that specific word choice does imply that she looks down on Catra and doesn’t respect her agency/isn’t putting in the effort to understand why she is not being ‘convenient’. It’s not a good look, and it’s not clear enough that she’s in the wrong here. (Catra is in the wrong too, the issue is that Adora’s behavior is also problematic but is not sufficiently framed that way.)
This could have been such a pivotal scene if Glimmer had taken a bit of a different tack with Adora. In fact, I think that was what made the episode just not quite work the way it’s supposed to. Glimmer is a lot like Catra, and she has had a lot of similar conflicts with Adora. If Glimmer had done more to discourage Adora’s overbearing behavior and told her she needs to give Catra space and respect it could have done a lot for Glimmer’s character arc as well as the arc of this episode. Without that, you’re right, the moment when Adora backs off and gives Catra the space to choose lands more like bitterness and giving up as opposed to making a choice to respect Catra’s agency in the way she needs to if she wants Catra to feel safe to open up.
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(Of course she does agree later on to trust Catra’s judgement and let her connect to the hivemind and that also shows development, but as you said it felt a little unearned.)
So yeah I disagree with your assertions that Adora is an abuser and that she’s holding Catra prisoner, but I agree with a number of your observations about the episode itself. I also agree that the framing of the episode made it seem more like it was Catra being the problem rather than Catradora having a hard time renegotiating their relationship and its boundaries. Adora is absolutely being overbearing in this episode and I don’t think it was properly addressed, i.e. it wasn’t clear enough that those problems they were both having were problems on Adora’s end too. And I think a different conversation with Glimmer could have fixed that, just a few lines. The episode showed both of them struggling but I think it does come across like more of the onus is on Catra, like she’s being unreasonable as opposed to being defensive for understandable reasons.
But like I said, some of this is actually more about the fandom’s reaction to the episode. Maybe the writers were hoping to get across that they both needed to work on their bullshit but the fandom has excused Adora because she’s the hero. To be fair, Adora’s mistakes in this episode are very in character for her, in line with her faults/insecurities in general, so maybe they expected us to understand she’s not handling the situation properly.
The fandom reaction to Adora flipping Catra’s mattress and backing her into the corner reminds me of the reactions to DT obliterating Catra with that speech in 4x13. I think on some level we like seeing these drastic actions because watching Catra spiral is frustrating and we want to see something get through to her. It’s satisfying in a way. But on the other hand, both those situations left her with this kind of body language:
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And idk, I’m not sure that’s something we as a fandom should be celebrating. Especially considering that DT’s speech left Catra wanting to die and that this bullish behavior by Adora wasn’t really what flipped the switch. It’s pretty significant that the moment Catra asks Adora to stay is once she backs off and says she won’t force her to give her a place in her life. And I think we the fandom tend to overlook that.
So op, I wish you hadn’t come to some of the conclusions you did with your analysis, but I am grateful to you for starting this conversation. I was having a hard time putting it into words other than “it sets off tons of alarm bells in my head and does no one else hear that??”
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Fics That Will Leave You Wanting More Masterlist
bruising the sun (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: the bedsharing friends to lovers roommates au i was always destined to write
Charlotte (ao3) - dannihowell (iguessicantry)
Summary: When Dan's little sister needs a home, he and Phil offer a place to stay.
finding light in the dark places. (ao3) - commonemergency
Summary: They’re all connected in some way. All have their own stories to tell. If Dan were a better person he’d get to know them more but he always feels like something is holding him back. So they just continue to work in each others spaces, creating things out of dough and making better things with icing. Donna’s slogan is that everything was made with love but he thinks that’s just because she made this thing—they’re just the hands that give it out to other people. One day, Dan thinks, he’ll hope to feel that passionate about something again. Or a story about grief and loss, found family, donuts, and first love.
First Impressions (Perhaps I Was Wrong) (ao3) - Ablissa
Summary: Phil Lester goes back to university for his third year, expecting to live in the dorms with his childhood best friend PJ. That’s how it’s been for the past years, after all. However, due to a mistake of some sort, he finds himself with a new roommate to spend the semester with.
Daniel Howell, three years his junior, has rich brown eyes, a laptop to hide them behind, and not more than two words to spare in Phil’s direction. Phil is no fortune teller, but he foresees the upcoming months will be filled with a whole lot of awkward silence.
Unless, of course, Dan proves him wrong…Could one little mistake lead to something entirely life-changing? Perhaps it could. After all, nearly everything changes when Phil meets Dan.
Flatmates (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: oh my god they were flatmates / the fuckboy!phil au we all deserve
fortune cookies (ao3) - oqua
Summary: Dan goes with Phil to celebrate Father's Day with the Lesters, and suddenly all his complicated feelings about his own parents come bubbling to the surface.
Basically 11k words of Dan being angsty and the Lesters being wonderful.
If You Don't Love Me, Pretend (ao3) - phantasticworks
Summary: All his life, Dan has wanted to have the chance to be a parent someday. He would be the best parent that ever existed, he was sure of it. Fostering might not be the most traditional way on the road to parenting, but Dan's dead set on doing it anyway. But, well, it would be easier with a co-parent, right?
the bed-sharing, fake relationship, friends-to-lovers, parent fic i was desperate to read; when i shouted into the void and was met with silence, i decided i'd do it myself
Monochrome (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: When you build your life out of fear that your mental illness could worsen, it leaves little room for excitement. Luckily, Dan has found a space online where he feels comfortable.
Problematic - realityisnoplacetolive
Summary: Late one night, Dan stumbles across the blog phanfic and is captivated by the reality tag. He wonders, if these writers had access to a few more choice details about his and Phil’s relationship, just how close to reality could they get? He decides to find out.
slutville, population two (ao3) - dayevsphil
Summary: Dan and Phil both have reputations for sleeping around. Their friends don't think they could hold down a relationship if they wanted to. Sounds like a challenge to them.
In Dan's defense, tequila makes anything seem like a good idea.
Strictly Come Dancing but make it GAY (ao3) - natigail
Summary: @danielhowell: maybe i’d actually consider doing @bbcstrictly if they allowed same-sex couples. who wouldn’t want a sexy man spinning you around? it’s not just a girl’s dream. c'mon people let's see some pretty and fierce girls pair up and handsome and strong boys get it on. i dare you.
Dan Howell calls Strictly out on Twitter for not allowing any same-sex couples and accidentally volunteers himself to be one of the contestants if they were to change that. It was a joke. It had so clearly been a joke. Why did they take him up on it?! He’s sure he’ll trip over his own feet and hate every second, but then he meets his partner, the endearingly clumsy dancer Phil Lester.
they grew up so nicely, didn’t they? (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Cornelia doesn’t just get a boyfriend when she starts dating Martyn, she gets a whole second family too. Kath and Nigel welcome her with open arms and she becomes a pseudo older sister to Phil.
She is there watching from the sidelines as a boy bolts right into Phil’s heart and sets up camp. She gets to watch as Dan and Phil build careers and an internet community and all the trials and tribulations, as well as the pride and happiness, it brings along.
Those Who Trust - theshyauthor
Summary: Dan used to be a submissive and now he’s just a broken shell of a man.
Time's Tide (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: All men have secrets, and Phil won't let his own be known. But even in 1984's Manchester there is another person that understands.
too far to walk alone (ao3) - chickenfree
Summary: “The hazelnut stracciatella,” he says, as always. They might or might not have a bet in the shop about whether he’ll ever vary.
where we belong (ao3) - parentaladvisorybullshitcontent
Summary: “Only you,” Martyn says.
“Only me what?”
“Only you could end up stranded in the middle of nowhere with a gay author who writes gay books. Jesus Christ, Phil.”
In which Phil is snowed in with nobody but the mysterious dark haired author next door for company.
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amelialincoln · 4 years
“Hey.” Link was breathless as he brought the final bits of outdoor furniture into the kitchen. It was supposed to rain tomorrow and Seattle had become covered in a thick layer of fog that seemed to cling to him as he closed the door to the backyard.
“Everyone headed out?” Amelia asked, scraping the last of the kid’s leftovers into the compost. Link nodded, placing a lingering, cold kiss on her forehead that made her shiver.
“Seemed kinda awkward between Jackson and Winston.”
“Well, it’s not Maggie’s fault that Jackson’s dated every person in a fifty mile radius,” she responded bitterly.
“This is true,” Link nodded.
“What’s going to make things worse is that she’s going to have to explain that all of us are mourning her other ex’s death,” she added grimly.
“No,” Link’s voice was soft. “I thought he pulled through.” 
“Richard just called me to see if I wanted to join a meeting on zoom tonight, everything fell apart and Teddy and Owen couldn’t save him.” Tears were starting to fill her eyes. Deluca hadn’t spent much time on her service recently but he and Sam were pivotal when she was working on Kimmie’s tumor. When it came to her own tumor, she was surprised how much Deluca had shown his support.
“So, he’s just gone?” Unlike Amelia, Link hadn’t experienced a whole lot of death.
“Yeah.” He pulled her into his chest and rocked gently. It almost hurt how nice it was to see the few people that had come over today. Despite the house they were living in being chaos, the couple had never felt more isolated and alone. “I had to tell Zola that Mer might possibly not wake up.” Amelia whimpered. “She was so strong. She doesn’t want to worry Bailey and Ellis so she told Maggie and I not to tell them. If anything happens to Mer, Derek made Kathleen their godmother, I can’t watch these kids get shipped off to New York, they’ve had it hard enough.” 
“I know, babe,” Link sighed, pulling her in closer.
“I have to go feed Scout, my boobs are gonna explode,” Amelia finally shed herself of Link’s arms after a couple of blissful moments. “Can you read to Zola and Bailey? I can handle Ellis because she’ll get like five stories out of you if I let you go in there.” Link chuckled.
“You’re probably right.”
“Auntie Amelia.” Amelia was relieved to be greeted with a sleepy voice as she stepped into the pink monstrosity that was Ellis’ room.
“Hi Elle belle.” She smiled in response to the little girl’s arms reaching towards her. “Come on sweetheart, let's pick some pjs.”
“Can you make it a surprise?” Ellis asked in a way that made Amelia’s ovaries explode and she found herself wondering what Link would think about trying for a girl. Hormones, Amelia, focus. “What about these?” She suggested, holding up a pair of pastel blue Moana pajamas. Ellie nodded happily, squealing as Amelia tugged them over her pudgy arms.
“Can we read the cookie mouse story?”
“Of course,” Amelia grinned. “It’s not like we haven’t read it every day this week.” She lowered herself gently down onto Ellis’ bed. Recovery hadn’t been the easiest when chasing three children around the house and caring for a newborn. Link had pulled out Amelia’s stitches the night before, using his phone’s flashlight, since neither of them wanted to go to the hospital and then go through the trouble of getting tested. She had tried to hide the pain for Link’s sake, tired of him expecting her to be constantly resting, but she hadn’t expected the pain. Link was an incredible ortho surgeon but when it came to the little details, he was sometimes a bit careless.
Amelia closed the door to Ellis’ bedroom as quietly as possible, trying not to chuckle at the little figure sprawled out across her twin bed. For such a small girl Ellis was notoriously known as the most impossible person to sleep with, taking up spaces three times her size. She walked past Zola and Bailey’s room, hearing Link’s animated voice through fits of giggles. He definitely outdid her in the storytelling department, and really in every department, which she tried to not think too much about. Scout was babbling as Amelia entered the familiar room.
“You hungry, big guy?” To Amelia’s relief, Scout had progressed past his grumpy and problematic eating phase. She hugged him into her chest, breathing in his sweet and comforting soft lavender smell from the bubble bath they’d used this afternoon. “My beautiful boy.” She was still in disbelief, even staring down at him in her arms, that he truly existed. As he’d gotten bigger, he’d started to become a perfect combination of his parents. With Link’s strong features, like his nose, and what Amelia could tell would be his jaw, along with her dimple and piercing blue eyes.
“Hey mommy,” Link’s amused voice came from the doorway. “You feeling better?” Amelia wasn’t sure whether he was referring to the soreness in her lower half or the news about Deluca.
“He makes everything better,” she sighed, fumbling with one of the buttons on Scout’s onesie.
“You going to go to that meeting?” Link asked, she could tell he knew something was bothering her. “I already missed it.” She shrugged, glancing at their bedside alarm clock. “I’ll probably just feed him and then pass out.”
“Do you want me to grab the baby wrap, you were lifting lots today already with the furniture.”
“Sure,” she nodded, not feeling like having a conversation about how perfectly fine her arms were. Link nodded, placing a soft hand on her back before rummaging through their closet for the wrap. She was happy to find that Scout latched on easily and without protest, feeling a little guilty about the lack of attention that he’d received today. She knew that people were suffering way more during this time and she couldn’t help but feel guilty for wishing that she, Scout and Link could be spending quality time in their apartment for their maternity leave like planned.
“Lift your arm a bit.” Link ran a soft hand along the side of her forearm as he tied the piece of fabric around her shoulder and managed to wiggle Scout into it, without removing him from her chest.
“Thank you,” she smiled tiredly.
“No problem,” he yawned, practically collapsing into bed beside her. “Fuck, Amelia I’m exhasuted.”
“Me too.” She ran a gentle hand through his hair, tugging out some of the frequent knots that had begun to form since his hair had begun to grow out.
“Is your incision site healing okay,” he groaned into the pillow, melting a bit as she massaged the root of his neck.
“I haven’t checked,” she admitted with a yawn.
“Want me to grab some polysporin?”
“It’s okay, babe, it feels fine.” She sighed slightly, playing with the idea of bringing up a topic that has been bugging her but not wanting to cause an argument that neither of them were up for. “You started drinking pretty early today.”
“Amelia,” Link groaned tiredly. “It’s not a big deal.”
“It was just unnecessary, no one wanted...I’m just worried.” She shifted Scout to the other side uncomfortably.
“It’s not my fault you see addiction everywhere. I had like two beers.” Silence hung thickly in the air and after a couple of minutes Link turned to face her. “I’m sorry. I know it makes you uncomfortable.” 
“You don’t really seem to care,” she answered honestly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He replied defensively, tiredness had seemed to leave his body momentarily. “I don’t--”
“The fridge is stocked, Link. It’s like a reminder every time I go to make food. There’s a cooler in the garage for a reason.”
“How am I supposed to know,” he sputtered. “Meredith downs tequila in front of you like this is a frat house. You hang out with our friends when they drink all the time.” 
“It’s different when you're surrounded by people. When I’m alone and just staring at a fridge filled with booze it’s hard to not want to take one.”
“Amelia, you haven’t relapsed in years, why would you even--”
“Because I’m an addict, Link!” The increase in volume of her voice caused Scout to shriek in protest. “Don’t you understand that? It doesn’t get easier. It’s a fight every fucking day. And when my boyfriend starts drinking every day at three o’clock in the afternoon, it makes that fight ten times harder.”
“Well, I’m sorry you feel that way,” he grumbled. 
“Are you serious right now?”
“About what,” he shot back.
“Well, I’m sorry you feel that way. I thought you’d be considerate enough to validate my feelings instead of acting like I’m being dramatic but instead you’re being a child.”
“Mia,” Link groaned, slamming his head back into the pillow, looking as childish as ever. “You’re--”
“What? Overreacting? The fact that you don’t see this as an issue is concerning.” Scout’s shrieking turned into a full on meltdown as their “perfect” son burst into tears. “Oh, baby, no. It’s okay.” Amelia sighed, finding tears of frustration begin to build at the sides of her own eyes and let out a tiny whimper as she held back any sobs that attempted to be heard. Of course Link noticed, as always, and rolled over to witness the upset state that both his girlfriend and baby were in.
“I am sorry,”
“Show me then,” Amelia hissed through a clenched jaw, wiping away some stubborn fallen tears. “Cause right now I don’t believe you.”
“I’ll put the packs in the cooler tomorrow,” he promised, with a hint of resentment. Amelia shrugged, finally giving up on feeding Scout and bringing him tightly into her chest.
“Hey, it’s okay, mommy and daddy fight sometimes, but everything’s going to be okay. Don’t cry Scout. We love you so much,” she murmured into the crown of his head, causing Link to melt a little inside.
“Are we going to be okay?” Link asked, receiving a teary glance from his girlfriend. 
“Not if you can’t get this sorted because I cannot be his mother and also be passed out in a ditch somewhere on opioids.” Link nodded, moving to tug her shirt back into place and took Scout into his own hands, marvelling slightly at the little miracle they had created. “I don’t want to screw him up.” 
“You won’t,” he promised her, pressing a kiss to her forehead before grazing her slightly chapped lips. “You’ve been a mother for a month and have already proved that. That’s the last thing we need to worry about right now.” He patted his chest. “Now come to sleep because if we stay up any longer I feel like I might end up on the couch,” he chuckled. 
“Don’t give me any ideas,” she replied with a yawn. 
“I love you,” he sighed.
“I love you too.” 
what did u guys think of 17x07? i did find the beers at like 12 a bit weird and with the upcoming episode’s synopsis “Jo, Jackson and Link play a drinking game” I wonder if Amelia and him will have a conversation about her addiction bc I feel like they haven't really talked about it. lmk what u think!
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