#pizza tower headcannon
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abovethemountains · 9 months ago
I drew PeppiNoise lol (๑ت๑)ノ
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Also did an edit:
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mebutcrazier · 5 months ago
Is The Noise friends with any of the other bosses?
Not really, Noise isn't the type of guy who gets along with others well. He does however have a love-hate relationship with Peppino (he hates to admit about having a lil crush on Peps)
But I imagine once Neena (aka Noisette) starts dating The Vigilante, Noise isn't gonna take that well and might have a grudge on Vigi lol
Most Likely outcome:
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simply-icarus · 2 years ago
I have a Pizza Tower theory.
It's that Pizza Face doesn't actually know how to make pizza.
So Pizza Face saw that Peppino's Pizza was successful for a short time. Pizza Face gained control of the tower and used the tower's magic to create what he wanted, and what he wanted was Peppino's success. Pizza Face ordered the tower to create Peppino's Pizza 2 along with a new Peppino that he would call "Bruno" so as to not immediately give away what he had done. But the tower could not recreate him correctly. Every failed clone was cut up and thrown away. Until they got something that worked well enough... Fake Peppino. But Fake Peppino grew smarter and had more ambition. He started reforming the clones and Pizza Head shut him off from the rest of the tower. Only calling on him in the time of need.
Back to the theory he can't make pizza. So he tried on his own. But he put too much into the presentation and not enough into the food, which failed, so he gave up on it and accidentally created the monsters from "don't make a sound." So he needed a new way to make pizza. If a biological clone didn't work, why not take the easy way and make a mechanical clone? It worked! So why stop at one? He could make many! Therefore the PeppiBot Factory level was made. Where they mass produce Peppino that mass produce Pizza.
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whereismyhat5678 · 1 year ago
Have I EVER drawn Peppino from the soundtrack album cover? NO- Today I change that 😌 (With Gustavo too)
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Also headcannons for drunk Peppino and Gustavo: (if I already said these in old posts sorry- 😅)
I STILL stand the point of Peppino either being an angry drunk and funny drunk. He’ll punch you in the face if you look at him the wrong way BUT will make you die laughing at how goofy he is-
Gustavo is more-a-less a happy drunk. He laughs at practically anything and he’s just sunshine. He’s a sweetheart what can I tell ya’-
When Peppino drinks PEPPINO DRINKS like the mf goes ALL OUT when he wants to get drunk- EVEN when he says he’ll “Get ONE drink” he has AT LEAST 10 bottles of whatever alcohol they have- HE GOES HARD
OOOO I ALSO WANNA ADD the more he drinks the more noticeable his accent is, like THE HARDEST ITALIAN ACCENT shows when he’s on his 8th bottle IT’S INSANE-
For Gustavo I don’t really think he’s a hard drinker, he tries to stay as sober as possible so at least they can go back home normally without migraines in the morning- But sometimes he does get a bit carried away-
They dance like there’s no tomorrow on the dance floor- WHEN IT’S JUST THE TWO OF THEM FUCK YEAH THEY’RE GONNA HAVE A GOOD TIME‼️ They WILL shred imaginary guitars together they WILL sing (very horrible) karaoke and they WILL have a good time together because they JUST DO. You CAN’T TELL ME they aren’t magnets to each other THEY’RE INSEPARABLE WHEN DRUNK-
And finally when they need to get back home, BEFORE THE TOWER they would call a Taxi, Peppino is actually quite responsible and would always tell Gus if he was drunk as hell and he got drunk too to just get them both a taxi for safety. And AFTER THE TOWER Brick would usually be there for them (Brick is a real one) or Stick would offer them a ride home (which rarely happens but it’s an option-)
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pizzabox-box · 4 months ago
Theoretically Fake Pep could eat the dust in Peppino's house, since dust is largely comprised of dead skin cells, and thus, be fed human intelligence like a goldfish
Fun fact! My regular Fake Peppino already does that, he still hasn't completely given up on the "getting a piece of real Peppino" thing, but he won't go as far as confronting Peppino again. (He got his ass kicked two times already, he's not risking it again)
But unfortunately, this method doesn't really work, hair and dead skin cells barely contain any DNA. It's not sufficient enough to have any long lasting effects.
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danoiseisdelicious · 8 months ago
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jesus christ mr sound be careful!111
i bet hes gonna fall
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mrkdicey · 2 months ago
A little dose of an unusual post
Characters that I headcannon to be genderfluid
Some if not all may be self-projections…
Alright, first off we have…
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I feel like he’s chill about gender. Like, he don’t gaf about how you refer to him as, he just wants to make pizza.
Second, we got…
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This one is somewhat pending. I’ve headcannon him to be a trans guy but I’m starting to think that he could be potentially transmasc and genderfluid. I’m also starting to think that he might be one of my favourite characters that I self project onto the most
Third of all, we got…
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… I don’t even know how to describe this one. I just feel like he’s like me in a way. Like… he’s what I would like to be. Like gender envy, second to King Dice. Plus if you can somewhat break physics, then you can break walls of gender.
For forth and fifth, we got…
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Two of my many favourite brawlers. This is also kinda funny coming from an 8-Bit main. I do kinda feel like 8-bit might be more Agender, so they’re also possibly pending.
Last up, we have our girlie…
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My beautiful wife <3 again, this is also is kinda like me fr. Also gives me gender envy. Beautiful transfem genderfluid woman, how I love her
Thank you for listening to my little ted talk, have a good rest of your day/night : )
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emo-gals-4life · 3 months ago
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made the pizza tower voice headcannons for them!
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thedorfmirrin · 2 years ago
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A few doodles i had between commissions, I am still head over heals obsessed with pizza tower!
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brownhood69 · 2 months ago
I don't know why but I have this headcanon stuck in my head for like 6 seconds and it's bugging me like crazy.
My headcannon is that Noise, Noisette, Pizzelle, and Rosette can purr and hiss like cats.
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abovethemountains · 5 months ago
I have been wanting to draw this for a while!!
The Vigilante is now happily married to Neena (aka Noisette, she started using her real name once she left The Noise) and they both have settled on his farm, Neena still runs her cafe if you were wondering...
Also Neena you shouldn't be giving your cheeseslime husband that! 😅
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mebutcrazier · 9 months ago
The Noise Headcannons!
here are my Noise HCs:
Noise had a rough childhood
He has acromatopsia (monochromatic vision)
His vision is pretty poor so, he relies more on his hearing ability
Noisette loves cloth shopping for him despite he not understanding the concept of colors
He uses patterns to recognize color specific items (like to find a pair of socks)
He is diagnosed with BPD and prone to lashing out
He loves bouncing around in his pogo stick
He finds pizza weird and too greasy for his liking
He likes butterscotch ice cream
He is grey-asexual
He has delusional episodes about Peppino and believes Peppino is out to get him which further makes his dislike Peppino (in reality Peppino is innocent)
On the other hand he sometimes crushes on Peppino...
Noise is pretty smelly lol I imagine he smells like a mixture of cigarettes, sweat and candies
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chicablise · 2 years ago
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i love this.
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nickywhoisi · 2 years ago
so how did Pizzahead get the means to make a bunch of Fakinos anyway???
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this is my headcannon for that lol
Peppino does not live on a ground floor btw....
Apologies for the hard to see linework here and there, I tried my best but it's not easy making a comic old-school style where you need one pose to be the same at all times. But I still managed, and am very happy with it! Also these are my designs for them both since I'm finally figuring out how to consistently draw them, especially Pizzahead; I gave him vague hair curls to make him seem like...almost human? Totino-ish? Not really tho XP
This was made over the span of quite a few days so I hope you enjoy! pchooooooooo
Reblogs > Likes, Thank you!
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puffycloud2 · 1 year ago
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you won't understand 🪦
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mrkdicey · 2 days ago
For a long while now, I’ve had this headcannon that if Fake Pep were to speak English, his way of speaking would be very broken.
The best way I way I can give an example is that it’s kinda similar to the way Fawful speaks in the Mario and Luigi games, or a somewhat better example would be the BFG.
Either way, while he can speak English, he doesn’t speak it entirely well, but well enough so that you can still understand what he’s saying.
This has been my Headcannon Ted Talk.
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