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purplephloxpress · 7 months ago
Another year, another Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day!!!! If you are a writer of fanfic, please know just how appreciated you are!! Fandom would be such a different space without your creativity and labors of love. 💜
Holidays are all about making traditions, and the bookbinding friends with @renegadeguild once again came together to bind copies of fics for their authors as a show of our appreciation. This year I had the absolute joy of binding Emergency Help Wanted by the wonderful @piyo-13 and even got to collaborate with her on some of the design elements! It's a Modern AU Jiang Cheng/Lan Xichen fic that starts with a "help wanted" ad.
I lied when I got my job. I told them I had a kid so I could leave early from work to pick him up from daycare, take him to doctor's appointments, and occasionally miss a day when he's sick. Long story short, I'm in too deep. I didn't think it through. Looking to rent a kid for bring your child to work day. Must be a boy ages four to six, longish dark hair, likes soccer. Must also be artistic as the macaroni noodle paintings I made seem a little advanced for his age. Also, I will pay extra for someone willing to play the role of husband when dropping him off. He's a prosecuting attorney who often brings his work home. Message me for further details. Serious inquiries only.
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Ok. So. I may have gone a little feral with this one. Online "help wanted" ad spiraled into loading wheel scene dividers, spiraled into fake Google search result headers, spiraled into FULLY committing to those authentic looking text messages. In full color. (There are so many. I typeset in MS Word. It was SO worth it, but god what a struggle at some points.) And don't forget the "recent searches" title page! Or the computer cutout on the cover! (It's bluescreening, just like Lan Xichen through this entire fic!) Also that cover/title page image that I just kept adding details to. (It's supposed to be Lan Xichen's desk, so it simply didn't feel right until it had sticky notes on the computer, #1 dad on the mug, scissors and measuring tape, scribbles on the sticky notes) Did I have a ton of fun designing this one? Perhaps. Couldn't say. Maybe just a tad. (This is a lie I had an ABSOLUTE BLAST!)
Historically, I've waited until I finish at least the typeset before reaching out to the author, but not so with this one! I got the idea for the fake google search results from Piyo's authors notes, teasing the contents of the next chapter. But! Those didn't start until about chapter 4! So I reached out and asked if we could collaborate and I'm forever glad I did! Not only does this have teasers for each chapter, I also got to bounce design ideas off of her, including what shade of blue and purple for the text messages. Because my friends, that is a serious matter and changed SEVERAL times throughout the process.
Also shoutout to all my Renegade friends who gave input and encouragement over the past year while I worked on this (what endpages to use? how to make this shade of green perfectly Nie Huaisang? how do we feel about this text message design? or how about this one?) - I love you all dearly and appreciate you so much for putting up with my nonsense at all times.
Binding details below the cut!
Fandom: The Untamed/Mo Dao Zu Shi
Pairing: Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin / Lan Huan | Lan Xichen
Bookcloth: Aqua/Purple Dubletta from Colophon Book Arts
Endpapers: Craft Consortium Ink Drops - Ocean pack
Textblock paper: short grain cream from Church Paper
Titling: We R Memory Keepers foil quill
Endbands: leather cording core, DMC embroidery floss for the bands
Body Font: EB Garamond
Title Font: Berlin Sans FB
Text Messages: Roboto
Additional fonts: Times New Roman, Kunstler Script, Magis Authentic
Title page image from Rawpixel and designed in Canva
Various computer graphics from The Noun Project
Tumblr insists on eating and doubling text in this section at its own whim, so if there's something missing that you're curious about, feel free to DM me an ask!
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piyo13sdoodles · 1 year ago
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some pigeons i drew for my wife <3
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 12 days ago
The Hobbit Fandom Creators
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I'm so excited to announce the awesome creators who have signed up to create The Hobbit specific content! Bidding opens Tuesday, February 25th, 8am ET so make sure to check out their pages over the next few days!
EDIT!!! I do apologize for jumping the gun a bit here, but it does seem I've left some creators off. They have now been added below if you want to give this updated post a reblog. (Also idk what happened formatting wise but that's been fixed as well.)
Thalion- Fanfic for anything Tolkien; Primarily gen fics
Humapuma- Fanfic for anything Tolkien; Pairing of Interest: Bilbo/Thorin
Juniperwick- Fanfic for anything Tolkien
Meinir Rhos (@rhosmeinir)- Fanfic for anything Tolkien
KandiSheek- Fanfic for Hobbit or LOTR; Pairings of Interest: Gimli/Legolas, Sam/Frodo, Bilbo/Thorin, Dwalin/Ori
SunnyRose- Fanfic for the Hobbit; Pairing of Interest: Bilbo/Thorin
Sleepingcreep- Fanfic for the Hobbit; Pairings of Interest: Bilbo/Thorin, Bilbo/Smaug
Anxioussquirrel- Fanfic for the Hobbit; Pairings of Interest: Bilbo/Thorin
Likorys- Fanfic for the Hobbit
Golwen_Lothlindel (@golwenlothlindel) - Fanfic for Hobbit/LOTR/Silm
Molly- Fanfic for the Hobbit; Pairings of Interest: Bilbo/Thorin, Thranduil/Bard
Wanderingjedihistorian (@wanderingjedihistorian)- Fanfic for Hobbit/LOTR
Daughteroftheteleri- Fanart for Hobbit/LOTR/Silm; Pairings of Interest: Bilbo/Thorin, Faramir/Eowyn, Aragorn/Arwen, Morgoth/Sauron, Canon/OC
Khorazir (@khorazir)- Fanart for Hobbit/LOTR/Silm/Unfinished Tales
Paintchipblue- Fanart for Hobbit/LOTR/Silm
Mysandwichranaway (@mysandwichranaway)- Fanart for Hobbit/LOTR/Silm
Victor Makes Art- Fanart for Hobbit/LOTR; Pairings of Interest: Sam/Frodo, Kili/Tauriel
Kaciart- Fanart for Hobbit/LOTR
Piyo13- Fanart for Hobbit/Silm; Pairings of Interest: Thranduil/Bard, Mairon/Sauron, Maedhros/Fingon, Celegorm/Oromë
WolffyLuna- Podfic for anything Tolkien
DevilWithABirdDress (@devilwithabirddress)- Podfic for Hobbit/LOTR/War of Rohirrim; Pairings of Interest: Gimli/Legolas, Sam/Frodo
Paintchipblue (@paintchipblue)- Podfic for Hobbit/LOTR/Silm
Chantress- Podfic for Hobbit/LOTR/Silm
StasiaReader- Podfic for the Hobbit; Pairings of Interest: Bilbo/Thorin, Nori/Dwalin, Dwalin/Ori
Chestnut_pod- Podfic for Hobbit/LOTR/Silm
Fan Labor
Lalaith Quetzalli- Fan Labor for Hobbit or LOTR
Heckofabecca- Fan Labor for anything Tolkien; Experience in LOTR and Silmarillion
CelticSky- Fan Labor for anything Tolkien
Anxioussquirrel- Fan Labor for Hobbit or LOTR
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veryace-ficrecs · 11 months ago
Hey! Could you do another daemon rec list? Your other list got me in the mood
Absolutly! d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b
More Daemon Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Star Trek
Ni'Var by WerewolvesAreReal - Rated G
Humans have daemons. Vulcans have katras. Spock, born of both, has neither. Which he's fine with. Really. Meanwhile, James Kirk is a little curious about this whole daemon business, because how the hell can he have two souls - ?
a resilient touch by kurgaya - Rated T
Jim’s daemon used to be a wolf and Leonard’s not sure how he feels about that. Used to be. [STID Missing Scenes - Jim sleeps. Leonard worries. Someone unexpected talks some sense into them both].
Down to the Bone by SpiritsFlame - Rated G
Everyone always wants to know why his daemon isn't a bat. As though being blind is all that there is to him, the center point of his character.
of things unknown (but longed for still) by aloneintherain - Rated T
Peter Parker can’t walk around with the same daemon as Spider-Man. But she’s going to settle one day, and there’s nothing he can do about it.
The Witcher
Two Halves of a Whole by penguistifical - Rated G
Geralt doesn’t take much notice at first when the small brown bird alights on his table.
one for sorrow by Emamel - Rated T
There were other rumours, older and more persistent, that Jaskier hadn't been able to make a dent in. Witchers don't have souls. Witchers are no better than beasts. How could they be civilised, intelligent, compassionate, human, when they don't even have daemons. What was Jaskier supposed to do about that?
interconnected strand to strand by Hirikka - Rated G
Turns out Jaskier isn't the first person who loves Geralt to be driven away by the witcher. After The Mountain, Jaskier is found by Geralt's daemon. They adopt each other.
The Adventure Zone
a thousand points of no return by anonymousAlchemist - Rated T
Since wizard's daemons often settle as birds and urban legend says that elves are separated from their daemons, no one looks too closely at the fact that Taako and Lup are both single entities, missing the other halves of their hearts. They walk like people, they talk like people, and if they're hard to read because their daemons aren't fluffing up their feathers or swatting playfully with their paws, well, elves are notoriously enigmatic anyway. This lasts until their first death. All deaths on the Starblaster are strange. When Magnus first died on the animal planet, I'morko followed right after, both of their bodies dissipating into golden sparks, a strange inversion of the natural order. The pattern holds. Year after year, person and daemon alike dissipate into a fine mist of dust, knit together by the bond engine in the new plane. During their fifteenth year, Taako is shot through the heart with a well-aimed magic missile. Lup screams and casts one last firebolt, spell-sculpting around their bodies, before unspooling into a fine golden sand.
Yuri on Ice
hollow ground by Piyo13 - Rated T
There's no rules regarding where a daemon has to be in relation to their skater, only that they aren't allowed on the ice. This has always seemed a little unfair to Yuuri. After all, he loves skating like he loves his own soul; why can't he have both?
I know you won't leave by Speechless_since_1998 - Rated G
Jason was thirteen, adopted for over a year, and he was at his first gala. He expected the rich snobs who looked down on him, judging his daemon. What he didn't expect was to find a child hiding as his daemon took shape. Nor that Ace would adopt him.
everything you lose is a step you take by oceanofchaos - Rated T
“Tim,” she says, hesitant in a way that she never is, not when it’s just the two of them, “About settling.” Thirteen is hardly unreasonable to be unsettled, but rare given their night activities, and Tim’s been thinking hard about what Hestia will choose. “I don’t think I want to settle,” she says quietly, interrupting his train of thought, “Maybe not ever.” “Okay,” replies Tim, stroking a careful finger over her soft brown snout, “Not if you don’t want to.” ------------ Dæmon AU, the life and times of Tim Drake and his dæmon Hestia, before, during, and after Robin.
Fullmetal Alchemist
the lives of wild animals by ohmytheon - Rated G
military - but what people don't realize is that his daemon is just as wild as Mustang's in the end.
In the Shape of a Soul by redketchup - Rated T
Ed says, “Stupid Colonel Bastard.” “Brother, what are you thinking?” Alphonse asks evenly, which is his way of saying, Please, for the love of god, brother, the colonel is not responsible for every terrible thing, but hey, it ends up Alphonse is still loyal to his big brother, because he also adds, “I’m surprised he didn’t make an effort to call us. It sounds like something we could help with. Maybe the first lieutenant has been out recently.” Which conveys how little faith Alphonse actually has in Mustang when he acts outside Riza Hawkeye’s influence.
East City has a new string of murders and, much to a young alchemist's annoyance, his superior officer insists that the Fullmetal Alchemist's expertise is not needed. This leads to more trouble than anyone would expect.
talents of the souls by ohmytheon - Rated G
Edward's hand shakes as he draws the soul bonding transmutation circle on the inside of the armor. Alethea has to hold his arm up to keep him steady. “I won’t let you take them!” Ed screams. “Take my arm, take my heart, take my soul!” Alethea cries out as she buries her face into his stomach. He can’t feel her. He almost gets sick. Oh, god, why can’t he feel her? (Or, Fullmetal Alchemist with daemons, focusing on Edward, Alphonse, and human transmutation. Companion piece to "rummaging in our souls", which focuses on Roy and Riza.)
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tls123 · 1 year ago
As the person most responsible for my xicheng obsession right now, do you have any fic recs? Especially ones where LXC is a big brother/mentor figure and JC is like omg 😳🥺💖
god it kills me that i cannot help you much, if at all. i haven't read a xicheng fics in months (maybe possibly a whole year) now which means all my recs are definitely fics i've already mentioned before AND i know none of those have even a sprinkle of the kind of dynamic you're looking for, mostly because i tend to lean towards post-canon xicheng and at that point it would be hard to have a starry-eyed jiang cheng lmao
that being said, if it's not too much of a deal breaker not ticking that box, there's some fics under the cut:
Picture of the Turning Sphere by omphalos
immediately taking a break here to say: this is THE xicheng fic. picture of the turning sphere my beloved, this is an epic. god, so good.
also before moving on, i would like to mention the Deeds Undone series by jirluvien, the first entry is actually the exact opposite of what you're looking for, with a temporarily de-aged lan xichen getting a bit of hero worship/kid crush on jiang cheng - it's mostly sad but also very sweet, and i personally enjoyed the whole series <3
alright here's some random stuff:
(nothing special) (something special) by three_colored_cat
Marginal Costs by ohwhatevrewhatevr
A Bit of Ruthlessness by jirluvien
A Small Measure of Peace by Sandstone112
some pwp ones:
i’d be the sweet feeling of release (mankind now dreams of) by Piyo13
Take me over (take me tonight) by velithya
Making a Mess by Bideroo
some aus:
Fate Comes Calling by Bideroo
tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us by sarahyyy
Deeply, fiercely, completely by velithya
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jin-zixun · 6 days ago
Creators Offering Fan Art
“Any Fandom I’ve Created Before” — A Fandom Trumps Hate Curated List
What this Is: A list of all creators that chose “Any Fandom I’ve created for Before” under fandoms for Fandom Trumps Hate 2025, as well as a list of some or all of the Fandoms they’ve written for before, according to their contributor page or linked works
What is not included: Every fandom, a lot of the time. Any fandom already tagged on a creator’s contributor post, even if it’s for a different type of content. What ships or characters the creator is interested in in those fandoms.
If you are a creator on this list and want something changed, let me know (reply, reblog, DM, whatever) and I will change it.
I will not be tagging individual fandoms because there are a lot of them.
See Introduction for Information and links
Amy Deroa
Harry Potter Project SEKAI Gorillaz
Miraculous Ladybug Captain Marvel My Hero Academia Pokemon JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Undertale Sanders Sides Team Fortress 2 Anastasia (1997) Merlin The Muppets Shadowhunters Julie and the Phantoms LEGO Ninjago Monster High Hatchetfield Series Goncharov Original Work
Roswell New Mexico Shadowhunters Red White and Royal Blue
Wooden Overcoats Dracula Hannibal Merlin Sherlock Holmes
Link Click Fangs of Fortune Jujutsu Kaisen
Mo Dao Zu Shi Undertale Homestuck Carmilla (Web Series) The Summer Hikaru Died Dungeon Meshi Avatar: The Last Airbender My Little Pony Gen 4 Tom Swift (2022) Original Work
New Life Begins Star Wars KPop The Untamed Doctor Who Pride and Prejudice Fox Spirit Matchmaker Love Between Fairy and Devil See You in My 19th Life Blood of Youth Romance on the Farm Legend of Fei Who Rules the World Charmed
Steven Universe Red White and Royal Blue House Vocaloid Minecraft Diaries Heartstopper I Saw the TV Glow
*Unfortunately I do not have instagram so they cut me off here
Temeraire Tortall Check Please Nirvana in Fire The Murderbot Diaries Young Wizards Star Wars Harry Potter
Link to her tags page on tumblr because there are a lot
SK8 the Infinity Nine Worlds Series Marvel Cinematic Universe Avatar: the Last Airbender Star Wars: The Force Awakens Percy Jackson Dracula Untold Venom
Invader Zim Lego Movie One Punch Man Sonic the Hedgehog Kung fu Panda Dungeon Meshi
Infinity Train Book 2 The Owl House Code Lyoko Supernatural Voltron: Legendary Defender She-Ra 2019 Gravity Falls Undertale
9-1-1 Star Trek Bond The Untamed The Avengers Hornblower MASH Hawaii Five-O The Witcher Kingsman Starsky and Hutch
DCU Harry Potter Stranger Things Aladdin 2019
Leverage Sesame Street Murderbot Diaries Batman The Locked Tomb Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Radiant Emperor Tales of the Abyss Tales of Symphonia
Steak In The Daylight
Super Mario Series Sonic the Hedgehog Puyo Puyo
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itsjustelian · 11 months ago
Emergency Help Wanted
Author: Piyo13
Fandom: MDZS
My crack summary: Craigslist ad for a rentable child gets Lan Xichen laid.
Actual summary:
I lied when I got my job. I told them I had a kid so I could leave early from work to pick him up from daycare, take him to doctor's appointments, and occasionally miss a day when he's sick. Long story short, I'm in too deep. I didn't think it through. Looking to rent a kid for bring your child to work day. Must be a boy ages four to six, longish dark hair, likes soccer. Must also be artistic as the macaroni noodle paintings I made seem a little advanced for his age. Also, I will pay extra for someone willing to play the role of husband when dropping him off. He's a prosecuting attorney who often brings his work home. Message me for further details. Serious inquiries only.
Reblog this with a fanfic rec for any fandom.
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theuntamedzine · 3 years ago
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A very happy birthday to Lan Xichen! For his birthday, we all get to enjoy a lovely art piece by @piyo13sdoodles, showcasing Lan Xichen’s grace as he soars through the air.
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raisingcain-onceagain · 6 years ago
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Incredible art by @piyo13sdoodles and new fic by yours truly, @raisingcain-onceagain, for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang over at @tolkienrsb!
Full Art: (Piyo’s art!!) (rating: G)
Fic: dear fellow traveler on Ao3 (rating: M, 14k words, opens Sunday September 1st!)
Summary: Politics, communication, language barriers, and gay elves - this is Finrod and Edrahil across the First Age, from the Meres of Twilight to the founding of Nargothrond, the quest of Beren Erchamion, and beyond...
Characters: Finrod, Edrahil; minor appearances by Turgon, Orodreth, Finduilas
Relationships: Finrod/Edrahil, Finrod & Turgon, Finrod & Orodreth
Tags & Warnings: Major Character Death, Finrod POV, Acquaintances to Lovers, Developing Friendships, Developing Relationships, That Good Good Lord/Vassal Dynamic, Politics, Communication, Language Barriers, Quenya, Angst, Canon Divergence, Bittersweet Ending
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terribleoldwhitemen · 3 years ago
victoria goddard actually titled a book "the hands of the emperor" and meant that shit for real
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purplephloxpress · 1 year ago
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It's coming together! This is the typeset where I've probably gone the most feral (and yes I'm aware that I input sheet music by hand for another project) and it's also the first time I'm using cream paper instead of white! It's going to be so pretty!
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arrowsbane · 8 years ago
There's no rules regarding where a daemon has to be in relation to their skater, only that they aren't allowed on the ice. This has always seemed a little unfair to Yuuri.
After all, he loves skating like he loves his own soul; why can't he have both?
author: Piyo13
wordcount: 13979 (3/7)
rated: T
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jin-zixun · 6 days ago
Creators Offering Written Works 5-10K : Part 2
“Any Fandom I’ve Created Before” — A Fandom Trumps Hate Curated List
What this Is: A list of all creators that chose “Any Fandom I’ve created for Before” under fandoms for Fandom Trumps Hate 2025, as well as a list of some or all of the Fandoms they’ve written for before, according to their contributor page or linked works
What is not included: Every fandom, a lot of the time. Any fandom already tagged on a creator’s contributor post, even if it’s for a different type of content. What ships or characters the creator is interested in in those fandoms.
If you are a creator on this list and want something changed, let me know (reply, reblog, DM, whatever) and I will change it.
I will not be tagging individual fandoms because there are a lot of them.
See Introduction for Information and links
Part 1 Here ; Part 3 Here
Naruto Marvel DC JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure John Wick MASH
My Hero Academia Dungeon Meshi Scum Villain’s Self Saving System Jujutsu Kaisen NU: carnival Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official’s Blessing Star Wars X-Men Guardians of the Galaxy DCEU Batman Young Justice Dragon Age
Arcane: League of Legends Hazbin Hotel Percy Jackson RWBY My Hero Academia Yuri On Ice DCU Tokyo Ghoul Bungou Stray Dogs Overwatch Blue Lock Spongebob Squarepants Avatar: The Last Airbender Frozen Borderlands Original Work
Leverage DCU The Mighty Boosh Nathan Barley Marvel Good Omens The Losers Sweet (2000) Bloods (2021) Bandom - Cobra Starship Original Work
Ace of Diamond Yuri on Ice Ouran High School Host Club Kaguya Wants to Be Confessed to Project SEKAI Hypnosis Mic Golden Kamuy Spider-verse Mob Psycho 100 Bad Buddy the Series Chihayafuru The Magnus Archives Harry Potter Original Work
Rise of the Guardians Alex Rider Vikings Spider-man Naruto Boyfriend Material
Fairly Odd Parents Avatar: the Last Airbender Sailor Moon Fullmetal Alchemist Dungeons and Daddies Critical Role The Adventure Zone The Witcher
SK8 the Infinity Nine Worlds Series Marvel Cinematic Universe Avatar: the Last Airbender Star Wars: The Force Awakens Percy Jackson Dracula Untold Venom
Elementary Steven Universe Legend of Korra Star Wars Original Trilogy Doctor Who The Thrilling Adventure Hour Juno The Chronicles of Chrestomanci Schitt’s Creek Stardew Valley Bridgerton Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Adventure Zone Star Trek The Next Generation Animorphs Leverage
The Magnus Archives Red vs Blue Homestuck Critical Role Mob Psycho 100 Disco Elysium The Penumbra The Dragon Prince The Witcher Marvel Cinematic Universe Naruto Encanto
Charmed The Spiderwick Chronicles Star Wars Original Trilogy The Caster Chronicles Starman Loki Doctor Who Angel the Series Beautiful Creatures Mrs. Winterbourne
Dangan Ronpa Les Miserables Kagerou Project Hetalia Historical RPF Ancient Greek Religion and Lore The Iliad The Tudors
Good Omens Star Wars The Mandalorian The Sandman Attack on Titan My Hero Academia Five Nights at Freddy’s Gravity Falls The Witcher Invader Zim
Listed Here!
Marvel Cinematic Universe Final Fantasy XV Inuyasha Black Butler Dragon Age Gargoyles Harry Potter Sally Face Over the Garden Wall Coraline Hello Kitty Tamagotchi Blue Seed Hades Devil May Cry Original Work
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years ago
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In the mood for a Fic...
Happy New Year, everyone! May it treat you kindly! ~Mod L
1. hi, for the next itmf could you recommend some good 'police au' ? preferably wangxian oriented. I'm really into all that police, crime, csi etc. stuff :] thx in advance <3
🧡 CSI: Gusu Edition Series by Stratisphyre (M, 39k, WangXian, WWX & LQR, Modern with Magic AU, College AU, Golden Core Reveal, Single parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Hospitalization, Allusions to violence and murder)
a garden in your ribcage by puddingcatbeans (G, 13k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, soft witches au, Developing Relationship)
doing the wrong thing wholeheartedly by isabilightwood (E, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, Modern Cultivation, mentions of creatures from other cultures also existing, Enemies to Lovers, meet ugly, Case Fic, There Was Only One Bed, Fakeout Makeout, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, Bathtub Sex, Hair-pulling, Edging, Fluff and Smut, Post-Coital Cuddling) these are modern with magic case fic where wangxian are investigators, not sure if this would work?
When a Bird Flies, It Leaves Feathers by Bem_Kofi (Not Rated, 75k, WangXian, Modern AU, Police, Police Officer LWJ, Medical Examiner WWX, Minor Character Death)
Keep Track of Losing Days by giraffeter (T, 74k, WangXian, Modern AU, Case Fic, Police, Missing Persons, Mystery, Getting Together, Flashbacks, Rooftop Conversations, Detective LWJ, antifa WWX, Endgame NieLan, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, First Kiss, First Meetings, Seattle, Mutual Pining, nonfatal car accident, mafia wens, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers)
2. Hiiii! Happy late holidays hope you all r having a good one, im wondering if there are fics of Divergent by Veronica Roth (the book/movie) aus with wangxian, or threadfics, blogs, posts etc.
3. Hi! Merry Christmas for those who celebrate! I wanted to say how thankful I feel for this site, and how you made me find stories I would not have read otherwise if it were not for you. I just read Misalignment, by Kasasagi, and I loved it! I want to recommend it and also ask if you know more of this kind of stories were WX is not the main pairing, but still has an amazing plot. Thank you!
Eyes Wide Shut by Netrixie (T, 65k, LXC/NMJ, wangxian, canon divergence, no sunshot, everyone lives au, enemies to friends to lovers, identity porn, mistaken identity, misunderstanding, slow burn)
Emergency Help Wanted by Piyo13 (T, 76k, wangxian, modern, fake/pretend relationship, lawyer JC, everyone lives au, fluff, slow burn, happy ending)
easier, with you by pinkfluffygiant (T, 34k, LJY/LSZ, summer camp au, disaster camp counselors, pining, friends to lovers)
4. may i ask for fics where wwx helps with sunshot, but he either manages to hide his demonic cultivation, or (with help?) frame it positively so he doesn't end up feared or hated after they win? maybe he's even (god forbid) admired or something? thank you!
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 138k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together)
if you can't beat them, recruit them by moeblobmegane (T, 216k, Time Travel Fix-It, Conspiracy, Spies & Secret Agents, Team as Family, Found Family, WIP)
5. my lovelies, my fanfic deities. Praise be to you! I am down a rabbit hole again and in desperate need of your help. I have a serious craving for canon-complaint/post-canon (or divergent, but not completely left field AU) fics where WWX has a fear of heights. Specifically, as a result of his being thrown into the BM off a great height. Discussions of it, descriptions of it manifesting, working through it, etc; panic attacks get bonus points but aren't obligatory.
Red Flower With One Hundred Petals; Smoke Carried on the Blue Dusk Air by carolyncaves (T, 32k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Alcohol, Mental Health Issues, Angst, Golden Core Reveal, Hurt/Comfort, thoughts of death/dying, Caretaking, Marriage Proposal, Wedding Fluff, Family Feels, Literal Sleeping Together, Shotgun Wedding, angry wedding planner JC, Yunmeng sibling drama and fluff, physical affection, Terrible Parties, Happy Ending, for WangXian) perhaps this might work? WWX had to be taken on someone else's sword twice and panics both times
6. Modern wangxian meet past wangxian
Write It on My Neck by diamondbruise (E, 23k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Transmigration, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Fake Marriage, Falling In Love, Jealousy, Happy Ending, Anal Sex, Spanking, usual wangxian cnc elements, Misunderstandings)
Crazy Little Thing Called Time by kippalittlefox (T, 11k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Fluff and Humor, Getting Together, Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending)
7. Hello I have a request but I am kind of new here. I can figure out how comment a request. -- (this first part put into a finder post)
Also if you know if any fic where wei ying takes the 33 lashes instead of lan zhan. I'd appreciate it. I hope you are enjoying the holidays and that you have a week. @autumnchild26-blog
If I Could Go Back in Time by Runningbarefoot (M, 122k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning, YLLZ WWX, Eventual Happy Ending, The Twin Jade Brotherhood, Hurt/Comfort, Character Study, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Slow Burn)
8. pardon the double ask 😅 but could you also recommend some Lan Qiren redemption fics? im generally chill about him haha but it would be lovely to see him genuinely sorry about his treatment of his nephews (especially like, after seeing LWJ's steadfastness after having been whipped 33 mfing times, or even for his part in lwj's lonely childhood) and/or WWX, and extra lovely if he took steps to fix it and rebuild a better relationship! thank you!!
hi! i sent #8 and i thought maybe i should add that i love the 'good uncle lqr tag' and there's a significant overlap, but i'd love to see fics that don't start out with him being good, more (hypocritically) angry or patronizing toward lwj/wwx and then realizing his flaws or (bonus) working to redeem himself (i had time to read cabbages and it it's great, thanks for the rec!)
In Walls of Glass by Comfect (T, 23k, LXC & LQR & LWJ, LQR & WWX, CSSR & LQR, wangxian, LXC/JC, good uncle LQR, teacher LQR, canon divergence, everyone lives au, fix-it, butterfly effect, JC friendly, LQR pov, not WWX friendly, in LQR’s head mainly and at the start, family feels, demonic cultivation, cultivation theory, WIP)
Cabbages by dreaming of your qin (sherleigh) (G, 20k, LQR & WWX, LQR & LWJ, wangxian, post-canon)
they might want to check out the Good Uncle Lan Qiren tag
9. may I have some fics where WWX became a Supreme Ghost? @sareen-momos-stuff
🧡 The Red Ribbon by Xiao_Hua (M, 21k, WangXian, HuaLian, Canon Divergence, Ghost City, a bit of beefleaf, Immortality, Cultivation Partners, Juniors, XL and HC find a child who happens to be WWX, Fluffy wangxian, WWX is a Supreme Ghost King, First Time)
Back From The Dead by Suibian_613 (T, 44k, WIP, WangXian, XuanLi, HuaLian, XuanXuan, XinQing, Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death, Supreme Ghost King WWX)
10. Hiiii. For the next itmf fic rec, can you please recommend some with virgin wwx and experienced lwj. Thank you.
Lan-Laoshi! by Bee_Li (M, 2k, WangXian, Modern AU, age gap, Professor LWJ, College Student WWX, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Barebacking, Desk Sex, Pre-Relationship, College/University, Hair-pulling, CreamPie, LWJ is in his early thirties, WWX is like 21-22, Experienced LWJ, LWJ Fucks, inexperienced wwx, Virgin WWX, Kinda dark LWJ, Hand Jobs, First Time, Spit Kink, Spit As Lube)
all the trembling ways by typefortydeductions (E, 11k, WangXian, First Time, Overstimulation, Verbal Humiliation, Rimming, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Dirty Talk, Aftercare, sex tears, lwj FUCKS, Modern AU, Dom/sub Undertones, Porn with Feelings)
kiss me more (we got nothing to lose) by xeansiao (E, 5k, WangXian, Mutual Pining, Couch Sex, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, College/University, Dirty Talk, Let LWJ Say Fuck, lwj FUCKS, Masturbation, Dom/sub Undertones, Pining while fucking, Nipple Play, Nipple Licking, Pining, POV LWJ, Size Kink, Size Difference, Under-negotiated Kink, Feminization, Degradation)
Wei Laoshi, Poonslayer by FeelsForBreakfast (E, 6k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, POV LWJ, straight boy wwx, Loss of Virginity, Getting Together)
i'm the one for your fire by occultings (microcomets) (E, 42k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Mind Reading, Enemies to Lovers, it's only enemies to lovers in wwx's one braincell, Misunderstandings, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Whump, brief illness/injury, Pining, light bdsm in the first chap, Cherry Magic AU, Getting Together)
the earthquake in the room by phnelt (E, 39k, WangXian, College/University, Modern: No Powers, Canada, Getting Together, Mentions of lwj/others, inter-faculty romance, strangers to lovers to frenemies to lovers, mostly book characterisation)
The Keeper by phnelt (E, 3k, WangXian, PWP, A/B/O Dynamics, Sex Work, virgin wwx, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, Dom LWJ, sub wwx, Undernegotiated Kink, BDSM, Ruined Orgasms, a/b/o typical fluid kink, Dom/sub, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics)
thrice as cruel by iliacquer (E, 15k, WIP, WangXian, Switching, Masochist WWX, Sadist LWJ, BDSM, Kushiel's Legacy Fusion, Dubious Consent, Sex Work, Courtesan LWJ, Submissive WWX, Dominant LWJ, Exhibitionism, Public Sex, Consensual Non-Consent)
11. Hello! First of all, thank you for everyone’s hard work- I love you all!!💖
Second of all, I was wondering if you had any fic recs (or NEW fic recs) with a possessive/jealous/v protective Wei Ying. I love this trope but feel like I’ve read them all 😅 Thank you!
A storm without a warning by Spodumene (E, 22k, wangxian, LWJ/MXY, modern, compulsory heterosexuality, masturbation, eventual smut, pining, denial, drunkeness, jealousy, not actually unrequited love, angst w/ happy ending)
It’s Over Isn’t It by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 68k, WangXian, LWJ/OMC, Oblivious WWX, Jealous WWX, One-Sided Attraction, Canon Divergence, it says Lan Zhan and another character but it’s all one sided, we got a love triangle baby, Canonical Character Death, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort)
Love Song In Reverse by timetoboldlygo (T, 237k, WangXian, Amnesia, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, agressively mixing and matching novel and cql canon, No Homophobia, Mentions of Starvation, Parental WWX)
hold up a mirror by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 36k, wangxian, modern, fake/pretend relationship, misundersandings, pining, eventual smut, happy ending, self-discovery, insecurity, dancing, loneliness, friends to lovers)
Orchids in Lotus Pier by Vamillepudding (G, 21k, wangxian, canon divergence, romantic comedy, pining, protective JC, friends to lovers, misunderstandings)
Your Song Called Me, Can’t Believe I am Late by Padma_Warrior (M, 25k, wangxian, WIP, protective wwx, yiling laozu wwx, angst w/ happy ending, not gusu lan friendly, hurt LWJ, bottom LWJ)
12. For the next itmf, I would really like to read more fics that show canon (or near-canon) events from NHS’s POV. I’m looking for fics where he’s not part of a ship or aren’t specifically tagged ‘Nie Huaisang POV’ or ‘Nie Huaisang-specific’ as I can find those on my own. Thanks so much!
13. Hello! Happy almost new year! I'm looking for fics where WWX gives his golden core to LWJ instead of JC, thank you!
14. Hi! I'm looking for something where any member of the cast has chronic illness and either uses cultivation to manage it, or maybe in wwx's case, the loss of his golden core exacerbates, or causes? Bonus points for friends + family members finding out + trying to help (or not lmao). All the best, hope your festive season is going well! @crying--crow​
let the sun go down on your anger; let it burn you to sleep by enbysaurus_rex (Not rated, 78k, wangxian, WQ & WWX, graphic depictions of violence, chronic illness, narcolepsy, chronic pain, YLLZ WWX, oblivious WWX, sleeping beauty elements, body horror, WIP) has WWX suffering from narcolepsy, which the transfer does NOT help.
Instead by apathyinreverie (T, 21k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, like self-indulgently so, by way of dark(er) gusu lan, manipulative elders, but in a good way?, Golden Core Reveal, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, of sorts, not Jiang friendly, not really gusu lan friendly either, not particularly friendly towards anyone really, aside from wangxian of course, Cultivation World Critical, Sunshot Campaign, Fluff, Politics, Courting Rituals, possibly implied mpreg, Genius WWX, Talismans, No demonic cultivation, Possessive LWJ, Protective LWJ) might count
A Burning Cold by MountainRose (G, 29k, Chronic Illness, Pre-Canon, Nirvana in Fire Fusion, Character Study, Wen Bullshit, Suibian, Snow Beetle Poison) Nirvana in Fire fusion with WWX in the position of Mei Changsu
silt, or scurvy series by astronicht (M, 11k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, chronic illness, podfic by raitala)
15. itmf cisswap wangxian where wwx has big breasts? I've read a lot if lesbian wangxian but i've barely seen ones where wwx has a bigger chest and im curious if there are any i missed.. (sorry this is a bit weird!)
16. Here's an odd request, but I'd love some fics where LXC is supportive but Deeply Confused about WTH is going on with Wangxian. I recently (re)read "I started from the bottom/and now I'm rich," and LXC's concern that WWX might plan to murder LWJ on their wedding night is hilarious to me. I also loved the fic (forgot the name, sadly) where LXC is extremely straight and thinks LWJ is only with WWX because he's never been with a woman and therefore doesn't realize what he's missing. (Oh, I remember this one, it was hilarious to read ~Mod L) Both these fics are light and play the misunderstanding for laughs. So that's what I want: fics where LXC means well and tries to make LWJ happy, and is hilariously off-base about it. Are there any more other than these two? @invisible-mirror​
The Flautist by oleanderedits (T, 1k, wangxian, double entendre, humor, comedy, canon divergence, LXC pov, sex worker au)
❤️ happy not knowing by plonk (not rated, 16k, wangixan,  canon era, clueless Xichen, established relationship, Mojo’s bookmark) the fic mentioned.
speeding up my heartbeat by plonk (Not Rated, 24k, WangXian, Bottom LWJ, Modern with Magic, Modern AU, Gyms) lxc is very supportive but helplessly straight and therefore clueless
17. Hello! I’m in the mood for fics where the MDZS characters interact with modern characters. Thank you <3!
take me back to a time by DizziDreams (T, 143k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, college/university au, canon-divergence, time travel, sharing a bed, fish out of water, angst with a happy ending, man out of time, slow burn, character death, angst, reference to abuse, canonical character death, canonical abuse, canon-typical violence, mutual pining, chronic illness, not exactly a fix-it, podfic available, implied 3zun, college student wei wuxian, genius wei wuxian, found family, pov alternating)
Wrong Turn, Right Place by diamondbruise (E, 71k, WangXian, Time Travel, kind of, it’s more reality travel but there’s modern wwx and cultivator lwj, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jealousy, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Misunderstandings, Cultural Differences)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what  you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack,  whatever - it’s all good!***
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darkandstormyart · 4 years ago
Xicheng fic recs
(figured i might make a list of my own)
(to be expanded as i dig out more treasure/remember stuff)
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in no particular order:
Deep as the Yearning Night by FreckledStarKnight
“At first, it was pure chance. The second time was accidental. And the third time? Well, they say the third time’s the charm, after all. Lan Xichen discovers that Jiang Wanyin sings beautifully and is immediately enamored by it. His pursuit of Jiang Wanyin’s secret talent leads to a discovery and a series of events that he did not anticipate at all. Not that he’s complaining, of course. He got what he came for and more. Or, how two sect leaders get together through the song called love. CQL-verse.“
post-seclusion lxc
trying to get jc to sing
bonus lxc & jin ling feels i hadn’t considered before
Always use protection by hesselives
“In which Lan Wangji attempts to hire a new bodyguard for his older brother, a well-known traveling exorcist. Jiang Wanyin doesn’t even make his carefully considered list of Top Ten Candidates, and yet here he is.
Lots of wandering in the countryside, distant yelling, and mildly inconvenient spirits.”
bodyguard au
honestly just really intersting worldbuilding
Rewrite the stars by Arashii
“Five great kingdoms have been fighting for years and when the kingdom of Yunmeng is destroyed, the Crown Prince Jiang Cheng vanishes.In Gusu, Lan Xichen makes an offer impossible for Jiang Cheng to refuse. His life or revenge? There’s only one option and Jiang Cheng swears loyalty to the man he hated the most his whole life, the Crown Prince of Gusu, Lan Xichen himself.Written for XiChengFest2020 - Day 4“
enemies to lovers!
flashbacks! i love flashbacks so much ohmygod
No paths are bound by Arashii
“In seclusion, Lan Huan has the support of a ghost no one has seen since the massacre of Yunmeng Jiang. His feelings start changing with the often visits and conversations they share. Before Lan Huan can confess though, he ascends, leaving everything and everyone behind him.
Two hundred years later, back to the Human Realm and without powers, the Martial God Zewu-Jun has a mission to uphold. His Heavenly Calamity started. The clues are little and the support comes in the most unexpected form, the current Ghost King: Sandu Shengshou. Now they need to stick together to contain a menace that is slowly growing.“
ghost king jiang cheng come on
doesn’t follow tgcf plot, just the setup so no spoilers
jiang cheng gets the dogs and the xichen he deserves
once upon a dream by cafedeolla
“Xicheng soulmate AU
An au where your dreams are small snippets of your soulmate’s day. They’d show small things like buying coffee, reading a book, or hanging out with people from their perspective.
The problem was that people always have expectations and Jiang Cheng knows he always falls short of them. Time and time again.“
soulmate au, but being soulmates is more a problem than a solution
misunderstandingssss all over the place
now with a squel (in progress?)
Lan Furen series by jagaimocchi
“Jiang Cheng leaves Lotus Pier before the Wen Internment Camp and before the destruction of his home. When he meets Lan Xichen on the run from the Wens after the burning of Cloud Recesses, his plan to live a peaceful life away from cultivation sects is quickly derailed. Now, free to make his own choices, he cannot find it in himself to leave the other man's side.
With love, patience and time, Jiang Cheng finds his own happiness and peace with his past.“
have you ever wanted a fic where jiang cheng peaces out from home in search for a better life, bc he’s Had Enough??? jags got you covered
adorable xicheng
good uncle-dad-figure Lan Qiren
ongoing <3
Just around the riverbend by JungleJelly
“One day.
Jiang Cheng just wanted one day of peace and quiet, away from home, away from his responsibilities, away from his idiot brother and his nutcases of a mother and father. Just a few hours alone — him and a boat and nothing else.
Clearly, that was too much to ask for.”
now with a new story in the series which is adorable too!!!
mermaid!lxc need i say more?
Bad ideas (where they lead) by JungleJelly
“Jiang Cheng is a busy man. Fortunately, he is also a huge pushover when it comes to his sister, so when she recommends that he start doing yoga, he agrees pretty easily.Featuring Lan Xichen in yoga pants, Jiang Cheng’s inability to handle a crush, and, perhaps most importantly, a big fluffy dog.“
done for 2020 MXTX MiniBang
yoga instructor Lan Xichen
Jiang Cheng is: struggling with a crush on the yoga guy from youtube & very angry about that
If there’s a price for rotten judgement by TheWanderingHeart
“All Jiang Cheng wants to do is, well... his job, really. Other than that? Keep the city safe, keep his nephew alive, keep his sanity intact (if possible).
So when his brother calls with unexpected news, he knows all of that is about to fly out of the window.
[Every instinct is telling him don’t ask, you don’t want to know. By this point, Nie HuaiSang has scooted closer to listen. Jiang Cheng takes a steadying breath and pulls out his antacids. “What did you do?”]”
superhero au, come on
jc just trying to do his job in peace
(he can’t)
i love it so much oh my god *sobs*
The Form of Boneless Ice by TheWanderingHeart
“Mythical beasts have long ago been driven to extinction by the gentry — hunted for sport, but more importantly for their magical cores. Since then, there remains only one creature that has never been caught. The Jiang’s retreated a long time ago. Abandoning land altogether, they sought safety where the humans could not reach.It all comes to a head though, purely by chance. (Or is it by fate that a spontaneous decision allows for them to meet? If fate were a rock!) Jiang Cheng suddenly finds his whole life balanced on the head of a pin — on the flimsy promise of a human boy. In his opinion, things cannot possibly get worse!(But then they do when the Wens decide it’s finally time to search for the elusive merpeople, and suddenly nowhere is safe.)“
there she goes again, with another beautiful xicheng story full of awwww and mythology
actually one of the first xicheng fics i read
i chose it because there were mermaids
painfully accurate takes on Jiang family dynamics
kids! lots of kids!
Let me Slytherin to Your Heart by TheWanderingHeart
“Jiang Cheng never thought he'd return to Hogwarts, but in hindsight, he probably should have known that someday he would.With his nephew about to start school, he reluctantly takes his good friend's bad parenting? career? advice and ends up tumbling head-first back into the madness that he hoped he'd left behind... and rediscovering some feelings he thought he'd left behind too.“
Harry Potter au!
just really fecking cute
lots of snakes
[I am not going to link all of Jo’s fics, though I probably could, just my 3 favourites. UOSB is there by default]
Talent Hunt Crew Finds Angry Guy Shouting On College Campus, Recruits Him For Vocal Projection Abilities by oh_fudgecakes
“Jiang Cheng, resident Angry Guy and heir to a conglomerate empire, has never been the apple of his father’s eye. Quashed under the shadow of his brilliant brother, the music prodigy Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng sees his chance to turn things around when he is recruited by the All-Stars Lan Talent Hunt. One problem: he can’t sing to save his goddamn life.As he struggles to develop his nascent singing abilities, Jiang Cheng finds himself sucked into the whirlwind drama of reality TV, helped along by his adoring siblings, his irritable vocal coach Wen Qing, and strangely enough, the unfairly attractive host of the All-Stars Lan Talent Hunt, Lan Xichen. Somewhere in the glare of the stage lights and an unexpected first love, Jiang Cheng stumbles upon the thing he was searching for all along: the courage to dream — and to attempt the impossible.“
done for 2019 MXTX Big Bang
uuuuuuuuuuh i might have cried maybe
heartwarming? painful at times? lots of family love?
slowburn xicheng being lovely
The Provenence of Hope series by velithya
“A chance meeting on a night hunt sets a course of events into motion that will change everything. Featuring Xicheng getting together, recovery for Lan Xichen, healing for Jiang Cheng, and always, always, hope.“
got everything. feels. hope. love. ~~healing~~
A Small Measure of Peace by Sandstone112
“With his brother in seclusion, Lan Xichen finds himself in temporary custody of his nephew with little to no expertise in the child-raising department. Uncertain and alone, Zewu-Jun is willing to do everything to be the person Yuan needs—even if it means inviting Sandu Shengshou to a playdate.“
a loooot of adorable family times with jc and lxc taking care of their nephews
good grandpa lqr!
canon but fixed and less painful
🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋if you wish to avoid scurvy:🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋
Some day I’m gonna make you mine series by locketofyourhair
xicheng getting together through the years
friends with benefits but the real benefits are the friends we made along the way
Take me over (take me tonight) by velithya
jiang cheng has a tattoo and lan xichen doesn’t stand a chance
i'd be the sweet feeling of release (mankind now dreams of) by piyo13
two bros, chilling in a cave, no feet apart because they don’t want to lose their cultivation powers what are you gonna do
haven’t read yet and shame on me, but AM GONNA:
Upon Our Silver Bridge by TheWanderingHeart obviously
““When the path ignites a soul, there's no remaining in place. The foot touches ground, but not for long.” ― Hakim Sanai
Lan Xichen's sorrows have caught the attention of something. Unlike the adventures and foes they have faced before, there is no obvious enemy here to defeat. If this is the same thing they thought had taken Nie Mingjue's life, then he believes it is fated for him to die as well. Nothing can stop the black fire when it wants to burn.Jiang Cheng is sure his part in this is over. Wei Wuxian is back, his grand adventure concluded, and he'd never been at the centre of it anyway. So what does it matter what happens to him in the end? Slowly, he will come to realise that there will always be a battle to fight, a story to tell, a choice to make, and there is no such thing as an end to anything.“
it was difficult to do things in 2020 and few i regret not doing more than not reading uosb yet :’(
i will tho
Emergency Help Wanted by piyo13
“EMERGENCY HELP WANTED I lied when I got my job. I told them I had a kid so I could leave early from work to pick him up from daycare, take him to doctor's appointments, and occasionally miss a day when he's sick. Long story short, I'm in too deep. I didn't think it through. Looking to rent a kid for bring your child to work day. Must be a boy ages four to six, longish dark hair, likes soccer. Must also be artistic as the macaroni noodle paintings I made seem a little advanced for his age. Also, I will pay extra for someone willing to play the role of husband when dropping him off. He's a prosecuting attorney who often brings his work home. Message me for further details. Serious inquiries only.“
Running Our Hands Through Embers by MarvelousMar
“If asked, Jiang Cheng would compare falling in love with Lan Xichen to a moth inevitably drawn to a flame.It burned.***In which Jiang Cheng discovers that even death can't help him escape from his trauma, so he embarks on a quest to save the people he loves, fix what he can, make the love of his life fall for him, and maybe, somewhere along the way, do a little bit of healing.”
The Beginner’s Guide to Moving On by InvincibleMel
gone from ao3, but i think there’s a link with a pdf going around
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shadowofendor · 3 years ago
Tolkien Secret Santa
A @officialtolkiensecretsanta gift for @piyo13 
Relationships: Maedhros/Fingon
Summary: Maedhros and Fingon have fights under the snow, and share stories under the stars
Word Count: 890
Happy Holidays!
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