#pixie riders
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theautismzone · 4 months ago
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𝐇α𝗍𝖼ɦ𝗂ꭑαᥣ𝗌 𝐃𝖾𝖾𝗋αᥣⱺⱺ 𝐆ᥣ𝗂ᑯ𝖾𝗋
x x x x x x x x x
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thegorgonist · 1 year ago
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Heading home on you beetle~
My shop
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insummerigrieve · 7 months ago
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delightfullyterrible · 1 year ago
TMI Halloween Week
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Jace as Flynn Rider from Tangled
Tag list : @alexandergideonslightwood@anarchistbitch@aroace-cat-lady@bookishjules@babbling-brook-of-books@elettralightwood@fantasticcolorcloudflap @gayforcarstairsgirls @invith @khaleesiofalicante @kit-rooks-abs@lxdyblackthorn @magnus-the-maqnificent@ninacarstairss@noah-herondale-lightwood @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @potato-jem @priorities-as-straight-as-alec@dandeliononthemoon@literallytypogod@vierss-herondale @carelessflower @thestarkster1465 @the-ethereal-aura@15-dozen-ros3s@icedqueen@iktarapdf @awecwightwood@totalbookmaniac @taylorjamie@mitochondriapdf @roseblxshvision
Let me know if you want to be added or removed :)
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ladycharles · 11 months ago
Scenes from a vocal practice
Do you know the songs?
(Credits in tags)
I always struggled with hearing since my high school band days (WEAR EARPLUGS), and what I now realize as Muscle Tension Dysphonia, which absolutely mangled my ability to sing for years. I have been completely relearning since a great vocal teacher (Trina Langthorne) set me straight in 2019. I am far from a golden throat but I am proud of my progress, singing every day is therapeutic and fun!
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isabellacruzwrites · 4 months ago
Shadows of Revelations 🤔
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This is a WIP I started during the summer for the Kindle Vella contest. Unfortunately, I didn't win, but I've fallen in love with the story and want to continue it. Since Kindle Vella is shutting down, I'm trying to decide whether to post it weekly on here or make it into a novella. I think it has potential. 🙃📖
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gremoria411 · 2 years ago
I kinda want to do a post about my feelings on Mobile Suit Gundam Code: Fairy, but I’m just gonna start off with the MS designs, since I’ve got a lot to say on those relative to everything else.
First up: the Earth Federation Forces
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I do like the Black and White Riders. Of course, they’re pale rider variants (prototypes in-universe), but I think they do a good job of looking and acting good. They both continue in the theme of the early rider units being patterned after the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse, being pestilence (the white rider with a bow and crown) and famine (the black rider with a set of scales). Though I don’t really have a favourite of the two, (the white rider has a wonderfully Gundam-like face and the crown is gorgeous, while the black rider actually kinda nails the whole “tacticool” look with its faceplate and arms) I will admit that the black rider opens up a whole can of worms because it has an actual stealth system. Not like, just weapons suited for stealth or sloped armour to reduce visibility like the Efreet Nacht, a genuine cloaking field.
For context, those (to the best of my knowledge) just straight-up are not really a thing in Universal Century. Minovsky particles kinda nix most long-range weaponry, hence why mobile suits are a thing. If you want to be stealthy, you typically go the route of removing emissions (as the Efreet nacht does with its lack of heat weapons) or having camouflage to reduce the chances of visual detection. Spotters are a big thing in lots of UC works. So the Black Rider being able to just “*poof* invisible” is a really odd thing in context. I can only assume (in-universe) it wasn’t practical at all, or it only worked early on, and improvements in technology eventually made it infeasible.
Even putting that aside, they’re not perfect. Heat weaponry is…. Basically nonexistent on Federation suits, so it’s inclusion here is a little odd. But the main flaw with the suits is that they’re just not well utilised. They essentially function as expendable grunts for the main villain. They don’t even have named pilots. Furthermore, Rider units are kind of a big deal, being very rare and quite powerful. So this one random force just having them - even if they are former prototypes - is just kinda odd, and it’s never addressed why they have them.
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Note: I am aware that the Manga has put a face to the pilot of the white rider. But that and the fact that the manga exists are literally the only facts I know, so I’m not counting it.
The GM Spartan’s then.
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Honestly, they’re nice, but they’re not really my thing. I do love a lot of the Fukuchi Mobile Suit Station designs, but I honestly prefer the original artwork (below) to the design they went with here. It’s not bad, but it’s obviously taking just as much influence from the GM Sniper II (if not more) than it is from the original artwork. It’s not equipped with any specialist weaponry in-game however. The unit on the left is the RG version, customised by use of the Game’s villain, Renato Germi (I would spoiler-tag that, but it’s very obvious). I actually like this design, since it could’ve been a very effective use of visual storytelling - Gundam-style parts are higher-quality than regular ones, so could have been used to signify that Renato has friends in high places that can get him fancier equipment. Or it could’ve been used as an effective contrast to the other Gundam pilot in the game. However, unfortunately, neither opportunity was used. It does however, remain a nice design.
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The Gundam Pixy/Pixie is, has and always will be, one of my favourite designs in Gundam. Granted, I have a lot of favourites (as I’ll get to later), but the Pixy is just wonderful. Something about a close-quarters focused, lightweight, light cost version of the RX-78-2 with a decent weapons loadout just appeals to me.
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The problem with variations on your favourite designs is that you tend to be a lot harsher on them, since they’re trying to improve on perfection. The Gundam Pixy Lilith Aiden Custom is very very good. I wouldn’t say I prefer it to the original, and I do think it’s a smidge overarmed, but the design of the mech itself I think was handled very well. It’s easier to see when comparing them in-game, but the entire chest and head area has been remodelled and a small shield has been added to the arm. It’s really very well-done, giving the impression of adding armour to something that was originally lacking it. The fact that it makes it look slightly closer to the original art is a bonus in my book.
The original Pixy is armed with Vulcans, two beam daggers, then either a bullpup machinegun or two 90mm machine guns that look like Uzis. It’s a very light armament for a suit that specialises in getting in close. The Pixy LA is armed with Vulcans, two beam Sabers, a twin beam spear (shown in the above image), a rocket bazooka and a handheld beam gun. Two of those weapons are quite large and unwieldy, so I don’t really think such a machine can still be called lightweight. This is the first of a trend of taking established, specialised designs and making them more generalised, which I’m personally none too fond of.
I don’t really think it needed to be red, since honestly the pilot has very little in common with char, so it only serves as a “rival” unit.
And with all the unique Earth Federation units out of the way, let’s move on to our protagonists in Zeon in the next post, because I ran out of pictures.
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angstywaifu · 8 months ago
Black Dahlia - 6. Yield
Garrick Tavis x OC (Dahlia Aetos)
One tragic day changes Dahlia's life forever. Despised by her father and brother, she's spent her entire life trying to be the child and sister she use to be. But nothing she ever does is good enough. She joins the Rider's Quadrant to prove them wrong. Garrick now in his second year has proven he is more than the mark on his skin to his fellow riders, and taken leadership of his own Squad alongside Xaden. Little does he know the girl walking across the parapet is about to send him on a rollercoaster of a year.
Black Dahlia Masterlist | Masterlist
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Name after name gets read off the death roll. The names of the cadets who never made it across the parapet. Those who have now joined Malek.
None of them mean anything to me though. A few last names here and there sound familiar, most likely children of other riders I’ve met along the way.
“I know they said eighty yesterday, but hearing them read out all these names makes it really sink in.” A girl next to me whispers.
I look over to see it’s the girl who occupies the bed next to mine in the sleeping quarters. I’d never caught her name, but her bobbed hair cut made her stand out amongst the other girls in the quadrant. Well at least to me it did. Most girls had their hair cut into pixie cuts to minimise the risk of it being burned off or grabbed during a fight. She’s clearly cut it shorter than it usually was, but wasn’t fully prepared to cut it all off like me. My longer hair definitely made me stand out. Despite the messy high ponytail I’d pulled it into, it still hung to midway down my back. Something I’d have to be mindful of.
“It really does. But it shouldn’t be this long again for a while right?” The girl with dark hair on her other side whispers back.
“Least not till next year. Hard to say with threshing and presentation day though.” I say, cutting into their conversation.
Both look at me wide eyed. As I look them over it’s easy to tell they have some training behind them. Enough to get by and hold their own, but they’d still need to put in some extra work to keep up with those who have come from military families.
“Surely it can’t be that bad?” The other girl with dark brown hair tied back into a bun, asks as she leans around her friend.
“It all comes down to the dragons and if they deem us worthy.” I say with shrug as they gulp nervously.
“Surely they won’t get rid of that many though. Not with how many riders they lose each year, they need to get as many in as they can.” The one with the bob states.
“She’s right.” A slightly gruff voice next to me says. I almost think it’s Xaden, it sounds so similar to him. But there’s a slight softness to it that isn’t him. “Dragons don’t care about the amount of riders dying. If they don’t deem you worthy, they won’t hesitate. But you two will be fine.”
Bodhi must smile at them as they both relax instantly, offering quick smiles of their own before turning their attention back to the front.
“You don’t know that.” I mutter to Bodhi, hoping the other two don’t hear me.
He looks down at me and shrugs. “I don’t, but if they start doubting themselves then they’ll get into trouble. And we need as many of us to survive as we can.”
I hated to admit it, but he was right. If you started doubting yourself here and it would all go downhill. Bodhi would make a great leader one day. Not even two days in and he was already looking out for people he barely knew. Something not many here would do. A lot of people saw the Riders Quadrant as survival of the fittest. Squad loyalty meant fuck all to a lot of people here until they needed to.
“All right, second and third years you know where to go.” Xaden calls out as the second and third years break away from us, leaving us first year with Xaden. “Now I expect at least one of you has memorised your schedule.”
His eyes scan over the seven first years in front of him, probably trying to figure out if one of us had. Which I had. It wasn’t hard. But I guess when you’ve lived by a schedule most of your life it isn’t. As if he can sense what I’m thinking Xaden meets my gaze and nods at me. But he can’t have read my thoughts. Inntinnsic’s are killed on the spot, and there’s no way to pretend you don’t have a signet. Maybe he just assumes I’ve memorised it due to who I am.
”So if there are no questions, just stay alive. I’ll see you all in the gym after lunch for assessments.” He says before walking off and leaving us to our own devices.
”Please tell me one of you knows where to go?” Bodhi asks as he turns to all of us, scratching the back of his head.
By some miracle we had all found our classes throughout the day, and now we all stood around the mats waiting to be called up for assessments. We were the last session of the day due to them splitting us up for this. But once challenges started in two weeks we would all be in here. In front of us a girl I now knew as Liz stood on the mat facing up against another first year from our squad. What was their name again? Edward? Ethan? I honestly hadn’t remembered his name even after spending all day with them. Least he was giving me something to look at. Nearly every male in this room was shirtless. And I don’t blame them. It was hot as hell in this room.
Whatever his name was clearly knew how to fight, but they could tell Liz was not as confident. As could I. Her fighting stance was good so she knew something. But I could tell she was very aware of the size and power difference between her and him.
”They need to do something.” I mutter as the keep circling each other. “Need to show what they can do.”
Bodhi, who had taken what seemed to be his now usual spot next to me hummed in agreement. “If what Xaden told me about challenges is true, they use this to weed out the weak. Pair them against other cadets who are stronger.”
He was right. Xaden was right. I had been trained by Emetterio multiple times over the years. And I knew what he was like. He had told me stories about some of the cadets he had seen over the years. His method was to try push those who were weaker by putting them against stronger cadets. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn’t. And strangely, even though I had just met the girl in front of me, I didn’t want her to be one of the ones that didn’t.
The mat next to them frees up, Emetterio scanning the crowd of cadets pointing to a female third year with copper coloured hair. “You and-” He turns his gaze to the rest of us, clearly not finding anyone he wants to put her against. Till his eyes meet mine. A smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he raises his finger to me. “You.”
Around me the other first years whisper between each other as I step forward. Emetterio has so far been keeping it to cadets in the same year. The occasional first year against a second year, or a third year against a second year. But he was yet to pin a first year and a third year against each other. This fight was either going to push myself or the third year. And right now I couldn’t tell which. As she steps onto the mat across from me I can tell she knows how to fight. Of course she did, she was in her third year. You wouldn’t get to your third year if you didn’t. As we start to circle each other I note that Xaden has moved over to join Bodhi, both of them watching me intently. And it wasn’t them. It was everyone. Everyone wanted to see what the Colonel’s daughter could do.
The third year makes a lunge for me, and its then I notice her sloppy foot work. Hand to hand combat is not her strong point. This isn’t to challenge me, its to challenge her. She swings out wide, trying to hit me in the head, but I easily side step and bat her arm away. I can almost feel the anger radiate off her as she spins back to me trying the same move again. Rookie error. Instead of batting her arm away like I had last time I grab it, twisting it behind her back as she yelps in pain. Despite having some height and size on me, her attempts to get out are feeble. She’s clearly gotten lucky in her previous fights. She attempts to kick my right knee, but misses by a long shot and throwing her off balance in my grip. I use it to my advantage, applying pressure to the back of her knee with my foot, sending her down to the mat as she lets out another yelp of pain as I pin her face down. She manages to twist in my grip, attempting to roll underneath me and grab me. Instead of staying above her, I roll with her. Wrapping my arms around her neck, placing her in a choke hold. Her nails dig into my arm, a hiss escaping my lips as I feel them pierce the skin and a bead of blood rolls down my arm. After a few seconds I can feel her getting weaker and weaker, her nails no longer piercing the skin of my arm.
”Yield, Nari!”
Nari pushes through, clearly not wanting to give up. Clearly wanting to prove she won’t be beaten by a first year. Let alone the Colonel’s daughter. But after a few more seconds of struggling her hand falls away from my arm, tapping the mat three times.
She yields.
I quickly release my hold on her, pushing her off me as she clutches at her throat, gasping for air as she lies on the mat. Some of her friends rushing over to her side to help her. As I stand, I realise now the fight is over the room is quiet. I look around and see everyone watching us. Emetterio standing off to the side nodding at me in approval before pointing at two other cadets to take to the mats, the room filling with the usual buzz as the fights start back up. I pivot on my heal to return to my spot on the mat. Only to be met with two pairs of onyx eyes looking right at me. Bodhi not even bothering to hide a giant smile that adorns his face. While Xaden gives me a brief nod of his head before disappearing back into the crowd to join the other second years.
@imtoanonymousforyou @simplyme-fornow @omalmal @lalaluch @wolfbc97 @leptitlu @fullmoon-94
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bikefuckersoftheworldunite · 4 months ago
The first thing most noticed about Gibernau was his sister, a petite blonde with cow-eyes and an engaging smile who worked as his press officer. The second was his biceps. Riders come in varying forms. Rossi was wiry and medium height, Pedrosa was a fey pixie and Biaggi was a small, sinewy man who would soon take to wearing a wig to disguise the onset of veteran status. Gibernau had the arms of a featherweight boxer but attracted much mockery from the media corps. There were those who thought he had had it easy, being the grandson of Paco Bulto, the founder of the Bultaco motorcycle dynasty, and there were others who thought he was a drama queen. One Spanish journalist said to me that he thought Gibernau was loving the attention that had come post-Kato. Such brickbats were cruel. Gibernau, like the rest, raced motorcycles at more than 200mph. Ignoring his bravery was myopic and, anyway, he had shown his potential in pre-season.
— from ‘Ring of Fire’ by Rick Broadbent
where to even start unpacking all this……
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literaryvein-reblogs · 4 months ago
bunny x cat dynamic?
Like, adhd bunny and grumpy cat dynamic? I'm going to try writing a bit where the dynamic of the main characters are fleshed out. Any input on what people often enjoy about these for me to take into account?
To me it's so cute because she considers herself more as an annoying dog but for him, he considers her to be a cute, hyperactive bunny (that's kind of useless to (literal) death but let's put that aside, or not)
The ideal response to this would come from your readers. If you've already established your reader base, try asking them their preferences and expectations. Of course—still, write the story you want (and need) as a writer. And there it is, in your second paragraph. The idea is that if you write what you want, the people who also prefer this dynamic will find your work and stay for the rest of the story, and will more likely enjoy your other work as well (this is essentially what most successful authors advise new writers—write what you want, what you enjoy etc etc). But striking a balance between your readers' and your own preferences would be great too.
If you don't have a reader base yet, I'd suggest going through your favourite literature/films and finding ones that depict this particular character dynamic. Then you yourself, as a reader/viewer now, could answer what you find enjoyable about these pieces of media, and incorporate that in your writing.
Also, here are some tropes that I think have similarities with the dynamic you described. Same suggestion with finding books or films/TV shows you like that feature these tropes. But also research their readers'/audience's feedback to find out what they enjoyed about these character tropes, and this is what you can take into consideration for your story.
Grump and sunshine. One character is so grumpy all the time; the other character is so bubbly all the time. And somehow, through that power-of-love thing, they end up balancing each other out. The grump sometimes has sworn off love.
Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl. This is a potential pairing (platonic or otherwise) between a pragmatic guy and a girl who is very full of energy. One partner in the pair will be lively and optimistic while the other is savvy and more slothful, quiet, or otherwise less expressive. EXAMPLES:
In Corpse Bride, Emily and Victor. The former is a dead bride who is rather lively and spiritual for a corpse, while the latter is a live man who is shy and awkward almost to a fault.
This defines Anna and Kristoff's relationship in Frozen nicely. She is a spunky princess willing to do whatever it takes to bring her sister home, he is a grumpy, rough-around-the-edges ice harvester helping her along the way.
In Pixar's Up, the quiet and timid Carl befriended and eventually married the energetic Ellie.
Uptight Loves Wild. He's stuffy. She's untamed. It's true love. Mr. Stuffy is in a rut: Life is boring because he plays by the rules. Along comes this wild and crazy woman to show him how to live life to its fullest, and she just might learn a few things along the way, too. EXAMPLES:
Enchanted: Stuffy, cynical divorce lawyer Robert meets fairytale princess Giselle.
The Sound of Music: Maria isn't "wild", but she is a Blithe Spirit in the face of the extremely uptight, Captain von Trapp.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Quite thoroughly deconstructs this. A relationship like this doesn't always work and after the falling-in-love part, it causes more pain than joy; so much so that both parties opt to have their memories removed of each other. The Manic Pixie Dream Girl is also far more complicated: "I'm not a concept, I'm just a fucked-up girl looking for a peace of mind".
Opposites Attract. EXAMPLES:
The Princess and the Frog has Tiana and Naveen. She's a Workaholic, no-nonsense waitress and he's a fun-loving, lazy prince.
Tangled gives us the jaded, worldly-wise thief Flynn Rider and the spirited, innocent princess Rapunzel.
Treasure Planet has Captain Amelia and Dr. Doppler. She's a tough-as-nails Action Girl, he's a bookish scientist, not to mention they're basically an anthropomorphic cat and dog, respectively. The two grow closer throughout the movie, and by the end they even have several kids.
Sources: 1 2 ⚜ More: Writing Notes & References
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sparklecur · 7 months ago
anyways hatchimals colleggtables peaked with s4 and anything past that was a downgrade sorry
hhrng. i need to get more weird and autistic about weird obscure stuff
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myanmardoesnotexist · 2 months ago
Valentino Rossi is a manic pixie dream girl that uses his powers for evil. Instead of changing a sad boys life into something better, he just twists their brains until they would die for him and agree with everything he says.
Current victims: Uccio Salucci (okay if I had a crazy, fearless, wild, famous best friend who looked like THAT I too would lose my marbles), old Italian men (never seen so many old men ijbol so much), many of the academy riders (not their faults, they didn’t know how culty it would all get)
Failed Victims: Marc Marquez (cant manic pixie dream girl a fellow manic pixie dream girl) Jorge Lorenzo (cant manic pixie dream girl a diva) and Sete Gibernau (honestly I don’t even think he tried to, just went straight to trying to annoy the shit out of him)(manic pixie nightmare girl?)
Yes this was inspired by @hairpinturnn ‘s post about the Claudio Vitale pictures of young Valentino
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oonajaeadira · 3 months ago
Hi Adira! I am in awe of your tarot decks collection. As someone who’s long wanted to explore the practice, can you suggest some starter decks for newbies? Or just some favourites - I love seeing the ones that people are especially attached to! Thank you! ❤️
Heya, Rose!!!! Oooooo. I have opinions. Let's go with these three:
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I mean, you can't go wrong with the original Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Most illustrated decks are built on the iconography of that deck and if you end up reading any books on the subject, they're going to reference that deck.
However. If that one doesn't resonate with you, I highly highly highly recommend the Light Seer's Tarot. Chris Anne has done a phenomenal job of reinterpreting all of Pixie's original illustrations, but have given them so much life and emotion that they immediately evoke feelings (unlike the OG deck which can feel very flat if you don't know what to look for) and this can make it easier for you to start remembering what all the cards mean. And they're so layered too so as you grow, you'll see and understand new symbols and nuances in the card which can help you be a more intuitive reader.
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She REALLY understands the meaning of the cards and knows what to include and what to update to give it the same push, PLUS there's high diversity in the people that are depicted in the cards when it comes to race, age, orientation and style depicted, making them feel very modern while still very mystical.
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The whole deck also feels very hopeful and forward moving, which really helps to temper some of the messages if you're looking for a gentle therapy deck.
And, of course, it's inexpensive! You can generally find it for around $20. There's a standard size and a "travel" or mini size, depending on your preference. (Minis are good for on the go and shuffling with small hands, but standard size really allows you to see the images and read better.)
What's more, Chris Anne provides free learning materials! Not only is the included booklet a good starter reference, you can go to her website to see/learn more about each card and download a "field notes" journal for free!!!
Of course, if you wanna just dip a toe in with minimal commitment or cost, I can highly recommend the Labryinthos app.
Not only is the app free, but it will give you free daily readings and allow you to journal about them. There are tarot lessons so you can learn the cards as well. I will say that the readings and lessons are very very general and short, they won't go into a lot of detail. But if you're the kind of learner that wants to build a quick and easy association with the cards, this is a really helpful resource for daily practice.
Of course, with these three choices, it depends on what kind of learner you are! If you are a flashcard-method person, go for Labyrinthos. Want to dig around in books and learn a little more classically? Rider-Waite-Smith. And if you want to learn to read with your heart and dive in a little more poetically, Light Seer's is your gentle and loving teacher.
Bonus deck:
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Now if you wanna talk about my attachments? If I had a tarot soulmate, this is it.
This is my very favorite deck for its faithful interpretations and soft + wild + classical style. This is a deck that's best used if you really love the RWS original but want to look past the people--all the minor arcana cards are depicted faithfully...but without people. It also comes with a few extra cards that are for mysterious intuitive reading. So it's best to know tarot a little first before diving into this one, but it is beautiful and speaks to the old things in my soul. This is a great graduation deck, and one that feels like a big treat because it's not cheap, but it's beautifully manufactured, nice to handle, and has some beautiful surprises. While the Light Seer's deck sings to your heart, the Pagan Otherworlds deck whispers to something hidden deep inside.
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I hope that was helpful for you!!!! I'm excited to see folks start on a tarot journey!!!! <3
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elderscrollsconceptart · 10 months ago
Text below is transcribed from Ray Lederer's 2012 blogpost about Adam Adamowicz after Adam had passed away.
Both were artists on Skyrim and shared an office together. They were very very close.
[Ray Lederer (L) and Adam Adamowicz (R)]
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-Tuesday, February 14, 2012
I first met Adam when I started working at a tiny game development studio in Boulder, Colorado back in 1998 called Devil’s Thumb Entertainment. I walked into the studio on my first day of work and I’m pretty sure The Cramps were playing full blast from his general direction. There he was, sun baked and surrounded with what at the time I assumed were rare Jaimie Hewlett sketches pasted up around him, loads of cds and flyers for rockabilly rollerderby raver chicks with squids on their heads. ‘Welcome to the monster factory!’ he said and I thought instantly ‘Oh hell yeah! I came to the right place!’ It didn’t take long to figure out that what I thought were Jaimie Hewlett drawings were actually his and to be quite honest were 10 times more appealing and hilarious. (No offense Jaimie!)
When I finally got the chance to see his apartment in Denver I realized I was stepping into the mind of a creative genius. His entire apartment from floor to ceiling, front to back was covered with his paintings, massive cardboard sculptural cat like gargoyles, christmas lights, intricate costumes (designed with little more than a leather jacket, cheap sombrero, toys from a thrift shop, black and silver spray paint and hot glue) flyers for previous rent parties from his old warehouse, Tank Girl comics, Low Rider and American Artist magazines, Thomas Pynchon novels and a constant stream of music. Every square inch was interesting and VITAL and ALIVE. This was an intellect far beyond anyone else I’d ever met and there was not a single hint of pretentiousness to him. His entire life was a beautifully structured and disciplined chaos. Even then I began to see that not only was I in the presence of greatness, I was in the presence of one of the more important illustrators of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. He just didn’t know it yet and neither did anyone else. Quite frankly he wouldn’t give a shit if someone gave him that label. He simply wanted to come up with more ideas and get better at drawing. Period.
Since then we got into many beer soaked adventures that sometimes included late night bike rides through the city streets of Denver with a boom-box strapped to the back blasting Big Audio Dynamite with sparklers hanging off the handlebars(and some stiches on the scalp of yours truly). Dangerously drunken skateboarding with cap guns, ditching psychedelic parties to go laugh our asses off and throw giant rocks in a frozen river, concerts, weekend long patio surfing tours in the Colorado summers, trips to the reservoir to float around wearing finely crafted and thrilling 12pack headgear, lunchtime bike rides up to our favorite outdoor patio Rhumba in Boulder for $2 Red Stripes and then back to work again, and many hours working close to him and learning as much as I could about being an artist and a better human being. He once said to me “I may not be Mozart, but at least I can try to be the Pixies.” He just wanted to entertain people in any way he could.
In his last few days we spent together in the hospital we sat on his hospital bed listening to music for hours, talking, and drawing in our sketchbooks. Our conversations were tinted with what was happening for him in the moment certainly, but mostly we talked about friends, art, music, and life. We spoke without much nostalgia or finality, just very real and present and forward looking despite the circumstances. He kept drawing until he couldn't possibly draw anymore, squeezing every last ounce he could out of life, just as he always had.
Watch papa go to work.
I love you Adam. You continue to be my friend, mentor, and greatest inspiration
Original post can be found here:
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year ago
here's a list of bob's burgers episodes that focus on a specific relationship dynamic between main characters (examples: bob and louise episodes, linda and tina, gene and louise etc) obviously not including every episode where they interact with each other bcuz that would be uhh every episode. but episodes where their relationship or dynamic is the heart of the story and some silly subplots focused on their dynamic w/ each other (with probably a few exceptions)
hopefully this is helpful if you feel like watching louise/tina or bob/gene etc episodes but don't remember all the titles!!! in the future I would like to do a similar list but for ship-related episodes (fischoeder/bob episodes, rudy/louise etc) but we'll see if that happens lol
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bob and louise episodes:
s1ep9 spaghetti western and meatballs
s3ep22 carpe museum
s5ep10 late afternoon in the garden of bob and louise
s5ep20 hawk and chick
s6ep19 glued, where's my bob? (subplot)
s8ep12 the hurt soccer
s8ep18 as i walk through the alley of the shadow of ramps
s10ep20 poops! i didn't do it again
s11ep14 mr. lonely farts (subplot)
s12ep8 stuck in the kitchen with you
s13ep6 apple gore-chard (but not gory)
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gene and bob episodes:
s2ep9 beefsquatch
s3ep12 broadcast wagstaff school news (subplot)
s5ep5 best burger
s5ep14 little hard dad
s7ep18 the laser-inth
s8ep8 v for valentine-detta (subplot)
s9ep12 the helen hunt (subplot)
s10ep2 boys just wanna have fungus
s11ep7 diarrhea of a poopy kid
s12ep7 loft in bedslation (subplot)
s12ep19 a-sprout a boy
s13ep7 ready player gene
s13ep12 oh row you didn't (subplot)
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tina and bob episodes:
s1ep4 sexy dance fighting
s1ep6 sheesh! cab, bob?
s3ep7 tina-rannosaurus wrecks
s3ep10 mother daughter laser razor (subplot)
s4ep5 turkey in a can (subplot)
s4ep7 bob and deliver
s4ep17 the equestranauts
s6ep14 the hormone-iums
s6ep17 the horse rider-er
s10ep3 motor, she boat
s11ep22 vampire disco death dance
s12ep21 some like it bot part 1: eighth grade runner
s12ep22 some like it bot part 2: judge-bot day
s13ep17 crow encounters of the bird kind
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gene and louise episodes:
s1ep9 spaghetti western and meatballs
s2ep6 dr yap (subplot)
s4ep18 ambergris
s5ep17 itty bitty ditty committee
s6ep12 stand by gene
s6ep17 the horse rider-er (subplot)
s7ep5 large brother, where fart thou?
s7ep8 ex mach tina (subplot)
s7ep13 the grand mama-pest hotel (subplot)
s7ep15 ain't miss debatin' (subplot)
s9ep9 ufo no you didn't (subplot)
s9ep17 what about blob?
s9ep20 the gene mile
s10ep5 legends of the mall
s10ep10 have yourself a maily little christmas (subplot)
s10ep11 drumforgiven
s10ep14 wag the song (subplot)
s10ep15 yurty rotten scoundrels (subplot)
s10ep18 tappy tappy tappy tap tap tap (subplot)
s12ep10 gene's christmas break
s13ep11 cheaty cheaty bang bang (subplot)
s13ep14 these boots are made for stalking (subplot)
s13ep17 crow encounters of the bird kind (subplot)
s14ep5 bully-ieve it or not (subplot)
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louise and tina episodes:
s1ep6 sheesh! cab, bob? (subplot)
s3ep21 boyz 4 now
s4ep18 ambergris
s4ep20 gene it on (subplot)
s5ep7 tina tailor soldier spy
s5ep8 midday run
s5ep9 speakeasy rider
s6ep16 bye bye boo boo
s7ep6 the quirkducers
s7ep18 the laser-inth (subplot)
s8ep12 the hurt soccer (subplot)
s8ep14 the date escape (subplot)
s8ep15 go tina on the mountain
s8ep18 as i walk through the alley in the shadow of ramps
s8ep20 mission impos-slug-ble
s10ep2 boys just wanna have fungus (subplot)
s10ep12 a fish called tina
s11ep4 heartbreak hotel-oween
s11ep5 fast time capsules at wagstaff school
s11ep9 mommy boy (subplot)
s11ep15 ¿y tu tina tambie?
s12ep1 manic pixie crap show
s12ep19 a-sprout a boy (subplot)
s13ep1 to bob, or not to bob (subplot)
s13ep7 ready player gene (subplot)
s13ep8 putts-giving
s13ep10 the plight before christmas
s13ep15 the show (and tell) must go on
s14ep3 the pickleorette (subplot)
s14ep4 running down a gene (subplot)
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linda and louise episodes:
s1ep7 bed and breakfast
s3ep10 mother daughter laser razor
s4ep9 slumber party
s5ep14 little hard dad (subplot)
s5ep19 housetrap (subplot)
s6ep17 the horse rider-er (subplot)
s7ep1 flu-ouise
s7ep18 the laser-inth (subplot)
s7ep19 thelma and louise except thelma is linda
s11ep2 worms of in-rear-ment
s12ep7 loft in bedslation
s12ep17 the spider house rules
s13ep13 stop! or my mom will sleuth!
s13ep22 amelia
s14ep1 fight at the not okay chore-ral
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gene and linda episodes:
s3ep23 the unnatural
s4ep20 gene it on
s6ep17 the horse rider-er (subplot)
s8ep11 sleeping with the frenemy (subplot)
s8ep12 the hurt soccer (subplot)
s10ep3 motor, she boat (subplot)
s10ep9 all that gene
s11ep9 mommy boy
s11ep22 vampire disco death dance (subplot)
s13ep18 gift card or buy trying
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linda and tina episodes:
s2ep8 bad tina
s5ep13 little hard dad (subplot)
s7ep13 the grand mama-pest hotel
s7ep18 the laser-inth (subplot)
s8ep8 v for valentine-detta
s9ep12 the helen hunt
s10ep15 yurty rotten scoundrels
s10ep21 local she-ro
s11ep14 mr lonely farts (subplot)
s13ep11 cheaty cheaty bang bang
s13ep14 these boots are made for stalking
s14ep7 the (raccoon) king and i (subplot)
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tina and gene episodes*
*tina and gene have never had a real episode or subplot focused on their relationship dynamic so this section may be. a little sparse. and include episodes that don't focus on their relationship but have significant interactions between them. I'M TRYING MY BEST HERE THE BOB'S BURGERS WRITERS ARE GIVING ME NOTHING
s3ep16 topsy (subplot)
s4ep9 slumber party (subplot?)
s5ep17 itty bitty ditty committee (subplot kinda?)
s5ep19 housetrap (subplot)
s7ep10 there's no business like mr business business (subplot)
s7ep19 thelma and louise except linda is thelma (subplot?)
s9ep18 if you love it so much, why don't you marionette? (subplot)
s10ep12 a fish called tina
s11ep17 fingers-loose (subplot? maybe?)
s12ep8 stuck in the kitchen with you (subplot)
s12ep15 ancient misbehavin' (subplot of a subplot)
s13ep6 apple gore-chard (but not gory) (subplot)
s14ep2 the amazing rudy (subplot?)
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kaibutsushidousha · 5 months ago
Your opinion on Ayaka and richard relationship?
Oh right, Ayaka won't wake up for the rest of volume 9, so I guess I can already go over this one. Honestly, I'm tempted to wait until the series is over. This is one is difficult because Ayaka has been recontextualized pretty hard recently and they haven't interacted since, but I suppose I can give it a try.
In the simplest terms, they're really fun in a very basic way. A classic dynamic between a tried-and-true pair of staple archetypes rooted in a manic pixie dream boy arc. Ayaka's identity is quite innovative but the way she interacts with her Servant isn't. In fact, it's taken directly from Fate/Prototype's own Ayaka.
The main progression they get throughout the series is discovering their dreams together. Saber wants his personal hero to hear his song of triumph and Ayaka wants to make Saber's pure-hearted dream come true without him needing to sully his soul further.
Ayaka's dream being to grant someone else's wish fits really with her hidden nature, but it's easy to see why Richard's wish feels special. It's completely heartfelt and unambitious. A dream entirely for the sake of someone else. And the most important is that this pure and selfless dream is coming from a man plugged 24/7 to a greed amplifier.
As the recent talks about Rider and Berserker establish, Saber Richard I is a lot like Saber Charlemagne and Archer Napoleon. A heavily romanticized image of a brutal overlord. Perhaps he can't produce a greedier dream because he himself is also a dream. The gentle lie Ayaka needs. A strange fake, even.
Even without her memories, Ayaka was still consumed by the guilt and fear that came with taking A's life, but Richard's support let her find meaning in fight and become a better person. This reflects Saint-Germain's last advice to Ayaka: judge Saber by what she sees of Saber in the present, not by Richard I's life. A's human perspective left Ayaka horrendously disgusted with things she did as a natural Holy Grail, but like Saber, Ayaka Sajou is also a new person who should be judge herself by what she will do as Ayaka, not by A's or Little Red Riding Hood's lives.
The key difference between Ayaka and Saber throughout the series is self-awareness. He was an ideal knight who is perfectly aware and outspoken about his past life being all sins and bad decisions. He never denies responsibility but never self-loathes either. Meanwhile Ayaka was an amnesiac who hated herself intensely for a crime she didn't remember and couldn't properly place herself as the culprit.
Ultimately, Ayaka can only be freed by learning that past sins shouldn't follow you into a new life. Saber already knows and shows, but Ayaka struggles with the idea a lot. She needs to see it in Saber to be able to see it in herself, and I believe that's why Saint-Germain just showed her Richard's past in full.
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