dreammcatcherr · 2 months
Here's my dogs.
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Love them. LOVE THEM.
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riveraphotoblog · 2 years
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distinguishedd · 2 years
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atrophyofc · 14 days
I love Marco so much, he may not chew down a rawhide as quick as Baby, he’s a little hyper too but oh man, he loves as much as Baby did and demands my attention.
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hockeymusicmore · 7 months
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pomegranateseptember · 9 months
Fun fact:
The twins are Siberian husky pit mixes.
Siberian huskies are known to be aloof and not the most obedient pups around.
They don't really that much care about making you happy or getting praise.
"good boy" and "good girl" are just things you say from time to time.
So, when they do something that pleases you, listening and actually doing it, how do you let them know you appreciate it?
I don't know what anyone else does but I've just started saying thank you.
See, when looking up things about the breed, I realized that, with dogs especially, intelligence is equated with obedience and especially trainability. Any article will tell you they're great at finding trouble to get into, they find limitations to be just another fun challenge, outwitting you and the steps you take to keep them safe is a blast.
But they aren't the most obedient dogs.
Evidently a husky trait is to decide whether a person is worthy of their respect. And they don't always have the same respect for every member of the house either. (ask me how I know) Given that, if they don't respect you, they won't listen to you, or especially be in any way obedient, and not caring about your opinion contributes to that.
If they decide that you are worthy of respect, hey, congratulations! You have a dog who will acknowledge you when you speak to them!
I don't mean that sarcastically, that's a great thing.
We, and by we I mean I, had to establish more of a pack dynamic with my dogs, especially after we got the second of the twins. Peanut butter adapted pretty well, he and fluff became fast friends, and staffie was pretty accepting of them and their shenanigans. But when cocoa came into the picture...
Let's just say her previous homelife left a lot to be desired.
She didn't get a lot of affection, there wasn't really any one-on-one attention, absolutely no training because they were outdoor dogs, and feeding time? Free-for-all that had no structure or boundaries.
We adopted her at 4 months and a few days, but 5 weeks after we adopted her brother peanut butter. They recognized each other immediately, which was fantastic, and they both loved that they had a real sibling to play with. But feeding was annoying, mostly because she was aggressive, possessive, and jumpy. She inhaled her food then would try to get into the other dogs' bowls because she had been raised in an "eat as much as you can now" environment.
I don't place harsh blame for that on the people we got her from. That was a litter of like 10 pups and they did not think their girl was pregnant, so the pups were a surprise they weren't prepared to deal with. They did the best they could with the circumstances, and although they could have done better, ten pups when you'd only had one dog before is a lot.
(I came from a family who occasionally bred walker coon hounds, I've dealt with litters of pups many times. Imagine having fifteen and every single one of them surviving, which is *always fantastic*, and having them all for 6 months! I appreciate how much those people did for the pups, especially since it was an unexpected litter)
It took several weeks for cocoa to understand that she wasn't losing any food during meal times. It took a few months for her body to adjust to that. After that was straightened out for her, she got to where, sometimes, she'd just nibble at her food, not finish it, even if she was in the middle of a growth spurt, because she knew she got fed twice a day, no matter what.
As for establishing a pack dynamic, that was easy. Give her the most affection for a few days, make sure she sees that she is the most important four legged fur baby in the house, and voilà, mom is the best person ever. I get nibbles and hugs and cuddles whether I want them or not, and she figured out how to tickle me.
Yes, my husky pup can tickle me, and she finds it hilarious.
She's a brat of epic proportions.
She's 55 pounds of fun and mischief in a chocolate wolf package.
And while she may not always be a good girl, she is very loved and very appreciated.
With their attitudes, they don't care if they're a good boy or good girl, and those just seem to make them want to find trouble. Maybe it's manipulative (it is)
Anyway, equating intelligence to obedience is a dumb thing to do and I won't let anyone tell me my dogs are dumb or stupid just because they'd fail every single obedience course and laugh about it. When they listen to me and especially do what I ask or tell them to, I say thank you. I appreciate that they're listening to me and that gets a much better response than "good girl" or "good boy" ever has.
Oh, and as for respect and mischief? Perfect example: hub told peanut butter "paw", and peanut butter looked at him like he was the craziest thing he'd ever seen. He got down and came over to see me. I had taught him "paw" before and decided to be a bit of a bitch about it, uh, er, I mean, I decided to show him no, peanut butter isn't dumb. I pat my palm and said "paw", pat my palm again, and peanut butter put his ENTIRE FRONT LEG on my hand, then looked at hub with a hilariously smug grin.
I laughed my ass off 🤣
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but-i-might · 11 months
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In case anyone wondered how big kilo is now
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coolestfinch · 6 months
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she belongs to a family friend but this is trika! she may look like a purebred husky but looks can be deceiving :-)
that’s a pitsky if i’ve ever seen one!!
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poop4u · 2 years
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Get a pitsky they said, it will be fun they said
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riveraphotoblog · 2 years
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minimal-bee96 · 1 year
Hey all💜
My name is Beth, and I am new to being a minimalist. Here is a little something about me to get the vibe going:
I currently live at home with my parents. I’m saving to buy a house out in DE next year (hopefully) as my current state is way too expensive/costly. I have 2 associate degrees, 2 certifications, and currently debating getting a bachelors in one of my degrees (college is stupidly expensive). I’m single, not looking, happily living with my 2.5 year old pitsky.
I am always looking to broaden my mind to better my understanding of life, wellness, and growth. I’ve been studying minimalism and all of its perks/downfalls for a few months now. But I didn’t start to switch until 2 weeks ago. I love the idea of doing more with less, saving money, and bettering my mental wellbeing. Minimalism is different for everyone.
To me minimalism is about becoming one with your space. Living up to the expectations that you have wanted to do but couldn’t find a reason until now. It’s about finding the light within yourself that you’ve buried under years of depression and fear. To me it’s about self love and grounding yourself.
It’s definitely not easy, and I’m always watching new ways to grow. I’m always grateful to learn new ways that may benefit self growth and self awareness.
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wintertidewater · 2 years
My life recently has featured one red mama husky. Her three puppies. One white mama husky. Her two pitsky puppies. Three german shepherds. A terrier. Two labradors. and a Chihuahua. Speaking to dogs is starting to feel more natural than speaking to people
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newsper · 4 days
After years of trying, Wild Thang, a unique Pitsky from Tennessee, has finally won the World’s Ugliest Dog title. The victory is a testament to the dedication of its owner, Erin Brasswell, who has showcased Wild Thang’s charm since 2017. The World’s Ugliest Dog competition celebrates dogs with unconventional beauty and charisma. This year’s event […]
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yourmasterscorner · 28 days
Blue eyed Pitsky
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bodypure · 7 months
Our Nightmare Before Christmas
Its been a crazy week a whole lot of up & down Just wish I could get Off this rollar coaster cus this isn’t a fun ride. Between things with my youngest son & his heart condition and Now this debacle “GET RID OF THE PUTBULLS” He is a Amstaff /Rotweiller mix and Shes a Husky mix (Could be a Pitsky but who really knows it’s not like she came from a breeder) If you can please find it in your heart to…
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