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postcard-from-the-past · 5 months ago
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Coif from St. Barth, Guadeloupe
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1987 to Pithiviers, France
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gillesvalery · 4 months ago
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Pithiviers, Loiret
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carbone14 · 2 years ago
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Enregistrement de juifs de la rafle du billet vert du 14 mai 1941 auprès de la police française – Camp d'internement de Pithiviers – Pithiviers – Loiret – France – 16 mai 1941
©Bundesarchiv - Bild 183-S69238
La rafle du billet vert est la première vague d'arrestations massives de juifs sous le régime de Vichy (la rafle du Vel d'Hiv aura lieu mi-juillet 1942). Le billet vert fait référence à la convocation adressée à 6 694 juifs étrangers résidant en région parisienne pour «examen de situation». 3 747 juifs répondent à l'appel et seront envoyés dans les camps d'internement de Pithiviers et de Beaune-la-Rolande dans le département du Loiret. La grande majorité de ces juifs sera déportée vers Auschwitz-Birkenau lors des premiers convois de juin et juillet 1942.
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eurydicenomadsoul · 9 months ago
Avril en choeurs blancs
Au début du printemps Le jardin est tout blanc et les bois et les champs fleurent bon l'air du Temps
Quels sont les noms des fleurs formant si jolis choeurs?
Voici les primevères sur leurs feuilles en rosettes Les clefs du paradis et de la féérie
Et puis les marguerites et là les pâquerettes Ces fleurs de la Déesse au coeur et larmes d'or ô la délicatesse de ces perles un trésor!
Et voilà les lilas embaumant l'air du soir annonçant les agapes le retour de l'espoir!
Bientôt à Pithiviers parée de cerisiers la fête de Saint Georges
Bois de Sainte-Lucie aux prés les pissenlits imitant du Soleil les mythiques rayons
Armés de dents de lion pour vaincre le dragon
Ils vont se transformer fleurs de lune à plumets où le vent va souffler pour les ressusciter!
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adribosch-fan · 10 months ago
Qué es un pithiviers, delicioso pastel francés de hojaldre que puede ser dulce y salado
¿Quieres saber qué es un pithiviers? Te va a encantar descubrir que es un delicioso pastel francés de hojaldre que puede ser dulce y salado, pero también tienes que saber que el pithiviers existe desde antes de que se inventara el hojaldre, por lo que hay un antecesor que se conoce como pithiviers fondant. En la última receta que hemos compartido en la sección ‘Recetas de los Chefs’ habéis visto…
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bagnabraghe · 1 year ago
Nel ’41 venne proclamato l’ordine di raggruppare nel GTE tutti gli ebrei che si trovavano sul territorio francese
In Francia l’internamento di persone indesiderate non iniziò con il regime di Vichy: migliaia di persone erano detenute già nel periodo precedente la guerra; in gran parte erano repubblicani spagnoli fuggiti dal proprio Paese dopo l’avvento di Franco nel ’39.Allo scoppio della guerra contro la Germania il 3 settembre dello stesso anno, circa ventimila persone fuggite all’avanzare del nazismo…
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bigarella · 1 year ago
Nel ’41 venne proclamato l’ordine di raggruppare nel GTE tutti gli ebrei che si trovavano sul territorio francese
In Francia l’internamento di persone indesiderate non iniziò con il regime di Vichy: migliaia di persone erano detenute già nel periodo precedente la guerra; in gran parte erano repubblicani spagnoli fuggiti dal proprio Paese dopo l’avvento di Franco nel ’39.Allo scoppio della guerra contro la Germania il 3 settembre dello stesso anno, circa ventimila persone fuggite all’avanzare del nazismo…
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slbookreviews · 2 years ago
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Pithiviers This pithiviers, a French specialty from the Orléans region, is made from puff pastry and frangipane rich almond paste.
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morethansalad · 21 days ago
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Vegan Mushroom, Chestnut and Thyme Pithivier
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britrockaholic2 · 12 days ago
DR. FEELGOOD Going Back Home 1976 - Rare !
'From "Beau Fixe Sur Pithiviers", French TV, 14th August 1976 .Notice Lee's external jugular vein, and the diversified audience ...'
"New upload with full intro: The Big Figure driving around town!" https://youtu.be/8_QibKon2G4
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postcard-from-the-past · 4 months ago
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Railway station of Pithiviers, Beauce region of central France
French vintage postcard
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gillesvalery · 4 months ago
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Pithiviers, Loiret (Monument à Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau) (1)
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dreamgirledward · 2 years ago
would absolutely kill a man for a freshly baked, tender, flaky almond cream-filled french pastry right now. i need it desperately.
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pernapernaperna · 1 month ago
I like to think of myself as a fairly well rounded and knowledgeable person but when I'm looking at a menu and it says "crushed winter roots" well I don't know what that means
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savourygoodness · 1 year ago
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itechnicallychallengeyou · 1 year ago
Week 5: Potato pithivier
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I'm convinced I spelt that wrong.
I visited the old flat and made this for my friend there, which meant I got to use the exciting slicer gadget.
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I love this thing. It slices so well, a winning combination of satisfying and perilous. I used it to slice the onion as well, which was maybe a bit too much. They were so small once caramelised that they barely existed at all.
The pastry was interesting. This was my first time ever making rough-puff pastry. It's much easier than regular puff pastry, but I'm still not sure it's worth doing compared to buying from the shop.
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At least I got to use a real rolling pin this week.
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I only used about 3/4 of the potato mixture, as the mound looked pretty huge pre-baking, but unfortunately the height evened out at lot in the oven.
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I was really impressed with the flakiness of the pastry, and the thin potato layers looked great, but the flavour wasn't that exciting and I don't think I'd bother making this again.
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