#pitch perfect 2 trailer
7grandmel · 1 month
Todays rip: 17/05/2024
Athletic Doctor
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 1 Also on: SiIvaGunner: Starter Kit & Essentials
Ripped by Psynwav
I haven't slept in so long...I forgot what dreams were like.
Honestly - what better way could there be for me to celebrate the 365th main post on the blog, than to be fashionably late by a whole weekend? It's unfortunate, but...oddly befitting, really. Back when I was first starting out with the blog, I actually forgot about posting daily for a solid two weeks - and so, some old-ass posts like Chillin’ Like A Villain and (YTPMV) Bob​-​Omb Battlesources were made in quite a hurry retroactively. Nevertheless, it was on May 17th 2023, over on my main blog @melblur, that I suddenly decided that I wanted to write about one SiIvaGunner rip a day just for fun. After File Select Fusion Collab, I realized that it made more sense just to put these on their own blog, and with Snowball Park - Super Mario 3D World I moved everything onto here. It's all been a bit of a bumpy ride, is my point. But today, I've reached the big milestone that I was originally aiming for all the way back with Running Through Cookie Country - a year's worth of almost-always-daily posts on the weird and wonderful world of SiIvaGunner. And what better rip to discuss alongside this milestone than the channel's biggest hit, the milestone rip to stand above all others: Season 1's Athletic Doctor.
Now, I've been following SiIvaGunner since some of the earliest moments of Season 1, following along with the initial GiIvaSunner termination, the entire Reboot saga discussed in I Saw a Brainwasher Today, the Mashup Crusaders arc of Mr. Rental [B Side] ~ Out of Options, the channel ending of Epic Flintstones... Basically, I was there for just about the entire initial 9-month run, and have with but one Season's worth of an exception (Season 5) been following the channel damn near obsessively since. The point is that, through this, I have been able to follow the channel's most popular videos chart up and down with each passing month: I recall, for instance, how Nintendo GameCube Startup - Console/BIOS Music soared past all other rips back in the day and stayed on top for five month's time. That was, of course, before finally being surpassed by we are number one but with outdated memes over it and subsequently helping kickstart the entire We Are Number One meme trend (funny enough - you can actually find a youtube comment left by me on the rip in late December 2016/early 2017 expressing mild annoyance over the rip's popularity...). Athletic Doctor in comparison was of course always popular, but it took a while to truly climb its way up there - it was in the top ten, then top five, always rising, bubbling in the background. Eventually, starting with Season 3's premiere, the team decided to just make the rip the trailer for the channel for new viewers - where it still sits today, now as the far-and-away most popular rip on the channel.
I feel like the reason the rip became used as the defacto channel trailer, the reason it keeps being referenced in videos demonstrating what SiIvaGunner is all about, is pretty obvious. I've talked a lot in posts like Live and Ooooooooooooooh about how outright *effective* many of Season 1's rips were, and Athletic Doctor is the most prime example of that imaginable - it is a damn near pitch perfect joke executed shockingly well for the time of its upload in the channel's history. EVERYONE knows the music to Super Mario World, either through its usage in the game itself in the 90s, its appearances in games like Super Smash Bros. Melee in the 2000s and Super Mario Galaxy 2 in the 2010s - or just through sheer overexposure to it in just about any era of gaming YouTube. The game's soundtrack is the perfect blend of being immediately recognizable and incredibly easy to hum along to given the entire game basically only has three or so melodies, relying on its central leitmotif to a degree bordering on parody. Likewise as well, EVERYBODY knows Witch Doctor, either through excessive radio play, being a big hit with Alvin & the Chipmunks...or the 2007 Live Action Alvin & the Chipmunks movie that I myself grew up with, it's the kind of vaguely obnoxious (also arguably quite racist) nonsense novelty music that's incredibly appealing to young kids, the same way something like Crazy Frog or its ilk was in the 2000s as well.
Put simply, Athletic Doctor was a match made in heaven - and the joke is pulled off so expertly that it feels redundant to put into words. The Athletic Theme intro is iconic enough to where you're led into a false sense of security right off the bat, the melody swap is subtle enough as to not immediately be noticeable, making the moment you notice it even more noteworthy - only for the track's second loop to become a full-on mashup with the Witch Doctor track. Absolutely perfect escalation, just the right amount of buildup - but most importantly, it ends up actually sounding really good! The joke's great to be sure, very much like Live and Ooooooooooooooh - but I feel like the core reason why Athletic Doctor has continued to endure for so long on the channel, why it keeps getting remixed and referenced and paid tribute to on so many instances, is because it's just a genuinely good listen once the joke sets in. In other words, it is the purest distillation of SiIvaGunner's appeal - a joke so simple, yet pulled off with a magical appeal that remains even all these years later.
Through running this blog, it's that very specific appeal that I've wanted to try and encapsulate with the rips I cover, with what I write about them, to uncover that elusive magic of this dumb shitpost channel. Joel's big Grand Dad reaction that kicked the channel off is a good bit, to be sure, but its not a bit that could've lasted eight years and counting: In its earliest days, its easy to see how the channel could've just become naught but a novelty and fallen off the face off the earth once interest in it died. Yet through each year of the channel's life, with every Season that passes, it's evolved and adapted. Be it the spontaneous chaos of Season 1, the building storyline of Season 2, the mystery and nostalgia of Season 3, the sheer talent on display in the King for Another Day Tournament in Season 4 Episode 1 and the sheer joy of celebration found in Season 4 Episode 2, the whimsical experimentation of Season 5, the sudden introspection and moodiness of Season 6, the pure adoration and love for everything the channel stands for in Season 7, and the ongoing pure silliness of Season 8 - each period of this channel feels as if it's growing in a new direction, never content sitting in one place for too long - and yet the appeal of a rip like Athletic Doctor remains oh so core to the entire SiIvaGunner experience. The experience of which I've made my best effort to cover across all 365 posts on this blog. To show everyone the layers in which this channel goes in.
That's what I've been wanting to show you... but now, before I end this post, I want to briefly talk about what you've shown *me*. I know its a cliché thing to say, but really - it warms my heart EVERY time I receive messages about the blog. This all began as just a way for me to practice my writing ability, but suddenly I was having the actual rippers - the names that I'd admire from my MP3 player but hardly ever considered able to actually interact with - messaging me in private to express how happy my posts made them...not to mention the people in SiIvaCord discussing rips with me, digging into my writing, sharing anecdotes I'd never heard of, and everyone who requested rips genuinely eager to see what I had to write about them...like, again, its the biggest cliché on the planet, and I know this blog really isn't all *that* big in the grand scheme of things - but I never expected to even get more than five people actually engaging with what I post? To everyone, and ESPECIALLY to the silent majority reading my posts without a Tumblr account, the ones engaging from a distance - thank you SO much for validating all that I've done on here.
Now, there's still plenty of posts I have left in me, plenty of ones already in the drafts and unfulfilled requests well in the dozens. But like...tons has happened since when this all started 12 months ago. I got a summer job! I'm wrapping up what's hopefully my final three school courses! I've started listening to so much new music, expanding my music tastes, in huge part thanks to all the digging this blog has made me do! And, of course, getting to be this open about what's likely my absolute weirdest special interest has honestly made me feel more confident in myself as a person, made me a more outgoing individual in general. And so, to get all of my ducks in a row, to help straighten things out for a bit...I'm going to take a break from regular posting on here. I'm aiming for it to be no longer than a month's time - again, I have much I still wish to write about!! - but you'll of course still see me reblogging fanart and other such things on here just from using Tumblr casually. And hey - if you haven't already, I recommend you take the time to go scavenging through The Archive for daily posts that you might have missed! Having a blog with so much writing on it, so many posts, so much to discover for readers old and new...In a way, I've basically made it so that navigating the blog feels just like navigating the vast seas of the SiIvaGunner channel itself. And isn't that just the most fitting way to leave it all on - an ocean of posts, waiting for you to uncover them?
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canmom · 10 months
Animation Night 169: Sex. 2.
So. Storytime.
Two years ago, we had a joke. "We should totally show some hentai on Animation Night 69." we said. Having said that, we were honour-bound to totally commit to the bit. Teaming up with @mogsk, I wrote a massive post on sexuality in animation and the history of 'hentai', from the hentai seiyoku discussed in 20th-century sexology journals to the modern subcultural kaleidoscope.
It is, genuinely, one of my favourite posts I ever wrote in this project. It's definitely not perfect - the sections on BL and the lolicon boom are especially weak, but still! There's no way I'm beating that.
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Mogs, meanwhile assembled a perfectly pitched playlist of animation dealing with the theme of sexuality, from classic oldschool BL like Kaze to Ki no Uta to charming little comedies like Oruchuban Ebichu, and a scattering of actual h-anime like Weather Report Girl. For my part, I led with the genuinely classic film Kanashimi no Belladonna (Belladonna of Sadness).
So somehow - somehow! - we managed to make the idea of getting together with your online friends to watch a bunch of anime about sex just... plain fun and uplifting, to the point that @footsteps-on-the-dance-floor will tell me years later how much she enjoyed it. Not to mention, we got a pretty good cross-section of the different dimensions of sexuality in animation as well!
I didn't even get banned on Twitch.
This week, the counter has drawn the sex number. So can we do it again? Well, my friends, we're gonna try~ Tonight, @mogsk and canmom present: the long-awaited sequel to sex. Sex, 2.
This time we're narrowing our focus a bit. One of the distinctive elements of eromanga, by the analysis of Kimi Rito in The History of Hentai Manga, is how particular images get encoded as signs that can be reused by other mangaka, and these signs can become the seed for particular subgenres. So, our selection tonight is in part designed to give a brief cross-section of some of these visual tropes.
So let me introduce you to our program. CWs: sex, obviously; also a couple of these films (Cleopatra, Parade Parade) cw for rape. Here's the programme, read on for brief descriptions of each item and a lil cultural context~!
Cleopatra (1970) - oldschool Tezuka weirdness
Boku no Sexual Harassment (1994-5) - 90s salaryman BL
Interspecies Reviewers (2020) - monstergirl sex comedy, and an instance of the trend of recent cable TV h-anime
Agent Aika (1997-9) - panty shots to the most ludicrous degree
Comical Psychosomatic Medicine (2015) - ONA comedy framed as fetish education
Parade Parade (1996) - futanari + yuri
Golden Boy (1995-6) - 90s sakuga and a classic comedy
Queen's Blade (2009) - kyonyuu
Colorful (1999) - panty-centric comedy skits
after that: if you still have energy, I might take requests~
[n.b. a lot of these are TV series - we will only really be getting a 1-2 episode sample of each one, for runtime's sake.]
Cleopatra (クレオパトラ), 1970
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Last time we led with certified classic, genuinely moving and good as hell film Belladonna of Sadness. This was part of a last gambit by the struggling Mushi Productions, the studio of Osamu Tezuka, credited with inventing TV anime back in the day with Astro Boy. Long before there would be such a thing as an h-anime subculture, Tezuka experimented with creating erotic animated films based on history and mythology.
Belladonna is the best remembered of the three, and with good reason. Tezuka was largely not involved by this point. The others, though... are some plain fucking weird movies, I'll tell you that much. So tonight we'll be watching Cleopatra (1970). I may have shown you the trailer before - this is the Caesar trampoline movie. That is only the beginning.
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I recently finished reading Osamu Tezuka's manga Ayako, written in 1972-1973 - not long after this movie, actually, during Tezuka's gekiga phase. I'm sure it's common knowledge by now, but Tezuka was one horny old guy! Ayako has all manner of skulduggery: incest, murder, gangster stuff, more murder, etc., but the core story is about a girl who is imprisoned in an underground cell for 20-some years by the machinations of her family. As she grows up, she ends up in an incestuous relationship with her protective brother - and once she finally escapes, she is highly agoraphobic but also throws herself at nearly every man she meets.
It's very much a story of the sins of the past echoing down into the future, shot though with post-war history and gangster movies, but its central fixation is the figure of Ayako herself: the soft cloistered object of obsession and attraction. Whether they want to protect Ayako, seek absolution from her, fuck her, or exploit her.
But it's also in places a really wacky manga, with a lot of very comical contrivances or hyper-cartoonish panels with extreme squash and stretch. It's a completely different way of displaying action.
I think this gives me a sense of the sort of wavelength Tezuka was on when he draws a scene where Cleopatra is tied down by stakes and a bunch of guys line up to rape her while she shouts at them defiantly. It's all very theatrical, a huge contrast to the much more internally oriented Belladonna. Just a plain strange movie, but it's one I've been fascinated to watch for ages.
Whatever we make of Cleopatra, we'll jump into the program that Mogs drew up! Once again she's come through magnificently.
My Sexual Harassment (僕のセクシャルハラスメント), 1995-6
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Our next act is some old school yaoi! One day I'll get to do that big effortpost on the history of BL, but not this day. In any case, Boku no Sexual Harassment is an OVA from the mid 90s about a young man called Junya Mochizuki trying to fuck his way up the company ranks for the sake of himself and his partner Kazunori Honma. In particular, he has an affair with his boss, Mr. Honma, running across the whole OVA.
This is perhaps best known for an infamous scene involving corn. It's here as a window into this period of BL - not quite as high-mindedly aesthetic as its 80s predecessors, and with its erotic focus being on like... 90s salarymen, which is quite a specific thing!
Interspecies Reviewers (異種族レビュアーズ), 2020
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Next, a series which has the dubious distinction of proving too steamy for Crunchyroll. Interspecies Reviewers enters the general milieu of modern videogame-inflected fantasy anime, a comedy dancing along the line of whether it's too overtly porn to air on TV. The story tells of a group of fantasy characters who are the clients of monstergirl sex workers, hoping to encounter as many different species as possible. This is a frame device for a series of episodes focused around what it would be like to have sex with various kinds of monstergirl.
This is an example of a recent trend in TV anime, namely very overtly sexual cable TV anime such as High School DxD, which have in a way come to fill the gap left by OVAs. This is a niche that also includes the likes of Goblin Slayer and Redo of Healer. In contrast to those series' "big grimdark plot with a side of rape" approach, Reviewers is light-hearted fantasy sex comedy mixed with (if you live in China) a certain amount of actual porn, which fansubbers have kindly spliced back in to the censored release for us.
Agent Aika (AIKa), 1997-9
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The panty shot is one of the more popular visual tropes in eromanga, to the point that Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga dedicates a whole two page spread to the history of the trope. (Surprisingly, I can't find any more substantial account in Kimi Rito's History of Hentai Manga).
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You'll see it often enough in anime, overtly or subtly, and certainly in the early works of Katsuhiko Nishijima, who debuted in 1986 with Project A-ko, a classic Kanada-inflected OVA that still bears signs of its hentai roots. But there is nothing that takes the panty shot to the same extreme as Agent Aika (1997). The degree to which the camera in this action anime contrives to show panties at a machinegun rate... it crosses over into a level where it feels less like outright fetish material and more like experimental art.
This is a series that is only coherent through the erotic focus. And yet, it's not generally categorised as porn. Nobody actually fucks. Lines are very arbitrary...
Comical Psychosomatic Medicine (アニメで分かる心療内科), 2015
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This ONA adapts a gag manga series themed around the idea of an education series on fetishes, paraphilias, and so on - not so different in concept from Peepoodoo and the Super Fuck Friends, from the sound of it! The ONA is produced by Shin-Ei Animation, a venerable studio known for beloved characters like Doraemon; it's a bunch of five minute bite-sized chunks which I plan to sprinkle in between the other stuff we watch as a palate cleanser.
Parade Parade (パレードパレード), 1996
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Having warmed you up sufficiently, this is the point in the evening where we pull out the futa porn.
Parade Parade is an OVA by the studio Pink Pineapple, one of the giants of the 90s erotic OVA scene - I wrote about them a bit last time. It's a relatively "tasteful" example of the futanari (二形) trope, literally 'two forms', referring to basically a character with a mostly cis woman-typical body except for a penis (generally in addition to a vulva), which she will typically use in penetrative sex. This is typically represented as either the result of magic, an intersex condition, or just a fantasy world where it's not unusual.
Depending on your subcultural corner, this might be further distinguished from other niche variants of dickgirl (e.g. a futa must have both sets of genitals).
In anime and manga, the futa trope apparently traces back to the introduction of American trans porn magazines to Japan, inspiring mangaka such as Kitamimaki Kei to start drawing futanari characters. Futanari manga first spread through dōjinshi in the 80s, and became popular in eromanga in the 90s, before circling back to the West. So actually yeah I guess this one is on us trans girls! I always assumed it was like, an independent invention. The more you know...
Here we have succesful idol Kaori, who's secretly intersex - and only her girlfriend Yuko knows. She's very careful to let nobody know, for the sake of her career, but a rival lesbian idol is about to find out...
Golden Boy (1995-6)
Now here is a true classic.
Golden Boy is a comedy series about a wanderer named Kintaro, who dropped out of uni to travel around Japan getting into sexual escapades. Each episode, he runs into someone and hopefully falls for them while coming across as an idiot pervert, but gradually reveals that he's actually a decent and resourceful guy - and yet, having found love, there will always be a reason he must move on. A setup to hang all sorts of plots, carried by some honestly unreasonably impressive animation from the realist school, most notably Mitsuo Iso. It's just... very very well done.
The above clip did the rounds on here a while ago (I think maybe the dubbed version), and we will indeed be watching episode 4 to put that in context.
Queen's Blade (2009)
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So this is a studio ARMS OVA - the guys who did stuff like Mezzo Forte with Yasuomi Umetsu - a fantasy story about a warrior tournament. But for our purposes it's standing in for the 巨乳 kyonyuu subgenre - meaning 'huge boobs'. So if you wanna do the meme in Japanese, that's the word you need.
This has a rather specific history in eromanga, recounted by Kimi Rito in The History of Hentai Manga. Per Rito, the popularity of the term dates back specifically to 1989, where it was used to promote porn star Kimiko Matsuzaka, as well as Western gravure porn magazines. Gradually displacing other terms like 'D-cup', the onomatopoeic ボイン boin and portmanteau デカパイdekapai, kyonyuu soon became cemented as the term for a type of character design. It grew in popularity in the space opened up by the bishōjo genre established by the lolicon boom.
So under the pen of mangaka like Kei Keitamimaki (him again!), designs with massively exaggerated boobs became very popular, defining a subgenre of their own. Artists would sometimes express anxiety over whether they would be 'allowed' to draw such extreme designs, but it became widespread in seinen magazines. Gradually, these genre boundaries dissolved and boob size started to become a symbol of characterisation.
Queen's Blade is a fairly longrunning series but as far as I understand, it's broadly a silly ecchi anime about women with very large boobs fighting to become queen. It's not the most comical example of this trope necessarily (nothing can really beat High School of the Dead's supersonic bullet dodging tits) but it's pretty up there.
Colorful, 1999
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Colorful is a comedy series of brief (~7 minute) skits about boys trying to see panties and suffering many consequences. As a late 90s anime it's got some interesting stylstic Y2K stuff - look at that rotoscope clip! - as well as strong animation from people like Norio Matsumoto of Naruto fame.
Mogs's encylopedic knowledge of weird obscure horny anime once again coming to the rescue: I'm fascinated to see where this night will take us. And whether I'll still have a Twitch account tomorrow.
I realise this is a much later start than we'd like with such a big programme, but I hope you will come join me for some weirdly educational sexy animation! Dip in and out or stay for the whole programme, the choice is yours - see you at twitch.tv/canmom, going live now, programme starts in about 30 minutes at 22:30 UK time!
Animation Night 169 is gonna be a little postponed - we'll be going at 7pm UK time on Tuesday (29 August) at twitch.tv/canmom! Hope to see you there! I will try to write a little more interesting info as we lead up to that~
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agentnico · 13 days
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) review
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I have now officially lost my IMAX vorjeneteee! First time experiencing a film in IMAX at the BFI theatre and holy Moses that’s one big screen! The perfect way to get immersed in Chris Hemsworth flexing his prosthetic nose!
Plot: Snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers, young Furiosa falls into the hands of a great biker horde led by the warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland, they come across the Citadel, presided over by the Immortan Joe. As the two tyrants fight for dominance, Furiosa soon finds herself in a nonstop battle to make her way home.
Mad Max: Fury Road is easily one of the most spectacular action films of the 21st century. Shame that back when it came out in cinemas I opted to go see Pitch Perfect 2 instead. Look, my film tastes back then we’re not as refined nor was I so cultured in…..okay yeah, my film taste was crap. I opted to go watch some youngsters sing acapella instead of witnessing Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron wanting to literally kill one another for 2 hours in glorious form. I’ve of course since fixed my ways and discovered and appreciated Fury Road for what it was. The maddening chaotic post-apocalyptic world built from the mind of George Miller, the visuals are truly impressive, especially due to 80% of it being actual practical effects, so seeing the cars flying about left and right and characters defying physics, with Junkie XL’s energetic score and so many cool characters throughout - it’s pure awesomeness. The only weakness really is that there’s hardly a plot. Like half of the movie is a chase and the other half is a race. Essentially if you boil it down to the basics. Not much narrative substance so to speak.
Luckily Furiosa ends up being that kind of prequel/spin-off that actually enhances and improves on the Fury Road experience. There’s so much more story in Furiosa, but not only does it focus on its titular heroes, but it also fleshes out the villains from the original film as well as featuring set pieces that would be highly recognisable to the Mad Max fans. I’m not even simply referring to Fury Road here. There’s a few Easter Eggs that fall reference to the 2015 Mad Max game, which by the way is a highly entertaining play through and a very unique open-world game that doesn’t get enough love. So naturally I was pleased to see a lot of material from that game being made canon now, from the appearances of characters like Scaborus Scrotus and Chumbucket to the film debut of the Gastown location, which is only referenced in Fury Road but has been brought to life in the game. And now we get to see it in full glory in film form. Right, I’m not an obsessive video game or anything but I did have a little fanboy excitement seep through during this film.
The movie solely relied on dialogue focused on world-building, and the villain of Chris Hemsworth’s character, Dementus, was better than I’d expected. Honestly from the trailers I was afraid if he was going to be too cartoony, and also I’m still recovering from whatever the fudge Thor: Love & Thunder was, however the way Hemsworth mixes in the humor he’s known for with his rage and wit was a welcome sight. He’s still a dangerous character, standing up to Immortan Joe as well as destroying Furiosa’s childhood and leaving her with nothing but vengeance. Honestly not going to lie, this may be Hemsworth’s best performance ever. Truly with this and Bad Times at the El Royale Chris Hemsworth truly proves that he’s a fantastic actor when it comes to playing antagonists. He’s highly entertaining but also leaves a lasting impression as a truly sadistic character. Anya Taylor-Joy as Furiosa was alright, however not going to lie, I do feel the movie missed a trick by not bringing back Theron. Chances are Theron probably did not want to come back after having a terrible time filming Fury Road, but she was so powerful as that character, and with Taylor-Joy she simply didn’t reach that same level of intensity and anger expected from the character. I did enjoy her interactions with Tom Burke though. The way the two immediately worked together to fend off the raiders on the War Rig was reminiscent of the way Theron and Tom Hardy did in Fury Road, doing its predecessor justice. Burke played the role perfectly and their goals and motivations were rightly aligned with each other, eventually falling in love with one another, which gave Furiosa even more motivation on her hell-bent journey of enacting revenge on Dementus. Again, there’s so much story in this story, and it filled a lot of gaps in the Mad Max lore.
Though I thoroughly enjoyed the plot, dialogue, characters and set pieces, the main issue I had was the movie’s misuse of color-grading and CGI. While Fury Road set the standard for practical effects with minimal uses of CGI, making scenes come to life through real explosions and harsh red color-grading, Furiosa suffered from lack of both. The color-grading was too clean for me as it relied on softer colors, a downgrade from its predecessor eight years ago, and there were more moments that I could see the CGI at work — and it wasn’t done well. In fact at times the backgrounds of scenes looked so fake it was jarring and really broke the immersion. Again, I was watching this on the giant IMAX screen, so the level of detail was both great in enjoying most of the film, but also made the weaker visuals stick out like a sore thumb. Also Junkie XL’s Fury Road score is a true orchestral masterpiece. The levels of epicness it reaches is superb, so I was highly disappointed with what he did this time around. Aside from a couple of moments, the music score is an uninspired collection of booms and drum beats that left zero emotion.
Furiosa is a fantastic cinematic experience and is the second time this year where a desert setting makes for a superb film. Chris Hemsworth is the stand out and the story is rich in depth and scale, even if it does end up a bit too bloated. It does falter in the technical side with the obvious CGI and the weaker music score, bit overall this makes me want to see Miller continue making these Mad Max flicks, though judging by the box office results that may now be a pie dream. But let’s enjoy what we have - lady and gentlemens, start your engines!
Overall score: 8/10
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nanowrimo · 1 year
The Art of the Pitch
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When submitting your manuscript to an agent, your pitch letter is the first thing they read. But with hundreds of emails pouring into agents’ inboxes every day, how do you get yours to stand out? Author Jeff Herman has some tips:
On any given day, there’s a massive surplus of desperate manuscripts clamoring to fill way too few opportunities. It resembles hordes of famished zombies ripping at the walls and doors where a remnant of agents and editors have found sanctuary. This helps explain why the barriers to your success seem to be unreasonably extreme, not to mention insensitive and discourteous. The harsh process is a form of self-preservation for the gatekeepers. However, access is possible; sometimes you just have to reframe what you’re seeing.
Countless manuscripts that merit publication will spend eternity in the clouds because the authors failed to get agents and editors to read them. From the perspective of the gatekeepers, unsolicited manuscripts are a burden until proven otherwise; they’re an ever-accumulating digital landfill that’s humanly impossible to process and cope with, or even think about. But it’s within every writer’s power to change the math for themselves. 
The following guidance doesn’t promise to be the cure, but it does promise to meaningfully elevate the odds that your manuscript will be requested and read. My advice is the consequence of reading more than one-million pitches covering everything you can imagine.
1. Don’t be boring. Boredom causes attention to shut down. The letter should be as entertaining, compelling, and alluring as the body of work you want to read. Too many writers treat their pitch letters like job applications; imagine having to read hundreds of those a day.  
2. Don’t waste space. Avoid filler. Keep to a single page with short paragraphs (eyes detest densely packed sections). 
3. Use lively and relatable descriptions. Make descriptive lines count with language that transmits visceral and dynamic images. Imagine movie trailers.
4. Get to the point by the second line. Don’t wander into the weeds or try to be a pen pal. 
5. Say exciting things about yourself. For example, “I’m a third-generation serial killer.” Or, “I’m a former President of the United States.” (However, only share things that are true!)
6. Don’t compare your work to bestsellers. It might make you appear arrogant or grandiose. Do a little research to find the titles that best match your work. 
7. Don’t reveal how many years you’ve been trying to get someone to read your pitch, let alone your work. Don’t reveal how many thousands of times you’ve been rejected so far. Don’t expect strangers to care about your aspirations from the goodness of their hearts.  
8. Be softly immodest. Show you're a winner in ways that say it for you. Highlight your accomplishments, don’t hide them. Success tends to gravitate to people who know how to personify a successful image. 
9. Don’t stereotype yourself in ways that could undermine your chances. For instance, there’s no reason to say your age unless it’s germane to the book. (Ageism is frequently an elephant in the room, and unfortunately, publishing isn’t an exception.)
10. Keep trying. Consistently showing up and doing the work regardless of how you feel will get you far. Writing and publishing is a game of long ball that rewards tenacity and resilience. 
Jeff Herman is the author of Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publishers, Editors & Literary Agents, 29th Edition and coauthor of the acclaimed Write the Perfect Proposal. He has presented hundreds of workshops about writing and publishing and has been interviewed for dozens of publications and programs. His literary agency has ushered nearly 1,000 books into publication, including many bestsellers. He lives in Stockbridge, MA. His website is www.JeffHerman.com.
Based on the book Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publishers, Editors & Literary Agents, 29th Edition. Copyright ©2023 by Jeff Herman. Published by New World Library — www.newworldlibrary.com.
Top photo by Andrew Dunstan on Unsplash.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 6 months
BL Wrapped 2023
A little bit late, but I wanted to make sure to do this for my own records! I've watched so many shows now, it helps to have something down more formally to remember stuff.
A few notes:
This includes shows that started in 2022 and finished in 2023.
No shows that are currently still airing - how the ending lands is too critical for me.
There's some shows I know I'm going to love that I just haven't had time to see yet, so if there are any shocking absences, that's probably why.
Total # of QL watched: 37 (35 BLs, 2 GLs) (really looking forward to more GL offerings next year)
Favorite Thai shows:
Bed Friends
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I was not the biggest fan of Cutie Pie, so entered this one with a fair amount of skepticism. But what a lovely surprise. Uea was such an incredible lead and so well-characterized, his trauma was handled seriously, and though there were occasional hiccups due to drama, overall King was such a respectful and supportive partner. And let's not forget the cat ears.
Laws of Attraction
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What a ride this show was! I had not watched To Sir with Love, so had no familiarity with Jam or Film, but they were amazing here. The side couple of disaster muffin + loving bodyguard were pitch perfect, there were fantastic women characters who actually had significant roles in the story, and who can forget our wonderful chaotic Nawin? The story was compelling, the emotional points hit, and even when it leaned towards the ridiculous, it always remained aware of what it was.
My School President
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I still remember watching the trailer for Our Skyy 2 and noticing two random dudes I had never seen before. Little did I know!
I don't have much to say except that this was pure charm from start to finish, and Fourth & Gemini were a delight. Pure comfort watch.
Unforgotten Night
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I SAID WHAT I SAID! (and yes this aired in 2022, I was late)
Look, I know a lot of people thought of this purely as a trash watch, but it's so much more than that. I wrote a whole post on it. It was fantastic. I apologize for nothing.
Favorite Korean shows:
Our Dating Sim
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I adored this show from start to finish. I could understand the motivations of both characters, I was deeply invested in their relationship, and they felt so utterly natural once they got together. 10/10, no notes.
Jun & Jun
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This was a little messy at times, and missed an opportunity to lean more into D/s dynamics, but I really liked all the characters, the leads had great chemistry, and it was refreshing to see a Korean BL be more open about sexual desire in a relationship.
Favorite Japanese Shows:
The End of the World With You
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This one could have easily gone off the rails. End of the world stories can be very tricky to pull off. But there was such a solid emotional core to the storytelling, and it kept such a hold of my heart.
My Personal Weatherman
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One thing I think Japan does extremely well is stories about people who have extremely deep internal lives, but don't show much on the surface. As someone quite introverted, who keeps a lot of things on the inside, I relate a lot to this. This show did such a good job of showing how challenging it can be to communicate with those we love, and the rewards once you are able to break through and really understand each other.
Favorite Taiwanese Shows:
Kiseki: Dear to Me
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Of course it's Kiseki. This series was amazing. I don't care we never really understood any of the mafia stuff, that was all set dressing for some of the best couple work ever.
Honorable Mention:
Midnight Museum
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I will never stop calling this a BL. Some day GMMTV will realize that Gun has too much chemistry with other people to keep him only with Off. Also, we got Nanon playing evil, which was so sexy.
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anticipatedexhale · 2 years
What Were We All Along?
Eddie Munson x fem!reader.
Summary: you always thought that it was too good to be true, the outcast dating the popular cheerleader,how cliche.But after an event you find that your theory was correct maybe after all it was too good to be true.
Warnings: placing a bet on the reader,arguments, cursing, stupid Eddie but we love him, breakups?, Not sure if I'll make a part 2.
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You've always wanted to be in those cliche highschool love stories, when it came true it felt so perfect you were so happy, You loved Eddie, and he loved you..or so you thought.
It all started when the infamous Eddie Munson himself came up to you and asked you out in front of everyone, although you didn't like the stares you got from people around you, you happily said yes.
You and Eddie immediately got closer soon, but you always felt this tension that would appear every time you and Eddie would sit together with the hellfire club.
Even though they had said multiple times they liked your company and that they liked you in general you thought there was still something up.
You tried not to think about it, tried your best not to question Eddie's so called love for you.
You walked up to Eddies trailer hearing some of the boy's voices coming from it, it wasn't unusual for Eddie to have them over but you decided to stay there trying to listen to their conversation hoping to find the answer you wanted.
Sadly you were met with the only answer you never wanted to hear, "You know Eddie you should thank us, without us betting you to ask Y/N out you would've never did".
You felt your heart drop, eyes going wide, a gasp left your mouth as you tried to concentrate on what they were saying.
"Yeah i mean we know that she's totally not your type, I can't believe you're still holding onto this relationship" the rest of the boys chuckled at that statement yet you couldn't hear Eddies voice amongst the boys.
You got up trying to collect yourself as you knocked on the door. Eddie opened it looking shocked for a second but then calming himself down immediately.
"Y/N hey! I didn't know you were coming?come on in we were just talking about um...the upcoming campaign! Yeah that" he said clearly sounding like a lie, wow really what a smart excuse you thought.
You nodded your head humming before asking "Hey eddie um can we maybe talk..." "Yeah sure what is it??" He leaned against the door frame.
"Well i was thinking about talking to you..." You looked back at the boys before continuing "Alone.".
A bunch of sounds like "oooo" were made from the boys as eddie grabbed your hand to take you somewhere private.
"Did something happen? You don't seem okay" he asked fearing the worst.
"i heard." You said coldly trying your best not to fall straight into sobs.
"Heard what sweetheart...??come on you're making me nervous" his eyes searched your figure frantically trying to read your body language but failing.
"I heard what the boys were saying before I knocked" Eddie felt his whole world just freeze.
Shit.shit.shit no this couldn't happen, why? Why did you have to come at a time like this.
"Is it true" your voice, now coming out as a whisper not daring raise it afraid of humiliating yourself.
No reply. You asked again "Eddie is this true" voice cracking, with a higher pitch now.
You looked up to see him nodding. A silent yes.
Knowing that he's too ashamed to say it out loud. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR MONTHS AND-AND N-NOW YOU TELL ME THAT IT WAS ALL JUST A LIE". You screamed pushing him away hard.
You didn't care if you hurt him, you were too busy slowly watching your heart falling to pieces to the ground.
"no please love-" "DON'T CALL ME THAT" you stepped back, tears streaming down your face, shaky hands curled up into a fist.
Eddie frowned looking at your state he didn't want this to happen,he loved you, he adored you.
But now he felt as if you were slipping away, his eyes now also tearing up.
He grabbed your hand pulling you closer, "Please listen to me, i-i wanted to tell you but i was so nervous that this would happen, a-and i really do love you and it isn't just about the bet". He explained.
But it was just too late for that now. Now all you saw in front of you was a man who betrayed you. A man who broke your trust. And a man who shattered your heart into millions of pieces.
"If you had told me earlier we-we could've worked out" you explained with shaky breathes.
He could've told you, he should've told you,he would've told you but he didn't.
He was silent not knowing what to say. He knew he broke your trust but he didn't have the words to speak he didn't know what to speak.
"Fuck you munson" you said before leaving. He stayed in place staring at your figure getting farther and farther, smaller and smaller.
He ran back to the trailer opening the door a little too hard. The boys stared up at him with wide eyes. "Eddie are you okay?".
"I fucked up" was all he said before the rooms fell into silence.
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Hiya, could you maybe write julian getting really drunk/high and being extremely desperate for his smaller curvy/busty friend? Maybe julian being a sloppy top and her taking over with him underneath him just whining in bliss?
yes!! (i changed it up a little bit, hope you don't mind x)
(julian x fem reader, nsfw)
It was late one evening, and Julian was getting high off his ass, hitting his bong and listening to his music, just having a good time. The weed he was smoking made him horny, and tonight he smoked 2 bowls already.
He was getting sexual thoughts now, and he was thinking about absolutely railing the shit out of someone. You were the first girl that came to his mind.
He thought about your breasts, how big they are and how nice they sit in those tank tops you’re always wearing. He thought you looked perfect.
He needed to see you in person, to see every inch of you, so he called you and asked if you’d like to come over. “Yes,” you replied, heading out the door the second you hung up the phone.
You walked over to Julian’s trailer, where he greeted you with a smile. He motioned for you to sit on the couch with him.
He started packing another bowl, lighting it and taking a hit. He handed it to you and you took a big hit, leaving you high as hell in seconds.
Julian started to get hard, and you could see him pitching a tent in those pants. “Need a little help, honey?” You teased, scooting closer to him, looking down at his clothed cock.
Julian nodded and unbuttoned his jeans, slipping them down enough to where his cock could come out. He pulled down his boxers and let you stroke him, licking the tip too, slowly taking most of his cock in your mouth.
“Oh, fuck,” Julian groaned. You left plenty of spit on his cock, so you switched to jerking him off instead. Precum was slowly oozing out of the tip, and you knew he was getting so close. His moans and groans were turning into whines, his grip tight on your hair, it told you he was about to cum.
Seconds later, Julian came mostly on your face and your tongue. You tried your best to lick off all the cum you could get on your face.
Quickly, you took your pants and underwear off and pushed Julian down, laying him flat on the couch. You kneeled above his head, lowering yourself down slowly, his tongue licking like crazy on your clit. His arms wrapped around your legs, pulling your pussy closer to his face.
He was licking in all the right spots, making you moan like crazy for him. You secretly have been wanting this, too, and you’re glad it happened.
A hot wave of pleasure flowed through your legs as you came to orgasm. You got off of him, taking your shirt and bra off as he slid his clothes off.
He sat down on the couch as you straddled him, facing him, as he slowly pushed his cock into you. You couldn't help but let out a moan, since he felt so good inside you.
You slowly started to rock your hips towards him, his hands resting on your waist. "Oh, fuck yeah, just like that, baby, there you go," Julian praised as you started to pick up the pace.
You rested your hands on his shoulders, as you were going pretty quick, but just right so you could make Julian moan. And that was exactly what he was doing. You were sending him into a frenzy just by riding him.
All of a sudden, Julian grabs your hips and starts slamming himself into you, making you grip his shoulders tighter. You were a moaning mess as he was absolutely pounding your pussy.
"Ohh, fuck, Julian," You moaned out. You were close, you could feel it.
"You feel so good, baby," Julian said, about to cum too. Seconds later, you felt a hot wave flow through your body as you came. He could tell you finished by your moans, so you scooted back a bit as he started stroking himself, shooting ropes of cum on you.
As the night went on, you and Julian fucked a couple more times before calling it and smoking some more weed. He offered for you to stay with him for the night, which you accepted.
The night ended in a steamy makeout sesh on his couch, half dressed and absolutely stoned. After that, you went to bed with him, his arm around you the whole night.
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skaruresonic · 10 months
Here's a fun fact for you: the writer of this show, Warren Ellis, wiki broused to write it because he has never played the games and was never interested to do so, describing them as "games where you just make a bunch of pixels jump around"
This isn't even a secret, he repeatedly admitted it during interviews, also stating that the other team members were fans of the games and so would help him out which...yeah they seemed to be perfectly happy with his choices
This actually brought to a bunch of hilarious moments in hindsight:
for example there's an OC in the second season that he wanted to name Mathias because he had found the name on the wiki and liked it, but Konami presumably stepped in to tell him that he couldn't use it because that's Dracula's original human name in the games. This info is on his wiki page btw!
Imagine writing a Sonic adaptation and somehow missing that Robotnik is also Eggman's name when it's one of the first things his wiki page says
Also for your information Nocturne, the sequel show that's coming out at the end of this month, is going to have a native american vampire as one of its villains (he's technically a game character who wasn't native in the games and looked nothing like the guy in the trailers but creating OCs and giving them the names and backstories of canon characters is standard fare with the show)....and let's just say that, given the show's track record with the representation of racial minorities (especially two asian totally not twins in season 3) I'm not holding my breath for that one
the writer of this show, Warren Ellis, wiki broused to write it because he has never played the games and was never interested to do so, describing them as "games where you just make a bunch of pixels jump around"
God, fauxteurs piss me off. Go work in some other medium if you hate video games so much, yeah? When will we get creators who aren't crotchety boomers who thumb their noses at the medium? It's nearing 50 years old at this point, why are we still being subjected to Roger Ebert levels of "games aren't Real Art" cold takes? The other thing is that often what ends up happening is even though they're adapting well-known game franchises (which would imply they're well-known for a reason, but logic is seldom fauxteurs' strong suit), their Superior Vision(tm) rarely manages to match the source material's quality, let alone surpass it. Hence why all of their bluster gets really fucking annoying really fast. Their hubris is unearned, and yet they still have the nerve to thumb their nose at the source material, the reason they have work to begin with. Sit down, dude, you just made things worse with all of your fart-sniffing. And they never stop to consider that according to their own logic, it's almost like video games are still so poorly regarded by the mainstream that they know they wouldn't be able to get work in any other medium precisely because their work isn't up to snuff. It's like how David Cage keeps pumping out glorified QTEs as games because if he pitched his scripts as movies, he'd get laughed out of the room.
This isn't even a secret, he repeatedly admitted it during interviews, also stating that the other team members were fans of the games and so would help him out which...yeah they seemed to be perfectly happy with his choices Actually, I have certain fears that this will happen with Bloober Team and the SH2 remake, despite select members of 2's dev team working with them. I can so clearly picture Reddit in a few years going, "Team Silent approved of it, why are you complaining?"
Woodchipp and I have read excerpts from interviews that heavily imply Bloober Team is attempting to capture 2's vibes and relying on their, quote, "perfect memories" without actually playing it.
Creators will sometimes approve whatever just to make money or because they don't care. For example, Kikiyama, the creator of Yume Nikki, is an intensely private person, so private that some people believed they were dead for years. Kawakura Studios approached them with the idea for Dream Diary, a game that changes the fundamentals of the original's design and symbolism, and Kikiyama approved of it. So approval from creators doesn't inherently guarantee a quality product, or ensure that the new team knows what they're doing. Also, we all know how Sega approved Pontaff's scripts :)
for example there's an OC in the second season that he wanted to name Mathias because he had found the name on the wiki and liked it, but Konami presumably stepped in to tell him that he couldn't use it because that's Dracula's original human name in the games. This info is on his wiki page btw! ...That was literally the very first thing I learned when watching a Castlevania lore video. Am I now officially more knowledgeable than Ellis? ...that's sad lol. tfw you're such a peak writer that you can't even read the wiki. At least Pontaff READ Sonic and Eggman's Wikipedia pages. Jesus Christ the bar is in hell and fauxteurs keep finding ways to dig under it lol ---
Also for your information Nocturne, the sequel show that's coming out at the end of this month, is going to have a native american vampire as one of its villains (he's technically a game character who wasn't native in the games and looked nothing like the guy in the trailers but creating OCs and giving them the names and backstories of canon characters is standard fare with the show)
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skyfall8600 · 2 years
Day 10: Movie Night
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12 days of Christmas with Eddie
Eddie Munson Masterlist
[750 words] - sorry this one isn’t as long as the others! Wanted it to be a sweet little moment mainly from Eddie’s point of view.
Each tape was rented. Cost a slight fortune but there was no way Eddie could make you pick between them. You got so excited at all the options, so he just ran with it.
The movie night was scheduled to start at 5 pm sharp. The list was already picked out and the popcorn was hot and ready.
Movie number 1: Gremlins
“I can’t believe you’ve never seen this,” you muttered, getting comfy under the blanket.
“I didn’t even know it was a Christmas movie.” He said, stuffing his face with the first handful of popcorn for the night.
“It’s one of the best— good or evil, all those little gremlins are so freaking adorable.”
Sure enough, Eddie was hooked onto the small television screen. He loved both the cuteness of gizmo and the sheer chaos of the evil ones.
When the movie ended, you stood to turn on the light— dreading the mess of popcorn that was squished into the carpet. Upon opening the lights, Eddie squealed and hid under the blanket.
Screaming “Bright light! Bright light!”
You laughed, whacking him with the pillow. “Big baby. Get the next movie set up, I’ll make some hot chocolate.”
Movie number 2: National Lampoon’s Christmas vacation
“You ready?!”
You shook your head, “I did not agree to this.”
“Drink every time Clark fucks something up. Piece of cake—“
“Eddie! It’s only the second movie and we’ll be hammered by 8pm.” You said, reluctantly taking his can of beer in hand.
“I’m offended you think I can’t hold my beer— you on the other hand might have to take it lightly.” He said with a smile, forcing you down onto his lap.
Wrapping the blanket around you both, the movie began and Eddie was getting ready to drink you into oblivion.
Movie number 3: Scrooge
You may have been a little lightheaded, cuddling tightly into Eddie’s neck.
“Aw, what’s the matter, love? Too tired for movie night?” He coed into your hair, he loved when you got like this. Part sleepy and cuddly.
“Never! Press play.” You said, leaning further into him.
It was now pitch black outside, the slight chill from the winter air sneaking into his small trailer from the little cracks in the wall.
Perhaps Eddie was right, the buzz from the two beers you had during movie number 2 and Eddie’s comfortable body meant that you were close to passing out.
It was perfect. Late nights like this, regardless if it was a planned movie night or not, we’re always your favourite. Eddie would sacrifice all the feeling in his left arm if you fell asleep on him; god knows he’s sometimes gone hours without moving just so you could continue to be comfortable.
There was no way you’d last through the night to get up to the final movie, but he didn’t mind. You were cradled up in his lap, your head on his chest while his arms were around you.
Having already predicted that you were close to falling asleep, Eddie pressed play for the movie and turned the volume right down so it was nearly audible.
In the soft light coming from the little screen, he took in your sleeping features.
“Too bad you couldn’t last until the end of the movie marathon,” he whispered into your hair with a smile. “I may have snuck in a special home movie—“
You stirred slightly in your sleep, snoring softly. It made him chuckle.
Pretending that your sleeping response was how you contributed to his little conversation, Eddie continued to speak.
“I had the whole thing planned— it starts off with some of spring break last year, then fast forwards to when we danced at Hopper and Joyce’s wedding. Then bam— screen cuts to black and I was going to ask you if— if you wanted to move into an apartment with me next year.” His voice broke off, his eyes scanning your face.
“I managed to save up a lot this year, and with the mechanic gig next year— I figured it would be the perfect time to start our little life together.”
He kissed your forehead, letting the buzzing from the tv screen become the only sound in the trailer. Along with your snoring and mumbles, which he would never admit you did in person.
“It may have not worked out asking you during movie night, but perhaps I can sneak it as part of your Christmas gift.”
Eddie Taglist:
@silky-luxe @fentyreligion @littlelunarfox @coconutchumby @eempxth @superflannel @fluffycookies22 @yearwalker96 @cutiecusp @magicalchocolatecheesecake @grungegrrrl l l​@m1rkw00dpr1ncess @dixontardis @buckyslwt @bratckerman @dani-d0rk @musicmoviestv @tomshelbystits @reddisteddie @santaatemypuppy @cherryrevenger @chipster-21 @azaleaforsure @eddielives1986 @luceneraium @loving-and-dreaming
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I have an opinion and y’all gotta promise not to destroy me on this ok?
The chainsaw man anime is….. not good. It’s not…. Bad? Per say? But it’s definitely not good.
Like… It feels like there was a board meeting where a bunch of men in suits who don’t care about art or their employees were given a 2 sentence pitch of what the manga was and those two sentences were “it’s a gory show about a guy with chainsaws for hands. But it’s actually really serious and deep.”
It’s like they optimized it for best trailer and gif potential? They optimized it to be clean and pretty? Which is bizarre because it’s a rough story about poverty and trauma? The human spirit to survive and love in spite of those things? even if the way you survive and love is janky and awkward or even shameful. The story is about how love is still there even in the bad and no matter where you are you will still stumble into love and happiness. the qualitative “beauty” of the visuals just clashes so hard with the simple and rough story/dialogue that everything ends up falling flat. It all just feels so fucking flat.
Like wheres the fun? Where’s the hype? Where’s the heavy rock music while Denjis slaughtering the zombies of his abusers?? That would be such a huge cathartic moment!! That would be every fucked up kids dream!! Why is it so…… slow? And….. clean? It’s like there’s no passion and I know it’s 100% because everyone was overworked and it was made as a cash grab and not a work of art but like…. Jesus…. You’d think if they could pull the heart out of other shonen they could pull something out of this one but no…
It’s just so sad really. This anime is devoid of the heart in the original. the pure unadulterated mess that reflects life and trauma and fun and love.
No filter. No deep analysis. Just the message to live! even if it’s hard! Even if it’s for something stupid! Even if you fuck up and feel like a loser! Its worth it! Live!” And it’s vomited up in the form of the raw garbage that a teenage boy like Denji would understand…. the joy of killing zombies, the stupid conversations you have with your sister, the fights you get into at school/work and your first crush on a girl… All of those “stupid” things matter! It’s all part of a bigger thing and it’s ok to not understand it as long as you know it’s worth living for. You don’t need a perfect life. You just need love! And isn’t it fucked up how little someone can want when theyve never known what it’s like to have? Isn’t our world just so fucked up where people can manipulate you and hurt you and there’s no reason for it? shit just happens and it’s hard and it hurts and even so… it’s still worth it…. In the face of the impossible you will come out the other side and you will eat food in your apartment… and you will walk some dogs… you will know love and happiness… and you will be ok…
It’s simple. It’s awkward. It’s raw and painful. Its your middle school diary with all its cringe and childish joy.
“Wouldn’t it be cool if there was food at home and the bullies didn’t pick on me and there was someone who loved me?”
“Wouldn’t it be cool if you had chainsaws for arms?”
Yeah. It would be cool. It would be so fucking cool.
God I love chainsaw man.
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fairy-in-the-snow · 2 years
Strange Love - Part 1 (?) Eddie Munson x reader
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pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader summary: you try your best to hide your feelings as you help Eddie recover from a broken heart. warnings: extreme angst, swearing, unrequited love (for now), A LOT of pining, Chrissy slander (im so sorry girl), slightly suggestive themes word count: 2k
A/N: Honestly this is so wild, I haven't written any fanfiction in such a long time and this one character has single-handedly lit a fire under my ass lmfao. I have been consuming Eddie content all across this damn app like a woman starved so I wanted to contribute <3 Any feedback is welcome, and my submission box is open if y'all have any requests! I'm pretty much willing to write anything (NSFW included, lord knows i am so thirsty for this man) so don't be shy!!
Enjoy, and let me know if y'all want a PART 2! <3
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You knew that she still liked him. It was obvious. You could see it in the fleeting glances she cast his way when he wasn’t looking, eyes full of faraway longing…but also mixed with an almost tangible bitterness. Their relationship hadn’t ended on the best of terms, to put it lightly. It had been a strange and unexpected pairing, one that took everybody by surprise. You had all been calling bets behind their backs (in an admittedly petty move) to see just how long it would last. You strongly suspected that they were only drawn to one another because they were such total opposites; so far removed from eachother’s worlds that they couldn’t help but chase their unusual magnetism and see where it led them. It all began when Eddie started selling her weed after school.
…And it all ended when she shattered Eddie’s heart into a thousand tiny, fragile pieces. One day after school, he had sought her out on the pitches after Hellfire, hoping to catch her before she finished cheer practice. And oh boy, did he catch her – with Jason Carver’s tongue down her throat. If it had been anyone else but Eddie, you would’ve found the whole situation so laughably cliché. Two high-school hot shots, the jock and the cheerleader no less, swapping spit under the bleachers? It was so pathetically obvious. You hadn’t been there, of course, (and thank god for her that you weren’t) but from what Eddie had told you, her excuses had been just as typical. It was a mistake. It’s not what it looks like (classic). You’re the only boy for me. I wasn’t thinking straight. Give me a chance to explain! The thought of her and what she did to Eddie, how she treated him, made your blood boil, and you had to make a deliberate point of avoiding her during school so that you didn’t get violent. You knew that she was no good for Eddie; after all, she may not have bullied him directly, but she was complicit in Jason’s cruel mistreatment. She never stopped him. Never came to his rescue. As far as you were concerned, she and Jason deserved eachother.
You felt bad for expecting things to turn sour between them, but Eddie was the only person who couldn’t see it until it was too late. The damage had already been done.
You had been the one to pick up the pieces afterwards, and you did it gladly. You would have offered him every single piece of yourself if it made his pain go away, even for a moment. Long nights were spent in his trailer, soothing him to sleep with your hands in his hair as he sobbed and hiccupped into your lap. You had gotten used to the warmth of his body beside you in bed, his slow breathing and gentle snores. Sometimes he would even reach for you in his sleep, and you would let him pull you close to his broad chest, your own heart fluttering wildly inside your ribcage as you imagined him doing this because he wanted you. But then, a soft “Chrissy…” would fall from his perfect lips as he slept, and the spell would be broken. Tonight was one of those nights.
You peeled yourself away from him with a soft sigh, and allowed the cold to settle in your bones as you moved to the far side of the bed and stared at the ceiling. You tried so hard not to think about your feelings for Eddie, but fuck, it was impossible when you spent so much time together and he took up all the space in your stupid, traitorous brain. When you closed your eyes, all you could see was him. His sweet, velvety brown eyes that dripped with kindness and warmth, so full of depth and beauty that you felt weak in the knees anytime his honeyed gaze fell on you. His plump lips that you wanted to catch between your teeth, and the way they would lift into a soft smile when he opened the trailer door to welcome you inside. The way his dark hair fell in soft, cherubic curls around his face, framing it perfectly, following the pale slope of his neck…He was like something carved from the heavens, and you wanted nothing more than to fall to your knees and worship him like he deserved.
It hurt you deeply to know that he could never feel the same about you. How could he? Your heart clenched painfully in your chest as you thought about the way he whispered her name, like a prayer. Even in sleep, he could not escape her. In the deepest caverns of his subconscious, she was the one persisting thought. Your jealousy made you weak with guilt. It was selfish of you to have these thoughts, when he needed you the most. But they were insidious, seeping into your brain like an infection, no matter how hard you tried to banish them. All you wanted was to put the pieces of his heart back together. You yearned for happiness to return to him. Even if every moment you spent soothing him was just another dagger to your chest.
He shifted in his sleep, and you snapped out of your thoughts. You rolled onto your side to face him, biting your lip softly. He looked beautiful. Dark lashes brushed against his pale cheeks that held the faintest dusting of pink, and his hair fanned out on the pillow forming a delicate halo around his head. His lips parted gently as he exhaled, the calming rise and fall of his chest almost lulling you to sleep yourself.
“I’m so sorry, Eddie…” You whispered gently, clutching your pillow, “I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” Your lip trembled a little at your confession, and you could feel the tell-tale lump growing in your throat. You had finally said it out loud.
It was so hard. So fucking hard.
You swallowed thickly, squeezing your eyes shut as silent tears escaped down your cheeks. After all these months, it was now your turn to cry. You had never felt more alone than you did in that moment, crying right next to the one person who made you feel so whole yet so empty at the same time.
You turned your back on him in an attempt to salvage some privacy. He slept like the dead most nights, so you were fairly certain you could have this moment to yourself uninterrupted. You needed it. You were hoping if you let out some of the pent-up emotion that had been festering inside you, that it would act like a sort of…reset button and you could act like nothing happened come morning.
You whimpered softly, allowing the tears to flow. Once you began, it was like you couldn’t stop. You weren’t sure how long you lay there in the darkness, crying, tasting the bitter salt of your own tears. Your breathing became shallow and uneven, though you used your pillow to muffle the sound. Eddie’s comforting scent filled your nose and it made you sob harder, knowing how close he was to you and yet so desperately out of reach.
“y/n?” A soft voice called out your name, still heavy with sleep.
Oh fuck. The shock of his voice made you jolt, your veins turned to ice. You tried your best to regulate your breathing and calm down, but you had worked yourself up too much and you gasped for air, trembling as you tried to hide yourself from him under the covers. Panic was bubbling in your chest, catching the breath in your throat and making you sweat. He can’t see you like this! Oh, God…Oh God, he can’t find out. Fuck, I’m gonna die, I-
“Y/n?” This time clearer now, more aware. “Hey…fuck, are you crying?” You heard him sit up sharply, moving towards you in an instant. Before you knew what was happening, he had swept you into his arms and was stroking your hair, shushing you gently and rocking back and forth in an attempt to calm you. You felt dizzy, shaking at the warmth of his touch as you sank into it, burying your head into his neck as your tears mingled with his soft skin. His arms…they felt so strong and secure, wrapped around you like this, you wished so desperately that you could stay like this forever.
You didn’t know how much time had passed, but eventually, your breathing evened out and the tears began to slow. Eddie soon realised this, moving his hands to gently grab your chin and tilt your head towards him. You felt the cool bite of his rings on your flesh and shivered.
“Sweetheart, what happened?” He asked softly, wiping a stray tear from your cheek with his thumb.
You wished he wouldn’t call you that, but you also delighted in it at the same time. You swallowed thickly, trying to find words. “I-…I think I had a nightmare.” It wasn’t exactly a lie; everything felt like a nightmare right now.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Eddie moved his hands down to clasp your own, and your heart skipped a beat at the feel of his rough, calloused palms. His thumb ghosted softy over my knuckles, reassuring you with the gentlest of touches. A light flush bloomed across your cheeks and you hoped to God he couldn’t see you in the dark.
“Not really…It’s all fuzzy anyways.” You sniffed and looked down, not wanting to meet his eyes.
“Eyes up here, sweetheart,” Eddie tapped your chin gently, encouraging you to look at him. “If you don’t wanna talk about it, that’s cool. But no more tears, alright? I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere until I see that cute smile of yours.” He pinched your cheek playfully and you couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at your lips. His natural charm was hard to resist.
“Lucky for you, I have just the thing to help you relax.” He threw a wink at you. You knew exactly what he meant by that, and you welcomed the distraction. You were thankful that he was obviously trying to ease you further by acting casual.
“You’re about to make my day, Munson.” You were starting to feel normal again.
Eddie laughed, and the sound went straight between your thighs. A dull, hateful heat has been gathering there since he first touched you and the deep sense of shame that washes over you was overwhelming. He leaned over you and reached for the lamp on his bedside table, flicking it on and bathing the room in a soft, comforting glow. You tried not to stare at his shirtless torso, but you couldn’t help stealing a glance at the tattoos etched into his skin. Your eyes lingered over the bats on his forearm, and he must have caught you looking.
“You like that one?” He asked in amusement, grabbing his rolling tray and settling it into his lap.
“I’ve always liked that one.”
He hummed in approval as he opened a small baggy. The smell was just as pungent as it always was, causing you to wrinkle your nose. “Fuck, that shit is rancid.”
“Only the best for my girl. This one will send you to space, sweetheart.”
God knows I need it, you groaned internally.
You really tried to ignore the pet names. He used them with you all the time, but you were usually quick to brush them off. Tonight, however, you were like an exposed nerve; a thousand times more sensitive to his teasing. You were honestly a little worried that smoking in your current state would make you more careless with your words, but you couldn’t deny that a small part of you was just dying to confess and get all your shit out in the open with him. You were playing a dangerous game.
This night could get interesting.
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tilbageidanmark · 1 year
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Movies I watched this Week #114 (Year 3/Week 10):
Innocence Lost in Close, my 2nd sensitive drama by Belgian Lukas Dhont. Movingly and tenderly it details an intimate friendship - love, rather - between two 13-year-old boys. The script, style and direction are flawless and restrained, and the acting of the two amateur teens is pitch-perfect. 10/10.
I really should watch ‘Girl’, his debut film, again.
From the 5 Oscar nominees for Best International feature this weekend I’m missing only ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ by now. My favorite is still ‘The Quiet Girl’, with this ‘Close’ a close second.
3 from Portugal:
🍿 A landmark of Portuguese New Cinema and Paulo Rocha's underrated debut masterpiece The Green Years ('Os Verdes Anos'). A naive 19-year-old boy from the provinces come to Big City Lisbon of 1963, finds a job as a cobbler assistant, and falls in love with a pretty housemaid. Beautifully gentle and nostalgic, also leisurely-episodic and unrestrained - with a shocking finale. 7/10.
🍿 “...Everything I’m telling you is not reality, but tales...”
Tabu by Miguel Gomez, a black & white magical realist story of madness, obsession and colonialism. A heartbroken explorer commits suicide by jumping into a river infested with crocodiles. A kind middle-aged women tries to help her delusional neighbor who lives in the apartment next door, together with her black maid. A search for a mystery man who committed a grave sin many years ago and miles away. All those and more are mixed into a poetic metaphor of lost love and lost empire.
Mesmerizing and engrossing, melancholic and transcendental - The best film of the week!
(The only issue I had with the story is that it talks of the past in “Africa” instead of Mozambique, but maybe this is how they talk about it now, I don’t know)
🍿 Ice Merchants, a wordless, enigmatic story about loss which was Oscar nominated for this year’s animated short. It tells of a father and son who live alone in a cabin hanging on a side of a mountain thousands of meter above the ground. Every day they parachute in tandem down to the village below, to sell the ice they gather up there. And every time they jump down, they lose their hats.
Allegro Non Troppo, my first by Italian animator Bruno Bozzetto, creator of the ‘Signor Rossi’ cartoon character. It’s a low-rent Italian ‘Fantasia’, a light-hearted feature that showcases psychedelic animations to 6 classic evergreens, including a dance of sugar molecules inside a bottle of Coca-Cola to the tune of Ravel’s Bolero, as well as pieces by Debussy, Dvořák, Sibelius, Stravinsky, and Vivaldi. It specifically asks to be be compared as a parody of the superior Disney original.
2 by new French director Constance Meyer, both with Gérard Depardieu:
🍿 Another wonderful random discovery: Robust, a powerful debut feature by a young female director (who doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page). It’s a terrific story of two larger-than-life people: Depardieu as an aging, seriously-overweight and lonely superstar, disgusted with life and wishing to be dead. And a black, 22-year-old, 300-lbs. female wrestler who’s assigned to be his helper/bodyguard for a month, and who is not intimidated by his fame or reckless behavior. The two fantastic professionals develop an unlikely relationship without pity or allusions. The young no-bullshit security guard character (Déborah Lukumuena) is a revelation: she’s surprisingly well-rounded, highly-talented in her own right, strong, confident and sexual, with a skinny boyfriend she holds at arm’s length.
I loved its physicality, and will highly recommend it. The trailer. 9/10. 
🍿 Mayer directed only 2 short films before ‘Robust’, both of them also with Depardieu: ‘Frank-Étienne Towards Grace’ (which I cannot find online) and Rhapsody from 2016. It’s an inexplicable poetic story of an old, heavy loner who lives in a small tower apartment, and takes care of a tiny baby the neighbor leaves with him every morning. 
Naked Normandy (2018), a light and charming French comedy about French mayor Francois Cluzet who has to convince his villagers to pose naked in a field for a famous American photographer. Toby Jones is obviously Spencer Tunick, and the field he wants to stage his photograph is obviously Windows XP ‘Bliss, “the most viewed photograph in history”. 6/10.
My life as a zucchini, a stop-motion animated Swiss film that was Oscar-nominated in 2016. In Aardman Studio-style, it tells a sweet and sad story about a little boy who kills his alcoholic mom by accident, and who is sent to an orphanage with 6 other unfortunate kids. It was written by my favorite director Céline Sciamma. Heartfelt and compassionate. (Photo Above).    
2 with Dean Stockwell:
🍿 I haven’t seen much of Francis Ford Coppola’s last 30+ years (Except of Godfather 3, of course), so I sought his 1987 Gardens of Stone. Another polemic of his about the Vietnam War, it tells of the guards at the Arlington National Cemetery who perform the military kabuki mass-burying dead soldiers. The theater is beautiful, but the drama is a bit outdated. With peak Anjelica Huston and concert promoter Bill Graham (who had a flourishing film career at that time), James Earl Jones, and many others. 3/10.
🍿 I didn’t realize that Stockwell’s career "spanned seven decades” and that he started as a child actor, with his breakthrough role as a young boy in the musical Anchors aweigh. A terrible story of two naive sailors on a shore leave in Hollywood, with thin, virginal Frank Sinatra, and buddy Gene Kelly, both acting and behaving like two six-graders who just discover ‘Dames’. Even the singing and tap dancing numbers are third-grade. It’s notable for the scene when Gene Kelly appears with the animated Tom and Jerry, but this is the only watchable scene that is not dull. 2/10.
Love letters from 1953, the first film directed by the actress Kinuyo Tanaka, who was the second woman to have a career as a film director in Japan. It’s a romance story about post-war Japan still bearing the scars of the occupation and assimilation. A former prisoner-of-war gets a job writing English-language love letters for females whose GI lovers went back to America. An interesting melodrama.
After loving the John Cho thriller ‘Searching’ (I saw it 4 times last year!) I was not looking forward to the director’s new “standalone sequel” (because sequels!). The 'Screenlife’ genre where all events are shown on computer, smartphones and tablets is clever, and the team behind it have already produced 4-5 movies just like that. The best thing to say about the new version. Missing, is that it’s exactly the same as the surprise hit from 5 years ago. The only difference is that instead of a father looking for his missing daughter. it’s the daughter looking for her missing mother. So it’s strange, they decided to go that way, surely for viewers new to the set-up. On the other hand, for the old fans, it’s completely redundant. 5/10.
2 new documentaries with 100% Tomato score:
🍿 Following last week’s discovery of Charles Burnett’s neglected black masterpiece ‘Killer of Sheep’, I was happy to dig into Is That Black Enough for You?!? Film critic Elvis Mitchell’s essay about the legacy of African-American film history from the silent era to its Golden Age of the 1970′s. Samples of hundreds of black movies that were lost, forgotten, censured and white-washed, left me with a big new list of movies to look forward to.
However, his encyclopedic knowledge of the topic was delivered too hurriedly and without digging deep into any particular point. The only overreaching impression is how inherently racist Hollywood’s Amerika had always been. 6/10.
🍿 Ron Howard’s portrait of big-time humanitarian / celebrity chef José Andrés, We feed people. Andrés established his non profit organization ‘World Central Kitchen’, which cooks for survivors after natural disasters. A mix of touching scenes of destruction, together with the usual TV-documentaries blandness. Not 100% for me.
Another Oscar-nominated Chilean docudrama - with “only” 94% Tomato-score - The Mole Agent, has a wonderful premise: An 84-year-old man answers an employment ad that specifically asks for a very old candidate. His job is to infiltrate a Santiago nursing home, pose as an applicant resident there, and investigate undercover if there’s truth to the claims of abuse toward the mostly female residents. In the course of the 3 months he lives there, he uses clandestine recordings, micro camera pen and Google-type glasses to send daily reports to an off-site investigator. 
I guess it “is” a documentary, in the sense that obviously the location and residents are real, but it’s better not to regard it as a documentary in the strict sense, because it’s obviously filmed with a supporting crew and with the approval from the nursing home.
The very human stories of the old ladies at the end of their lives is moving and fascinating. 8/10.
This is my 26th film in 2023 directed by a woman. I am excited about director Maite Alberdi’s new film ‘The Eternal Memory’.
Following Elvis Mitchell’s advise (above), I started with Harry Belafonte’s brave 1959 Film Noir Odds Against Tomorrow. It’s an expertly-scripted plot by blacklisted Araham Polonsky, who was credited for the screenplay under another name. Crisp, tight and engaging classic about 3 small timers who try to rob a bank, ring leader Ed Begley, suave nightclub singer Belafonte, and racist ex-con SOB Robert Ryan who doesn’t want to take a job with a colored man. A terrific heist gone awry story with racial undertones. 8/10.
I used to like Bo Widerberg since his ‘Elvira Madigan’ days. His 1984 The man from Majorca is a highly-enjoyable Nordic style police procedural with cover-ups and conspiracies galore. It is often compared to ‘The French Connection’. The lead is played by ‘Uncle Gunnar’ from ‘My life as a dog’. 7/10.
After reading the new Atlantic’s portrait 'Schwarzenegger’s Last Act’, I watched Pumping Iron, the Reality TV documentary that put bodybuilding on the map. I can’t believe I was lifting weights too for about 2 years around that time. 3/10.
Predestination, a bullshit Australian science-fiction story, complicated and stupid, unfolded as a “Barroom story”. Pre-Succession doppelganger Sarah Snook (one as a woman and one after a sex assignment surgery, where she looks like a young Leonardo DiCaprio) and horribly-playing Ethan Hawke ham it out. 2/10.
There are Jews in the world, there are Buddhists There are Hindus and Mormons, and then There are those that follow Mohammed, but I've never been one of them...
The meaning of life, Monty Python’s final film, aged very well! Still surreal, irreverent, funny and full of extraordinary violence. Also with 4 Superb musical numbers: ‘Every sperm is sacred’, ‘The Galaxy Song’, ‘The Penis song’ and ‘Christmas in heaven’. And some genial scenes and situations: “Find the Fish”, "Live Organ Transplants", "Oh shit—it's Mr. Creosote!". Also the standalone swashbuckling introduction of ‘The Crimson Permanent Assurance' (with young Max Headroom!). 9/10.
“NOW! Sex, Sex, sex....”
Throw-back to the art project:  
Monty Python Adora.
(My complete movie list is here)
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fearsmagazine · 2 years
COCAINE BEAR | Red Band Trailer & Poster
Inspired by the 1985 true story of a drug runner's plane crash, missing cocaine, and the black bear that ate it, this wild dark comedy finds an oddball group of cops, criminals, tourists and teens converging in a Georgia forest where a 500- pound apex predator has ingested a staggering amount of cocaine and gone on a coke-fueled rampage for more blow … and blood.
Cocaine Bear stars Keri Russell (The Americans), O’Shea Jackson, Jr. (Straight Outta Compton), Christian Convery-Jennings (Sweet Tooth), Alden Ehrenreich (Solo: A Star Wars Story), Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Modern Family), Brooklynn Prince (The Florida Project), Isiah Whitlock Jr. (BlacKkKlansman), Kristofer Hivju (Game of Thrones), Hannah Hoekstra (2019’s Charlie’s Angels) and Aaron Holliday (Sharp Objects), with with Emmy winner Margo Martindale (The Americans) and Emmy winner Ray Liotta (The Many Saints of Newark).
Directed by Elizabeth Banks (Charlie’s Angels, Pitch Perfect 2) from a screenplay by Jimmy Warden (The Babysitter: Killer Queen), Cocaine Bear is produced by Oscar® winners Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, The Mitchells vs. The Machines) for Lord Miller, Elizabeth Banks (Pitch Perfect franchise) and Max Handelman (Pitch Perfect franchise) for Brownstone Productions, Brian Duffield (Spontaneous) for Jurassic Party Productions and Aditya Sood (The Martian) for Lord Miller. The film is executive produced by Robin Mulcahy Fisichella, Alison Small and Nikki Baida.
COCAINE BEAR – In Theaters February 24th, 2023.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Hi! Here I am with another piece of fanmail :) I just finished listening to part 2 of the VIIBE awards, your podcast with @shortpplfedup, and enjoyed it just as much as the first episode!
Your industry discussion was really interesting. I really loved listening and thinking about your discussion! I neither have perfect pitch nor have knowledge about film criticism, but as a self-proclaimed Hwang Da Seul fan, I am really happy you gave her the best director award!! (Blueming was one of my favourites of 2022). Nothing will beat the itsay soundtrack for me (the drama of it all) but i did really enjoy the music in Bad Buddy (also the music in Not Me). I also really appreciated you naming the screenwriters, because it is important to talk about other people who work on the production, not just the director and the actors!
Your discussion about queerness in bl productions also really intrigued me. I always think about the way these shows are perceived by queer people in the countries the shows are made in/by. I also think about my own relationship to queerness and why bl is such a big interest of mine. How bls show/don't show overt/explicit queerness, which chararacteristics are given to the different characters etc. I look forward to you discussing this at a later date!!
And your future outlook also really spoke to me. It really feels like there is a shift happening. I live in western europe, and I recently went to a book shop in a bigger german town. Half of one shelf of manga (which was two shelves in total) was bl/yaoi manga (they had like ten gl/yuri books), some of which was manga which had already been adapted. A few years ago, there was almost no bl OR gl on the shelf. TANGENT. I do think that production houses are trying to find their footing. I also found your perspective on thai shows being more thai and less "generic setting" to be very interesting. Maybe has to do with bl become a soft power for thailand, like they said in the eclipse? It is a way to showcase the country, so they can be more specific about it? (also, can we get sets like the ones in 3 will be free back? not those generic mansions etc? I liked the sets/locations of the ghost host ghost house mock trailer more than those in the actual series bc they felt distinct. i want more of that, please).
Anyways, this was a big ramble and i hope it is somewhat legible. I really enjoy listening to you talk and as a younger person (late twenties), I really hearing about your perspective on bl and its industry!
Thank you for spending a few hours with us again! It really means a lot that folks are enjoying listening to us talk about shows we like. I am also glad we were able to agree on Hwang Da Seul, because we had a lot of difficulty on the front end when we were discussing directors.
I’m also very curious about where yaoi and yuri fit in the retail space internationally, so thank you for that note as well!
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usagirotten · 2 years
Blue Giant Anime Film's Trailer
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The official website for the anime film adaptation of Shinichi Ishizuka's Blue Giant manga unveiled a new trailer and poster visual for the film on Friday. The trailer reveals the main cast and more staff members for the film.  The cast members include (left to right in image above): - Amane Okayama (live-action Kingdom 2, Poetry Angel, Love Disease) as Shunji Tamada, Dai's schoolmate - Yuki Yamada (live-action Tokyo Revngers, Shoplifters, One Piece Film Red) as Dai Miyamoto, the protagonist and saxophonist - Shōtarō Mamiya (live-action Tokyo Revngers, Mr. Nietzsche in the Convenience Store) as Yukinori Sawabe, a pianist that protagonist Dai Miyamoto meets in Tokyo   The film will open in Japan on February 17, 2023. Yuzuru Tachikawa (Death Parade, Mob Psycho 100 all three seasons, Deca-Dence) is directing the film at studio NUT. NUMBER 8, the editor of the Blue Giant manga and the story director for the Blue GiantSupreme manga, is writing the screenplay. TOHO animation will distribute the film. World-renowned pianist Hiromi Uehara composes the original music that the film's in-story jazz trio JASS performs, and will also play the piano for the character Yukinori Sawabe. Saxophonist Tomoaki Baba plays the saxophone for the character Dai. Shun Ishiwaka, the drummer of the Millennium Parade band, drums for Shunji Tamada. Seven Seas Entertainment is publishing Ishizuka's 10-volume Blue Giant manga series as five omnibus volumes, and it describes the story: Miyamoto Dai, a student with a taste for basketball, changes his life the first time he sees a live jazz performance. The incredible music strikes a chord deep inside him, and he immediately decides to dedicate himself to the saxophone. He has no skills, no formal training, and no idea what he's up against, but his obsession drives him to play that instrument day after day. Will passion be enough to become the player of his dreams? This award-winning manga from Shinichi Ishizuka, compiled into five omnibus volumes for its English debut, is a pitch-perfect drama about the power of music.
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lowkeyed1 · 2 years
thoughts on Wednesday (Netflix) i have to admit, i liked it! i was wary going into it for a few reasons... tim burton's stuff usually leaves me cold, the trailer was giving me big my immortal vibes, and i really love the addams family so i wasn't sure i'd like something that put most of them aside. but it was overall a couple cons, mostly pros when i watched it. i spent 2 eps going 'do i like this' and 2 eps going 'i'm slightly annoyed i like this' and then i just binged the whole rest of it, lol. cons for me are in the writing department. some dialogue feels a little forced, and the world-building is really kind of vague and hand-wavey in a lot of places, very rowlings-esque tbh -- but on the other hand that leaves a lot of room for fanfic to run with it so i think on the balance i can live with it. pros, though? so many good actresses. jenna ortega is killing it, very magnetic and believable. emma myers as her roommate is ADORABLE and i love her and i ship it so hard. then gwendoline christie is serving, she is always serving, she gives me life and everything i need. and riki lindhome was pitch fucking perfect in her role too. the cinematography is just gorgeous and the framing and lighting are giving all kinds of extra depth to the story moments. gorgeous costuming too.
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