chaoticwomanlove · 1 year
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Last night having a blast😋, eating pizza and drinking piscola with friends😊
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notdiario · 1 year
Pequeños logros
Muchos pequeños logros hacen un gran logro, esa es la base de la filosofía de vida de muchos hombres pero también de algo tan estrictamente "cuadrado" como la carta Gant de algún ingeniero que poco se preocupa de filosofías.
Todos alguna vez hemos soñado con algo que está lejos o muy lejos pero siempre distante de nosotros por una brecha que parece más un barranco de fondo infinito que una simple zanja que sobrepasar de un sólo salto.
A veces logramos que ese sueño o esa meta nos llene de energías nuevas para atrevernos, o simplemente llevar a cabo con mejor ánimo nuestro pesar de rutina diaria y las desdichas propias de la vida en sociedad y este cruel mundo en general.
Esa energía puede durar poco o muy poco pero mas temprano que tarde se acaba y es reemplazada por unas ganas incontrolables de dejar todo hasta ese punto y terminar con el sufrimiento de maneras tan diversas como los mismos pensamientos de cada uno.
Por eso mi filosofía es y espero sea siempre construir y aferrarse a la Carta Gant de nuestro sueño, desarrollar un checklist con pequeñas metas que cumplir y comparar nuestra situación actual con el ayer más que con el objetivo final, si hoy estoy mejor que ayer y un poquito más cerca de mi sueño entonces tengo un motivo para estar alegre y celebrar.
Hoy para mi fue uno de esos días donde tuve un pequeño "check" en mi gigante "list" y me siento un poco feliz y con la sensación de merecer una pequeña celebración.
O quizás todo esto lo inventé sólo para justificar este exquisito pisco con bebida cola a las 3 am. En fin, sea como sea, Salud!
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trozzort · 2 years
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75ml pisco
125ml bebida cola
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pedropascalito · 2 years
Do you like Pisco
I do! I keep a bottle in my home bar. I like piscola and pisco sours, but my favorite way to drink it is mixed with ginger ale, bitters, a little lemon juice, and sometimes simple sugar syrup if I’m in the mood for something sweeter.
I also like kalimotxo, although everyone makes fun of me for liking it.
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ranarenee · 28 days
Nada peor que un fleto que es heterosexual!!!!
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planjota · 8 months
7 12 36 41 58 70 88 92 ☺️
7: ¿En qué lugar transcurrirían tus vacaciones perfectas?
Ojala ir a Santorini un dia y comerme un completo allá (si, un tocomple en una isla griega)
12: Canción con la que has estado últimamente pegado.
Con estas dos, perdon no hay explicacion jajaja
36: ¿De que color es tu cuarto?
Blanco, la pintura mas barata
41: ¿Te han robado un beso?
58: ¿Cuál es tu peor hábito?
Morderme las uñas
70: ¿Dominas el inglés?
I can dominate you too if I want 😝
88: ¿Una canción cursi que te sepas de memoria?
Esta cuenta como cursi? Porque es mi favorita 🫶🏼
Chaa primero invita algo po jajaja
Vuelva prontos 😝
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canmargesimpson · 7 months
@imthursdaysyme you got me pregnant to the most beautiful idea and now I’m giving birth to it (that’s a weird analogy sorry) AND this is also to my Chilean friend @timefospookies BITCH I KNOW YOU AINT THAT LATINA BUT YOURE GETTING THERE
- he never really knew his father but he knew that he was a piece of shot that no one likes at all
- cut to years later when he is like hella famous and whatever, he does one of those like ethnicity tests and realizes he is 1/4 Chilean. And he’s like… “tf is Chile?”
- he gets home to lock himself in a his room to study about the weird skinny country on the south of america.
-Steve is kinda worried cuz he haven’t come out of the room for like hours ands it’s kinda suspicious
- out of no where Eddie decides that corroded coffin is making a South America tour, as an excuse to visit his some what home country.
- after going country through country they arrive to Chile, he has learned enough Spanish to get by, but little did he know that out of all of the latinoamericanos Chileans are one of the hardest to understand.
-he goes to museum and parks. He eat whatever he found on the street and learned about the basics of the culture
- the night of the concert arrives and he reveals on stage for the first time the reason behind touring
-“so I know it’s weird af to be here because this is actually…. Where I’m from?? A few moths ago I did an ethnicity test and turns out I’m from Chile? I mean it makes sence, I do have awfully dark humor and i am skinny and tall too”
- the crowd goes wild, everyone is shitting themselves rn. Lfter the concert terrier went crazy over the fact that one of greatest metal singer is Chilean.
-after that, his Instagram post got filled with Chilean shit and comments like “WACHITO RICO VEN PA CHILEEE” or “que chileno es este weon?? Si ni siquiera se puede tomar una piscola”
- at first he was scared, because he found out that Chileans can be quite…. Aggressive (I mean the entire country was banned from posting comments on Donald Trump’s Instagram for something)
- he then went to Viña Del Mar to make a comeback and learn some shit. He was now quite fluent in Spanish but you could still tell that he was American by the accent.
-he loved each and every comedian because they all poked at him for being “Chilean” and at the same time calling palta “avocado” or saying “hot dog” instead of “completo”
- after that he just more and more got to learn about the bizarre history behind Chile with Steve. And they loved it so much, since them, they bought a house and spend their vacations on Valdivia looking at the sea lions and Badurrias in the garden
- ALSO he was totally in love with Teletón, since it’s like a thing he never thought South America had, so every year he went to help disabled kids and adults and donating money.
- he comes back as much as posible, and trying to get to see everything from the flowered desert in the north to the glaciers in the south.
- he knew the people where cold but he actually found them quite nice since they all had that same weird sence of humor he did. They also had the same taste as he did, I mean he truly felt at home when he ate a Barros luco for the first time like that shit hit home.
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got7ent · 7 months
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bambam1a: Piscola with protein be like
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vannyqwea · 6 months
Chile será celoso, Pero de esos que te pegan a su cuerpo con gotita, que te hará bajarte al infierno si te lo cagas y tambien lo hará en las relaciones sexuales, le gustara el webeo en las plazas ( me refiero a darse beso hasta de 3), tomar vino o piscola, fumar hasta que escupa smog y irse en palida mientras lee un libro erotico que vale más que su sueldo mínimo para luego pegarse a la pantalla del pc leyendo el nuevo capitulo de one piece mientras escucha twice con sus calzoncillos de power Ranger y un gorro de pikachu, podra ser asi, pero si su pareja quiere terminar, nunca lo va a perseguir.
Lo otro México es un coqueto sin querer, amigable, simplemente le gusta llevarse con todos, aunque ciertos carboneros existan 👉🇦🇷 y este también 👉🇺🇸. Le desea todo lo bonito y dar a cambio de nada. Lo cual eso molesta a chile, no es la actitud en si que le molesta, es que el buenismo de esa manera siempre termina mal, tiene miedo que le hagan mucho daño, por eso el karma es el xD. Igual México siento que podría ser posible que no lo note por estar full enamorado y puede que México tenga más paciencia que chile, incluso por la diferencia de tamaños (quiero hacer un poco más a chile bajito por su superficie, la diferencia es mucha), Pero el que lleva la mayor hostilidad es chile, México lo entiende como que solo quiere protegerlo no ve nada malo en eso (cosa que hasta yo diría "este es mansito").
Si wn la característica de ser coqueto por México es un imán de navajazos para los weones que se relacionen con el, por parte de chile, creo que eso es lo que mas ama y le molesta de manera caprichosa a chile jajaja.
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marteentauro · 10 months
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Piscolas y besos 🩵
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eirinstiva · 2 months
El señor de la noche
Second chapter of Mr. Justice Raffles arrived thanks to my dear Bunny Manders. It's time to get my evening clothes and a bit of alcohol to deal with the antisemitism a piscola.
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How we laughed as we turned into Whitehall! I began to feel I had been wrong about Raffles after all, and that enhanced my mirth. Surely this was the old gay rascal, (...) In the London lamplight that he loved so well, under a starry sky of an almost theatrical blue, he looked another man already.
"Gay rascal" is the best description of Raffles I've read so far. This feels like a really good night for Bunny, being gay and forgetting crime.
Nevertheless I could detect a serious side to my companion's mood, especially when he spoke once more of Teddy Garland, and told me that he had cabled to him also before leaving Carlsbad. 
Jealousy??? Maybe~
I followed rather heavily. It was not jealousy, but I did feel rather critical of this mushroom intimacy. So I followed up, feeling that the evening was spoilt for me—and God knows I was right! 
Yeah, jealousy~
He did not advance to grasp Raffles by the hand; there was no answering smile of welcome on the fresh young face which used to remind me of the Phoebus in Guido's Aurora, with its healthy pink and bronze, and its hazel eye like clear amber. 
Ok, not jealousy. Teddy is a very handsome man, just look at L'Aurora by Guido Reni:
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Teddy, just like Bunny in The Ides of March is drowning in debts, feeling suicidal and having AJ as their saviours, but this time the one receiving attention is not Bunny, so phrases like "His love for the lad had rung out in his first greeting", "he had never thought of it since mentioning the matter to me at our meal" had a hint of jealousy more than pity. Teddy is an Apollo ready to steal cheques while Bunny is a bit more coward and his moustache weaker than a teenager's. Insecurity is here~
I never heard a man more down upon himself, or confession of error couched in stronger terms; and yet there was something so sincere and ingenuous in his remorse, something that Raffles and I had lost so long ago, that in our hearts I am sure we took his follies more seriously than our own crimes. 
Mmm... did Bunny remember what he wrote on The Ides of March? Maybe he doesn't want to remember...
Raffles was following intently, with that complete concentration which was a signal force in his equipment. His face no longer changed at anything he heard; it was as strenuously attentive as that of any judge upon the bench. Never had I clearer vision of the man he might have been but for the kink in his nature which had made him what he was.
This feels like Watson talking about Holmes!!! Well, Raffles is smart but he uses that brilliant mind for crime, and Bunny is so loyal as Watson but his style of writing is more emotional.
Once more he was a soul in torments of despair and degradation; and yet once more did the absence of the abject in man and manner redeem him from the depths of either. In these moments of reaction he was pitiful, but not contemptible, much less unlovable. Indeed, I could see the qualities that had won the heart of Raffles as I had never seen them before.
Raffles and Bunny are slowly feeling pity for Teddy, and Raffles is ready to help him but not by inviting him to do crimes, but by giving him a place to sleep.
"But you haven't got a bed, Raffles?" "You shall have mine. I hardly ever go to bed—do I, Bunny?" "I've seldom seen you there," said I.
Raffles. Are you a night owl? A vampire? or are you... the lord of the night?
(Old school reggaeton 🕺)
The lord of the night I am half man, half animal~ The lord of the night~You better escape or he's going to kill you~ The lord of the night You shouldn't play with your heart to me, to me~~~
According to Raffles Redux, sonmol was a name invented by Hornung, if it is an opioid it's a bad idea to mix it with alcohol, but Raffles is clearly thinking in their next steps. it's time to wait for the next chapter.
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revistapipazo · 7 months
Año nuevo en el mal
Con Enriqueta llevamos tres años juntos; como todos los pololos después de tanto tiempo, nos detestamos con juvenil entusiasmo. Cada semana nos mandamos a la chucha y humillamos en público; de vez en cuando, muertos de curados, nos pegamos sus buenos coscachos para el deleite de familiares y conocidos. ¿Y por qué chucha seguimos juntos? Porque nos amamorsh demasiadorsh y nadie puede comprender los pequeños inconvenientes domésticos, magulladuras, ojos en tinta y TECs abiertos causados por quererse tanto.
Un buen día -hastiados de la rutina de poca cacha y mucho charchazo- decidimos que sería una estupenda idea pasar el Año Nuevo en Valparaíso. Tomaditos de la mano, contemplaríamos en vivo el espectáculo pirotécnico que cada 1 de enero deleita al pueblo enfiestado a través de la señal de UCV Televisión.
Acompañados de dos de sus amiguetes, partimos ese 31 de diciembre a las 5 PM hacia el litoral; llenos de esperanza, nos prometemos una jornada inolvidable. El taco para el peaje de Lo Prado, empero, comienza a la altura de Matucana: Enriqueta, algo irritada, me culpa hasta del calentamiento global. “Hueón reculiao, ¿cómo se te ocurre partir tan tarde, maricón reconchetumare hijo de la gran perra”, me explica frente al respetable. Yo manejo nomás. Tras cuatro horas de agradable viaje llegamos al puerto; aunque los ánimos están algo caldeados, pongo mi mejor cara de imbécil y pago con alegría las cinco lucas que nos cobra un joven emprendedor para no hacernos bolsa el auto.
Partimos entonces a buscar un mirador desde el cual disfrutar de los fuegos artificiales. Enriqueta, siempre sedienta, saca un par de botellas de piscola hecha en casa que procede a empinarse al seco sin siquiera convidar. Como resulta fácil de adivinar, la inmunda ciudad transpira gente y encontrar un puto sitio vacío es misión imposible. Caminamos como los hueones por todos los cerros de basura y el borde costero mientras mi amorcito luce una cara cada vez más cercana a la del Chacal de Nahueltoro antes de pitearse a toda su familia. Tiemblo anticipando una tragedia.
Entonces, de milagro, diviso en lontananza un huequito al lado del mar. “¡Te dije que íbamos a pasarlo la raja!”, le grito triunfal tras acomodar nuestros culos en la piedra minutos antes del inicio del show. Cuando estalla el primer petardo, abrazo conmovido a la compañera de mis días, quien refleja en sus ojos algo que podríamos denominar cariño embrutecido.
Veinte segundos más tarde, sin embargo, sucede lo inevitable: desde los cerros baja la catarata de aguas servidas que cae el mar justo debajo nuestro, pues estamos sentados sobre el desagüe una matriz de alcantarillado (lo que explica la total ausencia de parroquianos alrededor nuestro). Y así, mojaditos y bien pasados a caca, pasamos el resto de la noche insultándonos y sacándonos cresta y media.
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gnarlyeddy · 2 years
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escuchando esta rola tomando piscola (chilenos en barcelona)
lines only
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tiemposviolent0s · 2 months
Favorite cold alcoholic beverage?
beer, wine, gin (with everything actually), martini, piscola and aperol spritz !!
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l0v3m3l0v3 · 3 months
quisiera hacer todo lo
que compartes 😏
piscola y completitos? jj
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queen-of-the-cloudsss · 7 months
Tu ig. ?
invita unas piscolas primero
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