#pippa toole
banafanax · 5 months
New favorite vibe: Pentecostal pastor who's fed up that people won't stop dancing and that the band won't stop playing. The rich religious man just wants to go home.
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
Have you read HR with the hero or heroine wearing glasses?
Yeah for sure!
Never Seduce a Duke by Vivienne Lorret--I think this one actually has a little poem about how the duke wears glasses lol.
Married by Morning by Lisa Kleypas--Catherine Marks wears glasses and Leo naturally wants to fuck her constantly. In Tempt Me at Twilight there's a moment when he fantasizes about her spread out naked and wearing her glasses after he's railed her. Then of course it goes "he decided to bother her" because it's them.
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas--Sara wears glasses, and Derek Craven steals them because he's a freak like that.
(Also.... I need people to get reading comprehension because while I don't expect everyone to love this book, I recently brought this moment of as an example of how Derek is clearly stuck on Sara and doesn't understand the feeling and takes the glasses because he's obsessed and wants something of hers... And someone goes "I just thought he did that to be a tool". Jesus Christ people. Read between the lines, I fucking beg. Again, you don't have to like him, but for the sake of writers please try to understand subtlety and nuance lol.)
Lord of Darkness by Elizabeth Hoyt. Godric wears glasses, and also wears a sleeping outfit that sounds like he's Ebeneezer Scrooge.
One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean. Pippa wears glasses and is a general scientist type. I think Adelaide may wear glasses at points in Heartbreaker as well?
The Truth About Cads and Dukes by Elisa Braden. I'm not 10000% certain, but I think Jane wears glasses. Either way, dude, Harrison is ready to bend her over a table at any given moment.
A Week to Be Wicked by Tessa Dare. I can't remember if Minerva wears glasses or is just a massive nerd, but I think she does wear them.
The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian. I think Kit wears glasses.
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functionalmoron · 5 months
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Pippa Toole
Rowland S Howard
#pippatoole #rowlandshoward #crownedprinceofthecryingjag #arttochokehearts
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purplerakath · 3 months
Dissecting an Adaptation - A Good Girl's Guide to Murder
Adaptation is one of those weird topics. It's 'bad' because it changes things. But if it doesn't change things, its still bad. A no win scenario as you turn one thing into itself from a new angle. And a lot of the time people don't look at why it made changes, or what those changes do. Or how those changes play into the nature of the story.
TV, Film, Books, Comics, and Video Games have different tools, different rules, and different ways to do the same thing: tell a story.
This will have spoilers for both the first book, and the for season one of the series. I won't spend a lot of time on changes that impact books 2 and 3 (there are some) and won't go far enough to really qualify as spoilers for those two works.
Adaptations of Structure
The biggest change is the tools a work has to use, and the costs those tools have to use, which covers a lot of the bigger changes in the first season.
(I read the US version of the books, but won't be discussing anything to do with how those read differently from the international version.)
The books switch between three forms of writing over the course of it, narrative prose as normal for a novel, log entries written in character for Pip, and interview transcripts/text exchanges. These change the flow of how the book reads as they are written in different styles. They're very good for a written book, but won't do nearly as much good in a TV show.
Even just stopping for Pip to listen to a full interview wouldn't actually do much visually in an audio-visual medium like TV.
Which covers why almost everything from those is missing. The interviews Pippa does are all done in narrative without a break to a new format to make it clear what's going on. And this is, overall, fine. As much as Pippa's catfishing email exchanges are really good for showing how clever and duplicitous Pip can be, they don't play well in video.
Adaptations of Tempo
Books can cover a longer space of time than a TV show does, TV shows want some continuity of motion. Nothing as exact as 24's 1:1 time flow, but you want an episode to be days not weeks. A season to be months not years (back when seasons were 20+ episodes and not 6-8 episodes).
Which is bad if you're, say, unraveling a mystery. And you want the story to circle back to previous lies, previous interesting characters who graduate to suspects. Lies that become motives. But six episodes means we can't spend too much time chasing our tails.
This also means that a lot of characters who are there to fill space... can just be rolled into another character. Chloe Burch's role in the story being rolled into Nat's character is a good example of this. Ant Lowe being exiled from Pip's friend group is another good one.
There are problems, Stanley Forbes is entirely absent from this version. Similarly we don't see Mr. Singh or Mrs. Bell. And Jason isn't remarried. These all matter to a degree, but they also don't matter right now. And the room for these characters to show up in later seasons (if renewed) is there, so they will be around when we need them.
It's just a little bit of a problem.
Adaptations of Tone
Books have a tougher time with subtext, probably due to them just being text. You have what's there, and nothing else. The audiobook has a fullcast so there might be some read directions on dialog, but you can't rely on that to tell you anything if you're reading the paperback or an epub. So a lot less of it can be about what isn't there.
But when you have actors you can do so much with things that aren't being said out loud. The difference between Book 1 Pipravi as a relationship and Season 1 Pipravi is huge. The book didn't focus on Pip's feelings about Ravi outside of how he was impacted by the case, series Pip is awkwardly trying to work out her emotions over this boy pretty much out of ep 2 and it doesn't stop until she tells him to shut up in Ep 6.
Emma also brings a different sort of intensity to Pip than Book Pip seems to contain. Pip in the book is headstrong, certain of herself (until facts break her), but her need to solve this case is a little less clear in the book (where she's doing this because she thinks its right) vs the show where it's something inside her she has to struggle with.
The other tonal shifts are one of who gets treated kinder by which version of the story. Andie of course is a lot more complex in the books, while the series paints her as a well meaning terrible person. Changing her relationship with Nat is a pretty big one (and really the only shift in the series a fully dislike).
Meanwhile the book spends a lot of time treating Elliot Ward like a good man in a bad situation, that what he did was all moments of weakness and he didn't mean to. The series more firmly paints him as a man with a darkness he hasn't come to grips with, his breakdown in the books makes him less monster than the show. In turn Naomi is given more moments of helping Pip in the series, to lessen her hand in Sal's fate, making her less villainous in Pip's eyes.
These changes on who is framed in kinder light is fairly small on paper, but huge in practice. Changes born (in part) from the tempo of the series being faster. Naomi dodges Pip's questions more in the book, turning her into a more valid suspect. While in the series she's so desperate to tell anyone what happened she let's it slip in the first episode.
Each version does different things well, most of the changes I find indifferent. Because as much as the changes are changes, adding the parameter of acting to it means that they can make characters like Max and Daniel skin crawlingly creepy. And while later books Max is very, very creepy, that's because of what Pip knows not how he was written.
While Henry Ashton knew exactly what he was playing and exactly how to sell it with just his presence on set. And that's got it's own value too.
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sneakydraws · 2 years
i wanna see fifty five goldfinch pieces 💔💔
OKAY!! So I have this little series I like to call the great decompartmentalisation of Theo decker... Let me walk you through it. I promise there's art after the massive paragraph of meandering analysis alright
You know how Theo's life is segmented into these distinct episodes? And how he himself is split into multiple different identities, and how much shame and fear there is associated with the idea of those identities mixing? For example: the straight a student living a completely, delusionally idyllic life with his adoring mother and the vanilla teenage troublemaker breaking into people's summer homes with his shady homoerotic bestie. When the two identities come into contact via his suspension, it leads to the most traumatic event in Theo's life, and honestly I suspect that might be the origin of this tendency towards compartmentalisation... I could go through the whole book here but the most prominent examples are Theo panicking at the thought of Mrs Barbour or his therapist finding out about Hobie, his cutting himself off from New York when in Vegas with his other shady homoerotic bestie (the amount of times Vegas is compared to an alien planet...) and his dual post timeskip identifies of charming antiques salesman/fraudulent art stealing junkie. And this often manifests in Theo's reluctance to let people from his different periods interact - see him rushing to stop Boris from talking to Pippa, and him keeping Hobie in the dark about the blackmail, and isn't it kind of weird that the barbours - Theo's soon to be legal family - don't really interact with Hobie and Pippa? Anyway. Basically I thought it would be cool to make a series of little vignettes of theo allowing the people and places and things that represent various versions of Him to interact and thus symbolically healing the disconnected parts of himself... Or something. I have more ideas scribbled down but somehow the only ones I ended up with proper art for is the various holidays (which, holidays are also a weirdly prevalent theme in tgf? Idk whats up with that but it's a good tool for this purpose) so we have:
Christmas Eve at Boris's, featuring Pippa and Hobie - I feel kinda bad for only ever portraying Boris with polish customs but let's be real I'm just using him to show off my own heritage lol. In Poland the main Xmas celebrations happen on Xmas Eve, traditionally with the appearance of the first star in the sky. You eat the mostly inoffensive barszcz as well some truly vile shit, such as mushroom and cabbage dumplings, mushroom and cabbage salad, other items made of mushrooms and cabbage, and finally the most disgusting dish of my life: Jewish style carp. No, it's not quite the same thing as gefiltefish, although that's the Wikipedia page you might use to get to the actual dish. All washed down with compote which I hate. You also break and eat communion wafers while wishing each other stuff, which Pippa is doing with popchyk here hehe
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Christmas breakfast as a little bonus despite it not having much of a tradition - I associate it with lots of hams/cured meats, gherkins and maybe Tatar sauce (yum). Much superior to the Xmas dinner imho. Really I just wanted Theo and Boris to have a moment to themselves haha
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Christmas proper at the barbours, featuring Boris and Tom cable! I could talk about all the tension and who's diffusing it but honestly I think y'all can draw your own conclusions lol. I just think it would be really funny for the infamous dis-engaged couple to each bring their delinquent boytoys and for Boris the drug dealer to actually come out looking superior
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Vegetarian friendly Thanksgiving at Hobie's, as tradition requires! I think he'd love to throw one of his big Thanksgiving parties purely for all of Theo's families to get to know each other... you know, kind of an elaboration on that Thanksgiving illustration I drew a while back! This would be before all the Christmases I think. Boris is winning Mrs Barbour over with his roguish charm lol I think old ladies would like him... Theo in the corner freaking the hell out as per this project's mission statement lmao
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And on a slightly different note I wanted Theo Pippa and Hobie to all visit weltys grave. I'm borrowing slightly from the polish tradition of all saint's day, when you clean, decorate and light candles on the graves of loved ones.
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anzuhan · 6 months
hiya! i rly enjoy your art and how colorful it is! can i ask how you do your outlines or maybe how you pick colors? i would love to incorporate some of your techniques in my own art ❤️‍🔥
already talked about colors in this ask !
for outlines i just do lineart as usual (or unusual because i do not sketch and just go headfirst into the linework w nothing else prior) and that's about it ;; i cant say anything specific about it. i do play around with lineweight but its all done manually and by speed of each stroke; i draw on a phone with my index finger, so i have no pen pressure. i use no stabilizer either because it annoys me; so i always manually pick the size of the larger strokes too in order to make them, and if i did not get the speed well enough for thinner parts i either erase where i need it to be thinner or stretch it out with the liquify tool. i cannot post speedpaints on here because fsr whenever i do tumblr does not want to post them thru 😭 but you can check out several below from twitter vvv
GSR 2022 miku ceres fauna bday imnotgivingthisoneatitle rabbit hole miku pipkin pippa bday
good luck with your art !!
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whenmemoriesfrost · 1 month
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learning from donna tartt's the goldfinch chapter 4: morphine lollipop (early novel spoilers ahead!)
chapter 4 sees theo meeting pippa (whose story mirrors theo's in some ways) for the first time since the explosion, as well as the beginning of theo's friendship with hobie, and the return of his father a year after he left theo and his mother.
particularly with the introduction of theo's father and his new partner xandra, i've been thinking a lot about dialogue as a characterisation tool. dialogue is probably the thing i struggle with most when writing fiction. i find it difficult to write convincing dialogue that isn't stiff. there's a scene in this chapter where theo has been taken out to dinner at a touristy restaurant, shortly before leaving for las vegas. the dialogue in this scene, as his father tells a story about the budding acting career he had in his youth, is masterful at revealing his father to be a jaded, delusional man without ever explicitly saying it, by having him relay a story that has no real connection to the plot. it's really clever. the two of them really remind me of my rotten uncle and his wife.
my skin crawls when i think of the painting, buried in theo's mind and in the prose. it is this far-away, concealed little burst of tension. it's a real skill to achieve that.
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mikewdriver · 5 months
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Some exciting news! Lucky Frog Studio is hosting a fun packed talks night at the Phoenix Art space in Brighton on May 11th! Grab a ticket!
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nouvxllev · 6 months
Imagine Pippa settling down with reader and having a family with her, has two baby girls, twins and Pippa is over the moon. But she still can’t help but be protective over them, especially when her family is out of the house. Pippa knows to much about what happens to people and she’s extra anxious. But how cute would a mama bear Pippa be around her kids and wife? (All I’m thinking about is a gp Pippa and I’m blushing 🤭🤭)
adorable, cute, endearing, literally all of the above. i do think pip would be extra extra cautious when in outdoor settings, especially when reader is not even anywhere near her so she tries her best to be the best mother of all while still trying to maintain her sanity.
she tries her best not to check up on them since reader is fully-aware of pips situation in the past, so they got all the tools and equipment that pip needs to reassure herself when she's stuck back at home.
but one thing is for certain and its that pippa fitz-amobi is the best fucking mother. obviously, she's still learning, and she often takes a bit of inspiration from her own mother
(also i do think gp pip would be the death of me)
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enlightenedpictures · 2 months
Top Documentary Films of the Decade and Their Impact
Over the past decade, the world of documentary filmmaking has undergone a remarkable transformation. The medium has emerged as a powerful tool for storytelling, social commentary, and inspiring change. In this article, we will explore some of the most impactful documentary films of the last 10 years and examine their lasting influence on both the industry and society.
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1. "A Plastic Ocean" (2016)
"A Plastic Ocean" is a groundbreaking documentary that sheds light on the global plastic pollution crisis. Directed by Craig Leeson, the film takes viewers on a journey across multiple countries, revealing the devastating impact of plastic waste on marine ecosystems and human health. Through harrowing footage and insightful interviews, the film has galvanized worldwide efforts to reduce plastic consumption and implement sustainable waste management practices.
2. "13th" (2016)
Ava DuVernay's "13th" is a powerful exploration of the United States' criminal justice system and its disproportionate impact on African American communities. The film delves into the history of racial inequality, tracing the roots of mass incarceration back to the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery but allowed for the continued exploitation of Black individuals. "13th" has sparked critical discussions about systemic racism and the need for sweeping criminal justice reforms.
3. "Icarus" (2017)
Bryan Fogel's "Icarus" is a gripping exposé of state-sponsored doping in international sports. Initially set out to explore the limits of human performance, the film takes an unexpected turn when Fogel befriends a Russian scientist who reveals the elaborate system of doping and cover-ups in the Russian Olympic program. "Icarus" not only shook the sports world but also highlighted the broader issues of corruption and the pursuit of victory at all costs.
4. "RBG" (2018)
Directed by Betsy West and Julie Cohen, "RBG" is a captivating portrait of the life and legacy of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The film explores Ginsburg's trailblazing legal career, her unwavering commitment to gender equality, and her rise to become an iconic figure in American culture. "RBG" has inspired a new generation of women to pursue careers in law and public service, and it has cemented Ginsburg's status as a cultural icon.
5. "Apollo 11" (2019)
Todd Douglas Miller's "Apollo 11" is a visually stunning and immersive exploration of the historic 1969 moon landing. Utilizing newly discovered archival footage and audio recordings, the film transports viewers back in time, offering a unique perspective on one of the most significant achievements in human history. "Apollo 11" has been praised for its ability to capture the awe and wonder of the space program, rekindling a sense of curiosity and wonder about our place in the universe.
6. "American Factory" (2019)
"American Factory," directed by Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert, examines the complex relationship between American workers and Chinese management in a factory located in Ohio. The film provides a nuanced and insightful look at the cultural and economic tensions that arise when two vastly different work cultures collide. "American Factory" has been lauded for its balanced approach, offering a thought-provoking commentary on the impact of globalization on local communities.
7. "My Octopus Teacher" (2020)
Directed by Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed, "My Octopus Teacher" is a captivating and emotional story of a man's remarkable relationship with a wild octopus. The film explores the intricate and often overlooked world of marine life, while also delving into the personal transformation and spiritual growth of the filmmaker. "My Octopus Teacher" has been praised for its ability to foster a deeper connection and appreciation for the natural world.
8. "Time" (2020)
Garrett Bradley's "Time" is a poignant and intimate documentary that tells the story of a woman's decades-long fight to free her husband from a 60-year prison sentence. The film's powerful exploration of the impact of mass incarceration on families has resonated with audiences and sparked important conversations about criminal justice reform and the human toll of the system.
The documentary films highlighted in this article have not only captivated audiences but have also had a profound impact on the industry and society as a whole. From raising awareness about critical global issues to inspiring personal transformation and social change, these works have demonstrated the power of the documentary medium to inform, educate, and inspire.
As we look to the future, it is clear that documentary filmmaking will continue to play a vital role in shaping our understanding of the world and driving positive change. The creativity, innovation, and social consciousness evident in these films serve as a testament to the enduring relevance and impact of the documentary form.
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whatisthebible · 11 months
What is the Bible
Dr. Shenita Etwaroo is an author whose purpose is to spread compassion and love to others through her writing. Having personally endured and triumphed over abuse and trauma, Shenita attributes her journey towards healing to the unwavering love she received from God, Jesus Christ, her treasured mother, Shirley Savitree, her beloved bunny rabbit, Neon, and her sweet feline companions, Pippa and Ella, along with other furry friends. This profound experience of emerging from personal darkness into a brighter light has inspired her to extend a helping hand to others seeking a similar path towards hope.
Shenita’s personal journey has fueled her passion for helping others who have experienced abuse or victimization as a result of mental illness. Having faced her own battles, she understands the struggles and challenges that individuals in similar situations face.
Through her writing, Shenita provides a comforting and empathetic voice, creating a safe space for those who have suffered to seek solace and understanding. Her words resonate with those who have felt the weight of their illnesses and the stigma associated with them.
With her unwavering commitment to health and well-being, Shenita continues to make a significant impact through her writing. She is dedicated to empowering individuals to take charge of their physical and mental health by providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge to make informed decisions. Shenita’s passion for health and her writing skills make her a invaluable resource for anyone seeking to lead a healthier life.   
Shenita’s remarkable accomplishments include earning doctorate degrees, certificates and diplomas in the fields of biblical studies and healthcare. Her versatility as a writer shines through diverse genres, encompassing long-form fiction and non fiction, short stories, poetry, and articles.
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nbmsports · 1 year
‘Dear England’ Review: When Soccer Success Becomes a Moral Victory
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What makes a good leader? When the unassuming and softly spoken Gareth Southgate was appointed head coach of the England men’s soccer team in 2016, many fans and commentators felt he lacked the kahunas for the role, that he was simply too nice. But in the past seven years he has overseen a remarkable transformation in the England team’s fortunes, making it stronger and more exciting to watch than at any time in recent history.The ups and downs of Southgate’s tenure are portrayed with a blend of playfulness and moral seriousness in “Dear England,” directed by Rupert Goold, which runs at the National Theater, in London, through Aug. 11. It’s a lively, feel-good romp with plenty of irreverent humor, though the narrative borders on hagiography, and its core message about embracing male vulnerability is labored to the point of soppiness.The play chronicles the team’s involvement in three recent major tournaments, starting with its surprise run to the semifinals of the 2018 World Cup in Russia; then comes an agonizing defeat by Italy in the Euro 2020 final, followed by an impressive showing, culminating in an unlucky quarterfinal exit, at last year’s World Cup in Qatar.The on-field action is evoked through dynamic set pieces choreographed by Ellen Kane and Hannes Langolf, in which the players enact key moments in elaborate simulations, complete with slow-motion sequences and freeze-framed goal celebrations. These are kitsch, but mercifully brief, as the bulk of the activity takes place off the pitch: in locker rooms, team meetings and news conferences whose settings are rendered with smart simplicity by the designer Es Devlin.Joseph Fiennes is outstanding as Southgate, who is portrayed as self-effacing but assertive, an approachable father figure to his young charges. Will Close, as England’s captain and star player, Harry Kane, plays up the striker’s famously laconic manner, providing a bathetic counterpoint to the coach’s earnest rhetoric. Adam Hugill is similarly amusing as the defender Harry Maguire, who is portrayed as a lovable simpleton — not the sharpest tool in the box, but solid and dependable. Kel Matsena delivers a spirited performance as Raheem Sterling, who, along with Bukayo Saka (Ebenezer Gyau), speaks out defiantly against racism after England’s Black players are the targets of abuse.The principal female character in this necessarily male-dominated lineup is the sports psychologist Pippa Grange (Gina McKee), hired by Southgate to help the players open up about their feelings and overcome self-doubt. When one unreconstructed member of the coaching staff questions the need for her services, she reminds him that psychology has been at the root of England’s past failures: “This is men, dealing, or not dealing, with fear,” she says.The play’s author, James Graham, is known for political theater, with hits including “Ink” and “Best of Enemies,” and “Dear England” has distinctly activist overtones. Southgate’s mild-mannered disposition, emotional intelligence and leftish politics — he has been supportive of Black Lives Matter and outspoken on mental health issues — are kryptonite to a certain type of reactionary sports jock. So it’s tempting to view his story as a culture-war allegory, pitting touchy-feely liberalism against old-school machismo.Unfortunately the play leans into this a little too heavily, with pantomimic cameos from several of Britain’s recent Conservative prime ministers — Theresa May, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss — pandering to the assumed prejudices of cosmopolitan London theatregoers in a way that comes off as ingratiating and smug. This is ramped up in the second half, which is considerably less funny, and feels rushed: The 2020 and 2022 tournaments are rattled through at speed, in contrast to the more leisurely pacing before the intermission.Southgate’s playing career is best remembered for a decisive miss in a penalty shootout against Germany in the semifinal of the 1996 European Championship, played in London, which resulted in England’s elimination from that tournament. A personal redemption narrative forms a compelling subplot the main story, and it’s a cruel irony that Southgate’s England side also lost the final of Euro 2020 in a penalty shootout on home soil. That Southgate has yet to bag a trophy — the England men’s team still hasn’t won a major tournament since 1966 — remains a powerful trump card for his doubters. And so the play’s celebratory tenor feels a little misplaced.Yet ���Dear England” is not so much about sports as it is about culture. The technical and tactical foundations of the England team’s revival are conspicuously underplayed in this telling: The team’s on-field improvement is straightforwardly tethered to a shift in moral values, and we are given to understand that correlation equals causation. You can be fully on board with everything Southgate stands for and still find this cloyingly simplistic.Dear EnglandThrough Aug. 11 at the National Theater, in London; nationaltheatre.org.uk Source link Read the full article
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functionalmoron · 5 months
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Pippa Toole
X the Band
The facts we hate
We'll never meet
Walking down the road
Everybody yelling, "hurry up, hurry up"
But I'm waiting for you
I must go slow
I must not think bad thoughts
What is this world coming to?
Both sides are right
But both sides murder
I give up
Why can't they?
I must not think bad thoughts
I must not think bad thoughts
I must not think bad thoughts
The civil wars
And the uncivilized wars
Conflagrations leap out of every poor furnace
The food cooks poorly
And everyone goes hungry
From then on, it's dog eat dog
Dog eat body and body eat dog
I can't go down there
I can't understand it
I'm a no-good coward
An American, too
(A North American, that is)
And I must not think bad thoughts (not a South or a Central)
And I must not think bad thoughts (or a Native American)
And I must not think bad thoughts
Oh, I must not think bad thoughts
I must not think bad thoughts
I'm guilty of murder
Of innocent men
Innocent women, innocent children
Thousands of 'em
My planes, my guns
My money, my soldiers
My blood on my hands
It's all my fault
I must not think bad thoughts
I must not think bad thoughts
I must not think bad thoughts
The facts we hate
You'll never hear us
"I hear the radio is finally gonna play new music
You know, the British invasion"
But what about the Minutemen
Flesh Eaters, DOA
Big Boys and the Black Flag?
Will the last American band to get played on the radio
Please bring the flag?
Please bring the flag
Glitter disco synthesizer night school
All this noble savage drum, drum, drum
Astronauts go back in time to hang out with the cave people
It's about time
It's about space
It's about some people in the strangest places
Woody Guthrie sang about
B-E-E-T-S, not B-E-A-T-S
I must not think bad thoughts
I must not think bad thoughts
I must not think bad thoughts
The facts we hate
We'll never meet
Walking down the road
Everybody yelling, "hurry up, hurry up, hurry up"
But I'm waiting for you
I must go slow
I must not think bad thoughts
What is this world coming to?
Both sides are right
But both sides murder
I give up
Why can't they?
I must not think bad thoughts
I must not think bad thoughts
I must not think bad thoughts
#pippatoole #xtheband #imustnotthinkbadthoughts #arttochokehearts
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 2 years
what if instead of writing the first half of my fic i just made up a  previously on neighbours segment? 
[Pippa Black voice] Previously, on Neighbours - 
[shot of someone (Elle) zooming in on an earring in a facebook photo of her highschool reunion]
[cut to David asking Lil if she’s going to wear those earrings and Sky saying she made them] 
[Elle’s finger hovering over the call button on a phone]  {Leo voiceover} You’re going to call a woman who hates you over a pair of earrings she may recognize in a facebook photo?  {fades into Harlow voiceover} Elle you have to tell her, this could be her chance for closure, it’s the right thing to do. 
[Shot of Lana facing off against Elle] I know you’re trying to mend old wounds, but you’re actually just reopening them. 
[Sky looking at the image through a magnifying glass] Yeah. I made those
[Elle and Sky sit and drink coffee together] {Elle voiceover} Sometimes, I think you might have been the only real friend I ever had.
[Montage of Elle and Sky having doors opened onto them]  {Sky voiceover} I’m detective Mangel, and this is my media partner Elle Robinson, we’d like to talk to you about a missing person. 
[Elle riffling through a jewellery box, she finds and holds up a red earring] 
[Elle standing in the doorway of a living room, holding the earring up in front of Sky, and an older couple] {Sky} I think you both better come with me. 
{Man} She was dead when we found her, on the beach.  {Sky} So you just...Buried her?  {Man} I didn’t have a choice. I thought the cops would blame me. {Elle} Where is she? 
[shot of Elle, Sky and Harlow standing in front of an imposing stretch of bush, each kitted with a metal detector and a belt full of digging tools.] 
[A scrap of ragged black fabric blows in the breeze. A filthy Sky falls to her knees.]
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rebeccareviews · 2 years
The BIG Christmas Bake written by Fiona Barker with art by Pippa Curnick
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The BIG Christmas Bake written by Fiona Barker with art by Pippa Curnick is a funny, cheerful, and quick read that will put your young readers into the holiday spirit. I love the charmingly detailed art as well as the original storyline!
The easy-to-follow story puts a lovely and lively spin to the traditional carol, the Twelve Days of Christmas. Follow along as two kids, their pet dog, and a huge flock of animal friends gather together to make a magnificent Twelfth Night Cake.
The simple rhyming narrative is fun and festive! The rhymes will be great to read aloud. However, at times, they are a little forced and do not flow very naturally. I love how the book nicely and uniquely uses elements from the Christmas carol to reflect the gathering of the ingredients for the special cake. It is such a clever and fun way to introduce kids to the tradition of the Twelfth Night Cake as well as the traditional carol. This book will also be a great tool to get kids into baking as the book even includes a super simple delicious Christmas Cupcake recipe!
I love the variety of animals that help out with the baking process! I was so excited to turn the page to see which new animals would join the party. There are the three hens who arrive in balloons with their gift of baking powder, nine dancing hippo ladies bring cherries, and five fancifully dressed rabbits contribute candied orange peels.
Curnick’s illustrations are so lovely and bright! Each page is more fun and festive than the last. If you’re lacking the Christmas spirit, get this book instantly because it will put you into a joyously festive mood! Every wonderful detail is so beautifully and sweetly rendered. I love that even the recipe and song pages are filled with cute illustrations. I particularly love the adorable penguins in their fuzzy sweaters and the kids’ super cute pet dog.
Thank you to NetGalley and Happy Yak for this book in exchange for an honest review.
🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂 out of 5 cakes!
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lawitch · 3 years
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*with The Black Angels ^with All Them Witches
(Artwork by Pippa Toole)
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