#pippa soo/reader
hamiltonimagines · 4 years
Modern Day Mulan
Pairing: Phillipa x Reader
Request: “could you do a pippa x reader where, usually R is the understudy for peggy/maria but for some reason something happened and she has to play alexander? and everyone is shocked bc they didnt know she could rap and they didn’t know she was playing alex? thank you!” - @criminallyhamilton
Word Count: 1.3k
“Hey Y/N, you love me right?” I heard Lin say to me, on the phone. This usually meant he needed me to do him a favor. “What do you need?” I asked him, blatantly.
“Can you come to my dressing room? I have a favor to ask you” he asked me. “Okay, I’ll be there in a second” I said, as I hung up my phone.
I walked down the hallway and then walked into Lin’s dressing room. “Hey, you look great today” he said, with the biggest smile on his face. “You’re just trying to get on my good side. Just ask me the favor” I told him.
“Well I need to you to go on tonight” he told me. I was Jasmine’s understudy, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for me to have to perform for her.
“That’s literally my job, it’s not a big deal. I won’t be mad at you or anything. I’ll go get into my Peggy dress then” I said, as I went to leave his dressing room.
“That’s the catch” Lin said, hesitantly. “What do you mean? Do I have to go on for one of the other sisters?” I asked him, confused.
“I need you to go on for me” he said, bracing himself for my reaction. “Wait what? You? Like you need me to play Hamilton? Like the GUY?” I asked him.
“Please don’t hurt me” Lin said, sounding scared. “What about your understudy?” I asked him. “He’s sick” he told me. “But I’m a girl” I told him, since he failed to see the obvious conflict.
“Everyone will love it, I promise. And you were at the rehearsals and you know the Alexander track almost better than me” he told me. “Yeah I know the part, but people love this show and pay lots of money to see it. What if they think I don’t take it seriously” I asked him.
“If you get any backlash, I promise I’ll handle it” Lin reassured me. “Are you sure about this?” I asked him. “Absolutely” he told me.
“But...” I said, trying to come up another excuse as to why I couldn’t do it. “What? Are you nervous because you have a crush on a certain other cast member” Lin teased me.
“Come on Lin, what are you talking about?” I asked, totally pretending like I wasn’t head over heels for Pippa. “So you’re saying that you aren’t in love with Pip?” Lin asked, raising his eyebrows.
I tried to hold my ground, but I couldn’t keep a straight face. “Ha! I knew it” Lin said, pointing at me. “Okay, maybe you’re right. But there’s no way you can ever tell Pippa. Please promise me that” I begged him.
“Fine. But I don’t have to tell her. She’ll figure it out tonight, when you’re playing Hamilton and you have to kiss her after Helpless” he said, smirking. I froze, I had completely forgot about the kisses. I didn’t know how I was going to get through the show tonight.
“Well you better go get dressed, love is waiting for you” Lin teased. I rolled my eyes and walked to my dressing room to get ready.
Luckily Lin’s understudy wasn’t the tallest guy, his costume fit me pretty decently. It definitely wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
My nerves were through the roof. I would walk out and people would laugh. I knew they would. They would be unimpressed. They’d probably leave and not waste their time.
I was brought out of my thoughts by an announcement over the intercom that said it was time for places. I rushed to place, hoping none of the cast would see me, especially Pip.
I got to where I stood before the show and luckily no other cast members were near me. I heard Leslie start the show and I felt like I was going to puke. It felt like the song was going ten times faster than it ever went. Quickly arriving to the point where I would have to walk out on that stage.
Then it was my cue, I walked out on stage as Leslie said “What’s your name man?”. I sang my line and I saw most of the cast’s reactions. There was dead silence for a moment and I heard a thunderous applause from the audience.
I looked over and saw Pippa. I don’t think I had ever seen her eyes so wide. Then a smile grew on her face and she giggled to herself. “I love it” she mouthed to me.
Then the song went on as normal. Aside from their first reactions, no one gave it a second thought.
Then we got to the song that I had been dreading. It was time for Helpless.
I made it through most of the song and then we got to part where Pippa walks down the aisle. I felt like I was sweating buckets.
Pippa sang the last line as she stood in front of me. I smiled at her and she leaned in for the kiss. It was short and sweet and magical and fantastical and everything a kiss should be.
We pulled away and I heard Anthony start the intro to Satisfied. As Pippa and I walked over to the side of the stage, she whispered “you are doing amazing” to me.
The rest of the show went great and there were barely any mistakes. It was now the end of the show and we were doing our final bows.
Then before I knew it, the rest of the cast had taken a step back from me so I was in the front. Then I heard Pippa talking into her microphone.
“Let’s give it up for our first female Alexander Hamilton, give it up for Y/N. A Modern-Day Mulan” she said, I could see her smiling.
I took another bow and waved to the audience. Their cheers were deafening.
Then we all walked off the stage together. I quickly ran to the bathroom before I went to my dressing room. Then I was walking to my dressing room and I saw a bunch of people crowded both around and in my dressing room.
They saw me walking toward them and they all started to cheer. “So you playing Hamilton now?” Anthony asked me, slinging his arm around me.
“One time only, Lin asked me to do it” I told them all. “I really thought I was going crazy when you walked out. Don’t tell Lin, but you may have been better than him” Daveed said, and all of us started laughing.
“Now I have an onstage wife” Pippa said, hugging me from the side. “Here’s to Alexandra Hamilton” I said, earning laughter from the rest of my cast mates.
Most people left one by one and went back to their own dressing rooms. I noticed that Pippa stayed behind.
“That was some performance that you put on out there” she complimented. “Did you like it? It wasn’t too weird was it?” I asked her, we both sat down on the couch together. “No, it wasn’t weird at all. I loved it” she told me. “So I guess according to the theater code of conduct, we’re stage wives now” I said, giggling to myself.
“That’s not so bad. You’re a pretty good stage wife” she said, smiling at me. At this point, I felt her hand resting on my knee. “Pip, would you like to go out and get dinner sometime?” I asked her. “I would love that, I’m so glad you finally noticed that I liked you” Pippa said, laughing.
“Wait what? You liked me? How was I supposed to know that?” I asked her, shocked. “Are you kidding? I made it so obvious” she told me. “Well I made it obvious that I liked you” I told her. “Yes you did, but I wanted you to notice that I liked you back” she said, smirking.
“You knew this whole time and never said anything?” I asked her, in shock. “Of course I knew, but what can I say? I love to scheme” she said, giggling. Then she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.
taglist: @someinsanefangirl @outcasted-aloy @geekycatlover @fanfic-addict-98 @romanoffs-heart @multifandomwriterx @andreasworlsboring101 @criminallyhamilton @imatyoursurrvicesurr @irlydontknoanymore @sayweird99 @nyxie75 @elizard-hamilton @daveeds-whore @trost-town @notebookgirl30 @teenag1jealousy @royalstans @elizasfaith @kmsmedine @brunadesuu @roxanne2020 @grandpa-agustd @athenawinchesterx @labellapeaky
Let me know if you wanted to be added to my taglist for all my imagines!!
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stargazefearless · 4 years
It's been a loooong time since I wrote Hamilton but it seems like it's making a comeback and I love writing for it! I'll be writing over on @hamilsquadwritings so feel free to do some requests, send a ship and I'll write a lil drabble for it!
(this page is going to stay as a memes/whatever I fancy page😂)
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musical-miranda · 8 years
That’s What Friends Are For
@hamwriters write-a-thon: femslash day (2)
pairing: phillipa soo x reader
summary: Pippa is reader’s childhood best friend and when reader finally gets out of an unhealthy relationship, she is right there for her through all the tears. 
warnings: swearing, very brief mention of sex, i think that’s all?
words: 2894
a/n: this is going to be a little two part bit of fluff. i was just going to make it into one part, but that was a LOT of writing to finish in one night, so i decided to split it up. i hope you enjoy!!
tags: @bluesnowyangel @hamrevolution
“Luke, I can’t keep doing this!” You snapped as your boyfriend came stumbling through the front door of your shared apartment. It was 1 am and he reeked of alcohol and another woman’s perfume, but you were so exhausted you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Falling limply into your arms, Luke let out a loud groan from the back of his throat then mumbled a few incoherent words. You grabbed onto him tightly to drag him over to the sofa just a few feet away and tossed him there with a sigh.
“You were supposed to be at a meeting for work,” you hissed at the dark haired man.
His response was much less coherent, but you were able to figure it out through the slurs. “But baby, I was!”
“Don’t fucking lie to me! I have proof right in front of my eyes that you weren’t at a meeting!”
“I was meeting with a friend!” He tried to snap in defense, but he sounded more like a whining seven-year-old.
You shut your eyes and took in a deep breath to stay calm before you responded, then turned your gaze right to Luke who was already half asleep. “Sleep on the couch tonight, I’ll see you in the morning.”
With that, you made your way back to your bedroom and shot a quick text to a friend before laying down.
To: Pippa 1:27 am
He got home safe, but he’s absolutely trashed. Smells like whiskey and cheap perfume. If he wasnt so attractive, i’d’ve punched him in the face 9 times by now.
From: Pippa 1:30 am
Glad he’s home safe, but you deserve better babe. You need to end it.
To: Pippa 1:31 am
But I love him, pips.
From: Pippa 1:33 am
You love having a partner
To: Pippa 1:34 am
I can fix things with him, sober him up, clean up his act.
From: Pippa 1:37 am
It’s unhealthy babe, you need to end it asap.
From: Pippa 1:43 am
Good night. Please remember that you and your health should always come 1st.
To: Pippa 1:44am
I love you, good night.
When you woke the next morning to loud snoring, you saw Luke sprawled out on the floor by your bed. It looked like he had tried to get onto the bed during the night, but his intoxication made it damn near impossible.
You decided to make yourself a quick breakfast before you woke him up, so you popped a bagel into the toaster and poured yourself a glass of orange juice. While you waited for the bagel, you hummed softly to yourself and got the cream cheese out of the refrigerator.
During your brief breakfast, you thought deeply about the conversation you had with your best friend the night before. You knew she was right that you had to end things, but a small part of you was whispering that you would regret leaving him.
Luke always insisted he had business meetings or had to work late, when it was clear as day that he was out drinking with friends. If you were to guess, he was probably visiting a strip club every other night and finding a quick fuck in the bathroom of a bar every other night.
You knew you needed to confront him, so after you finished your breakfast and got dressed, you went back to your bedroom and tried to shake the snoring man awake.
You tried this for a few minutes to no avail before you decided to fill a cup with cold water and throw it on him. Sure enough, his eyes shot open and he sat up straight, whacking his head on the nightstand he was underneath.
“Fuck!” He shouted, trying to shake himself dry like a dog.
“Good morning, sunshine,” you greeted bitterly.
“What the hell was that for?!” Luke rubbed the back of his head and groaned.
“You wouldn’t wake up.”
“And why did I need to wake up?”
You just chuckled softly and ran your fingers through your hair. “Because we really need to talk.”
“Talk?” He gaped at you. “What do you mean talk?”
“I mean…” You took a seat on the bed. “This relationship isn’t working out for me, Luke.”
Luke quirked an inquisitive eyebrow. It was like he was taunting you.
“You’re coming home drunk and high as a kite every other night. You’re clearly having sex with other women. And when you aren’t doing either of those things, we’re fighting. I really can’t be in this type of a relationship.”
“It isn’t every other night! And you signed up for it, you made the relationship official.”
“I didn’t ask for any of this! It wasn’t supposed to happen like this; I trusted you, I loved you, but you changed!” You were shouting at this point.
His voice raised along with yours. “Well, what do you want me to do about it?”
“I want you to clean up your act!”
“I enjoy partying, Y/N. I’m not gonna stop for some silly girl. But I will gladly leave.” Luke’s voice pierced your typically thick skin like venom as he pressed your buttons.
“Well then get the hell out of my apartment!” You finally yelled at him, your voice shaky as you held back tears. “Go on now, leave! See if I care!”
As he started pulling his suitcases out, you pursed your lips and tried to calm yourself down. There were a few minutes of silence, so you spoke up again. “Frankly, I couldn’t care less, Luke.”
“Oh, you’re gonna regret this decision,” he spat before yanking drawers open to throw his clothing out.
“I really don’t think I will. The only thing I’ll regret is not doing it sooner.” You took in a deep breath. “I’m going out with a friend, and I want you gone by noon. I don’t want a single trace of you in this place when I get back. Leave your key on the counter.”
The moment you finished your sentence, you walked out of the room and rang your best friend as you slipped on your shoes.
Three short rings later, you heard her voice through the phone. “Y/N babe! Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, everything’s good Pip! I just kicked Luke out and he has two hours to clear his things out of my apartment.” You laughed shortly. “Are you free to go out somewhere? I don’t want to be around while he’s packing his stuff.”
You could hear the smile on her face through the phone as she spoke, and that itself had you grinning like an idiot. “I’ll meet you at the Starbucks by your apartment building in five?”
“I’ll see you there.” You paused for a second. “Thank you.”
“That’s what friends are for, right?”
“Of course. Love you, see you in five.”
“Love you too, Y/N.”
You slipped your phone back into the pocket of your skinny jeans once the line went dead then walked out of the front door and left the apartment building.
The Starbucks you always met Pippa at was just at the end of your block on the corner, so you were inside the building within two minutes, tugging your coat closer to your skin to keep warm.
Just as you got in line, the bell on the door rang as it swung open and Pippa had her arms wrapped around your waist from the side. She nuzzled her face into your shoulder when you wrapped your arms around her in a tight hug, resting your head against hers for just a second.
“How are you doing? Alright, I hope?” Pippa asked, her voice tender as ever.
“I’m fine, I promise,” you insisted with a quiet laugh, squeezing her once before breaking away from the hug.
“Okay, okay. I just worry about you.” Her eyes crinkled up in a fond smile. “Do you know what you’re getting?”
Your stare at the menu was rather intense while you tried to decide what you were getting. “A Frappuccino of some sort… It’s between chocolate chip, caramel crunch, that cotton candy one, and a lemon one.”
Pippa pulled you out of the line with a gentle chuckle to give you time to decide on a drink. Decisions had never exactly been your strong suit, which is probably how you ended up where you were; sometimes you wished people would just make these decisions for you.
It took close to fifteen minutes of silent contemplation for you to decide on a drink and by that time, the line was gone. You went straight up to the counter with Pippa and ordered your Cotton Candy Frappuccino, pulling your wallet from your purse.
Before you could even take your cash out of your wallet, Phillipa was swiping her card to pay for both drinks. “Pips, you didn’t have to-”
“You just broke up with your boyfriend.” She interrupted with a laugh. “Let me pay for your drink. You don’t have to pay me back.”
You couldn’t argue with that.
“Y’know...” Pippa started while you waited. “I never understood what you saw in him.”
“Honestly? He was really good in bed. And those arms… God, those arms could do things to me.”
Both of you immediately burst into a fit of laughter that filled the small coffee shop. “That’s an awful reason to stay with somebody! He was a total dick!”
“Oh my god he was such a dick! Like, if you look up “fuckboy” on Urban Dictionary, I’m pretty sure his photo comes up.” You threw your head back laughing. “Even his name screams stay away! I was pretty dumb to get into it.”
When your names were called for the drinks, you grabbed yours and took a sip. “Should we walk and talk or sit and talk?”
Pippa thought for a few seconds then swallowed a sip of her drink before she answered. “Walk and talk.”
“At least I knew the breakup was coming,” you pointed out as you walked out of the Starbucks, flicking your eyes between the sidewalk and Pippa.
“That’s true. What were you together, a year?”
“Just over. Remember, we met at a New Year’s Party and went home together. That should’ve been my first sign not to get involved.”
“You should never get involved with a hookup. It never ends well.”
You just chuckled at this, offering a warm smile to her. “Thank you, by the way.”
She raised a confused eyebrow but smiled anyways. “For what?”
“For being such a good friend. Convincing me to break it off finally. I know I should have done it sooner, but I’m just glad I did.”
Pippa reached over to give you a side hug, her free hand resting on your waist for just a few seconds, but long enough for you to realize how perfectly her hand fit. It just felt right. “That’s what friends are for, right?”
“That’s what friends are for.”
Over the next three weeks, you and Pippa were practically inseparable. If she wasn’t hanging out at your apartment, you were at hers watching a movie, playing a game, or just sitting on the couch with her.
It would be an understatement to say this was the closest you’d ever been with your childhood best friend, and you couldn’t find one thing to complain about.
Whenever you even mentioned a sad thought, she rushed to your side with a pint of ice cream and her copy of Titanic. You could not have asked for a better friend.
Everything was going wonderfully until you checked your calendar one day to see when your period was due. You knew it had to be soon, it felt like it’d been close to a month since your last one, so you wanted to be prepared.
When you looked at your calendar, you saw that you were 9 days late. Your immediate reaction was to google possible causes of a late period other than the obvious. But you didn’t fit the bill for any of them.
To: Pippa 2:17 pm
To: Pippa 2:18pm
I’m panicking. my period is 9 days late.
From: Pippa 2:19pm
Oh my god!! I’ll be over asap with some pregnancy tests, okay??
From: Pippa 2:21pm
Don’t panic, it’s gonna be alright!!
For the next ten minutes, you paced around your small apartment anxiously with tears in your eyes. You weren’t ready for a baby. There was no way you could be a single mother living in a New York City apartment. Your job barely paid enough to cover rent, let alone everything you would need for a child.
Pippa bursting through your front door and yelling out ripped you from your thoughts. “Go, take them all right now!” She tossed a bag with a few pregnancy tests in them at you and you caught them, scurrying off to the bathroom.
The five minutes you spent with Pippa waiting for the test results were the longest five minutes of your life. You rambled on that entire time about how scared you were, but she assured you that no matter the results, she would be there to help you. It was a comforting thought, but not strong enough to overpower your fear.
When the timer rang, signaling the end of the five minutes, your stomach dropped and your head started spinning from fear. You didn’t want to look at the tests. Your entire future was sitting on a paper towel in your kitchen and you didn’t want to know what it would be.
“You look first, Pippa. I’m too scared.” Your voice shook and you shut your eyes.
You could tell when she looked at the tests because she took in an audibly sharp gasp. Your heart was pounding in your chest; her reaction almost guaranteed the answer.
Hesitantly, you fluttered your eyes open and dropped your gaze to the tests in front of you. All three had plus signs on them.
“Oh,” you breathed out, swallowing thickly and trying to keep your cool.
“You’re… You’re pregnant, Y/N,” Pippa whispered.
When reality struck, you fell to the ground and let out a loud sob, tears quickly streaming down your face as you clutched onto the carpet. Phillipa immediately rushed over and wrapped her arms around you gently, pulling you into her warm embrace.
She stroked your hair slowly to calm you down as much as she could and instead of the carpet, you now had her shirt balled up in your fist as you sobbed. You tried to speak, but as sobs caught in your throat, you just buried your head in your best friend’s chest.
“I’m here for you, no matter what happens,” Pippa whispered in your ear, rocking you back and forth in a soothing motion. “I’ll support you no matter what.”
Several shaky breaths later, you finally managed some words. “I-I’ll need time. To know what I’m gonna do. Would… Would it be crazy to have a baby? I b-barely have a stable job.” You sniffled and looked up at her with red eyes.
“Not crazy, no. It would be difficult, I’m sure, but if you want to keep the baby, then I’ll help you in any way I can. If it comes down to it, I’ll move in with you to help support you.” Her fingers running through your hair helped calm your panic further. You leaned into her touch and listened.
“I’ll do anything to help you. Literally. But something we should do now is schedule a doctor’s appointment to get you checked out.” Pippa let her hand slip into yours.
You laced your fingers with her long ones and looked up at her once your sobs had calmed, breathing out a soft laugh. “There’s a little person in me, Pippa, a small human. And it’s all mine. My god, I’m not prepared for motherhood. I’m a single twenty-two-year-old, living off of ramen noodles in a one bedroom apartment.”
“Maybe not, but are we ever truly prepared for anything in life?” She questioned, looking into your eyes. For the first time, you noticed a bit of a twinkle in her brown eyes as she spoke and, for a reason you couldn’t quite establish, that small detail put a smile on your face.
“I guess not, huh? Some of the best things in life are unexpected.” Your thumb rubbed across the back of your best friend’s hand gently. “And I have nine months to prepare for this.”
“We have nine months to prepare for this.” She was quick to correct you which made you laugh, softly. “You will not be doing this alone, Y/N. I won’t let you. I don’t care if you pay a hitman to off me, my ghost will come back to help you in every way possible.”
“You are, without a doubt, the best human ever to grace this planet. Earth should feel honored to have your presence.”
Pippa just squeezed your hand gently and crinkled up her eyes in a smile that spread from ear to ear. “That’s what friends are for, right?”
As you leaned up to press a kiss to her cheek, you whispered, “That’s what friends are for.”
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jetsetwife · 8 years
Better Than Words (Phillipa Soo x Reader)
Write-A-Thon: Day 2 (Femslash)
Summary: At 3 am, the world is asleep and your best friend has dragged you up to the hotel rooftop to stargaze- but the stars reflected in each other’s eyes are far more captivating than the ones in the sky will ever be.
Words: 2166
A/N: here’s day 2 of the write-a-thon ft me being a hoe for space and sneakily putting in quotes from skam
You’d always loved stars, and space as a whole for that matter. Whether it was simply to gaze at them or to study them, you always found a sense of blissful happiness in the gleaming beacons of light scattered across the formidable vast darkness of the sky.
The planetarium, to say the very least, had been a colossal disappointment, although perhaps that was to be blamed on the fact that you’d set your expectations far too high. But even by lower standards, it was a vastly overrated show.
Perhaps the artificial pleasure of the planetarium was sufficient for some people, but you much preferred the real stars, not a flimsy projection.
You drew out a slow and heavy sigh. In the frigid air, it seemed unnatural not to see the puffs of your breath hanging in the air before you, but the visual had been stolen away by the darkness.
Pulling the stiff blanket tighter around your shivering body, you made one last attempt to let yourself fall into the restless sleep that often came with sleeping away from home, especially in hotels such as this one.
Given the choice, you would have stayed home, but you weren’t granted that luxury. School trips were mandatory, and this overnight stay in Ashland was no exception. At least the school had been kind enough to put you in a hotel room with Phillipa Soo, the only classmate who you felt comfortable enough with to speak to.
“Pippa?” Your voice was a mere whisper, swallowed by the reigning darkness, but it somehow reached Phillipa’s ears.
“Yeah?” she breathed, rolling over in her bed so she could face you.
The night was illuminated only by her eyes, sparkling with a new light as if a fire had been ignited in her, world erupting in forever ardent flames.
“I can’t sleep,” you admitted, your words clinging to the tip of your tongue like a secret that wasn’t eager to be told.
More than anything, you wanted to go home. Back to your own mattress, your own sheets, your own bathroom. To burnt toast in the morning rather than the freshly prepared hotel meals. You longed for the feeling of belonging that lingered behind those walls. The only thing that lingered in the hotel room was the sense of a false comfort.
“Me either,” Phillipa whispered, her voice wavering in the still night.
Your eyes were beginning to adjust to the darkness and you could just barely make out Phillipa’s face. Dark hair falling around her pale face in waves, lips turned upwards in the teasing hint of a smile. She was ethereal, almost, as if she’d been sent directly from heaven.
“I barely sleep,” you confessed to her, not intending to speak in a whisper, yet the night demanded hushed tones. “But it’s worse here.”
“Sleep is the cousin to death.” She spoke in soothing tones that greatly contradicted the nature of the statement. “It’s only natural to fear it.”
“I don’t fear it.” You drew out a sigh, selecting your words carefully as if plucking them one by one out of the air. “It’s never come naturally to me, I just can’t turn my brain off. And when I’m far from home, it’s worse. There’s just too many thoughts in my head.”
Phillipa seemed to consider your words for a few moments. “You like space, don’t you?” she asked, seemingly out of nowhere.
You nodded, unsure of where she was heading with this.
“That planetarium exhibit was awful.” She kept her tone light, adding another layer of comfort to the night, and perhaps, you thought, perhaps you could even get so comfortable with the soothing sound of her voice that you could drift off.
“Yeah…” Your voice was muffled, hesitant, not quite daring to make eye contact.
“Hey…” Phillipa spoke softly, struggling to hold your gaze. “How’d you like to look at some real stars?”
“Real stars?” You wrapped your lips around a smile, daring to ask the question. “And how exactly would you go about showing me some of those?”
“Mmm…” Phillipa flashed a small smile, speaking with the kind of unbreakable confidence that you couldn’t deny intimidated you, but the gentle warmth was ever present in her eyes. “What if I told you I knew the way up to the roof?”
You followed Phillipa to the roof, wishing with every step you took that you’d thought to bring a jacket. The frigid air cut into your skin like knives.
You tucked your knees into your chest as you sat just far enough from the edge of the roof that there was no danger of falling. Even with Phillipa sitting right next to you, you could barely see her face: her hair fell in a sheet concealing her from your view.
“How many floors are in this hotel?” you murmured, daring to glance down at the world below you. You immediately regretted it. Your stomach seemed to drop from the top of the building, and your heart rate sped up.
“Don’t look down,” Phillipa advised, her gentle voice washing over you like the tide. “It’ll only freak you out.”
“Too late.” You cracked a smile through your nervousness, but Phillipa could still see the fear in your eyes.
“Look up at the sky instead,” she told you, pointing upwards. You followed the direction of her finger and gazed up at the stars like scattered diamonds against the night sky. You found your worries dissipating as you searched for constellations among the thousands- millions of stars against the pitch black curtain draped over the sky.
You fought back the urge to smile, biting your lip in resistance. You resigned yourself to silence, letting Phillipa fill the quiet. She was good at it: she always laughed the loudest, smiled the widest, and her eyes gleamed the brightest.
“Look at them,” Phillipa continued, referring to the stars. “They’re so small from here, but each of them is even bigger than our sun.”
You nodded, sucking in air as if you were afraid to speak.
In the silence, Phillipa continued to talk, and you let her. You let her lead you farther in, allowing yourself to get lost in her words.
“Imagine it. Those stars, they could have their own planets just like ours circling them. Planets with life.” Her voice floated through the near summer breeze, giving it an almost sing song tone.
“I’d like that.” Voice timid and shaky, you let yourself speak. “I think…” You trailed off as you felt Phillipa’s eyes on you, waiting for you to continue.
You tilted your head up towards the sky and let yourself lose your mind under the stars. Your breathing came in trembling waves. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale.
“I think I’d like to see one of those planets.” It took a few moments but you finally finished your sentence as you focused your attention solely on your breath.
“It’s easier to pretend that they don’t exist.” Phillipa let herself fall back against the rooftop, lying next to you with a lazy smile dancing across her face.
“I disagree.”
Phillipa raised her eyebrows, amused by the notion. “Do you?”
“Yeah.” You didn’t elaborate, simply letting your words stand alone with no explanation needed. Why disrupt the peaceful silence with meaningless words?
“We can’t possibly be alone in the universe.” She spoke with a reassuring tone, though you couldn’t tell whether she meant it to be directed towards you or herself. “But I think that it would make things easier if we were.”
“Mmm…” You thought for a few moments, waiting to see if Phillipa had anything else to add. “It would be worse to be alone. We’d be so… helpless. Just a tiny little rock floating through space. Isn’t it better to have that constant reassurance that there’s someone- or something else?”
“What good does it do us to believe in life elsewhere?” Phillipa’s voice almost shocked you: you weren’t expecting it to have such bitter undertone. “It’s not like there are aliens here. On our planet.”
“Maybe in some alternate universe there is,” you mused, thinking out loud more than putting real consideration into your words.
Phillipa smirked lazily, letting her lips part slowly. “Don’t tell me you believe in alternate universes as well as aliens.”
In that moment, you had never been more grateful for the darkness: it hid the blush that slowly flooded your cheeks. Even so, you turned away from Phillipa so she wouldn’t see. “Maybe.”
Phillipa spurred up a soft chuckle, the sound ringing out clearly in the still night. She wasn’t mocking you though, you were sure of that.
“The thing about alternate universes,” she began, in the same soothing voice. It seemed as though no matter what she was saying, her voice carried that same gentle undertone. “The thing about them is that the whole concept is just the product of wishful thinking.”
“Wishful thinking?” you repeated, trying to figure out how that could possibly be the source of alternate universes.
“Yeah. Because that’s what people would like to think exists.” The words rolled smoothly off of Phillipa’s tongue as she filled the gaping silence of the night. “If something goes wrong, they have that to blame it on. They can think that the only reason things are going badly is that they’re going fine in some other universe.”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged off Phillipa’s theory in favor of your own. “I think they’re real. I think that somewhere far away, in another universe, everything is exactly the same except… I don’t know.”
“You really believe that there’s really the same Pippa and the same (Y/N) on the same rooftop but you were smart enough to bring a coat?” Phillipa laughed softly, but the sound died off when she saw just how cold you were. “Sorry. Here-” She slipped her own jacket off of her shoulders. “Wear this.”
You pulled her hoodie around yourself and smiled gratefully. You found yourself getting lost in Phillipa’s eyes, and the way the stars up above reflected in them. It was as if you simply lacked the capacity to care about anything but her star sprinkled eyes.
“Y/N?” Phillipa’s voice drew your attention back to reality.
“We should probably get back inside before someone notices we’re gone.” You could almost detect a hint of disappointment in her voice.
“Yeah…” You trailed off, knowing she was right. A quick glance at your watch confirmed that it was almost 3 am, and you couldn’t even fathom the amount of trouble you would get in if you were caught out of bed at this time.
Yet, neither of you made any move to get up. You continued to lie next to each other on the roof, eyes staring into one another’s, and both seeing much more than simply a face in the dark.
“Hey… um…” Phillipa stumbled over her words, cheeks flushing a deep red.
You raised your eyebrows in concern: you’d never seen Phillipa so lost for something to say.
“I don’t actually know that much about space,” she confessed, biting her lip anxiously. “I just… I may have looked it up before we got here. I… well, I knew that you liked space and I thought…” she trailed off.
You’d never felt as much at a loss for words as you did in that moment, and never had there been a worse time for you to forget how to speak.
“I thought it might impress you,” she finished, regaining a small shred of confidence.
“Oh.” You knew that one word wouldn’t suffice, but you didn’t quite know how to respond to a confession like that.
The smooth and confident Pippa from mere hours ago was gone, replaced by the blushing, insecure girl before you.
You reached out across the void for her hand, letting your fingers brush up against hers. You drew out a smile as she slipped her hand into yours. They felt like ice in your hands.
“I just… I’m sorry, but I-”
“It’s okay,” you interjected, cutting her off mid sentence. “I promise.”
She smiled gratefully, letting her eyes flutter shut.
“Hey, don’t fall asleep,” you warned. “We’ve got to get inside. You’re freezing.”
“Mmm…” She smiled sleepily, resting her head on your shoulder. “Would it be wrong to kiss you?”
You faltered, unsure of how to respond to a question such as that one. “It wouldn’t be wrong.” You dragged your words out, giving yourself time to consider what she’d said. “Maybe… you could.”
Her smile widened considerably, and her eyes lit up with a fervent light you’d never seen in her before. But despite it, she still giggled nervously, cheeks flushed pink.
“You can kiss me,” you decided, meeting her gaze. “I’d like that.”
Gently, she pressed her lips against yours, and you swore you saw stars- though perhaps it was the ones up in the sky.
As you kissed her, you found that the best part was that you hadn’t even lied.
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can-youimagine · 6 years
Daffodils (Pippa Soo x Reader)
Request: Hi! Could you write a Pippa x reader where they were in the Great Comet (reader was Sonya) and the reader goes to see her in Hamilton? Thank you 😊❤️
TW: I’m changing timelines
You laugh with the rest of your cast, celebrating your move to Broadway and the incredible additions to your cast. Unfortunately, that meant you had to say goodbye to some incredible people.
You lean against Lucas, watching the woman you secretly loved dance without a care in the world. “Maybe it’s a good thing she’s leaving,” he says, watching you give her a lovesick look. “At least now I won’t have to deal with the two of you acting like high schoolers.”
“I don’t act like a high schooler,” you mutter into your drink.
He rolls his eyes. “Sure. You haven’t stopped looking at her. Just go talk to her.” He gives you a gentle nudge in her direction.
“What? No. She’s having fun! I don’t want to ruin her night.”
“I’m sure she would be thrilled. Go! Make her night.” He nudges you slightly harder, making you groan.
“Fine, but you owe me.” You watch as he shakes his head before walking over to Pippa.
She smiles as soon as she sees you. “Dance with me, (Y/N)!” She pulls on your arms, dragging you out to dance with her.
Before you can protest, she has you in the middle of the dance floor as she spins around you. It takes everything in you not to tell her how beautiful she looks. Once the song ends, she stops dancing and leads you over to a table.
After taking a minute to catch her breath, she says, “I’m going to miss you guys.”
You give her a playful nudge. “You aren’t getting rid of us that easily.”
She giggles. “I know, but still. It’s tough leaving you. I’ve grown so close to all of you.”
You try to ignore the fact that she said “you” (even though she probably meant all of you) and respond, “We’re really going to miss you, but I promise to be in the first row of your next show.”
“Good, and I can’t wait to see you perform. I mean, I see you perform every night, but I mean without being worried about my part.”
“I’ll be looking for you.”
She opens her mouth, but someone pulls her away before she can finish her sentence. “Don’t hesitate to call me,” she says as Amber pulls her away.
The cast was thrilled to hear that their own Natasha had landed a role in the biggest musical on Broadway, Hamilton. All of you were constantly bothering her for tickets after they heard about the success the show had off-Broadway, but you were there from the beginning.
You were one of the first people Pippa called when she got the role. You were just as ecstatic as she was and begged her for tickets to opening night.
“How am I supposed to be in the front row if everything’s sold out?” you whine into your phone.
You hear her laugh slightly. “I’ll see what I can do, but I make no promises.”
You smile widely. “That’s all I ask.”
A few days pass by with no word from her. You assume she just can’t get the tickets until you hear a knock at your door.
“Pippa!” you exclaim as you open the door.
She pulls you into a hug. “Calm down. It hasn’t been that long.”
You blush slightly, leading her into your apartment. “So, about those tickets,” you joke.
She hands you a ticket for tomorrow’s opening night. “You know I never disappoint.”
You smooth your dress one last time before taking your seat in the theater. As soon as she walks onto the stage, she is all you can focus on. You completely disregard the rest of the cast and any line that isn’t hers as the show progresses.
Once the show ends, you rush backstage with a bouquet of daffodils. When Pippa sees you, she smiles widely, turning from her castmates to talk to you. “Oh, you really didn’t have to,” she says, taking the flowers from you and smelling them. “Though, I do appreciate them. How did you like the show?”
“Oh, it was wonderful! As were you.” You give her a quick hug, wondering if you have overstepped your place until she hugs you back.
“Oh, you must meet the cast!” she exclaims, stepping away from you, and as if on cue, Jonathan Groff walks over to you.
“Ah, is this (Y/N)?” he asks, earning a nod from you. “You’re right, Pip, she’s gorgeous. And, though I haven’t heard her in person, I’m sure her voice could rival a choir of angels.”
Pippa glares at him before he leaves. “I’m so sorry-”
“You said all that?”
“Well, yeah.”
“Then, I want my flowers back.”
Her face falls. “I am so sorry. I-”
“Oh, hush. Daffodils mean unrequited love. I’m swapping them for roses.”
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mythomagicannabeth · 7 years
washington: i trust hamilton
laurens: you think he knows what he's doing?
washington: i wouldn't go that far
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fandomsofallshapes · 7 years
Tumblr media
Oh Lin you adorable bean you
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hamiltonimagines · 4 years
Family, Friends, and Pie
Pairing: Pippa x Reader
Summary: Pippa and Y/N hang out with Y/N’s family for Halloween. They realize what’s most important to have for the holidays
This imagine is a part of my Halloween themed series, you can read the complete series here🎃
Word Count: 800ish
“So what’s your aunt’s name again?” Pippa asked me, as we walked up to my parents house. My family was having a big Halloween party and I brought Pippa, who was my girlfriend. “Her name is Clarissa, she’s the one with all the husbands” I told Pippa.
I had been teaching her everyone’s names on the ride over here, that way she knew who everyone was. “And then your uncle’s name is Clark? And he has three kids? And they’re all little?” Pippa reviewed. “A plus” I told her, smiling as I rung the doorbell.
My mom answered the door. “Hi mom! How are you?” I asked her, as I gave her a quick hug. “I’m doing good, it’s nice to see you again Pippa” she said, smiling. Pippa has already met both my parents and my two siblings. “It’s nice to see you too ma'am” Pippa said, politely.
“I thought I told you to call me mom, none of this ma’am nonsense” my mom said, laughing. Then she welcome us in and I could see that most of the family was already here. There were kids running around everywhere. Cousins and nieces and nephews all running around in their adorable Halloween costumes.
“Y/N” I heard a kid exclaim. I didn’t know who had said it. Then I saw Henry, my nephew, running over to me. I smiled to myself and kneeled on the ground. He came running into my arms.
“Hey Henry, how are you?” I asked him, giving him a hug. “I’m not Henry, I’m Spider-Man” he said, and I looked at his Spider-Man costume. “Oh okay. Hi Spider-Man, are you excited to go trick or treating tonight?” I asked him. “I’m going to get all the candy” he said, giggling.
“I want you to meet somebody, this is Pippa” I said, introducing them. “That’s a fun name” Henry said, still giggling. “It’s nice to meet you Henry” she said, smiling. He frowned at her. “I mean Spider-Man” she corrected.
The smiles on both their faces were precious. Pippa has always been so good with kids and their smiles were just infectious. I couldn’t wait til Pippa and I had our own kids. They would have the best Halloween costumes.
“Dinner time” I heard my mom call from the kitchen. The whole family went and sat down at the long dinner table that had been set up.
I sat with Pippa on my left and Henry was on my right. “Hey Y/N, I missed you when you came in” my sister said. My sister was Henry’s mom and she was sitting across from Henry.
“Hi, how have you been?” I asked her. “I’ve been good, this munchkin started daycare the other day” she said, looking at Henry. My mom brought out all of the food with my two aunts. “Let’s eat” my mom said, as she sat down.
“How can you possibly remember all of these people’s names?” Pippa whispered in my ear. “Well sometimes I don’t” I said, giggling.
“So Pippa, what do you do for a living?” My sister, asked her. “She’s a star. She’s on Broadway” I said, completely bragging about Pippa’s accomplishments. “It’s not that big of a deal” Pippa said, humbly.
“She’s sensational, you should come see Hamilton some time” I told my sister. “That would be amazing, how about that Henry?” She asked him. “What?” He asked. “You want to see Pippa in a show she’s in sometime?” She asked. He started vigorously nodding and smiling.
“So how old are you Henry? You’re like thirty-five, right?” Pippa teased. “Nooo, I’m only four” he said, giggling. “You had me fooled” Pippa said, smiling.
We got through the rest of dinner and then my mom brought out a few pumpkin pies. Henry got very excited when he saw the pies, let’s just say he was known for having a sweet tooth.
My sister cut a piece of pie for Henry and put it on his plate. “But mom, I want a bigger piece. I’m not a baby” he complained. “You’re gonna have candy tonight, you’ll be bouncing off the walls” she said.
I cut myself a bigger piece and then switched my plate with Henry’s. “Shhh, don’t tell your mom” I whispered to him. His eyes widened and then he quickly devoured the pie. My sister made eye contact with me and just laughed to herself.
“I love your family” Pippa told me. “Well I’m pretty sure they all love you too” I told you. We quickly finished dessert and then the kids left with their parents and Pippa and I stayed back with my mom to clean up.
“I had fun tonight. Thanks for inviting me” Pippa told my mom. “Of course, you’re always welcome here” my mom told her. “We got to celebrate the most three important things in life: family, friends, and pie” I said, giggling.
taglist: @someinsanefangirl @outcasted-aloy @geekycatlover @fanfic-addict-98 @romanoffs-heart @multifandomwriterx @andreasworlsboring101 @criminallyhamilton @imatyoursurrvicesurr @irlydontknoanymore @sayweird99 @nyxie75 @elizard-hamilton @daveeds-whore @trost-town @notebookgirl30 @teenag1jealousy @royalreadery @elizasfaith @kmsmedine @brunadesuu @roxanne2020 @grandpa-agustd @athenawinchesterx @labellapeaky @rthoney @nerd-88 @theatrenerd86 @riiyy @ahhahahhh
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines!!
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Promise Me: Part 5 (Anthony Ramos x Reader)
Hey everyone! I know its taken me a while to get to this update and I’m sorry! But I’ve been pretty good with my writing lately, so the updates will come out a little more often (at least until school starts, which is why I’m rushing to write everything now lol). But yes, I hope you all enjoy :))
Pairing: Anthony Ramos x Reader, Platonic Phillipa Soo x Reader
Word Count: 4468
Warnings: Cursing (like always, Idk how to not curse), some NSFW, underage drinking
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
“The elevator hasn’t moved.”
“Oh no.” You said, looking around the small space as if you could find the answer on the floor.
“Holy shit, is the elevator stuck?” Anthony shouted. “The elevator can’t be stuck!”
“I don’t know! This has never happened before.” You shouted just as loud.
Anthony walked over to the doors and started trying to pry them open. You started jumping up, trying (unsuccessfully) to reach the hatch at the top.
“Stop jumping. You’re going to make the cords snap!” Anthony said after he gave up with the doors.
“I don’t even weigh 145, and you’re worried that the cords will snap under my weight?”
“Well we already have bad luck being trapped in this elevator. What makes you think we won’t get more bad luck?”
“Anthony Ramos Martinez, I’m pretty sure my small ass isn’t going to break the fucking elevator.”
“You never know!”
“I do know!” You screamed, stomping your foot on the floor, earning a warning glance from Anthony.
Anthony shook his head. “I can’t believe we’re stuck in here.”
“We’ll be okay. We just have to call the authorities.” You said calmly, taking out your phone.
No bars.
“Well, we’re fucked. No bars.” You showed Ant your phone. “Now we have to wait until someone comes.”
“Fuck that.” Anthony said before he started shouting, his voice cracking. “Help! We’re stuck! Help us!”
Suddenly the elevator doors opened.
“What are you screaming about?” Phillipa asked when the doors were completely open.
“Oh my god, Pippa. I’ve never been happier to see you.” Anthony said, trampling Phillipa with a hug.
“Oh okay.” Phillipa laughed before hugging him back.
“The elevator wasn’t stuck. We just didn’t push the button.” You realized.
Anthony pulled back from his hug with your sister.
“We didn’t? I could have sworn we did.”
“No, you started whining about the cold and none of us pushed the button.”
Suddenly you and Anthony just started laughing. Phillipa laughed too, although not as hard as you and Anthony.
When your laughters started dying down (almost 10 minutes later), you both looked up to see tears in each other’s eyes.
“Are you crying?” You asked through your giggles.
“I was scared.” He defended. You shook your head and let out a couple of more giggles before stopping.
“Are you both sane now? Can I go upstairs and sleep?” Phillipa asked.
Anthony nodded his head. “Yeah, sorry Pippa.”
“It’s fine. Thanks for walking Y/N home.” She said, opening her arms out for a goodbye hug from him. He hugged her, gave you a pat on your shoulder and left.
“Did you both seriously think you were trapped in there?” Phillipa asked while stepping into the elevator.
“It didn’t move! What were we supposed to think?”
Phillipa only laughed and put her arm around you.
Since it was late, you and Phillipa decided to just watch a couple episodes of Gilmore Girls, then went to bed.
The next morning, you woke up to a bunch of texts in yours and the boy’s group chat.
Daveed and Oak were making fun of you and Anthony for the night before.
“How in the hell did you guys find out anyway?” you asked in the group chat.
“Pippa told everyone right as she got in.” Anthony explained.
“What a fake.” you said, referring to your sister.
“Y/N you should come visit us at the theater. And bring food b4 you come” Daveed texted.
“Only if you guys pay for it.”
Daveed, Oak and Ant all sent “Deal”, and you stood up to get ready.
You ordered Chinese food for you and the boys.
When you stepped into the theater, you could see everyone’s head turned. They could smell the food, you guessed.
Daveed suddenly came bouncing towards you.
“Thank you for this, you can leave now.” He said, grabbing the food then shooing you away.
You just stared at him until he smiled and put an arm over your shoulder. Because you were much shorter than him, he had to bend pretty far in order to properly wrap his arm around you.
“We’re all in our dressing room.” Daveed said, guiding you to the room.
Once you stepped foot in there, Ant and Oak both cheered.
“The food is here!” Ant shouted.
“Yes she is.” You mumbled than you shook your head. “Wait, no. That’s not what I- No! I swear that came out wrong I- Daveed stop taking a video of me! I didn’t mean to say that!”
Daveed put his phone down and, while still laughing, asked, “What did you mean to say then?”
“I-I- ugh! I don’t know, but shut up and pretend like that didn’t happen.”
“That was hilarious, Y/N.” Oak said, patting you on the shoulder before sitting back down on the floor and grabbing his food from the bag.
You sat next to Ant, who was also sitting on the floor (opposite of Oak), and crossed your legs.
“I- I didn’t mean what I said.” You explained to Ant. His face was red as he nodded his head, telling you that it was okay.
You didn’t see Daveed give Anthony a wink, making him blush even harder (if that were possible).
Whatever conversation the boys were having before you got there continued. You laughed, not giving your own commentary to the topic, but laughing at the ones the boys gave while eating your rice.
“Woah is that a tattoo?” Anthony asked, pointing at your thigh. His fingers gently touched your skin, and you immediately got goosebumps.
“Yeah, I got it before I went to Europe.” You lifted up your shirt, revealing the elephant that was on your inner thigh.
“Why an elephant?” Daveed asked, an egg roll stuffed in his mouth.
“Phill and I loved elephants when we were younger. So I got one so that she would always be with me.” You blushed. “God that’s cheesy.”
The boys laughed. “It’s cute.” Anthony said. “Do you have anymore?”
“Yeah, I have one on my foot, another two on my back, one right here,” You pointed underneath your breast.  “And one on my stomach.”
“Ooooh, let’s see them.” Oak said, shoving a wonton in his mouth.
You put down your own food and lifted up your shirt then angled yourself to reveal the ones on your back. The names Eliza and Natasha were written below your shoulder blade.
“Eliza for Eliza Hamilton, and Natasha for Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet?” Daveed asked.
You nodded your head, then turned back around to show the one on your stomach. It read In the Heights in bold letters.
Daveed gave you a face saying “Really?”
You giggled and shrugged your shoulder. You dropped your shirt so that you could show the one on your ankle. All you had to do was lift down your sock. The tattoo read Libertyville.
“Gotta remember where you came from.” Oak commented. You nodded your head while smiling, then grabbed your food to start eating again.
“What does the other one say?” Anthony asked, eating some noodles.
“It says mine and Phillipa’s name.”
“Nice.” Anthony said.
The boys had another hour before showtime, so you all decided to play a game: Uno.
You and Oak decided to be on the same team, while Daveed and Anthony were on the other.
You stood up to swtich to your team’s side then the game began.
Daveed was getting annoyed with you and Anthony. If he had to watch you two give each other more flirty looks again, he was going to shoot himself. If he had to hear you tw giggle at each other’s mistakes one more time, he was going to shoot you both.
“20 minutes till showtime!” somebody called from outside the room.
“Oh thank God.” Daveed groaned, standing up from his seat on the couch.
“If I had to hear you guys giggle at each other one more time I was gonna kill myself.” Oak added. Daveed was glad he wasn’t the only one annoyed by the two.
“We’ll leave the room, so you guys can do whatever to let this shit out of your system.” Daveed said, walking out of the room, grabbing the remnants of his costume from the seat in the corner.
Oak did the same, and soon you and Anthony were alone in the room.
“We weren’t doing anything right-”
“Yeah, no we weren’t!”
“They’re just being assholes-”
“That’s exactly what they’re doing.” You said, ending the back and forth between you and Anthony. You both sat in silence before Anthony decided to speak.
“Maybe I should finish getting dressed.”
“Yeah. You do that and I’ll leave.”
“No, you can stay. If you want.”
“And watch you get undressed?”
“I only have to change my shirt.” Anthony shrugged.
“As appealing as that is, if Phillipa wonders where I am, she can’t find out I was in here watching you take off your shirt.”
Anthony nodded his head. “You’re right. I don’t want her to kick my ass.”
You laughed and walked out of the room, closing the door as you left.
You stood backstage, keeping whoever wasn’t on stage occupied. By Act 2, Anthony was pretty much the only one you were consistently with. At one point, you guys were too busy laughing for Anthony to notice that it was his time to go on stage.
As you watched Ant die on stage, you started crying. That entire scene never failed to make you shed tears. As the scene ended, Anthony bounced to where you stood, off to the side of the stage.
“Are you crying?” he asked, a teasing lilt in his voice.
“No,” You wiped your tears from your face. “I’m sweating. It’s hot as fuck back here.”
Anthony laughed and he stood beside you, watching Lin and Phillipa mourn over Anthony in It’s Quiet Uptown.
“I think Phillip is my favorite character to play.”
You turned to look at him. “Why?”
“I don’t know. He’s just so innocent and trustworthy. The way he just assumed Eacker would be respectable and not shoot him. It’s just… Really commendable, you know?”
Your eyes starting tearing again, thinking about how poor Phillip only deserved the world and all he got was shot in his stomach. “I know.” You said, nodding your head.
“Oh jeez, are you crying again?” He laughed.
“No. Like I said, it’s hot.”
“Yeah sure it is.” Anthony said sarcastically.
The both of you watched the show in almost complete silence, only sharing commentary at the most interesting moments.
When the show was over and everyone was out of their costumes and ready to head home, Daveed invited you out with his a couple of his friends, Oak, Ant and Renee among the group.
As you were about to accept, Phillipa butted in. “It’s really late, so we should be heading home.”
“Sorry Phill, my bed time isn’t until, like, midnight. And it’s about 10 now, so...”
Phillipa didn’t respond, just gave you a look from the side of her eye, telling you that you should decline the offer.
“I’ll take a raincheck on this one, Diggs.”
Daveed nodded, said his goodbyes then left.
Once he was gone, you turned to Phillipa. “Why did you do that?”
She looked shocked. “Do what? It’s late, we should go to sleep. Tomorrow’s a busy day.” She hiked up her bag higher on her shoulder and started walking.
“What are we doing tomorrow then?”
“Steven and I are going out tomorrow.”
“Are you seriously inviting me to your date? With your fiance?”
“You like Steven.” Phillipa defended.
“That doesn’t mean I want to go on a date with you guys!”
“You know he wouldn’t mind.”
“I’m not going on a date with you tomorrow Phill.”
“You’re not- ugh, fine. What are gonna do tomorrow then?”
“Stay home, sleep, eat food, sleep.”
“You see that’s not productive.”
“Oh and being a third wheel is?”
“You’re not going to be a thi-”
“You of all people should know that being the third wheel isn’t fun.” You said as a taxi finally stopped to let you and your sister on.
“I- wha- That was once! I was only 15! And I didn’t even know I was being a third wheel!”
“Doesn’t erase the fact that you were one.” You said, raising up your hands in surrender.
“God! Okay fine, you don’t have to come. You win, happy?”
Back home, you and Phillipa got ready for bed and went to sleep. You stayed up a little longer, scrolling through instagram before you finally felt tired enough to fall asleep.
The next morning you woke up pretty early. Phillipa already left, her and Steven obviously wanting their date to last the whole day.
Since it was only 10 in the morning, you decided to just laze around, doing small chores. You collected up your dirty clothes from that week so you could walk to the laundromat across the street. When you grabbed your phone, you noticed a text from Anthony.
“Wanna hang out today?” he asked.
You typed out a yes and asked when and where.
“Anywhere you want you sexy thang ;)”
“Wow” you sent, with a crying laughing emoji behind it
“Ha I know, you're probably drooling rn”
“im really not though but we could meet up at Mulligan’s?” Mulligan’s was a bar that was a couple blocks away from the theater where Phillipa worked.
“Sounds great. See ya in 10?”
“make that 15, I dont have appropriate clothes on”
“Alright, see ya”
You quickly got dressed in jeans and a tank top that you had bought months ago but never got a chance to wear. You only put on mascara then walked outside your apartment building to hail a cab, completely forgetting about you laundry.
I could do it later after we hang out. You thought to yourself.
Only five minutes late, you step into the bar and look around for Anthony. You found him sitting at one of the few tables in the bar and walked to the table to sit across from him.
Anthony smiled wide when he saw you.
“Hey!” He said. He stood up and took out your seat for you. When you were sitting is when he finally sat back down in his own seat.
You smiled at him. “What’s up?”
He shrugged. “I don’t have anything else to do today so I called you up.”
“Umm, okay so I see I’m second rate. I’ll just leave then.” You joked.
Anthony shook his head and laughed. “Chill. Anyway, I thought you’d be pretty cool to hang with.”
“‘Pretty cool’.” You mocked. “So I am second rate?”
“Asshole.” You laughed.
The waitress came by and put a cheeseburger down on Anthony’s side. She looked to you, her eyes unfriendly.
“Do you want anything?” She asked in a bored voice. She rolled her eyes when you took a second too long to answer.
“No, I thought I was just gonna sit here and stare at my boyfriend eat.” You answered, earning a baffled look from Ant. He opened and closed his mouth before deciding to keep quiet. You didn’t notice the light tint of pink on his cheeks, or the smile that was spreading across his face. He liked you saying the word boyfriend.
“He’s your boyfriend?” The waitress said. “You managed to snatch him up?”
“Yup. Are you jealous?”
She rolled her eyes. “Please. If I wanted to, I could take him from you.”
Anthony snorted. She looked at him before looking back at you.
“Not with those shit stains on your shirt.”
Her eyes darkened with anger. “It’s food.” She walked away, mumbling under her breath.
“Boyfriend?” Anthony said.
You looked up. “She liked you, and when she thought I was moving in on you she got pissed at me. I had to mess with her.”
Anthony laughed. He grabbed the knife beside his plate and cut the burger in half. He handed you one half.
“What if I didn’t want a burger?” You asked, taking a bite out of it.
“You, not eat a burger?” Anthony said. He snorted. “Not likely.”
“Fuck you.” You mumbled with food in your mouth.
“Besides, she’s not coming back over here. Ever again. And I also wanted to go restaurant hopping. I’ve never done it.”
“Oh that’s so fun!” You said. “We did it all the time in London, there are so many restaurants over there. But I can’t.”
“Why?” Anthony said after swallowing whatever food he had in his mouth.
“I have chores to do.”
He shrugged. “I’ll help you with them, what do we have to do?”
“First laundry. Then after that I was gonna go shopping cause none of my clothes really fit me anymore.”
Anthony was nodding his head. “Alright, alright. What else?”
“Umm… I was also gonna check out the NYU campus.“
That made Anthony turn his head. “Why?”
“I kinda want to go back to school. Or at least take some classes so I’m not behind when I decide to go back full time.”
He nodded his head. “Alright, that’ll be fun.”
You both finished your meal quickly and stood up. You started taking out some cash before Anthony stopped you and took out his own cash. He paid for the meal (a guesstimate, since the bitchy waitress never gave you guys your bill), leaving no tip for the waitress and put his hand on the small of your back, guiding you to the door.
“Ant, I can pay for my own meal, you know?”
“It’s cool.” He said, shrugging one shoulder.
“Stop being nice to me, oh my god.”
He smiled and put his arm around your shoulder. You were glad he did, because the air was colder than when you first went out.
“Where to first?”
“My apartment so I can grab my clothes.”
After grabbing your laundry, you and Ant walked to the laundromat. Directly in front of the laundromat was a hotdog stand and Anthony bought one, for you and him.
“This counts as restaurant hopping right?” He asked.
“Yeah, definitely.”
Your laundry didn’t take long, since you didn’t have too much clothing. After dropping off your clothes, Ant led you the opposite direction of where you wanted to go.
“Uhh, Ant? The mall is that way.” You said, pointing behind you.
“There’s a clothing shop a couple blocks from here. You’ll like it.”
The walk was short, as he’d promised, and you soon stood in front of a store called, “European Fashion.”
“Nice.” You said. “Is this just because I went there?”
He nodded. “Pretty much, yeah.”
Inside, the store was normal. Nothing special, just regular clothes that you would’ve found at the mall.
You tried on a few outfits. You stepped out to ask Ant his opinion on one of them only to find him gone.
“Anthony?” You called out.
The lady who owned the store stepped from around a rack of jeans. “Your friend stepped out.”
“Oh, okay.” You said. “Thanks.”
You stepped back inside the dressing room and changed back into your own clothes.
You weren’t worried, cause you knew Anthony would never leave you. But you did wonder where he went.
By the time you had all your clothes picked out, Anthony stepped back into the store.
“Your girlfriend was looking for you.” The owner of the shop said again.
“Thanks.” He said, smiling. He came up to you and you noticed he had two small cups in his hands.
“What are those?” You asked, placing your items on the counter. The owner started ringing everything up.
“Italian ice.” He said, handing you one and making a spoon appear from his back pocket.
You thanked him and started eating it. It was almost $100.
“Do you have enough?” Anthony asked, staring at the total like it was gonna form into a human and attack him.
“Yeah.” You said, unsure if you actually did. Miraculously, you had 4 20’s, 3 10’s and 2 5’s in your wallet. You paid the owner and soon you and Anthony were walking back out.
Taking another quick trip to your apartment, you and Anthony then decided to go to another restaurant.
“After this, we’ll go to NYU.” He said.
“Nah, I think we can do that next time. I really just want to eat food right now.”
Anthony gave you a look.
“What? Don’t look at me like that. I like food.”
Anthony rolled his eyes.
“Okay, but next time we’re seriously going to go check out, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, Mom.” Anthony rolled his eyes again, but let the subject go.
The rest of the afternoon was spent restaurant hopping. Everyone continuously confused you and Ant as boyfriend and girlfriend but neither of you corrected them. With the way you two were acting, it was no wonder anybody thought you were together.
Any time the other would do something, you both would giggle and laugh until people gave you weird looks. Any time you could, you snuggled up close to him and tucked your head underneath his chin.
And the thing that made everyone believe you two were together was something neither of you noticed the other doing. Every time you smiled, Anthony stared at you as if you were sent from heaven above. And every time Anthony would start talking, you would stare at him and only him, a smile playing at your lips.
When you and Ant were at your fourth restaurant, someone walked up to your table. It was an old friend from high school.
“Oh my god! Y/N! How have you been?” he asked.
“Hey, Andrew! I’ve been great, you?”
“Good too, college sucks, you know?”
You laughed. “Can’t relate.”
“Lucky.” He said. “Hey, my frat is having a party tonight at 8. You should come over, bring your boyfriend too.”
“Oh… He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Oh really?” Andrew said, now giving Anthony a flirty look.
“Sorry, man. Don’t bat for the other team.” Anthony said chuckling and putting his arms up in surrender.
“Ah, I’m just messing with ya. I have a girlfriend anyway. But yeah, you both should come.”
“Yeah, definitely.” Anthony answered. You looked at him. He only shrugged one shoulder.
“Yeah, I guess we’ll go. Where is it at?”
Andrew gave you the address. “Knock twice on the door and that’s how they’ll know not to charge you guys.”
“Alright cool. See ya man.” You said. Andrew hugged you, gave Ant a fist bump then left.
You looked at the time on your phone. It was currently 7:30.
“Well, I guess we could start walking there. By the time we get there the party will have started.”
You nodded your head. For the fifth time that day, Anthony paid for both your meals.
“I can pay it. Just relax.” He said. Once outside, Anthony took out his phone and typed in the address.
“Its this way.” he said, pointing to the left. The moment you both started walking, Anthony put his arm around you and you responded by snuggling closer to him.
Halfway to the party, you and Ant decided to take a cab the rest of the way. When you finally got there, at 8:27, Anthony paid for the cab. You gave him a dirty look and he just took your hand. You both walked to the door and you knocked twice.
The guy at the front let you both in, free, and you stood by the doorway.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’ve never been to a frat party.” You said.
“It’ll be fine.” Anthony said. He gripped your hand tighter and you walked deeper into the house.
The music was pretty loud and the entire house was dark too. Eventually you and Anthony reached the kitchen, where you saw Andrew talking to a girl.
“Hey, it’s Y/N and her boyfriend!”
Andrew’s girlfriend came up to you and hugged you. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Same to you.” You said. She hugged Anthony next. When she pulled away, she took a good look at Ant.
“You’re right, babe. He is hot.”
“Told you.” Andrew laughed, putting an arm around her. “Beer is in the fridge, and there might be some vodka bottles floating around somewhere. Have fun, and if you guys need anything, let me know.” He gave you a wink before walking away.
You walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer for both you and Anthony.
“Well, this’ll be fun.” He said, opening his beer and taking a sip.
Fun it was.
About two hours later, you were completely wasted. An hour after you, Anthony himself got wasted.
There was, in fact, lots of vodka bottles floating around the frat house, and you and Ant drank your fair share of it.
With now no inhibitions, you and Ant flirted freely.
“Blue looks so fucking amazing on you.” Anthony said, grabbing your hips and pulling your dancing body closer to him.
“Everything looks amazing on you.” You giggled. Another guys walked up to you both, asking you to dance with him.
Anthony gave him a dirty look and said, “If you touch her, I’ll break your fucking hand.”
The guy walked away, finding another girl to dance with almost immediately after.
Even though he couldn’t, Anthony kept trying to bring you closer to him. You were practically humping on his leg, but you were so drunk you didn’t even notice.
A new song started playing, and it was much slower and sensual than the last few songs. The few people on the dance floor who didn’t have a partner left.
You and Anthony stayed dancing, slowing down your rhythms until your grinding matched the song.
Anthony’s mouth trailed slowly up your jaw before his mouth reached your ear.
“It's 2 o'clock... I'm driving home.” Ant sang into your ear. “Texting you... tryna wrap your legs around my face.” His hand started trailing up and down your arm. His other hand moved from your waist, lower and lower until it was grabbing your ass, pulling you down more onto his leg, until the only thing that you were grinding on was his leg.
“But have no fear… Cuz' what we did… Scratches on my back… That good love.” Anthony continued to rasp into your ear. He bit your ear, making you inhale quickly at the sharp pain. Anthony’s lips started moving lower, kissing your neck then kissing whatever other skin he could find.
“You tweet but you ain't calling… And now I'm feeling horny… I got no patience.” He said, before moving his face up. Your noses were touching, your breaths mingling. Anthony’s lips moved closer to yours, until they were barely touching.
“I got no patience.” Anthony sang once more before his lips covered yours.
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stargazefearless · 7 years
Warnings- none
Requested- no
Ship- pippa x reader
"What do you mean youve never baked?!" Pippa asks in disbelief
You're currently sitting in the schuyler sisters dressing room during the gap between shows with Pippa, Renee, Jasmine, Anthony and Thayne.
"I mean I don't really cook.. Thayne cooks" you say pointing at your roommate
"That's true" he nods "but she does all the washing and cleans up after I cook"
"Fair trade" Renee laughs
"Nope no way" Pippa says "we're gunna bake, mark my words we will!"
"We don't even have a proper kitchen here" you explain
"Well then you can come to mine but we will bake!" She grins as they call for places, giving you an escape from that conversation.
It's not that you don't like Pippa, on the contrary, you REALLY like Pippa. That's what the problem is. You're in the ensemble for Hamilton and she plays Elizabeth Schuyler, she's so beautiful and her voice is incredible. You've had a crush on her since the first day you walked in here.
Yeah she's beautiful but she's also so kind and sweet and-
"You're staring again" thayne nudges you from the other end of the sofa "think about your lover again?"
"She's NOT my lover!" You says blushing deeply "I'm going to bed.."
"Alright alright" thayne laughs "okay night darling" he smiles softly as you go to bed
"Hey! (Y/N)! Wait uppp" Pippa calls after you when you get to the theatre the next morning "I was thinking of making cookies do the cast to celebrate the last show of the year... you wanna come over to mine tonight and bake with me?" She smiles
"Um.." you say completely overwhelmed
"You don't have to.." her face falls
"No! No I want you" you say quickly "sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night, so we're baking?" You smile, panicking on the inside
"Yeah! So I was thinking.." she starts to explain all the different kinds of cookies she's wanted to try and then to make everyone their own special cookies and then special Hamilton cookies and you smile, wondering how adorable and perfect one person can be..
"Oh that's places! Okay so we'll get a cab together after the show and we can bake!" She smiles, eyes glittering with excitement
"Okay" you smile happily as you go get ready to do the show
"You look awful happy" Thayne says when you meet up during the interval
"I'm going to Pippa's house tonight" you smile, a light blush adorning your cheeks
"No way!" He squeals
"It's not like that!" You say
"I thought baking was the new Netflix and chill?" He teases
"Oh my god shut up, were on soon" you say getting into your positions for the second half
After the show you head back to your dressing room with the other ensemble girls to change into your street clothes before knocking on pippas door
"Pippaaaaa" jazzy grins when she opens the door "it's for youuuu"
"Hey!" Pippa smiles happily "ready to go?"
"Have fun!" Renee yells which makes Pippa blush
"Let's go" she mumbles and shuts the door quickly, leading you down the hallways and out of the stage door. You both sign a few autographs and take pictures before getting a cab to her place. "So it's kinda messy but I swear I tidied up last night! Just incase you said yes" she smiles softly putting her coat and bag away
"So cookies?" You smile looking around
"Yes! Okay so here's the recipe, if you wanna call out ingredients and then I'll get them and we can measure" she smiles and gathers ingredients as you call theme
"Can I measure them?" You smile eyeing the scales
"Of course!" She smiles and greases the pans while you measure out all the ingredients "so I got these Star cutters that we can do black and gold for Hamilton and then some pretty candy canes and Christmas tree shaped ones as well so if we make a few trays of each there should be more than enough for everyone"
"Oooh I want a star" you smile excitedly as she follows the recipe with you and mixes the batter. You put them in the oven once you've put them into trays
"You've got flour on your nose" she giggles and wipes it away
"You've got some on your cheek" you reply wiping it away, your hand resting on her cheek gently
"Whoops.." she whispers, not breaking eye contact, she begins to lean in when when the oven time goes off "uh.. I'll take them out!" She says quickly grabbing her oven gloves and sets the cookies on a cooling rack while you put out the next batch of cookies to bake and put them in the oven.
"Let's ice!" She grins and gives you a piping bag "I'll do the white and you do the red" she smiles and you both start icing the candy canes while the Christmas trees bake
"Oh I do I do i dooooo" Pippa sings as she ices the last cane "girl you got me helplesss" she hints smiling at you
"I look in your eyes and the sky's the limit" you sing back as she comes closer, just as you're about to kiss the over timer makes it appearance again
"For gods sake" she mutters and grabs it to turn it off before she takes the trees out of the oven and pus the stars in
"Uh I'll do the green, you do the coloured dots?" You mumble awkwardly and get to work on the trees. Once they're done the timer goes off and you take the stars out. Just as you're about to start icing the gold Pippa spins you round and grabs the front of your shirt and pulls you into a passionate kiss
"Fuck the stupid timer" she whispers
"Fuck the stupid timer" you nod and press your lips to hers happily
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spdersilk · 7 years
Lemon [lin x reader]
Warning(s): Cursing, champagne, kissing, kinda fluffy (nothing too bad hehe)
Summary: You and Lin were great friends back in high school. You recall all the memories the two of you shared, yearning for a chance to go back and change things. But little did you know the chance was bound to come ;)
Note: I had a fun time writing this :) I got a tinsy bit inspiration from In The Heights. Requests are open!
The smell of freshly baked goods and beverages flooded your senses, as you entered the local café that was near your block. You had come here every day precisely at 5 p.m to grab your slice of cheesecake and a cup of lavender chamiolle tea to relax. You looked outside your booth. The sky was a beautiful shade of lavender with a splash of tangerine across the horizon. A sigh escaped your lips as you sunk further into the plush velvet chair.
“as his hit musical Hamilton continues to amaze individuals of various ages, Lin-Manuel Miranda-” Your eyes snapped to the small television. Images of an energetic man flashed across the screen. You smiled for a moment. Lin-Manuel Miranda. You were the least bit surprised to see his name all over New York. Smash hit sensation. An absolute genius. Possibly a reincarnation of Alexander Hamilton. You had heard it all. You closed your eyes for a moment. Lin and you had history.The both of you had been close friends in high school.  He was a senior and you were a junior.
“Y/N, do me a favor and grab the extra sheet music from the storage room. We’re gonna need two more cellos” Your conductor said. You nodded, walking over to the storage room. ‘We have enough cellos, why would we need more?’ You thought. At the corner of your eye, you saw a boy running quickly towards the storage room. Someone had called his name and he had turned around, seconds away from slamming into the wall. Your breath hitched as you lunged for his arm, pulling him roughly into you. “Woahwoahwoahwoah” The boy said hurriedly, grabbing on to your shoulders for balance. His eyes flickered to your face for a quick moment. “Are you okay?” You asked. Lin-Manuel Miranda. He was a senior. If you did anything as close to laying a finger on him, he would either shrug it off or make you the school’s new laughing stock. You had your bets on the latter. He swiftly let go of you and ran his fingers through his hair. “I'm fine. You look a little winded there yourself.” He smirks, carefully examining his surroundings before looking back at you. You furrowed your eyebrows. Did he forget that you were the one who just saved him from a bloody nose? “Uh-” You started but he cut you off. “Babe, if you wanted my number you could’ve just asked. No need to get all touchy.” He said rather loudly. A couple of guys his age barked in laughter. You grimaced and side stepped him, deciding to not dig yourself a deeper grave. Lin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion for a moment, watching you pick up some sheet music. Usually the girls he flirted with would either blush or giggle. Not side step him and forget about his existence. For a moment, he flushed. He was sounding like the rest of them. Lin let out a breath. Only five more months till he can leave this hell and become himself again.
Lin wasn't always a jackass. In fact, he never was to you. It took you awhile to figure out his “dual personality” but when you understood, you were amused. Putting up a front just to fit in sounded like too much of a hassle. You took a bite of your cheesecake and let the tart lemon flavor fill your senses. Lin always seemed to remember your likes (and dislikes). Even before the two of you were friends.
“I don't understand why a dumb club requires meetings in the mornings. Do they understand that kids don't sleep till 3 a.m because of homework?” You grumbled to yourself, as you shut your locker. “No they don't. They don't call high school a “hell hole” for no reason. You turned around quickly, clutching your chest.  “Didn’t mean to scare you. I brought donuts to compensate for my unacceptable behavior yesterday. Being a dick really does take up 2/3s’ of your personality. Minus the actual-” “Okay I think its a little too early for those kind of  jokes.“ You mumbled, rubbing your eyes. “Sorry. Uh. No I mean sorry for the dick joke. It wasn't exactly a joke. Fuck, also sorry for being a dick yesterday at rehearsal.” He looked flustered for a moment before sticking out a brown paper bag. “Donuts? I heard you liked tart sweets. Well, lemon tarts. I mean, lemon flavored things” You eyed him, only making him more anxious. “Do you stalk me or something?” “No no! Crap you probably don’t even know me. I’m Lin-Manurel Miranda. Friends call me Lin. You can call me anytime. Oops sorry, there we go again. You call me Lin for real. Well not for real but if you-” “Jesus you talk way too much. I know who you are. You’ve been in every musical we’ve had so far. I was just giving you a hard time” You said, sheepishly taking the bag. Lin let out of an embarrassed laugh. “But seriously? Lemon frosted donuts? What is with you and lemons?” “What’s it with you and stalking?” “Its called being observant” “I don’t think observant people buy other people whom they have never talked to their favorite donuts to compensate for their insolent behavior”
He smiled at you and it nearly caught you off guard. It was almost as if you had forgotten how charming and alluring he looked when he smiled. “Touche” He mused. You looked away quickly, nibbling at the donut  “Am I forgiven?” He asked after a beat .You chewed thoughtfully. “Do you always try to bargain apologies with food ?” You asked, brushing your hands on your jeans. He ducked his head sheepishly. You had him pinned to a t. “No, but I don't really know how to make it up to you other than buying lemon donuts.” He grumbled. “Speaking of which, how do you even know I like lemon donuts?” You asked. “Cast parties.” He said. You furrowed your eyebrows for a moment but nodded your head. Awkwardness began to fill the air. “Okay I really don't think buying you donuts erases away my behavior from yesterday.” He said. “That would be a correct statement.” You retorted, rocking back on your heels. “Let me make it up to you? There’s this really cool café that's opened up. They have stellar cheesecakes. Some of them lemon. Meet me there at 5 and I’ll prove it to ya.” He pleaded. You looked at him. His eyes had a strange glint and you could see how nervous you made him. It almost flattered you. “Are you tryna give me diabetes or something?” You asked, shutting your locker and grabbing your books. “They say sugar is the key to the heart” “Whoever said that was probably a diabetic” He let out a laugh, and you grinned. “So its a deal?” He asked, his eyes hopeful. You were taken aback for the second time. He was being genuine. You blinked, and looked at your sneakers and back at him. He had the same look. You shrugged in response. He chuckled happily. “i’ll see you then!” He called, trotting towards his locker.
And that was how your friendship bloomed. You looked longingly at your half eaten cheesecake. This café brought back so many memories, it almost hurt. The two of you would always spend your afternoons here. Splitting money to pay for the cheesecakes, paninis, pina coladas. He even seemed to acquire a taste for lemon flavored cheesecake. Sometimes, he would invite you over to his house and his mom and dad would cook dinner while listening to music. He would teach you how to dance but most of the time it ended up with you stamping on his feet and clutching onto his chest so you wouldn't fall. He would laugh so hard, there were tears in his eyes.
You glanced back at the t.v. Lin wasn't on it anymore. It was broadcasting the local news. You closed your eyes again. You remembered a particular night. It was one of your favorites. The night before everything blew apart.
“Lin, your parents aren't home. I'm pretty sure they would be pissed to see-” “Relax! They love you almost more than me. And to be honest, its kinda scary. Plus, they are on vacation for the weekend. We’ve got the place to ourselves” He said, opening the door and holding it for you. You hid your blush, turning away from him. Feelings were one thing you were able to control all your life, as ridiculous as it sounds. But Lin confused you. He steered you off the tracks by saying small things that meant more to you then you would care to admit. He would look at you sometimes, softly with a small grin on his lips. You would look away of course, trying to hide your blush. He grabbed a bottle that looked like champagne. Your eyes widened. “I graduate next week, I thought we would celebrate.” He said happily, a glint of sadness in his eyes. Your heart dipped. He would be gone. In a week. No more dancing. No more café “dates”. No more Lin. You gulped and matched his feign happiness. “We don’t have any cups.” He grinned, opening the bottle. You giggled, watching the champagne spill everywhere. Lin took a gulp from the bottle, a little longer than you would have expected. He let out a breathy chuckle, handing it to you. You laughed as he got up and starting jumping around. You took a generous sip, and joined him. The two of you spent the rest of the night sharing the bottle and talking about anything and everything.
“Do you wanna dance?” He asked after a moment. You laughed. “No way! I’m going to walk all over you again.” But he wasn't listening. He put in one of his parents old cassettes, and the house was flooded with slow music. “You didn't teach me this kind of dance.” You said quietly, as he walked over to you. He didn't answer, taking your hand softly. His hand pressed against the small of your back. Timidly, you placed a hand on his shoulder, keeping your gaze down. “ Y/N, look at me” He beckoned softly. You kept your eyes fixed on the collar of his shirt before slowly raising your eyes to meet his. And yet again you were thrown off guard. The look on his face made your breath hitch in your throat. His eyes were glassy from the champagne but sober. They were soft, overcome with emotion. You swallowed hard. His cheeks were pink and you could see the peach fuzz on his chin that he so desperately has been trying to grow. Your eyes settled on his soft pale pink lips. You let out a small hiccup and he smiled softly, twirling you around. “Has anyone told you that you have the softest prettiest smile when your guard is down?” He asked. You kept quiet, your eyes flickering down. “How come your always on an edge, Y/N?” He asked again. You didn't say anything, letting him twirl you. He pulled you closer to his chest. “I-” You choked. Feelings were flooding in your head. Your heart was pounding. He was holding you closely, his eyes intent. It was so new. He cared for you. Cared. You swallowed. “I don't know” You whispered. You could feel everything. His calloused hands that were folded within yours. His soft and staggered breathing that flushed against your cheeks. You could feel the blood rush to your ears. “Y/N-’” You blushed furiously. The way he said your name. Like it bounced off his tongue. Like music to your ears. His voice was a symphony. You wanted to hear it over and over and over again. You hummed, gaining the courage to look up at him. “Can I-” He swallowed. He was choking too. You shut your eyes tight, nodding. You were too scared. This was beyond your control, and yet you wanted it so badly. He waited for a second before softly pressing his lips against yours. You let out an involuntary sigh that spoke waves. You’ve been waiting for this. He smiled against your lips, almost as if he was responding. ‘me too’. His lips were soft and molded against yours with precision. They tasted sweet, like the champagne. You pulled away for a moment. He leaned in, yearning for more. Your lips were intoxicating. You studied him for a moment, smiling widely. He blushed, and you kissed him fiercely, trying to convey that what he felt was reciprocated all this time. You were just too scared. Too scared.
And that was where you ended it. Ever since that night, you had cut off all ties. Lin tried desperately to contact you. He had even messaged your parents, but you were stubborn. The thought of him leaving you was terrifying. But the thought of him leaving you with your heart in his hands was absolutely petrifying. So you did what you thought best. You “saved yourself” from the heartbreak by simply cutting everything off.
You leaned against the window, the familiar sense of regret taking over. That is until you heard the door chime. A man stepped inside, removing his hoodie and your breath caught in your throat. He walked towards you, a warm smile on his soft pale pink lips. “Y/N.” He greeted. “Lin? What are you doing here?” You said, quickly getting up. I’ve been looking for you. He thought. He sat down instead.
“I think you owe me a slice of some lemon cheesecake.”
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eventuallyfall-blog · 7 years
Hiii! Can I request something? If so... Prompt: pippa x reader. Pippa offers a back massage to her tired friend the reader, but then regrets it once she sees the close proximity it puts her next to the love of her life. So now she's almost shaking especially when she grazes her bare skin by her neck. You choose how it goes, but please let it have a romantic and fluffy arc. Thank you!
this took me some time to get to! hope you like it i was stressing over it but it’s really cute imoalso is it a drabble if it’s 1.7k words???no warnings apply i think
Here was the thing about Phillipa and you: the two of you wentback to Julliard when you two had been put together as roommates.She’d been in the acting program and you’d been involved a theatertech program. She’d gone on to get involved in something calledNatasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 and you yourself startedpicking up odd jobs in various theater companies that needed help toput on a show. Occasionally you helped on her project, but for themost part you were freelance and not contracted out to anyone. Andhere was the thing about being involved in the behind the scenes workas a stage technician: it was exhausting.
You knew it would be exhausting yet you loved that about the job because it meant that not a single moment went to waste. Doublechecking lighting rigs, running around the stage to make sure thateverything was in its place… all it was pretty tiring. So it wasno wonder that you’d eventually developed a crick in your neck andyour back felt like you’d dropped a thousand pound weight on it. “Ithink my back is broken,” you complained to Pippa. The one thingthat hadn’t changed from Julliard to now was the fact you were stillroommates. The two of you just got along in way you never thoughtpossible. “I’m pretty sure I’m dying. Make sure my browser historyis cleared.”
She laughed, that same twinkling laugh you’d always loved. “I’mcertain you’re not going to die,” she said, plopping herself nextto you on the couch. She hesitated briefly, her eyes tracing alongyour neck and you didn’t eve notice. “If you like, I could give youa shoulder massage? I bet that’ll help.”
“A massage sounds great,” you said as you leaned back againsther with a bright grin, trying your best to ignore how nicely you fitagainst her. Phillipa was amazing with her hands, as it turned out.She didn’t need much further permission than that. “God, the stagemanager for this show was a real prick, too. He couldn’t make up hisdamn mind where he wanted one of the larger parts of the set – Idon’t even know how to describe it. And it weighs a good hundred andseventy-five pounds too. Carrying it was insane. And I would’ve hadit too – this stupid guy came along and stood in my way demanding Ilet him help me move it! So I dropped it on his foot by mistake causehe wouldn’t move no matter how much I yelled at him to get out of myway.”
You didn’t notice her eyes darting down to your bare arms or hercheeks turning red as she realized how close she was to you. What youdidn’t know was that Phillipa had been harboring feelings for yousince Julliard when she first entered the dorm and saw you assemblinga bookshelf on the floor of the dorm. And she’d been gone ever since.But she didn’t want to risk ruining the friendship. She’d rather haveyou as a friend than as nothing else. “Yeah,” she said, shiftingslightly as she thought about how you’d most likely be able to lifther up. “No wonder you’re so exhausted. You poor baby.”
You gave a soft sigh, nodding. “Very exhausted,” you saidsoftly.  Here’s what Phillipa didn’t know: you’d been crushing on herever since she entered the dorm room the two of you shared. Her kindeyes had drawn you in upon first sight. But you weren’t eager to makethings weird with a roommate situation the two of you would be stuckin and after the two of you became friends, you didn’t want to muckup that friendship. Her friendship meant the world to you. “Infact, all I can think is how some wine would be great.”
She nodded slightly, pushing you away to get up and rush over tothe fridge. “I just got this amazing shimmery wine,” she said,holding up a bottle with a red, shimmering liquid inside it beforeturning to grab two wine glasses. “I thought we could try ittogether.”
A shimmering wine with a  shimmering woman. “That soundswonderful,” you said, a slight hitch in your voice. “I mean, youcould tell me all about this musical you’re workshopping at thePublic. Rumor has it that whatever you’re working on is going to bebig.”
“Can’t really tell you much. But I can make sure you’re on thelist for previews come January 20,” she said with a light grin asshe handed you a glass full of the shimmering liquid and pouring aglass for herself. It was easy to get the guys who stood in your wayand treated you like some delicate little flower with her around. Shewas like pure sunshine.  “But when you see it, it’ll blow yourmind. It’s a bit wild, though. Most of this we’re literally learningthe same night Lin writes it.”
“That sounds exhausting,” you said as you took a swig of thewine with a slight grimace – it was much sweeter than you’d prefer.Then again, you thought as you looked at Pippa, maybe sweet wasn’t sobad. “Is that why you’ve been so busy lately? I feel I rarely seeyou anymore.”
“You’re one to talk,” she said with a slight smirk and youblushed – it was true. Between each of the demands of the plays andmusicals you’d gotten involved in, you were barely able to squeeze infifteen minutes to sleep. You were lucky the apartment the two of youchose was in the theater district – even if the main reason youwere barely home was to make rent. “I wish you’d let me pay more ofthe rent. I can handle it. It makes me sad to see you so overworked.”
You shook your head – Pippa was already generous enough when itcame to the rent. It was embarrassing enough that you barely couldcover your half. The idea of letting Phillipa pay more had came upseveral times over and the argument always ended the same way. “Ican’t let you do that. I mean, here you are massaging my shouldersand bringing me wine. I feel like I was taking advantage of you if Ilet you pay more. Maybe we should just get another roommate.”
You could never understand why Phillipa was so against the idea –the two of you clearly needed a third to cover the rent. What youdidn’t know is that Pippa didn’t like the idea of sharing yourdowntime with anyone else. “Absolutely not,” she said, farquicker than she’d like to. “We’ve talked about this already,”she started again, this time more gently. “I thought we agreed thatwe have… a sort of… chemistry and adding to the dynamic mightthrow the roommate flow off.”
Her cheeks turned bright pink at the mention of chemistry and yetyou barely noticed it. “It’s just that the rent keeps going up andwe never know if our next paycheck is going to come in. We work intheater for god’s sake,” you said in annoyance. “It’s not likewe’ve got steady television jobs going for us. Bringing in a roommatewho can be counted on to pay rent isn’t the worst idea in the world.I don’t know why you’re so against it! I’ll even have theroommate in my room if the idea of sharing a room is so awful toyou!”
“I’m not against sharing a room,” she said, getting up fromher spot on the couch and turning away from you. You hated when shedid that – it felt like she was doing it specifically to hidesomething big from you. “I mean, I’d rather share a room with youthen let some stranger be in your room where you could get hurt. It’sNew York City – I don’t want to share the place with someone wedidn’t know.”
Your cheeks heated up at the idea of sharing a room with Phillipa– you’d had nice dreams relating to that idea right there. “Well,with any luck, they’d be like us and we’d never see them anyway,”you said, standing up and setting your wine down. You realized yourtolerance must be lower than you remember – your head was alreadyspinning “We’re struggling, Pip. Having a roommate, even if it’stemporary until something pans out proper for us, will help. And thenmaybe I wouldn’t have to be riskin breaking my back carrying huge setpieces all over a stage!”
“It’s not that I want you to risk hurting yourself to make rent!Of course I don’t,” she said as she spun around her, her dark eyesthrowing you off guard – you couldn’t read them like you usuallycould. And she was so close, so much closer than you expected. Youtook a step back. “I just… I don’t… I don’t want to share,okay!”
“You’re being childish,” you said, reclaiming your ground anddrawing yourself up to your full height. “I mean, you share withme! What’s wrong with sharing with another person? What is the bigdifference between me and someone -”
You were cut off the minute her lips were on yours and your eyeswent wide. You thought the imaginations you had of kissing her wouldbe similar to reality but you realized very quickly you were wrong.You could taste the wine still left on her lips and traces of herlipstick. The shock wore of quickly as your own eyes fluttered closedand you reached up to cup her cheek, the other hand on her waist. Youquickly pulled her in closer. You weren’t certain if seconds,minutes, or hours had passed before the two of you broke apart. “Idon’t wanna share you,” she finally said softly.
“Sounds reasonable,” you said softly with a grin. “Though ifwe get a roommate, we can give them my old room and we could share aroom.”
Phillipa’s twinkling laugh was still every bit as beautiful –perhaps even more so on the other side. “I suppose we wouldn’t wantthe second bedroom to go to waste.”
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can-youimagine · 6 years
Summer Days (Eliza x Reader)
Summary: Summer Days: Summer romances are the best! Your favorite characters deserve one! Write about the ideal summer romance. There’s fairs, beaches, picnics, pool parties, fireworks, the list goes on.
A/N: My write-a-thon is underway!!
Summer may be the worst season ever. It was incredibly hot, there was a huge pressure to look good, everyone used the season to make terrible life decisions. Your girlfriend, however, had a different opinion.
Eliza Schuyler loved summer. She loved how excited everyone became and the joy that came with the heat, making this the one time of year that they two of you completely disagreed.
She climbs out of your shared bed, changing into a pair of shorts and a tank top. By the time you wake up, she’s already cooking breakfast. You walk into the kitchen, still in your pajamas, and wrap your arms around her. “Good morning,” you mumble into her neck.
She presses a quick kiss to the top of your head before turning back to the pancakes in front of her. “Good morning. I was thinking we could go to the zoo today.”
“I would much rather just stay here.” You kiss her shoulder. “With you.”
She shrugs out of your grasp to flip the pancake. “Please?”
You sigh, knowing that you won’t be able to resist her pout. “Fine, but can we get ice cream while we’re there?”
She smiles widely. “Of course!”
You have never seen an adult so happy about animals before today. Eliza bounces through the zoo, dragging you to all the different animals.
“(Y/N)!” She exclaims, “Look! They’re so cute!”
You smile and follow her through the crowd of people to the meerkats. “Not as cute as you.” You lean against her, resting your head on her shoulder. “I’m glad you brought me here. It’s nice.”
“Thank you for coming with me.”
You kiss her cheek before staring at the meerkats for a few more minutes. “As much as I love this, and you, the sun is trying to murder me. Can we get ice cream now?”
She smiles widely. “Of course!”
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hamiltonimagines · 4 years
Red Handed
Pairing: Phillipa x Reader
Request: “Hey its me again! 😂 I know you're doing a bunch of other requests but when you have a time, can you do a Pippa one where theyre secretly dating and whenever they do ham4ham they always have these cute moments so the fans would catch on? Then at the end Pippa and Y/N would like come out to all the fans? Something like that, I hope that makes sense😭😂 Thank you for taking alot of your time writing a bunch of requests, its very appreciated!!☺” - @multifandomwriterx
Word Count: 1.4k
“Pippa I think they know” I said walking into our shared bedroom. Pippa was sitting on our bed, reading a book. I sat down next to her and showed her my phone. The top trending hashtag on Twitter was #Y/NandPippa.
She grabbed my phone and was looking through some of the tweets. “Well no one seems mad, they all seem really supportive” Pippa said. “Well that’s good” I said, smiling. I looked over at my phone and saw there was a video everyone was tweeting about. “What’s the video they’re all talking about?” I asked her.
She kept scrolling and found the video and pressed the link. It opened up on YouTube. It showed a compilation video of me and Pippa and it was entitled “Y/N and Pippa: proof they’re dating”.
I giggled at the title and Pippa pressed play. It started with the first Ham4Ham show Pippa and I did together.
Pippa and I walked out to do the Ham4Ham show and we were both so nervous since it was the first Ham4Ham we’d performed in. Lin walked up to both of us and whispered “You’re both going to do great” in our ears. Pippa gave my hand a quick squeeze to calm my nerves. If we had been in private, she would of wrapped her arms around my waist and pressed kisses to my temple.
But none of the fans knew about our secret relationship so she kept it to a quick squeeze of my hand.
Pippa started the song off and was belting like a goddess. She sounded so good, I couldn’t help, but stare with the biggest smile on my face. Then I took over and started singing my part and I could see that same smile on Pippa’s face.
Eventually, we got to the part where we were harmonizing and Pippa walked behind and on the next step of the stairs. She hugged me from behind as we sang the rest of the song in harmony.
Then the video went to a clip from an awards show.
They were about to announce who won the award, Pippa had been nominated. We had our fingers interlaced and on our other hands we had our fingers crossed. We were so nervous to hear the results.
Then Pippa’s name got called out, and we both looked at each other with shocked expressions. We both jumped out of our seats along with the rest of the Hamilton actors sitting around us.
I pulled Pippa into the biggest hug. “I am so proud of you, darling” I whispered in her ears. I wiped the tears off her face and then she turned to hug Renée and Jasmine.
Then, she walked up on stage to give her acceptance speech. “I want to thank everyone who helped this dream of mine come true. Also a shoutout to Y/N, my biggest fan and my best friend. I wouldn’t be here without your constant support” she said, emotionally.
I blew a kiss to her and wiped a few tears away from my own eyes. Then I saw Lin behind me, he leaned toward me and whispered “Your girl did it, you must be so proud” in my ear.
Then the video transitioned to a clip from Lin’s wedding. I was confused as to why this was in the compilation. The video showed Leslie singing a love, slow song while Lin and Vanessa danced. Then everyone joined them on the dance floor and the video zoomed past everyone and showed Pippa and I.
“You look really pretty today” I complimented Pippa as we danced. “I have nothing on you, you look absolutely stunning Y/N” she said, as she brushed my hair behind my ear.
We continued to dance and we leaned our foreheads together, just enjoying the moment. She grabbed one of my hands and kissed the back of it.
“One day, maybe Leslie will sing at our wedding” Pippa told me. My eyes lit up and I smiled. “That sounds magical” I replied and kissed her cheek.
Then the video transitioned to a different Ham4Ham show.
I was currently singing Defying Gravity for the Ham4Ham show today. Pippa had been away for a week, visiting her family. I had been really bummed since she had been away and the rest of the cast had really caught on.
They had told me to sing at the Ham4Ham to cheer me up, but I still missed her a lot. I was singing and was hyper-focused on the notes, trying not to mess up one of my favorite Broadway songs.
Then I happened to turn around for a second, hearing some commotion. I saw Pippa a few feet away and I completely stopped singing.
I ran over to her and pulled her into the biggest hug. “I’ve missed you so much” I whispered in her ear. I couldn’t believe she was home so early.
I pulled away from her and heard the crowd saying “aww”. “I’m sorry, I’ll start over, but Pippa is back early from seeing her family and I’ve missed her” I explained.
I finished the song, feeling much more confident because Pippa was there as my number one support system. “Everyone give it up for Y/N” Pippa said, pulling me into a hug. The whole crowd erupted into applause.
The next video that played was one I recognized as a video Lin took and later posted on social media.
I was sitting in Pippa’s lap and we were in Renée’s dressing room. Renée was telling us about some article that she had read about the link between your diet and how well you sleep. Pippa and I were only half-listening. I leaned closer to her and kissed her temple. She smiled back at me.
She had her hand resting on my knee and was drawing circles with her finger. I grabbed her other hand and interlaced our fingers. She leaned in close to me. “I love you” she whispered, quiet enough so no one heard it. I just looked back at her and smiled.
“Would you look at the lovebirds” Lin said. That was when we finally got distracted from each other and looked over at Lin. “Nooo, Lin put away your camera” I whined. Lin laughed and then put away his phone.
The video ended with a montage of a bunch of pictures of me and Pippa over the years. Then the screen faded to black.
I looked over at Pippa. “Woah, I guess they really noticed all the little details” I said, in awe. “Yeah, and now they know” she said, shocked. “Is it so bad? No one has said anything rude and they all seem so supportive” I told her. “No, I guess it’s not that bad. The only difference is now I can kiss you in public” Pippa said, smiling and leaning in to peck my lips.
“Oh wait, we should do an Instagram live. We can confirm the rumors” I said, smirking. I opened Instagram and went live, putting me and Pippa in the shot.
Quickly, the viewers started to pour in. All the comments were about the rumor. “Hey guys, so we are live today because of a little video that has been circling around Twitter and YouTube” I said, smirking. Just about every comment was asking if it was true.
I turned towards Pippa to let her to the honors. “We can both confirm that the rumors are true. We are madly in love” she said as she kissed my cheek. Pippa and I both had the biggest smiles on our faces.
Everyone in the comments was celebrating and congratulating us. “Lin said he is excited that he can finally post the pictures he has of us being cute” I said, reading out the comment.
“Thank you guys for all being so supportive” Pippa said. Then Pippa’s phone buzzed and we both looked over and saw texts from Jasmine and Renée. Once we read them, we both laughed out loud.
“Renée and Jasmine would like to a recreation of Satisfied and also Story of Tonight Reprise at our wedding, so we have that to look forward to” Pippa said and we both giggled. We wrapped up the livestream and thanked everyone for being so nice.
As I put down my phone, I looked towards Pippa with a smile. “What?” She asked, confused. “We’ve been caught red handed, but I’m just really happy they know” I said, kissing her cheek.
taglist: @someinsanefangirl @laurens-interlude @geekycatlover @fanfic-addict-98 @romanoffs-heart @multifandomwriterx @andreasworlsboring101 @criminallyhamilton @imatyoursurrvicesurr
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for all of my imagines!
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Lin Manuel Miranda x Reader
Summary: Lin cheated on reader and reader remembers so they can forgive him.
Word count: 2.5K
Warnings: None 
A/N: I just can’t imagine Lin doing this to his wife tbh
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When you first met Lin, you couldn’t describe the feeling inside you, it was like a blast of energy directly from your heart to every inch of your body. Now 20 years later after that and 12 after you get married. Every inch of your body was full of an energy. A bad energy. You were trembling with anger and pain. Because the only person you’d ever want to spent the rest of your life with had cheated on you and you were trying to forgive him. You loved him so much you wanted to forgive him. So you tried to remember all the good times you had with him.
 From the moment I met you, I knew you were mine.
You were 15 at the time and he was 2 years older than you. You met him because you were neighbors in Inwood. You just moved from another country, because your father get a job in the United States and you were trying to get the little boxes that belonged to you out of the truck. You put them one above the other. You were struggling a little bit and almost dropped everything. Suddenly someone grabbed the box that was on top and you turned to look at the person. I was him. And since your eyes laid on him you knew you were helpless. His smile was so bright and his eyes were shining. He was beautiful.
“Can I help you with these?” His voice was quite funny and got inside your mind like and echo. “I mean, it seemed like you were having a little bit of problem… Excuse me? Are you listening to me?” You were staring at him all the time he had been talking. His voice…
“yeah…yeah. Of course, I’d really appreciate that” You said after taking a grip of yourself. You were acting ridiculously with a guy you didn’t know the name.
“Ok. Don’t worry. Just tell me where to put them… I’m Lin by the way” Lin? That was a very peculiar name…
“Hi, Lin, you can put them inside the house next to the door. I’ll tell my father to bring them upstairs later” You were making a great effort not letting you voice crack, which was something that happened every time you were nervous or crying. He get inside the house and put the boxes down. He looked at you and you looked back. You didn’t know what to do right now. Your mind was numb.
“You know… You haven’t told me your name yet” He smiled and you immediately blushed. He instantly blushed too and added “Only if you want to, of course.”
“What? Oh! Yeah! Sure! I’m sorry I was a bit distracted. I’m y/n”
“y/n? What a beautiful name...” You blushed again and you could feel your face even hotter. “Anyway I have to go, but it was nice meeting you, y/n” he smiled and turned away. You watched him walked away with the memory of his smile still in your mind.
“y/n? Who is he?” Your sister asked you. You didn’t answered your her question and just shrugged.
“Just a beautiful gentleman”
Be careful with that one, love.
It passed 1 year in which you felt, as your sister liked to say, like flying. Lin had come to your house a lot of times and he was like family. He was so charming with your mother and so respectful with your father. Everyone seemed to know that you liked him and that he liked you, but not everyone seemed to liked it.
“I don’t know what is your problem, why you don’t like him?” You were talking about this new letter he wrote to you about this new idea that he was thinking about and your sister sighed so loud that it interrupted you. You looked back at her and decided to face her.
“It’s not that! I’m just worried, y/n. You really like him, but it doesn’t mean he feel the same…” She said.
“How do you know? You know nothing. You are just saying that because you liked him too!!” You snapped back. You were tired of her attitude towards him. He was so nice with her, but she didn’t care.
“You think I don’t realise the way you see him. But he likes me too, I know. And you can’t do anything about it!”
“STOP IT! That’s not true. I’m just worried for you. I don’t want him to hurt you. I’m your big sister is my job. I want you to be happy. y/n, I swear I don’t feel anything for him, but please be careful.” You looked her in the eyes and decided she was telling the true. She was just worried. You smiled
“Don’t need to worry. He would never hurt me.”
The world seemed to burn.
After 2 years of meeting him, after countless letters, going outs and adventures. He finally asked you out. Everyone in your family was happy for the two of you, including your sister. He was super sweet about it. He asked your father first for his permission and then planned a dinner for the both of you. You remembered his face, all shy and nervous trying to ask you. You remembered him dropping the bracelet he got for you that night, after accepting.
“You look beautiful…not that you aren’t beautiful. I mean even more, if that’s possible.” You laughed. He always knew what to say, that was you loved about him. You fell in love with him, because he was so intelligent, so creative. You were so into him and he into you. After that, you did everything together. You were one, yet still had your own space; it was a wonderful relationship. Everything seemed to burn.
After 6 years of dating and 8 of knowing each other. He asked you to be his life partner. He surprised you with a choreography with your friends and one song he just composed for you. It was slow, yet catchy and danceable. After he finished he stood in front of you, whose face was burning from the happy tears, and kneeled.
“y/n, will you…”
“Yes” You interrupted him. He laughed
“Let me finish. Ok?” You nodded “Y/n, will you… I’m serious… stop laughing!” You nodded still laughing.
“Yes I’m sorry”
“Ok… y/n l/n, I knew I wanted to know you since the first time I looked at you. And I knew I wanted to be with you since the first time you laughed at one of my bad jokes, so… will you do me the honor to spend the rest of your life with this pain in the ass who is talking to you?”
“YES! I love you, Lin. I’ll always do. No matter how many bad jokes you make.”
“I love you, y/n” He said putting the ring in your finger.
 It had passed 12 years since you get married and 18 years in a relation most people would kill to be in. Passionate and sweet. Always caring for each other, always trusting each other. So how? How things ended up like this?
You were brokenhearted and rethinking everything. Trying to understand.
In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives.
You remembered how you found out. You were eating your breakfast one morning, trying to stay awake. You had waited for Lin all night to come home, but he never appeared. He had been staying out for a few nights, but you never worry. He was just busy with all his work. He became famous through all these years, but what could you expect after 2 really successful Broadway shows and 1 soundtrack for a Disney movie. He really was non-stop. Your phone beeped and you took it. You though it was one of Lin’s motivational messages, but you were wrong. It was your sister.
“Are you ok? I can’t believe he did that” You read out loud. You were confused. What happened? You decided to call her for an explanation, but your doorbell sounded. You opened the door and it revealed your sister, with a worrying look in her face, who immediately hug you.
“Please tell me how you feel” she said.
“I don’t know what you are talking about… Why am I supposed to be bad?” She gave at you with an incredulous look and then followed it with a pitying one.  
She told you everything you needed to know. She told you how she found out. It was on the news. You listened to her and could feel your heart broke. After that you felt nothing.
“Y/n, I told you. I knew he was going to hurt you one way or another. I’m so sorry, but I’m here for you. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”
“I want to be alone” You said. Your voice was dry “Please”
She got up and kissed you. You waited her to be out and then got up from the chair you were in. You looked around you. Why? Why he cheated? Why he told everyone? Wasn’t he happy with you?
You and your words, obsessed with your legacy.
You remembered how you stood there in the middle of your house for god knew how long until you heard a knock on your door. You opened the door and looked at him. He looked miserable. He opened his mouth, but then stopped. You let him in without saying a thing and then slammed the door closed. He jumped at the sound and turned to look at you.
“I’m sorry” He just said. He looked at you. His eyes were red and swollen. He took a step toward you but you stepped back. He looked down. You could tell he felt embarrassed. It was ok. He should.
“Why?” You asked. Your voice sounded like a mix of anger, pain and confusion. He swallowed before answering.
“I don’t know”
“You know better than that. Why?”
He dropped to his knees and started crying, you didn’t feel anything. He looked pathetic. He looked nothing like the boy you met, like the man you fell in love with. The man you loved.
“I was so helpless… I felt so helpless” He was sobbing in the ground
“Why you published it? Why you told the whole world something that wasn’t their business?” You didn’t understand why he cheated, but some part of you knew you’d eventually could forgive him, but that wasn’t the thing that bothered you the most. It was why he told everyone about it. It was something it concerned just the both of you, not the others.
“Because if it wasn’t me, they would have told everyone!!! It was because….” He hesitated. Now you knew why. Everything he had done in his life was because of that. “Because of our future. Because of our legacy” You laughed.
“You didn’t do it because of that. You writing a 5 pages of explanation and then post them in every social media wasn’t because of our legacy. It was because of yours.” He was, all his life, obsessed with that legacy thing. Even if he didn’t admitted it, but it was true. All his musicals had that. Usnavi, Hamilton, all of his characters at some point had touched that subject.
“Please…please forgive me, y/n. I didn’t know what I was doing, I-”
“Just leave, Lin” He started shaking his head, still in the ground, maybe denying the words that just came out of your mouth “Lin, get up and leave. I need some time to think” He got up and locked eyes with you. His eyes showed regret and desperation, yours showed pain and emptiness. He knew he hurt you, and the only thing he now could do was to give you everything you could need and now you needed time.
I’m erasing myself from the narrative. ( You have torn it all apart)
You spent the next 2 months on your own. Lin’s belongings were still in your house. They belonged there. Just like him. You knew that, but you needed that time alone. Most of the people in your social media were giving you their support, others were blaming you for making him do that. Wow. Like it was your decision to be cheated on. You didn’t care, though. Everyone could talk shit about you or Lin. Nothing was going to make you made a public statement. You would never destroyed Lin’s thrust like he did with yours. He destroyed your relationship with, no one wrong choice, but two of them. Cheating and telling the whole world about it. You were still mad at him, but you couldn’t help missing him. Missing feeling his arms at night, missing his love. He was staying at the theater every night. You knew only the guys of the show were supporting him, even though they were quite disappointed, the girls were on your side and left the girl he cheated you with on her own. You didn’t blame her completely. It was his choice too. You hoped that he would feel the same way you were feeling now. You hoped that he would burn.
 You forfeit all rights to my heart (With only the memories of when you were mine)
The next month from then, you weren’t on your own. Pippa would be in your house every night so you wouldn’t feel alone and Renee and Jasmine always come in the day to help you feel better. The only times you were completely alone were in which they were at the show and when you shower or go the bathroom. You used that time to think about the past, about those days in which it was no one, but you and him. Everything was burning then, in a beautiful way. Everything was shining. Now you were burning and you could only hope it would stop. You had talk to him the day before. He seemed sad. You were sure he was. You had talked to him about your current situation. You both agreed to start from the beginning in each other thrusting. You both admitted you were feeling incomplete without each other. Then, you just hugged quickly and say goodbye.
 I hope that you burn the same way I do
In the next two weeks, everything was back to normal. At first, things were awkward. You were together again, but you were starting over. It passed 4 days until you hugged and 1 week for you to kiss. Then everything seemed came back to normal. All your feelings were familiar, yet fresh and with each touch he would give you, an energy, directly from your heart, filled every inch of your body. You were rediscovering each other slowly in this new phase of your life, but you were happy, because you were sure all bad things were left in the past. And you hoped that he burned with these new and familiar feelings on the inside the same way you were.
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