#pioneer podcast weapons
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aloysarrow · 8 months ago
I'm playing the smallest violin, but I am a little upset, yall 😅 Like it's just cosmetics.... but dang lol
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I got the Augment rectifier weapon from the battle pass because I knew I wanted to put it on my Encore. And it was pink! But as you upgrade it, it turns gold. 😔 It's still very pretty. And Encore has gold accents. But dang. I'm sad my girliepop pink vibe is gone 5ever if I want an upgraded weapon lol
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anchoraweigh · 1 month ago
ahaha ~ it's munday!
i enjoy getting to know the muns of the blogs i follow for rp reasons, so i thought it would be alright to make a post like this. today i'd like to talk about my wuwa activity and my experiences with the game, both from the lens of roleplay and from playing the game. since it's the sort of post not everyone wants to see, i will put it under the cut.
actually, brant isn't my first wuwa muse, but i've been operating without much connections to my previous blogs outside of recre8ed, which was only made a few months ago. since i've been playing from day 1 and have done my absolute best to never miss a single day, i had actually accrued a number of muses when i decided to more or less leave them behind.
prior to brant, my main muse was male!rover, who i had named shihe (史和). i had considered bringing him back, but he's actually heavily tied to a twin verse i had with a friend of mine. aside from him, i also wrote characters like aalto, encore, yinlin, yangyang, yuanwu, chixia, and briefly xiangli yao (who is, aside from brant, my favorite).
in terms of actually playing the game, my main is definitely xiangli yao. i'm a very light spender (lunite subscription and pioneer podcast only!), but i hadn't wished all that much when he came out so i got him to sequence node 4, and then recently completed him with s6. obviously when brant comes out i'll build him too. aside from echoes and hecate drops, i have already prefarmed everything ~
my other characters i've built are aalto, encore, jianxin, yinlin, sanhua, baizhi, and both spectro and havoc rover! i also have chixia mostly-finished, with plans to work on her skills once i have finished farming my weekly boss drops for brant, hahaha.
i'm an exploration player and usually finish exploration within a couple days of a patch coming out, depending on the size of the patch. i also love echo farming, especially in co op! if you want to play with me, my wuwa UID is in my rules, hahaha.
my favorite element in wuwa is electro but the elements don't really make a difference anyway. my favorite weapon is definitely guns, but i haven't pulled for carlotta or her weapon even though she's the first 5 star pistols user because i'm saving for brant. as for region, i'm one of the people who actually loved jinzhou, but rinascita is the obvious choice between the two of them for which is better.
aside from wuthering waves, i don't play any other gacha games. i was formerly a genshin impact player but i started to dislike the game somewhere in the middle of sumeru, and i never picked up another hoyo game. i didn't really play punishing gray raven either but i might give it a try ...
if i had to talk about other games i played, then it's mostly minecraft. sometimes if i hate myself i open overwatch 2, and then occasionally i open the witcher 3. actually, the witcher 3 is my favorite game aside from wuwa but i always get choice paralysis when it comes to the storyline so i mostly watch others play...
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roseapov · 8 months ago
Today marks my 1st month of playing Wuthering Waves!
Here's my progress through all of those days! (23th May-23thJune)
Possible spoilers, idk
Firstly my 5* characters, which are Female!Rover, Lingyang from the beginer banner, Verina from the special pass banner as a recompensation and Jiyan with his weapon!
And 45 USD lost... For a single weapon💔
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More copies will be hopefully on his rerun! And even tho he's my main dps, I still have only lvl 4 of Intimacy, whereas my Verina and Mortefi have them at 5 lvl
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I'm close to obtaining Calcharo from my choice banner, but I think that even if I do reach 9 of the pulling currency, I'll still won't pull unless I have a good base of build characters already, so I won't have too much to work with
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My map...
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And my Pioneer Association level after collecting the rewards
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My Milestones & Pioneer Podcast & Data Bank
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My achievments
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And the achievment that made me realize that today passes the month of playing!
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And my profile!
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And I also already cleared the whole main story available! Although the side quests... Yeah, they're a different thing-
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voiceoversteve · 1 year ago
KNOW FEAR® LIVE: Dan Caldwell - Co-Founder Of TapouT, Entrepreneur And Visionary from Tony Blauer's SPEAR University on Vimeo.
Dan Caldwell, a visionary founder of the iconic MMA brand TapouT, revolutionized combat sports. With unwavering passion, Caldwell and his partner Charles Lewis embarked on an extraordinary journey from car trunks to a $500 million global powerhouse.
A celebrated entrepreneur, Caldwell inspired audiences on FOX Business, Bloomberg News, and CNBC. Profiled in Forbes and The Wall Street Journal, his rise captivated the business world. Beyond business, Caldwell acted in acclaimed films like "Warrior" and "The Hammer" and produced the "TapouT" reality show and pioneering MMA content on SiriusXM.
Today, Dan shares his invaluable expertise with companies around the world as a consultant and hosts The Pretty and Punk Podcast with his wife, iLdiKo Ferenczi. He cherishes family life with his wife and two amazing children, leaving an enduring legacy in sports and business.
In this episode, Dan talks about his incredible journey and shares valuable insights.
Learn more about Dan: tapout.com/
Best experience, watch on YouTube: youtube.com/live/7JhdCllkx0E?si=1q5MrOPPqlOZrh5b&t=1
Don't miss any episodes, subscribe NOW: youtube.com/@tonyblauer
FREE 24-PAGE eBook on situational awareness, managing fear, and weaponizing your flinch! Get it here => blauertactical.lpages.co/sa-fm-flinch/
GET TRAINED BY COACH BLAUER! The Complete Human Weapon System: blauerspear.thinkific.com/courses/HWS10
Coach Blauer's newsletter: getdrip.com/forms/222969367/submissions/new
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tonyblauer · 1 year ago
KNOW FEAR® LIVE: Dan Caldwell - Co-Founder Of TapouT, Entrepreneur And Visionary from Tony Blauer's SPEAR University on Vimeo.
Dan Caldwell, a visionary founder of the iconic MMA brand TapouT, revolutionized combat sports. With unwavering passion, Caldwell and his partner Charles Lewis embarked on an extraordinary journey from car trunks to a $500 million global powerhouse.
A celebrated entrepreneur, Caldwell inspired audiences on FOX Business, Bloomberg News, and CNBC. Profiled in Forbes and The Wall Street Journal, his rise captivated the business world. Beyond business, Caldwell acted in acclaimed films like "Warrior" and "The Hammer" and produced the "TapouT" reality show and pioneering MMA content on SiriusXM.
Today, Dan shares his invaluable expertise with companies around the world as a consultant and hosts The Pretty and Punk Podcast with his wife, iLdiKo Ferenczi. He cherishes family life with his wife and two amazing children, leaving an enduring legacy in sports and business.
In this episode, Dan talks about his incredible journey and shares valuable insights.
Learn more about Dan: tapout.com/
Best experience, watch on YouTube: youtube.com/live/7JhdCllkx0E?si=1q5MrOPPqlOZrh5b&t=1
Don't miss any episodes, subscribe NOW: youtube.com/@tonyblauer
FREE 24-PAGE eBook on situational awareness, managing fear, and weaponizing your flinch! Get it here => blauertactical.lpages.co/sa-fm-flinch/
GET TRAINED BY COACH BLAUER! The Complete Human Weapon System: blauerspear.thinkific.com/courses/HWS10
Coach Blauer's newsletter: getdrip.com/forms/222969367/submissions/new
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nerdygaymormon · 4 years ago
Sometimes I really hate being Bi. I know know the Church is true and I'll never leave it, but man is it a struggle. I started to think I was Bi on my Mission, and wow, that was scary. Ever since I got home, little over a year ago, I feel like I'm attracted to women more and more and I hate it. (I know I'm Bi and not Lesbian.) I see a cute gal, and I want cuddles and dates, and so many other things, but I can't act on it. (Especially since I'm at BYUI.) Do you have any tips on not hating yourself
Everyone has some things about themselves they don’t like or about which they’re hyper-critical. Often these are about not living up to our ideals, actions we wish we had or hadn’t done, not living up to some societal ideal, about a failure in our life. This is normal and part of being human. 
Queer people in particular must deal with self-hatred that goes beyond just a normal part of being human. We grow up hearing negative messages about people like us and we internalize those messages. And often we have an inner voice that is authoritative and may sound like our parents or religious leaders and thus when it speaks to us, that voice gives those messages extra heft. These things cause us to see ourselves as lesser and to feel shame over our feelings and how we experience life. 
An important part of unraveling this self-loathing is to recognize the negative messages, refute them, and replace them. 
For example, your world won’t end just because you’re bi. Some people may view you differently if they find out, but a lot of people will continue to respect and love you. Perhaps you’ll lose some people, but you will not lose everything and everybody you care about.
That’s recognizing and refuting the negative messages, now let’s replace them. Being bi is a wonderful part of what makes me the person I am and I’m lucky because it brings many important gifts into my life. I can find beauty and love that others miss. 
When you’re at church or school and hear a negative message about queer people, push back against it. You can raise your hand and speak up. If you’re not feeling brave in that moment, it’s okay, and explain to yourself why that comment was wrong and replace it with a positive comment. 
Another thing you may have heard is that being gay or bi is a choice or the result of a lack of faith or some other reason. Fact is that it’s biological and a natural part of this world. This is literally how we’re made. 
Associate with other LGBTQIA people. 
I always feel so much better after I’ve been with other queer people. Being with them helps fight the things I was taught about the queer community, I can see & experience that they are normal people. They are fun, loving, caring, and supportive, exactly the opposite of what I’d been told. You can attend USGA-Rexburg and there’s a new resource center going up in town. 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spends quite a bit of time teaching and celebrating early pioneers. It’s quite a legacy and something to be proud of. The same is true of the queer community, we have amazing pioneers. We are a brave people. You have claim to two incredible legacies. Read about some of our queer Mormon heroes of the last decade.
Shame withers in sunshine
If you’re not yet out to friends and family, that’s okay, you have a blog and can write about your experiences and thoughts online. You can also find & connect with other queer Mormons. 
One thing I’ve experienced, which has surprised me is that as I write and post about things of which I was embarrassed, the shame associated with them goes away. By sharing with others, it is no longer a secret that needs to be hidden, but something I’m taking ownership of. 
If you’re awesome on paper, then you’re awesome in person
I used to know that I could write things on paper about myself that would sound great, but I didn’t have positive feelings about them. That person on the paper looked good, but somehow I didn’t have those same feelings about myself. I was the first person in my family to get a college degree, I now have an MBA, I served a mission, I am the favorite uncle in my family, I play the piano, I am kind and trusted and so on. 
Learn to draw boundaries
Often when we don’t feel great about ourselves, we make up for that by seeking the approval of others, more so than is usual or healthy. We end up agreeing to do things we may not want to do just so that we seem agreeable and worthy of their approval, even from people we don’t care about that much. There is power in being able to say “no.” Schedule time to get your school work done, to participate in activities you enjoy, in having time for friends, for contributing to the community. You can agree to spend time helping others with things they want, but protect your boundaries and don’t overstretch yourself. 
Boundaries also are important when it comes to people and messages you associate with. Try to find allies and queer people that you can associate with. Even if you’re not “out,” you can present yourself as an ally and be with people who express positivity about queerness. 
You don’t have to accept everything you hear at church, what church leaders have said, or even all the “doctrine.” Church leaders have been tragically wrong in the past, they are not perfect conveyers of the love of our Heavenly Parents. You don’t have to believe the terrible things taught about LGBTQ people. I know this is easier said than done. It helps if you’ve experienced God’s love for you, or if you’ve thought about how illogical it would be for loving Heavenly Parents to send queer children to earth with no way for them to express who they are or to have happiness. We are supposed to experience joy in this life. 
Take care of your health
When I met with a psychologist because I was suicidal and also wanted help with my internalized homophobia and low-self esteem, the first things we discussed were if I was getting enough sleep, was I eating a healthy diet, was I getting exercise. Our physical well-being contributes to our mental well-being. Sometimes a good cry is what I need to express the feelings I’m having, followed by a nap, then I feel much better. 
Allow for growth and forgiveness
We all learn and change and grow. As others grow in understanding and do better, allow them the grace of forgiveness by recognizing things said by their past selves were said in ignorance and recognize the growth they’ve undergone. This also applies to you and your past self. 
A common exercise that helps is to think of what you would say to someone else in a similar position. So often we speak of love and acceptance and not being hard on themselves, and it’s pretty great advice which we could apply to ourselves. Another exercise is to have a picture of our younger self, or even of just some young person around ages 5~12, and know that they are going to grow up queer, what advice would you give them? You deserve the same compassion, kindness and love that you show to others. 
Growth and change also happens to our faith. Here’s a post where I shared about faith transitions and I found it very helpful in understanding how I experience my faith is different from my family, it’s because we’re in different stages. 
Take pride in trying, not in failure or success
Coming out is freaking hard and takes a lot of courage. Like a lot of things in life, many people attempt to do this and then fail, they back down, the moment feels wrong, they get panicked, or whatever reason. Failure isn’t the worst thing, not trying is. And the more we try, the more successes we’ll eventually have. And once you have some wins under your belt, it gets easier to do those things that were once hard. 
When being bi brings happiness, it’s easier to love this about yourself
For so many people, being queer is only associated with negative things in their life, but when you can start associating it with positive things it becomes easier to accept and love this part of yourself. When you have queer friends, when you have experienced the excitement of a crush on a boy and on a girl, when you go on dates, or someone sends a message that your posts about your feelings really helped them, those positive experiences will be associated with being bi. 
Add voices and writings that affirm you and your experiences
So often scriptures are used as a weapon against queer people. A lot of people think they know what the Bible says about queer people based on a few verses pulled out of context, but they’ve not put in any real study to the original language, situation or what those verses read like when put back in context. Nor are they aware that there’s also positive scriptures about queer people. I put together a collection of things I learned that I hope will help others. 
This year I’ve really been enjoying the Beyond the Block podcast, which has a Black man and a gay man discuss each week’s Come, Follow Me lesson. I also have liked the Faithful Feminists podcast. Both of those podcast highlight principles and concepts from the scriptures which are important for marginalized people. 
Find blogs, podcasts, books, videos, lectures, classes, twitter accounts and whatever else that helps affirm you and helps you understand yourself.
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mideastsoccer · 4 years ago
Turkey signals sweeping regional ambitions
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By James M. Dorsey
A nationalist Turkish television station with close ties to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has dug up a 12-year-old map that projects Turkey’s sphere of influence in 2050 as stretching from South-eastern Europe on the northern coast of the Mediterranean and Libya on its southern shore across North Africa, the Gulf and the Levant into the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Buoyed by last year’s Azerbaijani defeat of Armenia, TGRT, a subsidiary of Ihlas Holding, a media and construction conglomerate that has won major government tenders, used the map to advance a policy that has long constituted the agenda of some of Mr. Erdogan’s closest advisors.
The broadcasting of the map, first published in a book authored by George Freidman, the founder of Stratfor, an influential American corporate intelligence group, followed calls by pan-Turkic daily Turkiye, Ihlas’ daily newspaper that has the fourth-largest circulation in Turkey, to leverage the Azerbaijani victory to create a military alliance of Turkic states.
In a country that ranks only second to China as the world’s foremost jailer of journalists, Ihlas Holding media would not be pushing a pan-Turkic, Islam-laced Turkish regional policy without tacit government approval at the very least.
The media group’s push reflects Turkish efforts to capitalize on the fact that Turkey’s latest geopolitical triumph with Azerbaijan’s Turkish-backed victory is already producing tangible results. The military victory has positioned Azerbaijan, and by extension Turkey, as an alternative transportation route westwards that would allow Central Asian nations to bypass corridors dominated by either Russia or Iran.
Turkmenistan, recognizing the changing geopolitical map, rushed in January to end a long-standing dispute with Azerbaijan and agree on the joint exploitation of Caspian Sea oil deposits. The agreement came on the heels of a deal in December for the purchase from ENI Turkmenistan of up to 40,000 tonnes of petroleum a month by the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).
The agreement could boost the completion of a Trans-Caspian natural gas pipeline (TPC) that would feed into the recently operational Southern Gas Corridor (SGC), bypass Russia and Iran, and supply Greece and Bulgaria via the former Soviet republic.
Last month, Azerbaijan agreed with Turkmenistan and Afghanistan to develop the Lapis Lazuli transport corridor that would link the war-ravaged country to Turkey. At about the same time, Kazakhstan began exporting copper cathodes to Turkey via Azerbaijan in a first step intended to capitalize on the Caucasian nation’s position as a transit hub.
Azerbaijan and Turkey’s newly found advantage has rung alarm bells among Russian and Iranian analysts with close ties to their respective governments even though the TGRT broadcast may have been primarily intended to whip up nationalist fervour at home and test regional responses.
Russian and Iranian politicians and analysts appeared to take the broadcast in that vein. Nonetheless, they were quick to note that Friedman’s projection includes Russia’s soft underbelly in the northern Caucasus as well as Crimea while Iranians took stock of the fact that the Turkish sphere of influence would border on Iran to the north, south and west.
Turkey and Ukraine have in recent months agreed to cooperate in the development of technologies with military applications related to engines, avionics, drones, anti-ship and cruise missiles, radar and surveillance systems, robotics, space, and satellites. Turkey has refused to recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea, home to Crimean Tartars, and criticized Russian support for Ukrainian rebels.
Most Russian commentators sought to downplay the significance of the map, leaving Andrei Krasov, deputy chairman of the defence committee of the Russian parliament’s lower house to warn that “if they (the Turks) want to test the strength of the Russian spirit and our weapons, let them try.”
With Iran excluded from TGRT and Stratfor’s projection of Turkey’s emerging sphere of influence, Iranian officials and analysts have largely not responded to the revival of the map.
Yet, Iran’s actions on the ground suggest that the Islamic republic has long anticipated Turkish moves even though it was caught off guard by last year’s Azerbaijani-Armenian war.
For one, Iran has in the past year sought to bolster its military presence in the Caspian Sea and forge close naval ties with the basin’s other littoral states - Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan.
Viewed from Tehran, TGRT’s broadcasting of the Stratfor map was the latest in a series of provocative Turkish moves.
They include Mr. Erdogan’s recital of a nationalist poem while attending a military parade in Azerbaijan that calls for reuniting two Iranian ethnic Azeri provinces with the former Soviet republic and publication by state-run Turkish Radio and Television’s Arabic service of a map on Instagram, depicting Iran’s oil-rich province of Khuzestan with its large population of ethnic Arabs as separate from Iran.
The Instagram posting came days after the disclosure that Habib Chaab, a leader of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz, or ASMLA, had been kidnapped in Istanbul by an Iraqi Kurdish drug baron in cooperation with Iranian intelligence and transported to Iran. Mr. Chaab had been lured to Istanbul in October from his exile in Sweden.
While senior Iranian officials talked down the Turkish provocations, Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency left little doubt about what Iran’s true sentiments were.
“Those who have greedy eyes on the territories this side of the Aras River had better study history and see that Azerbaijan, specifically the people of Tabriz, have always pioneered in defending Iran. If Iran had not helped you on the night of the coup, you would have had a fate like that of former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi,’ protesters chanted in front of the Turkish consulate in Tabriz, the capital of Iran’s East Azerbaijan province.
The protesters were responding to Mr. Erdogan’s poem recital and referring to the failed military coup against him in 2016 as well as the toppling of Mr. Morsi in 2013 in a takeover by the Egyptian armed forces.
A podcast version of this story is available on Soundcloud, Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, Spreaker, Pocket Casts, Tumblr, Podbean, Audecibel, Patreon and Castbox.
Dr. James M. Dorsey is an award-winning journalist and a senior fellow at Nanyang Technological University’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore and the National University of Singapore’s Middle East Institute.
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circuit-music · 5 years ago
2019 Music Recommendations
2019. Another stellar year! There was so much excitement this year to be found musically. First off some surprises from some older acts who haven’t released material in decades. Both Heavy Water Factory and Numb had terrific returns to form with new full lengths this year and not surprisingly after the long slumbers - still showcased modern sounds and futuristic ideas. Some terrific re-issues this year from the likes of Dive, Force Dimension and Robotiko Rejekto all from the awesome Mecanica label. If you missed them the first go-around seek them out – those are all important artifacts in the industrial-ebm history. Oh yeah, they also re-issued Acid Horse and Pailhead records this year too!  Synth-pop and synth wave made a huge impact again this year with remarkable releases from Hatchie (favorite record of the year), Silent Em, Luminance, Iris, Body of Light, Minuit Machine, Wingtips, Replicant and others. Post-punk seemed to be the buzz phrase this year with a lot of attention on it. Many great records from the likes of Foreign Resort, Present Moment, Ritual Howls, Veil of Light and Years of Denial. Retro sounding EBM still caught my attention with outstanding releases from Klack, Randolph & Mortimer and Unconscious. Likewise, there was so much contemporary energy surging in the newer techno-ebm realm with punchy releases from Crystal Geometry, Maedon, Kontravoid, Raffaele Attanasio, Rhys Fulber, Ansome and so many others. This isn’t a top 10, top 25 or even a top 100. Instead, it’s an A-Z recommendation list encompassing many genres as those lines are getting more and more blurred.  The majority of what I listen to is electronic based and that runs a whole gamut of sub-genres from techno-ebm, to synth-pop to whatever. A good tune is a good tune, regardless of genre. For each release I’ve listed a format (the one I purchased the release in). If there’s not a format listed - it’s usually digital. My preferred format is vinyl, but if you can’t find it on vinyl it’s likely available digitally as well. RE stands for re-issue by the way.
There’s a ton of new pioneering music out there for sure waiting to be discovered and it’s the “what’s next” that keeps me a motivated music fan. There’s never a dull moment in speaking, writing, DJ'ing or promoting new music, so I’ll keep doing it and hopefully be a guide for you all ;).  
HIGHLY encourage you to get out there and seek out new music; Visit the record stores, go hear a new DJ, fire up Spotify or another streaming service, check out some new music via podcast, DJ mixes, label sites, online retailers, Facebook, BANDCAMP, BANDCAMP, BANDCAMP, etc. There’s a plethora of discoveries to be found out there. If you do the work, you’ll be rewarded ;)   Speaking of Spotify – I made a playlist this year featuring plenty of the bands on my list. There’s at least a track or more from the artist who have a presence on Spotify. Here’s the link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ZxvyspTQAiizVe2WN43Fr?si=jsLN6-DiS5WQerWSRbb9Fg
As in years past I’m sure I missed a few things, ignored the hype on certain releases or just plain forgotten something. If it needs mention and I overlooked it - I may do an addendum in the next week or so. Anyways, got your notepaper and plenty of beverages ready? Don’t be a TL:DR (Too Long: Didn’t Read) fool. Read up. Enjoy the music of 2019!
Onwards with the list!!! :D  
000 - We Became Reptiles EP (RND. Records) Adam-X - Midnight Sun 12” (BITE)
AEmit - Devourer 12” (Fleisch) Ansome - Hounds of the Harbour 2x12” (Perc Trax) 
Arkan - Stamina (RND Redcords)
Autumns - Shortly After Nothing LP (Death & Leisure) - Pissing Away My Youth CS (Opal Tapes) Autumns/Verset Zero - ST 12” (Soil Records) Axkan - Torment 12” (Omen Recordings) Blush Response - Fissures in the Megastructure (Schematic Music Company) - Selection for Societal Sanity 12” (Sacred Court)
Body Beat Ritual - Instinct Primitive/Crash report 12” (Haven)
Body of Light - Time to Kill LP (Dais)
Boy Harsher - Careful LP (Nude Club) - Tears 12” (Nude Club) - Come Closer 12” (Nude Club)
Cardinal & Nun - I Met the Devil 12” (L.I.E.S.)
Celldod - Under Isen 12”(Veleno Viola) - Myndighetsforakt 12”(Unstable Signal) - Kemisk CS (AMOK)
Cervello Elletronico - Top Ded Ctr. CD (HANDS)
Chromatics - Closer to Grey CD (Italians Do It Better) - The Sound of Silence (Italians Do It Better) - Time Rider (Italians Do It Better) - Petals (Italians Do It Better)
Codex Empire - Slow Erosion 2xLP (aufnahme+wiedergabe)
Cold Cave - Promised Land (Heartworm Press)
Comfort Cure - Night Sweat (Self-released) - Intimate Vocabulary (Self-released) Confines - Geography of Nowhere CS (Synthicide)
Crystal Geometry - The Cyber Heresy 12” (Sonic Groove) - State of Play 12” (HANDS) - XV Signs of Doomsday CS (Tripalium Records) - Hexa Hexes (RND. Records)
Dax J - Chaos Comes to Conquer 12” (Monnom Black) Distant - Fallen Emperor CS (Detriti Records)
Dive - True Lies 2xLP (Mecanica RE)
Downwell - I See Death in Your Eyes 12” (Oraculo Records) Fee Lion - Blood Sisters - Blood Sisters Remixes (BOUND)
Force Dimension - Dues Ex Machina 2xLP (Mecanica RE)
Foreign Resort - Outumbered LP (Artoffact Records)
Fractions - Scars of Love 12” (Fleisch) - Constellations 12” (Rotterdam Electronix Harsh Mentor - Salve 12” (aufnahme+wiedergabe)
Hatchie - Keepsake LP (Heavenly Records)
Headless Horseman - 008 12” (Headless Horseman)
Heavy Water Factory - Fluid and Meat Remastered (Self-released) - Spillage (Self-released) - Purity of Evil (Self-released) - Amandava (Self-released) - Reaktif (Self-released)
Horrorist - Separate Dimension 2xLP (aufnahme+wiedergabe)
I Hate Models - L'Âge Des Métamorphoses 3xLP (Perc Trax) - Intergalactic Emotional Breakdown 12” (Arts)
Illnurse - Unreleased (Self-released)
Image of Life - Attended by Silence LP (Kernkrach)
Imperial Black Unit - Murder Under Establishment 12” (aufnahme+wiedergabe)
Inhalt Der Nacht - Deine Aura 12” (Seelen)
Iris - Six LP (Dependent)
IV Horseman - Dies Irae 12” (aufnahme+wiedergabe) Keepsakes - Modern Anxious Vernacular 12” (HAVEN)
Klack - 2400bps 8-N-1 (klackprodukt) - Introducing the 1984 Renault LeCar, Layover
Kontravoid - Too Deep LP (Fleisch)
Korine - Uncrossed / To You 7” (Born Losers Records)
Kris Baha - My Master 12” (Pinkman) - Palais 2xLP (CockTail d’Amore Music) Lapse of Reason - Sorrows 12” (aufnahme+wiedergabe)
Leathers – Phantom Heart (Self-released)
Liebknecht - Produkt V1.2 LP (Ant-Zen) - Ice Over Erfurt (Digital) - Koln EP (Digital)
Linea Aspera - Preservation Bias LP (Dark Entries RE)
Luminance - Ahead 2xLP (Medical Records) Lust For Youth - Lust For Youth LP (Sacred Bones),
Maedon - Against His Will 12” (Sonic Groove)
Maenad Veyl -  Body Count 2xLP (Veyl) - Onto Duat 12” (Bedouin Records) Mind | Matter - Peste Nere CS (Detriti Records)
Minuit Machine - Infrarouge LP (Synth Religion)
Multiple Man -  High on the Hog 12” EP (Fleisch) New Frames - Schweres Wasser 12” (HANDS)
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Ghosteen 2xLP (Ghosteen Ltd.) Nordstaat - Ein Opfer Auf Dem Altar Der Technologie CS (Clan Destine Records)
Nostromo - Extreme Manifestations 12” (aufnahme+wiedergabe)
Numb - Mortal Geometry LP (Metropolis)
Parallx - RP4 (R-Label Group)
Physical Wash - Physical Death CS (Self-released)
Populists aka Yan Wagner - Belgian Trip 12” (Detriti Records)
Present Moment - Split LP (Oraculo Records)
Radical G/Horrorist - RR2 (R-Label Group)
Raffaele Attanasio - Lust It Fills the Space 12” (LFJ)
Randolph & Mortimer - Manifesto for a Modern World CD (Self-Released) - Exclude/Divide (mp3 self-released) - R&M Remixes (mp3 self-released) - Electronic Body Weapon (mp3 self-released) - Body (mp3 self-released)
Rendered - Adrenalin EP (Mindcut)
Rendered / Black Egg - No Compromise 12” (Tripalium)
Replicant - A Taste of Midnight LP (self-released) - Pale Blue (mp3 self-released) - Lifelike (mp3 self-released)
Rhys Fulber - Ostalgia 2x12” (Sonic Groove) - Baut Mit 12” (Sonic Groove)
Rhys Fulber + Blush Response - Corruption of Form 12” (Sonic Groove)
Ritual Howls - Rendered Armour LP (Felte) - A Safe Haven From the Sun Robotiko Rejekto  - Communication 87-92 2xLP (Mecanica RE)
S.I.T.D. - Stunde X LP (Infacted Recordings) - Sturmlicht CD Single (Infacted) - Requiem X CD Single (Infacted) Salem Unsigned - Cantica (RND Records)
SARIN - Moral Cleansing LP (BITE) SARIN / Imperial Black Unit - Will to Destroy 12” (BITE)
Schwefelgelb - Aus Dem Gesicht Remixed 12” (aufnahme+wiedergabe) Sharplines - Born of God and Void CS (Dead By Overdose)
Silent EM - The Absence LP (Disko Obscura) Sina XX - My Body, Your Rules EP (RND Records)
T_error 404 - Spacemorgue (Khemia Records) - Ritual of Time (Area Z)
Test Dept. - Disturbance LP (One Little Indian) - White Label 12” (One Little Indian)
Thomas P Heckman - Acid Seduction 5 12” (AFU Limited) - Bone Breaker 12” (Molekul) - EBM Manifest Part 3 the Remixes 12” (AFU Limited) - EBM Manifest Part 4 The Remixes II 12” (AFU Limited) Tommy 47 - Veer 2xLP (47) - Veer Remixed 2xLP (47)
TR/ST - The Destroyer Part 1 LP (Grouch), - The Destroyer Part 2 LP (Grouch), - Gone (Grouch) Unconscious - Your God Is Dead LP (Detriti Records)
Unhuman - Nylon Speech 12” (BITE) Various – Benzeen Part 1 (Green Fetish records)            with: New Frames, hel.IV, LAVEN and more
Various – Infidel Selection Vol. 2 CS (Infidel Bodies)            with: Rendered, Crystal Geometry, Thomas P Heckmann, Hypnoskull and more Various – RAW Compilation Second Breath Parts 1-4 (RAW)            with: I Hate Models, Keepsakes, 14anger, Crystal Geometry, IV Horseman and plenty more Various – Sardonic Tonality Vol. 1 12” (HAVEN)            with: New Frames, Keepsakes, Ansome and more Various – Self Aware IV CS (X-IMG)            with: Konkurs, Primary, Survival Paradox, Unconscious and more
Various – Synthicide II 12” (Synthicide)            with: Ortrotasce, Andi, Cervello Elettronico and more
Various – The World of Monnom Black II 3xLP (Monnom Black)            with: Fractions, Zanias, Dax J and more Veil of Light - Inflict LP (Avant!) Veldt - Ground Floor CD (Detroit Industrial)
Velvet May - Vast as Black Night 12” (Tears on Waves) - Unknown Bodies 12” (Tears on Waves) Verschwender  - Face of Silence 12” (Seelen)
Vittorio Di Mango - RND.R030 (RND Records) VTSS - Self Control 12” (HAVEN) Wingtips - Exposure Therapy CD (Artoffact Records)
Years of Denial - Suicide Disco 2xLP (VEYL) - Body Map 12” (Pinkman Broken Dreams)
Yello - Bostich (ancient methods remix) 12” (aufnahme+wiedergabe)
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alvaromatias1000 · 6 years ago
Buika: Síntese e Sinergias
Kathleen M. Vernon, no livro A Companion to Pedro Almodóvar (First Edition. Edited by Marvin D’Lugo and Kathleen M. Vernon. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published; 2013), narra: em 2010, Chavela Vargas e Buika foram escolhidas pela rede de rádio pública dos EUA, NPR, como duas cantoras entre as 50 Grandes Vozes do Mundo.
O site da NPR explica: “elas fizeram sua marca internacionalmente ao longo da história” (Blair 2010). O emparelhamento de Vargas com uma cantora cerca de cinquenta anos mais jovem, em uma lista diversificada [confira abaixo], que varia de Maria Callas e Nat King Cole para Celia Cruz e Youssou N’Dour (All 50 Great Voices A-Z), não é coincidência. O segmento do programa NPR dedicado a “Buika: The Voice of Freedom”, enfatizando as origens de sua voz distinta em sua singular história de vida, também destaca sua relação com Vargas, cimentada no CD da cantora mais jovem de 2009, El último trago, em grande parte dedicado a covers dos trabalhos de Vargas. Além da peça da NPR, outros artigos chamam a atenção para o papel de Vargas como mentora ou inspiradora.
Um artigo de 2010 no New York Times, por ocasião da turnê americana da cantora espanhola cita Vargas. Ela fala com aprovação de sua pretensa protegida: “Buika realmente se desenvolveu como cantora… Ela adicionou as influências do flamenco e outros gêneros para minhas músicas, mas a aspereza rouca em sua voz quando ela canta me lembra de mim mesmo” (Rohter 2010).
Além das afinidades musicais, Vargas, com sua sexualidade lésbica aberta e de sucesso em sua cultura adotiva outsider, oferece um ponto de referência para a Buika declaradamente bissexual e ultra “cosmopolita” (Byram; 2010) na projeção de um novo paradigma de sensibilidade musical latina global.
Apenas a terceira cantora a aparecer na tela como ela mesma, em um filme de Almodóvar, seguindo o duo Vargas e Veloso, Buika executa duas músicas em La piel que habito. Ambas aludem a sua trajetória de carreira, mostrando sua versatilidade, enquanto ancora um momento chave reunindo várias vertentes na trama. O cenário é um casamento na Galiza, com a presença do Dr. Ledgard, juntamente com a sua filha de vinte anos, Norma, ainda se recuperando anos depois dos efeitos da morte violenta de sua mãe.
O primeiro número da cantora é uma versão da Lara da canção ranchera, “Se me hizo fácil”, outra pedra de toque do repertório de Chavela Vargas, dado um remake up-tempo como um número de dança de jazz latino.
As letras originais com sua rejeição enfática de um amante feminino infiel (“Me hizo fácil / borrar de mi memoria / a esa mujer a quien yo amaba tanto” – foi fácil para mim / apagar da minha memória / aquela mulher que eu tanto amava) servir às imagens públicas de ambos os gêneros de Vargas e Buika. Elas incluíram esta versão em seu CD de 2009. Com sua coda de dança estendida, o desempenho da música traz os convidados do casamento a seus pés, proporcionando distração e cobertura para Norma sair para o jardim, onde ela será estuprada, ou quase estuprada, por Vicente (Jan Cornet), pondo assim em movimento o plano de Ledgard para a vingança cirúrgica.
Segue-se uma versão simples e sem adornos da música “Por el amor de amar” com acompanhamento solo de piano, ouvido pela última vez em português ao ser cantado pela criança Norma. Conforme relatado em flashback pela governanta Marília (Marisa Paredes), a mãe da menina pulou para a morte quando a canção, que a mãe tinha ensinou a sua filha em tempos passados, e mais felizes, despertou-a de um coma induzido por drogas para dormir enquanto se recuperava de queimaduras graves sofridas em um acidente de carro. Embora nenhum dos dois Ledgard nem Norma parecem reconhecer sua ligação com o passado, a música lembra o espectador da trágica história da família e nos alerta para a garota ainda estar frágil. Também faz referência à conexão brasileira do filme, desta vez em forma musical.
Semelhante ao caso de “Volver“, a música entrelaça genealogia familiar com histórias culturais mais amplas. Introduzido pela primeira vez no filme de 1961 Os Bandeirantes / The Pioneers, pelo diretor francês Marcel Camus, mais conhecido por Orfeu negro / Black Orfeu (1959), a canção, cantada por Ellen de Lima, tornou-se um sucesso na época. A versão de Buika preserva o lirismo infantil da melodia de menor importância. Com o seu melancólico tom introspectivo e afetado, parece uma escolha improvável para uma recepção de casamento e parece mais direcionada para os espectadores do que aos convidados na tela.
All 50 Great Voices: A-Z
Hear and read stories about each of the 50 vocalists profiled in our special series. You can also download the podcast, explore more than 100 nominations and find out more about the series.
Sezen Aksu: The Voice Of Istanbul
Biggie Smalls: The Voice That Influenced A Generation
Asha Bhosle: The Voice Of Bollywood And More
Bjork: A Celestial Voice
Dennis Brown: The ‘Crown Prince’ Of Reggae
Buika: The Voice Of Freedom
Montserrat Caballe: A Voice Of Passionate Grandeur
Maria Callas: Voice Of Perfect Imperfection
Enrico Caruso, And Confessions Of An Operaholic
Twinkie Clark: Riffing On Gospel
Radmilla Cody: Two Cultures, One Voice
Nat King Cole: An Incandescent Voice
Celia Cruz: The Voice From Havana
Camaron De La Isla: The Voice Of Flamenco
Sandy Denny: Mercurial Queen Of British Folk Rock
Placido Domingo: The Spellbinding Voice Of A Titan Tenor
Fairuz: Lebanon’s Voice Of Hope
Ella Fitzgerald: America’s First Lady Of Song
Carlos Gardel: Argentina’s Tango Maestro
Donny Hathaway: Neglected Heart Of Soul
The Many Voices Of Lauryn Hill
Billie Holiday: Emotional Power Through Song
Howlin’ Wolf: Booming Voice Of The Blues
Iggy Pop: The Voice As Weapon
Mahalia Jackson: Voice Of The Civil Rights Movement
George Jones: The Voice Of Heartbreak
Janis Joplin: The Queen Of Rock
Israel Kamakawiwo’ole: The Voice Of Hawaii
Khaled: The King Of Rai
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan: The Voice Of Pakistan
Umm Kulthum: ‘The Lady’ Of Cairo
John McCormack: The Charming Irish Tenor
Lydia Mendoza: The First Lady Of Tejano
Freddie Mercury: Rock ‘N’ Roll’s Humble Showman
Meredith Monk: A Voice For All Time
Youssou N’Dour: The Voice Of Senegal
Roy Orbison: A Great Voice, A Lonely Sound
Robert Plant: Born In England; Made In America
Esma Redzepova: ‘Queen Of The Gypsies’
Dianne Reeves: A Jazz Voice With Pop Sensibilities
Elis Regina: The Feeling Between The Notes
Amalia Rodrigues: The Voice Of Extreme Expression
Yossele Rosenblatt: The Cantor With The Heavenly Voice
Mohammad Reza Shajarian: Protest Through Poetry
Irma Thomas: The Soul Queen Of New Orleans
Luther Vandross: The Velvet Voice
Chavela Vargas: The Voice Of Triumph
Kitty Wells: The Queen Of Country Music
Jackie Wilson: The Singer And The Showman
Ahmad Zahir: The Voice Of The Golden Years
Buika: Síntese e Sinergias publicado primeiro em https://fernandonogueiracosta.wordpress.com
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prayer-experience · 3 years ago
Sat. 7/9/22
God: I've been thinking of my path and the specific course that God has me on regarding seeing people the way he sees his children, training my eyes to see the faint glimmer of light that are in other people regardless of the darkness that they struggle with. I'm usually afraid of that darkness because I myself struggle from that pain or fear. If I hone into the light of my husband regardless of all the muck in his life and the darkness within, I will be able to heal and be a tool to hone in on the one's I need to help.
Bubbi: Raleigh Date: This was a fun excursion. We went to a Mexican Grocery Store and picked out two items. I mentioned to my husband a secret weapon a Mexican family used to season their food and we snagged a small version of this tomato bouillon seasoning as well as a pineapple tea that I've never seen anywhere nor tried. We left the store early. My husband taught me not to refer to every item as a Mexican item. I'm glad I was encouraged to be mindful. We enjoyed the trip and my husband picked Panda Express as our meal date which to our happiness was fully in operation as the last time we were rejected at the door for being too early. The worker even complimented my husband's tattoos and we picked up cheese wontons to add to our order and we both agreed that perhaps that is an item to skip on our next visit./Appropriate Playlist: On the ride there I encouraged my husband to pick a playlist that we both can enjoy. We listened to a Disney playlist as opposed to the heavy metal rap songs he'd play and I enjoyed the ride. On the way home he put on a podcast and we had a short conversation we enjoyed. My husband was In a great mood which I loved. I mentioned how driving has been such a huge part of our lives. Relishing in memories that make up your story and the way you see the world helps to bring the light and perspective back in. We could be quiet together as I enjoyed the trees in passing and their color as I reflected on thoughts when a voice entered my mind stating, "You know your husband is not in charge, I Am." That was an answer that I needed from my previous anxious battle with controlling my husband's erratic choices financially. God gave me an answer yesterday, but this was a manna that dropped into my lap that I wasn't expecting because my day was already going so good. I heeded the previous revelation I recieved about holding unto the good while God takes care of the bad. My husband is still learning and God will guide that path for both of us where it needs to go. My husband had his hands on my knees and rubbed my legs in comfort to the quiet sound of us driving home. God appeared in that carride home./Therapy Boundaries: A good idea to have.
Family: Forgiveness is our inner responsibility to fix our own foundation and avoid pointing at other people to save or heal us from our own wounds. It's being smarter and building a stronger foundation than the last one we relied on. Learn to pioneer a different reality. We give away our own power when we point at others to take the blame. If we get easily triggered in life it's a sign that we have work to do on ourselves. That work will always be constant. To truly forgive is to change your whole way of operating in this world. Restoring your spirit is necessary to become more resilient. Darkness gives us a chance to change and deal better with life circumstances (and confront our weak foundation). It's less about wishful thinking and magical moments and more about personal responsibility. ( I took a personal strong stance on something that I truly believe in in our group chat and I feel restored in a way. I was trying to change too much of who I am to appease my sisters. I was trying to change apart of me that has always been strong to appease other people and appear more softer and more acceptable by getting rid of my strength and what grounds me. )
I'm watching a BYU pathways run through podcast. I was less inclined to take this route because I want a specialized career that I can rely on for the degree that I want. I'm a little intrigued just by the community reliance that pathways can provide for those seeking skills. I have to think a bit more on it.
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astrology-with-charu · 3 years ago
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𝗙𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗟𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗮 : 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗖𝗵𝗼𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀
𝕋𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝟛𝟘 𝔸𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕝
As we are entering the eclipse season starting with the first solar eclipse of this year on 30th April with a Taurus new moon at 10º28’ Taurus - road to it would be colored by the full moon at 26º46’ Libra which happening on 16/17 April influencing us for next two weeks. The two Venus ruled lunar events would ofcourse bring both matters of heart and finance to key focus. Bringing our choices to focus - as Venus is yes about beauty, vanity, love, fashion, money but more than anything its about choice. Choices we make which pave the way forward for our life - in Taurus the ones which would change the path of our life for long term and in Libra the choices which would be compelling to make in the now and here. Choices which would be compelling cause there is so much conviction behind them.
While I upload the podcast and video - you can choose to hear the contents of my article by clicking on “Listen” on Medium as a seemingly handsome man might walk you through my article 😉 Don’t forget to tap on start of the article where you would like him to start reading from.
Click to Listen to the handsome man on Medium 😜
This balanced full moon is oh so lopsided, so directional that we would experience its undeniable cardinal force from 17 April to 30th. It would bring sudden information which would bring clarity and this lopsided clarity would make it compelling to close on or totally end a commitment. We have just lived the two weeks of Aries initiation which was a Chiron journey’s initiation - an initiation of healing your own initiative before you can help the world or handle your partnerships. The pioneer needed to fight for himself before he could go out and fight for anyone or anything else. Fight for yourself despite the odds was the message of that initiation, don’t let how tough it is to breakthrough bog you down or give up the fight cause the first one always paves the way and finds unforeseen hindrances which no one else has experienced. It brought over wounds of the past to focus but mostly to own it, fight for yourself despite the wounds, past failures to launch and opinions of others. Its followed by this Libra full moon which is normally supposed to bring focus to the significant others of our life but the Pluto T-square brings so much lopsided convinction and clarity in a choice and the Uranus hitting up Mercury on Monday can bring those sudden insights, messages, news to focus from 18th to 24th April which can be fated in nature - we need to hear them before we get to the eclipse initiation after 30th April. You cannot have a new beginning without a directional irrevocable ending.
A choice is made and its fairly irrevocable, we would see this evidently in global events in the coming week itself starting Sunday/Monday with Mercury Uranus conjunction. (This full moon falls on Sun of Kamala Harris affecting or shifting her career title and is an eclipse for Germany leading to the July Uranus North Node conjunction on its natal Mars indicating financial and physical war or weapons linked sudden shifts beyond what we have already seen)
The polarised parts of us - the eagle and the dove - they merge, spiritual will and love merge, a choice is fervently perused by merging two opposing parts of ourself. Considering its in Libra, chances are you are not pursuing this alone or we are atleast urged to not pursue this journey alone - there are alliances. You want to be right or you want to be happy question might emerge in these “lets walk together” situations. A choice is made in a partnership, a commitment at this degree of “adeptness” at which the eagle and dove merge, sheer will of spirit and love principles merge. A choice is made driven by a Venusian desire of beauty, love, creativity, wish to display your talents, wish to step into an imaginative role, a choice is made to step out of the shadows, its bold raw and unpretentious yet not hidden or dark. Light and dark merge. There is depth in the creative self expression, there is conviction in the matters of heart which would normally be shallow or purely intellectual calls, there is self belief in ability to transform a tough situation. Pain becomes art. Fear gives way to love - it has to - it becomes a necessity. We would need to choose what motivates us - fear or love - based on that a choice is made.
Saturn at the apex of a fixed T-square with the nodes indicate that we are being collectively forced or pushed to do the things right by others, do whats right for the “long term” whatever “long term” means in this short life, do what can be tangibly defined as “contribution” for our prosperity and growth, pay our dues or karmic duties to someone or a set of people we feel we karmically owe something to. With Saturn in this aspect for a couple of weeks now, we seem to be paying some sort of debt of the past as an investment in our future. Like cleaning environmental mistakes of the past to make investment into next generation’s future. Similarly you can see in your personal situation where you might be seemingly in a dog house paying debt of the past - seemingly or truthfully what you feel is the debt of the past mistakes or shortcomings to amend as an investment in future for yourself or your future generation. Either ways air feels compressed between past and future with this aspect with the world seemingly not living the present - standing still. This compression or oppression or restrain will implode once we have Pluto in Aquarius next year on - we would especially see that in China. But this oppression standing still is important for the eclipses ahead of us - its the missed step that needed to be experienced before all the changes especially the financial changes the upcoming eclipses will bring. We would hear more about the oppression, constraints around 24th April in name of rules and constraints. Personally we would feel our self worth or ego or finances being diminished by someone or by our need to do right by others or by doing whats required to right for “long term” or by a boss/rule/administrative constraint. Yet this delay and constrain are helpful - we just do not know it yet. Its the only thing separating us from external chaos to be able to take the tough choice we are about to make. Sometimes lack of progress has a purpose, with Saturn it always does. There are long term implications financially especially which we may not be considering. 24th will bring that to focus.
Pluto in Capricorn on the other hand is making a cardinal T-square with this full moon which is the strongest aspect of this full moon, more so as Pluto now is standing still. Cardinal T-square is all about taking a direction call and going towards it with laser focus and egoic conviction in the choice we have chosen. None of the choices are wrong but we have a lopsided conviction in our choices and everyone seems so sure of their choices - its jarring and ego conflicts can come up if we are not careful and they have been coming in Aries season as Pluto hit Mercury in Aries last week on 10th as well so you know what I am talking of - in name of ego being invested in a choice we are making. You have talked of it, discussed it around 10th April. You thought you were justifying another person about it but you were convincing yourself and preparing yourself cause no one else was blocking anything, this was your own inner conviction which needed more convincing. Pluto stresses out a weak arguement which we are having with ourself. It bursts pipes, exposes plumbing issues and raises gunk from the bottom up to surface for us to see and not ignore. We would experience more of that from Monday as more hidden information comes out to surface. It also exposes where in name of anarchy and need for freedom we are actually compromising real progress. Truth at all cost.
This is financial truth for United States. This full moon falls on the Sun of Kamala Harris making it significant for her job title and next lunar eclipse in Scorpio mid May would be on Sun of Biden. - this was activated in Feb/March as I mentioned at the time it would come with losses and revelations of financial nexus nature. This as Pluto stands still turning retrograde on the natal Pluto of United States in second house of money, resources, values. Who says there are no winners in a war… well I will move on as we don’t want to get polarised here. A full moon comes with ending, results, revelations, truth - I will leave that at it. Its a lunar eclipse for Germany with south node (loss/release) leading to the July/August Mars Uranus North Node conjunction we have spoken of on Mars of Germany, its important to consider the information coming in focus in coming week from Germany as Mercury Uranus meet close to the July August conjunction.
So here we are in the current moment with our air suppressed, world seemingly standing still in denial against the backdrop of all the Uranian chaos of sudden events, having a conviction in one choice which we would very soon go back and forth on, as the retrograde fun begins after 29th April. Pluto doesn’t like our choices to be anything about but ourself but ego makes us involve other people in our choices. How would it look to my close ones, who would I be admired as or looked down as., what does my partner, my mother, my neighbour think about it - Pluto cannot stand it. Repulsion to fake though comes actively in retrograde journey because while moving forward we feel we have something to show and prove. So this lopsided choice would be colored by ego and concern about how it “looks”, its the nature of human choices. Do I look weak at world scale by letting one of my major warships get sunk by a seemingly small country and in his mind insignificant country for example for someone. A lopsided extreme choice is made and there is a sudden bout of ego and a sudden news or information that comes with it come Monday so there is an element of out of the blue about it. It would be a financial news likely on world scale.
We tend to derive value from our external titles more than from our individual truth. So am I making a wrong choice in this moment ? I don’t think so, unless you are one of those very few living under the rock without even a single planet or point in cardinal signs - you have at one or other point since 2008 experienced Pluto in Capricorn transit upclose and personal where you were introduced to your truth and personal power through a dramatic loss leading to psychological transformation. Its the job of Pluto in Capricorn - make us own our own title in life irrespective of who we bow to in name of boss externally - own your time on this planet earth while you are here and make it count. So no I think we know what we are about and choice is not what may be wrong but we continue to carry a fake external reality with us despite making a conscious choice. Pluto retrograde of 29th April - always annually brings an event which brings an abrupt separation from a part of that fake persona that we insist on continuing to live cause as humans we care about what others think. There is always a disintegration comes which is dramatic in nature as Pluto turns retrograde and we would see that through a truth reveal and sudden news in next 2 weeks.
In global events terms thats usually to do with government, administrations, politicians, CEOs, Presidents, rules we collectively live by where we can see a disintegration due to a news or revelation of truth or a financial event which bring it up. In personal situation, this could be a conflict or bout of ego or need to see your own value in greater terms which pushes you towards a Plutonic death of an archaic part of you. But egos run high here, we feel we are oh so right and this lopsided choice in which we have so much conviction - we do not have the psychological or physiological tools to be able to live that choice. So know that retrograde fun is about to begin, you would give Plutonic death to a part of you which you may not yet be ready to live without and you will feel like a baby being thrown out of bath water but it’s the essential step cause sometimes we do not learn to swim by drowning a bit. But if you accept that during the retrograde cycle you would somehow find the right stroke, that initially you wouldn’t know how to breath and you would feel out of breath, if you can have that balanced perspective about your lopsided choice and you can accept the faith infusion you would get from Venus Neptune conjunction at 24º Pisces on 27/28 April right before the Pluto retrograde which would give you faith in the unknown. If you can convince yourself of your ability to walk for a bit this fine line between being right and being happy in your partnerships, if you could have this slightly more balanced perspective of your lopsided choice that you would find the resources you need psychologically and physically by July - may be just may be you would jump into that pool you do not know how to swim with a bit more conviction and give it more of your lopsided attention and efforts.
Libra full moon always comes with a balancing act - we cannot deny that - balancing the part of us thats fiercely independent and the one that craves for peace and love. The “adeptness” degree of this full moon would require us to get over ourself and make the two opposite ends meet. Uniting the opposites within us cause this is very personal. That constantly debating two ways of life needs to be united in a single key and sung harmoniously. Once you would find this harmony of your two ends within you - you would see the external world also present to you a solution of combining these two opposites like a partnership or a career choice that promotes both freedom and independence you seek as well as the balance & fairness in commitments you seek. But you and me would have to get over ourself. This extreme display of belief in lopsided choices, in one way of life being correct making the other wrong driven by need to establish a fake ego concept to everyone else while we live in disbelief of our own life choices would have to be given up.
Libras are acting out of character you say. Its true. They have been hit by Uranus in 8th house making them come out with the colors and conviction and ego or pride or jealously they didn’t know they had, they are facing the emotions they didn’t know they hold. Some say its not out of character but may be first time in life they are being real. Its very person specific we cannot generalise this as kundalini release as its called is very unique to oneself. So the Libra side of you is facing what it has never faced - its balancing act is being challenged by its will to be true to oneself as its facing its once in lifetime release from bondage in one way or other. So the anarchy within oneself cannot be underestimated here thats why its so personal. You just came out of Chiron Aries moon which reignited the need to heal your “I am” - the wound of our identity being unique and not so well accepted and now we are being asked to perform a balancing act in an unfair relationship or contract where something within us is screaming to be true to self. Pluto squares burst pipes - psychologically and physically as well sometimes - hello plumbing issues. Gunk comes up in this beautiful, sophisticated, normally neutral Libra clean full moon and we have to somehow find a way to be adept and make a tough choice. But if you ride it out with confidence you would find resources to do this effortlessly by July.
Don’t forget the Venusian R&R that this full moon demands ❤️
Much love,
#astrology #horoscope #fullmoon #LibraMoon
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cksmart-world · 3 years ago
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
November 9, 2021
Breaking News — Since savvy Republicans put a stake in the heart of Critical Race Theory, whatever that is, Democrats have shifted gears and now propose hands-on sex education for children 13 and older. This has come as a shock to Virginia and Utah voters who complain that Democrats are elitists who watch too many chimpanzee documentaries on PBS. Utah Sen. Mike Lee decried the proposition, saying it would “weaponize nudity.” Rep. Chris Stewart agreed but said Lee's choice of words, “weaponize nudity,” should not be taken out of context by CNN and MSNBC, known epidermis lovers. “We've already had one sexual revolution,” Stewart said, “and look where it got us.” State Sen. Lincoln Fillmore told the Utah Daughters of Pioneers that just because kids were born naked is no reason to teach them about sex and the other depravity Democrats push on unsuspecting children — like that fact that much of the South, including Washington, D.C., was built by black slaves, who, parenthetically, were fully dressed except when the master came to visit their young daughters. Folks are riled up at Democrats for messing with children, said GOP strategist Christopher Rufo, which is great because now we don't have to deal with the real issues.
Looks like the cat, or Aaron Rogers, is totally out of the bag. “He's in the crosshairs of the woke mob” news media, he whined after saying he was “immunized” when he was, in fact, not “vaccinated.” Liar, liar pants on fire. The Green Bay quarterback and three-time NFL MVP is in isolation after testing positive for Covid 19. The world cringed as Rogers tried to explain his way out of the deception. “I did not lie,” he pouted. Rogers said he met with podcaster and part-time witch doctor Joe Rogan, who prescribed ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine mixed up in a large bowl of chicken's blood. “Why do people hate ivermectin (the animal parasite medicine),” Rogers asked while adjusting his Nikes on his hooves. After 17 years with the Packers some pundits believed he was at the end of his career. But suddenly Rogers was running like a 23-year-old and throwing the pigskin like never before. Sports pundits are wondering if there could be more than training that gives him new, animal-like strength.The future Hall-of-Famer chalked it up to his sexy, movie star fiance Shailene Woodley and the testosterone jelly he spreads on his morning toast. Rogers also said he feared the vaccine could make his game go limp and a Hail Mary could be very embarrassing.
Fox News latest reported quarterly earnings were $3.22 billion (for real), the network is now Rupert Murdoch’s biggest cash cow as his British tabloid empire keeps shrinking in the aftermath of a scandal involving eavesdropping of cellphone voicemails. The News of the World, once the world's largest selling newspaper, closed and Murdoch's other tabloids were eviscerated — in 2020 they lost $280 million. As Trump began to set up the Big Lie leading up to the election, reactionary networks Newsmax and One America News were stealing Fox viewers. But as Murdoch and company embraced the Big Lie, it reeled them back in with nonstop conspiracy tantrums by Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, et al. According to the New York Times, Murdoch's news outlets have pushed events to the right, such as advocating for the U.S. to invade Iraq, undermining efforts to combat climate change and vilifying people of color as threats to a white majority. “Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us,” said David Frum, a speechwriter for George W. Bush, “Now we’re discovering we work for Fox.” No doubt Trump would not have been elected in 2016 without Fox. How far will the Trump/Fox symbiosis go with the Big Lie and other Trump truths? Stay tuned.
Post script — Well folks, that's it for another week here at Smart Bomb, where we keep track of the Muppets so you don't have to. Sen. Ted “Cancun” Cruz is burning-ass mad now that Big Bird got vaccinated and told kids to get the shot, too. Cruz called Big Bird a propagandist. Let that sink in. Speaking of propaganda, Trumpers have a new way of saying, “F--- Joe Biden.” Brandon Brown won a recent NASCAR race and during his TV interview afterward the crowd could be overheard chanting “F--- Joe Biden.” NBC Sports reporter Kelli Stavast told Brown they were chanting, “Let's go Brandon.” You'll be hearing “Let's Go Brandon” a lot. Here are more highlights: Gun totin' Colo. Rep. Lauren Boebert voted against a family leave provision, saying she gave birth in a pickup. Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley said liberals attacks on manhood are driving men to pornography and video games. Georgia Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene said the patriots who overran the Capitol on Jan. 6 are locked up in the “Patriot Wing” of the D.C. jail and are being “tortured” and “reeducated.” And finally this: Hundreds of QAnon freaks gathered in Dallas waiting for John F. Kennedy, and his son John F. Kennedy Jr., to appear and help Donald Trump reclaim office. LET’S GO DONALD!
Well Wilson, it's getting to the point where weird and scary is the new normal. That's what drove Timothy Leary to say, “Tune in. Turn on. And drop out.” The guys in the band don't need much convincing but maybe you've got a little something to soothe our shaken psyches and remind us that things at rest tend to stay at rest (props to Newton):
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind Possessing and caressing me
Jai guru deva om Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world Sounds of laughter shades of life are ringing Through my open ears inciting and inviting me Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns And calls me on and on across the universe Jai guru deva om Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world Jai guru deva Jai guru deva...
(Across The Universe — Lennon & McCartney)
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Download Sister Bliss - In Session - 25/06/21 for free now!
Sister Bliss - In Session - 25/06/21
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Artist: Sister Bliss Show: Sister Bliss – In Session – 25/06/21 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House, Tech House Source: RSS
Discover more Sister Bliss live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more In Session episodes HERE
Sister Bliss – In Session – 25/06/21 Tracklist
Sister Bliss is one of the true pioneers of modern dance music and the musical force behind multi-million selling ionic British band Faithless. Each week Sister Bliss – In Session showcases the worlds best new upfront electronic music, spinning world exclusives from her label Junkdog Records, a live DJ mix, A List artists and DJs on the phone, and a run down of the taste-making Cool Cuts Chart. Fans of authentic, exciting electronic music press the subscribe button now!
Noizu – Middle Weiss Ft Sharlene Hector – Lift Me Up R Plus – Love Will Tear Us Apart ( Tensnake Remix ) Afro B & T Pain – Condo ( Hyalyte Remix ) Leftwing : Kody – Collide John Summit & Parachute – Better Than This Kelly Lee Owens – On ( Elkka Remix ) M & S Presents The Girl Next Door – Salsoul Nugget – If U Wanna ( Mark Knight Remix ) Volkoder – Yeah Yeah Dj Seinfeld – U Already Know
Oliver Henrey Ft Oliver Dibley – You Forget * Blissed Out
Maur – Deep Inside * Cool Cuts
Calvin Harris By Your Side Ft Tom Grennan * Cool Cuts No1
Uncle Knows – Hypa Fatboy Slim – Weapon Of Choice – Kink Remix ) T99 – Anasthasia ( Phutek Remix ) Maceo Plex Vs Faithless – Insomnia 2021 ( Dub)
Not Going Home From Vanilla Ace
The podcast Sister Bliss – In Session is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 4 years ago
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Listen or download Sister Bliss - In Session - 25/06/21 for free now!
Sister Bliss - In Session - 25/06/21
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Artist: Sister Bliss Show: Sister Bliss – In Session – 25/06/21 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House, Tech House Source: RSS
Discover more Sister Bliss live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more In Session episodes HERE
Sister Bliss – In Session – 25/06/21 Tracklist
Sister Bliss is one of the true pioneers of modern dance music and the musical force behind multi-million selling ionic British band Faithless. Each week Sister Bliss – In Session showcases the worlds best new upfront electronic music, spinning world exclusives from her label Junkdog Records, a live DJ mix, A List artists and DJs on the phone, and a run down of the taste-making Cool Cuts Chart. Fans of authentic, exciting electronic music press the subscribe button now!
Noizu – Middle Weiss Ft Sharlene Hector – Lift Me Up R Plus – Love Will Tear Us Apart ( Tensnake Remix ) Afro B & T Pain – Condo ( Hyalyte Remix ) Leftwing : Kody – Collide John Summit & Parachute – Better Than This Kelly Lee Owens – On ( Elkka Remix ) M & S Presents The Girl Next Door – Salsoul Nugget – If U Wanna ( Mark Knight Remix ) Volkoder – Yeah Yeah Dj Seinfeld – U Already Know
Oliver Henrey Ft Oliver Dibley – You Forget * Blissed Out
Maur – Deep Inside * Cool Cuts
Calvin Harris By Your Side Ft Tom Grennan * Cool Cuts No1
Uncle Knows – Hypa Fatboy Slim – Weapon Of Choice – Kink Remix ) T99 – Anasthasia ( Phutek Remix ) Maceo Plex Vs Faithless – Insomnia 2021 ( Dub)
Not Going Home From Vanilla Ace
The podcast Sister Bliss – In Session is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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trekfm · 4 years ago
107: Under the Sea
Twenty Thousand Leagues across the Delta Quadrant. 
Throughout Star Trek: Voyager’s seven seasons, Tom Paris repeatedly proved his credentials as a mid-20th-century history buff, with his replicated TV set, black-and-white B-movie holonovels, and even his own 3D cinema. But in the fifth-season episode “Thirty Days,” he reveals a boyhood fascination with a much earlier period of history and literature: the age of great nautical exploration. In particular, young Tom was obsessed with Jules Verne’s 1870 novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, a pioneering work of science fiction that—in its vivid depiction of the wonders of the ocean—anticipated much of Star Trek’s fascination with another vast unknown: space.
In this episode of Primitive Culture, host Duncan Barrett is joined by Lee Hutchison to discuss Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (and the popular 1954 Disney adaptation) in relation to “Thirty Days” and the fourth-season Voyager episode “Year of Hell,” which borrows much of its plot from Verne’s novel, transposing the action from Captain Nemo’s submarine Nautilus to Annorax’s temporal weapon ship. Join us for a deep-dive into the murky depths of this remarkable book, in which madness, monsters, and mutiny are never that far from the surface.
Chapters Intro (00:00:00) Diving the Starry Sea (00:05:00)   “Year of Hell” (00:20:55)   Temporal Psychosis (00:51:00)   Mutiny (01:07:00)   Final Thoughts (01:13:45)  
Host Duncan Barrett
Guest Lee Hutchison
Production Duncan Barrett (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer)
New podcast episode!
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garudabluffs · 4 years ago
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UMass Amherst Hosts Conference On The Legacy Of Daniel Ellsberg
UMass Amherst is hosting an online conference this weekend to commemorate the 50th anniversary release of the Pentagon Papers – a top secret study that revealed a long history of government lies about U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
The conference grew out of the university’s acquisition of the personal papers of Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers to the press.
Ellsberg and other high-profile figures such as Edward Snowden are scheduled to participate and discuss topics including the Vietnam War, nuclear weapons, Watergate, and whistleblowing.
WAMC’s Pioneer Valley Bureau Chief Paul Tuthill spoke with one of the conference organizers, UMass Amherst history professor Chris Appy ( AH-pea).
To register for the conference click here.
Listen 9:08 https://www.wamc.org/post/umass-amherst-hosts-conference-legacy-daniel-ellsberg
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