#pinta quest
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cf-12 · 5 months ago
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Skies of Arcadia: Pinta's Quest (Sega VMU, 2000)
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hyperfixatedhells · 5 months ago
hyperspecific sso nostalgia
"you have taken a dangerous fall" or falling off of a cliff so many times that you get taken back to your stable. also the screen turning red when this happened.
magic horses only turning magic if theyre away from civilization.
having to spam W or else your horse will slow down.
waiting for the bus and using the bus ticket.
using the circus ticket.
having to drag and drop items from your inventory.
jojo siwa at the disco.
spirit around jorvik.
collecting the stars and being so excited upon finding one.
certain horses being cold tolerant, [fjord, icelandic, etc] the others slowing down upon entering the valley of the hidden dinosaur.
finding gary goldtooth in the middle of nowhere.
low quality saddle bag pets and that stupid torn saddle bag.
not being able to stack items.
having to build reputation to progress.
the saving nightdust quest.
april fools updates, especially the 2016 supershire.
the summer bonfire event, the birthday event, the st. patricks day event, all of the holiday and seasonal events.
how the areas would be decorated for valentines day, easter, etc.
those things that would temporarily change your starter horses coat into all sorts of wacky things.
the barrel race in moorland.
the old filter.
the trailers being star rider only.
the closets being star rider only.
jumping being star rider only, and justin teaching you how to jump.
no jumping in towns/cities.
the original home stable.
waiting for the fairies and just BARELY missing it.
the baronesses racetrack being under construction for SO LONG.
jorvik not having any snow during christmas.
the 2017 character update and the ORIGINAL original character, plus the original weird looking starter horse.
horse island.
unnamed stable girl, the one that came before maya.
all of the old npcs.
when you enter a new area, the name of it would flash in the middle of your screen.
speed boosts on roads.
star stable news with ylva and matilda.
the loading screen stable cat who gave you tips.
the kallters.
having to build your reputation with the hermit to buy his horses and having to build your reputation with the kallters to buy fjord horses.
the iceberg and the seals.
the clothing and tack being basically unidentifiable until you hovered over them, because the items just had a gray or gold icon with what the item actually classified as. [aka what it looks like on mobile]
the fort pinta shark.
the global store not being around and having to buy things directly from the shops or the mall.
the infamous purple car and bulldozer that would run you over.
having to fill your houses needs multiple times a day plus the little smiley face mood thingy.
only being able to care for your horse near stables.
only having three uses for your water bucket.
unused furniture.
starshine roaming around greendale.
the "glue man" and the little girl in your stable singing during halloween.
the chat filter being called phil.
stacy place oh god stacy place. also archie fails
all of the star stable commercials and ads, especially that one fucking disney channel commercial.
please add your own nostalgias onto this post i would love to hear them
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libero-de-mente · 18 days ago
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Ringrazio alcune "cose" della vita perché mi hanno formato e plasmato, rendendomi quello che sono. Queste cose sono varie, sempre a tre a tre si sono palesate. Si dice che il tre sia il numero perfetto.
Allora ringrazio questo numero perfetto che in più occasioni si è manifestato nella mia vita, per gli insegnamenti e i significati profondi che questi "triumvirati variegati di cose" mi hanno lasciato.
- L'inferno, il purgatorio e il paradiso.
- Cesare, Pompeo e Crasso.
- Il Tigri, l'Eufrate e la mezza luna fertile.
- ...are, ...ere e ...ire che l'acca fan fuggire.
- Qui, Quo e Qua.
- Uno, nessuno e centomila.
- Vassalli, valvassori e valvassini.
- Gesù, Giuseppe e Maria.
- Il Trio Lescano.
- Tizio, Caio e Sempronio.
- La Niña, la Pinta e la Santa Maria.
- Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo.
- Protoni, Elettroni e Neuroni.
- Present simple, present perfect e presento continus.
- Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio.
- C'è un francese, un inglese e un italiano.
- Piero Angela, Alberto Angela e Alessandro Barbero.
- Gli Ittiti, i Sumeri e i Babilonesi.
- La regola dell'amico, quella che non sbaglia mai. (che vale per tre)
- Il canto del gallo tre volte, prima del rinnego.
- Rino, Bino e Trino. (questa è autoreferenziale e me la dedico)
- Gianna, Gianna, Gianna.
- Tre baci per salutarsi.
- Le tre croci sul Calvario.
- Il triangolo no, non l'avevo considerato.
- Volevo dirti tre cose.
- Non c'è due senza tre, il resto vien da sé.
- Do, Re, Mi.
- I tre Moschettieri.
- Prega, Ama, Mangia... anche se mi applico solo con la terza.
- Ricomincio da tre.
- Le tre civette sul comò.
- I tre magi.
- I tre porcellini.
- Ottaviano, Antonio e Lepido.
- La Troika.
- Le tre Marie.
- Da, da, da.
- La triade capitolina Giove, Giunone e Minerva.
- Sole, cuore, amore. (dammi tre parole)
- Le tre piramidi di Giza.
- Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité.
- Brahma, Vishnu e Shiva.
- Il bivio nella vita in cui c'è sempre una terza strada.
- Acqua, terra e fuoco. (L'aria è la più inquinata)
- Scaleno, isoscele ed equilatero.
- I tre tentativi del PIN.
- I tre tenori.
- Il Trio (Marchesini, Lopez e Solenghi).
- I tre scudetti del Napoli. (credo che questo post invecchierà male)
- I tre assaggi dei primi al ristorante.
- Gullit, Van Basten e Rijkaard.
- Le tre volte che mi dissero di no.
- Le tre Grazie del Canova. (anche quelle di Edouard Bisson, neh!)
- I Green Day, i Blink-182 e i Good Charlotte.
- Le bionde, le more e le rosse. (in verità tutte le sfumature meritano)
- Chi fa da sé fa per tre.
- I tre giorni del condor.
Ma anche, soprattutto, che ar cavaliere nero nun je devi cacà er cazzo!
Grazie, Graziella e Graziaracazzo
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iateyourvitalorgans · 9 months ago
The change in attitudes towards our mounts in Star Stable Online
'About a magical bond between a girl and her horse!' now it's more like, 'Got to collect them all, they are all so cute!' (fair tho).
As a point of reference, I played back when Silverglade had walls and you couldn't jump in it — and all horses were gen 1, and also, obviously, the whole thing with the nostalgic sound tracks. Anyways, I feel like back then we were a lot more connected to our horses. Maybe it's because some of the breeds kind of looked too similar to the starters back then, but I remember even (a few years later for me) in gen 2 we didn't have that big of a 'consumerism culture' (although players were buying more than before, fair tho the horses were cuuUUUTEe) like we do with today's gen 3? Back then, I just remember having a lot of options to customise our character and choose a horse that matches the sport we're interested in — or maybe to find a breed that meant a lot personally. But, we'd stick to it, and it'd be like "my horse" or "my [horse's name]" instead of "this horse". Is it just me? I don't know. At least I felt that shift in attitude in myself towards my horses in the game. I wouldn't even refer to them by the names I had given them, just the breed and coat colour. I didn't cherish memories of quests or other player interactions with them or involve them with social dynamics — or even look back at what stage at the game I was with them... It was a constant 'getting bored and needing a new toy', only really logging on initially because I miss the quests, and the community like: the disco at Fort Pinta, and the picnics and cafés with people and etc... But yeah, then I'd have all of these horses that I had forgotten I even had because they're just rotting in the stable. Taking care of them nowadays is just for horse XP rather than just... love for my cute pixelated horse, you know? With that revelation, I decided to focus on sticking to having two main horses as my mains and pay strict attention to them by putting the rest in turn-out (so that I would see 'my BAAaabIIEeees' instead of 'Voilà, my collection!' if that makes sense??). I put my Jorvik Warmblood (starter horse) who I named Knight on my nearest right side (so I can always think about them and cherish them)... then my main horse Sunshine (who's a Selle Français) and my main pony Snowprince (who's a Welsh Pony). I really hope this technique works out, but I also think that at least being aware is pretty important too.
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aryamistwood · 6 months ago
Trailblazer Track Optimizations based on YOUR Home Stable
SO now that we understand how the Trailblazer Track points work, I've been having fun coming up with some potential optimizations based off of my favorite types of activities for each of the Home Stables.
As a recap, 1350pts/day is the bare minimum-maximum points to shoot for. This includes:
Daily Point Redemption: 450pts Tasks 1-4: 100pts each (400pts total) Tasks 5-8: 75pts each (300pts total) Tasks 9-12: 50pts each (200pts total)
NOTE: You can keep earning points after task 12 at 20pts/task, indefinitely until the end of the day, but for the sake of the bare min-max, you can stop after your 12th task.
Here are my suggestions based on YOUR Home Stable:
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 3 - Outside Stable Chores 1 - Julie's Chore 1 - Daily Horse Care 3 - Bobcats 3 Jumping Races 1 - Tan's Moorland Race
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 3 - Outside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care 1 - Ricky's Race 1 - Sindra's Race 1 - Beach Race 2 - Any Moorland Tasks (above)
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 3 - Outside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care 2 - Tai's Jumping Races 3 - Marley's Races
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 3 - Outside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care 2 - Yelena's Working Equitation Races 3 - Arena Jumping Courses *this is personally my favorite batch, I might move my stable here
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 3 - Outside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care
A lot of the Valedale tasks are RNG, and others may not be available depending on where you are in the story and honestly, your preferences. It's simultaneously one of the easiest and hardest places to get points because there's so many options. Anyway, chose 5 of the following: 3 - Farrah's deliveries (bonus, good for shillings) 5 - Soul Rider Trainings/Missions (GREAT if you don't have Runerunner, probably what I would choose myself) 1 - Alex's Training (TBD if the other Soul Riders will get trainings, maybe this Wednesday's update, stay tuned) 2 - Firefly Races (Ada and Makenna) 1 - Orienteering Race 1 - Hollow Woods Race 6 - Find and pet the Magic Horses (if you've completed the magic horse quests from the Druid Paths, this may be the quickest + 1200hxp) 1-5 - Opening satchels (you can get up to 5, but I personally only unlock the 250) ? - Runecarving
BONUS - plants and light reward 2pts each, good passive for the other tasks
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 3 - Outside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care
So..Firgrove doesn't have anything around you can do, so you'll have to branch out. You can either do the Starshine tasks below, or go towards Valedale Lake for: 1 - Pole Bending Apocalypse 2 - Mr. Anderson's Races 2 - Any Valedale Tasks (above)
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care 8 - Solo + Opponent Race's (you have to INDIVIDUALLY accept each race. Otherwise if you queue them together it will only count as 1 task.)
If you encounter the bug where you can't do all 8 races, you'll have to supplement with the following: 4 - Mary's Animals 1 - Josh Chore Daily
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care 3 - Dundull Ranger's Races 2 - Violet's Photography Quests 3 - Luis' Ranger Equitation Races
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 3 - Outside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care 3 - Rowan's Races 2/3 - Dundull Ranger's Races
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care 2 - Pistachio's Races 1 - Willow's Momento 1 - Juniper/Rocco's Letter 1 - Athena's Pottery Race 3 - Firgrove Stable Chores (follow the path past the Warriors and Gary)
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 3 - Outside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care 2 - Dressage 2 - Stein's feed the animals quests 1 - any Sunfield chore Alternatively, if you don't like dressage:
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 3 - Outside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care 2 - Stein's feed the animals quests 3 - Jarlasson Races on Paddock island
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 5 - Outside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care 4 - Extra Interesting Fossils (great to start working on an Event Bank)
If you DON'T have fossils unlocked, you have options for your last 3 tasks (though I highly recommend you unlock Epona Fossils): 3 - Misc Races (NHC stable race, CMV race for rep, Tolt race - if you have an Icelandic, any race on South Hoof, Moorland, or Jarlaheim, depending on where your training takes you) ? - Reputation quests in the area (Ricky/Jamie/Zombie Husband's Wife idk i hated that quest) This isn't a long term suggestion as you will eventually run out when you finish the questlines/cap your reputation, but its a good way to make progress on those reputations
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care 3 - Skip's Races 5 - Outside Stable Chores at NHC (take the bridge)
450pts - Daily Redepmtion 3 - Inside Stable Chores 3 - Outside Stable Chores 1 - Daily Horse Care 4 - Ewa's Races 1 - Fishing or Chore by the docks
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synamins-sso · 11 months ago
man wouldn't it be so cool if there was such a thing as daily commissions on sso
like. sure, we have daily tasks; that long ass list of nothing-burger content that gives you like 25 JS each.
but what if there were daily tasks that could earn sc?? this is coming from a genshin + honkai player where you can earn the special currency through certain tasks or purchases, which is what made me think of it for sso. of course, the systems made for spending that special currency is completely different across the two genres (i'd call sso a leisure game whereas genshin + honkai are gacha) so some things would have to be tweaked.
imagine, however, there were four or five "special" dailies that could earn you sc! i would put the number between 10-25 - though i absolutely know 25 is pushing it when it comes to sse's stinginess - per quest. these dailies would be located between moorland and fort pinta so f2p players could earn sc. if there were to be five quests, i think it would make sense to have the fifth be a larger sum of sc ; probably 15 instead of 10, and 30 instead of 25. additionally, this higher rewarding daily quest would be in a star rider only area of the map.
by having a daily task system that rewards players with sc, players will be encouraged to spend more time in game. the reason they've added all of this grind-y type "gameplay" (rhiannon rune runner quests, new druid stuff in hollow woods) is to boost play time, but keep rewards at a minimum. if they added an incentive to keep playing (like f2p players playing daily to save up for a new horse or clothing item, or current star riders putting in the time to add a little more to their sc allowance) then more people might continue to play the game.
i know all sse cares about is squeezing every last drop of cash from unwitting children, and i know that the daily commission system isn't exactly made to fit a leisure game such as sso, but if what they want is increased play time, perhaps this might could be a step in the right direction.
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horseslur · 1 year ago
If you're wondering how badly Calamity (me) is sequence breaking sso right now:
unlocked the Peanut race in fort pinta, get to wave at Lisa Peterson and her horse as we ride by (Linda is still locked in the castle)
I have Unlocked Epona. I've met all requirements to unlock the Dino Valley and am just waiting for those quests to pop up. I cannot reach mistfall or golden hills valley.
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bad-sso-ideas · 1 year ago
Monthly subscriptions no longer exist. Nor does lifetime. Every free rider gets 100 Star coins.
HOWEVER, to compensate, SSE just, paywalls most Quests, Including the daily ones. So you wanna do a race? 1 dollar. Wanna do a daily quest? 1 dollar. Wanna do literally any of the main quests? 50 bucks for the newest set of main story quests. Side quests, that allow you to unlock dundull and all that? 100 bucks for all those quests.
There’s only a handful of free quests. Which are the same ones that we have now in like moorland and fort pinta. Oh and archeology’s free, once you get there. You can do all stable chores anywhere as well without being paywalled.
The Valedale quests as well as the ability to do the fireflies and all of those daily and one time quests are part of a pay-once deal, where you pay 100 dollars and you get all those quests as long as you have an active account. Soul riding is the same thing.
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corinne-eaglebridge-sso · 1 year ago
My thoughts on the new update:
(I will be highlighting negative and positive with corresponding colours, and try to give ways to fix the negative ones if possible)
1. I like the new starting area! It feels cozy and like a real riding camp, and I like that it gives more areas for horses! It’s perhaps a bit small, but that’s understandable, and it does remind me of an actual riding camp I’ve been at. (In that case we travelled from accommodations shared with other types of camps to a stable, but still).
2. It feels weird to me that it’s not Justin that is giving you the horse, since that is an important part of his character. This could perhaps be fixed by having Maya mention that Justin picked this horse for you?
3. Similarly, Anne and Lisa being there feels weird - depending on how fast you play through storyquests, Lisa and Anne will be in Pandoria for a very short time, when before it was more ambiguous how long they were in there. The absence of a lot of dayblockers worsens this.
4. I actually really like the dream sequence for the most part! It feels like a good representation of a moon circle dream and it’s a good hook!
5. However, I do think the dream falters at the end - it would be more effective to also show the soul riders in silhouette, as to not immediately spoil everything. It’s not like you can’t piece it together yourself - you just met them and their silhouettes are recognizable enough. (Lisa and Anne not being in the intro would also cause more mystery here)
7. Similarly, it feels weird for Linda to immediately start talking about magic around you. This could maybe be solved by her telling the story of the soul riders and Aideen as a campfire story instead?
8. Linda having a sort of deja vu, recognizing the MC because she has probably seen them in a moon circle dream? I LIKE THAT. More of that! It is slightly unsettling and mysterious without being obvious - it is easy to pass off as you looking similar to another camper if you don’t know she has magic.
9. This is more of a bug/inconsistency: the original runestone quest is still there, and Alex and Linda still introduce themselves as if you didn’t just meet them. This is even more aggravated by a lot of the early game day blockers being removed, letting you access Fort Pinta that first day.
10. So. Much. Camera. Panning. This happens a lot in early game and after a certain point it gets very tiring and annoying.
11. I like the new intro quests! It gives you the basics of riding and jumping in a way that feels more consistent with the riding camp story.
I really didn’t intend for this to skew so negative; I do really think this new intro has a lot of potential with some minor tweaks and overall I like it!
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starshinedragon · 2 years ago
-> SSO Rewritten is how I would write the main story. The posts will complete the whole main storyline. -> Opening ALL the areas in the horse part of Jorvik (Harvestlands, Winterdale, Springvalley, Summerplains and Jorcrater) -> Story from arriving to Jorvik to defeating Garnok. -> You can find the story related posts with the tags "sso rewritten" and "sso full story series".
So saddle up and get ready for an adventure!
In this post: Characters Harvestlands: Phase 1-2-3 Winterdale: Phase 4-5-6 Springvalley: Phase 7-8-9 Summerplains: Phase 10-11-12 Final Battle: Phase 13-14-15
PHASE 10- Opening Summerplains, Alex and Lisa
PART 1: A Dream of Summer
-> Lisa invites you to Starshine Ranch to take part in a Western Show. MC and their horse beats every challenger, but the last one: Coyote and his horse. MC and Lisa goe to congratulate him on his victory. Herman arrives, introduces you to his brother, Coyote. -> Coyote tells you about himself (went to the USA to be a cowboy, raced, now came home to Jorvik to run a western ranch) and invites you to his Stable. MC tells him noone can get to Summerplains since the Claymore gate is closed and the Suncrown bridge is in ruins. Coyote says he knew the Claymores (those stuckups) closed the gate, but he didn’t know the bridge was in such a bad shape since hardly anyone arrives through the druids’ territory. Also they are a small, tight community with hardly any visitors and any supplies arrive by sea. -> Coyote invites you to come with him and help repair the bridge. Lisa says she will call the Everspring druids to start the repairs from that side. Riding to Fort Pinta and taking the ferry to Port Sylvia.
-> Blackscreen „The Next Morning”. You arrive in Fort Sylvia and race with Coyote at the shoreline road of the Wild Horse Plains to the Suncrown bridge. His team of the stables already arrived and brought the building materials. Helping in the construction tasks, while the druids do the repairs from the other side. You are done quickly, Lisa and Starshine arrive and people cheer as Coyote announces that the Summerplains are officially open. -> Exploring the area. First you go with Coyote and meet his crew. They lead you and Lisa around the Cattle Ranch, Stables, Horseshoe forest and Reining arena. Introduced to new races, barrel racing, reining.
-> The next day Coyote asks you to deliver stuff to Cod Point. MC notices the cool Ghost House on their way there. Introduced to Cod Point, new fishing reputation there. They also give you a package to get back to Coyote. -> On your way back MC decides to check out the ghost house. Getting scared and lost in it, triple jumpscare as MC, Lisa and Mr. Wetton run into each other at a corner. After you realize that nobody is getting murdered by a ghost, Lisa introduces you to Mr Wetton. MC asks him what is he doing in an abondoned house so he turns up the party lights, tells you it is his disco house for special occasions and patries. Tells you he is the brother of Herman and Coyote, who runs Black Light Night Club and supported Lisa and her gang when they were students at Star Academy. Mr Wetton invites you and Lisa to meet him when you are around Fort Sylvia, so he can introduce you to the city. -> Leaving the Ghost house and going to Coyote to deliver his package. He gives you another one to take to Snake Bite and meet his buddy, Tomahawk Tom there. Going to Snakebite, introduced to people there, the stables and races.
-> Next quest is to meet Mr Wetton in Fort Sylvia. Meet at a café and explore the city, he shows you his Black Light Night Club. Lisa and her band has an hour long rock music concerts there every night from 8 to 9. Now you have all reputations west of Claymore bay unlocked, and have access to all sidequests with these factions. -> Everything seems nice and peaceful, but darkness is still looming. A quest marker appears in the Great Clearing. MC is drawn there by a strange magic and goes to a great cut down tree. A team of druids and rangers ambush you asking who you are and why are you disturbing a grave. They tell you of how Jon Jarl cut down a Life Warden tree and his forest in his futile search of immortality and possibly doomed the island. -> The druids of Summerplains don’t trust you. MC asks how could they gain their trust and the druids say by fighting against the darkness, but for now, make friends with the Life Warden Trees to prove you are a good guy.           
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PART 2: Primeival Trees
-> MC asks Coyote if there are ancient trees he knows about in Summerplains. He tells of one in the Old Morass and one in the Lone Star Canyon. -> MC goes to check out the Old Morass first. Riding to the swamp, but it has the same darkness over it as Pi’s swamp. Ride to the Clearing and ask a local ranger to guide you in the swamp. You meet at the border and journey through the dark, claustropobic woods, narrow bridges and muddy waters. MC follows a magic instict (appearing as a wisp) to guide them to the Primeival Tree. ->You find the Elder Witchwood and awaken it with magic. She refuses to answer your questions, asks if you are a witch. She asks witchcraft related questions to which none of the pop-up answers are correct. She concludes, that you are not a witch and says that she will only talk to witches or you only if a witch vouches for you. MC and the ranger leave the swamp. MC goes to speak with Holdsworth and Pi. They say they need time to study the ancient witch magics to answer the tree’s questions correctly. They will go to Caer Cailleach to ask the help of Sive and the vala. Pi uses her broom to fly there, but Mrs Holdworth says hers is under repairs right now and asks for a ride there. MC riding double with Holdsworth and taking her to Caer Cailleach.
-> While you wait for the witches, MC goes to Coyote, asks for directions to Lone Star Canyon. You go through Claymore village (nobody will talk to the outsider) and ride through the pass through the Rainshadow Mountains to arrive in the semidesert. You ride through that to arrive in Lone Star Canyon. -> The cowboys of Lone Star are basically like the rangers of the area, they know the maze-like place pretty well. Their leader is Blackjack Bill, who, with his buddies stop you if you try to enter. MC says they came to see the great tree in the canyon, but Bill says that’s a weird ask so you can only enter if you prove you are badass enough to beat him in a race. -> Racing through the maze-like winding paths of Lone Star, pretty obvious Bill knows the paths so much you won’t beat him. Galloping under a rock formation a piece falls down towards Bill, MC uses lightning powers to blast the rock to pieces. Finishing the race, cutscene: Bill does the sliding stop before the finish line and lets you win. He thanks you and tells the other cowboys you are one of those druid kids and MC rides with them to their camp at the foot of the Primeival Tree. -> They watch as you use your power to speak with the tree. Aspen King tells you the cowboys are his friends, and shows you the gifts they bring him – the trunk is decorated with horseshores, skulls, dried flowers,etc. MC asks about the darkness threathening SP. Aspen King tells you of the brother they lost when Jon Jarl came to the clearing (the tree called Ancient Guardian in the Clearing cut down 800 years ago) and the sister that is missing (Shadow Chestnut). MC asks to become friends with AK to make the druids believe they are here to help. AK says he saw you save Bill, so he is gonna give you a chance to prove yourself. Prove your friendship to the cowboys and he shall be your friend too. Reputation with the Lone Star Cowboys unlocked. Reach a certain level with them to unlock the next story quest. -> Once you are friendly enough with them, Bill tells you to bring a friendship gift to AK to gain his blessing. MC and Bill ride through Lone Star to gather the special gifts (water from a spring in the northernmost part of the mountains, eagle feather from Thunderbird Peak, 200 years old horseshoe from an old battlefield, etc). Bring the gifts to AK and be accepted as a Lone Star Cowboy/girl. AK gives you a branch of magic aspen fruits and flowers to show the druids. Taking it to the Clearing.
-> A raven comes to you bringing a message tied to its leg from Sive. Holdsworth and Pi asks to meet you at the Old Morass. You ask the ranger once again to lead you through the swamp and go there, meeting them and another vala witch, Aine. MC and Holdsworth and ranger and Pi riding together to the Witchwood. The witches brought a bunch of stuff that is levitated by Aine after you tied in a package. Arriving at the Elder Witchwood. -> Before waking her up again, the witches tell you what they learned. The vala used to take care of this tree, but since they were corrupted, they stopped doing it. Pi n Mrs H ask you to decorate the area like the vala used to, with the witch stuff they brought. You build a pyre and Aine magics it to look blue. After the place is decorated to look vala, MC wakes the witchwood. -> The witches answer her questions (with your help) and Aine says the vala are back and she will be the guardian of the Witchwood and her grove. The tree only has one more ask: that you ride through the swamp and collect her old witch relics that the animals scattered all over the place during the centuries. You collect them and the Witchwood declares her friendship and gifts you a brach with her flowers and fruits. MC asks EW about the last Primeival in Summerplains, she tells you Shadow Chestnut is hiding in the Claymore mountains. Aine stays, Pi and Mrs H fly home and MC rides to the Clearing to present the symbol of EW’s friendship to the druids there.
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PART 3: The Claymores
-> The plan forward: the SP druids now trust you, send you to find the Shadow Chestnut. Going to Claymore Castle, but denied entrance.MC goes to Coyote, but he doesn’t know how one gets into the Claymore’s favor. You go to the Von Blyssen manor and ask Anne’s mom. She tells you the best way is to challenge and defeat one of their best riders to show you are worthy of their time. Now you have to find a Claymore to defeat. -> MC sneaks around Claymore village to look for riders, but all of them are near the manor. You are about to give up when you notice Sabine and start to follow her. You overhear the people calling her Miss Claymore, and realize this is perfect. You reveal yourself and challenge Sabine to a race, poking at her pride. Bet with Sabine in front on the whole village: if MC wins, she invites her to the manor. Elise appears, knows what MC is up to, warns Sabine not to accept, but she does. Elise is angry, knows how this is gonna end, leaves. Beating her in the race around Claymore village. -> Sabine has to keep her word, taking you to the manor. All stuck-up, mean riders, like the Bobcats used to be. You complete the entrance races to gain membership with the Claymore manor and carve out some respect. Reputation quests to the Claymores: village, manor and stables, tedious grind, hardly gives you any rep first, because they are assholes.
-> Races at the Claymore manor: show-jumping in the arenas, many cross-country trails in the mountains. Introduction to the Eventing Championship: a round of dressage, showjump and cross-country. Running the Claymore cross-country tracks, but other then in the races, you cant explore the mountains (the gates only open if you are racing). Sabine is watching you and clearly hiding something. -> Once you get to high enough reputation, Lord and Lady Claymore name you full member and you can move freely and explore the mountains. MC goes to the Clearing and talk to the druids about the next step. They say you should look for a certain type of chestnut on the ground in the Claymore mountains to find her. Going there and looking in the forest.
-> Find and meet the Shadow Chestnut and discover her standing next to another Stone Circle, just like the one on Starshine Mountain: the Awakened Stone Circle. ShCh is the sister of Astral Crown, protects the Awakened Stone Circle (ASC) from anyone entering, good or evil. MC asks why the good ones can’t enter either and ShCH tells you they trusted humans before and it cost them the Guardian. -> Darko and the whole Dark Rider gang arrives, thanking you for leading them here as they could not find the tree (it distracted the evils). This does not help ShCh to trust you. MC says she thought Darko was dead. D says he had a lot of work to do since he became the new Mr Sands, turns out the work of the old relic is not as easy after all, especially now as Garnok’s Victory draws closer. Hearing this, ShCh summons a shield around the ASC so no one can get in. The combined power of the 5 bad guys are not enough to break shield. They place an unbreakable dark ward around it, because if MC can’t access it that is already a win for them. Race: MC flees the forest and the Dark Riders.
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PHASE 11- Resurrecting the Guardian
PART 1: Finding the Seed -> MC meets and tells the SRs what happened. Need to know how to help Shadow Chestnut,gain access to ASC and prove that they are the good guys. With the help of Linda, Aine, Pi and Holdsworth they make up a spell that lets Witchwood connect her to ShCh. -> Ritual in the swamp: MC taking the dream potion and waking up in the Wealdweave. Walking through it to get to the roots of ShCh and talk to her. She tells you she needs to connect to all 3 of her siblings: Aspen, Witch and Guardian to be able to banish the darkness choking her. But that is impossible, since the Guardian is dead. ShCh tells MC the only way she will ever trust them is if you resurrect the Guardian, but that is impossible. MC promises to do it.
-> Plan: Find a way to resurrect the Guardian. The druids tell you there is a legend that the seed of the Primeival trees lives forever and if the one who cut him down kept it, there is hope. They tell you it was Jon Jarl, who cut the Clearing. Need to learn more about Jon Jarl to find out if he kept the seed (there is a good chance, since he liked his treasures and there is a rumor had a secret treasure chamber dug somewhere in one of the mountains of Jorvik. Going to the Moon Chamber, but Jon’s ghost is not there now. -> Going all over Jorvik to gather clues, following Jon’s footsteps and history. The fleet got into a storm, was attacked by the „kraken” (G’s tentacles) and shipwrecked on Jorvik. Jon conquered the island, gathered many magical weird artifacts and treasures. Then finally he cut down the Guardian and met a vala coming out of the forest. The witch cursed his riches: Jon will never be able to take them away from the island, until he makes his sins right by restoring the trees. Jon tried to take some treasures away, but the ship was destroyed in a storm. He realized the curse works and had a hidden treasure chamber made for them in the remote part of the Northern Mountain Range.
-> MC finds the secret entrance in a narrow valley between the NMR between the Starshade and Coldstone forests. Solving the puzzle to get in, if you step at the wrong place it teleports you back to another valley and you have to find your way back. Jon’s ghost appears, wants to help, MC doesnt trust him, asks why would you help take your treasures. Jon tells you it is not just the tresures, that can’t leave Jorvik, he can never leave either. It has been many hundred years already, and he wants absolution for what he’s done in the hopes of finally being able to leave Jorvik one day. -> Going through the labyrinth of the treasury, finding the seed. The traps activate and the place starts collapsing. Jon is like oops, I forgot to mention. Getting out. The 4 DRs are waiting for you but Jon says take a step back and MC steps into the teleportation circle and taken to a nearby valley. The DRs have no idea where you ended up and the treasury is buried beneath the mountain. MC rides back to the Secret Stone Circle to keep the seed there until you figure out the next move.
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PART 2: Find a way -> Now you have to find a way to use the seed and resurrect the guardian. Linda and the druids get to work researching, and meanwhile MC has to correct and recarve the old runestones in Summerplains, just like you did in Harvestlands, Winderdale and Springvalley. -> The next day Linda have found a clue about a restoration ritual, but some pages are missing. Go ask the LW trees. Sleeping Widow tells you of the failed attempt at resurrecting a tree near her. Tells you how the druids tried to do it, but couldn’t get the other trees to help. -> Going to Fripp’s library to piece together the spell. MC helping Linda with the research. Leave her for the night, the other day she has the spell ready. Tells you the only other thing you are going to need is a branch from Shadow Chestnut.
-> Meet up with the SRs in the Secret Stone Circle to talk about the plan: how to get close enough to get a branch and how will ShCh willingly give it to you. Plan: the SRs will go with you to the Claymore Mountains and make a crack in the shield for you to get in. Now you just need a secret way to go there. Linda says the Claymore castle was also established in Jon Jarl’s time and the druids could not have gone through the town, so they must have had a secret path. Asking the Lone Star Cowboys. They say there is a closed off, overgrown path in the Rainshadow Mountains, but they don’t know where it leads. ->The team goes there, Alex and MC cut the thorny bushes in the way. Riding through the narrow trail (just like in the Greydew mountains to Epona) through the Claymore mountains. You see the Claymore riders running the cross-country trails, but they can’t see you. Getting to the shield around ShCh and the Stone Circle. -> You don’t have much time. The SRs use their magic to make a crack on the shield and MC gets in. Going through a magic labyrinth (like the one before the circus). Sometimes you have to hide from shadow seekers, other times there is a wall and nowhere to go, you have to dispell the wall by choosing the correct runes, like the minigame when activating the runestone in Paddock island. You get to the tree. -> MC tells her they found a way to resurrect the Guardian. Tells her of where they were and what they found out, convincing the tree to give you a branch to attempt the spell. With the branch, you go back through the labirynth and meet up with the SRs.
-> An alarm has been set off and Sabine is riding here to check on the shield. Mc and the SRs ride through the secret path, back to the desert. You see Sabine searching for you in the trails, but she can’t see you. Getting back to the desert, heading towards the Clearing, it is starting to rain, a storm rolls in. In the path through the Rainshadow mountains Sabine is waiting for the team. You say you were just out trailriding in the desert, but she doesn’t buy it. -> The other DRs also appear, by standing in rock outcroppings in the hillside above Sabine. They jump down to confront you and charge you. Alex uses a lighning shield to separate the DRs. Now Sabine and Elise are stuck with Alex, Lisa and MC. Elise’s  power is the only thing that could totally destroy the seed. Linda and Anne have the seed and flee from Jess and Katja to the Clearing. You have a bossfight on your hand. -> The storm is raging and Alex is drawing power from it and keeping the shield up so you and Lisa fight Sabine and Elise. Dodge their attacks and hit them with yours. Once you deplete their health bar, the storm has passed and Alex can’t hold the shield any longer. She lets go, you mount up and race towards the Clearing. -> They chase you. Anne and Linda are safe, but Katja and Jess made a shadowfrost wall in front of you. The druids of the clearing unite their magic with the SRs to break the wall and you run through. The DRs can’t enter the glade and just stand at the edge menacingly, then leave.
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PART 3: Restoration -> You all need a day to recharge your powers. The next morning you return to the clearing. There are just some more things you need to gather: relics for the four circles, amplified with Aideen’s light. The next four days you go with the SRs to do that. -> With Lisa you go to find the Rose of the Wind on top of the Lonely Hill in Wild Horse plains and infuse it with Aideen’s power. With Linda you go to the Old morass to find a pool of magic water touched by the purest moonlight. With Anne, you go to the northest point of the Lone Star area to find the „fallen star” – a special, pandorian crystal meteorite fallen through the northern lights and charged with the morning sunlight. With Alex you go to Thunderbird peak to bring a piece of the old pandorian runestone (destroyed long ago) that was hit by lightning. Once you got them all and infused them with Aideen’s light, you return to the Clearing.
-> The next day you perform the ritual. At the cut down Guardian’s trunk you place the seed. The druids plant the three branches you brought from ShCh, AK and EW around the tree. The SRs use the relics you got and MC focuses their power into the seed. A little sapling appears. -> Cutscene: a nightmarish, dark blue and purple circle in a small island, with floating black runestones. Darko kneels in the middle of a rune circle chanting, when the ground stars shaking, thunder rumbles and tentacles appear in the horizon illuminated for a second by a lightning strike. An incredibly low, animal-like angry growl echoes and turns into a roar, like the sound of a kraken. „Yes! Lord Garnok, I was finally successful to summon- „ „You incompetent, pathetic fool! You let them awaken the power of Aideen and now you do nothing as they awaken the last guardian of the island? I should crush you now and be rid of your annoying existence” lightning strikes and a tentacle hovers over Darko, but retreats. „I give you one last chance to prove your worth. Destroy the Sisterhood again. Cut and burn the trees and stop them from awakening the last defensve line. Their meddlesome spell already pulls me back to my slumber. By the time I awaken, I want them destroyed. So that not even a memory of them remains.” -> MC wakes up in the forest floor. The SRs said you blacked out for a few minutes. The Restored Guardian is already a young sapling, growing quickly, just like how Aideen raised so many trees and plants when she first came to the island.
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PHASE 12- Taking the Awakened Stone Circle Back
PART 1: Raising a tree -> Other trees in the clearing also start to grow, but at a slower rate. You have to reach max rep with the SP druids by doing dailies for them, helping to raise the tree. You go to each of the Primeival trees and ask what the Guardian might need, they send you on a fetch quest near them (get water from a spring, a magic crystal, etc) and take it back to the Restored Guardian. Sometimes the DRs try to attack the grove with frost, fire, darkness or shadow and you have to defeat them. -> Once you reach max rep, RG reaches max size and comes to consciousness. Thanks you and the SRs and you tell him ShCh is in trouble. RG tells you she has the most important job, defending the Awakened Stone Circle, which is the most important line of defence and weapon against Garnok and also the strongest seal that is keeping his prison locked. You cannot let it fall into enemy hands. Plan to take the ASC back.
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PART 2: Preparing the siege -> Swamp ritual again: talk to ShCh. She can barely resist the darkness now, about to give in. MC tells her the Guardian is back and reach for him. She does and the 4 trees of the Summerplains connect. She thanks you and says now she has the power to break the dark shield, but the 5 of you also need to be on the other side and help her. -> Preparing for the siege: plan to march on the Claymore manor, but get the others out of there. Talking to Anne’s mom to hold an competition in Shoreline: invite all big horse factions. MC takes the invitation letter to the Claymores. Help prepare the competition in Shoreline with the other SRs. There is gonna be all types of races, MC tests them: do a dressage routine, a showjumping and a cross-country. Help decorate and clean the place. -> When the time comes, ask Mrs Holdsworth for more of the transformation potion: 5 NPCs drink it to masquerade as you in the competition and make the DRs less sus. The races are announced as looking for the best riders in jorvik and your doppelgangers compete.
-> The DRs can’t resist the challenge and also compete to defeat „MC” and the „SRs”. Your stand-ins obviously lose and try to act in character. „Lisa” loses against Elise and says ima go write a sad song. „Linda” just says well, back to reading, „Alex” goes to punch something, and when Jess glares at her victoriously, „Anne” runs away crying. Jess is satisfied, but Elise starts to suspect, because Anne would never. By the time the DRs start to suspect something, the team is already gone. -> Cutscene: MC and SRs in the Secret Stone Circle, with many of the druids and your allies. Just finished making the plan. Fripp says „Everyone memorized it? Good. Then places everyone. Aideen be with us all.”
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PART 3: Awakening of Light -> You and the SRs ride through the basically empty Claymore manor. Going up through the path to the ASC locked behind the dark shield. The DRs and Darko wait for you there saying your little distraction didn’t work out that well. They walk towards you and step into 5 suspension runes. The 5 riders reveal themselves as more doppelgangers: druids masquerading as you. They say the distraction worked perfectly, they had plenty of time to draw the runes. They concentrate their magic to keep the 5 imprisoned. -> The real MC and Srs ride through the secret path in the mountains again and form a circle: MC in the middle, the 4 around her. They start to focus their magic on MC and MC on the shield. Cutscene: Aine is warned by Witchwood that it has started, closes her eyes, goes into the dreaming. Floats through the Wildweave and talks to ShCh, AK, RG and EW saying connect now. -> MC starts breaking the dark magic shield. Playing many minigames: run around collecting magic fragments, memory game rune choosing, slider, every one that has been in the game before.
-> Once you break all 5 seals (Sab’s, Jess’, Kat’s Eli’s and Darko’s), the 4 trees light up, MC and the SRs focus their magic on the shield individually to break it. Darko breaks free of the druids’ spell and frees the DRs too. They all summon dark magic to destroy the druids (the characters you have known since the beginning of the game, like Avalon, Evergrey, Rhiannon, etc) and are about to strike. -> Roots erupt from the ground and the freed Shadow Chestnut grabs the 5 bad guys, interrupting the spell. Darko teleports them away and the battle is won. -> First time entering the Awakened Stone Circle. Looks almost exactly like SSC, needs some work, for example, you will have to recarve the runestornes, explore the place, open the portal leading to the secret chamber under the glade (find the portal, like in SSC), but later. For now you have won, some druids from the Clearing come here to guard the place. -> The last task is to help ShCh protect it against the DRs. MC, the SRs and the druids magic their own shield around the glade, and use magic to hide it from the DRs. That way if they came back they won’t be able to find even though they know where it is, the forest will just make them lose their way. The shield is complete and the day is won.
-> Last story magic horse grind: The druids of the Clearing tell you Restored Guardian wants to talk to you. He thanks you for your service to Aideen and says with his return someone else also reappeared. Since you banished most of the darkness from the island by restoring it to almost as it was in Aideen’s time, more and more magic creatures reappear. He shows you a little white foal with runes on them like on aideen’s centaur form: a Luxariel foal. -> The last grind is taking care of the foal until it grows up for you to ride them. Every day you get a daily to take the foal to a different magical place in Jorvik and complete a quest there. E.g. take them to the Secret Stone Circle and tell them the meaning of the stones, go to Wildwoods and gather them magical plants to eat, in South Hoof listen to the Singing Yew’s song, etc. Once the progression bar is done, it ages up and you recieve the last free magic horse.
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SSO Rewritten 1st Part: Winterdale https://www.tumblr.com/starshinedragon/736955792328146944/sso-winterdale-fan-written-main-storyline?source=share
SSO Rewritten 2nd Part: Springvalley https://www.tumblr.com/starshinedragon/716459529087401984/sso-rewritten-springvalley?source=share
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shiroselia · 1 year ago
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Eh okay bullshit for every old area that gets updated Fort Pinta and Moorland gets 3 revamps and 90% of the new additions are Centered around that area. What do you Mean update old parts of the game. As if most of the midpoint quests aren't all Somewhat broken by now. Like. Sure. But where's the proof in practice.
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juliaqueendragon · 1 year ago
Thoughts on the Fridge doors/hatches and new Area
Note: Have mercy on me, this is the first time I can get my thoughts out. The Instagram Community didn't want to listen.
Now that we are talking about those fridge doors/hatches I'm interested if SSO will do anything with the one located in Hollow Woods when it gets updated in a few weeks.
It's been a while since any areas around the doors have been updated and maybe the new area around it will tell us anything? I wasn't a player yet when Moorland and GHW got updated so can any of the older players remember if anything happened to the trapdoor when those got updated? or I'm just seeing things again.
About the missing trap door and when the area around it is accessible:
I also know that the next area that will get released will also be accessible to non-star riders as stated in the last blog post
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I've thought about it and currently, if you look at a map of Jorvik from the game.
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The only inaccessible areas on the map are either too small to make a new area like the mountains, Ashland (which would make no sense because how would non-star riders get there) or that area above North Link. It stretches from Cape Point to Dino Valley and has often been called Mystic Valley in the community (I don't know if this comes from any official SSE media).
But that is a gigantic Area! As far as I know SSE, they will not release this in one update. So I believe this area will either be split in two or three areas. And since it's supposed to be accessible to non-star riders, I think that the next Area to be released will be Cape Point with a Ferry Connection to Fort Pinta and a land route over GHW (maybe that road leading to Marchenghast Castle). If North Link opens up and the Stone Circle is already included in that area depends on how generous SSE will be in that update. There is a route in Dino Valley that could potentially lead into the rest of that area.
I'm definitely interested in how much will be realised when the next area comes out since we are moving in the direction of familiar places the Dark Core HQ and Pine Hill Mansion, which gives a lot of potential to move the main story quest forward.
Back to the topic of the fridge doors. I believe we will see the last missing hatch in the next area or the area after that. So when the star is complete we will finally see the purpose of them.
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karaokulta · 19 days ago
🚀 ¿Hacia dónde van los magos del código en la industria de los videojuegos? 🎮 El más reciente informe de la Game Developers Conference nos pinta un panorama difícil de ignorar: 🔹 El 41% de desarrolladores de juegos sufrieron el golpe de los despidos en 2024. Esto es más que el 35% del año anterior. 🔹 Parece que 1 de cada 10 genios detrás de nuestros momentos de escape virtual tuvo que guardar su varita mágica. Pero, ¿qué significa esto para el futuro de la industria? Aquí va mi predicción con una pizca de adivinación amistosa: 🎩 Las empresas se volverán más selectivas, buscando hechiceros del código especializados. 🌟 Veremos el surgimiento de talentos independientes que darán vida a proyectos más pequeños, pero con una magia igual de potente. 💼 Aumentará la demanda de roles multidisciplinarios. Imaginen un programador que también entienda de storytelling y diseño de niveles. En este juego llamado industria de videojuegos, la adaptación es la llave maestra para sobrevivir bosses, raids o cualquier dungeon laboral que se presente. 🌐 Si estás en este campo, lo tuyo es pulir tus hechizos (habilidades) y prepararte para el siguiente nivel. 🔍 Si ya tienes tu estudio de indie games, es momento de brillar y demostrar que la creatividad no solo vive en los grandes castillos de desarrollo. 🤝 Y si estás buscando nuevos guerreros para tu guild (equipo), ahí fuera hay muchos con ganas de sumarse a una nueva quest. ¿Qué crees que nos depara el futuro en el reino de los videojuegos? 💭 ¡Dejen sus scrolls (comentarios) más abajo y etiqueten a los aventureros que amarán este contenido! 🧙‍♂️✨ #IndustriaDeVideojuegos #DesarrolloDeJuegos #TalentosTech #FuturoGamer #InnovacionDigital #GDC #GamersUnite
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aryamistwood · 2 years ago
So in the June Game Blog, I saw this quote:
"One of the most important missions to me is to align all of the art in the game, and now the new avatar has the same style and proportions as our NPCs, Soul Riders, and Dark Riders." Now we know the Dark Riders are all tall gods and goddesses, so I was curious to see how we would actually compare to other NPCs. I decided to run around and test it out with a few. First, I wanted to get an accurate measurement of our current height and the tile in the wash stall I think will do the trick. Maya also happened to be around so I compared with her, too.
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Next was up to Nilmer's highland and Wolf Hall Inn.
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I accidentally brushed hands with Anna and got all flustered and anyway I have a little crush on her now. Anyway, onto Moorland.
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Everything seems normal...except Agnes. She's actually our current height which if fine if she's supposed to be short naturally, but I gathered she was an adult from her quest and all of the other teens and adults are taller than us, so not sure what the intention is. She seems a little unnaturally scaled down.
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Over in Fort Pinta, I took more pictures than this, but I really just wanted to note that we are the same height as James, who is supposed to be a child. We're supposed to be closer in age to Alex, yet we're currently closer in height to James.
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Sorry for the outfit change, but I realized I wanted 3 more. Let's see how we stack against some of the newest, most detailed models recently released! I love the way they outfitted these three, and it brings me so much hope for the current art direction, and the future scaling of this game! I'm hoping to follow this up after the new model update so stay tuned! Let me know who else I should size up against ;)
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jorvik-fashion · 7 months ago
Jor-Jitsu Vest Quest Reward Jor-Jitsu Shorts Quest Reward Jor-Jitsu Shoes Quest Reward
Green Goddess Hat Midsummer Quest Reward Santa Beard Winter Village "Holiday Attire Shop" - 1 500 JS / 15 SC Jasper's Old Shirt Quest Reward Blue Slim-Fit Jeans Moorland "The Golden Hood Pick" - 2 200 JS / 24 SC Cozy Sage Boots Winter Village "Winter Token Goods" - 14 Tokens
Starter Gear Present Reed Kessler's Jacket Quest Reward White Splendor Gloves Birthday Quiz Walk Reward Haunted Dressage Riding Pants Galloper's keep "Afterworldly Attire" - Unknown price Deluxe Dressage Boots Moorland "Bonus Store"
Rex Stamper Ebony Helmet Moorland "Summer Camp Clothing Store" - 4 200 JS / 70 SC Basic Training Jacket Quest Reward Rex Stamper Walnut Gloves Moorland "Summer Camp Clothing Store" - 3 000 JS / 50 SC Snowy Beige & White Leggings Winter Village "Temperature Shock Shop" - 7 000 JS / 70 SC Bobcats Shoes Moorland "Bobcat Boutique" - 2 500 JS / 25 SC
Stylish Winter Bridle Jorvik City Mall "Horse Equipment" - 7 100 JS / 94 SC Black Classic Jumping Saddle Starshine Ranch "Hackamores & More" - 9 500 JS / 110 SC Fortunate Dew's Saddle Pad Quest Reward Licorice Leg Open Front Boots Starshine Ranch "Hackamores & More" - 3 000 JS / 30 SC
Green Gardening Shirt Silverglade Manor "Garden Store" - 7 300 JS / 83 SC Scandi Chic Jeans Winter Village "Crisp Collections Boutique" - 9 900 JS / 100 SC Fort Pinta Sneakers Fort Pinta "Mayor Peanut's VIP Shop" - 2 470 JS 17 SC
Birthday Cap Birthday Quest Reward Red Basic T-Shirt Silverglade Manor "Vintage Clothes" - 1 420 JS / 17 SC Black Beach Shorts Fort Pinta "The Fort Pinta Summer Store" - 5 600 JS / 82 SC Cozy Sage Boots Winter Village "Winter Token Goods" - 14 Tokens
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Some NPC cosplays I had a lot of fun with!
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gameinfoxtbr · 5 months ago
Star Stable Gift Codes
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Star Stable Gift Codes: If you’re a fan of Star Stable Codes, you’ll already know how exciting it is to visit the magical world of Jorvik, have your horse, and participate in quests and adventures. You might have even raised your expectations by this point… but what if you could ramp up your gameplay even more? Gift codes stand in as a solution for that! These codes will help you unlock tons of rewards such as Star Coins, Sports outfits, tack sets, etc. Below is a curated list of the latest Star Stable Redeem Codes Free that you can redeem for some fantastic rewards. 🌟
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GameInfoX Star Stable Gift Codes 🌟 What is Star Stable? Celebrating 11 years of making the world of Horses a little bit healthier, Star Stable continues hard at work to deliver an immersive horse-loving experience through its massively multiplayer game where players can explore a huge world, take care of horses, and embark on fun quests. The game has a great story, a sweet landscape and you can get close to your horses. We keep you updated with all things Star Stable, such as the Star Stable Guide with all guides and tips for new players, in the Star Stable Guide.
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GameInfoX 🎉 Redeem These Promo Code Star Stable for Exclusive Rewards! - SHEISALIVE - Redeem this gift code for 45 Star Coins (New) - SPOOKYSEASON - Redeem this gift code for 20 Star Coins - CRIMSONTOP - Expires Oct 16th, 07:00 UTC - SPOOKYSEASON - Redeem this gift code for 20 Star Coins - CRIMSONTOP - Redeem this gift code for Outfit - togetherforever - Redeem this gift code for 150 Star Coins - PEASANTHAMPUS - Redeem this gift code for 20 Star Coins - CELEBRATION – Unlock exclusive rewards - Slayeth – Get the Cottagecore full tack set to style up your horse 🐴 - 13THBDAY – Dress up in a fun Birthday Sweater to mark the 13th anniversary of Star Stable Redeem Codes Free 🎂 - MEDIEVALMADNESS – Redeem this for unique medieval-themed outfits 🛡️✨ - HAPPYSUMMER – Treat your horse to a Jollyhoof Treat for being your faithful companion all summer long ☀️ - CLOSERTOTHEHORSE – Get 15 Star Coins to boost your in-game savings 💰 Image Suggestion: A close-up of a horse and rider bonding, symbolizing the strong player-horse relationship. - NOONENEEDSME – Add 15 Star Coins to your inventory instantly! - PLEASELEAVEMEALONE – Another code for 15 Star Coins to keep your adventures going! - FR1PP0FF – Surprise! Get 15 Star Coins 🎁 - IMONVACATION – Take a break and grab 15 Star Coins for your holiday spending 🌴 - IMOUT – Another 15 Star Coins to keep your adventures rolling 🐾 - THISISTHEWORST – Things may seem tough, but here are 15 Star Coins to brighten your day 😅 - PERSONALREDEEMCODEGENERATOR – Get 15 Star Coins with this funny code 🤖 - POTOFSTARC0IN5 – You’re in luck! Grab 50 Star Coins from this pot of gold 🌈💰 - MORERAINBOW52WIN – Here’s 25 Star Coins to add a splash of color to your game 🎨 - 5UNANDRA1N – Collect 15 Star Coins to stay prepared for any weather 🌦️ - FOURWHOLEDANCES – Dance your way to 25 Star Coins 💃 - NOQUESTIONSJUSTCHOPPING – Get 20 Star Coins without any questions asked! - HIPPESTQUICKEST – Collect 15 Star Coins and stay on trend 🕶️ - VIVALAPINTA – A grand reward of 50 Star Coins awaits you! Viva la Pinta! 🌟 - JORVIKVIBES – Feel the Jorvik vibes with 15 Star Coins 🎵 - GROOVYPONY – Your groovy pony gets you 10 Star Coins 🐴🎶 Image Suggestion: A fun, colorful horse and rider enjoying their time in the game with their stylish new tack. - FLASHDANCE – Gain 5 days of Star Rider status and enjoy premium access 🚀 - GIDDYUP – Saddle up and redeem 60 Star Coins to go on even more adventures 🌍 - DOESNOTEXIST – It exists! Here’s 40 Star Coins as your reward for finding this code 💡 - DARKESTRIDERS – Brave the darkness and earn 60 Star Coins for your efforts 🌑 🌟 How to Redeem Your Star Stable Gift Codes? Redeeming your Star Stable gift codes is super easy! Just follow these steps: - Go to the Star Stable login page. - Then go to the redeem code page in your account settings. - Any of those mentioned above works as an entry code. - Enjoy your rewards instantly! Pro Tip: Don’t forget to check your e-mail and Star Stable’s social media pages for the latest updates and codes. If you want to stay updated on everything Jorvik, why not check out the Star Stable News Page as well?
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GameInfoX ✨ Get More from Your Star Stable Adventure! You can always expect Star Stable to keep the excitement of riding a horse alive with frequent updates, new features, and ever-fresh gift codes. To get the best horses and gear for your game, and get the best out of your game in general, be sure to read the Star Stable Character Tier List. All you strategists out there will find the Star Stable Guide a great companion to the huge game world of Jorvik.
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GameInfoX For the full Star Stable experience, don’t forget to check out the Star Stable Developer and how the game continues to grow and evolve. 🎁 Tips for Using Star Stable Codes Effectively - Be Quick: Some gift codes are time-limited or only available for a short period. Keep an eye on social media channels and newsletters for new codes before they expire. - Use in Combination: Star Stable allows you to stack rewards, so redeeming multiple codes in one go can greatly boost your Star Coins and gear stash. - Keep Checking: New codes are released frequently, especially during game events, holidays, or major updates like new quests and horses. Bookmark the Star Stable game for insider tips. Final Thoughts on Star Stable Gift Codes Gift codes in Star Stable are a fantastic way to enhance your in-game experience, providing you with Star Coins, exclusive outfits, tack sets, and much more. Remember to redeem these codes before they expire, and stay connected to the game's updates for even more fun rewards! Whether you’re dressing up your horse in the latest gear or exploring new adventures with extra Star Coins, these codes are here to add a sparkle to your Star Stable journey! 🌟 Word Count: 1300 Read the full article
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